"Plugin Logger", "description" => "Logs plugin installs, uninstalls and updates", "capability" => "activate_plugins", // install_plugins, activate_plugins, "messages" => array( 'plugin_activated' => _x( 'Activated plugin "{plugin_name}"', 'Plugin was non-silently activated by a user', 'simple-history' ), 'plugin_deactivated' => _x( 'Deactivated plugin "{plugin_name}"', 'Plugin was non-silently deactivated by a user', 'simple-history' ), 'plugin_installed' => _x( 'Installed plugin "{plugin_name}"', 'Plugin was installed', 'simple-history' ), 'plugin_installed_failed' => _x( 'Failed to install plugin "{plugin_name}"', 'Plugin failed to install', 'simple-history' ), 'plugin_updated' => _x( 'Updated plugin "{plugin_name}" to version {plugin_version} from {plugin_prev_version}', 'Plugin was updated', 'simple-history' ), 'plugin_update_failed' => _x( 'Failed to update plugin "{plugin_name}"', 'Plugin update failed', 'simple-history' ), 'plugin_file_edited' => _x( 'Edited plugin file "{plugin_edited_file}"', 'Plugin file edited', 'simple-history' ), 'plugin_deleted' => _x( 'Deleted plugin "{plugin_name}"', 'Plugin files was deleted', 'simple-history' ), // bulk versions 'plugin_bulk_updated' => _x( 'Updated plugin "{plugin_name}" to {plugin_version} from {plugin_prev_version}', 'Plugin was updated in bulk', 'simple-history' ), // plugin disabled due to some error 'plugin_disabled_because_error' => _x( 'Deactivated a plugin because of an error: {error_message}', 'Plugin was disabled because of an error', 'simple-history' ), ), // messages "labels" => array( "search" => array( "label" => _x("Plugins", "Plugin logger: search", "simple-history"), "label_all" => _x("All plugin activity", "Plugin logger: search", "simple-history"), "options" => array( _x("Activated plugins", "Plugin logger: search", "simple-history") => array( 'plugin_activated' ), _x("Deactivated plugins", "Plugin logger: search", "simple-history") => array( 'plugin_deactivated', 'plugin_disabled_because_error' ), _x("Installed plugins", "Plugin logger: search", "simple-history") => array( 'plugin_installed' ), _x("Failed plugin installs", "Plugin logger: search", "simple-history") => array( 'plugin_installed_failed' ), _x("Updated plugins", "Plugin logger: search", "simple-history") => array( 'plugin_updated', 'plugin_bulk_updated' ), _x("Failed plugin updates", "Plugin logger: search", "simple-history") => array( 'plugin_update_failed' ), _x("Edited plugin files", "Plugin logger: search", "simple-history") => array( 'plugin_file_edited' ), _x("Deleted plugins", "Plugin logger: search", "simple-history") => array( 'plugin_deleted' ), ) ) // search array ) // labels ); return $arr_info; } public function loaded() { /** * At least the plugin bulk upgrades fires this action before upgrade * We use it to fetch the current version of all plugins, before they are upgraded */ add_filter( 'upgrader_pre_install', array( $this, "save_versions_before_update"), 10, 2); // Clear our transient after an update is done // Removed because something probably changed in core and this was fired earlier than it used to be // add_action( 'delete_site_transient_update_plugins', array( $this, "remove_saved_versions" ) ); // Fires after a plugin has been activated. // If a plugin is silently activated (such as during an update), // this hook does not fire. add_action( 'activated_plugin', array( $this, "on_activated_plugin" ), 10, 2 ); // Fires after a plugin is deactivated. // If a plugin is silently deactivated (such as during an update), // this hook does not fire. add_action( 'deactivated_plugin', array( $this, "on_deactivated_plugin" ), 10, 2 ); // Fires after the upgrades has done it's thing // Check hook extra for