[cn-social-icon] in page/post, template tag for php file <?php if ( function_exists('cn_social_icon') ) echo cn_social_icon(); ?> also you can use the widget "Easy Social Icons" for sidebar. Version: 3.0.4 Author: cybernetikz Author URI: http://www.cybernetikz.com License: GPL2 */ if( !defined('ABSPATH') ) die(); $cnssUploadDir = wp_upload_dir(); $cnssBaseDir = $cnssUploadDir['basedir'].'/'; $cnssBaseURL = $cnssUploadDir['baseurl'].''; $cnssPluginsURI = plugins_url('/easy-social-icons/'); add_action('init', 'cnss_init_script'); add_action('init', 'cn_process_post'); add_action('wp_ajax_update-social-icon-order', 'cnss_save_ajax_order' ); add_action('admin_menu', 'cnss_add_menu_pages'); add_action('wp_head', 'social_profile_links_fn'); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'cnss_admin_style'); if( isset($_GET['page']) ) { if( $_GET['page']=='cnss_social_icon_add' ) { add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'cnss_admin_enqueue' ); } } register_activation_hook(__FILE__,'cnss_db_install'); add_shortcode('cn-social-icon', 'cn_social_icon'); if (isset($_GET['cnss-delete'])) { if ($_GET['id'] != '') { $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "cn_social_icon"; $image_file_path = $cnssBaseDir; $wpdb->delete( $table_name, array( 'id' => $_GET['id'] ), array( '%d' ) ); $msg = "Delete Successful !"."
"; } } function cnss_admin_sidebar() { $banners = array( array( 'url' => 'http://www.cybernetikz.com/wordpress-magento-plugins/wordpress-plugins/?utm_source=easy-social-icons&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=wordpress-plugins', 'img' => 'banner-1.jpg', 'alt' => 'Banner 1', ), array( 'url' => 'http://www.cybernetikz.com/web-development/wordpress-website/?utm_source=easy-social-icons&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=wordpress-plugins', 'img' => 'banner-2.jpg', 'alt' => 'Banner 2', ), array( 'url' => 'http://www.cybernetikz.com/seo-consultancy/?utm_source=easy-social-icons&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=wordpress-plugins', 'img' => 'banner-3.jpg', 'alt' => 'Banner 3', ), ); //shuffle( $banners ); ?>
' . esc_attr( $banner['alt'] ) . ''; $i ++; } ?>
prefix . "cn_social_icon"; $sql = "SELECT id, title, url, image_url, sortorder, target FROM {$table_name} WHERE url<>'' AND image_url<>'' ORDER BY sortorder;"; $social_icons = $wpdb->get_results($sql); if (count($social_icons)>0) { return $social_icons; } else { return array(); } } function cn_esi_get_option($key='') { if ($key == '') { return; } $cnss_esi_settings = array( 'cnss-width' => '32', 'cnss-height' => '32', 'cnss-margin' => '4', 'cnss-row-count' => '1', 'cnss-vertical-horizontal' => 'horizontal', 'cnss-text-align' => 'center', 'cnss-social-profile-links' => '0', 'cnss-social-profile-type' => 'Person', 'cnss-icon-bg-color' => '#999999', 'cnss-icon-bg-hover-color' => '#666666', 'cnss-icon-color' => '#ffffff', 'cnss-icon-hover-color' => '#ffffff', 'cnss-icon-shape' => 'square', 'cnss-original-icon-color' => '1' ); if ( get_option($key) != '' ) { return get_option($key); } else { return $cnss_esi_settings[$key]; } } function social_profile_links_fn() { $social_profile_links = cn_esi_get_option('cnss-social-profile-links'); $cnss_original_icon_color = cn_esi_get_option('cnss-original-icon-color'); $icon_bg_color = cn_esi_get_option('cnss-icon-bg-color'); $icon_bg_hover_color = cn_esi_get_option('cnss-icon-bg-hover-color'); $icon_hover_color = cn_esi_get_option('cnss-icon-hover-color'); $icons = cnss_get_all_icons(); if ( !empty($icons) && $social_profile_links == 1 ) { $sameAs = ''; $social_profile_type = get_option('cnss-social-profile-type'); $profile_type = $social_profile_type == 'Person'?'Person':'Organization'; foreach ($icons as $icon) { $sameAs .