/*! Custom Sidebars - v3.0.5 * https://premium.wpmudev.org/project/custom-sidebars-pro/ * Copyright (c) 2017; * Licensed GPLv2+ */ /*global jQuery:false */ /*global window:false */ /*global document:false */ /*global wp:false */ /*global wpmUi:false */ jQuery(function init_visibility() { var $doc = jQuery( document ); /** * Moves the "Visibility" button next to the save button. */ var init_widget = function init_widget( ev, el ) { var $widget = jQuery( el ).closest( '.widget' ), $btn = $widget.find( '.csb-visibility-button' ), $target = $widget.find( '.widget-control-actions .widget-control-save' ), $spinner = $widget.find( '.widget-control-actions .spinner' ); if ( $widget.data( '_csb_visibility' ) ) { return; } $spinner.insertBefore( $target ).css({ 'float': 'left' }); $btn.insertBefore( $target ).click( toggle_section ); $widget.on( 'click', '.toggle-action b', toggle_action ); $widget.on( 'csb:update', update_display ); $widget.on( 'click', '.clear-filter', remove_filter ); $widget.on( 'click', '.choose-filters', show_filter_menu ); $widget.on( 'click', '.add-filter', add_filter ); $widget.on( 'change', 'input[data-lbl-all][data-lbl-single]', toggle_label ); $widget.on( 'change', 'select.posttype', update_posttypes ); $widget.data( '_csb_visibility', true ); }; /** * Removes the current filter row from the conditions */ var remove_filter = function remove_filter( ev ) { var $me = jQuery( this ), $row = $me.closest( '.csb-option-row' ), $widget = $me.closest( '.widget' ), sel = '.' + jQuery.trim( $row.attr( 'class' ).replace( 'csb-option-row', '') ), $add_item = $widget.find( '[data-for="' + sel + '"]' ), $input = $row.find( 'input, select, textarea' ); ev.preventDefault(); $add_item.show(); $row.fadeOut( 400, function clear_values() { // After row is hidden clear the input values. $input.val('').trigger('change.select2'); $widget.trigger('csb:update'); } ); return false; }; /** * User clicks on a new filter option in the "Add filter" dropdown. * Show the filter row. */ var add_filter = function add_filter( ev ) { var $me = jQuery( this ), sel = $me.data( 'for' ), $widget = $me.closest( '.widget' ), $always = $widget.find( '.csb-always' ), $filter = $widget.find( sel ); ev.preventDefault(); $filter.show(); $me.hide(); $always.hide(); hide_filter_menu(); $widget.trigger('csb:update'); return false; }; /** * When a filter block is added or removed we need to show/hide some hints. */ var update_display = function update_display() { var $widget = jQuery( this ).closest( '.widget' ), $always = $widget.find( '.csb-always' ), $rows = $widget.find( '.csb-option-row:visible:not(.csb-action,.csb-always)' ); if ( $rows.length === 0 ) { $always.show(); } else { $always.hide(); $rows.find( '.csb-and' ).show(); $rows.first().find( '.csb-and' ).hide(); } wpmUi.upgrade_multiselect( $widget ); }; /** * Let user add a new filter. */ var show_filter_menu = function show_filter_menu( ev ) { var $me = jQuery( this ), $row = $me.closest( '.csb-option-row' ), $menu = $row.find( '.dropdown' ); ev.preventDefault(); $menu.show(); $doc.one( 'click', hide_filter_menu ); return false; }; /** * Close the filter menu again. */ var hide_filter_menu = function hide_filter_menu( ev ) { jQuery( '.csb-action .dropdown:visible' ).hide(); }; /** * Shows or hides the visibility-options for the current widget. */ var toggle_section = function toggle_section( ev ) { var $me = jQuery( this ), $widget = $me.closest( '.widget' ), $section = $widget.find( '.csb-visibility-inner' ), $flag = $section.find( '.csb-visible-flag' ); ev.preventDefault(); if ( $flag.val() === '0' ) { $flag.val('1'); $section.show(); $widget.trigger('csb:update'); } else { $flag.val('0'); $section.hide(); } return false; }; /** * Toggles the widget state between "show if" / "hide if" */ var toggle_action = function toggle_action( ev ) { var $me = jQuery( this ).closest( 'label' ), $widget = $me.closest( '.widget' ), sel = '#' + $me.attr( 'for' ), $action = $widget.find( sel ), state = $action.val(), $lbl_show = $widget.find( '.lbl-show-if' ), $lbl_hide = $widget.find( '.lbl-hide-if' ); ev.preventDefault(); if ( 'show' !== state ) { $lbl_show.show(); $lbl_hide.hide(); $action.val( 'show' ); } else { $lbl_show.hide(); $lbl_hide.show(); $action.val( 'hide' ); } return false; }; /** * Used for the posttype filter: When user changes the "All posts" checkbox * the label will toggle between "All posts" and "Only these posts". */ var toggle_label = function toggle_label( ev ) { var $me = jQuery( this ).closest( 'label' ), $row = $me.closest( '.csb-detail-row' ), $inp = $me.find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ), $lbl = $me.find( '.lbl' ), $detail = $row.find( '.detail' ), $detail_inp = $detail.find( 'input,select,textarea' ); if ( $inp.prop( 'checked' ) ) { $lbl.text( $inp.data( 'lbl-single' ) ); $detail.show(); } else { $lbl.text( $inp.data( 'lbl-all' ) ); $detail.hide(); $detail_inp.val('').trigger('change.select2'); } }; /** * When the user changes the posttype-filter show or hide the detail-rows * for each posttype. */ var update_posttypes = function update_posttypes( ev ) { var $me = jQuery( this ), $row = $me.closest( '.csb-option-row' ), $types = $row.find( '.csb-detail-row' ), types = $me.val(), i; $types.addClass( 'csb-hide' ); if ( types ) { for ( i = 0; i < types.length; i += 1 ) { $types.filter( '.csb-pt-' + types[i] ).removeClass( 'csb-hide '); } } $types.each(function check_detail_row() { var $detail = jQuery( this ), $check = $detail.find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ); if ( $detail.hasClass( 'csb-hide' ) ) { $detail.hide(); $check.prop( 'checked', false ); toggle_label.call( $check ); } else { $detail.show(); } }); }; jQuery( '#widgets-right .widget' ).each( init_widget ); $doc.on( 'widget-added', init_widget ); });