upgrader initiator add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', array( $this, "on_upgrader_process_complete" ), 10, 2 ); // Dirty check for things that we can't catch using filters or actions add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, "check_filterless_things" ) ); // Detect files removed add_action( 'setted_transient', array( $this, 'on_setted_transient_for_remove_files' ), 10, 2 ); add_action("admin_action_delete-selected", array($this, "on_action_delete_selected"), 10, 1); // Ajax function to get info from GitHub repo. Used by "View plugin info"-link for plugin installs add_action("wp_ajax_SimplePluginLogger_GetGitHubPluginInfo", array($this, "ajax_GetGitHubPluginInfo")); // If the Github Update plugin is not installed we need to get extra fields used by it. // So need to hook filter "extra_plugin_headers" ourself. add_filter( "extra_plugin_headers", function($arr_headers) { $arr_headers[] = "GitHub Plugin URI"; return $arr_headers; } ); // There is no way to ue a filter and detect a plugin that is disabled because it can't be found or similar error. // So we hook into gettext and look for the usage of the error that is returned when this happens. add_filter( 'gettext', array( $this, "on_gettext" ), 10, 3 ); } /** * There is no way to ue a filter and detect a plugin that is disabled because it can't be found or similar error. * we hook into gettext and look for the usage of the error that is returned when this happens. */ function on_gettext( $translation, $text, $domain ) { // The errors we can get is: // return new WP_Error('plugin_invalid', __('Invalid plugin path.')); // return new WP_Error('plugin_not_found', __('Plugin file does not exist.')); // return new WP_Error('no_plugin_header', __('The plugin does not have a valid header.')); global $pagenow; // We only act on page plugins.php if ( ! isset( $pagenow ) || $pagenow !== "plugins.php" ) { return $translation; } // We only act if the untranslated text is among the following ones // (Literally these, no translation) $untranslated_texts = array( "Plugin file does not exist.", "Invalid plugin path.", "The plugin does not have a valid header." ); if ( ! in_array( $text, $untranslated_texts )) { return $translation; } // We don't know what plugin that was that got this error and currently there does not seem to be a way to determine that // So that's why we use such generic log messages $this->warningMessage( "plugin_disabled_because_error", array( "_initiator" => SimpleLoggerLogInitiators::WORDPRESS, "error_message" => $text ) ); return $translation; } // on_gettext /** * Show readme from github in a modal win */ function ajax_GetGitHubPluginInfo() { if ( ! current_user_can("install_plugins") ) { wp_die( __("You don't have access to this page.", "simple-history" )); } $repo = isset( $_GET["repo"] ) ? (string) $_GET["repo"] : ""; if ( ! $repo ) { wp_die( __("Could not find GitHub repository.", "simple-history" )); } $repo_parts = explode("/", rtrim($repo, "/")); if ( count($repo_parts) !== 5 ) { wp_die( __("Could not find GitHub repository.", "simple-history" )); } $repo_username = $repo_parts[3]; $repo_repo = $repo_parts[4]; // https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/contents/ // https://api.github.com/repos///readme $api_url = sprintf('https://api.github.com/repos/%1$s/%2$s/readme', urlencode( $repo_username ), urlencode( $repo_repo )); // Get file. Use accept-header to get file as HTML instead of JSON $response = wp_remote_get( $api_url, array( "headers" => array( "accept" => "application/vnd.github.VERSION.html" ) ) ); $response_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); $repo_info = sprintf( __('

Viewing readme from repository %2$s.

