module.exports = function (grunt) { require('time-grunt')(grunt); // Require all grunt-tasks instead of manually initialize them. require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); grunt.initConfig({ makepot: { target: { options: { cwd: '', // Directory of files to internationalize. domainPath: 'languages/', // Where to save the POT file. exclude: [], // List of files or directories to ignore. include: [], // List of files or directories to include. i18nToolsPath: 'node_modules/grunt-wp-i18n/vendor/wp-i18n-tools', // Path to the i18n tools directory. mainFile: '', // Main project file. potComments: '', // The copyright at the beginning of the POT file. potFilename: '', // Name of the POT file. potHeaders: { poedit: true, // Includes common Poedit headers. 'x-poedit-keywordslist': true // Include a list of all possible gettext functions. }, // Headers to add to the generated POT file. processPot: null, // A callback function for manipulating the POT file. type: 'wp-plugin', // Type of project (wp-plugin or wp-theme). updateTimestamp: true // Whether the POT-Creation-Date should be updated without other changes. } } } }); // Task(s) to run. Default is default. grunt.registerTask('default', ["makepot"]); };