msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Layers v1.0.6\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-24 13:27:00+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Lucie Adart\n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1;\n" "X-Generator: CSL v1.x\n" "X-Poedit-Language: French\n" "X-Poedit-Country: FRANCE\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_c,_nc:4c,1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2;\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../\n" "X-Poedit-Bookmarks: \n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Textdomain-Support: yes" #: comments.php:29 #@ layerswp msgid "Comments are closed." msgstr "Les commentaires sont fermés." #: core/customizer/config.php:22 #@ layerswp msgid "Branding" msgstr "Personnalisation" #: core/customizer/config.php:26 #@ layerswp msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "Paramètres du site" #: core/customizer/config.php:27 #@ layerswp msgid "Control your content's default layout." msgstr "Personnaliser l'apparence par défaut de votre contenu" #: core/customizer/config.php:31 #@ layerswp msgid "Header" msgstr "En-tête" #: core/customizer/config.php:32 #@ layerswp msgid "Control your header's logo, layout, colors and font." msgstr "Paramétrer le logo, l'apparence, les couleurs et la police de votre en-tête" #: core/customizer/config.php:36 #@ layerswp msgid "Footer" msgstr "Pied de page" #: core/customizer/config.php:37 #@ layerswp msgid "Control your footer's custom text, widget areas and layout." msgstr "Paramétrer le texte personnalisé, les zones de widget et l'apparence de votre pied de page" #: core/customizer/config.php:41 #@ layerswp msgid "WooCommerce" msgstr "WooCommerce" #: core/customizer/config.php:58 #@ layerswp msgid "Logo & Title" msgstr "Logo & Titre" #: core/customizer/config.php:63 #: core/customizer/config.php:257 #: core/customizer/config.php:385 #: core/helpers/forms.php:341 #: core/helpers/forms.php:416 #@ layerswp msgid "Background Color" msgstr "Couleur de l'Arrière-plan" #: core/customizer/config.php:90 #@ layerswp msgid "Navigation" msgstr "Navigation" #: core/customizer/config.php:91 #@ layerswp msgid "First create a menu then come back here to place it." msgstr "Créez d'abord un menu, puis revenez sur cette page pour l'insérer" #: core/customizer/config.php:96 #: core/customizer/config.php:112 #: core/customizer/config.php:120 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:214 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:339 #@ layerswp msgid "Layout" msgstr "Apparence" #: core/customizer/config.php:100 #: core/customizer/config.php:136 #@ layerswp msgid "Sidebars" msgstr "Barres latérales" #: core/customizer/config.php:104 #@ layerswp msgid "Fonts" msgstr "Polices" #: core/customizer/config.php:109 #@ layerswp msgid "CSS" msgstr "CSS" #: core/customizer/config.php:116 #: core/customizer/config.php:132 #@ layerswp msgid "Additional Scripts" msgstr "Scripts Additionnels" #: core/customizer/config.php:124 #@ layerswp msgid "Customization" msgstr "Personnalisation" #: core/customizer/config.php:128 #: core/customizer/config.php:359 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:530 #@ layerswp msgid "Text" msgstr "Texte" #: core/customizer/config.php:156 #@ layerswp msgid "Create Menu" msgstr "Créer un Menu" #: core/customizer/config.php:176 #@ layerswp msgid "Typekit ID" msgstr "Identifiant Typekit" #: core/customizer/config.php:177 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "For more information on obtaining your Typekit ID, see follow this link." msgstr "Pour savoir comment obtenir votre identifiant Typekit, cliquez sur ce lien." #: core/customizer/config.php:184 #@ layerswp msgid "Body" msgstr "Corps de texte" #: core/customizer/config.php:193 #@ layerswp msgid "Headings" msgstr "Titres" #: core/customizer/config.php:202 #@ layerswp msgid "Buttons" msgstr "Boutons" #: core/customizer/config.php:212 #@ layerswp msgid "Header Width" msgstr "Largeur de l'En-tête" #: core/customizer/config.php:215 #: core/customizer/config.php:324 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:227 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:349 #@ layerswp msgid "Boxed" msgstr "Encadré" #: core/customizer/config.php:216 #: core/customizer/config.php:325 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:228 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:350 #@ layerswp msgid "Full Width" msgstr "Taille Originale" #: core/customizer/config.php:224 #@ layerswp msgid "Logo & Menu Position" msgstr "Emplacement du Logo & du Menu" #: core/customizer/config.php:227 #@ layerswp msgid "Logo Left" msgstr "Logo Gauche" #: core/customizer/config.php:228 #@ layerswp msgid "Logo Right" msgstr "Logo Droite" #: core/customizer/config.php:229 #@ layerswp msgid "Logo Center Top" msgstr "Logo Centré Haut" #: core/customizer/config.php:230 #@ layerswp msgid "Logo Top" msgstr "Logo en Haut" #: core/customizer/config.php:231 #@ layerswp msgid "Logo Center" msgstr "Logo Centré" #: core/customizer/config.php:239 #@ layerswp msgid "Header Position" msgstr "Emplacement de l'En-tête" #: core/customizer/config.php:243 #@ layerswp msgid "Sticky" msgstr "Collant" #: core/customizer/config.php:249 #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:332 #@ layerswp msgid "Overlay" msgstr "Recouvrement" #: core/customizer/config.php:266 #@ layerswp msgid "Google Analytics ID" msgstr "Identifiant Google Analytics" #: core/customizer/config.php:267 #@ layerswp msgid "Enter in your Google Analytics ID to enable website traffic reporting. eg. \"UA-xxxxxx-xx" msgstr "Entrez votre identifiant Google Analytics pour permettre le suivi du trafic de votre site. Par exemple: \"UA-xxxxxx-xx" #: core/customizer/config.php:275 #: core/customizer/config.php:432 #@ layerswp msgid "Custom Scripts" msgstr "Scripts personnalisés" #: core/customizer/config.php:276 #@ layerswp msgid "Enter in any custom script to include in your site's header. Be sure to use double quotes for strings." msgstr "Entrez n'importe quel script personnalisé à insérer dans l'en-tête de votre site. Utilisez bien les guillemets pour les cordes." #: core/customizer/config.php:284 #@ layerswp msgid "Single Post Sidebar(s)" msgstr "Barre(s) Latérale(s) d'Articles Uniques" #: core/customizer/config.php:285 #@ layerswp msgid "This option affects your single post pages." msgstr "Cette option modifie vos pages d'articles uniques." #: core/customizer/config.php:289 #: core/customizer/config.php:307 #: core/customizer/config.php:448 #: core/customizer/config.php:466 #@ layerswp msgid "Display Left Sidebar" msgstr "Afficher la Barre Latérale Gauche" #: core/customizer/config.php:294 #: core/customizer/config.php:312 #: core/customizer/config.php:453 #: core/customizer/config.php:471 #@ layerswp msgid "Display Right Sidebar" msgstr "Afficher la Barre Latérale Droite" #: core/customizer/config.php:302 #@ layerswp msgid "Post List Sidebar(s)" msgstr "Barre(s) Latérale(s) Liste d'Articles" #: core/customizer/config.php:303 #@ layerswp msgid "This option affects your category, tag, author and search pages." msgstr "Cette option modifie les pages catégorie, tag, auteur et recherhe." #: core/customizer/config.php:333 #@ layerswp msgid "Widget Areas" msgstr "Zones de Widgets" #: core/customizer/config.php:337 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:459 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:504 #@ layerswp msgid "None" msgstr "Aucun" #: core/customizer/config.php:338 #@ layerswp msgid "1" msgstr "1" #: core/customizer/config.php:339 #@ layerswp msgid "2" msgstr "2" #: core/customizer/config.php:340 #@ layerswp msgid "3" msgstr "3" #: core/customizer/config.php:341 #@ layerswp msgid "4" msgstr "4" #: core/customizer/config.php:348 #@ layerswp msgid "Support Layers" msgstr "Soutenez Layers" #: core/customizer/config.php:349 #@ layerswp msgid "Support Layers by displaying the Layers badge on your site." msgstr "Soutenez Layers en affichant le badge Layers sur votre site." #: core/customizer/config.php:363 #@ layerswp msgid "Text Color" msgstr "Couleur du texte" #: core/customizer/config.php:368 #@ layerswp msgid "Link Color" msgstr "Couleur du Lien" #: core/customizer/config.php:376 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:593 #@ layerswp msgid "Background" msgstr "Arrière-plan" #: core/customizer/config.php:380 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:599 #@ layerswp msgid "Background Image" msgstr "Image d'Arrière-plan" #: core/customizer/config.php:391 #@ layerswp msgid "Background Repeat" msgstr "Répétition d'Arrière-plan" #: core/customizer/config.php:394 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:619 #@ layerswp msgid "No Repeat" msgstr "Pas de Répétition" #: core/customizer/config.php:395 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:614 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:620 #@ layerswp msgid "Repeat" msgstr "Répétition" #: core/customizer/config.php:396 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:621 #@ layerswp msgid "Repeat Horizontal" msgstr "Répétition Horizontale" #: core/customizer/config.php:397 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:622 #@ layerswp msgid "Repeat Vertical" msgstr "Répétition Verticale" #: core/customizer/config.php:402 #@ layerswp msgid "Background Position" msgstr "Positionnement de l'Arrière-plan" #: core/customizer/config.php:405 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:360 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:545 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:632 #@ layerswp msgid "Center" msgstr "Centré" #: core/customizer/config.php:406 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:403 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:633 #: core/helpers/forms.php:491 #@ layerswp msgid "Top" msgstr "En haut" #: core/customizer/config.php:407 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:634 #: core/helpers/forms.php:493 #@ layerswp msgid "Bottom" msgstr "En bas" #: core/customizer/config.php:408 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:359 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:401 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:544 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:635 #: core/helpers/forms.php:494 #@ layerswp msgid "Left" msgstr "A gauche" #: core/customizer/config.php:409 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:361 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:402 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:546 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:636 #: core/helpers/forms.php:492 #@ layerswp msgid "Right" msgstr "A droite" #: core/customizer/config.php:413 #@ layerswp msgid "Background Stretch" msgstr "Etirer l'Arrière-plan" #: core/customizer/config.php:423 #@ layerswp msgid "Copyright Text" msgstr "Copyright" #: core/customizer/config.php:433 #@ layerswp msgid "Enter in any custom script to include in your site's footer. Be sure to use double quotes for strings." msgstr "Entrez n'importe quel script à insérer dans le pied de page de votre site. Utilisez bien des guillemets pour les cordes." #: core/customizer/config.php:443 #@ layerswp msgid "Single Product Sidebar(s)" msgstr "Barre(s) Latérale(s) de Produit Unique" #: core/customizer/config.php:444 #@ layerswp msgid "This option affects your single product pages." msgstr "Cette option modifie vos pages de produits uniques." #: core/customizer/config.php:461 #@ layerswp msgid "Product List Sidebar(s)" msgstr "Barre(s) Latérale(s) de Listes de Produits" #: core/customizer/config.php:462 #@ layerswp msgid "This option affects your shop page, product category and product tag pages." msgstr "Cette option modifie votre page boutique et vos pages catégories de produits et tags produits." #: core/customizer/controls/font.php:51 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "Click here to see this font on Google Fonts." msgstr "Cliquez ici pour voir cette police dans Google Fonts." #: core/customizer/controls/select-images.php:36 #@ layerswp msgid "Choose Background" msgstr "Choisir l'Arrière-plan" #: core/customizer/init.php:71 #: core/helpers/post.php:338 #: core/meta/init.php:183 #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:39 #@ layerswp msgid "Edit Layout" msgstr "Modifier l'Apparence" #: core/customizer/init.php:72 #@ layerswp msgid "Use this area to add widgets to your page, use the (Layers) widgets for the Body section." msgstr "Utilisez cette zone pour ajouter des widgets à votre page, utilisez les widgets (Layers) pour le corps du texte." #: core/customizer/init.php:167 #@ layerswp msgid "Builder Pages:" msgstr "Pages de Construction" #: core/customizer/init.php:190 #: core/customizer/init.php:204 #@ layerswp msgid "Layers Dashboard" msgstr "Tableau de bord de Layers" #: core/customizer/init.php:194 #@ layerswp msgid "Preview this page" msgstr "Prévisualiser cette page" #: core/customizer/init.php:199 #@ layerswp msgid "Add new Layers page" msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle page Layers" #: core/helpers/api.php:41 #@ layerswp msgid "WooCommerce for Layers" msgstr "Woocommerce pour Layers" #: core/helpers/api.php:42 #@ layerswp msgid "Adds an advanced product widget, product slider and multiple page layouts." msgstr "Ajoute un widget produit avancé, un slider produits et différentes apparences de pages." #: core/helpers/api.php:48 #@ layerswp msgid "Showcase for Layers" msgstr "Vitrine de Layers" #: core/helpers/api.php:49 #@ layerswp msgid "List your portfolio items with relevant meta such as client, web url and project role." msgstr "Lister les éléments de votre portfolio avec les méta-données pertinentes, comme le client, l'adresse du site Internet ou le but du projet." #: core/helpers/custom-fonts.php:111 #@ layerswp msgid "Default" msgstr "Par défaut" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:254 #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:315 #@ layerswp msgid "List Style" msgstr "Style des listes" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:267 #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:324 #@ layerswp msgid "Grid" msgstr "Grille" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:268 #@ layerswp msgid "List" msgstr "Liste" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:269 #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:325 #@ layerswp msgid "Masonry" msgstr "Maçonnerie" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:295 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:304 #@ layerswp msgid "Columns" msgstr "Colonnes" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:309 #@ layerswp msgid "1 Column" msgstr "1 Colonne" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:310 #@ layerswp msgid "2 Columns" msgstr "2 Colonnes" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:311 #@ layerswp msgid "3 Columns" msgstr "3 Colonnes" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:312 #@ layerswp msgid "4 Columns" msgstr "4 Colonnes" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:313 #@ layerswp msgid "6 Columns" msgstr "6 Colonnes" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:318 #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:330 #@ layerswp msgid "Gutter" msgstr "Gouttière" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:346 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:539 #@ layerswp msgid "Text Align" msgstr "Aligner le Texte" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:362 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:547 #@ layerswp msgid "Justify" msgstr "Justifier" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:388 #@ layerswp msgid "Image Align" msgstr "Aligner l'Image" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:429 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:438 #@ layerswp msgid "Featured Image" msgstr "Image à la Une" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:445 #@ layerswp msgid "Video URL (oEmbed)" msgstr "URL de la Vidéo (oIntégrée)" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:456 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:501 #@ layerswp msgid "Portrait" msgstr "Portrait" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:457 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:502 #@ layerswp msgid "Landscape" msgstr "Paysage" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:458 #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:503 #@ layerswp msgid "Square" msgstr "Carré" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:460 #@ layerswp msgid "Round" msgstr "Arrondi" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:488 #@ layerswp msgid "Image Ratio" msgstr "Proportions de l'Image" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:554 #@ layerswp msgid "Text Size" msgstr "Taille du Texte" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:559 #@ layerswp msgid "Small" msgstr "Petite" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:560 #@ layerswp msgid "Medium" msgstr "Moyenne" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:561 #@ layerswp msgid "Large" msgstr "Grande" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:600 #: core/helpers/forms.php:252 #@ layerswp msgid "Choose Image" msgstr "Choisir une Image" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:607 #@ layerswp msgid "Color" msgstr "Couleur" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:627 #@ layerswp msgid "Position" msgstr "Positionner" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:641 #@ layerswp msgid "Stretch" msgstr "Etirer" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:648 #@ layerswp msgid "Darken" msgstr "Foncer" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:676 #@ layerswp msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Avancé" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:682 #@ layerswp msgid "Custom Class(es)" msgstr "Classes personnalisées" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:690 #@ layerswp msgid "Custom CSS" msgstr "CSS personnalisée" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:698 #@ layerswp msgid "Padding (px)" msgstr "Remplissage (px)" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:705 #@ layerswp msgid "Margin (px)" msgstr "Marge (px)" #: core/helpers/design-bar.php:712 #@ layerswp msgid "Widget Anchor ID" msgstr "Identifiant Widget Anchor" #: core/helpers/forms.php:22 #@ layerswp msgid "Widget" msgstr "Widget" #: core/helpers/forms.php:99 #@ layerswp msgid "Newest First" msgstr "Le plus récent en premier" #: core/helpers/forms.php:100 #@ layerswp msgid "Oldest First" msgstr "Le plus ancien en premier" #: core/helpers/forms.php:101 #@ layerswp msgid "Random" msgstr "Aléatoire" #: core/helpers/forms.php:102 #@ layerswp msgid "Titles A-Z" msgstr "Titres de A à Z" #: core/helpers/forms.php:103 #@ layerswp msgid "Titles Z-A" msgstr "Titres de Z à A" #: core/helpers/forms.php:104 #@ layerswp msgid "Most Comments" msgstr "Les plus commentés" #: core/helpers/forms.php:105 #@ layerswp msgid "Custom Order" msgstr "Ordre personnalisé" #: core/helpers/forms.php:229 #@ layerswp msgid "Visual Mode" msgstr "Mode Visuel" #: core/helpers/forms.php:230 #: core/helpers/forms.php:231 #@ layerswp msgid "HTML Mode" msgstr "Mode HTML" #: core/helpers/forms.php:246 #: core/helpers/forms.php:278 #: core/helpers/forms.php:317 #@ layerswp msgid "Remove" msgstr "Supprimer" #: core/helpers/forms.php:250 #@ layerswp msgid "Select an Image" msgstr "Sélectionner une Image" #: core/helpers/forms.php:251 #@ layerswp msgid "Use Image" msgstr "Utiliser cette Image" #: core/helpers/forms.php:274 #@ layerswp msgid "Select a File" msgstr "Sélectionner un Fichier" #: core/helpers/forms.php:274 #@ layerswp msgid "Use File" msgstr "Utiliser ce Fichier" #: core/helpers/forms.php:275 #@ layerswp msgid "Choose a File" msgstr "Choisir un Fichier" #: core/helpers/forms.php:321 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "Drop a file here or %s" msgstr "Déposer un fichier ici ou %s" #: core/helpers/forms.php:360 #: core/helpers/forms.php:435 #@ layerswp msgid "Darken to improve readability" msgstr "Foncer pour améliorer la lisibilité" #: core/helpers/forms.php:371 #: core/helpers/forms.php:446 #@ layerswp msgid "Tile Background" msgstr "Arrière-plan avec Tuiles" #: core/helpers/forms.php:382 #: core/helpers/forms.php:457 #@ layerswp msgid "Fixed Background" msgstr "Arrière-plan Fixe" #: core/helpers/forms.php:393 #@ layerswp msgid "Enter your .mp4 link" msgstr "Entrez votre lien .mp4" #: core/helpers/forms.php:404 #@ layerswp msgid "Enter your .ogv link" msgstr "Entrez votre lien .ogv" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:102 #@ layerswp msgid "Application" msgstr "Application" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:108 #@ layerswp msgid "Contact