options_panel_dir = LAYERS_TEMPLATE_DIR . '/core/options-panel/'; $this->set_valid_page_slugs(); add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', array( &$this, 'layers_add_dashboard_widgets' ) ); if( !defined( 'LAYERS_DISABLE_MARKETPLACE' ) ){ add_filter( 'media_upload_tabs', array( &$this, 'upload_upsell_media_tab' ) ); add_action( 'media_upload_upsell_media', array( &$this, 'upload_upsell_media_form' ) ); add_action( 'print_media_templates', array( &$this, 'upload_upsell_media_template' ) ); } } public function init() { // Load template $this->body( $this->get_current_page() ); } /** * Set a list of valid pages we can access via this method */ public function set_valid_page_slugs(){ global $submenu; if( !isset( $submenu[ 'layers-dashboard' ] ) ) return; $page_list = $submenu[ 'layers-dashboard' ]; $this->valid_page_slugs = array(); foreach( $page_list as $sub_menu_page ){ // Make sure that the slug is valid if( !isset( $sub_menu_page[2] ) ) continue; // Load up the valid pages $this->valid_page_slugs[] = $sub_menu_page[2]; } // Layers Marketplace is on it's own top level menu, so we have to shimmy it in $this->valid_page_slugs[] = 'layers-marketplace'; $this->valid_page_slugs[] = 'layers-envato-marketplace'; } /** * Parse $_GET['page'] and get the current page template to load */ public function get_current_page(){ // Make sure we have a 'page' query to look at if( ! isset( $_GET['page'] ) ) wp_die( __( 'No page argument has been set.' , 'layerswp' ) ); // Set the current page if the 'page' query exists $current_page = $_GET['page']; // Check the current page against valid pages if( ! in_array( $current_page , $this->valid_page_slugs ) ) wp_die( __( 'Invalid page slug' , 'layerswp' ) ); // Set the page slug if everything is kosher $page_slug = str_replace( 'layers-', '' , $current_page ); // Sanitize the slug $page_slug = esc_attr( $page_slug ); // Return the page slug return $page_slug; } /** * Complex Header with Menu */ public function marketplace_header( $title = NULL, $excerpt = NULL, $marketplace = 'layerswp' ){ $api = new Layers_API(); if( isset( $_GET[ 'type' ] ) ) $type = $_GET[ 'type' ]; else $type = 'themes' ?>
Layers', 'http://layerswp.com' ), 'layerswp' ); ?>

Envato', 'http://www.themeforest.net/?ref=obox' ), 'layerswp' ); ?> Layers', 'https://www.layerswp.com' ), 'layerswp' ); ?>

Layers', 'http://layerswp.com' ), 'layerswp' ); ?>

load_partial( $partial ); } private function load_partial( $partial = NULL ) { // Include Partials, we're using require so that inside the partial we can use $this to access the header and footer require $this->options_panel_dir . 'partials/' . $partial . '.php'; } public function upload_upsell_media_template(){ $this->body( 'discover-more-photos' ); } function upload_upsell_media_tab($tabs) { $tabs['upsell_media'] = __( 'Discover More' , 'layerswp' ); return $tabs; } // call the new tab with wp_iframe function upload_upsell_media_form() { wp_iframe( array( &$this, 'upload_upsell_media_template' ) ); } /** * Footer */ public function footer( $args = array() ){ ?>
array( 'label' => 'Dashboard', 'link' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=layers-dashboard' ), ), 'layers-get-started' => array( 'label' => 'Get Started', 'link' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=layers-get-started' ), ), 'layers-add-new-page' => array( 'label' => 'Add New Page', 'link' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=layers-add-new-page' ), ), 'layers-pages' => array( 'label' => 'Layers Pages', 'link' => admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=page&filter=layers' ), ), 'layers-marketplace' => array( 'label' => 'Layers Add Ons', 'link' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=layers-marketplace' ), ), ) ); return $menu; } /** * Get Layers Setup Options */ public function site_setup_actions(){ $site_setup_actions[ 'google-analytics' ] = array( 'label' => __( 'Google Analytics', 'layerswp' ), 'excerpt' => __( 'Enter in your Google Analytics ID to enable website traffic reporting.', 'layerswp' ), 'form' => array( 'layers-header-google-id' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'layers-header-google-id', 'id' => 'layers-header-google-id', 'placeholder' => __( 'UA-xxxxxx-xx', 'layerswp' ), 'value' => layers_get_theme_mod( 'header-google-id' ) ) ), 'skip-action' => 'layers_site_setup_step_dismissal', 'submit-action' => 'layers_onboarding_set_theme_mods', 'submit-text' => __( 'Save', 'layerswp' ) ); $site_setup_actions[ 'copyright' ] = array( 'label' => __( 'Copyright Text', 'layerswp' ), 'form' => array( 'layers-footer-copyright-text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'layers-footer-copyright-text', 'id' => 'layers-footer-copyright-text', 'placeholder' => __( 'Made at the tip of Africa. ©', 'layerswp' ), 'value' => layers_get_theme_mod( 'footer-copyright-text' ) ) ), 'skip-action' => 'layers_site_setup_step_dismissal', 'submit-action' => 'layers_onboarding_set_theme_mods', 'submit-text' => __( 'Save', 'layerswp' ) ); if( 0 == count( get_posts( 'post_type=nav_menu_item' ) ) ) { $site_setup_actions[ 'menus' ] = array( 'label' => __( 'Setup your website menu', 'layerswp' ), 'excerpt' => __( sprintf( 'Navigation is a key element of setting up your website. Controly our menus here. For more information read our help guide.', 'http://docs.layerswp.com/doc/create-your-menus/' ), 'layerswp' ), 'form' => array( 'layers-menu-link' => array( 'type' => 'button', 'name' => 'layers-menu-link', 'id' => 'layers-menu-link', 'href' => admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ), 'target' => '_blank', 'tag' => 'a', 'class' => 'button button-primary', 'label' => __( 'Setup Menus', 'layerswp' ), ) ), 'skip-action' => 'layers_site_setup_step_dismissal' ); } return apply_filters( 'layers_setup_actions' , $site_setup_actions ); } public function layers_add_dashboard_widgets(){ if( !defined( 'LAYERS_DISABLE_MARKETPLACE' ) ){ wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'layers-addons', __( 'Layers Themes & Extensions', 'layerswp' ), array( &$this, 'layers_dashboard_widget' ), NULL, array( 'type' => 'addons' ) ); } if( !class_exists( 'Layers_WooCommerce' ) && class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'layers-storekit', __( 'Upgrade WooCommerce with StoreKit', 'layerswp' ), array( &$this, 'layers_dashboard_widget' ), NULL, array( 'type' => 'upsell-storekit' ) ); } if( !class_exists( 'Layers_Pro' ) ) { wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'layers-pro', __( 'Get Even More with Layers Pro', 'layerswp' ), array( &$this, 'layers_dashboard_widget' ), NULL, array( 'type' => 'upsell-layers-pro' ) ); } } function layers_dashboard_widget( $var, $args ){ ?>