= '"'.$icon->url.'",'; } $sameAs = rtrim($sameAs,','); echo ''; } if ($cnss_original_icon_color == '1') { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } } function cnss_add_menu_pages() { add_menu_page('Easy Social Icons', 'Easy Social Icons', 'manage_options', 'cnss_social_icon_page', 'cnss_social_icon_page_fn',plugins_url('/images/scc-sc.png', __FILE__) ); //add_menu_page('Easy Social Icons', 'Easy Social Icons', 'manage_options', 'cnss_social_icon_page', 'cnss_social_icon_page_fn', 'dashicons-share' ); add_submenu_page('cnss_social_icon_page', 'All Icons', 'All Icons', 'manage_options', 'cnss_social_icon_page', 'cnss_social_icon_page_fn'); add_submenu_page('cnss_social_icon_page', 'Add New', 'Add New', 'manage_options', 'cnss_social_icon_add', 'cnss_social_icon_add_fn'); add_submenu_page('cnss_social_icon_page', 'Sort Icons', 'Sort Icons', 'manage_options', 'cnss_social_icon_sort', 'cnss_social_icon_sort_fn'); add_submenu_page('cnss_social_icon_page', 'Settings & Instructions', 'Settings & Instructions', 'manage_options', 'cnss_social_icon_option', 'cnss_social_icon_option_fn'); add_action( 'admin_init', 'register_cnss_settings' ); } function register_cnss_settings() { register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-width' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-height' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-margin' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-row-count' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-vertical-horizontal' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-text-align' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-social-profile-links' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-social-profile-type' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-icon-bg-color' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-icon-bg-hover-color' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-icon-color' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-icon-hover-color' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-icon-shape' ); register_setting( 'cnss-settings-group', 'cnss-original-icon-color', 'cnss_original_icon_color_fn' ); } function cnss_original_icon_color_fn($value) { return $value==''?'0':$value; } function cnss_social_icon_option_fn() { $cnss_width = get_option('cnss-width'); $cnss_height = get_option('cnss-height'); $cnss_margin = get_option('cnss-margin'); $cnss_rows = get_option('cnss-row-count'); $vorh = get_option('cnss-vertical-horizontal'); $text_align = get_option('cnss-text-align'); $social_profile_links = get_option('cnss-social-profile-links'); $social_profile_type = get_option('cnss-social-profile-type'); $icon_bg_color = get_option('cnss-icon-bg-color'); $icon_bg_hover_color = get_option('cnss-icon-bg-hover-color'); $icon_color = get_option('cnss-icon-color'); $icon_hover_color = get_option('cnss-icon-hover-color'); $icon_shape = get_option('cnss-icon-shape'); $cnss_original_icon_color = get_option('cnss-original-icon-color'); $vertical =''; $horizontal =''; if($vorh=='vertical') $vertical = 'checked="checked"'; if($vorh=='horizontal') $horizontal = 'checked="checked"'; $center =''; $left =''; $right =''; if($text_align=='center') $center = 'checked="checked"'; if($text_align=='left') $left = 'checked="checked"'; if($text_align=='right') $right = 'checked="checked"'; ?>

