-- MySQL dump 10.13 Distrib 5.7.30, for Linux (x86_64) -- -- Host: localhost Database: ansrtrai_db -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 5.7.30 /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */; -- -- Table structure for table `an_Admin` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `an_Admin`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `an_Admin` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `firstName` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `middleInitial` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `lastName` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `login` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `salt` char(8) NOT NULL, `autologinCode` char(32) DEFAULT NULL, `remoteAuthEnabled` enum('n','y') NOT NULL, `remotePasswordExpirationDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `stsLoginCode` char(32) DEFAULT NULL, `stsLoginEnabled` enum('n','y') NOT NULL, `added` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `changed` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `login` (`login`), UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`), UNIQUE KEY `autologinCode` (`autologinCode`), KEY `remoteAuthEnabled` (`remoteAuthEnabled`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 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Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation on May 16, 2020, to raise the tobacco sales age to 21. This will go into effect on Aug. 1, 2020. This training is being updated to reflect the new law, so please return before Aug. 1 to complete the updated version.
\n','Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation on May 16, 2020, to raise the tobacco sales age to 21. This will go into effect on Aug. 1, 2020. This training is being updated to reflect the new law, so please return before Aug. 1 to complete the updated version.','2016-03-01 11:36:47','2020-05-21 11:24:54'),(35,'eng','The page you were looking for was not found. This may be the result of an outdated link or a page that has been moved. Try going back to the login page and starting again.
\n','The page you were looking for was not found. This may be the result of an outdated link or a page that has been moved. Try going back to the login page and starting again.','2016-03-07 09:18:42','2016-03-07 09:18:42'),(37,'eng','','','2016-04-12 11:26:37','2016-04-12 11:26:37'),(40,'eng','','','2018-06-12 14:48:41','2018-06-12 14:48:41'),(41,'eng','Update: Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation on May 16, 2020, to raise the tobacco sales age to 21. This will go into effect on Aug. 1, 2020. This training is being updated to reflect the new law, in addition to updates in Federal laws. You will be notified via mail when the training has been updated. Please contact Esha Seth at esha@ansrmn.org with any questions. Thank you for your patience.
\n','Update: Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation on May 16, 2020, to raise the tobacco sales age to 21. This will go into effect on Aug. 1, 2020. This training is being updated to reflect the new law, in addition to updates in Federal laws. You will be notified via mail when the training has been updated. Please contact Esha Seth at esha@ansrmn.org with any questions. Thank you for your patience.','2020-05-22 10:27:05','2020-05-22 10:27:05'),(42,'eng','','','2020-06-08 13:49:52','2020-06-08 13:49:52'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_DraftHtmlBlockContent` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `an_DraftPage` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `an_DraftPage`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `an_DraftPage` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `idParent` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `alias` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `handler` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'site', `bodyTemplate` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default.tpl', `showInSiteMap` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y', `showInMenu` enum('y','n') NOT NULL, `showInFooter` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y', `enabled` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y', `allowDelete` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y', `isSecure` enum('n','y') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n', `isIndexing` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y', `showInDropdowns` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y', `showSideBlock` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y', `isRoot` enum('n','y') NOT NULL, `hasBlocks` enum('n','y') NOT NULL, `final` enum('n','y') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n', `system` enum('n','y') NOT NULL, `redirect` enum('n','y') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n', `redirectType` enum('page','url') DEFAULT NULL, `redirectPageId` int(11) NOT NULL, `redirectStatus` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '302', `redirectAlias` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `customOptions` text, `headerImage` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `sorter` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `added` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `changed` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `system` (`system`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 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But can you state it in a concise and compelling way? Your homepage "welcome statement" should explain exactly what you do. And why you do it better than anyone else.
\n','You know what you do and why it matters. But can you state it in a concise and compelling way? Your homepage \"welcome statement\" should explain exactly what you do. And why you do it better than anyone else.','2016-01-18 10:28:31','2016-01-18 10:28:31'),(2466,'eng','','','2016-02-04 06:48:36','2016-02-04 06:48:36'),(2467,'eng','','','2016-03-01 11:26:48','2016-03-01 11:26:48'),(2468,'eng','The page you were looking for was not found. This may be the result of an outdated link or a page that has been moved. Try going back to the login page and starting again.
\n','The page you were looking for was not found. This may be the result of an outdated link or a page that has been moved. Try going back to the login page and starting again.','2016-03-01 19:43:08','2016-03-01 19:43:08'),(2470,'eng','','','2016-04-12 11:26:37','2016-04-12 11:26:37'),(2472,'eng','','','2018-06-12 14:48:41','2018-06-12 14:48:41'),(2473,'eng','Update: Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation on May 16, 2020, to raise the tobacco sales age to 21. This will go into effect on Aug. 1, 2020. This training is being updated to reflect the new law, in addition to updates in Federal laws. You will be notified via mail when the training has been updated. Please contact Esha Seth at esha@ansrmn.org with any questions. Thank you for your patience.
\n','Update: Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation on May 16, 2020, to raise the tobacco sales age to 21. This will go into effect on Aug. 1, 2020. This training is being updated to reflect the new law, in addition to updates in Federal laws. You will be notified via mail when the training has been updated. Please contact Esha Seth at esha@ansrmn.org with any questions. Thank you for your patience.','2020-05-21 14:51:58','2020-05-21 14:51:58'),(2474,'eng','Please enter your information below to get started.
\n','Free Online Training on Minnesota State and Federal Tobacco Laws Please enter your information below to get started.','2020-06-08 13:50:35','2020-06-08 13:50:35'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_HtmlBlockContent` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `an_LockedObject` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `an_LockedObject`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `an_LockedObject` ( `resourceName` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `objectId` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `userRole` enum('admin','user') NOT NULL, `userId` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `sessionId` char(128) NOT NULL, `accessTime` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`resourceName`,`objectId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `an_LockedObject` -- LOCK TABLES `an_LockedObject` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_LockedObject` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `an_LockedObject` VALUES ('Administrator',2,'admin',1,'5aruqou4sp8vkklf6uram8hig4','2016-03-01 11:04:02'),('Cms',1,'admin',1,'i8bvpevs9knvsm6u03hcg5fl6f','2020-06-08 14:50:05'),('Cms',563,'admin',1,'i8bvpevs9knvsm6u03hcg5fl6f','2020-06-08 14:50:40'),('Cms',564,'admin',2,'20816962b49ccd0601e30b05d34c31ef','2020-06-10 16:56:48'),('Cms',565,'admin',1,'i8bvpevs9knvsm6u03hcg5fl6f','2020-06-08 14:49:52'),('Cms',567,'admin',1,'qhl4na092d62ncf6c3r23bpp71','2016-03-01 11:35:51'),('Cms',569,'admin',1,'qks94hncporgrhc45v0vsnfn40','2016-04-12 11:26:37'),('Cms',570,'admin',1,'0st2593qi7kbqurnfjkjqlbil1','2018-06-12 14:48:41'),('Cms',572,'admin',1,'0st2593qi7kbqurnfjkjqlbil1','2018-06-12 14:52:23'),('Settings',1,'admin',2,'4206829b863fac9f5347f8121ed97bcb','2020-06-17 07:21:24'),('Settings',4,'admin',1,'u0ohtg1lqam5dt3chc393dlf44','2016-02-05 02:38:09'),('Settings',5,'admin',2,'dmn4t8nt7r4npbmcml010pmmp7','2016-02-05 03:46:34'),('Settings',6,'admin',2,'4206829b863fac9f5347f8121ed97bcb','2020-06-17 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10:01:45'),(53,9,132,62,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(54,9,133,63,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(55,9,134,64,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(56,9,137,65,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:27'),(57,9,138,66,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(58,9,140,68,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(59,9,141,69,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(60,9,142,70,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(61,9,144,71,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(62,9,145,72,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:50'),(63,9,147,73,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(64,9,148,74,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(65,9,149,75,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(66,9,150,76,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-08-25 11:43:54','2016-08-25 11:43:55'),(67,9,151,77,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(68,9,153,78,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-08-29 17:35:23','2016-08-29 17:35:23'),(69,9,154,79,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(70,9,156,80,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(71,9,155,81,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(72,9,158,82,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(73,9,160,83,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(74,9,162,84,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-09-22 13:38:11','2016-09-22 13:38:12'),(75,9,164,85,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:21'),(76,9,165,86,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:36'),(77,9,166,87,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-06 11:30:12','2016-10-06 11:30:12'),(78,9,168,88,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(79,9,171,89,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(80,9,169,90,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(81,9,170,91,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-06 16:49:35','2016-10-06 16:49:36'),(82,9,173,92,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(83,9,174,93,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:48'),(84,9,175,94,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(85,9,176,95,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(86,9,177,96,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(87,9,178,97,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(88,9,179,98,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(89,9,180,99,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(90,9,181,100,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:11'),(91,9,182,101,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(92,9,183,102,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(93,9,185,103,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(94,9,187,104,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(95,9,188,105,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(96,9,189,106,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(97,9,192,107,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(98,9,193,108,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:41'),(99,9,194,109,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(100,9,195,110,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(101,9,197,111,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:40'),(102,9,199,112,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:56'),(103,9,200,113,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:11'),(104,9,201,114,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(105,9,202,115,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(106,9,203,116,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(107,9,204,117,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(108,9,206,118,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(109,9,209,119,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(110,9,210,120,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(111,9,211,121,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(112,9,213,122,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:01'),(113,9,214,123,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(114,9,215,124,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(115,9,216,125,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-06 15:59:58','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(116,9,217,126,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(117,9,219,127,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:12'),(118,9,220,128,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:53'),(119,9,222,129,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(120,9,223,130,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:04'),(121,9,224,131,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(122,9,225,132,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(123,9,226,133,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(124,9,227,134,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(125,9,228,135,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(126,9,229,136,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:54'),(127,9,231,137,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(128,9,232,138,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(129,9,233,139,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(130,9,234,140,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(131,9,236,141,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:55'),(132,9,237,142,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(133,9,238,143,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:55'),(134,9,239,144,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(135,9,240,145,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:02'),(136,9,242,146,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(137,9,245,147,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(138,9,246,148,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(139,9,247,149,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(140,9,251,150,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:05'),(141,9,252,151,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-23 16:21:43','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(142,9,253,152,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:24'),(143,9,254,153,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(144,9,255,154,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(145,9,256,155,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(146,9,258,156,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-25 09:22:04','2016-11-25 09:22:04'),(147,9,259,157,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:16'),(148,9,260,158,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(149,9,261,159,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:37'),(150,9,262,160,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(151,9,263,161,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:43'),(152,9,264,162,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(153,9,266,163,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(154,9,269,164,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(155,9,271,165,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:27'),(156,9,272,166,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:33'),(157,9,273,167,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(158,9,274,168,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(159,9,277,169,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(160,9,279,170,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(161,9,280,171,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(162,9,281,172,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(163,9,282,173,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:21'),(164,9,286,174,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(165,9,287,175,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(166,9,288,176,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(167,9,290,177,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:58'),(168,9,293,178,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(169,9,295,179,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(170,9,296,180,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(171,9,297,181,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(172,9,298,182,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(173,9,299,183,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(174,9,300,184,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(175,9,301,185,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:17'),(176,9,304,186,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:24'),(177,9,303,187,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2016-12-30 13:45:04','2016-12-30 13:45:05'),(178,9,306,188,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(179,9,307,189,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(180,9,308,190,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:45'),(181,9,310,191,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(182,9,313,192,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(183,9,315,193,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(184,9,317,194,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(185,9,318,195,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(186,9,319,196,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(187,9,320,197,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:24'),(188,9,322,198,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(189,9,323,199,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(190,9,325,200,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(191,9,326,201,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(192,9,328,202,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:19'),(193,9,330,203,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:46'),(194,9,331,204,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:30'),(195,9,332,205,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:34'),(196,9,333,206,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(197,9,335,207,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(198,9,336,208,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(199,9,337,209,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(200,9,341,210,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:29'),(201,9,342,211,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(202,9,345,212,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(203,9,343,213,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(204,9,344,214,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(205,9,346,215,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(206,9,347,216,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(207,9,340,217,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(208,9,348,218,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(209,9,349,219,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:13'),(210,9,350,220,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(211,9,351,221,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(212,9,354,222,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(213,9,353,223,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(214,9,356,224,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:58'),(215,9,357,225,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(216,9,359,226,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(217,9,361,227,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(218,9,362,228,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(219,9,363,229,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(220,9,365,230,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(221,9,366,231,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(222,9,368,232,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:52'),(223,9,370,233,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(224,9,371,234,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:35'),(225,9,372,235,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(226,9,373,236,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(227,9,374,237,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(228,9,375,238,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(229,9,376,239,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(230,9,377,240,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-22 16:22:03','2017-03-22 16:22:03'),(231,9,379,241,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(232,9,380,242,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(233,9,381,243,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(234,9,383,244,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:42'),(235,9,384,245,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:14:43'),(236,9,386,246,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(237,9,387,247,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-04-19 14:46:08','2017-04-19 14:46:08'),(238,9,388,248,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(239,9,392,249,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:06'),(240,9,393,250,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:34'),(241,9,394,251,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:31'),(242,9,395,252,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:08'),(243,9,396,253,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:25'),(244,9,398,254,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:05'),(245,9,399,255,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(246,9,401,256,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:34'),(247,9,402,257,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(248,9,403,258,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:53'),(249,9,404,259,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(250,9,406,260,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-17 13:24:56','2017-05-17 13:24:56'),(251,9,407,261,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:10'),(252,9,414,262,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(253,9,418,263,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(254,9,419,264,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(255,9,420,265,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(256,9,422,266,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(257,9,423,267,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:01'),(258,9,424,268,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(259,9,425,269,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(260,9,426,270,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:18'),(261,9,428,271,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:39'),(262,9,430,272,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:52'),(263,9,431,273,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:37'),(264,9,432,274,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:15'),(265,9,435,275,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(266,9,436,276,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:59'),(267,9,440,277,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(268,9,442,278,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:29'),(269,9,443,279,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:02'),(270,9,446,280,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(271,9,447,281,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(272,9,448,282,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(273,9,449,283,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:26'),(274,9,450,284,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:05'),(275,9,451,285,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(276,9,452,286,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(277,9,453,287,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:56'),(278,9,454,288,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:51'),(279,9,457,289,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(280,9,460,290,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(281,9,461,291,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(282,9,462,292,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(283,9,465,293,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:18'),(284,9,466,294,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:05'),(285,9,467,295,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(286,9,469,296,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(287,9,470,297,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(288,9,472,298,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(289,9,473,299,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(290,9,476,300,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:11'),(291,9,478,301,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:28'),(292,9,479,302,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:48:25'),(293,9,482,303,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(294,9,483,304,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(295,9,485,305,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(296,9,487,306,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:50'),(297,9,488,307,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(298,9,489,308,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(299,9,491,309,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(300,9,492,310,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(301,9,493,311,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(302,9,494,312,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(303,9,499,313,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(304,9,500,314,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(305,9,502,315,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:03'),(306,9,503,316,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:57'),(307,9,504,317,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:47'),(308,9,505,318,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(309,9,506,319,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(310,9,508,320,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(311,9,509,321,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(312,9,511,322,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(313,9,512,323,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:55'),(314,9,513,324,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:35'),(315,9,514,325,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:40'),(316,9,515,326,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(317,9,517,327,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(318,9,521,328,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(319,9,522,329,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(320,9,524,330,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(321,9,525,331,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(322,9,526,332,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:29'),(323,9,527,333,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(324,9,529,334,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:21'),(325,9,530,335,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(326,9,531,336,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-07 15:53:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(327,9,532,337,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(328,9,533,338,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:29'),(329,9,534,339,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(330,9,535,340,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(331,9,537,341,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(332,9,538,342,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:49'),(333,9,541,343,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(334,9,544,344,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(335,9,546,345,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(336,9,547,346,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:36'),(337,9,549,347,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:46'),(338,9,550,348,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(339,9,551,349,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(340,9,555,350,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(341,9,556,351,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(342,9,558,352,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:07'),(343,9,559,353,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(344,9,560,354,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(345,9,561,355,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(346,9,563,356,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(347,9,565,357,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(348,9,566,358,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:02:00'),(349,9,567,359,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(350,9,568,360,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:57'),(351,9,569,361,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(352,9,570,362,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(353,9,571,363,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(354,9,572,364,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(355,9,573,365,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:21'),(356,9,574,366,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(357,9,575,367,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(358,9,576,368,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:58'),(359,9,577,369,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(360,9,578,370,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(361,9,579,371,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(362,9,580,372,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(363,9,581,373,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(364,9,582,374,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(365,9,583,375,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(366,9,584,376,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(367,9,587,377,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(368,9,588,378,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:13'),(369,9,589,379,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(370,9,590,380,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:53'),(371,9,592,381,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(372,9,593,382,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:31'),(373,9,594,383,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(374,9,595,384,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(375,9,596,385,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:30'),(376,9,597,386,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:58'),(377,9,600,387,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:03'),(378,9,601,388,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:08'),(379,9,605,389,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(380,9,607,390,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(381,9,608,391,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:08'),(382,9,609,392,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(383,9,610,393,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(384,9,611,394,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(385,9,612,395,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(386,9,613,396,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(387,9,614,397,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(388,9,615,398,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(389,9,616,399,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:45'),(390,9,619,400,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(391,9,621,401,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:07'),(392,9,623,402,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(393,9,625,403,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(394,9,626,404,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(395,9,635,405,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:39'),(396,9,636,406,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-22 11:58:53','2018-05-22 11:58:58'),(397,9,640,407,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(398,9,644,408,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(399,9,647,409,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:18'),(400,9,648,410,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(401,9,650,411,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:10'),(402,9,652,412,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:29'),(403,9,653,413,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(404,9,654,414,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(405,9,656,415,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(406,9,657,416,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:02:53'),(407,9,658,417,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(408,13,659,418,'Tobacco Retailer Training-Spanish Version','2018-06-11 16:38:15','2018-06-11 16:38:16'),(409,9,660,419,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(410,13,661,420,'Tobacco Retailer Training-Spanish Version','2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(411,9,664,421,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(412,9,665,422,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(413,9,667,423,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:10'),(414,9,668,424,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(415,9,669,425,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:41'),(416,9,670,426,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(417,9,673,427,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:36'),(418,9,675,428,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(419,9,677,429,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(420,9,678,430,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-07-24 09:05:21','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(421,9,679,431,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(422,9,680,432,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(423,9,681,433,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(424,9,682,434,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(425,9,684,435,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(426,9,687,436,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:32'),(427,9,689,437,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(428,9,690,438,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:43'),(429,9,693,439,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-08-23 13:14:40','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(430,9,694,440,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(431,9,695,441,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(432,9,696,442,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(433,9,697,443,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(434,9,698,444,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:24'),(435,9,700,445,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:27'),(436,9,701,446,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:47'),(437,9,702,447,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:54'),(438,9,703,448,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(439,9,704,449,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:05'),(440,9,706,450,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(441,9,707,451,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(442,9,708,452,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:51'),(443,9,710,453,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:44:19'),(444,9,712,454,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(445,9,713,455,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-20 22:54:30','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(446,9,714,456,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(447,9,715,457,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:18:00'),(448,9,716,458,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(449,9,717,459,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:58'),(450,9,719,460,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:28'),(451,9,720,461,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:20'),(452,9,721,462,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(453,9,723,463,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(454,9,722,464,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(455,9,724,465,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(456,9,726,466,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(457,9,727,467,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(458,9,729,468,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:21'),(459,9,731,469,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:42'),(460,9,733,470,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:30'),(461,9,734,471,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(462,9,735,472,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(463,9,736,473,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(464,9,737,474,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:29'),(465,9,738,475,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(466,9,739,476,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:14'),(467,9,740,477,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(468,9,741,478,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:29'),(469,9,742,479,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:05'),(470,9,743,480,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(471,9,745,481,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:51'),(472,9,744,482,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(473,9,747,483,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(474,9,748,484,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:54'),(475,9,751,485,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:54'),(476,9,754,486,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:11'),(477,9,755,487,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(478,9,756,488,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(479,9,757,489,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(480,9,758,490,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(481,9,759,491,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:41'),(482,9,760,492,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:09'),(483,9,762,493,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(484,9,763,494,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(485,9,764,495,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(486,9,767,496,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(487,9,768,497,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(488,9,769,498,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(489,9,770,499,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:44'),(490,9,771,500,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(491,9,773,501,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:41'),(492,9,772,502,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(493,9,774,503,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:11'),(494,9,775,504,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(495,9,776,505,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(496,9,777,506,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(497,9,778,507,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(498,9,780,508,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(499,9,781,509,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(500,9,779,510,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-27 06:49:43','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(501,9,785,511,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(502,9,786,512,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(503,9,787,513,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(504,9,789,514,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(505,9,791,515,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(506,9,793,516,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(507,9,796,517,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(508,9,801,518,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:38'),(509,9,802,519,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:04'),(510,9,804,520,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(511,9,806,521,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(512,9,807,522,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(513,9,809,523,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(514,9,810,524,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:49'),(515,9,813,525,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(516,9,814,526,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:27'),(517,9,815,527,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:12'),(518,9,817,528,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:32'),(519,9,818,529,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(520,9,823,530,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(521,9,825,531,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(522,9,821,532,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(523,9,826,533,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:28'),(524,9,827,534,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(525,9,828,535,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-01 12:58:58','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(526,9,829,536,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:57'),(527,9,831,537,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:47'),(528,9,833,538,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:58'),(529,9,834,539,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:51'),(530,9,837,540,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(531,9,839,541,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(532,9,840,542,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-12 16:13:08','2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(533,9,841,543,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(534,9,842,544,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(535,9,843,545,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(536,9,848,546,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:25'),(537,9,850,547,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(538,9,852,548,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:11'),(539,9,853,549,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:24'),(540,9,854,550,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(541,9,855,551,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:25'),(542,9,856,552,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:17'),(543,9,857,553,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(544,9,858,554,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(545,9,860,555,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:15'),(546,9,861,556,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(547,9,862,557,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:45'),(548,9,863,558,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(549,9,865,559,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(550,9,867,560,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(551,9,868,561,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:25'),(552,9,870,562,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(553,9,872,563,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(554,9,873,564,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(555,9,874,565,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(556,9,875,566,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(557,9,876,567,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:08'),(558,9,877,568,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(559,9,878,569,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(560,9,881,570,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(561,9,882,571,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(562,9,883,572,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(563,9,886,573,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(564,9,884,574,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(565,9,887,575,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(566,9,890,576,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:18'),(567,9,889,577,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(568,9,892,578,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(569,9,893,579,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:20'),(570,9,894,580,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:32'),(571,9,895,581,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(572,9,897,582,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:53'),(573,9,898,583,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(574,9,899,584,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(575,9,900,585,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(576,9,901,586,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(577,9,902,587,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(578,9,903,588,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:28'),(579,9,904,589,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(580,9,906,590,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(581,9,905,591,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(582,9,910,592,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(583,9,911,593,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(584,9,913,594,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 20:47:12','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(585,9,914,595,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:38'),(586,9,915,596,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(587,9,916,597,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:42'),(588,9,917,598,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(589,9,919,599,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(590,9,920,600,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:32'),(591,9,921,601,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(592,9,922,602,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(593,9,923,603,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(594,9,925,604,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(595,9,926,605,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(596,9,928,606,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(597,9,929,607,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(598,9,931,608,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(599,9,932,609,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(600,9,933,610,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(601,9,934,611,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(602,9,936,612,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(603,9,937,613,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(604,9,939,614,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(605,9,940,615,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:13'),(606,9,941,616,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(607,9,942,619,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:58:48'),(608,9,943,618,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(609,9,944,620,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:06'),(610,9,946,621,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(611,9,945,622,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(612,9,948,623,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(613,9,947,624,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(614,9,949,625,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(615,9,950,626,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(616,9,951,627,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(617,9,952,628,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:26'),(618,9,953,629,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(619,9,954,630,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:07'),(620,9,955,631,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(621,9,956,632,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(622,9,957,633,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(623,9,959,634,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:25'),(624,9,961,635,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(625,9,963,636,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(626,9,964,637,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(627,9,965,638,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(628,9,966,639,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(629,9,967,640,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(630,9,968,641,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-17 23:26:29','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(631,9,969,642,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 00:54:54','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(632,9,970,643,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:20'),(633,9,971,644,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(634,9,972,645,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(635,9,974,646,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(636,9,976,647,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(637,9,977,648,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(638,9,980,649,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:30'),(639,9,979,650,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(640,9,978,651,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(641,9,982,652,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(642,9,983,653,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(643,9,984,654,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(644,9,985,655,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(645,9,986,656,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:16'),(646,9,987,657,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(647,9,988,658,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-19 09:03:08','2019-03-19 09:03:08'),(648,9,991,659,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(649,9,989,660,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(650,9,992,661,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(651,9,993,662,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(652,9,994,663,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(653,9,995,664,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(654,9,996,665,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(655,9,997,666,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(656,9,998,667,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:50'),(657,9,999,668,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(658,9,1000,669,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(659,9,1002,670,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(660,9,1003,671,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(661,9,1005,672,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(662,9,1006,673,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:23'),(663,9,1007,674,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:38'),(664,9,1008,675,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(665,9,1009,676,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 19:23:12','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(666,9,1010,677,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:24'),(667,9,1011,678,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:21'),(668,9,1012,679,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:51'),(669,9,1014,680,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:56'),(670,9,1015,681,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(671,9,1016,682,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(672,9,1017,683,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(673,9,1018,684,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:18'),(674,9,1019,685,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(675,9,1020,686,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(676,9,1021,687,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:37'),(677,9,1022,688,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(678,9,1023,689,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(679,9,1024,690,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(680,9,1025,691,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:41'),(681,9,1026,692,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(682,9,1027,693,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(683,9,1028,694,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:04'),(684,9,1029,695,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(685,9,1030,696,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(686,9,1031,697,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:21'),(687,9,1032,698,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(688,9,1033,699,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(689,9,1035,700,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(690,9,1036,701,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(691,9,1037,702,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(692,9,1038,703,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(693,9,1040,704,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(694,9,1039,705,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(695,9,1041,706,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(696,9,1042,707,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(697,9,1044,708,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(698,9,1045,709,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(699,9,1046,710,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:09'),(700,9,1047,711,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(701,9,1048,712,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:15'),(702,9,1049,713,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(703,9,1050,714,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:55'),(704,9,1051,715,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:12'),(705,9,1052,716,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(706,9,1053,717,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(707,9,1056,718,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(708,9,1057,719,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(709,9,1058,720,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:29'),(710,9,1059,721,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(711,9,1060,722,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(712,9,1063,723,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(713,9,1061,724,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:25'),(714,9,1062,725,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(715,9,1065,726,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(716,9,1064,727,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(717,9,1066,728,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:46'),(718,9,1068,729,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(719,9,1069,730,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(720,9,1070,731,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(721,9,1071,732,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(722,9,1072,733,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(723,9,1074,734,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(724,9,1075,735,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:15'),(725,9,1073,736,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-29 09:21:34','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(726,9,1076,737,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:07'),(727,9,1077,738,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(728,9,1078,739,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(729,9,1079,740,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:29'),(730,9,1080,741,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:25'),(731,9,1082,742,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(732,9,1083,743,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:19'),(733,9,1084,744,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(734,9,1085,745,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(735,9,1086,746,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(736,9,1087,747,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(737,9,1088,748,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:09'),(738,9,1089,749,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(739,9,1090,750,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:46'),(740,9,1091,751,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(741,9,1093,752,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(742,9,1094,753,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(743,9,1095,754,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(744,9,1096,755,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(745,9,1097,756,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:47'),(746,9,1098,757,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(747,9,1099,758,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(748,9,1100,759,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(749,9,1101,760,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(750,9,1102,761,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(751,9,1103,762,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(752,9,1104,763,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(753,9,1105,764,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(754,9,1106,765,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(755,9,1107,766,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(756,9,1108,767,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(757,9,1110,768,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:46'),(758,9,1111,769,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(759,9,1112,770,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:32'),(760,9,1113,771,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(761,9,1114,772,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:21'),(762,9,1115,773,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:26'),(763,9,1116,774,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(764,9,1118,775,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:21'),(765,9,1122,776,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(766,9,1123,777,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(767,9,1124,778,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(768,9,1125,779,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(769,9,1127,780,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(770,9,1129,781,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(771,9,1130,782,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(772,9,1131,783,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(773,9,1132,784,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(774,9,1134,785,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(775,9,1135,786,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(776,9,1136,787,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(777,9,1137,788,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(778,9,1138,789,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(779,9,1139,790,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(780,9,1140,791,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(781,9,1141,792,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(782,9,1147,793,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:07'),(783,9,1148,794,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(784,9,1149,795,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:23'),(785,9,1150,796,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(786,9,1151,797,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(787,9,1154,798,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(788,9,1155,799,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(789,9,1156,800,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(790,9,1157,801,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:49'),(791,9,1158,802,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:27'),(792,9,1159,803,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(793,9,1160,804,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(794,9,1161,805,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(795,9,1162,806,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(796,9,1166,807,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(797,9,1167,808,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:40'),(798,9,1168,809,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:38'),(799,9,1170,810,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-05-13 14:14:25','2019-05-13 14:14:25'),(800,9,1171,811,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(801,9,1172,812,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(802,9,1173,813,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(803,9,1174,814,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(804,9,1180,815,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-04 16:19:45','2019-06-04 16:19:46'),(805,9,1182,816,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(806,9,1183,817,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(807,9,1185,818,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-09 14:43:46','2019-06-09 14:43:46'),(808,9,1186,819,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(809,9,1192,820,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(810,9,1193,821,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(811,9,1194,822,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(812,9,1196,823,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(813,9,1200,824,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(814,9,1201,825,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:43'),(815,9,1203,826,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:49'),(816,9,1207,827,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(817,9,1208,828,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(818,9,1209,829,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(819,9,1212,830,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:24'),(820,9,1217,831,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(821,9,1219,832,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(822,9,1220,833,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(823,9,1221,834,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(824,9,1222,835,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:51'),(825,9,1223,836,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(826,9,1225,837,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:07'),(827,9,1247,838,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:20'),(828,9,1248,839,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:42'),(829,9,1249,840,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(830,9,1254,841,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:16'),(831,9,1255,842,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(832,9,1256,843,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(833,9,1257,844,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:06:47'),(834,9,1258,845,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(835,9,1259,846,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(836,9,1262,847,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(837,9,1263,848,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:59'),(838,9,1264,849,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(839,9,1268,850,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:49'),(840,9,1271,851,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(841,9,1272,852,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:04'),(842,9,1273,853,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:21'),(843,9,1274,854,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(844,9,1275,855,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(845,9,1279,856,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(846,9,1280,857,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(847,9,1281,858,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:51'),(848,9,1282,859,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(849,9,1283,860,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(850,9,1285,861,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(851,9,1287,862,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(852,9,1288,863,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(853,9,1290,864,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(854,9,1291,865,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(855,9,1292,866,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:38'),(856,9,1293,867,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(857,9,1296,868,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(858,9,1297,869,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(859,9,1298,870,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(860,9,1299,871,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(861,9,1300,872,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(862,9,1301,873,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(863,9,1302,874,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(864,9,1303,875,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:34'),(865,9,1304,876,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:43'),(866,9,1305,877,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:24'),(867,9,1308,878,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(868,9,1309,879,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:21'),(869,9,1311,880,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(870,9,1313,881,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:15'),(871,9,1314,882,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(872,9,1315,883,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(873,9,1316,884,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(874,9,1317,885,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(875,9,1319,886,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(876,9,1320,887,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(877,9,1323,888,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(878,9,1324,889,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:32'),(879,9,1325,890,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:35'),(880,9,1327,891,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(881,9,1329,892,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(882,9,1330,893,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(883,9,1331,894,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(884,9,1332,895,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(885,9,1333,896,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(886,9,1334,897,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:04'),(887,9,1335,898,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:01'),(888,9,1337,899,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(889,9,1339,900,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(890,9,1338,901,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(891,9,1343,902,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:47'),(892,9,1344,903,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(893,9,1345,904,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:53'),(894,9,1346,905,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:58'),(895,9,1348,906,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(896,9,1351,907,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(897,9,1352,908,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(898,9,1353,909,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(899,9,1354,910,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(900,9,1355,911,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(901,9,1356,912,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(902,9,1357,913,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(903,9,1358,914,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(904,9,1360,915,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(905,9,1361,916,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:15'),(906,9,1362,917,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(907,9,1363,918,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(908,9,1364,919,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(909,9,1365,920,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-31 07:55:54','2019-12-31 07:55:55'),(910,9,1366,921,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(911,9,1368,922,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(912,9,1367,923,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(913,9,1369,924,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(914,9,1370,925,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(915,9,1372,926,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:13'),(916,9,1373,927,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(917,9,1375,928,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(918,9,1376,929,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(919,9,1378,930,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(920,9,1381,931,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(921,9,1383,932,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:10'),(922,9,1388,933,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:14'),(923,9,1392,934,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:30'),(924,9,1394,935,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(925,9,1396,936,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:16'),(926,9,1398,937,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:13'),(927,9,1399,938,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-23 18:34:41','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(928,9,1400,939,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:09'),(929,9,1401,940,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:42'),(930,9,1402,941,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(931,9,1403,942,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(932,9,1404,943,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:44'),(933,9,1405,944,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:05'),(934,9,1406,945,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(935,9,1407,946,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(936,9,1409,947,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(937,9,1410,948,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:15'),(938,9,1411,949,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:28'),(939,9,1413,950,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:37'),(940,9,1414,951,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:33'),(941,9,1415,952,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(942,9,1416,953,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(943,9,1418,954,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(944,9,1419,955,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(945,9,1420,956,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-14 14:25:23','2020-02-14 14:25:23'),(946,9,1421,957,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(947,9,1422,958,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(948,9,1424,959,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(949,9,1425,960,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(950,9,1426,961,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(951,9,1427,962,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(952,9,1429,963,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(953,9,1430,964,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:21'),(954,9,1431,965,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:30'),(955,9,1432,966,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(956,9,1440,967,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-03-06 10:27:23','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(957,9,1443,968,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(958,9,1444,969,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(959,9,1445,970,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(960,9,1446,971,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(961,9,1447,972,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:08'),(962,9,1448,973,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(963,9,1452,974,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:16'),(964,9,1453,975,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(965,9,1454,976,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(966,9,1462,977,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:41'),(967,9,1463,978,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(968,9,1464,979,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:25'),(969,9,1465,980,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:06'),(970,9,1466,981,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:40'),(971,9,1467,982,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(972,9,1469,983,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(973,9,1470,984,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(974,9,1472,985,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:11'),(975,9,1474,986,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-19 13:25:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(976,9,1475,987,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(977,9,1479,988,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-19 16:40:21','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(978,9,1480,989,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(979,9,1481,990,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:09'),(980,9,1483,991,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:41:48'),(981,9,1485,992,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:11'),(982,9,1484,993,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version','2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_Result` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `an_ResultAttempt` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `an_ResultAttempt`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `an_ResultAttempt` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `resultId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `success` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n', `score` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL, `minPoints` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `maxPoints` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `certificateId` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `certificateTitle` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `trainingDuration` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `comments` text, `added` datetime NOT NULL, `changed` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `resultId` (`resultId`), CONSTRAINT `an_ResultAttempt_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`resultId`) REFERENCES `an_Result` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=994 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `an_ResultAttempt` -- LOCK TABLES `an_ResultAttempt` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_ResultAttempt` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `an_ResultAttempt` VALUES (57,48,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2016-06-29 15:16:38','2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(58,49,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2016-06-30 14:59:12','2016-06-30 14:59:13'),(60,51,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2016-07-07 10:01:45','2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(62,53,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,NULL,'2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(63,54,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,NULL,'2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(64,55,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(65,56,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:27'),(66,57,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(67,58,'n',6.00,17,25,NULL,NULL,57,NULL,'2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(68,58,'y',19.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2016-07-19 15:36:41','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(69,59,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(70,60,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(71,61,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(72,62,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:50'),(73,63,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(74,64,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(75,65,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(76,66,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2016-08-25 11:43:54','2016-08-25 11:43:55'),(77,67,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',40,NULL,'2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(78,68,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2016-08-29 17:35:23','2016-08-29 17:35:23'),(79,69,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(80,70,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',41,NULL,'2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(81,71,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(82,72,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(83,73,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(84,74,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2016-09-22 13:38:11','2016-09-22 13:38:12'),(85,75,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:21'),(86,76,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:36'),(87,77,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2016-10-06 11:30:12','2016-10-06 11:30:12'),(88,78,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(89,79,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,'there were no headings to tell one were to put my information','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:50:50'),(90,80,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',26,NULL,'2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(91,81,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2016-10-06 16:49:35','2016-10-06 16:49:36'),(92,82,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(93,83,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:48'),(94,84,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,NULL,'2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(95,85,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(96,86,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(97,87,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(98,88,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(99,89,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(100,90,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:11'),(101,91,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(102,92,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,NULL,'2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(103,93,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(104,94,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,NULL,'2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(105,95,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(106,96,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',26,NULL,'2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(107,97,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(108,98,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:41'),(109,99,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(110,100,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',21,NULL,'2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(111,101,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:39'),(112,102,'n',13.00,17,25,NULL,NULL,30,NULL,'2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:56'),(113,103,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',26,NULL,'2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:10'),(114,104,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(115,105,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',1,NULL,'2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(116,106,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(117,107,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',26,NULL,'2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(118,108,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(119,109,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(120,110,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(121,111,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(122,112,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:01'),(123,113,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(124,114,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(125,115,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2016-11-06 15:59:58','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(126,116,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(127,117,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:12'),(128,118,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',10,NULL,'2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:53'),(129,119,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(130,120,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',21,NULL,'2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:04'),(131,121,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(132,122,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(133,123,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(134,124,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(135,125,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(136,126,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:54'),(137,127,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(138,128,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',21,NULL,'2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(139,129,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(140,130,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',1,NULL,'2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(141,131,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:55'),(142,132,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(143,133,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:55'),(144,134,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(145,135,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:02'),(146,136,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(147,137,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(148,138,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(149,139,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(150,140,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:05'),(151,141,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2016-11-23 16:21:43','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(152,142,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:23'),(153,143,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(154,144,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,NULL,'2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(155,145,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(156,146,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2016-11-25 09:22:04','2016-11-25 09:22:04'),(157,147,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',19,NULL,'2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:15'),(158,148,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(159,149,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:37'),(160,150,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(161,151,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:43'),(162,152,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',26,NULL,'2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(163,153,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(164,154,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(165,155,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:27'),(166,156,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:33'),(167,157,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,'Fantastic quiz, I really enjoyed taking it :D !','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:55:29'),(168,158,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(169,159,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(170,160,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(171,161,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(172,162,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(173,163,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:20'),(174,164,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(175,165,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(176,166,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(177,167,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:57'),(178,168,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',25,NULL,'2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(179,169,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(180,170,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(181,171,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(182,172,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(183,173,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(184,174,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(185,175,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:17'),(186,176,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:24'),(187,177,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2016-12-30 13:45:04','2016-12-30 13:45:04'),(188,178,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',24,NULL,'2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(189,179,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(190,180,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',24,NULL,'2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:44'),(191,181,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(192,182,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(193,183,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(194,184,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(195,185,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(196,186,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(197,187,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:24'),(198,188,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(199,189,'n',16.00,17,25,NULL,NULL,13,NULL,'2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(200,190,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(201,191,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(202,192,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:19'),(203,193,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,NULL,'2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:46'),(204,194,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',40,NULL,'2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:30'),(205,195,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:33'),(206,196,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(207,197,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(208,198,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,'Very easy to understand and very comprehensive.','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:57:40'),(209,199,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(210,200,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:29'),(211,201,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(212,202,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(213,203,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',41,NULL,'2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(214,204,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',21,NULL,'2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(215,205,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(216,206,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(217,207,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(218,208,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(219,209,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:12'),(220,210,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(221,211,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(222,212,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',26,NULL,'2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(223,213,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(224,214,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:57'),(225,215,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,'Nice training program! Did you guys use a vendor to produce this? I\'m the Synar coordinator for Nevada, and we are just getting our planning group together to build an online training environment for Nevada tobacco retailers.','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:38:41'),(226,216,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(227,217,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(228,218,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(229,219,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(230,220,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(231,221,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(232,222,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',26,NULL,'2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:52'),(233,223,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,NULL,'2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(234,224,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:35'),(235,225,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(236,226,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(237,227,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(238,228,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(239,229,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(240,230,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2017-03-22 16:22:03','2017-03-22 16:22:03'),(241,231,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(242,232,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(243,233,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(244,234,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',40,NULL,'2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:42'),(245,235,'y',19.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,'Very helpful and informative','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:16:25'),(246,236,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(247,237,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2017-04-19 14:46:08','2017-04-19 14:46:08'),(248,238,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(249,239,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:06'),(250,240,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:34'),(251,241,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:31'),(252,242,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',19,NULL,'2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:08'),(253,243,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,NULL,'2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:25'),(254,244,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:05'),(255,245,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',43,NULL,'2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(256,246,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:33'),(257,247,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(258,248,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:52'),(259,249,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',24,NULL,'2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(260,250,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2017-05-17 13:24:56','2017-05-17 13:24:56'),(261,251,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:09'),(262,252,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(263,253,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(264,254,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(265,255,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(266,256,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(267,257,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:00'),(268,258,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(269,259,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(270,260,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:18'),(271,261,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',41,NULL,'2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:39'),(272,262,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:52'),(273,263,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:37'),(274,264,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:15'),(275,265,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(276,266,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:58'),(277,267,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(278,268,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:28'),(279,269,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:02'),(280,270,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',25,NULL,'2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(281,271,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',39,NULL,'2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(282,272,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(283,273,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:26'),(284,274,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:05'),(285,275,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(286,276,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',47,NULL,'2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(287,277,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:56'),(288,278,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:51'),(289,279,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(290,280,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(291,281,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(292,282,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,'Best quiz of my life 10/10','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:51:03'),(293,283,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:18'),(294,284,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:05'),(295,285,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(296,286,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(297,287,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(298,288,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,NULL,'2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(299,289,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(300,290,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:11'),(301,291,'y',18.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:28'),(302,292,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,'Some of the questions are written with poor grammar.','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:50:26'),(303,293,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,NULL,'2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(304,294,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(305,295,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',41,NULL,'2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(306,296,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:49'),(307,297,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(308,298,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(309,299,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(310,300,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(311,301,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(312,302,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(313,303,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(314,304,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(315,305,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:03'),(316,306,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:57'),(317,307,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:47'),(318,308,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(319,309,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(320,310,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(321,311,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(322,312,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(323,313,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:54'),(324,314,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:34'),(325,315,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,NULL,'2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:39'),(326,316,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(327,317,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',24,NULL,'2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(328,318,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(329,319,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',41,NULL,'2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(330,320,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',10,NULL,'2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(331,321,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(332,322,'y',18.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:29'),(333,323,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(334,324,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:20'),(335,325,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(336,326,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',39,NULL,'2018-02-07 15:53:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(337,327,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(338,328,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:28'),(339,329,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',41,NULL,'2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(340,330,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',19,NULL,'2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(341,331,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(342,332,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:48'),(343,333,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(344,334,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(345,335,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(346,336,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:36'),(347,337,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:45'),(348,338,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(349,339,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(350,340,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(351,341,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(352,342,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:07'),(353,343,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(354,344,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(355,345,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(356,346,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',40,NULL,'2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(357,347,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(358,348,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:01:59'),(359,349,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(360,350,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',41,NULL,'2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:57'),(361,351,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',41,NULL,'2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(362,352,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',40,NULL,'2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(363,353,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(364,354,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(365,355,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:20'),(366,356,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',47,NULL,'2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(367,357,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(368,358,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:57'),(369,359,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',40,NULL,'2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(370,360,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(371,361,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(372,362,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(373,363,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(374,364,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(375,365,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(376,366,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(377,367,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(378,368,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:13'),(379,369,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,'Video is not on here. Glad I still passed.','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:48:48'),(380,370,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:53'),(381,371,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,NULL,'2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(382,372,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:31'),(383,373,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(384,374,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,NULL,'2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(385,375,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:29'),(386,376,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:58'),(387,377,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:03'),(388,378,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:08'),(389,379,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',43,NULL,'2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(390,380,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(391,381,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:08'),(392,382,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(393,383,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(394,384,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(395,385,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(396,386,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(397,387,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(398,388,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(399,389,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:45'),(400,390,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(401,391,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:07'),(402,392,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(403,393,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',25,NULL,'2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(404,394,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(405,395,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:39'),(406,396,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2018-05-22 11:58:53','2018-05-22 11:58:57'),(407,397,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(408,398,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',21,NULL,'2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(409,399,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:17'),(410,400,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(411,401,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:09'),(412,402,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:29'),(413,403,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(414,404,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(415,405,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(416,406,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,'I would love to see the vertical and horizontal driver license / id like our neighboring states.\r\nVery happy about mpls age 21 for smoking law.','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:04:35'),(417,407,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(418,408,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',39,NULL,'2018-06-11 16:38:15','2018-06-11 16:38:15'),(419,409,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(420,410,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(421,411,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(422,412,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(423,413,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:10'),(424,414,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(425,415,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:41'),(426,416,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(427,417,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:36'),(428,418,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(429,419,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(430,420,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2018-07-24 09:05:21','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(431,421,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(432,422,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(433,423,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(434,424,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(435,425,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(436,426,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:32'),(437,427,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(438,428,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:43'),(439,429,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2018-08-23 13:14:40','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(440,430,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(441,431,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(442,432,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(443,433,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,'please make the videos shorter. people can replay them if they need to but i had to wait about ten minutes on the last video cause i got the answers all really fast.','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:22:40'),(444,434,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',1,NULL,'2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:23'),(445,435,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:26'),(446,436,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:46'),(447,437,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',39,NULL,'2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:53'),(448,438,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(449,439,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:05'),(450,440,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(451,441,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(452,442,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:51'),(453,443,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,'Thank you. I plan to share this training with the vendors we (City of Owatonna) issues Tobacco Licenses to. I took the test and did allow a few errors (2) to see how scoring/reporting would show. Looks like a great training tool!\r\nJeanette Clawson, Administrative Specialist\r\nCity of Owatonna MN','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:52:51'),(454,444,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',43,NULL,'2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(455,445,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2018-09-20 22:54:30','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(456,446,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(457,447,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:18:00'),(458,448,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(459,449,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:58'),(460,450,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:28'),(461,451,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:20'),(462,452,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(463,453,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',19,NULL,'2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(464,454,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,NULL,'2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(465,455,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(466,456,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(467,457,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(468,458,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:21'),(469,459,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:42'),(470,460,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:30'),(471,461,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(472,462,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(473,463,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(474,464,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:29'),(475,465,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(476,466,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:13'),(477,467,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(478,468,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:28'),(479,469,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:04'),(480,470,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(481,471,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:50'),(482,472,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,'I was unable to view the video. It was as if the picture was too large and only a small section showed on the screen and it was blurry.','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:10:08'),(483,473,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(484,474,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:54'),(485,475,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:54'),(486,476,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:11'),(487,477,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,NULL,'2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(488,478,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(489,479,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(490,480,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(491,481,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:40'),(492,482,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:09'),(493,483,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(494,484,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(495,485,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(496,486,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',1,NULL,'2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(497,487,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(498,488,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(499,489,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:43'),(500,490,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,NULL,'2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(501,491,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:41'),(502,492,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(503,493,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:10'),(504,494,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(505,495,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(506,496,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',25,NULL,'2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(507,497,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(508,498,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(509,499,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(510,500,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2018-12-27 06:49:43','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(511,501,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(512,502,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(513,503,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(514,504,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(515,505,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(516,506,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(517,507,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(518,508,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:37'),(519,509,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:04'),(520,510,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(521,511,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,'Brooklyn Center, MN is now 21 years or older city in order to buy cigarettes.','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 10:02:01'),(522,512,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(523,513,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,NULL,'2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(524,514,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',40,NULL,'2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:49'),(525,515,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(526,516,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',47,NULL,'2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:27'),(527,517,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:12'),(528,518,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,NULL,'2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:32'),(529,519,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(530,520,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(531,521,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(532,522,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(533,523,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',41,NULL,'2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:27'),(534,524,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',25,NULL,'2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(535,525,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-02-01 12:58:58','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(536,526,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',21,NULL,'2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:57'),(537,527,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:47'),(538,528,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:58'),(539,529,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:51'),(540,530,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(541,531,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',25,NULL,'2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(542,532,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,'It would be great if this were to be updated to reflect a legal to purchase age of 21.','2019-02-12 16:13:08','2019-02-12 16:15:20'),(543,533,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(544,534,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,NULL,'2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(545,535,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(546,536,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,NULL,'2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:25'),(547,537,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',19,NULL,'2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(548,538,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:11'),(549,539,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:23'),(550,540,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(551,541,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',39,NULL,'2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:24'),(552,542,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:17'),(553,543,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(554,544,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(555,545,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:15'),(556,546,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',10,NULL,'2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(557,547,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:44'),(558,548,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(559,549,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(560,550,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(561,551,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:24'),(562,552,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(563,553,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(564,554,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(565,555,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',26,NULL,'2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(566,556,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(567,557,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:07'),(568,558,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(569,559,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(570,560,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(571,561,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(572,562,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(573,563,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(574,564,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(575,565,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(576,566,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:17'),(577,567,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(578,568,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(579,569,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:20'),(580,570,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:32'),(581,571,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(582,572,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:53'),(583,573,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(584,574,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(585,575,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',1,NULL,'2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(586,576,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',21,NULL,'2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(587,577,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(588,578,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:28'),(589,579,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(590,580,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(591,581,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(592,582,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(593,583,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',1,'How would we determine if someone is 27 other than carding them? So really I would just have to card everyone, because I cant think of any other way to be sure of the age.','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:22:53'),(594,584,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-03-13 20:47:12','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(595,585,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:38'),(596,586,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(597,587,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:41'),(598,588,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(599,589,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(600,590,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:31'),(601,591,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(602,592,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',40,NULL,'2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(603,593,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(604,594,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(605,595,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(606,596,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(607,597,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(608,598,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(609,599,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(610,600,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(611,601,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(612,602,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(613,603,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(614,604,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(615,605,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:13'),(616,606,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,NULL,'2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(617,607,'n',16.00,17,25,NULL,NULL,53,NULL,'2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:16:22'),(618,608,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',39,NULL,'2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(619,607,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-03-15 09:58:47','2019-03-15 09:58:47'),(620,609,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:06'),(621,610,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(622,611,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(623,612,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(624,613,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(625,614,'y',19.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(626,615,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(627,616,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',21,NULL,'2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(628,617,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:26'),(629,618,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(630,619,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:07'),(631,620,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(632,621,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(633,622,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',24,NULL,'2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(634,623,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',24,NULL,'2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:24'),(635,624,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(636,625,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',43,NULL,'2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(637,626,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(638,627,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(639,628,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(640,629,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(641,630,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2019-03-17 23:26:29','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(642,631,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',26,NULL,'2019-03-18 00:54:54','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(643,632,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:19'),(644,633,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(645,634,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',55,NULL,'2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(646,635,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(647,636,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(648,637,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(649,638,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',21,NULL,'2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:30'),(650,639,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',43,NULL,'2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(651,640,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(652,641,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(653,642,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(654,643,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(655,644,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',41,NULL,'2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(656,645,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:16'),(657,646,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(658,647,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2019-03-19 09:03:08','2019-03-19 09:03:08'),(659,648,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(660,649,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(661,650,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(662,651,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',43,NULL,'2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(663,652,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(664,653,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(665,654,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(666,655,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',47,NULL,'2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(667,656,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:50'),(668,657,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,'I SENT IT TO THE WRONG EMAIL. ITS SUPPOSE TO BE: mhgas26@mhstores.com','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:44:51'),(669,658,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(670,659,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(671,660,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(672,661,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(673,662,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:22'),(674,663,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:38'),(675,664,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(676,665,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2019-03-20 19:23:12','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(677,666,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:24'),(678,667,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:20'),(679,668,'y',18.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:51'),(680,669,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',10,NULL,'2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:55'),(681,670,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',39,NULL,'2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(682,671,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(683,672,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(684,673,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:18'),(685,674,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(686,675,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(687,676,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:37'),(688,677,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(689,678,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(690,679,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',25,NULL,'2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(691,680,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',26,NULL,'2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:40'),(692,681,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(693,682,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(694,683,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:04'),(695,684,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(696,685,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(697,686,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',10,NULL,'2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:20'),(698,687,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(699,688,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(700,689,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(701,690,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(702,691,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(703,692,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(704,693,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(705,694,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(706,695,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(707,696,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(708,697,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(709,698,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(710,699,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:08'),(711,700,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(712,701,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:14'),(713,702,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(714,703,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:54'),(715,704,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',21,NULL,'2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:11'),(716,705,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',24,NULL,'2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(717,706,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(718,707,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(719,708,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',19,NULL,'2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(720,709,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:29'),(721,710,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(722,711,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(723,712,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(724,713,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:25'),(725,714,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(726,715,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,NULL,'2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(727,716,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(728,717,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:46'),(729,718,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(730,719,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,NULL,'2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(731,720,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(732,721,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(733,722,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(734,723,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(735,724,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:15'),(736,725,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2019-03-29 09:21:34','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(737,726,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:07'),(738,727,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(739,728,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(740,729,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:29'),(741,730,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:24'),(742,731,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(743,732,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:18'),(744,733,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(745,734,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(746,735,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(747,736,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(748,737,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:09'),(749,738,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(750,739,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:46'),(751,740,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',43,NULL,'2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(752,741,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(753,742,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(754,743,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',25,NULL,'2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(755,744,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(756,745,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:47'),(757,746,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(758,747,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(759,748,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(760,749,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(761,750,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',1,NULL,'2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(762,751,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(763,752,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(764,753,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',25,NULL,'2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(765,754,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(766,755,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(767,756,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(768,757,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',43,NULL,'2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:46'),(769,758,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(770,759,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:32'),(771,760,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',47,NULL,'2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(772,761,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,NULL,'2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:21'),(773,762,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:26'),(774,763,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(775,764,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:21'),(776,765,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(777,766,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',26,NULL,'2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(778,767,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(779,768,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',19,NULL,'2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(780,769,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(781,770,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(782,771,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(783,772,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(784,773,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(785,774,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',43,NULL,'2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(786,775,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(787,776,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,NULL,'2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(788,777,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(789,778,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(790,779,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(791,780,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(792,781,'y',19.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,NULL,'2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(793,782,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',25,NULL,'2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:06'),(794,783,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(795,784,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:23'),(796,785,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(797,786,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(798,787,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',29,NULL,'2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(799,788,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(800,789,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(801,790,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:49'),(802,791,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:27'),(803,792,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,'I knew that already kool video tho to train people how to be','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:54'),(804,793,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',39,NULL,'2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(805,794,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',39,NULL,'2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(806,795,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(807,796,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',1,NULL,'2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(808,797,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:39'),(809,798,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:38'),(810,799,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2019-05-13 14:14:25','2019-05-13 14:14:25'),(811,800,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(812,801,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(813,802,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(814,803,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(815,804,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2019-06-04 16:19:45','2019-06-04 16:19:46'),(816,805,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',1,NULL,'2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(817,806,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(818,807,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2019-06-09 14:43:46','2019-06-09 14:43:46'),(819,808,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(820,809,'y',18.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(821,810,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(822,811,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(823,812,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(824,813,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(825,814,'y',20.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,NULL,'2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:42'),(826,815,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:49'),(827,816,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(828,817,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,'I work in a store that is adult only, but it doesn\'t sell just tobacco products so when the answer said adult only, tobacco only stores; I thought it was an adult tobacco store only, but we sell many other things besides tobacco','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:22:12'),(829,818,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(830,819,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:23'),(831,820,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',2,NULL,'2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(832,821,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(833,822,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(834,823,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(835,824,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',19,NULL,'2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:51'),(836,825,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,NULL,'2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(837,826,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',19,NULL,'2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:07'),(838,827,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:19'),(839,828,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:41'),(840,829,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(841,830,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:16'),(842,831,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,'update your web site!!!!!!!!!!!!','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:41:26'),(843,832,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(844,833,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,'Update your website! Minnesota has new DL now.','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:20:32'),(845,834,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(846,835,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(847,836,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(848,837,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:58'),(849,838,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(850,839,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',39,NULL,'2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:49'),(851,840,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',24,NULL,'2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(852,841,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:04'),(853,842,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:20'),(854,843,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',6,NULL,'2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(855,844,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',1,NULL,'2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(856,845,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(857,846,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(858,847,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:51'),(859,848,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(860,849,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',21,NULL,'2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(861,850,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(862,851,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(863,852,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(864,853,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(865,854,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',25,NULL,'2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(866,855,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:38'),(867,856,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(868,857,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(869,858,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(870,859,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(871,860,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(872,861,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(873,862,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(874,863,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(875,864,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:33'),(876,865,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:43'),(877,866,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',16,NULL,'2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:24'),(878,867,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(879,868,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:21'),(880,869,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(881,870,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:14'),(882,871,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(883,872,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(884,873,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(885,874,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(886,875,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',19,NULL,'2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(887,876,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(888,877,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(889,878,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:32'),(890,879,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:35'),(891,880,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(892,881,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(893,882,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(894,883,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(895,884,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',24,NULL,'2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(896,885,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(897,886,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',24,NULL,'2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:03'),(898,887,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:01'),(899,888,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',31,NULL,'2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(900,889,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(901,890,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(902,891,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:46'),(903,892,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',53,NULL,'2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(904,893,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:53'),(905,894,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',41,NULL,'2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:57'),(906,895,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',7,NULL,'2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(907,896,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(908,897,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(909,898,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(910,899,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,NULL,'2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(911,900,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(912,901,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(913,902,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',10,NULL,'2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(914,903,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(915,904,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',45,NULL,'2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(916,905,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',38,NULL,'2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:15'),(917,906,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',47,NULL,'2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(918,907,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(919,908,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',47,NULL,'2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(920,909,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2019-12-31 07:55:54','2019-12-31 07:55:54'),(921,910,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',35,NULL,'2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(922,911,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(923,912,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(924,913,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(925,914,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(926,915,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:12'),(927,916,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(928,917,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(929,918,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(930,919,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(931,920,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(932,921,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',52,NULL,'2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:10'),(933,922,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:14'),(934,923,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',5,NULL,'2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:30'),(935,924,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(936,925,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:16'),(937,926,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:12'),(938,927,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',46,NULL,'2020-01-23 18:34:41','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(939,928,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:09'),(940,929,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',37,NULL,'2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:42'),(941,930,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(942,931,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',49,NULL,'2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(943,932,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,NULL,'2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:44'),(944,933,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',8,NULL,'2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:04'),(945,934,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,'Test covered relevant material.','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:40'),(946,935,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',1,NULL,'2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(947,936,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(948,937,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',50,NULL,'2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:14'),(949,938,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',48,NULL,'2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:27'),(950,939,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',44,NULL,'2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:37'),(951,940,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',59,NULL,'2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:33'),(952,941,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(953,942,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',11,NULL,'2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(954,943,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',28,NULL,'2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(955,944,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',47,NULL,'2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(956,945,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',58,NULL,'2020-02-14 14:25:23','2020-02-14 14:25:23'),(957,946,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(958,947,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(959,948,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',18,NULL,'2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(960,949,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',33,NULL,'2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(961,950,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',17,NULL,'2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(962,951,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(963,952,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',57,NULL,'2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(964,953,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:21'),(965,954,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',32,NULL,'2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:29'),(966,955,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(967,956,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',9,NULL,'2020-03-06 10:27:23','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(968,957,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(969,958,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(970,959,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',12,NULL,'2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(971,960,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',47,NULL,'2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(972,961,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',13,NULL,'2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:08'),(973,962,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',43,NULL,'2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(974,963,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',54,NULL,'2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:16'),(975,964,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',24,NULL,'2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(976,965,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(977,966,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',4,NULL,'2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:41'),(978,967,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',22,NULL,'2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(979,968,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',3,NULL,'2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:25'),(980,969,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',14,NULL,'2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:06'),(981,970,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',0,NULL,'2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:39'),(982,971,'y',21.00,17,25,7,'Test',36,NULL,'2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(983,972,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',42,NULL,'2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(984,973,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',56,NULL,'2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(985,974,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',10,NULL,'2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:11'),(986,975,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',23,NULL,'2020-05-19 13:25:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(987,976,'y',23.00,17,25,7,'Test',34,NULL,'2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(988,977,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',15,NULL,'2020-05-19 16:40:21','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(989,978,'y',22.00,17,25,7,'Test',27,NULL,'2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(990,979,'y',24.00,17,25,7,'Test',39,NULL,'2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:09'),(991,980,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',20,'This online training is very useful for Tobacco business employees , as they should be fully aware of all laws and regulations connected to this matter, selling tobacco products to minors is very serious mistake by any employee.','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:47:18'),(992,981,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',30,NULL,'2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:10'),(993,982,'y',25.00,17,25,7,'Test',51,NULL,'2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_ResultAttempt` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `an_ResultAttemptQuestion` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `an_ResultAttemptQuestion`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `an_ResultAttemptQuestion` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `attemptId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `attemptSlideId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `questionId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `correctAnswerId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `answerId` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `correct` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n', `questionScore` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `questionText` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `answerText` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `correctAnswerText` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `added` datetime NOT NULL, `changed` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `attemptId` (`attemptId`), CONSTRAINT `an_ResultAttemptQuestion_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`attemptId`) REFERENCES `an_ResultAttempt` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=23921 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `an_ResultAttemptQuestion` -- LOCK TABLES `an_ResultAttemptQuestion` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_ResultAttemptQuestion` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `an_ResultAttemptQuestion` VALUES (496,57,110,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-29 14:51:36','2016-06-29 14:51:36'),(497,57,110,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-06-29 14:51:36','2016-06-29 14:51:36'),(498,57,110,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-29 14:51:36','2016-06-29 14:51:36'),(499,57,110,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-06-29 14:51:36','2016-06-29 14:51:36'),(500,57,110,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-29 14:51:36','2016-06-29 14:51:36'),(501,57,110,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-06-29 14:51:36','2016-06-29 14:51:36'),(502,57,110,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-06-29 14:51:36','2016-06-29 14:51:36'),(503,57,110,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-06-29 14:51:36','2016-06-29 14:51:36'),(504,57,110,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-06-29 14:51:36','2016-06-29 14:51:36'),(505,57,110,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-06-29 14:51:36','2016-06-29 14:51:36'),(506,57,111,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-06-29 14:59:34','2016-06-29 14:59:34'),(507,57,111,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-29 14:59:34','2016-06-29 14:59:34'),(508,57,111,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-06-29 14:59:34','2016-06-29 14:59:34'),(509,57,111,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-06-29 14:59:34','2016-06-29 14:59:34'),(510,57,111,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-06-29 14:59:34','2016-06-29 14:59:34'),(511,57,112,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-06-29 15:16:38','2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(512,57,112,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-29 15:16:38','2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(513,57,112,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-06-29 15:16:38','2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(514,57,112,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-06-29 15:16:38','2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(515,57,112,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-06-29 15:16:38','2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(516,57,112,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-29 15:16:38','2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(517,57,112,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-06-29 15:16:38','2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(518,57,112,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-06-29 15:16:38','2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(519,57,112,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-06-29 15:16:38','2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(520,57,112,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-06-29 15:16:38','2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(521,58,113,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-30 14:32:38','2016-06-30 14:32:38'),(522,58,113,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-06-30 14:32:38','2016-06-30 14:32:38'),(523,58,113,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-30 14:32:38','2016-06-30 14:32:38'),(524,58,113,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-06-30 14:32:38','2016-06-30 14:32:38'),(525,58,113,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-30 14:32:38','2016-06-30 14:32:38'),(526,58,113,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-06-30 14:32:38','2016-06-30 14:32:38'),(527,58,113,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-06-30 14:32:38','2016-06-30 14:32:38'),(528,58,113,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-06-30 14:32:38','2016-06-30 14:32:38'),(529,58,113,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-06-30 14:32:38','2016-06-30 14:32:38'),(530,58,113,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-06-30 14:32:38','2016-06-30 14:32:38'),(531,58,114,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-06-30 14:40:48','2016-06-30 14:40:48'),(532,58,114,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-30 14:40:48','2016-06-30 14:40:48'),(533,58,114,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-06-30 14:40:48','2016-06-30 14:40:48'),(534,58,114,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-06-30 14:40:48','2016-06-30 14:40:48'),(535,58,114,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-06-30 14:40:48','2016-06-30 14:40:48'),(536,58,115,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-06-30 14:59:12','2016-06-30 14:59:12'),(537,58,115,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-30 14:59:12','2016-06-30 14:59:12'),(538,58,115,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-06-30 14:59:12','2016-06-30 14:59:12'),(539,58,115,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-06-30 14:59:12','2016-06-30 14:59:12'),(540,58,115,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-06-30 14:59:12','2016-06-30 14:59:12'),(541,58,115,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-06-30 14:59:12','2016-06-30 14:59:12'),(542,58,115,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-06-30 14:59:12','2016-06-30 14:59:12'),(543,58,115,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-06-30 14:59:12','2016-06-30 14:59:12'),(544,58,115,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-06-30 14:59:12','2016-06-30 14:59:12'),(545,58,115,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-06-30 14:59:12','2016-06-30 14:59:12'),(571,60,119,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-07 09:31:41','2016-07-07 09:31:41'),(572,60,119,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-07-07 09:31:41','2016-07-07 09:31:41'),(573,60,119,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-07 09:31:41','2016-07-07 09:31:41'),(574,60,119,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-07 09:31:41','2016-07-07 09:31:41'),(575,60,119,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-07 09:31:41','2016-07-07 09:31:41'),(576,60,119,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-07-07 09:31:41','2016-07-07 09:31:41'),(577,60,119,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-07 09:31:41','2016-07-07 09:31:41'),(578,60,119,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-07 09:31:41','2016-07-07 09:31:41'),(579,60,119,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-07-07 09:31:41','2016-07-07 09:31:41'),(580,60,119,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-07-07 09:31:41','2016-07-07 09:31:41'),(581,60,120,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-07 09:38:20','2016-07-07 09:38:20'),(582,60,120,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-07 09:38:20','2016-07-07 09:38:20'),(583,60,120,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-07-07 09:38:20','2016-07-07 09:38:20'),(584,60,120,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-07-07 09:38:20','2016-07-07 09:38:20'),(585,60,120,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-07 09:38:20','2016-07-07 09:38:20'),(586,60,121,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-07-07 10:01:45','2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(587,60,121,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-07 10:01:45','2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(588,60,121,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-07-07 10:01:45','2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(589,60,121,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-07-07 10:01:45','2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(590,60,121,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-07-07 10:01:45','2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(591,60,121,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-07 10:01:45','2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(592,60,121,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-07 10:01:45','2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(593,60,121,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-07 10:01:45','2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(594,60,121,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-07-07 10:01:45','2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(595,60,121,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-07-07 10:01:45','2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(621,62,125,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 09:42:18','2016-07-08 09:42:18'),(622,62,125,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-07-08 09:42:18','2016-07-08 09:42:18'),(623,62,125,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 09:42:18','2016-07-08 09:42:18'),(624,62,125,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-08 09:42:18','2016-07-08 09:42:18'),(625,62,125,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 09:42:18','2016-07-08 09:42:18'),(626,62,125,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-07-08 09:42:18','2016-07-08 09:42:18'),(627,62,125,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-08 09:42:18','2016-07-08 09:42:18'),(628,62,125,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-08 09:42:18','2016-07-08 09:42:18'),(629,62,125,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-07-08 09:42:18','2016-07-08 09:42:18'),(630,62,125,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-07-08 09:42:18','2016-07-08 09:42:18'),(631,62,126,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-08 09:52:04','2016-07-08 09:52:04'),(632,62,126,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 09:52:04','2016-07-08 09:52:04'),(633,62,126,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-07-08 09:52:04','2016-07-08 09:52:04'),(634,62,126,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-07-08 09:52:04','2016-07-08 09:52:04'),(635,62,126,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-08 09:52:04','2016-07-08 09:52:04'),(636,62,127,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(637,62,127,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(638,62,127,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(639,62,127,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(640,62,127,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(641,62,127,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(642,62,127,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(643,62,127,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(644,62,127,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(645,62,127,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-07-08 10:21:35','2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(646,63,128,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 12:20:05','2016-07-08 12:20:05'),(647,63,128,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-07-08 12:20:05','2016-07-08 12:20:05'),(648,63,128,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 12:20:05','2016-07-08 12:20:05'),(649,63,128,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-08 12:20:05','2016-07-08 12:20:05'),(650,63,128,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 12:20:05','2016-07-08 12:20:05'),(651,63,128,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-07-08 12:20:05','2016-07-08 12:20:05'),(652,63,128,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-08 12:20:05','2016-07-08 12:20:05'),(653,63,128,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-08 12:20:05','2016-07-08 12:20:05'),(654,63,128,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-07-08 12:20:05','2016-07-08 12:20:05'),(655,63,128,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-07-08 12:20:05','2016-07-08 12:20:05'),(656,63,129,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-08 12:29:22','2016-07-08 12:29:22'),(657,63,129,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 12:29:22','2016-07-08 12:29:22'),(658,63,129,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-07-08 12:29:22','2016-07-08 12:29:22'),(659,63,129,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-07-08 12:29:22','2016-07-08 12:29:22'),(660,63,129,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-08 12:29:22','2016-07-08 12:29:22'),(661,63,130,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(662,63,130,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(663,63,130,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(664,63,130,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(665,63,130,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(666,63,130,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(667,63,130,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(668,63,130,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(669,63,130,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(670,63,130,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-07-08 12:47:51','2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(671,64,131,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-11 14:10:43','2016-07-11 14:10:43'),(672,64,131,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-07-11 14:10:43','2016-07-11 14:10:43'),(673,64,131,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-11 14:10:43','2016-07-11 14:10:43'),(674,64,131,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-11 14:10:43','2016-07-11 14:10:43'),(675,64,131,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-11 14:10:43','2016-07-11 14:10:43'),(676,64,131,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-07-11 14:10:43','2016-07-11 14:10:43'),(677,64,131,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-11 14:10:43','2016-07-11 14:10:43'),(678,64,131,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-11 14:10:43','2016-07-11 14:10:43'),(679,64,131,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-07-11 14:10:43','2016-07-11 14:10:43'),(680,64,131,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-07-11 14:10:43','2016-07-11 14:10:43'),(681,64,132,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-11 14:17:23','2016-07-11 14:17:23'),(682,64,132,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-11 14:17:23','2016-07-11 14:17:23'),(683,64,132,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-07-11 14:17:23','2016-07-11 14:17:23'),(684,64,132,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-07-11 14:17:23','2016-07-11 14:17:23'),(685,64,132,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-11 14:17:23','2016-07-11 14:17:23'),(686,64,133,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(687,64,133,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(688,64,133,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(689,64,133,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(690,64,133,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(691,64,133,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(692,64,133,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(693,64,133,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(694,64,133,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(695,64,133,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-07-11 14:33:44','2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(696,65,134,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-13 08:24:23','2016-07-13 08:24:23'),(697,65,134,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-07-13 08:24:23','2016-07-13 08:24:23'),(698,65,134,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-13 08:24:23','2016-07-13 08:24:23'),(699,65,134,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-13 08:24:23','2016-07-13 08:24:23'),(700,65,134,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-13 08:24:23','2016-07-13 08:24:23'),(701,65,134,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-07-13 08:24:23','2016-07-13 08:24:23'),(702,65,134,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-13 08:24:23','2016-07-13 08:24:23'),(703,65,134,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-13 08:24:23','2016-07-13 08:24:23'),(704,65,134,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-07-13 08:24:23','2016-07-13 08:24:23'),(705,65,134,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-07-13 08:24:23','2016-07-13 08:24:23'),(706,65,135,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-13 08:52:15','2016-07-13 08:52:15'),(707,65,135,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-13 08:52:15','2016-07-13 08:52:15'),(708,65,135,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-07-13 08:52:15','2016-07-13 08:52:15'),(709,65,135,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-07-13 08:52:15','2016-07-13 08:52:15'),(710,65,135,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-13 08:52:15','2016-07-13 08:52:15'),(711,65,136,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:26'),(712,65,136,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:26'),(713,65,136,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:26'),(714,65,136,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:26'),(715,65,136,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:26'),(716,65,136,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:26'),(717,65,136,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:26'),(718,65,136,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:26'),(719,65,136,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:26'),(720,65,136,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-07-13 09:27:26','2016-07-13 09:27:26'),(721,66,137,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-18 13:56:44','2016-07-18 13:56:44'),(722,66,137,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-07-18 13:56:44','2016-07-18 13:56:44'),(723,66,137,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-18 13:56:44','2016-07-18 13:56:44'),(724,66,137,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-18 13:56:44','2016-07-18 13:56:44'),(725,66,137,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-18 13:56:44','2016-07-18 13:56:44'),(726,66,137,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-07-18 13:56:44','2016-07-18 13:56:44'),(727,66,137,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-18 13:56:44','2016-07-18 13:56:44'),(728,66,137,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-18 13:56:44','2016-07-18 13:56:44'),(729,66,137,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-07-18 13:56:44','2016-07-18 13:56:44'),(730,66,137,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2016-07-18 13:56:44','2016-07-18 13:56:44'),(731,66,138,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-18 14:05:41','2016-07-18 14:05:41'),(732,66,138,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-18 14:05:41','2016-07-18 14:05:41'),(733,66,138,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-07-18 14:05:41','2016-07-18 14:05:41'),(734,66,138,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2016-07-18 14:05:41','2016-07-18 14:05:41'),(735,66,138,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-18 14:05:41','2016-07-18 14:05:41'),(736,66,139,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(737,66,139,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(738,66,139,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(739,66,139,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(740,66,139,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(741,66,139,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(742,66,139,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(743,66,139,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(744,66,139,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(745,66,139,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-07-18 14:20:40','2016-07-18 14:20:40'),(746,67,140,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2016-07-19 14:19:19','2016-07-19 14:19:19'),(747,67,140,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2016-07-19 14:19:19','2016-07-19 14:19:19'),(748,67,140,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2016-07-19 14:19:19','2016-07-19 14:19:19'),(749,67,140,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-19 14:19:19','2016-07-19 14:19:19'),(750,67,140,53,119,116,'n',0.