Page" msgstr "Page de Contact" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:114 #@ layerswp msgid "Landing Page" msgstr "Landing Page" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:120 #@ layerswp msgid "Lookbook Page" msgstr "Page Lookbook" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:126 #@ layerswp msgid "One Pager" msgstr "Une page" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:132 #@ layerswp msgid "Portfolio Page" msgstr "Page Portfolio" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:138 #@ layerswp msgid "Video Page" msgstr "Page Vidéo" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:144 #@ layerswp msgid "Blank Page" msgstr "Page Blanche" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:591 #@ layerswp msgid "(Copy)" msgstr "(Copier)" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:649 #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:326 #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:327 #@ layerswp msgid "Home Page" msgstr "Page d'Accueil" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:724 #@ layerswp msgid "Sidebar does not exist in theme (using Inactive)" msgstr "La barre latérale n'existe pas dans le thème (utilisant Inactif)" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:766 #@ layerswp msgid "Widget already exists" msgstr "Le widget existe déjà" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:815 #@ layerswp msgid "Imported" msgstr "Importé" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:818 #@ layerswp msgid "Imported to Inactive" msgstr "Importé vers Inactif" #: core/helpers/migrator.php:824 #@ layerswp msgid "No Title" msgstr "Pas de Titre" #: core/helpers/post.php:56 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "View all posts in %s" msgstr "Voir tous les articles dans %s" #: core/helpers/post.php:58 #: core/helpers/post.php:77 #@ layerswp msgid ", " msgstr "," #: core/helpers/post.php:75 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "View all posts tagged %s" msgstr "Voir tous les articles taggés %s" #: core/helpers/post.php:98 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "%3$s" msgstr "%3$s" #: core/helpers/post.php:100 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "View all posts by %s" msgstr "Voir tous les articles de %s" #: core/helpers/post.php:123 #@ layerswp msgid "(Edit)" msgstr "(Modifier)" #: core/helpers/post.php:129 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "%1$s at %2$s" msgstr "%1$s chez %2$s" #: core/helpers/post.php:135 #@ layerswp msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "Votre commentaire est en attente de modération." #: core/helpers/post.php:157 #@ layerswp msgid "You shall not pass" msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas aller plus loin" #: core/helpers/template.php:24 #@ layerswp msgid "Home" msgstr "Accueil" #: core/helpers/template.php:35 #: core/helpers/template.php:304 #@ layerswp msgid "Search" msgstr "Rechercher" #: core/helpers/template.php:45 #: core/helpers/template.php:329 #@ layerswp msgid "Shop" msgstr "Boutique" #: core/helpers/template.php:317 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "Daily Archives: %s" msgstr "Archives quotidiennes" #: core/helpers/template.php:319 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "Monthly Archives: %s" msgstr "Archives mensuelles" #: core/helpers/template.php:319 #@ layerswp msgctxt "monthly archives date format" msgid "F Y" msgstr "archives mensuelles date format" #: core/helpers/template.php:321 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "Yearly Archives: %s" msgstr "Archives annuelles: %s" #: core/helpers/template.php:321 #@ layerswp msgctxt "yearly archives date format" msgid "Y" msgstr "archives annuelles date format" #: core/helpers/template.php:334 #@ layerswp msgid "Archives" msgstr "Archives" #: core/helpers/template.php:1106 #@ layerswp msgid "Your browser does not support the video tag." msgstr "Votre navigateur ne supporte pas le tag vidéo" #: core/meta/config.php:16 #@ layerswp msgid ": Options" msgstr ": Options" #: core/meta/config.php:21 #@ layerswp msgid "Rich Media" msgstr "Médias Riches" #: core/meta/config.php:24 #@ layerswp msgid "Video URL" msgstr "URL de la Vidéo" #: core/meta/init.php:161 #@ layerswp msgid "You can drag and drop widgets, edit content and tweak the design. Click the button below to see your page come to life." msgstr "Vous pouvez glisser-déposer les widgets, éditer le contenu et modifier l'apparence. Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour voir votre page prendre vie." #: core/meta/init.php:162 #@ layerswp msgid "Edit Your Page" msgstr "Editer votre page" #: core/meta/init.php:208 #@ layerswp msgid "Build Your Page" msgstr "Construire votre Page" #: core/options-panel/ajax.php:56 #@ layerswp msgid "No Logo uploaded" msgstr "Aucun logo n'a été téléchargé" #: core/options-panel/ajax.php:90 #@ layerswp msgid "Logo updated" msgstr "Logo mis à jour" #: core/options-panel/ajax.php:94 #@ layerswp msgid "There was an error when updating your logo." msgstr "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la mise à jour du logo." #: core/options-panel/ajax.php:102 #@ layerswp msgid "Option updated" msgstr "Option mise à jour" #: core/options-panel/init.php:170 #: core/options-panel/init.php:171 #@ layerswp msgid "Get Started" msgstr "Commencez ici" #: core/options-panel/init.php:180 #: core/options-panel/init.php:181 #: core/options-panel/partials/add-new-page.php:12 #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:48 #@ layerswp msgid "Add New Page" msgstr "Ajouter une Nouvelle Page" #: core/options-panel/init.php:192 #: core/options-panel/init.php:193 #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:32 #@ layerswp msgid "Layers Pages" msgstr "Pages Layers" #: core/options-panel/init.php:202 #: core/options-panel/init.php:203 #@ layerswp msgid "Customize" msgstr "Personnaliser" #: core/options-panel/init.php:211 #: core/options-panel/init.php:212 #: core/options-panel/partials/backup.php:5 #@ layerswp msgid "Backup" msgstr "Sauvegarder" #: core/options-panel/init.php:220 #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:8 #@ layerswp msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Tableau de bord" #: core/options-panel/partials/add-new-page.php:25 #@ layerswp msgid "Add a page title" msgstr "Ajouter un titre de page" #: core/options-panel/partials/add-new-page.php:34 #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:270 #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:362 #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:499 #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:444 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:515 #@ layerswp msgid "Enter title here" msgstr "Entrez le titre ici" #: core/options-panel/partials/add-new-page.php:43 #@ layerswp msgid "Proceed to Customizer" msgstr "Se rendre sur l'outil de personnalisation" #: core/options-panel/partials/add-new-page.php:46 #@ layerswp msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Annuler" #: core/options-panel/partials/backup.php:14 #@ layerswp msgid "Backup your pages" msgstr "Sauvegarder vos pages" #: core/options-panel/partials/backup.php:16 #@ layerswp msgid "Convert your Layers pages into regular WordPress pages, preserving the content you have worked so hard to create." msgstr "Convertir vos pages Layers en pages Wordpress normales, en préservant le contenu créé, sur lequel vous avez travaillé si dur." #: core/options-panel/partials/backup.php:20 #@ layerswp msgid "0%" msgstr "0%" #: core/options-panel/partials/backup.php:24 #@ layerswp msgid "Backup my Pages Now" msgstr "Sauvegarder mes Pages Maintenant" #: core/options-panel/partials/backup.php:30 #@ layerswp msgid "Backed Up Pages:" msgstr "Pages Sauvegardées" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:20 #@ layerswp msgid "Start Using Layers" msgstr "Commencer à Utiliser Layers" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:22 #@ layerswp msgid "Follow the easy steps to creating amazing layouts quickly and easily. " msgstr "Suivez les étapes simples pour la création rapide et facile de mises en page extraordinaires." #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:26 #@ layerswp msgid "Get Started →" msgstr "Commencez Maintenant &rarr" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:40 #@ layerswp msgid "Edit" msgstr "Editer" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:41 #@ layerswp msgid "View" msgstr "Voir" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:59 #@ layerswp msgid "Extensions" msgstr "Extensions" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:75 #@ layerswp msgid "Coming soon" msgstr "A venir" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:83 #@ layerswp msgid "Purchase" msgstr "Acheter" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:88 #@ layerswp msgid "More Details" msgstr "Plus de détails" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:105 #@ layerswp msgid "What you need" msgstr "Ce dont vous avez besoin" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:109 #@ layerswp msgid "WordPress 4.0" msgstr "WordPress 4.0" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:111 #@ layerswp msgid "Layers requires you run the latest version of WordPress, please make sure you're up to date!" msgstr "Layers nécessite la dernière version de Wordpress; assurez-vous que vous êtes bien à jour!" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:115 #@ layerswp msgid "You're up to date" msgstr "Vous êtes bien à jour" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:117 #@ layerswp msgid "Update WordPress" msgstr "Mettre Wordpress à jour" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:122 #@ layerswp msgid "The Layers Updater" msgstr "L'outil de Mise à Jour Layers" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:124 #@ layerswp msgid "Make sure you're always running the latest version of Layers by installing the Layers Updater" msgstr "Assurez-vous de toujours avoir la dernière version de Layers en installant l'outil de mise à jour Layers" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:128 #@ layerswp msgid "Installed" msgstr "Installé" #: core/options-panel/partials/dashboard.php:144 #@ layerswp msgid "Helpful Tips" msgstr "Conseils Utiles" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:16 #@ layerswp msgid "Skip" msgstr "Passer" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:28 #@ layerswp msgid "Welcome to Layers!" msgstr "Bienvenue sur Layers!" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:32 #@ layerswp msgid "Layers is a revolutionary WordPress Site Builder that makes website building a dream come true!" msgstr "Layers est un Constructeur révolutionnaire de Sites Wordress qui rend la construction de sites Internet, un rêve devenu réalité!" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:35 #@ layerswp msgid "The following short steps are designed to show you how Layers works and get you to creating amazing layouts quickly!" msgstr "Les simples étapes suivantes ont été conçues pour vous montrer comment Layers fonctionne et comment créer rapidement des mises en page extraordinaires!" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:38 #@ layerswp msgid "Enjoy the ride!" msgstr "Bonne découverte!" #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:397 #@ layerswp msgid "Slider Height" msgstr "Hauteur du Slider" #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:445 #@ layerswp msgid "Add New Slide" msgstr "Ajouter un Nouveau Slider" #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:481 #@ layerswp msgid "Slide" msgstr "Glisser" #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:514 #@ layerswp msgid "Enter a Title" msgstr "Entrer un Titre" #: footer.php:3 #@ layerswp msgid "Back to top" msgstr "Revenir vers le haut" #: functions.php:162 #@ layerswp msgid "Top Left Menu" msgstr "Menu en Haut à Gauche" #: functions.php:163 #@ layerswp msgid "Top Right Menu" msgstr "Menu en Haut à Droite" #: functions.php:164 #@ layerswp msgid "Header Menu" msgstr "Menu d'En-tête" #: functions.php:165 #@ layerswp msgid "Right Header Menu" msgstr "Menu d'En-tête Droit" #: functions.php:166 #@ layerswp msgid "Footer Menu" msgstr "Menu de Pied de page" #: functions.php:194 #@ layerswp msgid "Mobile Sidebar" msgstr "Barre Latérale Mobile" #: functions.php:195 #@ layerswp msgid "This sidebar will only appear on mobile devices." msgstr "Cette barre latérale n'apparaîtra que sur les appareils mobiles." #: functions.php:204 #@ layerswp msgid "Left Sidebar" msgstr "Barre Latérale Gauche" #: functions.php:213 #@ layerswp msgid "Right Sidebar" msgstr "Barre Latérale Droite" #: functions.php:226 #@ layerswp msgid "Footer " msgstr "Pied de Page" #: functions.php:240 #@ layerswp msgid "Left Shop Sidebar" msgstr "Barre Latérale Boutique Gauche" #: functions.php:249 #@ layerswp msgid "Right Shop Sidebar" msgstr "Barre Latérale Boutique Droite" #: functions.php:397 #@ layerswp msgid "Be patient while we import the widget data and images." msgstr "Veuillez patienter, nous importons les données et images du widget." #: functions.php:398 #@ layerswp msgid "Import Complete" msgstr "Importation terminée" #: functions.php:399 #@ layerswp msgid "Importing Your Content" msgstr "Importation de Votre Contenu" #: functions.php:400 #@ layerswp msgid "Edit Your New Page" msgstr "Modifier Votre Nouvelle Page" #: functions.php:437 #@ layerswp msgid "Saving..." msgstr "Sauvegarde en cours..." #: functions.php:438 #@ layerswp msgid "Done!" msgstr "C'est fait!" #: functions.php:459 #@ layerswp msgid "Your pages have been successfully backed up!" msgstr "Vos pages ont bien été sauvegardées" #: partials/content-empty.php:9 #@ layerswp msgid "No posts found" msgstr "Aucun article trouvé" #: partials/content-empty.php:12 #@ layerswp msgid "Use the search form below to find the page you're looking for:" msgstr "Utilisez