form_elements = new Layers_Form_Elements();
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if( NULL == $args ) return;
// Store args (merged with defaults)
$defaults = array(
'container_class' => '', // Optional unique css classes
'align' => 'left', // left | right
'inline' => FALSE, // Inline will make the buttons appear interface-y - as one individual button after the next.
$this->args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
// Store type (side | top)
$this->type = $type;
// Store widget instance
$this->instance = $instance;
// Store widget values
if( empty( $instance ) ) {
$this->values = array( 'design' => NULL );
} elseif( isset( $instance[ 'design' ] ) ) {
$this->values = $instance[ 'design' ];
} else {
$this->values = NULL;
// Store components & custom_components
$this->components = $components;
$this->custom_components = $custom_components;
// Setup the controls
// Fire off the design bar
public function render_design_bar() {
$container_class = array();
$container_class[] = 'layers-design-bar';
$container_class[] = ( 'side' == $this->type ? 'layers-design-bar-right' : 'layers-design-bar-horizontal' );
$container_class[] = ( 'side' == $this->type ? 'layers-pull-right' : 'layers-visuals-horizontal' );
$container_class[] = 'layers-visuals';
// Apply custom container classes passed by args.
$container_class[] = $this->args['container_class'];
// Apply `left`, `right`, align to the container class.
switch ( $this->args['align'] ) {
case 'left':
// This is the default state so no unique class-name needed.
case 'right':
$container_class[] = 'layers-align-right';
// Apply `inline`.
if ( TRUE === $this->args['inline'] ){
$container_class[] = 'layers-visuals-inline';
render_controls(); ?>
render_trash_control(); ?>
type && !class_exists( 'Layers_Pro' ) ) { ?>
controls = array();
foreach( (array) $this->components as $component_key => $component_value ) {
if ( is_array( $component_value ) ) {
// This case allows for overriding of existing Design Bar Component types, and the creating of new custom Components.
$method = "{$component_key}_component";
if ( method_exists( $this, $method ) ) {
// This is the overriding existing component case.
$this->$method( $component_value );
$this->controls[] = trim( ob_get_clean() );
else {
// This is the creating of new custom component case.
$component_key, // Give the component a key (will be used as class name too)
$component_value // Send through the inputs that will be used
$this->controls[] = trim( ob_get_clean() );
elseif ( 'custom' === $component_value && !empty( $this->custom_components ) ) {
// This case is legacy - the old method of creating custom components.
foreach ( $this->custom_components as $key => $custom_component_args ) {
$key, // Give the component a key (will be used as class name too)
$custom_component_args // Send through the inputs that will be used
$this->controls[] = trim( ob_get_clean() );
elseif ( method_exists( $this, "{$component_value}_component" ) ) {
// This is the standard method of calling a component that already exists
$method = "{$component_value}_component";
$this->controls[] = trim( ob_get_clean() );
private function render_controls(){
// If there are no controls to render, do nothing
if( empty( $this->controls ) ) return;
echo implode( '', $this->controls );
* Custom Compontent
* @param string $key Simply the key and classname for the icon,
* @param array $args Component arguments, including the form items
public function render_control( $key = NULL, $args = array() ){
if( empty( $args ) ) return;
// Setup variables from $args
$icon_css = $args[ 'icon-css' ];
$label = $args[ 'label' ];
$menu_wrapper_class = ( isset( $args[ 'wrapper-class' ] ) ? $args[ 'wrapper-class' ] : 'layers-pop-menu-wrapper layers-content-small' );
// Add a fallback to the elements arguments
$element_args = ( isset( $args[ 'elements' ] ) ? $args[ 'elements' ] : array() );
// Return filtered element array
$elements = apply_filters( 'layers_design_bar_' . $key . '_elements', $element_args );
if( isset( $this->args[ 'widget_id' ] ) ){
// echo 'layers_design_bar_' . $key . '_' . $this->args[ 'widget_id' ] . '_elements';
$elements = apply_filters(
'layers_design_bar_' . $key . '_' . $this->args[ 'widget_id' ] . '_elements',
} ?>
args['show_trash'] ) && TRUE === $this->args['show_trash'] ) { ?>
input expects.
