register_dropin("AddSettingsPageTab"); }); /** * This is the class that does the main work! */ class AddSettingsPageTab { // This will hold a reference to the simple history instance private $sh; // simple history will pass itself to the constructor function __construct( $sh ) { $this->sh = $sh; $this->init(); } function init() { add_action( "init", array( $this, "add_settings_tab" ) ); } function add_settings_tab() { $this->sh->registerSettingsTab( array( "slug" => "my_unique_settings_tab_slug", "name" => __( "Example tab", "simple-history" ), "function" => array( $this, "settings_tab_output" ), ) ); } function settings_tab_output() { ?>

Hi there!

I'm the output from on settings tab.