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','E-cigarettes and e-juice','All of the above','2016-07-19 14:19:19','2016-07-19 14:19:19'),(751,67,140,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-07-19 14:19:19','2016-07-19 14:19:19'),(752,67,140,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-19 14:19:19','2016-07-19 14:19:19'),(753,67,140,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-19 14:19:19','2016-07-19 14:19:19'),(754,67,140,57,128,129,'n',0.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','False','True','2016-07-19 14:19:19','2016-07-19 14:19:19'),(755,67,140,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-07-19 14:19:19','2016-07-19 14:19:19'),(756,67,141,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(757,67,141,70,165,164,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Tobacco retailers','All of the above','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(758,67,141,71,167,168,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','25','27','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(759,67,141,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(760,67,141,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(761,67,142,78,188,NULL,'n',0.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?',NULL,'AAA Membership Card','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(762,67,142,79,193,NULL,'n',0.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:',NULL,'All of the above','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(763,67,142,74,176,NULL,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.',NULL,'True','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(764,67,142,75,179,NULL,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.',NULL,'False','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(765,67,142,76,180,NULL,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ',NULL,'True','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(766,67,142,77,184,NULL,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ',NULL,'All of the above','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(767,67,142,81,196,NULL,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ',NULL,'Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(768,67,142,82,201,NULL,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.',NULL,'Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(769,67,142,83,204,NULL,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).',NULL,'True','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(770,67,142,84,206,NULL,'n',0.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.',NULL,'True','2016-07-19 14:27:07','2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(771,68,143,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-19 14:46:14','2016-07-19 15:03:27'),(772,68,143,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-07-19 14:46:14','2016-07-19 15:03:27'),(773,68,143,51,111,110,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Liquid nicotine (e-juice) and nicotine or lobelia delivery products','All of the above','2016-07-19 14:46:14','2016-07-19 15:03:27'),(774,68,143,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-19 14:46:14','2016-07-19 15:03:27'),(775,68,143,53,119,118,'n',0.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','Rolling papers','All of the above','2016-07-19 14:46:14','2016-07-19 15:03:27'),(776,68,143,54,120,121,'n',0.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','False','True','2016-07-19 14:46:14','2016-07-19 15:03:27'),(777,68,143,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-19 14:46:14','2016-07-19 15:03:27'),(778,68,143,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-19 14:46:14','2016-07-19 15:03:27'),(779,68,143,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-07-19 14:46:14','2016-07-19 15:03:27'),(780,68,143,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-07-19 14:46:14','2016-07-19 15:03:27'),(781,68,144,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-19 15:00:18','2016-07-19 15:03:29'),(782,68,144,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2016-07-19 15:00:18','2016-07-19 15:03:29'),(783,68,144,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-07-19 15:00:18','2016-07-19 15:03:29'),(784,68,144,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-07-19 15:00:18','2016-07-19 15:03:29'),(785,68,144,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-19 15:00:18','2016-07-19 15:03:29'),(786,68,145,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-07-19 15:02:20','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(787,68,145,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-19 15:02:20','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(788,68,145,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2016-07-19 15:02:20','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(789,68,145,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-07-19 15:02:20','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(790,68,145,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-07-19 15:02:20','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(791,68,145,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-19 15:02:20','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(792,68,145,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-19 15:02:20','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(793,68,145,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-19 15:02:20','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(794,68,145,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-07-19 15:02:20','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(795,68,145,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-07-19 15:02:20','2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(796,69,146,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-20 10:55:13','2016-07-20 10:55:13'),(797,69,146,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-07-20 10:55:13','2016-07-20 10:55:13'),(798,69,146,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-20 10:55:13','2016-07-20 10:55:13'),(799,69,146,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-20 10:55:13','2016-07-20 10:55:13'),(800,69,146,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-20 10:55:13','2016-07-20 10:55:13'),(801,69,146,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-07-20 10:55:13','2016-07-20 10:55:13'),(802,69,146,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-20 10:55:13','2016-07-20 10:55:13'),(803,69,146,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-20 10:55:13','2016-07-20 10:55:13'),(804,69,146,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-07-20 10:55:13','2016-07-20 10:55:13'),(805,69,146,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-07-20 10:55:13','2016-07-20 10:55:13'),(806,69,147,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-20 11:01:13','2016-07-20 11:01:13'),(807,69,147,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-20 11:01:13','2016-07-20 11:01:13'),(808,69,147,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-07-20 11:01:13','2016-07-20 11:01:13'),(809,69,147,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-07-20 11:01:13','2016-07-20 11:01:13'),(810,69,147,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-20 11:01:13','2016-07-20 11:01:13'),(811,69,148,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(812,69,148,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(813,69,148,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(814,69,148,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(815,69,148,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(816,69,148,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(817,69,148,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(818,69,148,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(819,69,148,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(820,69,148,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-07-20 11:16:38','2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(821,70,149,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-20 12:46:51','2016-07-20 12:46:51'),(822,70,149,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-07-20 12:46:51','2016-07-20 12:46:51'),(823,70,149,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-20 12:46:51','2016-07-20 12:46:51'),(824,70,149,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-20 12:46:51','2016-07-20 12:46:51'),(825,70,149,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-20 12:46:51','2016-07-20 12:46:51'),(826,70,149,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-07-20 12:46:51','2016-07-20 12:46:51'),(827,70,149,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-20 12:46:51','2016-07-20 12:46:51'),(828,70,149,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-20 12:46:51','2016-07-20 12:46:51'),(829,70,149,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-07-20 12:46:51','2016-07-20 12:46:51'),(830,70,149,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-07-20 12:46:51','2016-07-20 12:46:51'),(831,70,150,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-21 11:07:02','2016-07-21 11:07:02'),(832,70,150,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-21 11:07:02','2016-07-21 11:07:02'),(833,70,150,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-07-21 11:07:02','2016-07-21 11:07:02'),(834,70,150,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-07-21 11:07:02','2016-07-21 11:07:02'),(835,70,150,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-21 11:07:02','2016-07-21 11:07:02'),(836,70,151,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(837,70,151,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(838,70,151,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(839,70,151,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(840,70,151,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(841,70,151,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(842,70,151,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(843,70,151,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(844,70,151,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(845,70,151,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-07-21 11:25:11','2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(846,71,152,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-21 11:59:53','2016-07-21 11:59:53'),(847,71,152,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-07-21 11:59:53','2016-07-21 11:59:53'),(848,71,152,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-21 11:59:53','2016-07-21 11:59:53'),(849,71,152,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-21 11:59:53','2016-07-21 11:59:53'),(850,71,152,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-21 11:59:53','2016-07-21 11:59:53'),(851,71,152,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-07-21 11:59:53','2016-07-21 11:59:53'),(852,71,152,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-21 11:59:53','2016-07-21 11:59:53'),(853,71,152,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-21 11:59:53','2016-07-21 11:59:53'),(854,71,152,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-07-21 11:59:53','2016-07-21 11:59:53'),(855,71,152,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-07-21 11:59:53','2016-07-21 11:59:53'),(856,71,153,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-21 12:05:43','2016-07-21 12:05:43'),(857,71,153,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-21 12:05:43','2016-07-21 12:05:43'),(858,71,153,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-07-21 12:05:43','2016-07-21 12:05:43'),(859,71,153,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-07-21 12:05:43','2016-07-21 12:05:43'),(860,71,153,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-21 12:05:43','2016-07-21 12:05:43'),(861,71,154,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(862,71,154,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(863,71,154,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(864,71,154,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(865,71,154,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(866,71,154,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(867,71,154,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(868,71,154,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(869,71,154,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(870,71,154,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-07-21 12:21:39','2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(871,72,155,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-22 14:02:49','2016-07-22 14:02:49'),(872,72,155,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-07-22 14:02:49','2016-07-22 14:02:49'),(873,72,155,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-22 14:02:49','2016-07-22 14:02:49'),(874,72,155,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-07-22 14:02:49','2016-07-22 14:02:49'),(875,72,155,53,119,117,'n',0.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','Pipes & vaporizers','All of the above','2016-07-22 14:02:49','2016-07-22 14:02:49'),(876,72,155,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-07-22 14:02:49','2016-07-22 14:02:49'),(877,72,155,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-07-22 14:02:49','2016-07-22 14:02:49'),(878,72,155,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-07-22 14:02:49','2016-07-22 14:02:49'),(879,72,155,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-07-22 14:02:49','2016-07-22 14:02:49'),(880,72,155,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-07-22 14:02:49','2016-07-22 14:02:49'),(881,72,156,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-07-22 14:08:22','2016-07-22 14:08:22'),(882,72,156,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-22 14:08:22','2016-07-22 14:08:22'),(883,72,156,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-07-22 14:08:22','2016-07-22 14:08:22'),(884,72,156,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-07-22 14:08:22','2016-07-22 14:08:22'),(885,72,156,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-07-22 14:08:22','2016-07-22 14:08:22'),(886,72,157,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:49'),(887,72,157,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:49'),(888,72,157,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:49'),(889,72,157,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:49'),(890,72,157,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:49'),(891,72,157,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:49'),(892,72,157,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:49'),(893,72,157,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:49'),(894,72,157,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:49'),(895,72,157,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-07-22 15:40:49','2016-07-22 15:40:49'),(896,73,158,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 11:54:07','2016-08-01 11:54:07'),(897,73,158,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-08-01 11:54:07','2016-08-01 11:54:07'),(898,73,158,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 11:54:07','2016-08-01 11:54:07'),(899,73,158,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-08-01 11:54:07','2016-08-01 11:54:07'),(900,73,158,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 11:54:07','2016-08-01 11:54:07'),(901,73,158,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-08-01 11:54:07','2016-08-01 11:54:07'),(902,73,158,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-08-01 11:54:07','2016-08-01 11:54:07'),(903,73,158,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-08-01 11:54:07','2016-08-01 11:54:07'),(904,73,158,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-08-01 11:54:07','2016-08-01 11:54:07'),(905,73,158,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-08-01 11:54:07','2016-08-01 11:54:07'),(906,73,159,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-08-01 12:03:03','2016-08-01 12:03:03'),(907,73,159,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 12:03:03','2016-08-01 12:03:03'),(908,73,159,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-08-01 12:03:03','2016-08-01 12:03:03'),(909,73,159,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-08-01 12:03:03','2016-08-01 12:03:03'),(910,73,159,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-08-01 12:03:03','2016-08-01 12:03:03'),(911,73,160,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(912,73,160,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(913,73,160,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(914,73,160,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(915,73,160,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(916,73,160,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(917,73,160,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(918,73,160,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(919,73,160,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(920,73,160,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-08-01 12:26:46','2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(921,74,161,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 15:28:58','2016-08-01 15:28:58'),(922,74,161,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-08-01 15:28:58','2016-08-01 15:28:58'),(923,74,161,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 15:28:58','2016-08-01 15:28:58'),(924,74,161,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-08-01 15:28:58','2016-08-01 15:28:58'),(925,74,161,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 15:28:58','2016-08-01 15:28:58'),(926,74,161,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-08-01 15:28:58','2016-08-01 15:28:58'),(927,74,161,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-08-01 15:28:58','2016-08-01 15:28:58'),(928,74,161,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-08-01 15:28:58','2016-08-01 15:28:58'),(929,74,161,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-08-01 15:28:58','2016-08-01 15:28:58'),(930,74,161,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-08-01 15:28:58','2016-08-01 15:28:58'),(931,74,162,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-08-01 15:35:56','2016-08-01 15:35:56'),(932,74,162,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 15:35:56','2016-08-01 15:35:56'),(933,74,162,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-08-01 15:35:56','2016-08-01 15:35:56'),(934,74,162,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-08-01 15:35:56','2016-08-01 15:35:56'),(935,74,162,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-08-01 15:35:56','2016-08-01 15:35:56'),(936,74,163,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(937,74,163,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(938,74,163,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(939,74,163,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(940,74,163,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(941,74,163,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(942,74,163,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(943,74,163,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(944,74,163,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(945,74,163,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-08-01 15:52:23','2016-08-01 15:52:23'),(946,75,164,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 20:21:47','2016-08-01 20:21:47'),(947,75,164,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-08-01 20:21:47','2016-08-01 20:21:47'),(948,75,164,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 20:21:47','2016-08-01 20:21:47'),(949,75,164,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-08-01 20:21:47','2016-08-01 20:21:47'),(950,75,164,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 20:21:47','2016-08-01 20:21:47'),(951,75,164,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-08-01 20:21:47','2016-08-01 20:21:47'),(952,75,164,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-08-01 20:21:47','2016-08-01 20:21:47'),(953,75,164,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-08-01 20:21:47','2016-08-01 20:21:47'),(954,75,164,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-08-01 20:21:47','2016-08-01 20:21:47'),(955,75,164,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-08-01 20:21:47','2016-08-01 20:21:47'),(956,75,165,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-08-01 21:03:56','2016-08-01 21:03:56'),(957,75,165,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 21:03:56','2016-08-01 21:03:56'),(958,75,165,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-08-01 21:03:56','2016-08-01 21:03:56'),(959,75,165,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-08-01 21:03:56','2016-08-01 21:03:56'),(960,75,165,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-08-01 21:03:56','2016-08-01 21:03:56'),(961,75,166,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(962,75,166,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(963,75,166,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(964,75,166,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(965,75,166,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(966,75,166,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(967,75,166,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(968,75,166,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(969,75,166,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(970,75,166,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-08-01 21:54:24','2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(971,76,167,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 11:16:50','2016-08-25 11:16:50'),(972,76,167,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-08-25 11:16:50','2016-08-25 11:16:50'),(973,76,167,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 11:16:50','2016-08-25 11:16:50'),(974,76,167,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-08-25 11:16:50','2016-08-25 11:16:50'),(975,76,167,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 11:16:50','2016-08-25 11:16:50'),(976,76,167,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-08-25 11:16:50','2016-08-25 11:16:50'),(977,76,167,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-08-25 11:16:50','2016-08-25 11:16:50'),(978,76,167,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-08-25 11:16:50','2016-08-25 11:16:50'),(979,76,167,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-08-25 11:16:50','2016-08-25 11:16:50'),(980,76,167,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-08-25 11:16:50','2016-08-25 11:16:50'),(981,76,168,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-08-25 11:22:28','2016-08-25 11:43:32'),(982,76,168,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 11:22:28','2016-08-25 11:43:32'),(983,76,168,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-08-25 11:22:28','2016-08-25 11:43:32'),(984,76,168,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-08-25 11:22:28','2016-08-25 11:43:32'),(985,76,168,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-08-25 11:22:28','2016-08-25 11:43:32'),(986,76,169,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-08-25 11:43:23','2016-08-25 11:43:54'),(987,76,169,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 11:43:23','2016-08-25 11:43:54'),(988,76,169,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2016-08-25 11:43:23','2016-08-25 11:43:54'),(989,76,169,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-08-25 11:43:23','2016-08-25 11:43:54'),(990,76,169,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-08-25 11:43:23','2016-08-25 11:43:54'),(991,76,169,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 11:43:23','2016-08-25 11:43:54'),(992,76,169,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-08-25 11:43:23','2016-08-25 11:43:54'),(993,76,169,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-08-25 11:43:23','2016-08-25 11:43:54'),(994,76,169,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-08-25 11:43:23','2016-08-25 11:43:54'),(995,76,169,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-08-25 11:43:23','2016-08-25 11:43:54'),(996,77,170,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 18:03:32','2016-08-25 18:03:32'),(997,77,170,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-08-25 18:03:32','2016-08-25 18:03:32'),(998,77,170,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 18:03:32','2016-08-25 18:03:32'),(999,77,170,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-08-25 18:03:32','2016-08-25 18:03:32'),(1000,77,170,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 18:03:32','2016-08-25 18:03:32'),(1001,77,170,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-08-25 18:03:32','2016-08-25 18:03:32'),(1002,77,170,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-08-25 18:03:32','2016-08-25 18:03:32'),(1003,77,170,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-08-25 18:03:32','2016-08-25 18:03:32'),(1004,77,170,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-08-25 18:03:32','2016-08-25 18:03:32'),(1005,77,170,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-08-25 18:03:32','2016-08-25 18:03:32'),(1006,77,171,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-08-25 18:14:40','2016-08-25 18:14:40'),(1007,77,171,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 18:14:40','2016-08-25 18:14:40'),(1008,77,171,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-08-25 18:14:40','2016-08-25 18:14:40'),(1009,77,171,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-08-25 18:14:40','2016-08-25 18:14:40'),(1010,77,171,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-08-25 18:14:40','2016-08-25 18:14:40'),(1011,77,172,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(1012,77,172,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(1013,77,172,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(1014,77,172,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(1015,77,172,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(1016,77,172,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(1017,77,172,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(1018,77,172,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(1019,77,172,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(1020,77,172,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-08-25 18:39:26','2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(1021,78,173,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 15:54:59','2016-08-29 15:54:59'),(1022,78,173,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-08-29 15:54:59','2016-08-29 15:54:59'),(1023,78,173,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 15:54:59','2016-08-29 15:54:59'),(1024,78,173,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-08-29 15:54:59','2016-08-29 15:54:59'),(1025,78,173,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 15:54:59','2016-08-29 15:54:59'),(1026,78,173,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-08-29 15:54:59','2016-08-29 15:54:59'),(1027,78,173,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-08-29 15:54:59','2016-08-29 15:54:59'),(1028,78,173,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-08-29 15:54:59','2016-08-29 15:54:59'),(1029,78,173,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-08-29 15:54:59','2016-08-29 15:54:59'),(1030,78,173,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-08-29 15:54:59','2016-08-29 15:54:59'),(1031,78,174,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-08-29 16:18:58','2016-08-29 16:18:58'),(1032,78,174,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 16:18:58','2016-08-29 16:18:58'),(1033,78,174,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-08-29 16:18:58','2016-08-29 16:18:58'),(1034,78,174,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-08-29 16:18:58','2016-08-29 16:18:58'),(1035,78,174,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-08-29 16:18:58','2016-08-29 16:18:58'),(1036,78,175,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-08-29 17:35:22','2016-08-29 17:35:22'),(1037,78,175,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 17:35:22','2016-08-29 17:35:22'),(1038,78,175,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-08-29 17:35:22','2016-08-29 17:35:22'),(1039,78,175,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-08-29 17:35:22','2016-08-29 17:35:22'),(1040,78,175,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-08-29 17:35:22','2016-08-29 17:35:22'),(1041,78,175,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 17:35:22','2016-08-29 17:35:22'),(1042,78,175,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-08-29 17:35:22','2016-08-29 17:35:22'),(1043,78,175,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-08-29 17:35:22','2016-08-29 17:35:22'),(1044,78,175,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-08-29 17:35:22','2016-08-29 17:35:22'),(1045,78,175,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-08-29 17:35:22','2016-08-29 17:35:22'),(1046,79,176,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 19:27:07','2016-08-29 19:27:07'),(1047,79,176,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-08-29 19:27:07','2016-08-29 19:27:07'),(1048,79,176,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 19:27:07','2016-08-29 19:27:07'),(1049,79,176,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-08-29 19:27:07','2016-08-29 19:27:07'),(1050,79,176,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 19:27:07','2016-08-29 19:27:07'),(1051,79,176,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-08-29 19:27:07','2016-08-29 19:27:07'),(1052,79,176,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-08-29 19:27:07','2016-08-29 19:27:07'),(1053,79,176,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-08-29 19:27:07','2016-08-29 19:27:07'),(1054,79,176,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-08-29 19:27:07','2016-08-29 19:27:07'),(1055,79,176,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-08-29 19:27:07','2016-08-29 19:27:07'),(1056,79,177,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-08-29 19:38:28','2016-08-29 19:38:28'),(1057,79,177,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 19:38:28','2016-08-29 19:38:28'),(1058,79,177,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-08-29 19:38:28','2016-08-29 19:38:28'),(1059,79,177,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-08-29 19:38:28','2016-08-29 19:38:28'),(1060,79,177,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-08-29 19:38:28','2016-08-29 19:38:28'),(1061,79,178,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(1062,79,178,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(1063,79,178,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(1064,79,178,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(1065,79,178,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(1066,79,178,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(1067,79,178,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(1068,79,178,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(1069,79,178,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(1070,79,178,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-08-29 20:02:07','2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(1071,80,179,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:09:06','2016-08-31 18:09:06'),(1072,80,179,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-08-31 18:09:06','2016-08-31 18:09:06'),(1073,80,179,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:09:06','2016-08-31 18:09:06'),(1074,80,179,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-08-31 18:09:06','2016-08-31 18:09:06'),(1075,80,179,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:09:06','2016-08-31 18:09:06'),(1076,80,179,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-08-31 18:09:06','2016-08-31 18:09:06'),(1077,80,179,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-08-31 18:09:06','2016-08-31 18:09:06'),(1078,80,179,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-08-31 18:09:06','2016-08-31 18:09:06'),(1079,80,179,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-08-31 18:09:06','2016-08-31 18:09:06'),(1080,80,179,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-08-31 18:09:06','2016-08-31 18:09:06'),(1081,80,180,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-08-31 18:14:45','2016-08-31 18:14:45'),(1082,80,180,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:14:45','2016-08-31 18:14:45'),(1083,80,180,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-08-31 18:14:45','2016-08-31 18:14:45'),(1084,80,180,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-08-31 18:14:45','2016-08-31 18:14:45'),(1085,80,180,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-08-31 18:14:45','2016-08-31 18:14:45'),(1086,80,181,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(1087,80,181,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(1088,80,181,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(1089,80,181,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(1090,80,181,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(1091,80,181,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(1092,80,181,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(1093,80,181,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(1094,80,181,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(1095,80,181,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-08-31 18:29:31','2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(1096,81,182,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:13:05','2016-08-31 18:13:05'),(1097,81,182,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-08-31 18:13:05','2016-08-31 18:13:05'),(1098,81,182,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:13:05','2016-08-31 18:13:05'),(1099,81,182,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-08-31 18:13:05','2016-08-31 18:13:05'),(1100,81,182,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:13:05','2016-08-31 18:13:05'),(1101,81,182,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-08-31 18:13:05','2016-08-31 18:13:05'),(1102,81,182,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-08-31 18:13:05','2016-08-31 18:13:05'),(1103,81,182,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-08-31 18:13:05','2016-08-31 18:13:05'),(1104,81,182,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-08-31 18:13:05','2016-08-31 18:13:05'),(1105,81,182,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-08-31 18:13:05','2016-08-31 18:13:05'),(1106,81,183,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-08-31 18:18:47','2016-08-31 18:18:47'),(1107,81,183,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:18:47','2016-08-31 18:18:47'),(1108,81,183,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-08-31 18:18:47','2016-08-31 18:18:47'),(1109,81,183,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-08-31 18:18:47','2016-08-31 18:18:47'),(1110,81,183,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-08-31 18:18:47','2016-08-31 18:18:47'),(1111,81,184,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(1112,81,184,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(1113,81,184,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(1114,81,184,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(1115,81,184,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(1116,81,184,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(1117,81,184,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(1118,81,184,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(1119,81,184,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(1120,81,184,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-08-31 18:34:36','2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(1121,82,185,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-14 16:49:29','2016-09-14 16:49:29'),(1122,82,185,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-09-14 16:49:29','2016-09-14 16:49:29'),(1123,82,185,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-14 16:49:29','2016-09-14 16:49:29'),(1124,82,185,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-09-14 16:49:29','2016-09-14 16:49:29'),(1125,82,185,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-14 16:49:29','2016-09-14 16:49:29'),(1126,82,185,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-09-14 16:49:29','2016-09-14 16:49:29'),(1127,82,185,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-09-14 16:49:29','2016-09-14 16:49:29'),(1128,82,185,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-09-14 16:49:29','2016-09-14 16:49:29'),(1129,82,185,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-09-14 16:49:29','2016-09-14 16:49:29'),(1130,82,185,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-09-14 16:49:29','2016-09-14 16:49:29'),(1131,82,186,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-09-14 17:00:52','2016-09-14 17:00:52'),(1132,82,186,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-14 17:00:52','2016-09-14 17:00:52'),(1133,82,186,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-09-14 17:00:52','2016-09-14 17:00:52'),(1134,82,186,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-09-14 17:00:52','2016-09-14 17:00:52'),(1135,82,186,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-09-14 17:00:52','2016-09-14 17:00:52'),(1136,82,187,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(1137,82,187,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(1138,82,187,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(1139,82,187,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(1140,82,187,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(1141,82,187,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(1142,82,187,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(1143,82,187,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(1144,82,187,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(1145,82,187,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-09-14 17:48:03','2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(1146,83,188,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-21 14:44:56','2016-09-21 14:44:56'),(1147,83,188,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-09-21 14:44:56','2016-09-21 14:44:56'),(1148,83,188,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-21 14:44:56','2016-09-21 14:44:56'),(1149,83,188,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-09-21 14:44:56','2016-09-21 14:44:56'),(1150,83,188,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-21 14:44:56','2016-09-21 14:44:56'),(1151,83,188,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-09-21 14:44:56','2016-09-21 14:44:56'),(1152,83,188,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-09-21 14:44:56','2016-09-21 14:44:56'),(1153,83,188,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-09-21 14:44:56','2016-09-21 14:44:56'),(1154,83,188,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-09-21 14:44:56','2016-09-21 14:44:56'),(1155,83,188,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-09-21 14:44:56','2016-09-21 14:44:56'),(1156,83,189,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-09-21 14:52:08','2016-09-21 14:52:08'),(1157,83,189,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-21 14:52:08','2016-09-21 14:52:08'),(1158,83,189,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-09-21 14:52:08','2016-09-21 14:52:08'),(1159,83,189,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-09-21 14:52:08','2016-09-21 14:52:08'),(1160,83,189,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-09-21 14:52:08','2016-09-21 14:52:08'),(1161,83,190,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(1162,83,190,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(1163,83,190,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(1164,83,190,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(1165,83,190,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(1166,83,190,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(1167,83,190,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(1168,83,190,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(1169,83,190,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(1170,83,190,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-09-21 15:08:28','2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(1171,84,191,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-22 13:16:05','2016-09-22 13:38:02'),(1172,84,191,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-09-22 13:16:05','2016-09-22 13:38:02'),(1173,84,191,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-22 13:16:05','2016-09-22 13:38:02'),(1174,84,191,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-09-22 13:16:05','2016-09-22 13:38:02'),(1175,84,191,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-22 13:16:05','2016-09-22 13:38:02'),(1176,84,191,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-09-22 13:16:05','2016-09-22 13:38:02'),(1177,84,191,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-09-22 13:16:05','2016-09-22 13:38:02'),(1178,84,191,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-09-22 13:16:05','2016-09-22 13:38:02'),(1179,84,191,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-09-22 13:16:05','2016-09-22 13:38:02'),(1180,84,191,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-09-22 13:16:05','2016-09-22 13:38:02'),(1181,84,192,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-09-22 13:22:37','2016-09-22 13:38:05'),(1182,84,192,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-22 13:22:37','2016-09-22 13:38:05'),(1183,84,192,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-09-22 13:22:37','2016-09-22 13:38:05'),(1184,84,192,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-09-22 13:22:37','2016-09-22 13:38:05'),(1185,84,192,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-09-22 13:22:37','2016-09-22 13:38:05'),(1186,84,193,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-09-22 13:37:41','2016-09-22 13:38:11'),(1187,84,193,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-22 13:37:41','2016-09-22 13:38:11'),(1188,84,193,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-09-22 13:37:41','2016-09-22 13:38:11'),(1189,84,193,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-09-22 13:37:41','2016-09-22 13:38:11'),(1190,84,193,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-09-22 13:37:41','2016-09-22 13:38:11'),(1191,84,193,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-09-22 13:37:41','2016-09-22 13:38:11'),(1192,84,193,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-09-22 13:37:41','2016-09-22 13:38:11'),(1193,84,193,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-09-22 13:37:41','2016-09-22 13:38:11'),(1194,84,193,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-09-22 13:37:41','2016-09-22 13:38:11'),(1195,84,193,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-09-22 13:37:41','2016-09-22 13:38:11'),(1196,85,194,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-05 14:15:46','2016-10-05 14:15:46'),(1197,85,194,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-05 14:15:46','2016-10-05 14:15:46'),(1198,85,194,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-05 14:15:46','2016-10-05 14:15:46'),(1199,85,194,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-05 14:15:46','2016-10-05 14:15:46'),(1200,85,194,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-05 14:15:46','2016-10-05 14:15:46'),(1201,85,194,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-05 14:15:46','2016-10-05 14:15:46'),(1202,85,194,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-05 14:15:46','2016-10-05 14:15:46'),(1203,85,194,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-05 14:15:46','2016-10-05 14:15:46'),(1204,85,194,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-05 14:15:46','2016-10-05 14:15:46'),(1205,85,194,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-05 14:15:46','2016-10-05 14:15:46'),(1206,85,195,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-05 14:26:28','2016-10-05 14:26:28'),(1207,85,195,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-05 14:26:28','2016-10-05 14:26:28'),(1208,85,195,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-05 14:26:28','2016-10-05 14:26:28'),(1209,85,195,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-05 14:26:28','2016-10-05 14:26:28'),(1210,85,195,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-05 14:26:28','2016-10-05 14:26:28'),(1211,85,196,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:20'),(1212,85,196,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:20'),(1213,85,196,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:20'),(1214,85,196,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:20'),(1215,85,196,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:20'),(1216,85,196,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:20'),(1217,85,196,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:20'),(1218,85,196,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:20'),(1219,85,196,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:20'),(1220,85,196,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-05 14:55:20','2016-10-05 14:55:20'),(1221,86,197,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 10:05:23','2016-10-06 10:05:23'),(1222,86,197,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-06 10:05:23','2016-10-06 10:05:23'),(1223,86,197,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 10:05:23','2016-10-06 10:05:23'),(1224,86,197,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-06 10:05:23','2016-10-06 10:05:23'),(1225,86,197,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 10:05:23','2016-10-06 10:05:23'),(1226,86,197,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-06 10:05:23','2016-10-06 10:05:23'),(1227,86,197,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-06 10:05:23','2016-10-06 10:05:23'),(1228,86,197,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-06 10:05:23','2016-10-06 10:05:23'),(1229,86,197,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-06 10:05:23','2016-10-06 10:05:23'),(1230,86,197,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-06 10:05:23','2016-10-06 10:05:23'),(1231,86,198,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-06 10:15:23','2016-10-06 10:15:23'),(1232,86,198,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 10:15:23','2016-10-06 10:15:23'),(1233,86,198,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-06 10:15:23','2016-10-06 10:15:23'),(1234,86,198,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-06 10:15:23','2016-10-06 10:15:23'),(1235,86,198,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-06 10:15:23','2016-10-06 10:15:23'),(1236,86,199,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:35'),(1237,86,199,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:35'),(1238,86,199,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:35'),(1239,86,199,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:35'),(1240,86,199,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:35'),(1241,86,199,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:35'),(1242,86,199,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:35'),(1243,86,199,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:35'),(1244,86,199,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:35'),(1245,86,199,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-06 10:40:35','2016-10-06 10:40:35'),(1246,87,200,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 11:04:39','2016-10-06 11:05:17'),(1247,87,200,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2016-10-06 11:04:39','2016-10-06 11:05:17'),(1248,87,200,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 11:04:39','2016-10-06 11:05:17'),(1249,87,200,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-06 11:04:39','2016-10-06 11:05:17'),(1250,87,200,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 11:04:39','2016-10-06 11:05:17'),(1251,87,200,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-06 11:04:39','2016-10-06 11:05:17'),(1252,87,200,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-06 11:04:39','2016-10-06 11:05:17'),(1253,87,200,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-06 11:04:39','2016-10-06 11:05:17'),(1254,87,200,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-06 11:04:39','2016-10-06 11:05:17'),(1255,87,200,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-06 11:04:39','2016-10-06 11:05:17'),(1256,87,201,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-06 11:04:50','2016-10-06 11:14:07'),(1257,87,201,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 11:04:50','2016-10-06 11:14:07'),(1258,87,201,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-06 11:04:50','2016-10-06 11:14:07'),(1259,87,201,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-06 11:04:50','2016-10-06 11:14:07'),(1260,87,201,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-06 11:04:50','2016-10-06 11:14:07'),(1261,87,202,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-06 11:30:11','2016-10-06 11:30:11'),(1262,87,202,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 11:30:11','2016-10-06 11:30:11'),(1263,87,202,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-06 11:30:11','2016-10-06 11:30:11'),(1264,87,202,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-06 11:30:11','2016-10-06 11:30:11'),(1265,87,202,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-06 11:30:11','2016-10-06 11:30:11'),(1266,87,202,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 11:30:11','2016-10-06 11:30:11'),(1267,87,202,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-06 11:30:11','2016-10-06 11:30:11'),(1268,87,202,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-06 11:30:11','2016-10-06 11:30:11'),(1269,87,202,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-06 11:30:11','2016-10-06 11:30:11'),(1270,87,202,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-06 11:30:11','2016-10-06 11:30:11'),(1271,88,203,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 14:30:08','2016-10-06 14:30:08'),(1272,88,203,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-06 14:30:08','2016-10-06 14:30:08'),(1273,88,203,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 14:30:08','2016-10-06 14:30:08'),(1274,88,203,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-06 14:30:08','2016-10-06 14:30:08'),(1275,88,203,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 14:30:08','2016-10-06 14:30:08'),(1276,88,203,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-06 14:30:08','2016-10-06 14:30:08'),(1277,88,203,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-06 14:30:08','2016-10-06 14:30:08'),(1278,88,203,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-06 14:30:08','2016-10-06 14:30:08'),(1279,88,203,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-06 14:30:08','2016-10-06 14:30:08'),(1280,88,203,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-06 14:30:08','2016-10-06 14:30:08'),(1281,88,204,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-06 14:37:27','2016-10-06 14:37:27'),(1282,88,204,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 14:37:27','2016-10-06 14:37:27'),(1283,88,204,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-06 14:37:27','2016-10-06 14:37:27'),(1284,88,204,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-06 14:37:27','2016-10-06 14:37:27'),(1285,88,204,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-06 14:37:27','2016-10-06 14:37:27'),(1286,88,205,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(1287,88,205,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(1288,88,205,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(1289,88,205,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(1290,88,205,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(1291,88,205,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(1292,88,205,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(1293,88,205,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(1294,88,205,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(1295,88,205,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-06 14:57:05','2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(1296,89,206,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:45:52','2016-10-06 15:45:52'),(1297,89,206,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2016-10-06 15:45:52','2016-10-06 15:45:52'),(1298,89,206,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:45:52','2016-10-06 15:45:52'),(1299,89,206,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-06 15:45:52','2016-10-06 15:45:52'),(1300,89,206,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:45:52','2016-10-06 15:45:52'),(1301,89,206,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-06 15:45:52','2016-10-06 15:45:52'),(1302,89,206,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-06 15:45:52','2016-10-06 15:45:52'),(1303,89,206,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-06 15:45:52','2016-10-06 15:45:52'),(1304,89,206,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-06 15:45:52','2016-10-06 15:45:52'),(1305,89,206,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-06 15:45:52','2016-10-06 15:45:52'),(1306,89,207,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-06 15:46:55','2016-10-06 15:46:55'),(1307,89,207,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:46:55','2016-10-06 15:46:55'),(1308,89,207,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-06 15:46:55','2016-10-06 15:46:55'),(1309,89,207,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-06 15:46:55','2016-10-06 15:46:55'),(1310,89,207,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-06 15:46:55','2016-10-06 15:46:55'),(1311,89,208,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(1312,89,208,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(1313,89,208,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(1314,89,208,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(1315,89,208,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(1316,89,208,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(1317,89,208,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(1318,89,208,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(1319,89,208,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(1320,89,208,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-06 15:49:35','2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(1321,90,209,49,103,102,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Homicides, Suicides & Car Accidents','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:44:25','2016-10-06 15:44:25'),(1322,90,209,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-06 15:44:25','2016-10-06 15:44:25'),(1323,90,209,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:44:25','2016-10-06 15:44:25'),(1324,90,209,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-06 15:44:25','2016-10-06 15:44:25'),(1325,90,209,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:44:25','2016-10-06 15:44:25'),(1326,90,209,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-06 15:44:25','2016-10-06 15:44:25'),(1327,90,209,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-06 15:44:25','2016-10-06 15:44:25'),(1328,90,209,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-06 15:44:25','2016-10-06 15:44:25'),(1329,90,209,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-06 15:44:25','2016-10-06 15:44:25'),(1330,90,209,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-06 15:44:25','2016-10-06 15:44:25'),(1331,90,210,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-06 15:50:59','2016-10-06 15:50:59'),(1332,90,210,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:50:59','2016-10-06 15:50:59'),(1333,90,210,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-06 15:50:59','2016-10-06 15:50:59'),(1334,90,210,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-06 15:50:59','2016-10-06 15:50:59'),(1335,90,210,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-06 15:50:59','2016-10-06 15:50:59'),(1336,90,211,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(1337,90,211,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(1338,90,211,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(1339,90,211,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(1340,90,211,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(1341,90,211,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(1342,90,211,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(1343,90,211,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(1344,90,211,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(1345,90,211,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-06 16:25:47','2016-10-06 16:25:47'),(1346,91,212,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:54:49','2016-10-06 15:54:49'),(1347,91,212,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-06 15:54:49','2016-10-06 15:54:49'),(1348,91,212,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:54:49','2016-10-06 15:54:49'),(1349,91,212,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-06 15:54:49','2016-10-06 15:54:49'),(1350,91,212,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 15:54:49','2016-10-06 15:54:49'),(1351,91,212,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-06 15:54:49','2016-10-06 15:54:49'),(1352,91,212,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-06 15:54:49','2016-10-06 15:54:49'),(1353,91,212,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-06 15:54:49','2016-10-06 15:54:49'),(1354,91,212,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-06 15:54:49','2016-10-06 15:54:49'),(1355,91,212,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-06 15:54:49','2016-10-06 15:54:49'),(1356,91,213,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-06 16:06:03','2016-10-06 16:30:28'),(1357,91,213,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 16:06:03','2016-10-06 16:30:28'),(1358,91,213,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-06 16:06:03','2016-10-06 16:30:28'),(1359,91,213,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-06 16:06:03','2016-10-06 16:30:28'),(1360,91,213,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-06 16:06:03','2016-10-06 16:30:28'),(1361,91,214,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-06 16:30:25','2016-10-06 16:49:35'),(1362,91,214,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 16:30:25','2016-10-06 16:49:35'),(1363,91,214,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-06 16:30:25','2016-10-06 16:49:35'),(1364,91,214,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-10-06 16:30:25','2016-10-06 16:49:35'),(1365,91,214,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-06 16:30:25','2016-10-06 16:49:35'),(1366,91,214,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-06 16:30:25','2016-10-06 16:49:35'),(1367,91,214,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-06 16:30:25','2016-10-06 16:49:35'),(1368,91,214,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-06 16:30:25','2016-10-06 16:49:35'),(1369,91,214,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-06 16:30:25','2016-10-06 16:49:35'),(1370,91,214,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-06 16:30:25','2016-10-06 16:49:35'),(1371,92,215,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-08 14:30:22','2016-10-08 14:30:22'),(1372,92,215,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-08 14:30:22','2016-10-08 14:30:22'),(1373,92,215,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-08 14:30:22','2016-10-08 14:30:22'),(1374,92,215,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-08 14:30:22','2016-10-08 14:30:22'),(1375,92,215,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-08 14:30:22','2016-10-08 14:30:22'),(1376,92,215,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-08 14:30:22','2016-10-08 14:30:22'),(1377,92,215,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-08 14:30:22','2016-10-08 14:30:22'),(1378,92,215,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-08 14:30:22','2016-10-08 14:30:22'),(1379,92,215,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-08 14:30:22','2016-10-08 14:30:22'),(1380,92,215,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-08 14:30:22','2016-10-08 14:30:22'),(1381,92,216,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-08 14:37:22','2016-10-08 14:37:22'),(1382,92,216,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-08 14:37:22','2016-10-08 14:37:22'),(1383,92,216,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-08 14:37:22','2016-10-08 14:37:22'),(1384,92,216,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-08 14:37:22','2016-10-08 14:37:22'),(1385,92,216,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-08 14:37:22','2016-10-08 14:37:22'),(1386,92,217,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(1387,92,217,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(1388,92,217,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(1389,92,217,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(1390,92,217,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(1391,92,217,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(1392,92,217,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(1393,92,217,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(1394,92,217,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(1395,92,217,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-08 14:57:37','2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(1396,93,218,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-09 09:59:19','2016-10-09 09:59:19'),(1397,93,218,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-09 09:59:19','2016-10-09 09:59:19'),(1398,93,218,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2016-10-09 09:59:19','2016-10-09 09:59:19'),(1399,93,218,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-09 09:59:19','2016-10-09 09:59:19'),(1400,93,218,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-09 09:59:19','2016-10-09 09:59:19'),(1401,93,218,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-09 09:59:19','2016-10-09 09:59:19'),(1402,93,218,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-09 09:59:19','2016-10-09 09:59:19'),(1403,93,218,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-09 09:59:19','2016-10-09 09:59:19'),(1404,93,218,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-09 09:59:19','2016-10-09 09:59:19'),(1405,93,218,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-09 09:59:19','2016-10-09 09:59:19'),(1406,93,219,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-09 10:05:20','2016-10-09 10:05:20'),(1407,93,219,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-09 10:05:20','2016-10-09 10:05:20'),(1408,93,219,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-09 10:05:20','2016-10-09 10:05:20'),(1409,93,219,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-09 10:05:20','2016-10-09 10:05:20'),(1410,93,219,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-09 10:05:20','2016-10-09 10:05:20'),(1411,93,220,78,188,187,'n',0.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','Military ID','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:47'),(1412,93,220,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:47'),(1413,93,220,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:47'),(1414,93,220,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:47'),(1415,93,220,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:47'),(1416,93,220,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:47'),(1417,93,220,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:47'),(1418,93,220,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:47'),(1419,93,220,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:47'),(1420,93,220,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-09 10:26:47','2016-10-09 10:26:47'),(1421,94,221,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 08:11:15','2016-10-10 08:11:15'),(1422,94,221,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-10 08:11:15','2016-10-10 08:11:15'),(1423,94,221,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 08:11:15','2016-10-10 08:11:15'),(1424,94,221,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-10 08:11:15','2016-10-10 08:11:15'),(1425,94,221,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 08:11:15','2016-10-10 08:11:15'),(1426,94,221,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-10 08:11:15','2016-10-10 08:11:15'),(1427,94,221,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-10 08:11:15','2016-10-10 08:11:15'),(1428,94,221,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-10 08:11:15','2016-10-10 08:11:15'),(1429,94,221,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-10 08:11:15','2016-10-10 08:11:15'),(1430,94,221,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-10 08:11:15','2016-10-10 08:11:15'),(1431,94,222,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-10 08:16:56','2016-10-10 08:16:56'),(1432,94,222,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 08:16:56','2016-10-10 08:16:56'),(1433,94,222,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-10 08:16:56','2016-10-10 08:16:56'),(1434,94,222,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-10 08:16:56','2016-10-10 08:16:56'),(1435,94,222,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-10 08:16:56','2016-10-10 08:16:56'),(1436,94,223,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(1437,94,223,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(1438,94,223,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(1439,94,223,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(1440,94,223,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(1441,94,223,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(1442,94,223,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(1443,94,223,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(1444,94,223,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(1445,94,223,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-10 09:10:28','2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(1446,95,224,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 09:57:28','2016-10-10 09:57:28'),(1447,95,224,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-10 09:57:28','2016-10-10 09:57:28'),(1448,95,224,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 09:57:28','2016-10-10 09:57:28'),(1449,95,224,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-10 09:57:28','2016-10-10 09:57:28'),(1450,95,224,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 09:57:28','2016-10-10 09:57:28'),(1451,95,224,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-10 09:57:28','2016-10-10 09:57:28'),(1452,95,224,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-10 09:57:28','2016-10-10 09:57:28'),(1453,95,224,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-10 09:57:28','2016-10-10 09:57:28'),(1454,95,224,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-10 09:57:28','2016-10-10 09:57:28'),(1455,95,224,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-10 09:57:28','2016-10-10 09:57:28'),(1456,95,225,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-10 10:15:14','2016-10-10 10:15:14'),(1457,95,225,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 10:15:14','2016-10-10 10:15:14'),(1458,95,225,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-10 10:15:14','2016-10-10 10:15:14'),(1459,95,225,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2016-10-10 10:15:14','2016-10-10 10:15:14'),(1460,95,225,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-10 10:15:14','2016-10-10 10:15:14'),(1461,95,226,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(1462,95,226,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(1463,95,226,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(1464,95,226,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(1465,95,226,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(1466,95,226,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(1467,95,226,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(1468,95,226,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(1469,95,226,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(1470,95,226,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-10 10:42:17','2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(1471,96,227,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 10:56:48','2016-10-10 10:56:48'),(1472,96,227,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-10 10:56:48','2016-10-10 10:56:48'),(1473,96,227,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 10:56:48','2016-10-10 10:56:48'),(1474,96,227,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-10 10:56:48','2016-10-10 10:56:48'),(1475,96,227,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 10:56:48','2016-10-10 10:56:48'),(1476,96,227,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-10 10:56:48','2016-10-10 10:56:48'),(1477,96,227,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-10 10:56:48','2016-10-10 10:56:48'),(1478,96,227,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-10 10:56:48','2016-10-10 10:56:48'),(1479,96,227,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-10 10:56:48','2016-10-10 10:56:48'),(1480,96,227,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-10 10:56:48','2016-10-10 10:56:48'),(1481,96,228,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-10 11:04:56','2016-10-10 11:04:56'),(1482,96,228,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 11:04:56','2016-10-10 11:04:56'),(1483,96,228,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-10 11:04:56','2016-10-10 11:04:56'),(1484,96,228,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2016-10-10 11:04:56','2016-10-10 11:04:56'),(1485,96,228,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-10 11:04:56','2016-10-10 11:04:56'),(1486,96,229,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(1487,96,229,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(1488,96,229,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(1489,96,229,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(1490,96,229,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(1491,96,229,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(1492,96,229,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(1493,96,229,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(1494,96,229,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(1495,96,229,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-10 11:41:46','2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(1496,97,230,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 14:25:39','2016-10-10 14:25:39'),(1497,97,230,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-10 14:25:39','2016-10-10 14:25:39'),(1498,97,230,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 14:25:39','2016-10-10 14:25:39'),(1499,97,230,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-10 14:25:39','2016-10-10 14:25:39'),(1500,97,230,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 14:25:39','2016-10-10 14:25:39'),(1501,97,230,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-10 14:25:39','2016-10-10 14:25:39'),(1502,97,230,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-10 14:25:39','2016-10-10 14:25:39'),(1503,97,230,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-10 14:25:39','2016-10-10 14:25:39'),(1504,97,230,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-10 14:25:39','2016-10-10 14:25:39'),(1505,97,230,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-10 14:25:39','2016-10-10 14:25:39'),(1506,97,231,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-10 14:41:01','2016-10-10 14:41:01'),(1507,97,231,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 14:41:01','2016-10-10 14:41:01'),(1508,97,231,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-10 14:41:01','2016-10-10 14:41:01'),(1509,97,231,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-10 14:41:01','2016-10-10 14:41:01'),(1510,97,231,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-10 14:41:01','2016-10-10 14:41:01'),(1511,97,232,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(1512,97,232,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(1513,97,232,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(1514,97,232,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(1515,97,232,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(1516,97,232,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(1517,97,232,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(1518,97,232,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(1519,97,232,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(1520,97,232,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-10 14:59:46','2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(1521,98,233,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 15:21:24','2016-10-10 15:33:44'),(1522,98,233,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-10 15:21:24','2016-10-10 15:33:44'),(1523,98,233,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 15:21:24','2016-10-10 15:33:44'),(1524,98,233,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-10 15:21:24','2016-10-10 15:33:44'),(1525,98,233,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 15:21:24','2016-10-10 15:33:44'),(1526,98,233,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-10 15:21:24','2016-10-10 15:33:44'),(1527,98,233,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-10 15:21:24','2016-10-10 15:33:44'),(1528,98,233,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-10 15:21:24','2016-10-10 15:33:44'),(1529,98,233,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-10 15:21:24','2016-10-10 15:33:44'),(1530,98,233,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-10 15:21:24','2016-10-10 15:33:44'),(1531,98,234,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-10 15:33:28','2016-10-10 15:40:30'),(1532,98,234,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 15:33:28','2016-10-10 15:40:30'),(1533,98,234,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-10 15:33:28','2016-10-10 15:40:30'),(1534,98,234,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-10 15:33:28','2016-10-10 15:40:30'),(1535,98,234,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-10 15:33:28','2016-10-10 15:40:30'),(1536,98,235,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(1537,98,235,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(1538,98,235,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(1539,98,235,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(1540,98,235,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(1541,98,235,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(1542,98,235,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(1543,98,235,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(1544,98,235,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(1545,98,235,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-10 16:01:32','2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(1546,99,236,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 16:28:44','2016-10-10 16:46:01'),(1547,99,236,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-10 16:28:44','2016-10-10 16:46:01'),(1548,99,236,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 16:28:44','2016-10-10 16:46:01'),(1549,99,236,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-10 16:28:44','2016-10-10 16:46:01'),(1550,99,236,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 16:28:44','2016-10-10 16:46:01'),(1551,99,236,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-10 16:28:44','2016-10-10 16:46:01'),(1552,99,236,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-10 16:28:44','2016-10-10 16:46:01'),(1553,99,236,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-10 16:28:44','2016-10-10 16:46:01'),(1554,99,236,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-10 16:28:44','2016-10-10 16:46:01'),(1555,99,236,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-10 16:28:44','2016-10-10 16:46:01'),(1556,99,237,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-10 16:45:53','2016-10-10 17:02:28'),(1557,99,237,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 16:45:53','2016-10-10 17:02:28'),(1558,99,237,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-10 16:45:53','2016-10-10 17:02:28'),(1559,99,237,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-10 16:45:53','2016-10-10 17:02:28'),(1560,99,237,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-10 16:45:53','2016-10-10 17:02:28'),(1561,99,238,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(1562,99,238,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(1563,99,238,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(1564,99,238,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(1565,99,238,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(1566,99,238,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(1567,99,238,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(1568,99,238,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(1569,99,238,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(1570,99,238,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-10 17:22:07','2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(1571,100,239,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 18:01:59','2016-10-10 18:01:59'),(1572,100,239,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-10 18:01:59','2016-10-10 18:01:59'),(1573,100,239,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 18:01:59','2016-10-10 18:01:59'),(1574,100,239,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-10 18:01:59','2016-10-10 18:01:59'),(1575,100,239,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 18:01:59','2016-10-10 18:01:59'),(1576,100,239,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-10 18:01:59','2016-10-10 18:01:59'),(1577,100,239,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-10 18:01:59','2016-10-10 18:01:59'),(1578,100,239,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-10 18:01:59','2016-10-10 18:01:59'),(1579,100,239,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-10 18:01:59','2016-10-10 18:01:59'),(1580,100,239,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-10 18:01:59','2016-10-10 18:01:59'),(1581,100,240,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-10 19:12:22','2016-10-10 19:12:22'),(1582,100,240,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 19:12:22','2016-10-10 19:12:22'),(1583,100,240,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-10 19:12:22','2016-10-10 19:12:22'),(1584,100,240,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-10 19:12:22','2016-10-10 19:12:22'),(1585,100,240,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-10 19:12:22','2016-10-10 19:12:22'),(1586,100,241,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:10'),(1587,100,241,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:10'),(1588,100,241,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:10'),(1589,100,241,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:10'),(1590,100,241,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:10'),(1591,100,241,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:10'),(1592,100,241,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:10'),(1593,100,241,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:10'),(1594,100,241,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:10'),(1595,100,241,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-10 19:29:10','2016-10-10 19:29:10'),(1596,101,242,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 08:48:58','2016-10-11 08:48:58'),(1597,101,242,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-11 08:48:58','2016-10-11 08:48:58'),(1598,101,242,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 08:48:58','2016-10-11 08:48:58'),(1599,101,242,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-11 08:48:58','2016-10-11 08:48:58'),(1600,101,242,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 08:48:58','2016-10-11 08:48:58'),(1601,101,242,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-11 08:48:58','2016-10-11 08:48:58'),(1602,101,242,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-11 08:48:58','2016-10-11 08:48:58'),(1603,101,242,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-11 08:48:58','2016-10-11 08:48:58'),(1604,101,242,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-11 08:48:58','2016-10-11 08:48:58'),(1605,101,242,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-11 08:48:58','2016-10-11 08:48:58'),(1606,101,243,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-11 08:55:03','2016-10-11 08:55:03'),(1607,101,243,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 08:55:03','2016-10-11 08:55:03'),(1608,101,243,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-11 08:55:03','2016-10-11 08:55:03'),(1609,101,243,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-11 08:55:03','2016-10-11 08:55:03'),(1610,101,243,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-11 08:55:03','2016-10-11 08:55:03'),(1611,101,244,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(1612,101,244,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(1613,101,244,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(1614,101,244,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(1615,101,244,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(1616,101,244,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(1617,101,244,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(1618,101,244,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(1619,101,244,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(1620,101,244,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-11 09:44:27','2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(1621,102,245,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 10:16:38','2016-10-11 10:16:38'),(1622,102,245,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2016-10-11 10:16:38','2016-10-11 10:16:38'),(1623,102,245,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 10:16:38','2016-10-11 10:16:38'),(1624,102,245,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-11 10:16:38','2016-10-11 10:16:38'),(1625,102,245,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 10:16:38','2016-10-11 10:16:38'),(1626,102,245,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-11 10:16:38','2016-10-11 10:16:38'),(1627,102,245,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-11 10:16:38','2016-10-11 10:16:38'),(1628,102,245,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-11 10:16:38','2016-10-11 10:16:38'),(1629,102,245,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-11 10:16:38','2016-10-11 10:16:38'),(1630,102,245,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-11 10:16:38','2016-10-11 10:16:38'),(1631,102,246,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-11 10:22:17','2016-10-11 10:22:17'),(1632,102,246,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 10:22:17','2016-10-11 10:22:17'),(1633,102,246,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-11 10:22:17','2016-10-11 10:22:17'),(1634,102,246,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-11 10:22:17','2016-10-11 10:22:17'),(1635,102,246,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-11 10:22:17','2016-10-11 10:22:17'),(1636,102,247,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(1637,102,247,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(1638,102,247,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(1639,102,247,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(1640,102,247,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(1641,102,247,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(1642,102,247,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(1643,102,247,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(1644,102,247,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(1645,102,247,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-11 10:37:11','2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(1646,103,248,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 13:07:33','2016-10-11 13:07:33'),(1647,103,248,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-11 13:07:33','2016-10-11 13:07:33'),(1648,103,248,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 13:07:33','2016-10-11 13:07:33'),(1649,103,248,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-11 13:07:33','2016-10-11 13:07:33'),(1650,103,248,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 13:07:33','2016-10-11 13:07:33'),(1651,103,248,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-11 13:07:33','2016-10-11 13:07:33'),(1652,103,248,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-11 13:07:33','2016-10-11 13:07:33'),(1653,103,248,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-11 13:07:33','2016-10-11 13:07:33'),(1654,103,248,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-11 13:07:33','2016-10-11 13:07:33'),(1655,103,248,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-11 13:07:33','2016-10-11 13:07:33'),(1656,103,249,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-11 13:13:21','2016-10-11 13:13:21'),(1657,103,249,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 13:13:21','2016-10-11 13:13:21'),(1658,103,249,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-11 13:13:21','2016-10-11 13:13:21'),(1659,103,249,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-11 13:13:21','2016-10-11 13:13:21'),(1660,103,249,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-11 13:13:21','2016-10-11 13:13:21'),(1661,103,250,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(1662,103,250,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(1663,103,250,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(1664,103,250,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(1665,103,250,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(1666,103,250,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(1667,103,250,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(1668,103,250,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(1669,103,250,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(1670,103,250,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-11 13:28:33','2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(1671,104,251,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 14:13:13','2016-10-11 14:13:13'),(1672,104,251,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-11 14:13:13','2016-10-11 14:13:13'),(1673,104,251,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 14:13:13','2016-10-11 14:13:13'),(1674,104,251,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-11 14:13:13','2016-10-11 14:13:13'),(1675,104,251,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 14:13:13','2016-10-11 14:13:13'),(1676,104,251,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-11 14:13:13','2016-10-11 14:13:13'),(1677,104,251,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-11 14:13:13','2016-10-11 14:13:13'),(1678,104,251,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-11 14:13:13','2016-10-11 14:13:13'),(1679,104,251,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-11 14:13:13','2016-10-11 14:13:13'),(1680,104,251,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-11 14:13:13','2016-10-11 14:13:13'),(1681,104,252,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-11 14:20:04','2016-10-11 14:20:04'),(1682,104,252,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 14:20:04','2016-10-11 14:20:04'),(1683,104,252,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-11 14:20:04','2016-10-11 14:20:04'),(1684,104,252,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-11 14:20:04','2016-10-11 14:20:04'),(1685,104,252,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-11 14:20:04','2016-10-11 14:20:04'),(1686,104,253,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(1687,104,253,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(1688,104,253,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(1689,104,253,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(1690,104,253,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(1691,104,253,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(1692,104,253,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(1693,104,253,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(1694,104,253,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(1695,104,253,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-11 14:51:08','2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(1696,105,254,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 14:56:35','2016-10-11 14:56:35'),(1697,105,254,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-11 14:56:35','2016-10-11 14:56:35'),(1698,105,254,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 14:56:35','2016-10-11 14:56:35'),(1699,105,254,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-11 14:56:35','2016-10-11 14:56:35'),(1700,105,254,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 14:56:35','2016-10-11 14:56:35'),(1701,105,254,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-11 14:56:35','2016-10-11 14:56:35'),(1702,105,254,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-11 14:56:35','2016-10-11 14:56:35'),(1703,105,254,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-11 14:56:35','2016-10-11 14:56:35'),(1704,105,254,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-11 14:56:35','2016-10-11 14:56:35'),(1705,105,254,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-11 14:56:35','2016-10-11 14:56:35'),(1706,105,255,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-11 15:02:05','2016-10-11 15:02:05'),(1707,105,255,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 15:02:05','2016-10-11 15:02:05'),(1708,105,255,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-11 15:02:05','2016-10-11 15:02:05'),(1709,105,255,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-11 15:02:05','2016-10-11 15:02:05'),(1710,105,255,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-11 15:02:05','2016-10-11 15:02:05'),(1711,105,256,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(1712,105,256,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(1713,105,256,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(1714,105,256,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(1715,105,256,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(1716,105,256,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(1717,105,256,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(1718,105,256,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(1719,105,256,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(1720,105,256,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-11 15:17:45','2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(1721,106,257,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 15:22:46','2016-10-11 15:22:46'),(1722,106,257,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-11 15:22:46','2016-10-11 15:22:46'),(1723,106,257,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 15:22:46','2016-10-11 15:22:46'),(1724,106,257,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-11 15:22:46','2016-10-11 15:22:46'),(1725,106,257,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 15:22:46','2016-10-11 15:22:46'),(1726,106,257,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-11 15:22:46','2016-10-11 15:22:46'),(1727,106,257,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-11 15:22:46','2016-10-11 15:22:46'),(1728,106,257,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-11 15:22:46','2016-10-11 15:22:46'),(1729,106,257,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-11 15:22:46','2016-10-11 15:22:46'),(1730,106,257,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-11 15:22:46','2016-10-11 15:22:46'),(1731,106,258,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-11 15:30:34','2016-10-11 15:30:34'),(1732,106,258,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 15:30:34','2016-10-11 15:30:34'),(1733,106,258,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-11 15:30:34','2016-10-11 15:30:34'),(1734,106,258,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-11 15:30:34','2016-10-11 15:30:34'),(1735,106,258,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-11 15:30:34','2016-10-11 15:30:34'),(1736,106,259,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(1737,106,259,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(1738,106,259,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(1739,106,259,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(1740,106,259,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(1741,106,259,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(1742,106,259,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(1743,106,259,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(1744,106,259,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(1745,106,259,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-11 15:51:06','2016-10-11 15:51:06'),(1746,107,260,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 06:56:43','2016-10-12 06:56:43'),(1747,107,260,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-12 06:56:43','2016-10-12 06:56:43'),(1748,107,260,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 06:56:43','2016-10-12 06:56:43'),(1749,107,260,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-12 06:56:43','2016-10-12 06:56:43'),(1750,107,260,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 06:56:43','2016-10-12 06:56:43'),(1751,107,260,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-12 06:56:43','2016-10-12 06:56:43'),(1752,107,260,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-12 06:56:43','2016-10-12 06:56:43'),(1753,107,260,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-12 06:56:43','2016-10-12 06:56:43'),(1754,107,260,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-12 06:56:43','2016-10-12 06:56:43'),(1755,107,260,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-12 06:56:43','2016-10-12 06:56:43'),(1756,107,261,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-12 07:07:46','2016-10-12 07:07:46'),(1757,107,261,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 07:07:46','2016-10-12 07:07:46'),(1758,107,261,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-12 07:07:46','2016-10-12 07:07:46'),(1759,107,261,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-12 07:07:46','2016-10-12 07:07:46'),(1760,107,261,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-12 07:07:46','2016-10-12 07:07:46'),(1761,107,262,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(1762,107,262,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(1763,107,262,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(1764,107,262,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(1765,107,262,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(1766,107,262,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(1767,107,262,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(1768,107,262,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(1769,107,262,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(1770,107,262,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-12 08:37:04','2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(1771,108,263,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 12:12:04','2016-10-12 12:18:50'),(1772,108,263,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-12 12:12:04','2016-10-12 12:18:50'),(1773,108,263,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 12:12:04','2016-10-12 12:18:50'),(1774,108,263,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-12 12:12:04','2016-10-12 12:18:50'),(1775,108,263,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 12:12:04','2016-10-12 12:18:50'),(1776,108,263,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-12 12:12:04','2016-10-12 12:18:50'),(1777,108,263,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-12 12:12:04','2016-10-12 12:18:50'),(1778,108,263,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-12 12:12:04','2016-10-12 12:18:50'),(1779,108,263,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-12 12:12:04','2016-10-12 12:18:50'),(1780,108,263,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-12 12:12:04','2016-10-12 12:18:50'),(1781,108,264,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-12 12:18:44','2016-10-12 12:31:47'),(1782,108,264,70,165,163,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Minors','All of the above','2016-10-12 12:18:44','2016-10-12 12:31:47'),(1783,108,264,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-12 12:18:44','2016-10-12 12:31:47'),(1784,108,264,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-12 12:18:44','2016-10-12 12:31:47'),(1785,108,264,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-12 12:18:44','2016-10-12 12:31:47'),(1786,108,265,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:40'),(1787,108,265,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:40'),(1788,108,265,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:40'),(1789,108,265,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:40'),(1790,108,265,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:40'),(1791,108,265,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:40'),(1792,108,265,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:40'),(1793,108,265,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:40'),(1794,108,265,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:40'),(1795,108,265,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-12 13:11:40','2016-10-12 13:11:40'),(1796,109,266,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 13:06:06','2016-10-12 13:06:06'),(1797,109,266,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-12 13:06:06','2016-10-12 13:06:06'),(1798,109,266,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 13:06:06','2016-10-12 13:06:06'),(1799,109,266,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-12 13:06:06','2016-10-12 13:06:06'),(1800,109,266,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 13:06:06','2016-10-12 13:06:06'),(1801,109,266,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-12 13:06:06','2016-10-12 13:06:06'),(1802,109,266,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-12 13:06:06','2016-10-12 13:06:06'),(1803,109,266,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-12 13:06:06','2016-10-12 13:06:06'),(1804,109,266,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-12 13:06:06','2016-10-12 13:06:06'),(1805,109,266,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-12 13:06:06','2016-10-12 13:06:06'),(1806,109,267,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-12 13:11:45','2016-10-12 13:11:45'),(1807,109,267,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 13:11:45','2016-10-12 13:11:45'),(1808,109,267,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-12 13:11:45','2016-10-12 13:11:45'),(1809,109,267,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-12 13:11:45','2016-10-12 13:11:45'),(1810,109,267,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-12 13:11:45','2016-10-12 13:11:45'),(1811,109,268,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(1812,109,268,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(1813,109,268,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(1814,109,268,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(1815,109,268,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(1816,109,268,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(1817,109,268,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(1818,109,268,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(1819,109,268,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(1820,109,268,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-12 13:27:47','2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(1821,110,269,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-13 13:58:46','2016-10-13 13:58:46'),(1822,110,269,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-13 13:58:46','2016-10-13 13:58:46'),(1823,110,269,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-13 13:58:46','2016-10-13 13:58:46'),(1824,110,269,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-13 13:58:46','2016-10-13 13:58:46'),(1825,110,269,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-13 13:58:46','2016-10-13 13:58:46'),(1826,110,269,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-13 13:58:46','2016-10-13 13:58:46'),(1827,110,269,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-13 13:58:46','2016-10-13 13:58:46'),(1828,110,269,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-13 13:58:46','2016-10-13 13:58:46'),(1829,110,269,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-13 13:58:46','2016-10-13 13:58:46'),(1830,110,269,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-13 13:58:46','2016-10-13 13:58:46'),(1831,110,270,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-13 14:07:59','2016-10-13 14:07:59'),(1832,110,270,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-13 14:07:59','2016-10-13 14:07:59'),(1833,110,270,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-13 14:07:59','2016-10-13 14:07:59'),(1834,110,270,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-13 14:07:59','2016-10-13 14:07:59'),(1835,110,270,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-13 14:07:59','2016-10-13 14:07:59'),(1836,110,271,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(1837,110,271,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(1838,110,271,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(1839,110,271,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(1840,110,271,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(1841,110,271,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(1842,110,271,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(1843,110,271,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(1844,110,271,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(1845,110,271,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-13 14:23:45','2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(1846,111,272,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-14 21:28:30','2016-10-14 21:28:30'),(1847,111,272,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-14 21:28:30','2016-10-14 21:28:30'),(1848,111,272,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-14 21:28:30','2016-10-14 21:28:30'),(1849,111,272,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-14 21:28:30','2016-10-14 21:28:30'),(1850,111,272,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-14 21:28:30','2016-10-14 21:28:30'),(1851,111,272,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-14 21:28:30','2016-10-14 21:28:30'),(1852,111,272,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-14 21:28:30','2016-10-14 21:28:30'),(1853,111,272,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-14 21:28:30','2016-10-14 21:28:30'),(1854,111,272,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-14 21:28:30','2016-10-14 21:28:30'),(1855,111,272,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-14 21:28:30','2016-10-14 21:28:30'),(1856,111,273,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-14 21:34:50','2016-10-14 21:34:50'),(1857,111,273,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-14 21:34:50','2016-10-14 21:34:50'),(1858,111,273,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-14 21:34:50','2016-10-14 21:34:50'),(1859,111,273,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-14 21:34:50','2016-10-14 21:34:50'),(1860,111,273,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-14 21:34:50','2016-10-14 21:34:50'),(1861,111,274,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:39'),(1862,111,274,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:39'),(1863,111,274,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:39'),(1864,111,274,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:39'),(1865,111,274,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:39'),(1866,111,274,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:39'),(1867,111,274,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:39'),(1868,111,274,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:39'),(1869,111,274,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:39'),(1870,111,274,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-14 22:34:39','2016-10-14 22:34:39'),(1871,112,275,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2016-10-17 11:51:43','2016-10-17 11:51:43'),(1872,112,275,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-17 11:51:43','2016-10-17 11:51:43'),(1873,112,275,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-17 11:51:43','2016-10-17 11:51:43'),(1874,112,275,52,114,113,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Electronic delivery devices (e-cigarettes)','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-17 11:51:43','2016-10-17 11:51:43'),(1875,112,275,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-17 11:51:43','2016-10-17 11:51:43'),(1876,112,275,54,120,121,'n',0.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','False','True','2016-10-17 11:51:43','2016-10-17 11:51:43'),(1877,112,275,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-17 11:51:43','2016-10-17 11:51:43'),(1878,112,275,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-17 11:51:43','2016-10-17 11:51:43'),(1879,112,275,57,128,129,'n',0.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','False','True','2016-10-17 11:51:43','2016-10-17 11:51:43'),(1880,112,275,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-17 11:51:43','2016-10-17 11:51:43'),(1881,112,276,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-17 12:02:06','2016-10-17 12:02:06'),(1882,112,276,70,165,163,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Minors','All of the above','2016-10-17 12:02:06','2016-10-17 12:02:06'),(1883,112,276,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-17 12:02:06','2016-10-17 12:02:06'),(1884,112,276,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2016-10-17 12:02:06','2016-10-17 12:02:06'),(1885,112,276,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-17 12:02:06','2016-10-17 12:02:06'),(1886,112,277,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:55'),(1887,112,277,79,193,192,'n',0.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','Not be expired','All of the above','2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:55'),(1888,112,277,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:55'),(1889,112,277,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:55'),(1890,112,277,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:55'),(1891,112,277,77,184,182,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Kiosk at a mall','All of the above','2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:55'),(1892,112,277,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:55'),(1893,112,277,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:55'),(1894,112,277,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:55'),(1895,112,277,84,206,207,'n',0.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','False','True','2016-10-17 12:30:55','2016-10-17 12:30:55'),(1896,113,278,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-17 17:02:12','2016-10-17 17:02:12'),(1897,113,278,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-17 17:02:12','2016-10-17 17:02:12'),(1898,113,278,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-17 17:02:12','2016-10-17 17:02:12'),(1899,113,278,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-17 17:02:12','2016-10-17 17:02:12'),(1900,113,278,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-17 17:02:12','2016-10-17 17:02:12'),(1901,113,278,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-17 17:02:12','2016-10-17 17:02:12'),(1902,113,278,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-17 17:02:12','2016-10-17 17:02:12'),(1903,113,278,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-17 17:02:12','2016-10-17 17:02:12'),(1904,113,278,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-17 17:02:12','2016-10-17 17:02:12'),(1905,113,278,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-17 17:02:12','2016-10-17 17:02:12'),(1906,113,279,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-17 17:42:18','2016-10-17 17:42:18'),(1907,113,279,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-17 17:42:18','2016-10-17 17:42:18'),(1908,113,279,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-17 17:42:18','2016-10-17 17:42:18'),(1909,113,279,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-17 17:42:18','2016-10-17 17:42:18'),(1910,113,279,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-17 17:42:18','2016-10-17 17:42:18'),(1911,113,280,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:10'),(1912,113,280,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:10'),(1913,113,280,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:10'),(1914,113,280,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:10'),(1915,113,280,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:10'),(1916,113,280,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:10'),(1917,113,280,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:10'),(1918,113,280,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:10'),(1919,113,280,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:10'),(1920,113,280,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-17 18:05:10','2016-10-17 18:05:10'),(1921,114,281,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 13:17:15','2016-10-18 13:17:15'),(1922,114,281,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-18 13:17:15','2016-10-18 13:17:15'),(1923,114,281,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 13:17:15','2016-10-18 13:17:15'),(1924,114,281,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-18 13:17:15','2016-10-18 13:17:15'),(1925,114,281,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 13:17:15','2016-10-18 13:17:15'),(1926,114,281,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-18 13:17:15','2016-10-18 13:17:15'),(1927,114,281,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-18 13:17:15','2016-10-18 13:17:15'),(1928,114,281,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-18 13:17:15','2016-10-18 13:17:15'),(1929,114,281,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-18 13:17:15','2016-10-18 13:17:15'),(1930,114,281,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-18 13:17:15','2016-10-18 13:17:15'),(1931,114,282,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-18 13:25:43','2016-10-18 13:25:43'),(1932,114,282,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2016-10-18 13:25:43','2016-10-18 13:25:43'),(1933,114,282,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-18 13:25:43','2016-10-18 13:25:43'),(1934,114,282,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-18 13:25:43','2016-10-18 13:25:43'),(1935,114,282,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-18 13:25:43','2016-10-18 13:25:43'),(1936,114,283,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(1937,114,283,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(1938,114,283,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(1939,114,283,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(1940,114,283,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(1941,114,283,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(1942,114,283,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(1943,114,283,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(1944,114,283,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(1945,114,283,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-18 13:42:00','2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(1946,115,284,49,103,102,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Homicides, Suicides & Car Accidents','All of the above','2016-10-18 13:56:15','2016-10-18 13:56:15'),(1947,115,284,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-18 13:56:15','2016-10-18 13:56:15'),(1948,115,284,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 13:56:15','2016-10-18 13:56:15'),(1949,115,284,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-18 13:56:15','2016-10-18 13:56:15'),(1950,115,284,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 13:56:15','2016-10-18 13:56:15'),(1951,115,284,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-18 13:56:15','2016-10-18 13:56:15'),(1952,115,284,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-18 13:56:15','2016-10-18 13:56:15'),(1953,115,284,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-18 13:56:15','2016-10-18 13:56:15'),(1954,115,284,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-18 13:56:15','2016-10-18 13:56:15'),(1955,115,284,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-18 13:56:15','2016-10-18 13:56:15'),(1956,115,285,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-18 14:03:07','2016-10-18 14:03:07'),(1957,115,285,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 14:03:07','2016-10-18 14:03:07'),(1958,115,285,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-18 14:03:07','2016-10-18 14:03:07'),(1959,115,285,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-18 14:03:07','2016-10-18 14:03:07'),(1960,115,285,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-18 14:03:07','2016-10-18 14:03:07'),(1961,115,286,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(1962,115,286,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(1963,115,286,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(1964,115,286,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(1965,115,286,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(1966,115,286,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(1967,115,286,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(1968,115,286,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(1969,115,286,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(1970,115,286,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-18 14:20:29','2016-10-18 14:20:29'),(1971,116,287,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 16:12:55','2016-10-18 16:12:55'),(1972,116,287,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-18 16:12:55','2016-10-18 16:12:55'),(1973,116,287,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 16:12:55','2016-10-18 16:12:55'),(1974,116,287,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-18 16:12:55','2016-10-18 16:12:55'),(1975,116,287,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 16:12:55','2016-10-18 16:12:55'),(1976,116,287,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-18 16:12:55','2016-10-18 16:12:55'),(1977,116,287,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-18 16:12:55','2016-10-18 16:12:55'),(1978,116,287,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-18 16:12:55','2016-10-18 16:12:55'),(1979,116,287,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-18 16:12:55','2016-10-18 16:12:55'),(1980,116,287,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-18 16:12:55','2016-10-18 16:12:55'),(1981,116,288,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-18 16:21:07','2016-10-18 16:21:07'),(1982,116,288,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 16:21:07','2016-10-18 16:21:07'),(1983,116,288,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-18 16:21:07','2016-10-18 16:21:07'),(1984,116,288,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-18 16:21:07','2016-10-18 16:21:07'),(1985,116,288,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-18 16:21:07','2016-10-18 16:21:07'),(1986,116,289,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(1987,116,289,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(1988,116,289,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(1989,116,289,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(1990,116,289,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(1991,116,289,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(1992,116,289,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(1993,116,289,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(1994,116,289,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(1995,116,289,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-18 17:11:26','2016-10-18 17:11:26'),(1996,117,290,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 20:11:34','2016-10-18 20:11:34'),(1997,117,290,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-18 20:11:34','2016-10-18 20:11:34'),(1998,117,290,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 20:11:34','2016-10-18 20:11:34'),(1999,117,290,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-18 20:11:34','2016-10-18 20:11:34'),(2000,117,290,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 20:11:34','2016-10-18 20:11:34'),(2001,117,290,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-18 20:11:34','2016-10-18 20:11:34'),(2002,117,290,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-18 20:11:34','2016-10-18 20:11:34'),(2003,117,290,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-18 20:11:34','2016-10-18 20:11:34'),(2004,117,290,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-18 20:11:34','2016-10-18 20:11:34'),(2005,117,290,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-18 20:11:34','2016-10-18 20:11:34'),(2006,117,291,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-18 20:18:33','2016-10-18 20:18:33'),(2007,117,291,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 20:18:33','2016-10-18 20:18:33'),(2008,117,291,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-18 20:18:33','2016-10-18 20:18:33'),(2009,117,291,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-18 20:18:33','2016-10-18 20:18:33'),(2010,117,291,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-18 20:18:33','2016-10-18 20:18:33'),(2011,117,292,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(2012,117,292,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(2013,117,292,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(2014,117,292,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(2015,117,292,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(2016,117,292,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(2017,117,292,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(2018,117,292,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(2019,117,292,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(2020,117,292,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-18 20:38:39','2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(2021,118,293,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-24 14:31:28','2016-10-24 14:31:28'),(2022,118,293,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-24 14:31:28','2016-10-24 14:31:28'),(2023,118,293,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-24 14:31:28','2016-10-24 14:31:28'),(2024,118,293,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-24 14:31:28','2016-10-24 14:31:28'),(2025,118,293,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-24 14:31:28','2016-10-24 14:31:28'),(2026,118,293,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-24 14:31:28','2016-10-24 14:31:28'),(2027,118,293,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-24 14:31:28','2016-10-24 14:31:28'),(2028,118,293,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-24 14:31:28','2016-10-24 14:31:28'),(2029,118,293,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-24 14:31:28','2016-10-24 14:31:28'),(2030,118,293,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-24 14:31:28','2016-10-24 14:31:28'),(2031,118,294,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-24 14:37:04','2016-10-24 14:37:04'),(2032,118,294,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-24 14:37:04','2016-10-24 14:37:04'),(2033,118,294,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-24 14:37:04','2016-10-24 14:37:04'),(2034,118,294,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-24 14:37:04','2016-10-24 14:37:04'),(2035,118,294,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-24 14:37:04','2016-10-24 14:37:04'),(2036,118,295,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(2037,118,295,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(2038,118,295,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(2039,118,295,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(2040,118,295,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(2041,118,295,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(2042,118,295,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(2043,118,295,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(2044,118,295,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(2045,118,295,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-24 14:52:25','2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(2046,119,296,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-25 14:06:23','2016-10-25 14:06:23'),(2047,119,296,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-25 14:06:23','2016-10-25 14:06:23'),(2048,119,296,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-25 14:06:23','2016-10-25 14:06:23'),(2049,119,296,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-25 14:06:23','2016-10-25 14:06:23'),(2050,119,296,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-25 14:06:23','2016-10-25 14:06:23'),(2051,119,296,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-25 14:06:23','2016-10-25 14:06:23'),(2052,119,296,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-25 14:06:23','2016-10-25 14:06:23'),(2053,119,296,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-25 14:06:23','2016-10-25 14:06:23'),(2054,119,296,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-25 14:06:23','2016-10-25 14:06:23'),(2055,119,296,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-25 14:06:23','2016-10-25 14:06:23'),(2056,119,297,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-25 14:20:43','2016-10-25 14:20:43'),(2057,119,297,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-25 14:20:43','2016-10-25 14:20:43'),(2058,119,297,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-25 14:20:43','2016-10-25 14:20:43'),(2059,119,297,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-25 14:20:43','2016-10-25 14:20:43'),(2060,119,297,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-25 14:20:43','2016-10-25 14:20:43'),(2061,119,298,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(2062,119,298,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(2063,119,298,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(2064,119,298,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(2065,119,298,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(2066,119,298,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(2067,119,298,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(2068,119,298,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(2069,119,298,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(2070,119,298,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-25 14:37:37','2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(2071,120,299,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-26 14:39:19','2016-10-26 14:39:19'),(2072,120,299,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-26 14:39:19','2016-10-26 14:39:19'),(2073,120,299,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2016-10-26 14:39:19','2016-10-26 14:39:19'),(2074,120,299,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-26 14:39:19','2016-10-26 14:39:19'),(2075,120,299,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-26 14:39:19','2016-10-26 14:39:19'),(2076,120,299,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-26 14:39:19','2016-10-26 14:39:19'),(2077,120,299,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-26 14:39:19','2016-10-26 14:39:19'),(2078,120,299,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-26 14:39:19','2016-10-26 14:39:19'),(2079,120,299,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-26 14:39:19','2016-10-26 14:39:19'),(2080,120,299,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-26 14:39:19','2016-10-26 14:39:19'),(2081,120,300,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-26 14:45:10','2016-10-26 14:45:10'),(2082,120,300,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-26 14:45:10','2016-10-26 14:45:10'),(2083,120,300,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-26 14:45:10','2016-10-26 14:45:10'),(2084,120,300,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-26 14:45:10','2016-10-26 14:45:10'),(2085,120,300,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-26 14:45:10','2016-10-26 14:45:10'),(2086,120,301,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(2087,120,301,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(2088,120,301,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(2089,120,301,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(2090,120,301,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(2091,120,301,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(2092,120,301,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(2093,120,301,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(2094,120,301,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(2095,120,301,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-26 14:59:55','2016-10-26 14:59:55'),(2096,121,302,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-30 17:55:09','2016-10-30 17:55:09'),(2097,121,302,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-10-30 17:55:09','2016-10-30 17:55:09'),(2098,121,302,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-30 17:55:09','2016-10-30 17:55:09'),(2099,121,302,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-10-30 17:55:09','2016-10-30 17:55:09'),(2100,121,302,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-30 17:55:09','2016-10-30 17:55:09'),(2101,121,302,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-10-30 17:55:09','2016-10-30 17:55:09'),(2102,121,302,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-10-30 17:55:09','2016-10-30 17:55:09'),(2103,121,302,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-10-30 17:55:09','2016-10-30 17:55:09'),(2104,121,302,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-10-30 17:55:09','2016-10-30 17:55:09'),(2105,121,302,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-10-30 17:55:09','2016-10-30 17:55:09'),(2106,121,303,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-10-30 18:01:18','2016-10-30 18:01:18'),(2107,121,303,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-30 18:01:18','2016-10-30 18:01:18'),(2108,121,303,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-10-30 18:01:18','2016-10-30 18:01:18'),(2109,121,303,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-10-30 18:01:18','2016-10-30 18:01:18'),(2110,121,303,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-10-30 18:01:18','2016-10-30 18:01:18'),(2111,121,304,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(2112,121,304,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(2113,121,304,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(2114,121,304,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(2115,121,304,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(2116,121,304,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(2117,121,304,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(2118,121,304,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(2119,121,304,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(2120,121,304,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-10-30 18:16:27','2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(2121,122,305,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-01 17:16:06','2016-11-01 17:16:06'),(2122,122,305,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-01 17:16:06','2016-11-01 17:16:06'),(2123,122,305,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-01 17:16:06','2016-11-01 17:16:06'),(2124,122,305,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-01 17:16:06','2016-11-01 17:16:06'),(2125,122,305,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-01 17:16:06','2016-11-01 17:16:06'),(2126,122,305,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-01 17:16:06','2016-11-01 17:16:06'),(2127,122,305,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-01 17:16:06','2016-11-01 17:16:06'),(2128,122,305,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-01 17:16:06','2016-11-01 17:16:06'),(2129,122,305,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-01 17:16:06','2016-11-01 17:16:06'),(2130,122,305,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-01 17:16:06','2016-11-01 17:16:06'),(2131,122,306,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-01 17:23:38','2016-11-01 17:23:38'),(2132,122,306,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-01 17:23:38','2016-11-01 17:23:38'),(2133,122,306,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-01 17:23:38','2016-11-01 17:23:38'),(2134,122,306,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-01 17:23:38','2016-11-01 17:23:38'),(2135,122,306,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-01 17:23:38','2016-11-01 17:23:38'),(2136,122,307,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:00'),(2137,122,307,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:00'),(2138,122,307,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:00'),(2139,122,307,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:00'),(2140,122,307,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:00'),(2141,122,307,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:00'),(2142,122,307,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:00'),(2143,122,307,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:00'),(2144,122,307,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:00'),(2145,122,307,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-01 17:42:00','2016-11-01 17:42:00'),(2146,123,308,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-02 18:50:38','2016-11-02 18:50:38'),(2147,123,308,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-02 18:50:38','2016-11-02 18:50:38'),(2148,123,308,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-02 18:50:38','2016-11-02 18:50:38'),(2149,123,308,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-02 18:50:38','2016-11-02 18:50:38'),(2150,123,308,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-02 18:50:38','2016-11-02 18:50:38'),(2151,123,308,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-02 18:50:38','2016-11-02 18:50:38'),(2152,123,308,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-02 18:50:38','2016-11-02 18:50:38'),(2153,123,308,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-02 18:50:38','2016-11-02 18:50:38'),(2154,123,308,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-02 18:50:38','2016-11-02 18:50:38'),(2155,123,308,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-02 18:50:38','2016-11-02 18:50:38'),(2156,123,309,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-02 18:57:05','2016-11-02 18:57:05'),(2157,123,309,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-02 18:57:05','2016-11-02 18:57:05'),(2158,123,309,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-02 18:57:05','2016-11-02 18:57:05'),(2159,123,309,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-02 18:57:05','2016-11-02 18:57:05'),(2160,123,309,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-02 18:57:05','2016-11-02 18:57:05'),(2161,123,310,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(2162,123,310,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(2163,123,310,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(2164,123,310,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(2165,123,310,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(2166,123,310,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(2167,123,310,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(2168,123,310,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(2169,123,310,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(2170,123,310,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-02 19:15:50','2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(2171,124,311,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 09:33:36','2016-11-06 09:33:36'),(2172,124,311,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-06 09:33:36','2016-11-06 09:33:36'),(2173,124,311,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 09:33:36','2016-11-06 09:33:36'),(2174,124,311,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-06 09:33:36','2016-11-06 09:33:36'),(2175,124,311,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 09:33:36','2016-11-06 09:33:36'),(2176,124,311,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-06 09:33:36','2016-11-06 09:33:36'),(2177,124,311,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-06 09:33:36','2016-11-06 09:33:36'),(2178,124,311,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-06 09:33:36','2016-11-06 09:33:36'),(2179,124,311,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-06 09:33:36','2016-11-06 09:33:36'),(2180,124,311,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-06 09:33:36','2016-11-06 09:33:36'),(2181,124,312,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-06 09:43:55','2016-11-06 09:43:55'),(2182,124,312,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 09:43:55','2016-11-06 09:43:55'),(2183,124,312,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-06 09:43:55','2016-11-06 09:43:55'),(2184,124,312,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-06 09:43:55','2016-11-06 09:43:55'),(2185,124,312,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-06 09:43:55','2016-11-06 09:43:55'),(2186,124,313,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(2187,124,313,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(2188,124,313,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(2189,124,313,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(2190,124,313,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(2191,124,313,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(2192,124,313,81,196,197,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Manufaturer’s Information','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(2193,124,313,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(2194,124,313,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(2195,124,313,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-06 10:16:21','2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(2196,125,314,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 13:04:39','2016-11-06 15:42:52'),(2197,125,314,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-06 13:04:39','2016-11-06 15:42:52'),(2198,125,314,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 13:04:39','2016-11-06 15:42:52'),(2199,125,314,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-06 13:04:39','2016-11-06 15:42:52'),(2200,125,314,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 13:04:39','2016-11-06 15:42:52'),(2201,125,314,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-06 13:04:39','2016-11-06 15:42:52'),(2202,125,314,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-06 13:04:39','2016-11-06 15:42:52'),(2203,125,314,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-06 13:04:39','2016-11-06 15:42:52'),(2204,125,314,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-06 13:04:39','2016-11-06 15:42:52'),(2205,125,314,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-06 13:04:39','2016-11-06 15:42:52'),(2206,125,315,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-06 13:05:05','2016-11-06 15:42:58'),(2207,125,315,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 13:05:05','2016-11-06 15:42:58'),(2208,125,315,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-06 13:05:05','2016-11-06 15:42:58'),(2209,125,315,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-06 13:05:05','2016-11-06 15:42:58'),(2210,125,315,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-06 13:05:05','2016-11-06 15:42:58'),(2211,125,316,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-06 13:43:18','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(2212,125,316,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 13:43:18','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(2213,125,316,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-06 13:43:18','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(2214,125,316,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-06 13:43:18','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(2215,125,316,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-06 13:43:18','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(2216,125,316,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-06 13:43:18','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(2217,125,316,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-06 13:43:18','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(2218,125,316,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-06 13:43:18','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(2219,125,316,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-06 13:43:18','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(2220,125,316,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-06 13:43:18','2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(2221,126,317,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-07 10:48:39','2016-11-07 10:48:39'),(2222,126,317,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-07 10:48:39','2016-11-07 10:48:39'),(2223,126,317,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-07 10:48:39','2016-11-07 10:48:39'),(2224,126,317,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-07 10:48:39','2016-11-07 10:48:39'),(2225,126,317,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-07 10:48:39','2016-11-07 10:48:39'),(2226,126,317,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-07 10:48:39','2016-11-07 10:48:39'),(2227,126,317,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-07 10:48:39','2016-11-07 10:48:39'),(2228,126,317,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-07 10:48:39','2016-11-07 10:48:39'),(2229,126,317,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-07 10:48:39','2016-11-07 10:48:39'),(2230,126,317,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-07 10:48:39','2016-11-07 10:48:39'),(2231,126,318,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-07 10:55:17','2016-11-07 10:55:17'),(2232,126,318,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-07 10:55:17','2016-11-07 10:55:17'),(2233,126,318,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-07 10:55:17','2016-11-07 10:55:17'),(2234,126,318,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2016-11-07 10:55:17','2016-11-07 10:55:17'),(2235,126,318,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-07 10:55:17','2016-11-07 10:55:17'),(2236,126,319,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(2237,126,319,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(2238,126,319,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(2239,126,319,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(2240,126,319,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(2241,126,319,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(2242,126,319,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(2243,126,319,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(2244,126,319,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(2245,126,319,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-07 11:12:47','2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(2246,127,320,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-13 06:48:35','2016-11-13 06:48:35'),(2247,127,320,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-13 06:48:35','2016-11-13 06:48:35'),(2248,127,320,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-13 06:48:35','2016-11-13 06:48:35'),(2249,127,320,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-13 06:48:35','2016-11-13 06:48:35'),(2250,127,320,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-13 06:48:35','2016-11-13 06:48:35'),(2251,127,320,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-13 06:48:35','2016-11-13 06:48:35'),(2252,127,320,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-13 06:48:35','2016-11-13 06:48:35'),(2253,127,320,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-13 06:48:35','2016-11-13 06:48:35'),(2254,127,320,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-13 06:48:35','2016-11-13 06:48:35'),(2255,127,320,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-13 06:48:35','2016-11-13 06:48:35'),(2256,127,321,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-13 06:55:49','2016-11-13 06:55:49'),(2257,127,321,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-13 06:55:49','2016-11-13 06:55:49'),(2258,127,321,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-13 06:55:49','2016-11-13 06:55:49'),(2259,127,321,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-13 06:55:49','2016-11-13 06:55:49'),(2260,127,321,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-13 06:55:49','2016-11-13 06:55:49'),(2261,127,322,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:11'),(2262,127,322,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:11'),(2263,127,322,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:11'),(2264,127,322,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:11'),(2265,127,322,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:11'),(2266,127,322,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:11'),(2267,127,322,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:11'),(2268,127,322,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:11'),(2269,127,322,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:11'),(2270,127,322,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-13 07:15:11','2016-11-13 07:15:11'),(2271,128,323,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 09:12:18','2016-11-15 09:12:18'),(2272,128,323,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-15 09:12:18','2016-11-15 09:12:18'),(2273,128,323,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 09:12:18','2016-11-15 09:12:18'),(2274,128,323,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-15 09:12:18','2016-11-15 09:12:18'),(2275,128,323,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 09:12:18','2016-11-15 09:12:18'),(2276,128,323,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-15 09:12:18','2016-11-15 09:12:18'),(2277,128,323,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-15 09:12:18','2016-11-15 09:12:18'),(2278,128,323,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-15 09:12:18','2016-11-15 09:12:18'),(2279,128,323,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-15 09:12:18','2016-11-15 09:12:18'),(2280,128,323,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-15 09:12:18','2016-11-15 09:12:18'),(2281,128,324,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-15 09:18:25','2016-11-15 09:18:25'),(2282,128,324,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 09:18:25','2016-11-15 09:18:25'),(2283,128,324,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-15 09:18:25','2016-11-15 09:18:25'),(2284,128,324,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-15 09:18:25','2016-11-15 09:18:25'),(2285,128,324,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-15 09:18:25','2016-11-15 09:18:25'),(2286,128,325,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:52'),(2287,128,325,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:52'),(2288,128,325,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:52'),(2289,128,325,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:52'),(2290,128,325,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:52'),(2291,128,325,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:52'),(2292,128,325,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:52'),(2293,128,325,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:52'),(2294,128,325,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:52'),(2295,128,325,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-15 09:33:52','2016-11-15 09:33:52'),(2296,129,326,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 11:10:01','2016-11-15 11:10:01'),(2297,129,326,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-15 11:10:01','2016-11-15 11:10:01'),(2298,129,326,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 11:10:01','2016-11-15 11:10:01'),(2299,129,326,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-15 11:10:01','2016-11-15 11:10:01'),(2300,129,326,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 11:10:01','2016-11-15 11:10:01'),(2301,129,326,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-15 11:10:01','2016-11-15 11:10:01'),(2302,129,326,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-15 11:10:01','2016-11-15 11:10:01'),(2303,129,326,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-15 11:10:01','2016-11-15 11:10:01'),(2304,129,326,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-15 11:10:01','2016-11-15 11:10:01'),(2305,129,326,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-15 11:10:01','2016-11-15 11:10:01'),(2306,129,327,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-15 11:16:43','2016-11-15 11:16:43'),(2307,129,327,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 11:16:43','2016-11-15 11:16:43'),(2308,129,327,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-15 11:16:43','2016-11-15 11:16:43'),(2309,129,327,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-15 11:16:43','2016-11-15 11:16:43'),(2310,129,327,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-15 11:16:43','2016-11-15 11:16:43'),(2311,129,328,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(2312,129,328,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(2313,129,328,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(2314,129,328,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(2315,129,328,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(2316,129,328,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(2317,129,328,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(2318,129,328,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(2319,129,328,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(2320,129,328,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-15 11:33:26','2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(2321,130,329,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 12:09:23','2016-11-15 12:09:23'),(2322,130,329,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-15 12:09:23','2016-11-15 12:09:23'),(2323,130,329,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 12:09:23','2016-11-15 12:09:23'),(2324,130,329,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-15 12:09:23','2016-11-15 12:09:23'),(2325,130,329,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 12:09:23','2016-11-15 12:09:23'),(2326,130,329,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-15 12:09:23','2016-11-15 12:09:23'),(2327,130,329,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-15 12:09:23','2016-11-15 12:09:23'),(2328,130,329,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-15 12:09:23','2016-11-15 12:09:23'),(2329,130,329,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-15 12:09:23','2016-11-15 12:09:23'),(2330,130,329,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-15 12:09:23','2016-11-15 12:09:23'),(2331,130,330,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-15 12:17:05','2016-11-15 12:17:05'),(2332,130,330,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 12:17:05','2016-11-15 12:17:05'),(2333,130,330,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-15 12:17:05','2016-11-15 12:17:05'),(2334,130,330,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-15 12:17:05','2016-11-15 12:17:05'),(2335,130,330,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-15 12:17:05','2016-11-15 12:17:05'),(2336,130,331,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:03'),(2337,130,331,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:03'),(2338,130,331,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:03'),(2339,130,331,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:03'),(2340,130,331,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:03'),(2341,130,331,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:03'),(2342,130,331,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:03'),(2343,130,331,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:03'),(2344,130,331,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:03'),(2345,130,331,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-15 12:38:03','2016-11-15 12:38:03'),(2346,131,332,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 15:01:19','2016-11-15 15:01:19'),(2347,131,332,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-15 15:01:19','2016-11-15 15:01:19'),(2348,131,332,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 15:01:19','2016-11-15 15:01:19'),(2349,131,332,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-15 15:01:19','2016-11-15 15:01:19'),(2350,131,332,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 15:01:19','2016-11-15 15:01:19'),(2351,131,332,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-15 15:01:19','2016-11-15 15:01:19'),(2352,131,332,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-15 15:01:19','2016-11-15 15:01:19'),(2353,131,332,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-15 15:01:19','2016-11-15 15:01:19'),(2354,131,332,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-15 15:01:19','2016-11-15 15:01:19'),(2355,131,332,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-15 15:01:19','2016-11-15 15:01:19'),(2356,131,333,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-15 15:09:57','2016-11-15 15:09:57'),(2357,131,333,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 15:09:57','2016-11-15 15:09:57'),(2358,131,333,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-15 15:09:57','2016-11-15 15:09:57'),(2359,131,333,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-15 15:09:57','2016-11-15 15:09:57'),(2360,131,333,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-15 15:09:57','2016-11-15 15:09:57'),(2361,131,334,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(2362,131,334,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(2363,131,334,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(2364,131,334,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(2365,131,334,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(2366,131,334,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(2367,131,334,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(2368,131,334,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(2369,131,334,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(2370,131,334,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-15 15:27:54','2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(2371,132,335,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 15:59:13','2016-11-15 15:59:13'),(2372,132,335,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-15 15:59:13','2016-11-15 15:59:13'),(2373,132,335,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 15:59:13','2016-11-15 15:59:13'),(2374,132,335,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-15 15:59:13','2016-11-15 15:59:13'),(2375,132,335,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 15:59:13','2016-11-15 15:59:13'),(2376,132,335,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-15 