if ( isset( $form_args['input-class'] ) ) {
$form_args['class'] = $form_args['input-class'];
$data_show_if = array();
if ( isset( $form_args['data']['show-if-selector'] ) ){
$data_show_if['show-if-selector'] = 'data-show-if-selector="' . esc_attr( $form_args['data']['show-if-selector'] ) . '"';
unset( $form_args['data']['show-if-selector'] );
if ( isset( $form_args['data']['show-if-value'] ) ) {
$data_show_if['show-if-value'] = 'data-show-if-value="' . esc_attr( $form_args['data']['show-if-value'] ) . '"';
unset( $form_args['data']['show-if-value'] );
if ( isset( $form_args['data']['show-if-operator'] ) ) {
$data_show_if['show-if-operator'] = 'data-show-if-operator="' . esc_attr( $form_args['data']['show-if-operator'] ) . '"';
unset( $form_args['data']['show-if-operator'] );
// Prep Class
$class = array();
$class[] = 'layers-form-item';
$class[] = 'layers-' . $form_args['type'] . '-wrapper';
$class[] = 'layers-design-bar-form-item';
if ( isset( $form_args['class'] ) ) {
// Grab the class if specified.
$class[] = $form_args['class'];
unset( $form_args['class'] );
< >
$input_args ){
echo $this->form_elements->input( $input_args );
} else {
echo $this->form_elements->input( $form_args );
args )
// Set a key for this input
$key = 'layout';
// Setup icon CSS
$defaults['icon-css'] = ( isset( $this->values['layout'] ) && NULL != $this->values ? 'icon-' . $this->values['layout'] : 'icon-layout-fullwidth' );
// Add a Label
$defaults['label'] = __( 'Layout', 'layerswp' );
// Add a Wrapper Class
$defaults['wrapper-class'] = 'layers-pop-menu-wrapper layers-animate layers-small';
// Add elements
$defaults['elements'] = array(
'layout' => array(
'type' => 'select-icons',
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'layout' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'layout' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['layout'] ) ) ? $this->values['layout'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'layout-boxed' => __( 'Boxed', 'layerswp' ),
'layout-fullwidth' => __( 'Full Width', 'layerswp' )
$args = $this->merge_component( $defaults, $args );
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_layout_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* List Style - Static Option
* @param array $args Additional arguments to pass to this function
public function liststyle_component( $args = array() ) {
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if ( NULL == $this->args )
// Set a key for this input
$key = 'liststyle';
// Setup icon CSS
$defaults['icon-css'] = ( isset( $this->values['liststyle'] ) && NULL != $this->values ? 'icon-' . $this->values['liststyle'] : 'icon-list-masonry' );
// Add a Label
$defaults['label'] = __( 'List Style', 'layerswp' );
// Add a Wrapper Class
$defaults['wrapper-class'] = 'layers-pop-menu-wrapper layers-animate layers-small';
// Add elements
$defaults['elements'] = array(
'liststyle' => array(
'type' => 'select-icons',
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'liststyle' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'liststyle' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['liststyle'] ) ) ? $this->values['liststyle'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'list-grid' => __( 'Grid', 'layerswp' ),
'list-list' => __( 'List', 'layerswp' ),
'list-masonry' => __( 'Masonry', 'layerswp' )
$args = $this->merge_component( $defaults, $args );
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_liststyle_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* Columns - Static Option
* @param array $args Additional arguments to pass to this function
public function columns_component( $args = array() ) {
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if ( NULL == $this->args )
// Set a key for this input
$key = 'columns';
// Setup icon CSS
$defaults['icon-css'] = 'icon-columns';
// Add a Label
$defaults['label'] = __( 'Columns', 'layerswp' );
// Add a Wrapper Class
$defaults['wrapper-class'] = 'layers-pop-menu-wrapper layers-animate layers-content-small';
// Add elements
$defaults['elements'] = array(
'columns' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'label' => __( 'Columns', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'columns' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'columns' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['columns'] ) ) ? $this->values['columns'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'1' => __( '1 Column', 'layerswp' ),
'2' => __( '2 Columns', 'layerswp' ),
'3' => __( '3 Columns', 'layerswp' ),
'4' => __( '4 Columns', 'layerswp' ),
'6' => __( '6 Columns', 'layerswp' ),
'color' => array(
'type' => 'color',
'label' => __( 'Background Color', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'column-background-color' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'columns-background-color' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['column-background-color'] ) ) ? $this->values['column-background-color'] : NULL