Icon Settings

Icon Width px
Icon Height px
Icon Margin px (Gap between each icon)
Icon Display type="radio" name="cnss-vertical-horizontal" id="horizontal" value="horizontal" /> 
type="radio" name="cnss-vertical-horizontal" id="vertical" value="vertical" /> 
Icon Alignment type="radio" name="cnss-text-align" id="center" value="center" /> 
type="radio" name="cnss-text-align" id="left" value="left" /> 
type="radio" name="cnss-text-align" id="right" value="right" /> 
Google Social Profile Links > What is Social Profile Links?
Google Social Profile Type

Following settings is for Font-Awesome icons only

Use Original Color > This will show original icon color for social icons, like facebook color is blue, youtube color is red.
Icon Background Color
Icon Background Hover Color
Icon Color
Icon Hover Color
Icon Shape

How to use

Using Widget

Simply go to Appearance -> Widgets then drag drop Easy Social Icons widget to Widget Area

Using Shortcode

Copy and paste following shortcode to any Page or Post.

Or you can change following icon settings and click Generate Shortcode button to get updated shortcode.


(If select none all icons will be displayed)

Note: You can also add shortcode to Text Widget but this code add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode'); needs to be added to your themes functions.php file.

Using PHP Template Tag

Simple Use

If you are familiar with PHP code, then you can use PHP Template Tag

<?php if ( function_exists('cn_social_icon') ) echo cn_social_icon(); ?>

Advanced Use

$attr = array ( 
    'width' => '32', //input only number, in pixel
    'height' => '32', //input only number, in pixel
    'margin' => '4', //input only number, in pixel
    'display' => 'horizontal', //horizontal | vertical
    'alignment' => 'center', //center | left | right
    'attr_id' => 'custom_icon_id', //add custom id to <ul> wraper
    'attr_class' => 'custom_icon_class', //add custom class to <ul> wraper
    'selected_icons' => array ( '1', '3', '5', '6' ) 
    //you can get the icon ID form All Icons page
if ( function_exists('cn_social_icon') ) echo cn_social_icon( $attr );
prefix . "cn_social_icon"; if($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '$table_name'") != $table_name) { $sql_create_table = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$table_name` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` VARCHAR(255) NULL, `url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `image_url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `sortorder` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `date_upload` VARCHAR(50) NULL, `target` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; INSERT INTO `wp_cn_social_icon` (`id`, `title`, `url`, `image_url`, `sortorder`, `date_upload`, `target`) VALUES (1, 'Facebook', 'https://facebook.com/', 'fa fa-facebook', 0, '1487164658', 1), (2, 'Twitter', 'https://twitter.com/', 'fa fa-twitter', 1, '1487164673', 1), (3, 'LinkedIn', 'https://linkedin.com/', 'fa fa-linkedin', 2, '1487164712', 1);"; require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php'); dbDelta($sql_create_table); } $cnss_esi_settings = array( 'cnss-width' => '32', 'cnss-height' => '32', 'cnss-margin' => '4', 'cnss-row-count' => '1', 'cnss-vertical-horizontal' => 'horizontal', 'cnss-text-align' => 'center', 'cnss-social-profile-links' => '0', 'cnss-social-profile-type' => 'Person', 'cnss-icon-bg-color' => '#666666', 'cnss-icon-bg-hover-color' => '#333333', 'cnss-icon-color' => '#ffffff', 'cnss-icon-hover-color' => '#ffffff', 'cnss-icon-shape' => 'square', 'cnss-original-icon-color' => '1' ); foreach ($cnss_esi_settings as $key => $value) { add_option( trim($key), trim($value) ); } } function cn_process_post() { global $wpdb,$err,$msg,$cnssBaseDir; if ( isset($_POST['submit_button']) && check_admin_referer('cn_insert_icon') ) { if ($_POST['action'] == 'update') { $err = ""; $msg = ""; $image_file_path = $cnssBaseDir; if ($err == '') { $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "cn_social_icon"; $results = $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'title' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['title']), 'url' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['url']), 'image_url' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['image_file']), 'sortorder' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['sortorder']), 'date_upload' => time(), 'target' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['target']), ), array( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%d', ) ); if (!$results) $err .= "Fail to update database" . "
"; else $msg .= "Update successful !" . "
"; } /* $allSocialMediaIcons = array('500px','amazon','android','angellist','apple','bandcamp','behance','behance-square','bitbucket','bluetooth','cc-amex','cc-mastercard','cc-paypal','cc-stripe','cc-visa','codepen','css3','delicious','deviantart','digg','dribbble ','dropbox','drupal','edge ','etsy','expeditedssl','facebook','facebook-f','facebook-official','facebook-square','firefox','flickr','forumbee ','foursquare','free-code-camp','get-pocket','git ','git-square ','github ','github-square ','gitlab','google ','google-plus','google-plus-circle','google-plus-official','google-plus-square','google-wallet','gratipay','hacker-news','houzz','html5','imdb','instagram','internet-explorer','joomla','lastfm','linkedin','linkedin-square','linux','maxcdn ','medium ','meetup','odnoklassniki','opera','paypal','pinterest ','pinterest-p ','pinterest-square ','product-hunt','quora ','reddit ','rss ','scribd','skype','slack','slideshare ','snapchat','soundcloud','spotify','stack-exchange','stack-overflow','steam','stumbleupon','telegram','trello','tripadvisor','tumblr','tumblr-square','twitch','twitter','twitter-square','viadeo','vimeo ','vimeo-square ','vine ','wechat','whatsapp ','wikipedia-w','windows','wordpress ','xing','xing-square','yahoo','yelp','youtube','youtube-square'); $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "cn_social_icon"; $i = 0; foreach ($allSocialMediaIcons as $icon) { $results = $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'title' => $icon, 'url' => 'https://'.$icon.'.com/', 'image_url' => 'fa fa-'.$icon, 'sortorder' => $i, 'date_upload' => time(), 'target' => '1', ), array( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%d', ) ); $i++; } */ }// end if update if ( $_POST['action'] == 'edit' and $_POST['id'] != '' ) { $err = ""; $msg = ""; $url = $_POST['url']; $target = $_POST['target']; $image_file_path = $cnssBaseDir; $update = ""; $type = 1; if ($err == '') { $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "cn_social_icon"; $result3 = $wpdb->update( $table_name, array( 'title' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['title']), 'url' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['url']), 'image_url' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['image_file']), 'sortorder' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['sortorder']), 'date_upload' => time(), 'target' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['target']), ), array( 'id' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['id']) ), array( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%d', ), array( '%d' ) ); if (false === $result3){ $err .= "Update fails !". "
"; } else { $msg = "Update successful !". "
"; } } } // end edit } } function cnss_social_icon_sort_fn() { global $wpdb,$cnssBaseURL; $cnss_width = get_option('cnss-width'); $cnss_height = get_option('cnss-height'); $image_file_path = $cnssBaseURL; $icons = cnss_get_all_icons(); ?>