15:59:13','2016-11-15 15:59:13'),(2377,132,335,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-15 15:59:13','2016-11-15 15:59:13'),(2378,132,335,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-15 15:59:13','2016-11-15 15:59:13'),(2379,132,335,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-15 15:59:13','2016-11-15 15:59:13'),(2380,132,335,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-15 15:59:13','2016-11-15 15:59:13'),(2381,132,336,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-15 16:07:20','2016-11-15 16:07:20'),(2382,132,336,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 16:07:20','2016-11-15 16:07:20'),(2383,132,336,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-15 16:07:20','2016-11-15 16:07:20'),(2384,132,336,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-15 16:07:20','2016-11-15 16:07:20'),(2385,132,336,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-15 16:07:20','2016-11-15 16:07:20'),(2386,132,337,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(2387,132,337,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(2388,132,337,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(2389,132,337,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(2390,132,337,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(2391,132,337,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(2392,132,337,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(2393,132,337,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(2394,132,337,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(2395,132,337,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-15 16:24:50','2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(2396,133,338,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 09:16:39','2016-11-16 09:16:39'),(2397,133,338,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-16 09:16:39','2016-11-16 09:16:39'),(2398,133,338,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 09:16:39','2016-11-16 09:16:39'),(2399,133,338,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-16 09:16:39','2016-11-16 09:16:39'),(2400,133,338,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 09:16:39','2016-11-16 09:16:39'),(2401,133,338,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-16 09:16:39','2016-11-16 09:16:39'),(2402,133,338,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-16 09:16:39','2016-11-16 09:16:39'),(2403,133,338,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-16 09:16:39','2016-11-16 09:16:39'),(2404,133,338,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-16 09:16:39','2016-11-16 09:16:39'),(2405,133,338,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-16 09:16:39','2016-11-16 09:16:39'),(2406,133,339,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-16 09:22:54','2016-11-16 09:22:54'),(2407,133,339,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 09:22:54','2016-11-16 09:22:54'),(2408,133,339,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-16 09:22:54','2016-11-16 09:22:54'),(2409,133,339,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-16 09:22:54','2016-11-16 09:22:54'),(2410,133,339,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-16 09:22:54','2016-11-16 09:22:54'),(2411,133,340,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(2412,133,340,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(2413,133,340,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(2414,133,340,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(2415,133,340,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(2416,133,340,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(2417,133,340,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(2418,133,340,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(2419,133,340,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(2420,133,340,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-16 09:40:02','2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(2421,134,341,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 13:17:28','2016-11-16 13:17:28'),(2422,134,341,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-16 13:17:28','2016-11-16 13:17:28'),(2423,134,341,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 13:17:28','2016-11-16 13:17:28'),(2424,134,341,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-16 13:17:28','2016-11-16 13:17:28'),(2425,134,341,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 13:17:28','2016-11-16 13:17:28'),(2426,134,341,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-16 13:17:28','2016-11-16 13:17:28'),(2427,134,341,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-16 13:17:28','2016-11-16 13:17:28'),(2428,134,341,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-16 13:17:28','2016-11-16 13:17:28'),(2429,134,341,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-16 13:17:28','2016-11-16 13:17:28'),(2430,134,341,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-16 13:17:28','2016-11-16 13:17:28'),(2431,134,342,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-16 13:26:05','2016-11-16 13:26:05'),(2432,134,342,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 13:26:05','2016-11-16 13:26:05'),(2433,134,342,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-16 13:26:05','2016-11-16 13:26:05'),(2434,134,342,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-16 13:26:05','2016-11-16 13:26:05'),(2435,134,342,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-16 13:26:05','2016-11-16 13:26:05'),(2436,134,343,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(2437,134,343,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(2438,134,343,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(2439,134,343,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(2440,134,343,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(2441,134,343,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(2442,134,343,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(2443,134,343,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(2444,134,343,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(2445,134,343,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-16 13:45:41','2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(2446,135,344,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 15:20:35','2016-11-16 15:20:35'),(2447,135,344,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-16 15:20:35','2016-11-16 15:20:35'),(2448,135,344,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 15:20:35','2016-11-16 15:20:35'),(2449,135,344,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-16 15:20:35','2016-11-16 15:20:35'),(2450,135,344,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 15:20:35','2016-11-16 15:20:35'),(2451,135,344,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-16 15:20:35','2016-11-16 15:20:35'),(2452,135,344,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-16 15:20:35','2016-11-16 15:20:35'),(2453,135,344,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-16 15:20:35','2016-11-16 15:20:35'),(2454,135,344,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-16 15:20:35','2016-11-16 15:20:35'),(2455,135,344,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-16 15:20:35','2016-11-16 15:20:35'),(2456,135,345,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-16 15:27:24','2016-11-16 15:27:24'),(2457,135,345,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 15:27:24','2016-11-16 15:27:24'),(2458,135,345,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-16 15:27:24','2016-11-16 15:27:24'),(2459,135,345,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-16 15:27:24','2016-11-16 15:27:24'),(2460,135,345,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-16 15:27:24','2016-11-16 15:27:24'),(2461,135,346,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(2462,135,346,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(2463,135,346,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(2464,135,346,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(2465,135,346,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(2466,135,346,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(2467,135,346,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(2468,135,346,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(2469,135,346,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(2470,135,346,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-16 15:44:12','2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(2471,136,347,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 10:32:24','2016-11-17 10:32:24'),(2472,136,347,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-17 10:32:24','2016-11-17 10:32:24'),(2473,136,347,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 10:32:24','2016-11-17 10:32:24'),(2474,136,347,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-17 10:32:24','2016-11-17 10:32:24'),(2475,136,347,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 10:32:24','2016-11-17 10:32:24'),(2476,136,347,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-17 10:32:24','2016-11-17 10:32:24'),(2477,136,347,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-17 10:32:24','2016-11-17 10:32:24'),(2478,136,347,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-17 10:32:24','2016-11-17 10:32:24'),(2479,136,347,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-17 10:32:24','2016-11-17 10:32:24'),(2480,136,347,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-17 10:32:24','2016-11-17 10:32:24'),(2481,136,348,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-17 10:39:10','2016-11-17 10:39:10'),(2482,136,348,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 10:39:10','2016-11-17 10:39:10'),(2483,136,348,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-17 10:39:10','2016-11-17 10:39:10'),(2484,136,348,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-17 10:39:10','2016-11-17 10:39:10'),(2485,136,348,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-17 10:39:10','2016-11-17 10:39:10'),(2486,136,349,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:53'),(2487,136,349,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:53'),(2488,136,349,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:53'),(2489,136,349,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:53'),(2490,136,349,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:53'),(2491,136,349,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:53'),(2492,136,349,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:53'),(2493,136,349,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:53'),(2494,136,349,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:53'),(2495,136,349,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-17 10:55:53','2016-11-17 10:55:53'),(2496,137,350,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 14:14:39','2016-11-17 14:14:39'),(2497,137,350,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-17 14:14:39','2016-11-17 14:14:39'),(2498,137,350,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 14:14:39','2016-11-17 14:14:39'),(2499,137,350,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-17 14:14:39','2016-11-17 14:14:39'),(2500,137,350,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 14:14:39','2016-11-17 14:14:39'),(2501,137,350,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-17 14:14:39','2016-11-17 14:14:39'),(2502,137,350,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-17 14:14:39','2016-11-17 14:14:39'),(2503,137,350,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-17 14:14:39','2016-11-17 14:14:39'),(2504,137,350,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-17 14:14:39','2016-11-17 14:14:39'),(2505,137,350,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-17 14:14:39','2016-11-17 14:14:39'),(2506,137,351,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-17 14:21:15','2016-11-17 14:21:15'),(2507,137,351,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 14:21:15','2016-11-17 14:21:15'),(2508,137,351,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-17 14:21:15','2016-11-17 14:21:15'),(2509,137,351,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-17 14:21:15','2016-11-17 14:21:15'),(2510,137,351,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-17 14:21:15','2016-11-17 14:21:15'),(2511,137,352,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(2512,137,352,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(2513,137,352,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(2514,137,352,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(2515,137,352,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(2516,137,352,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(2517,137,352,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(2518,137,352,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(2519,137,352,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(2520,137,352,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-17 14:38:17','2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(2521,138,353,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 16:47:31','2016-11-17 16:47:31'),(2522,138,353,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-17 16:47:31','2016-11-17 16:47:31'),(2523,138,353,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 16:47:31','2016-11-17 16:47:31'),(2524,138,353,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-17 16:47:31','2016-11-17 16:47:31'),(2525,138,353,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 16:47:31','2016-11-17 16:47:31'),(2526,138,353,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-17 16:47:31','2016-11-17 16:47:31'),(2527,138,353,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-17 16:47:31','2016-11-17 16:47:31'),(2528,138,353,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-17 16:47:31','2016-11-17 16:47:31'),(2529,138,353,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-17 16:47:31','2016-11-17 16:47:31'),(2530,138,353,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-17 16:47:31','2016-11-17 16:47:31'),(2531,138,354,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-17 16:53:15','2016-11-17 16:53:15'),(2532,138,354,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 16:53:15','2016-11-17 16:53:15'),(2533,138,354,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-17 16:53:15','2016-11-17 16:53:15'),(2534,138,354,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-17 16:53:15','2016-11-17 16:53:15'),(2535,138,354,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-17 16:53:15','2016-11-17 16:53:15'),(2536,138,355,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(2537,138,355,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(2538,138,355,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(2539,138,355,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(2540,138,355,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(2541,138,355,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(2542,138,355,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(2543,138,355,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(2544,138,355,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(2545,138,355,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-17 17:08:16','2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(2546,139,356,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-18 17:09:25','2016-11-18 17:09:25'),(2547,139,356,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-18 17:09:25','2016-11-18 17:09:25'),(2548,139,356,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-18 17:09:25','2016-11-18 17:09:25'),(2549,139,356,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-18 17:09:25','2016-11-18 17:09:25'),(2550,139,356,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-18 17:09:25','2016-11-18 17:09:25'),(2551,139,356,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-18 17:09:25','2016-11-18 17:09:25'),(2552,139,356,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-18 17:09:25','2016-11-18 17:09:25'),(2553,139,356,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-18 17:09:25','2016-11-18 17:09:25'),(2554,139,356,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-18 17:09:25','2016-11-18 17:09:25'),(2555,139,356,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-18 17:09:25','2016-11-18 17:09:25'),(2556,139,357,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-18 17:16:11','2016-11-18 17:16:11'),(2557,139,357,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-18 17:16:11','2016-11-18 17:16:11'),(2558,139,357,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-18 17:16:11','2016-11-18 17:16:11'),(2559,139,357,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-18 17:16:11','2016-11-18 17:16:11'),(2560,139,357,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-18 17:16:11','2016-11-18 17:16:11'),(2561,139,358,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(2562,139,358,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(2563,139,358,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(2564,139,358,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(2565,139,358,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(2566,139,358,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(2567,139,358,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(2568,139,358,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(2569,139,358,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(2570,139,358,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-18 17:32:27','2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(2571,140,359,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 08:15:02','2016-11-21 08:23:06'),(2572,140,359,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-21 08:15:02','2016-11-21 08:23:06'),(2573,140,359,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 08:15:02','2016-11-21 08:23:06'),(2574,140,359,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-21 08:15:02','2016-11-21 08:23:06'),(2575,140,359,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 08:15:02','2016-11-21 08:23:06'),(2576,140,359,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-21 08:15:02','2016-11-21 08:23:06'),(2577,140,359,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-21 08:15:02','2016-11-21 08:23:06'),(2578,140,359,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-21 08:15:02','2016-11-21 08:23:06'),(2579,140,359,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-21 08:15:02','2016-11-21 08:23:06'),(2580,140,359,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-21 08:15:02','2016-11-21 08:23:06'),(2581,140,360,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-21 08:21:52','2016-11-21 08:23:12'),(2582,140,360,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 08:21:52','2016-11-21 08:23:12'),(2583,140,360,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-21 08:21:52','2016-11-21 08:23:12'),(2584,140,360,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-21 08:21:52','2016-11-21 08:23:12'),(2585,140,360,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-21 08:21:52','2016-11-21 08:23:12'),(2586,140,361,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(2587,140,361,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(2588,140,361,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(2589,140,361,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(2590,140,361,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(2591,140,361,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(2592,140,361,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(2593,140,361,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(2594,140,361,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(2595,140,361,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-21 08:41:12','2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(2596,141,362,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 09:30:52','2016-11-21 09:30:52'),(2597,141,362,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-21 09:30:52','2016-11-21 09:30:52'),(2598,141,362,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 09:30:52','2016-11-21 09:30:52'),(2599,141,362,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-21 09:30:52','2016-11-21 09:30:52'),(2600,141,362,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 09:30:52','2016-11-21 09:30:52'),(2601,141,362,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-21 09:30:52','2016-11-21 09:30:52'),(2602,141,362,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-21 09:30:52','2016-11-21 09:30:52'),(2603,141,362,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-21 09:30:52','2016-11-21 09:30:52'),(2604,141,362,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-21 09:30:52','2016-11-21 09:30:52'),(2605,141,362,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-21 09:30:52','2016-11-21 09:30:52'),(2606,141,363,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-21 09:36:51','2016-11-21 09:36:51'),(2607,141,363,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 09:36:51','2016-11-21 09:36:51'),(2608,141,363,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-21 09:36:51','2016-11-21 09:36:51'),(2609,141,363,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-21 09:36:51','2016-11-21 09:36:51'),(2610,141,363,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-21 09:36:51','2016-11-21 09:36:51'),(2611,141,364,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:54'),(2612,141,364,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:54'),(2613,141,364,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:54'),(2614,141,364,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:54'),(2615,141,364,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:54'),(2616,141,364,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:54'),(2617,141,364,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:54'),(2618,141,364,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:54'),(2619,141,364,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:54'),(2620,141,364,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-21 09:52:54','2016-11-21 09:52:54'),(2621,142,365,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 10:14:31','2016-11-21 10:14:31'),(2622,142,365,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-21 10:14:31','2016-11-21 10:14:31'),(2623,142,365,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 10:14:31','2016-11-21 10:14:31'),(2624,142,365,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-21 10:14:31','2016-11-21 10:14:31'),(2625,142,365,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 10:14:31','2016-11-21 10:14:31'),(2626,142,365,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-21 10:14:31','2016-11-21 10:14:31'),(2627,142,365,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-21 10:14:31','2016-11-21 10:14:31'),(2628,142,365,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-21 10:14:31','2016-11-21 10:14:31'),(2629,142,365,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-21 10:14:31','2016-11-21 10:14:31'),(2630,142,365,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-21 10:14:31','2016-11-21 10:14:31'),(2631,142,366,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-21 10:23:48','2016-11-21 10:23:48'),(2632,142,366,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 10:23:48','2016-11-21 10:23:48'),(2633,142,366,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-21 10:23:48','2016-11-21 10:23:48'),(2634,142,366,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2016-11-21 10:23:48','2016-11-21 10:23:48'),(2635,142,366,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-21 10:23:48','2016-11-21 10:23:48'),(2636,142,367,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(2637,142,367,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(2638,142,367,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(2639,142,367,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(2640,142,367,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(2641,142,367,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(2642,142,367,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(2643,142,367,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(2644,142,367,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(2645,142,367,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-21 10:39:18','2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(2646,143,368,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 10:59:51','2016-11-21 10:59:51'),(2647,143,368,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-21 10:59:51','2016-11-21 10:59:51'),(2648,143,368,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 10:59:51','2016-11-21 10:59:51'),(2649,143,368,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-21 10:59:51','2016-11-21 10:59:51'),(2650,143,368,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 10:59:51','2016-11-21 10:59:51'),(2651,143,368,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-21 10:59:51','2016-11-21 10:59:51'),(2652,143,368,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-21 10:59:51','2016-11-21 10:59:51'),(2653,143,368,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-21 10:59:51','2016-11-21 10:59:51'),(2654,143,368,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-21 10:59:51','2016-11-21 10:59:51'),(2655,143,368,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-21 10:59:51','2016-11-21 10:59:51'),(2656,143,369,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-21 11:06:10','2016-11-21 11:06:10'),(2657,143,369,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 11:06:10','2016-11-21 11:06:10'),(2658,143,369,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-21 11:06:10','2016-11-21 11:06:10'),(2659,143,369,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-21 11:06:10','2016-11-21 11:06:10'),(2660,143,369,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-21 11:06:10','2016-11-21 11:06:10'),(2661,143,370,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:54'),(2662,143,370,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:54'),(2663,143,370,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:54'),(2664,143,370,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:54'),(2665,143,370,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:54'),(2666,143,370,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:54'),(2667,143,370,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:54'),(2668,143,370,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:54'),(2669,143,370,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:54'),(2670,143,370,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-21 11:21:54','2016-11-21 11:21:54'),(2671,144,371,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 20:18:58','2016-11-21 20:18:58'),(2672,144,371,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-21 20:18:58','2016-11-21 20:18:58'),(2673,144,371,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 20:18:58','2016-11-21 20:18:58'),(2674,144,371,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-21 20:18:58','2016-11-21 20:18:58'),(2675,144,371,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 20:18:58','2016-11-21 20:18:58'),(2676,144,371,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-21 20:18:58','2016-11-21 20:18:58'),(2677,144,371,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-21 20:18:58','2016-11-21 20:18:58'),(2678,144,371,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-21 20:18:58','2016-11-21 20:18:58'),(2679,144,371,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-21 20:18:58','2016-11-21 20:18:58'),(2680,144,371,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-21 20:18:58','2016-11-21 20:18:58'),(2681,144,372,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-21 20:25:29','2016-11-21 20:25:29'),(2682,144,372,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 20:25:29','2016-11-21 20:25:29'),(2683,144,372,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-21 20:25:29','2016-11-21 20:25:29'),(2684,144,372,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-21 20:25:29','2016-11-21 20:25:29'),(2685,144,372,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-21 20:25:29','2016-11-21 20:25:29'),(2686,144,373,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(2687,144,373,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(2688,144,373,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(2689,144,373,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(2690,144,373,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(2691,144,373,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(2692,144,373,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(2693,144,373,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(2694,144,373,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(2695,144,373,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-21 20:42:10','2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(2696,145,374,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 08:09:11','2016-11-22 08:09:11'),(2697,145,374,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-22 08:09:11','2016-11-22 08:09:11'),(2698,145,374,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 08:09:11','2016-11-22 08:09:11'),(2699,145,374,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-22 08:09:11','2016-11-22 08:09:11'),(2700,145,374,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 08:09:11','2016-11-22 08:09:11'),(2701,145,374,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-22 08:09:11','2016-11-22 08:09:11'),(2702,145,374,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-22 08:09:11','2016-11-22 08:09:11'),(2703,145,374,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-22 08:09:11','2016-11-22 08:09:11'),(2704,145,374,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-22 08:09:11','2016-11-22 08:09:11'),(2705,145,374,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-22 08:09:11','2016-11-22 08:09:11'),(2706,145,375,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-22 08:18:36','2016-11-22 08:18:36'),(2707,145,375,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 08:18:36','2016-11-22 08:18:36'),(2708,145,375,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-22 08:18:36','2016-11-22 08:18:36'),(2709,145,375,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-22 08:18:36','2016-11-22 08:18:36'),(2710,145,375,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-22 08:18:36','2016-11-22 08:18:36'),(2711,145,376,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:01'),(2712,145,376,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:01'),(2713,145,376,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:01'),(2714,145,376,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:01'),(2715,145,376,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:01'),(2716,145,376,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:01'),(2717,145,376,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:01'),(2718,145,376,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:01'),(2719,145,376,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:01'),(2720,145,376,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-22 08:34:01','2016-11-22 08:34:01'),(2721,146,377,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 11:59:36','2016-11-22 11:59:36'),(2722,146,377,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-22 11:59:36','2016-11-22 11:59:36'),(2723,146,377,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 11:59:36','2016-11-22 11:59:36'),(2724,146,377,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-22 11:59:36','2016-11-22 11:59:36'),(2725,146,377,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 11:59:36','2016-11-22 11:59:36'),(2726,146,377,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-22 11:59:36','2016-11-22 11:59:36'),(2727,146,377,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-22 11:59:36','2016-11-22 11:59:36'),(2728,146,377,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-22 11:59:36','2016-11-22 11:59:36'),(2729,146,377,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-22 11:59:36','2016-11-22 11:59:36'),(2730,146,377,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-22 11:59:36','2016-11-22 11:59:36'),(2731,146,378,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-22 12:05:53','2016-11-22 12:05:53'),(2732,146,378,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 12:05:53','2016-11-22 12:05:53'),(2733,146,378,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-22 12:05:53','2016-11-22 12:05:53'),(2734,146,378,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-22 12:05:53','2016-11-22 12:05:53'),(2735,146,378,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-22 12:05:53','2016-11-22 12:05:53'),(2736,146,379,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(2737,146,379,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(2738,146,379,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(2739,146,379,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(2740,146,379,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(2741,146,379,77,184,182,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Kiosk at a mall','All of the above','2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(2742,146,379,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(2743,146,379,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(2744,146,379,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(2745,146,379,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-22 12:21:46','2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(2746,147,380,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 12:17:30','2016-11-22 12:17:30'),(2747,147,380,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-22 12:17:30','2016-11-22 12:17:30'),(2748,147,380,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 12:17:30','2016-11-22 12:17:30'),(2749,147,380,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-22 12:17:30','2016-11-22 12:17:30'),(2750,147,380,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 12:17:30','2016-11-22 12:17:30'),(2751,147,380,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-22 12:17:30','2016-11-22 12:17:30'),(2752,147,380,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-22 12:17:30','2016-11-22 12:17:30'),(2753,147,380,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-22 12:17:30','2016-11-22 12:17:30'),(2754,147,380,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-22 12:17:30','2016-11-22 12:17:30'),(2755,147,380,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-22 12:17:30','2016-11-22 12:17:30'),(2756,147,381,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-22 12:24:09','2016-11-22 12:24:09'),(2757,147,381,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 12:24:09','2016-11-22 12:24:09'),(2758,147,381,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-22 12:24:09','2016-11-22 12:24:09'),(2759,147,381,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-22 12:24:09','2016-11-22 12:24:09'),(2760,147,381,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-22 12:24:09','2016-11-22 12:24:09'),(2761,147,382,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(2762,147,382,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(2763,147,382,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(2764,147,382,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(2765,147,382,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(2766,147,382,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(2767,147,382,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(2768,147,382,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(2769,147,382,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(2770,147,382,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-22 12:40:50','2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(2771,148,383,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 17:19:29','2016-11-22 17:19:29'),(2772,148,383,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2016-11-22 17:19:29','2016-11-22 17:19:29'),(2773,148,383,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 17:19:29','2016-11-22 17:19:29'),(2774,148,383,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-22 17:19:29','2016-11-22 17:19:29'),(2775,148,383,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 17:19:29','2016-11-22 17:19:29'),(2776,148,383,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-22 17:19:29','2016-11-22 17:19:29'),(2777,148,383,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-22 17:19:29','2016-11-22 17:19:29'),(2778,148,383,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-22 17:19:29','2016-11-22 17:19:29'),(2779,148,383,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-22 17:19:29','2016-11-22 17:19:29'),(2780,148,383,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-22 17:19:29','2016-11-22 17:19:29'),(2781,148,384,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-22 17:27:57','2016-11-22 17:27:57'),(2782,148,384,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 17:27:57','2016-11-22 17:27:57'),(2783,148,384,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-22 17:27:57','2016-11-22 17:27:57'),(2784,148,384,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-22 17:27:57','2016-11-22 17:27:57'),(2785,148,384,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-22 17:27:57','2016-11-22 17:27:57'),(2786,148,385,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(2787,148,385,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(2788,148,385,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(2789,148,385,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(2790,148,385,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(2791,148,385,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(2792,148,385,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(2793,148,385,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(2794,148,385,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(2795,148,385,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-22 17:46:59','2016-11-22 17:46:59'),(2796,149,386,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 07:45:49','2016-11-23 07:45:49'),(2797,149,386,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-23 07:45:49','2016-11-23 07:45:49'),(2798,149,386,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 07:45:49','2016-11-23 07:45:49'),(2799,149,386,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-23 07:45:49','2016-11-23 07:45:49'),(2800,149,386,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 07:45:49','2016-11-23 07:45:49'),(2801,149,386,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-23 07:45:49','2016-11-23 07:45:49'),(2802,149,386,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-23 07:45:49','2016-11-23 07:45:49'),(2803,149,386,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-23 07:45:49','2016-11-23 07:45:49'),(2804,149,386,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-23 07:45:49','2016-11-23 07:45:49'),(2805,149,386,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-23 07:45:49','2016-11-23 07:45:49'),(2806,149,387,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-23 08:04:23','2016-11-23 08:04:23'),(2807,149,387,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 08:04:23','2016-11-23 08:04:23'),(2808,149,387,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-23 08:04:23','2016-11-23 08:04:23'),(2809,149,387,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-23 08:04:23','2016-11-23 08:04:23'),(2810,149,387,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-23 08:04:23','2016-11-23 08:04:23'),(2811,149,388,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(2812,149,388,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(2813,149,388,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(2814,149,388,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(2815,149,388,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(2816,149,388,77,184,182,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Kiosk at a mall','All of the above','2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(2817,149,388,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(2818,149,388,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(2819,149,388,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(2820,149,388,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-23 08:21:51','2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(2821,150,389,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 15:05:13','2016-11-23 15:05:13'),(2822,150,389,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-23 15:05:13','2016-11-23 15:05:13'),(2823,150,389,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 15:05:13','2016-11-23 15:05:13'),(2824,150,389,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-23 15:05:13','2016-11-23 15:05:13'),(2825,150,389,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 15:05:13','2016-11-23 15:05:13'),(2826,150,389,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-23 15:05:13','2016-11-23 15:05:13'),(2827,150,389,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-23 15:05:13','2016-11-23 15:05:13'),(2828,150,389,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-23 15:05:13','2016-11-23 15:05:13'),(2829,150,389,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-23 15:05:13','2016-11-23 15:05:13'),(2830,150,389,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-23 15:05:13','2016-11-23 15:05:13'),(2831,150,390,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-23 15:12:22','2016-11-23 15:12:22'),(2832,150,390,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 15:12:22','2016-11-23 15:12:22'),(2833,150,390,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-23 15:12:22','2016-11-23 15:12:22'),(2834,150,390,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-23 15:12:22','2016-11-23 15:12:22'),(2835,150,390,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-23 15:12:22','2016-11-23 15:12:22'),(2836,150,391,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:04'),(2837,150,391,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:04'),(2838,150,391,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:04'),(2839,150,391,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:04'),(2840,150,391,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:04'),(2841,150,391,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:04'),(2842,150,391,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:04'),(2843,150,391,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:04'),(2844,150,391,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:04'),(2845,150,391,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-23 15:27:04','2016-11-23 15:27:04'),(2846,151,392,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 15:42:05','2016-11-23 16:04:15'),(2847,151,392,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-23 15:42:05','2016-11-23 16:04:15'),(2848,151,392,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 15:42:05','2016-11-23 16:04:15'),(2849,151,392,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-23 15:42:05','2016-11-23 16:04:15'),(2850,151,392,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 15:42:05','2016-11-23 16:04:15'),(2851,151,392,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-23 15:42:05','2016-11-23 16:04:15'),(2852,151,392,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-23 15:42:05','2016-11-23 16:04:15'),(2853,151,392,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-23 15:42:05','2016-11-23 16:04:15'),(2854,151,392,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-23 15:42:05','2016-11-23 16:04:15'),(2855,151,392,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-23 15:42:05','2016-11-23 16:04:15'),(2856,151,393,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-23 15:47:39','2016-11-23 16:04:27'),(2857,151,393,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 15:47:39','2016-11-23 16:04:27'),(2858,151,393,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-23 15:47:39','2016-11-23 16:04:27'),(2859,151,393,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-23 15:47:39','2016-11-23 16:04:27'),(2860,151,393,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-23 15:47:39','2016-11-23 16:04:27'),(2861,151,394,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-23 16:02:26','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(2862,151,394,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 16:02:26','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(2863,151,394,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-23 16:02:26','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(2864,151,394,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-23 16:02:26','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(2865,151,394,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-23 16:02:26','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(2866,151,394,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-23 16:02:26','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(2867,151,394,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-23 16:02:26','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(2868,151,394,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-23 16:02:26','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(2869,151,394,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-11-23 16:02:26','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(2870,151,394,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-23 16:02:26','2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(2871,152,395,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 11:41:46','2016-11-24 11:41:46'),(2872,152,395,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-24 11:41:46','2016-11-24 11:41:46'),(2873,152,395,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 11:41:46','2016-11-24 11:41:46'),(2874,152,395,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-24 11:41:46','2016-11-24 11:41:46'),(2875,152,395,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 11:41:46','2016-11-24 11:41:46'),(2876,152,395,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-24 11:41:46','2016-11-24 11:41:46'),(2877,152,395,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-24 11:41:46','2016-11-24 11:41:46'),(2878,152,395,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-24 11:41:46','2016-11-24 11:41:46'),(2879,152,395,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-24 11:41:46','2016-11-24 11:41:46'),(2880,152,395,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-24 11:41:46','2016-11-24 11:41:46'),(2881,152,396,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-24 11:47:51','2016-11-24 11:47:51'),(2882,152,396,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 11:47:51','2016-11-24 11:47:51'),(2883,152,396,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-24 11:47:51','2016-11-24 11:47:51'),(2884,152,396,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-24 11:47:51','2016-11-24 11:47:51'),(2885,152,396,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-24 11:47:51','2016-11-24 11:47:51'),(2886,152,397,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:23'),(2887,152,397,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:23'),(2888,152,397,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:23'),(2889,152,397,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:23'),(2890,152,397,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:23'),(2891,152,397,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:23'),(2892,152,397,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:23'),(2893,152,397,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:23'),(2894,152,397,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:23'),(2895,152,397,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-24 12:16:23','2016-11-24 12:16:23'),(2896,153,398,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 12:51:11','2016-11-24 12:51:11'),(2897,153,398,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-24 12:51:11','2016-11-24 12:51:11'),(2898,153,398,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 12:51:11','2016-11-24 12:51:11'),(2899,153,398,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-24 12:51:11','2016-11-24 12:51:11'),(2900,153,398,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 12:51:11','2016-11-24 12:51:11'),(2901,153,398,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-24 12:51:11','2016-11-24 12:51:11'),(2902,153,398,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-24 12:51:11','2016-11-24 12:51:11'),(2903,153,398,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-24 12:51:11','2016-11-24 12:51:11'),(2904,153,398,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-24 12:51:11','2016-11-24 12:51:11'),(2905,153,398,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-24 12:51:11','2016-11-24 12:51:11'),(2906,153,399,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-24 13:04:59','2016-11-24 13:04:59'),(2907,153,399,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 13:04:59','2016-11-24 13:04:59'),(2908,153,399,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-24 13:04:59','2016-11-24 13:04:59'),(2909,153,399,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-24 13:04:59','2016-11-24 13:04:59'),(2910,153,399,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-24 13:04:59','2016-11-24 13:04:59'),(2911,153,400,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(2912,153,400,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(2913,153,400,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(2914,153,400,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(2915,153,400,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(2916,153,400,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(2917,153,400,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(2918,153,400,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(2919,153,400,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(2920,153,400,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-24 13:26:06','2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(2921,154,401,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 15:27:09','2016-11-24 15:27:09'),(2922,154,401,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-24 15:27:09','2016-11-24 15:27:09'),(2923,154,401,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 15:27:09','2016-11-24 15:27:09'),(2924,154,401,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-24 15:27:09','2016-11-24 15:27:09'),(2925,154,401,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 15:27:09','2016-11-24 15:27:09'),(2926,154,401,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-24 15:27:09','2016-11-24 15:27:09'),(2927,154,401,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-24 15:27:09','2016-11-24 15:27:09'),(2928,154,401,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-24 15:27:09','2016-11-24 15:27:09'),(2929,154,401,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-24 15:27:09','2016-11-24 15:27:09'),(2930,154,401,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-24 15:27:09','2016-11-24 15:27:09'),(2931,154,402,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-24 15:33:31','2016-11-24 15:33:31'),(2932,154,402,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 15:33:31','2016-11-24 15:33:31'),(2933,154,402,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-24 15:33:31','2016-11-24 15:33:31'),(2934,154,402,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-24 15:33:31','2016-11-24 15:33:31'),(2935,154,402,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-24 15:33:31','2016-11-24 15:33:31'),(2936,154,403,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(2937,154,403,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(2938,154,403,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(2939,154,403,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(2940,154,403,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(2941,154,403,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(2942,154,403,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(2943,154,403,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(2944,154,403,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(2945,154,403,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-24 15:49:32','2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(2946,155,404,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 16:04:36','2016-11-24 16:04:36'),(2947,155,404,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-24 16:04:36','2016-11-24 16:04:36'),(2948,155,404,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 16:04:36','2016-11-24 16:04:36'),(2949,155,404,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-24 16:04:36','2016-11-24 16:04:36'),(2950,155,404,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 16:04:36','2016-11-24 16:04:36'),(2951,155,404,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-24 16:04:36','2016-11-24 16:04:36'),(2952,155,404,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-24 16:04:36','2016-11-24 16:04:36'),(2953,155,404,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-24 16:04:36','2016-11-24 16:04:36'),(2954,155,404,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-24 16:04:36','2016-11-24 16:04:36'),(2955,155,404,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-24 16:04:36','2016-11-24 16:04:36'),(2956,155,405,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-24 16:11:07','2016-11-24 16:11:07'),(2957,155,405,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 16:11:07','2016-11-24 16:11:07'),(2958,155,405,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-24 16:11:07','2016-11-24 16:11:07'),(2959,155,405,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-24 16:11:07','2016-11-24 16:11:07'),(2960,155,405,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-24 16:11:07','2016-11-24 16:11:07'),(2961,155,406,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(2962,155,406,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(2963,155,406,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(2964,155,406,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(2965,155,406,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(2966,155,406,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(2967,155,406,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(2968,155,406,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(2969,155,406,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(2970,155,406,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-24 16:28:35','2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(2971,156,407,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 08:44:39','2016-11-25 08:44:39'),(2972,156,407,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-25 08:44:39','2016-11-25 08:44:39'),(2973,156,407,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 08:44:39','2016-11-25 08:44:39'),(2974,156,407,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-25 08:44:39','2016-11-25 08:44:39'),(2975,156,407,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 08:44:39','2016-11-25 08:44:39'),(2976,156,407,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-25 08:44:39','2016-11-25 08:44:39'),(2977,156,407,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-25 08:44:39','2016-11-25 08:44:39'),(2978,156,407,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-25 08:44:39','2016-11-25 08:44:39'),(2979,156,407,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-25 08:44:39','2016-11-25 08:44:39'),(2980,156,407,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-25 08:44:39','2016-11-25 08:44:39'),(2981,156,408,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-25 08:51:41','2016-11-25 08:51:41'),(2982,156,408,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 08:51:41','2016-11-25 08:51:41'),(2983,156,408,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-25 08:51:41','2016-11-25 08:51:41'),(2984,156,408,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-25 08:51:41','2016-11-25 08:51:41'),(2985,156,408,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-25 08:51:41','2016-11-25 08:51:41'),(2986,156,409,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-25 09:22:03','2016-11-25 09:22:03'),(2987,156,409,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 09:22:03','2016-11-25 09:22:03'),(2988,156,409,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-25 09:22:03','2016-11-25 09:22:03'),(2989,156,409,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-11-25 09:22:03','2016-11-25 09:22:03'),(2990,156,409,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-25 09:22:03','2016-11-25 09:22:03'),(2991,156,409,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 09:22:03','2016-11-25 09:22:03'),(2992,156,409,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-25 09:22:03','2016-11-25 09:22:03'),(2993,156,409,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-25 09:22:03','2016-11-25 09:22:03'),(2994,156,409,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-11-25 09:22:03','2016-11-25 09:22:03'),(2995,156,409,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-25 09:22:03','2016-11-25 09:22:03'),(2996,157,410,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 16:45:55','2016-11-25 16:45:55'),(2997,157,410,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-25 16:45:55','2016-11-25 16:45:55'),(2998,157,410,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 16:45:55','2016-11-25 16:45:55'),(2999,157,410,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-25 16:45:55','2016-11-25 16:45:55'),(3000,157,410,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 16:45:55','2016-11-25 16:45:55'),(3001,157,410,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-25 16:45:55','2016-11-25 16:45:55'),(3002,157,410,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-25 16:45:55','2016-11-25 16:45:55'),(3003,157,410,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-25 16:45:55','2016-11-25 16:45:55'),(3004,157,410,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-25 16:45:55','2016-11-25 16:45:55'),(3005,157,410,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-25 16:45:55','2016-11-25 16:45:55'),(3006,157,411,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-25 16:51:30','2016-11-25 16:51:30'),(3007,157,411,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 16:51:30','2016-11-25 16:51:30'),(3008,157,411,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-25 16:51:30','2016-11-25 16:51:30'),(3009,157,411,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-25 16:51:30','2016-11-25 16:51:30'),(3010,157,411,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-25 16:51:30','2016-11-25 16:51:30'),(3011,157,412,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:15'),(3012,157,412,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:15'),(3013,157,412,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:15'),(3014,157,412,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:15'),(3015,157,412,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:15'),(3016,157,412,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:15'),(3017,157,412,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:15'),(3018,157,412,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:15'),(3019,157,412,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:15'),(3020,157,412,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-25 17:07:15','2016-11-25 17:07:15'),(3021,158,413,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 17:26:16','2016-11-25 17:26:16'),(3022,158,413,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-25 17:26:16','2016-11-25 17:26:16'),(3023,158,413,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 17:26:16','2016-11-25 17:26:16'),(3024,158,413,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-25 17:26:16','2016-11-25 17:26:16'),(3025,158,413,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 17:26:16','2016-11-25 17:26:16'),(3026,158,413,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-25 17:26:16','2016-11-25 17:26:16'),(3027,158,413,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-25 17:26:16','2016-11-25 17:26:16'),(3028,158,413,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-25 17:26:16','2016-11-25 17:26:16'),(3029,158,413,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-25 17:26:16','2016-11-25 17:26:16'),(3030,158,413,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-25 17:26:16','2016-11-25 17:26:16'),(3031,158,414,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-25 17:32:15','2016-11-25 17:32:15'),(3032,158,414,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 17:32:15','2016-11-25 17:32:15'),(3033,158,414,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-25 17:32:15','2016-11-25 17:32:15'),(3034,158,414,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-25 17:32:15','2016-11-25 17:32:15'),(3035,158,414,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-25 17:32:15','2016-11-25 17:32:15'),(3036,158,415,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(3037,158,415,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(3038,158,415,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(3039,158,415,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(3040,158,415,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(3041,158,415,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(3042,158,415,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(3043,158,415,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(3044,158,415,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(3045,158,415,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-25 17:48:59','2016-11-25 17:48:59'),(3046,159,416,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-26 10:16:50','2016-11-26 10:16:50'),(3047,159,416,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-26 10:16:50','2016-11-26 10:16:50'),(3048,159,416,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-26 10:16:50','2016-11-26 10:16:50'),(3049,159,416,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-26 10:16:50','2016-11-26 10:16:50'),(3050,159,416,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-26 10:16:50','2016-11-26 10:16:50'),(3051,159,416,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-26 10:16:50','2016-11-26 10:16:50'),(3052,159,416,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-26 10:16:50','2016-11-26 10:16:50'),(3053,159,416,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-26 10:16:50','2016-11-26 10:16:50'),(3054,159,416,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-26 10:16:50','2016-11-26 10:16:50'),(3055,159,416,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-26 10:16:50','2016-11-26 10:16:50'),(3056,159,417,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-26 10:25:10','2016-11-26 10:25:10'),(3057,159,417,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-26 10:25:10','2016-11-26 10:25:10'),(3058,159,417,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-26 10:25:10','2016-11-26 10:25:10'),(3059,159,417,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-26 10:25:10','2016-11-26 10:25:10'),(3060,159,417,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-26 10:25:10','2016-11-26 10:25:10'),(3061,159,418,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:36'),(3062,159,418,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:36'),(3063,159,418,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:36'),(3064,159,418,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:36'),(3065,159,418,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:36'),(3066,159,418,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:36'),(3067,159,418,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:36'),(3068,159,418,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:36'),(3069,159,418,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:36'),(3070,159,418,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-26 10:44:36','2016-11-26 10:44:36'),(3071,160,419,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-27 09:29:17','2016-11-27 09:29:17'),(3072,160,419,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-27 09:29:17','2016-11-27 09:29:17'),(3073,160,419,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-27 09:29:17','2016-11-27 09:29:17'),(3074,160,419,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-27 09:29:17','2016-11-27 09:29:17'),(3075,160,419,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-27 09:29:17','2016-11-27 09:29:17'),(3076,160,419,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-27 09:29:17','2016-11-27 09:29:17'),(3077,160,419,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-27 09:29:17','2016-11-27 09:29:17'),(3078,160,419,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-27 09:29:17','2016-11-27 09:29:17'),(3079,160,419,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-27 09:29:17','2016-11-27 09:29:17'),(3080,160,419,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-27 09:29:17','2016-11-27 09:29:17'),(3081,160,420,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-27 09:35:47','2016-11-27 09:35:47'),(3082,160,420,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-27 09:35:47','2016-11-27 09:35:47'),(3083,160,420,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-27 09:35:47','2016-11-27 09:35:47'),(3084,160,420,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-27 09:35:47','2016-11-27 09:35:47'),(3085,160,420,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-27 09:35:47','2016-11-27 09:35:47'),(3086,160,421,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(3087,160,421,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(3088,160,421,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(3089,160,421,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(3090,160,421,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(3091,160,421,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(3092,160,421,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(3093,160,421,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(3094,160,421,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(3095,160,421,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-27 09:53:15','2016-11-27 09:53:15'),(3096,161,422,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 10:35:12','2016-11-29 10:35:12'),(3097,161,422,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-29 10:35:12','2016-11-29 10:35:12'),(3098,161,422,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 10:35:12','2016-11-29 10:35:12'),(3099,161,422,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-29 10:35:12','2016-11-29 10:35:12'),(3100,161,422,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 10:35:12','2016-11-29 10:35:12'),(3101,161,422,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-29 10:35:12','2016-11-29 10:35:12'),(3102,161,422,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-29 10:35:12','2016-11-29 10:35:12'),(3103,161,422,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-29 10:35:12','2016-11-29 10:35:12'),(3104,161,422,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-29 10:35:12','2016-11-29 10:35:12'),(3105,161,422,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-29 10:35:12','2016-11-29 10:35:12'),(3106,161,423,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-29 10:44:21','2016-11-29 10:44:21'),(3107,161,423,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 10:44:21','2016-11-29 10:44:21'),(3108,161,423,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-29 10:44:21','2016-11-29 10:44:21'),(3109,161,423,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-29 10:44:21','2016-11-29 10:44:21'),(3110,161,423,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-29 10:44:21','2016-11-29 10:44:21'),(3111,161,424,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:42'),(3112,161,424,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:42'),(3113,161,424,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:42'),(3114,161,424,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:42'),(3115,161,424,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:42'),(3116,161,424,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:42'),(3117,161,424,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:42'),(3118,161,424,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:42'),(3119,161,424,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:42'),(3120,161,424,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-29 11:00:42','2016-11-29 11:00:42'),(3121,162,425,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 11:15:24','2016-11-29 11:15:24'),(3122,162,425,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-29 11:15:24','2016-11-29 11:15:24'),(3123,162,425,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 11:15:24','2016-11-29 11:15:24'),(3124,162,425,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-29 11:15:24','2016-11-29 11:15:24'),(3125,162,425,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 11:15:24','2016-11-29 11:15:24'),(3126,162,425,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-29 11:15:24','2016-11-29 11:15:24'),(3127,162,425,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-29 11:15:24','2016-11-29 11:15:24'),(3128,162,425,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-29 11:15:24','2016-11-29 11:15:24'),(3129,162,425,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-29 11:15:24','2016-11-29 11:15:24'),(3130,162,425,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-29 11:15:24','2016-11-29 11:15:24'),(3131,162,426,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-29 11:21:51','2016-11-29 11:21:51'),(3132,162,426,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2016-11-29 11:21:51','2016-11-29 11:21:51'),(3133,162,426,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-29 11:21:51','2016-11-29 11:21:51'),(3134,162,426,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-29 11:21:51','2016-11-29 11:21:51'),(3135,162,426,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-29 11:21:51','2016-11-29 11:21:51'),(3136,162,427,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(3137,162,427,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(3138,162,427,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(3139,162,427,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(3140,162,427,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(3141,162,427,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(3142,162,427,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(3143,162,427,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(3144,162,427,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(3145,162,427,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-29 11:38:30','2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(3146,163,428,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 12:43:03','2016-11-29 12:43:03'),(3147,163,428,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-29 12:43:03','2016-11-29 12:43:03'),(3148,163,428,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 12:43:03','2016-11-29 12:43:03'),(3149,163,428,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-29 12:43:03','2016-11-29 12:43:03'),(3150,163,428,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 12:43:03','2016-11-29 12:43:03'),(3151,163,428,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-29 12:43:03','2016-11-29 12:43:03'),(3152,163,428,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-29 12:43:03','2016-11-29 12:43:03'),(3153,163,428,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-29 12:43:03','2016-11-29 12:43:03'),(3154,163,428,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-29 12:43:03','2016-11-29 12:43:03'),(3155,163,428,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-29 12:43:03','2016-11-29 12:43:03'),(3156,163,429,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-29 12:51:47','2016-11-29 12:51:47'),(3157,163,429,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 12:51:47','2016-11-29 12:51:47'),(3158,163,429,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-29 12:51:47','2016-11-29 12:51:47'),(3159,163,429,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-29 12:51:47','2016-11-29 12:51:47'),(3160,163,429,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-29 12:51:47','2016-11-29 12:51:47'),(3161,163,430,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(3162,163,430,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(3163,163,430,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(3164,163,430,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(3165,163,430,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(3166,163,430,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(3167,163,430,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(3168,163,430,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(3169,163,430,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(3170,163,430,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-29 13:07:57','2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(3171,164,431,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 14:12:31','2016-11-29 14:12:31'),(3172,164,431,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-29 14:12:31','2016-11-29 14:12:31'),(3173,164,431,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 14:12:31','2016-11-29 14:12:31'),(3174,164,431,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-29 14:12:31','2016-11-29 14:12:31'),(3175,164,431,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 14:12:31','2016-11-29 14:12:31'),(3176,164,431,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-29 14:12:31','2016-11-29 14:12:31'),(3177,164,431,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-29 14:12:31','2016-11-29 14:12:31'),(3178,164,431,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-29 14:12:31','2016-11-29 14:12:31'),(3179,164,431,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-29 14:12:31','2016-11-29 14:12:31'),(3180,164,431,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-29 14:12:31','2016-11-29 14:12:31'),(3181,164,432,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-29 14:18:35','2016-11-29 14:18:35'),(3182,164,432,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 14:18:35','2016-11-29 14:18:35'),(3183,164,432,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-29 14:18:35','2016-11-29 14:18:35'),(3184,164,432,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-29 14:18:35','2016-11-29 14:18:35'),(3185,164,432,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-29 14:18:35','2016-11-29 14:18:35'),(3186,164,433,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(3187,164,433,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(3188,164,433,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(3189,164,433,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(3190,164,433,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(3191,164,433,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(3192,164,433,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(3193,164,433,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(3194,164,433,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(3195,164,433,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-29 14:34:22','2016-11-29 14:34:22'),(3196,165,434,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-30 13:29:48','2016-11-30 13:29:48'),(3197,165,434,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-30 13:29:48','2016-11-30 13:29:48'),(3198,165,434,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-30 13:29:48','2016-11-30 13:29:48'),(3199,165,434,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-30 13:29:48','2016-11-30 13:29:48'),(3200,165,434,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-30 13:29:48','2016-11-30 13:29:48'),(3201,165,434,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-30 13:29:48','2016-11-30 13:29:48'),(3202,165,434,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-30 13:29:48','2016-11-30 13:29:48'),(3203,165,434,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-30 13:29:48','2016-11-30 13:29:48'),(3204,165,434,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-30 13:29:48','2016-11-30 13:29:48'),(3205,165,434,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-30 13:29:48','2016-11-30 13:29:48'),(3206,165,435,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-30 13:35:39','2016-11-30 13:35:39'),(3207,165,435,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-30 13:35:39','2016-11-30 13:35:39'),(3208,165,435,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-30 13:35:39','2016-11-30 13:35:39'),(3209,165,435,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-30 13:35:39','2016-11-30 13:35:39'),(3210,165,435,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-30 13:35:39','2016-11-30 13:35:39'),(3211,165,436,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:26'),(3212,165,436,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:26'),(3213,165,436,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:26'),(3214,165,436,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:26'),(3215,165,436,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:26'),(3216,165,436,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:26'),(3217,165,436,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:26'),(3218,165,436,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:26'),(3219,165,436,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:26'),(3220,165,436,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-30 13:50:26','2016-11-30 13:50:26'),(3221,166,437,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-30 14:17:48','2016-11-30 14:17:48'),(3222,166,437,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-11-30 14:17:48','2016-11-30 14:17:48'),(3223,166,437,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2016-11-30 14:17:48','2016-11-30 14:17:48'),(3224,166,437,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-11-30 14:17:48','2016-11-30 14:17:48'),(3225,166,437,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-30 14:17:48','2016-11-30 14:17:48'),(3226,166,437,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-11-30 14:17:48','2016-11-30 14:17:48'),(3227,166,437,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-11-30 14:17:48','2016-11-30 14:17:48'),(3228,166,437,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-11-30 14:17:48','2016-11-30 14:17:48'),(3229,166,437,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-11-30 14:17:48','2016-11-30 14:17:48'),(3230,166,437,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-11-30 14:17:48','2016-11-30 14:17:48'),(3231,166,438,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-11-30 14:39:52','2016-11-30 14:39:52'),(3232,166,438,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-30 14:39:52','2016-11-30 14:39:52'),(3233,166,438,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-11-30 14:39:52','2016-11-30 14:39:52'),(3234,166,438,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-11-30 14:39:52','2016-11-30 14:39:52'),(3235,166,438,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-11-30 14:39:52','2016-11-30 14:39:52'),(3236,166,439,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:32'),(3237,166,439,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:32'),(3238,166,439,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:32'),(3239,166,439,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:32'),(3240,166,439,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:32'),(3241,166,439,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:32'),(3242,166,439,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:32'),(3243,166,439,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:32'),(3244,166,439,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:32'),(3245,166,439,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-11-30 14:55:32','2016-11-30 14:55:32'),(3246,167,440,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-01 10:30:57','2016-12-01 10:30:57'),(3247,167,440,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-01 10:30:57','2016-12-01 10:30:57'),(3248,167,440,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-01 10:30:57','2016-12-01 10:30:57'),(3249,167,440,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-01 10:30:57','2016-12-01 10:30:57'),(3250,167,440,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-01 10:30:57','2016-12-01 10:30:57'),(3251,167,440,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-01 10:30:57','2016-12-01 10:30:57'),(3252,167,440,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-01 10:30:57','2016-12-01 10:30:57'),(3253,167,440,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-01 10:30:57','2016-12-01 10:30:57'),(3254,167,440,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-01 10:30:57','2016-12-01 10:30:57'),(3255,167,440,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-01 10:30:57','2016-12-01 10:30:57'),(3256,167,441,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-01 10:38:07','2016-12-01 10:38:07'),(3257,167,441,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-01 10:38:07','2016-12-01 10:38:07'),(3258,167,441,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-01 10:38:07','2016-12-01 10:38:07'),(3259,167,441,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-01 10:38:07','2016-12-01 10:38:07'),(3260,167,441,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-01 10:38:07','2016-12-01 10:38:07'),(3261,167,442,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(3262,167,442,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(3263,167,442,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(3264,167,442,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(3265,167,442,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(3266,167,442,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(3267,167,442,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(3268,167,442,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(3269,167,442,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(3270,167,442,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-01 10:54:58','2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(3271,168,443,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-02 13:52:00','2016-12-02 13:52:00'),(3272,168,443,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-02 13:52:00','2016-12-02 13:52:00'),(3273,168,443,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-02 13:52:00','2016-12-02 13:52:00'),(3274,168,443,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-02 13:52:00','2016-12-02 13:52:00'),(3275,168,443,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-02 13:52:00','2016-12-02 13:52:00'),(3276,168,443,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-02 13:52:00','2016-12-02 13:52:00'),(3277,168,443,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-02 13:52:00','2016-12-02 13:52:00'),(3278,168,443,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-02 13:52:00','2016-12-02 13:52:00'),(3279,168,443,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-02 13:52:00','2016-12-02 13:52:00'),(3280,168,443,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-02 13:52:00','2016-12-02 13:52:00'),(3281,168,444,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-02 13:58:28','2016-12-02 13:58:28'),(3282,168,444,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-02 13:58:28','2016-12-02 13:58:28'),(3283,168,444,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-02 13:58:28','2016-12-02 13:58:28'),(3284,168,444,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-02 13:58:28','2016-12-02 13:58:28'),(3285,168,444,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-02 13:58:28','2016-12-02 13:58:28'),(3286,168,445,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(3287,168,445,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(3288,168,445,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(3289,168,445,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(3290,168,445,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(3291,168,445,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(3292,168,445,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(3293,168,445,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(3294,168,445,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(3295,168,445,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-02 14:15:40','2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(3296,169,446,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-04 15:45:44','2016-12-04 15:45:44'),(3297,169,446,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-04 15:45:44','2016-12-04 15:45:44'),(3298,169,446,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-04 15:45:44','2016-12-04 15:45:44'),(3299,169,446,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-04 15:45:44','2016-12-04 15:45:44'),(3300,169,446,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-04 15:45:44','2016-12-04 15:45:44'),(3301,169,446,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-04 15:45:44','2016-12-04 15:45:44'),(3302,169,446,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-04 15:45:44','2016-12-04 15:45:44'),(3303,169,446,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-04 15:45:44','2016-12-04 15:45:44'),(3304,169,446,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-04 15:45:44','2016-12-04 15:45:44'),(3305,169,446,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-04 15:45:44','2016-12-04 15:45:44'),(3306,169,447,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-04 15:52:32','2016-12-04 15:52:32'),(3307,169,447,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-04 15:52:32','2016-12-04 15:52:32'),(3308,169,447,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-04 15:52:32','2016-12-04 15:52:32'),(3309,169,447,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-04 15:52:32','2016-12-04 15:52:32'),(3310,169,447,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-04 15:52:32','2016-12-04 15:52:32'),(3311,169,448,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(3312,169,448,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(3313,169,448,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(3314,169,448,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(3315,169,448,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(3316,169,448,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(3317,169,448,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(3318,169,448,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(3319,169,448,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(3320,169,448,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-04 16:09:48','2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(3321,170,449,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-07 05:31:41','2016-12-07 05:31:41'),(3322,170,449,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-07 05:31:41','2016-12-07 05:31:41'),(3323,170,449,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-07 05:31:41','2016-12-07 05:31:41'),(3324,170,449,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-07 05:31:41','2016-12-07 05:31:41'),(3325,170,449,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-07 05:31:41','2016-12-07 05:31:41'),(3326,170,449,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-07 05:31:41','2016-12-07 05:31:41'),(3327,170,449,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-07 05:31:41','2016-12-07 05:31:41'),(3328,170,449,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-07 05:31:41','2016-12-07 05:31:41'),(3329,170,449,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-07 05:31:41','2016-12-07 05:31:41'),(3330,170,449,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-07 05:31:41','2016-12-07 05:31:41'),(3331,170,450,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-07 05:38:04','2016-12-07 05:38:04'),(3332,170,450,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-07 05:38:04','2016-12-07 05:38:04'),(3333,170,450,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-07 05:38:04','2016-12-07 05:38:04'),(3334,170,450,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-07 05:38:04','2016-12-07 05:38:04'),(3335,170,450,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-07 05:38:04','2016-12-07 05:38:04'),(3336,170,451,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(3337,170,451,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(3338,170,451,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(3339,170,451,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(3340,170,451,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(3341,170,451,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(3342,170,451,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(3343,170,451,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(3344,170,451,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(3345,170,451,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-07 05:54:37','2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(3346,171,452,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-08 15:29:29','2016-12-08 15:29:29'),(3347,171,452,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-08 15:29:29','2016-12-08 15:29:29'),(3348,171,452,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-08 15:29:29','2016-12-08 15:29:29'),(3349,171,452,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-08 15:29:29','2016-12-08 15:29:29'),(3350,171,452,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-08 15:29:29','2016-12-08 15:29:29'),(3351,171,452,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-08 15:29:29','2016-12-08 15:29:29'),(3352,171,452,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-08 15:29:29','2016-12-08 15:29:29'),(3353,171,452,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-08 15:29:29','2016-12-08 15:29:29'),(3354,171,452,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-08 15:29:29','2016-12-08 15:29:29'),(3355,171,452,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-08 15:29:29','2016-12-08 15:29:29'),(3356,171,453,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-08 15:35:15','2016-12-08 15:35:15'),(3357,171,453,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-08 15:35:15','2016-12-08 15:35:15'),(3358,171,453,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-08 15:35:15','2016-12-08 15:35:15'),(3359,171,453,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-08 15:35:15','2016-12-08 15:35:15'),(3360,171,453,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-08 15:35:15','2016-12-08 15:35:15'),(3361,171,454,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(3362,171,454,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(3363,171,454,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(3364,171,454,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(3365,171,454,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(3366,171,454,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(3367,171,454,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(3368,171,454,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(3369,171,454,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(3370,171,454,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-08 15:51:34','2016-12-08 15:51:34'),(3371,172,455,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-09 17:21:22','2016-12-09 17:21:22'),(3372,172,455,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-09 17:21:22','2016-12-09 17:21:22'),(3373,172,455,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-09 17:21:22','2016-12-09 17:21:22'),(3374,172,455,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-09 17:21:22','2016-12-09 17:21:22'),(3375,172,455,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-09 17:21:22','2016-12-09 17:21:22'),(3376,172,455,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-09 17:21:22','2016-12-09 17:21:22'),(3377,172,455,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-09 17:21:22','2016-12-09 17:21:22'),(3378,172,455,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-09 17:21:22','2016-12-09 17:21:22'),(3379,172,455,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-09 17:21:22','2016-12-09 17:21:22'),(3380,172,455,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-09 17:21:22','2016-12-09 17:21:22'),(3381,172,456,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-09 17:30:16','2016-12-09 17:30:16'),(3382,172,456,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-09 17:30:16','2016-12-09 17:30:16'),(3383,172,456,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-09 17:30:16','2016-12-09 17:30:16'),(3384,172,456,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-09 17:30:16','2016-12-09 17:30:16'),(3385,172,456,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-09 17:30:16','2016-12-09 17:30:16'),(3386,172,457,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(3387,172,457,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(3388,172,457,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(3389,172,457,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(3390,172,457,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(3391,172,457,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(3392,172,457,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(3393,172,457,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(3394,172,457,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(3395,172,457,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-09 17:50:53','2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(3396,173,458,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-15 12:38:08','2016-12-15 12:38:08'),(3397,173,458,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-15 12:38:08','2016-12-15 12:38:08'),(3398,173,458,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-15 12:38:08','2016-12-15 12:38:08'),(3399,173,458,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-15 12:38:08','2016-12-15 12:38:08'),(3400,173,458,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-15 12:38:08','2016-12-15 12:38:08'),(3401,173,458,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-15 12:38:08','2016-12-15 12:38:08'),(3402,173,458,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-15 12:38:08','2016-12-15 12:38:08'),(3403,173,458,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-15 12:38:08','2016-12-15 12:38:08'),(3404,173,458,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-15 12:38:08','2016-12-15 12:38:08'),(3405,173,458,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-15 12:38:08','2016-12-15 12:38:08'),(3406,173,459,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-15 12:46:27','2016-12-15 12:46:27'),(3407,173,459,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-15 12:46:27','2016-12-15 12:46:27'),(3408,173,459,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-15 12:46:27','2016-12-15 12:46:27'),(3409,173,459,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-15 12:46:27','2016-12-15 12:46:27'),(3410,173,459,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-15 12:46:27','2016-12-15 12:46:27'),(3411,173,460,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:20'),(3412,173,460,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:20'),(3413,173,460,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:20'),(3414,173,460,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:20'),(3415,173,460,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:20'),(3416,173,460,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:20'),(3417,173,460,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:20'),(3418,173,460,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:20'),(3419,173,460,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:20'),(3420,173,460,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-15 13:04:20','2016-12-15 13:04:20'),(3421,174,461,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 05:28:30','2016-12-16 05:28:30'),(3422,174,461,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-16 05:28:30','2016-12-16 05:28:30'),(3423,174,461,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 05:28:30','2016-12-16 05:28:30'),(3424,174,461,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-16 05:28:30','2016-12-16 05:28:30'),(3425,174,461,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 05:28:30','2016-12-16 05:28:30'),(3426,174,461,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-16 05:28:30','2016-12-16 05:28:30'),(3427,174,461,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-16 05:28:30','2016-12-16 05:28:30'),(3428,174,461,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-16 05:28:30','2016-12-16 05:28:30'),(3429,174,461,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-16 05:28:30','2016-12-16 05:28:30'),(3430,174,461,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-16 05:28:30','2016-12-16 05:28:30'),(3431,174,462,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-16 05:34:41','2016-12-16 05:34:41'),(3432,174,462,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 05:34:41','2016-12-16 05:34:41'),(3433,174,462,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-16 05:34:41','2016-12-16 05:34:41'),(3434,174,462,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-16 05:34:41','2016-12-16 05:34:41'),(3435,174,462,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-16 05:34:41','2016-12-16 05:34:41'),(3436,174,463,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(3437,174,463,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(3438,174,463,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(3439,174,463,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(3440,174,463,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(3441,174,463,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(3442,174,463,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(3443,174,463,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(3444,174,463,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(3445,174,463,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-16 05:50:48','2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(3446,175,464,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 09:44:02','2016-12-16 09:44:02'),(3447,175,464,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-16 09:44:02','2016-12-16 09:44:02'),(3448,175,464,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 09:44:02','2016-12-16 09:44:02'),(3449,175,464,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-16 09:44:02','2016-12-16 09:44:02'),(3450,175,464,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 09:44:02','2016-12-16 09:44:02'),(3451,175,464,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-16 09:44:02','2016-12-16 09:44:02'),(3452,175,464,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-16 09:44:02','2016-12-16 09:44:02'),(3453,175,464,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-16 09:44:02','2016-12-16 09:44:02'),(3454,175,464,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-16 09:44:02','2016-12-16 09:44:02'),(3455,175,464,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-16 09:44:02','2016-12-16 09:44:02'),(3456,175,465,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-16 09:50:33','2016-12-16 09:50:33'),(3457,175,465,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 09:50:33','2016-12-16 09:50:33'),(3458,175,465,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-16 09:50:33','2016-12-16 09:50:33'),(3459,175,465,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-16 09:50:33','2016-12-16 09:50:33'),(3460,175,465,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-16 09:50:33','2016-12-16 09:50:33'),(3461,175,466,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(3462,175,466,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(3463,175,466,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(3464,175,466,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(3465,175,466,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(3466,175,466,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(3467,175,466,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(3468,175,466,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(3469,175,466,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(3470,175,466,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-16 10:07:38','2016-12-16 10:07:38'),(3471,176,467,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-17 20:56:35','2016-12-17 20:56:35'),(3472,176,467,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-17 20:56:35','2016-12-17 20:56:35'),(3473,176,467,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-17 20:56:35','2016-12-17 20:56:35'),(3474,176,467,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-17 20:56:35','2016-12-17 20:56:35'),(3475,176,467,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-17 20:56:35','2016-12-17 20:56:35'),(3476,176,467,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-17 20:56:35','2016-12-17 20:56:35'),(3477,176,467,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-17 20:56:35','2016-12-17 20:56:35'),(3478,176,467,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-17 20:56:35','2016-12-17 20:56:35'),(3479,176,467,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-17 20:56:35','2016-12-17 20:56:35'),(3480,176,467,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-17 20:56:35','2016-12-17 20:56:35'),(3481,176,468,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-17 21:02:57','2016-12-17 21:02:57'),(3482,176,468,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-17 21:02:57','2016-12-17 21:02:57'),(3483,176,468,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-17 21:02:57','2016-12-17 21:02:57'),(3484,176,468,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-17 21:02:57','2016-12-17 21:02:57'),(3485,176,468,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-17 21:02:57','2016-12-17 21:02:57'),(3486,176,469,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(3487,176,469,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(3488,176,469,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(3489,176,469,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(3490,176,469,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(3491,176,469,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(3492,176,469,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(3493,176,469,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(3494,176,469,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(3495,176,469,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-17 21:17:43','2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(3496,177,470,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-19 10:45:22','2016-12-19 10:45:22'),(3497,177,470,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-19 10:45:22','2016-12-19 10:45:22'),(3498,177,470,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-19 10:45:22','2016-12-19 10:45:22'),(3499,177,470,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-19 10:45:22','2016-12-19 10:45:22'),(3500,177,470,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-19 10:45:22','2016-12-19 10:45:22'),(3501,177,470,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-19 10:45:22','2016-12-19 10:45:22'),(3502,177,470,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-19 10:45:22','2016-12-19 10:45:22'),(3503,177,470,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-19 10:45:22','2016-12-19 10:45:22'),(3504,177,470,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-19 10:45:22','2016-12-19 10:45:22'),(3505,177,470,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-19 10:45:22','2016-12-19 10:45:22'),(3506,177,471,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-19 10:51:44','2016-12-19 10:51:44'),(3507,177,471,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-19 10:51:44','2016-12-19 10:51:44'),(3508,177,471,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-19 10:51:44','2016-12-19 10:51:44'),(3509,177,471,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-19 10:51:44','2016-12-19 10:51:44'),(3510,177,471,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-19 10:51:44','2016-12-19 10:51:44'),(3511,177,472,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:57'),(3512,177,472,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:57'),(3513,177,472,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:57'),(3514,177,472,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:57'),(3515,177,472,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:57'),(3516,177,472,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:57'),(3517,177,472,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:57'),(3518,177,472,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:57'),(3519,177,472,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:57'),(3520,177,472,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-19 11:06:57','2016-12-19 11:06:57'),(3521,178,473,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-20 17:29:09','2016-12-20 17:29:09'),(3522,178,473,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-20 17:29:09','2016-12-20 17:29:09'),(3523,178,473,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-20 17:29:09','2016-12-20 17:29:09'),(3524,178,473,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-20 17:29:09','2016-12-20 17:29:09'),(3525,178,473,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-20 17:29:09','2016-12-20 17:29:09'),(3526,178,473,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-20 17:29:09','2016-12-20 17:29:09'),(3527,178,473,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-20 17:29:09','2016-12-20 17:29:09'),(3528,178,473,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-20 17:29:09','2016-12-20 17:29:09'),(3529,178,473,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-20 17:29:09','2016-12-20 17:29:09'),(3530,178,473,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-20 17:29:09','2016-12-20 17:29:09'),(3531,178,474,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-20 17:36:07','2016-12-20 17:36:07'),(3532,178,474,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-20 17:36:07','2016-12-20 17:36:07'),(3533,178,474,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-20 17:36:07','2016-12-20 17:36:07'),(3534,178,474,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-20 17:36:07','2016-12-20 17:36:07'),(3535,178,474,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-20 17:36:07','2016-12-20 17:36:07'),(3536,178,475,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(3537,178,475,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(3538,178,475,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(3539,178,475,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(3540,178,475,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(3541,178,475,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(3542,178,475,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(3543,178,475,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(3544,178,475,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(3545,178,475,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-20 18:05:42','2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(3546,179,476,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-21 15:11:59','2016-12-21 15:11:59'),(3547,179,476,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-21 15:11:59','2016-12-21 15:11:59'),(3548,179,476,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-21 15:11:59','2016-12-21 15:11:59'),(3549,179,476,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-21 15:11:59','2016-12-21 15:11:59'),(3550,179,476,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-21 15:11:59','2016-12-21 15:11:59'),(3551,179,476,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-21 15:11:59','2016-12-21 15:11:59'),(3552,179,476,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-21 15:11:59','2016-12-21 15:11:59'),(3553,179,476,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-21 15:11:59','2016-12-21 15:11:59'),(3554,179,476,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-21 15:11:59','2016-12-21 15:11:59'),(3555,179,476,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-21 15:11:59','2016-12-21 15:11:59'),(3556,179,477,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-21 15:20:13','2016-12-21 15:20:13'),(3557,179,477,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-21 15:20:13','2016-12-21 15:20:13'),(3558,179,477,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-21 15:20:13','2016-12-21 15:20:13'),(3559,179,477,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-21 15:20:13','2016-12-21 15:20:13'),(3560,179,477,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-21 15:20:13','2016-12-21 15:20:13'),(3561,179,478,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(3562,179,478,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(3563,179,478,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(3564,179,478,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(3565,179,478,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(3566,179,478,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(3567,179,478,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(3568,179,478,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(3569,179,478,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(3570,179,478,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-21 15:36:44','2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(3571,180,479,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 10:10:30','2016-12-22 10:10:30'),(3572,180,479,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-22 10:10:30','2016-12-22 10:10:30'),(3573,180,479,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 10:10:30','2016-12-22 10:10:30'),(3574,180,479,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-22 10:10:30','2016-12-22 10:10:30'),(3575,180,479,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 10:10:30','2016-12-22 10:10:30'),(3576,180,479,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-22 10:10:30','2016-12-22 10:10:30'),(3577,180,479,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-22 10:10:30','2016-12-22 10:10:30'),(3578,180,479,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-22 10:10:30','2016-12-22 10:10:30'),(3579,180,479,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-22 10:10:30','2016-12-22 10:10:30'),(3580,180,479,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-22 10:10:30','2016-12-22 10:10:30'),(3581,180,480,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-22 10:17:57','2016-12-22 10:17:57'),(3582,180,480,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 10:17:57','2016-12-22 10:17:57'),(3583,180,480,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-22 10:17:57','2016-12-22 10:17:57'),(3584,180,480,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-22 10:17:57','2016-12-22 10:17:57'),(3585,180,480,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-22 10:17:57','2016-12-22 10:17:57'),(3586,180,481,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(3587,180,481,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(3588,180,481,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(3589,180,481,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(3590,180,481,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(3591,180,481,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(3592,180,481,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(3593,180,481,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(3594,180,481,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(3595,180,481,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-22 10:59:27','2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(3596,181,482,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:06:43','2016-12-22 14:06:43'),(3597,181,482,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-22 14:06:43','2016-12-22 14:06:43'),(3598,181,482,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:06:43','2016-12-22 14:06:43'),(3599,181,482,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-22 14:06:43','2016-12-22 14:06:43'),(3600,181,482,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:06:43','2016-12-22 14:06:43'),(3601,181,482,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-22 14:06:43','2016-12-22 14:06:43'),(3602,181,482,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-22 14:06:43','2016-12-22 14:06:43'),(3603,181,482,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-22 14:06:43','2016-12-22 14:06:43'),(3604,181,482,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-22 14:06:43','2016-12-22 14:06:43'),(3605,181,482,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-22 14:06:43','2016-12-22 14:06:43'),(3606,181,483,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-22 14:13:17','2016-12-22 14:13:17'),(3607,181,483,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:13:17','2016-12-22 14:13:17'),(3608,181,483,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-22 14:13:17','2016-12-22 14:13:17'),(3609,181,483,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2016-12-22 14:13:17','2016-12-22 14:13:17'),(3610,181,483,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-22 14:13:17','2016-12-22 14:13:17'),(3611,181,484,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(3612,181,484,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(3613,181,484,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(3614,181,484,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(3615,181,484,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(3616,181,484,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(3617,181,484,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(3618,181,484,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(3619,181,484,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(3620,181,484,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-22 14:33:39','2016-12-22 14:33:39'),(3621,182,485,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:25:03','2016-12-22 14:25:03'),(3622,182,485,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-22 14:25:03','2016-12-22 14:25:03'),(3623,182,485,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:25:03','2016-12-22 14:25:03'),(3624,182,485,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-22 14:25:03','2016-12-22 14:25:03'),(3625,182,485,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:25:03','2016-12-22 14:25:03'),(3626,182,485,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-22 14:25:03','2016-12-22 14:25:03'),(3627,182,485,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-22 14:25:03','2016-12-22 14:25:03'),(3628,182,485,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-22 14:25:03','2016-12-22 14:25:03'),(3629,182,485,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-22 14:25:03','2016-12-22 14:25:03'),(3630,182,485,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-22 14:25:03','2016-12-22 14:25:03'),(3631,182,486,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-22 14:31:42','2016-12-22 14:31:42'),(3632,182,486,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:31:42','2016-12-22 14:31:42'),(3633,182,486,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-22 14:31:42','2016-12-22 14:31:42'),(3634,182,486,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-22 14:31:42','2016-12-22 14:31:42'),(3635,182,486,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-22 14:31:42','2016-12-22 14:31:42'),(3636,182,487,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(3637,182,487,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(3638,182,487,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(3639,182,487,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(3640,182,487,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(3641,182,487,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(3642,182,487,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(3643,182,487,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(3644,182,487,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(3645,182,487,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-22 14:46:37','2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(3646,183,488,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 12:22:05','2016-12-23 12:22:05'),(3647,183,488,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-23 12:22:05','2016-12-23 12:22:05'),(3648,183,488,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 12:22:05','2016-12-23 12:22:05'),(3649,183,488,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-23 12:22:05','2016-12-23 12:22:05'),(3650,183,488,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 12:22:05','2016-12-23 12:22:05'),(3651,183,488,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-23 12:22:05','2016-12-23 12:22:05'),(3652,183,488,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-23 12:22:05','2016-12-23 12:22:05'),(3653,183,488,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-23 12:22:05','2016-12-23 12:22:05'),(3654,183,488,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-23 12:22:05','2016-12-23 12:22:05'),(3655,183,488,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-23 12:22:05','2016-12-23 12:22:05'),(3656,183,489,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-23 12:35:55','2016-12-23 12:35:55'),(3657,183,489,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 12:35:55','2016-12-23 12:35:55'),(3658,183,489,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-23 12:35:55','2016-12-23 12:35:55'),(3659,183,489,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-23 12:35:55','2016-12-23 12:35:55'),(3660,183,489,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-23 12:35:55','2016-12-23 12:35:55'),(3661,183,490,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(3662,183,490,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(3663,183,490,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(3664,183,490,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(3665,183,490,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(3666,183,490,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(3667,183,490,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(3668,183,490,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(3669,183,490,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(3670,183,490,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-23 12:55:45','2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(3671,184,491,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 13:39:05','2016-12-23 14:13:12'),(3672,184,491,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-23 13:39:05','2016-12-23 14:13:12'),(3673,184,491,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 13:39:05','2016-12-23 14:13:12'),(3674,184,491,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-23 13:39:05','2016-12-23 14:13:12'),(3675,184,491,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 13:39:05','2016-12-23 14:13:12'),(3676,184,491,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-23 13:39:05','2016-12-23 14:13:12'),(3677,184,491,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-23 13:39:05','2016-12-23 14:13:12'),(3678,184,491,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-23 13:39:05','2016-12-23 14:13:12'),(3679,184,491,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-23 13:39:05','2016-12-23 14:13:12'),(3680,184,491,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-23 13:39:05','2016-12-23 14:13:12'),(3681,184,492,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-23 14:13:09','2016-12-23 14:13:16'),(3682,184,492,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 14:13:09','2016-12-23 14:13:16'),(3683,184,492,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-23 14:13:09','2016-12-23 14:13:16'),(3684,184,492,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-23 14:13:09','2016-12-23 14:13:16'),(3685,184,492,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-23 14:13:09','2016-12-23 14:13:16'),(3686,184,493,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(3687,184,493,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(3688,184,493,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(3689,184,493,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(3690,184,493,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(3691,184,493,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(3692,184,493,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(3693,184,493,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(3694,184,493,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(3695,184,493,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-23 14:43:55','2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(3696,185,494,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-28 11:43:20','2016-12-28 11:43:20'),(3697,185,494,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-28 11:43:20','2016-12-28 11:43:20'),(3698,185,494,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-28 11:43:20','2016-12-28 11:43:20'),(3699,185,494,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-28 11:43:20','2016-12-28 11:43:20'),(3700,185,494,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-28 11:43:20','2016-12-28 11:43:20'),(3701,185,494,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-28 11:43:20','2016-12-28 11:43:20'),(3702,185,494,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-28 11:43:20','2016-12-28 11:43:20'),(3703,185,494,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-28 11:43:20','2016-12-28 11:43:20'),(3704,185,494,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-28 11:43:20','2016-12-28 11:43:20'),(3705,185,494,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-28 11:43:20','2016-12-28 11:43:20'),(3706,185,495,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-28 11:51:03','2016-12-28 11:51:03'),(3707,185,495,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-28 11:51:03','2016-12-28 11:51:03'),(3708,185,495,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-28 11:51:03','2016-12-28 11:51:03'),(3709,185,495,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-28 11:51:03','2016-12-28 11:51:03'),(3710,185,495,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-28 11:51:03','2016-12-28 11:51:03'),(3711,185,496,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:16'),(3712,185,496,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:16'),(3713,185,496,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:16'),(3714,185,496,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:16'),(3715,185,496,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:16'),(3716,185,496,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:16'),(3717,185,496,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:16'),(3718,185,496,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:16'),(3719,185,496,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:16'),(3720,185,496,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-28 12:19:16','2016-12-28 12:19:16'),(3721,186,497,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 13:02:57','2016-12-30 13:02:57'),(3722,186,497,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-30 13:02:57','2016-12-30 13:02:57'),(3723,186,497,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 13:02:57','2016-12-30 13:02:57'),(3724,186,497,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-30 13:02:57','2016-12-30 13:02:57'),(3725,186,497,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 13:02:57','2016-12-30 13:02:57'),(3726,186,497,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-30 13:02:57','2016-12-30 13:02:57'),(3727,186,497,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-30 13:02:57','2016-12-30 13:02:57'),(3728,186,497,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-30 13:02:57','2016-12-30 13:02:57'),(3729,186,497,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-30 13:02:57','2016-12-30 13:02:57'),(3730,186,497,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-30 13:02:57','2016-12-30 13:02:57'),(3731,186,498,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-30 13:09:43','2016-12-30 13:09:43'),(3732,186,498,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 13:09:43','2016-12-30 13:09:43'),(3733,186,498,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-30 13:09:43','2016-12-30 13:09:43'),(3734,186,498,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-30 13:09:43','2016-12-30 13:09:43'),(3735,186,498,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-30 13:09:43','2016-12-30 13:09:43'),(3736,186,499,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:23'),(3737,186,499,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:23'),(3738,186,499,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:23'),(3739,186,499,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:23'),(3740,186,499,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:23'),(3741,186,499,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:23'),(3742,186,499,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:23'),(3743,186,499,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:23'),(3744,186,499,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:23'),(3745,186,499,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-30 13:42:23','2016-12-30 13:42:23'),(3746,187,500,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 12:40:19','2016-12-30 12:51:41'),(3747,187,500,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2016-12-30 12:40:19','2016-12-30 12:51:41'),(3748,187,500,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 12:40:19','2016-12-30 12:51:41'),(3749,187,500,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2016-12-30 12:40:19','2016-12-30 12:51:41'),(3750,187,500,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 12:40:19','2016-12-30 12:51:41'),(3751,187,500,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2016-12-30 12:40:19','2016-12-30 12:51:41'),(3752,187,500,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2016-12-30 12:40:19','2016-12-30 12:51:41'),(3753,187,500,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2016-12-30 12:40:19','2016-12-30 12:51:41'),(3754,187,500,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2016-12-30 12:40:19','2016-12-30 12:51:41'),(3755,187,500,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2016-12-30 12:40:19','2016-12-30 12:51:41'),(3756,187,501,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2016-12-30 12:50:15','2016-12-30 13:09:39'),(3757,187,501,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 12:50:15','2016-12-30 13:09:39'),(3758,187,501,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2016-12-30 12:50:15','2016-12-30 13:09:39'),(3759,187,501,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2016-12-30 12:50:15','2016-12-30 13:09:39'),(3760,187,501,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2016-12-30 12:50:15','2016-12-30 13:09:39'),(3761,187,502,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2016-12-30 13:09:33','2016-12-30 13:45:04'),(3762,187,502,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 13:09:33','2016-12-30 13:45:04'),(3763,187,502,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2016-12-30 13:09:33','2016-12-30 13:45:04'),(3764,187,502,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2016-12-30 13:09:33','2016-12-30 13:45:04'),(3765,187,502,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2016-12-30 13:09:33','2016-12-30 13:45:04'),(3766,187,502,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2016-12-30 13:09:33','2016-12-30 13:45:04'),(3767,187,502,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2016-12-30 13:09:33','2016-12-30 13:45:04'),(3768,187,502,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2016-12-30 13:09:33','2016-12-30 13:45:04'),(3769,187,502,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2016-12-30 13:09:33','2016-12-30 13:45:04'),(3770,187,502,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2016-12-30 13:09:33','2016-12-30 13:45:04'),(3771,188,503,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-08 14:20:56','2017-01-08 14:20:56'),(3772,188,503,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-08 14:20:56','2017-01-08 14:20:56'),(3773,188,503,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-08 14:20:56','2017-01-08 14:20:56'),(3774,188,503,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-08 14:20:56','2017-01-08 14:20:56'),(3775,188,503,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-08 14:20:56','2017-01-08 14:20:56'),(3776,188,503,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-08 14:20:56','2017-01-08 14:20:56'),(3777,188,503,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-08 14:20:56','2017-01-08 14:20:56'),(3778,188,503,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-08 14:20:56','2017-01-08 14:20:56'),(3779,188,503,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-08 14:20:56','2017-01-08 14:20:56'),(3780,188,503,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-08 14:20:56','2017-01-08 14:20:56'),(3781,188,504,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-08 14:27:22','2017-01-08 14:27:22'),(3782,188,504,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-08 14:27:22','2017-01-08 14:27:22'),(3783,188,504,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-08 14:27:22','2017-01-08 14:27:22'),(3784,188,504,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-08 14:27:22','2017-01-08 14:27:22'),(3785,188,504,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-08 14:27:22','2017-01-08 14:27:22'),(3786,188,505,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(3787,188,505,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(3788,188,505,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(3789,188,505,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(3790,188,505,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(3791,188,505,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(3792,188,505,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(3793,188,505,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(3794,188,505,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(3795,188,505,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-08 14:44:26','2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(3796,189,506,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-11 10:17:29','2017-01-11 10:17:29'),(3797,189,506,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-11 10:17:29','2017-01-11 10:17:29'),(3798,189,506,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-11 10:17:29','2017-01-11 10:17:29'),(3799,189,506,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-11 10:17:29','2017-01-11 10:17:29'),(3800,189,506,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-11 10:17:29','2017-01-11 10:17:29'),(3801,189,506,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-11 10:17:29','2017-01-11 10:17:29'),(3802,189,506,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-11 10:17:29','2017-01-11 10:17:29'),(3803,189,506,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-11 10:17:29','2017-01-11 10:17:29'),(3804,189,506,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-11 10:17:29','2017-01-11 10:17:29'),(3805,189,506,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-11 10:17:29','2017-01-11 10:17:29'),(3806,189,507,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-11 10:26:49','2017-01-11 10:26:49'),(3807,189,507,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-11 10:26:49','2017-01-11 10:26:49'),(3808,189,507,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-11 10:26:49','2017-01-11 10:26:49'),(3809,189,507,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-01-11 10:26:49','2017-01-11 10:26:49'),(3810,189,507,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-11 10:26:49','2017-01-11 10:26:49'),(3811,189,508,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(3812,189,508,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(3813,189,508,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(3814,189,508,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(3815,189,508,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(3816,189,508,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(3817,189,508,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(3818,189,508,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(3819,189,508,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(3820,189,508,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-11 10:48:22','2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(3821,190,509,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-12 09:25:37','2017-01-12 09:25:37'),(3822,190,509,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2017-01-12 09:25:37','2017-01-12 09:25:37'),(3823,190,509,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-12 09:25:37','2017-01-12 09:25:37'),(3824,190,509,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-12 09:25:37','2017-01-12 09:25:37'),(3825,190,509,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-12 09:25:37','2017-01-12 09:25:37'),(3826,190,509,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-12 09:25:37','2017-01-12 09:25:37'),(3827,190,509,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-12 09:25:37','2017-01-12 09:25:37'),(3828,190,509,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-12 09:25:37','2017-01-12 09:25:37'),(3829,190,509,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-12 09:25:37','2017-01-12 09:25:37'),(3830,190,509,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-12 09:25:37','2017-01-12 09:25:37'),(3831,190,510,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-12 09:31:46','2017-01-12 09:31:46'),(3832,190,510,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-12 09:31:46','2017-01-12 09:31:46'),(3833,190,510,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-12 09:31:46','2017-01-12 09:31:46'),(3834,190,510,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-12 09:31:46','2017-01-12 09:31:46'),(3835,190,510,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-12 09:31:46','2017-01-12 09:31:46'),(3836,190,511,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:44'),(3837,190,511,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:44'),(3838,190,511,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:44'),(3839,190,511,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:44'),(3840,190,511,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:44'),(3841,190,511,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:44'),(3842,190,511,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:44'),(3843,190,511,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:44'),(3844,190,511,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:44'),(3845,190,511,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-12 09:49:44','2017-01-12 09:49:44'),(3846,191,512,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-14 10:56:42','2017-01-14 10:56:42'),(3847,191,512,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-14 10:56:42','2017-01-14 10:56:42'),(3848,191,512,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-14 10:56:42','2017-01-14 10:56:42'),(3849,191,512,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-14 10:56:42','2017-01-14 10:56:42'),(3850,191,512,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-14 10:56:42','2017-01-14 10:56:42'),(3851,191,512,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-14 10:56:42','2017-01-14 10:56:42'),(3852,191,512,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-14 10:56:42','2017-01-14 10:56:42'),(3853,191,512,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-14 10:56:42','2017-01-14 10:56:42'),(3854,191,512,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-14 10:56:42','2017-01-14 10:56:42'),(3855,191,512,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-14 10:56:42','2017-01-14 10:56:42'),(3856,191,513,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-14 11:08:14','2017-01-14 11:08:14'),(3857,191,513,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-14 11:08:14','2017-01-14 11:08:14'),(3858,191,513,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-14 11:08:14','2017-01-14 11:08:14'),(3859,191,513,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-14 11:08:14','2017-01-14 11:08:14'),(3860,191,513,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-14 11:08:14','2017-01-14 11:08:14'),(3861,191,514,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(3862,191,514,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(3863,191,514,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(3864,191,514,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(3865,191,514,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(3866,191,514,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(3867,191,514,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(3868,191,514,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(3869,191,514,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(3870,191,514,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-14 11:23:26','2017-01-14 11:23:26'),(3871,192,515,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-16 17:42:58','2017-01-16 17:42:58'),(3872,192,515,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-16 17:42:58','2017-01-16 17:42:58'),(3873,192,515,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-16 17:42:58','2017-01-16 17:42:58'),(3874,192,515,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-16 17:42:58','2017-01-16 17:42:58'),(3875,192,515,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-16 17:42:58','2017-01-16 17:42:58'),(3876,192,515,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-16 17:42:58','2017-01-16 17:42:58'),(3877,192,515,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-16 17:42:58','2017-01-16 17:42:58'),(3878,192,515,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-16 17:42:58','2017-01-16 17:42:58'),(3879,192,515,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-16 17:42:58','2017-01-16 17:42:58'),(3880,192,515,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-16 17:42:58','2017-01-16 17:42:58'),(3881,192,516,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-16 17:51:33','2017-01-16 17:51:33'),(3882,192,516,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-16 17:51:33','2017-01-16 17:51:33'),(3883,192,516,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-16 17:51:33','2017-01-16 17:51:33'),(3884,192,516,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-16 17:51:33','2017-01-16 17:51:33'),(3885,192,516,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-16 17:51:33','2017-01-16 17:51:33'),(3886,192,517,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(3887,192,517,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(3888,192,517,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(3889,192,517,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(3890,192,517,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(3891,192,517,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(3892,192,517,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(3893,192,517,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(3894,192,517,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(3895,192,517,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-16 18:12:18','2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(3896,193,518,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-17 15:21:11','2017-01-17 15:21:11'),(3897,193,518,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2017-01-17 15:21:11','2017-01-17 15:21:11'),(3898,193,518,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-17 15:21:11','2017-01-17 15:21:11'),(3899,193,518,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-17 15:21:11','2017-01-17 15:21:11'),(3900,193,518,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-17 15:21:11','2017-01-17 15:21:11'),(3901,193,518,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-17 15:21:11','2017-01-17 15:21:11'),(3902,193,518,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-17 15:21:11','2017-01-17 15:21:11'),(3903,193,518,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-17 15:21:11','2017-01-17 15:21:11'),(3904,193,518,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-17 15:21:11','2017-01-17 15:21:11'),(3905,193,518,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-17 15:21:11','2017-01-17 15:21:11'),(3906,193,519,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-17 15:27:45','2017-01-17 15:27:45'),(3907,193,519,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-17 15:27:45','2017-01-17 15:27:45'),(3908,193,519,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-17 15:27:45','2017-01-17 15:27:45'),(3909,193,519,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-17 15:27:45','2017-01-17 15:27:45'),(3910,193,519,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-17 15:27:45','2017-01-17 15:27:45'),(3911,193,520,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(3912,193,520,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(3913,193,520,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(3914,193,520,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(3915,193,520,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(3916,193,520,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(3917,193,520,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(3918,193,520,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(3919,193,520,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(3920,193,520,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-17 15:44:25','2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(3921,194,521,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-18 14:09:41','2017-01-18 14:09:41'),(3922,194,521,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-18 14:09:41','2017-01-18 14:09:41'),(3923,194,521,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-18 14:09:41','2017-01-18 14:09:41'),(3924,194,521,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-18 14:09:41','2017-01-18 14:09:41'),(3925,194,521,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-18 14:09:41','2017-01-18 14:09:41'),(3926,194,521,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-18 14:09:41','2017-01-18 14:09:41'),(3927,194,521,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-18 14:09:41','2017-01-18 14:09:41'),(3928,194,521,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-18 14:09:41','2017-01-18 14:09:41'),(3929,194,521,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-18 14:09:41','2017-01-18 14:09:41'),(3930,194,521,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-18 14:09:41','2017-01-18 14:09:41'),(3931,194,522,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-18 14:16:01','2017-01-18 14:16:01'),(3932,194,522,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-18 14:16:01','2017-01-18 14:16:01'),(3933,194,522,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-18 14:16:01','2017-01-18 14:16:01'),(3934,194,522,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-18 14:16:01','2017-01-18 14:16:01'),(3935,194,522,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-18 14:16:01','2017-01-18 14:16:01'),(3936,194,523,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(3937,194,523,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(3938,194,523,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(3939,194,523,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(3940,194,523,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(3941,194,523,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(3942,194,523,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(3943,194,523,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(3944,194,523,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(3945,194,523,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-18 14:32:49','2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(3946,195,524,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 10:19:27','2017-01-19 10:19:27'),(3947,195,524,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-19 10:19:27','2017-01-19 10:19:27'),(3948,195,524,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 10:19:27','2017-01-19 10:19:27'),(3949,195,524,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-19 10:19:27','2017-01-19 10:19:27'),(3950,195,524,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 10:19:27','2017-01-19 10:19:27'),(3951,195,524,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-19 10:19:27','2017-01-19 10:19:27'),(3952,195,524,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-19 10:19:27','2017-01-19 10:19:27'),(3953,195,524,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-19 10:19:27','2017-01-19 10:19:27'),(3954,195,524,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-19 10:19:27','2017-01-19 10:19:27'),(3955,195,524,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-19 10:19:27','2017-01-19 10:19:27'),(3956,195,525,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-19 10:23:22','2017-01-19 10:23:22'),(3957,195,525,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 10:23:22','2017-01-19 10:23:22'),(3958,195,525,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-19 10:23:22','2017-01-19 10:23:22'),(3959,195,525,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-01-19 10:23:22','2017-01-19 10:23:22'),(3960,195,525,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-19 10:23:22','2017-01-19 10:23:22'),(3961,195,526,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(3962,195,526,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(3963,195,526,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(3964,195,526,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(3965,195,526,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(3966,195,526,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(3967,195,526,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(3968,195,526,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(3969,195,526,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(3970,195,526,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-19 10:27:44','2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(3971,196,527,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 16:28:25','2017-01-19 16:28:25'),(3972,196,527,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-19 16:28:25','2017-01-19 16:28:25'),(3973,196,527,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 16:28:25','2017-01-19 16:28:25'),(3974,196,527,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-19 16:28:25','2017-01-19 16:28:25'),(3975,196,527,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 16:28:25','2017-01-19 16:28:25'),(3976,196,527,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-19 16:28:25','2017-01-19 16:28:25'),(3977,196,527,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-19 16:28:25','2017-01-19 16:28:25'),(3978,196,527,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-19 16:28:25','2017-01-19 16:28:25'),(3979,196,527,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-19 16:28:25','2017-01-19 16:28:25'),(3980,196,527,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-19 16:28:25','2017-01-19 16:28:25'),(3981,196,528,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-19 16:34:08','2017-01-19 16:34:08'),(3982,196,528,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 16:34:08','2017-01-19 16:34:08'),(3983,196,528,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-19 16:34:08','2017-01-19 16:34:08'),(3984,196,528,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-19 16:34:08','2017-01-19 16:34:08'),(3985,196,528,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-19 16:34:08','2017-01-19 16:34:08'),(3986,196,529,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(3987,196,529,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(3988,196,529,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(3989,196,529,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(3990,196,529,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(3991,196,529,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(3992,196,529,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(3993,196,529,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(3994,196,529,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(3995,196,529,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-19 16:49:33','2017-01-19 16:49:33'),(3996,197,530,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-20 19:45:57','2017-01-20 19:45:57'),(3997,197,530,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-20 19:45:57','2017-01-20 19:45:57'),(3998,197,530,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-20 19:45:57','2017-01-20 19:45:57'),(3999,197,530,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-20 19:45:57','2017-01-20 19:45:57'),(4000,197,530,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-20 19:45:57','2017-01-20 19:45:57'),(4001,197,530,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-20 19:45:57','2017-01-20 19:45:57'),(4002,197,530,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-20 19:45:57','2017-01-20 19:45:57'),(4003,197,530,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-20 19:45:57','2017-01-20 19:45:57'),(4004,197,530,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-20 19:45:57','2017-01-20 19:45:57'),(4005,197,530,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-20 19:45:57','2017-01-20 19:45:57'),(4006,197,531,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-20 19:52:13','2017-01-20 19:52:13'),(4007,197,531,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-20 19:52:13','2017-01-20 19:52:13'),(4008,197,531,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-20 19:52:13','2017-01-20 19:52:13'),(4009,197,531,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-20 19:52:13','2017-01-20 19:52:13'),(4010,197,531,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-20 19:52:13','2017-01-20 19:52:13'),(4011,197,532,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:23'),(4012,197,532,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:23'),(4013,197,532,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:23'),(4014,197,532,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:23'),(4015,197,532,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:23'),(4016,197,532,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:23'),(4017,197,532,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:23'),(4018,197,532,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:23'),(4019,197,532,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:23'),(4020,197,532,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-20 20:10:23','2017-01-20 20:10:23'),(4021,198,533,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-21 13:40:27','2017-01-21 13:40:27'),(4022,198,533,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-21 13:40:27','2017-01-21 13:40:27'),(4023,198,533,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-21 13:40:27','2017-01-21 13:40:27'),(4024,198,533,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-21 13:40:27','2017-01-21 13:40:27'),(4025,198,533,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-21 13:40:27','2017-01-21 13:40:27'),(4026,198,533,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-21 13:40:27','2017-01-21 13:40:27'),(4027,198,533,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-21 13:40:27','2017-01-21 13:40:27'),(4028,198,533,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-21 13:40:27','2017-01-21 13:40:27'),(4029,198,533,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-21 13:40:27','2017-01-21 13:40:27'),(4030,198,533,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-21 13:40:27','2017-01-21 13:40:27'),(4031,198,534,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-21 13:46:45','2017-01-21 13:46:45'),(4032,198,534,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-21 13:46:45','2017-01-21 13:46:45'),(4033,198,534,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-21 13:46:45','2017-01-21 13:46:45'),(4034,198,534,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-01-21 13:46:45','2017-01-21 13:46:45'),(4035,198,534,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-21 13:46:45','2017-01-21 13:46:45'),(4036,198,535,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(4037,198,535,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(4038,198,535,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(4039,198,535,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(4040,198,535,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(4041,198,535,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(4042,198,535,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(4043,198,535,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(4044,198,535,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(4045,198,535,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-21 14:04:08','2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(4046,199,536,49,103,101,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','AIDS','All of the above','2017-01-22 19:39:24','2017-01-22 19:39:24'),(4047,199,536,50,104,106,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','5,000','490,000','2017-01-22 19:39:24','2017-01-22 19:39:24'),(4048,199,536,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-22 19:39:24','2017-01-22 19:39:24'),(4049,199,536,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-22 19:39:24','2017-01-22 19:39:24'),(4050,199,536,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-22 19:39:24','2017-01-22 19:39:24'),(4051,199,536,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-22 19:39:24','2017-01-22 19:39:24'),(4052,199,536,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-22 19:39:24','2017-01-22 19:39:24'),(4053,199,536,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-22 19:39:24','2017-01-22 19:39:24'),(4054,199,536,57,128,129,'n',0.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','False','True','2017-01-22 19:39:24','2017-01-22 19:39:24'),(4055,199,536,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-22 19:39:24','2017-01-22 19:39:24'),(4056,199,537,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-22 19:41:52','2017-01-22 19:41:52'),(4057,199,537,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-22 19:41:52','2017-01-22 19:41:52'),(4058,199,537,71,167,168,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','25','27','2017-01-22 19:41:52','2017-01-22 19:41:52'),(4059,199,537,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-22 19:41:52','2017-01-22 19:41:52'),(4060,199,537,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-22 19:41:52','2017-01-22 19:41:52'),(4061,199,538,78,188,186,'n',0.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','State Issued ID card, Driver’s License, or Permit','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(4062,199,538,79,193,191,'n',0.