le formulaire de recherche ci-dessous pour trouver la page que vous recherchez:" #: partials/content-single.php:29 #@ ocmx msgid "Pages:" msgstr "Pages:" #: partials/portfolio-list.php:24 #@ layerswp msgid "View Project" msgstr "Voir le Projet" #: comments.php:6 #, php-format #@ layerswp msgid "One Comment on “%2$s”" msgid_plural "%1$s Comments on “%2$s”" msgstr[0] "Un Commentaire sur “%2$s”" msgstr[1] "%1$s Commentaires sur “%2$s”" #: comments.php:19 #@ layerswp msgid "←" msgstr "←" #: comments.php:20 #@ layerswp msgid "→" msgstr "→" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:45 #@ layerswp msgid "Let's get started →" msgstr "Commençons →" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:55 #@ layerswp msgid "For the Pros: Layers will automatically assign the tagline to Settings → General." msgstr "Pour les Pros: Layers attribuera automatiquement le slogan aux Paramètres → Général." #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:69 #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:157 #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:236 #@ layerswp msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "Commencer" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:73 #@ layerswp msgid "Building pages" msgstr "Construire des pages" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:77 #@ layerswp msgid "Layers splits your page into horizontal rows, and you build up your pages with blocks of content called ‘Widgets’, one per row." msgstr "Layers scinde votre page en rangée horizontales, et vous construisez vos pages avec des blocs de contenu appelés ‘Widgets’, un par rangée." #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:80 #@ layerswp msgid "Each time you want to add a new content block, simply click ‘Add Widget’ and select one from the list which has the blue Layers icon." msgstr "Chaque fois que vous souhaitez ajouter un nouveau bloc de contenu, cliquez simplement sur ‘Add Widget’ et sélectionnez-en un à partir de la liste avec l'icône bleue Layers." #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:86 #@ layerswp msgid "Got it, Next Step →" msgstr "J'ai compris; Etape suivante →" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:101 #@ layerswp msgid "What is the name of your website?" msgstr "Quel est le nom de votre site?" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:104 #@ layerswp msgid "Enter your website name below. We'll use this in your site title and in search results." msgstr "Entrez le nom de votre site ci-dessous. We'll utilisera ceci dans le titre de votre site et dans les résultats de recherche." #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:108 #@ layerswp msgid "Site Name" msgstr "Nom du Site" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:128 #@ layerswp msgid "Saving your Site Name" msgstr "Enregistrer le Nom de votre Site" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:130 #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:169 #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:212 #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:253 #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:297 #@ layerswp msgid "Next Step →" msgstr "Prochaine étape →" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:142 #@ layerswp msgid "For the Pros: Layers will automatically assign this site name to Settings → General" msgstr "Pour les Pros: Layers attribuera automatiquement ce nom de site aux Paramètres → Généréal" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:161 #@ layerswp msgid "Editing widget content" msgstr "Modifier le contenu du widget" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:164 #@ layerswp msgid "To edit a widget's content, just click on it in the widget area on the left hand side. The widget panel will slide out allowing you to edit its content and customize its settings. You can also shift-click on the widget itself in the preview area." msgstr "Pour modifier le contenu d'un widget, cliquez simplement sur la zone du widget à gauche. Le panneau du widget glissera, vous permettant de modifier son contenu et de personnaliser ses paramètres. Vous pourrez aussi faire un clic-droit sur le widget dans la zone de prévisualisation." #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:184 #@ layerswp msgid "How would you best describe your site?" msgstr "Comment décririez-vous au mieux votre site?" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:187 #@ layerswp msgid "A tagline describes who and what you are in just a few simple words. For example Layers is a “WordPress Site Builder” - simple, easy, quick to read. Now you try:" msgstr "Un slogan décrit qui vous êtes et ce que vous êtes en quelques simples mots. Par exemple Layers est un “Constructeur de Site Wordpress” - simple, facile, rapide à lire. A votre tour:" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:191 #@ layerswp msgid "Site Tagline" msgstr "Slogan du Site" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:211 #@ layerswp msgid "Saving your Tagline" msgstr "Enregistrer votre Slogan" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:219 #@ layerswp msgid "Keep it simple" msgstr "Trouvez une expression simple" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:220 #@ layerswp msgid "Avoid buzz words" msgstr "Eviter les mots tendances" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:221 #@ layerswp msgid "Make sure it describes what you offer" msgstr "Assurez-vous que cela décrit bien ce que vous offrez" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:222 #@ layerswp msgid "For the Pros: Layers will automatically assign the tagline to Settings → General" msgstr "Pour les Pros: Layers attribuera automatiquement le slogan aux Paramètres → Général" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:240 #@ layerswp msgid "Customizing widgets" msgstr "Personnaliser les widgets" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:244 #@ layerswp msgid "Unique to each Layers widget is the revolutionary “Design Bar” which allows you to set its design parameters without touching a line of code." msgstr "Tous uniques, les widgets Layers ont un “Design Bar” révolutionnaire, vous permettant de paramétrer le design sans toucher à une seule ligne de code." #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:247 #@ layerswp msgid "Depending on the widget you've added, you can change things like background images, font sizes, list styles and more." msgstr "Selon le widget ajouté, vous pouvez modifier des éléments comme les images d'arrière-plan, les tailles de polices, les styles de listes et bien plus encore." #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:268 #@ layerswp msgid "Would you like to add your logo?" msgstr "Souhaitez-vous ajouter votre logo?" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:271 #@ layerswp msgid "Layers will add your logo and position it properly. If you don't have one yet, no problem, you can add it later, or skip this step if you'd just prefer to use text." msgstr "Layers ajoutera votre logo de manière automatique et le positionnera de manière appropriée. Si vous n'avez pas encore de logo, pas de problèmes, vous pourrez l'ajouter plus tard ou sauter cette étape si vous préférez simplement utiliser du texte." #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:279 #@ layerswp msgid "Choose Logo" msgstr "Choisir un Logo" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:296 #@ layerswp msgid "Updating your Logo" msgstr "Mettre votre Logo à jour" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:304 #@ layerswp msgid "For best results, use an image between 40px and 200px tall and not more than 1000px wide" msgstr "Pour de meilleurs résultats, utilisez une image entre 40px et 200px de hauteur et pas plus de 1000px de largeur" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:305 #@ layerswp msgid "PNGs with a transparent background work best but GIFs or JPGs are fine too" msgstr "Les fichiers PNG avec un arrière-plan transparant fonctionne le mieux, mais les fichiers GIF et JPG conviennent également." #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:306 #@ layerswp msgid "Try keep your logo file size below 500kb" msgstr "La taille de votre fichier logo ne doit pas dépasser les 500kb." #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:320 #@ layerswp msgid "Page Title" msgstr "Page Titre" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:349 #@ layerswp msgid "Now let's create your first Layers page!" msgstr "Maintenant, laissez-nous créer votre première page Layers!" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:353 #@ layerswp msgid "You will be able to edit your layout on the next page. Here we go! " msgstr "Vous pourrez modifier votre mise en page sur la prochaine page. Allons-y!" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:359 #@ layerswp msgid "Creating your Page" msgstr "Votre Page est en cours de Création" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:360 #@ layerswp msgid "First choose a layout" msgstr "Choisissez d'abord une mise en page" #: core/options-panel/partials/get-started.php:360 #@ layerswp msgid "Start Building" msgstr "Commencer la Construction" #: core/options-panel/partials/preset-layouts.php:20 #@ layerswp msgid "Select" msgstr "Sélectionner" #: core/third-party/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo-control.php:19 #@ layerswp msgid "Add logo" msgstr "Ajouter le logo" #: core/third-party/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo-control.php:20 #@ layerswp msgid "Set as logo" msgstr "Définir comme logo" #: core/third-party/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo-control.php:21 #@ layerswp msgid "Choose logo" msgstr "Choisir le logo" #: core/third-party/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo-control.php:22 #@ layerswp msgid "Change logo" msgstr "Modifier le logo" #: core/third-party/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo-control.php:23 #@ layerswp msgid "Remove logo" msgstr "Supprimer le logo" #: core/third-party/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo-control.php:24 #@ layerswp msgid "No logo set" msgstr "Aucun logo défini" #: core/third-party/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo.php:81 #@ layerswp msgid "Site Title, Tagline, and Logo" msgstr "Titre, Slogan et Logo du Site" #: core/third-party/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo.php:92 #@ layerswp msgid "Display Header Text" msgstr "Afficher le Texte d'En-tête" #: core/third-party/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo.php:114 #@ layerswp msgid "Logo" msgstr "Logo" #: core/third-party/site-logo/inc/class-site-logo.php:254 #@ layerswp msgid "Site Logo" msgstr "Logo du Site" #: core/widgets/init.php:80 #@ layerswp msgid " Body" msgstr "Corps de texte" #: core/widgets/init.php:165 #@ layerswp msgid "Layers Builder section." msgstr "Section de Construction Layers" #: core/widgets/init.php:190 #@ layerswp msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this slide?" msgstr "Etes-vous sûrs de vouloir supprimer ce slider?" #: core/widgets/init.php:202 #@ layerswp msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this column?" msgstr "Etes-vous sûrs de vouloir supprimer cette colonne?" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:26 #@ layerswp msgid "Contact Details & Maps" msgstr "Informations de Contact & Cartes" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:37 #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:33 #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:42 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:37 #@ default msgid "This widget is used to display your " msgstr "Ce widget est utilisé pour afficher votre" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:207 #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:322 #@ layerswp msgid "Display" msgstr "Afficher" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:216 #@ layerswp msgid "Map Height" msgstr "Hauteur de Carte" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:223 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Google Map" msgstr "Afficher la Carte Google" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:230 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Address" msgstr "Afficher l'Adresse" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:237 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Contact Form" msgstr "Afficher le Formulaire de Contact" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:258 #@ layerswp msgid "Contact" msgstr "Contact" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:282 #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:374 #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:512 #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:457 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:528 #@ layerswp msgid "Short Excerpt" msgstr "Court Extrait" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:295 #@ layerswp msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:296 #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:346 #@ layerswp msgid "Place your help text here please." msgstr "Veuillez placer votre texte d'aide ici." #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:301 #@ layerswp msgid "Google Maps Location" msgstr "Localisation sur la carte Google" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:307 #@ layerswp msgid "e.g. 300 Prestwich Str, Cape Town, South Africa" msgstr "par exemple, 300 Prestwich Str, Cape Town, South Africa" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:313 #@ layerswp msgid "Google Maps Latitude & Longitude (Optional)" msgstr "Latitude et Longitude des Cartes Google (Optionnel)" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:319 #@ layerswp msgid "e.g. 33.9253 S, 18.4239 E" msgstr "Par exemple, 33.9253 S, 18.4239 E" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:325 #@ layerswp msgid "Address Shown" msgstr "Adresse indiquée" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:331 #@ layerswp msgid "e.g. Prestwich Str, Cape Town" msgstr "Par exemple, Prestwich Str, Cape Town" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:345 #@ layerswp msgid "Contact Form" msgstr "Formulaire de Contact" #: core/widgets/modules/contact.php:356 #@ layerswp msgid "Contact form embed code" msgstr "Code d'intégration du formulaire de contact" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:26 #@ layerswp msgid "Content" msgstr "Contenu" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:405 #@ layerswp msgid "Add New Column" msgstr "Ajouter une Nouvelle Colonne" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:438 #@ layerswp msgid "Column" msgstr "Colonne" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:474 #@ layerswp msgid "1 of 12 columns" msgstr "1 colonne sur 12" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:475 #@ layerswp msgid "2 of 12 columns" msgstr "2 colonnes sur 12" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:476 #@ layerswp msgid "3 of 12 columns" msgstr "3 colonnes sur 12" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:477 #@ layerswp msgid "4 of 12 columns" msgstr "4 colonnes sur 12" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:478 #@ layerswp msgid "5 of 12 columns" msgstr "5 colonnes sur 12" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:479 #@ layerswp msgid "6 of 12 columns" msgstr "6 colonnes sur 12" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:480 #@ layerswp msgid "8 of 12 columns" msgstr "8 colonnes sur 12" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:481 #@ layerswp msgid "9 of 12 columns" msgstr "9 colonnes sur 12" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:482 #@ layerswp msgid "10 of 12 columns" msgstr "10 colonnes sur 12" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:483 #@ layerswp msgid "12 of 12 columns" msgstr "12 colonnes sur 12" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:493 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:508 #@ layerswp msgid "Title" msgstr "Titre" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:506 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:522 #@ layerswp msgid "Excerpt" msgstr "Extrait" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:521 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:537 #@ layerswp msgid "Button Link" msgstr "Lien du Bouton" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:527 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:543 #@ layerswp msgid "http://" msgstr "http://" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:534 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:549 #@ layerswp msgid "Button Text" msgstr "Texte du Bouton" #: core/widgets/modules/content.php:540 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:555 #@ layerswp msgid "e.g. \"Read More\"" msgstr "Par exemple, \"En savoir plus\"" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:26 #@ layerswp msgid "Posts" msgstr "Articles" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:65 #: partials/content-list.php:22 #@ layerswp msgid "Read More" msgstr "En savoir plus" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:329 #@ layerswp msgid "Title & Excerpt Position" msgstr "Titre & Emplacement de l'Extrait" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:331 #@ layerswp msgid "Regular" msgstr "Régulier" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:340 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Featured Images" msgstr "Afficher les Images à la Une" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:347 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Post Titles" msgstr "Afficher les Titres des Articles" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:354 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Post Excerpts" msgstr "Afficher les Extraits d'Articles" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:363 #@ layerswp msgid "Excerpts Length" msgstr "Longueur des Extraits" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:370 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Post Dates" msgstr "Afficher les Dates des Articles" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:377 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Post Author" msgstr "Afficher l'Auteur des Articles" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:384 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Tags" msgstr "Afficher les Tags" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:391 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Categories" msgstr "Afficher les Catégories" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:398 #@ layerswp msgid "Show \"Read More\" Buttons" msgstr "Afficher les Boutons \"En savoir plus\" " #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:405 #@ layerswp msgid "\"Read More\" Text" msgstr "Texte \"En savoir plus\"" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:412 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Pagination" msgstr "Afficher la Pagination" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:431 #@ layerswp msgid "Post" msgstr "Article" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:467 #@ layerswp msgid "Category to Display" msgstr "Catégorie à afficher" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:468 #@ layerswp msgid "All" msgstr "Toutes" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:475 #@ layerswp msgid "Select a Category" msgstr "Sélectionner une Catégorie" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:483 #@ layerswp msgid "Number of items to show" msgstr "Nombre d'éléments à afficher" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:484 #@ layerswp msgid "Show All" msgstr "Afficher tous les éléments" #: core/widgets/modules/post.php:499 #@ layerswp msgid "Sort by" msgstr "Trier par" #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:26 #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:358 #@ layerswp msgid "Slider" msgstr "Slider" #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:351 #@ layerswp msgid "Full Screen" msgstr "Plein Ecran" #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:365 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Slider Arrows" msgstr "Afficher les flèches de défilement" #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:372 #@ layerswp msgid "Show Slider Dots" msgstr "Afficher les points de défilement" #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:379 #@ layerswp msgid "Autoplay Slides" msgstr "Démarrer automatiquement les sliders" #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:387 #@ layerswp msgid "Time in seconds, eg. 2" msgstr "Temps en secondes, par exemple 2" #: core/widgets/modules/slider.php:389 #@ layerswp msgid "Slide Interval" msgstr "Intervalle de défilement"