Sort Icons

  • image_url, $icon->title); ?> title;?> url;?>

prefix . "cn_social_icon"; parse_str($_POST['order'], $data); if (is_array($data)) { foreach($data as $key => $values ) { if ( $key == 'item' ) { foreach( $values as $position => $id ) { $wpdb->update( $table_name, array('sortorder' => $position), array('id' => $id) ); } } } } } function cnss_get_icon_html($url = '', $title = '', $width = '', $height = '', $margin = '') { if ($url == '') { return 'Input source invalid.'; } $width = ($width=='') ? get_option('cnss-width') : $width; $height = ($height=='') ? get_option('cnss-height') : $height; $icon_output_html = ''; if ( cnss_is_image_icon($url) ) { $imgStyle = ''; $imgStyle .= ($margin == '') ? '' : 'margin:'.$margin.'px;'; $imgStyle .= ($width == $height) ? '' : 'height:'.$height.'px;'; $icon_output_html = ''.$title.''; } else { $icon_output_html = ''; } return $icon_output_html; } function cnss_get_img_url($url) { global $cnssBaseURL; if ($url == '') { return; } if( strpos($url,'/') === false ) { return $cnssBaseURL.'/'.$url; } else { return $url; } } function cnss_is_image_icon($url) { if ( strpos($url, 'fa fa-') === false ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function cnss_social_icon_add_fn() { global $wpdb,$err,$msg,$cnssBaseURL; $social_sites = array( "https://500px.com/" => "500px", "https://angellist.com/" => "AngelList", "https://bandcamp.com/" => "Bandcamp", "https://behance.com/" => "Behance", "https://bitbucket.org/" => "BitBucket", "https://bloglovin.com/" => "Blog Lovin'", "https://codepen.com/" => "Codepen", "mail:" => "Email", "https://delicious.com/" => "Delicious", "https://deviantart.com/" => "DeviantArt", "https://digg.com/" => "Digg", "https://dribbble.com/" => "Dribbble", "https://dropbox.com/" => "Dropbox", "https://facebook.com/" => "Facebook", "https://flickr.com/" => "Flickr", "https://foursquare.com/" => "Foursquare", "https://github.com/" => "Github", "https://plus.google.com/" => "Google+", "https://houzz.com/" => "Houzz", "https://instagram.com/" => "Instagram", "https://itunes.com/" => "iTunes", "https://jsfiddle.com/" => "JSFiddle", "https://lastfm.com/" => "Last.fm", "https://linkedin.com/" => "LinkedIn", "https://mixcloud.com/" => "Mixcloud", "https://paper-plane.com/" => "Newsletter", "https://pinterest.com/" => "Pinterest", "https://reddit.com/" => "Reddit", "rss" => "RSS", "skype" => "Skype", "https://snapchat.com/" => "Snapchat", "https://soundcloud.com/" => "Soundcloud", "https://spotify.com/" => "Spotify", "https://stackoverflow.com/" => "Stack Overflow", "https://steam.com/" => "Steam", "https://stumbleupon.com/" => "Stumbleupon", "https://tripadvisor.com/" => "Trip Advisor", "https://tumblr.com/" => "Tumblr", "https://twitch.com/" => "Twitch", "https://twitter.com/" => "Twitter", "viber" => "Viber", "https://vimeo.com/" => "Vimeo", "https://vine.com/" => "Vine", "https://vkontakte.com/" => "VK", "https://wordpress.com/" => "WordPress", "https://xing.com/" => "Xing", "https://yelp.com/" => "Yelp", "https://youtube.com/" => "YouTube", "https://yahoo.com/" => "Yahoo" ); $cnss_width = get_option('cnss-width'); $cnss_height = get_option('cnss-height'); $blank_img = ""; if (isset($_GET['mode'])) { if ( $_GET['mode'] == 'edit' and $_GET['id'] != '' ) { if( ! is_numeric($_GET['id']) ) wp_die('Sequrity Issue.'); $page_title = 'Edit Icon'; $uptxt = 'Icon'; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "cn_social_icon"; $image_file_path = $cnssBaseURL; $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id=%d", $table_name, $_GET['id']); $icon_info = $wpdb->get_row($sql); if (!empty($icon_info)) { $id = $icon_info->id; $title = $icon_info->title; $url = $icon_info->url; $image_url = $icon_info->image_url; $sortorder = $icon_info->sortorder; $target = $icon_info->target; } } } else { $page_title = 'Add New Icon'; $title = ""; $url = ""; $image_url = ""; $sortorder = count(cnss_get_all_icons()); $target = ""; $uptxt = 'Icon'; } ?>
'; if($err!='') echo '
'; ?>