'gutter' => array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => __( 'Gutter', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'gutter' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'gutter' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['gutter'] ) ) ? $this->values['gutter'] : NULL
$args = $this->merge_component( $defaults, $args );
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_columns_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* Text Align - Static Option
* @param array $args Additional arguments to pass to this function
public function textalign_component( $args = array() ) {
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if ( NULL == $this->args )
// Set a key for this input
$key = 'textalign';
// Setup icon CSS
$defaults['icon-css'] = ( isset( $this->values['textalign'] ) && NULL != $this->values ? 'icon-' . $this->values['textalign'] : 'icon-text-center' );
// Add a Label
$defaults['label'] = __( 'Text Align', 'layerswp' );
// Add a Wrapper Class
$defaults['wrapper-class'] = 'layers-pop-menu-wrapper layers-animate layers-content-small';
// Add elements
$defaults['elements'] = array(
'textalign' => array(
'type' => 'select-icons',
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'textalign' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'textalign' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['textalign'] ) ) ? $this->values['textalign'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'text-left' => __( 'Left', 'layerswp' ),
'text-center' => __( 'Center', 'layerswp' ),
'text-right' => __( 'Right', 'layerswp' ),
'text-justify' => __( 'Justify', 'layerswp' )
$args = $this->merge_component( $defaults, $args );
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_textalign_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* Image Align - Static Option
* @param array $args Additional arguments to pass to this function
public function imagealign_component( $args = array() ) {
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if ( NULL == $this->args )
// Set a key for this input
$key = 'imagealign';
// Setup icon CSS
$defaults['icon-css'] = ( isset( $this->values['imagealign'] ) && NULL != $this->values ? 'icon-' . $this->values['imagealign'] : 'icon-image-left' );
// Add a Label
$defaults['label'] = __( 'Image Align', 'layerswp' );
// Add a Wrapper Class
$defaults['wrapper-class'] = 'layers-pop-menu-wrapper layers-animate layers-small';
// Add elements
$defaults['elements'] = array(
'imagealign' => array(
'type' => 'select-icons',
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'imagealign' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'imagealign' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['imagealign'] ) ) ? $this->values['imagealign'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'image-left' => __( 'Left', 'layerswp' ),
'image-right' => __( 'Right', 'layerswp' ),
'image-top' => __( 'Top', 'layerswp' ),
$args = $this->merge_component( $defaults, $args );
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_imagealign_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* Featured Image - Static Option
* @param array $args Additional arguments to pass to this function
public function featuredimage_component( $args = array() ) {
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if ( NULL == $this->args )
// Set a key for this input
$key = 'featuredimage';
// Setup icon CSS
$defaults['icon-css'] = 'icon-featured-image';
// Add a Label
$defaults['label'] = __( 'Featured Media', 'layerswp' );
// Add a Wrapper Class
$defaults['wrapper-class'] = 'layers-pop-menu-wrapper layers-animate layers-content-small';
// Add elements
$defaults['elements'] = array(
'featuredimage' => array(
'type' => 'image',
'label' => __( 'Featured Media', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'featuredimage' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'featuredimage' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['featuredimage'] ) ) ? $this->values['featuredimage'] : NULL
'featuredimage' => array(
'type' => 'image',
'label' => __( 'Featured Media', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'featuredimage' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'featuredimage' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['featuredimage'] ) ) ? $this->values['featuredimage'] : NULL
'featuredvideo' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => __( 'Video URL (oEmbed)', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'featuredvideo' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'featuredvideo' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['featuredvideo'] ) ) ? $this->values['featuredvideo'] : NULL
'imageratios' => array(
'type' => 'select-icons',
