sort_options = array( 'updated-desc' => array( 'label' => __( 'Last Updated' , 'layerswp' ), 'excerpt-label' => __( 'by last updated' , 'layerswp' ), ), 'id-desc' => array( 'label' => __( 'Newest to Oldest' , 'layerswp' ), 'excerpt-label' => __( 'by release date' , 'layerswp' ), ), 'name-asc' => array( 'label' => __( 'Item Name A - Z' , 'layerswp' ), 'excerpt-label' => __( 'alphabetically' , 'layerswp' ), ), 'sales-desc' => array( 'label' => __( 'Best Sellers' , 'layerswp' ), 'excerpt-label' => __( 'by highest sales' , 'layerswp' ), ), 'rating-desc' => array( 'label' => __( 'Best Rated' , 'layerswp' ), 'excerpt-label' => __( 'by highest rating' , 'layerswp' ), ), 'price-asc' => array( 'label' => __( 'Price: Low to Ligh' , 'layerswp' ), 'excerpt-label' => __( 'by least expensive' , 'layerswp' ), ), 'price-desc' => array( 'label' => __( 'Price: High to Low' , 'layerswp' ), 'excerpt-label' => __( 'by most expensive' , 'layerswp' ), ), 'trending-desc' => array( 'label' => __( 'Trending Items' , 'layerswp' ), 'excerpt-label' => __( 'by trending' , 'layerswp' ), ), ); return $this->sort_options; } private function do_envato_api_call( $type = 'themes', $endpoint = 'market/total-items.json', $query_string = NULL , $method = 'get', $timeout = 5 ){ $default_query_string = 'page_size=100&sort_by=updated&sort_direction=desc'; $query_string = ( $query_string ? '?' . $query_string . '&' . $default_query_string : '?' . $default_query_string ); // Set the remote URL $remote_url = self::ENVATO_API_URL . $endpoint . $query_string; // Set the query transient key $cache_key = 'emp_' . $type; // Quick cache dumper $dump_cache = 0; if( 1 == $dump_cache ) delete_transient( $cache_key ); // Return a cached version of the query if we have one if( FALSE !== get_transient( $cache_key ) ) { return get_transient( $cache_key ); } // Set the Auth token for our query $remote_args = array( 'timeout' => $timeout, 'headers' => array( 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $this->get_auth_token() ) ); // Choose a method if( 'get' == $method ) { $remote_query = wp_remote_get( $remote_url, $remote_args ); } else { $remote_query = wp_remote_post( $remote_url, $remote_args ); } if( is_wp_error( $remote_query ) ){ // If there's an error, we handle it on the front end so just return it return $remote_query; } else if( isset( $remote_query[ 'response' ][ 'code' ] ) && 200 == $remote_query[ 'response' ][ 'code' ] ) { // Cache a successful query set_transient( $cache_key , wp_remote_retrieve_body( $remote_query ), 60 ); return wp_remote_retrieve_body( $remote_query ); } else { // If the response code isn't right, throw an error return new WP_Error( __( 'Error' , 'layerswp' ) , __( 'Something broke and we can\'t load the stream' , 'layerswp' ) ); } } public function get_product_list( $marketplace = 'layerswp' , $type = 'themes' ){ if( 'layerswp' == $marketplace ) { $product_list = $this->get_layers_list( $type ); } else { $product_list = $this->get_envato_list( $type ); } //die( '
' . print_r( $product_list, true ) . '
' ); if( is_wp_error( $product_list ) ) return $product_list; $response = $this->translate_list( $product_list ); return json_decode( $response ); } public function translate_list( $product_list = array() ){ if( empty( $product_list ) ) return; $response = array(); if( isset( $product_list->matches ) ){ foreach( $product_list->matches as $p_key => $p_details ){ $product = array(); if( '' == $p_details->site ){ $site_key = 'tf'; } else { $site_key = 'cc'; } $envato_url = '' . esc_attr( $p_details->id ) . '&item=' . esc_attr( $p_details->name ). '&site=' . $site_key; $categories = explode( '/', $p_details->classification ); $product[ 'id' ] = (int) $p_details->id; $product[ 'url' ] = esc_attr( $envato_url ); $product[ 'name' ] = esc_attr( $p_details->name ); $product[ 'description' ] = esc_attr( $p_details->description ); $product[ 'tags' ] = strtolower( implode( ',', $p_details->tags ) ); $product[ 'categories' ] = strtolower( implode( ',', $categories ) ); $product[ 'slug' ] = sanitize_title( $p_details->name ); $product[ 'updated' ] = strtotime( $p_details->updated_at ); $product[ 'sales' ] = esc_attr( $p_details->number_of_sales ); $product[ 'rating' ] = ( $p_details->rating->count > 0 ? ceil( $p_details->rating->rating ) : '' ) ; $product[ 'rating_count' ] = $p_details->rating->count; $product[ 'author' ] = $p_details->author_username; $product[ 'author_image' ] = $p_details->author_image; $product[ 'author_url' ] = $p_details->author_url; $product[ 'price' ] = (float) ($p_details->price_cents/100); $product[ 'trending' ] = ( isset( $p_details->trending ) && '1' == $p_details->trending ? 