How to use?

  1. Create a new Widget area.

  2. Click on the "get code" link.

  3. Copy the code

  4. and Paste it in a wordpress theme where you want to display it.

  5. Go to Dashboard Appearance > widgets and add widgets to widget area.

  6. Then reload your site.

How to Use it in page or post content?

  1. Click on the "get shortcode" link form widget area table below.

  2. Copy the shortcode and Paste it in a post or page editor where you want to display it.

  3. Reload your site.

How to customize widget style?

  1. Click on the advance link while creating new widget area and add widget class.

  2. Then add custom css targeting your widget area class. i.e.

    .mynewwidgetareaclass a{ color: red; }
    at the bottom of your style.css where ".mynewwidgetareaclass" is your widget area class.

How to add custom wrapper tag? [New]

  1. Click on custom link.

  2. Enter a valid Json object array

    i.e: [{ "tag": "div", "id" : "outer-widget", "class" : "outer-class" }, { "tag": "div", "id" : "inner-widget", "class" : "inner-class" }]

  3. Then submit a changes by clicking update button.

How to Update existing widget area?

  1. Click on the edit link.

  2. Edit widget area field values.

  3. Then submit a changes by clicking update button.

How to use?

  1. Create a new Menu Location.

  2. Click on the "get code" link from table below.

  3. Copy the code and Paste it in a wordpress theme where you want to display it.

  4. assign menu to the location.

  5. Reload the site.

How to Use it in page or post content?

  1. Click on the "get shortcode" link form table below.

  2. Copy the shortcode and Paste it in a post or page editor where you want to display it.

How to customize menu style?

  1. Pass the extra arguments while calling function

    wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'footer-location', 'menu_class' => 'Cwa-menu', [arguments] => ['values']... ) );
    Cick here to know more about available Parameters.
    [Note: for shortcode pass arguments like [menu theme_location='footer-location' 'menu_class'='Cwa-menu' [arguments]=[values]...]
  2. Make sure you have passed custom menu class options i.e. 'menu_class' like in above code.

  3. Add custom css targeting your menu_class or container_class etc. i.e.

    .Cwa-menu a{ color: red; }
    at the bottom of your style.css.