'label' => __( 'Image Ratio', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'imageratios' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'imageratios' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['imageratios'] ) ) ? $this->values['imageratios'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'image-portrait' => __( 'Portrait', 'layerswp' ),
'image-landscape' => __( 'Landscape', 'layerswp' ),
'image-square' => __( 'Square', 'layerswp' ),
'image-no-crop' => __( 'None', 'layerswp' ),
'image-round' => __( 'Round', 'layerswp' ),
'wrapper' => 'div',
'wrapper-class' => 'layers-icon-group layers-icon-group-outline'
$args = $this->merge_component( $defaults, $args );
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_featuredimage_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* Image Size - Static Option
* @param array $args Additional arguments to pass to this function
public function imageratios_component( $args = array() ) {
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if ( NULL == $this->args )
// Set a key for this input
$key = 'imageratios';
// Setup icon CSS
$defaults['icon-css'] = ( isset( $this->values['imageratios'] ) && NULL != $this->values ? 'icon-' . $this->values['imageratios'] : 'icon-image-size' );
// Add a Label
$defaults['label'] = __( 'Image Ratio', 'layerswp' );
// Add a Wrapper Class
$defaults['wrapper-class'] = 'layers-pop-menu-wrapper layers-animate layers-small';
// Add elements
$defaults['elements'] = array(
'imageratio' => array(
'type' => 'select-icons',
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'imageratios' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'imageratios' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['imageratios'] ) ) ? $this->values['imageratios'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'image-portrait' => __( 'Portrait', 'layerswp' ),
'image-landscape' => __( 'Landscape', 'layerswp' ),
'image-square' => __( 'Square', 'layerswp' ),
'image-no-crop' => __( 'None', 'layerswp' ),
'image-round' => __( 'Round', 'layerswp' )
$args = $this->merge_component( $defaults, $args );
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_imageratios_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* Fonts - Static Option
* @param array $args Additional arguments to pass to this function
public function fonts_component( $args = array() ) {
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if ( NULL == $this->args )
// Set a key for this input
$key = 'fonts';
// Setup icon CSS
$defaults['icon-css'] = 'icon-font-size';
// Add a Label
$defaults['label'] = __( 'Text', 'layerswp' );
// Add a Wrapper Class
$defaults['wrapper-class'] = 'layers-pop-menu-wrapper layers-animate layers-content-small';
// Add elements
$defaults['elements'] = array(
'fonts-align' => array(
'type' => 'select-icons',
'label' => __( 'Text Align', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'fonts', 'align' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'fonts', 'align' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['fonts']['align'] ) ) ? $this->values['fonts']['align'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'text-left' => __( 'Left', 'layerswp' ),
'text-center' => __( 'Center', 'layerswp' ),
'text-right' => __( 'Right', 'layerswp' ),
'text-justify' => __( 'Justify', 'layerswp' )
'wrapper' => 'div',
'wrapper-class' => 'layers-icon-group layers-icon-group-outline'
'fonts-size' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'label' => __( 'Text Size', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'fonts', 'size' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'fonts', 'size' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['fonts']['size'] ) ) ? $this->values['fonts']['size'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'small' => __( 'Small', 'layerswp' ),
'medium' => __( 'Medium', 'layerswp' ),
'large' => __( 'Large', 'layerswp' )
'fonts-color' => array(
'type' => 'color',
'label' => __( 'Text Color', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'fonts', 'color' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'fonts', 'color' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['fonts']['color'] ) ) ? $this->values['fonts']['color'] : NULL
$args = $this->merge_component( $defaults, $args );
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_font_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* Background - Static Option
* @param array $args Additional arguments to pass to this function
public function background_component( $args = array() ) {
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if ( NULL == $this->args )
// Set a key for this input
$key = 'background';
// Setup icon CSS
$defaults['icon-css'] = 'icon-photo';
// Add a Label
$defaults['label'] = __( 'Background', 'layerswp' );
// Add elements
$defaults['elements']['background-color'] = array(
'type' => 'color',