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','Contain date of birth','All of the above','2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(4063,199,538,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(4064,199,538,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(4065,199,538,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(4066,199,538,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(4067,199,538,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(4068,199,538,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(4069,199,538,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(4070,199,538,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-22 19:46:35','2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(4071,200,539,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 01:25:17','2017-01-23 01:25:17'),(4072,200,539,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-23 01:25:17','2017-01-23 01:25:17'),(4073,200,539,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 01:25:17','2017-01-23 01:25:17'),(4074,200,539,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-23 01:25:17','2017-01-23 01:25:17'),(4075,200,539,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 01:25:17','2017-01-23 01:25:17'),(4076,200,539,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-23 01:25:17','2017-01-23 01:25:17'),(4077,200,539,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-23 01:25:17','2017-01-23 01:25:17'),(4078,200,539,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-23 01:25:17','2017-01-23 01:25:17'),(4079,200,539,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-23 01:25:17','2017-01-23 01:25:17'),(4080,200,539,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-23 01:25:17','2017-01-23 01:25:17'),(4081,200,540,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-23 01:31:05','2017-01-23 01:31:05'),(4082,200,540,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 01:31:05','2017-01-23 01:31:05'),(4083,200,540,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-23 01:31:05','2017-01-23 01:31:05'),(4084,200,540,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-23 01:31:05','2017-01-23 01:31:05'),(4085,200,540,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-23 01:31:05','2017-01-23 01:31:05'),(4086,200,541,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(4087,200,541,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(4088,200,541,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(4089,200,541,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(4090,200,541,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(4091,200,541,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(4092,200,541,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(4093,200,541,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(4094,200,541,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(4095,200,541,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-23 01:46:40','2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(4096,201,542,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 10:34:25','2017-01-23 10:34:25'),(4097,201,542,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-23 10:34:25','2017-01-23 10:34:25'),(4098,201,542,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 10:34:25','2017-01-23 10:34:25'),(4099,201,542,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-23 10:34:25','2017-01-23 10:34:25'),(4100,201,542,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 10:34:25','2017-01-23 10:34:25'),(4101,201,542,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-23 10:34:25','2017-01-23 10:34:25'),(4102,201,542,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-23 10:34:25','2017-01-23 10:34:25'),(4103,201,542,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-23 10:34:25','2017-01-23 10:34:25'),(4104,201,542,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-23 10:34:25','2017-01-23 10:34:25'),(4105,201,542,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-23 10:34:25','2017-01-23 10:34:25'),(4106,201,543,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-23 10:41:03','2017-01-23 10:41:03'),(4107,201,543,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 10:41:03','2017-01-23 10:41:03'),(4108,201,543,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-23 10:41:03','2017-01-23 10:41:03'),(4109,201,543,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-01-23 10:41:03','2017-01-23 10:41:03'),(4110,201,543,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-23 10:41:03','2017-01-23 10:41:03'),(4111,201,544,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(4112,201,544,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(4113,201,544,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(4114,201,544,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(4115,201,544,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(4116,201,544,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(4117,201,544,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(4118,201,544,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(4119,201,544,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(4120,201,544,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-23 10:58:56','2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(4121,202,545,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 13:56:58','2017-01-23 13:56:58'),(4122,202,545,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-23 13:56:58','2017-01-23 13:56:58'),(4123,202,545,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 13:56:58','2017-01-23 13:56:58'),(4124,202,545,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-23 13:56:58','2017-01-23 13:56:58'),(4125,202,545,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 13:56:58','2017-01-23 13:56:58'),(4126,202,545,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-23 13:56:58','2017-01-23 13:56:58'),(4127,202,545,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-23 13:56:58','2017-01-23 13:56:58'),(4128,202,545,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-23 13:56:58','2017-01-23 13:56:58'),(4129,202,545,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-23 13:56:58','2017-01-23 13:56:58'),(4130,202,545,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-23 13:56:58','2017-01-23 13:56:58'),(4131,202,546,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-23 14:03:07','2017-01-23 14:03:07'),(4132,202,546,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-23 14:03:07','2017-01-23 14:03:07'),(4133,202,546,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-23 14:03:07','2017-01-23 14:03:07'),(4134,202,546,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-23 14:03:07','2017-01-23 14:03:07'),(4135,202,546,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-23 14:03:07','2017-01-23 14:03:07'),(4136,202,547,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:18'),(4137,202,547,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:18'),(4138,202,547,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:18'),(4139,202,547,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:18'),(4140,202,547,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:18'),(4141,202,547,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:18'),(4142,202,547,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:18'),(4143,202,547,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:18'),(4144,202,547,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:18'),(4145,202,547,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-24 10:21:18','2017-01-24 10:21:18'),(4146,203,548,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-25 11:25:25','2017-01-25 11:25:25'),(4147,203,548,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-25 11:25:25','2017-01-25 11:25:25'),(4148,203,548,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-25 11:25:25','2017-01-25 11:25:25'),(4149,203,548,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-25 11:25:25','2017-01-25 11:25:25'),(4150,203,548,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-25 11:25:25','2017-01-25 11:25:25'),(4151,203,548,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-25 11:25:25','2017-01-25 11:25:25'),(4152,203,548,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-25 11:25:25','2017-01-25 11:25:25'),(4153,203,548,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-25 11:25:25','2017-01-25 11:25:25'),(4154,203,548,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-25 11:25:25','2017-01-25 11:25:25'),(4155,203,548,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-25 11:25:25','2017-01-25 11:25:25'),(4156,203,549,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-25 11:31:42','2017-01-25 11:31:42'),(4157,203,549,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-25 11:31:42','2017-01-25 11:31:42'),(4158,203,549,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-25 11:31:42','2017-01-25 11:31:42'),(4159,203,549,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-25 11:31:42','2017-01-25 11:31:42'),(4160,203,549,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-25 11:31:42','2017-01-25 11:31:42'),(4161,203,550,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:45'),(4162,203,550,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:45'),(4163,203,550,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:45'),(4164,203,550,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:45'),(4165,203,550,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:45'),(4166,203,550,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:45'),(4167,203,550,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:45'),(4168,203,550,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:45'),(4169,203,550,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:45'),(4170,203,550,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-25 11:46:45','2017-01-25 11:46:45'),(4171,204,551,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-27 14:05:17','2017-01-27 14:05:17'),(4172,204,551,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-01-27 14:05:17','2017-01-27 14:05:17'),(4173,204,551,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-27 14:05:17','2017-01-27 14:05:17'),(4174,204,551,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-01-27 14:05:17','2017-01-27 14:05:17'),(4175,204,551,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-27 14:05:17','2017-01-27 14:05:17'),(4176,204,551,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-01-27 14:05:17','2017-01-27 14:05:17'),(4177,204,551,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-01-27 14:05:17','2017-01-27 14:05:17'),(4178,204,551,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-01-27 14:05:17','2017-01-27 14:05:17'),(4179,204,551,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-01-27 14:05:17','2017-01-27 14:05:17'),(4180,204,551,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-01-27 14:05:17','2017-01-27 14:05:17'),(4181,204,552,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-01-27 14:11:01','2017-01-27 14:11:01'),(4182,204,552,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-27 14:11:01','2017-01-27 14:11:01'),(4183,204,552,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-01-27 14:11:01','2017-01-27 14:11:01'),(4184,204,552,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-01-27 14:11:01','2017-01-27 14:11:01'),(4185,204,552,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-01-27 14:11:01','2017-01-27 14:11:01'),(4186,204,553,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:29'),(4187,204,553,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:29'),(4188,204,553,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:29'),(4189,204,553,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:29'),(4190,204,553,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:29'),(4191,204,553,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:29'),(4192,204,553,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:29'),(4193,204,553,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:29'),(4194,204,553,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:29'),(4195,204,553,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-01-27 14:26:29','2017-01-27 14:26:29'),(4196,205,554,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 14:23:52','2017-02-01 14:23:52'),(4197,205,554,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-01 14:23:52','2017-02-01 14:23:52'),(4198,205,554,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 14:23:52','2017-02-01 14:23:52'),(4199,205,554,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-01 14:23:52','2017-02-01 14:23:52'),(4200,205,554,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 14:23:52','2017-02-01 14:23:52'),(4201,205,554,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-01 14:23:52','2017-02-01 14:23:52'),(4202,205,554,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-01 14:23:52','2017-02-01 14:23:52'),(4203,205,554,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-01 14:23:52','2017-02-01 14:23:52'),(4204,205,554,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-01 14:23:52','2017-02-01 14:23:52'),(4205,205,554,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-01 14:23:52','2017-02-01 14:23:52'),(4206,205,555,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-01 14:31:49','2017-02-01 14:31:49'),(4207,205,555,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 14:31:49','2017-02-01 14:31:49'),(4208,205,555,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-01 14:31:49','2017-02-01 14:31:49'),(4209,205,555,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-01 14:31:49','2017-02-01 14:31:49'),(4210,205,555,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-01 14:31:49','2017-02-01 14:31:49'),(4211,205,556,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:33'),(4212,205,556,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:33'),(4213,205,556,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:33'),(4214,205,556,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:33'),(4215,205,556,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:33'),(4216,205,556,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:33'),(4217,205,556,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:33'),(4218,205,556,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:33'),(4219,205,556,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:33'),(4220,205,556,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-01 14:51:33','2017-02-01 14:51:33'),(4221,206,557,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 15:24:38','2017-02-01 15:24:38'),(4222,206,557,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-01 15:24:38','2017-02-01 15:24:38'),(4223,206,557,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 15:24:38','2017-02-01 15:24:38'),(4224,206,557,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-01 15:24:38','2017-02-01 15:24:38'),(4225,206,557,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 15:24:38','2017-02-01 15:24:38'),(4226,206,557,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-01 15:24:38','2017-02-01 15:24:38'),(4227,206,557,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-01 15:24:38','2017-02-01 15:24:38'),(4228,206,557,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-01 15:24:38','2017-02-01 15:24:38'),(4229,206,557,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-01 15:24:38','2017-02-01 15:24:38'),(4230,206,557,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-01 15:24:38','2017-02-01 15:24:38'),(4231,206,558,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-01 15:41:42','2017-02-01 15:41:42'),(4232,206,558,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 15:41:42','2017-02-01 15:41:42'),(4233,206,558,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-01 15:41:42','2017-02-01 15:41:42'),(4234,206,558,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-01 15:41:42','2017-02-01 15:41:42'),(4235,206,558,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-01 15:41:42','2017-02-01 15:41:42'),(4236,206,559,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(4237,206,559,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(4238,206,559,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(4239,206,559,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(4240,206,559,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(4241,206,559,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(4242,206,559,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(4243,206,559,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(4244,206,559,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(4245,206,559,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-01 16:06:33','2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(4246,207,560,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 10:33:49','2017-02-11 10:33:49'),(4247,207,560,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-11 10:33:49','2017-02-11 10:33:49'),(4248,207,560,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 10:33:49','2017-02-11 10:33:49'),(4249,207,560,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-11 10:33:49','2017-02-11 10:33:49'),(4250,207,560,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 10:33:49','2017-02-11 10:33:49'),(4251,207,560,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-11 10:33:49','2017-02-11 10:33:49'),(4252,207,560,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-11 10:33:49','2017-02-11 10:33:49'),(4253,207,560,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-11 10:33:49','2017-02-11 10:33:49'),(4254,207,560,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-11 10:33:49','2017-02-11 10:33:49'),(4255,207,560,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-11 10:33:49','2017-02-11 10:33:49'),(4256,207,561,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-11 10:40:16','2017-02-11 10:40:16'),(4257,207,561,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 10:40:16','2017-02-11 10:40:16'),(4258,207,561,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-11 10:40:16','2017-02-11 10:40:16'),(4259,207,561,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-11 10:40:16','2017-02-11 10:40:16'),(4260,207,561,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-11 10:40:16','2017-02-11 10:40:16'),(4261,207,562,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(4262,207,562,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(4263,207,562,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(4264,207,562,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(4265,207,562,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(4266,207,562,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(4267,207,562,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(4268,207,562,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(4269,207,562,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(4270,207,562,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-11 11:02:51','2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(4271,208,563,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 11:31:42','2017-02-11 11:31:42'),(4272,208,563,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-11 11:31:42','2017-02-11 11:31:42'),(4273,208,563,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 11:31:42','2017-02-11 11:31:42'),(4274,208,563,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-11 11:31:42','2017-02-11 11:31:42'),(4275,208,563,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 11:31:42','2017-02-11 11:31:42'),(4276,208,563,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-11 11:31:42','2017-02-11 11:31:42'),(4277,208,563,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-11 11:31:42','2017-02-11 11:31:42'),(4278,208,563,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-11 11:31:42','2017-02-11 11:31:42'),(4279,208,563,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-11 11:31:42','2017-02-11 11:31:42'),(4280,208,563,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-11 11:31:42','2017-02-11 11:31:42'),(4281,208,564,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-11 11:38:59','2017-02-11 11:38:59'),(4282,208,564,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 11:38:59','2017-02-11 11:38:59'),(4283,208,564,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-11 11:38:59','2017-02-11 11:38:59'),(4284,208,564,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-11 11:38:59','2017-02-11 11:38:59'),(4285,208,564,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-11 11:38:59','2017-02-11 11:38:59'),(4286,208,565,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(4287,208,565,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(4288,208,565,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(4289,208,565,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(4290,208,565,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(4291,208,565,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(4292,208,565,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(4293,208,565,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(4294,208,565,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(4295,208,565,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-11 11:56:30','2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(4296,209,566,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 12:38:20','2017-02-11 12:38:20'),(4297,209,566,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-11 12:38:20','2017-02-11 12:38:20'),(4298,209,566,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 12:38:20','2017-02-11 12:38:20'),(4299,209,566,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-11 12:38:20','2017-02-11 12:38:20'),(4300,209,566,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 12:38:20','2017-02-11 12:38:20'),(4301,209,566,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-11 12:38:20','2017-02-11 12:38:20'),(4302,209,566,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-11 12:38:20','2017-02-11 12:38:20'),(4303,209,566,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-11 12:38:20','2017-02-11 12:38:20'),(4304,209,566,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-11 12:38:20','2017-02-11 12:38:20'),(4305,209,566,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-11 12:38:20','2017-02-11 12:38:20'),(4306,209,567,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-11 12:44:13','2017-02-11 12:44:13'),(4307,209,567,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 12:44:13','2017-02-11 12:44:13'),(4308,209,567,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-11 12:44:13','2017-02-11 12:44:13'),(4309,209,567,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-11 12:44:13','2017-02-11 12:44:13'),(4310,209,567,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-11 12:44:13','2017-02-11 12:44:13'),(4311,209,568,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(4312,209,568,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(4313,209,568,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(4314,209,568,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(4315,209,568,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(4316,209,568,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(4317,209,568,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(4318,209,568,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(4319,209,568,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(4320,209,568,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-11 12:59:52','2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(4321,210,569,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 12:36:28','2017-02-13 12:36:28'),(4322,210,569,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-13 12:36:28','2017-02-13 12:36:28'),(4323,210,569,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 12:36:28','2017-02-13 12:36:28'),(4324,210,569,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-13 12:36:28','2017-02-13 12:36:28'),(4325,210,569,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 12:36:28','2017-02-13 12:36:28'),(4326,210,569,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-13 12:36:28','2017-02-13 12:36:28'),(4327,210,569,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-13 12:36:28','2017-02-13 12:36:28'),(4328,210,569,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-13 12:36:28','2017-02-13 12:36:28'),(4329,210,569,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-13 12:36:28','2017-02-13 12:36:28'),(4330,210,569,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-13 12:36:28','2017-02-13 12:36:28'),(4331,210,570,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-13 12:43:17','2017-02-13 12:43:17'),(4332,210,570,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 12:43:17','2017-02-13 12:43:17'),(4333,210,570,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-13 12:43:17','2017-02-13 12:43:17'),(4334,210,570,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-13 12:43:17','2017-02-13 12:43:17'),(4335,210,570,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-13 12:43:17','2017-02-13 12:43:17'),(4336,210,571,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:28'),(4337,210,571,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:28'),(4338,210,571,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:28'),(4339,210,571,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:28'),(4340,210,571,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:28'),(4341,210,571,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:28'),(4342,210,571,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:28'),(4343,210,571,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:28'),(4344,210,571,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:28'),(4345,210,571,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-13 13:07:28','2017-02-13 13:07:28'),(4346,211,572,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 13:21:17','2017-02-13 13:21:17'),(4347,211,572,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-13 13:21:17','2017-02-13 13:21:17'),(4348,211,572,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 13:21:17','2017-02-13 13:21:17'),(4349,211,572,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-13 13:21:17','2017-02-13 13:21:17'),(4350,211,572,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 13:21:17','2017-02-13 13:21:17'),(4351,211,572,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-13 13:21:17','2017-02-13 13:21:17'),(4352,211,572,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-13 13:21:17','2017-02-13 13:21:17'),(4353,211,572,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-13 13:21:17','2017-02-13 13:21:17'),(4354,211,572,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-13 13:21:17','2017-02-13 13:21:17'),(4355,211,572,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2017-02-13 13:21:17','2017-02-13 13:21:17'),(4356,211,573,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-13 13:30:16','2017-02-13 13:30:16'),(4357,211,573,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 13:30:16','2017-02-13 13:30:16'),(4358,211,573,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-13 13:30:16','2017-02-13 13:30:16'),(4359,211,573,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-02-13 13:30:16','2017-02-13 13:30:16'),(4360,211,573,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-13 13:30:16','2017-02-13 13:30:16'),(4361,211,574,78,188,186,'n',0.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','State Issued ID card, Driver’s License, or Permit','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(4362,211,574,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(4363,211,574,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(4364,211,574,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(4365,211,574,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(4366,211,574,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(4367,211,574,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(4368,211,574,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(4369,211,574,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(4370,211,574,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-13 13:45:20','2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(4371,212,575,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:00:40','2017-02-13 14:00:40'),(4372,212,575,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-13 14:00:40','2017-02-13 14:00:40'),(4373,212,575,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:00:40','2017-02-13 14:00:40'),(4374,212,575,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-13 14:00:40','2017-02-13 14:00:40'),(4375,212,575,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:00:40','2017-02-13 14:00:40'),(4376,212,575,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:00:40','2017-02-13 14:00:40'),(4377,212,575,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-13 14:00:40','2017-02-13 14:00:40'),(4378,212,575,56,127,126,'n',0.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','True','False','2017-02-13 14:00:40','2017-02-13 14:00:40'),(4379,212,575,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:00:40','2017-02-13 14:00:40'),(4380,212,575,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2017-02-13 14:00:40','2017-02-13 14:00:40'),(4381,212,576,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-13 14:06:58','2017-02-13 14:06:58'),(4382,212,576,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:06:58','2017-02-13 14:06:58'),(4383,212,576,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-13 14:06:58','2017-02-13 14:06:58'),(4384,212,576,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-02-13 14:06:58','2017-02-13 14:06:58'),(4385,212,576,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-13 14:06:58','2017-02-13 14:06:58'),(4386,212,577,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(4387,212,577,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(4388,212,577,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(4389,212,577,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(4390,212,577,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(4391,212,577,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(4392,212,577,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(4393,212,577,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(4394,212,577,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(4395,212,577,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:24:25','2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(4396,213,578,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:13:31','2017-02-13 14:13:31'),(4397,213,578,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-13 14:13:31','2017-02-13 14:13:31'),(4398,213,578,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:13:31','2017-02-13 14:13:31'),(4399,213,578,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-13 14:13:31','2017-02-13 14:13:31'),(4400,213,578,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:13:31','2017-02-13 14:13:31'),(4401,213,578,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:13:31','2017-02-13 14:13:31'),(4402,213,578,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-13 14:13:31','2017-02-13 14:13:31'),(4403,213,578,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-13 14:13:31','2017-02-13 14:13:31'),(4404,213,578,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:13:31','2017-02-13 14:13:31'),(4405,213,578,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-13 14:13:31','2017-02-13 14:13:31'),(4406,213,579,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-13 14:19:33','2017-02-13 14:19:33'),(4407,213,579,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:19:33','2017-02-13 14:19:33'),(4408,213,579,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-13 14:19:33','2017-02-13 14:19:33'),(4409,213,579,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:19:33','2017-02-13 14:19:33'),(4410,213,579,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-13 14:19:33','2017-02-13 14:19:33'),(4411,213,580,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(4412,213,580,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(4413,213,580,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(4414,213,580,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(4415,213,580,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(4416,213,580,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(4417,213,580,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(4418,213,580,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(4419,213,580,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(4420,213,580,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:34:48','2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(4421,214,581,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 12:58:09','2017-02-13 12:58:09'),(4422,214,581,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-13 12:58:09','2017-02-13 12:58:09'),(4423,214,581,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 12:58:09','2017-02-13 12:58:09'),(4424,214,581,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-13 12:58:09','2017-02-13 12:58:09'),(4425,214,581,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 12:58:09','2017-02-13 12:58:09'),(4426,214,581,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-13 12:58:09','2017-02-13 12:58:09'),(4427,214,581,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-13 12:58:09','2017-02-13 12:58:09'),(4428,214,581,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-13 12:58:09','2017-02-13 12:58:09'),(4429,214,581,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-13 12:58:09','2017-02-13 12:58:09'),(4430,214,581,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-13 12:58:09','2017-02-13 12:58:09'),(4431,214,582,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-13 13:05:01','2017-02-13 13:05:01'),(4432,214,582,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 13:05:01','2017-02-13 13:05:01'),(4433,214,582,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-13 13:05:01','2017-02-13 13:05:01'),(4434,214,582,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-13 13:05:01','2017-02-13 13:05:01'),(4435,214,582,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-13 13:05:01','2017-02-13 13:05:01'),(4436,214,583,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(4437,214,583,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(4438,214,583,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(4439,214,583,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(4440,214,583,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(4441,214,583,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(4442,214,583,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(4443,214,583,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(4444,214,583,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(4445,214,583,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-13 15:05:09','2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(4446,215,584,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:49:52','2017-02-13 14:49:52'),(4447,215,584,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-13 14:49:52','2017-02-13 14:49:52'),(4448,215,584,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:49:52','2017-02-13 14:49:52'),(4449,215,584,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-13 14:49:52','2017-02-13 14:49:52'),(4450,215,584,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:49:52','2017-02-13 14:49:52'),(4451,215,584,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:49:52','2017-02-13 14:49:52'),(4452,215,584,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-13 14:49:52','2017-02-13 14:49:52'),(4453,215,584,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-13 14:49:52','2017-02-13 14:49:52'),(4454,215,584,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:49:52','2017-02-13 14:49:52'),(4455,215,584,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-13 14:49:52','2017-02-13 14:49:52'),(4456,215,585,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-13 14:55:29','2017-02-13 14:55:29'),(4457,215,585,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 14:55:29','2017-02-13 14:55:29'),(4458,215,585,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-13 14:55:29','2017-02-13 14:55:29'),(4459,215,585,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-13 14:55:29','2017-02-13 14:55:29'),(4460,215,585,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-13 14:55:29','2017-02-13 14:55:29'),(4461,215,586,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(4462,215,586,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(4463,215,586,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(4464,215,586,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(4465,215,586,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(4466,215,586,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(4467,215,586,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(4468,215,586,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(4469,215,586,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(4470,215,586,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-13 15:13:43','2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(4471,216,587,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 15:23:58','2017-02-13 15:23:58'),(4472,216,587,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-13 15:23:58','2017-02-13 15:23:58'),(4473,216,587,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 15:23:58','2017-02-13 15:23:58'),(4474,216,587,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-13 15:23:58','2017-02-13 15:23:58'),(4475,216,587,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 15:23:58','2017-02-13 15:23:58'),(4476,216,587,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-13 15:23:58','2017-02-13 15:23:58'),(4477,216,587,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-13 15:23:58','2017-02-13 15:23:58'),(4478,216,587,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-13 15:23:58','2017-02-13 15:23:58'),(4479,216,587,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-13 15:23:58','2017-02-13 15:23:58'),(4480,216,587,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-13 15:23:58','2017-02-13 15:23:58'),(4481,216,588,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-13 15:31:34','2017-02-13 15:31:34'),(4482,216,588,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 15:31:34','2017-02-13 15:31:34'),(4483,216,588,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-13 15:31:34','2017-02-13 15:31:34'),(4484,216,588,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-13 15:31:34','2017-02-13 15:31:34'),(4485,216,588,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-13 15:31:34','2017-02-13 15:31:34'),(4486,216,589,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(4487,216,589,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(4488,216,589,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(4489,216,589,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(4490,216,589,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(4491,216,589,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(4492,216,589,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(4493,216,589,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(4494,216,589,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(4495,216,589,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-13 15:47:58','2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(4496,217,590,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 11:07:46','2017-02-13 11:07:46'),(4497,217,590,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-13 11:07:46','2017-02-13 11:07:46'),(4498,217,590,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 11:07:46','2017-02-13 11:07:46'),(4499,217,590,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-13 11:07:46','2017-02-13 11:07:46'),(4500,217,590,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 11:07:46','2017-02-13 11:07:46'),(4501,217,590,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-13 11:07:46','2017-02-13 11:07:46'),(4502,217,590,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-13 11:07:46','2017-02-13 11:07:46'),(4503,217,590,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-13 11:07:46','2017-02-13 11:07:46'),(4504,217,590,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-13 11:07:46','2017-02-13 11:07:46'),(4505,217,590,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-13 11:07:46','2017-02-13 11:07:46'),(4506,217,591,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-13 11:53:50','2017-02-13 11:53:50'),(4507,217,591,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 11:53:50','2017-02-13 11:53:50'),(4508,217,591,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-13 11:53:50','2017-02-13 11:53:50'),(4509,217,591,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-13 11:53:50','2017-02-13 11:53:50'),(4510,217,591,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-13 11:53:50','2017-02-13 11:53:50'),(4511,217,592,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(4512,217,592,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(4513,217,592,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(4514,217,592,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(4515,217,592,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(4516,217,592,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(4517,217,592,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(4518,217,592,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(4519,217,592,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(4520,217,592,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-13 16:47:03','2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(4521,218,593,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 17:55:20','2017-02-13 17:55:20'),(4522,218,593,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-13 17:55:20','2017-02-13 17:55:20'),(4523,218,593,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 17:55:20','2017-02-13 17:55:20'),(4524,218,593,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-13 17:55:20','2017-02-13 17:55:20'),(4525,218,593,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 17:55:20','2017-02-13 17:55:20'),(4526,218,593,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-13 17:55:20','2017-02-13 17:55:20'),(4527,218,593,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-13 17:55:20','2017-02-13 17:55:20'),(4528,218,593,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-13 17:55:20','2017-02-13 17:55:20'),(4529,218,593,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-13 17:55:20','2017-02-13 17:55:20'),(4530,218,593,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-13 17:55:20','2017-02-13 17:55:20'),(4531,218,594,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-13 18:02:09','2017-02-13 18:02:09'),(4532,218,594,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 18:02:09','2017-02-13 18:02:09'),(4533,218,594,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-13 18:02:09','2017-02-13 18:02:09'),(4534,218,594,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-13 18:02:09','2017-02-13 18:02:09'),(4535,218,594,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-13 18:02:09','2017-02-13 18:02:09'),(4536,218,595,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(4537,218,595,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(4538,218,595,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(4539,218,595,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(4540,218,595,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(4541,218,595,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(4542,218,595,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(4543,218,595,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(4544,218,595,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(4545,218,595,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-13 18:19:44','2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(4546,219,596,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-14 15:16:54','2017-02-14 15:16:54'),(4547,219,596,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-14 15:16:54','2017-02-14 15:16:54'),(4548,219,596,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-14 15:16:54','2017-02-14 15:16:54'),(4549,219,596,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-14 15:16:54','2017-02-14 15:16:54'),(4550,219,596,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-14 15:16:54','2017-02-14 15:16:54'),(4551,219,596,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-14 15:16:54','2017-02-14 15:16:54'),(4552,219,596,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-14 15:16:54','2017-02-14 15:16:54'),(4553,219,596,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-14 15:16:54','2017-02-14 15:16:54'),(4554,219,596,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-14 15:16:54','2017-02-14 15:16:54'),(4555,219,596,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-14 15:16:54','2017-02-14 15:16:54'),(4556,219,597,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-14 15:23:19','2017-02-14 15:23:19'),(4557,219,597,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-14 15:23:19','2017-02-14 15:23:19'),(4558,219,597,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-14 15:23:19','2017-02-14 15:23:19'),(4559,219,597,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-14 15:23:19','2017-02-14 15:23:19'),(4560,219,597,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-14 15:23:19','2017-02-14 15:23:19'),(4561,219,598,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:12'),(4562,219,598,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:12'),(4563,219,598,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:12'),(4564,219,598,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:12'),(4565,219,598,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:12'),(4566,219,598,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:12'),(4567,219,598,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:12'),(4568,219,598,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:12'),(4569,219,598,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:12'),(4570,219,598,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-14 15:56:12','2017-02-14 15:56:12'),(4571,220,599,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 12:00:45','2017-02-16 12:00:45'),(4572,220,599,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-16 12:00:45','2017-02-16 12:00:45'),(4573,220,599,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 12:00:45','2017-02-16 12:00:45'),(4574,220,599,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-16 12:00:45','2017-02-16 12:00:45'),(4575,220,599,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 12:00:45','2017-02-16 12:00:45'),(4576,220,599,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-16 12:00:45','2017-02-16 12:00:45'),(4577,220,599,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-16 12:00:45','2017-02-16 12:00:45'),(4578,220,599,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-16 12:00:45','2017-02-16 12:00:45'),(4579,220,599,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-16 12:00:45','2017-02-16 12:00:45'),(4580,220,599,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-16 12:00:45','2017-02-16 12:00:45'),(4581,220,600,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-16 12:07:11','2017-02-16 12:07:11'),(4582,220,600,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 12:07:11','2017-02-16 12:07:11'),(4583,220,600,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-16 12:07:11','2017-02-16 12:07:11'),(4584,220,600,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-16 12:07:11','2017-02-16 12:07:11'),(4585,220,600,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-16 12:07:11','2017-02-16 12:07:11'),(4586,220,601,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(4587,220,601,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(4588,220,601,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(4589,220,601,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(4590,220,601,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(4591,220,601,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(4592,220,601,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(4593,220,601,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(4594,220,601,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(4595,220,601,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-16 12:23:40','2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(4596,221,602,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 12:59:43','2017-02-16 12:59:43'),(4597,221,602,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-16 12:59:43','2017-02-16 12:59:43'),(4598,221,602,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 12:59:43','2017-02-16 12:59:43'),(4599,221,602,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-16 12:59:43','2017-02-16 12:59:43'),(4600,221,602,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 12:59:43','2017-02-16 12:59:43'),(4601,221,602,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-16 12:59:43','2017-02-16 12:59:43'),(4602,221,602,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-16 12:59:43','2017-02-16 12:59:43'),(4603,221,602,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-16 12:59:43','2017-02-16 12:59:43'),(4604,221,602,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-16 12:59:43','2017-02-16 12:59:43'),(4605,221,602,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-16 12:59:43','2017-02-16 12:59:43'),(4606,221,603,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-16 13:05:55','2017-02-16 13:05:55'),(4607,221,603,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 13:05:55','2017-02-16 13:05:55'),(4608,221,603,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-16 13:05:55','2017-02-16 13:05:55'),(4609,221,603,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-16 13:05:55','2017-02-16 13:05:55'),(4610,221,603,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-16 13:05:55','2017-02-16 13:05:55'),(4611,221,604,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(4612,221,604,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(4613,221,604,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(4614,221,604,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(4615,221,604,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(4616,221,604,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(4617,221,604,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(4618,221,604,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(4619,221,604,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(4620,221,604,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-16 13:23:56','2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(4621,222,605,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 11:18:23','2017-02-23 11:18:23'),(4622,222,605,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-23 11:18:23','2017-02-23 11:18:23'),(4623,222,605,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 11:18:23','2017-02-23 11:18:23'),(4624,222,605,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-23 11:18:23','2017-02-23 11:18:23'),(4625,222,605,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 11:18:23','2017-02-23 11:18:23'),(4626,222,605,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-23 11:18:23','2017-02-23 11:18:23'),(4627,222,605,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-23 11:18:23','2017-02-23 11:18:23'),(4628,222,605,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-23 11:18:23','2017-02-23 11:18:23'),(4629,222,605,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-23 11:18:23','2017-02-23 11:18:23'),(4630,222,605,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-23 11:18:23','2017-02-23 11:18:23'),(4631,222,606,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-23 11:29:59','2017-02-23 11:29:59'),(4632,222,606,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 11:29:59','2017-02-23 11:29:59'),(4633,222,606,71,167,169,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','30','27','2017-02-23 11:29:59','2017-02-23 11:29:59'),(4634,222,606,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-02-23 11:29:59','2017-02-23 11:29:59'),(4635,222,606,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-23 11:29:59','2017-02-23 11:29:59'),(4636,222,607,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(4637,222,607,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(4638,222,607,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(4639,222,607,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(4640,222,607,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(4641,222,607,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(4642,222,607,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(4643,222,607,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(4644,222,607,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(4645,222,607,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-23 12:30:12','2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(4646,223,608,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 17:04:21','2017-02-23 17:04:21'),(4647,223,608,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-23 17:04:21','2017-02-23 17:04:21'),(4648,223,608,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 17:04:21','2017-02-23 17:04:21'),(4649,223,608,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-23 17:04:21','2017-02-23 17:04:21'),(4650,223,608,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 17:04:21','2017-02-23 17:04:21'),(4651,223,608,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-23 17:04:21','2017-02-23 17:04:21'),(4652,223,608,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-23 17:04:21','2017-02-23 17:04:21'),(4653,223,608,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-23 17:04:21','2017-02-23 17:04:21'),(4654,223,608,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-23 17:04:21','2017-02-23 17:04:21'),(4655,223,608,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-23 17:04:21','2017-02-23 17:04:21'),(4656,223,609,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-23 17:11:20','2017-02-23 17:11:20'),(4657,223,609,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 17:11:20','2017-02-23 17:11:20'),(4658,223,609,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-23 17:11:20','2017-02-23 17:11:20'),(4659,223,609,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-23 17:11:20','2017-02-23 17:11:20'),(4660,223,609,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-23 17:11:20','2017-02-23 17:11:20'),(4661,223,610,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(4662,223,610,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(4663,223,610,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(4664,223,610,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(4665,223,610,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(4666,223,610,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(4667,223,610,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(4668,223,610,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(4669,223,610,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(4670,223,610,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-23 17:28:13','2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(4671,224,611,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-24 16:28:46','2017-02-24 16:28:46'),(4672,224,611,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-24 16:28:46','2017-02-24 16:28:46'),(4673,224,611,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-24 16:28:46','2017-02-24 16:28:46'),(4674,224,611,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-24 16:28:46','2017-02-24 16:28:46'),(4675,224,611,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-24 16:28:46','2017-02-24 16:28:46'),(4676,224,611,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-24 16:28:46','2017-02-24 16:28:46'),(4677,224,611,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-24 16:28:46','2017-02-24 16:28:46'),(4678,224,611,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-24 16:28:46','2017-02-24 16:28:46'),(4679,224,611,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-24 16:28:46','2017-02-24 16:28:46'),(4680,224,611,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-24 16:28:46','2017-02-24 16:28:46'),(4681,224,612,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-24 16:34:20','2017-02-24 16:34:20'),(4682,224,612,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-24 16:34:20','2017-02-24 16:34:20'),(4683,224,612,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-24 16:34:20','2017-02-24 16:34:20'),(4684,224,612,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-24 16:34:20','2017-02-24 16:34:20'),(4685,224,612,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-24 16:34:20','2017-02-24 16:34:20'),(4686,224,613,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:57'),(4687,224,613,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:57'),(4688,224,613,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:57'),(4689,224,613,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:57'),(4690,224,613,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:57'),(4691,224,613,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:57'),(4692,224,613,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:57'),(4693,224,613,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:57'),(4694,224,613,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:57'),(4695,224,613,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-24 16:48:57','2017-02-24 16:48:57'),(4696,225,614,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-28 14:02:56','2017-02-28 14:02:56'),(4697,225,614,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-02-28 14:02:56','2017-02-28 14:02:56'),(4698,225,614,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-28 14:02:56','2017-02-28 14:02:56'),(4699,225,614,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-02-28 14:02:56','2017-02-28 14:02:56'),(4700,225,614,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-28 14:02:56','2017-02-28 14:02:56'),(4701,225,614,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-02-28 14:02:56','2017-02-28 14:02:56'),(4702,225,614,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-02-28 14:02:56','2017-02-28 14:02:56'),(4703,225,614,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-02-28 14:02:56','2017-02-28 14:02:56'),(4704,225,614,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-02-28 14:02:56','2017-02-28 14:02:56'),(4705,225,614,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-02-28 14:02:56','2017-02-28 14:02:56'),(4706,225,615,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-02-28 14:10:40','2017-02-28 14:10:40'),(4707,225,615,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-28 14:10:40','2017-02-28 14:10:40'),(4708,225,615,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-02-28 14:10:40','2017-02-28 14:10:40'),(4709,225,615,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-02-28 14:10:40','2017-02-28 14:10:40'),(4710,225,615,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-02-28 14:10:40','2017-02-28 14:10:40'),(4711,225,616,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(4712,225,616,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(4713,225,616,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(4714,225,616,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(4715,225,616,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(4716,225,616,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(4717,225,616,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(4718,225,616,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(4719,225,616,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(4720,225,616,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-02-28 14:36:41','2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(4721,226,617,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-01 15:57:20','2017-03-01 15:57:20'),(4722,226,617,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-01 15:57:20','2017-03-01 15:57:20'),(4723,226,617,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-01 15:57:20','2017-03-01 15:57:20'),(4724,226,617,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-01 15:57:20','2017-03-01 15:57:20'),(4725,226,617,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-01 15:57:20','2017-03-01 15:57:20'),(4726,226,617,54,120,121,'n',0.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','False','True','2017-03-01 15:57:20','2017-03-01 15:57:20'),(4727,226,617,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-01 15:57:20','2017-03-01 15:57:20'),(4728,226,617,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-01 15:57:20','2017-03-01 15:57:20'),(4729,226,617,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-01 15:57:20','2017-03-01 15:57:20'),(4730,226,617,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2017-03-01 15:57:20','2017-03-01 15:57:20'),(4731,226,618,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-01 16:03:58','2017-03-01 16:03:58'),(4732,226,618,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-01 16:03:58','2017-03-01 16:03:58'),(4733,226,618,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-01 16:03:58','2017-03-01 16:03:58'),(4734,226,618,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-01 16:03:58','2017-03-01 16:03:58'),(4735,226,618,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-01 16:03:58','2017-03-01 16:03:58'),(4736,226,619,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(4737,226,619,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(4738,226,619,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(4739,226,619,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(4740,226,619,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(4741,226,619,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(4742,226,619,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(4743,226,619,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(4744,226,619,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(4745,226,619,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-01 16:22:41','2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(4746,227,620,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 08:16:53','2017-03-08 08:16:53'),(4747,227,620,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-08 08:16:53','2017-03-08 08:16:53'),(4748,227,620,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 08:16:53','2017-03-08 08:16:53'),(4749,227,620,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-08 08:16:53','2017-03-08 08:16:53'),(4750,227,620,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 08:16:53','2017-03-08 08:16:53'),(4751,227,620,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-08 08:16:53','2017-03-08 08:16:53'),(4752,227,620,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-08 08:16:53','2017-03-08 08:16:53'),(4753,227,620,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-08 08:16:53','2017-03-08 08:16:53'),(4754,227,620,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-08 08:16:53','2017-03-08 08:16:53'),(4755,227,620,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-08 08:16:53','2017-03-08 08:16:53'),(4756,227,621,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-08 08:23:51','2017-03-08 08:23:51'),(4757,227,621,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 08:23:51','2017-03-08 08:23:51'),(4758,227,621,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-08 08:23:51','2017-03-08 08:23:51'),(4759,227,621,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-08 08:23:51','2017-03-08 08:23:51'),(4760,227,621,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-08 08:23:51','2017-03-08 08:23:51'),(4761,227,622,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(4762,227,622,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(4763,227,622,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(4764,227,622,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(4765,227,622,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(4766,227,622,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(4767,227,622,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(4768,227,622,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(4769,227,622,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(4770,227,622,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-08 08:41:26','2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(4771,228,623,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 12:12:29','2017-03-08 12:12:29'),(4772,228,623,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-08 12:12:29','2017-03-08 12:12:29'),(4773,228,623,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 12:12:29','2017-03-08 12:12:29'),(4774,228,623,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-08 12:12:29','2017-03-08 12:12:29'),(4775,228,623,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 12:12:29','2017-03-08 12:12:29'),(4776,228,623,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-08 12:12:29','2017-03-08 12:12:29'),(4777,228,623,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-08 12:12:29','2017-03-08 12:12:29'),(4778,228,623,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-08 12:12:29','2017-03-08 12:12:29'),(4779,228,623,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-08 12:12:29','2017-03-08 12:12:29'),(4780,228,623,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-08 12:12:29','2017-03-08 12:12:29'),(4781,228,624,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-08 12:20:03','2017-03-08 12:20:03'),(4782,228,624,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 12:20:03','2017-03-08 12:20:03'),(4783,228,624,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-08 12:20:03','2017-03-08 12:20:03'),(4784,228,624,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-03-08 12:20:03','2017-03-08 12:20:03'),(4785,228,624,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-08 12:20:03','2017-03-08 12:20:03'),(4786,228,625,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(4787,228,625,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(4788,228,625,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(4789,228,625,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(4790,228,625,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(4791,228,625,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(4792,228,625,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(4793,228,625,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(4794,228,625,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(4795,228,625,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-08 12:45:17','2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(4796,229,626,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 15:50:37','2017-03-08 15:50:37'),(4797,229,626,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-08 15:50:37','2017-03-08 15:50:37'),(4798,229,626,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 15:50:37','2017-03-08 15:50:37'),(4799,229,626,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-08 15:50:37','2017-03-08 15:50:37'),(4800,229,626,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 15:50:37','2017-03-08 15:50:37'),(4801,229,626,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-08 15:50:37','2017-03-08 15:50:37'),(4802,229,626,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-08 15:50:37','2017-03-08 15:50:37'),(4803,229,626,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-08 15:50:37','2017-03-08 15:50:37'),(4804,229,626,57,128,129,'n',0.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','False','True','2017-03-08 15:50:37','2017-03-08 15:50:37'),(4805,229,626,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-08 15:50:37','2017-03-08 15:50:37'),(4806,229,627,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-08 15:57:33','2017-03-08 15:57:33'),(4807,229,627,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2017-03-08 15:57:33','2017-03-08 15:57:33'),(4808,229,627,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-08 15:57:33','2017-03-08 15:57:33'),(4809,229,627,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-08 15:57:33','2017-03-08 15:57:33'),(4810,229,627,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-08 15:57:33','2017-03-08 15:57:33'),(4811,229,628,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(4812,229,628,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(4813,229,628,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(4814,229,628,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(4815,229,628,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(4816,229,628,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(4817,229,628,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(4818,229,628,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(4819,229,628,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(4820,229,628,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-08 16:14:38','2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(4821,230,629,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-09 06:31:06','2017-03-09 06:31:06'),(4822,230,629,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-09 06:31:06','2017-03-09 06:31:06'),(4823,230,629,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-09 06:31:06','2017-03-09 06:31:06'),(4824,230,629,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-09 06:31:06','2017-03-09 06:31:06'),(4825,230,629,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-09 06:31:06','2017-03-09 06:31:06'),(4826,230,629,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-09 06:31:06','2017-03-09 06:31:06'),(4827,230,629,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-09 06:31:06','2017-03-09 06:31:06'),(4828,230,629,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-09 06:31:06','2017-03-09 06:31:06'),(4829,230,629,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-09 06:31:06','2017-03-09 06:31:06'),(4830,230,629,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-09 06:31:06','2017-03-09 06:31:06'),(4831,230,630,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-09 06:32:05','2017-03-09 06:32:05'),(4832,230,630,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-09 06:32:05','2017-03-09 06:32:05'),(4833,230,630,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-09 06:32:05','2017-03-09 06:32:05'),(4834,230,630,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-09 06:32:05','2017-03-09 06:32:05'),(4835,230,630,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-09 06:32:05','2017-03-09 06:32:05'),(4836,230,631,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(4837,230,631,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(4838,230,631,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(4839,230,631,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(4840,230,631,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(4841,230,631,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(4842,230,631,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(4843,230,631,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(4844,230,631,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(4845,230,631,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-09 06:34:52','2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(4846,231,632,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-09 12:23:31','2017-03-09 12:23:31'),(4847,231,632,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-09 12:23:31','2017-03-09 12:23:31'),(4848,231,632,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-09 12:23:31','2017-03-09 12:23:31'),(4849,231,632,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-09 12:23:31','2017-03-09 12:23:31'),(4850,231,632,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-09 12:23:31','2017-03-09 12:23:31'),(4851,231,632,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-09 12:23:31','2017-03-09 12:23:31'),(4852,231,632,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-09 12:23:31','2017-03-09 12:23:31'),(4853,231,632,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-09 12:23:31','2017-03-09 12:23:31'),(4854,231,632,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-09 12:23:31','2017-03-09 12:23:31'),(4855,231,632,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-09 12:23:31','2017-03-09 12:23:31'),(4856,231,633,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-09 12:29:13','2017-03-09 12:29:13'),(4857,231,633,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-09 12:29:13','2017-03-09 12:29:13'),(4858,231,633,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-09 12:29:13','2017-03-09 12:29:13'),(4859,231,633,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-03-09 12:29:13','2017-03-09 12:29:13'),(4860,231,633,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-09 12:29:13','2017-03-09 12:29:13'),(4861,231,634,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(4862,231,634,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(4863,231,634,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(4864,231,634,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(4865,231,634,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(4866,231,634,77,184,182,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Kiosk at a mall','All of the above','2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(4867,231,634,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(4868,231,634,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(4869,231,634,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(4870,231,634,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-09 12:44:48','2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(4871,232,635,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-13 16:54:32','2017-03-13 16:54:32'),(4872,232,635,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2017-03-13 16:54:32','2017-03-13 16:54:32'),(4873,232,635,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-13 16:54:32','2017-03-13 16:54:32'),(4874,232,635,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-13 16:54:32','2017-03-13 16:54:32'),(4875,232,635,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-13 16:54:32','2017-03-13 16:54:32'),(4876,232,635,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-13 16:54:32','2017-03-13 16:54:32'),(4877,232,635,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-13 16:54:32','2017-03-13 16:54:32'),(4878,232,635,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-13 16:54:32','2017-03-13 16:54:32'),(4879,232,635,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-13 16:54:32','2017-03-13 16:54:32'),(4880,232,635,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-13 16:54:32','2017-03-13 16:54:32'),(4881,232,636,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-13 17:01:07','2017-03-13 17:01:07'),(4882,232,636,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-13 17:01:07','2017-03-13 17:01:07'),(4883,232,636,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-13 17:01:07','2017-03-13 17:01:07'),(4884,232,636,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-13 17:01:07','2017-03-13 17:01:07'),(4885,232,636,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-13 17:01:07','2017-03-13 17:01:07'),(4886,232,637,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:51'),(4887,232,637,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:51'),(4888,232,637,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:51'),(4889,232,637,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:51'),(4890,232,637,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:51'),(4891,232,637,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:51'),(4892,232,637,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:51'),(4893,232,637,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:51'),(4894,232,637,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:51'),(4895,232,637,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-13 17:18:51','2017-03-13 17:18:51'),(4896,233,638,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 12:19:13','2017-03-14 12:19:13'),(4897,233,638,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-14 12:19:13','2017-03-14 12:19:13'),(4898,233,638,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 12:19:13','2017-03-14 12:19:13'),(4899,233,638,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-14 12:19:13','2017-03-14 12:19:13'),(4900,233,638,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 12:19:13','2017-03-14 12:19:13'),(4901,233,638,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-14 12:19:13','2017-03-14 12:19:13'),(4902,233,638,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-14 12:19:13','2017-03-14 12:19:13'),(4903,233,638,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-14 12:19:13','2017-03-14 12:19:13'),(4904,233,638,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-14 12:19:13','2017-03-14 12:19:13'),(4905,233,638,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-14 12:19:13','2017-03-14 12:19:13'),(4906,233,639,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-14 12:27:25','2017-03-14 12:27:25'),(4907,233,639,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 12:27:25','2017-03-14 12:27:25'),(4908,233,639,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-14 12:27:25','2017-03-14 12:27:25'),(4909,233,639,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-14 12:27:25','2017-03-14 12:27:25'),(4910,233,639,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-14 12:27:25','2017-03-14 12:27:25'),(4911,233,640,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(4912,233,640,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(4913,233,640,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(4914,233,640,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(4915,233,640,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(4916,233,640,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(4917,233,640,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(4918,233,640,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(4919,233,640,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(4920,233,640,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-14 12:44:00','2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(4921,234,641,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 18:04:42','2017-03-14 18:04:42'),(4922,234,641,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-14 18:04:42','2017-03-14 18:04:42'),(4923,234,641,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 18:04:42','2017-03-14 18:04:42'),(4924,234,641,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-14 18:04:42','2017-03-14 18:04:42'),(4925,234,641,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 18:04:42','2017-03-14 18:04:42'),(4926,234,641,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-14 18:04:42','2017-03-14 18:04:42'),(4927,234,641,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-14 18:04:42','2017-03-14 18:04:42'),(4928,234,641,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-14 18:04:42','2017-03-14 18:04:42'),(4929,234,641,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-14 18:04:42','2017-03-14 18:04:42'),(4930,234,641,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-14 18:04:42','2017-03-14 18:04:42'),(4931,234,642,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-14 18:16:38','2017-03-14 18:16:38'),(4932,234,642,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 18:16:38','2017-03-14 18:16:38'),(4933,234,642,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-14 18:16:38','2017-03-14 18:16:38'),(4934,234,642,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-14 18:16:38','2017-03-14 18:16:38'),(4935,234,642,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-14 18:16:38','2017-03-14 18:16:38'),(4936,234,643,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:34'),(4937,234,643,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:34'),(4938,234,643,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:34'),(4939,234,643,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:34'),(4940,234,643,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:34'),(4941,234,643,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:34'),(4942,234,643,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:34'),(4943,234,643,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:34'),(4944,234,643,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:34'),(4945,234,643,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-14 18:45:34','2017-03-14 18:45:34'),(4946,235,644,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 09:02:22','2017-03-15 09:02:22'),(4947,235,644,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-15 09:02:22','2017-03-15 09:02:22'),(4948,235,644,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 09:02:22','2017-03-15 09:02:22'),(4949,235,644,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-15 09:02:22','2017-03-15 09:02:22'),(4950,235,644,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 09:02:22','2017-03-15 09:02:22'),(4951,235,644,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-15 09:02:22','2017-03-15 09:02:22'),(4952,235,644,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-15 09:02:22','2017-03-15 09:02:22'),(4953,235,644,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-15 09:02:22','2017-03-15 09:02:22'),(4954,235,644,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-15 09:02:22','2017-03-15 09:02:22'),(4955,235,644,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-15 09:02:22','2017-03-15 09:02:22'),(4956,235,645,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-15 09:09:16','2017-03-15 09:09:16'),(4957,235,645,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 09:09:16','2017-03-15 09:09:16'),(4958,235,645,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-15 09:09:16','2017-03-15 09:09:16'),(4959,235,645,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-15 09:09:16','2017-03-15 09:09:16'),(4960,235,645,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-15 09:09:16','2017-03-15 09:09:16'),(4961,235,646,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(4962,235,646,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(4963,235,646,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(4964,235,646,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(4965,235,646,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(4966,235,646,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(4967,235,646,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(4968,235,646,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(4969,235,646,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(4970,235,646,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-15 09:29:20','2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(4971,236,647,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 12:20:36','2017-03-15 12:20:36'),(4972,236,647,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-15 12:20:36','2017-03-15 12:20:36'),(4973,236,647,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 12:20:36','2017-03-15 12:20:36'),(4974,236,647,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-15 12:20:36','2017-03-15 12:20:36'),(4975,236,647,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 12:20:36','2017-03-15 12:20:36'),(4976,236,647,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-15 12:20:36','2017-03-15 12:20:36'),(4977,236,647,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-15 12:20:36','2017-03-15 12:20:36'),(4978,236,647,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-15 12:20:36','2017-03-15 12:20:36'),(4979,236,647,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-15 12:20:36','2017-03-15 12:20:36'),(4980,236,647,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-15 12:20:36','2017-03-15 12:20:36'),(4981,236,648,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-15 12:26:44','2017-03-15 12:26:44'),(4982,236,648,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 12:26:44','2017-03-15 12:26:44'),(4983,236,648,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-15 12:26:44','2017-03-15 12:26:44'),(4984,236,648,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-15 12:26:44','2017-03-15 12:26:44'),(4985,236,648,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-15 12:26:44','2017-03-15 12:26:44'),(4986,236,649,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(4987,236,649,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(4988,236,649,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(4989,236,649,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(4990,236,649,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(4991,236,649,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(4992,236,649,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(4993,236,649,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(4994,236,649,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(4995,236,649,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-15 13:23:39','2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(4996,237,650,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 16:15:31','2017-03-15 16:15:31'),(4997,237,650,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-15 16:15:31','2017-03-15 16:15:31'),(4998,237,650,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 16:15:31','2017-03-15 16:15:31'),(4999,237,650,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-15 16:15:31','2017-03-15 16:15:31'),(5000,237,650,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 16:15:31','2017-03-15 16:15:31'),(5001,237,650,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-15 16:15:31','2017-03-15 16:15:31'),(5002,237,650,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-15 16:15:31','2017-03-15 16:15:31'),(5003,237,650,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-15 16:15:31','2017-03-15 16:15:31'),(5004,237,650,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-15 16:15:31','2017-03-15 16:15:31'),(5005,237,650,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-15 16:15:31','2017-03-15 16:15:31'),(5006,237,651,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-15 16:21:46','2017-03-15 16:21:46'),(5007,237,651,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 16:21:46','2017-03-15 16:21:46'),(5008,237,651,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-15 16:21:46','2017-03-15 16:21:46'),(5009,237,651,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-15 16:21:46','2017-03-15 16:21:46'),(5010,237,651,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-15 16:21:46','2017-03-15 16:21:46'),(5011,237,652,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(5012,237,652,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(5013,237,652,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(5014,237,652,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(5015,237,652,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(5016,237,652,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(5017,237,652,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(5018,237,652,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(5019,237,652,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(5020,237,652,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-15 16:38:30','2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(5021,238,653,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 19:19:22','2017-03-15 19:19:22'),(5022,238,653,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-15 19:19:22','2017-03-15 19:19:22'),(5023,238,653,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 19:19:22','2017-03-15 19:19:22'),(5024,238,653,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-15 19:19:22','2017-03-15 19:19:22'),(5025,238,653,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 19:19:22','2017-03-15 19:19:22'),(5026,238,653,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-15 19:19:22','2017-03-15 19:19:22'),(5027,238,653,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-15 19:19:22','2017-03-15 19:19:22'),(5028,238,653,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-15 19:19:22','2017-03-15 19:19:22'),(5029,238,653,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-15 19:19:22','2017-03-15 19:19:22'),(5030,238,653,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-15 19:19:22','2017-03-15 19:19:22'),(5031,238,654,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-15 19:26:17','2017-03-15 19:26:17'),(5032,238,654,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 19:26:17','2017-03-15 19:26:17'),(5033,238,654,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-15 19:26:17','2017-03-15 19:26:17'),(5034,238,654,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-15 19:26:17','2017-03-15 19:26:17'),(5035,238,654,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-15 19:26:17','2017-03-15 19:26:17'),(5036,238,655,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(5037,238,655,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(5038,238,655,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(5039,238,655,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(5040,238,655,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(5041,238,655,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(5042,238,655,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(5043,238,655,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(5044,238,655,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(5045,238,655,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-15 19:41:01','2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(5046,239,656,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-19 15:02:04','2017-03-19 15:02:04'),(5047,239,656,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-19 15:02:04','2017-03-19 15:02:04'),(5048,239,656,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-19 15:02:04','2017-03-19 15:02:04'),(5049,239,656,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-19 15:02:04','2017-03-19 15:02:04'),(5050,239,656,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-19 15:02:04','2017-03-19 15:02:04'),(5051,239,656,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-19 15:02:04','2017-03-19 15:02:04'),(5052,239,656,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-19 15:02:04','2017-03-19 15:02:04'),(5053,239,656,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-19 15:02:04','2017-03-19 15:02:04'),(5054,239,656,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-19 15:02:04','2017-03-19 15:02:04'),(5055,239,656,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-19 15:02:04','2017-03-19 15:02:04'),(5056,239,657,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-19 15:09:09','2017-03-19 15:09:09'),(5057,239,657,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-19 15:09:09','2017-03-19 15:09:09'),(5058,239,657,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-19 15:09:09','2017-03-19 15:09:09'),(5059,239,657,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-19 15:09:09','2017-03-19 15:09:09'),(5060,239,657,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-19 15:09:09','2017-03-19 15:09:09'),(5061,239,658,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(5062,239,658,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(5063,239,658,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(5064,239,658,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(5065,239,658,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(5066,239,658,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(5067,239,658,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(5068,239,658,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(5069,239,658,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(5070,239,658,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-19 15:30:03','2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(5071,240,659,49,103,101,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','AIDS','All of the above','2017-03-22 14:20:53','2017-03-22 14:20:53'),(5072,240,659,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-22 14:20:53','2017-03-22 14:20:53'),(5073,240,659,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-22 14:20:53','2017-03-22 14:20:53'),(5074,240,659,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-22 14:20:53','2017-03-22 14:20:53'),(5075,240,659,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-22 14:20:53','2017-03-22 14:20:53'),(5076,240,659,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-22 14:20:53','2017-03-22 14:20:53'),(5077,240,659,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-22 14:20:53','2017-03-22 14:20:53'),(5078,240,659,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-22 14:20:53','2017-03-22 14:20:53'),(5079,240,659,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-22 14:20:53','2017-03-22 14:20:53'),(5080,240,659,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-22 14:20:53','2017-03-22 14:20:53'),(5081,240,660,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-22 14:45:21','2017-03-22 14:45:21'),(5082,240,660,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-22 14:45:21','2017-03-22 14:45:21'),(5083,240,660,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-22 14:45:21','2017-03-22 14:45:21'),(5084,240,660,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-03-22 14:45:21','2017-03-22 14:45:21'),(5085,240,660,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-22 14:45:21','2017-03-22 14:45:21'),(5086,240,661,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-22 16:22:02','2017-03-22 16:22:02'),(5087,240,661,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-22 16:22:02','2017-03-22 16:22:02'),(5088,240,661,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-22 16:22:02','2017-03-22 16:22:02'),(5089,240,661,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-22 16:22:02','2017-03-22 16:22:02'),(5090,240,661,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-22 16:22:02','2017-03-22 16:22:02'),(5091,240,661,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-22 16:22:02','2017-03-22 16:22:02'),(5092,240,661,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-22 16:22:02','2017-03-22 16:22:02'),(5093,240,661,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-22 16:22:02','2017-03-22 16:22:02'),(5094,240,661,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-22 16:22:02','2017-03-22 16:22:02'),(5095,240,661,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-22 16:22:02','2017-03-22 16:22:02'),(5096,241,662,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-22 21:34:28','2017-03-22 21:34:28'),(5097,241,662,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-22 21:34:28','2017-03-22 21:34:28'),(5098,241,662,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-22 21:34:28','2017-03-22 21:34:28'),(5099,241,662,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-22 21:34:28','2017-03-22 21:34:28'),(5100,241,662,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-22 21:34:28','2017-03-22 21:34:28'),(5101,241,662,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-22 21:34:28','2017-03-22 21:34:28'),(5102,241,662,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-22 21:34:28','2017-03-22 21:34:28'),(5103,241,662,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-22 21:34:28','2017-03-22 21:34:28'),(5104,241,662,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-22 21:34:28','2017-03-22 21:34:28'),(5105,241,662,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-22 21:34:28','2017-03-22 21:34:28'),(5106,241,663,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-22 21:54:15','2017-03-22 21:54:15'),(5107,241,663,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-22 21:54:15','2017-03-22 21:54:15'),(5108,241,663,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-22 21:54:15','2017-03-22 21:54:15'),(5109,241,663,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-22 21:54:15','2017-03-22 21:54:15'),(5110,241,663,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-22 21:54:15','2017-03-22 21:54:15'),(5111,241,664,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(5112,241,664,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(5113,241,664,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(5114,241,664,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(5115,241,664,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(5116,241,664,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(5117,241,664,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(5118,241,664,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(5119,241,664,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(5120,241,664,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-22 22:16:50','2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(5121,242,665,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-24 10:37:07','2017-03-24 10:37:07'),(5122,242,665,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-24 10:37:07','2017-03-24 10:37:07'),(5123,242,665,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-24 10:37:07','2017-03-24 10:37:07'),(5124,242,665,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-24 10:37:07','2017-03-24 10:37:07'),(5125,242,665,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-24 10:37:07','2017-03-24 10:37:07'),(5126,242,665,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-24 10:37:07','2017-03-24 10:37:07'),(5127,242,665,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-24 10:37:07','2017-03-24 10:37:07'),(5128,242,665,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-24 10:37:07','2017-03-24 10:37:07'),(5129,242,665,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-24 10:37:07','2017-03-24 10:37:07'),(5130,242,665,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-24 10:37:07','2017-03-24 10:37:07'),(5131,242,666,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-24 10:43:00','2017-03-24 10:43:00'),(5132,242,666,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-24 10:43:00','2017-03-24 10:43:00'),(5133,242,666,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-24 10:43:00','2017-03-24 10:43:00'),(5134,242,666,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-24 10:43:00','2017-03-24 10:43:00'),(5135,242,666,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-24 10:43:00','2017-03-24 10:43:00'),(5136,242,667,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(5137,242,667,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(5138,242,667,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(5139,242,667,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(5140,242,667,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(5141,242,667,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(5142,242,667,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(5143,242,667,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(5144,242,667,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(5145,242,667,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-24 10:58:27','2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(5146,243,668,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-27 11:25:19','2017-03-27 11:25:19'),(5147,243,668,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-27 11:25:19','2017-03-27 11:25:19'),(5148,243,668,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-27 11:25:19','2017-03-27 11:25:19'),(5149,243,668,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-27 11:25:19','2017-03-27 11:25:19'),(5150,243,668,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-27 11:25:19','2017-03-27 11:25:19'),(5151,243,668,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-27 11:25:19','2017-03-27 11:25:19'),(5152,243,668,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-27 11:25:19','2017-03-27 11:25:19'),(5153,243,668,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-27 11:25:19','2017-03-27 11:25:19'),(5154,243,668,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-27 11:25:19','2017-03-27 11:25:19'),(5155,243,668,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-27 11:25:19','2017-03-27 11:25:19'),(5156,243,669,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-27 11:31:00','2017-03-27 11:31:00'),(5157,243,669,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-27 11:31:00','2017-03-27 11:31:00'),(5158,243,669,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-27 11:31:00','2017-03-27 11:31:00'),(5159,243,669,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-27 11:31:00','2017-03-27 11:31:00'),(5160,243,669,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-27 11:31:00','2017-03-27 11:31:00'),(5161,243,670,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(5162,243,670,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(5163,243,670,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(5164,243,670,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(5165,243,670,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(5166,243,670,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(5167,243,670,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(5168,243,670,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(5169,243,670,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(5170,243,670,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-27 15:08:20','2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(5171,244,671,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2017-03-30 14:21:30','2017-03-30 14:30:10'),(5172,244,671,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-30 14:21:30','2017-03-30 14:30:10'),(5173,244,671,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-30 14:21:30','2017-03-30 14:30:10'),(5174,244,671,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-30 14:21:30','2017-03-30 14:30:10'),(5175,244,671,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-30 14:21:30','2017-03-30 14:30:10'),(5176,244,671,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-30 14:21:30','2017-03-30 14:30:10'),(5177,244,671,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-30 14:21:30','2017-03-30 14:30:10'),(5178,244,671,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-30 14:21:30','2017-03-30 14:30:10'),(5179,244,671,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-30 14:21:30','2017-03-30 14:30:10'),(5180,244,671,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-03-30 14:21:30','2017-03-30 14:30:10'),(5181,244,672,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-30 14:29:59','2017-03-30 14:30:17'),(5182,244,672,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-30 14:29:59','2017-03-30 14:30:17'),(5183,244,672,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-30 14:29:59','2017-03-30 14:30:17'),(5184,244,672,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-30 14:29:59','2017-03-30 14:30:17'),(5185,244,672,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-30 14:29:59','2017-03-30 14:30:17'),(5186,244,673,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:41'),(5187,244,673,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:41'),(5188,244,673,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:41'),(5189,244,673,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:41'),(5190,244,673,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:41'),(5191,244,673,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:41'),(5192,244,673,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:41'),(5193,244,673,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:41'),(5194,244,673,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:41'),(5195,244,673,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-30 14:46:41','2017-03-30 14:46:41'),(5196,245,674,49,103,102,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Homicides, Suicides & Car Accidents','All of the above','2017-03-30 15:14:42','2017-03-30 15:14:42'),(5197,245,674,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-03-30 15:14:42','2017-03-30 15:14:42'),(5198,245,674,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-30 15:14:42','2017-03-30 15:14:42'),(5199,245,674,52,114,113,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Electronic delivery devices (e-cigarettes)','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-03-30 15:14:42','2017-03-30 15:14:42'),(5200,245,674,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-30 15:14:42','2017-03-30 15:14:42'),(5201,245,674,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-03-30 15:14:42','2017-03-30 15:14:42'),(5202,245,674,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-03-30 15:14:42','2017-03-30 15:14:42'),(5203,245,674,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-03-30 15:14:42','2017-03-30 15:14:42'),(5204,245,674,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-03-30 15:14:42','2017-03-30 15:14:42'),(5205,245,674,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2017-03-30 15:14:42','2017-03-30 15:14:42'),(5206,245,675,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-03-30 15:24:12','2017-03-30 15:24:12'),(5207,245,675,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-30 15:24:12','2017-03-30 15:24:12'),(5208,245,675,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-03-30 15:24:12','2017-03-30 15:24:12'),(5209,245,675,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-03-30 15:24:12','2017-03-30 15:24:12'),(5210,245,675,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-03-30 15:24:12','2017-03-30 15:24:12'),(5211,245,676,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:14:43'),(5212,245,676,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:14:43'),(5213,245,676,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:14:43'),(5214,245,676,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:14:43'),(5215,245,676,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:14:43'),(5216,245,676,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:14:43'),(5217,245,676,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:14:43'),(5218,245,676,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:14:43'),(5219,245,676,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:14:43'),(5220,245,676,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-03-30 16:14:43','2017-03-30 16:14:43'),(5221,246,677,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-09 20:21:13','2017-04-09 20:21:13'),(5222,246,677,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-04-09 20:21:13','2017-04-09 20:21:13'),(5223,246,677,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-09 20:21:13','2017-04-09 20:21:13'),(5224,246,677,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-04-09 20:21:13','2017-04-09 20:21:13'),(5225,246,677,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-09 20:21:13','2017-04-09 20:21:13'),(5226,246,677,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-04-09 20:21:13','2017-04-09 20:21:13'),(5227,246,677,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-04-09 20:21:13','2017-04-09 20:21:13'),(5228,246,677,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-04-09 20:21:13','2017-04-09 20:21:13'),(5229,246,677,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-04-09 20:21:13','2017-04-09 20:21:13'),(5230,246,677,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-04-09 20:21:13','2017-04-09 20:21:13'),(5231,246,678,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-04-09 20:27:33','2017-04-09 20:27:33'),(5232,246,678,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-09 20:27:33','2017-04-09 20:27:33'),(5233,246,678,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-04-09 20:27:33','2017-04-09 20:27:33'),(5234,246,678,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-04-09 20:27:33','2017-04-09 20:27:33'),(5235,246,678,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-04-09 20:27:33','2017-04-09 20:27:33'),(5236,246,679,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(5237,246,679,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(5238,246,679,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(5239,246,679,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(5240,246,679,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(5241,246,679,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(5242,246,679,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(5243,246,679,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(5244,246,679,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(5245,246,679,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-04-09 20:44:09','2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(5246,247,680,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-19 14:22:21','2017-04-19 14:22:21'),(5247,247,680,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-04-19 14:22:21','2017-04-19 14:22:21'),(5248,247,680,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-19 14:22:21','2017-04-19 14:22:21'),(5249,247,680,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-04-19 14:22:21','2017-04-19 14:22:21'),(5250,247,680,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-19 14:22:21','2017-04-19 14:22:21'),(5251,247,680,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-04-19 14:22:21','2017-04-19 14:22:21'),(5252,247,680,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-04-19 14:22:21','2017-04-19 14:22:21'),(5253,247,680,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-04-19 14:22:21','2017-04-19 14:22:21'),(5254,247,680,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-04-19 14:22:21','2017-04-19 14:22:21'),(5255,247,680,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-04-19 14:22:21','2017-04-19 14:22:21'),(5256,247,681,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-04-19 14:29:03','2017-04-19 14:29:03'),(5257,247,681,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-19 14:29:03','2017-04-19 14:29:03'),(5258,247,681,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-04-19 14:29:03','2017-04-19 14:29:03'),(5259,247,681,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-04-19 14:29:03','2017-04-19 14:29:03'),(5260,247,681,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-04-19 14:29:03','2017-04-19 14:29:03'),(5261,247,682,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-04-19 14:46:07','2017-04-19 14:46:07'),(5262,247,682,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-19 14:46:07','2017-04-19 14:46:07'),(5263,247,682,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-04-19 14:46:07','2017-04-19 14:46:07'),(5264,247,682,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-04-19 14:46:07','2017-04-19 14:46:07'),(5265,247,682,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-04-19 14:46:07','2017-04-19 14:46:07'),(5266,247,682,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-19 14:46:07','2017-04-19 14:46:07'),(5267,247,682,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-04-19 14:46:07','2017-04-19 14:46:07'),(5268,247,682,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-04-19 14:46:07','2017-04-19 14:46:07'),(5269,247,682,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-04-19 14:46:07','2017-04-19 14:46:07'),(5270,247,682,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-04-19 14:46:07','2017-04-19 14:46:07'),(5271,248,683,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-24 14:08:33','2017-04-24 14:08:33'),(5272,248,683,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-04-24 14:08:33','2017-04-24 14:08:33'),(5273,248,683,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-24 14:08:33','2017-04-24 14:08:33'),(5274,248,683,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-04-24 14:08:33','2017-04-24 14:08:33'),(5275,248,683,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-24 14:08:33','2017-04-24 14:08:33'),(5276,248,683,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-04-24 14:08:33','2017-04-24 14:08:33'),(5277,248,683,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-04-24 14:08:33','2017-04-24 14:08:33'),(5278,248,683,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-04-24 14:08:33','2017-04-24 14:08:33'),(5279,248,683,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-04-24 14:08:33','2017-04-24 14:08:33'),(5280,248,683,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-04-24 14:08:33','2017-04-24 14:08:33'),(5281,248,684,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-04-24 14:15:29','2017-04-24 14:15:29'),(5282,248,684,70,165,164,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Tobacco retailers','All of the above','2017-04-24 14:15:29','2017-04-24 14:15:29'),(5283,248,684,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-04-24 14:15:29','2017-04-24 14:15:29'),(5284,248,684,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-04-24 14:15:29','2017-04-24 14:15:29'),(5285,248,684,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-04-24 14:15:29','2017-04-24 14:15:29'),(5286,248,685,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(5287,248,685,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(5288,248,685,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(5289,248,685,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(5290,248,685,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(5291,248,685,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(5292,248,685,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(5293,248,685,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(5294,248,685,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(5295,248,685,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-04-24 14:32:41','2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(5296,249,686,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-27 12:14:15','2017-04-27 12:14:15'),(5297,249,686,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2017-04-27 12:14:15','2017-04-27 12:14:15'),(5298,249,686,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2017-04-27 12:14:15','2017-04-27 12:14:15'),(5299,249,686,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-04-27 12:14:15','2017-04-27 12:14:15'),(5300,249,686,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-27 12:14:15','2017-04-27 12:14:15'); INSERT INTO `an_ResultAttemptQuestion` VALUES (5301,249,686,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-04-27 12:14:15','2017-04-27 12:14:15'),(5302,249,686,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-04-27 12:14:15','2017-04-27 12:14:15'),(5303,249,686,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-04-27 12:14:15','2017-04-27 12:14:15'),(5304,249,686,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-04-27 12:14:15','2017-04-27 12:14:15'),(5305,249,686,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-04-27 12:14:15','2017-04-27 12:14:15'),(5306,249,687,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-04-27 12:23:20','2017-04-27 12:23:20'),(5307,249,687,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-27 12:23:20','2017-04-27 12:23:20'),(5308,249,687,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-04-27 12:23:20','2017-04-27 12:23:20'),(5309,249,687,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-04-27 12:23:20','2017-04-27 12:23:20'),(5310,249,687,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-04-27 12:23:20','2017-04-27 12:23:20'),(5311,249,688,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:05'),(5312,249,688,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:05'),(5313,249,688,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:05'),(5314,249,688,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:05'),(5315,249,688,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:05'),(5316,249,688,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:05'),(5317,249,688,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:05'),(5318,249,688,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:05'),(5319,249,688,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:05'),(5320,249,688,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-04-27 12:38:05','2017-04-27 12:38:05'),(5321,250,689,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2017-04-28 12:49:28','2017-04-28 12:49:28'),(5322,250,689,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-04-28 12:49:28','2017-04-28 12:49:28'),(5323,250,689,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 12:49:28','2017-04-28 12:49:28'),(5324,250,689,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-04-28 12:49:28','2017-04-28 12:49:28'),(5325,250,689,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 12:49:28','2017-04-28 12:49:28'),(5326,250,689,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-04-28 12:49:28','2017-04-28 12:49:28'),(5327,250,689,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-04-28 12:49:28','2017-04-28 12:49:28'),(5328,250,689,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-04-28 12:49:28','2017-04-28 12:49:28'),(5329,250,689,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-04-28 12:49:28','2017-04-28 12:49:28'),(5330,250,689,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-04-28 12:49:28','2017-04-28 12:49:28'),(5331,250,690,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-04-28 12:55:43','2017-04-28 12:55:43'),(5332,250,690,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 12:55:43','2017-04-28 12:55:43'),(5333,250,690,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-04-28 12:55:43','2017-04-28 12:55:43'),(5334,250,690,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-04-28 12:55:43','2017-04-28 12:55:43'),(5335,250,690,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-04-28 12:55:43','2017-04-28 12:55:43'),(5336,250,691,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:33'),(5337,250,691,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:33'),(5338,250,691,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:33'),(5339,250,691,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:33'),(5340,250,691,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:33'),(5341,250,691,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:33'),(5342,250,691,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:33'),(5343,250,691,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:33'),(5344,250,691,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:33'),(5345,250,691,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-04-28 13:12:33','2017-04-28 13:12:33'),(5346,251,692,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 15:32:26','2017-04-28 15:32:26'),(5347,251,692,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-04-28 15:32:26','2017-04-28 15:32:26'),(5348,251,692,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 15:32:26','2017-04-28 15:32:26'),(5349,251,692,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-04-28 15:32:26','2017-04-28 15:32:26'),(5350,251,692,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 15:32:26','2017-04-28 15:32:26'),(5351,251,692,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-04-28 15:32:26','2017-04-28 15:32:26'),(5352,251,692,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-04-28 15:32:26','2017-04-28 15:32:26'),(5353,251,692,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-04-28 15:32:26','2017-04-28 15:32:26'),(5354,251,692,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-04-28 15:32:26','2017-04-28 15:32:26'),(5355,251,692,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-04-28 15:32:26','2017-04-28 15:32:26'),(5356,251,693,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-04-28 15:38:11','2017-04-28 15:38:11'),(5357,251,693,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 15:38:11','2017-04-28 15:38:11'),(5358,251,693,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-04-28 15:38:11','2017-04-28 15:38:11'),(5359,251,693,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-04-28 15:38:11','2017-04-28 15:38:11'),(5360,251,693,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-04-28 15:38:11','2017-04-28 15:38:11'),(5361,251,694,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:30'),(5362,251,694,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:30'),(5363,251,694,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:30'),(5364,251,694,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:30'),(5365,251,694,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:30'),(5366,251,694,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:30'),(5367,251,694,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:30'),(5368,251,694,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:30'),(5369,251,694,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:30'),(5370,251,694,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-04-28 15:53:30','2017-04-28 15:53:30'),(5371,252,695,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 17:10:29','2017-04-28 17:10:29'),(5372,252,695,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-04-28 17:10:29','2017-04-28 17:10:29'),(5373,252,695,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 17:10:29','2017-04-28 17:10:29'),(5374,252,695,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-04-28 17:10:29','2017-04-28 17:10:29'),(5375,252,695,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 17:10:29','2017-04-28 17:10:29'),(5376,252,695,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-04-28 17:10:29','2017-04-28 17:10:29'),(5377,252,695,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-04-28 17:10:29','2017-04-28 17:10:29'),(5378,252,695,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-04-28 17:10:29','2017-04-28 17:10:29'),(5379,252,695,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-04-28 17:10:29','2017-04-28 17:10:29'),(5380,252,695,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-04-28 17:10:29','2017-04-28 17:10:29'),(5381,252,696,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-04-28 17:16:36','2017-04-28 17:16:36'),(5382,252,696,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 17:16:36','2017-04-28 17:16:36'),(5383,252,696,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-04-28 17:16:36','2017-04-28 17:16:36'),(5384,252,696,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-04-28 17:16:36','2017-04-28 17:16:36'),(5385,252,696,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-04-28 17:16:36','2017-04-28 17:16:36'),(5386,252,697,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:07'),(5387,252,697,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:07'),(5388,252,697,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:07'),(5389,252,697,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:07'),(5390,252,697,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:07'),(5391,252,697,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:07'),(5392,252,697,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:07'),(5393,252,697,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:07'),(5394,252,697,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:07'),(5395,252,697,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-04-28 17:33:07','2017-04-28 17:33:07'),(5396,253,698,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-29 20:59:40','2017-04-29 20:59:40'),(5397,253,698,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-04-29 20:59:40','2017-04-29 20:59:40'),(5398,253,698,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-29 20:59:40','2017-04-29 20:59:40'),(5399,253,698,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-04-29 20:59:40','2017-04-29 20:59:40'),(5400,253,698,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-29 20:59:40','2017-04-29 20:59:40'),(5401,253,698,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-04-29 20:59:40','2017-04-29 20:59:40'),(5402,253,698,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-04-29 20:59:40','2017-04-29 20:59:40'),(5403,253,698,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-04-29 20:59:40','2017-04-29 20:59:40'),(5404,253,698,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-04-29 20:59:40','2017-04-29 20:59:40'),(5405,253,698,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-04-29 20:59:40','2017-04-29 20:59:40'),(5406,253,699,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-04-29 21:05:24','2017-04-29 21:05:24'),(5407,253,699,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-29 21:05:24','2017-04-29 21:05:24'),(5408,253,699,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-04-29 21:05:24','2017-04-29 21:05:24'),(5409,253,699,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-04-29 21:05:24','2017-04-29 21:05:24'),(5410,253,699,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-04-29 21:05:24','2017-04-29 21:05:24'),(5411,253,700,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:24'),(5412,253,700,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:24'),(5413,253,700,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:24'),(5414,253,700,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:24'),(5415,253,700,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:24'),(5416,253,700,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:24'),(5417,253,700,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:24'),(5418,253,700,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:24'),(5419,253,700,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:24'),(5420,253,700,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-04-29 21:21:24','2017-04-29 21:21:24'),(5421,254,701,49,103,102,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Homicides, Suicides & Car Accidents','All of the above','2017-04-30 17:09:26','2017-04-30 17:09:26'),(5422,254,701,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-04-30 17:09:26','2017-04-30 17:09:26'),(5423,254,701,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-30 17:09:26','2017-04-30 17:09:26'),(5424,254,701,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-04-30 17:09:26','2017-04-30 17:09:26'),(5425,254,701,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-30 17:09:26','2017-04-30 17:09:26'),(5426,254,701,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-04-30 17:09:26','2017-04-30 17:09:26'),(5427,254,701,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-04-30 17:09:26','2017-04-30 17:09:26'),(5428,254,701,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-04-30 17:09:26','2017-04-30 17:09:26'),(5429,254,701,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-04-30 17:09:26','2017-04-30 17:09:26'),(5430,254,701,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-04-30 17:09:26','2017-04-30 17:09:26'),(5431,254,702,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-04-30 17:17:49','2017-04-30 17:17:49'),(5432,254,702,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-30 17:17:49','2017-04-30 17:17:49'),(5433,254,702,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-04-30 17:17:49','2017-04-30 17:17:49'),(5434,254,702,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-04-30 17:17:49','2017-04-30 17:17:49'),(5435,254,702,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-04-30 17:17:49','2017-04-30 17:17:49'),(5436,254,703,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:04'),(5437,254,703,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:04'),(5438,254,703,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:04'),(5439,254,703,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:04'),(5440,254,703,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:04'),(5441,254,703,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:04'),(5442,254,703,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:04'),(5443,254,703,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:04'),(5444,254,703,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:04'),(5445,254,703,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-04-30 20:10:04','2017-04-30 20:10:04'),(5446,255,704,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-03 12:31:47','2017-05-03 12:31:47'),(5447,255,704,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-03 12:31:47','2017-05-03 12:31:47'),(5448,255,704,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-03 12:31:47','2017-05-03 12:31:47'),(5449,255,704,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-03 12:31:47','2017-05-03 12:31:47'),(5450,255,704,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-03 12:31:47','2017-05-03 12:31:47'),(5451,255,704,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-03 12:31:47','2017-05-03 12:31:47'),(5452,255,704,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-03 12:31:47','2017-05-03 12:31:47'),(5453,255,704,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-03 12:31:47','2017-05-03 12:31:47'),(5454,255,704,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-03 12:31:47','2017-05-03 12:31:47'),(5455,255,704,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-03 12:31:47','2017-05-03 12:31:47'),(5456,255,705,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-03 12:38:06','2017-05-03 12:38:06'),(5457,255,705,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-03 12:38:06','2017-05-03 12:38:06'),(5458,255,705,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-03 12:38:06','2017-05-03 12:38:06'),(5459,255,705,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-05-03 12:38:06','2017-05-03 12:38:06'),(5460,255,705,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-03 12:38:06','2017-05-03 12:38:06'),(5461,255,706,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(5462,255,706,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(5463,255,706,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(5464,255,706,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(5465,255,706,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(5466,255,706,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(5467,255,706,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(5468,255,706,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(5469,255,706,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(5470,255,706,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-03 12:53:27','2017-05-03 12:53:27'),(5471,256,707,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2017-05-05 18:47:09','2017-05-05 18:47:09'),(5472,256,707,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-05 18:47:09','2017-05-05 18:47:09'),(5473,256,707,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-05 18:47:09','2017-05-05 18:47:09'),(5474,256,707,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-05 18:47:09','2017-05-05 18:47:09'),(5475,256,707,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-05 18:47:09','2017-05-05 18:47:09'),(5476,256,707,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-05 18:47:09','2017-05-05 18:47:09'),(5477,256,707,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-05 18:47:09','2017-05-05 18:47:09'),(5478,256,707,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-05 18:47:09','2017-05-05 18:47:09'),(5479,256,707,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-05 18:47:09','2017-05-05 18:47:09'),(5480,256,707,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-05 18:47:09','2017-05-05 18:47:09'),(5481,256,708,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-05 18:53:08','2017-05-05 18:53:08'),(5482,256,708,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-05 18:53:08','2017-05-05 18:53:08'),(5483,256,708,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-05 18:53:08','2017-05-05 18:53:08'),(5484,256,708,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-05-05 18:53:08','2017-05-05 18:53:08'),(5485,256,708,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-05 18:53:08','2017-05-05 18:53:08'),(5486,256,709,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:33'),(5487,256,709,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:33'),(5488,256,709,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:33'),(5489,256,709,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:33'),(5490,256,709,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:33'),(5491,256,709,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:33'),(5492,256,709,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:33'),(5493,256,709,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:33'),(5494,256,709,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:33'),(5495,256,709,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-05 19:08:33','2017-05-05 19:08:33'),(5496,257,710,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-08 10:28:40','2017-05-08 10:28:40'),(5497,257,710,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-08 10:28:40','2017-05-08 10:28:40'),(5498,257,710,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-08 10:28:40','2017-05-08 10:28:40'),(5499,257,710,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-08 10:28:40','2017-05-08 10:28:40'),(5500,257,710,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-08 10:28:40','2017-05-08 10:28:40'),(5501,257,710,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-08 10:28:40','2017-05-08 10:28:40'),(5502,257,710,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-08 10:28:40','2017-05-08 10:28:40'),(5503,257,710,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-08 10:28:40','2017-05-08 10:28:40'),(5504,257,710,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-08 10:28:40','2017-05-08 10:28:40'),(5505,257,710,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-08 10:28:40','2017-05-08 10:28:40'),(5506,257,711,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-08 10:48:51','2017-05-08 10:48:51'),(5507,257,711,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-08 10:48:51','2017-05-08 10:48:51'),(5508,257,711,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-08 10:48:51','2017-05-08 10:48:51'),(5509,257,711,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-05-08 10:48:51','2017-05-08 10:48:51'),(5510,257,711,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-08 10:48:51','2017-05-08 10:48:51'),(5511,257,712,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(5512,257,712,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(5513,257,712,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(5514,257,712,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(5515,257,712,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(5516,257,712,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(5517,257,712,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(5518,257,712,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(5519,257,712,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(5520,257,712,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-08 11:19:27','2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(5521,258,713,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-10 10:19:04','2017-05-10 10:19:04'),(5522,258,713,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-10 10:19:04','2017-05-10 10:19:04'),(5523,258,713,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-10 10:19:04','2017-05-10 10:19:04'),(5524,258,713,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-10 10:19:04','2017-05-10 10:19:04'),(5525,258,713,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-10 10:19:04','2017-05-10 10:19:04'),(5526,258,713,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-10 10:19:04','2017-05-10 10:19:04'),(5527,258,713,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-10 10:19:04','2017-05-10 10:19:04'),(5528,258,713,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-10 10:19:04','2017-05-10 10:19:04'),(5529,258,713,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-10 10:19:04','2017-05-10 10:19:04'),(5530,258,713,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-10 10:19:04','2017-05-10 10:19:04'),(5531,258,714,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-10 10:26:35','2017-05-10 10:26:35'),(5532,258,714,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-10 10:26:35','2017-05-10 10:26:35'),(5533,258,714,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-10 10:26:35','2017-05-10 10:26:35'),(5534,258,714,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-05-10 10:26:35','2017-05-10 10:26:35'),(5535,258,714,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-10 10:26:35','2017-05-10 10:26:35'),(5536,258,715,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:52'),(5537,258,715,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:52'),(5538,258,715,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:52'),(5539,258,715,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:52'),(5540,258,715,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:52'),(5541,258,715,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:52'),(5542,258,715,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:52'),(5543,258,715,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:52'),(5544,258,715,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:52'),(5545,258,715,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-10 10:46:52','2017-05-10 10:46:52'),(5546,259,716,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-15 16:08:59','2017-05-15 16:08:59'),(5547,259,716,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-15 16:08:59','2017-05-15 16:08:59'),(5548,259,716,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-15 16:08:59','2017-05-15 16:08:59'),(5549,259,716,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-15 16:08:59','2017-05-15 16:08:59'),(5550,259,716,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-15 16:08:59','2017-05-15 16:08:59'),(5551,259,716,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-15 16:08:59','2017-05-15 16:08:59'),(5552,259,716,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-15 16:08:59','2017-05-15 16:08:59'),(5553,259,716,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-15 16:08:59','2017-05-15 16:08:59'),(5554,259,716,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-15 16:08:59','2017-05-15 16:08:59'),(5555,259,716,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-15 16:08:59','2017-05-15 16:08:59'),(5556,259,717,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-15 16:14:47','2017-05-15 16:14:47'),(5557,259,717,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-15 16:14:47','2017-05-15 16:14:47'),(5558,259,717,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-15 16:14:47','2017-05-15 16:14:47'),(5559,259,717,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-05-15 16:14:47','2017-05-15 16:14:47'),(5560,259,717,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-15 16:14:47','2017-05-15 16:14:47'),(5561,259,718,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(5562,259,718,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(5563,259,718,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(5564,259,718,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(5565,259,718,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(5566,259,718,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(5567,259,718,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(5568,259,718,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(5569,259,718,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(5570,259,718,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-15 16:38:39','2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(5571,260,719,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 13:02:32','2017-05-17 13:02:32'),(5572,260,719,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-17 13:02:32','2017-05-17 13:02:32'),(5573,260,719,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 13:02:32','2017-05-17 13:02:32'),(5574,260,719,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-17 13:02:32','2017-05-17 13:02:32'),(5575,260,719,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 13:02:32','2017-05-17 13:02:32'),(5576,260,719,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-17 13:02:32','2017-05-17 13:02:32'),(5577,260,719,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-17 13:02:32','2017-05-17 13:02:32'),(5578,260,719,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-17 13:02:32','2017-05-17 13:02:32'),(5579,260,719,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-17 13:02:32','2017-05-17 13:02:32'),(5580,260,719,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-17 13:02:32','2017-05-17 13:02:32'),(5581,260,720,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-17 13:08:57','2017-05-17 13:08:57'),(5582,260,720,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 13:08:57','2017-05-17 13:08:57'),(5583,260,720,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-17 13:08:57','2017-05-17 13:08:57'),(5584,260,720,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-05-17 13:08:57','2017-05-17 13:08:57'),(5585,260,720,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-17 13:08:57','2017-05-17 13:08:57'),(5586,260,721,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-17 13:24:55','2017-05-17 13:24:55'),(5587,260,721,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 13:24:55','2017-05-17 13:24:55'),(5588,260,721,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-17 13:24:55','2017-05-17 13:24:55'),(5589,260,721,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-05-17 13:24:55','2017-05-17 13:24:55'),(5590,260,721,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-17 13:24:55','2017-05-17 13:24:55'),(5591,260,721,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 13:24:55','2017-05-17 13:24:55'),(5592,260,721,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-17 13:24:55','2017-05-17 13:24:55'),(5593,260,721,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-17 13:24:55','2017-05-17 13:24:55'),(5594,260,721,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2017-05-17 13:24:55','2017-05-17 13:24:55'),(5595,260,721,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-17 13:24:55','2017-05-17 13:24:55'),(5596,261,722,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 13:53:10','2017-05-17 13:53:10'),(5597,261,722,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-17 13:53:10','2017-05-17 13:53:10'),(5598,261,722,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 13:53:10','2017-05-17 13:53:10'),(5599,261,722,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-17 13:53:10','2017-05-17 13:53:10'),(5600,261,722,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 13:53:10','2017-05-17 13:53:10'),(5601,261,722,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-17 13:53:10','2017-05-17 13:53:10'),(5602,261,722,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-17 13:53:10','2017-05-17 13:53:10'),(5603,261,722,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-17 13:53:10','2017-05-17 13:53:10'),(5604,261,722,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-17 13:53:10','2017-05-17 13:53:10'),(5605,261,722,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-17 13:53:10','2017-05-17 13:53:10'),(5606,261,723,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-17 14:01:53','2017-05-17 14:01:53'),(5607,261,723,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 14:01:53','2017-05-17 14:01:53'),(5608,261,723,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-17 14:01:53','2017-05-17 14:01:53'),(5609,261,723,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-05-17 14:01:53','2017-05-17 14:01:53'),(5610,261,723,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-17 14:01:53','2017-05-17 14:01:53'),(5611,261,724,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:09'),(5612,261,724,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:09'),(5613,261,724,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:09'),(5614,261,724,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:09'),(5615,261,724,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:09'),(5616,261,724,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:09'),(5617,261,724,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:09'),(5618,261,724,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:09'),(5619,261,724,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:09'),(5620,261,724,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-17 14:20:09','2017-05-17 14:20:09'),(5621,262,725,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-22 21:43:51','2017-05-22 21:43:51'),(5622,262,725,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-22 21:43:51','2017-05-22 21:43:51'),(5623,262,725,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-22 21:43:51','2017-05-22 21:43:51'),(5624,262,725,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-22 21:43:51','2017-05-22 21:43:51'),(5625,262,725,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-22 21:43:51','2017-05-22 21:43:51'),(5626,262,725,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-22 21:43:51','2017-05-22 21:43:51'),(5627,262,725,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-22 21:43:51','2017-05-22 21:43:51'),(5628,262,725,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-22 21:43:51','2017-05-22 21:43:51'),(5629,262,725,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-22 21:43:51','2017-05-22 21:43:51'),(5630,262,725,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-22 21:43:51','2017-05-22 21:43:51'),(5631,262,726,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-22 21:49:34','2017-05-22 21:49:34'),(5632,262,726,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-22 21:49:34','2017-05-22 21:49:34'),(5633,262,726,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-22 21:49:34','2017-05-22 21:49:34'),(5634,262,726,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-05-22 21:49:34','2017-05-22 21:49:34'),(5635,262,726,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-22 21:49:34','2017-05-22 21:49:34'),(5636,262,727,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(5637,262,727,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(5638,262,727,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(5639,262,727,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(5640,262,727,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(5641,262,727,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(5642,262,727,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(5643,262,727,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(5644,262,727,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(5645,262,727,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-22 22:05:21','2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(5646,263,728,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-25 09:40:39','2017-05-25 09:40:39'),(5647,263,728,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-25 09:40:39','2017-05-25 09:40:39'),(5648,263,728,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-25 09:40:39','2017-05-25 09:40:39'),(5649,263,728,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-25 09:40:39','2017-05-25 09:40:39'),(5650,263,728,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-25 09:40:39','2017-05-25 09:40:39'),(5651,263,728,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-25 09:40:39','2017-05-25 09:40:39'),(5652,263,728,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-25 09:40:39','2017-05-25 09:40:39'),(5653,263,728,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-25 09:40:39','2017-05-25 09:40:39'),(5654,263,728,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-25 09:40:39','2017-05-25 09:40:39'),(5655,263,728,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-25 09:40:39','2017-05-25 09:40:39'),(5656,263,729,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-25 09:46:52','2017-05-25 09:46:52'),(5657,263,729,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-25 09:46:52','2017-05-25 09:46:52'),(5658,263,729,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-25 09:46:52','2017-05-25 09:46:52'),(5659,263,729,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-05-25 09:46:52','2017-05-25 09:46:52'),(5660,263,729,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-25 09:46:52','2017-05-25 09:46:52'),(5661,263,730,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(5662,263,730,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(5663,263,730,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(5664,263,730,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(5665,263,730,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(5666,263,730,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(5667,263,730,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(5668,263,730,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(5669,263,730,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(5670,263,730,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-25 10:05:12','2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(5671,264,731,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-28 18:55:20','2017-05-28 18:55:20'),(5672,264,731,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-28 18:55:20','2017-05-28 18:55:20'),(5673,264,731,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-28 18:55:20','2017-05-28 18:55:20'),(5674,264,731,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-28 18:55:20','2017-05-28 18:55:20'),(5675,264,731,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-28 18:55:20','2017-05-28 18:55:20'),(5676,264,731,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-28 18:55:20','2017-05-28 18:55:20'),(5677,264,731,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-28 18:55:20','2017-05-28 18:55:20'),(5678,264,731,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-28 18:55:20','2017-05-28 18:55:20'),(5679,264,731,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-28 18:55:20','2017-05-28 18:55:20'),(5680,264,731,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-28 18:55:20','2017-05-28 18:55:20'),(5681,264,732,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-28 19:01:45','2017-05-28 19:01:45'),(5682,264,732,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-28 19:01:45','2017-05-28 19:01:45'),(5683,264,732,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-28 19:01:45','2017-05-28 19:01:45'),(5684,264,732,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-05-28 19:01:45','2017-05-28 19:01:45'),(5685,264,732,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-28 19:01:45','2017-05-28 19:01:45'),(5686,264,733,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(5687,264,733,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(5688,264,733,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(5689,264,733,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(5690,264,733,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(5691,264,733,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(5692,264,733,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(5693,264,733,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(5694,264,733,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(5695,264,733,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-28 19:18:36','2017-05-28 19:18:36'),(5696,265,734,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 12:20:18','2017-05-30 12:20:18'),(5697,265,734,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-30 12:20:18','2017-05-30 12:20:18'),(5698,265,734,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 12:20:18','2017-05-30 12:20:18'),(5699,265,734,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-30 12:20:18','2017-05-30 12:20:18'),(5700,265,734,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 12:20:18','2017-05-30 12:20:18'),(5701,265,734,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-30 12:20:18','2017-05-30 12:20:18'),(5702,265,734,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-30 12:20:18','2017-05-30 12:20:18'),(5703,265,734,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-30 12:20:18','2017-05-30 12:20:18'),(5704,265,734,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-30 12:20:18','2017-05-30 12:20:18'),(5705,265,734,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-30 12:20:18','2017-05-30 12:20:18'),(5706,265,735,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-30 12:34:52','2017-05-30 12:34:52'),(5707,265,735,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 12:34:52','2017-05-30 12:34:52'),(5708,265,735,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-30 12:34:52','2017-05-30 12:34:52'),(5709,265,735,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-05-30 12:34:52','2017-05-30 12:34:52'),(5710,265,735,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-30 12:34:52','2017-05-30 12:34:52'),(5711,265,736,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(5712,265,736,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(5713,265,736,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(5714,265,736,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(5715,265,736,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(5716,265,736,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(5717,265,736,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(5718,265,736,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(5719,265,736,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(5720,265,736,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-30 12:55:54','2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(5721,266,737,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 13:22:05','2017-05-30 13:22:05'),(5722,266,737,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-30 13:22:05','2017-05-30 13:22:05'),(5723,266,737,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 13:22:05','2017-05-30 13:22:05'),(5724,266,737,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-30 13:22:05','2017-05-30 13:22:05'),(5725,266,737,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 13:22:05','2017-05-30 13:22:05'),(5726,266,737,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-30 13:22:05','2017-05-30 13:22:05'),(5727,266,737,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-30 13:22:05','2017-05-30 13:22:05'),(5728,266,737,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-30 13:22:05','2017-05-30 13:22:05'),(5729,266,737,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-30 13:22:05','2017-05-30 13:22:05'),(5730,266,737,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-30 13:22:05','2017-05-30 13:22:05'),(5731,266,738,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-30 13:32:26','2017-05-30 13:32:26'),(5732,266,738,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 13:32:26','2017-05-30 13:32:26'),(5733,266,738,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-30 13:32:26','2017-05-30 13:32:26'),(5734,266,738,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-05-30 13:32:26','2017-05-30 13:32:26'),(5735,266,738,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-30 13:32:26','2017-05-30 13:32:26'),(5736,266,739,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(5737,266,739,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(5738,266,739,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(5739,266,739,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(5740,266,739,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(5741,266,739,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(5742,266,739,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(5743,266,739,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(5744,266,739,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(5745,266,739,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-30 13:52:58','2017-05-30 13:52:58'),(5746,267,740,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 13:59:32','2017-05-30 13:59:32'),(5747,267,740,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-30 13:59:32','2017-05-30 13:59:32'),(5748,267,740,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 13:59:32','2017-05-30 13:59:32'),(5749,267,740,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-30 13:59:32','2017-05-30 13:59:32'),(5750,267,740,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 13:59:32','2017-05-30 13:59:32'),(5751,267,740,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-30 13:59:32','2017-05-30 13:59:32'),(5752,267,740,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-30 13:59:32','2017-05-30 13:59:32'),(5753,267,740,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-30 13:59:32','2017-05-30 13:59:32'),(5754,267,740,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-30 13:59:32','2017-05-30 13:59:32'),(5755,267,740,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-30 13:59:32','2017-05-30 13:59:32'),(5756,267,741,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-30 14:07:13','2017-05-30 14:07:13'),(5757,267,741,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 14:07:13','2017-05-30 14:07:13'),(5758,267,741,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-30 14:07:13','2017-05-30 14:07:13'),(5759,267,741,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-05-30 14:07:13','2017-05-30 14:07:13'),(5760,267,741,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-30 14:07:13','2017-05-30 14:07:13'),(5761,267,742,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:00'),(5762,267,742,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:00'),(5763,267,742,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:00'),(5764,267,742,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:00'),(5765,267,742,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:00'),(5766,267,742,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:00'),(5767,267,742,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:00'),(5768,267,742,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:00'),(5769,267,742,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:00'),(5770,267,742,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-30 14:24:00','2017-05-30 14:24:00'),(5771,268,743,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 16:06:10','2017-05-30 16:06:10'),(5772,268,743,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-05-30 16:06:10','2017-05-30 16:06:10'),(5773,268,743,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 16:06:10','2017-05-30 16:06:10'),(5774,268,743,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-05-30 16:06:10','2017-05-30 16:06:10'),(5775,268,743,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 16:06:10','2017-05-30 16:06:10'),(5776,268,743,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-05-30 16:06:10','2017-05-30 16:06:10'),(5777,268,743,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-05-30 16:06:10','2017-05-30 16:06:10'),(5778,268,743,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-05-30 16:06:10','2017-05-30 16:06:10'),(5779,268,743,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-05-30 16:06:10','2017-05-30 16:06:10'),(5780,268,743,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-05-30 16:06:10','2017-05-30 16:06:10'),(5781,268,744,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-05-30 16:12:48','2017-05-30 16:12:48'),(5782,268,744,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 16:12:48','2017-05-30 16:12:48'),(5783,268,744,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-05-30 16:12:48','2017-05-30 16:12:48'),(5784,268,744,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-05-30 16:12:48','2017-05-30 16:12:48'),(5785,268,744,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-05-30 16:12:48','2017-05-30 16:12:48'),(5786,268,745,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(5787,268,745,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(5788,268,745,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(5789,268,745,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(5790,268,745,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(5791,268,745,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(5792,268,745,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(5793,268,745,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(5794,268,745,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(5795,268,745,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-05-30 16:29:43','2017-05-30 16:29:43'),(5796,269,746,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-03 14:21:44','2017-06-03 14:21:44'),(5797,269,746,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-06-03 14:21:44','2017-06-03 14:21:44'),(5798,269,746,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-03 14:21:44','2017-06-03 14:21:44'),(5799,269,746,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-06-03 14:21:44','2017-06-03 14:21:44'),(5800,269,746,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-03 14:21:44','2017-06-03 14:21:44'),(5801,269,746,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-06-03 14:21:44','2017-06-03 14:21:44'),(5802,269,746,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-06-03 14:21:44','2017-06-03 14:21:44'),(5803,269,746,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-06-03 14:21:44','2017-06-03 14:21:44'),(5804,269,746,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-06-03 14:21:44','2017-06-03 14:21:44'),(5805,269,746,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-06-03 14:21:44','2017-06-03 14:21:44'),(5806,269,747,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-06-03 14:28:47','2017-06-03 14:28:47'),(5807,269,747,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-03 14:28:47','2017-06-03 14:28:47'),(5808,269,747,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-06-03 14:28:47','2017-06-03 14:28:47'),(5809,269,747,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-06-03 14:28:47','2017-06-03 14:28:47'),(5810,269,747,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-06-03 14:28:47','2017-06-03 14:28:47'),(5811,269,748,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(5812,269,748,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(5813,269,748,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(5814,269,748,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(5815,269,748,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(5816,269,748,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(5817,269,748,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(5818,269,748,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(5819,269,748,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(5820,269,748,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-06-03 14:46:07','2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(5821,270,749,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-07 10:53:25','2017-06-07 10:53:25'),(5822,270,749,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-06-07 10:53:25','2017-06-07 10:53:25'),(5823,270,749,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2017-06-07 10:53:25','2017-06-07 10:53:25'),(5824,270,749,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-06-07 10:53:25','2017-06-07 10:53:25'),(5825,270,749,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-07 10:53:25','2017-06-07 10:53:25'),(5826,270,749,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-06-07 10:53:25','2017-06-07 10:53:25'),(5827,270,749,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-06-07 10:53:25','2017-06-07 10:53:25'),(5828,270,749,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-06-07 10:53:25','2017-06-07 10:53:25'),(5829,270,749,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-06-07 10:53:25','2017-06-07 10:53:25'),(5830,270,749,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-06-07 10:53:25','2017-06-07 10:53:25'),(5831,270,750,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-06-07 10:59:20','2017-06-07 10:59:20'),(5832,270,750,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-07 10:59:20','2017-06-07 10:59:20'),(5833,270,750,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-06-07 10:59:20','2017-06-07 10:59:20'),(5834,270,750,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-06-07 10:59:20','2017-06-07 10:59:20'),(5835,270,750,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-06-07 10:59:20','2017-06-07 10:59:20'),(5836,270,751,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:17'),(5837,270,751,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:17'),(5838,270,751,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:17'),(5839,270,751,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:17'),(5840,270,751,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:17'),(5841,270,751,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:17'),(5842,270,751,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:17'),(5843,270,751,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:17'),(5844,270,751,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:17'),(5845,270,751,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-06-07 11:44:17','2017-06-07 11:44:17'),(5846,271,752,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-07 15:46:10','2017-06-07 15:46:10'),(5847,271,752,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-06-07 15:46:10','2017-06-07 15:46:10'),(5848,271,752,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-07 15:46:10','2017-06-07 15:46:10'),(5849,271,752,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-06-07 15:46:10','2017-06-07 15:46:10'),(5850,271,752,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-07 15:46:10','2017-06-07 15:46:10'),(5851,271,752,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-06-07 15:46:10','2017-06-07 15:46:10'),(5852,271,752,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-06-07 15:46:10','2017-06-07 15:46:10'),(5853,271,752,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-06-07 15:46:10','2017-06-07 15:46:10'),(5854,271,752,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-06-07 15:46:10','2017-06-07 15:46:10'),(5855,271,752,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-06-07 15:46:10','2017-06-07 15:46:10'),(5856,271,753,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-06-07 15:53:47','2017-06-07 15:53:47'),(5857,271,753,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-07 15:53:47','2017-06-07 15:53:47'),(5858,271,753,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-06-07 15:53:47','2017-06-07 15:53:47'),(5859,271,753,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-06-07 15:53:47','2017-06-07 15:53:47'),(5860,271,753,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-06-07 15:53:47','2017-06-07 15:53:47'),(5861,271,754,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:38'),(5862,271,754,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:38'),(5863,271,754,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:38'),(5864,271,754,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:38'),(5865,271,754,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:38'),(5866,271,754,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:38'),(5867,271,754,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:38'),(5868,271,754,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:38'),(5869,271,754,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:38'),(5870,271,754,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-06-07 16:10:38','2017-06-07 16:10:38'),(5871,272,755,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-12 11:39:55','2017-06-12 11:39:55'),(5872,272,755,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-06-12 11:39:55','2017-06-12 11:39:55'),(5873,272,755,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-12 11:39:55','2017-06-12 11:39:55'),(5874,272,755,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-06-12 11:39:55','2017-06-12 11:39:55'),(5875,272,755,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-12 11:39:55','2017-06-12 11:39:55'),(5876,272,755,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-06-12 11:39:55','2017-06-12 11:39:55'),(5877,272,755,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-06-12 11:39:55','2017-06-12 11:39:55'),(5878,272,755,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-06-12 11:39:55','2017-06-12 11:39:55'),(5879,272,755,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-06-12 11:39:55','2017-06-12 11:39:55'),(5880,272,755,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-06-12 11:39:55','2017-06-12 11:39:55'),(5881,272,756,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-06-12 11:46:55','2017-06-12 11:46:55'),(5882,272,756,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-12 11:46:55','2017-06-12 11:46:55'),(5883,272,756,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-06-12 11:46:55','2017-06-12 11:46:55'),(5884,272,756,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-06-12 11:46:55','2017-06-12 11:46:55'),(5885,272,756,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-06-12 11:46:55','2017-06-12 11:46:55'),(5886,272,757,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:51'),(5887,272,757,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:51'),(5888,272,757,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:51'),(5889,272,757,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:51'),(5890,272,757,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:51'),(5891,272,757,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:51'),(5892,272,757,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:51'),(5893,272,757,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:51'),(5894,272,757,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:51'),(5895,272,757,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-06-12 12:02:51','2017-06-12 12:02:51'),(5896,273,758,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-14 18:32:58','2017-06-14 18:32:58'),(5897,273,758,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-06-14 18:32:58','2017-06-14 18:32:58'),(5898,273,758,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-14 18:32:58','2017-06-14 18:32:58'),(5899,273,758,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-06-14 18:32:58','2017-06-14 18:32:58'),(5900,273,758,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-14 18:32:58','2017-06-14 18:32:58'),(5901,273,758,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-06-14 18:32:58','2017-06-14 18:32:58'),(5902,273,758,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-06-14 18:32:58','2017-06-14 18:32:58'),(5903,273,758,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-06-14 18:32:58','2017-06-14 18:32:58'),(5904,273,758,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-06-14 18:32:58','2017-06-14 18:32:58'),(5905,273,758,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-06-14 18:32:58','2017-06-14 18:32:58'),(5906,273,759,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-06-14 18:39:22','2017-06-14 18:39:22'),(5907,273,759,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-14 18:39:22','2017-06-14 18:39:22'),(5908,273,759,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-06-14 18:39:22','2017-06-14 18:39:22'),(5909,273,759,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-06-14 18:39:22','2017-06-14 18:39:22'),(5910,273,759,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-06-14 18:39:22','2017-06-14 18:39:22'),(5911,273,760,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:36'),(5912,273,760,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:36'),(5913,273,760,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:36'),(5914,273,760,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:36'),(5915,273,760,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:36'),(5916,273,760,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:36'),(5917,273,760,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:36'),(5918,273,760,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:36'),(5919,273,760,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:36'),(5920,273,760,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-06-14 18:54:36','2017-06-14 18:54:36'),(5921,274,761,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-19 13:56:05','2017-06-19 13:56:05'),(5922,274,761,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-06-19 13:56:05','2017-06-19 13:56:05'),(5923,274,761,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-19 13:56:05','2017-06-19 13:56:05'),(5924,274,761,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-06-19 13:56:05','2017-06-19 13:56:05'),(5925,274,761,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-19 13:56:05','2017-06-19 13:56:05'),(5926,274,761,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-06-19 13:56:05','2017-06-19 13:56:05'),(5927,274,761,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-06-19 13:56:05','2017-06-19 13:56:05'),(5928,274,761,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-06-19 13:56:05','2017-06-19 13:56:05'),(5929,274,761,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-06-19 13:56:05','2017-06-19 13:56:05'),(5930,274,761,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-06-19 13:56:05','2017-06-19 13:56:05'),(5931,274,762,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-06-19 14:05:07','2017-06-19 14:05:07'),(5932,274,762,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-19 14:05:07','2017-06-19 14:05:07'),(5933,274,762,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-06-19 14:05:07','2017-06-19 14:05:07'),(5934,274,762,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-06-19 