', "simple-history"), esc_url( $repo ), esc_html( $repo ) ); $github_markdown_css_path = SIMPLE_HISTORY_PATH . "/css/github-markdown.css"; printf( '
', $repo_info, $response_body, $github_markdown_css_path, esc_url( $repo ) // 4 ); #echo($response_body); exit; } /* * When a plugin has been deleted there is no way for us to get * the real name of the plugin, only the dir and main index file. * So before a plugin is deleted we save all needed info in a transient */ function on_action_delete_selected() { // Same as in plugins.php if ( ! current_user_can('delete_plugins') ) { wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to delete plugins for this site.')); } // Verify delete must be set if ( ! isset( $_POST["verify-delete"] ) || ! $_POST["verify-delete"] ) { return; } // An arr of plugins must be set if ( ! isset( $_POST["checked"] ) || ! is_array( $_POST["checked"] ) ) { return; } // If we get this far it looks like a plugin is begin deleted // Get and save info about it $this->save_versions_before_update(); } /** * Saves info about all installed plugins to an option. * When we are done logging then we remove the option. */ function save_versions_before_update($bool = null, $hook_extra = null) { $plugins = get_plugins(); // does not work $option_name = $this->slug . "_plugin_info_before_update"; $r = update_option( $option_name, SimpleHistory::json_encode( $plugins ) ); return $bool; } /** * Detect plugin being deleted * When WP is done deleting a plugin it sets a transient called plugins_delete_result: * set_transient('plugins_delete_result_' . $user_ID, $delete_result); * * We detect when that transient is set and then we have all info needed to log the plugin delete * */ public function on_setted_transient_for_remove_files( $transient = "", $value = "" ) { if ( ! $user_id = get_current_user_id() ) { return; } $transient_name = '_transient_plugins_delete_result_' . $user_id; if ( $transient_name !== $transient ) { return; } // We found the transient we were looking for if ( isset( $_POST["action"] ) && "delete-selected" == $_POST["action"] && isset( $_POST["checked"] ) && is_array( $_POST["checked"] ) ) { /* [checked] => Array ( [0] => the-events-calendar/the-events-calendar.php ) */ $plugins_deleted = $_POST["checked"]; $plugins_before_update = json_decode( get_option( $this->slug . "_plugin_info_before_update", false ), true ); foreach ( $plugins_deleted as $plugin ) { $context = array( "plugin" => $plugin // plugin-name-folder/plugin-main-file.php ); if ( is_array( $plugins_before_update ) && isset( $plugins_before_update[ $plugin ] ) ) { $context["plugin_name"] = $plugins_before_update[ $plugin ]["Name"]; $context["plugin_title"] = $plugins_before_update[ $plugin ]["Title"]; $context["plugin_description"] = $plugins_before_update[ $plugin ]["Description"]; $context["plugin_author"] = $plugins_before_update[ $plugin ]["Author"]; $context["plugin_version"] = $plugins_before_update[ $plugin ]["Version"]; $context["plugin_url"] = $plugins_before_update[ $plugin ]["PluginURI"]; } $this->infoMessage( "plugin_deleted", $context ); } } $this->remove_saved_versions(); } /** * Save all plugin information before a plugin is updated or removed. * This way we can know both the old (pre updated/removed) and the current version of the plugin */ /*public function save_versions_before_update() { $current_screen = get_current_screen(); $request_uri = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; // Only add option on pages where needed $do_store = false; if ( SimpleHistory::ends_with( $request_uri, "/wp-admin/update.php" ) && isset( $current_screen->base ) && "update" == $current_screen->base ) { // Plugin update screen $do_store = true; } else if ( SimpleHistory::ends_with( $request_uri, "/wp-admin/plugins.php" ) && isset( $current_screen->base ) && "plugins" == $current_screen->base && ( isset( $_POST["action"] ) && "delete-selected" == $_POST["action"] ) ) { // Plugin delete screen, during delete $do_store = true; } if ( $do_store ) { update_option( $this->slug . "_plugin_info_before_update", SimpleHistory::json_encode( get_plugins() ) ); } } */ /** * when plugin updates are done wp_clean_plugins_cache() is called, * which in its turn run: * delete_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); * do_action( 'delete_site_transient_' . $transient, $transient ); * delete_site_transient_update_plugins */ public function remove_saved_versions() { delete_option( $this->slug . "_plugin_info_before_update" ); } function check_filterless_things() { // Var is string with