'label' => __( 'Background Color', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'background', 'color' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'background', 'color' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['background']['color'] ) ) ? $this->values['background']['color'] : NULL
$defaults['elements']['background-image'] = array(
'type' => 'image',
'label' => __( 'Background Image', 'layerswp' ),
'button_label' => __( 'Choose Image', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'background', 'image' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'background', 'image' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['background']['image'] ) ) ? $this->values['background']['image'] : NULL,
$defaults['elements']['background-repeat'] = array(
'type' => 'select',
'label' => __( 'Background Repeat', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'background', 'repeat' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'background', 'repeat' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['background']['repeat'] ) ) ? $this->values['background']['repeat'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'no-repeat' => __( 'No Repeat', 'layerswp' ),
'repeat' => __( 'Repeat', 'layerswp' ),
'repeat-x' => __( 'Repeat Horizontal', 'layerswp' ),
'repeat-y' => __( 'Repeat Vertical', 'layerswp' )
'data' => array(
'show-if-selector' => '#' . $this->get_layers_field_id( 'background', 'image' ),
'show-if-value' => '',
'show-if-operator' => '!=='
$defaults['elements']['background-position'] = array(
'type' => 'select',
'label' => __( 'Background Position', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'background', 'position' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'background', 'position' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['background']['position'] ) ) ? $this->values['background']['position'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'center' => __( 'Center', 'layerswp' ),
'top' => __( 'Top', 'layerswp' ),
'bottom' => __( 'Bottom', 'layerswp' ),
'left' => __( 'Left', 'layerswp' ),
'right' => __( 'Right', 'layerswp' )
'data' => array(
'show-if-selector' => '#' . $this->get_layers_field_id( 'background', 'image' ),
'show-if-value' => '',
'show-if-operator' => '!=='
if( !class_exists( 'Layers_Pro' ) ) {
$defaults['elements']['background-parallax'] = array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => __( 'Parallax Available in Pro ', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'background', 'parallax' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'background', 'parallax' ),
'data' => array(
'show-if-selector' => '#' . $this->get_layers_field_id( 'background', 'image' ),
'show-if-value' => '',
'show-if-operator' => '!=='
'disabled' => true
$defaults['elements']['background-stretch'] = array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => __( 'Stretch', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'background', 'stretch' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'background', 'stretch' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['background']['stretch'] ) ) ? $this->values['background']['stretch'] : NULL,
'data' => array(
'show-if-selector' => '#' . $this->get_layers_field_id( 'background', 'image' ),
'show-if-value' => '',
'show-if-operator' => '!=='
$defaults['elements']['background-darken'] = array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => __( 'Darken', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'background', 'darken' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'background', 'darken' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['background']['darken'] ) ) ? $this->values['background']['darken'] : NULL,
$args = $this->merge_component( $defaults, $args );
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_background_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* Call To Action Customization - Static Option
* @param array $args Additional arguments to pass to this function
public function buttons_component( $args = array() ) {
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if ( NULL == $this->args )
// Set a key for this input
$key = 'buttons';
// Setup icon CSS
$defaults['icon-css'] = 'icon-call-to-action';
// Add a Label
$defaults['label'] = __( 'Buttons', 'layerswp' );
// Add elements
$defaults['elements'] = array(
// New
'buttons-size' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'label' => __( 'Size', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'buttons', 'buttons-size' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'buttons', 'buttons-size' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['buttons']['buttons-size'] ) ) ? $this->values['buttons']['buttons-size'] : NULL,
'options' => array(
'small' => __( 'Small', 'layerswp' ),
'medium' => __( 'Medium', 'layerswp' ),
'large' => __( 'Large', 'layerswp' )
// Only this one used to be here.