14:05:07','2017-06-19 14:05:07'),(5935,274,762,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-06-19 14:05:07','2017-06-19 14:05:07'),(5936,274,763,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:14'),(5937,274,763,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:14'),(5938,274,763,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:14'),(5939,274,763,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:14'),(5940,274,763,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:14'),(5941,274,763,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:14'),(5942,274,763,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:14'),(5943,274,763,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:14'),(5944,274,763,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:14'),(5945,274,763,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-06-19 14:52:14','2017-06-19 14:52:14'),(5946,275,764,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-23 10:32:45','2017-06-23 10:32:45'),(5947,275,764,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-06-23 10:32:45','2017-06-23 10:32:45'),(5948,275,764,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-23 10:32:45','2017-06-23 10:32:45'),(5949,275,764,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-06-23 10:32:45','2017-06-23 10:32:45'),(5950,275,764,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-23 10:32:45','2017-06-23 10:32:45'),(5951,275,764,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-06-23 10:32:45','2017-06-23 10:32:45'),(5952,275,764,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-06-23 10:32:45','2017-06-23 10:32:45'),(5953,275,764,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-06-23 10:32:45','2017-06-23 10:32:45'),(5954,275,764,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-06-23 10:32:45','2017-06-23 10:32:45'),(5955,275,764,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-06-23 10:32:45','2017-06-23 10:32:45'),(5956,275,765,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-06-23 10:47:35','2017-06-23 10:47:35'),(5957,275,765,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-23 10:47:35','2017-06-23 10:47:35'),(5958,275,765,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-06-23 10:47:35','2017-06-23 10:47:35'),(5959,275,765,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-06-23 10:47:35','2017-06-23 10:47:35'),(5960,275,765,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-06-23 10:47:35','2017-06-23 10:47:35'),(5961,275,766,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(5962,275,766,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(5963,275,766,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(5964,275,766,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(5965,275,766,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(5966,275,766,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(5967,275,766,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(5968,275,766,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(5969,275,766,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(5970,275,766,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-06-23 11:03:18','2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(5971,276,767,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-25 13:12:29','2017-06-25 13:12:29'),(5972,276,767,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-06-25 13:12:29','2017-06-25 13:12:29'),(5973,276,767,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-25 13:12:29','2017-06-25 13:12:29'),(5974,276,767,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-06-25 13:12:29','2017-06-25 13:12:29'),(5975,276,767,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-25 13:12:29','2017-06-25 13:12:29'),(5976,276,767,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-06-25 13:12:29','2017-06-25 13:12:29'),(5977,276,767,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-06-25 13:12:29','2017-06-25 13:12:29'),(5978,276,767,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-06-25 13:12:29','2017-06-25 13:12:29'),(5979,276,767,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-06-25 13:12:29','2017-06-25 13:12:29'),(5980,276,767,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-06-25 13:12:29','2017-06-25 13:12:29'),(5981,276,768,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-06-25 13:19:59','2017-06-25 13:19:59'),(5982,276,768,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-25 13:19:59','2017-06-25 13:19:59'),(5983,276,768,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-06-25 13:19:59','2017-06-25 13:19:59'),(5984,276,768,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-06-25 13:19:59','2017-06-25 13:19:59'),(5985,276,768,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-06-25 13:19:59','2017-06-25 13:19:59'),(5986,276,769,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:58'),(5987,276,769,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:58'),(5988,276,769,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:58'),(5989,276,769,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:58'),(5990,276,769,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:58'),(5991,276,769,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:58'),(5992,276,769,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:58'),(5993,276,769,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:58'),(5994,276,769,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:58'),(5995,276,769,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-06-25 13:36:58','2017-06-25 13:36:58'),(5996,277,770,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-27 13:50:32','2017-06-27 13:50:32'),(5997,277,770,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-06-27 13:50:32','2017-06-27 13:50:32'),(5998,277,770,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-27 13:50:32','2017-06-27 13:50:32'),(5999,277,770,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-06-27 13:50:32','2017-06-27 13:50:32'),(6000,277,770,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-27 13:50:32','2017-06-27 13:50:32'),(6001,277,770,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-06-27 13:50:32','2017-06-27 13:50:32'),(6002,277,770,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-06-27 13:50:32','2017-06-27 13:50:32'),(6003,277,770,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-06-27 13:50:32','2017-06-27 13:50:32'),(6004,277,770,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-06-27 13:50:32','2017-06-27 13:50:32'),(6005,277,770,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-06-27 13:50:32','2017-06-27 13:50:32'),(6006,277,771,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-06-27 13:57:39','2017-06-27 13:57:39'),(6007,277,771,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-27 13:57:39','2017-06-27 13:57:39'),(6008,277,771,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-06-27 13:57:39','2017-06-27 13:57:39'),(6009,277,771,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-06-27 13:57:39','2017-06-27 13:57:39'),(6010,277,771,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-06-27 13:57:39','2017-06-27 13:57:39'),(6011,277,772,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(6012,277,772,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(6013,277,772,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(6014,277,772,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(6015,277,772,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(6016,277,772,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(6017,277,772,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(6018,277,772,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(6019,277,772,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(6020,277,772,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-06-27 14:17:01','2017-06-27 14:17:01'),(6021,278,773,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 13:43:30','2017-07-01 13:43:30'),(6022,278,773,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-07-01 13:43:30','2017-07-01 13:43:30'),(6023,278,773,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 13:43:30','2017-07-01 13:43:30'),(6024,278,773,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-07-01 13:43:30','2017-07-01 13:43:30'),(6025,278,773,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 13:43:30','2017-07-01 13:43:30'),(6026,278,773,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-07-01 13:43:30','2017-07-01 13:43:30'),(6027,278,773,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-07-01 13:43:30','2017-07-01 13:43:30'),(6028,278,773,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-07-01 13:43:30','2017-07-01 13:43:30'),(6029,278,773,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-07-01 13:43:30','2017-07-01 13:43:30'),(6030,278,773,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-07-01 13:43:30','2017-07-01 13:43:30'),(6031,278,774,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-07-01 13:51:37','2017-07-01 13:51:37'),(6032,278,774,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 13:51:37','2017-07-01 13:51:37'),(6033,278,774,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-07-01 13:51:37','2017-07-01 13:51:37'),(6034,278,774,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-07-01 13:51:37','2017-07-01 13:51:37'),(6035,278,774,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-07-01 13:51:37','2017-07-01 13:51:37'),(6036,278,775,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:28'),(6037,278,775,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:28'),(6038,278,775,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:28'),(6039,278,775,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:28'),(6040,278,775,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:28'),(6041,278,775,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:28'),(6042,278,775,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:28'),(6043,278,775,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:28'),(6044,278,775,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:28'),(6045,278,775,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-07-01 14:16:28','2017-07-01 14:16:28'),(6046,279,776,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 14:47:29','2017-07-01 14:47:29'),(6047,279,776,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-07-01 14:47:29','2017-07-01 14:47:29'),(6048,279,776,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 14:47:29','2017-07-01 14:47:29'),(6049,279,776,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-07-01 14:47:29','2017-07-01 14:47:29'),(6050,279,776,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 14:47:29','2017-07-01 14:47:29'),(6051,279,776,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-07-01 14:47:29','2017-07-01 14:47:29'),(6052,279,776,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-07-01 14:47:29','2017-07-01 14:47:29'),(6053,279,776,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-07-01 14:47:29','2017-07-01 14:47:29'),(6054,279,776,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-07-01 14:47:29','2017-07-01 14:47:29'),(6055,279,776,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-07-01 14:47:29','2017-07-01 14:47:29'),(6056,279,777,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-07-01 14:55:55','2017-07-01 14:55:55'),(6057,279,777,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 14:55:55','2017-07-01 14:55:55'),(6058,279,777,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-07-01 14:55:55','2017-07-01 14:55:55'),(6059,279,777,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-07-01 14:55:55','2017-07-01 14:55:55'),(6060,279,777,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-07-01 14:55:55','2017-07-01 14:55:55'),(6061,279,778,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:01'),(6062,279,778,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:01'),(6063,279,778,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:01'),(6064,279,778,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:01'),(6065,279,778,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:01'),(6066,279,778,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:01'),(6067,279,778,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:01'),(6068,279,778,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:01'),(6069,279,778,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:01'),(6070,279,778,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-07-01 15:17:01','2017-07-01 15:17:01'),(6071,280,779,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 09:40:56','2017-07-12 09:40:56'),(6072,280,779,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-07-12 09:40:56','2017-07-12 09:40:56'),(6073,280,779,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 09:40:56','2017-07-12 09:40:56'),(6074,280,779,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-07-12 09:40:56','2017-07-12 09:40:56'),(6075,280,779,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 09:40:56','2017-07-12 09:40:56'),(6076,280,779,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-07-12 09:40:56','2017-07-12 09:40:56'),(6077,280,779,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-07-12 09:40:56','2017-07-12 09:40:56'),(6078,280,779,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-07-12 09:40:56','2017-07-12 09:40:56'),(6079,280,779,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-07-12 09:40:56','2017-07-12 09:40:56'),(6080,280,779,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-07-12 09:40:56','2017-07-12 09:40:56'),(6081,280,780,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-07-12 09:47:36','2017-07-12 09:47:36'),(6082,280,780,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 09:47:36','2017-07-12 09:47:36'),(6083,280,780,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-07-12 09:47:36','2017-07-12 09:47:36'),(6084,280,780,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-07-12 09:47:36','2017-07-12 09:47:36'),(6085,280,780,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-07-12 09:47:36','2017-07-12 09:47:36'),(6086,280,781,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(6087,280,781,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(6088,280,781,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(6089,280,781,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(6090,280,781,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(6091,280,781,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(6092,280,781,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(6093,280,781,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(6094,280,781,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(6095,280,781,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-07-12 10:04:30','2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(6096,281,782,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 10:37:24','2017-07-12 10:37:24'),(6097,281,782,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-07-12 10:37:24','2017-07-12 10:37:24'),(6098,281,782,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 10:37:24','2017-07-12 10:37:24'),(6099,281,782,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-07-12 10:37:24','2017-07-12 10:37:24'),(6100,281,782,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 10:37:24','2017-07-12 10:37:24'),(6101,281,782,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-07-12 10:37:24','2017-07-12 10:37:24'),(6102,281,782,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-07-12 10:37:24','2017-07-12 10:37:24'),(6103,281,782,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-07-12 10:37:24','2017-07-12 10:37:24'),(6104,281,782,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-07-12 10:37:24','2017-07-12 10:37:24'),(6105,281,782,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-07-12 10:37:24','2017-07-12 10:37:24'),(6106,281,783,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-07-12 10:45:25','2017-07-12 10:45:25'),(6107,281,783,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 10:45:25','2017-07-12 10:45:25'),(6108,281,783,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-07-12 10:45:25','2017-07-12 10:45:25'),(6109,281,783,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-07-12 10:45:25','2017-07-12 10:45:25'),(6110,281,783,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-07-12 10:45:25','2017-07-12 10:45:25'),(6111,281,784,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(6112,281,784,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(6113,281,784,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(6114,281,784,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(6115,281,784,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(6116,281,784,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(6117,281,784,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(6118,281,784,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(6119,281,784,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(6120,281,784,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-07-12 11:01:58','2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(6121,282,785,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 14:19:12','2017-07-12 14:19:12'),(6122,282,785,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-07-12 14:19:12','2017-07-12 14:19:12'),(6123,282,785,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 14:19:12','2017-07-12 14:19:12'),(6124,282,785,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-07-12 14:19:12','2017-07-12 14:19:12'),(6125,282,785,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 14:19:12','2017-07-12 14:19:12'),(6126,282,785,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-07-12 14:19:12','2017-07-12 14:19:12'),(6127,282,785,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-07-12 14:19:12','2017-07-12 14:19:12'),(6128,282,785,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-07-12 14:19:12','2017-07-12 14:19:12'),(6129,282,785,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-07-12 14:19:12','2017-07-12 14:19:12'),(6130,282,785,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-07-12 14:19:12','2017-07-12 14:19:12'),(6131,282,786,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-07-12 14:25:48','2017-07-12 14:25:48'),(6132,282,786,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 14:25:48','2017-07-12 14:25:48'),(6133,282,786,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-07-12 14:25:48','2017-07-12 14:25:48'),(6134,282,786,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-07-12 14:25:48','2017-07-12 14:25:48'),(6135,282,786,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-07-12 14:25:48','2017-07-12 14:25:48'),(6136,282,787,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(6137,282,787,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(6138,282,787,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(6139,282,787,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(6140,282,787,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(6141,282,787,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(6142,282,787,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(6143,282,787,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(6144,282,787,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(6145,282,787,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-07-12 14:43:55','2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(6146,283,788,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-13 05:57:01','2017-07-13 05:57:01'),(6147,283,788,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-07-13 05:57:01','2017-07-13 05:57:01'),(6148,283,788,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-13 05:57:01','2017-07-13 05:57:01'),(6149,283,788,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-07-13 05:57:01','2017-07-13 05:57:01'),(6150,283,788,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-13 05:57:01','2017-07-13 05:57:01'),(6151,283,788,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-07-13 05:57:01','2017-07-13 05:57:01'),(6152,283,788,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-07-13 05:57:01','2017-07-13 05:57:01'),(6153,283,788,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-07-13 05:57:01','2017-07-13 05:57:01'),(6154,283,788,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-07-13 05:57:01','2017-07-13 05:57:01'),(6155,283,788,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-07-13 05:57:01','2017-07-13 05:57:01'),(6156,283,789,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-07-13 06:08:55','2017-07-13 06:08:55'),(6157,283,789,70,165,164,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Tobacco retailers','All of the above','2017-07-13 06:08:55','2017-07-13 06:08:55'),(6158,283,789,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-07-13 06:08:55','2017-07-13 06:08:55'),(6159,283,789,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-07-13 06:08:55','2017-07-13 06:08:55'),(6160,283,789,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-07-13 06:08:55','2017-07-13 06:08:55'),(6161,283,790,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:25'),(6162,283,790,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:25'),(6163,283,790,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:25'),(6164,283,790,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:25'),(6165,283,790,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:25'),(6166,283,790,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:25'),(6167,283,790,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:25'),(6168,283,790,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:25'),(6169,283,790,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:25'),(6170,283,790,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-07-13 06:44:25','2017-07-13 06:44:25'),(6171,284,791,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 11:41:04','2017-07-14 11:41:04'),(6172,284,791,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-07-14 11:41:04','2017-07-14 11:41:04'),(6173,284,791,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 11:41:04','2017-07-14 11:41:04'),(6174,284,791,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-07-14 11:41:04','2017-07-14 11:41:04'),(6175,284,791,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 11:41:04','2017-07-14 11:41:04'),(6176,284,791,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-07-14 11:41:04','2017-07-14 11:41:04'),(6177,284,791,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-07-14 11:41:04','2017-07-14 11:41:04'),(6178,284,791,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-07-14 11:41:04','2017-07-14 11:41:04'),(6179,284,791,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-07-14 11:41:04','2017-07-14 11:41:04'),(6180,284,791,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-07-14 11:41:04','2017-07-14 11:41:04'),(6181,284,792,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-07-14 11:47:33','2017-07-14 11:47:33'),(6182,284,792,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 11:47:33','2017-07-14 11:47:33'),(6183,284,792,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-07-14 11:47:33','2017-07-14 11:47:33'),(6184,284,792,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-07-14 11:47:33','2017-07-14 11:47:33'),(6185,284,792,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-07-14 11:47:33','2017-07-14 11:47:33'),(6186,284,793,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:04'),(6187,284,793,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:04'),(6188,284,793,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:04'),(6189,284,793,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:04'),(6190,284,793,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:04'),(6191,284,793,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:04'),(6192,284,793,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:04'),(6193,284,793,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:04'),(6194,284,793,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:04'),(6195,284,793,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-07-14 12:05:04','2017-07-14 12:05:04'),(6196,285,794,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 13:15:18','2017-07-14 13:15:18'),(6197,285,794,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-07-14 13:15:18','2017-07-14 13:15:18'),(6198,285,794,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 13:15:18','2017-07-14 13:15:18'),(6199,285,794,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-07-14 13:15:18','2017-07-14 13:15:18'),(6200,285,794,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 13:15:18','2017-07-14 13:15:18'),(6201,285,794,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-07-14 13:15:18','2017-07-14 13:15:18'),(6202,285,794,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-07-14 13:15:18','2017-07-14 13:15:18'),(6203,285,794,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-07-14 13:15:18','2017-07-14 13:15:18'),(6204,285,794,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-07-14 13:15:18','2017-07-14 13:15:18'),(6205,285,794,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-07-14 13:15:18','2017-07-14 13:15:18'),(6206,285,795,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-07-14 13:21:25','2017-07-14 13:21:25'),(6207,285,795,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 13:21:25','2017-07-14 13:21:25'),(6208,285,795,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-07-14 13:21:25','2017-07-14 13:21:25'),(6209,285,795,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-07-14 13:21:25','2017-07-14 13:21:25'),(6210,285,795,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-07-14 13:21:25','2017-07-14 13:21:25'),(6211,285,796,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(6212,285,796,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(6213,285,796,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(6214,285,796,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(6215,285,796,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(6216,285,796,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(6217,285,796,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(6218,285,796,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(6219,285,796,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(6220,285,796,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-07-14 13:38:59','2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(6221,286,797,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 15:58:45','2017-07-14 15:58:45'),(6222,286,797,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2017-07-14 15:58:45','2017-07-14 15:58:45'),(6223,286,797,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 15:58:45','2017-07-14 15:58:45'),(6224,286,797,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-07-14 15:58:45','2017-07-14 15:58:45'),(6225,286,797,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 15:58:45','2017-07-14 15:58:45'),(6226,286,797,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-07-14 15:58:45','2017-07-14 15:58:45'),(6227,286,797,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-07-14 15:58:45','2017-07-14 15:58:45'),(6228,286,797,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-07-14 15:58:45','2017-07-14 15:58:45'),(6229,286,797,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-07-14 15:58:45','2017-07-14 15:58:45'),(6230,286,797,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2017-07-14 15:58:45','2017-07-14 15:58:45'),(6231,286,798,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-07-14 16:04:39','2017-07-14 16:04:39'),(6232,286,798,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 16:04:39','2017-07-14 16:04:39'),(6233,286,798,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-07-14 16:04:39','2017-07-14 16:04:39'),(6234,286,798,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-07-14 16:04:39','2017-07-14 16:04:39'),(6235,286,798,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-07-14 16:04:39','2017-07-14 16:04:39'),(6236,286,799,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(6237,286,799,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(6238,286,799,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(6239,286,799,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(6240,286,799,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(6241,286,799,77,184,182,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Kiosk at a mall','All of the above','2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(6242,286,799,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(6243,286,799,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(6244,286,799,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(6245,286,799,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-07-14 16:23:17','2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(6246,287,800,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-19 15:22:00','2017-07-19 15:22:00'),(6247,287,800,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-07-19 15:22:00','2017-07-19 15:22:00'),(6248,287,800,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-19 15:22:00','2017-07-19 15:22:00'),(6249,287,800,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-07-19 15:22:00','2017-07-19 15:22:00'),(6250,287,800,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-19 15:22:00','2017-07-19 15:22:00'),(6251,287,800,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-07-19 15:22:00','2017-07-19 15:22:00'),(6252,287,800,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-07-19 15:22:00','2017-07-19 15:22:00'),(6253,287,800,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-07-19 15:22:00','2017-07-19 15:22:00'),(6254,287,800,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-07-19 15:22:00','2017-07-19 15:22:00'),(6255,287,800,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-07-19 15:22:00','2017-07-19 15:22:00'),(6256,287,801,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-07-19 15:29:05','2017-07-19 15:29:05'),(6257,287,801,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-19 15:29:05','2017-07-19 15:29:05'),(6258,287,801,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-07-19 15:29:05','2017-07-19 15:29:05'),(6259,287,801,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-07-19 15:29:05','2017-07-19 15:29:05'),(6260,287,801,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-07-19 15:29:05','2017-07-19 15:29:05'),(6261,287,802,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:55'),(6262,287,802,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:55'),(6263,287,802,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:55'),(6264,287,802,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:55'),(6265,287,802,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:55'),(6266,287,802,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:55'),(6267,287,802,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:55'),(6268,287,802,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:55'),(6269,287,802,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:55'),(6270,287,802,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-07-19 15:46:55','2017-07-19 15:46:55'),(6271,288,803,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-24 10:01:35','2017-07-24 10:01:35'),(6272,288,803,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2017-07-24 10:01:35','2017-07-24 10:01:35'),(6273,288,803,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-24 10:01:35','2017-07-24 10:01:35'),(6274,288,803,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-07-24 10:01:35','2017-07-24 10:01:35'),(6275,288,803,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-24 10:01:35','2017-07-24 10:01:35'),(6276,288,803,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-07-24 10:01:35','2017-07-24 10:01:35'),(6277,288,803,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-07-24 10:01:35','2017-07-24 10:01:35'),(6278,288,803,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-07-24 10:01:35','2017-07-24 10:01:35'),(6279,288,803,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-07-24 10:01:35','2017-07-24 10:01:35'),(6280,288,803,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-07-24 10:01:35','2017-07-24 10:01:35'),(6281,288,804,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-07-24 10:08:38','2017-07-24 10:08:38'),(6282,288,804,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-24 10:08:38','2017-07-24 10:08:38'),(6283,288,804,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-07-24 10:08:38','2017-07-24 10:08:38'),(6284,288,804,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-07-24 10:08:38','2017-07-24 10:08:38'),(6285,288,804,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-07-24 10:08:38','2017-07-24 10:08:38'),(6286,288,805,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:50'),(6287,288,805,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:50'),(6288,288,805,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:50'),(6289,288,805,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:50'),(6290,288,805,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:50'),(6291,288,805,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:50'),(6292,288,805,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:50'),(6293,288,805,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:50'),(6294,288,805,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:50'),(6295,288,805,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-07-24 10:27:50','2017-07-24 10:27:50'),(6296,289,806,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:04:34','2017-08-10 21:04:34'),(6297,289,806,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-08-10 21:04:34','2017-08-10 21:04:34'),(6298,289,806,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:04:34','2017-08-10 21:04:34'),(6299,289,806,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-08-10 21:04:34','2017-08-10 21:04:34'),(6300,289,806,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:04:34','2017-08-10 21:04:34'),(6301,289,806,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:04:34','2017-08-10 21:04:34'),(6302,289,806,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-08-10 21:04:34','2017-08-10 21:04:34'),(6303,289,806,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-08-10 21:04:34','2017-08-10 21:04:34'),(6304,289,806,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:04:34','2017-08-10 21:04:34'),(6305,289,806,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-08-10 21:04:34','2017-08-10 21:04:34'),(6306,289,807,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-08-10 21:11:31','2017-08-10 21:11:31'),(6307,289,807,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:11:31','2017-08-10 21:11:31'),(6308,289,807,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-08-10 21:11:31','2017-08-10 21:11:31'),(6309,289,807,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-08-10 21:11:31','2017-08-10 21:11:31'),(6310,289,807,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-08-10 21:11:31','2017-08-10 21:11:31'),(6311,289,808,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(6312,289,808,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(6313,289,808,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(6314,289,808,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(6315,289,808,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(6316,289,808,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(6317,289,808,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(6318,289,808,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(6319,289,808,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(6320,289,808,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:28:45','2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(6321,290,809,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:17:02','2017-08-10 21:17:02'),(6322,290,809,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-08-10 21:17:02','2017-08-10 21:17:02'),(6323,290,809,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:17:02','2017-08-10 21:17:02'),(6324,290,809,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-08-10 21:17:02','2017-08-10 21:17:02'),(6325,290,809,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:17:02','2017-08-10 21:17:02'),(6326,290,809,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:17:02','2017-08-10 21:17:02'),(6327,290,809,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-08-10 21:17:02','2017-08-10 21:17:02'),(6328,290,809,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-08-10 21:17:02','2017-08-10 21:17:02'),(6329,290,809,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:17:02','2017-08-10 21:17:02'),(6330,290,809,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-08-10 21:17:02','2017-08-10 21:17:02'),(6331,290,810,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-08-10 21:25:41','2017-08-10 21:25:41'),(6332,290,810,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:25:41','2017-08-10 21:25:41'),(6333,290,810,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-08-10 21:25:41','2017-08-10 21:25:41'),(6334,290,810,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:25:41','2017-08-10 21:25:41'),(6335,290,810,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-08-10 21:25:41','2017-08-10 21:25:41'),(6336,290,811,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(6337,290,811,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(6338,290,811,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(6339,290,811,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(6340,290,811,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(6341,290,811,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(6342,290,811,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(6343,290,811,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(6344,290,811,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(6345,290,811,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:45:18','2017-08-10 21:45:18'),(6346,291,812,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:14:28','2017-08-10 21:24:26'),(6347,291,812,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-08-10 21:14:28','2017-08-10 21:24:26'),(6348,291,812,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:14:28','2017-08-10 21:24:26'),(6349,291,812,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-08-10 21:14:28','2017-08-10 21:24:26'),(6350,291,812,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:14:28','2017-08-10 21:24:26'),(6351,291,812,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:14:28','2017-08-10 21:24:26'),(6352,291,812,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-08-10 21:14:28','2017-08-10 21:24:26'),(6353,291,812,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-08-10 21:14:28','2017-08-10 21:24:26'),(6354,291,812,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:14:28','2017-08-10 21:24:26'),(6355,291,812,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-08-10 21:14:28','2017-08-10 21:24:26'),(6356,291,813,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-08-10 21:24:03','2017-08-10 21:24:42'),(6357,291,813,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:24:03','2017-08-10 21:24:42'),(6358,291,813,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-08-10 21:24:03','2017-08-10 21:24:42'),(6359,291,813,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:24:03','2017-08-10 21:24:42'),(6360,291,813,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-08-10 21:24:03','2017-08-10 21:24:42'),(6361,291,814,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(6362,291,814,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(6363,291,814,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(6364,291,814,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(6365,291,814,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(6366,291,814,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(6367,291,814,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(6368,291,814,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(6369,291,814,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(6370,291,814,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-08-10 21:51:09','2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(6371,292,815,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-11 14:26:05','2017-08-11 14:26:05'),(6372,292,815,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-08-11 14:26:05','2017-08-11 14:26:05'),(6373,292,815,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-11 14:26:05','2017-08-11 14:26:05'),(6374,292,815,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-08-11 14:26:05','2017-08-11 14:26:05'),(6375,292,815,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-11 14:26:05','2017-08-11 14:26:05'),(6376,292,815,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-08-11 14:26:05','2017-08-11 14:26:05'),(6377,292,815,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-08-11 14:26:05','2017-08-11 14:26:05'),(6378,292,815,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-08-11 14:26:05','2017-08-11 14:26:05'),(6379,292,815,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-08-11 14:26:05','2017-08-11 14:26:05'),(6380,292,815,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-08-11 14:26:05','2017-08-11 14:26:05'),(6381,292,816,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-08-11 14:31:54','2017-08-11 14:31:54'),(6382,292,816,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-11 14:31:54','2017-08-11 14:31:54'),(6383,292,816,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-08-11 14:31:54','2017-08-11 14:31:54'),(6384,292,816,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-08-11 14:31:54','2017-08-11 14:31:54'),(6385,292,816,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-08-11 14:31:54','2017-08-11 14:31:54'),(6386,292,817,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(6387,292,817,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(6388,292,817,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(6389,292,817,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(6390,292,817,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(6391,292,817,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(6392,292,817,81,196,197,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Manufaturer’s Information','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(6393,292,817,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(6394,292,817,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(6395,292,817,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-08-11 14:50:29','2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(6396,293,818,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-10 15:22:55','2017-10-10 15:22:55'),(6397,293,818,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-10-10 15:22:55','2017-10-10 15:22:55'),(6398,293,818,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-10 15:22:55','2017-10-10 15:22:55'),(6399,293,818,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-10-10 15:22:55','2017-10-10 15:22:55'),(6400,293,818,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-10 15:22:55','2017-10-10 15:22:55'),(6401,293,818,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-10-10 15:22:55','2017-10-10 15:22:55'),(6402,293,818,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-10-10 15:22:55','2017-10-10 15:22:55'),(6403,293,818,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-10-10 15:22:55','2017-10-10 15:22:55'),(6404,293,818,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-10-10 15:22:55','2017-10-10 15:22:55'),(6405,293,818,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-10-10 15:22:55','2017-10-10 15:22:55'),(6406,293,819,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-10-10 15:28:36','2017-10-10 15:28:36'),(6407,293,819,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-10 15:28:36','2017-10-10 15:28:36'),(6408,293,819,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-10-10 15:28:36','2017-10-10 15:28:36'),(6409,293,819,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-10-10 15:28:36','2017-10-10 15:28:36'),(6410,293,819,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-10-10 15:28:36','2017-10-10 15:28:36'),(6411,293,820,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:17'),(6412,293,820,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:17'),(6413,293,820,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:17'),(6414,293,820,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:17'),(6415,293,820,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:17'),(6416,293,820,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:17'),(6417,293,820,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:17'),(6418,293,820,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:17'),(6419,293,820,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:17'),(6420,293,820,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-10-10 15:43:17','2017-10-10 15:43:17'),(6421,294,821,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-11 17:42:41','2017-10-11 17:51:32'),(6422,294,821,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-10-11 17:42:41','2017-10-11 17:51:32'),(6423,294,821,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-11 17:42:41','2017-10-11 17:51:32'),(6424,294,821,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-10-11 17:42:41','2017-10-11 17:51:32'),(6425,294,821,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-11 17:42:41','2017-10-11 17:51:32'),(6426,294,821,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-10-11 17:42:41','2017-10-11 17:51:32'),(6427,294,821,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-10-11 17:42:41','2017-10-11 17:51:32'),(6428,294,821,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-10-11 17:42:41','2017-10-11 17:51:32'),(6429,294,821,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-10-11 17:42:41','2017-10-11 17:51:32'),(6430,294,821,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-10-11 17:42:41','2017-10-11 17:51:32'),(6431,294,822,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-10-11 17:51:03','2017-10-11 18:01:15'),(6432,294,822,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-11 17:51:03','2017-10-11 18:01:15'),(6433,294,822,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-10-11 17:51:03','2017-10-11 18:01:15'),(6434,294,822,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-10-11 17:51:03','2017-10-11 18:01:15'),(6435,294,822,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-10-11 17:51:03','2017-10-11 18:01:15'),(6436,294,823,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:04'),(6437,294,823,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:04'),(6438,294,823,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:04'),(6439,294,823,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:04'),(6440,294,823,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:04'),(6441,294,823,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:04'),(6442,294,823,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:04'),(6443,294,823,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:04'),(6444,294,823,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:04'),(6445,294,823,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-10-11 18:18:04','2017-10-11 18:18:04'),(6446,295,824,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-12 14:51:28','2017-10-12 14:51:28'),(6447,295,824,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-10-12 14:51:28','2017-10-12 14:51:28'),(6448,295,824,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-12 14:51:28','2017-10-12 14:51:28'),(6449,295,824,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-10-12 14:51:28','2017-10-12 14:51:28'),(6450,295,824,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-12 14:51:28','2017-10-12 14:51:28'),(6451,295,824,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-10-12 14:51:28','2017-10-12 14:51:28'),(6452,295,824,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-10-12 14:51:28','2017-10-12 14:51:28'),(6453,295,824,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-10-12 14:51:28','2017-10-12 14:51:28'),(6454,295,824,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-10-12 14:51:28','2017-10-12 14:51:28'),(6455,295,824,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-10-12 14:51:28','2017-10-12 14:51:28'),(6456,295,825,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-10-12 14:59:05','2017-10-12 14:59:05'),(6457,295,825,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-12 14:59:05','2017-10-12 14:59:05'),(6458,295,825,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-10-12 14:59:05','2017-10-12 14:59:05'),(6459,295,825,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-10-12 14:59:05','2017-10-12 14:59:05'),(6460,295,825,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-10-12 14:59:05','2017-10-12 14:59:05'),(6461,295,826,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(6462,295,826,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(6463,295,826,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(6464,295,826,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(6465,295,826,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(6466,295,826,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(6467,295,826,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(6468,295,826,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(6469,295,826,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(6470,295,826,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-10-12 15:20:48','2017-10-12 15:20:48'),(6471,296,827,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-16 16:43:29','2017-10-16 16:43:29'),(6472,296,827,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2017-10-16 16:43:29','2017-10-16 16:43:29'),(6473,296,827,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-16 16:43:29','2017-10-16 16:43:29'),(6474,296,827,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-10-16 16:43:29','2017-10-16 16:43:29'),(6475,296,827,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-16 16:43:29','2017-10-16 16:43:29'),(6476,296,827,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-10-16 16:43:29','2017-10-16 16:43:29'),(6477,296,827,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-10-16 16:43:29','2017-10-16 16:43:29'),(6478,296,827,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-10-16 16:43:29','2017-10-16 16:43:29'),(6479,296,827,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-10-16 16:43:29','2017-10-16 16:43:29'),(6480,296,827,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-10-16 16:43:29','2017-10-16 16:43:29'),(6481,296,828,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-10-16 16:49:31','2017-10-16 16:49:31'),(6482,296,828,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-16 16:49:31','2017-10-16 16:49:31'),(6483,296,828,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-10-16 16:49:31','2017-10-16 16:49:31'),(6484,296,828,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-10-16 16:49:31','2017-10-16 16:49:31'),(6485,296,828,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-10-16 16:49:31','2017-10-16 16:49:31'),(6486,296,829,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(6487,296,829,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(6488,296,829,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(6489,296,829,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(6490,296,829,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(6491,296,829,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(6492,296,829,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(6493,296,829,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(6494,296,829,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(6495,296,829,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-10-16 17:40:19','2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(6496,297,830,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-19 14:50:32','2017-10-19 14:50:32'),(6497,297,830,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-10-19 14:50:32','2017-10-19 14:50:32'),(6498,297,830,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-19 14:50:32','2017-10-19 14:50:32'),(6499,297,830,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-10-19 14:50:32','2017-10-19 14:50:32'),(6500,297,830,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-19 14:50:32','2017-10-19 14:50:32'),(6501,297,830,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-10-19 14:50:32','2017-10-19 14:50:32'),(6502,297,830,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-10-19 14:50:32','2017-10-19 14:50:32'),(6503,297,830,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-10-19 14:50:32','2017-10-19 14:50:32'),(6504,297,830,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-10-19 14:50:32','2017-10-19 14:50:32'),(6505,297,830,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-10-19 14:50:32','2017-10-19 14:50:32'),(6506,297,831,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-10-19 15:07:53','2017-10-19 15:07:53'),(6507,297,831,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-19 15:07:53','2017-10-19 15:07:53'),(6508,297,831,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-10-19 15:07:53','2017-10-19 15:07:53'),(6509,297,831,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-10-19 15:07:53','2017-10-19 15:07:53'),(6510,297,831,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-10-19 15:07:53','2017-10-19 15:07:53'),(6511,297,832,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(6512,297,832,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(6513,297,832,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(6514,297,832,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(6515,297,832,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(6516,297,832,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(6517,297,832,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(6518,297,832,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(6519,297,832,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(6520,297,832,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-10-19 15:30:59','2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(6521,298,833,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2017-10-27 14:11:16','2017-10-27 14:11:16'),(6522,298,833,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2017-10-27 14:11:16','2017-10-27 14:11:16'),(6523,298,833,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-27 14:11:16','2017-10-27 14:11:16'),(6524,298,833,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-10-27 14:11:16','2017-10-27 14:11:16'),(6525,298,833,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-27 14:11:16','2017-10-27 14:11:16'),(6526,298,833,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-10-27 14:11:16','2017-10-27 14:11:16'),(6527,298,833,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-10-27 14:11:16','2017-10-27 14:11:16'),(6528,298,833,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-10-27 14:11:16','2017-10-27 14:11:16'),(6529,298,833,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-10-27 14:11:16','2017-10-27 14:11:16'),(6530,298,833,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-10-27 14:11:16','2017-10-27 14:11:16'),(6531,298,834,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-10-27 14:17:41','2017-10-27 14:17:41'),(6532,298,834,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-27 14:17:41','2017-10-27 14:17:41'),(6533,298,834,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-10-27 14:17:41','2017-10-27 14:17:41'),(6534,298,834,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-10-27 14:17:41','2017-10-27 14:17:41'),(6535,298,834,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-10-27 14:17:41','2017-10-27 14:17:41'),(6536,298,835,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(6537,298,835,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(6538,298,835,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(6539,298,835,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(6540,298,835,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(6541,298,835,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(6542,298,835,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(6543,298,835,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(6544,298,835,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(6545,298,835,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-10-27 14:36:52','2017-10-27 14:36:52'),(6546,299,836,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-30 14:17:03','2017-10-30 14:17:03'),(6547,299,836,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-10-30 14:17:03','2017-10-30 14:17:03'),(6548,299,836,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-30 14:17:03','2017-10-30 14:17:03'),(6549,299,836,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-10-30 14:17:03','2017-10-30 14:17:03'),(6550,299,836,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-30 14:17:03','2017-10-30 14:17:03'),(6551,299,836,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-10-30 14:17:03','2017-10-30 14:17:03'),(6552,299,836,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-10-30 14:17:03','2017-10-30 14:17:03'),(6553,299,836,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-10-30 14:17:03','2017-10-30 14:17:03'),(6554,299,836,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-10-30 14:17:03','2017-10-30 14:17:03'),(6555,299,836,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-10-30 14:17:03','2017-10-30 14:17:03'),(6556,299,837,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-10-30 14:40:00','2017-10-30 14:40:00'),(6557,299,837,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-30 14:40:00','2017-10-30 14:40:00'),(6558,299,837,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-10-30 14:40:00','2017-10-30 14:40:00'),(6559,299,837,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-10-30 14:40:00','2017-10-30 14:40:00'),(6560,299,837,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-10-30 14:40:00','2017-10-30 14:40:00'),(6561,299,838,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(6562,299,838,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(6563,299,838,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(6564,299,838,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(6565,299,838,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(6566,299,838,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(6567,299,838,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(6568,299,838,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(6569,299,838,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(6570,299,838,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-10-30 17:01:19','2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(6571,300,839,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-01 13:41:04','2017-11-01 13:41:04'),(6572,300,839,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-11-01 13:41:04','2017-11-01 13:41:04'),(6573,300,839,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-01 13:41:04','2017-11-01 13:41:04'),(6574,300,839,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-01 13:41:04','2017-11-01 13:41:04'),(6575,300,839,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-01 13:41:04','2017-11-01 13:41:04'),(6576,300,839,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-01 13:41:04','2017-11-01 13:41:04'),(6577,300,839,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-01 13:41:04','2017-11-01 13:41:04'),(6578,300,839,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-01 13:41:04','2017-11-01 13:41:04'),(6579,300,839,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-01 13:41:04','2017-11-01 13:41:04'),(6580,300,839,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-01 13:41:04','2017-11-01 13:41:04'),(6581,300,840,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-01 13:47:17','2017-11-01 13:47:17'),(6582,300,840,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-01 13:47:17','2017-11-01 13:47:17'),(6583,300,840,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-11-01 13:47:17','2017-11-01 13:47:17'),(6584,300,840,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-11-01 13:47:17','2017-11-01 13:47:17'),(6585,300,840,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-01 13:47:17','2017-11-01 13:47:17'),(6586,300,841,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:10'),(6587,300,841,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:10'),(6588,300,841,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:10'),(6589,300,841,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:10'),(6590,300,841,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:10'),(6591,300,841,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:10'),(6592,300,841,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:10'),(6593,300,841,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:10'),(6594,300,841,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:10'),(6595,300,841,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-01 14:03:10','2017-11-01 14:03:10'),(6596,301,842,49,103,101,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','AIDS','All of the above','2017-11-03 12:48:17','2017-11-03 12:48:17'),(6597,301,842,50,104,106,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','5,000','490,000','2017-11-03 12:48:17','2017-11-03 12:48:17'),(6598,301,842,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-03 12:48:17','2017-11-03 12:48:17'),(6599,301,842,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-03 12:48:17','2017-11-03 12:48:17'),(6600,301,842,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-03 12:48:17','2017-11-03 12:48:17'),(6601,301,842,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-03 12:48:17','2017-11-03 12:48:17'),(6602,301,842,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-03 12:48:17','2017-11-03 12:48:17'),(6603,301,842,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-03 12:48:17','2017-11-03 12:48:17'),(6604,301,842,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-03 12:48:17','2017-11-03 12:48:17'),(6605,301,842,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-03 12:48:17','2017-11-03 12:48:17'),(6606,301,843,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-03 12:51:16','2017-11-03 12:51:16'),(6607,301,843,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2017-11-03 12:51:16','2017-11-03 12:51:16'),(6608,301,843,71,167,169,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','30','27','2017-11-03 12:51:16','2017-11-03 12:51:16'),(6609,301,843,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-11-03 12:51:16','2017-11-03 12:51:16'),(6610,301,843,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-03 12:51:16','2017-11-03 12:51:16'),(6611,301,844,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:27'),(6612,301,844,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:27'),(6613,301,844,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:27'),(6614,301,844,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:27'),(6615,301,844,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:27'),(6616,301,844,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:27'),(6617,301,844,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:27'),(6618,301,844,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:27'),(6619,301,844,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:27'),(6620,301,844,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-03 12:53:27','2017-11-03 12:53:27'),(6621,302,845,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-07 15:14:32','2017-11-07 15:14:32'),(6622,302,845,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-11-07 15:14:32','2017-11-07 15:14:32'),(6623,302,845,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-07 15:14:32','2017-11-07 15:14:32'),(6624,302,845,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-07 15:14:32','2017-11-07 15:14:32'),(6625,302,845,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-07 15:14:32','2017-11-07 15:14:32'),(6626,302,845,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-07 15:14:32','2017-11-07 15:14:32'),(6627,302,845,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-07 15:14:32','2017-11-07 15:14:32'),(6628,302,845,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-07 15:14:32','2017-11-07 15:14:32'),(6629,302,845,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-07 15:14:32','2017-11-07 15:14:32'),(6630,302,845,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-07 15:14:32','2017-11-07 15:14:32'),(6631,302,846,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-07 15:29:39','2017-11-07 15:29:39'),(6632,302,846,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-07 15:29:39','2017-11-07 15:29:39'),(6633,302,846,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-11-07 15:29:39','2017-11-07 15:29:39'),(6634,302,846,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-11-07 15:29:39','2017-11-07 15:29:39'),(6635,302,846,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-07 15:29:39','2017-11-07 15:29:39'),(6636,302,847,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:48:24'),(6637,302,847,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:48:24'),(6638,302,847,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:48:24'),(6639,302,847,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:48:24'),(6640,302,847,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:48:24'),(6641,302,847,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:48:24'),(6642,302,847,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:48:24'),(6643,302,847,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:48:24'),(6644,302,847,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:48:24'),(6645,302,847,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-07 15:48:24','2017-11-07 15:48:24'),(6646,303,848,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-11 12:11:12','2017-11-11 12:11:12'),(6647,303,848,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-11-11 12:11:12','2017-11-11 12:11:12'),(6648,303,848,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-11 12:11:12','2017-11-11 12:11:12'),(6649,303,848,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-11 12:11:12','2017-11-11 12:11:12'),(6650,303,848,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-11 12:11:12','2017-11-11 12:11:12'),(6651,303,848,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-11 12:11:12','2017-11-11 12:11:12'),(6652,303,848,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-11 12:11:12','2017-11-11 12:11:12'),(6653,303,848,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-11 12:11:12','2017-11-11 12:11:12'),(6654,303,848,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-11 12:11:12','2017-11-11 12:11:12'),(6655,303,848,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-11 12:11:12','2017-11-11 12:11:12'),(6656,303,849,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-11 12:18:49','2017-11-11 12:18:49'),(6657,303,849,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-11 12:18:49','2017-11-11 12:18:49'),(6658,303,849,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-11-11 12:18:49','2017-11-11 12:18:49'),(6659,303,849,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-11-11 12:18:49','2017-11-11 12:18:49'),(6660,303,849,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-11 12:18:49','2017-11-11 12:18:49'),(6661,303,850,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(6662,303,850,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(6663,303,850,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(6664,303,850,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(6665,303,850,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(6666,303,850,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(6667,303,850,81,196,198,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Whole Sale Price','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(6668,303,850,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(6669,303,850,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(6670,303,850,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-11 12:39:32','2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(6671,304,851,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-14 10:48:57','2017-11-14 10:48:57'),(6672,304,851,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-11-14 10:48:57','2017-11-14 10:48:57'),(6673,304,851,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-14 10:48:57','2017-11-14 10:48:57'),(6674,304,851,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-14 10:48:57','2017-11-14 10:48:57'),(6675,304,851,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-14 10:48:57','2017-11-14 10:48:57'),(6676,304,851,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-14 10:48:57','2017-11-14 10:48:57'),(6677,304,851,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-14 10:48:57','2017-11-14 10:48:57'),(6678,304,851,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-14 10:48:57','2017-11-14 10:48:57'),(6679,304,851,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-14 10:48:57','2017-11-14 10:48:57'),(6680,304,851,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-14 10:48:57','2017-11-14 10:48:57'),(6681,304,852,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-14 10:54:44','2017-11-14 10:54:44'),(6682,304,852,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-14 10:54:44','2017-11-14 10:54:44'),(6683,304,852,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-11-14 10:54:44','2017-11-14 10:54:44'),(6684,304,852,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-11-14 10:54:44','2017-11-14 10:54:44'),(6685,304,852,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-14 10:54:44','2017-11-14 10:54:44'),(6686,304,853,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(6687,304,853,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(6688,304,853,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(6689,304,853,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(6690,304,853,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(6691,304,853,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(6692,304,853,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(6693,304,853,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(6694,304,853,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(6695,304,853,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-14 11:09:51','2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(6696,305,854,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-16 11:20:23','2017-11-16 11:20:23'),(6697,305,854,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-11-16 11:20:23','2017-11-16 11:20:23'),(6698,305,854,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-16 11:20:23','2017-11-16 11:20:23'),(6699,305,854,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-16 11:20:23','2017-11-16 11:20:23'),(6700,305,854,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-16 11:20:23','2017-11-16 11:20:23'),(6701,305,854,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-16 11:20:23','2017-11-16 11:20:23'),(6702,305,854,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-16 11:20:23','2017-11-16 11:20:23'),(6703,305,854,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-16 11:20:23','2017-11-16 11:20:23'),(6704,305,854,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-16 11:20:23','2017-11-16 11:20:23'),(6705,305,854,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-16 11:20:23','2017-11-16 11:20:23'),(6706,305,855,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-16 11:27:35','2017-11-16 11:27:35'),(6707,305,855,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-16 11:27:35','2017-11-16 11:27:35'),(6708,305,855,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-11-16 11:27:35','2017-11-16 11:27:35'),(6709,305,855,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-11-16 11:27:35','2017-11-16 11:27:35'),(6710,305,855,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-16 11:27:35','2017-11-16 11:27:35'),(6711,305,856,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(6712,305,856,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(6713,305,856,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(6714,305,856,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(6715,305,856,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(6716,305,856,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(6717,305,856,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(6718,305,856,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(6719,305,856,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(6720,305,856,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-16 11:45:38','2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(6721,306,857,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-18 09:19:11','2017-11-18 09:19:11'),(6722,306,857,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2017-11-18 09:19:11','2017-11-18 09:19:11'),(6723,306,857,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-18 09:19:11','2017-11-18 09:19:11'),(6724,306,857,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-18 09:19:11','2017-11-18 09:19:11'),(6725,306,857,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-18 09:19:11','2017-11-18 09:19:11'),(6726,306,857,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-18 09:19:11','2017-11-18 09:19:11'),(6727,306,857,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-18 09:19:11','2017-11-18 09:19:11'),(6728,306,857,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-18 09:19:11','2017-11-18 09:19:11'),(6729,306,857,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-18 09:19:11','2017-11-18 09:19:11'),(6730,306,857,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-18 09:19:11','2017-11-18 09:19:11'),(6731,306,858,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-18 09:24:49','2017-11-18 09:24:49'),(6732,306,858,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-18 09:24:49','2017-11-18 09:24:49'),(6733,306,858,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-11-18 09:24:49','2017-11-18 09:24:49'),(6734,306,858,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-11-18 09:24:49','2017-11-18 09:24:49'),(6735,306,858,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-18 09:24:49','2017-11-18 09:24:49'),(6736,306,859,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:49'),(6737,306,859,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:49'),(6738,306,859,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:49'),(6739,306,859,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:49'),(6740,306,859,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:49'),(6741,306,859,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:49'),(6742,306,859,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:49'),(6743,306,859,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:49'),(6744,306,859,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:49'),(6745,306,859,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-18 09:45:49','2017-11-18 09:45:49'),(6746,307,860,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-20 14:17:07','2017-11-20 14:17:07'),(6747,307,860,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-11-20 14:17:07','2017-11-20 14:17:07'),(6748,307,860,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-20 14:17:07','2017-11-20 14:17:07'),(6749,307,860,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-20 14:17:07','2017-11-20 14:17:07'),(6750,307,860,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-20 14:17:07','2017-11-20 14:17:07'),(6751,307,860,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-20 14:17:07','2017-11-20 14:17:07'),(6752,307,860,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-20 14:17:07','2017-11-20 14:17:07'),(6753,307,860,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-20 14:17:07','2017-11-20 14:17:07'),(6754,307,860,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-20 14:17:07','2017-11-20 14:17:07'),(6755,307,860,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-20 14:17:07','2017-11-20 14:17:07'),(6756,307,861,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-20 14:23:09','2017-11-20 14:23:09'),(6757,307,861,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-20 14:23:09','2017-11-20 14:23:09'),(6758,307,861,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-11-20 14:23:09','2017-11-20 14:23:09'),(6759,307,861,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-11-20 14:23:09','2017-11-20 14:23:09'),(6760,307,861,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-20 14:23:09','2017-11-20 14:23:09'),(6761,307,862,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(6762,307,862,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(6763,307,862,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(6764,307,862,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(6765,307,862,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(6766,307,862,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(6767,307,862,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(6768,307,862,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(6769,307,862,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(6770,307,862,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-20 14:41:19','2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(6771,308,863,49,103,102,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Homicides, Suicides & Car Accidents','All of the above','2017-11-20 15:05:29','2017-11-20 15:05:29'),(6772,308,863,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-11-20 15:05:29','2017-11-20 15:05:29'),(6773,308,863,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-20 15:05:29','2017-11-20 15:05:29'),(6774,308,863,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-20 15:05:29','2017-11-20 15:05:29'),(6775,308,863,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-20 15:05:29','2017-11-20 15:05:29'),(6776,308,863,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-20 15:05:29','2017-11-20 15:05:29'),(6777,308,863,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-20 15:05:29','2017-11-20 15:05:29'),(6778,308,863,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-20 15:05:29','2017-11-20 15:05:29'),(6779,308,863,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-20 15:05:29','2017-11-20 15:05:29'),(6780,308,863,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-20 15:05:29','2017-11-20 15:05:29'),(6781,308,864,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-20 15:06:01','2017-11-20 15:06:01'),(6782,308,864,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-20 15:06:01','2017-11-20 15:06:01'),(6783,308,864,71,167,169,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','30','27','2017-11-20 15:06:01','2017-11-20 15:06:01'),(6784,308,864,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-11-20 15:06:01','2017-11-20 15:06:01'),(6785,308,864,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-20 15:06:01','2017-11-20 15:06:01'),(6786,308,865,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(6787,308,865,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(6788,308,865,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(6789,308,865,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(6790,308,865,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(6791,308,865,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(6792,308,865,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(6793,308,865,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(6794,308,865,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(6795,308,865,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-20 15:07:44','2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(6796,309,866,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 13:52:42','2017-11-27 13:52:42'),(6797,309,866,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-11-27 13:52:42','2017-11-27 13:52:42'),(6798,309,866,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 13:52:42','2017-11-27 13:52:42'),(6799,309,866,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-27 13:52:42','2017-11-27 13:52:42'),(6800,309,866,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 13:52:42','2017-11-27 13:52:42'),(6801,309,866,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-27 13:52:42','2017-11-27 13:52:42'),(6802,309,866,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-27 13:52:42','2017-11-27 13:52:42'),(6803,309,866,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-27 13:52:42','2017-11-27 13:52:42'),(6804,309,866,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-27 13:52:42','2017-11-27 13:52:42'),(6805,309,866,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-27 13:52:42','2017-11-27 13:52:42'),(6806,309,867,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-27 13:59:55','2017-11-27 13:59:55'),(6807,309,867,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 13:59:55','2017-11-27 13:59:55'),(6808,309,867,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-11-27 13:59:55','2017-11-27 13:59:55'),(6809,309,867,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-11-27 13:59:55','2017-11-27 13:59:55'),(6810,309,867,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-27 13:59:55','2017-11-27 13:59:55'),(6811,309,868,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(6812,309,868,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(6813,309,868,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(6814,309,868,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(6815,309,868,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(6816,309,868,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(6817,309,868,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(6818,309,868,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(6819,309,868,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(6820,309,868,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-27 14:20:12','2017-11-27 14:20:12'),(6821,310,869,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 14:48:01','2017-11-27 14:48:01'),(6822,310,869,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-11-27 14:48:01','2017-11-27 14:48:01'),(6823,310,869,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 14:48:01','2017-11-27 14:48:01'),(6824,310,869,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-27 14:48:01','2017-11-27 14:48:01'),(6825,310,869,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 14:48:01','2017-11-27 14:48:01'),(6826,310,869,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-27 14:48:01','2017-11-27 14:48:01'),(6827,310,869,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-27 14:48:01','2017-11-27 14:48:01'),(6828,310,869,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-27 14:48:01','2017-11-27 14:48:01'),(6829,310,869,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-27 14:48:01','2017-11-27 14:48:01'),(6830,310,869,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-27 14:48:01','2017-11-27 14:48:01'),(6831,310,870,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-27 14:53:44','2017-11-27 14:53:44'),(6832,310,870,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 14:53:44','2017-11-27 14:53:44'),(6833,310,870,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-11-27 14:53:44','2017-11-27 14:53:44'),(6834,310,870,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-11-27 14:53:44','2017-11-27 14:53:44'),(6835,310,870,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-27 14:53:44','2017-11-27 14:53:44'),(6836,310,871,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(6837,310,871,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(6838,310,871,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(6839,310,871,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(6840,310,871,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(6841,310,871,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(6842,310,871,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(6843,310,871,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(6844,310,871,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(6845,310,871,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-27 15:08:44','2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(6846,311,872,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 15:22:21','2017-11-27 15:22:21'),(6847,311,872,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-11-27 15:22:21','2017-11-27 15:22:21'),(6848,311,872,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 15:22:21','2017-11-27 15:22:21'),(6849,311,872,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-27 15:22:21','2017-11-27 15:22:21'),(6850,311,872,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 15:22:21','2017-11-27 15:22:21'),(6851,311,872,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-27 15:22:21','2017-11-27 15:22:21'),(6852,311,872,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-27 15:22:21','2017-11-27 15:22:21'),(6853,311,872,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-27 15:22:21','2017-11-27 15:22:21'),(6854,311,872,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-27 15:22:21','2017-11-27 15:22:21'),(6855,311,872,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-27 15:22:21','2017-11-27 15:22:21'),(6856,311,873,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-27 15:27:53','2017-11-27 15:27:53'),(6857,311,873,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 15:27:53','2017-11-27 15:27:53'),(6858,311,873,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-11-27 15:27:53','2017-11-27 15:27:53'),(6859,311,873,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-11-27 15:27:53','2017-11-27 15:27:53'),(6860,311,873,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-27 15:27:53','2017-11-27 15:27:53'),(6861,311,874,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(6862,311,874,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(6863,311,874,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(6864,311,874,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(6865,311,874,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(6866,311,874,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(6867,311,874,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(6868,311,874,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(6869,311,874,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(6870,311,874,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-27 15:42:41','2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(6871,312,875,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 15:56:02','2017-11-27 15:56:02'),(6872,312,875,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-11-27 15:56:02','2017-11-27 15:56:02'),(6873,312,875,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 15:56:02','2017-11-27 15:56:02'),(6874,312,875,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-11-27 15:56:02','2017-11-27 15:56:02'),(6875,312,875,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 15:56:02','2017-11-27 15:56:02'),(6876,312,875,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-11-27 15:56:02','2017-11-27 15:56:02'),(6877,312,875,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-11-27 15:56:02','2017-11-27 15:56:02'),(6878,312,875,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-11-27 15:56:02','2017-11-27 15:56:02'),(6879,312,875,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-11-27 15:56:02','2017-11-27 15:56:02'),(6880,312,875,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-11-27 15:56:02','2017-11-27 15:56:02'),(6881,312,876,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-11-27 16:01:41','2017-11-27 16:01:41'),(6882,312,876,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 16:01:41','2017-11-27 16:01:41'),(6883,312,876,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-11-27 16:01:41','2017-11-27 16:01:41'),(6884,312,876,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-11-27 16:01:41','2017-11-27 16:01:41'),(6885,312,876,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-11-27 16:01:41','2017-11-27 16:01:41'),(6886,312,877,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(6887,312,877,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(6888,312,877,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(6889,312,877,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(6890,312,877,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(6891,312,877,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(6892,312,877,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(6893,312,877,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(6894,312,877,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(6895,312,877,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-11-27 16:16:22','2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(6896,313,878,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-02 07:21:47','2017-12-02 07:21:47'),(6897,313,878,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-12-02 07:21:47','2017-12-02 07:21:47'),(6898,313,878,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-02 07:21:47','2017-12-02 07:21:47'),(6899,313,878,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-12-02 07:21:47','2017-12-02 07:21:47'),(6900,313,878,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-02 07:21:47','2017-12-02 07:21:47'),(6901,313,878,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-12-02 07:21:47','2017-12-02 07:21:47'),(6902,313,878,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-12-02 07:21:47','2017-12-02 07:21:47'),(6903,313,878,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-12-02 07:21:47','2017-12-02 07:21:47'),(6904,313,878,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-12-02 07:21:47','2017-12-02 07:21:47'),(6905,313,878,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-12-02 07:21:47','2017-12-02 07:21:47'),(6906,313,879,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-12-02 07:27:53','2017-12-02 07:27:53'),(6907,313,879,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-02 07:27:53','2017-12-02 07:27:53'),(6908,313,879,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-12-02 07:27:53','2017-12-02 07:27:53'),(6909,313,879,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-12-02 07:27:53','2017-12-02 07:27:53'),(6910,313,879,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-12-02 07:27:53','2017-12-02 07:27:53'),(6911,313,880,78,188,189,'n',0.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','Canadian ID','AAA Membership Card','2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(6912,313,880,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(6913,313,880,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(6914,313,880,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(6915,313,880,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(6916,313,880,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(6917,313,880,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(6918,313,880,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(6919,313,880,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(6920,313,880,84,206,207,'n',0.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','False','True','2017-12-02 07:42:46','2017-12-02 07:42:46'),(6921,314,881,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-04 14:13:40','2017-12-04 14:13:40'),(6922,314,881,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-12-04 14:13:40','2017-12-04 14:13:40'),(6923,314,881,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-04 14:13:40','2017-12-04 14:13:40'),(6924,314,881,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-12-04 14:13:40','2017-12-04 14:13:40'),(6925,314,881,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-04 14:13:40','2017-12-04 14:13:40'),(6926,314,881,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-12-04 14:13:40','2017-12-04 14:13:40'),(6927,314,881,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-12-04 14:13:40','2017-12-04 14:13:40'),(6928,314,881,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-12-04 14:13:40','2017-12-04 14:13:40'),(6929,314,881,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-12-04 14:13:40','2017-12-04 14:13:40'),(6930,314,881,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-12-04 14:13:40','2017-12-04 14:13:40'),(6931,314,882,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-12-04 14:20:26','2017-12-04 14:20:26'),(6932,314,882,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-04 14:20:26','2017-12-04 14:20:26'),(6933,314,882,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-12-04 14:20:26','2017-12-04 14:20:26'),(6934,314,882,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-12-04 14:20:26','2017-12-04 14:20:26'),(6935,314,882,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-12-04 14:20:26','2017-12-04 14:20:26'),(6936,314,883,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(6937,314,883,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(6938,314,883,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(6939,314,883,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(6940,314,883,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(6941,314,883,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(6942,314,883,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(6943,314,883,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(6944,314,883,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(6945,314,883,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-12-04 14:39:00','2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(6946,315,884,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-05 17:11:25','2017-12-05 17:11:25'),(6947,315,884,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-12-05 17:11:25','2017-12-05 17:11:25'),(6948,315,884,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-05 17:11:25','2017-12-05 17:11:25'),(6949,315,884,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-12-05 17:11:25','2017-12-05 17:11:25'),(6950,315,884,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-05 17:11:25','2017-12-05 17:11:25'),(6951,315,884,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-12-05 17:11:25','2017-12-05 17:11:25'),(6952,315,884,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-12-05 17:11:25','2017-12-05 17:11:25'),(6953,315,884,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-12-05 17:11:25','2017-12-05 17:11:25'),(6954,315,884,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-12-05 17:11:25','2017-12-05 17:11:25'),(6955,315,884,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-12-05 17:11:25','2017-12-05 17:11:25'),(6956,315,885,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-12-05 17:18:00','2017-12-05 17:18:00'),(6957,315,885,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-05 17:18:00','2017-12-05 17:18:00'),(6958,315,885,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-12-05 17:18:00','2017-12-05 17:18:00'),(6959,315,885,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-12-05 17:18:00','2017-12-05 17:18:00'),(6960,315,885,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-12-05 17:18:00','2017-12-05 17:18:00'),(6961,315,886,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:02'),(6962,315,886,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:02'),(6963,315,886,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:02'),(6964,315,886,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:02'),(6965,315,886,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:02'),(6966,315,886,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:02'),(6967,315,886,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:02'),(6968,315,886,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:02'),(6969,315,886,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:02'),(6970,315,886,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-12-05 17:38:02','2017-12-05 17:38:02'),(6971,316,887,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-06 17:43:11','2017-12-06 17:43:11'),(6972,316,887,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-12-06 17:43:11','2017-12-06 17:43:11'),(6973,316,887,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-06 17:43:11','2017-12-06 17:43:11'),(6974,316,887,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-12-06 17:43:11','2017-12-06 17:43:11'),(6975,316,887,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-06 17:43:11','2017-12-06 17:43:11'),(6976,316,887,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-12-06 17:43:11','2017-12-06 17:43:11'),(6977,316,887,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-12-06 17:43:11','2017-12-06 17:43:11'),(6978,316,887,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-12-06 17:43:11','2017-12-06 17:43:11'),(6979,316,887,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-12-06 17:43:11','2017-12-06 17:43:11'),(6980,316,887,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-12-06 17:43:11','2017-12-06 17:43:11'),(6981,316,888,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-12-06 17:58:54','2017-12-06 17:58:54'),(6982,316,888,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-06 17:58:54','2017-12-06 17:58:54'),(6983,316,888,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-12-06 17:58:54','2017-12-06 17:58:54'),(6984,316,888,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-12-06 17:58:54','2017-12-06 17:58:54'),(6985,316,888,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-12-06 17:58:54','2017-12-06 17:58:54'),(6986,316,889,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:56'),(6987,316,889,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:56'),(6988,316,889,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:56'),(6989,316,889,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:56'),(6990,316,889,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:56'),(6991,316,889,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:56'),(6992,316,889,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:56'),(6993,316,889,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:56'),(6994,316,889,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:56'),(6995,316,889,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-12-06 18:13:56','2017-12-06 18:13:56'),(6996,317,890,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-07 12:52:36','2017-12-07 12:52:36'),(6997,317,890,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-12-07 12:52:36','2017-12-07 12:52:36'),(6998,317,890,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-07 12:52:36','2017-12-07 12:52:36'),(6999,317,890,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-12-07 12:52:36','2017-12-07 12:52:36'),(7000,317,890,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-07 12:52:36','2017-12-07 12:52:36'),(7001,317,890,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-12-07 12:52:36','2017-12-07 12:52:36'),(7002,317,890,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-12-07 12:52:36','2017-12-07 12:52:36'),(7003,317,890,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-12-07 12:52:36','2017-12-07 12:52:36'),(7004,317,890,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-12-07 12:52:36','2017-12-07 12:52:36'),(7005,317,890,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-12-07 12:52:36','2017-12-07 12:52:36'),(7006,317,891,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-12-07 12:58:24','2017-12-07 12:58:24'),(7007,317,891,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-07 12:58:24','2017-12-07 12:58:24'),(7008,317,891,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-12-07 12:58:24','2017-12-07 12:58:24'),(7009,317,891,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-12-07 12:58:24','2017-12-07 12:58:24'),(7010,317,891,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-12-07 12:58:24','2017-12-07 12:58:24'),(7011,317,892,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:46'),(7012,317,892,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:46'),(7013,317,892,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:46'),(7014,317,892,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:46'),(7015,317,892,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:46'),(7016,317,892,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:46'),(7017,317,892,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:46'),(7018,317,892,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:46'),(7019,317,892,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:46'),(7020,317,892,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-12-07 13:13:46','2017-12-07 13:13:46'),(7021,318,893,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 09:06:00','2017-12-16 09:06:00'),(7022,318,893,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-12-16 09:06:00','2017-12-16 09:06:00'),(7023,318,893,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 09:06:00','2017-12-16 09:06:00'),(7024,318,893,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-12-16 09:06:00','2017-12-16 09:06:00'),(7025,318,893,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 09:06:00','2017-12-16 09:06:00'),(7026,318,893,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-12-16 09:06:00','2017-12-16 09:06:00'),(7027,318,893,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-12-16 09:06:00','2017-12-16 09:06:00'),(7028,318,893,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-12-16 09:06:00','2017-12-16 09:06:00'),(7029,318,893,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-12-16 09:06:00','2017-12-16 09:06:00'),(7030,318,893,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-12-16 09:06:00','2017-12-16 09:06:00'),(7031,318,894,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-12-16 09:11:53','2017-12-16 09:11:53'),(7032,318,894,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 09:11:53','2017-12-16 09:11:53'),(7033,318,894,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-12-16 09:11:53','2017-12-16 09:11:53'),(7034,318,894,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-12-16 09:11:53','2017-12-16 09:11:53'),(7035,318,894,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-12-16 09:11:53','2017-12-16 09:11:53'),(7036,318,895,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(7037,318,895,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(7038,318,895,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(7039,318,895,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(7040,318,895,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(7041,318,895,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(7042,318,895,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(7043,318,895,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(7044,318,895,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(7045,318,895,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-12-16 09:26:52','2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(7046,319,896,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 09:31:45','2017-12-16 09:31:45'),(7047,319,896,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-12-16 09:31:45','2017-12-16 09:31:45'),(7048,319,896,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 09:31:45','2017-12-16 09:31:45'),(7049,319,896,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-12-16 09:31:45','2017-12-16 09:31:45'),(7050,319,896,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 09:31:45','2017-12-16 09:31:45'),(7051,319,896,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-12-16 09:31:45','2017-12-16 09:31:45'),(7052,319,896,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-12-16 09:31:45','2017-12-16 09:31:45'),(7053,319,896,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-12-16 09:31:45','2017-12-16 09:31:45'),(7054,319,896,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-12-16 09:31:45','2017-12-16 09:31:45'),(7055,319,896,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-12-16 09:31:45','2017-12-16 09:31:45'),(7056,319,897,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-12-16 09:37:55','2017-12-16 09:37:55'),(7057,319,897,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 09:37:55','2017-12-16 09:37:55'),(7058,319,897,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-12-16 09:37:55','2017-12-16 09:37:55'),(7059,319,897,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-12-16 09:37:55','2017-12-16 09:37:55'),(7060,319,897,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-12-16 09:37:55','2017-12-16 09:37:55'),(7061,319,898,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(7062,319,898,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(7063,319,898,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(7064,319,898,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(7065,319,898,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(7066,319,898,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(7067,319,898,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(7068,319,898,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(7069,319,898,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(7070,319,898,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-12-16 10:07:18','2017-12-16 10:07:18'),(7071,320,899,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 15:40:39','2017-12-18 15:40:39'),(7072,320,899,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-12-18 15:40:39','2017-12-18 15:40:39'),(7073,320,899,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 15:40:39','2017-12-18 15:40:39'),(7074,320,899,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-12-18 15:40:39','2017-12-18 15:40:39'),(7075,320,899,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 15:40:39','2017-12-18 15:40:39'),(7076,320,899,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-12-18 15:40:39','2017-12-18 15:40:39'),(7077,320,899,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-12-18 15:40:39','2017-12-18 15:40:39'),(7078,320,899,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-12-18 15:40:39','2017-12-18 15:40:39'),(7079,320,899,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-12-18 15:40:39','2017-12-18 15:40:39'),(7080,320,899,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-12-18 15:40:39','2017-12-18 15:40:39'),(7081,320,900,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-12-18 15:54:41','2017-12-18 15:54:41'),(7082,320,900,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 15:54:41','2017-12-18 15:54:41'),(7083,320,900,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-12-18 15:54:41','2017-12-18 15:54:41'),(7084,320,900,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2017-12-18 15:54:41','2017-12-18 15:54:41'),(7085,320,900,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-12-18 15:54:41','2017-12-18 15:54:41'),(7086,320,901,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(7087,320,901,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(7088,320,901,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(7089,320,901,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(7090,320,901,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(7091,320,901,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(7092,320,901,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(7093,320,901,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(7094,320,901,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(7095,320,901,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-12-18 16:19:08','2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(7096,321,902,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 17:33:33','2017-12-18 17:33:33'),(7097,321,902,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2017-12-18 17:33:33','2017-12-18 17:33:33'),(7098,321,902,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 17:33:33','2017-12-18 17:33:33'),(7099,321,902,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-12-18 17:33:33','2017-12-18 17:33:33'),(7100,321,902,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 17:33:33','2017-12-18 17:33:33'),(7101,321,902,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-12-18 17:33:33','2017-12-18 17:33:33'),(7102,321,902,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-12-18 17:33:33','2017-12-18 17:33:33'),(7103,321,902,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-12-18 17:33:33','2017-12-18 17:33:33'),(7104,321,902,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-12-18 17:33:33','2017-12-18 17:33:33'),(7105,321,902,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-12-18 17:33:33','2017-12-18 17:33:33'),(7106,321,903,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-12-18 17:35:22','2017-12-18 17:35:22'),(7107,321,903,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 17:35:22','2017-12-18 17:35:22'),(7108,321,903,71,167,169,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','30','27','2017-12-18 17:35:22','2017-12-18 17:35:22'),(7109,321,903,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-12-18 17:35:22','2017-12-18 17:35:22'),(7110,321,903,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-12-18 17:35:22','2017-12-18 17:35:22'),(7111,321,904,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(7112,321,904,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(7113,321,904,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(7114,321,904,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(7115,321,904,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(7116,321,904,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(7117,321,904,81,196,197,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Manufaturer’s Information','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(7118,321,904,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(7119,321,904,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(7120,321,904,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-12-18 17:37:18','2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(7121,322,905,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2017-12-21 09:05:59','2017-12-21 09:05:59'),(7122,322,905,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-12-21 09:05:59','2017-12-21 09:05:59'),(7123,322,905,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-21 09:05:59','2017-12-21 09:05:59'),(7124,322,905,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-12-21 09:05:59','2017-12-21 09:05:59'),(7125,322,905,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-21 09:05:59','2017-12-21 09:05:59'),(7126,322,905,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-12-21 09:05:59','2017-12-21 09:05:59'),(7127,322,905,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-12-21 09:05:59','2017-12-21 09:05:59'),(7128,322,905,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-12-21 09:05:59','2017-12-21 09:05:59'),(7129,322,905,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-12-21 09:05:59','2017-12-21 09:05:59'),(7130,322,905,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-12-21 09:05:59','2017-12-21 09:05:59'),(7131,322,906,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-12-21 09:14:08','2017-12-21 09:14:08'),(7132,322,906,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-21 09:14:08','2017-12-21 09:14:08'),(7133,322,906,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-12-21 09:14:08','2017-12-21 09:14:08'),(7134,322,906,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-12-21 09:14:08','2017-12-21 09:14:08'),(7135,322,906,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-12-21 09:14:08','2017-12-21 09:14:08'),(7136,322,907,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(7137,322,907,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(7138,322,907,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(7139,322,907,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(7140,322,907,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(7141,322,907,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(7142,322,907,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(7143,322,907,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(7144,322,907,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(7145,322,907,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-12-21 09:33:46','2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(7146,323,908,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-30 15:51:25','2017-12-30 15:51:25'),(7147,323,908,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2017-12-30 15:51:25','2017-12-30 15:51:25'),(7148,323,908,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-30 15:51:25','2017-12-30 15:51:25'),(7149,323,908,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2017-12-30 15:51:25','2017-12-30 15:51:25'),(7150,323,908,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-30 15:51:25','2017-12-30 15:51:25'),(7151,323,908,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2017-12-30 15:51:25','2017-12-30 15:51:25'),(7152,323,908,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2017-12-30 15:51:25','2017-12-30 15:51:25'),(7153,323,908,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2017-12-30 15:51:25','2017-12-30 15:51:25'),(7154,323,908,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2017-12-30 15:51:25','2017-12-30 15:51:25'),(7155,323,908,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2017-12-30 15:51:25','2017-12-30 15:51:25'),(7156,323,909,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2017-12-30 15:57:29','2017-12-30 15:57:29'),(7157,323,909,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-30 15:57:29','2017-12-30 15:57:29'),(7158,323,909,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2017-12-30 15:57:29','2017-12-30 15:57:29'),(7159,323,909,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2017-12-30 15:57:29','2017-12-30 15:57:29'),(7160,323,909,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2017-12-30 15:57:29','2017-12-30 15:57:29'),(7161,323,910,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:54'),(7162,323,910,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:54'),(7163,323,910,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:54'),(7164,323,910,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:54'),(7165,323,910,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:54'),(7166,323,910,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:54'),(7167,323,910,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:54'),(7168,323,910,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:54'),(7169,323,910,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:54'),(7170,323,910,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2017-12-30 16:12:54','2017-12-30 16:12:54'),(7171,324,911,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 09:34:06','2018-01-03 09:34:06'),(7172,324,911,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-01-03 09:34:06','2018-01-03 09:34:06'),(7173,324,911,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 09:34:06','2018-01-03 09:34:06'),(7174,324,911,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-01-03 09:34:06','2018-01-03 09:34:06'),(7175,324,911,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 09:34:06','2018-01-03 09:34:06'),(7176,324,911,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-01-03 09:34:06','2018-01-03 09:34:06'),(7177,324,911,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-01-03 09:34:06','2018-01-03 09:34:06'),(7178,324,911,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-01-03 09:34:06','2018-01-03 09:34:06'),(7179,324,911,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-01-03 09:34:06','2018-01-03 09:34:06'),(7180,324,911,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-01-03 09:34:06','2018-01-03 09:34:06'),(7181,324,912,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-01-03 09:43:27','2018-01-03 09:43:27'),(7182,324,912,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 09:43:27','2018-01-03 09:43:27'),(7183,324,912,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-01-03 09:43:27','2018-01-03 09:43:27'),(7184,324,912,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-01-03 09:43:27','2018-01-03 09:43:27'),(7185,324,912,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-01-03 09:43:27','2018-01-03 09:43:27'),(7186,324,913,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:34'),(7187,324,913,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:34'),(7188,324,913,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:34'),(7189,324,913,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:34'),(7190,324,913,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:34'),(7191,324,913,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:34'),(7192,324,913,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:34'),(7193,324,913,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:34'),(7194,324,913,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:34'),(7195,324,913,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-01-03 10:03:34','2018-01-03 10:03:34'),(7196,325,914,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 10:39:49','2018-01-03 10:39:49'),(7197,325,914,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-01-03 10:39:49','2018-01-03 10:39:49'),(7198,325,914,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 10:39:49','2018-01-03 10:39:49'),(7199,325,914,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-01-03 10:39:49','2018-01-03 10:39:49'),(7200,325,914,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 10:39:49','2018-01-03 10:39:49'),(7201,325,914,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-01-03 10:39:49','2018-01-03 10:39:49'),(7202,325,914,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-01-03 10:39:49','2018-01-03 10:39:49'),(7203,325,914,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-01-03 10:39:49','2018-01-03 10:39:49'),(7204,325,914,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-01-03 10:39:49','2018-01-03 10:39:49'),(7205,325,914,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-01-03 10:39:49','2018-01-03 10:39:49'),(7206,325,915,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-01-03 10:47:01','2018-01-03 10:47:01'),(7207,325,915,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 10:47:01','2018-01-03 10:47:01'),(7208,325,915,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-01-03 10:47:01','2018-01-03 10:47:01'),(7209,325,915,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-01-03 10:47:01','2018-01-03 10:47:01'),(7210,325,915,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-01-03 10:47:01','2018-01-03 10:47:01'),(7211,325,916,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:39'),(7212,325,916,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:39'),(7213,325,916,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:39'),(7214,325,916,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:39'),(7215,325,916,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:39'),(7216,325,916,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:39'),(7217,325,916,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:39'),(7218,325,916,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:39'),(7219,325,916,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:39'),(7220,325,916,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-01-03 11:02:39','2018-01-03 11:02:39'),(7221,326,917,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 11:30:35','2018-01-03 11:30:35'),(7222,326,917,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-01-03 11:30:35','2018-01-03 11:30:35'),(7223,326,917,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 11:30:35','2018-01-03 11:30:35'),(7224,326,917,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-01-03 11:30:35','2018-01-03 11:30:35'),(7225,326,917,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 11:30:35','2018-01-03 11:30:35'),(7226,326,917,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-01-03 11:30:35','2018-01-03 11:30:35'),(7227,326,917,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-01-03 11:30:35','2018-01-03 11:30:35'),(7228,326,917,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-01-03 11:30:35','2018-01-03 11:30:35'),(7229,326,917,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-01-03 11:30:35','2018-01-03 11:30:35'),(7230,326,917,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-01-03 11:30:35','2018-01-03 11:30:35'),(7231,326,918,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-01-03 11:36:11','2018-01-03 11:36:11'),(7232,326,918,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 11:36:11','2018-01-03 11:36:11'),(7233,326,918,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-01-03 11:36:11','2018-01-03 11:36:11'),(7234,326,918,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-01-03 11:36:11','2018-01-03 11:36:11'),(7235,326,918,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-01-03 11:36:11','2018-01-03 11:36:11'),(7236,326,919,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(7237,326,919,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(7238,326,919,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(7239,326,919,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(7240,326,919,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(7241,326,919,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(7242,326,919,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(7243,326,919,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(7244,326,919,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(7245,326,919,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-01-03 11:52:09','2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(7246,327,920,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 13:43:40','2018-01-03 13:43:40'),(7247,327,920,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-01-03 13:43:40','2018-01-03 13:43:40'),(7248,327,920,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 13:43:40','2018-01-03 13:43:40'),(7249,327,920,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-01-03 13:43:40','2018-01-03 13:43:40'),(7250,327,920,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 13:43:40','2018-01-03 13:43:40'),(7251,327,920,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-01-03 13:43:40','2018-01-03 13:43:40'),(7252,327,920,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-01-03 13:43:40','2018-01-03 13:43:40'),(7253,327,920,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-01-03 13:43:40','2018-01-03 13:43:40'),(7254,327,920,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-01-03 13:43:40','2018-01-03 13:43:40'),(7255,327,920,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-01-03 13:43:40','2018-01-03 13:43:40'),(7256,327,921,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-01-03 13:51:45','2018-01-03 13:51:45'),(7257,327,921,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 13:51:45','2018-01-03 13:51:45'),(7258,327,921,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-01-03 13:51:45','2018-01-03 13:51:45'),(7259,327,921,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-01-03 13:51:45','2018-01-03 13:51:45'),(7260,327,921,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-01-03 13:51:45','2018-01-03 13:51:45'),(7261,327,922,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(7262,327,922,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(7263,327,922,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(7264,327,922,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(7265,327,922,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(7266,327,922,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(7267,327,922,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(7268,327,922,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(7269,327,922,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(7270,327,922,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-01-03 14:07:42','2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(7271,328,923,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-11 14:16:43','2018-01-11 14:16:43'),(7272,328,923,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-01-11 14:16:43','2018-01-11 14:16:43'),(7273,328,923,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-11 14:16:43','2018-01-11 14:16:43'),(7274,328,923,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-01-11 14:16:43','2018-01-11 14:16:43'),(7275,328,923,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-11 14:16:43','2018-01-11 14:16:43'),(7276,328,923,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-01-11 14:16:43','2018-01-11 14:16:43'),(7277,328,923,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-01-11 14:16:43','2018-01-11 14:16:43'),(7278,328,923,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-01-11 14:16:43','2018-01-11 14:16:43'),(7279,328,923,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-01-11 14:16:43','2018-01-11 14:16:43'),(7280,328,923,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-01-11 14:16:43','2018-01-11 14:16:43'),(7281,328,924,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-01-11 14:23:33','2018-01-11 14:23:33'),(7282,328,924,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-11 14:23:33','2018-01-11 14:23:33'),(7283,328,924,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-01-11 14:23:33','2018-01-11 14:23:33'),(7284,328,924,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-01-11 14:23:33','2018-01-11 14:23:33'),(7285,328,924,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-01-11 14:23:33','2018-01-11 14:23:33'),(7286,328,925,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(7287,328,925,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(7288,328,925,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(7289,328,925,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(7290,328,925,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(7291,328,925,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(7292,328,925,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(7293,328,925,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(7294,328,925,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(7295,328,925,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-01-11 14:39:50','2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(7296,329,926,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-12 12:32:12','2018-01-12 12:32:12'),(7297,329,926,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-01-12 12:32:12','2018-01-12 12:32:12'),(7298,329,926,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-12 12:32:12','2018-01-12 12:32:12'),(7299,329,926,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-01-12 12:32:12','2018-01-12 12:32:12'),(7300,329,926,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-12 12:32:12','2018-01-12 12:32:12'),(7301,329,926,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-01-12 12:32:12','2018-01-12 12:32:12'),(7302,329,926,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-01-12 12:32:12','2018-01-12 12:32:12'),(7303,329,926,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-01-12 12:32:12','2018-01-12 12:32:12'),(7304,329,926,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-01-12 12:32:12','2018-01-12 12:32:12'),(7305,329,926,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-01-12 12:32:12','2018-01-12 12:32:12'),(7306,329,927,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-01-12 12:38:40','2018-01-12 12:38:40'),(7307,329,927,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-12 12:38:40','2018-01-12 12:38:40'),(7308,329,927,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-01-12 12:38:40','2018-01-12 12:38:40'),(7309,329,927,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-01-12 12:38:40','2018-01-12 12:38:40'),(7310,329,927,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-01-12 12:38:40','2018-01-12 12:38:40'),(7311,329,928,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(7312,329,928,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(7313,329,928,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(7314,329,928,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(7315,329,928,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(7316,329,928,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(7317,329,928,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(7318,329,928,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(7319,329,928,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(7320,329,928,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-01-12 13:00:56','2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(7321,330,929,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 15:50:17','2018-01-18 15:50:17'),(7322,330,929,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-01-18 15:50:17','2018-01-18 15:50:17'),(7323,330,929,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 15:50:17','2018-01-18 15:50:17'),(7324,330,929,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-01-18 15:50:17','2018-01-18 15:50:17'),(7325,330,929,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 15:50:17','2018-01-18 15:50:17'),(7326,330,929,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-01-18 15:50:17','2018-01-18 15:50:17'),(7327,330,929,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-01-18 15:50:17','2018-01-18 15:50:17'),(7328,330,929,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-01-18 15:50:17','2018-01-18 15:50:17'),(7329,330,929,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-01-18 15:50:17','2018-01-18 15:50:17'),(7330,330,929,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-01-18 15:50:17','2018-01-18 15:50:17'),(7331,330,930,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-01-18 15:55:55','2018-01-18 15:55:55'),(7332,330,930,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2018-01-18 15:55:55','2018-01-18 15:55:55'),(7333,330,930,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-01-18 15:55:55','2018-01-18 15:55:55'),(7334,330,930,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-01-18 15:55:55','2018-01-18 15:55:55'),(7335,330,930,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-01-18 15:55:55','2018-01-18 15:55:55'),(7336,330,931,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(7337,330,931,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(7338,330,931,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(7339,330,931,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(7340,330,931,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(7341,330,931,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(7342,330,931,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(7343,330,931,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(7344,330,931,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(7345,330,931,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-01-18 16:13:09','2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(7346,331,932,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2018-01-18 16:51:46','2018-01-18 16:51:46'),(7347,331,932,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-01-18 16:51:46','2018-01-18 16:51:46'),(7348,331,932,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 16:51:46','2018-01-18 16:51:46'),(7349,331,932,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-01-18 16:51:46','2018-01-18 16:51:46'),(7350,331,932,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 16:51:46','2018-01-18 16:51:46'),(7351,331,932,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-01-18 16:51:46','2018-01-18 16:51:46'),(7352,331,932,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-01-18 16:51:46','2018-01-18 16:51:46'),(7353,331,932,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-01-18 16:51:46','2018-01-18 16:51:46'),(7354,331,932,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-01-18 16:51:46','2018-01-18 16:51:46'),(7355,331,932,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-01-18 16:51:46','2018-01-18 16:51:46'),(7356,331,933,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-01-18 17:01:03','2018-01-18 17:01:03'),(7357,331,933,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 17:01:03','2018-01-18 17:01:03'),(7358,331,933,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-01-18 17:01:03','2018-01-18 17:01:03'),(7359,331,933,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-01-18 17:01:03','2018-01-18 17:01:03'),(7360,331,933,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-01-18 17:01:03','2018-01-18 17:01:03'),(7361,331,934,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(7362,331,934,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(7363,331,934,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(7364,331,934,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(7365,331,934,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(7366,331,934,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(7367,331,934,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(7368,331,934,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(7369,331,934,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(7370,331,934,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-01-18 17:19:05','2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(7371,332,935,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 21:20:09','2018-01-18 21:20:09'),(7372,332,935,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-01-18 21:20:09','2018-01-18 21:20:09'),(7373,332,935,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 21:20:09','2018-01-18 21:20:09'),(7374,332,935,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-01-18 21:20:09','2018-01-18 21:20:09'),(7375,332,935,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 21:20:09','2018-01-18 21:20:09'),(7376,332,935,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-01-18 21:20:09','2018-01-18 21:20:09'),(7377,332,935,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-01-18 21:20:09','2018-01-18 21:20:09'),(7378,332,935,56,127,126,'n',0.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','True','False','2018-01-18 21:20:09','2018-01-18 21:20:09'),(7379,332,935,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-01-18 21:20:09','2018-01-18 21:20:09'),(7380,332,935,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-01-18 21:20:09','2018-01-18 21:20:09'),(7381,332,936,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-01-18 21:31:40','2018-01-18 21:31:40'),(7382,332,936,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-18 21:31:40','2018-01-18 21:31:40'),(7383,332,936,71,167,169,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','30','27','2018-01-18 21:31:40','2018-01-18 21:31:40'),(7384,332,936,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-01-18 21:31:40','2018-01-18 21:31:40'),(7385,332,936,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-01-18 21:31:40','2018-01-18 21:31:40'),(7386,332,937,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:28'),(7387,332,937,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:28'),(7388,332,937,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:28'),(7389,332,937,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:28'),(7390,332,937,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:28'),(7391,332,937,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:28'),(7392,332,937,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:28'),(7393,332,937,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:28'),(7394,332,937,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:28'),(7395,332,937,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-01-19 07:00:28','2018-01-19 07:00:28'),(7396,333,938,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-20 10:47:08','2018-01-20 10:47:08'),(7397,333,938,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-01-20 10:47:08','2018-01-20 10:47:08'),(7398,333,938,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-20 10:47:08','2018-01-20 10:47:08'),(7399,333,938,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-01-20 10:47:08','2018-01-20 10:47:08'),(7400,333,938,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-20 10:47:08','2018-01-20 10:47:08'),(7401,333,938,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-01-20 10:47:08','2018-01-20 10:47:08'),(7402,333,938,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-01-20 10:47:08','2018-01-20 10:47:08'),(7403,333,938,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-01-20 10:47:08','2018-01-20 10:47:08'),(7404,333,938,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-01-20 10:47:08','2018-01-20 10:47:08'),(7405,333,938,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-01-20 10:47:08','2018-01-20 10:47:08'),(7406,333,939,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-01-20 10:54:01','2018-01-20 10:54:01'),(7407,333,939,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-20 10:54:01','2018-01-20 10:54:01'),(7408,333,939,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-01-20 10:54:01','2018-01-20 10:54:01'),(7409,333,939,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-01-20 10:54:01','2018-01-20 10:54:01'),(7410,333,939,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-01-20 10:54:01','2018-01-20 10:54:01'),(7411,333,940,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(7412,333,940,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(7413,333,940,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(7414,333,940,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(7415,333,940,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(7416,333,940,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(7417,333,940,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(7418,333,940,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(7419,333,940,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(7420,333,940,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-01-20 11:11:15','2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(7421,334,941,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-02 14:51:51','2018-02-02 14:51:51'),(7422,334,941,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-02 14:51:51','2018-02-02 14:51:51'),(7423,334,941,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-02 14:51:51','2018-02-02 14:51:51'),(7424,334,941,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-02 14:51:51','2018-02-02 14:51:51'),(7425,334,941,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-02 14:51:51','2018-02-02 14:51:51'),(7426,334,941,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-02 14:51:51','2018-02-02 14:51:51'),(7427,334,941,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-02 14:51:51','2018-02-02 14:51:51'),(7428,334,941,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-02 14:51:51','2018-02-02 14:51:51'),(7429,334,941,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-02 14:51:51','2018-02-02 14:51:51'),(7430,334,941,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-02 14:51:51','2018-02-02 14:51:51'),(7431,334,942,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-02 15:02:49','2018-02-02 15:02:49'),(7432,334,942,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-02 15:02:49','2018-02-02 15:02:49'),(7433,334,942,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-02 15:02:49','2018-02-02 15:02:49'),(7434,334,942,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-02 15:02:49','2018-02-02 15:02:49'),(7435,334,942,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-02 15:02:49','2018-02-02 15:02:49'),(7436,334,943,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:20'),(7437,334,943,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:20'),(7438,334,943,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:20'),(7439,334,943,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:20'),(7440,334,943,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:20'),(7441,334,943,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:20'),(7442,334,943,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:20'),(7443,334,943,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:20'),(7444,334,943,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:20'),(7445,334,943,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-02 16:09:20','2018-02-02 16:09:20'),(7446,335,944,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-06 13:29:14','2018-02-06 13:29:14'),(7447,335,944,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-06 13:29:14','2018-02-06 13:29:14'),(7448,335,944,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-06 13:29:14','2018-02-06 13:29:14'),(7449,335,944,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-06 13:29:14','2018-02-06 13:29:14'),(7450,335,944,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-06 13:29:14','2018-02-06 13:29:14'),(7451,335,944,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-06 13:29:14','2018-02-06 13:29:14'),(7452,335,944,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-06 13:29:14','2018-02-06 13:29:14'),(7453,335,944,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-06 13:29:14','2018-02-06 13:29:14'),(7454,335,944,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-06 13:29:14','2018-02-06 13:29:14'),(7455,335,944,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-06 13:29:14','2018-02-06 13:29:14'),(7456,335,945,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-06 14:07:31','2018-02-06 14:07:31'),(7457,335,945,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-06 14:07:31','2018-02-06 14:07:31'),(7458,335,945,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-06 14:07:31','2018-02-06 14:07:31'),(7459,335,945,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-02-06 14:07:31','2018-02-06 14:07:31'),(7460,335,945,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-06 14:07:31','2018-02-06 14:07:31'),(7461,335,946,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(7462,335,946,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(7463,335,946,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(7464,335,946,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(7465,335,946,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(7466,335,946,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(7467,335,946,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(7468,335,946,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(7469,335,946,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(7470,335,946,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-06 16:26:45','2018-02-06 16:26:45'),(7471,336,947,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-07 15:29:18','2018-02-07 15:35:39'),(7472,336,947,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-07 15:29:18','2018-02-07 15:35:39'),(7473,336,947,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-07 15:29:18','2018-02-07 15:35:39'),(7474,336,947,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-07 15:29:18','2018-02-07 15:35:39'),(7475,336,947,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-07 15:29:18','2018-02-07 15:35:39'),(7476,336,947,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-07 15:29:18','2018-02-07 15:35:39'),(7477,336,947,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-07 15:29:18','2018-02-07 15:35:39'),(7478,336,947,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-07 15:29:18','2018-02-07 15:35:39'),(7479,336,947,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-07 15:29:18','2018-02-07 15:35:39'),(7480,336,947,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-07 15:29:18','2018-02-07 15:35:39'),(7481,336,948,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-07 15:35:08','2018-02-07 15:35:43'),(7482,336,948,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-07 15:35:08','2018-02-07 15:35:43'),(7483,336,948,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-07 15:35:08','2018-02-07 15:35:43'),(7484,336,948,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-07 15:35:08','2018-02-07 15:35:43'),(7485,336,948,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-07 15:35:08','2018-02-07 15:35:43'),(7486,336,949,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-07 15:35:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(7487,336,949,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-07 15:35:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(7488,336,949,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-07 15:35:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(7489,336,949,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-02-07 15:35:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(7490,336,949,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-07 15:35:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(7491,336,949,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-07 15:35:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(7492,336,949,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-07 15:35:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(7493,336,949,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-07 15:35:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(7494,336,949,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-07 15:35:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(7495,336,949,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-07 15:35:18','2018-02-07 15:53:18'),(7496,337,950,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 12:00:25','2018-02-12 12:00:25'),(7497,337,950,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-12 12:00:25','2018-02-12 12:00:25'),(7498,337,950,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 12:00:25','2018-02-12 12:00:25'),(7499,337,950,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-12 12:00:25','2018-02-12 12:00:25'),(7500,337,950,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 12:00:25','2018-02-12 12:00:25'),(7501,337,950,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-12 12:00:25','2018-02-12 12:00:25'),(7502,337,950,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-12 12:00:25','2018-02-12 12:00:25'),(7503,337,950,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-12 12:00:25','2018-02-12 12:00:25'),(7504,337,950,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-12 12:00:25','2018-02-12 12:00:25'),(7505,337,950,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-12 12:00:25','2018-02-12 12:00:25'),(7506,337,951,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-12 12:06:12','2018-02-12 12:06:12'),(7507,337,951,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 12:06:12','2018-02-12 12:06:12'),(7508,337,951,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-12 12:06:12','2018-02-12 12:06:12'),(7509,337,951,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-12 12:06:12','2018-02-12 12:06:12'),(7510,337,951,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-12 12:06:12','2018-02-12 12:06:12'),(7511,337,952,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(7512,337,952,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(7513,337,952,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(7514,337,952,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(7515,337,952,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(7516,337,952,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(7517,337,952,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(7518,337,952,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(7519,337,952,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(7520,337,952,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-12 12:22:37','2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(7521,338,953,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 12:43:29','2018-02-12 12:43:29'),(7522,338,953,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-12 12:43:29','2018-02-12 12:43:29'),(7523,338,953,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 12:43:29','2018-02-12 12:43:29'),(7524,338,953,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-12 12:43:29','2018-02-12 12:43:29'),(7525,338,953,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 12:43:29','2018-02-12 12:43:29'),(7526,338,953,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-12 12:43:29','2018-02-12 12:43:29'),(7527,338,953,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-12 12:43:29','2018-02-12 12:43:29'),(7528,338,953,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-12 12:43:29','2018-02-12 12:43:29'),(7529,338,953,57,128,129,'n',0.