length 113: /wp-admin/plugin-editor.php?file=my-plugin%2Fviews%2Fplugin-file.php $referer = wp_get_referer(); // contains key "path" with value like "/wp-admin/plugin-editor.php" $referer_info = parse_url($referer); if ( "/wp-admin/plugin-editor.php" === $referer_info["path"] ) { // We are in plugin editor // Check for plugin edit saved if ( isset( $_POST["newcontent"] ) && isset( $_POST["action"] ) && "update" == $_POST["action"] && isset( $_POST["file"] ) && ! empty( $_POST["file"] ) ) { // A file was edited $file = $_POST["file"]; // $plugins = get_plugins(); // http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_text_diff // Generate a diff of changes if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Text_Diff_Renderer_Table' ) ) { require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/wp-diff.php' ); } $original_file_contents = file_get_contents( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/" . $file ); $new_file_contents = wp_unslash( $_POST["newcontent"] ); $left_lines = explode("\n", $original_file_contents); $right_lines = explode("\n", $new_file_contents); $text_diff = new Text_Diff($left_lines, $right_lines); $num_added_lines = $text_diff->countAddedLines(); $num_removed_lines = $text_diff->countDeletedLines(); // Generate a diff in classic diff format $renderer = new Text_Diff_Renderer(); $diff = $renderer->render($text_diff); $this->infoMessage( 'plugin_file_edited', array( "plugin_edited_file" => $file, "plugin_edit_diff" => $diff, "plugin_edit_num_added_lines" => $num_added_lines, "plugin_edit_num_removed_lines" => $num_removed_lines, ) ); $did_log = true; } } } /** * Called when plugins is updated or installed * Called from class-wp-upgrader.php * * @param Plugin_Upgrader $this Plugin_Upgrader instance. In other contexts, $this, might * be a Theme_Upgrader or Core_Upgrade instance. * @param array $data { * Array of bulk item update data. * */ function on_upgrader_process_complete( $plugin_upgrader_instance, $arr_data ) { // Can't use get_plugins() here to get version of plugins updated from // Tested that, and it will get the new version (and that's the correct answer I guess. but too bad for us..) /* If an update fails then $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->result->errors contains something like: Array ( [remove_old_failed] => Array ( [0] => Could not remove the old plugin. ) ) */ /* # Contents of $arr_data in different scenarios ## WordPress core update $arr_data: Array ( [action] => update [type] => core ) # Plugin install $arr_data: Array ( [type] => plugin [action] => install ) ## Plugin update $arr_data: Array ( [type] => plugin [action] => install ) ## Bulk actions array( 'action' => 'update', 'type' => 'plugin', 'bulk' => true, 'plugins' => $plugins, ) */ // To keep track of if something was logged, so wen can output debug info only // only if we did not log anything $did_log = false; if ( isset( $arr_data["type"] ) && "plugin" == $arr_data["type"] ) { // Single plugin install if ( isset( $arr_data["action"] ) && "install" == $arr_data["action"] && ! $plugin_upgrader_instance->bulk ) { $upgrader_skin_options = isset( $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->options ) && is_array( $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->options ) ? $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->options : array(); $upgrader_skin_result = isset( $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->result ) && is_array( $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->result ) ? $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->result : array(); $upgrader_skin_api = isset( $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->api ) ? $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->api : (object) array(); $plugin_slug = isset( $upgrader_skin_result["destination_name"] ) ? $upgrader_skin_result["destination_name"] : ""; // Upgrader contains current info $context = array( "plugin_slug" => $plugin_slug, "plugin_name" => isset( $upgrader_skin_api->name ) ? $upgrader_skin_api->name : "", "plugin_version" => isset( $upgrader_skin_api->version ) ? $upgrader_skin_api->version : "", "plugin_author" => isset( $upgrader_skin_api->author ) ? $upgrader_skin_api->author : "", "plugin_last_updated" => isset( $upgrader_skin_api->last_updated ) ? $upgrader_skin_api->last_updated : "", "plugin_requires" => isset( $upgrader_skin_api->requires ) ? $upgrader_skin_api->requires : "", "plugin_tested" => isset( $upgrader_skin_api->tested ) ? $upgrader_skin_api->tested : "", "plugin_rating" => isset( $upgrader_skin_api->rating ) ? $upgrader_skin_api->rating : "", "plugin_num_ratings" => isset( $upgrader_skin_api->num_ratings ) ? $upgrader_skin_api->num_ratings : "", "plugin_downloaded" => isset( $upgrader_skin_api->downloaded ) ? $upgrader_skin_api->downloaded : "", "plugin_added" => isset( $upgrader_skin_api->added ) ? $upgrader_skin_api->added : "", "plugin_source_files" => $this->simpleHistory->json_encode( $plugin_upgrader_instance->result["source_files"] ), // To debug comment out these: // "debug_skin_options" => $this->simpleHistory->json_encode( $upgrader_skin_options ), // "debug_skin_result" => $this->simpleHistory->json_encode( $upgrader_skin_result ), ); /* Detect install plugin from wordpress.org - options[type] = "web" - options[api] contains all we need Detect install from upload ZIP - options[type] = "upload" Also: plugins hosted at GitHub have a de-facto standard field of "GitHub Plugin URI" */ $install_source = "unknown"; if ( isset( $upgrader_skin_options["type"] ) ) { $install_source = (string) $upgrader_skin_options["type"]; } $context["plugin_install_source"] = $install_source; // If uploaded plugin store name of ZIP if ( "upload" == $install_source ) { /*_debug_files { "pluginzip": { "name": "WPThumb-master.zip", "type": "application\/zip", "tmp_name": "\/Applications\/MAMP\/tmp\/php\/phpnThImc", "error": 0, "size": 2394625 } } */ if ( isset( $_FILES["pluginzip"]["name"] ) ) { $plugin_upload_name = $_FILES["pluginzip"]["name"]; $context["plugin_upload_name"] = $plugin_upload_name; } } if ( is_a( $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->result, "WP_Error" ) ) { // Add errors // Errors is in original wp admin language $context["error_messages"] = $this->simpleHistory->json_encode( $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->result->errors ); $context["error_data"] = $this->simpleHistory->json_encode( $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->result->error_data ); $this->infoMessage( 'plugin_installed_failed', $context ); $did_log = true; } else { // Plugin was successfully installed // Try to grab more info from the readme // Would be nice to grab a screenshot, but that is difficult since they often are stored remotely $plugin_destination = isset( $plugin_upgrader_instance->result["destination"] ) ? $plugin_upgrader_instance->result["destination"] : null; if ( $plugin_destination ) { $plugin_info = $plugin_upgrader_instance->plugin_info(); $plugin_data = array(); if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin_info ) ) { $plugin_data = get_plugin_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin_info, true, false ); } $context["plugin_name"] = isset( $plugin_data["Name"] ) ? $plugin_data["Name"] : ""; $context["plugin_description"] = isset( $plugin_data["Description"] ) ? $plugin_data["Description"] : ""; $context["plugin_url"] = isset( $plugin_data["PluginURI"] ) ? $plugin_data["PluginURI"] : ""; $context["plugin_version"] = isset( $plugin_data["Version"] ) ? $plugin_data["Version"] : ""; $context["plugin_author"] = isset( $plugin_data["AuthorName"] ) ? $plugin_data["AuthorName"] : ""; // Comment out these to debug plugin installs #$context["debug_plugin_data"] = $this->simpleHistory->json_encode( $plugin_data ); #$context["debug_plugin_info"] = $this->simpleHistory->json_encode( $plugin_info ); if ( ! empty( $plugin_data["GitHub Plugin URI"] ) ) { $context["plugin_github_url"] = $plugin_data["GitHub Plugin URI"]; } } $this->infoMessage( 'plugin_installed', $context ); $did_log = true; } // if error or not } // install single // Single plugin update if ( isset( $arr_data["action"] ) && "update" == $arr_data["action"] && ! $plugin_upgrader_instance->bulk ) { // No plugin info in instance, so get it ourself $plugin_data = array(); if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $arr_data["plugin"] ) ) { $plugin_data = get_plugin_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $arr_data["plugin"], true, false ); } // autoptimize/autoptimize.php $plugin_slug = dirname( $arr_data["plugin"] ); $context = array( "plugin_slug" => $plugin_slug, "request" => $this->simpleHistory->json_encode( $_REQUEST ), "plugin_name" => $plugin_data["Name"], "plugin_title" => $plugin_data["Title"], "plugin_description" => $plugin_data["Description"], "plugin_author" => $plugin_data["Author"], "plugin_version" => $plugin_data["Version"], "plugin_url" => $plugin_data["PluginURI"], "plugin_source_files" => $this->simpleHistory->json_encode( $plugin_upgrader_instance->result["source_files"] ) ); // update