'buttons-background-color' => array(
'type' => 'color',
'label' => __( 'Background Color', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'buttons', 'background-color' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'buttons', 'background-color' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['buttons']['background-color'] ) ) ? $this->values['buttons']['background-color'] : NULL
if( !class_exists( 'Layers_Pro' ) ) {
$defaults['elements']['buttons-upsell'] = array(
'type' => 'html',
'html' => '
Upgrade to Layers Pro
Want more control over your button styling and sizes?
Purchase Layers Pro to unlock the full power of Layers!
$args = $this->merge_component( $defaults, $args );
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_button_colors_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* Advanced - Static Option
* @param array $args Additional arguments to pass to this function
public function advanced_component( $args = array() ) {
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if ( NULL == $this->args )
// Set a key for this input
$key = 'advanced';
// Setup icon CSS
$defaults['icon-css'] = 'icon-settings';
// Add a Label
$defaults['label'] = __( 'Advanced', 'layerswp' );
// Add elements
$defaults['elements'] = array(
'padding' => array(
'type' => 'trbl-fields',
'label' => __( 'Padding (px)', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'advanced', 'padding' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'advanced', 'padding' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['advanced']['padding'] ) ) ? $this->values['advanced']['padding'] : NULL
'margin' => array(
'type' => 'trbl-fields',
'label' => __( 'Margin (px)', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'advanced', 'margin' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'advanced', 'margin' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['advanced']['margin'] ) ) ? $this->values['advanced']['margin'] : NULL
'anchor' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => __( 'Custom Anchor', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'advanced', 'anchor' ) ,
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'advanced', 'anchor' ) ,
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['advanced']['anchor'] ) ) ? $this->values['advanced']['anchor'] : NULL
'customclass' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => __( 'Custom Class(es)', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'advanced', 'customclass' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'advanced', 'customclass' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['advanced']['customclass'] ) ) ? $this->values['advanced']['customclass'] : NULL,
'placeholder' => 'example-class'
'customcss' => array(
'type' => 'textarea',
'label' => __( 'Custom CSS', 'layerswp' ),
'name' => $this->get_layers_field_name( 'advanced', 'customcss' ),
'id' => $this->get_layers_field_id( 'advanced', 'customcss' ),
'value' => ( isset( $this->values['advanced']['customcss'] ) ) ? $this->values['advanced']['customcss'] : NULL,
'placeholder' => ".classname { color: #333; }"
'widget-id' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => __( 'Widget ID', 'layerswp' ),
'disabled' => FALSE,
'value' => '#' . str_replace( 'widget-layers', 'layers', str_ireplace( '-design' , '', $this->args['id'] ) )
$args = $this->merge_component( $defaults, $args );
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_advanced_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* Custom Compontent
* @param string $key Simply the key and classname for the icon,
* @param array $args Component arguments, including the form items
public function custom_component( $key = NULL, $args = array() ) {
if ( empty( $args ) )
// If there is no args information provided, can the operation
if ( NULL == $this->args )
// Render Control
$this->render_control( $key, apply_filters( 'layerswp_custom_component_args', $args, $key, $this->type, $this->args, $this->values ) );
* Merge Compontent
public function merge_component( $defaults, $args ) {
// Grab the elements and unset them - so we can work with them individually.