wp_create_nonce( 'layers-dashboard-feed' ), 'layers_dashboard_dismiss_setup_step_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'layers-dashboard-dismiss-setup-step' ) ) ); // Onboarding ajax parameters } public function enqueue_marketplace_scripts(){ wp_enqueue_script( LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-marketplace' , get_template_directory_uri() . '/core/assets/marketplace.js', array( 'jquery', ), LAYERS_VERSION ); // Sticky-Kit } } /** * Add admin menu */ function layers_options_panel_menu(){ $layers_options_panel = new Layers_Options_Panel(); global $submenu; // dashboard Page $dashboard = add_menu_page( LAYERS_THEME_TITLE, LAYERS_THEME_TITLE, 'edit_theme_options', LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-dashboard', 'layers_options_panel_ui', 'none', 3 ); add_action('admin_print_scripts-' . $dashboard, array( $layers_options_panel, 'enqueue_dashboard_scripts') ); // Add Preset Pages $add_new_page = add_submenu_page( LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-dashboard', __( 'Add New Page' , 'layerswp' ), __( 'Add New Page' , 'layerswp' ), 'edit_theme_options', LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-add-new-page', 'layers_options_panel_ui' ); // Layers Pages if( layers_get_builder_pages() ){ // Only show if there are actually Layers pages. $layers_pages = add_submenu_page( LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-dashboard', __( 'Layers Pages' , 'layerswp' ), __( 'Layers Pages' , 'layerswp' ), 'edit_theme_options', 'edit.php?post_type=page&filter=layers' ); } // Customize $customize = add_submenu_page( LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-dashboard', __( 'Customize' , 'layerswp' ), __( 'Customize' , 'layerswp' ), 'edit_theme_options', 'customize.php' ); // Get Started $get_started = add_submenu_page( LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-dashboard', __( 'Setup' , 'layerswp' ), __( 'Setup' , 'layerswp' ), 'edit_theme_options', LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-get-started', 'layers_options_panel_ui' ); // This modifies the Layers submenu item - must be done here as $submenu // is only created if $submenu items are added using add_submenu_page if( isset( $submenu[ 'layers-dashboard' ] ) ) { $submenu[LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-dashboard'][0][0] = __( 'Dashboard' , 'layerswp' ); } // Marketplace if( !defined( 'LAYERS_DISABLE_MARKETPLACE' ) ){ // dashboard Page $marketplace = add_menu_page( __( 'Add Ons' , 'layerswp' ), __( 'Add Ons' , 'layerswp' ), 'edit_theme_options', LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-marketplace', 'layers_options_panel_ui', 'none', 4 ); add_action('admin_print_scripts-' . $marketplace, array( $layers_options_panel, 'enqueue_marketplace_scripts') ); $marketplace_envato = add_submenu_page( LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-marketplace', __( 'Envato Marketplace' , 'layerswp' ), __( 'Envato Marketplace' , 'layerswp' ), 'edit_theme_options', LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-envato-marketplace', 'layers_options_panel_ui' ); add_action('admin_print_scripts-' . $marketplace_envato, array( $layers_options_panel, 'enqueue_marketplace_scripts') ); // This modifies the Layers submenu item - must be done here as $submenu // is only created if $submenu items are added using add_submenu_page if( isset( $submenu[ 'layers-marketplace' ] ) ) { $submenu[LAYERS_THEME_SLUG . '-marketplace'][0][0] = __( 'Official' , 'layerswp' ); } } } add_action( 'admin_menu' , 'layers_options_panel_menu' , 50 ); /** * Kicking this off with the 'ad' hook */ function layers_options_panel_ui(){ $layers_options_panel = new Layers_Options_Panel(); $layers_options_panel->init(); } function layers_load_options_panel_ajax(){ // Include ajax functions require_once LAYERS_TEMPLATE_DIR . '/core/options-panel/ajax.php'; $onboarding_ajax = new Layers_Onboarding_Ajax(); $onboarding_ajax->init(); } add_action( 'init' , 'layers_load_options_panel_ajax' );