INSERT INTO `vt_DPageItemType` (`id`, `type`, `title`, `sorter`)
VALUES ('0', 'Form_OnlineInquiry_', 'Online Inquiry Form', '45');
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vt_FormOnlineInquiry` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`email` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`comments` text NOT NULL,
`phone` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`technologies` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`effortPerMont` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`added` datetime NOT NULL,
`changed` datetime NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `vt_FormOnlineInquiry`
INSERT INTO `vt_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES
('onlineInquiryFormEmailHeader', 2, 'header', '', 'Online Inquiry Form Submission (Admin Notification) For admin notifications English version only', '', '', 'n', 'n', 510, '2010-07-13 11:22:59', '2013-05-14 09:58:15'),
('onlineInquiryFormEmailSubject', 2, 'text', 'Subject', 'New online inquiry has been submitted', '', '', 'y', 'n', 520, '2010-07-13 11:28:19', '2017-11-15 15:05:07'),
('onlineInquiryFormEmailFrom', 2, 'text', 'From Email Address If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', 530, '2010-07-13 11:29:43', '2017-11-15 15:05:07'),
('onlineInquiryFormEmailTo', 2, 'emails', 'To Email Address(es) Enter email address(es) that should receive a notification email regarding Online Inquiry form submissions on your website', '', '', 'Use commas to separate email addresses', 'n', 'n', 540, '2010-07-13 11:30:45', '2017-11-15 15:05:07'),
('onlineInquiryFormEmailBody', 2, 'HtmlEditor', 'Message Body', 'New online inquiry has been submitted.
\r\nName: {name}
\r\nEmail Address: {email}
\r\nComment: {comments}
\r\nPhone Number: {phone}
\r\nTechnologies: {technologies}
\r\nExpected effort per month: {effortPerMont}
\r\nClick here to view details.', '', 'Constants: {name} {email} {comments} {phone} {technologies} {effortPerMont} {link}', 'y', 'n', 550, '2010-07-13 11:34:51', '2017-11-15 15:05:07'),
('onlineInquiryFormEmailUserHeader', 2, 'header', '', 'Online Inquiry Form Submission (User Notification)', '', '', 'n', 'n', 560, '2015-08-18 09:42:43', '2015-08-18 09:42:43'),
('onlineInquiryFormEmailUserSubject', 2, 'text', 'Subject', 'DE New online inquiry has been submitted', '', '', 'y', 'n', 570, '2015-08-18 09:42:43', '2017-11-15 15:05:07'),
('onlineInquiryFormEmailUserFrom', 2, 'text', 'From Email Address If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', 580, '2015-08-18 09:42:43', '2017-11-15 15:05:07'),
('onlineInquiryFormEmailUserBody', 2, 'HtmlEditor', 'Message Body', 'DE New online inquiry has been submitted.
\r\nName: {name}
\r\nEmail Address: {email}
\r\nComment: {comments}
\r\nPhone Number: {phone}
\r\nTechnologies: {technologies}
\r\nExpected effort per month: {effortPerMont}', '', 'Constants: {name} {email} {comments} {phone} {technologies} {effortPerMont}', 'y', 'n', 590, '2015-08-18 09:42:43', '2017-11-15 15:05:07');
INSERT INTO `vt_SettingsContent` (`name`, `lang`, `value`, `changed`) VALUES
('onlineInquiryFormEmailUserBody', 'en', 'New online inquiry has been submitted.
\r\nName: {name}
\r\nEmail Address: {email}
\r\nComment: {comments}
\r\nPhone Number: {phone}
\r\nTechnologies: {technologies}
\r\nExpected effort per month: {effortPerMont}', '2017-11-15 15:05:07'),
('onlineInquiryFormEmailUserFrom', 'en', '', '2017-11-15 15:05:07'),
('onlineInquiryFormEmailUserSubject', 'en', 'New online inquiry has been submitted', '2017-11-15 15:05:07');
INSERT INTO `vt_SettingsOptions` (`id`, `name`, `variable`, `value`, `type`, `sorter`) VALUES
(166, 'onlineInquiryFormEmailBody', 'scriptOptions[enterMode]', '2', 'string', NULL),
(167, 'onlineInquiryFormEmailBody', 'height', '200', 'int', NULL),
(168, 'onlineInquiryFormEmailBody', 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL),
(169, 'onlineInquiryFormEmailUserBody', 'scriptOptions[enterMode]', '2', 'string', NULL),
(170, 'onlineInquiryFormEmailUserBody', 'height', '200', 'int', NULL),
(171, 'onlineInquiryFormEmailUserBody', 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL);
INSERT INTO `vt_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES
('landingPage', 1, 'header', 'Landing Page', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', 11, '2017-11-07 11:12:32', '2017-11-07 11:12:37'),
('headerLandingPage', 1, 'htmlEditor', 'Landing Page Header', '
Virtido Inc.
\r\nAnkerstrasse 27
\r\n8004 Zürich
\r\n+41 43 544 34 96