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','False','True','2018-02-12 12:43:29','2018-02-12 12:43:29'),(7530,338,953,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-12 12:43:29','2018-02-12 12:43:29'),(7531,338,954,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-12 12:52:10','2018-02-12 12:52:10'),(7532,338,954,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 12:52:10','2018-02-12 12:52:10'),(7533,338,954,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-12 12:52:10','2018-02-12 12:52:10'),(7534,338,954,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-12 12:52:10','2018-02-12 12:52:10'),(7535,338,954,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-12 12:52:10','2018-02-12 12:52:10'),(7536,338,955,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:28'),(7537,338,955,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:28'),(7538,338,955,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:28'),(7539,338,955,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:28'),(7540,338,955,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:28'),(7541,338,955,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:28'),(7542,338,955,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:28'),(7543,338,955,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:28'),(7544,338,955,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:28'),(7545,338,955,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-12 13:09:28','2018-02-12 13:09:28'),(7546,339,956,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 13:29:23','2018-02-12 13:29:23'),(7547,339,956,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-12 13:29:23','2018-02-12 13:29:23'),(7548,339,956,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 13:29:23','2018-02-12 13:29:23'),(7549,339,956,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-12 13:29:23','2018-02-12 13:29:23'),(7550,339,956,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 13:29:23','2018-02-12 13:29:23'),(7551,339,956,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-12 13:29:23','2018-02-12 13:29:23'),(7552,339,956,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-12 13:29:23','2018-02-12 13:29:23'),(7553,339,956,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-12 13:29:23','2018-02-12 13:29:23'),(7554,339,956,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-12 13:29:23','2018-02-12 13:29:23'),(7555,339,956,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-12 13:29:23','2018-02-12 13:29:23'),(7556,339,957,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-12 13:35:44','2018-02-12 13:35:44'),(7557,339,957,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 13:35:44','2018-02-12 13:35:44'),(7558,339,957,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-12 13:35:44','2018-02-12 13:35:44'),(7559,339,957,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-12 13:35:44','2018-02-12 13:35:44'),(7560,339,957,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-12 13:35:44','2018-02-12 13:35:44'),(7561,339,958,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(7562,339,958,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(7563,339,958,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(7564,339,958,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(7565,339,958,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(7566,339,958,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(7567,339,958,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(7568,339,958,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(7569,339,958,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(7570,339,958,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-12 13:53:01','2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(7571,340,959,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 16:07:14','2018-02-12 16:07:14'),(7572,340,959,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-12 16:07:14','2018-02-12 16:07:14'),(7573,340,959,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 16:07:14','2018-02-12 16:07:14'),(7574,340,959,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-12 16:07:14','2018-02-12 16:07:14'),(7575,340,959,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 16:07:14','2018-02-12 16:07:14'),(7576,340,959,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-12 16:07:14','2018-02-12 16:07:14'),(7577,340,959,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-12 16:07:14','2018-02-12 16:07:14'),(7578,340,959,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-12 16:07:14','2018-02-12 16:07:14'),(7579,340,959,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-12 16:07:14','2018-02-12 16:07:14'),(7580,340,959,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-12 16:07:14','2018-02-12 16:07:14'),(7581,340,960,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-12 16:13:01','2018-02-12 16:13:01'),(7582,340,960,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 16:13:01','2018-02-12 16:13:01'),(7583,340,960,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-12 16:13:01','2018-02-12 16:13:01'),(7584,340,960,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-12 16:13:01','2018-02-12 16:13:01'),(7585,340,960,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-12 16:13:01','2018-02-12 16:13:01'),(7586,340,961,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(7587,340,961,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(7588,340,961,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(7589,340,961,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(7590,340,961,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(7591,340,961,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(7592,340,961,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(7593,340,961,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(7594,340,961,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(7595,340,961,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-12 16:28:27','2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(7596,341,962,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-13 16:11:38','2018-02-13 16:11:38'),(7597,341,962,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-13 16:11:38','2018-02-13 16:11:38'),(7598,341,962,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-13 16:11:38','2018-02-13 16:11:38'),(7599,341,962,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-13 16:11:38','2018-02-13 16:11:38'),(7600,341,962,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-13 16:11:38','2018-02-13 16:11:38'),(7601,341,962,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-13 16:11:38','2018-02-13 16:11:38'),(7602,341,962,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-13 16:11:38','2018-02-13 16:11:38'),(7603,341,962,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-13 16:11:38','2018-02-13 16:11:38'),(7604,341,962,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-13 16:11:38','2018-02-13 16:11:38'),(7605,341,962,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-13 16:11:38','2018-02-13 16:11:38'),(7606,341,963,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-13 16:28:49','2018-02-13 16:28:49'),(7607,341,963,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-13 16:28:49','2018-02-13 16:28:49'),(7608,341,963,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-13 16:28:49','2018-02-13 16:28:49'),(7609,341,963,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-13 16:28:49','2018-02-13 16:28:49'),(7610,341,963,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-13 16:28:49','2018-02-13 16:28:49'),(7611,341,964,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(7612,341,964,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(7613,341,964,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(7614,341,964,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(7615,341,964,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(7616,341,964,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(7617,341,964,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(7618,341,964,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(7619,341,964,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(7620,341,964,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-13 16:50:42','2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(7621,342,965,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-15 16:49:15','2018-02-15 16:49:15'),(7622,342,965,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-15 16:49:15','2018-02-15 16:49:15'),(7623,342,965,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-15 16:49:15','2018-02-15 16:49:15'),(7624,342,965,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-15 16:49:15','2018-02-15 16:49:15'),(7625,342,965,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-15 16:49:15','2018-02-15 16:49:15'),(7626,342,965,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-15 16:49:15','2018-02-15 16:49:15'),(7627,342,965,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-15 16:49:15','2018-02-15 16:49:15'),(7628,342,965,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-15 16:49:15','2018-02-15 16:49:15'),(7629,342,965,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-15 16:49:15','2018-02-15 16:49:15'),(7630,342,965,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-15 16:49:15','2018-02-15 16:49:15'),(7631,342,966,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-15 16:54:56','2018-02-15 16:54:56'),(7632,342,966,70,165,164,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Tobacco retailers','All of the above','2018-02-15 16:54:56','2018-02-15 16:54:56'),(7633,342,966,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-15 16:54:56','2018-02-15 16:54:56'),(7634,342,966,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-15 16:54:56','2018-02-15 16:54:56'),(7635,342,966,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-15 16:54:56','2018-02-15 16:54:56'),(7636,342,967,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:48'),(7637,342,967,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:48'),(7638,342,967,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:48'),(7639,342,967,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:48'),(7640,342,967,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:48'),(7641,342,967,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:48'),(7642,342,967,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:48'),(7643,342,967,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:48'),(7644,342,967,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:48'),(7645,342,967,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-15 17:09:48','2018-02-15 17:09:48'),(7646,343,968,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-19 15:44:05','2018-02-19 15:44:05'),(7647,343,968,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-19 15:44:05','2018-02-19 15:44:05'),(7648,343,968,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-19 15:44:05','2018-02-19 15:44:05'),(7649,343,968,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-19 15:44:05','2018-02-19 15:44:05'),(7650,343,968,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-19 15:44:05','2018-02-19 15:44:05'),(7651,343,968,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-19 15:44:05','2018-02-19 15:44:05'),(7652,343,968,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-19 15:44:05','2018-02-19 15:44:05'),(7653,343,968,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-19 15:44:05','2018-02-19 15:44:05'),(7654,343,968,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-19 15:44:05','2018-02-19 15:44:05'),(7655,343,968,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-19 15:44:05','2018-02-19 15:44:05'),(7656,343,969,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-19 15:52:57','2018-02-19 15:52:57'),(7657,343,969,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-19 15:52:57','2018-02-19 15:52:57'),(7658,343,969,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-19 15:52:57','2018-02-19 15:52:57'),(7659,343,969,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-19 15:52:57','2018-02-19 15:52:57'),(7660,343,969,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-19 15:52:57','2018-02-19 15:52:57'),(7661,343,970,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(7662,343,970,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(7663,343,970,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(7664,343,970,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(7665,343,970,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(7666,343,970,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(7667,343,970,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(7668,343,970,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(7669,343,970,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(7670,343,970,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-19 16:27:30','2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(7671,344,971,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-22 12:07:58','2018-02-22 12:07:58'),(7672,344,971,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-22 12:07:58','2018-02-22 12:07:58'),(7673,344,971,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-22 12:07:58','2018-02-22 12:07:58'),(7674,344,971,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-22 12:07:58','2018-02-22 12:07:58'),(7675,344,971,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-22 12:07:58','2018-02-22 12:07:58'),(7676,344,971,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-22 12:07:58','2018-02-22 12:07:58'),(7677,344,971,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-22 12:07:58','2018-02-22 12:07:58'),(7678,344,971,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-22 12:07:58','2018-02-22 12:07:58'),(7679,344,971,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-22 12:07:58','2018-02-22 12:07:58'),(7680,344,971,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-22 12:07:58','2018-02-22 12:07:58'),(7681,344,972,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-22 12:21:41','2018-02-22 12:21:41'),(7682,344,972,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-22 12:21:41','2018-02-22 12:21:41'),(7683,344,972,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-22 12:21:41','2018-02-22 12:21:41'),(7684,344,972,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-22 12:21:41','2018-02-22 12:21:41'),(7685,344,972,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-22 12:21:41','2018-02-22 12:21:41'),(7686,344,973,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(7687,344,973,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(7688,344,973,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(7689,344,973,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(7690,344,973,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(7691,344,973,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(7692,344,973,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(7693,344,973,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(7694,344,973,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(7695,344,973,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-22 12:55:29','2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(7696,345,974,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-24 10:24:26','2018-02-24 10:24:26'),(7697,345,974,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-24 10:24:26','2018-02-24 10:24:26'),(7698,345,974,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-24 10:24:26','2018-02-24 10:24:26'),(7699,345,974,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-24 10:24:26','2018-02-24 10:24:26'),(7700,345,974,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-24 10:24:26','2018-02-24 10:24:26'),(7701,345,974,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-24 10:24:26','2018-02-24 10:24:26'),(7702,345,974,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-24 10:24:26','2018-02-24 10:24:26'),(7703,345,974,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-24 10:24:26','2018-02-24 10:24:26'),(7704,345,974,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-24 10:24:26','2018-02-24 10:24:26'),(7705,345,974,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-24 10:24:26','2018-02-24 10:24:26'),(7706,345,975,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-24 10:31:41','2018-02-24 10:31:41'),(7707,345,975,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-24 10:31:41','2018-02-24 10:31:41'),(7708,345,975,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-24 10:31:41','2018-02-24 10:31:41'),(7709,345,975,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-24 10:31:41','2018-02-24 10:31:41'),(7710,345,975,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-24 10:31:41','2018-02-24 10:31:41'),(7711,345,976,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(7712,345,976,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(7713,345,976,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(7714,345,976,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(7715,345,976,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(7716,345,976,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(7717,345,976,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(7718,345,976,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(7719,345,976,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(7720,345,976,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-24 11:00:24','2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(7721,346,977,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-26 15:17:27','2018-02-26 15:17:27'),(7722,346,977,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-26 15:17:27','2018-02-26 15:17:27'),(7723,346,977,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-26 15:17:27','2018-02-26 15:17:27'),(7724,346,977,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-26 15:17:27','2018-02-26 15:17:27'),(7725,346,977,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-26 15:17:27','2018-02-26 15:17:27'),(7726,346,977,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-26 15:17:27','2018-02-26 15:17:27'),(7727,346,977,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-26 15:17:27','2018-02-26 15:17:27'),(7728,346,977,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-26 15:17:27','2018-02-26 15:17:27'),(7729,346,977,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-26 15:17:27','2018-02-26 15:17:27'),(7730,346,977,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-26 15:17:27','2018-02-26 15:17:27'),(7731,346,978,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-26 15:34:02','2018-02-26 15:34:02'),(7732,346,978,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-26 15:34:02','2018-02-26 15:34:02'),(7733,346,978,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-26 15:34:02','2018-02-26 15:34:02'),(7734,346,978,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-26 15:34:02','2018-02-26 15:34:02'),(7735,346,978,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-26 15:34:02','2018-02-26 15:34:02'),(7736,346,979,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:35'),(7737,346,979,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:35'),(7738,346,979,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:35'),(7739,346,979,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:35'),(7740,346,979,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:35'),(7741,346,979,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:35'),(7742,346,979,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:35'),(7743,346,979,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:35'),(7744,346,979,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:35'),(7745,346,979,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-26 16:09:35','2018-02-26 16:09:35'),(7746,347,980,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-27 10:15:53','2018-02-27 10:15:53'),(7747,347,980,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-27 10:15:53','2018-02-27 10:15:53'),(7748,347,980,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-27 10:15:53','2018-02-27 10:15:53'),(7749,347,980,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-27 10:15:53','2018-02-27 10:15:53'),(7750,347,980,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-27 10:15:53','2018-02-27 10:15:53'),(7751,347,980,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-27 10:15:53','2018-02-27 10:15:53'),(7752,347,980,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-27 10:15:53','2018-02-27 10:15:53'),(7753,347,980,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-27 10:15:53','2018-02-27 10:15:53'),(7754,347,980,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-27 10:15:53','2018-02-27 10:15:53'),(7755,347,980,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-27 10:15:53','2018-02-27 10:15:53'),(7756,347,981,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-27 10:22:41','2018-02-27 10:22:41'),(7757,347,981,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-27 10:22:41','2018-02-27 10:22:41'),(7758,347,981,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-27 10:22:41','2018-02-27 10:22:41'),(7759,347,981,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-27 10:22:41','2018-02-27 10:22:41'),(7760,347,981,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-27 10:22:41','2018-02-27 10:22:41'),(7761,347,982,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:45'),(7762,347,982,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:45'),(7763,347,982,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:45'),(7764,347,982,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:45'),(7765,347,982,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:45'),(7766,347,982,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:45'),(7767,347,982,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:45'),(7768,347,982,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:45'),(7769,347,982,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:45'),(7770,347,982,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-27 10:37:45','2018-02-27 10:37:45'),(7771,348,983,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-27 11:29:06','2018-02-27 11:29:06'),(7772,348,983,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-27 11:29:06','2018-02-27 11:29:06'),(7773,348,983,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-27 11:29:06','2018-02-27 11:29:06'),(7774,348,983,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-27 11:29:06','2018-02-27 11:29:06'),(7775,348,983,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-27 11:29:06','2018-02-27 11:29:06'),(7776,348,983,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-27 11:29:06','2018-02-27 11:29:06'),(7777,348,983,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-27 11:29:06','2018-02-27 11:29:06'),(7778,348,983,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-27 11:29:06','2018-02-27 11:29:06'),(7779,348,983,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-27 11:29:06','2018-02-27 11:29:06'),(7780,348,983,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-27 11:29:06','2018-02-27 11:29:06'),(7781,348,984,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-27 11:35:00','2018-02-27 11:35:00'),(7782,348,984,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-27 11:35:00','2018-02-27 11:35:00'),(7783,348,984,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-27 11:35:00','2018-02-27 11:35:00'),(7784,348,984,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-27 11:35:00','2018-02-27 11:35:00'),(7785,348,984,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-27 11:35:00','2018-02-27 11:35:00'),(7786,348,985,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(7787,348,985,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(7788,348,985,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(7789,348,985,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(7790,348,985,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(7791,348,985,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(7792,348,985,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(7793,348,985,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(7794,348,985,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(7795,348,985,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-27 11:50:16','2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(7796,349,986,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-28 11:21:37','2018-02-28 11:21:37'),(7797,349,986,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-02-28 11:21:37','2018-02-28 11:21:37'),(7798,349,986,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-28 11:21:37','2018-02-28 11:21:37'),(7799,349,986,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-02-28 11:21:37','2018-02-28 11:21:37'),(7800,349,986,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-28 11:21:37','2018-02-28 11:21:37'),(7801,349,986,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-02-28 11:21:37','2018-02-28 11:21:37'),(7802,349,986,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-02-28 11:21:37','2018-02-28 11:21:37'),(7803,349,986,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-02-28 11:21:37','2018-02-28 11:21:37'),(7804,349,986,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-02-28 11:21:37','2018-02-28 11:21:37'),(7805,349,986,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-02-28 11:21:37','2018-02-28 11:21:37'),(7806,349,987,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-02-28 11:27:54','2018-02-28 11:27:54'),(7807,349,987,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-28 11:27:54','2018-02-28 11:27:54'),(7808,349,987,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-02-28 11:27:54','2018-02-28 11:27:54'),(7809,349,987,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-02-28 11:27:54','2018-02-28 11:27:54'),(7810,349,987,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-02-28 11:27:54','2018-02-28 11:27:54'),(7811,349,988,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(7812,349,988,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(7813,349,988,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(7814,349,988,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(7815,349,988,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(7816,349,988,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(7817,349,988,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(7818,349,988,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(7819,349,988,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(7820,349,988,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-02-28 11:45:01','2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(7821,350,989,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 14:23:42','2018-03-04 14:23:42'),(7822,350,989,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-04 14:23:42','2018-03-04 14:23:42'),(7823,350,989,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 14:23:42','2018-03-04 14:23:42'),(7824,350,989,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-04 14:23:42','2018-03-04 14:23:42'),(7825,350,989,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 14:23:42','2018-03-04 14:23:42'),(7826,350,989,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-04 14:23:42','2018-03-04 14:23:42'),(7827,350,989,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-04 14:23:42','2018-03-04 14:23:42'),(7828,350,989,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-04 14:23:42','2018-03-04 14:23:42'),(7829,350,989,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-04 14:23:42','2018-03-04 14:23:42'),(7830,350,989,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-04 14:23:42','2018-03-04 14:23:42'),(7831,350,990,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-04 14:29:29','2018-03-04 14:29:29'),(7832,350,990,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 14:29:29','2018-03-04 14:29:29'),(7833,350,990,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-04 14:29:29','2018-03-04 14:29:29'),(7834,350,990,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-04 14:29:29','2018-03-04 14:29:29'),(7835,350,990,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-04 14:29:29','2018-03-04 14:29:29'),(7836,350,991,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(7837,350,991,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(7838,350,991,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(7839,350,991,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(7840,350,991,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(7841,350,991,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(7842,350,991,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(7843,350,991,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(7844,350,991,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(7845,350,991,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-04 14:46:22','2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(7846,351,992,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 15:10:53','2018-03-04 15:10:53'),(7847,351,992,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-04 15:10:53','2018-03-04 15:10:53'),(7848,351,992,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 15:10:53','2018-03-04 15:10:53'),(7849,351,992,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-04 15:10:53','2018-03-04 15:10:53'),(7850,351,992,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 15:10:53','2018-03-04 15:10:53'),(7851,351,992,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-04 15:10:53','2018-03-04 15:10:53'),(7852,351,992,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-04 15:10:53','2018-03-04 15:10:53'),(7853,351,992,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-04 15:10:53','2018-03-04 15:10:53'),(7854,351,992,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-04 15:10:53','2018-03-04 15:10:53'),(7855,351,992,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-04 15:10:53','2018-03-04 15:10:53'),(7856,351,993,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-04 15:17:48','2018-03-04 15:17:48'),(7857,351,993,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 15:17:48','2018-03-04 15:17:48'),(7858,351,993,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-04 15:17:48','2018-03-04 15:17:48'),(7859,351,993,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-04 15:17:48','2018-03-04 15:17:48'),(7860,351,993,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-04 15:17:48','2018-03-04 15:17:48'),(7861,351,994,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(7862,351,994,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(7863,351,994,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(7864,351,994,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(7865,351,994,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(7866,351,994,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(7867,351,994,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(7868,351,994,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(7869,351,994,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(7870,351,994,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-04 15:34:20','2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(7871,352,995,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 10:55:03','2018-03-06 10:55:03'),(7872,352,995,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-06 10:55:03','2018-03-06 10:55:03'),(7873,352,995,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 10:55:03','2018-03-06 10:55:03'),(7874,352,995,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-06 10:55:03','2018-03-06 10:55:03'),(7875,352,995,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 10:55:03','2018-03-06 10:55:03'),(7876,352,995,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-06 10:55:03','2018-03-06 10:55:03'),(7877,352,995,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-06 10:55:03','2018-03-06 10:55:03'),(7878,352,995,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-06 10:55:03','2018-03-06 10:55:03'),(7879,352,995,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-06 10:55:03','2018-03-06 10:55:03'),(7880,352,995,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-06 10:55:03','2018-03-06 10:55:03'),(7881,352,996,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-06 11:01:03','2018-03-06 11:01:03'),(7882,352,996,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 11:01:03','2018-03-06 11:01:03'),(7883,352,996,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-06 11:01:03','2018-03-06 11:01:03'),(7884,352,996,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-06 11:01:03','2018-03-06 11:01:03'),(7885,352,996,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-06 11:01:03','2018-03-06 11:01:03'),(7886,352,997,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:06'),(7887,352,997,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:06'),(7888,352,997,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:06'),(7889,352,997,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:06'),(7890,352,997,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:06'),(7891,352,997,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:06'),(7892,352,997,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:06'),(7893,352,997,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:06'),(7894,352,997,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:06'),(7895,352,997,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-06 11:18:06','2018-03-06 11:18:06'),(7896,353,998,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 11:41:32','2018-03-06 11:41:32'),(7897,353,998,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-06 11:41:32','2018-03-06 11:41:32'),(7898,353,998,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 11:41:32','2018-03-06 11:41:32'),(7899,353,998,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-06 11:41:32','2018-03-06 11:41:32'),(7900,353,998,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 11:41:32','2018-03-06 11:41:32'),(7901,353,998,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-06 11:41:32','2018-03-06 11:41:32'),(7902,353,998,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-06 11:41:32','2018-03-06 11:41:32'),(7903,353,998,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-06 11:41:32','2018-03-06 11:41:32'),(7904,353,998,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-06 11:41:32','2018-03-06 11:41:32'),(7905,353,998,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-06 11:41:32','2018-03-06 11:41:32'),(7906,353,999,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-06 11:47:18','2018-03-06 11:47:18'),(7907,353,999,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 11:47:18','2018-03-06 11:47:18'),(7908,353,999,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-06 11:47:18','2018-03-06 11:47:18'),(7909,353,999,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-06 11:47:18','2018-03-06 11:47:18'),(7910,353,999,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-06 11:47:18','2018-03-06 11:47:18'),(7911,353,1000,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(7912,353,1000,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(7913,353,1000,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(7914,353,1000,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(7915,353,1000,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(7916,353,1000,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(7917,353,1000,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(7918,353,1000,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(7919,353,1000,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(7920,353,1000,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-06 12:02:23','2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(7921,354,1001,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 12:18:20','2018-03-06 12:18:20'),(7922,354,1001,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-06 12:18:20','2018-03-06 12:18:20'),(7923,354,1001,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 12:18:20','2018-03-06 12:18:20'),(7924,354,1001,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-06 12:18:20','2018-03-06 12:18:20'),(7925,354,1001,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 12:18:20','2018-03-06 12:18:20'),(7926,354,1001,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-06 12:18:20','2018-03-06 12:18:20'),(7927,354,1001,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-06 12:18:20','2018-03-06 12:18:20'),(7928,354,1001,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-06 12:18:20','2018-03-06 12:18:20'),(7929,354,1001,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-06 12:18:20','2018-03-06 12:18:20'),(7930,354,1001,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-06 12:18:20','2018-03-06 12:18:20'),(7931,354,1002,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-06 12:24:05','2018-03-06 12:24:05'),(7932,354,1002,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 12:24:05','2018-03-06 12:24:05'),(7933,354,1002,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-06 12:24:05','2018-03-06 12:24:05'),(7934,354,1002,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-06 12:24:05','2018-03-06 12:24:05'),(7935,354,1002,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-06 12:24:05','2018-03-06 12:24:05'),(7936,354,1003,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(7937,354,1003,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(7938,354,1003,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(7939,354,1003,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(7940,354,1003,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(7941,354,1003,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(7942,354,1003,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(7943,354,1003,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(7944,354,1003,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(7945,354,1003,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-06 12:40:35','2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(7946,355,1004,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 14:22:14','2018-03-06 14:22:14'),(7947,355,1004,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-06 14:22:14','2018-03-06 14:22:14'),(7948,355,1004,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 14:22:14','2018-03-06 14:22:14'),(7949,355,1004,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-06 14:22:14','2018-03-06 14:22:14'),(7950,355,1004,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 14:22:14','2018-03-06 14:22:14'),(7951,355,1004,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-06 14:22:14','2018-03-06 14:22:14'),(7952,355,1004,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-06 14:22:14','2018-03-06 14:22:14'),(7953,355,1004,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-06 14:22:14','2018-03-06 14:22:14'),(7954,355,1004,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-06 14:22:14','2018-03-06 14:22:14'),(7955,355,1004,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-06 14:22:14','2018-03-06 14:22:14'),(7956,355,1005,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-06 14:29:33','2018-03-06 14:29:33'),(7957,355,1005,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 14:29:33','2018-03-06 14:29:33'),(7958,355,1005,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-06 14:29:33','2018-03-06 14:29:33'),(7959,355,1005,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-03-06 14:29:33','2018-03-06 14:29:33'),(7960,355,1005,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-06 14:29:33','2018-03-06 14:29:33'),(7961,355,1006,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(7962,355,1006,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(7963,355,1006,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(7964,355,1006,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(7965,355,1006,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(7966,355,1006,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(7967,355,1006,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(7968,355,1006,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(7969,355,1006,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(7970,355,1006,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-06 14:49:39','2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(7971,356,1007,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-08 17:18:16','2018-03-08 17:18:16'),(7972,356,1007,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-08 17:18:16','2018-03-08 17:18:16'),(7973,356,1007,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-08 17:18:16','2018-03-08 17:18:16'),(7974,356,1007,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-08 17:18:16','2018-03-08 17:18:16'),(7975,356,1007,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-08 17:18:16','2018-03-08 17:18:16'),(7976,356,1007,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-08 17:18:16','2018-03-08 17:18:16'),(7977,356,1007,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-08 17:18:16','2018-03-08 17:18:16'),(7978,356,1007,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-08 17:18:16','2018-03-08 17:18:16'),(7979,356,1007,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-08 17:18:16','2018-03-08 17:18:16'),(7980,356,1007,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-08 17:18:16','2018-03-08 17:18:16'),(7981,356,1008,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-08 17:27:56','2018-03-08 17:27:56'),(7982,356,1008,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-08 17:27:56','2018-03-08 17:27:56'),(7983,356,1008,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-08 17:27:56','2018-03-08 17:27:56'),(7984,356,1008,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-03-08 17:27:56','2018-03-08 17:27:56'),(7985,356,1008,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-08 17:27:56','2018-03-08 17:27:56'),(7986,356,1009,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(7987,356,1009,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(7988,356,1009,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(7989,356,1009,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(7990,356,1009,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(7991,356,1009,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(7992,356,1009,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(7993,356,1009,82,201,200,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','E-cigarettes','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(7994,356,1009,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(7995,356,1009,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-08 17:44:13','2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(7996,357,1010,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-09 15:39:09','2018-03-09 15:39:09'),(7997,357,1010,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-09 15:39:09','2018-03-09 15:39:09'),(7998,357,1010,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-09 15:39:09','2018-03-09 15:39:09'),(7999,357,1010,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-09 15:39:09','2018-03-09 15:39:09'),(8000,357,1010,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-09 15:39:09','2018-03-09 15:39:09'),(8001,357,1010,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-09 15:39:09','2018-03-09 15:39:09'),(8002,357,1010,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-09 15:39:09','2018-03-09 15:39:09'),(8003,357,1010,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-09 15:39:09','2018-03-09 15:39:09'),(8004,357,1010,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-09 15:39:09','2018-03-09 15:39:09'),(8005,357,1010,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-09 15:39:09','2018-03-09 15:39:09'),(8006,357,1011,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-09 15:46:05','2018-03-09 15:46:05'),(8007,357,1011,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-09 15:46:05','2018-03-09 15:46:05'),(8008,357,1011,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-09 15:46:05','2018-03-09 15:46:05'),(8009,357,1011,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-09 15:46:05','2018-03-09 15:46:05'),(8010,357,1011,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-09 15:46:05','2018-03-09 15:46:05'),(8011,357,1012,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(8012,357,1012,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(8013,357,1012,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(8014,357,1012,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(8015,357,1012,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(8016,357,1012,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(8017,357,1012,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(8018,357,1012,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(8019,357,1012,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(8020,357,1012,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-09 16:03:46','2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(8021,358,1013,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 10:39:09','2018-03-10 10:39:09'),(8022,358,1013,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-10 10:39:09','2018-03-10 10:39:09'),(8023,358,1013,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 10:39:09','2018-03-10 10:39:09'),(8024,358,1013,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-10 10:39:09','2018-03-10 10:39:09'),(8025,358,1013,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 10:39:09','2018-03-10 10:39:09'),(8026,358,1013,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-10 10:39:09','2018-03-10 10:39:09'),(8027,358,1013,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-10 10:39:09','2018-03-10 10:39:09'),(8028,358,1013,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-10 10:39:09','2018-03-10 10:39:09'),(8029,358,1013,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-10 10:39:09','2018-03-10 10:39:09'),(8030,358,1013,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-10 10:39:09','2018-03-10 10:39:09'),(8031,358,1014,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-10 10:45:33','2018-03-10 10:45:33'),(8032,358,1014,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 10:45:33','2018-03-10 10:45:33'),(8033,358,1014,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-10 10:45:33','2018-03-10 10:45:33'),(8034,358,1014,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-10 10:45:33','2018-03-10 10:45:33'),(8035,358,1014,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-10 10:45:33','2018-03-10 10:45:33'),(8036,358,1015,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:01:59'),(8037,358,1015,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:01:59'),(8038,358,1015,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:01:59'),(8039,358,1015,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:01:59'),(8040,358,1015,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:01:59'),(8041,358,1015,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:01:59'),(8042,358,1015,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:01:59'),(8043,358,1015,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:01:59'),(8044,358,1015,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:01:59'),(8045,358,1015,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-10 11:01:59','2018-03-10 11:01:59'),(8046,359,1016,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 11:15:38','2018-03-10 11:15:38'),(8047,359,1016,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2018-03-10 11:15:38','2018-03-10 11:15:38'),(8048,359,1016,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 11:15:38','2018-03-10 11:15:38'),(8049,359,1016,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-10 11:15:38','2018-03-10 11:15:38'),(8050,359,1016,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 11:15:38','2018-03-10 11:15:38'),(8051,359,1016,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-10 11:15:38','2018-03-10 11:15:38'),(8052,359,1016,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-10 11:15:38','2018-03-10 11:15:38'),(8053,359,1016,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-10 11:15:38','2018-03-10 11:15:38'),(8054,359,1016,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-10 11:15:38','2018-03-10 11:15:38'),(8055,359,1016,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-10 11:15:38','2018-03-10 11:15:38'),(8056,359,1017,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-10 11:21:43','2018-03-10 11:21:43'),(8057,359,1017,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 11:21:43','2018-03-10 11:21:43'),(8058,359,1017,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-10 11:21:43','2018-03-10 11:21:43'),(8059,359,1017,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-10 11:21:43','2018-03-10 11:21:43'),(8060,359,1017,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-10 11:21:43','2018-03-10 11:21:43'),(8061,359,1018,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(8062,359,1018,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(8063,359,1018,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(8064,359,1018,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(8065,359,1018,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(8066,359,1018,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(8067,359,1018,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(8068,359,1018,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(8069,359,1018,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(8070,359,1018,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-10 11:38:24','2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(8071,360,1019,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 11:55:35','2018-03-10 11:55:35'),(8072,360,1019,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-10 11:55:35','2018-03-10 11:55:35'),(8073,360,1019,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 11:55:35','2018-03-10 11:55:35'),(8074,360,1019,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-10 11:55:35','2018-03-10 11:55:35'),(8075,360,1019,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 11:55:35','2018-03-10 11:55:35'),(8076,360,1019,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-10 11:55:35','2018-03-10 11:55:35'),(8077,360,1019,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-10 11:55:35','2018-03-10 11:55:35'),(8078,360,1019,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-10 11:55:35','2018-03-10 11:55:35'),(8079,360,1019,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-10 11:55:35','2018-03-10 11:55:35'),(8080,360,1019,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-10 11:55:35','2018-03-10 11:55:35'),(8081,360,1020,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-10 12:02:41','2018-03-10 12:02:41'),(8082,360,1020,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 12:02:41','2018-03-10 12:02:41'),(8083,360,1020,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-10 12:02:41','2018-03-10 12:02:41'),(8084,360,1020,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-10 12:02:41','2018-03-10 12:02:41'),(8085,360,1020,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-10 12:02:41','2018-03-10 12:02:41'),(8086,360,1021,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:56'),(8087,360,1021,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:56'),(8088,360,1021,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:56'),(8089,360,1021,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:56'),(8090,360,1021,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:56'),(8091,360,1021,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:56'),(8092,360,1021,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:56'),(8093,360,1021,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:56'),(8094,360,1021,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:56'),(8095,360,1021,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-10 12:19:56','2018-03-10 12:19:56'),(8096,361,1022,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 16:41:08','2018-03-10 16:41:08'),(8097,361,1022,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-10 16:41:08','2018-03-10 16:41:08'),(8098,361,1022,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 16:41:08','2018-03-10 16:41:08'),(8099,361,1022,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-10 16:41:08','2018-03-10 16:41:08'),(8100,361,1022,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 16:41:08','2018-03-10 16:41:08'),(8101,361,1022,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-10 16:41:08','2018-03-10 16:41:08'),(8102,361,1022,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-10 16:41:08','2018-03-10 16:41:08'),(8103,361,1022,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-10 16:41:08','2018-03-10 16:41:08'),(8104,361,1022,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-10 16:41:08','2018-03-10 16:41:08'),(8105,361,1022,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-10 16:41:08','2018-03-10 16:41:08'),(8106,361,1023,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-10 16:50:03','2018-03-10 16:50:03'),(8107,361,1023,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 16:50:03','2018-03-10 16:50:03'),(8108,361,1023,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-10 16:50:03','2018-03-10 16:50:03'),(8109,361,1023,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-10 16:50:03','2018-03-10 16:50:03'),(8110,361,1023,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-10 16:50:03','2018-03-10 16:50:03'),(8111,361,1024,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(8112,361,1024,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(8113,361,1024,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(8114,361,1024,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(8115,361,1024,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(8116,361,1024,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(8117,361,1024,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(8118,361,1024,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(8119,361,1024,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(8120,361,1024,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-10 17:07:11','2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(8121,362,1025,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 13:40:21','2018-03-11 13:40:21'),(8122,362,1025,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-11 13:40:21','2018-03-11 13:40:21'),(8123,362,1025,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 13:40:21','2018-03-11 13:40:21'),(8124,362,1025,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-11 13:40:21','2018-03-11 13:40:21'),(8125,362,1025,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 13:40:21','2018-03-11 13:40:21'),(8126,362,1025,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-11 13:40:21','2018-03-11 13:40:21'),(8127,362,1025,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-11 13:40:21','2018-03-11 13:40:21'),(8128,362,1025,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-11 13:40:21','2018-03-11 13:40:21'),(8129,362,1025,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-11 13:40:21','2018-03-11 13:40:21'),(8130,362,1025,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-11 13:40:21','2018-03-11 13:40:21'),(8131,362,1026,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-11 13:46:13','2018-03-11 13:46:13'),(8132,362,1026,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 13:46:13','2018-03-11 13:46:13'),(8133,362,1026,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-11 13:46:13','2018-03-11 13:46:13'),(8134,362,1026,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-11 13:46:13','2018-03-11 13:46:13'),(8135,362,1026,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-11 13:46:13','2018-03-11 13:46:13'),(8136,362,1027,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(8137,362,1027,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(8138,362,1027,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(8139,362,1027,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(8140,362,1027,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(8141,362,1027,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(8142,362,1027,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(8143,362,1027,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(8144,362,1027,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(8145,362,1027,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-11 14:04:03','2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(8146,363,1028,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 14:18:50','2018-03-11 14:18:50'),(8147,363,1028,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-11 14:18:50','2018-03-11 14:18:50'),(8148,363,1028,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 14:18:50','2018-03-11 14:18:50'),(8149,363,1028,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-11 14:18:50','2018-03-11 14:18:50'),(8150,363,1028,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 14:18:50','2018-03-11 14:18:50'),(8151,363,1028,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-11 14:18:50','2018-03-11 14:18:50'),(8152,363,1028,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-11 14:18:50','2018-03-11 14:18:50'),(8153,363,1028,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-11 14:18:50','2018-03-11 14:18:50'),(8154,363,1028,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-11 14:18:50','2018-03-11 14:18:50'),(8155,363,1028,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-11 14:18:50','2018-03-11 14:18:50'),(8156,363,1029,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-11 14:24:58','2018-03-11 14:24:58'),(8157,363,1029,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 14:24:58','2018-03-11 14:24:58'),(8158,363,1029,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-11 14:24:58','2018-03-11 14:24:58'),(8159,363,1029,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-11 14:24:58','2018-03-11 14:24:58'),(8160,363,1029,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-11 14:24:58','2018-03-11 14:24:58'),(8161,363,1030,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(8162,363,1030,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(8163,363,1030,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(8164,363,1030,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(8165,363,1030,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(8166,363,1030,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(8167,363,1030,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(8168,363,1030,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(8169,363,1030,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(8170,363,1030,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-11 14:40:09','2018-03-11 14:40:09'),(8171,364,1031,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 17:11:57','2018-03-11 17:11:57'),(8172,364,1031,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-11 17:11:57','2018-03-11 17:11:57'),(8173,364,1031,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 17:11:57','2018-03-11 17:11:57'),(8174,364,1031,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-11 17:11:57','2018-03-11 17:11:57'),(8175,364,1031,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 17:11:57','2018-03-11 17:11:57'),(8176,364,1031,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-11 17:11:57','2018-03-11 17:11:57'),(8177,364,1031,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-11 17:11:57','2018-03-11 17:11:57'),(8178,364,1031,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-11 17:11:57','2018-03-11 17:11:57'),(8179,364,1031,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-11 17:11:57','2018-03-11 17:11:57'),(8180,364,1031,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-11 17:11:57','2018-03-11 17:11:57'),(8181,364,1032,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-11 17:17:28','2018-03-11 17:17:28'),(8182,364,1032,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 17:17:28','2018-03-11 17:17:28'),(8183,364,1032,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-11 17:17:28','2018-03-11 17:17:28'),(8184,364,1032,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-11 17:17:28','2018-03-11 17:17:28'),(8185,364,1032,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-11 17:17:28','2018-03-11 17:17:28'),(8186,364,1033,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(8187,364,1033,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(8188,364,1033,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(8189,364,1033,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(8190,364,1033,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(8191,364,1033,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(8192,364,1033,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(8193,364,1033,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(8194,364,1033,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(8195,364,1033,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-11 17:31:49','2018-03-11 17:31:49'),(8196,365,1034,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-13 08:21:13','2018-03-13 08:21:13'),(8197,365,1034,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-13 08:21:13','2018-03-13 08:21:13'),(8198,365,1034,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2018-03-13 08:21:13','2018-03-13 08:21:13'),(8199,365,1034,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-13 08:21:13','2018-03-13 08:21:13'),(8200,365,1034,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-13 08:21:13','2018-03-13 08:21:13'),(8201,365,1034,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-13 08:21:13','2018-03-13 08:21:13'),(8202,365,1034,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-13 08:21:13','2018-03-13 08:21:13'),(8203,365,1034,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-13 08:21:13','2018-03-13 08:21:13'),(8204,365,1034,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-13 08:21:13','2018-03-13 08:21:13'),(8205,365,1034,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-13 08:21:13','2018-03-13 08:21:13'),(8206,365,1035,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-13 08:29:43','2018-03-13 08:29:43'),(8207,365,1035,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-13 08:29:43','2018-03-13 08:29:43'),(8208,365,1035,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-13 08:29:43','2018-03-13 08:29:43'),(8209,365,1035,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-13 08:29:43','2018-03-13 08:29:43'),(8210,365,1035,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-13 08:29:43','2018-03-13 08:29:43'),(8211,365,1036,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:20'),(8212,365,1036,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:20'),(8213,365,1036,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:20'),(8214,365,1036,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:20'),(8215,365,1036,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:20'),(8216,365,1036,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:20'),(8217,365,1036,81,196,198,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Whole Sale Price','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:20'),(8218,365,1036,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:20'),(8219,365,1036,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:20'),(8220,365,1036,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-13 08:51:20','2018-03-13 08:51:20'),(8221,366,1037,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-15 15:35:08','2018-03-15 15:35:08'),(8222,366,1037,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2018-03-15 15:35:08','2018-03-15 15:35:08'),(8223,366,1037,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-15 15:35:08','2018-03-15 15:35:08'),(8224,366,1037,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-15 15:35:08','2018-03-15 15:35:08'),(8225,366,1037,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-15 15:35:08','2018-03-15 15:35:08'),(8226,366,1037,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-15 15:35:08','2018-03-15 15:35:08'),(8227,366,1037,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-15 15:35:08','2018-03-15 15:35:08'),(8228,366,1037,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-15 15:35:08','2018-03-15 15:35:08'),(8229,366,1037,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-15 15:35:08','2018-03-15 15:35:08'),(8230,366,1037,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-15 15:35:08','2018-03-15 15:35:08'),(8231,366,1038,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-15 15:41:43','2018-03-15 15:41:43'),(8232,366,1038,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-15 15:41:43','2018-03-15 15:41:43'),(8233,366,1038,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-15 15:41:43','2018-03-15 15:41:43'),(8234,366,1038,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-15 15:41:43','2018-03-15 15:41:43'),(8235,366,1038,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-15 15:41:43','2018-03-15 15:41:43'),(8236,366,1039,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(8237,366,1039,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(8238,366,1039,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(8239,366,1039,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(8240,366,1039,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(8241,366,1039,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(8242,366,1039,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(8243,366,1039,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(8244,366,1039,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(8245,366,1039,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-15 15:58:55','2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(8246,367,1040,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 20:11:29','2018-03-17 20:11:29'),(8247,367,1040,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-17 20:11:29','2018-03-17 20:11:29'),(8248,367,1040,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 20:11:29','2018-03-17 20:11:29'),(8249,367,1040,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-17 20:11:29','2018-03-17 20:11:29'),(8250,367,1040,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 20:11:29','2018-03-17 20:11:29'),(8251,367,1040,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-17 20:11:29','2018-03-17 20:11:29'),(8252,367,1040,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-17 20:11:29','2018-03-17 20:11:29'),(8253,367,1040,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-17 20:11:29','2018-03-17 20:11:29'),(8254,367,1040,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-17 20:11:29','2018-03-17 20:11:29'),(8255,367,1040,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-17 20:11:29','2018-03-17 20:11:29'),(8256,367,1041,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-17 20:17:21','2018-03-17 20:17:21'),(8257,367,1041,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 20:17:21','2018-03-17 20:17:21'),(8258,367,1041,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-17 20:17:21','2018-03-17 20:17:21'),(8259,367,1041,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-17 20:17:21','2018-03-17 20:17:21'),(8260,367,1041,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-17 20:17:21','2018-03-17 20:17:21'),(8261,367,1042,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(8262,367,1042,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(8263,367,1042,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(8264,367,1042,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(8265,367,1042,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(8266,367,1042,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(8267,367,1042,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(8268,367,1042,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(8269,367,1042,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(8270,367,1042,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-17 20:32:28','2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(8271,368,1043,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 20:49:57','2018-03-17 20:49:57'),(8272,368,1043,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-17 20:49:57','2018-03-17 20:49:57'),(8273,368,1043,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 20:49:57','2018-03-17 20:49:57'),(8274,368,1043,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-17 20:49:57','2018-03-17 20:49:57'),(8275,368,1043,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 20:49:57','2018-03-17 20:49:57'),(8276,368,1043,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-17 20:49:57','2018-03-17 20:49:57'),(8277,368,1043,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-17 20:49:57','2018-03-17 20:49:57'),(8278,368,1043,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-17 20:49:57','2018-03-17 20:49:57'),(8279,368,1043,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-17 20:49:57','2018-03-17 20:49:57'),(8280,368,1043,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-17 20:49:57','2018-03-17 20:49:57'),(8281,368,1044,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-17 20:59:52','2018-03-17 20:59:52'),(8282,368,1044,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 20:59:52','2018-03-17 20:59:52'),(8283,368,1044,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-17 20:59:52','2018-03-17 20:59:52'),(8284,368,1044,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-17 20:59:52','2018-03-17 20:59:52'),(8285,368,1044,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-17 20:59:52','2018-03-17 20:59:52'),(8286,368,1045,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:57'),(8287,368,1045,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:57'),(8288,368,1045,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:57'),(8289,368,1045,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:57'),(8290,368,1045,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:57'),(8291,368,1045,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:57'),(8292,368,1045,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:57'),(8293,368,1045,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:57'),(8294,368,1045,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:57'),(8295,368,1045,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-17 21:14:57','2018-03-17 21:14:57'),(8296,369,1046,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 21:28:01','2018-03-17 21:28:01'),(8297,369,1046,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-17 21:28:01','2018-03-17 21:28:01'),(8298,369,1046,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 21:28:01','2018-03-17 21:28:01'),(8299,369,1046,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-17 21:28:01','2018-03-17 21:28:01'),(8300,369,1046,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 21:28:01','2018-03-17 21:28:01'),(8301,369,1046,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-17 21:28:01','2018-03-17 21:28:01'),(8302,369,1046,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-17 21:28:01','2018-03-17 21:28:01'),(8303,369,1046,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-17 21:28:01','2018-03-17 21:28:01'),(8304,369,1046,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-17 21:28:01','2018-03-17 21:28:01'),(8305,369,1046,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-17 21:28:01','2018-03-17 21:28:01'),(8306,369,1047,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-17 21:36:43','2018-03-17 21:36:43'),(8307,369,1047,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 21:36:43','2018-03-17 21:36:43'),(8308,369,1047,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-17 21:36:43','2018-03-17 21:36:43'),(8309,369,1047,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-17 21:36:43','2018-03-17 21:36:43'),(8310,369,1047,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-17 21:36:43','2018-03-17 21:36:43'),(8311,369,1048,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(8312,369,1048,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(8313,369,1048,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(8314,369,1048,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(8315,369,1048,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(8316,369,1048,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(8317,369,1048,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(8318,369,1048,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(8319,369,1048,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(8320,369,1048,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-17 22:00:33','2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(8321,370,1049,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 19:53:04','2018-03-18 19:53:04'),(8322,370,1049,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-18 19:53:04','2018-03-18 19:53:04'),(8323,370,1049,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 19:53:04','2018-03-18 19:53:04'),(8324,370,1049,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-18 19:53:04','2018-03-18 19:53:04'),(8325,370,1049,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 19:53:04','2018-03-18 19:53:04'),(8326,370,1049,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-18 19:53:04','2018-03-18 19:53:04'),(8327,370,1049,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-18 19:53:04','2018-03-18 19:53:04'),(8328,370,1049,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-18 19:53:04','2018-03-18 19:53:04'),(8329,370,1049,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-18 19:53:04','2018-03-18 19:53:04'),(8330,370,1049,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-18 19:53:04','2018-03-18 19:53:04'),(8331,370,1050,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-18 19:59:40','2018-03-18 19:59:40'),(8332,370,1050,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 19:59:40','2018-03-18 19:59:40'),(8333,370,1050,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-18 19:59:40','2018-03-18 19:59:40'),(8334,370,1050,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-18 19:59:40','2018-03-18 19:59:40'),(8335,370,1050,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-18 19:59:40','2018-03-18 19:59:40'),(8336,370,1051,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(8337,370,1051,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(8338,370,1051,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(8339,370,1051,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(8340,370,1051,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(8341,370,1051,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(8342,370,1051,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(8343,370,1051,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(8344,370,1051,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(8345,370,1051,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-18 20:16:52','2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(8346,371,1052,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 20:28:15','2018-03-18 20:28:15'),(8347,371,1052,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-18 20:28:15','2018-03-18 20:28:15'),(8348,371,1052,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 20:28:15','2018-03-18 20:28:15'),(8349,371,1052,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-18 20:28:15','2018-03-18 20:28:15'),(8350,371,1052,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 20:28:15','2018-03-18 20:28:15'),(8351,371,1052,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-18 20:28:15','2018-03-18 20:28:15'),(8352,371,1052,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-18 20:28:15','2018-03-18 20:28:15'),(8353,371,1052,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-18 20:28:15','2018-03-18 20:28:15'),(8354,371,1052,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-18 20:28:15','2018-03-18 20:28:15'),(8355,371,1052,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-18 20:28:15','2018-03-18 20:28:15'),(8356,371,1053,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-18 20:33:45','2018-03-18 20:33:45'),(8357,371,1053,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 20:33:45','2018-03-18 20:33:45'),(8358,371,1053,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-18 20:33:45','2018-03-18 20:33:45'),(8359,371,1053,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-18 20:33:45','2018-03-18 20:33:45'),(8360,371,1053,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-18 20:33:45','2018-03-18 20:33:45'),(8361,371,1054,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(8362,371,1054,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(8363,371,1054,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(8364,371,1054,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(8365,371,1054,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(8366,371,1054,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(8367,371,1054,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(8368,371,1054,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(8369,371,1054,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(8370,371,1054,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-18 20:49:05','2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(8371,372,1055,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 21:18:13','2018-03-18 21:18:13'),(8372,372,1055,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-18 21:18:13','2018-03-18 21:18:13'),(8373,372,1055,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 21:18:13','2018-03-18 21:18:13'),(8374,372,1055,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-18 21:18:13','2018-03-18 21:18:13'),(8375,372,1055,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 21:18:13','2018-03-18 21:18:13'),(8376,372,1055,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-18 21:18:13','2018-03-18 21:18:13'),(8377,372,1055,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-18 21:18:13','2018-03-18 21:18:13'),(8378,372,1055,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-18 21:18:13','2018-03-18 21:18:13'),(8379,372,1055,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-18 21:18:13','2018-03-18 21:18:13'),(8380,372,1055,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-18 21:18:13','2018-03-18 21:18:13'),(8381,372,1056,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-18 21:23:52','2018-03-18 21:23:52'),(8382,372,1056,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 21:23:52','2018-03-18 21:23:52'),(8383,372,1056,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-18 21:23:52','2018-03-18 21:23:52'),(8384,372,1056,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-18 21:23:52','2018-03-18 21:23:52'),(8385,372,1056,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-18 21:23:52','2018-03-18 21:23:52'),(8386,372,1057,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(8387,372,1057,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(8388,372,1057,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(8389,372,1057,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(8390,372,1057,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(8391,372,1057,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(8392,372,1057,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(8393,372,1057,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(8394,372,1057,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(8395,372,1057,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-18 21:39:31','2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(8396,373,1058,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 09:52:14','2018-03-19 09:52:14'),(8397,373,1058,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-19 09:52:14','2018-03-19 09:52:14'),(8398,373,1058,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 09:52:14','2018-03-19 09:52:14'),(8399,373,1058,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-19 09:52:14','2018-03-19 09:52:14'),(8400,373,1058,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 09:52:14','2018-03-19 09:52:14'),(8401,373,1058,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-19 09:52:14','2018-03-19 09:52:14'),(8402,373,1058,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-19 09:52:14','2018-03-19 09:52:14'),(8403,373,1058,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-19 09:52:14','2018-03-19 09:52:14'),(8404,373,1058,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-19 09:52:14','2018-03-19 09:52:14'),(8405,373,1058,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-19 09:52:14','2018-03-19 09:52:14'),(8406,373,1059,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-19 10:11:13','2018-03-19 10:11:13'),(8407,373,1059,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 10:11:13','2018-03-19 10:11:13'),(8408,373,1059,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-19 10:11:13','2018-03-19 10:11:13'),(8409,373,1059,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-19 10:11:13','2018-03-19 10:11:13'),(8410,373,1059,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-19 10:11:13','2018-03-19 10:11:13'),(8411,373,1060,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(8412,373,1060,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(8413,373,1060,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(8414,373,1060,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(8415,373,1060,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(8416,373,1060,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(8417,373,1060,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(8418,373,1060,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(8419,373,1060,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(8420,373,1060,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-19 10:29:14','2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(8421,374,1061,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 14:03:09','2018-03-19 14:03:09'),(8422,374,1061,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-19 14:03:09','2018-03-19 14:03:09'),(8423,374,1061,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 14:03:09','2018-03-19 14:03:09'),(8424,374,1061,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-19 14:03:09','2018-03-19 14:03:09'),(8425,374,1061,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 14:03:09','2018-03-19 14:03:09'),(8426,374,1061,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-19 14:03:09','2018-03-19 14:03:09'),(8427,374,1061,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-19 14:03:09','2018-03-19 14:03:09'),(8428,374,1061,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-19 14:03:09','2018-03-19 14:03:09'),(8429,374,1061,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-19 14:03:09','2018-03-19 14:03:09'),(8430,374,1061,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-19 14:03:09','2018-03-19 14:03:09'),(8431,374,1062,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-19 14:10:09','2018-03-19 14:10:09'),(8432,374,1062,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 14:10:09','2018-03-19 14:10:09'),(8433,374,1062,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-19 14:10:09','2018-03-19 14:10:09'),(8434,374,1062,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-19 14:10:09','2018-03-19 14:10:09'),(8435,374,1062,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-19 14:10:09','2018-03-19 14:10:09'),(8436,374,1063,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(8437,374,1063,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(8438,374,1063,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(8439,374,1063,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(8440,374,1063,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(8441,374,1063,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(8442,374,1063,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(8443,374,1063,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(8444,374,1063,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(8445,374,1063,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-19 14:26:11','2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(8446,375,1064,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 17:50:16','2018-03-19 17:50:16'),(8447,375,1064,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-19 17:50:16','2018-03-19 17:50:16'),(8448,375,1064,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 17:50:16','2018-03-19 17:50:16'),(8449,375,1064,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-19 17:50:16','2018-03-19 17:50:16'),(8450,375,1064,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 17:50:16','2018-03-19 17:50:16'),(8451,375,1064,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-19 17:50:16','2018-03-19 17:50:16'),(8452,375,1064,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-19 17:50:16','2018-03-19 17:50:16'),(8453,375,1064,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-19 17:50:16','2018-03-19 17:50:16'),(8454,375,1064,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-19 17:50:16','2018-03-19 17:50:16'),(8455,375,1064,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-19 17:50:16','2018-03-19 17:50:16'),(8456,375,1065,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-19 17:56:43','2018-03-19 17:56:43'),(8457,375,1065,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 17:56:43','2018-03-19 17:56:43'),(8458,375,1065,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-19 17:56:43','2018-03-19 17:56:43'),(8459,375,1065,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-19 17:56:43','2018-03-19 17:56:43'),(8460,375,1065,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-19 17:56:43','2018-03-19 17:56:43'),(8461,375,1066,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(8462,375,1066,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(8463,375,1066,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(8464,375,1066,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(8465,375,1066,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(8466,375,1066,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(8467,375,1066,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(8468,375,1066,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(8469,375,1066,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(8470,375,1066,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-19 18:13:05','2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(8471,376,1067,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-22 14:29:34','2018-03-22 14:29:34'),(8472,376,1067,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-22 14:29:34','2018-03-22 14:29:34'),(8473,376,1067,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-22 14:29:34','2018-03-22 14:29:34'),(8474,376,1067,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-22 14:29:34','2018-03-22 14:29:34'),(8475,376,1067,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-22 14:29:34','2018-03-22 14:29:34'),(8476,376,1067,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-22 14:29:34','2018-03-22 14:29:34'),(8477,376,1067,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-22 14:29:34','2018-03-22 14:29:34'),(8478,376,1067,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-22 14:29:34','2018-03-22 14:29:34'),(8479,376,1067,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-22 14:29:34','2018-03-22 14:29:34'),(8480,376,1067,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-03-22 14:29:34','2018-03-22 14:29:34'),(8481,376,1068,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-22 14:36:52','2018-03-22 14:36:52'),(8482,376,1068,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-22 14:36:52','2018-03-22 14:36:52'),(8483,376,1068,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-22 14:36:52','2018-03-22 14:36:52'),(8484,376,1068,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-22 14:36:52','2018-03-22 14:36:52'),(8485,376,1068,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-22 14:36:52','2018-03-22 14:36:52'),(8486,376,1069,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(8487,376,1069,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(8488,376,1069,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(8489,376,1069,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(8490,376,1069,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(8491,376,1069,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(8492,376,1069,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(8493,376,1069,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(8494,376,1069,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(8495,376,1069,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-22 15:06:42','2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(8496,377,1070,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-28 13:19:44','2018-03-28 13:19:44'),(8497,377,1070,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-03-28 13:19:44','2018-03-28 13:19:44'),(8498,377,1070,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-28 13:19:44','2018-03-28 13:19:44'),(8499,377,1070,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-03-28 13:19:44','2018-03-28 13:19:44'),(8500,377,1070,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-28 13:19:44','2018-03-28 13:19:44'),(8501,377,1070,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-03-28 13:19:44','2018-03-28 13:19:44'),(8502,377,1070,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-03-28 13:19:44','2018-03-28 13:19:44'),(8503,377,1070,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-03-28 13:19:44','2018-03-28 13:19:44'),(8504,377,1070,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-03-28 13:19:44','2018-03-28 13:19:44'),(8505,377,1070,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2018-03-28 13:19:44','2018-03-28 13:19:44'),(8506,377,1071,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-03-28 13:25:50','2018-03-28 13:25:50'),(8507,377,1071,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2018-03-28 13:25:50','2018-03-28 13:25:50'),(8508,377,1071,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-03-28 13:25:50','2018-03-28 13:25:50'),(8509,377,1071,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-03-28 13:25:50','2018-03-28 13:25:50'),(8510,377,1071,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-03-28 13:25:50','2018-03-28 13:25:50'),(8511,377,1072,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(8512,377,1072,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(8513,377,1072,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(8514,377,1072,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(8515,377,1072,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(8516,377,1072,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(8517,377,1072,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(8518,377,1072,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(8519,377,1072,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(8520,377,1072,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-03-28 13:41:41','2018-03-28 13:41:41'),(8521,378,1073,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-02 13:15:24','2018-04-02 13:15:24'),(8522,378,1073,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-02 13:15:24','2018-04-02 13:15:24'),(8523,378,1073,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-02 13:15:24','2018-04-02 13:15:24'),(8524,378,1073,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-02 13:15:24','2018-04-02 13:15:24'),(8525,378,1073,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-02 13:15:24','2018-04-02 13:15:24'),(8526,378,1073,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-02 13:15:24','2018-04-02 13:15:24'),(8527,378,1073,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-02 13:15:24','2018-04-02 13:15:24'),(8528,378,1073,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-02 13:15:24','2018-04-02 13:15:24'),(8529,378,1073,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-02 13:15:24','2018-04-02 13:15:24'),(8530,378,1073,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-02 13:15:24','2018-04-02 13:15:24'),(8531,378,1074,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-02 13:24:25','2018-04-02 13:24:25'),(8532,378,1074,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-02 13:24:25','2018-04-02 13:24:25'),(8533,378,1074,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-02 13:24:25','2018-04-02 13:24:25'),(8534,378,1074,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-02 13:24:25','2018-04-02 13:24:25'),(8535,378,1074,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-02 13:24:25','2018-04-02 13:24:25'),(8536,378,1075,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:12'),(8537,378,1075,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:12'),(8538,378,1075,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:12'),(8539,378,1075,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:12'),(8540,378,1075,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:12'),(8541,378,1075,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:12'),(8542,378,1075,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:12'),(8543,378,1075,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:12'),(8544,378,1075,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:12'),(8545,378,1075,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-02 13:41:12','2018-04-02 13:41:12'),(8546,379,1076,49,103,101,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','AIDS','All of the above','2018-04-02 14:33:19','2018-04-02 14:33:19'),(8547,379,1076,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-02 14:33:19','2018-04-02 14:33:19'),(8548,379,1076,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-02 14:33:19','2018-04-02 14:33:19'),(8549,379,1076,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-02 14:33:19','2018-04-02 14:33:19'),(8550,379,1076,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-02 14:33:19','2018-04-02 14:33:19'),(8551,379,1076,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-02 14:33:19','2018-04-02 14:33:19'),(8552,379,1076,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-02 14:33:19','2018-04-02 14:33:19'),(8553,379,1076,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-02 14:33:19','2018-04-02 14:33:19'),(8554,379,1076,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-02 14:33:19','2018-04-02 14:33:19'),(8555,379,1076,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-02 14:33:19','2018-04-02 14:33:19'),(8556,379,1077,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-02 14:38:30','2018-04-02 14:38:30'),(8557,379,1077,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-02 14:38:30','2018-04-02 14:38:30'),(8558,379,1077,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-02 14:38:30','2018-04-02 14:38:30'),(8559,379,1077,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-02 14:38:30','2018-04-02 14:38:30'),(8560,379,1077,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-02 14:38:30','2018-04-02 14:38:30'),(8561,379,1078,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(8562,379,1078,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(8563,379,1078,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(8564,379,1078,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(8565,379,1078,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(8566,379,1078,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(8567,379,1078,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(8568,379,1078,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(8569,379,1078,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(8570,379,1078,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-02 14:47:30','2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(8571,380,1079,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 08:17:45','2018-04-03 08:17:45'),(8572,380,1079,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-03 08:17:45','2018-04-03 08:17:45'),(8573,380,1079,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 08:17:45','2018-04-03 08:17:45'),(8574,380,1079,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-03 08:17:45','2018-04-03 08:17:45'),(8575,380,1079,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 08:17:45','2018-04-03 08:17:45'),(8576,380,1079,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-03 08:17:45','2018-04-03 08:17:45'),(8577,380,1079,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-03 08:17:45','2018-04-03 08:17:45'),(8578,380,1079,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-03 08:17:45','2018-04-03 08:17:45'),(8579,380,1079,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-03 08:17:45','2018-04-03 08:17:45'),(8580,380,1079,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-03 08:17:45','2018-04-03 08:17:45'),(8581,380,1080,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-03 08:23:22','2018-04-03 08:23:22'),(8582,380,1080,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 08:23:22','2018-04-03 08:23:22'),(8583,380,1080,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-03 08:23:22','2018-04-03 08:23:22'),(8584,380,1080,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-03 08:23:22','2018-04-03 08:23:22'),(8585,380,1080,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-03 08:23:22','2018-04-03 08:23:22'),(8586,380,1081,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:52'),(8587,380,1081,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:52'),(8588,380,1081,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:52'),(8589,380,1081,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:52'),(8590,380,1081,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:52'),(8591,380,1081,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:52'),(8592,380,1081,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:52'),(8593,380,1081,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:52'),(8594,380,1081,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:52'),(8595,380,1081,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-03 08:38:52','2018-04-03 08:38:52'),(8596,381,1082,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 17:57:54','2018-04-03 17:57:54'),(8597,381,1082,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-03 17:57:54','2018-04-03 17:57:54'),(8598,381,1082,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 17:57:54','2018-04-03 17:57:54'),(8599,381,1082,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-03 17:57:54','2018-04-03 17:57:54'),(8600,381,1082,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 17:57:54','2018-04-03 17:57:54'),(8601,381,1082,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-03 17:57:54','2018-04-03 17:57:54'),(8602,381,1082,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-03 17:57:54','2018-04-03 17:57:54'),(8603,381,1082,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-03 17:57:54','2018-04-03 17:57:54'),(8604,381,1082,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-03 17:57:54','2018-04-03 17:57:54'),(8605,381,1082,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-03 17:57:54','2018-04-03 17:57:54'),(8606,381,1083,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-03 18:03:33','2018-04-03 18:03:33'),(8607,381,1083,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 18:03:33','2018-04-03 18:03:33'),(8608,381,1083,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-03 18:03:33','2018-04-03 18:03:33'),(8609,381,1083,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-03 18:03:33','2018-04-03 18:03:33'),(8610,381,1083,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-03 18:03:33','2018-04-03 18:03:33'),(8611,381,1084,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(8612,381,1084,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(8613,381,1084,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(8614,381,1084,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(8615,381,1084,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(8616,381,1084,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(8617,381,1084,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(8618,381,1084,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(8619,381,1084,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(8620,381,1084,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-03 18:18:46','2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(8621,382,1085,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-05 13:12:36','2018-04-05 13:12:36'),(8622,382,1085,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-05 13:12:36','2018-04-05 13:12:36'),(8623,382,1085,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-05 13:12:36','2018-04-05 13:12:36'),(8624,382,1085,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-05 13:12:36','2018-04-05 13:12:36'),(8625,382,1085,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-05 13:12:36','2018-04-05 13:12:36'),(8626,382,1085,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-05 13:12:36','2018-04-05 13:12:36'),(8627,382,1085,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-05 13:12:36','2018-04-05 13:12:36'),(8628,382,1085,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-05 13:12:36','2018-04-05 13:12:36'),(8629,382,1085,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-05 13:12:36','2018-04-05 13:12:36'),(8630,382,1085,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-05 13:12:36','2018-04-05 13:12:36'),(8631,382,1086,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-05 13:18:15','2018-04-05 13:18:15'),(8632,382,1086,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-05 13:18:15','2018-04-05 13:18:15'),(8633,382,1086,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-05 13:18:15','2018-04-05 13:18:15'),(8634,382,1086,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-05 13:18:15','2018-04-05 13:18:15'),(8635,382,1086,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-05 13:18:15','2018-04-05 13:18:15'),(8636,382,1087,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:30'),(8637,382,1087,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:30'),(8638,382,1087,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:30'),(8639,382,1087,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:30'),(8640,382,1087,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:30'),(8641,382,1087,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:30'),(8642,382,1087,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:30'),(8643,382,1087,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:30'),(8644,382,1087,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:30'),(8645,382,1087,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-05 13:33:30','2018-04-05 13:33:30'),(8646,383,1088,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-06 07:56:24','2018-04-06 07:56:24'),(8647,383,1088,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2018-04-06 07:56:24','2018-04-06 07:56:24'),(8648,383,1088,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-06 07:56:24','2018-04-06 07:56:24'),(8649,383,1088,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-06 07:56:24','2018-04-06 07:56:24'),(8650,383,1088,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-06 07:56:24','2018-04-06 07:56:24'),(8651,383,1088,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-06 07:56:24','2018-04-06 07:56:24'),(8652,383,1088,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-06 07:56:24','2018-04-06 07:56:24'),(8653,383,1088,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-06 07:56:24','2018-04-06 07:56:24'),(8654,383,1088,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-06 07:56:24','2018-04-06 07:56:24'),(8655,383,1088,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2018-04-06 07:56:24','2018-04-06 07:56:24'),(8656,383,1089,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-06 08:02:57','2018-04-06 08:02:57'),(8657,383,1089,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-06 08:02:57','2018-04-06 08:02:57'),(8658,383,1089,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-06 08:02:57','2018-04-06 08:02:57'),(8659,383,1089,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-04-06 08:02:57','2018-04-06 08:02:57'),(8660,383,1089,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-06 08:02:57','2018-04-06 08:02:57'),(8661,383,1090,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(8662,383,1090,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(8663,383,1090,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(8664,383,1090,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(8665,383,1090,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(8666,383,1090,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(8667,383,1090,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(8668,383,1090,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(8669,383,1090,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(8670,383,1090,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-06 08:20:44','2018-04-06 08:20:44'),(8671,384,1091,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-09 13:27:08','2018-04-09 13:27:08'),(8672,384,1091,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-09 13:27:08','2018-04-09 13:27:08'),(8673,384,1091,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-09 13:27:08','2018-04-09 13:27:08'),(8674,384,1091,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-09 13:27:08','2018-04-09 13:27:08'),(8675,384,1091,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-09 13:27:08','2018-04-09 13:27:08'),(8676,384,1091,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-09 13:27:08','2018-04-09 13:27:08'),(8677,384,1091,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-09 13:27:08','2018-04-09 13:27:08'),(8678,384,1091,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-09 13:27:08','2018-04-09 13:27:08'),(8679,384,1091,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-09 13:27:08','2018-04-09 13:27:08'),(8680,384,1091,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-09 13:27:08','2018-04-09 13:27:08'),(8681,384,1092,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-09 13:33:46','2018-04-09 13:33:46'),(8682,384,1092,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-09 13:33:46','2018-04-09 13:33:46'),(8683,384,1092,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-09 13:33:46','2018-04-09 13:33:46'),(8684,384,1092,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-09 13:33:46','2018-04-09 13:33:46'),(8685,384,1092,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-09 13:33:46','2018-04-09 13:33:46'),(8686,384,1093,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(8687,384,1093,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(8688,384,1093,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(8689,384,1093,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(8690,384,1093,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(8691,384,1093,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(8692,384,1093,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(8693,384,1093,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(8694,384,1093,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(8695,384,1093,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-09 13:50:15','2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(8696,385,1094,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-12 09:37:15','2018-04-12 09:37:15'),(8697,385,1094,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-12 09:37:15','2018-04-12 09:37:15'),(8698,385,1094,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-12 09:37:15','2018-04-12 09:37:15'),(8699,385,1094,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-12 09:37:15','2018-04-12 09:37:15'),(8700,385,1094,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-12 09:37:15','2018-04-12 09:37:15'),(8701,385,1094,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-12 09:37:15','2018-04-12 09:37:15'),(8702,385,1094,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-12 09:37:15','2018-04-12 09:37:15'),(8703,385,1094,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-12 09:37:15','2018-04-12 09:37:15'),(8704,385,1094,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-12 09:37:15','2018-04-12 09:37:15'),(8705,385,1094,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-12 09:37:15','2018-04-12 09:37:15'),(8706,385,1095,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-12 09:43:19','2018-04-12 09:43:19'),(8707,385,1095,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-12 09:43:19','2018-04-12 09:43:19'),(8708,385,1095,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-12 09:43:19','2018-04-12 09:43:19'),(8709,385,1095,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-12 09:43:19','2018-04-12 09:43:19'),(8710,385,1095,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-12 09:43:19','2018-04-12 09:43:19'),(8711,385,1096,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:29'),(8712,385,1096,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:29'),(8713,385,1096,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:29'),(8714,385,1096,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:29'),(8715,385,1096,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:29'),(8716,385,1096,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:29'),(8717,385,1096,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:29'),(8718,385,1096,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:29'),(8719,385,1096,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:29'),(8720,385,1096,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-12 09:58:29','2018-04-12 09:58:29'),(8721,386,1097,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-17 10:04:09','2018-04-17 10:04:09'),(8722,386,1097,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-17 10:04:09','2018-04-17 10:04:09'),(8723,386,1097,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-17 10:04:09','2018-04-17 10:04:09'),(8724,386,1097,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-17 10:04:09','2018-04-17 10:04:09'),(8725,386,1097,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-17 10:04:09','2018-04-17 10:04:09'),(8726,386,1097,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-17 10:04:09','2018-04-17 10:04:09'),(8727,386,1097,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-17 10:04:09','2018-04-17 10:04:09'),(8728,386,1097,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-17 10:04:09','2018-04-17 10:04:09'),(8729,386,1097,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-17 10:04:09','2018-04-17 10:04:09'),(8730,386,1097,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-17 10:04:09','2018-04-17 10:04:09'),(8731,386,1098,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-17 10:26:30','2018-04-17 10:26:30'),(8732,386,1098,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-17 10:26:30','2018-04-17 10:26:30'),(8733,386,1098,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-17 10:26:30','2018-04-17 10:26:30'),(8734,386,1098,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-17 10:26:30','2018-04-17 10:26:30'),(8735,386,1098,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-17 10:26:30','2018-04-17 10:26:30'),(8736,386,1099,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:57'),(8737,386,1099,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:57'),(8738,386,1099,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:57'),(8739,386,1099,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:57'),(8740,386,1099,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:57'),(8741,386,1099,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:57'),(8742,386,1099,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:57'),(8743,386,1099,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:57'),(8744,386,1099,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:57'),(8745,386,1099,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-17 11:01:57','2018-04-17 11:01:57'),(8746,387,1100,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 09:08:48','2018-04-18 09:08:48'),(8747,387,1100,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-18 09:08:48','2018-04-18 09:08:48'),(8748,387,1100,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 09:08:48','2018-04-18 09:08:48'),(8749,387,1100,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-18 09:08:48','2018-04-18 09:08:48'),(8750,387,1100,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 09:08:48','2018-04-18 09:08:48'),(8751,387,1100,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-18 09:08:48','2018-04-18 09:08:48'),(8752,387,1100,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-18 09:08:48','2018-04-18 09:08:48'),(8753,387,1100,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-18 09:08:48','2018-04-18 09:08:48'),(8754,387,1100,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-18 09:08:48','2018-04-18 09:08:48'),(8755,387,1100,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-18 09:08:48','2018-04-18 09:08:48'),(8756,387,1101,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-18 09:16:01','2018-04-18 09:16:01'),(8757,387,1101,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 09:16:01','2018-04-18 09:16:01'),(8758,387,1101,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-18 09:16:01','2018-04-18 09:16:01'),(8759,387,1101,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-18 09:16:01','2018-04-18 09:16:01'),(8760,387,1101,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-18 09:16:01','2018-04-18 09:16:01'),(8761,387,1102,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:02'),(8762,387,1102,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:02'),(8763,387,1102,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:02'),(8764,387,1102,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:02'),(8765,387,1102,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:02'),(8766,387,1102,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:02'),(8767,387,1102,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:02'),(8768,387,1102,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:02'),(8769,387,1102,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:02'),(8770,387,1102,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-18 09:34:02','2018-04-18 09:34:02'),(8771,388,1103,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 13:35:10','2018-04-18 13:35:10'),(8772,388,1103,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-18 13:35:10','2018-04-18 13:35:10'),(8773,388,1103,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 13:35:10','2018-04-18 13:35:10'),(8774,388,1103,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-18 13:35:10','2018-04-18 13:35:10'),(8775,388,1103,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 13:35:10','2018-04-18 13:35:10'),(8776,388,1103,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-18 13:35:10','2018-04-18 13:35:10'),(8777,388,1103,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-18 13:35:10','2018-04-18 13:35:10'),(8778,388,1103,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-18 13:35:10','2018-04-18 13:35:10'),(8779,388,1103,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-18 13:35:10','2018-04-18 13:35:10'),(8780,388,1103,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-18 13:35:10','2018-04-18 13:35:10'),(8781,388,1104,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-18 13:50:22','2018-04-18 13:50:22'),(8782,388,1104,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 13:50:22','2018-04-18 13:50:22'),(8783,388,1104,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-18 13:50:22','2018-04-18 13:50:22'),(8784,388,1104,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-18 13:50:22','2018-04-18 13:50:22'),(8785,388,1104,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-18 13:50:22','2018-04-18 13:50:22'),(8786,388,1105,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:07'),(8787,388,1105,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:07'),(8788,388,1105,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:07'),(8789,388,1105,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:07'),(8790,388,1105,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:07'),(8791,388,1105,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:07'),(8792,388,1105,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:07'),(8793,388,1105,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:07'),(8794,388,1105,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:07'),(8795,388,1105,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-18 14:18:07','2018-04-18 14:18:07'),(8796,389,1106,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-19 18:27:49','2018-04-19 18:27:49'),(8797,389,1106,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-19 18:27:49','2018-04-19 18:27:49'),(8798,389,1106,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-19 18:27:49','2018-04-19 18:27:49'),(8799,389,1106,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-19 18:27:49','2018-04-19 18:27:49'),(8800,389,1106,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-19 18:27:49','2018-04-19 18:27:49'),(8801,389,1106,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-19 18:27:49','2018-04-19 18:27:49'),(8802,389,1106,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-19 18:27:49','2018-04-19 18:27:49'),(8803,389,1106,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-19 18:27:49','2018-04-19 18:27:49'),(8804,389,1106,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-19 18:27:49','2018-04-19 18:27:49'),(8805,389,1106,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-19 18:27:49','2018-04-19 18:27:49'),(8806,389,1107,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-19 18:34:06','2018-04-19 18:34:06'),(8807,389,1107,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-19 18:34:06','2018-04-19 18:34:06'),(8808,389,1107,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-19 18:34:06','2018-04-19 18:34:06'),(8809,389,1107,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-19 18:34:06','2018-04-19 18:34:06'),(8810,389,1107,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-19 18:34:06','2018-04-19 18:34:06'),(8811,389,1108,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(8812,389,1108,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(8813,389,1108,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(8814,389,1108,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(8815,389,1108,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(8816,389,1108,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(8817,389,1108,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(8818,389,1108,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(8819,389,1108,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(8820,389,1108,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-19 18:56:08','2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(8821,390,1109,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 10:42:25','2018-04-20 10:42:25'),(8822,390,1109,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-20 10:42:25','2018-04-20 10:42:25'),(8823,390,1109,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 10:42:25','2018-04-20 10:42:25'),(8824,390,1109,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-20 10:42:25','2018-04-20 10:42:25'),(8825,390,1109,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 10:42:25','2018-04-20 10:42:25'),(8826,390,1109,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-20 10:42:25','2018-04-20 10:42:25'),(8827,390,1109,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-20 10:42:25','2018-04-20 10:42:25'),(8828,390,1109,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-20 10:42:25','2018-04-20 10:42:25'),(8829,390,1109,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-20 10:42:25','2018-04-20 10:42:25'),(8830,390,1109,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-20 10:42:25','2018-04-20 10:42:25'),(8831,390,1110,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-20 10:55:38','2018-04-20 10:55:38'),(8832,390,1110,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 10:55:38','2018-04-20 10:55:38'),(8833,390,1110,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-20 10:55:38','2018-04-20 10:55:38'),(8834,390,1110,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-20 10:55:38','2018-04-20 10:55:38'),(8835,390,1110,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-20 10:55:38','2018-04-20 10:55:38'),(8836,390,1111,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(8837,390,1111,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(8838,390,1111,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(8839,390,1111,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(8840,390,1111,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(8841,390,1111,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(8842,390,1111,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(8843,390,1111,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(8844,390,1111,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(8845,390,1111,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-20 11:17:54','2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(8846,391,1112,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 11:38:20','2018-04-20 11:38:20'),(8847,391,1112,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-20 11:38:20','2018-04-20 11:38:20'),(8848,391,1112,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 11:38:20','2018-04-20 11:38:20'),(8849,391,1112,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-20 11:38:20','2018-04-20 11:38:20'),(8850,391,1112,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 11:38:20','2018-04-20 11:38:20'),(8851,391,1112,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-20 11:38:20','2018-04-20 11:38:20'),(8852,391,1112,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-20 11:38:20','2018-04-20 11:38:20'),(8853,391,1112,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-20 11:38:20','2018-04-20 11:38:20'),(8854,391,1112,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-20 11:38:20','2018-04-20 11:38:20'),(8855,391,1112,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-20 11:38:20','2018-04-20 11:38:20'),(8856,391,1113,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-20 11:44:40','2018-04-20 11:44:40'),(8857,391,1113,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 11:44:40','2018-04-20 11:44:40'),(8858,391,1113,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-20 11:44:40','2018-04-20 11:44:40'),(8859,391,1113,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-20 11:44:40','2018-04-20 11:44:40'),(8860,391,1113,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-20 11:44:40','2018-04-20 11:44:40'),(8861,391,1114,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:07'),(8862,391,1114,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:07'),(8863,391,1114,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:07'),(8864,391,1114,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:07'),(8865,391,1114,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:07'),(8866,391,1114,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:07'),(8867,391,1114,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:07'),(8868,391,1114,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:07'),(8869,391,1114,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:07'),(8870,391,1114,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-20 12:01:07','2018-04-20 12:01:07'),(8871,392,1115,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 14:48:17','2018-04-20 14:48:17'),(8872,392,1115,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-20 14:48:17','2018-04-20 14:48:17'),(8873,392,1115,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 14:48:17','2018-04-20 14:48:17'),(8874,392,1115,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-20 14:48:17','2018-04-20 14:48:17'),(8875,392,1115,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 14:48:17','2018-04-20 14:48:17'),(8876,392,1115,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-20 14:48:17','2018-04-20 14:48:17'),(8877,392,1115,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-20 14:48:17','2018-04-20 14:48:17'),(8878,392,1115,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-20 14:48:17','2018-04-20 14:48:17'),(8879,392,1115,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-20 14:48:17','2018-04-20 14:48:17'),(8880,392,1115,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-20 14:48:17','2018-04-20 14:48:17'),(8881,392,1116,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-20 14:56:44','2018-04-20 14:56:44'),(8882,392,1116,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 14:56:44','2018-04-20 14:56:44'),(8883,392,1116,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-20 14:56:44','2018-04-20 14:56:44'),(8884,392,1116,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-20 14:56:44','2018-04-20 14:56:44'),(8885,392,1116,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-20 14:56:44','2018-04-20 14:56:44'),(8886,392,1117,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(8887,392,1117,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(8888,392,1117,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(8889,392,1117,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(8890,392,1117,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(8891,392,1117,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(8892,392,1117,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(8893,392,1117,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(8894,392,1117,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(8895,392,1117,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-20 15:14:11','2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(8896,393,1118,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 20:33:51','2018-04-20 20:33:51'),(8897,393,1118,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-20 20:33:51','2018-04-20 20:33:51'),(8898,393,1118,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 20:33:51','2018-04-20 20:33:51'),(8899,393,1118,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-20 20:33:51','2018-04-20 20:33:51'),(8900,393,1118,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 20:33:51','2018-04-20 20:33:51'),(8901,393,1118,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-20 20:33:51','2018-04-20 20:33:51'),(8902,393,1118,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-20 20:33:51','2018-04-20 20:33:51'),(8903,393,1118,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-20 20:33:51','2018-04-20 20:33:51'),(8904,393,1118,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-20 20:33:51','2018-04-20 20:33:51'),(8905,393,1118,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-20 20:33:51','2018-04-20 20:33:51'),(8906,393,1119,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-20 20:39:21','2018-04-20 20:39:21'),(8907,393,1119,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 20:39:21','2018-04-20 20:39:21'),(8908,393,1119,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-20 20:39:21','2018-04-20 20:39:21'),(8909,393,1119,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-20 20:39:21','2018-04-20 20:39:21'),(8910,393,1119,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-20 20:39:21','2018-04-20 20:39:21'),(8911,393,1120,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(8912,393,1120,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(8913,393,1120,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(8914,393,1120,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(8915,393,1120,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(8916,393,1120,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(8917,393,1120,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(8918,393,1120,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(8919,393,1120,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(8920,393,1120,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-20 20:54:48','2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(8921,394,1121,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 12:00:33','2018-04-22 12:08:26'),(8922,394,1121,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-22 12:00:33','2018-04-22 12:08:26'),(8923,394,1121,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 12:00:33','2018-04-22 12:08:26'),(8924,394,1121,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-22 12:00:33','2018-04-22 12:08:26'),(8925,394,1121,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 12:00:33','2018-04-22 12:08:26'),(8926,394,1121,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-22 12:00:33','2018-04-22 12:08:26'),(8927,394,1121,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-22 12:00:33','2018-04-22 12:08:26'),(8928,394,1121,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-22 12:00:33','2018-04-22 12:08:26'),(8929,394,1121,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-22 12:00:33','2018-04-22 12:08:26'),(8930,394,1121,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-22 12:00:33','2018-04-22 12:08:26'),(8931,394,1122,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-22 12:08:13','2018-04-22 12:16:25'),(8932,394,1122,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 12:08:13','2018-04-22 12:16:25'),(8933,394,1122,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-22 12:08:13','2018-04-22 12:16:25'),(8934,394,1122,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-22 12:08:13','2018-04-22 12:16:25'),(8935,394,1122,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-22 12:08:13','2018-04-22 12:16:25'),(8936,394,1123,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(8937,394,1123,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(8938,394,1123,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(8939,394,1123,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(8940,394,1123,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(8941,394,1123,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(8942,394,1123,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(8943,394,1123,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(8944,394,1123,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(8945,394,1123,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-22 12:32:51','2018-04-22 12:32:51'),(8946,395,1124,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 19:28:27','2018-04-22 19:28:27'),(8947,395,1124,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-04-22 19:28:27','2018-04-22 19:28:27'),(8948,395,1124,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 19:28:27','2018-04-22 19:28:27'),(8949,395,1124,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-22 19:28:27','2018-04-22 19:28:27'),(8950,395,1124,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 19:28:27','2018-04-22 19:28:27'),(8951,395,1124,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-22 19:28:27','2018-04-22 19:28:27'),(8952,395,1124,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-22 19:28:27','2018-04-22 19:28:27'),(8953,395,1124,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-22 19:28:27','2018-04-22 19:28:27'),(8954,395,1124,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-22 19:28:27','2018-04-22 19:28:27'),(8955,395,1124,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-22 19:28:27','2018-04-22 19:28:27'),(8956,395,1125,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-22 19:36:27','2018-04-22 19:36:27'),(8957,395,1125,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 19:36:27','2018-04-22 19:36:27'),(8958,395,1125,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-22 19:36:27','2018-04-22 19:36:27'),(8959,395,1125,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-22 19:36:27','2018-04-22 19:36:27'),(8960,395,1125,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-22 19:36:27','2018-04-22 19:36:27'),(8961,395,1126,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(8962,395,1126,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(8963,395,1126,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(8964,395,1126,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(8965,395,1126,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(8966,395,1126,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(8967,395,1126,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(8968,395,1126,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(8969,395,1126,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(8970,395,1126,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-22 20:00:16','2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(8971,396,1127,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2018-04-24 23:36:25','2018-04-24 23:36:25'),(8972,396,1127,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2018-04-24 23:36:25','2018-04-24 23:36:25'),(8973,396,1127,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-24 23:36:25','2018-04-24 23:36:25'),(8974,396,1127,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-24 23:36:25','2018-04-24 23:36:25'),(8975,396,1127,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-24 23:36:25','2018-04-24 23:36:25'),(8976,396,1127,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-24 23:36:25','2018-04-24 23:36:25'),(8977,396,1127,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-24 23:36:25','2018-04-24 23:36:25'),(8978,396,1127,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-24 23:36:25','2018-04-24 23:36:25'),(8979,396,1127,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-24 23:36:25','2018-04-24 23:36:25'),(8980,396,1127,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-24 23:36:25','2018-04-24 23:36:25'),(8981,396,1128,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-24 23:37:32','2018-04-24 23:37:32'),(8982,396,1128,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2018-04-24 23:37:32','2018-04-24 23:37:32'),(8983,396,1128,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-24 23:37:32','2018-04-24 23:37:32'),(8984,396,1128,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-24 23:37:32','2018-04-24 23:37:32'),(8985,396,1128,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-24 23:37:32','2018-04-24 23:37:32'),(8986,396,1129,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(8987,396,1129,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(8988,396,1129,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(8989,396,1129,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(8990,396,1129,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(8991,396,1129,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(8992,396,1129,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(8993,396,1129,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(8994,396,1129,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(8995,396,1129,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-24 23:39:19','2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(8996,397,1130,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-29 13:42:51','2018-04-29 13:42:51'),(8997,397,1130,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2018-04-29 13:42:51','2018-04-29 13:42:51'),(8998,397,1130,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-29 13:42:51','2018-04-29 13:42:51'),(8999,397,1130,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-04-29 13:42:51','2018-04-29 13:42:51'),(9000,397,1130,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-29 13:42:51','2018-04-29 13:42:51'),(9001,397,1130,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-04-29 13:42:51','2018-04-29 13:42:51'),(9002,397,1130,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-04-29 13:42:51','2018-04-29 13:42:51'),(9003,397,1130,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-04-29 13:42:51','2018-04-29 13:42:51'),(9004,397,1130,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-04-29 13:42:51','2018-04-29 13:42:51'),(9005,397,1130,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-04-29 13:42:51','2018-04-29 13:42:51'),(9006,397,1131,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-04-29 13:49:25','2018-04-29 13:49:25'),(9007,397,1131,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-29 13:49:25','2018-04-29 13:49:25'),(9008,397,1131,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-04-29 13:49:25','2018-04-29 13:49:25'),(9009,397,1131,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-04-29 13:49:25','2018-04-29 13:49:25'),(9010,397,1131,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-04-29 13:49:25','2018-04-29 13:49:25'),(9011,397,1132,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(9012,397,1132,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(9013,397,1132,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(9014,397,1132,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(9015,397,1132,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(9016,397,1132,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(9017,397,1132,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(9018,397,1132,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(9019,397,1132,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(9020,397,1132,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-04-29 14:06:23','2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(9021,398,1133,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 10:38:21','2018-05-02 10:38:21'),(9022,398,1133,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-02 10:38:21','2018-05-02 10:38:21'),(9023,398,1133,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 10:38:21','2018-05-02 10:38:21'),(9024,398,1133,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-02 10:38:21','2018-05-02 10:38:21'),(9025,398,1133,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 10:38:21','2018-05-02 10:38:21'),(9026,398,1133,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-02 10:38:21','2018-05-02 10:38:21'),(9027,398,1133,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-02 10:38:21','2018-05-02 10:38:21'),(9028,398,1133,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-02 10:38:21','2018-05-02 10:38:21'),(9029,398,1133,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-02 10:38:21','2018-05-02 10:38:21'),(9030,398,1133,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-02 10:38:21','2018-05-02 10:38:21'),(9031,398,1134,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-02 11:02:45','2018-05-02 11:02:45'),(9032,398,1134,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 11:02:45','2018-05-02 11:02:45'),(9033,398,1134,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-02 11:02:45','2018-05-02 11:02:45'),(9034,398,1134,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-02 11:02:45','2018-05-02 11:02:45'),(9035,398,1134,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-02 11:02:45','2018-05-02 11:02:45'),(9036,398,1135,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(9037,398,1135,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(9038,398,1135,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(9039,398,1135,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(9040,398,1135,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(9041,398,1135,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(9042,398,1135,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(9043,398,1135,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(9044,398,1135,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(9045,398,1135,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-02 11:20:26','2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(9046,399,1136,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 14:07:23','2018-05-02 14:07:23'),(9047,399,1136,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-02 14:07:23','2018-05-02 14:07:23'),(9048,399,1136,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 14:07:23','2018-05-02 14:07:23'),(9049,399,1136,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-02 14:07:23','2018-05-02 14:07:23'),(9050,399,1136,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 14:07:23','2018-05-02 14:07:23'),(9051,399,1136,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-02 14:07:23','2018-05-02 14:07:23'),(9052,399,1136,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-02 14:07:23','2018-05-02 14:07:23'),(9053,399,1136,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-02 14:07:23','2018-05-02 14:07:23'),(9054,399,1136,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-02 14:07:23','2018-05-02 14:07:23'),(9055,399,1136,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-02 14:07:23','2018-05-02 14:07:23'),(9056,399,1137,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-02 14:18:46','2018-05-02 14:18:46'),(9057,399,1137,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 14:18:46','2018-05-02 14:18:46'),(9058,399,1137,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-02 14:18:46','2018-05-02 14:18:46'),(9059,399,1137,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-02 14:18:46','2018-05-02 14:18:46'),(9060,399,1137,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-02 14:18:46','2018-05-02 14:18:46'),(9061,399,1138,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:44'),(9062,399,1138,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:44'),(9063,399,1138,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:44'),(9064,399,1138,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:44'),(9065,399,1138,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:44'),(9066,399,1138,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:44'),(9067,399,1138,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:44'),(9068,399,1138,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:44'),(9069,399,1138,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:44'),(9070,399,1138,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-02 14:37:44','2018-05-02 14:37:44'),(9071,400,1139,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 07:52:52','2018-05-03 07:52:52'),(9072,400,1139,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-03 07:52:52','2018-05-03 07:52:52'),(9073,400,1139,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 07:52:52','2018-05-03 07:52:52'),(9074,400,1139,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-03 07:52:52','2018-05-03 07:52:52'),(9075,400,1139,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 07:52:52','2018-05-03 07:52:52'),(9076,400,1139,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-03 07:52:52','2018-05-03 07:52:52'),(9077,400,1139,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-03 07:52:52','2018-05-03 07:52:52'),(9078,400,1139,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-03 07:52:52','2018-05-03 07:52:52'),(9079,400,1139,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-03 07:52:52','2018-05-03 07:52:52'),(9080,400,1139,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-03 07:52:52','2018-05-03 07:52:52'),(9081,400,1140,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-03 07:59:17','2018-05-03 07:59:17'),(9082,400,1140,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 07:59:17','2018-05-03 07:59:17'),(9083,400,1140,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-03 07:59:17','2018-05-03 07:59:17'),(9084,400,1140,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-03 07:59:17','2018-05-03 07:59:17'),(9085,400,1140,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-03 07:59:17','2018-05-03 07:59:17'),(9086,400,1141,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(9087,400,1141,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(9088,400,1141,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(9089,400,1141,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(9090,400,1141,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(9091,400,1141,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(9092,400,1141,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(9093,400,1141,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(9094,400,1141,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(9095,400,1141,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-03 08:15:50','2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(9096,401,1142,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 18:18:02','2018-05-03 18:18:02'),(9097,401,1142,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-03 18:18:02','2018-05-03 18:18:02'),(9098,401,1142,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 18:18:02','2018-05-03 18:18:02'),(9099,401,1142,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-03 18:18:02','2018-05-03 18:18:02'),(9100,401,1142,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 18:18:02','2018-05-03 18:18:02'),(9101,401,1142,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-03 18:18:02','2018-05-03 18:18:02'),(9102,401,1142,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-03 18:18:02','2018-05-03 18:18:02'),(9103,401,1142,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-03 18:18:02','2018-05-03 18:18:02'),(9104,401,1142,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-03 18:18:02','2018-05-03 18:18:02'),(9105,401,1142,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-03 18:18:02','2018-05-03 18:18:02'),(9106,401,1143,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-03 18:28:41','2018-05-03 18:28:41'),(9107,401,1143,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 18:28:41','2018-05-03 18:28:41'),(9108,401,1143,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-03 18:28:41','2018-05-03 18:28:41'),(9109,401,1143,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-03 18:28:41','2018-05-03 18:28:41'),(9110,401,1143,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-03 18:28:41','2018-05-03 18:28:41'),(9111,401,1144,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:06'),(9112,401,1144,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:06'),(9113,401,1144,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:06'),(9114,401,1144,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:06'),(9115,401,1144,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:06'),(9116,401,1144,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:06'),(9117,401,1144,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:06'),(9118,401,1144,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:06'),(9119,401,1144,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:06'),(9120,401,1144,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-03 19:15:06','2018-05-03 19:15:06'),(9121,402,1145,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-06 13:42:03','2018-05-06 13:42:03'),(9122,402,1145,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-06 13:42:03','2018-05-06 13:42:03'),(9123,402,1145,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-06 13:42:03','2018-05-06 13:42:03'),(9124,402,1145,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-06 13:42:03','2018-05-06 13:42:03'),(9125,402,1145,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-06 13:42:03','2018-05-06 13:42:03'),(9126,402,1145,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-06 13:42:03','2018-05-06 13:42:03'),(9127,402,1145,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-06 13:42:03','2018-05-06 13:42:03'),(9128,402,1145,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-06 13:42:03','2018-05-06 13:42:03'),(9129,402,1145,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-06 13:42:03','2018-05-06 13:42:03'),(9130,402,1145,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-06 13:42:03','2018-05-06 13:42:03'),(9131,402,1146,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-06 13:48:44','2018-05-06 13:48:44'),(9132,402,1146,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-06 13:48:44','2018-05-06 13:48:44'),(9133,402,1146,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-06 13:48:44','2018-05-06 13:48:44'),(9134,402,1146,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-06 13:48:44','2018-05-06 13:48:44'),(9135,402,1146,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-06 13:48:44','2018-05-06 13:48:44'),(9136,402,1147,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(9137,402,1147,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(9138,402,1147,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(9139,402,1147,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(9140,402,1147,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(9141,402,1147,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(9142,402,1147,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(9143,402,1147,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(9144,402,1147,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(9145,402,1147,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-06 14:04:51','2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(9146,403,1148,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-07 16:53:29','2018-05-07 16:53:29'),(9147,403,1148,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-07 16:53:29','2018-05-07 16:53:29'),(9148,403,1148,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-07 16:53:29','2018-05-07 16:53:29'),(9149,403,1148,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-07 16:53:29','2018-05-07 16:53:29'),(9150,403,1148,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-07 16:53:29','2018-05-07 16:53:29'),(9151,403,1148,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-07 16:53:29','2018-05-07 16:53:29'),(9152,403,1148,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-07 16:53:29','2018-05-07 16:53:29'),(9153,403,1148,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-07 16:53:29','2018-05-07 16:53:29'),(9154,403,1148,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-07 16:53:29','2018-05-07 16:53:29'),(9155,403,1148,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-07 16:53:29','2018-05-07 16:53:29'),(9156,403,1149,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-07 17:01:14','2018-05-07 17:01:14'),(9157,403,1149,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-07 17:01:14','2018-05-07 17:01:14'),(9158,403,1149,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-07 17:01:14','2018-05-07 17:01:14'),(9159,403,1149,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-07 17:01:14','2018-05-07 17:01:14'),(9160,403,1149,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-07 17:01:14','2018-05-07 17:01:14'),(9161,403,1150,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(9162,403,1150,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(9163,403,1150,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(9164,403,1150,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(9165,403,1150,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(9166,403,1150,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(9167,403,1150,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(9168,403,1150,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(9169,403,1150,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(9170,403,1150,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-07 19:45:23','2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(9171,404,1151,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-08 09:52:42','2018-05-08 09:52:42'),(9172,404,1151,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-08 09:52:42','2018-05-08 09:52:42'),(9173,404,1151,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-08 09:52:42','2018-05-08 09:52:42'),(9174,404,1151,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-08 09:52:42','2018-05-08 09:52:42'),(9175,404,1151,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-08 09:52:42','2018-05-08 09:52:42'),(9176,404,1151,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-08 09:52:42','2018-05-08 09:52:42'),(9177,404,1151,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-08 09:52:42','2018-05-08 09:52:42'),(9178,404,1151,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-08 09:52:42','2018-05-08 09:52:42'),(9179,404,1151,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-08 09:52:42','2018-05-08 09:52:42'),(9180,404,1151,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-08 09:52:42','2018-05-08 09:52:42'),(9181,404,1152,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-08 09:59:24','2018-05-08 09:59:24'),(9182,404,1152,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-08 09:59:24','2018-05-08 09:59:24'),(9183,404,1152,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-08 09:59:24','2018-05-08 09:59:24'),(9184,404,1152,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-05-08 09:59:24','2018-05-08 09:59:24'),(9185,404,1152,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-08 09:59:24','2018-05-08 09:59:24'),(9186,404,1153,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(9187,404,1153,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(9188,404,1153,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(9189,404,1153,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(9190,404,1153,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(9191,404,1153,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(9192,404,1153,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(9193,404,1153,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(9194,404,1153,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(9195,404,1153,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-08 10:15:07','2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(9196,405,1154,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-16 14:07:10','2018-05-16 14:07:10'),(9197,405,1154,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-16 14:07:10','2018-05-16 14:07:10'),(9198,405,1154,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-16 14:07:10','2018-05-16 14:07:10'),(9199,405,1154,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-16 14:07:10','2018-05-16 14:07:10'),(9200,405,1154,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-16 14:07:10','2018-05-16 14:07:10'),(9201,405,1154,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-16 14:07:10','2018-05-16 14:07:10'),(9202,405,1154,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-16 14:07:10','2018-05-16 14:07:10'),(9203,405,1154,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-16 14:07:10','2018-05-16 14:07:10'),(9204,405,1154,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-16 14:07:10','2018-05-16 14:07:10'),(9205,405,1154,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-16 14:07:10','2018-05-16 14:07:10'),(9206,405,1155,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-16 14:14:37','2018-05-16 14:14:37'),(9207,405,1155,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-16 14:14:37','2018-05-16 14:14:37'),(9208,405,1155,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-16 14:14:37','2018-05-16 14:14:37'),(9209,405,1155,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-16 14:14:37','2018-05-16 14:14:37'),(9210,405,1155,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-16 14:14:37','2018-05-16 14:14:37'),(9211,405,1156,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:38'),(9212,405,1156,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:38'),(9213,405,1156,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:38'),(9214,405,1156,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:38'),(9215,405,1156,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:38'),(9216,405,1156,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:38'),(9217,405,1156,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:38'),(9218,405,1156,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:38'),(9219,405,1156,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:38'),(9220,405,1156,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-16 14:32:38','2018-05-16 14:32:38'),(9221,406,1157,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-22 11:36:28','2018-05-22 11:36:28'),(9222,406,1157,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-22 11:36:28','2018-05-22 11:36:28'),(9223,406,1157,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-22 11:36:28','2018-05-22 11:36:28'),(9224,406,1157,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-22 11:36:28','2018-05-22 11:36:28'),(9225,406,1157,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-22 11:36:28','2018-05-22 11:36:28'),(9226,406,1157,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-22 11:36:28','2018-05-22 11:36:28'),(9227,406,1157,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-22 11:36:28','2018-05-22 11:36:28'),(9228,406,1157,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-22 11:36:28','2018-05-22 11:36:28'),(9229,406,1157,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-22 11:36:28','2018-05-22 11:36:28'),(9230,406,1157,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-22 11:36:28','2018-05-22 11:36:28'),(9231,406,1158,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-22 11:42:09','2018-05-22 11:42:09'),(9232,406,1158,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-22 11:42:09','2018-05-22 11:42:09'),(9233,406,1158,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-22 11:42:09','2018-05-22 11:42:09'),(9234,406,1158,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-22 11:42:09','2018-05-22 11:42:09'),(9235,406,1158,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-22 11:42:09','2018-05-22 11:42:09'),(9236,406,1159,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-22 11:58:52','2018-05-22 11:58:52'),(9237,406,1159,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-22 11:58:52','2018-05-22 11:58:52'),(9238,406,1159,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-22 11:58:52','2018-05-22 11:58:52'),(9239,406,1159,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-05-22 11:58:52','2018-05-22 11:58:52'),(9240,406,1159,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-22 11:58:52','2018-05-22 11:58:52'),(9241,406,1159,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-22 11:58:52','2018-05-22 11:58:52'),(9242,406,1159,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-22 11:58:52','2018-05-22 11:58:52'),(9243,406,1159,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-22 11:58:52','2018-05-22 11:58:52'),(9244,406,1159,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-05-22 11:58:52','2018-05-22 11:58:52'),(9245,406,1159,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-22 11:58:52','2018-05-22 11:58:52'),(9246,407,1160,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-23 17:24:55','2018-05-23 17:24:55'),(9247,407,1160,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-23 17:24:55','2018-05-23 17:24:55'),(9248,407,1160,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-23 17:24:55','2018-05-23 17:24:55'),(9249,407,1160,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-23 17:24:55','2018-05-23 17:24:55'),(9250,407,1160,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-23 17:24:55','2018-05-23 17:24:55'),(9251,407,1160,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-23 17:24:55','2018-05-23 17:24:55'),(9252,407,1160,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-23 17:24:55','2018-05-23 17:24:55'),(9253,407,1160,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-23 17:24:55','2018-05-23 17:24:55'),(9254,407,1160,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-23 17:24:55','2018-05-23 17:24:55'),(9255,407,1160,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-23 17:24:55','2018-05-23 17:24:55'),(9256,407,1161,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-23 17:30:37','2018-05-23 17:30:37'),(9257,407,1161,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-23 17:30:37','2018-05-23 17:30:37'),(9258,407,1161,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-23 17:30:37','2018-05-23 17:30:37'),(9259,407,1161,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-23 17:30:37','2018-05-23 17:30:37'),(9260,407,1161,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-23 17:30:37','2018-05-23 17:30:37'),(9261,407,1162,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(9262,407,1162,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(9263,407,1162,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(9264,407,1162,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(9265,407,1162,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(9266,407,1162,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(9267,407,1162,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(9268,407,1162,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(9269,407,1162,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(9270,407,1162,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-23 17:46:58','2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(9271,408,1163,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-29 21:50:23','2018-05-29 21:50:23'),(9272,408,1163,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-29 21:50:23','2018-05-29 21:50:23'),(9273,408,1163,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-29 21:50:23','2018-05-29 21:50:23'),(9274,408,1163,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-29 21:50:23','2018-05-29 21:50:23'),(9275,408,1163,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-29 21:50:23','2018-05-29 21:50:23'),(9276,408,1163,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-29 21:50:23','2018-05-29 21:50:23'),(9277,408,1163,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-29 21:50:23','2018-05-29 21:50:23'),(9278,408,1163,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-29 21:50:23','2018-05-29 21:50:23'),(9279,408,1163,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-29 21:50:23','2018-05-29 21:50:23'),(9280,408,1163,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-29 21:50:23','2018-05-29 21:50:23'),(9281,408,1164,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-29 21:56:13','2018-05-29 21:56:13'),(9282,408,1164,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-29 21:56:13','2018-05-29 21:56:13'),(9283,408,1164,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-29 21:56:13','2018-05-29 21:56:13'),(9284,408,1164,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-29 21:56:13','2018-05-29 21:56:13'),(9285,408,1164,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-29 21:56:13','2018-05-29 21:56:13'),(9286,408,1165,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(9287,408,1165,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(9288,408,1165,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(9289,408,1165,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(9290,408,1165,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(9291,408,1165,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(9292,408,1165,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(9293,408,1165,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(9294,408,1165,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(9295,408,1165,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-29 22:14:43','2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(9296,409,1166,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 10:18:00','2018-05-30 10:18:00'),(9297,409,1166,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-30 10:18:00','2018-05-30 10:18:00'),(9298,409,1166,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 10:18:00','2018-05-30 10:18:00'),(9299,409,1166,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-30 10:18:00','2018-05-30 10:18:00'),(9300,409,1166,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 10:18:00','2018-05-30 10:18:00'),(9301,409,1166,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-30 10:18:00','2018-05-30 10:18:00'),(9302,409,1166,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-30 10:18:00','2018-05-30 10:18:00'),(9303,409,1166,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-30 10:18:00','2018-05-30 10:18:00'),(9304,409,1166,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-30 10:18:00','2018-05-30 10:18:00'),(9305,409,1166,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-30 10:18:00','2018-05-30 10:18:00'),(9306,409,1167,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-30 10:24:11','2018-05-30 10:24:11'),(9307,409,1167,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 10:24:11','2018-05-30 10:24:11'),(9308,409,1167,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-30 10:24:11','2018-05-30 10:24:11'),(9309,409,1167,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-30 10:24:11','2018-05-30 10:24:11'),(9310,409,1167,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-30 10:24:11','2018-05-30 10:24:11'),(9311,409,1168,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:17'),(9312,409,1168,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:17'),(9313,409,1168,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:17'),(9314,409,1168,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:17'),(9315,409,1168,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:17'),(9316,409,1168,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:17'),(9317,409,1168,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:17'),(9318,409,1168,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:17'),(9319,409,1168,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:17'),(9320,409,1168,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-30 10:44:17','2018-05-30 10:44:17'),(9321,410,1169,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 16:36:34','2018-05-30 16:36:34'),(9322,410,1169,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-05-30 16:36:34','2018-05-30 16:36:34'),(9323,410,1169,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 16:36:34','2018-05-30 16:36:34'),(9324,410,1169,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-05-30 16:36:34','2018-05-30 16:36:34'),(9325,410,1169,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 16:36:34','2018-05-30 16:36:34'),(9326,410,1169,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-05-30 16:36:34','2018-05-30 16:36:34'),(9327,410,1169,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-05-30 16:36:34','2018-05-30 16:36:34'),(9328,410,1169,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-05-30 16:36:34','2018-05-30 16:36:34'),(9329,410,1169,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-05-30 16:36:34','2018-05-30 16:36:34'),(9330,410,1169,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-05-30 16:36:34','2018-05-30 16:36:34'),(9331,410,1170,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-05-30 17:15:12','2018-05-30 17:15:12'),(9332,410,1170,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 17:15:12','2018-05-30 17:15:12'),(9333,410,1170,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-05-30 17:15:12','2018-05-30 17:15:12'),(9334,410,1170,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-05-30 17:15:12','2018-05-30 17:15:12'),(9335,410,1170,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-05-30 17:15:12','2018-05-30 17:15:12'),(9336,410,1171,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(9337,410,1171,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(9338,410,1171,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(9339,410,1171,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(9340,410,1171,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(9341,410,1171,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(9342,410,1171,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(9343,410,1171,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(9344,410,1171,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(9345,410,1171,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-05-30 18:34:38','2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(9346,411,1172,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-01 14:49:49','2018-06-01 14:49:49'),(9347,411,1172,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-01 14:49:49','2018-06-01 14:49:49'),(9348,411,1172,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-01 14:49:49','2018-06-01 14:49:49'),(9349,411,1172,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-01 14:49:49','2018-06-01 14:49:49'),(9350,411,1172,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-01 14:49:49','2018-06-01 14:49:49'),(9351,411,1172,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-01 14:49:49','2018-06-01 14:49:49'),(9352,411,1172,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-01 14:49:49','2018-06-01 14:49:49'),(9353,411,1172,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-01 14:49:49','2018-06-01 14:49:49'),(9354,411,1172,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-01 14:49:49','2018-06-01 14:49:49'),(9355,411,1172,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-01 14:49:49','2018-06-01 14:49:49'),(9356,411,1173,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-01 15:00:02','2018-06-01 15:00:02'),(9357,411,1173,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-01 15:00:02','2018-06-01 15:00:02'),(9358,411,1173,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-01 15:00:02','2018-06-01 15:00:02'),(9359,411,1173,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-06-01 15:00:02','2018-06-01 15:00:02'),(9360,411,1173,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-01 15:00:02','2018-06-01 15:00:02'),(9361,411,1174,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:09'),(9362,411,1174,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:09'),(9363,411,1174,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:09'),(9364,411,1174,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:09'),(9365,411,1174,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:09'),(9366,411,1174,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:09'),(9367,411,1174,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:09'),(9368,411,1174,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:09'),(9369,411,1174,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:09'),(9370,411,1174,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-01 15:23:09','2018-06-01 15:23:09'),(9371,412,1175,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 10:23:38','2018-06-02 10:23:38'),(9372,412,1175,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-02 10:23:38','2018-06-02 10:23:38'),(9373,412,1175,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 10:23:38','2018-06-02 10:23:38'),(9374,412,1175,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-02 10:23:38','2018-06-02 10:23:38'),(9375,412,1175,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 10:23:38','2018-06-02 10:23:38'),(9376,412,1175,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-02 10:23:38','2018-06-02 10:23:38'),(9377,412,1175,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-02 10:23:38','2018-06-02 10:23:38'),(9378,412,1175,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-02 10:23:38','2018-06-02 10:23:38'),(9379,412,1175,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-02 10:23:38','2018-06-02 10:23:38'),(9380,412,1175,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-02 10:23:38','2018-06-02 10:23:38'),(9381,412,1176,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-02 11:22:58','2018-06-02 11:22:58'),(9382,412,1176,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 11:22:58','2018-06-02 11:22:58'),(9383,412,1176,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-02 11:22:58','2018-06-02 11:22:58'),(9384,412,1176,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-06-02 11:22:58','2018-06-02 11:22:58'),(9385,412,1176,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-02 11:22:58','2018-06-02 11:22:58'),(9386,412,1177,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:28'),(9387,412,1177,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:28'),(9388,412,1177,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:28'),(9389,412,1177,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:28'),(9390,412,1177,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:28'),(9391,412,1177,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:28'),(9392,412,1177,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:28'),(9393,412,1177,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:28'),(9394,412,1177,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:28'),(9395,412,1177,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-02 11:46:28','2018-06-02 11:46:28'),(9396,413,1178,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 21:02:27','2018-06-02 21:02:27'),(9397,413,1178,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-02 21:02:27','2018-06-02 21:02:27'),(9398,413,1178,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 21:02:27','2018-06-02 21:02:27'),(9399,413,1178,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-02 21:02:27','2018-06-02 21:02:27'),(9400,413,1178,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 21:02:27','2018-06-02 21:02:27'),(9401,413,1178,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-02 21:02:27','2018-06-02 21:02:27'),(9402,413,1178,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-02 21:02:27','2018-06-02 21:02:27'),(9403,413,1178,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-02 21:02:27','2018-06-02 21:02:27'),(9404,413,1178,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-02 21:02:27','2018-06-02 21:02:27'),(9405,413,1178,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-02 21:02:27','2018-06-02 21:02:27'),(9406,413,1179,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-02 21:14:02','2018-06-02 21:14:02'),(9407,413,1179,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 21:14:02','2018-06-02 21:14:02'),(9408,413,1179,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-02 21:14:02','2018-06-02 21:14:02'),(9409,413,1179,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-06-02 21:14:02','2018-06-02 21:14:02'),(9410,413,1179,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-02 21:14:02','2018-06-02 21:14:02'),(9411,413,1180,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(9412,413,1180,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(9413,413,1180,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(9414,413,1180,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(9415,413,1180,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(9416,413,1180,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(9417,413,1180,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(9418,413,1180,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(9419,413,1180,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(9420,413,1180,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-02 21:33:34','2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(9421,414,1181,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-04 19:03:29','2018-06-04 19:03:29'),(9422,414,1181,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-04 19:03:29','2018-06-04 19:03:29'),(9423,414,1181,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-04 19:03:29','2018-06-04 19:03:29'),(9424,414,1181,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-04 19:03:29','2018-06-04 19:03:29'),(9425,414,1181,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-04 19:03:29','2018-06-04 19:03:29'),(9426,414,1181,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-04 19:03:29','2018-06-04 19:03:29'),(9427,414,1181,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-04 19:03:29','2018-06-04 19:03:29'),(9428,414,1181,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-04 19:03:29','2018-06-04 19:03:29'),(9429,414,1181,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-04 19:03:29','2018-06-04 19:03:29'),(9430,414,1181,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-04 19:03:29','2018-06-04 19:03:29'),(9431,414,1182,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-04 19:11:42','2018-06-04 19:11:42'),(9432,414,1182,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-04 19:11:42','2018-06-04 19:11:42'),(9433,414,1182,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-04 19:11:42','2018-06-04 19:11:42'),(9434,414,1182,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-06-04 19:11:42','2018-06-04 19:11:42'),(9435,414,1182,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-04 19:11:42','2018-06-04 19:11:42'),(9436,414,1183,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(9437,414,1183,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(9438,414,1183,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(9439,414,1183,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(9440,414,1183,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(9441,414,1183,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(9442,414,1183,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(9443,414,1183,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(9444,414,1183,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(9445,414,1183,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-04 19:56:06','2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(9446,415,1184,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-06 13:58:20','2018-06-06 13:58:20'),(9447,415,1184,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-06 13:58:20','2018-06-06 13:58:20'),(9448,415,1184,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-06 13:58:20','2018-06-06 13:58:20'),(9449,415,1184,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-06 13:58:20','2018-06-06 13:58:20'),(9450,415,1184,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-06 13:58:20','2018-06-06 13:58:20'),(9451,415,1184,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-06 13:58:20','2018-06-06 13:58:20'),(9452,415,1184,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-06 13:58:20','2018-06-06 13:58:20'),(9453,415,1184,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-06 13:58:20','2018-06-06 13:58:20'),(9454,415,1184,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-06 13:58:20','2018-06-06 13:58:20'),(9455,415,1184,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-06 13:58:20','2018-06-06 13:58:20'),(9456,415,1185,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-06 14:04:18','2018-06-06 14:04:18'),(9457,415,1185,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-06 14:04:18','2018-06-06 14:04:18'),(9458,415,1185,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-06 14:04:18','2018-06-06 14:04:18'),(9459,415,1185,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-06-06 14:04:18','2018-06-06 14:04:18'),(9460,415,1185,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-06 14:04:18','2018-06-06 14:04:18'),(9461,415,1186,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(9462,415,1186,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(9463,415,1186,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(9464,415,1186,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(9465,415,1186,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(9466,415,1186,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(9467,415,1186,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(9468,415,1186,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(9469,415,1186,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(9470,415,1186,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-06 18:47:31','2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(9471,416,1187,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-08 16:38:04','2018-06-08 16:38:04'),(9472,416,1187,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-08 16:38:04','2018-06-08 16:38:04'),(9473,416,1187,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-08 16:38:04','2018-06-08 16:38:04'),(9474,416,1187,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-08 16:38:04','2018-06-08 16:38:04'),(9475,416,1187,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-08 16:38:04','2018-06-08 16:38:04'),(9476,416,1187,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-08 16:38:04','2018-06-08 16:38:04'),(9477,416,1187,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-08 16:38:04','2018-06-08 16:38:04'),(9478,416,1187,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-08 16:38:04','2018-06-08 16:38:04'),(9479,416,1187,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-08 16:38:04','2018-06-08 16:38:04'),(9480,416,1187,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-08 16:38:04','2018-06-08 16:38:04'),(9481,416,1188,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-08 16:45:22','2018-06-08 16:45:22'),(9482,416,1188,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-08 16:45:22','2018-06-08 16:45:22'),(9483,416,1188,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-08 16:45:22','2018-06-08 16:45:22'),(9484,416,1188,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-06-08 16:45:22','2018-06-08 16:45:22'),(9485,416,1188,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-08 16:45:22','2018-06-08 16:45:22'),(9486,416,1189,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:02:53'),(9487,416,1189,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:02:53'),(9488,416,1189,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:02:53'),(9489,416,1189,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:02:53'),(9490,416,1189,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:02:53'),(9491,416,1189,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:02:53'),(9492,416,1189,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:02:53'),(9493,416,1189,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:02:53'),(9494,416,1189,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:02:53'),(9495,416,1189,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-08 17:02:53','2018-06-08 17:02:53'),(9496,417,1190,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-09 15:59:46','2018-06-09 15:59:46'),(9497,417,1190,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-09 15:59:46','2018-06-09 15:59:46'),(9498,417,1190,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-09 15:59:46','2018-06-09 15:59:46'),(9499,417,1190,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-09 15:59:46','2018-06-09 15:59:46'),(9500,417,1190,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-09 15:59:46','2018-06-09 15:59:46'),(9501,417,1190,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-09 15:59:46','2018-06-09 15:59:46'),(9502,417,1190,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-09 15:59:46','2018-06-09 15:59:46'),(9503,417,1190,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-09 15:59:46','2018-06-09 15:59:46'),(9504,417,1190,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-09 15:59:46','2018-06-09 15:59:46'),(9505,417,1190,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-09 15:59:46','2018-06-09 15:59:46'),(9506,417,1191,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-09 16:05:11','2018-06-09 16:05:11'),(9507,417,1191,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-09 16:05:11','2018-06-09 16:05:11'),(9508,417,1191,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-09 16:05:11','2018-06-09 16:05:11'),(9509,417,1191,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-06-09 16:05:11','2018-06-09 16:05:11'),(9510,417,1191,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-09 16:05:11','2018-06-09 16:05:11'),(9511,417,1192,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(9512,417,1192,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(9513,417,1192,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(9514,417,1192,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(9515,417,1192,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(9516,417,1192,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(9517,417,1192,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(9518,417,1192,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(9519,417,1192,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(9520,417,1192,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-09 16:20:05','2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(9521,418,1193,110,289,288,'n',0.00,'El tabaco mata a más personas de Minnesota que ____________. ','Los homicidios, suicidios y accidentes automovilísticos','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-11 14:44:08','2018-06-11 15:49:21'),(9522,418,1193,111,290,290,'y',1.00,'¿Cuál es el número de personas en los EE. UU. que mueren cada año por el consumo de tabaco?