1 : 0 ); $product[ 'demo_url' ] = ( isset( $p_details->previews->live_site->url ) ? $p_details->previews->live_site->url : '' ); $product[ 'allow_demo' ] = FALSE; /** * Get images and/or video **/ $previews = $p_details->previews; if ( isset( $previews->icon_with_landscape_preview->landscape_url ) && strpos( $previews->icon_with_landscape_preview->landscape_url, '//' ) ) { $product[ 'is_img' ] = 1; $product[ 'media_src' ] = $previews->icon_with_landscape_preview->landscape_url ; } else if ( isset( $previews->icon_with_video_preview->landscape_url ) && strpos( $previews->icon_with_video_preview->landscape_url, '//' ) ) { $product[ 'is_img' ] = 1; $product[ 'media_src' ] = $previews->icon_with_video_preview->landscape_url ; } else if ( isset( $previews->icon_with_video_preview->video_url ) && strpos( $previews->icon_with_video_preview->video_url, '//' ) ) { $product[ 'is_img' ] = 0; $product[ 'media_src' ] = $previews->icon_with_video_preview->video_url ; } $response[] = $product; } } else { foreach( $product_list as $p_key => $p_details ){ if( isset( $p_details->status ) && 'publish' != $p_details->status || !isset( $p_details->status ) ) continue; $product = array(); $utm = '?utm_source=marketplace&utm_medium=link&utm_content=' . $p_details->name . '&utm_campaign=Layers%20Marketplace'; $demo_utm = '?utm_source=marketplace&utm_medium=preview&utm_content=' . $p_details->name . '&utm_campaign=Layers%20Marketplace%20Preview'; if( isset( $p_details->sub_title ) && '' != $p_details->sub_title ){ $p_name = $p_details->name . ' - ' . $p_details->sub_title; } else { $p_name = $p_details->name; } $product[ 'id' ] = (int) $p_details->id; $product[ 'name' ] = esc_attr( $p_name ); $product[ 'short_description' ] = $p_details->short_description; $product[ 'description' ] = $p_details->description; $product[ 'url' ] = esc_attr( $p_details->permalink . $utm ); $product[ 'slug' ] = sanitize_title( $p_details->slug ); $product[ 'updated' ] = strtotime( $p_details->date_modified ); $product[ 'sales' ] = 0; $product[ 'author' ] = 'Obox'; $product[ 'author_image' ] = ''; $product[ 'author_url' ] = ''; $product[ 'price' ] = (float) ($p_details->price); $product[ 'demo_url' ] = ( isset( $p_details->demo_url ) && '' != $p_details->demo_url ? $p_details->demo_url . $demo_utm : '' ); $product[ 'allow_demo' ] = (bool) ( isset( $p_details->demo_url ) && '' != $p_details->demo_url ? 1 : 0 ); $product[ 'trending' ] = 0; $tags = array(); foreach( $p_details->tags as $p_tag_key => $p_tag_details ){ $tags[] = $p_tag_details->slug; } $product[ 'tags' ] = strtolower( implode( ',', $tags ) ); $categories = array(); foreach( $p_details->categories as $p_cat_key => $p_cat_details ){ $categories[] = $p_cat_details->slug; } $product[ 'categories' ] = strtolower( implode( ',', $categories ) ); $product[ 'rating' ] = ( $p_details->rating_count > 0 ? ceil( $details->average_rating ) : '' ) ; $product[ 'rating_count' ] = $p_details->rating_count; /** * Get images and/or video **/ foreach( $p_details->images as $img_key => $img_detail ){ $product[ 'is_img' ] = 1; $product[ 'media_src' ] = $img_detail->src; break; } $response[] = $product; } } return json_encode( $response ); } public function get_layers_list( $p_type = 'themes' ){ $product_types = array( 'themes' => 83, 'extensions' => 81 ); // &category=' . $product_types[ $p_type ] $cache_key = 'lmp'; if( FALSE !== get_transient( $cache_key ) ) { return json_decode( get_transient( $cache_key ) ); } $api_call = wp_remote_get( '' ); if( is_wp_error( $api_call ) ) { // Return an error if we have one return $api_call; } else { set_transient( $cache_key , wp_remote_retrieve_body( $api_call ), 60 ); // If the call is successful, well then send back decoded JSON return json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $api_call ) ); } } /** * Give us a list of available extensions */ public function get_envato_list( $p_type = 'themes' ){ // Set the right end point to use $endpoint = 'discovery/search/search/item'; // Specify a query string here we tell the API what search parameters to use switch( $p_type ){ case 'stylekits' : $query_string = ''; break; case 'extensions' : $query_string = ''; break; default: $query_string = ''; break; } // Do the API call $api_call = $this->do_envato_api_call( $p_type, $endpoint, $query_string, 'get' ); if( is_wp_error( $api_call ) ) { // Return an error if we have one return $api_call; } else { // If the call is successful, well then send back decoded JSON return json_decode( $api_call ); } } public function get_popular( $site = 'themeforest' ){ $endpoint = 'market/popular:' . $site . '.json'; // Do the API call $api_call = $this->do_envato_api_call( 'gr', $endpoint, '', 'get', 2 ); if( is_wp_error( $api_call ) ) { // Return an error if we have one return $api_call; } else { // If the call is successful, well then send back decoded JSON return json_decode( $api_call ); } } }