_x("Enable Media Replace Logger", "PluginEnableMediaReplaceLogger", "simple-history"), "description" => _x("Logs media updates made with the Enable Media Replace Plugin", "PluginEnableMediaReplaceLogger", "simple-history"), "name_via" => _x("Using plugin Enable Media Replace", "PluginUserSwitchingLogger", "simple-history"), "capability" => "upload_files", "messages" => array( 'replaced_file' => _x('Replaced attachment "{prev_attachment_title}" with new attachment "{new_attachment_title}"', "PluginEnableMediaReplaceLogger", "simple-history"), ), ); return $arr_info; } function loaded() { // Action that is called when Enable Media Replace loads it's admin options page (both when viewing and when posting new file to it) add_action( 'load-media_page_enable-media-replace/enable-media-replace', array( $this, "on_load_plugin_admin_page" ), 10, 1 ); } function on_load_plugin_admin_page() { if ( empty( $_POST ) ) { return; } if ( isset( $_GET["action"] ) && $_GET["action"] == "media_replace_upload" ) { $attachment_id = empty( $_POST["ID"] ) ? null : (int) $_POST["ID"]; $replace_type = empty( $_POST["replace_type"] ) ? null : sanitize_text_field( $_POST["replace_type"] ); $new_file = empty( $_FILES["userfile"] ) ? null : (array) $_FILES["userfile"]; $prev_attachment_post = get_post( $attachment_id ); if ( empty( $attachment_id ) || empty( $new_file ) || empty( $prev_attachment_post ) ) { return; } /* get { "page": "enable-media-replace\/enable-media-replace.php", "noheader": "true", "action": "media_replace_upload", "attachment_id": "64085", "_wpnonce": "1089573e0c" } post { "ID": "64085", "replace_type": "replace" } files { "userfile": { "name": "earth-transparent.png", "type": "image\/png", "tmp_name": "\/Applications\/MAMP\/tmp\/php\/phpKA2XOo", "error": 0, "size": 4325729 } } */ $this->infoMessage("replaced_file", array( "attachment_id" => $attachment_id, "prev_attachment_title" => get_the_title( $prev_attachment_post ), "new_attachment_title" => $new_file["name"], "new_attachment_type" => $new_file["type"], "new_attachment_size" => $new_file["size"], "replace_type" => $replace_type, /* "get" => $_GET, "post" => $_POST, "files" => $_FILES, "old_attachment_post" => $prev_attachment_post, "old_attachment_meta" => $prev_attachment_meta */ )); } } }