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-11 14:44:08','2018-06-11 15:49:21'),(9523,418,1193,112,297,294,'n',0.00,'¿Para cuál de los siguientes productos de tabaco se requiere una licencia de la ciudad o del condado para la venta?','Cualquier tipo de tabaco y dispositivos relacionados con el tabaco','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-11 14:44:08','2018-06-11 15:49:21'),(9524,418,1193,113,300,300,'y',1.00,'El rapé húmedo, el tabaco de mascar, el tabaco masticable y el snus son ejemplos de __________','Tabaco sin humo','Tabaco sin humo','2018-06-11 14:44:08','2018-06-11 15:49:21'),(9525,418,1193,114,305,305,'y',1.00,'¿Cuáles de los siguientes productos no se pueden vender a menores de edad?','Todas las opciones anteriores','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-11 14:44:08','2018-06-11 15:49:21'),(9526,418,1193,115,306,306,'y',1.00,'De acuerdo con la ley federal, los minoristas de tabaco deben verificar la edad de todos los compradores de cigarros o tabaco sin humo que tienen menos de 27 años mediante la identificación fotográfica que contiene la fecha de nacimiento del titular.','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-11 14:44:08','2018-06-11 15:49:21'),(9527,418,1193,116,309,309,'y',1.00,'¿Qué tipo de tienda puede vender tabaco en un mostrador de autoservicio?','Tiendas de solo tabaco y exclusivas para adultos','Tiendas de solo tabaco y exclusivas para adultos','2018-06-11 14:44:08','2018-06-11 15:49:21'),(9528,418,1193,117,313,313,'y',1.00,'Los minoristas pueden vender latas abiertas de tabaco sin humo. ','Falso','Falso','2018-06-11 14:44:08','2018-06-11 15:49:21'),(9529,418,1193,118,315,315,'y',1.00,'La ley de Minnesota requiere que todos los líquidos que se venden para cigarros electrónicos (líquido electrónico) deben estar en el empaque que fue diseñado y probado para ser a prueba de niños.','Falso','Falso','2018-06-11 14:44:08','2018-06-11 15:49:21'),(9530,418,1193,119,316,316,'y',1.00,'Las licencias de tabaco especifican a la persona y al lugar, y solo pueden ser emitidas para establecimientos permanentes. ','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-11 14:44:08','2018-06-11 15:49:21'),(9531,418,1194,120,318,318,'y',1.00,'El objetivo de los controles de cumplimiento es asegurarse de que usted no está vendiendo tabaco a menores de edad y que está cumpliendo con otras leyes aplicables de venta de tabaco. ','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-11 14:53:30','2018-06-11 15:56:49'),(9532,418,1194,121,323,323,'y',1.00,'Las partes implicadas en los controles de cumplimiento son:','Todas las opciones anteriores','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-11 14:53:30','2018-06-11 15:56:49'),(9533,418,1194,122,325,325,'y',1.00,'Uno de los propósitos de las verificaciones de cumplimiento de la FDA es asegurarse de que los empleados estén verificando la identidad de todas las personas menores de','27','27','2018-06-11 14:53:30','2018-06-11 15:56:49'),(9534,418,1194,123,328,328,'y',1.00,'La venta de tabaco a menores de edad es un delito menor y podría ocasionar multas de hasta $1,000 o 90 días de cárcel.','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-11 14:53:30','2018-06-11 15:56:49'),(9535,418,1194,124,332,332,'y',1.00,'Las verificaciones de cumplimiento de Synar se llevan a cabo mediante: ','El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Minnesota','El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Minnesota','2018-06-11 14:53:30','2018-06-11 15:56:49'),(9536,418,1195,125,336,336,'y',1.00,'¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones NO es una forma aceptable de identificación? ','Tarjeta de socio AAA','Tarjeta de socio AAA','2018-06-11 15:14:59','2018-06-11 16:38:15'),(9537,418,1195,126,341,341,'y',1.00,'Una forma de identificación aceptable debe:','Todas las opciones anteriores','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-11 15:14:59','2018-06-11 16:38:15'),(9538,418,1195,127,342,342,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, Dakota del Sur y Dakota del Norte utilizan un formato vertical de identificación para las personas menores de 21 años.','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-11 15:14:59','2018-06-11 16:38:15'),(9539,418,1195,128,345,345,'y',1.00,'Los resultados de los controles de cumplimiento de la FDA se utilizan solo para fines de investigación, no para fines de cumplimiento.','Falso','Falso','2018-06-11 15:14:59','2018-06-11 16:38:15'),(9540,418,1195,129,346,346,'y',1.00,'Además de las sanciones civiles monetarias, la FDA podría imponer órdenes de \"ventas sin tabaco\" a los negocios que no cumplan de forma repetitiva. Los decomisos de productos, las medidas cautelares y los procesos penales también son posibles. ','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-11 15:14:59','2018-06-11 16:38:15'),(9541,418,1195,130,350,350,'y',1.00,'La venta de tabaco, cigarros electrónicos u otros productos con licencia en un lugar temporal o móvil está prohibida por la ley estatal. ¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones es un ejemplo de un lugar temporal o móvil de negocio: ','Todas las opciones anteriores','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-11 15:14:59','2018-06-11 16:38:15'),(9542,418,1195,131,352,352,'y',1.00,'Todos los cigarros vendidos en Minnesota deben tener un _____________ aplicado al paquete para ayudar al Departamento de Impuestos de Minnesota a garantizar que todos los impuestos se hayan pagado y para prevenir el tráfico ilegal de cigarros. ','Sello de impuesto a los cigarros de Minnesota','Sello de impuesto a los cigarros de Minnesota','2018-06-11 15:14:59','2018-06-11 16:38:15'),(9543,418,1195,132,357,357,'y',1.00,'Las pipas y los papeles para envolver tabaco se consideran ________, y es ilegal la venta de estos a alguien que tenga menos de 18 años.','Dispositivos relacionados con el tabaco','Dispositivos relacionados con el tabaco','2018-06-11 15:14:59','2018-06-11 16:38:15'),(9544,418,1195,133,360,360,'y',1.00,'Debe cobrar un impuesto sobre las ventas en otros productos de tabaco (por ejemplo, cigarros electrónicos, puros, tabaco sin humo, etc.).','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-11 15:14:59','2018-06-11 16:38:15'),(9545,418,1195,134,362,362,'y',1.00,'La venta de tabaco, dispositivos relacionados con el tabaco, dispositivos de administración electrónica, productos y dispositivos de nicotina y lobelia a menores está prohibida por la ley del estado de Minnesota.','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-11 15:14:59','2018-06-11 16:38:15'),(9546,419,1196,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-11 17:21:15','2018-06-11 17:21:15'),(9547,419,1196,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-11 17:21:15','2018-06-11 17:21:15'),(9548,419,1196,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-11 17:21:15','2018-06-11 17:21:15'),(9549,419,1196,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-11 17:21:15','2018-06-11 17:21:15'),(9550,419,1196,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-11 17:21:15','2018-06-11 17:21:15'),(9551,419,1196,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-11 17:21:15','2018-06-11 17:21:15'),(9552,419,1196,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-11 17:21:15','2018-06-11 17:21:15'),(9553,419,1196,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-11 17:21:15','2018-06-11 17:21:15'),(9554,419,1196,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-11 17:21:15','2018-06-11 17:21:15'),(9555,419,1196,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-11 17:21:15','2018-06-11 17:21:15'),(9556,419,1197,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-11 17:28:53','2018-06-11 17:28:53'),(9557,419,1197,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-11 17:28:53','2018-06-11 17:28:53'),(9558,419,1197,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-11 17:28:53','2018-06-11 17:28:53'),(9559,419,1197,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-06-11 17:28:53','2018-06-11 17:28:53'),(9560,419,1197,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-11 17:28:53','2018-06-11 17:28:53'),(9561,419,1198,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(9562,419,1198,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(9563,419,1198,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(9564,419,1198,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(9565,419,1198,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(9566,419,1198,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(9567,419,1198,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(9568,419,1198,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(9569,419,1198,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(9570,419,1198,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-11 17:48:19','2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(9571,420,1199,110,289,289,'y',1.00,'El tabaco mata a más personas de Minnesota que ____________. ','Todas las opciones anteriores','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-12 14:27:19','2018-06-12 14:27:19'),(9572,420,1199,111,290,290,'y',1.00,'¿Cuál es el número de personas en los EE. UU. que mueren cada año por el consumo de tabaco?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-12 14:27:19','2018-06-12 14:27:19'),(9573,420,1199,112,297,297,'y',1.00,'¿Para cuál de los siguientes productos de tabaco se requiere una licencia de la ciudad o del condado para la venta?','Todas las opciones anteriores','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-12 14:27:19','2018-06-12 14:27:19'),(9574,420,1199,113,300,300,'y',1.00,'El rapé húmedo, el tabaco de mascar, el tabaco masticable y el snus son ejemplos de __________','Tabaco sin humo','Tabaco sin humo','2018-06-12 14:27:19','2018-06-12 14:27:19'),(9575,420,1199,114,305,305,'y',1.00,'¿Cuáles de los siguientes productos no se pueden vender a menores de edad?','Todas las opciones anteriores','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-12 14:27:19','2018-06-12 14:27:19'),(9576,420,1199,115,306,306,'y',1.00,'De acuerdo con la ley federal, los minoristas de tabaco deben verificar la edad de todos los compradores de cigarros o tabaco sin humo que tienen menos de 27 años mediante la identificación fotográfica que contiene la fecha de nacimiento del titular.','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-12 14:27:19','2018-06-12 14:27:19'),(9577,420,1199,116,309,309,'y',1.00,'¿Qué tipo de tienda puede vender tabaco en un mostrador de autoservicio?','Tiendas de solo tabaco y exclusivas para adultos','Tiendas de solo tabaco y exclusivas para adultos','2018-06-12 14:27:19','2018-06-12 14:27:19'),(9578,420,1199,117,313,313,'y',1.00,'Los minoristas pueden vender latas abiertas de tabaco sin humo. ','Falso','Falso','2018-06-12 14:27:19','2018-06-12 14:27:19'),(9579,420,1199,118,315,314,'n',0.00,'La ley de Minnesota requiere que todos los líquidos que se venden para cigarros electrónicos (líquido electrónico) deben estar en el empaque que fue diseñado y probado para ser a prueba de niños.','Cierto','Falso','2018-06-12 14:27:19','2018-06-12 14:27:19'),(9580,420,1199,119,316,316,'y',1.00,'Las licencias de tabaco especifican a la persona y al lugar, y solo pueden ser emitidas para establecimientos permanentes. ','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-12 14:27:19','2018-06-12 14:27:19'),(9581,420,1200,120,318,318,'y',1.00,'El objetivo de los controles de cumplimiento es asegurarse de que usted no está vendiendo tabaco a menores de edad y que está cumpliendo con otras leyes aplicables de venta de tabaco. ','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-12 14:36:16','2018-06-12 14:36:16'),(9582,420,1200,121,323,321,'n',0.00,'Las partes implicadas en los controles de cumplimiento son:','Los menores de edad','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-12 14:36:16','2018-06-12 14:36:16'),(9583,420,1200,122,325,325,'y',1.00,'Uno de los propósitos de las verificaciones de cumplimiento de la FDA es asegurarse de que los empleados estén verificando la identidad de todas las personas menores de','27','27','2018-06-12 14:36:16','2018-06-12 14:36:16'),(9584,420,1200,123,328,328,'y',1.00,'La venta de tabaco a menores de edad es un delito menor y podría ocasionar multas de hasta $1,000 o 90 días de cárcel.','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-12 14:36:16','2018-06-12 14:36:16'),(9585,420,1200,124,332,332,'y',1.00,'Las verificaciones de cumplimiento de Synar se llevan a cabo mediante: ','El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Minnesota','El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Minnesota','2018-06-12 14:36:16','2018-06-12 14:36:16'),(9586,420,1201,125,336,336,'y',1.00,'¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones NO es una forma aceptable de identificación? ','Tarjeta de socio AAA','Tarjeta de socio AAA','2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(9587,420,1201,126,341,341,'y',1.00,'Una forma de identificación aceptable debe:','Todas las opciones anteriores','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(9588,420,1201,127,342,342,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, Dakota del Sur y Dakota del Norte utilizan un formato vertical de identificación para las personas menores de 21 años.','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(9589,420,1201,128,345,344,'n',0.00,'Los resultados de los controles de cumplimiento de la FDA se utilizan solo para fines de investigación, no para fines de cumplimiento.','Cierto','Falso','2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(9590,420,1201,129,346,346,'y',1.00,'Además de las sanciones civiles monetarias, la FDA podría imponer órdenes de \"ventas sin tabaco\" a los negocios que no cumplan de forma repetitiva. Los decomisos de productos, las medidas cautelares y los procesos penales también son posibles. ','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(9591,420,1201,130,350,350,'y',1.00,'La venta de tabaco, cigarros electrónicos u otros productos con licencia en un lugar temporal o móvil está prohibida por la ley estatal. ¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones es un ejemplo de un lugar temporal o móvil de negocio: ','Todas las opciones anteriores','Todas las opciones anteriores','2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(9592,420,1201,131,352,352,'y',1.00,'Todos los cigarros vendidos en Minnesota deben tener un _____________ aplicado al paquete para ayudar al Departamento de Impuestos de Minnesota a garantizar que todos los impuestos se hayan pagado y para prevenir el tráfico ilegal de cigarros. ','Sello de impuesto a los cigarros de Minnesota','Sello de impuesto a los cigarros de Minnesota','2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(9593,420,1201,132,357,357,'y',1.00,'Las pipas y los papeles para envolver tabaco se consideran ________, y es ilegal la venta de estos a alguien que tenga menos de 18 años.','Dispositivos relacionados con el tabaco','Dispositivos relacionados con el tabaco','2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(9594,420,1201,133,360,360,'y',1.00,'Debe cobrar un impuesto sobre las ventas en otros productos de tabaco (por ejemplo, cigarros electrónicos, puros, tabaco sin humo, etc.).','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(9595,420,1201,134,362,362,'y',1.00,'La venta de tabaco, dispositivos relacionados con el tabaco, dispositivos de administración electrónica, productos y dispositivos de nicotina y lobelia a menores está prohibida por la ley del estado de Minnesota.','Cierto','Cierto','2018-06-12 14:58:26','2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(9596,421,1202,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 11:11:20','2018-06-15 11:11:20'),(9597,421,1202,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-15 11:11:20','2018-06-15 11:11:20'),(9598,421,1202,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 11:11:20','2018-06-15 11:11:20'),(9599,421,1202,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-15 11:11:20','2018-06-15 11:11:20'),(9600,421,1202,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 11:11:20','2018-06-15 11:11:20'),(9601,421,1202,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-15 11:11:20','2018-06-15 11:11:20'),(9602,421,1202,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-15 11:11:20','2018-06-15 11:11:20'),(9603,421,1202,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-15 11:11:20','2018-06-15 11:11:20'),(9604,421,1202,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-15 11:11:20','2018-06-15 11:11:20'),(9605,421,1202,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-15 11:11:20','2018-06-15 11:11:20'),(9606,421,1203,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-15 11:17:01','2018-06-15 11:17:01'),(9607,421,1203,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 11:17:01','2018-06-15 11:17:01'),(9608,421,1203,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-15 11:17:01','2018-06-15 11:17:01'),(9609,421,1203,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-06-15 11:17:01','2018-06-15 11:17:01'),(9610,421,1203,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-15 11:17:01','2018-06-15 11:17:01'),(9611,421,1204,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(9612,421,1204,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(9613,421,1204,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(9614,421,1204,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(9615,421,1204,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(9616,421,1204,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(9617,421,1204,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(9618,421,1204,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(9619,421,1204,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(9620,421,1204,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-15 11:35:55','2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(9621,422,1205,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 11:34:45','2018-06-15 11:34:45'),(9622,422,1205,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-15 11:34:45','2018-06-15 11:34:45'),(9623,422,1205,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 11:34:45','2018-06-15 11:34:45'),(9624,422,1205,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-15 11:34:45','2018-06-15 11:34:45'),(9625,422,1205,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 11:34:45','2018-06-15 11:34:45'),(9626,422,1205,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-15 11:34:45','2018-06-15 11:34:45'),(9627,422,1205,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-15 11:34:45','2018-06-15 11:34:45'),(9628,422,1205,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-15 11:34:45','2018-06-15 11:34:45'),(9629,422,1205,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-15 11:34:45','2018-06-15 11:34:45'),(9630,422,1205,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-15 11:34:45','2018-06-15 11:34:45'),(9631,422,1206,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-15 11:43:33','2018-06-15 11:43:33'),(9632,422,1206,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 11:43:33','2018-06-15 11:43:33'),(9633,422,1206,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-15 11:43:33','2018-06-15 11:43:33'),(9634,422,1206,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-06-15 11:43:33','2018-06-15 11:43:33'),(9635,422,1206,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-15 11:43:33','2018-06-15 11:43:33'),(9636,422,1207,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(9637,422,1207,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(9638,422,1207,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(9639,422,1207,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(9640,422,1207,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(9641,422,1207,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(9642,422,1207,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(9643,422,1207,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(9644,422,1207,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(9645,422,1207,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-15 12:04:13','2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(9646,423,1208,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-19 09:38:27','2018-06-19 09:38:27'),(9647,423,1208,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-19 09:38:27','2018-06-19 09:38:27'),(9648,423,1208,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-19 09:38:27','2018-06-19 09:38:27'),(9649,423,1208,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-19 09:38:27','2018-06-19 09:38:27'),(9650,423,1208,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-19 09:38:27','2018-06-19 09:38:27'),(9651,423,1208,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-19 09:38:27','2018-06-19 09:38:27'),(9652,423,1208,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-19 09:38:27','2018-06-19 09:38:27'),(9653,423,1208,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-19 09:38:27','2018-06-19 09:38:27'),(9654,423,1208,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-19 09:38:27','2018-06-19 09:38:27'),(9655,423,1208,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-19 09:38:27','2018-06-19 09:38:27'),(9656,423,1209,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-19 09:44:13','2018-06-19 09:44:13'),(9657,423,1209,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-19 09:44:13','2018-06-19 09:44:13'),(9658,423,1209,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-19 09:44:13','2018-06-19 09:44:13'),(9659,423,1209,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-06-19 09:44:13','2018-06-19 09:44:13'),(9660,423,1209,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-19 09:44:13','2018-06-19 09:44:13'),(9661,423,1210,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:09'),(9662,423,1210,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:09'),(9663,423,1210,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:09'),(9664,423,1210,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:09'),(9665,423,1210,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:09'),(9666,423,1210,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:09'),(9667,423,1210,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:09'),(9668,423,1210,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:09'),(9669,423,1210,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:09'),(9670,423,1210,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-19 09:59:09','2018-06-19 09:59:09'),(9671,424,1211,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-27 15:27:38','2018-06-27 15:27:38'),(9672,424,1211,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-06-27 15:27:38','2018-06-27 15:27:38'),(9673,424,1211,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-27 15:27:38','2018-06-27 15:27:38'),(9674,424,1211,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-06-27 15:27:38','2018-06-27 15:27:38'),(9675,424,1211,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-27 15:27:38','2018-06-27 15:27:38'),(9676,424,1211,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-06-27 15:27:38','2018-06-27 15:27:38'),(9677,424,1211,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-06-27 15:27:38','2018-06-27 15:27:38'),(9678,424,1211,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-06-27 15:27:38','2018-06-27 15:27:38'),(9679,424,1211,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-06-27 15:27:38','2018-06-27 15:27:38'),(9680,424,1211,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-06-27 15:27:38','2018-06-27 15:27:38'),(9681,424,1212,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-06-27 15:34:02','2018-06-27 15:34:02'),(9682,424,1212,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-27 15:34:02','2018-06-27 15:34:02'),(9683,424,1212,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-06-27 15:34:02','2018-06-27 15:34:02'),(9684,424,1212,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-06-27 15:34:02','2018-06-27 15:34:02'),(9685,424,1212,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-06-27 15:34:02','2018-06-27 15:34:02'),(9686,424,1213,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(9687,424,1213,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(9688,424,1213,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(9689,424,1213,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(9690,424,1213,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(9691,424,1213,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(9692,424,1213,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(9693,424,1213,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(9694,424,1213,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(9695,424,1213,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-06-27 15:50:11','2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(9696,425,1214,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-05 17:44:21','2018-07-05 17:44:21'),(9697,425,1214,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-07-05 17:44:21','2018-07-05 17:44:21'),(9698,425,1214,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-05 17:44:21','2018-07-05 17:44:21'),(9699,425,1214,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-07-05 17:44:21','2018-07-05 17:44:21'),(9700,425,1214,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-05 17:44:21','2018-07-05 17:44:21'),(9701,425,1214,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-07-05 17:44:21','2018-07-05 17:44:21'),(9702,425,1214,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-07-05 17:44:21','2018-07-05 17:44:21'),(9703,425,1214,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-07-05 17:44:21','2018-07-05 17:44:21'),(9704,425,1214,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-07-05 17:44:21','2018-07-05 17:44:21'),(9705,425,1214,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-07-05 17:44:21','2018-07-05 17:44:21'),(9706,425,1215,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-07-05 17:52:44','2018-07-05 17:52:44'),(9707,425,1215,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-05 17:52:44','2018-07-05 17:52:44'),(9708,425,1215,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-07-05 17:52:44','2018-07-05 17:52:44'),(9709,425,1215,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-07-05 17:52:44','2018-07-05 17:52:44'),(9710,425,1215,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-07-05 17:52:44','2018-07-05 17:52:44'),(9711,425,1216,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:40'),(9712,425,1216,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:40'),(9713,425,1216,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:40'),(9714,425,1216,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:40'),(9715,425,1216,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:40'),(9716,425,1216,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:40'),(9717,425,1216,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:40'),(9718,425,1216,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:40'),(9719,425,1216,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:40'),(9720,425,1216,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-07-05 18:12:40','2018-07-05 18:12:40'),(9721,426,1217,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-10 10:36:03','2018-07-10 10:36:03'),(9722,426,1217,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-07-10 10:36:03','2018-07-10 10:36:03'),(9723,426,1217,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-10 10:36:03','2018-07-10 10:36:03'),(9724,426,1217,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-07-10 10:36:03','2018-07-10 10:36:03'),(9725,426,1217,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-10 10:36:03','2018-07-10 10:36:03'),(9726,426,1217,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-07-10 10:36:03','2018-07-10 10:36:03'),(9727,426,1217,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-07-10 10:36:03','2018-07-10 10:36:03'),(9728,426,1217,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-07-10 10:36:03','2018-07-10 10:36:03'),(9729,426,1217,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-07-10 10:36:03','2018-07-10 10:36:03'),(9730,426,1217,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-07-10 10:36:03','2018-07-10 10:36:03'),(9731,426,1218,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-07-10 10:43:12','2018-07-10 10:43:12'),(9732,426,1218,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-10 10:43:12','2018-07-10 10:43:12'),(9733,426,1218,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-07-10 10:43:12','2018-07-10 10:43:12'),(9734,426,1218,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-07-10 10:43:12','2018-07-10 10:43:12'),(9735,426,1218,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-07-10 10:43:12','2018-07-10 10:43:12'),(9736,426,1219,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(9737,426,1219,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(9738,426,1219,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(9739,426,1219,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(9740,426,1219,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(9741,426,1219,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(9742,426,1219,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(9743,426,1219,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(9744,426,1219,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(9745,426,1219,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-07-10 11:06:33','2018-07-10 11:06:33'),(9746,427,1220,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 10:39:24','2018-07-16 10:39:24'),(9747,427,1220,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-07-16 10:39:24','2018-07-16 10:39:24'),(9748,427,1220,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 10:39:24','2018-07-16 10:39:24'),(9749,427,1220,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-07-16 10:39:24','2018-07-16 10:39:24'),(9750,427,1220,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 10:39:24','2018-07-16 10:39:24'),(9751,427,1220,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-07-16 10:39:24','2018-07-16 10:39:24'),(9752,427,1220,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-07-16 10:39:24','2018-07-16 10:39:24'),(9753,427,1220,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-07-16 10:39:24','2018-07-16 10:39:24'),(9754,427,1220,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-07-16 10:39:24','2018-07-16 10:39:24'),(9755,427,1220,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-07-16 10:39:24','2018-07-16 10:39:24'),(9756,427,1221,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-07-16 10:48:17','2018-07-16 10:48:17'),(9757,427,1221,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 10:48:17','2018-07-16 10:48:17'),(9758,427,1221,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-07-16 10:48:17','2018-07-16 10:48:17'),(9759,427,1221,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-07-16 10:48:17','2018-07-16 10:48:17'),(9760,427,1221,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-07-16 10:48:17','2018-07-16 10:48:17'),(9761,427,1222,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:35'),(9762,427,1222,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:35'),(9763,427,1222,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:35'),(9764,427,1222,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:35'),(9765,427,1222,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:35'),(9766,427,1222,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:35'),(9767,427,1222,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:35'),(9768,427,1222,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:35'),(9769,427,1222,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:35'),(9770,427,1222,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-07-16 11:36:35','2018-07-16 11:36:35'),(9771,428,1223,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 12:23:06','2018-07-16 12:23:06'),(9772,428,1223,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-07-16 12:23:06','2018-07-16 12:23:06'),(9773,428,1223,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 12:23:06','2018-07-16 12:23:06'),(9774,428,1223,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-07-16 12:23:06','2018-07-16 12:23:06'),(9775,428,1223,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 12:23:06','2018-07-16 12:23:06'),(9776,428,1223,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-07-16 12:23:06','2018-07-16 12:23:06'),(9777,428,1223,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-07-16 12:23:06','2018-07-16 12:23:06'),(9778,428,1223,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-07-16 12:23:06','2018-07-16 12:23:06'),(9779,428,1223,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-07-16 12:23:06','2018-07-16 12:23:06'),(9780,428,1223,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-07-16 12:23:06','2018-07-16 12:23:06'),(9781,428,1224,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-07-16 12:38:20','2018-07-16 12:38:20'),(9782,428,1224,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 12:38:20','2018-07-16 12:38:20'),(9783,428,1224,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-07-16 12:38:20','2018-07-16 12:38:20'),(9784,428,1224,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-07-16 12:38:20','2018-07-16 12:38:20'),(9785,428,1224,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-07-16 12:38:20','2018-07-16 12:38:20'),(9786,428,1225,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(9787,428,1225,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(9788,428,1225,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(9789,428,1225,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(9790,428,1225,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(9791,428,1225,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(9792,428,1225,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(9793,428,1225,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(9794,428,1225,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(9795,428,1225,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-07-16 12:53:30','2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(9796,429,1226,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-20 15:38:06','2018-07-20 15:38:06'),(9797,429,1226,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-07-20 15:38:06','2018-07-20 15:38:06'),(9798,429,1226,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-20 15:38:06','2018-07-20 15:38:06'),(9799,429,1226,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-07-20 15:38:06','2018-07-20 15:38:06'),(9800,429,1226,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-20 15:38:06','2018-07-20 15:38:06'),(9801,429,1226,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-07-20 15:38:06','2018-07-20 15:38:06'),(9802,429,1226,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-07-20 15:38:06','2018-07-20 15:38:06'),(9803,429,1226,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-07-20 15:38:06','2018-07-20 15:38:06'),(9804,429,1226,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-07-20 15:38:06','2018-07-20 15:38:06'),(9805,429,1226,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-07-20 15:38:06','2018-07-20 15:38:06'),(9806,429,1227,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-07-20 15:44:15','2018-07-20 15:44:15'),(9807,429,1227,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-20 15:44:15','2018-07-20 15:44:15'),(9808,429,1227,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-07-20 15:44:15','2018-07-20 15:44:15'),(9809,429,1227,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-07-20 15:44:15','2018-07-20 15:44:15'),(9810,429,1227,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-07-20 15:44:15','2018-07-20 15:44:15'),(9811,429,1228,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(9812,429,1228,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(9813,429,1228,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(9814,429,1228,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(9815,429,1228,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(9816,429,1228,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(9817,429,1228,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(9818,429,1228,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(9819,429,1228,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(9820,429,1228,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-07-20 16:01:32','2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(9821,430,1229,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 08:34:24','2018-07-24 08:47:58'),(9822,430,1229,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-07-24 08:34:24','2018-07-24 08:47:58'),(9823,430,1229,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 08:34:24','2018-07-24 08:47:58'),(9824,430,1229,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-07-24 08:34:24','2018-07-24 08:47:58'),(9825,430,1229,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 08:34:24','2018-07-24 08:47:58'),(9826,430,1229,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-07-24 08:34:24','2018-07-24 08:47:58'),(9827,430,1229,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-07-24 08:34:24','2018-07-24 08:47:58'),(9828,430,1229,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-07-24 08:34:24','2018-07-24 08:47:58'),(9829,430,1229,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-07-24 08:34:24','2018-07-24 08:47:58'),(9830,430,1229,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-07-24 08:34:24','2018-07-24 08:47:58'),(9831,430,1230,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-07-24 08:41:16','2018-07-24 08:48:01'),(9832,430,1230,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 08:41:16','2018-07-24 08:48:01'),(9833,430,1230,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-07-24 08:41:16','2018-07-24 08:48:01'),(9834,430,1230,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-07-24 08:41:16','2018-07-24 08:48:01'),(9835,430,1230,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-07-24 08:41:16','2018-07-24 08:48:01'),(9836,430,1231,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-07-24 08:47:46','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(9837,430,1231,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 08:47:46','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(9838,430,1231,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-07-24 08:47:46','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(9839,430,1231,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-07-24 08:47:46','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(9840,430,1231,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2018-07-24 08:47:46','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(9841,430,1231,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 08:47:46','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(9842,430,1231,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-07-24 08:47:46','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(9843,430,1231,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-07-24 08:47:46','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(9844,430,1231,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-07-24 08:47:46','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(9845,430,1231,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-07-24 08:47:46','2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(9846,431,1232,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 13:56:50','2018-07-24 13:56:50'),(9847,431,1232,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-07-24 13:56:50','2018-07-24 13:56:50'),(9848,431,1232,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 13:56:50','2018-07-24 13:56:50'),(9849,431,1232,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-07-24 13:56:50','2018-07-24 13:56:50'),(9850,431,1232,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 13:56:50','2018-07-24 13:56:50'),(9851,431,1232,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-07-24 13:56:50','2018-07-24 13:56:50'),(9852,431,1232,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-07-24 13:56:50','2018-07-24 13:56:50'),(9853,431,1232,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-07-24 13:56:50','2018-07-24 13:56:50'),(9854,431,1232,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-07-24 13:56:50','2018-07-24 13:56:50'),(9855,431,1232,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-07-24 13:56:50','2018-07-24 13:56:50'),(9856,431,1233,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-07-24 14:05:18','2018-07-24 14:05:18'),(9857,431,1233,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 14:05:18','2018-07-24 14:05:18'),(9858,431,1233,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-07-24 14:05:18','2018-07-24 14:05:18'),(9859,431,1233,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-07-24 14:05:18','2018-07-24 14:05:18'),(9860,431,1233,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-07-24 14:05:18','2018-07-24 14:05:18'),(9861,431,1234,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(9862,431,1234,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(9863,431,1234,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(9864,431,1234,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(9865,431,1234,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(9866,431,1234,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(9867,431,1234,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(9868,431,1234,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(9869,431,1234,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(9870,431,1234,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-07-24 14:26:00','2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(9871,432,1235,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 16:03:10','2018-07-24 16:03:10'),(9872,432,1235,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-07-24 16:03:10','2018-07-24 16:03:10'),(9873,432,1235,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 16:03:10','2018-07-24 16:03:10'),(9874,432,1235,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-07-24 16:03:10','2018-07-24 16:03:10'),(9875,432,1235,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 16:03:10','2018-07-24 16:03:10'),(9876,432,1235,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-07-24 16:03:10','2018-07-24 16:03:10'),(9877,432,1235,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-07-24 16:03:10','2018-07-24 16:03:10'),(9878,432,1235,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-07-24 16:03:10','2018-07-24 16:03:10'),(9879,432,1235,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-07-24 16:03:10','2018-07-24 16:03:10'),(9880,432,1235,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-07-24 16:03:10','2018-07-24 16:03:10'),(9881,432,1236,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-07-24 16:12:21','2018-07-24 16:12:21'),(9882,432,1236,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 16:12:21','2018-07-24 16:12:21'),(9883,432,1236,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-07-24 16:12:21','2018-07-24 16:12:21'),(9884,432,1236,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-07-24 16:12:21','2018-07-24 16:12:21'),(9885,432,1236,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-07-24 16:12:21','2018-07-24 16:12:21'),(9886,432,1237,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(9887,432,1237,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(9888,432,1237,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(9889,432,1237,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(9890,432,1237,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(9891,432,1237,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(9892,432,1237,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(9893,432,1237,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(9894,432,1237,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(9895,432,1237,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-07-24 16:32:04','2018-07-24 16:32:04'),(9896,433,1238,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 18:28:23','2018-07-24 18:41:06'),(9897,433,1238,50,104,106,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','5,000','490,000','2018-07-24 18:28:23','2018-07-24 18:41:06'),(9898,433,1238,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 18:28:23','2018-07-24 18:41:06'),(9899,433,1238,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-07-24 18:28:23','2018-07-24 18:41:06'),(9900,433,1238,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 18:28:23','2018-07-24 18:41:06'),(9901,433,1238,54,120,121,'n',0.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','False','True','2018-07-24 18:28:23','2018-07-24 18:41:06'),(9902,433,1238,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-07-24 18:28:23','2018-07-24 18:41:06'),(9903,433,1238,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-07-24 18:28:23','2018-07-24 18:41:06'),(9904,433,1238,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-07-24 18:28:23','2018-07-24 18:41:06'),(9905,433,1238,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-07-24 18:28:23','2018-07-24 18:41:06'),(9906,433,1239,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-07-24 18:35:17','2018-07-24 18:41:13'),(9907,433,1239,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 18:35:17','2018-07-24 18:41:13'),(9908,433,1239,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-07-24 18:35:17','2018-07-24 18:41:13'),(9909,433,1239,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-07-24 18:35:17','2018-07-24 18:41:13'),(9910,433,1239,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-07-24 18:35:17','2018-07-24 18:41:13'),(9911,433,1240,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(9912,433,1240,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(9913,433,1240,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(9914,433,1240,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(9915,433,1240,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(9916,433,1240,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(9917,433,1240,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(9918,433,1240,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(9919,433,1240,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(9920,433,1240,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-07-24 19:01:08','2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(9921,434,1241,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 13:03:47','2018-07-25 13:03:47'),(9922,434,1241,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-07-25 13:03:47','2018-07-25 13:03:47'),(9923,434,1241,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 13:03:47','2018-07-25 13:03:47'),(9924,434,1241,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-07-25 13:03:47','2018-07-25 13:03:47'),(9925,434,1241,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 13:03:47','2018-07-25 13:03:47'),(9926,434,1241,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-07-25 13:03:47','2018-07-25 13:03:47'),(9927,434,1241,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-07-25 13:03:47','2018-07-25 13:03:47'),(9928,434,1241,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-07-25 13:03:47','2018-07-25 13:03:47'),(9929,434,1241,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-07-25 13:03:47','2018-07-25 13:03:47'),(9930,434,1241,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-07-25 13:03:47','2018-07-25 13:03:47'),(9931,434,1242,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-07-25 13:09:54','2018-07-25 13:09:54'),(9932,434,1242,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 13:09:54','2018-07-25 13:09:54'),(9933,434,1242,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-07-25 13:09:54','2018-07-25 13:09:54'),(9934,434,1242,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-07-25 13:09:54','2018-07-25 13:09:54'),(9935,434,1242,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-07-25 13:09:54','2018-07-25 13:09:54'),(9936,434,1243,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(9937,434,1243,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(9938,434,1243,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(9939,434,1243,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(9940,434,1243,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(9941,434,1243,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(9942,434,1243,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(9943,434,1243,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(9944,434,1243,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(9945,434,1243,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-07-25 13:25:02','2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(9946,435,1244,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 16:45:37','2018-07-25 16:45:37'),(9947,435,1244,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-07-25 16:45:37','2018-07-25 16:45:37'),(9948,435,1244,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 16:45:37','2018-07-25 16:45:37'),(9949,435,1244,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-07-25 16:45:37','2018-07-25 16:45:37'),(9950,435,1244,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 16:45:37','2018-07-25 16:45:37'),(9951,435,1244,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-07-25 16:45:37','2018-07-25 16:45:37'),(9952,435,1244,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-07-25 16:45:37','2018-07-25 16:45:37'),(9953,435,1244,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-07-25 16:45:37','2018-07-25 16:45:37'),(9954,435,1244,57,128,129,'n',0.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','False','True','2018-07-25 16:45:37','2018-07-25 16:45:37'),(9955,435,1244,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-07-25 16:45:37','2018-07-25 16:45:37'),(9956,435,1245,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-07-25 17:01:47','2018-07-25 17:01:47'),(9957,435,1245,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 17:01:47','2018-07-25 17:01:47'),(9958,435,1245,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-07-25 17:01:47','2018-07-25 17:01:47'),(9959,435,1245,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-07-25 17:01:47','2018-07-25 17:01:47'),(9960,435,1245,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-07-25 17:01:47','2018-07-25 17:01:47'),(9961,435,1246,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(9962,435,1246,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(9963,435,1246,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(9964,435,1246,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(9965,435,1246,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(9966,435,1246,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(9967,435,1246,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(9968,435,1246,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(9969,435,1246,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(9970,435,1246,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-07-25 17:46:14','2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(9971,436,1247,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-09 11:09:23','2018-08-09 11:09:23'),(9972,436,1247,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-08-09 11:09:23','2018-08-09 11:09:23'),(9973,436,1247,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-09 11:09:23','2018-08-09 11:09:23'),(9974,436,1247,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-08-09 11:09:23','2018-08-09 11:09:23'),(9975,436,1247,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-09 11:09:23','2018-08-09 11:09:23'),(9976,436,1247,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-08-09 11:09:23','2018-08-09 11:09:23'),(9977,436,1247,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-08-09 11:09:23','2018-08-09 11:09:23'),(9978,436,1247,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-08-09 11:09:23','2018-08-09 11:09:23'),(9979,436,1247,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-08-09 11:09:23','2018-08-09 11:09:23'),(9980,436,1247,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-08-09 11:09:23','2018-08-09 11:09:23'),(9981,436,1248,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-08-09 11:16:42','2018-08-09 11:16:42'),(9982,436,1248,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-09 11:16:42','2018-08-09 11:16:42'),(9983,436,1248,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-08-09 11:16:42','2018-08-09 11:16:42'),(9984,436,1248,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-08-09 11:16:42','2018-08-09 11:16:42'),(9985,436,1248,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-08-09 11:16:42','2018-08-09 11:16:42'),(9986,436,1249,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:31'),(9987,436,1249,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:31'),(9988,436,1249,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:31'),(9989,436,1249,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:31'),(9990,436,1249,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:31'),(9991,436,1249,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:31'),(9992,436,1249,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:31'),(9993,436,1249,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:31'),(9994,436,1249,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:31'),(9995,436,1249,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-08-09 11:31:31','2018-08-09 11:31:31'),(9996,437,1250,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-22 09:21:58','2018-08-22 09:21:58'),(9997,437,1250,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-08-22 09:21:58','2018-08-22 09:21:58'),(9998,437,1250,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2018-08-22 09:21:58','2018-08-22 09:21:58'),(9999,437,1250,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-08-22 09:21:58','2018-08-22 09:21:58'),(10000,437,1250,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-22 09:21:58','2018-08-22 09:21:58'),(10001,437,1250,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-08-22 09:21:58','2018-08-22 09:21:58'),(10002,437,1250,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-08-22 09:21:58','2018-08-22 09:21:58'),(10003,437,1250,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-08-22 09:21:58','2018-08-22 09:21:58'),(10004,437,1250,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-08-22 09:21:58','2018-08-22 09:21:58'),(10005,437,1250,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-08-22 09:21:58','2018-08-22 09:21:58'),(10006,437,1251,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-08-22 09:27:56','2018-08-22 09:27:56'),(10007,437,1251,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-22 09:27:56','2018-08-22 09:27:56'),(10008,437,1251,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-08-22 09:27:56','2018-08-22 09:27:56'),(10009,437,1251,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-08-22 09:27:56','2018-08-22 09:27:56'),(10010,437,1251,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-08-22 09:27:56','2018-08-22 09:27:56'),(10011,437,1252,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(10012,437,1252,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(10013,437,1252,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(10014,437,1252,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(10015,437,1252,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(10016,437,1252,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(10017,437,1252,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(10018,437,1252,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(10019,437,1252,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(10020,437,1252,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-08-22 09:44:18','2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(10021,438,1253,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-22 16:54:17','2018-08-22 16:54:17'),(10022,438,1253,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-08-22 16:54:17','2018-08-22 16:54:17'),(10023,438,1253,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-22 16:54:17','2018-08-22 16:54:17'),(10024,438,1253,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-08-22 16:54:17','2018-08-22 16:54:17'),(10025,438,1253,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-22 16:54:17','2018-08-22 16:54:17'),(10026,438,1253,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-08-22 16:54:17','2018-08-22 16:54:17'),(10027,438,1253,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-08-22 16:54:17','2018-08-22 16:54:17'),(10028,438,1253,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-08-22 16:54:17','2018-08-22 16:54:17'); INSERT INTO `an_ResultAttemptQuestion` VALUES (10029,438,1253,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-08-22 16:54:17','2018-08-22 16:54:17'),(10030,438,1253,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-08-22 16:54:17','2018-08-22 16:54:17'),(10031,438,1254,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-08-22 17:00:49','2018-08-22 17:00:49'),(10032,438,1254,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-22 17:00:49','2018-08-22 17:00:49'),(10033,438,1254,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-08-22 17:00:49','2018-08-22 17:00:49'),(10034,438,1254,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-08-22 17:00:49','2018-08-22 17:00:49'),(10035,438,1254,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-08-22 17:00:49','2018-08-22 17:00:49'),(10036,438,1255,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:42'),(10037,438,1255,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:42'),(10038,438,1255,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:42'),(10039,438,1255,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:42'),(10040,438,1255,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:42'),(10041,438,1255,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:42'),(10042,438,1255,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:42'),(10043,438,1255,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:42'),(10044,438,1255,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:42'),(10045,438,1255,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-08-22 17:17:42','2018-08-22 17:17:42'),(10046,439,1256,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 12:15:17','2018-08-23 12:54:53'),(10047,439,1256,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-08-23 12:15:17','2018-08-23 12:54:53'),(10048,439,1256,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 12:15:17','2018-08-23 12:54:53'),(10049,439,1256,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-08-23 12:15:17','2018-08-23 12:54:53'),(10050,439,1256,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 12:15:17','2018-08-23 12:54:53'),(10051,439,1256,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-08-23 12:15:17','2018-08-23 12:54:53'),(10052,439,1256,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-08-23 12:15:17','2018-08-23 12:54:53'),(10053,439,1256,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-08-23 12:15:17','2018-08-23 12:54:53'),(10054,439,1256,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-08-23 12:15:17','2018-08-23 12:54:53'),(10055,439,1256,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-08-23 12:15:17','2018-08-23 12:54:53'),(10056,439,1257,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-08-23 12:21:12','2018-08-23 12:54:59'),(10057,439,1257,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 12:21:12','2018-08-23 12:54:59'),(10058,439,1257,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-08-23 12:21:12','2018-08-23 12:54:59'),(10059,439,1257,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-08-23 12:21:12','2018-08-23 12:54:59'),(10060,439,1257,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-08-23 12:21:12','2018-08-23 12:54:59'),(10061,439,1258,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-08-23 12:33:19','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(10062,439,1258,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 12:33:19','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(10063,439,1258,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-08-23 12:33:19','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(10064,439,1258,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-08-23 12:33:19','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(10065,439,1258,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-08-23 12:33:19','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(10066,439,1258,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 12:33:19','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(10067,439,1258,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-08-23 12:33:19','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(10068,439,1258,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-08-23 12:33:19','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(10069,439,1258,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-08-23 12:33:19','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(10070,439,1258,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-08-23 12:33:19','2018-08-23 13:14:40'),(10071,440,1259,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 14:50:10','2018-08-23 14:50:10'),(10072,440,1259,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-08-23 14:50:10','2018-08-23 14:50:10'),(10073,440,1259,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 14:50:10','2018-08-23 14:50:10'),(10074,440,1259,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-08-23 14:50:10','2018-08-23 14:50:10'),(10075,440,1259,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 14:50:10','2018-08-23 14:50:10'),(10076,440,1259,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-08-23 14:50:10','2018-08-23 14:50:10'),(10077,440,1259,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-08-23 14:50:10','2018-08-23 14:50:10'),(10078,440,1259,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-08-23 14:50:10','2018-08-23 14:50:10'),(10079,440,1259,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-08-23 14:50:10','2018-08-23 14:50:10'),(10080,440,1259,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-08-23 14:50:10','2018-08-23 14:50:10'),(10081,440,1260,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-08-23 14:57:42','2018-08-23 14:57:42'),(10082,440,1260,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 14:57:42','2018-08-23 14:57:42'),(10083,440,1260,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-08-23 14:57:42','2018-08-23 14:57:42'),(10084,440,1260,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-08-23 14:57:42','2018-08-23 14:57:42'),(10085,440,1260,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-08-23 14:57:42','2018-08-23 14:57:42'),(10086,440,1261,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(10087,440,1261,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(10088,440,1261,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(10089,440,1261,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(10090,440,1261,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(10091,440,1261,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(10092,440,1261,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(10093,440,1261,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(10094,440,1261,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(10095,440,1261,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-08-23 15:15:59','2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(10096,441,1262,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-24 12:06:35','2018-08-24 12:06:35'),(10097,441,1262,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-08-24 12:06:35','2018-08-24 12:06:35'),(10098,441,1262,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-24 12:06:35','2018-08-24 12:06:35'),(10099,441,1262,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-08-24 12:06:35','2018-08-24 12:06:35'),(10100,441,1262,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-24 12:06:35','2018-08-24 12:06:35'),(10101,441,1262,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-08-24 12:06:35','2018-08-24 12:06:35'),(10102,441,1262,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-08-24 12:06:35','2018-08-24 12:06:35'),(10103,441,1262,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-08-24 12:06:35','2018-08-24 12:06:35'),(10104,441,1262,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-08-24 12:06:35','2018-08-24 12:06:35'),(10105,441,1262,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-08-24 12:06:35','2018-08-24 12:06:35'),(10106,441,1263,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-08-24 12:13:07','2018-08-24 12:13:07'),(10107,441,1263,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-24 12:13:07','2018-08-24 12:13:07'),(10108,441,1263,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-08-24 12:13:07','2018-08-24 12:13:07'),(10109,441,1263,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-08-24 12:13:07','2018-08-24 12:13:07'),(10110,441,1263,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-08-24 12:13:07','2018-08-24 12:13:07'),(10111,441,1264,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(10112,441,1264,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(10113,441,1264,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(10114,441,1264,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(10115,441,1264,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(10116,441,1264,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(10117,441,1264,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(10118,441,1264,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(10119,441,1264,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(10120,441,1264,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-08-24 12:29:53','2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(10121,442,1265,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-24 16:08:51','2018-08-24 16:08:51'),(10122,442,1265,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-08-24 16:08:51','2018-08-24 16:08:51'),(10123,442,1265,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-24 16:08:51','2018-08-24 16:08:51'),(10124,442,1265,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-08-24 16:08:51','2018-08-24 16:08:51'),(10125,442,1265,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-24 16:08:51','2018-08-24 16:08:51'),(10126,442,1265,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-08-24 16:08:51','2018-08-24 16:08:51'),(10127,442,1265,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-08-24 16:08:51','2018-08-24 16:08:51'),(10128,442,1265,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-08-24 16:08:51','2018-08-24 16:08:51'),(10129,442,1265,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-08-24 16:08:51','2018-08-24 16:08:51'),(10130,442,1265,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-08-24 16:08:51','2018-08-24 16:08:51'),(10131,442,1266,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-08-24 16:20:01','2018-08-24 16:20:01'),(10132,442,1266,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2018-08-24 16:20:01','2018-08-24 16:20:01'),(10133,442,1266,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-08-24 16:20:01','2018-08-24 16:20:01'),(10134,442,1266,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-08-24 16:20:01','2018-08-24 16:20:01'),(10135,442,1266,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-08-24 16:20:01','2018-08-24 16:20:01'),(10136,442,1267,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(10137,442,1267,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(10138,442,1267,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(10139,442,1267,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(10140,442,1267,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(10141,442,1267,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(10142,442,1267,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(10143,442,1267,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(10144,442,1267,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(10145,442,1267,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-08-24 16:40:23','2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(10146,443,1268,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-25 20:59:35','2018-08-25 20:59:35'),(10147,443,1268,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-08-25 20:59:35','2018-08-25 20:59:35'),(10148,443,1268,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-25 20:59:35','2018-08-25 20:59:35'),(10149,443,1268,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-08-25 20:59:35','2018-08-25 20:59:35'),(10150,443,1268,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-25 20:59:35','2018-08-25 20:59:35'),(10151,443,1268,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-08-25 20:59:35','2018-08-25 20:59:35'),(10152,443,1268,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-08-25 20:59:35','2018-08-25 20:59:35'),(10153,443,1268,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-08-25 20:59:35','2018-08-25 20:59:35'),(10154,443,1268,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-08-25 20:59:35','2018-08-25 20:59:35'),(10155,443,1268,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-08-25 20:59:35','2018-08-25 20:59:35'),(10156,443,1269,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-08-25 21:06:00','2018-08-25 21:06:00'),(10157,443,1269,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-25 21:06:00','2018-08-25 21:06:00'),(10158,443,1269,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-08-25 21:06:00','2018-08-25 21:06:00'),(10159,443,1269,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-08-25 21:06:00','2018-08-25 21:06:00'),(10160,443,1269,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-08-25 21:06:00','2018-08-25 21:06:00'),(10161,443,1270,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(10162,443,1270,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(10163,443,1270,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(10164,443,1270,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(10165,443,1270,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(10166,443,1270,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(10167,443,1270,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(10168,443,1270,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(10169,443,1270,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(10170,443,1270,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-08-25 21:21:49','2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(10171,444,1271,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-28 10:39:09','2018-08-28 10:39:09'),(10172,444,1271,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-08-28 10:39:09','2018-08-28 10:39:09'),(10173,444,1271,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-28 10:39:09','2018-08-28 10:39:09'),(10174,444,1271,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-08-28 10:39:09','2018-08-28 10:39:09'),(10175,444,1271,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-28 10:39:09','2018-08-28 10:39:09'),(10176,444,1271,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-08-28 10:39:09','2018-08-28 10:39:09'),(10177,444,1271,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-08-28 10:39:09','2018-08-28 10:39:09'),(10178,444,1271,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-08-28 10:39:09','2018-08-28 10:39:09'),(10179,444,1271,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-08-28 10:39:09','2018-08-28 10:39:09'),(10180,444,1271,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-08-28 10:39:09','2018-08-28 10:39:09'),(10181,444,1272,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-08-28 10:46:02','2018-08-28 10:46:02'),(10182,444,1272,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-28 10:46:02','2018-08-28 10:46:02'),(10183,444,1272,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-08-28 10:46:02','2018-08-28 10:46:02'),(10184,444,1272,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-08-28 10:46:02','2018-08-28 10:46:02'),(10185,444,1272,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-08-28 10:46:02','2018-08-28 10:46:02'),(10186,444,1273,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:23'),(10187,444,1273,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:23'),(10188,444,1273,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:23'),(10189,444,1273,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:23'),(10190,444,1273,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:23'),(10191,444,1273,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:23'),(10192,444,1273,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:23'),(10193,444,1273,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:23'),(10194,444,1273,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:23'),(10195,444,1273,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-08-28 11:03:23','2018-08-28 11:03:23'),(10196,445,1274,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 09:59:56','2018-09-04 09:59:56'),(10197,445,1274,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-04 09:59:56','2018-09-04 09:59:56'),(10198,445,1274,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 09:59:56','2018-09-04 09:59:56'),(10199,445,1274,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-04 09:59:56','2018-09-04 09:59:56'),(10200,445,1274,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 09:59:56','2018-09-04 09:59:56'),(10201,445,1274,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-04 09:59:56','2018-09-04 09:59:56'),(10202,445,1274,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-04 09:59:56','2018-09-04 09:59:56'),(10203,445,1274,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-04 09:59:56','2018-09-04 09:59:56'),(10204,445,1274,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-04 09:59:56','2018-09-04 09:59:56'),(10205,445,1274,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-04 09:59:56','2018-09-04 09:59:56'),(10206,445,1275,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-04 10:09:38','2018-09-04 10:09:38'),(10207,445,1275,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 10:09:38','2018-09-04 10:09:38'),(10208,445,1275,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-04 10:09:38','2018-09-04 10:09:38'),(10209,445,1275,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-04 10:09:38','2018-09-04 10:09:38'),(10210,445,1275,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-04 10:09:38','2018-09-04 10:09:38'),(10211,445,1276,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:25'),(10212,445,1276,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:25'),(10213,445,1276,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:25'),(10214,445,1276,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:25'),(10215,445,1276,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:25'),(10216,445,1276,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:25'),(10217,445,1276,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:25'),(10218,445,1276,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:25'),(10219,445,1276,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:25'),(10220,445,1276,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-04 10:27:25','2018-09-04 10:27:25'),(10221,446,1277,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 10:42:44','2018-09-04 10:42:44'),(10222,446,1277,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-04 10:42:44','2018-09-04 10:42:44'),(10223,446,1277,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 10:42:44','2018-09-04 10:42:44'),(10224,446,1277,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-04 10:42:44','2018-09-04 10:42:44'),(10225,446,1277,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 10:42:44','2018-09-04 10:42:44'),(10226,446,1277,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-04 10:42:44','2018-09-04 10:42:44'),(10227,446,1277,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-04 10:42:44','2018-09-04 10:42:44'),(10228,446,1277,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-04 10:42:44','2018-09-04 10:42:44'),(10229,446,1277,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-04 10:42:44','2018-09-04 10:42:44'),(10230,446,1277,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-04 10:42:44','2018-09-04 10:42:44'),(10231,446,1278,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-04 10:49:43','2018-09-04 10:49:43'),(10232,446,1278,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 10:49:43','2018-09-04 10:49:43'),(10233,446,1278,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-04 10:49:43','2018-09-04 10:49:43'),(10234,446,1278,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-04 10:49:43','2018-09-04 10:49:43'),(10235,446,1278,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-04 10:49:43','2018-09-04 10:49:43'),(10236,446,1279,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:46'),(10237,446,1279,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:46'),(10238,446,1279,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:46'),(10239,446,1279,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:46'),(10240,446,1279,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:46'),(10241,446,1279,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:46'),(10242,446,1279,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:46'),(10243,446,1279,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:46'),(10244,446,1279,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:46'),(10245,446,1279,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-04 11:11:46','2018-09-04 11:11:46'),(10246,447,1280,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 10:46:11','2018-09-05 10:46:11'),(10247,447,1280,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-05 10:46:11','2018-09-05 10:46:11'),(10248,447,1280,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 10:46:11','2018-09-05 10:46:11'),(10249,447,1280,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-05 10:46:11','2018-09-05 10:46:11'),(10250,447,1280,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 10:46:11','2018-09-05 10:46:11'),(10251,447,1280,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-05 10:46:11','2018-09-05 10:46:11'),(10252,447,1280,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-05 10:46:11','2018-09-05 10:46:11'),(10253,447,1280,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-05 10:46:11','2018-09-05 10:46:11'),(10254,447,1280,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-05 10:46:11','2018-09-05 10:46:11'),(10255,447,1280,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-05 10:46:11','2018-09-05 10:46:11'),(10256,447,1281,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-05 10:51:56','2018-09-05 10:51:56'),(10257,447,1281,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 10:51:56','2018-09-05 10:51:56'),(10258,447,1281,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-05 10:51:56','2018-09-05 10:51:56'),(10259,447,1281,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-05 10:51:56','2018-09-05 10:51:56'),(10260,447,1281,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-05 10:51:56','2018-09-05 10:51:56'),(10261,447,1282,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:52'),(10262,447,1282,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:52'),(10263,447,1282,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:52'),(10264,447,1282,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:52'),(10265,447,1282,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:52'),(10266,447,1282,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:52'),(10267,447,1282,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:52'),(10268,447,1282,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:52'),(10269,447,1282,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:52'),(10270,447,1282,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-05 11:08:52','2018-09-05 11:08:52'),(10271,448,1283,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 13:51:09','2018-09-05 13:51:09'),(10272,448,1283,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-05 13:51:09','2018-09-05 13:51:09'),(10273,448,1283,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 13:51:09','2018-09-05 13:51:09'),(10274,448,1283,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-05 13:51:09','2018-09-05 13:51:09'),(10275,448,1283,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 13:51:09','2018-09-05 13:51:09'),(10276,448,1283,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-05 13:51:09','2018-09-05 13:51:09'),(10277,448,1283,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-05 13:51:09','2018-09-05 13:51:09'),(10278,448,1283,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-05 13:51:09','2018-09-05 13:51:09'),(10279,448,1283,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-05 13:51:09','2018-09-05 13:51:09'),(10280,448,1283,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2018-09-05 13:51:09','2018-09-05 13:51:09'),(10281,448,1284,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-05 13:57:01','2018-09-05 13:57:01'),(10282,448,1284,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 13:57:01','2018-09-05 13:57:01'),(10283,448,1284,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-05 13:57:01','2018-09-05 13:57:01'),(10284,448,1284,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-05 13:57:01','2018-09-05 13:57:01'),(10285,448,1284,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-05 13:57:01','2018-09-05 13:57:01'),(10286,448,1285,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(10287,448,1285,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(10288,448,1285,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(10289,448,1285,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(10290,448,1285,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(10291,448,1285,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(10292,448,1285,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(10293,448,1285,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(10294,448,1285,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(10295,448,1285,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-05 14:20:48','2018-09-05 14:20:48'),(10296,449,1286,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 14:45:46','2018-09-05 14:45:46'),(10297,449,1286,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-05 14:45:46','2018-09-05 14:45:46'),(10298,449,1286,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 14:45:46','2018-09-05 14:45:46'),(10299,449,1286,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-05 14:45:46','2018-09-05 14:45:46'),(10300,449,1286,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 14:45:46','2018-09-05 14:45:46'),(10301,449,1286,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-05 14:45:46','2018-09-05 14:45:46'),(10302,449,1286,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-05 14:45:46','2018-09-05 14:45:46'),(10303,449,1286,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-05 14:45:46','2018-09-05 14:45:46'),(10304,449,1286,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-05 14:45:46','2018-09-05 14:45:46'),(10305,449,1286,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-05 14:45:46','2018-09-05 14:45:46'),(10306,449,1287,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-05 15:06:12','2018-09-05 15:06:12'),(10307,449,1287,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 15:06:12','2018-09-05 15:06:12'),(10308,449,1287,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-05 15:06:12','2018-09-05 15:06:12'),(10309,449,1287,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-05 15:06:12','2018-09-05 15:06:12'),(10310,449,1287,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-05 15:06:12','2018-09-05 15:06:12'),(10311,449,1288,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:04'),(10312,449,1288,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:04'),(10313,449,1288,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:04'),(10314,449,1288,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:04'),(10315,449,1288,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:04'),(10316,449,1288,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:04'),(10317,449,1288,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:04'),(10318,449,1288,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:04'),(10319,449,1288,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:04'),(10320,449,1288,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-05 15:36:04','2018-09-05 15:36:04'),(10321,450,1289,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 18:40:41','2018-09-05 18:40:41'),(10322,450,1289,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-05 18:40:41','2018-09-05 18:40:41'),(10323,450,1289,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2018-09-05 18:40:41','2018-09-05 18:40:41'),(10324,450,1289,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-05 18:40:41','2018-09-05 18:40:41'),(10325,450,1289,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 18:40:41','2018-09-05 18:40:41'),(10326,450,1289,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-05 18:40:41','2018-09-05 18:40:41'),(10327,450,1289,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-05 18:40:41','2018-09-05 18:40:41'),(10328,450,1289,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-05 18:40:41','2018-09-05 18:40:41'),(10329,450,1289,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-05 18:40:41','2018-09-05 18:40:41'),(10330,450,1289,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-05 18:40:41','2018-09-05 18:40:41'),(10331,450,1290,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-05 18:52:00','2018-09-05 18:52:00'),(10332,450,1290,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 18:52:00','2018-09-05 18:52:00'),(10333,450,1290,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-05 18:52:00','2018-09-05 18:52:00'),(10334,450,1290,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-05 18:52:00','2018-09-05 18:52:00'),(10335,450,1290,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-05 18:52:00','2018-09-05 18:52:00'),(10336,450,1291,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(10337,450,1291,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(10338,450,1291,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(10339,450,1291,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(10340,450,1291,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(10341,450,1291,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(10342,450,1291,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(10343,450,1291,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(10344,450,1291,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(10345,450,1291,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-05 19:14:24','2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(10346,451,1292,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 19:49:19','2018-09-05 19:49:19'),(10347,451,1292,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-05 19:49:19','2018-09-05 19:49:19'),(10348,451,1292,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 19:49:19','2018-09-05 19:49:19'),(10349,451,1292,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-05 19:49:19','2018-09-05 19:49:19'),(10350,451,1292,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 19:49:19','2018-09-05 19:49:19'),(10351,451,1292,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-05 19:49:19','2018-09-05 19:49:19'),(10352,451,1292,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-05 19:49:19','2018-09-05 19:49:19'),(10353,451,1292,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-05 19:49:19','2018-09-05 19:49:19'),(10354,451,1292,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-05 19:49:19','2018-09-05 19:49:19'),(10355,451,1292,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-05 19:49:19','2018-09-05 19:49:19'),(10356,451,1293,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-05 20:00:13','2018-09-05 20:00:13'),(10357,451,1293,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 20:00:13','2018-09-05 20:00:13'),(10358,451,1293,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-05 20:00:13','2018-09-05 20:00:13'),(10359,451,1293,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-05 20:00:13','2018-09-05 20:00:13'),(10360,451,1293,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-05 20:00:13','2018-09-05 20:00:13'),(10361,451,1294,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(10362,451,1294,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(10363,451,1294,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(10364,451,1294,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(10365,451,1294,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(10366,451,1294,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(10367,451,1294,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(10368,451,1294,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(10369,451,1294,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(10370,451,1294,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-05 20:21:06','2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(10371,452,1295,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-10 13:22:33','2018-09-10 13:22:33'),(10372,452,1295,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-10 13:22:33','2018-09-10 13:22:33'),(10373,452,1295,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-10 13:22:33','2018-09-10 13:22:33'),(10374,452,1295,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-10 13:22:33','2018-09-10 13:22:33'),(10375,452,1295,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-10 13:22:33','2018-09-10 13:22:33'),(10376,452,1295,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-10 13:22:33','2018-09-10 13:22:33'),(10377,452,1295,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-10 13:22:33','2018-09-10 13:22:33'),(10378,452,1295,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-10 13:22:33','2018-09-10 13:22:33'),(10379,452,1295,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-10 13:22:33','2018-09-10 13:22:33'),(10380,452,1295,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-10 13:22:33','2018-09-10 13:22:33'),(10381,452,1296,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-10 13:28:59','2018-09-10 13:28:59'),(10382,452,1296,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-10 13:28:59','2018-09-10 13:28:59'),(10383,452,1296,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-10 13:28:59','2018-09-10 13:28:59'),(10384,452,1296,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-10 13:28:59','2018-09-10 13:28:59'),(10385,452,1296,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-10 13:28:59','2018-09-10 13:28:59'),(10386,452,1297,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:50'),(10387,452,1297,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:50'),(10388,452,1297,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:50'),(10389,452,1297,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:50'),(10390,452,1297,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:50'),(10391,452,1297,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:50'),(10392,452,1297,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:50'),(10393,452,1297,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:50'),(10394,452,1297,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:50'),(10395,452,1297,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-10 13:45:50','2018-09-10 13:45:50'),(10396,453,1298,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-13 11:21:10','2018-09-13 11:21:10'),(10397,453,1298,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-13 11:21:10','2018-09-13 11:21:10'),(10398,453,1298,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-13 11:21:10','2018-09-13 11:21:10'),(10399,453,1298,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-13 11:21:10','2018-09-13 11:21:10'),(10400,453,1298,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-13 11:21:10','2018-09-13 11:21:10'),(10401,453,1298,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-13 11:21:10','2018-09-13 11:21:10'),(10402,453,1298,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-13 11:21:10','2018-09-13 11:21:10'),(10403,453,1298,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-13 11:21:10','2018-09-13 11:21:10'),(10404,453,1298,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-13 11:21:10','2018-09-13 11:21:10'),(10405,453,1298,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-13 11:21:10','2018-09-13 11:21:10'),(10406,453,1299,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-13 11:27:12','2018-09-13 11:27:12'),(10407,453,1299,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-13 11:27:12','2018-09-13 11:27:12'),(10408,453,1299,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-13 11:27:12','2018-09-13 11:27:12'),(10409,453,1299,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-13 11:27:12','2018-09-13 11:27:12'),(10410,453,1299,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-13 11:27:12','2018-09-13 11:27:12'),(10411,453,1300,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:44:18'),(10412,453,1300,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:44:18'),(10413,453,1300,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:44:18'),(10414,453,1300,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:44:18'),(10415,453,1300,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:44:18'),(10416,453,1300,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:44:18'),(10417,453,1300,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:44:18'),(10418,453,1300,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:44:18'),(10419,453,1300,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:44:18'),(10420,453,1300,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-13 11:44:18','2018-09-13 11:44:18'),(10421,454,1301,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 09:36:55','2018-09-20 09:36:55'),(10422,454,1301,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-20 09:36:55','2018-09-20 09:36:55'),(10423,454,1301,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 09:36:55','2018-09-20 09:36:55'),(10424,454,1301,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-20 09:36:55','2018-09-20 09:36:55'),(10425,454,1301,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 09:36:55','2018-09-20 09:36:55'),(10426,454,1301,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-20 09:36:55','2018-09-20 09:36:55'),(10427,454,1301,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-20 09:36:55','2018-09-20 09:36:55'),(10428,454,1301,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-20 09:36:55','2018-09-20 09:36:55'),(10429,454,1301,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-20 09:36:55','2018-09-20 09:36:55'),(10430,454,1301,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-20 09:36:55','2018-09-20 09:36:55'),(10431,454,1302,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-20 09:45:42','2018-09-20 09:45:42'),(10432,454,1302,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 09:45:42','2018-09-20 09:45:42'),(10433,454,1302,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-20 09:45:42','2018-09-20 09:45:42'),(10434,454,1302,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-09-20 09:45:42','2018-09-20 09:45:42'),(10435,454,1302,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-20 09:45:42','2018-09-20 09:45:42'),(10436,454,1303,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(10437,454,1303,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(10438,454,1303,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(10439,454,1303,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(10440,454,1303,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(10441,454,1303,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(10442,454,1303,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(10443,454,1303,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(10444,454,1303,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(10445,454,1303,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-20 10:02:46','2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(10446,455,1304,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 22:08:43','2018-09-20 22:38:51'),(10447,455,1304,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-20 22:08:43','2018-09-20 22:38:51'),(10448,455,1304,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 22:08:43','2018-09-20 22:38:51'),(10449,455,1304,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-20 22:08:43','2018-09-20 22:38:51'),(10450,455,1304,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 22:08:43','2018-09-20 22:38:51'),(10451,455,1304,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-20 22:08:43','2018-09-20 22:38:51'),(10452,455,1304,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-20 22:08:43','2018-09-20 22:38:51'),(10453,455,1304,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-20 22:08:43','2018-09-20 22:38:51'),(10454,455,1304,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-20 22:08:43','2018-09-20 22:38:51'),(10455,455,1304,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-20 22:08:43','2018-09-20 22:38:51'),(10456,455,1305,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-20 22:14:43','2018-09-20 22:38:54'),(10457,455,1305,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 22:14:43','2018-09-20 22:38:54'),(10458,455,1305,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-20 22:14:43','2018-09-20 22:38:54'),(10459,455,1305,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-20 22:14:43','2018-09-20 22:38:54'),(10460,455,1305,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-20 22:14:43','2018-09-20 22:38:54'),(10461,455,1306,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-20 22:30:41','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(10462,455,1306,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 22:30:41','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(10463,455,1306,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-20 22:30:41','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(10464,455,1306,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-09-20 22:30:41','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(10465,455,1306,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-20 22:30:41','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(10466,455,1306,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-20 22:30:41','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(10467,455,1306,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-20 22:30:41','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(10468,455,1306,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-20 22:30:41','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(10469,455,1306,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-20 22:30:41','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(10470,455,1306,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-20 22:30:41','2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(10471,456,1307,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-21 11:23:48','2018-09-21 11:23:48'),(10472,456,1307,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-21 11:23:48','2018-09-21 11:23:48'),(10473,456,1307,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-21 11:23:48','2018-09-21 11:23:48'),(10474,456,1307,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-21 11:23:48','2018-09-21 11:23:48'),(10475,456,1307,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-21 11:23:48','2018-09-21 11:23:48'),(10476,456,1307,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-21 11:23:48','2018-09-21 11:23:48'),(10477,456,1307,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-21 11:23:48','2018-09-21 11:23:48'),(10478,456,1307,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-21 11:23:48','2018-09-21 11:23:48'),(10479,456,1307,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-21 11:23:48','2018-09-21 11:23:48'),(10480,456,1307,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-21 11:23:48','2018-09-21 11:23:48'),(10481,456,1308,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-21 11:29:23','2018-09-21 11:29:23'),(10482,456,1308,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-21 11:29:23','2018-09-21 11:29:23'),(10483,456,1308,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-21 11:29:23','2018-09-21 11:29:23'),(10484,456,1308,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-21 11:29:23','2018-09-21 11:29:23'),(10485,456,1308,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-21 11:29:23','2018-09-21 11:29:23'),(10486,456,1309,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(10487,456,1309,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(10488,456,1309,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(10489,456,1309,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(10490,456,1309,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(10491,456,1309,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(10492,456,1309,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(10493,456,1309,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(10494,456,1309,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(10495,456,1309,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-21 11:44:13','2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(10496,457,1310,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-22 15:56:13','2018-09-22 15:56:13'),(10497,457,1310,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-22 15:56:13','2018-09-22 15:56:13'),(10498,457,1310,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-22 15:56:13','2018-09-22 15:56:13'),(10499,457,1310,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-22 15:56:13','2018-09-22 15:56:13'),(10500,457,1310,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-22 15:56:13','2018-09-22 15:56:13'),(10501,457,1310,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-22 15:56:13','2018-09-22 15:56:13'),(10502,457,1310,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-22 15:56:13','2018-09-22 15:56:13'),(10503,457,1310,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-22 15:56:13','2018-09-22 15:56:13'),(10504,457,1310,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-22 15:56:13','2018-09-22 15:56:13'),(10505,457,1310,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-22 15:56:13','2018-09-22 15:56:13'),(10506,457,1311,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-22 16:02:44','2018-09-22 16:02:44'),(10507,457,1311,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-22 16:02:44','2018-09-22 16:02:44'),(10508,457,1311,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-22 16:02:44','2018-09-22 16:02:44'),(10509,457,1311,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-22 16:02:44','2018-09-22 16:02:44'),(10510,457,1311,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-22 16:02:44','2018-09-22 16:02:44'),(10511,457,1312,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:17:59'),(10512,457,1312,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:17:59'),(10513,457,1312,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:17:59'),(10514,457,1312,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:17:59'),(10515,457,1312,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:17:59'),(10516,457,1312,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:17:59'),(10517,457,1312,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:17:59'),(10518,457,1312,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:17:59'),(10519,457,1312,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:17:59'),(10520,457,1312,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-22 16:17:59','2018-09-22 16:17:59'),(10521,458,1313,49,103,101,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','AIDS','All of the above','2018-09-26 10:01:11','2018-09-26 10:01:11'),(10522,458,1313,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-26 10:01:11','2018-09-26 10:01:11'),(10523,458,1313,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-26 10:01:11','2018-09-26 10:01:11'),(10524,458,1313,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-26 10:01:11','2018-09-26 10:01:11'),(10525,458,1313,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-26 10:01:11','2018-09-26 10:01:11'),(10526,458,1313,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-26 10:01:11','2018-09-26 10:01:11'),(10527,458,1313,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-26 10:01:11','2018-09-26 10:01:11'),(10528,458,1313,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-26 10:01:11','2018-09-26 10:01:11'),(10529,458,1313,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-26 10:01:11','2018-09-26 10:01:11'),(10530,458,1313,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-26 10:01:11','2018-09-26 10:01:11'),(10531,458,1314,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-26 10:06:59','2018-09-26 10:06:59'),(10532,458,1314,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-26 10:06:59','2018-09-26 10:06:59'),(10533,458,1314,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-26 10:06:59','2018-09-26 10:06:59'),(10534,458,1314,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-26 10:06:59','2018-09-26 10:06:59'),(10535,458,1314,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-26 10:06:59','2018-09-26 10:06:59'),(10536,458,1315,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(10537,458,1315,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(10538,458,1315,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(10539,458,1315,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(10540,458,1315,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(10541,458,1315,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(10542,458,1315,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(10543,458,1315,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(10544,458,1315,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(10545,458,1315,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-26 10:25:01','2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(10546,459,1316,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-27 18:30:56','2018-09-27 18:30:56'),(10547,459,1316,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-09-27 18:30:56','2018-09-27 18:30:56'),(10548,459,1316,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-27 18:30:56','2018-09-27 18:30:56'),(10549,459,1316,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-09-27 18:30:56','2018-09-27 18:30:56'),(10550,459,1316,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-27 18:30:56','2018-09-27 18:30:56'),(10551,459,1316,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-09-27 18:30:56','2018-09-27 18:30:56'),(10552,459,1316,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-09-27 18:30:56','2018-09-27 18:30:56'),(10553,459,1316,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-09-27 18:30:56','2018-09-27 18:30:56'),(10554,459,1316,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-09-27 18:30:56','2018-09-27 18:30:56'),(10555,459,1316,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-09-27 18:30:56','2018-09-27 18:30:56'),(10556,459,1317,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-09-27 18:36:58','2018-09-27 18:36:58'),(10557,459,1317,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-27 18:36:58','2018-09-27 18:36:58'),(10558,459,1317,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-09-27 18:36:58','2018-09-27 18:36:58'),(10559,459,1317,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-09-27 18:36:58','2018-09-27 18:36:58'),(10560,459,1317,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-09-27 18:36:58','2018-09-27 18:36:58'),(10561,459,1318,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:57'),(10562,459,1318,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:57'),(10563,459,1318,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:57'),(10564,459,1318,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:57'),(10565,459,1318,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:57'),(10566,459,1318,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:57'),(10567,459,1318,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:57'),(10568,459,1318,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:57'),(10569,459,1318,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:57'),(10570,459,1318,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-09-27 18:52:57','2018-09-27 18:52:57'),(10571,460,1319,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-02 15:18:46','2018-10-02 15:18:46'),(10572,460,1319,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-02 15:18:46','2018-10-02 15:18:46'),(10573,460,1319,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-02 15:18:46','2018-10-02 15:18:46'),(10574,460,1319,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-02 15:18:46','2018-10-02 15:18:46'),(10575,460,1319,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-02 15:18:46','2018-10-02 15:18:46'),(10576,460,1319,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-02 15:18:46','2018-10-02 15:18:46'),(10577,460,1319,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-02 15:18:46','2018-10-02 15:18:46'),(10578,460,1319,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-02 15:18:46','2018-10-02 15:18:46'),(10579,460,1319,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-02 15:18:46','2018-10-02 15:18:46'),(10580,460,1319,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-02 15:18:46','2018-10-02 15:18:46'),(10581,460,1320,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-02 15:24:54','2018-10-02 15:24:54'),(10582,460,1320,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-02 15:24:54','2018-10-02 15:24:54'),(10583,460,1320,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-02 15:24:54','2018-10-02 15:24:54'),(10584,460,1320,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-02 15:24:54','2018-10-02 15:24:54'),(10585,460,1320,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-02 15:24:54','2018-10-02 15:24:54'),(10586,460,1321,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:27'),(10587,460,1321,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:27'),(10588,460,1321,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:27'),(10589,460,1321,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:27'),(10590,460,1321,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:27'),(10591,460,1321,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:27'),(10592,460,1321,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:27'),(10593,460,1321,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:27'),(10594,460,1321,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:27'),(10595,460,1321,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-02 15:41:27','2018-10-02 15:41:27'),(10596,461,1322,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-04 21:35:03','2018-10-04 21:35:03'),(10597,461,1322,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-04 21:35:03','2018-10-04 21:35:03'),(10598,461,1322,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-04 21:35:03','2018-10-04 21:35:03'),(10599,461,1322,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-04 21:35:03','2018-10-04 21:35:03'),(10600,461,1322,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-04 21:35:03','2018-10-04 21:35:03'),(10601,461,1322,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-04 21:35:03','2018-10-04 21:35:03'),(10602,461,1322,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-04 21:35:03','2018-10-04 21:35:03'),(10603,461,1322,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-04 21:35:03','2018-10-04 21:35:03'),(10604,461,1322,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-04 21:35:03','2018-10-04 21:35:03'),(10605,461,1322,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-04 21:35:03','2018-10-04 21:35:03'),(10606,461,1323,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-04 21:41:45','2018-10-04 21:41:45'),(10607,461,1323,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-04 21:41:45','2018-10-04 21:41:45'),(10608,461,1323,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-04 21:41:45','2018-10-04 21:41:45'),(10609,461,1323,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-04 21:41:45','2018-10-04 21:41:45'),(10610,461,1323,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-04 21:41:45','2018-10-04 21:41:45'),(10611,461,1324,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:19'),(10612,461,1324,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:19'),(10613,461,1324,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:19'),(10614,461,1324,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:19'),(10615,461,1324,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:19'),(10616,461,1324,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:19'),(10617,461,1324,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:19'),(10618,461,1324,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:19'),(10619,461,1324,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:19'),(10620,461,1324,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-04 22:02:19','2018-10-04 22:02:19'),(10621,462,1325,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-06 14:38:33','2018-10-06 14:38:33'),(10622,462,1325,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-06 14:38:33','2018-10-06 14:38:33'),(10623,462,1325,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-06 14:38:33','2018-10-06 14:38:33'),(10624,462,1325,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-06 14:38:33','2018-10-06 14:38:33'),(10625,462,1325,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-06 14:38:33','2018-10-06 14:38:33'),(10626,462,1325,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-06 14:38:33','2018-10-06 14:38:33'),(10627,462,1325,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-06 14:38:33','2018-10-06 14:38:33'),(10628,462,1325,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-06 14:38:33','2018-10-06 14:38:33'),(10629,462,1325,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-06 14:38:33','2018-10-06 14:38:33'),(10630,462,1325,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-06 14:38:33','2018-10-06 14:38:33'),(10631,462,1326,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-06 14:45:23','2018-10-06 14:45:23'),(10632,462,1326,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-06 14:45:23','2018-10-06 14:45:23'),(10633,462,1326,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-06 14:45:23','2018-10-06 14:45:23'),(10634,462,1326,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-06 14:45:23','2018-10-06 14:45:23'),(10635,462,1326,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-06 14:45:23','2018-10-06 14:45:23'),(10636,462,1327,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(10637,462,1327,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(10638,462,1327,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(10639,462,1327,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(10640,462,1327,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(10641,462,1327,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(10642,462,1327,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(10643,462,1327,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(10644,462,1327,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(10645,462,1327,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-06 15:02:21','2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(10646,463,1328,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:17:50','2018-10-08 10:17:50'),(10647,463,1328,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-08 10:17:50','2018-10-08 10:17:50'),(10648,463,1328,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:17:50','2018-10-08 10:17:50'),(10649,463,1328,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-08 10:17:50','2018-10-08 10:17:50'),(10650,463,1328,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:17:50','2018-10-08 10:17:50'),(10651,463,1328,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:17:50','2018-10-08 10:17:50'),(10652,463,1328,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-08 10:17:50','2018-10-08 10:17:50'),(10653,463,1328,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-08 10:17:50','2018-10-08 10:17:50'),(10654,463,1328,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:17:50','2018-10-08 10:17:50'),(10655,463,1328,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-08 10:17:50','2018-10-08 10:17:50'),(10656,463,1329,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-08 10:23:25','2018-10-08 10:23:25'),(10657,463,1329,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:23:25','2018-10-08 10:23:25'),(10658,463,1329,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-08 10:23:25','2018-10-08 10:23:25'),(10659,463,1329,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:23:25','2018-10-08 10:23:25'),(10660,463,1329,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-08 10:23:25','2018-10-08 10:23:25'),(10661,463,1330,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(10662,463,1330,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(10663,463,1330,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(10664,463,1330,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(10665,463,1330,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(10666,463,1330,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(10667,463,1330,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(10668,463,1330,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(10669,463,1330,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(10670,463,1330,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:39:02','2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(10671,464,1331,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:21:08','2018-10-08 10:21:08'),(10672,464,1331,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-08 10:21:08','2018-10-08 10:21:08'),(10673,464,1331,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:21:08','2018-10-08 10:21:08'),(10674,464,1331,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-08 10:21:08','2018-10-08 10:21:08'),(10675,464,1331,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:21:08','2018-10-08 10:21:08'),(10676,464,1331,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:21:08','2018-10-08 10:21:08'),(10677,464,1331,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-08 10:21:08','2018-10-08 10:21:08'),(10678,464,1331,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-08 10:21:08','2018-10-08 10:21:08'),(10679,464,1331,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:21:08','2018-10-08 10:21:08'),(10680,464,1331,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-08 10:21:08','2018-10-08 10:21:08'),(10681,464,1332,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-08 10:28:34','2018-10-08 10:28:34'),(10682,464,1332,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:28:34','2018-10-08 10:28:34'),(10683,464,1332,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-08 10:28:34','2018-10-08 10:28:34'),(10684,464,1332,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:28:34','2018-10-08 10:28:34'),(10685,464,1332,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-08 10:28:34','2018-10-08 10:28:34'),(10686,464,1333,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(10687,464,1333,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(10688,464,1333,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(10689,464,1333,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(10690,464,1333,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(10691,464,1333,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(10692,464,1333,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(10693,464,1333,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(10694,464,1333,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(10695,464,1333,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:47:26','2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(10696,465,1334,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:41:04','2018-10-08 10:41:04'),(10697,465,1334,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-08 10:41:04','2018-10-08 10:41:04'),(10698,465,1334,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:41:04','2018-10-08 10:41:04'),(10699,465,1334,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-08 10:41:04','2018-10-08 10:41:04'),(10700,465,1334,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:41:04','2018-10-08 10:41:04'),(10701,465,1334,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:41:04','2018-10-08 10:41:04'),(10702,465,1334,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-08 10:41:04','2018-10-08 10:41:04'),(10703,465,1334,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-08 10:41:04','2018-10-08 10:41:04'),(10704,465,1334,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:41:04','2018-10-08 10:41:04'),(10705,465,1334,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-08 10:41:04','2018-10-08 10:41:04'),(10706,465,1335,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-08 10:47:09','2018-10-08 10:47:09'),(10707,465,1335,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 10:47:09','2018-10-08 10:47:09'),(10708,465,1335,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-08 10:47:09','2018-10-08 10:47:09'),(10709,465,1335,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-08 10:47:09','2018-10-08 10:47:09'),(10710,465,1335,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-08 10:47:09','2018-10-08 10:47:09'),(10711,465,1336,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(10712,465,1336,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(10713,465,1336,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(10714,465,1336,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(10715,465,1336,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(10716,465,1336,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(10717,465,1336,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(10718,465,1336,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(10719,465,1336,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(10720,465,1336,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-08 11:09:54','2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(10721,466,1337,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 15:40:23','2018-10-08 15:40:23'),(10722,466,1337,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-08 15:40:23','2018-10-08 15:40:23'),(10723,466,1337,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 15:40:23','2018-10-08 15:40:23'),(10724,466,1337,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-08 15:40:23','2018-10-08 15:40:23'),(10725,466,1337,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 15:40:23','2018-10-08 15:40:23'),(10726,466,1337,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-08 15:40:23','2018-10-08 15:40:23'),(10727,466,1337,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-08 15:40:23','2018-10-08 15:40:23'),(10728,466,1337,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-08 15:40:23','2018-10-08 15:40:23'),(10729,466,1337,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-08 15:40:23','2018-10-08 15:40:23'),(10730,466,1337,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-08 15:40:23','2018-10-08 15:40:23'),(10731,466,1338,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-08 15:52:33','2018-10-08 15:52:33'),(10732,466,1338,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 15:52:33','2018-10-08 15:52:33'),(10733,466,1338,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-08 15:52:33','2018-10-08 15:52:33'),(10734,466,1338,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-08 15:52:33','2018-10-08 15:52:33'),(10735,466,1338,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-08 15:52:33','2018-10-08 15:52:33'),(10736,466,1339,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(10737,466,1339,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(10738,466,1339,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(10739,466,1339,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(10740,466,1339,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(10741,466,1339,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(10742,466,1339,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(10743,466,1339,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(10744,466,1339,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(10745,466,1339,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-08 16:10:18','2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(10746,467,1340,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 20:16:30','2018-10-08 20:16:30'),(10747,467,1340,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-08 20:16:30','2018-10-08 20:16:30'),(10748,467,1340,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 20:16:30','2018-10-08 20:16:30'),(10749,467,1340,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-08 20:16:30','2018-10-08 20:16:30'),(10750,467,1340,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 20:16:30','2018-10-08 20:16:30'),(10751,467,1340,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-08 20:16:30','2018-10-08 20:16:30'),(10752,467,1340,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-08 20:16:30','2018-10-08 20:16:30'),(10753,467,1340,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-08 20:16:30','2018-10-08 20:16:30'),(10754,467,1340,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-08 20:16:30','2018-10-08 20:16:30'),(10755,467,1340,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-08 20:16:30','2018-10-08 20:16:30'),(10756,467,1341,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-08 20:26:09','2018-10-08 20:26:09'),(10757,467,1341,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 20:26:09','2018-10-08 20:26:09'),(10758,467,1341,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-08 20:26:09','2018-10-08 20:26:09'),(10759,467,1341,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-08 20:26:09','2018-10-08 20:26:09'),(10760,467,1341,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-08 20:26:09','2018-10-08 20:26:09'),(10761,467,1342,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(10762,467,1342,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(10763,467,1342,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(10764,467,1342,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(10765,467,1342,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(10766,467,1342,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(10767,467,1342,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(10768,467,1342,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(10769,467,1342,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(10770,467,1342,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-08 20:41:13','2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(10771,468,1343,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-09 12:37:42','2018-10-09 12:47:09'),(10772,468,1343,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-09 12:37:42','2018-10-09 12:47:09'),(10773,468,1343,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-09 12:37:42','2018-10-09 12:47:09'),(10774,468,1343,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-09 12:37:42','2018-10-09 12:47:09'),(10775,468,1343,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-09 12:37:42','2018-10-09 12:47:09'),(10776,468,1343,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-09 12:37:42','2018-10-09 12:47:09'),(10777,468,1343,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-09 12:37:42','2018-10-09 12:47:09'),(10778,468,1343,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-09 12:37:42','2018-10-09 12:47:09'),(10779,468,1343,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-09 12:37:42','2018-10-09 12:47:09'),(10780,468,1343,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-09 12:37:42','2018-10-09 12:47:09'),(10781,468,1344,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-09 12:46:58','2018-10-09 13:08:31'),(10782,468,1344,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-09 12:46:58','2018-10-09 13:08:31'),(10783,468,1344,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-09 12:46:58','2018-10-09 13:08:31'),(10784,468,1344,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-09 12:46:58','2018-10-09 13:08:31'),(10785,468,1344,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-09 12:46:58','2018-10-09 13:08:31'),(10786,468,1345,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:20'),(10787,468,1345,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:20'),(10788,468,1345,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:20'),(10789,468,1345,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:20'),(10790,468,1345,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:20'),(10791,468,1345,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:20'),(10792,468,1345,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:20'),(10793,468,1345,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:20'),(10794,468,1345,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:20'),(10795,468,1345,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-09 13:27:20','2018-10-09 13:27:20'),(10796,469,1346,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-10 19:34:09','2018-10-10 19:34:09'),(10797,469,1346,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-10 19:34:09','2018-10-10 19:34:09'),(10798,469,1346,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-10 19:34:09','2018-10-10 19:34:09'),(10799,469,1346,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-10 19:34:09','2018-10-10 19:34:09'),(10800,469,1346,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-10 19:34:09','2018-10-10 19:34:09'),(10801,469,1346,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-10 19:34:09','2018-10-10 19:34:09'),(10802,469,1346,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-10 19:34:09','2018-10-10 19:34:09'),(10803,469,1346,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-10 19:34:09','2018-10-10 19:34:09'),(10804,469,1346,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-10 19:34:09','2018-10-10 19:34:09'),(10805,469,1346,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-10 19:34:09','2018-10-10 19:34:09'),(10806,469,1347,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-10 19:40:58','2018-10-10 19:40:58'),(10807,469,1347,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-10 19:40:58','2018-10-10 19:40:58'),(10808,469,1347,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-10 19:40:58','2018-10-10 19:40:58'),(10809,469,1347,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-10-10 19:40:58','2018-10-10 19:40:58'),(10810,469,1347,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-10 19:40:58','2018-10-10 19:40:58'),(10811,469,1348,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:41'),(10812,469,1348,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:41'),(10813,469,1348,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:41'),(10814,469,1348,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:41'),(10815,469,1348,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:41'),(10816,469,1348,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:41'),(10817,469,1348,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:41'),(10818,469,1348,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:41'),(10819,469,1348,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:41'),(10820,469,1348,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-10 20:47:41','2018-10-10 20:47:41'),(10821,470,1349,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-11 11:21:51','2018-10-11 11:21:51'),(10822,470,1349,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-11 11:21:51','2018-10-11 11:21:51'),(10823,470,1349,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-11 11:21:51','2018-10-11 11:21:51'),(10824,470,1349,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-11 11:21:51','2018-10-11 11:21:51'),(10825,470,1349,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-11 11:21:51','2018-10-11 11:21:51'),(10826,470,1349,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-11 11:21:51','2018-10-11 11:21:51'),(10827,470,1349,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-11 11:21:51','2018-10-11 11:21:51'),(10828,470,1349,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-11 11:21:51','2018-10-11 11:21:51'),(10829,470,1349,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-11 11:21:51','2018-10-11 11:21:51'),(10830,470,1349,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-11 11:21:51','2018-10-11 11:21:51'),(10831,470,1350,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-11 11:28:28','2018-10-11 11:28:28'),(10832,470,1350,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-11 11:28:28','2018-10-11 11:28:28'),(10833,470,1350,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-11 11:28:28','2018-10-11 11:28:28'),(10834,470,1350,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-10-11 11:28:28','2018-10-11 11:28:28'),(10835,470,1350,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-11 11:28:28','2018-10-11 11:28:28'),(10836,470,1351,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:29'),(10837,470,1351,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:29'),(10838,470,1351,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:29'),(10839,470,1351,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:29'),(10840,470,1351,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:29'),(10841,470,1351,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:29'),(10842,470,1351,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:29'),(10843,470,1351,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:29'),(10844,470,1351,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:29'),(10845,470,1351,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-11 11:56:29','2018-10-11 11:56:29'),(10846,471,1352,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 12:48:53','2018-10-12 12:48:53'),(10847,471,1352,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-12 12:48:53','2018-10-12 12:48:53'),(10848,471,1352,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 12:48:53','2018-10-12 12:48:53'),(10849,471,1352,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-12 12:48:53','2018-10-12 12:48:53'),(10850,471,1352,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 12:48:53','2018-10-12 12:48:53'),(10851,471,1352,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-12 12:48:53','2018-10-12 12:48:53'),(10852,471,1352,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-12 12:48:53','2018-10-12 12:48:53'),(10853,471,1352,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-12 12:48:53','2018-10-12 12:48:53'),(10854,471,1352,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-12 12:48:53','2018-10-12 12:48:53'),(10855,471,1352,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-12 12:48:53','2018-10-12 12:48:53'),(10856,471,1353,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-12 12:56:31','2018-10-12 12:56:31'),(10857,471,1353,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 12:56:31','2018-10-12 12:56:31'),(10858,471,1353,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-12 12:56:31','2018-10-12 12:56:31'),(10859,471,1353,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-12 12:56:31','2018-10-12 12:56:31'),(10860,471,1353,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-12 12:56:31','2018-10-12 12:56:31'),(10861,471,1354,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(10862,471,1354,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(10863,471,1354,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(10864,471,1354,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(10865,471,1354,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(10866,471,1354,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(10867,471,1354,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(10868,471,1354,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(10869,471,1354,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(10870,471,1354,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-12 13:14:17','2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(10871,472,1355,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 13:37:06','2018-10-12 13:37:06'),(10872,472,1355,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-12 13:37:06','2018-10-12 13:37:06'),(10873,472,1355,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 13:37:06','2018-10-12 13:37:06'),(10874,472,1355,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-12 13:37:06','2018-10-12 13:37:06'),(10875,472,1355,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 13:37:06','2018-10-12 13:37:06'),(10876,472,1355,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-12 13:37:06','2018-10-12 13:37:06'),(10877,472,1355,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-12 13:37:06','2018-10-12 13:37:06'),(10878,472,1355,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-12 13:37:06','2018-10-12 13:37:06'),(10879,472,1355,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-12 13:37:06','2018-10-12 13:37:06'),(10880,472,1355,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-12 13:37:06','2018-10-12 13:37:06'),(10881,472,1356,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-12 13:44:15','2018-10-12 13:44:15'),(10882,472,1356,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 13:44:15','2018-10-12 13:44:15'),(10883,472,1356,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-12 13:44:15','2018-10-12 13:44:15'),(10884,472,1356,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-12 13:44:15','2018-10-12 13:44:15'),(10885,472,1356,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-12 13:44:15','2018-10-12 13:44:15'),(10886,472,1357,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(10887,472,1357,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(10888,472,1357,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(10889,472,1357,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(10890,472,1357,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(10891,472,1357,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(10892,472,1357,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(10893,472,1357,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(10894,472,1357,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(10895,472,1357,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-12 13:59:41','2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(10896,473,1358,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-13 17:21:44','2018-10-13 17:21:44'),(10897,473,1358,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-13 17:21:44','2018-10-13 17:21:44'),(10898,473,1358,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-13 17:21:44','2018-10-13 17:21:44'),(10899,473,1358,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-13 17:21:44','2018-10-13 17:21:44'),(10900,473,1358,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-13 17:21:44','2018-10-13 17:21:44'),(10901,473,1358,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-13 17:21:44','2018-10-13 17:21:44'),(10902,473,1358,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-13 17:21:44','2018-10-13 17:21:44'),(10903,473,1358,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-13 17:21:44','2018-10-13 17:21:44'),(10904,473,1358,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-13 17:21:44','2018-10-13 17:21:44'),(10905,473,1358,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-13 17:21:44','2018-10-13 17:21:44'),(10906,473,1359,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-13 17:25:49','2018-10-13 17:25:49'),(10907,473,1359,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2018-10-13 17:25:49','2018-10-13 17:25:49'),(10908,473,1359,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-13 17:25:49','2018-10-13 17:25:49'),(10909,473,1359,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-13 17:25:49','2018-10-13 17:25:49'),(10910,473,1359,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-13 17:25:49','2018-10-13 17:25:49'),(10911,473,1360,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(10912,473,1360,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(10913,473,1360,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(10914,473,1360,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(10915,473,1360,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(10916,473,1360,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(10917,473,1360,81,196,198,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Whole Sale Price','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(10918,473,1360,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(10919,473,1360,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(10920,473,1360,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-13 17:33:08','2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(10921,474,1361,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-17 11:40:26','2018-10-17 11:40:26'),(10922,474,1361,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-17 11:40:26','2018-10-17 11:40:26'),(10923,474,1361,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-17 11:40:26','2018-10-17 11:40:26'),(10924,474,1361,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-17 11:40:26','2018-10-17 11:40:26'),(10925,474,1361,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-17 11:40:26','2018-10-17 11:40:26'),(10926,474,1361,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-17 11:40:26','2018-10-17 11:40:26'),(10927,474,1361,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-17 11:40:26','2018-10-17 11:40:26'),(10928,474,1361,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-17 11:40:26','2018-10-17 11:40:26'),(10929,474,1361,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-17 11:40:26','2018-10-17 11:40:26'),(10930,474,1361,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-17 11:40:26','2018-10-17 11:40:26'),(10931,474,1362,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-17 11:47:04','2018-10-17 11:47:04'),(10932,474,1362,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-17 11:47:04','2018-10-17 11:47:04'),(10933,474,1362,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-17 11:47:04','2018-10-17 11:47:04'),(10934,474,1362,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-17 11:47:04','2018-10-17 11:47:04'),(10935,474,1362,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-17 11:47:04','2018-10-17 11:47:04'),(10936,474,1363,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:28'),(10937,474,1363,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:28'),(10938,474,1363,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:28'),(10939,474,1363,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:28'),(10940,474,1363,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:28'),(10941,474,1363,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:28'),(10942,474,1363,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:28'),(10943,474,1363,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:28'),(10944,474,1363,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:28'),(10945,474,1363,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-17 12:04:28','2018-10-17 12:04:28'),(10946,475,1364,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-17 12:22:27','2018-10-17 12:22:27'),(10947,475,1364,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-17 12:22:27','2018-10-17 12:22:27'),(10948,475,1364,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-17 12:22:27','2018-10-17 12:22:27'),(10949,475,1364,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-17 12:22:27','2018-10-17 12:22:27'),(10950,475,1364,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-17 12:22:27','2018-10-17 12:22:27'),(10951,475,1364,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-17 12:22:27','2018-10-17 12:22:27'),(10952,475,1364,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-17 12:22:27','2018-10-17 12:22:27'),(10953,475,1364,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-17 12:22:27','2018-10-17 12:22:27'),(10954,475,1364,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-17 12:22:27','2018-10-17 12:22:27'),(10955,475,1364,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-17 12:22:27','2018-10-17 12:22:27'),(10956,475,1365,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-17 12:30:04','2018-10-17 12:30:04'),(10957,475,1365,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-17 12:30:04','2018-10-17 12:30:04'),(10958,475,1365,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-17 12:30:04','2018-10-17 12:30:04'),(10959,475,1365,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-10-17 12:30:04','2018-10-17 12:30:04'),(10960,475,1365,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-17 12:30:04','2018-10-17 12:30:04'),(10961,475,1366,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(10962,475,1366,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(10963,475,1366,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(10964,475,1366,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(10965,475,1366,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(10966,475,1366,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(10967,475,1366,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(10968,475,1366,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(10969,475,1366,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(10970,475,1366,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-17 12:52:08','2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(10971,476,1367,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 11:58:52','2018-10-21 11:58:52'),(10972,476,1367,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-21 11:58:52','2018-10-21 11:58:52'),(10973,476,1367,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 11:58:52','2018-10-21 11:58:52'),(10974,476,1367,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-21 11:58:52','2018-10-21 11:58:52'),(10975,476,1367,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 11:58:52','2018-10-21 11:58:52'),(10976,476,1367,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-21 11:58:52','2018-10-21 11:58:52'),(10977,476,1367,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-21 11:58:52','2018-10-21 11:58:52'),(10978,476,1367,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-21 11:58:52','2018-10-21 11:58:52'),(10979,476,1367,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-21 11:58:52','2018-10-21 11:58:52'),(10980,476,1367,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-21 11:58:52','2018-10-21 11:58:52'),(10981,476,1368,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-21 12:05:31','2018-10-21 12:05:31'),(10982,476,1368,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 12:05:31','2018-10-21 12:05:31'),(10983,476,1368,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-21 12:05:31','2018-10-21 12:05:31'),(10984,476,1368,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-21 12:05:31','2018-10-21 12:05:31'),(10985,476,1368,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-21 12:05:31','2018-10-21 12:05:31'),(10986,476,1369,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:13'),(10987,476,1369,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:13'),(10988,476,1369,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:13'),(10989,476,1369,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:13'),(10990,476,1369,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:13'),(10991,476,1369,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:13'),(10992,476,1369,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:13'),(10993,476,1369,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:13'),(10994,476,1369,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:13'),(10995,476,1369,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-21 12:27:13','2018-10-21 12:27:13'),(10996,477,1370,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 16:31:10','2018-10-21 16:31:10'),(10997,477,1370,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-21 16:31:10','2018-10-21 16:31:10'),(10998,477,1370,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 16:31:10','2018-10-21 16:31:10'),(10999,477,1370,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-21 16:31:10','2018-10-21 16:31:10'),(11000,477,1370,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 16:31:10','2018-10-21 16:31:10'),(11001,477,1370,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-21 16:31:10','2018-10-21 16:31:10'),(11002,477,1370,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-21 16:31:10','2018-10-21 16:31:10'),(11003,477,1370,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-21 16:31:10','2018-10-21 16:31:10'),(11004,477,1370,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-21 16:31:10','2018-10-21 16:31:10'),(11005,477,1370,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-21 16:31:10','2018-10-21 16:31:10'),(11006,477,1371,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-21 16:41:20','2018-10-21 16:41:20'),(11007,477,1371,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 16:41:20','2018-10-21 16:41:20'),(11008,477,1371,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-21 16:41:20','2018-10-21 16:41:20'),(11009,477,1371,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-21 16:41:20','2018-10-21 16:41:20'),(11010,477,1371,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-21 16:41:20','2018-10-21 16:41:20'),(11011,477,1372,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(11012,477,1372,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(11013,477,1372,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(11014,477,1372,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(11015,477,1372,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(11016,477,1372,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(11017,477,1372,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(11018,477,1372,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(11019,477,1372,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(11020,477,1372,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-21 17:09:19','2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(11021,478,1373,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-23 13:40:06','2018-10-23 13:40:06'),(11022,478,1373,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-23 13:40:06','2018-10-23 13:40:06'),(11023,478,1373,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-23 13:40:06','2018-10-23 13:40:06'),(11024,478,1373,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-23 13:40:06','2018-10-23 13:40:06'),(11025,478,1373,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-23 13:40:06','2018-10-23 13:40:06'),(11026,478,1373,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-23 13:40:06','2018-10-23 13:40:06'),(11027,478,1373,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-23 13:40:06','2018-10-23 13:40:06'),(11028,478,1373,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-23 13:40:06','2018-10-23 13:40:06'),(11029,478,1373,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-23 13:40:06','2018-10-23 13:40:06'),(11030,478,1373,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-23 13:40:06','2018-10-23 13:40:06'),(11031,478,1374,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-23 13:46:00','2018-10-23 13:46:00'),(11032,478,1374,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-23 13:46:00','2018-10-23 13:46:00'),(11033,478,1374,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-23 13:46:00','2018-10-23 13:46:00'),(11034,478,1374,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-23 13:46:00','2018-10-23 13:46:00'),(11035,478,1374,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-23 13:46:00','2018-10-23 13:46:00'),(11036,478,1375,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:27'),(11037,478,1375,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:27'),(11038,478,1375,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:27'),(11039,478,1375,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:27'),(11040,478,1375,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:27'),(11041,478,1375,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:27'),(11042,478,1375,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:27'),(11043,478,1375,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:27'),(11044,478,1375,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:27'),(11045,478,1375,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-23 14:02:27','2018-10-23 14:02:27'),(11046,479,1376,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 13:04:19','2018-10-29 13:04:19'),(11047,479,1376,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-10-29 13:04:19','2018-10-29 13:04:19'),(11048,479,1376,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 13:04:19','2018-10-29 13:04:19'),(11049,479,1376,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-29 13:04:19','2018-10-29 13:04:19'),(11050,479,1376,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 13:04:19','2018-10-29 13:04:19'),(11051,479,1376,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-29 13:04:19','2018-10-29 13:04:19'),(11052,479,1376,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-29 13:04:19','2018-10-29 13:04:19'),(11053,479,1376,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-29 13:04:19','2018-10-29 13:04:19'),(11054,479,1376,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-29 13:04:19','2018-10-29 13:04:19'),(11055,479,1376,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-29 13:04:19','2018-10-29 13:04:19'),(11056,479,1377,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-29 13:12:25','2018-10-29 13:12:25'),(11057,479,1377,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 13:12:25','2018-10-29 13:12:25'),(11058,479,1377,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-29 13:12:25','2018-10-29 13:12:25'),(11059,479,1377,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-29 13:12:25','2018-10-29 13:12:25'),(11060,479,1377,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-29 13:12:25','2018-10-29 13:12:25'),(11061,479,1378,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:04'),(11062,479,1378,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:04'),(11063,479,1378,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:04'),(11064,479,1378,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:04'),(11065,479,1378,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:04'),(11066,479,1378,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:04'),(11067,479,1378,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:04'),(11068,479,1378,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:04'),(11069,479,1378,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:04'),(11070,479,1378,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-29 13:31:04','2018-10-29 13:31:04'),(11071,480,1379,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 15:32:21','2018-10-29 15:32:21'),(11072,480,1379,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2018-10-29 15:32:21','2018-10-29 15:32:21'),(11073,480,1379,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 15:32:21','2018-10-29 15:32:21'),(11074,480,1379,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-10-29 15:32:21','2018-10-29 15:32:21'),(11075,480,1379,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 15:32:21','2018-10-29 15:32:21'),(11076,480,1379,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-10-29 15:32:21','2018-10-29 15:32:21'),(11077,480,1379,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-10-29 15:32:21','2018-10-29 15:32:21'),(11078,480,1379,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-10-29 15:32:21','2018-10-29 15:32:21'),(11079,480,1379,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-10-29 15:32:21','2018-10-29 15:32:21'),(11080,480,1379,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-10-29 15:32:21','2018-10-29 15:32:21'),(11081,480,1380,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-10-29 15:38:44','2018-10-29 15:38:44'),(11082,480,1380,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 15:38:44','2018-10-29 15:38:44'),(11083,480,1380,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-10-29 15:38:44','2018-10-29 15:38:44'),(11084,480,1380,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-10-29 15:38:44','2018-10-29 15:38:44'),(11085,480,1380,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-10-29 15:38:44','2018-10-29 15:38:44'),(11086,480,1381,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(11087,480,1381,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(11088,480,1381,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(11089,480,1381,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(11090,480,1381,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(11091,480,1381,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(11092,480,1381,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(11093,480,1381,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(11094,480,1381,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(11095,480,1381,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-10-29 15:54:46','2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(11096,481,1382,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 15:39:46','2018-11-05 15:39:46'),(11097,481,1382,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-11-05 15:39:46','2018-11-05 15:39:46'),(11098,481,1382,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 15:39:46','2018-11-05 15:39:46'),(11099,481,1382,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-11-05 15:39:46','2018-11-05 15:39:46'),(11100,481,1382,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 15:39:46','2018-11-05 15:39:46'),(11101,481,1382,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-11-05 15:39:46','2018-11-05 15:39:46'),(11102,481,1382,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-11-05 15:39:46','2018-11-05 15:39:46'),(11103,481,1382,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-11-05 15:39:46','2018-11-05 15:39:46'),(11104,481,1382,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-11-05 15:39:46','2018-11-05 15:39:46'),(11105,481,1382,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-11-05 15:39:46','2018-11-05 15:39:46'),(11106,481,1383,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-11-05 15:45:24','2018-11-05 15:45:24'),(11107,481,1383,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 15:45:24','2018-11-05 15:45:24'),(11108,481,1383,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-11-05 15:45:24','2018-11-05 15:45:24'),(11109,481,1383,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-11-05 15:45:24','2018-11-05 15:45:24'),(11110,481,1383,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-11-05 15:45:24','2018-11-05 15:45:24'),(11111,481,1384,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:50'),(11112,481,1384,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:50'),(11113,481,1384,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:50'),(11114,481,1384,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:50'),(11115,481,1384,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:50'),(11116,481,1384,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:50'),(11117,481,1384,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:50'),(11118,481,1384,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:50'),(11119,481,1384,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:50'),(11120,481,1384,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-11-05 