$defaults_elements = isset( $defaults['elements'] ) ? $defaults['elements'] : array() ;
if ( isset( $defaults['elements'] ) ) unset( $defaults['elements'] );
$args_elements = isset( $args['elements'] ) ? $args['elements'] : array() ;
if ( isset( $args['elements'] ) ) unset( $args['elements'] );
// New collection of elements consisting of a specific combo of the $defaults and the $args.
$new_elements = array();
foreach ( $args_elements as $args_key => $args_value ) {
if ( is_string( $args_value ) && isset( $defaults_elements[ $args_value ] ) ) {
// This case means the caller has specified a custom $args 'elements' config
// but has only passed a ref to the input by it's 'string 'background-image'
// allowing them to reposition the input without redefining all the settings
// the input.
$new_elements[ $args_value ] = $defaults_elements[ $args_value ];
// We've got what we needed from this element so remove it from the reference array.
if ( isset( $defaults_elements[ $args_key ] ) ) {
unset( $defaults_elements[ $args_value ] );
else if( isset( $defaults_elements[ $args_key ] ) && is_array( $defaults_elements[ $args_key ] ) && is_array( $args_elements[ $args_key ] ) ) {
// This case means the caller intends to combine the defaults with new
// parameters, keeping the existing fields but adding new things to it
$new_elements[ $args_key ] = $args_elements[ $args_key ] + $defaults_elements[ $args_key ];
else if ( is_array( $args_value ) ) {
// This case means the caller has specified a custom $args 'elements' config
// and has specified their own custom input field config - allowing them to
// create a new custom field.
$new_elements[ $args_key ] = $args_value;
// We've got what we needed from this element so remove it from the reference array.
if ( isset( $defaults_elements[ $args_key ] ) ) {
unset( $defaults_elements[ $args_key ] );
// This handles merging the important non-elements like 'icon-css' and 'title'
$args = array_merge( $defaults, $args );
// Either 'replace' or 'merge' the new input - so either show only the ones you have chosen
// or show the ones you have chosen after the defaults of the component.
if ( isset( $args['elements_combine'] ) && 'replace' === $args['elements_combine'] ) {
$args['elements'] = $new_elements;
else{ // 'merge' or anything else.
$args['elements'] = array_merge( $defaults_elements, $new_elements );
return $args;
* Widget name generation (replaces get_custom_field_id)
* @param string $field_name_1 Level 1 name
* @param string $field_name_2 Level 2 name
* @param string $field_name_3 Level 3 name
* @return string Name attribute
function get_layers_field_name( $field_name_1 = '', $field_name_2 = '', $field_name_3 = '' ) {
// If we don't have these important args details then bail.
if ( ! isset( $this->args['name'] ) ) return;
// Compile the first part.
$string = $this->args['name'];
// Now add any custom strings passed as args.
if( '' != $field_name_1 ) $string .= '[' . $field_name_1 . ']';
if( '' != $field_name_2 ) $string .= '[' . $field_name_2 . ']';
if( '' != $field_name_3 ) $string .= '[' . $field_name_3 . ']';
if ( ( bool ) layers_get_theme_mod( 'dev-switch-widget-field-names' ) ) {
$debug_string = substr( $string, ( strpos( $string, ']' ) + 1 ), strlen( $string ) );
echo '' . $debug_string . ' ';
return $string;
* Widget id generation (replaces get_custom_field_id)
* @param string $field_name_1 Level 1 id
* @param string $field_name_2 Level 2 id
* @param string $field_name_3 Level 3 id
* @return string Id attribute
function get_layers_field_id( $field_name_1 = '', $field_name_2 = '', $field_id = '' ) {
// If we don't have these important args details then bail.
if ( ! isset( $this->args['id'] ) ) return;
// Compile the first part.
$string = $this->args['id'];
// Now add any custom strings passed as args.
if( '' != $field_name_1 ) $string .= '-' . $field_name_1;
if( '' != $field_name_2 ) $string .= '-' . $field_name_2;
if( '' != $field_id ) $string .= '-' . $field_id;
return $string;
} //class Layers_Design_Controller