status for plugins are in response // plugin folder + index file = key // use transient to get url and package $update_plugins = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); if ( $update_plugins && isset( $update_plugins->response[ $arr_data["plugin"] ] ) ) { /* $update_plugins[plugin_path/slug]: { "id": "8986", "slug": "autoptimize", "plugin": "autoptimize/autoptimize.php", "new_version": "1.9.1", "url": "https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/", "package": "https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/autoptimize.1.9.1.zip" } */ // for debug purposes the update_plugins key can be added // $context["update_plugins"] = $this->simpleHistory->json_encode( $update_plugins ); $plugin_update_info = $update_plugins->response[ $arr_data["plugin"] ]; // autoptimize/autoptimize.php if ( isset( $plugin_update_info->plugin ) ) { $context["plugin_update_info_plugin"] = $plugin_update_info->plugin; } // https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/autoptimize.1.9.1.zip if ( isset( $plugin_update_info->package ) ) { $context["plugin_update_info_package"] = $plugin_update_info->package; } } // To get old version we use our option $plugins_before_update = json_decode( get_option( $this->slug . "_plugin_info_before_update", false ), true ); if ( is_array( $plugins_before_update ) && isset( $plugins_before_update[ $arr_data["plugin"] ] ) ) { $context["plugin_prev_version"] = $plugins_before_update[ $arr_data["plugin"] ]["Version"]; } if ( is_a( $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->result, "WP_Error" ) ) { // Add errors // Errors is in original wp admin language $context["error_messages"] = json_encode( $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->result->errors ); $context["error_data"] = json_encode( $plugin_upgrader_instance->skin->result->error_data ); $this->infoMessage( 'plugin_update_failed', $context ); $did_log = true; } else { $this->infoMessage( 'plugin_updated', $context ); #echo "on_upgrader_process_complete"; #sf_d( $plugin_upgrader_instance, '$plugin_upgrader_instance' ); #sf_d( $arr_data, '$arr_data' ); $did_log = true; } } // update single /** * For bulk updates $arr_data looks like: * Array * ( * [action] => update * [type] => plugin * [bulk] => 1 * [plugins] => Array * ( * [0] => plugin-folder-1/plugin-index.php * [1] => my-plugin-folder/my-plugin.php * ) * ) */ if ( isset( $arr_data["bulk"] ) && $arr_data["bulk"] && isset( $arr_data["action"] ) && "update" == $arr_data["action"] ) { $plugins_updated = isset( $arr_data["plugins"] ) ? (array) $arr_data["plugins"] : array(); foreach ($plugins_updated as $plugin_name) { $plugin_data = get_plugin_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin_name, true, false ); $plugin_slug = dirname( $plugin_name ); $context = array( "plugin_slug" => $plugin_slug, "plugin_name" => $plugin_data["Name"], "plugin_title" => $plugin_data["Title"], "plugin_description" => $plugin_data["Description"], "plugin_author" => $plugin_data["Author"], "plugin_version" => $plugin_data["Version"], "plugin_url" => $plugin_data["PluginURI"] ); // get url and package $update_plugins = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); if ( $update_plugins && isset( $update_plugins->response[ $plugin_name ] ) ) { /* $update_plugins[plugin_path/slug]: { "id": "8986", "slug": "autoptimize", "plugin": "autoptimize/autoptimize.php", "new_version": "1.9.1", "url": "https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/", "package": "https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/autoptimize.1.9.1.zip" } */ $plugin_update_info = $update_plugins->response[ $plugin_name ]; // autoptimize/autoptimize.php if ( isset( $plugin_update_info->plugin ) ) { $context["plugin_update_info_plugin"] = $plugin_update_info->plugin; } // https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/autoptimize.1.9.1.zip if ( isset( $plugin_update_info->package ) ) { $context["plugin_update_info_package"] = $plugin_update_info->package; } } // To get old version we use our option // @TODO: this does not always work, why? $plugins_before_update = json_decode( get_option( $this->slug . "_plugin_info_before_update", false ), true ); if ( is_array( $plugins_before_update ) && isset( $plugins_before_update[ $plugin_name ] ) ) { $context["plugin_prev_version"] = $plugins_before_update[ $plugin_name ]["Version"]; } $this->infoMessage( 'plugin_bulk_updated', $context ); } } // bulk update } // if plugin if ( ! $did_log ) { #echo "on_upgrader_process_complete"; #sf_d( $plugin_upgrader_instance, '$plugin_upgrader_instance' ); #sf_d( $arr_data, '$arr_data' ); #exit; } $this->remove_saved_versions(); } // on upgrader_process_complete /** * Plugin is activated * plugin_name is like admin-menu-tree-page-view/index.php */ function on_activated_plugin($plugin_name, $network_wide) { /* Plugin data returned array contains the following: 'Name' - Name of the plugin, must be unique. 