Type few char for suggestions
* <?php echo $title; ?> Choose Font Awesome Icon or

You can download image icon from here

Type few char for suggestions – don't forget the http(s)://
Sort Order

 ←Back to'; } function cnss_manage_icon_table_header() { return ' ID Title URL Open In Icons Order Action Action '; } function cnss_esi_review_text() { return '

Please review this pluginNeed support please contact us here

'; } function cnss_social_icon_page_fn() { global $wpdb,$cnssBaseURL; $cnss_width = get_option('cnss-width'); $cnss_height = get_option('cnss-height'); $image_file_path = $cnssBaseURL; $icons = cnss_get_all_icons(); ?>

Social Icons

Add New
'; } ?>
id;?> title;?> url;?> target==1?'New Window':'Same Window' ?> image_url, $icon->title); ?> sortorder;?>
No icon found, please Add New icon

Please visit How to use or Settings page

prefix . "cn_social_icon"; $image_file_path = $cnssBaseURL; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table_name." WHERE image_url<>'' AND url<>'' ORDER BY sortorder"; $icons = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $icon_count = count($icons); $_collectionSize = count($icons); $_rowCount = $cnss_rows ? $cnss_rows : 1; $_columnCount = ceil($_collectionSize/$_rowCount); if($vorh=='vertical') $table_width = $cnss_width; else $table_width = $_columnCount*($cnss_width+$cnss_margin); $td_width = $cnss_width+$cnss_margin; ob_start(); echo ''; $i=0; foreach($icons as $icon) { echo $vorh=='vertical'?'':''; if($i++%$_columnCount==0 && $vorh!='vertical' )echo ''; ?>'; echo $vorh=='vertical'?'':''; } echo '
target==1)?'target="_blank"':'' ?> title="title ?>" href="url ?>">image_url, $icon->title); ?>
'; $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $out; } function cnss_format_title($str) { $pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/'; return strtolower(preg_replace($pattern,'-',$str)); } function cnss_format_class($str) { return str_replace(array('fa ','fa-'), array('','cnss-'), $str); } function cn_social_icon($attr = array(), $call_from_widget = NULL) { global $wpdb, $cnssBaseURL; $image_file_path = $cnssBaseURL; $attr_id = isset($attr['attr_id'])?$attr['attr_id']:''; $attr_class = isset($attr['attr_class'])?$attr['attr_class']:''; $where_sql = ""; if(isset($attr['selected_icons'])) { if(is_string($attr['selected_icons'])) { $attr['selected_icons'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/','',$attr['selected_icons']); $attr['selected_icons'] = explode(',', $attr['selected_icons']); } if(is_array($attr['selected_icons'])) { $where_sql .= ' AND `id` IN('; foreach($attr['selected_icons'] as $iid) { $where_sql .= $iid.','; } $where_sql = rtrim($where_sql,','); $where_sql .= ') '; } } $cnss_width = isset($attr['width'])?$attr['width']:get_option('cnss-width'); $cnss_height = isset($attr['height'])?$attr['height']:get_option('cnss-height'); $cnss_margin = isset($attr['margin'])?$attr['margin']:get_option('cnss-margin'); $cnss_rows = get_option('cnss-row-count'); $vorh = isset($attr['display'])?$attr['display']:get_option('cnss-vertical-horizontal'); $text_align = isset($attr['alignment'])?$attr['alignment']:get_option('cnss-text-align'); // settings for font-awesome icons $icon_bg_color = cn_esi_get_option('cnss-icon-bg-color'); $icon_color = cn_esi_get_option('cnss-icon-color'); $icon_hover_color = cn_esi_get_option('cnss-icon-hover-color'); $icon_shape = cn_esi_get_option('cnss-icon-shape'); $cnss_original_icon_color = cn_esi_get_option('cnss-original-icon-color'); $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "cn_social_icon"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table_name." WHERE image_url<>'' AND url<>'' $where_sql ORDER BY sortorder"; $icons = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $icon_count = count($icons); $li_margin = round($cnss_margin/2); ob_start(); echo '