'Title' - Title of the plugin and the link to the plugin's web site. 'Description' - Description of what the plugin does and/or notes from the author. 'Author' - The author's name 'AuthorURI' - The authors web site address. 'Version' - The plugin version number. 'PluginURI' - Plugin web site address. 'TextDomain' - Plugin's text domain for localization. 'DomainPath' - Plugin's relative directory path to .mo files. 'Network' - Boolean. Whether the plugin can only be activated network wide. */ $plugin_data = get_plugin_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin_name, true, false ); $plugin_slug = dirname( $plugin_name ); $context = array( "plugin_name" => $plugin_data["Name"], "plugin_slug" => $plugin_slug, "plugin_title" => $plugin_data["Title"], "plugin_description" => $plugin_data["Description"], "plugin_author" => $plugin_data["Author"], "plugin_version" => $plugin_data["Version"], "plugin_url" => $plugin_data["PluginURI"], ); if ( ! empty( $plugin_data["GitHub Plugin URI"] ) ) { $context["plugin_github_url"] = $plugin_data["GitHub Plugin URI"]; } $this->infoMessage( 'plugin_activated', $context ); } // on_activated_plugin /** * Plugin is deactivated * plugin_name is like admin-menu-tree-page-view/index.php */ function on_deactivated_plugin($plugin_name) { $plugin_data = get_plugin_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin_name, true, false ); $plugin_slug = dirname( $plugin_name ); $context = array( "plugin_name" => $plugin_data["Name"], "plugin_slug" => $plugin_slug, "plugin_title" => $plugin_data["Title"], "plugin_description" => $plugin_data["Description"], "plugin_author" => $plugin_data["Author"], "plugin_version" => $plugin_data["Version"], "plugin_url" => $plugin_data["PluginURI"], ); if ( ! empty( $plugin_data["GitHub Plugin URI"] ) ) { $context["plugin_github_url"] = $plugin_data["GitHub Plugin URI"]; } $this->infoMessage( 'plugin_deactivated', $context ); } // on_deactivated_plugin /** * Get output for detailed log section */ function getLogRowDetailsOutput($row) { $context = $row->context; $message_key = $context["_message_key"]; $output = ""; // When a plugin is installed we show a bit more information // We do it only on install because we don't want to clutter to log, // and when something is installed the description is most useul for other // admins on the site if ( "plugin_installed" === $message_key ) { if ( isset( $context["plugin_description"] ) ) { // Description includes a link to author, remove that, i.e. all text after and including $plugin_description = $context["plugin_description"]; $cite_pos = strpos( $plugin_description, "" ); if ($cite_pos) { $plugin_description = substr( $plugin_description, 0, $cite_pos ); } // Keys to show $arr_plugin_keys = array( "plugin_description" => _x("Description", "plugin logger - detailed output", "simple-history"), "plugin_install_source" => _x("Source", "plugin logger - detailed output install source", "simple-history"), "plugin_install_source_file" => _x("Source file name", "plugin logger - detailed output install source", "simple-history"), "plugin_version" => _x("Version", "plugin logger - detailed output version", "simple-history"), "plugin_author" => _x("Author", "plugin logger - detailed output author", "simple-history"), "plugin_url" => _x("URL", "plugin logger - detailed output url", "simple-history"), #"plugin_downloaded" => _x("Downloads", "plugin logger - detailed output downloaded", "simple-history"), #"plugin_requires" => _x("Requires", "plugin logger - detailed output author", "simple-history"), #"plugin_tested" => _x("Compatible up to", "plugin logger - detailed output compatible", "simple-history"), // also available: plugin_rating, plugin_num_ratings ); $arr_plugin_keys = apply_filters("simple_history/plugin_logger/row_details_plugin_info_keys", $arr_plugin_keys); // Start output of plugin meta data table $output .= ""; foreach ( $arr_plugin_keys as $key => $desc ) { $desc_output = ""; switch ( $key ) { case "plugin_downloaded": $desc_output = esc_html( number_format_i18n( (int) $context[ $key ] ) ); break; // author is already formatted case "plugin_author": $desc_output = $context[ $key ]; break; // URL needs a link case "plugin_url": $desc_output = sprintf('%2$s', esc_attr( $context["plugin_url"] ), esc_html( $context["plugin_url"] )); break; case "plugin_description": $desc_output = $plugin_description; break; case "plugin_install_source": if ( ! isset( $context[ $key ] ) ) { continue; } if ( "web" == $context[ $key ] ) { $desc_output = esc_html( __("WordPress Plugin Repository", "simple-history") ); } else if ( "upload" == $context[ $key ] ) { #$plugin_upload_name = isset( $context["plugin_upload_name"] ) ? $context["plugin_upload_name"] : __("Unknown archive name", "simple-history"); $desc_output = esc_html( __('Uploaded ZIP archive', "simple-history") ); #$desc_output = esc_html( sprintf( __('Uploaded ZIP archive (%1$s)', "simple-history"), $plugin_upload_name ) ); #$desc_output = esc_html( sprintf( __('%1$s (uploaded ZIP archive)', "simple-history"), $plugin_upload_name ) ); } else { $desc_output = esc_html( $context[ $key ] ); } break; case "plugin_install_source_file": if ( ! isset( $context["plugin_upload_name"] ) || ! isset( $context["plugin_install_source"] ) ) { continue; } if ( "upload" == $context["plugin_install_source"] ) { $plugin_upload_name = $context["plugin_upload_name"]; $desc_output = esc_html( $plugin_upload_name ); } break; default; $desc_output = esc_html( $context[ $key ] ); break; } if ( ! trim( $desc_output ) ) { continue; } $output .= sprintf( ' ', esc_html($desc), $desc_output ); } // Add link with more info about the plugin // If plugin_install_source = web then it should be a wordpress.org-plugin // If plugin_github_url is set then it's a zip from a github thingie // so use link to that. $plugin_slug = ! empty( $context["plugin_slug"] ) ? $context["plugin_slug"] : ""; // Slug + web as install source = show link to wordpress.org if ( $plugin_slug && isset( $context["plugin_install_source"] ) && $context["plugin_install_source"] == "web" ) { $output .= sprintf( ' ', admin_url( "plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin={$plugin_slug}&section=&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=550" ), esc_html_x("View plugin info", "plugin logger: plugin info thickbox title view all info", "simple-history") ); } // GitHub plugin url set = show link to github repo else if ( isset( $context["plugin_install_source"] ) && $context["plugin_install_source"] == "upload" && ! empty( $context["plugin_github_url"] ) ) { // Can't embed iframe // Must use API instead // https://api.github.com/repos///readme?callback= $output .= sprintf( ' ', admin_url(sprintf('admin-ajax.php?action=SimplePluginLogger_GetGitHubPluginInfo&getrepo&repo=%1$s&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=550', esc_url_raw( $context["plugin_github_url"] ) ) ), esc_html_x("View plugin info", "plugin logger: plugin info thickbox title view all info", "simple-history") ); } $output .= "
%1$s %2$s
"; } } elseif ( "plugin_bulk_updated" === $message_key || "plugin_updated" === $message_key || "plugin_activated" === $message_key || "plugin_deactivated" === $message_key ) { $plugin_slug = ! empty( $context["plugin_slug"] ) ? $context["plugin_slug"] : ""; if ( $plugin_slug && empty( $context["plugin_github_url"] ) ) { $link_title = esc_html_x("View plugin info", "plugin logger: plugin info thickbox title", "simple-history"); $url = admin_url( "plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin={$plugin_slug}&section=&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=550" ); if ( "plugin_updated" == $message_key || "plugin_bulk_updated" == $message_key ) { $link_title = esc_html_x("View changelog", "plugin logger: plugin info thickbox title", "simple-history"); if ( is_multisite() ) { $url = network_admin_url( "plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin={$plugin_slug}&section=changelog&TB_iframe=true&width=772&height=550" ); } else { $url = admin_url( "plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin={$plugin_slug}&section=changelog&TB_iframe=true&width=772&height=550" ); } } $output .= sprintf( '


', $url, $link_title ); } else if ( ! empty( $context["plugin_github_url"] ) ) { $output .= sprintf( ' %2$s ', admin_url(sprintf('admin-ajax.php?action=SimplePluginLogger_GetGitHubPluginInfo&getrepo&repo=%1$s&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=550', esc_url_raw( $context["plugin_github_url"] ) ) ), esc_html_x("View plugin info", "plugin logger: plugin info thickbox title view all info", "simple-history") ); } } // if plugin_updated return $output; } // getLogRowDetailsOutput } // class SimplePluginLogger