16:00:50','2018-11-05 16:00:50'),(11121,482,1385,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 15:31:59','2018-11-05 15:31:59'),(11122,482,1385,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-11-05 15:31:59','2018-11-05 15:31:59'),(11123,482,1385,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 15:31:59','2018-11-05 15:31:59'),(11124,482,1385,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-11-05 15:31:59','2018-11-05 15:31:59'),(11125,482,1385,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 15:31:59','2018-11-05 15:31:59'),(11126,482,1385,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-11-05 15:31:59','2018-11-05 15:31:59'),(11127,482,1385,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-11-05 15:31:59','2018-11-05 15:31:59'),(11128,482,1385,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-11-05 15:31:59','2018-11-05 15:31:59'),(11129,482,1385,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-11-05 15:31:59','2018-11-05 15:31:59'),(11130,482,1385,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-11-05 15:31:59','2018-11-05 15:31:59'),(11131,482,1386,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-11-05 15:49:25','2018-11-05 15:49:25'),(11132,482,1386,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 15:49:25','2018-11-05 15:49:25'),(11133,482,1386,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-11-05 15:49:25','2018-11-05 15:49:25'),(11134,482,1386,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-11-05 15:49:25','2018-11-05 15:49:25'),(11135,482,1386,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-11-05 15:49:25','2018-11-05 15:49:25'),(11136,482,1387,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(11137,482,1387,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(11138,482,1387,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(11139,482,1387,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(11140,482,1387,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(11141,482,1387,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(11142,482,1387,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(11143,482,1387,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(11144,482,1387,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(11145,482,1387,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-11-05 16:08:19','2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(11146,483,1388,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-13 12:51:06','2018-11-13 12:51:06'),(11147,483,1388,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-11-13 12:51:06','2018-11-13 12:51:06'),(11148,483,1388,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-13 12:51:06','2018-11-13 12:51:06'),(11149,483,1388,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-11-13 12:51:06','2018-11-13 12:51:06'),(11150,483,1388,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-13 12:51:06','2018-11-13 12:51:06'),(11151,483,1388,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-11-13 12:51:06','2018-11-13 12:51:06'),(11152,483,1388,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-11-13 12:51:06','2018-11-13 12:51:06'),(11153,483,1388,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-11-13 12:51:06','2018-11-13 12:51:06'),(11154,483,1388,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-11-13 12:51:06','2018-11-13 12:51:06'),(11155,483,1388,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-11-13 12:51:06','2018-11-13 12:51:06'),(11156,483,1389,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-11-13 12:56:58','2018-11-13 12:56:58'),(11157,483,1389,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-13 12:56:58','2018-11-13 12:56:58'),(11158,483,1389,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-11-13 12:56:58','2018-11-13 12:56:58'),(11159,483,1389,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-11-13 12:56:58','2018-11-13 12:56:58'),(11160,483,1389,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-11-13 12:56:58','2018-11-13 12:56:58'),(11161,483,1390,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(11162,483,1390,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(11163,483,1390,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(11164,483,1390,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(11165,483,1390,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(11166,483,1390,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(11167,483,1390,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(11168,483,1390,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(11169,483,1390,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(11170,483,1390,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-11-13 13:12:12','2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(11171,484,1391,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-15 10:42:05','2018-11-15 10:42:05'),(11172,484,1391,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-11-15 10:42:05','2018-11-15 10:42:05'),(11173,484,1391,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-15 10:42:05','2018-11-15 10:42:05'),(11174,484,1391,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-11-15 10:42:05','2018-11-15 10:42:05'),(11175,484,1391,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-15 10:42:05','2018-11-15 10:42:05'),(11176,484,1391,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-11-15 10:42:05','2018-11-15 10:42:05'),(11177,484,1391,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-11-15 10:42:05','2018-11-15 10:42:05'),(11178,484,1391,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-11-15 10:42:05','2018-11-15 10:42:05'),(11179,484,1391,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-11-15 10:42:05','2018-11-15 10:42:05'),(11180,484,1391,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-11-15 10:42:05','2018-11-15 10:42:05'),(11181,484,1392,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-11-15 16:41:43','2018-11-15 16:41:43'),(11182,484,1392,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-15 16:41:43','2018-11-15 16:41:43'),(11183,484,1392,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-11-15 16:41:43','2018-11-15 16:41:43'),(11184,484,1392,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-11-15 16:41:43','2018-11-15 16:41:43'),(11185,484,1392,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-11-15 16:41:43','2018-11-15 16:41:43'),(11186,484,1393,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:53'),(11187,484,1393,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:53'),(11188,484,1393,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:53'),(11189,484,1393,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:53'),(11190,484,1393,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:53'),(11191,484,1393,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:53'),(11192,484,1393,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:53'),(11193,484,1393,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:53'),(11194,484,1393,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:53'),(11195,484,1393,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-11-15 16:56:53','2018-11-15 16:56:53'),(11196,485,1394,49,103,101,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','AIDS','All of the above','2018-11-26 14:27:02','2018-11-26 14:27:02'),(11197,485,1394,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-11-26 14:27:02','2018-11-26 14:27:02'),(11198,485,1394,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-26 14:27:02','2018-11-26 14:27:02'),(11199,485,1394,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-11-26 14:27:02','2018-11-26 14:27:02'),(11200,485,1394,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-26 14:27:02','2018-11-26 14:27:02'),(11201,485,1394,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-11-26 14:27:02','2018-11-26 14:27:02'),(11202,485,1394,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-11-26 14:27:02','2018-11-26 14:27:02'),(11203,485,1394,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-11-26 14:27:02','2018-11-26 14:27:02'),(11204,485,1394,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-11-26 14:27:02','2018-11-26 14:27:02'),(11205,485,1394,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-11-26 14:27:02','2018-11-26 14:27:02'),(11206,485,1395,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-11-26 14:42:13','2018-11-26 14:42:13'),(11207,485,1395,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-26 14:42:13','2018-11-26 14:42:13'),(11208,485,1395,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-11-26 14:42:13','2018-11-26 14:42:13'),(11209,485,1395,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-11-26 14:42:13','2018-11-26 14:42:13'),(11210,485,1395,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-11-26 14:42:13','2018-11-26 14:42:13'),(11211,485,1396,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:53'),(11212,485,1396,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:53'),(11213,485,1396,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:53'),(11214,485,1396,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:53'),(11215,485,1396,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:53'),(11216,485,1396,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:53'),(11217,485,1396,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:53'),(11218,485,1396,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:53'),(11219,485,1396,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:53'),(11220,485,1396,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-11-26 14:53:53','2018-11-26 14:53:53'),(11221,486,1397,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 20:12:37','2018-12-04 20:12:37'),(11222,486,1397,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-04 20:12:37','2018-12-04 20:12:37'),(11223,486,1397,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 20:12:37','2018-12-04 20:12:37'),(11224,486,1397,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-04 20:12:37','2018-12-04 20:12:37'),(11225,486,1397,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 20:12:37','2018-12-04 20:12:37'),(11226,486,1397,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-04 20:12:37','2018-12-04 20:12:37'),(11227,486,1397,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-04 20:12:37','2018-12-04 20:12:37'),(11228,486,1397,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-04 20:12:37','2018-12-04 20:12:37'),(11229,486,1397,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-04 20:12:37','2018-12-04 20:12:37'),(11230,486,1397,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-04 20:12:37','2018-12-04 20:12:37'),(11231,486,1398,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-04 20:21:01','2018-12-04 20:21:01'),(11232,486,1398,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 20:21:01','2018-12-04 20:21:01'),(11233,486,1398,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-04 20:21:01','2018-12-04 20:21:01'),(11234,486,1398,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-04 20:21:01','2018-12-04 20:21:01'),(11235,486,1398,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-04 20:21:01','2018-12-04 20:21:01'),(11236,486,1399,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:10'),(11237,486,1399,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:10'),(11238,486,1399,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:10'),(11239,486,1399,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:10'),(11240,486,1399,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:10'),(11241,486,1399,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:10'),(11242,486,1399,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:10'),(11243,486,1399,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:10'),(11244,486,1399,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:10'),(11245,486,1399,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-04 20:37:10','2018-12-04 20:37:10'),(11246,487,1400,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 21:10:52','2018-12-04 21:10:52'),(11247,487,1400,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-04 21:10:52','2018-12-04 21:10:52'),(11248,487,1400,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 21:10:52','2018-12-04 21:10:52'),(11249,487,1400,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-04 21:10:52','2018-12-04 21:10:52'),(11250,487,1400,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 21:10:52','2018-12-04 21:10:52'),(11251,487,1400,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-04 21:10:52','2018-12-04 21:10:52'),(11252,487,1400,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-04 21:10:52','2018-12-04 21:10:52'),(11253,487,1400,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-04 21:10:52','2018-12-04 21:10:52'),(11254,487,1400,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-04 21:10:52','2018-12-04 21:10:52'),(11255,487,1400,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-04 21:10:52','2018-12-04 21:10:52'),(11256,487,1401,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-04 21:16:28','2018-12-04 21:16:28'),(11257,487,1401,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 21:16:28','2018-12-04 21:16:28'),(11258,487,1401,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-04 21:16:28','2018-12-04 21:16:28'),(11259,487,1401,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-12-04 21:16:28','2018-12-04 21:16:28'),(11260,487,1401,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-04 21:16:28','2018-12-04 21:16:28'),(11261,487,1402,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(11262,487,1402,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(11263,487,1402,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(11264,487,1402,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(11265,487,1402,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(11266,487,1402,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(11267,487,1402,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(11268,487,1402,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(11269,487,1402,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(11270,487,1402,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-04 21:34:34','2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(11271,488,1403,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-13 10:06:07','2018-12-13 10:06:07'),(11272,488,1403,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-13 10:06:07','2018-12-13 10:06:07'),(11273,488,1403,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-13 10:06:07','2018-12-13 10:06:07'),(11274,488,1403,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-13 10:06:07','2018-12-13 10:06:07'),(11275,488,1403,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-13 10:06:07','2018-12-13 10:06:07'),(11276,488,1403,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-13 10:06:07','2018-12-13 10:06:07'),(11277,488,1403,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-13 10:06:07','2018-12-13 10:06:07'),(11278,488,1403,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-13 10:06:07','2018-12-13 10:06:07'),(11279,488,1403,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-13 10:06:07','2018-12-13 10:06:07'),(11280,488,1403,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-13 10:06:07','2018-12-13 10:06:07'),(11281,488,1404,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-13 10:13:08','2018-12-13 10:13:08'),(11282,488,1404,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-13 10:13:08','2018-12-13 10:13:08'),(11283,488,1404,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-13 10:13:08','2018-12-13 10:13:08'),(11284,488,1404,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-13 10:13:08','2018-12-13 10:13:08'),(11285,488,1404,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-13 10:13:08','2018-12-13 10:13:08'),(11286,488,1405,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(11287,488,1405,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(11288,488,1405,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(11289,488,1405,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(11290,488,1405,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(11291,488,1405,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(11292,488,1405,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(11293,488,1405,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(11294,488,1405,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(11295,488,1405,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-13 10:29:19','2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(11296,489,1406,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 12:36:25','2018-12-17 12:36:25'),(11297,489,1406,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-17 12:36:25','2018-12-17 12:36:25'),(11298,489,1406,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 12:36:25','2018-12-17 12:36:25'),(11299,489,1406,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-17 12:36:25','2018-12-17 12:36:25'),(11300,489,1406,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 12:36:25','2018-12-17 12:36:25'),(11301,489,1406,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-17 12:36:25','2018-12-17 12:36:25'),(11302,489,1406,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-17 12:36:25','2018-12-17 12:36:25'),(11303,489,1406,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-17 12:36:25','2018-12-17 12:36:25'),(11304,489,1406,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-17 12:36:25','2018-12-17 12:36:25'),(11305,489,1406,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-17 12:36:25','2018-12-17 12:36:25'),(11306,489,1407,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-17 12:50:09','2018-12-17 12:50:09'),(11307,489,1407,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 12:50:09','2018-12-17 12:50:09'),(11308,489,1407,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-17 12:50:09','2018-12-17 12:50:09'),(11309,489,1407,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-17 12:50:09','2018-12-17 12:50:09'),(11310,489,1407,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-17 12:50:09','2018-12-17 12:50:09'),(11311,489,1408,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(11312,489,1408,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(11313,489,1408,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(11314,489,1408,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(11315,489,1408,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(11316,489,1408,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(11317,489,1408,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(11318,489,1408,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(11319,489,1408,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(11320,489,1408,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-17 13:07:11','2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(11321,490,1409,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 14:24:00','2018-12-17 14:24:00'),(11322,490,1409,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-17 14:24:00','2018-12-17 14:24:00'),(11323,490,1409,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 14:24:00','2018-12-17 14:24:00'),(11324,490,1409,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-17 14:24:00','2018-12-17 14:24:00'),(11325,490,1409,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 14:24:00','2018-12-17 14:24:00'),(11326,490,1409,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-17 14:24:00','2018-12-17 14:24:00'),(11327,490,1409,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-17 14:24:00','2018-12-17 14:24:00'),(11328,490,1409,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-17 14:24:00','2018-12-17 14:24:00'),(11329,490,1409,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-17 14:24:00','2018-12-17 14:24:00'),(11330,490,1409,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-17 14:24:00','2018-12-17 14:24:00'),(11331,490,1410,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-17 14:30:18','2018-12-17 14:30:18'),(11332,490,1410,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 14:30:18','2018-12-17 14:30:18'),(11333,490,1410,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-17 14:30:18','2018-12-17 14:30:18'),(11334,490,1410,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-17 14:30:18','2018-12-17 14:30:18'),(11335,490,1410,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-17 14:30:18','2018-12-17 14:30:18'),(11336,490,1411,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(11337,490,1411,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(11338,490,1411,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(11339,490,1411,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(11340,490,1411,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(11341,490,1411,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(11342,490,1411,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(11343,490,1411,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(11344,490,1411,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(11345,490,1411,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-17 14:48:49','2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(11346,491,1412,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-18 11:11:37','2018-12-18 11:11:37'),(11347,491,1412,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-18 11:11:37','2018-12-18 11:11:37'),(11348,491,1412,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-18 11:11:37','2018-12-18 11:11:37'),(11349,491,1412,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-18 11:11:37','2018-12-18 11:11:37'),(11350,491,1412,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-18 11:11:37','2018-12-18 11:11:37'),(11351,491,1412,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-18 11:11:37','2018-12-18 11:11:37'),(11352,491,1412,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-18 11:11:37','2018-12-18 11:11:37'),(11353,491,1412,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-18 11:11:37','2018-12-18 11:11:37'),(11354,491,1412,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-18 11:11:37','2018-12-18 11:11:37'),(11355,491,1412,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-18 11:11:37','2018-12-18 11:11:37'),(11356,491,1413,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-18 11:19:15','2018-12-18 11:19:15'),(11357,491,1413,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-18 11:19:15','2018-12-18 11:19:15'),(11358,491,1413,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-18 11:19:15','2018-12-18 11:19:15'),(11359,491,1413,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-18 11:19:15','2018-12-18 11:19:15'),(11360,491,1413,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-18 11:19:15','2018-12-18 11:19:15'),(11361,491,1414,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:40'),(11362,491,1414,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:40'),(11363,491,1414,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:40'),(11364,491,1414,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:40'),(11365,491,1414,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:40'),(11366,491,1414,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:40'),(11367,491,1414,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:40'),(11368,491,1414,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:40'),(11369,491,1414,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:40'),(11370,491,1414,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-18 11:37:40','2018-12-18 11:37:40'),(11371,492,1415,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 09:19:12','2018-12-19 09:19:12'),(11372,492,1415,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-19 09:19:12','2018-12-19 09:19:12'),(11373,492,1415,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 09:19:12','2018-12-19 09:19:12'),(11374,492,1415,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-19 09:19:12','2018-12-19 09:19:12'),(11375,492,1415,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 09:19:12','2018-12-19 09:19:12'),(11376,492,1415,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-19 09:19:12','2018-12-19 09:19:12'),(11377,492,1415,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-19 09:19:12','2018-12-19 09:19:12'),(11378,492,1415,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-19 09:19:12','2018-12-19 09:19:12'),(11379,492,1415,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-19 09:19:12','2018-12-19 09:19:12'),(11380,492,1415,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-19 09:19:12','2018-12-19 09:19:12'),(11381,492,1416,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-19 09:26:12','2018-12-19 09:26:12'),(11382,492,1416,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 09:26:12','2018-12-19 09:26:12'),(11383,492,1416,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-19 09:26:12','2018-12-19 09:26:12'),(11384,492,1416,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-12-19 09:26:12','2018-12-19 09:26:12'),(11385,492,1416,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-19 09:26:12','2018-12-19 09:26:12'),(11386,492,1417,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:08'),(11387,492,1417,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:08'),(11388,492,1417,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:08'),(11389,492,1417,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:08'),(11390,492,1417,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:08'),(11391,492,1417,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:08'),(11392,492,1417,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:08'),(11393,492,1417,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:08'),(11394,492,1417,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:08'),(11395,492,1417,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-19 09:44:08','2018-12-19 09:44:08'),(11396,493,1418,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 15:50:48','2018-12-19 15:50:48'),(11397,493,1418,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-19 15:50:48','2018-12-19 15:50:48'),(11398,493,1418,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 15:50:48','2018-12-19 15:50:48'),(11399,493,1418,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-19 15:50:48','2018-12-19 15:50:48'),(11400,493,1418,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 15:50:48','2018-12-19 15:50:48'),(11401,493,1418,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-19 15:50:48','2018-12-19 15:50:48'),(11402,493,1418,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-19 15:50:48','2018-12-19 15:50:48'),(11403,493,1418,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-19 15:50:48','2018-12-19 15:50:48'),(11404,493,1418,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-19 15:50:48','2018-12-19 15:50:48'),(11405,493,1418,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-19 15:50:48','2018-12-19 15:50:48'),(11406,493,1419,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-19 16:10:02','2018-12-19 16:10:02'),(11407,493,1419,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 16:10:02','2018-12-19 16:10:02'),(11408,493,1419,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-19 16:10:02','2018-12-19 16:10:02'),(11409,493,1419,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-19 16:10:02','2018-12-19 16:10:02'),(11410,493,1419,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-19 16:10:02','2018-12-19 16:10:02'),(11411,493,1420,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(11412,493,1420,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(11413,493,1420,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(11414,493,1420,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(11415,493,1420,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(11416,493,1420,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(11417,493,1420,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(11418,493,1420,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(11419,493,1420,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(11420,493,1420,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-19 16:34:50','2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(11421,494,1421,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 16:48:27','2018-12-19 16:48:27'),(11422,494,1421,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-19 16:48:27','2018-12-19 16:48:27'),(11423,494,1421,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 16:48:27','2018-12-19 16:48:27'),(11424,494,1421,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-19 16:48:27','2018-12-19 16:48:27'),(11425,494,1421,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 16:48:27','2018-12-19 16:48:27'),(11426,494,1421,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-19 16:48:27','2018-12-19 16:48:27'),(11427,494,1421,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-19 16:48:27','2018-12-19 16:48:27'),(11428,494,1421,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-19 16:48:27','2018-12-19 16:48:27'),(11429,494,1421,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-19 16:48:27','2018-12-19 16:48:27'),(11430,494,1421,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-19 16:48:27','2018-12-19 16:48:27'),(11431,494,1422,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-19 16:54:15','2018-12-19 16:54:15'),(11432,494,1422,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 16:54:15','2018-12-19 16:54:15'),(11433,494,1422,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-19 16:54:15','2018-12-19 16:54:15'),(11434,494,1422,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-19 16:54:15','2018-12-19 16:54:15'),(11435,494,1422,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-19 16:54:15','2018-12-19 16:54:15'),(11436,494,1423,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(11437,494,1423,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(11438,494,1423,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(11439,494,1423,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(11440,494,1423,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(11441,494,1423,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(11442,494,1423,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(11443,494,1423,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(11444,494,1423,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(11445,494,1423,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-19 17:43:48','2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(11446,495,1424,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 10:10:51','2018-12-20 10:41:22'),(11447,495,1424,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-20 10:10:51','2018-12-20 10:41:22'),(11448,495,1424,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 10:10:51','2018-12-20 10:41:22'),(11449,495,1424,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-20 10:10:51','2018-12-20 10:41:22'),(11450,495,1424,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 10:10:51','2018-12-20 10:41:22'),(11451,495,1424,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-20 10:10:51','2018-12-20 10:41:22'),(11452,495,1424,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-20 10:10:51','2018-12-20 10:41:22'),(11453,495,1424,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-20 10:10:51','2018-12-20 10:41:22'),(11454,495,1424,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-20 10:10:51','2018-12-20 10:41:22'),(11455,495,1424,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-20 10:10:51','2018-12-20 10:41:22'),(11456,495,1425,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-20 10:41:14','2018-12-20 10:54:07'),(11457,495,1425,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 10:41:14','2018-12-20 10:54:07'),(11458,495,1425,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-20 10:41:14','2018-12-20 10:54:07'),(11459,495,1425,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-20 10:41:14','2018-12-20 10:54:07'),(11460,495,1425,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-20 10:41:14','2018-12-20 10:54:07'),(11461,495,1426,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(11462,495,1426,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(11463,495,1426,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(11464,495,1426,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(11465,495,1426,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(11466,495,1426,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(11467,495,1426,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(11468,495,1426,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(11469,495,1426,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(11470,495,1426,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-20 11:09:07','2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(11471,496,1427,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 11:32:54','2018-12-20 11:32:54'),(11472,496,1427,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-20 11:32:54','2018-12-20 11:32:54'),(11473,496,1427,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 11:32:54','2018-12-20 11:32:54'),(11474,496,1427,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-20 11:32:54','2018-12-20 11:32:54'),(11475,496,1427,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 11:32:54','2018-12-20 11:32:54'),(11476,496,1427,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-20 11:32:54','2018-12-20 11:32:54'),(11477,496,1427,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-20 11:32:54','2018-12-20 11:32:54'),(11478,496,1427,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-20 11:32:54','2018-12-20 11:32:54'),(11479,496,1427,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-20 11:32:54','2018-12-20 11:32:54'),(11480,496,1427,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-20 11:32:54','2018-12-20 11:32:54'),(11481,496,1428,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-20 11:39:29','2018-12-20 11:39:29'),(11482,496,1428,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 11:39:29','2018-12-20 11:39:29'),(11483,496,1428,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-20 11:39:29','2018-12-20 11:39:29'),(11484,496,1428,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-20 11:39:29','2018-12-20 11:39:29'),(11485,496,1428,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-20 11:39:29','2018-12-20 11:39:29'),(11486,496,1429,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(11487,496,1429,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(11488,496,1429,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(11489,496,1429,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(11490,496,1429,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(11491,496,1429,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(11492,496,1429,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(11493,496,1429,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(11494,496,1429,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(11495,496,1429,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-20 11:57:04','2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(11496,497,1430,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 12:12:36','2018-12-20 12:12:36'),(11497,497,1430,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-20 12:12:36','2018-12-20 12:12:36'),(11498,497,1430,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 12:12:36','2018-12-20 12:12:36'),(11499,497,1430,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-20 12:12:36','2018-12-20 12:12:36'),(11500,497,1430,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 12:12:36','2018-12-20 12:12:36'),(11501,497,1430,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-20 12:12:36','2018-12-20 12:12:36'),(11502,497,1430,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-20 12:12:36','2018-12-20 12:12:36'),(11503,497,1430,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-20 12:12:36','2018-12-20 12:12:36'),(11504,497,1430,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-20 12:12:36','2018-12-20 12:12:36'),(11505,497,1430,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-20 12:12:36','2018-12-20 12:12:36'),(11506,497,1431,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-20 12:18:13','2018-12-20 12:18:13'),(11507,497,1431,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 12:18:13','2018-12-20 12:18:13'),(11508,497,1431,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-20 12:18:13','2018-12-20 12:18:13'),(11509,497,1431,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-20 12:18:13','2018-12-20 12:18:13'),(11510,497,1431,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-20 12:18:13','2018-12-20 12:18:13'),(11511,497,1432,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(11512,497,1432,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(11513,497,1432,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(11514,497,1432,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(11515,497,1432,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(11516,497,1432,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(11517,497,1432,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(11518,497,1432,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(11519,497,1432,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(11520,497,1432,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-20 12:33:15','2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(11521,498,1433,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 13:48:07','2018-12-20 13:48:07'),(11522,498,1433,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-20 13:48:07','2018-12-20 13:48:07'),(11523,498,1433,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 13:48:07','2018-12-20 13:48:07'),(11524,498,1433,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-20 13:48:07','2018-12-20 13:48:07'),(11525,498,1433,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 13:48:07','2018-12-20 13:48:07'),(11526,498,1433,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-20 13:48:07','2018-12-20 13:48:07'),(11527,498,1433,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-20 13:48:07','2018-12-20 13:48:07'),(11528,498,1433,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-20 13:48:07','2018-12-20 13:48:07'),(11529,498,1433,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-20 13:48:07','2018-12-20 13:48:07'),(11530,498,1433,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-20 13:48:07','2018-12-20 13:48:07'),(11531,498,1434,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-20 13:57:14','2018-12-20 13:57:14'),(11532,498,1434,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 13:57:14','2018-12-20 13:57:14'),(11533,498,1434,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-20 13:57:14','2018-12-20 13:57:14'),(11534,498,1434,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-20 13:57:14','2018-12-20 13:57:14'),(11535,498,1434,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-20 13:57:14','2018-12-20 13:57:14'),(11536,498,1435,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(11537,498,1435,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(11538,498,1435,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(11539,498,1435,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(11540,498,1435,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(11541,498,1435,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(11542,498,1435,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(11543,498,1435,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(11544,498,1435,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(11545,498,1435,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-20 14:12:01','2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(11546,499,1436,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 14:37:34','2018-12-20 14:37:34'),(11547,499,1436,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-20 14:37:34','2018-12-20 14:37:34'),(11548,499,1436,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 14:37:34','2018-12-20 14:37:34'),(11549,499,1436,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-20 14:37:34','2018-12-20 14:37:34'),(11550,499,1436,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 14:37:34','2018-12-20 14:37:34'),(11551,499,1436,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-20 14:37:34','2018-12-20 14:37:34'),(11552,499,1436,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-20 14:37:34','2018-12-20 14:37:34'),(11553,499,1436,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-20 14:37:34','2018-12-20 14:37:34'),(11554,499,1436,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-20 14:37:34','2018-12-20 14:37:34'),(11555,499,1436,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-20 14:37:34','2018-12-20 14:37:34'),(11556,499,1437,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-20 14:44:47','2018-12-20 14:44:47'),(11557,499,1437,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 14:44:47','2018-12-20 14:44:47'),(11558,499,1437,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-20 14:44:47','2018-12-20 14:44:47'),(11559,499,1437,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-20 14:44:47','2018-12-20 14:44:47'),(11560,499,1437,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-20 14:44:47','2018-12-20 14:44:47'),(11561,499,1438,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:43'),(11562,499,1438,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:43'),(11563,499,1438,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:43'),(11564,499,1438,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:43'),(11565,499,1438,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:43'),(11566,499,1438,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:43'),(11567,499,1438,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:43'),(11568,499,1438,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:43'),(11569,499,1438,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:43'),(11570,499,1438,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-20 14:59:43','2018-12-20 14:59:43'),(11571,500,1439,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 15:16:57','2018-12-20 15:16:57'),(11572,500,1439,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-20 15:16:57','2018-12-20 15:16:57'),(11573,500,1439,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 15:16:57','2018-12-20 15:16:57'),(11574,500,1439,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-20 15:16:57','2018-12-20 15:16:57'),(11575,500,1439,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 15:16:57','2018-12-20 15:16:57'),(11576,500,1439,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-20 15:16:57','2018-12-20 15:16:57'),(11577,500,1439,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-20 15:16:57','2018-12-20 15:16:57'),(11578,500,1439,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-20 15:16:57','2018-12-20 15:16:57'),(11579,500,1439,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-20 15:16:57','2018-12-20 15:16:57'),(11580,500,1439,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-20 15:16:57','2018-12-20 15:16:57'),(11581,500,1440,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-20 15:23:49','2018-12-20 15:23:49'),(11582,500,1440,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 15:23:49','2018-12-20 15:23:49'),(11583,500,1440,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-20 15:23:49','2018-12-20 15:23:49'),(11584,500,1440,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-20 15:23:49','2018-12-20 15:23:49'),(11585,500,1440,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-20 15:23:49','2018-12-20 15:23:49'),(11586,500,1441,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(11587,500,1441,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(11588,500,1441,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(11589,500,1441,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(11590,500,1441,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(11591,500,1441,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(11592,500,1441,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(11593,500,1441,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(11594,500,1441,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(11595,500,1441,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-20 15:42:39','2018-12-20 15:42:39'),(11596,501,1442,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 13:35:45','2018-12-21 13:35:45'),(11597,501,1442,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-21 13:35:45','2018-12-21 13:35:45'),(11598,501,1442,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 13:35:45','2018-12-21 13:35:45'),(11599,501,1442,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-21 13:35:45','2018-12-21 13:35:45'),(11600,501,1442,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 13:35:45','2018-12-21 13:35:45'),(11601,501,1442,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-21 13:35:45','2018-12-21 13:35:45'),(11602,501,1442,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-21 13:35:45','2018-12-21 13:35:45'),(11603,501,1442,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-21 13:35:45','2018-12-21 13:35:45'),(11604,501,1442,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-21 13:35:45','2018-12-21 13:35:45'),(11605,501,1442,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-21 13:35:45','2018-12-21 13:35:45'),(11606,501,1443,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-21 13:49:06','2018-12-21 13:49:06'),(11607,501,1443,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 13:49:06','2018-12-21 13:49:06'),(11608,501,1443,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-21 13:49:06','2018-12-21 13:49:06'),(11609,501,1443,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-21 13:49:06','2018-12-21 13:49:06'),(11610,501,1443,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-21 13:49:06','2018-12-21 13:49:06'),(11611,501,1444,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:40'),(11612,501,1444,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:40'),(11613,501,1444,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:40'),(11614,501,1444,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:40'),(11615,501,1444,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:40'),(11616,501,1444,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:40'),(11617,501,1444,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:40'),(11618,501,1444,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:40'),(11619,501,1444,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:40'),(11620,501,1444,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-21 14:09:40','2018-12-21 14:09:40'),(11621,502,1445,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 09:46:36','2018-12-21 09:46:36'),(11622,502,1445,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-21 09:46:36','2018-12-21 09:46:36'),(11623,502,1445,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 09:46:36','2018-12-21 09:46:36'),(11624,502,1445,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-21 09:46:36','2018-12-21 09:46:36'),(11625,502,1445,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 09:46:36','2018-12-21 09:46:36'),(11626,502,1445,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-21 09:46:36','2018-12-21 09:46:36'),(11627,502,1445,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-21 09:46:36','2018-12-21 09:46:36'),(11628,502,1445,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-21 09:46:36','2018-12-21 09:46:36'),(11629,502,1445,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-21 09:46:36','2018-12-21 09:46:36'),(11630,502,1445,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-21 09:46:36','2018-12-21 09:46:36'),(11631,502,1446,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-21 09:54:02','2018-12-21 09:54:02'),(11632,502,1446,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 09:54:02','2018-12-21 09:54:02'),(11633,502,1446,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-21 09:54:02','2018-12-21 09:54:02'),(11634,502,1446,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-21 09:54:02','2018-12-21 09:54:02'),(11635,502,1446,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-21 09:54:02','2018-12-21 09:54:02'),(11636,502,1447,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(11637,502,1447,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(11638,502,1447,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(11639,502,1447,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(11640,502,1447,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(11641,502,1447,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(11642,502,1447,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(11643,502,1447,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(11644,502,1447,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(11645,502,1447,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-21 14:47:13','2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(11646,503,1448,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 15:10:12','2018-12-21 15:10:12'),(11647,503,1448,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-21 15:10:12','2018-12-21 15:10:12'),(11648,503,1448,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 15:10:12','2018-12-21 15:10:12'),(11649,503,1448,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-21 15:10:12','2018-12-21 15:10:12'),(11650,503,1448,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 15:10:12','2018-12-21 15:10:12'),(11651,503,1448,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-21 15:10:12','2018-12-21 15:10:12'),(11652,503,1448,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-21 15:10:12','2018-12-21 15:10:12'),(11653,503,1448,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-21 15:10:12','2018-12-21 15:10:12'),(11654,503,1448,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-21 15:10:12','2018-12-21 15:10:12'),(11655,503,1448,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-21 15:10:12','2018-12-21 15:10:12'),(11656,503,1449,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-21 15:16:55','2018-12-21 15:16:55'),(11657,503,1449,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 15:16:55','2018-12-21 15:16:55'),(11658,503,1449,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-21 15:16:55','2018-12-21 15:16:55'),(11659,503,1449,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-21 15:16:55','2018-12-21 15:16:55'),(11660,503,1449,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-21 15:16:55','2018-12-21 15:16:55'),(11661,503,1450,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:10'),(11662,503,1450,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:10'),(11663,503,1450,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:10'),(11664,503,1450,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:10'),(11665,503,1450,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:10'),(11666,503,1450,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:10'),(11667,503,1450,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:10'),(11668,503,1450,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:10'),(11669,503,1450,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:10'),(11670,503,1450,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-21 15:34:10','2018-12-21 15:34:10'),(11671,504,1451,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 10:15:06','2018-12-22 10:15:06'),(11672,504,1451,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-22 10:15:06','2018-12-22 10:15:06'),(11673,504,1451,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 10:15:06','2018-12-22 10:15:06'),(11674,504,1451,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-22 10:15:06','2018-12-22 10:15:06'),(11675,504,1451,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 10:15:06','2018-12-22 10:15:06'),(11676,504,1451,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-22 10:15:06','2018-12-22 10:15:06'),(11677,504,1451,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-22 10:15:06','2018-12-22 10:15:06'),(11678,504,1451,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-22 10:15:06','2018-12-22 10:15:06'),(11679,504,1451,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-22 10:15:06','2018-12-22 10:15:06'),(11680,504,1451,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-22 10:15:06','2018-12-22 10:15:06'),(11681,504,1452,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-22 10:57:55','2018-12-22 10:57:55'),(11682,504,1452,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 10:57:55','2018-12-22 10:57:55'),(11683,504,1452,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-22 10:57:55','2018-12-22 10:57:55'),(11684,504,1452,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-22 10:57:55','2018-12-22 10:57:55'),(11685,504,1452,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-22 10:57:55','2018-12-22 10:57:55'),(11686,504,1453,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(11687,504,1453,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(11688,504,1453,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(11689,504,1453,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(11690,504,1453,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(11691,504,1453,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(11692,504,1453,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(11693,504,1453,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(11694,504,1453,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(11695,504,1453,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-22 11:12:47','2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(11696,505,1454,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 11:19:04','2018-12-22 11:19:04'),(11697,505,1454,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-22 11:19:04','2018-12-22 11:19:04'),(11698,505,1454,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 11:19:04','2018-12-22 11:19:04'),(11699,505,1454,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-22 11:19:04','2018-12-22 11:19:04'),(11700,505,1454,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 11:19:04','2018-12-22 11:19:04'),(11701,505,1454,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-22 11:19:04','2018-12-22 11:19:04'),(11702,505,1454,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-22 11:19:04','2018-12-22 11:19:04'),(11703,505,1454,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-22 11:19:04','2018-12-22 11:19:04'),(11704,505,1454,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-22 11:19:04','2018-12-22 11:19:04'),(11705,505,1454,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-22 11:19:04','2018-12-22 11:19:04'),(11706,505,1455,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-22 11:25:45','2018-12-22 11:25:45'),(11707,505,1455,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 11:25:45','2018-12-22 11:25:45'),(11708,505,1455,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-22 11:25:45','2018-12-22 11:25:45'),(11709,505,1455,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-22 11:25:45','2018-12-22 11:25:45'),(11710,505,1455,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-22 11:25:45','2018-12-22 11:25:45'),(11711,505,1456,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(11712,505,1456,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(11713,505,1456,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(11714,505,1456,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(11715,505,1456,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(11716,505,1456,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(11717,505,1456,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(11718,505,1456,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(11719,505,1456,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(11720,505,1456,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-22 11:43:17','2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(11721,506,1457,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 14:06:51','2018-12-22 14:06:51'),(11722,506,1457,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-22 14:06:51','2018-12-22 14:06:51'),(11723,506,1457,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 14:06:51','2018-12-22 14:06:51'),(11724,506,1457,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-22 14:06:51','2018-12-22 14:06:51'),(11725,506,1457,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 14:06:51','2018-12-22 14:06:51'),(11726,506,1457,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-22 14:06:51','2018-12-22 14:06:51'),(11727,506,1457,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-22 14:06:51','2018-12-22 14:06:51'),(11728,506,1457,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-22 14:06:51','2018-12-22 14:06:51'),(11729,506,1457,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-22 14:06:51','2018-12-22 14:06:51'),(11730,506,1457,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-22 14:06:51','2018-12-22 14:06:51'),(11731,506,1458,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-22 14:12:28','2018-12-22 14:12:28'),(11732,506,1458,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 14:12:28','2018-12-22 14:12:28'),(11733,506,1458,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-22 14:12:28','2018-12-22 14:12:28'),(11734,506,1458,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-22 14:12:28','2018-12-22 14:12:28'),(11735,506,1458,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-22 14:12:28','2018-12-22 14:12:28'),(11736,506,1459,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(11737,506,1459,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(11738,506,1459,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(11739,506,1459,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(11740,506,1459,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(11741,506,1459,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(11742,506,1459,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(11743,506,1459,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(11744,506,1459,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(11745,506,1459,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-22 14:27:24','2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(11746,507,1460,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-23 12:27:00','2018-12-23 12:27:00'),(11747,507,1460,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-23 12:27:00','2018-12-23 12:27:00'),(11748,507,1460,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-23 12:27:00','2018-12-23 12:27:00'),(11749,507,1460,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-23 12:27:00','2018-12-23 12:27:00'),(11750,507,1460,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-23 12:27:00','2018-12-23 12:27:00'),(11751,507,1460,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-23 12:27:00','2018-12-23 12:27:00'),(11752,507,1460,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-23 12:27:00','2018-12-23 12:27:00'),(11753,507,1460,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-23 12:27:00','2018-12-23 12:27:00'),(11754,507,1460,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-23 12:27:00','2018-12-23 12:27:00'),(11755,507,1460,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-23 12:27:00','2018-12-23 12:27:00'),(11756,507,1461,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-23 12:32:56','2018-12-23 12:32:56'),(11757,507,1461,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-23 12:32:56','2018-12-23 12:32:56'),(11758,507,1461,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-23 12:32:56','2018-12-23 12:32:56'),(11759,507,1461,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-23 12:32:56','2018-12-23 12:32:56'),(11760,507,1461,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-23 12:32:56','2018-12-23 12:32:56'),(11761,507,1462,78,188,186,'n',0.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','State Issued ID card, Driver’s License, or Permit','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(11762,507,1462,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(11763,507,1462,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(11764,507,1462,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(11765,507,1462,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(11766,507,1462,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(11767,507,1462,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(11768,507,1462,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(11769,507,1462,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(11770,507,1462,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-23 13:08:19','2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(11771,508,1463,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 15:20:07','2018-12-26 15:20:07'),(11772,508,1463,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-26 15:20:07','2018-12-26 15:20:07'),(11773,508,1463,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 15:20:07','2018-12-26 15:20:07'),(11774,508,1463,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-26 15:20:07','2018-12-26 15:20:07'),(11775,508,1463,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 15:20:07','2018-12-26 15:20:07'),(11776,508,1463,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-26 15:20:07','2018-12-26 15:20:07'),(11777,508,1463,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-26 15:20:07','2018-12-26 15:20:07'),(11778,508,1463,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-26 15:20:07','2018-12-26 15:20:07'),(11779,508,1463,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-26 15:20:07','2018-12-26 15:20:07'),(11780,508,1463,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-26 15:20:07','2018-12-26 15:20:07'),(11781,508,1464,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-26 15:26:41','2018-12-26 15:26:41'),(11782,508,1464,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 15:26:41','2018-12-26 15:26:41'),(11783,508,1464,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-26 15:26:41','2018-12-26 15:26:41'),(11784,508,1464,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2018-12-26 15:26:41','2018-12-26 15:26:41'),(11785,508,1464,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-26 15:26:41','2018-12-26 15:26:41'),(11786,508,1465,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(11787,508,1465,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(11788,508,1465,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(11789,508,1465,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(11790,508,1465,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(11791,508,1465,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(11792,508,1465,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(11793,508,1465,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(11794,508,1465,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(11795,508,1465,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-26 15:45:13','2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(11796,509,1466,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 15:38:05','2018-12-26 15:38:05'),(11797,509,1466,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-26 15:38:05','2018-12-26 15:38:05'),(11798,509,1466,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 15:38:05','2018-12-26 15:38:05'),(11799,509,1466,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-26 15:38:05','2018-12-26 15:38:05'),(11800,509,1466,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 15:38:05','2018-12-26 15:38:05'),(11801,509,1466,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-26 15:38:05','2018-12-26 15:38:05'),(11802,509,1466,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-26 15:38:05','2018-12-26 15:38:05'),(11803,509,1466,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-26 15:38:05','2018-12-26 15:38:05'),(11804,509,1466,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-26 15:38:05','2018-12-26 15:38:05'),(11805,509,1466,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-26 15:38:05','2018-12-26 15:38:05'),(11806,509,1467,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-26 15:43:51','2018-12-26 15:43:51'),(11807,509,1467,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 15:43:51','2018-12-26 15:43:51'),(11808,509,1467,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-26 15:43:51','2018-12-26 15:43:51'),(11809,509,1467,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-26 15:43:51','2018-12-26 15:43:51'),(11810,509,1467,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-26 15:43:51','2018-12-26 15:43:51'),(11811,509,1468,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(11812,509,1468,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(11813,509,1468,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(11814,509,1468,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(11815,509,1468,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(11816,509,1468,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(11817,509,1468,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(11818,509,1468,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(11819,509,1468,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(11820,509,1468,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-26 16:03:14','2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(11821,510,1469,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 11:25:59','2018-12-27 06:33:00'),(11822,510,1469,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-26 11:25:59','2018-12-27 06:33:00'),(11823,510,1469,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 11:25:59','2018-12-27 06:33:00'),(11824,510,1469,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-26 11:25:59','2018-12-27 06:33:00'),(11825,510,1469,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 11:25:59','2018-12-27 06:33:00'),(11826,510,1469,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-26 11:25:59','2018-12-27 06:33:00'),(11827,510,1469,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-26 11:25:59','2018-12-27 06:33:00'),(11828,510,1469,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-26 11:25:59','2018-12-27 06:33:00'),(11829,510,1469,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-26 11:25:59','2018-12-27 06:33:00'),(11830,510,1469,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-26 11:25:59','2018-12-27 06:33:00'),(11831,510,1470,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-26 11:33:15','2018-12-27 06:33:13'),(11832,510,1470,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2018-12-26 11:33:15','2018-12-27 06:33:13'),(11833,510,1470,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-26 11:33:15','2018-12-27 06:33:13'),(11834,510,1470,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-26 11:33:15','2018-12-27 06:33:13'),(11835,510,1470,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-26 11:33:15','2018-12-27 06:33:13'),(11836,510,1471,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-26 11:45:20','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(11837,510,1471,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 11:45:20','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(11838,510,1471,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-26 11:45:20','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(11839,510,1471,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-12-26 11:45:20','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(11840,510,1471,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-26 11:45:20','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(11841,510,1471,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-26 11:45:20','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(11842,510,1471,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-26 11:45:20','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(11843,510,1471,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-26 11:45:20','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(11844,510,1471,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-26 11:45:20','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(11845,510,1471,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-26 11:45:20','2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(11846,511,1472,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 12:15:57','2018-12-27 12:15:57'),(11847,511,1472,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-27 12:15:57','2018-12-27 12:15:57'),(11848,511,1472,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 12:15:57','2018-12-27 12:15:57'),(11849,511,1472,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-27 12:15:57','2018-12-27 12:15:57'),(11850,511,1472,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 12:15:57','2018-12-27 12:15:57'),(11851,511,1472,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-27 12:15:57','2018-12-27 12:15:57'),(11852,511,1472,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-27 12:15:57','2018-12-27 12:15:57'),(11853,511,1472,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-27 12:15:57','2018-12-27 12:15:57'),(11854,511,1472,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-27 12:15:57','2018-12-27 12:15:57'),(11855,511,1472,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-27 12:15:57','2018-12-27 12:15:57'),(11856,511,1473,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-27 12:22:49','2018-12-27 12:22:49'),(11857,511,1473,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 12:22:49','2018-12-27 12:22:49'),(11858,511,1473,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-27 12:22:49','2018-12-27 12:22:49'),(11859,511,1473,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-27 12:22:49','2018-12-27 12:22:49'),(11860,511,1473,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-27 12:22:49','2018-12-27 12:22:49'),(11861,511,1474,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(11862,511,1474,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(11863,511,1474,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(11864,511,1474,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(11865,511,1474,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(11866,511,1474,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(11867,511,1474,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(11868,511,1474,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(11869,511,1474,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(11870,511,1474,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-27 12:38:31','2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(11871,512,1475,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 22:31:51','2018-12-27 22:31:51'),(11872,512,1475,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-27 22:31:51','2018-12-27 22:31:51'),(11873,512,1475,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 22:31:51','2018-12-27 22:31:51'),(11874,512,1475,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-27 22:31:51','2018-12-27 22:31:51'),(11875,512,1475,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 22:31:51','2018-12-27 22:31:51'),(11876,512,1475,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-27 22:31:51','2018-12-27 22:31:51'),(11877,512,1475,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-27 22:31:51','2018-12-27 22:31:51'),(11878,512,1475,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-27 22:31:51','2018-12-27 22:31:51'),(11879,512,1475,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-27 22:31:51','2018-12-27 22:31:51'),(11880,512,1475,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-27 22:31:51','2018-12-27 22:31:51'),(11881,512,1476,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-27 22:38:12','2018-12-27 22:38:12'),(11882,512,1476,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 22:38:12','2018-12-27 22:38:12'),(11883,512,1476,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-27 22:38:12','2018-12-27 22:38:12'),(11884,512,1476,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-27 22:38:12','2018-12-27 22:38:12'),(11885,512,1476,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-27 22:38:12','2018-12-27 22:38:12'),(11886,512,1477,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(11887,512,1477,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(11888,512,1477,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(11889,512,1477,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(11890,512,1477,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(11891,512,1477,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(11892,512,1477,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(11893,512,1477,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(11894,512,1477,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(11895,512,1477,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-27 22:54:55','2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(11896,513,1478,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-28 09:23:55','2018-12-28 09:23:55'),(11897,513,1478,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-28 09:23:55','2018-12-28 09:23:55'),(11898,513,1478,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-28 09:23:55','2018-12-28 09:23:55'),(11899,513,1478,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-28 09:23:55','2018-12-28 09:23:55'),(11900,513,1478,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-28 09:23:55','2018-12-28 09:23:55'),(11901,513,1478,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-28 09:23:55','2018-12-28 09:23:55'),(11902,513,1478,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-28 09:23:55','2018-12-28 09:23:55'),(11903,513,1478,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-28 09:23:55','2018-12-28 09:23:55'),(11904,513,1478,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-28 09:23:55','2018-12-28 09:23:55'),(11905,513,1478,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-28 09:23:55','2018-12-28 09:23:55'),(11906,513,1479,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-28 09:31:06','2018-12-28 09:31:06'),(11907,513,1479,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-28 09:31:06','2018-12-28 09:31:06'),(11908,513,1479,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-28 09:31:06','2018-12-28 09:31:06'),(11909,513,1479,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-28 09:31:06','2018-12-28 09:31:06'),(11910,513,1479,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-28 09:31:06','2018-12-28 09:31:06'),(11911,513,1480,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(11912,513,1480,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(11913,513,1480,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(11914,513,1480,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(11915,513,1480,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(11916,513,1480,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(11917,513,1480,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(11918,513,1480,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(11919,513,1480,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(11920,513,1480,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-28 09:46:20','2018-12-28 09:46:20'),(11921,514,1481,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-29 07:52:28','2018-12-29 07:52:28'),(11922,514,1481,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-29 07:52:28','2018-12-29 07:52:28'),(11923,514,1481,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-29 07:52:28','2018-12-29 07:52:28'),(11924,514,1481,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-29 07:52:28','2018-12-29 07:52:28'),(11925,514,1481,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-29 07:52:28','2018-12-29 07:52:28'),(11926,514,1481,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-29 07:52:28','2018-12-29 07:52:28'),(11927,514,1481,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-29 07:52:28','2018-12-29 07:52:28'),(11928,514,1481,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-29 07:52:28','2018-12-29 07:52:28'),(11929,514,1481,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-29 07:52:28','2018-12-29 07:52:28'),(11930,514,1481,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-29 07:52:28','2018-12-29 07:52:28'),(11931,514,1482,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-29 07:59:08','2018-12-29 07:59:08'),(11932,514,1482,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-29 07:59:08','2018-12-29 07:59:08'),(11933,514,1482,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-29 07:59:08','2018-12-29 07:59:08'),(11934,514,1482,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-29 07:59:08','2018-12-29 07:59:08'),(11935,514,1482,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-29 07:59:08','2018-12-29 07:59:08'),(11936,514,1483,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(11937,514,1483,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(11938,514,1483,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(11939,514,1483,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(11940,514,1483,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(11941,514,1483,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(11942,514,1483,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(11943,514,1483,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(11944,514,1483,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(11945,514,1483,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-29 08:25:30','2018-12-29 08:25:30'),(11946,515,1484,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-30 16:41:54','2018-12-30 16:41:54'),(11947,515,1484,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2018-12-30 16:41:54','2018-12-30 16:41:54'),(11948,515,1484,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-30 16:41:54','2018-12-30 16:41:54'),(11949,515,1484,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-30 16:41:54','2018-12-30 16:41:54'),(11950,515,1484,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-30 16:41:54','2018-12-30 16:41:54'),(11951,515,1484,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-30 16:41:54','2018-12-30 16:41:54'),(11952,515,1484,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-30 16:41:54','2018-12-30 16:41:54'),(11953,515,1484,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-30 16:41:54','2018-12-30 16:41:54'),(11954,515,1484,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-30 16:41:54','2018-12-30 16:41:54'),(11955,515,1484,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-30 16:41:54','2018-12-30 16:41:54'),(11956,515,1485,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-30 16:47:24','2018-12-30 16:47:24'),(11957,515,1485,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-30 16:47:24','2018-12-30 16:47:24'),(11958,515,1485,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2018-12-30 16:47:24','2018-12-30 16:47:24'),(11959,515,1485,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-30 16:47:24','2018-12-30 16:47:24'),(11960,515,1485,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-30 16:47:24','2018-12-30 16:47:24'),(11961,515,1486,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(11962,515,1486,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(11963,515,1486,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(11964,515,1486,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(11965,515,1486,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(11966,515,1486,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(11967,515,1486,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(11968,515,1486,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(11969,515,1486,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(11970,515,1486,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-30 17:02:25','2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(11971,516,1487,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-31 10:40:44','2018-12-31 10:40:44'),(11972,516,1487,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2018-12-31 10:40:44','2018-12-31 10:40:44'),(11973,516,1487,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-31 10:40:44','2018-12-31 10:40:44'),(11974,516,1487,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2018-12-31 10:40:44','2018-12-31 10:40:44'),(11975,516,1487,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-31 10:40:44','2018-12-31 10:40:44'),(11976,516,1487,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2018-12-31 10:40:44','2018-12-31 10:40:44'),(11977,516,1487,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2018-12-31 10:40:44','2018-12-31 10:40:44'),(11978,516,1487,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2018-12-31 10:40:44','2018-12-31 10:40:44'),(11979,516,1487,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2018-12-31 10:40:44','2018-12-31 10:40:44'),(11980,516,1487,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2018-12-31 10:40:44','2018-12-31 10:40:44'),(11981,516,1488,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2018-12-31 10:41:31','2018-12-31 10:41:31'),(11982,516,1488,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-31 10:41:31','2018-12-31 10:41:31'),(11983,516,1488,71,167,169,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','30','27','2018-12-31 10:41:31','2018-12-31 10:41:31'),(11984,516,1488,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2018-12-31 10:41:31','2018-12-31 10:41:31'),(11985,516,1488,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2018-12-31 10:41:31','2018-12-31 10:41:31'),(11986,516,1489,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(11987,516,1489,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(11988,516,1489,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(11989,516,1489,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(11990,516,1489,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(11991,516,1489,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(11992,516,1489,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(11993,516,1489,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(11994,516,1489,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(11995,516,1489,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2018-12-31 10:44:49','2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(11996,517,1490,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-01 12:19:56','2019-01-01 12:19:56'),(11997,517,1490,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-01 12:19:56','2019-01-01 12:19:56'),(11998,517,1490,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-01 12:19:56','2019-01-01 12:19:56'),(11999,517,1490,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-01 12:19:56','2019-01-01 12:19:56'),(12000,517,1490,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-01 12:19:56','2019-01-01 12:19:56'),(12001,517,1490,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-01 12:19:56','2019-01-01 12:19:56'),(12002,517,1490,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-01 12:19:56','2019-01-01 12:19:56'),(12003,517,1490,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-01 12:19:56','2019-01-01 12:19:56'),(12004,517,1490,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-01 12:19:56','2019-01-01 12:19:56'),(12005,517,1490,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-01 12:19:56','2019-01-01 12:19:56'),(12006,517,1491,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-01 12:25:40','2019-01-01 12:25:40'),(12007,517,1491,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-01 12:25:40','2019-01-01 12:25:40'),(12008,517,1491,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-01 12:25:40','2019-01-01 12:25:40'),(12009,517,1491,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-01 12:25:40','2019-01-01 12:25:40'),(12010,517,1491,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-01 12:25:40','2019-01-01 12:25:40'),(12011,517,1492,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(12012,517,1492,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(12013,517,1492,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(12014,517,1492,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(12015,517,1492,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(12016,517,1492,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(12017,517,1492,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(12018,517,1492,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(12019,517,1492,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(12020,517,1492,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-01 12:50:12','2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(12021,518,1493,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 09:59:47','2019-01-09 09:59:47'),(12022,518,1493,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-09 09:59:47','2019-01-09 09:59:47'),(12023,518,1493,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 09:59:47','2019-01-09 09:59:47'),(12024,518,1493,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-09 09:59:47','2019-01-09 09:59:47'),(12025,518,1493,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 09:59:47','2019-01-09 09:59:47'),(12026,518,1493,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-09 09:59:47','2019-01-09 09:59:47'),(12027,518,1493,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-09 09:59:47','2019-01-09 09:59:47'),(12028,518,1493,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-09 09:59:47','2019-01-09 09:59:47'),(12029,518,1493,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-09 09:59:47','2019-01-09 09:59:47'),(12030,518,1493,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-09 09:59:47','2019-01-09 09:59:47'),(12031,518,1494,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-09 10:11:49','2019-01-09 10:11:49'),(12032,518,1494,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 10:11:49','2019-01-09 10:11:49'),(12033,518,1494,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-09 10:11:49','2019-01-09 10:11:49'),(12034,518,1494,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-09 10:11:49','2019-01-09 10:11:49'),(12035,518,1494,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-09 10:11:49','2019-01-09 10:11:49'),(12036,518,1495,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:37'),(12037,518,1495,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:37'),(12038,518,1495,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:37'),(12039,518,1495,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:37'),(12040,518,1495,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:37'),(12041,518,1495,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:37'),(12042,518,1495,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:37'),(12043,518,1495,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:37'),(12044,518,1495,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:37'),(12045,518,1495,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-09 10:29:37','2019-01-09 10:29:37'),(12046,519,1496,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 15:09:35','2019-01-09 15:09:35'),(12047,519,1496,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-09 15:09:35','2019-01-09 15:09:35'),(12048,519,1496,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 15:09:35','2019-01-09 15:09:35'),(12049,519,1496,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-09 15:09:35','2019-01-09 15:09:35'),(12050,519,1496,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 15:09:35','2019-01-09 15:09:35'),(12051,519,1496,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-09 15:09:35','2019-01-09 15:09:35'),(12052,519,1496,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-09 15:09:35','2019-01-09 15:09:35'),(12053,519,1496,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-09 15:09:35','2019-01-09 15:09:35'),(12054,519,1496,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-09 15:09:35','2019-01-09 15:09:35'),(12055,519,1496,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-09 15:09:35','2019-01-09 15:09:35'),(12056,519,1497,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-09 15:16:27','2019-01-09 15:16:27'),(12057,519,1497,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 15:16:27','2019-01-09 15:16:27'),(12058,519,1497,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-09 15:16:27','2019-01-09 15:16:27'),(12059,519,1497,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-01-09 15:16:27','2019-01-09 15:16:27'),(12060,519,1497,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-09 15:16:27','2019-01-09 15:16:27'),(12061,519,1498,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:03'),(12062,519,1498,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:03'),(12063,519,1498,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:03'),(12064,519,1498,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:03'),(12065,519,1498,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:03'),(12066,519,1498,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:03'),(12067,519,1498,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:03'),(12068,519,1498,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:03'),(12069,519,1498,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:03'),(12070,519,1498,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-09 15:34:03','2019-01-09 15:34:03'),(12071,520,1499,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-11 10:23:54','2019-01-11 10:23:54'),(12072,520,1499,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-11 10:23:54','2019-01-11 10:23:54'),(12073,520,1499,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-11 10:23:54','2019-01-11 10:23:54'),(12074,520,1499,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-11 10:23:54','2019-01-11 10:23:54'),(12075,520,1499,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-11 10:23:54','2019-01-11 10:23:54'),(12076,520,1499,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-11 10:23:54','2019-01-11 10:23:54'),(12077,520,1499,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-11 10:23:54','2019-01-11 10:23:54'),(12078,520,1499,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-11 10:23:54','2019-01-11 10:23:54'),(12079,520,1499,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-11 10:23:54','2019-01-11 10:23:54'),(12080,520,1499,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-11 10:23:54','2019-01-11 10:23:54'),(12081,520,1500,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-11 10:30:14','2019-01-11 10:30:14'),(12082,520,1500,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-11 10:30:14','2019-01-11 10:30:14'),(12083,520,1500,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-11 10:30:14','2019-01-11 10:30:14'),(12084,520,1500,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-11 10:30:14','2019-01-11 10:30:14'),(12085,520,1500,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-11 10:30:14','2019-01-11 10:30:14'),(12086,520,1501,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(12087,520,1501,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(12088,520,1501,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(12089,520,1501,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(12090,520,1501,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(12091,520,1501,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(12092,520,1501,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(12093,520,1501,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(12094,520,1501,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(12095,520,1501,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-11 10:47:46','2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(12096,521,1502,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-13 08:36:20','2019-01-13 08:36:20'),(12097,521,1502,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-13 08:36:20','2019-01-13 08:36:20'),(12098,521,1502,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-13 08:36:20','2019-01-13 08:36:20'),(12099,521,1502,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-13 08:36:20','2019-01-13 08:36:20'),(12100,521,1502,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-13 08:36:20','2019-01-13 08:36:20'),(12101,521,1502,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-13 08:36:20','2019-01-13 08:36:20'),(12102,521,1502,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-13 08:36:20','2019-01-13 08:36:20'),(12103,521,1502,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-13 08:36:20','2019-01-13 08:36:20'),(12104,521,1502,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-13 08:36:20','2019-01-13 08:36:20'),(12105,521,1502,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-13 08:36:20','2019-01-13 08:36:20'),(12106,521,1503,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-13 08:44:52','2019-01-13 08:44:52'),(12107,521,1503,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-13 08:44:52','2019-01-13 08:44:52'),(12108,521,1503,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-13 08:44:52','2019-01-13 08:44:52'),(12109,521,1503,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-13 08:44:52','2019-01-13 08:44:52'),(12110,521,1503,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-13 08:44:52','2019-01-13 08:44:52'),(12111,521,1504,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(12112,521,1504,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(12113,521,1504,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(12114,521,1504,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(12115,521,1504,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(12116,521,1504,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(12117,521,1504,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(12118,521,1504,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(12119,521,1504,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(12120,521,1504,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-13 09:57:55','2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(12121,522,1505,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-14 13:46:26','2019-01-14 13:46:26'),(12122,522,1505,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-14 13:46:26','2019-01-14 13:46:26'),(12123,522,1505,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-14 13:46:26','2019-01-14 13:46:26'),(12124,522,1505,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-14 13:46:26','2019-01-14 13:46:26'),(12125,522,1505,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-14 13:46:26','2019-01-14 13:46:26'),(12126,522,1505,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-14 13:46:26','2019-01-14 13:46:26'),(12127,522,1505,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-14 13:46:26','2019-01-14 13:46:26'),(12128,522,1505,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-14 13:46:26','2019-01-14 13:46:26'),(12129,522,1505,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-14 13:46:26','2019-01-14 13:46:26'),(12130,522,1505,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-14 13:46:26','2019-01-14 13:46:26'),(12131,522,1506,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-14 13:52:29','2019-01-14 13:52:29'),(12132,522,1506,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-14 13:52:29','2019-01-14 13:52:29'),(12133,522,1506,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-14 13:52:29','2019-01-14 13:52:29'),(12134,522,1506,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-14 13:52:29','2019-01-14 13:52:29'),(12135,522,1506,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-14 13:52:29','2019-01-14 13:52:29'),(12136,522,1507,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(12137,522,1507,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(12138,522,1507,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(12139,522,1507,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(12140,522,1507,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(12141,522,1507,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(12142,522,1507,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(12143,522,1507,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(12144,522,1507,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(12145,522,1507,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-14 14:07:39','2019-01-14 14:07:39'),(12146,523,1508,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-18 13:05:27','2019-01-18 13:05:27'),(12147,523,1508,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-18 13:05:27','2019-01-18 13:05:27'),(12148,523,1508,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-18 13:05:27','2019-01-18 13:05:27'),(12149,523,1508,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-18 13:05:27','2019-01-18 13:05:27'),(12150,523,1508,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-18 13:05:27','2019-01-18 13:05:27'),(12151,523,1508,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-18 13:05:27','2019-01-18 13:05:27'),(12152,523,1508,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-18 13:05:27','2019-01-18 13:05:27'),(12153,523,1508,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-18 13:05:27','2019-01-18 13:05:27'),(12154,523,1508,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-18 13:05:27','2019-01-18 13:05:27'),(12155,523,1508,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-18 13:05:27','2019-01-18 13:05:27'),(12156,523,1509,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-18 13:15:36','2019-01-18 13:15:36'),(12157,523,1509,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-18 13:15:36','2019-01-18 13:15:36'),(12158,523,1509,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-18 13:15:36','2019-01-18 13:15:36'),(12159,523,1509,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-18 13:15:36','2019-01-18 13:15:36'),(12160,523,1509,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-18 13:15:36','2019-01-18 13:15:36'),(12161,523,1510,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(12162,523,1510,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(12163,523,1510,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(12164,523,1510,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(12165,523,1510,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(12166,523,1510,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(12167,523,1510,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(12168,523,1510,82,201,200,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','E-cigarettes','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(12169,523,1510,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(12170,523,1510,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-18 13:37:33','2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(12171,524,1511,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-19 12:35:24','2019-01-19 12:35:24'),(12172,524,1511,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-19 12:35:24','2019-01-19 12:35:24'),(12173,524,1511,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-19 12:35:24','2019-01-19 12:35:24'),(12174,524,1511,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-19 12:35:24','2019-01-19 12:35:24'),(12175,524,1511,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-19 12:35:24','2019-01-19 12:35:24'),(12176,524,1511,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-19 12:35:24','2019-01-19 12:35:24'),(12177,524,1511,55,123,122,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Convenience Store','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-19 12:35:24','2019-01-19 12:35:24'),(12178,524,1511,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-19 12:35:24','2019-01-19 12:35:24'),(12179,524,1511,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-19 12:35:24','2019-01-19 12:35:24'),(12180,524,1511,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-19 12:35:24','2019-01-19 12:35:24'),(12181,524,1512,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-19 12:42:15','2019-01-19 12:42:15'),(12182,524,1512,70,165,163,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Minors','All of the above','2019-01-19 12:42:15','2019-01-19 12:42:15'),(12183,524,1512,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-19 12:42:15','2019-01-19 12:42:15'),(12184,524,1512,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-19 12:42:15','2019-01-19 12:42:15'),(12185,524,1512,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-19 12:42:15','2019-01-19 12:42:15'),(12186,524,1513,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:48'),(12187,524,1513,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:48'),(12188,524,1513,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:48'),(12189,524,1513,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:48'),(12190,524,1513,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:48'),(12191,524,1513,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:48'),(12192,524,1513,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:48'),(12193,524,1513,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:48'),(12194,524,1513,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:48'),(12195,524,1513,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-19 13:00:48','2019-01-19 13:00:48'),(12196,525,1514,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-22 12:42:41','2019-01-22 12:42:41'),(12197,525,1514,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-22 12:42:41','2019-01-22 12:42:41'),(12198,525,1514,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-22 12:42:41','2019-01-22 12:42:41'),(12199,525,1514,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-22 12:42:41','2019-01-22 12:42:41'),(12200,525,1514,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-22 12:42:41','2019-01-22 12:42:41'),(12201,525,1514,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-22 12:42:41','2019-01-22 12:42:41'),(12202,525,1514,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-22 12:42:41','2019-01-22 12:42:41'),(12203,525,1514,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-22 12:42:41','2019-01-22 12:42:41'),(12204,525,1514,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-22 12:42:41','2019-01-22 12:42:41'),(12205,525,1514,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-22 12:42:41','2019-01-22 12:42:41'),(12206,525,1515,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-22 12:48:22','2019-01-22 12:48:22'),(12207,525,1515,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-22 12:48:22','2019-01-22 12:48:22'),(12208,525,1515,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-22 12:48:22','2019-01-22 12:48:22'),(12209,525,1515,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-22 12:48:22','2019-01-22 12:48:22'),(12210,525,1515,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-22 12:48:22','2019-01-22 12:48:22'),(12211,525,1516,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(12212,525,1516,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(12213,525,1516,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(12214,525,1516,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(12215,525,1516,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(12216,525,1516,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(12217,525,1516,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(12218,525,1516,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(12219,525,1516,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(12220,525,1516,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-22 13:03:29','2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(12221,526,1517,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-23 11:10:16','2019-01-23 11:10:16'),(12222,526,1517,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-23 11:10:16','2019-01-23 11:10:16'),(12223,526,1517,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-23 11:10:16','2019-01-23 11:10:16'),(12224,526,1517,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-23 11:10:16','2019-01-23 11:10:16'),(12225,526,1517,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-23 11:10:16','2019-01-23 11:10:16'),(12226,526,1517,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-23 11:10:16','2019-01-23 11:10:16'),(12227,526,1517,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-23 11:10:16','2019-01-23 11:10:16'),(12228,526,1517,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-23 11:10:16','2019-01-23 11:10:16'),(12229,526,1517,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-23 11:10:16','2019-01-23 11:10:16'),(12230,526,1517,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-23 11:10:16','2019-01-23 11:10:16'),(12231,526,1518,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-23 11:17:07','2019-01-23 11:17:07'),(12232,526,1518,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-23 11:17:07','2019-01-23 11:17:07'),(12233,526,1518,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-23 11:17:07','2019-01-23 11:17:07'),(12234,526,1518,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-23 11:17:07','2019-01-23 11:17:07'),(12235,526,1518,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-23 11:17:07','2019-01-23 11:17:07'),(12236,526,1519,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:26'),(12237,526,1519,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:26'),(12238,526,1519,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:26'),(12239,526,1519,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:26'),(12240,526,1519,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:26'),(12241,526,1519,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:26'),(12242,526,1519,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:26'),(12243,526,1519,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:26'),(12244,526,1519,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:26'),(12245,526,1519,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-23 11:33:26','2019-01-23 11:33:26'),(12246,527,1520,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-24 09:59:11','2019-01-24 09:59:11'),(12247,527,1520,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-24 09:59:11','2019-01-24 09:59:11'),(12248,527,1520,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-24 09:59:11','2019-01-24 09:59:11'),(12249,527,1520,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-24 09:59:11','2019-01-24 09:59:11'),(12250,527,1520,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-24 09:59:11','2019-01-24 09:59:11'),(12251,527,1520,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-24 09:59:11','2019-01-24 09:59:11'),(12252,527,1520,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-24 09:59:11','2019-01-24 09:59:11'),(12253,527,1520,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-24 09:59:11','2019-01-24 09:59:11'),(12254,527,1520,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-24 09:59:11','2019-01-24 09:59:11'),(12255,527,1520,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-24 09:59:11','2019-01-24 09:59:11'),(12256,527,1521,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-24 10:21:31','2019-01-24 10:21:31'),(12257,527,1521,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-24 10:21:31','2019-01-24 10:21:31'),(12258,527,1521,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-24 10:21:31','2019-01-24 10:21:31'),(12259,527,1521,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-24 10:21:31','2019-01-24 10:21:31'),(12260,527,1521,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-24 10:21:31','2019-01-24 10:21:31'),(12261,527,1522,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:11'),(12262,527,1522,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:11'),(12263,527,1522,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:11'),(12264,527,1522,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:11'),(12265,527,1522,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:11'),(12266,527,1522,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:11'),(12267,527,1522,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:11'),(12268,527,1522,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:11'),(12269,527,1522,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:11'),(12270,527,1522,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-24 10:38:11','2019-01-24 10:38:11'),(12271,528,1523,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:19:07','2019-01-28 12:19:07'),(12272,528,1523,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-28 12:19:07','2019-01-28 12:19:07'),(12273,528,1523,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:19:07','2019-01-28 12:19:07'),(12274,528,1523,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-28 12:19:07','2019-01-28 12:19:07'),(12275,528,1523,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:19:07','2019-01-28 12:19:07'),(12276,528,1523,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-28 12:19:07','2019-01-28 12:19:07'),(12277,528,1523,55,123,122,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Convenience Store','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-28 12:19:07','2019-01-28 12:19:07'),(12278,528,1523,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-28 12:19:07','2019-01-28 12:19:07'),(12279,528,1523,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-28 12:19:07','2019-01-28 12:19:07'),(12280,528,1523,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-28 12:19:07','2019-01-28 12:19:07'),(12281,528,1524,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-28 12:26:06','2019-01-28 12:26:06'),(12282,528,1524,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:26:06','2019-01-28 12:26:06'),(12283,528,1524,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-28 12:26:06','2019-01-28 12:26:06'),(12284,528,1524,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-28 12:26:06','2019-01-28 12:26:06'),(12285,528,1524,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-28 12:26:06','2019-01-28 12:26:06'),(12286,528,1525,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:31'),(12287,528,1525,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:31'),(12288,528,1525,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:31'),(12289,528,1525,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:31'),(12290,528,1525,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:31'),(12291,528,1525,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:31'),(12292,528,1525,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:31'),(12293,528,1525,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:31'),(12294,528,1525,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:31'),(12295,528,1525,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-28 12:44:31','2019-01-28 12:44:31'),(12296,529,1526,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:37:16','2019-01-28 12:37:16'),(12297,529,1526,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-28 12:37:16','2019-01-28 12:37:16'),(12298,529,1526,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:37:16','2019-01-28 12:37:16'),(12299,529,1526,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-28 12:37:16','2019-01-28 12:37:16'),(12300,529,1526,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:37:16','2019-01-28 12:37:16'),(12301,529,1526,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-28 12:37:16','2019-01-28 12:37:16'),(12302,529,1526,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-28 12:37:16','2019-01-28 12:37:16'),(12303,529,1526,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-28 12:37:16','2019-01-28 12:37:16'),(12304,529,1526,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-28 12:37:16','2019-01-28 12:37:16'),(12305,529,1526,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-28 12:37:16','2019-01-28 12:37:16'),(12306,529,1527,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-28 12:42:39','2019-01-28 12:42:39'),(12307,529,1527,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:42:39','2019-01-28 12:42:39'),(12308,529,1527,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-28 12:42:39','2019-01-28 12:42:39'),(12309,529,1527,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-28 12:42:39','2019-01-28 12:42:39'),(12310,529,1527,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-28 12:42:39','2019-01-28 12:42:39'),(12311,529,1528,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(12312,529,1528,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(12313,529,1528,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(12314,529,1528,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(12315,529,1528,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(12316,529,1528,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(12317,529,1528,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(12318,529,1528,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(12319,529,1528,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(12320,529,1528,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-28 12:47:45','2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(12321,530,1529,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 10:37:42','2019-01-29 10:37:42'),(12322,530,1529,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-29 10:37:42','2019-01-29 10:37:42'),(12323,530,1529,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 10:37:42','2019-01-29 10:37:42'),(12324,530,1529,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-29 10:37:42','2019-01-29 10:37:42'),(12325,530,1529,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 10:37:42','2019-01-29 10:37:42'),(12326,530,1529,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-29 10:37:42','2019-01-29 10:37:42'),(12327,530,1529,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-29 10:37:42','2019-01-29 10:37:42'),(12328,530,1529,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-29 10:37:42','2019-01-29 10:37:42'),(12329,530,1529,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-29 10:37:42','2019-01-29 10:37:42'),(12330,530,1529,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-29 10:37:42','2019-01-29 10:37:42'),(12331,530,1530,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-29 11:12:22','2019-01-29 11:12:22'),(12332,530,1530,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 11:12:22','2019-01-29 11:12:22'),(12333,530,1530,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-29 11:12:22','2019-01-29 11:12:22'),(12334,530,1530,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-29 11:12:22','2019-01-29 11:12:22'),(12335,530,1530,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-29 11:12:22','2019-01-29 11:12:22'),(12336,530,1531,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(12337,530,1531,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(12338,530,1531,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(12339,530,1531,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(12340,530,1531,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(12341,530,1531,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(12342,530,1531,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(12343,530,1531,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(12344,530,1531,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(12345,530,1531,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-29 11:56:41','2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(12346,531,1532,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 11:59:23','2019-01-29 11:59:23'),(12347,531,1532,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-29 11:59:23','2019-01-29 11:59:23'),(12348,531,1532,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 11:59:23','2019-01-29 11:59:23'),(12349,531,1532,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-29 11:59:23','2019-01-29 11:59:23'),(12350,531,1532,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 11:59:23','2019-01-29 11:59:23'),(12351,531,1532,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-29 11:59:23','2019-01-29 11:59:23'),(12352,531,1532,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-29 11:59:23','2019-01-29 11:59:23'),(12353,531,1532,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-29 11:59:23','2019-01-29 11:59:23'),(12354,531,1532,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-29 11:59:23','2019-01-29 11:59:23'),(12355,531,1532,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-29 11:59:23','2019-01-29 11:59:23'),(12356,531,1533,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-29 12:00:04','2019-01-29 12:00:04'),(12357,531,1533,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 12:00:04','2019-01-29 12:00:04'),(12358,531,1533,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-29 12:00:04','2019-01-29 12:00:04'),(12359,531,1533,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-01-29 12:00:04','2019-01-29 12:00:04'),(12360,531,1533,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-29 12:00:04','2019-01-29 12:00:04'),(12361,531,1534,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(12362,531,1534,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(12363,531,1534,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(12364,531,1534,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(12365,531,1534,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(12366,531,1534,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(12367,531,1534,81,196,199,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Date of Manufacture','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(12368,531,1534,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(12369,531,1534,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(12370,531,1534,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-29 12:01:01','2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(12371,532,1535,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 15:33:59','2019-01-28 15:33:59'),(12372,532,1535,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-28 15:33:59','2019-01-28 15:33:59'),(12373,532,1535,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 15:33:59','2019-01-28 15:33:59'),(12374,532,1535,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-28 15:33:59','2019-01-28 15:33:59'),(12375,532,1535,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-28 15:33:59','2019-01-28 15:33:59'),(12376,532,1535,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-28 15:33:59','2019-01-28 15:33:59'),(12377,532,1535,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-28 15:33:59','2019-01-28 15:33:59'),(12378,532,1535,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-28 15:33:59','2019-01-28 15:33:59'),(12379,532,1535,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-28 15:33:59','2019-01-28 15:33:59'),(12380,532,1535,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-28 15:33:59','2019-01-28 15:33:59'),(12381,532,1536,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-29 14:18:48','2019-01-29 14:18:48'),(12382,532,1536,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 14:18:48','2019-01-29 14:18:48'),(12383,532,1536,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-29 14:18:48','2019-01-29 14:18:48'),(12384,532,1536,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-29 14:18:48','2019-01-29 14:18:48'),(12385,532,1536,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-29 14:18:48','2019-01-29 14:18:48'),(12386,532,1537,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(12387,532,1537,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(12388,532,1537,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(12389,532,1537,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(12390,532,1537,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(12391,532,1537,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(12392,532,1537,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(12393,532,1537,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(12394,532,1537,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(12395,532,1537,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-29 14:35:19','2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(12396,533,1538,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-30 11:06:25','2019-01-30 11:06:25'),(12397,533,1538,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-01-30 11:06:25','2019-01-30 11:06:25'),(12398,533,1538,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-30 11:06:25','2019-01-30 11:06:25'),(12399,533,1538,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-01-30 11:06:25','2019-01-30 11:06:25'),(12400,533,1538,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-30 11:06:25','2019-01-30 11:06:25'),(12401,533,1538,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-01-30 11:06:25','2019-01-30 11:06:25'),(12402,533,1538,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-01-30 11:06:25','2019-01-30 11:06:25'),(12403,533,1538,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-01-30 11:06:25','2019-01-30 11:06:25'),(12404,533,1538,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-01-30 11:06:25','2019-01-30 11:06:25'),(12405,533,1538,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-01-30 11:06:25','2019-01-30 11:06:25'),(12406,533,1539,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-01-30 11:13:06','2019-01-30 11:13:06'),(12407,533,1539,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2019-01-30 11:13:06','2019-01-30 11:13:06'),(12408,533,1539,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-01-30 11:13:06','2019-01-30 11:13:06'),(12409,533,1539,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-01-30 11:13:06','2019-01-30 11:13:06'),(12410,533,1539,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-01-30 11:13:06','2019-01-30 11:13:06'),(12411,533,1540,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:27'),(12412,533,1540,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:27'),(12413,533,1540,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:27'),(12414,533,1540,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:27'),(12415,533,1540,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:27'),(12416,533,1540,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:27'),(12417,533,1540,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:27'),(12418,533,1540,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:27'),(12419,533,1540,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:27'),(12420,533,1540,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-01-30 11:34:27','2019-01-30 11:34:27'),(12421,534,1541,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 11:49:43','2019-02-01 11:49:43'),(12422,534,1541,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-01 11:49:43','2019-02-01 11:49:43'),(12423,534,1541,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 11:49:43','2019-02-01 11:49:43'),(12424,534,1541,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-01 11:49:43','2019-02-01 11:49:43'),(12425,534,1541,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 11:49:43','2019-02-01 11:49:43'),(12426,534,1541,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-01 11:49:43','2019-02-01 11:49:43'),(12427,534,1541,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-01 11:49:43','2019-02-01 11:49:43'),(12428,534,1541,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-01 11:49:43','2019-02-01 11:49:43'),(12429,534,1541,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-01 11:49:43','2019-02-01 11:49:43'),(12430,534,1541,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-01 11:49:43','2019-02-01 11:49:43'),(12431,534,1542,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-01 11:57:14','2019-02-01 11:57:14'),(12432,534,1542,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 11:57:14','2019-02-01 11:57:14'),(12433,534,1542,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-01 11:57:14','2019-02-01 11:57:14'),(12434,534,1542,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-01 11:57:14','2019-02-01 11:57:14'),(12435,534,1542,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-01 11:57:14','2019-02-01 11:57:14'),(12436,534,1543,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(12437,534,1543,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(12438,534,1543,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(12439,534,1543,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(12440,534,1543,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(12441,534,1543,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(12442,534,1543,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(12443,534,1543,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(12444,534,1543,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(12445,534,1543,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-01 12:14:47','2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(12446,535,1544,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 12:51:22','2019-02-01 12:58:41'),(12447,535,1544,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-01 12:51:22','2019-02-01 12:58:41'),(12448,535,1544,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 12:51:22','2019-02-01 12:58:41'),(12449,535,1544,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-01 12:51:22','2019-02-01 12:58:41'),(12450,535,1544,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 12:51:22','2019-02-01 12:58:41'),(12451,535,1544,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-01 12:51:22','2019-02-01 12:58:41'),(12452,535,1544,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-01 12:51:22','2019-02-01 12:58:41'),(12453,535,1544,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-01 12:51:22','2019-02-01 12:58:41'),(12454,535,1544,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-01 12:51:22','2019-02-01 12:58:41'),(12455,535,1544,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-01 12:51:22','2019-02-01 12:58:41'),(12456,535,1545,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-01 12:53:54','2019-02-01 12:58:53'),(12457,535,1545,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 12:53:54','2019-02-01 12:58:53'),(12458,535,1545,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-01 12:53:54','2019-02-01 12:58:53'),(12459,535,1545,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-01 12:53:54','2019-02-01 12:58:53'),(12460,535,1545,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-01 12:53:54','2019-02-01 12:58:53'),(12461,535,1546,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-01 12:58:03','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(12462,535,1546,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 12:58:03','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(12463,535,1546,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-01 12:58:03','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(12464,535,1546,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-01 12:58:03','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(12465,535,1546,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-01 12:58:03','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(12466,535,1546,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-01 12:58:03','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(12467,535,1546,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-01 12:58:03','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(12468,535,1546,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-01 12:58:03','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(12469,535,1546,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-01 12:58:03','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(12470,535,1546,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-01 12:58:03','2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(12471,536,1547,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-05 12:36:40','2019-02-05 12:36:40'),(12472,536,1547,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-05 12:36:40','2019-02-05 12:36:40'),(12473,536,1547,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-05 12:36:40','2019-02-05 12:36:40'),(12474,536,1547,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-05 12:36:40','2019-02-05 12:36:40'),(12475,536,1547,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-05 12:36:40','2019-02-05 12:36:40'),(12476,536,1547,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-05 12:36:40','2019-02-05 12:36:40'),(12477,536,1547,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-05 12:36:40','2019-02-05 12:36:40'),(12478,536,1547,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-05 12:36:40','2019-02-05 12:36:40'),(12479,536,1547,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-05 12:36:40','2019-02-05 12:36:40'),(12480,536,1547,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-05 12:36:40','2019-02-05 12:36:40'),(12481,536,1548,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-05 12:52:40','2019-02-05 12:52:40'),(12482,536,1548,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-05 12:52:40','2019-02-05 12:52:40'),(12483,536,1548,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-05 12:52:40','2019-02-05 12:52:40'),(12484,536,1548,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-05 12:52:40','2019-02-05 12:52:40'),(12485,536,1548,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-05 12:52:40','2019-02-05 12:52:40'),(12486,536,1549,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:56'),(12487,536,1549,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:56'),(12488,536,1549,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:56'),(12489,536,1549,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:56'),(12490,536,1549,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:56'),(12491,536,1549,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:56'),(12492,536,1549,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:56'),(12493,536,1549,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:56'),(12494,536,1549,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:56'),(12495,536,1549,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-05 13:10:56','2019-02-05 13:10:56'),(12496,537,1550,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-07 11:35:35','2019-02-07 11:35:35'),(12497,537,1550,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2019-02-07 11:35:35','2019-02-07 11:35:35'),(12498,537,1550,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-07 11:35:35','2019-02-07 11:35:35'),(12499,537,1550,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-07 11:35:35','2019-02-07 11:35:35'),(12500,537,1550,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-07 11:35:35','2019-02-07 11:35:35'),(12501,537,1550,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-07 11:35:35','2019-02-07 11:35:35'),(12502,537,1550,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-07 11:35:35','2019-02-07 11:35:35'),(12503,537,1550,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-07 11:35:35','2019-02-07 11:35:35'),(12504,537,1550,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-07 11:35:35','2019-02-07 11:35:35'),(12505,537,1550,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-07 11:35:35','2019-02-07 11:35:35'),(12506,537,1551,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-07 11:41:28','2019-02-07 11:41:28'),(12507,537,1551,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-07 11:41:28','2019-02-07 11:41:28'),(12508,537,1551,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-07 11:41:28','2019-02-07 11:41:28'),(12509,537,1551,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-07 11:41:28','2019-02-07 11:41:28'),(12510,537,1551,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-07 11:41:28','2019-02-07 11:41:28'),(12511,537,1552,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:46'),(12512,537,1552,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:46'),(12513,537,1552,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:46'),(12514,537,1552,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:46'),(12515,537,1552,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:46'),(12516,537,1552,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:46'),(12517,537,1552,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:46'),(12518,537,1552,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:46'),(12519,537,1552,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:46'),(12520,537,1552,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-07 11:56:46','2019-02-07 11:56:46'),(12521,538,1553,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 10:49:23','2019-02-09 10:49:23'),(12522,538,1553,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-09 10:49:23','2019-02-09 10:49:23'),(12523,538,1553,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 10:49:23','2019-02-09 10:49:23'),(12524,538,1553,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-09 10:49:23','2019-02-09 10:49:23'),(12525,538,1553,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 10:49:23','2019-02-09 10:49:23'),(12526,538,1553,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-09 10:49:23','2019-02-09 10:49:23'),(12527,538,1553,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-09 10:49:23','2019-02-09 10:49:23'),(12528,538,1553,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-09 10:49:23','2019-02-09 10:49:23'),(12529,538,1553,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-09 10:49:23','2019-02-09 10:49:23'),(12530,538,1553,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-09 10:49:23','2019-02-09 10:49:23'),(12531,538,1554,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-09 10:55:40','2019-02-09 10:55:40'),(12532,538,1554,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 10:55:40','2019-02-09 10:55:40'),(12533,538,1554,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-09 10:55:40','2019-02-09 10:55:40'),(12534,538,1554,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-02-09 10:55:40','2019-02-09 10:55:40'),(12535,538,1554,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-09 10:55:40','2019-02-09 10:55:40'),(12536,538,1555,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:57'),(12537,538,1555,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:57'),(12538,538,1555,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:57'),(12539,538,1555,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:57'),(12540,538,1555,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:57'),(12541,538,1555,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:57'),(12542,538,1555,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:57'),(12543,538,1555,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:57'),(12544,538,1555,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:57'),(12545,538,1555,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-09 11:15:57','2019-02-09 11:15:57'),(12546,539,1556,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 16:58:21','2019-02-09 16:58:21'),(12547,539,1556,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-09 16:58:21','2019-02-09 16:58:21'),(12548,539,1556,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 16:58:21','2019-02-09 16:58:21'),(12549,539,1556,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-09 16:58:21','2019-02-09 16:58:21'),(12550,539,1556,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 16:58:21','2019-02-09 16:58:21'),(12551,539,1556,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-09 16:58:21','2019-02-09 16:58:21'),(12552,539,1556,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-09 16:58:21','2019-02-09 16:58:21'),(12553,539,1556,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-09 16:58:21','2019-02-09 16:58:21'),(12554,539,1556,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-09 16:58:21','2019-02-09 16:58:21'),(12555,539,1556,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-09 16:58:21','2019-02-09 16:58:21'),(12556,539,1557,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-09 17:17:23','2019-02-09 17:17:23'),(12557,539,1557,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 17:17:23','2019-02-09 17:17:23'),(12558,539,1557,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-09 17:17:23','2019-02-09 17:17:23'),(12559,539,1557,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-09 17:17:23','2019-02-09 17:17:23'),(12560,539,1557,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-09 17:17:23','2019-02-09 17:17:23'),(12561,539,1558,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:50'),(12562,539,1558,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:50'),(12563,539,1558,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:50'),(12564,539,1558,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:50'),(12565,539,1558,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:50'),(12566,539,1558,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:50'),(12567,539,1558,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:50'),(12568,539,1558,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:50'),(12569,539,1558,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:50'),(12570,539,1558,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-09 17:51:50','2019-02-09 17:51:50'),(12571,540,1559,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 02:10:35','2019-02-11 02:10:35'),(12572,540,1559,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-11 02:10:35','2019-02-11 02:10:35'),(12573,540,1559,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 02:10:35','2019-02-11 02:10:35'),(12574,540,1559,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-11 02:10:35','2019-02-11 02:10:35'),(12575,540,1559,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 02:10:35','2019-02-11 02:10:35'),(12576,540,1559,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-11 02:10:35','2019-02-11 02:10:35'),(12577,540,1559,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-11 02:10:35','2019-02-11 02:10:35'),(12578,540,1559,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-11 02:10:35','2019-02-11 02:10:35'),(12579,540,1559,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-11 02:10:35','2019-02-11 02:10:35'),(12580,540,1559,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-11 02:10:35','2019-02-11 02:10:35'),(12581,540,1560,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-11 02:16:01','2019-02-11 02:16:01'),(12582,540,1560,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 02:16:01','2019-02-11 02:16:01'),(12583,540,1560,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-11 02:16:01','2019-02-11 02:16:01'),(12584,540,1560,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-11 02:16:01','2019-02-11 02:16:01'),(12585,540,1560,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-11 02:16:01','2019-02-11 02:16:01'),(12586,540,1561,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(12587,540,1561,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(12588,540,1561,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(12589,540,1561,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(12590,540,1561,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(12591,540,1561,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(12592,540,1561,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(12593,540,1561,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(12594,540,1561,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(12595,540,1561,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-11 02:31:13','2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(12596,541,1562,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 16:18:47','2019-02-11 16:18:47'),(12597,541,1562,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-11 16:18:47','2019-02-11 16:18:47'),(12598,541,1562,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 16:18:47','2019-02-11 16:18:47'),(12599,541,1562,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-11 16:18:47','2019-02-11 16:18:47'),(12600,541,1562,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 16:18:47','2019-02-11 16:18:47'),(12601,541,1562,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-11 16:18:47','2019-02-11 16:18:47'),(12602,541,1562,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-11 16:18:47','2019-02-11 16:18:47'),(12603,541,1562,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-11 16:18:47','2019-02-11 16:18:47'),(12604,541,1562,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-11 16:18:47','2019-02-11 16:18:47'),(12605,541,1562,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-11 16:18:47','2019-02-11 16:18:47'),(12606,541,1563,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-11 16:24:43','2019-02-11 16:24:43'),(12607,541,1563,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 16:24:43','2019-02-11 16:24:43'),(12608,541,1563,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-11 16:24:43','2019-02-11 16:24:43'),(12609,541,1563,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-02-11 16:24:43','2019-02-11 16:24:43'),(12610,541,1563,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-11 16:24:43','2019-02-11 16:24:43'),(12611,541,1564,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(12612,541,1564,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(12613,541,1564,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(12614,541,1564,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(12615,541,1564,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(12616,541,1564,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(12617,541,1564,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(12618,541,1564,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(12619,541,1564,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(12620,541,1564,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-11 16:40:52','2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(12621,542,1565,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 15:52:32','2019-02-12 15:52:32'),(12622,542,1565,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-12 15:52:32','2019-02-12 15:52:32'),(12623,542,1565,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 15:52:32','2019-02-12 15:52:32'),(12624,542,1565,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-12 15:52:32','2019-02-12 15:52:32'),(12625,542,1565,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 15:52:32','2019-02-12 15:52:32'),(12626,542,1565,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-12 15:52:32','2019-02-12 15:52:32'),(12627,542,1565,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-12 15:52:32','2019-02-12 15:52:32'),(12628,542,1565,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-12 15:52:32','2019-02-12 15:52:32'),(12629,542,1565,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-12 15:52:32','2019-02-12 15:52:32'),(12630,542,1565,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-12 15:52:32','2019-02-12 15:52:32'),(12631,542,1566,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-12 15:57:59','2019-02-12 15:58:21'),(12632,542,1566,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 15:57:59','2019-02-12 15:58:21'),(12633,542,1566,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-12 15:57:59','2019-02-12 15:58:21'),(12634,542,1566,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-12 15:57:59','2019-02-12 15:58:21'),(12635,542,1566,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-12 15:57:59','2019-02-12 15:58:21'),(12636,542,1567,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-12 15:58:10','2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(12637,542,1567,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 15:58:10','2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(12638,542,1567,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-12 15:58:10','2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(12639,542,1567,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-12 15:58:10','2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(12640,542,1567,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-12 15:58:10','2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(12641,542,1567,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 15:58:10','2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(12642,542,1567,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-12 15:58:10','2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(12643,542,1567,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-12 15:58:10','2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(12644,542,1567,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-12 15:58:10','2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(12645,542,1567,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-12 15:58:10','2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(12646,543,1568,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 17:30:31','2019-02-12 17:30:31'),(12647,543,1568,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-12 17:30:31','2019-02-12 17:30:31'),(12648,543,1568,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 17:30:31','2019-02-12 17:30:31'),(12649,543,1568,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-12 17:30:31','2019-02-12 17:30:31'),(12650,543,1568,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 17:30:31','2019-02-12 17:30:31'),(12651,543,1568,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-12 17:30:31','2019-02-12 17:30:31'),(12652,543,1568,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-12 17:30:31','2019-02-12 17:30:31'),(12653,543,1568,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-12 17:30:31','2019-02-12 17:30:31'),(12654,543,1568,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-12 17:30:31','2019-02-12 17:30:31'),(12655,543,1568,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-12 17:30:31','2019-02-12 17:30:31'),(12656,543,1569,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-12 17:38:04','2019-02-12 17:38:04'),(12657,543,1569,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 17:38:04','2019-02-12 17:38:04'),(12658,543,1569,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-12 17:38:04','2019-02-12 17:38:04'),(12659,543,1569,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-12 17:38:04','2019-02-12 17:38:04'),(12660,543,1569,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-12 17:38:04','2019-02-12 17:38:04'),(12661,543,1570,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(12662,543,1570,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(12663,543,1570,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(12664,543,1570,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(12665,543,1570,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(12666,543,1570,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(12667,543,1570,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(12668,543,1570,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(12669,543,1570,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(12670,543,1570,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-12 18:00:26','2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(12671,544,1571,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-18 19:23:31','2019-02-18 19:23:31'),(12672,544,1571,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-18 19:23:31','2019-02-18 19:23:31'),(12673,544,1571,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-18 19:23:31','2019-02-18 19:23:31'),(12674,544,1571,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-18 19:23:31','2019-02-18 19:23:31'),(12675,544,1571,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-18 19:23:31','2019-02-18 19:23:31'),(12676,544,1571,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-18 19:23:31','2019-02-18 19:23:31'),(12677,544,1571,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-18 19:23:31','2019-02-18 19:23:31'),(12678,544,1571,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-18 19:23:31','2019-02-18 19:23:31'),(12679,544,1571,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-18 19:23:31','2019-02-18 19:23:31'),(12680,544,1571,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-18 19:23:31','2019-02-18 19:23:31'),(12681,544,1572,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-18 19:29:21','2019-02-18 19:29:21'),(12682,544,1572,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-18 19:29:21','2019-02-18 19:29:21'),(12683,544,1572,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-18 19:29:21','2019-02-18 19:29:21'),(12684,544,1572,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-18 19:29:21','2019-02-18 19:29:21'),(12685,544,1572,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-18 19:29:21','2019-02-18 19:29:21'),(12686,544,1573,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(12687,544,1573,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(12688,544,1573,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(12689,544,1573,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(12690,544,1573,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(12691,544,1573,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(12692,544,1573,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(12693,544,1573,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(12694,544,1573,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(12695,544,1573,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-18 19:44:11','2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(12696,545,1574,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-20 13:44:51','2019-02-20 13:44:51'),(12697,545,1574,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2019-02-20 13:44:51','2019-02-20 13:44:51'),(12698,545,1574,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-20 13:44:51','2019-02-20 13:44:51'),(12699,545,1574,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-20 13:44:51','2019-02-20 13:44:51'),(12700,545,1574,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-20 13:44:51','2019-02-20 13:44:51'),(12701,545,1574,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-20 13:44:51','2019-02-20 13:44:51'),(12702,545,1574,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-20 13:44:51','2019-02-20 13:44:51'),(12703,545,1574,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-20 13:44:51','2019-02-20 13:44:51'),(12704,545,1574,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-20 13:44:51','2019-02-20 13:44:51'),(12705,545,1574,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-20 13:44:51','2019-02-20 13:44:51'),(12706,545,1575,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-20 13:51:24','2019-02-20 13:51:24'),(12707,545,1575,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-20 13:51:24','2019-02-20 13:51:24'),(12708,545,1575,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-20 13:51:24','2019-02-20 13:51:24'),(12709,545,1575,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-20 13:51:24','2019-02-20 13:51:24'),(12710,545,1575,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-20 13:51:24','2019-02-20 13:51:24'),(12711,545,1576,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(12712,545,1576,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(12713,545,1576,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(12714,545,1576,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(12715,545,1576,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(12716,545,1576,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(12717,545,1576,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(12718,545,1576,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(12719,545,1576,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(12720,545,1576,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-20 14:06:22','2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(12721,546,1577,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-21 19:30:35','2019-02-21 19:30:35'),(12722,546,1577,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-21 19:30:35','2019-02-21 19:30:35'),(12723,546,1577,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-21 19:30:35','2019-02-21 19:30:35'),(12724,546,1577,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-21 19:30:35','2019-02-21 19:30:35'),(12725,546,1577,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-21 19:30:35','2019-02-21 19:30:35'),(12726,546,1577,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-21 19:30:35','2019-02-21 19:30:35'),(12727,546,1577,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-21 19:30:35','2019-02-21 19:30:35'),(12728,546,1577,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-21 19:30:35','2019-02-21 19:30:35'),(12729,546,1577,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-21 19:30:35','2019-02-21 19:30:35'),(12730,546,1577,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-21 19:30:35','2019-02-21 19:30:35'),(12731,546,1578,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-21 20:04:48','2019-02-21 20:04:48'),(12732,546,1578,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-21 20:04:48','2019-02-21 20:04:48'),(12733,546,1578,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-21 20:04:48','2019-02-21 20:04:48'),(12734,546,1578,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-21 20:04:48','2019-02-21 20:04:48'),(12735,546,1578,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-21 20:04:48','2019-02-21 20:04:48'),(12736,546,1579,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:24'),(12737,546,1579,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:24'),(12738,546,1579,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:24'),(12739,546,1579,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:24'),(12740,546,1579,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:24'),(12741,546,1579,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:24'),(12742,546,1579,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:24'),(12743,546,1579,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:24'),(12744,546,1579,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:24'),(12745,546,1579,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-21 20:38:24','2019-02-21 20:38:24'),(12746,547,1580,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 13:50:15','2019-02-22 13:50:15'),(12747,547,1580,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-22 13:50:15','2019-02-22 13:50:15'),(12748,547,1580,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 13:50:15','2019-02-22 13:50:15'),(12749,547,1580,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-22 13:50:15','2019-02-22 13:50:15'),(12750,547,1580,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 13:50:15','2019-02-22 13:50:15'),(12751,547,1580,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-22 13:50:15','2019-02-22 13:50:15'),(12752,547,1580,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-22 13:50:15','2019-02-22 13:50:15'),(12753,547,1580,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-22 13:50:15','2019-02-22 13:50:15'),(12754,547,1580,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-22 13:50:15','2019-02-22 13:50:15'),(12755,547,1580,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-22 13:50:15','2019-02-22 13:50:15'),(12756,547,1581,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-22 13:59:45','2019-02-22 13:59:45'),(12757,547,1581,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 13:59:45','2019-02-22 13:59:45'),(12758,547,1581,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-22 13:59:45','2019-02-22 13:59:45'),(12759,547,1581,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-22 13:59:45','2019-02-22 13:59:45'),(12760,547,1581,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-22 13:59:45','2019-02-22 13:59:45'),(12761,547,1582,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(12762,547,1582,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(12763,547,1582,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(12764,547,1582,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(12765,547,1582,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(12766,547,1582,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(12767,547,1582,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(12768,547,1582,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(12769,547,1582,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(12770,547,1582,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-22 14:20:31','2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(12771,548,1583,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 18:02:09','2019-02-22 18:02:09'),(12772,548,1583,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-22 18:02:09','2019-02-22 18:02:09'),(12773,548,1583,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 18:02:09','2019-02-22 18:02:09'),(12774,548,1583,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-22 18:02:09','2019-02-22 18:02:09'),(12775,548,1583,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 18:02:09','2019-02-22 18:02:09'),(12776,548,1583,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-22 18:02:09','2019-02-22 18:02:09'),(12777,548,1583,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-22 18:02:09','2019-02-22 18:02:09'),(12778,548,1583,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-22 18:02:09','2019-02-22 18:02:09'),(12779,548,1583,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-22 18:02:09','2019-02-22 18:02:09'),(12780,548,1583,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-22 18:02:09','2019-02-22 18:02:09'),(12781,548,1584,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-22 18:12:02','2019-02-22 18:12:02'),(12782,548,1584,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 18:12:02','2019-02-22 18:12:02'),(12783,548,1584,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-22 18:12:02','2019-02-22 18:12:02'),(12784,548,1584,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-22 18:12:02','2019-02-22 18:12:02'),(12785,548,1584,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-22 18:12:02','2019-02-22 18:12:02'),(12786,548,1585,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:10'),(12787,548,1585,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:10'),(12788,548,1585,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:10'),(12789,548,1585,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:10'),(12790,548,1585,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:10'),(12791,548,1585,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:10'),(12792,548,1585,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:10'),(12793,548,1585,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:10'),(12794,548,1585,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:10'),(12795,548,1585,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-22 18:32:10','2019-02-22 18:32:10'),(12796,549,1586,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-25 08:36:35','2019-02-25 08:36:35'),(12797,549,1586,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-25 08:36:35','2019-02-25 08:36:35'),(12798,549,1586,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-25 08:36:35','2019-02-25 08:36:35'),(12799,549,1586,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-25 08:36:35','2019-02-25 08:36:35'),(12800,549,1586,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-25 08:36:35','2019-02-25 08:36:35'),(12801,549,1586,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-25 08:36:35','2019-02-25 08:36:35'),(12802,549,1586,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-25 08:36:35','2019-02-25 08:36:35'),(12803,549,1586,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-25 08:36:35','2019-02-25 08:36:35'),(12804,549,1586,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-25 08:36:35','2019-02-25 08:36:35'),(12805,549,1586,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-25 08:36:35','2019-02-25 08:36:35'),(12806,549,1587,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-25 08:42:37','2019-02-25 08:42:37'),(12807,549,1587,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-25 08:42:37','2019-02-25 08:42:37'),(12808,549,1587,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-25 08:42:37','2019-02-25 08:42:37'),(12809,549,1587,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-25 08:42:37','2019-02-25 08:42:37'),(12810,549,1587,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-25 08:42:37','2019-02-25 08:42:37'),(12811,549,1588,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:23'),(12812,549,1588,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:23'),(12813,549,1588,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:23'),(12814,549,1588,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:23'),(12815,549,1588,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:23'),(12816,549,1588,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:23'),(12817,549,1588,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:23'),(12818,549,1588,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:23'),(12819,549,1588,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:23'),(12820,549,1588,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-25 08:58:23','2019-02-25 08:58:23'),(12821,550,1589,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-26 18:14:23','2019-02-26 18:14:23'),(12822,550,1589,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-26 18:14:23','2019-02-26 18:14:23'),(12823,550,1589,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-26 18:14:23','2019-02-26 18:14:23'),(12824,550,1589,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-26 18:14:23','2019-02-26 18:14:23'),(12825,550,1589,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-26 18:14:23','2019-02-26 18:14:23'),(12826,550,1589,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-26 18:14:23','2019-02-26 18:14:23'),(12827,550,1589,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-26 18:14:23','2019-02-26 18:14:23'),(12828,550,1589,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-26 18:14:23','2019-02-26 18:14:23'),(12829,550,1589,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-26 18:14:23','2019-02-26 18:14:23'),(12830,550,1589,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-26 18:14:23','2019-02-26 18:14:23'),(12831,550,1590,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-26 18:24:30','2019-02-26 18:24:30'),(12832,550,1590,70,165,164,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Tobacco retailers','All of the above','2019-02-26 18:24:30','2019-02-26 18:24:30'),(12833,550,1590,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-26 18:24:30','2019-02-26 18:24:30'),(12834,550,1590,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-26 18:24:30','2019-02-26 18:24:30'),(12835,550,1590,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-26 18:24:30','2019-02-26 18:24:30'),(12836,550,1591,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(12837,550,1591,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(12838,550,1591,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(12839,550,1591,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(12840,550,1591,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(12841,550,1591,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(12842,550,1591,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(12843,550,1591,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(12844,550,1591,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(12845,550,1591,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-26 18:39:02','2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(12846,551,1592,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 17:27:27','2019-02-27 17:27:27'),(12847,551,1592,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-27 17:27:27','2019-02-27 17:27:27'),(12848,551,1592,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 17:27:27','2019-02-27 17:27:27'),(12849,551,1592,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-27 17:27:27','2019-02-27 17:27:27'),(12850,551,1592,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 17:27:27','2019-02-27 17:27:27'),(12851,551,1592,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-27 17:27:27','2019-02-27 17:27:27'),(12852,551,1592,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-27 17:27:27','2019-02-27 17:27:27'),(12853,551,1592,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-27 17:27:27','2019-02-27 17:27:27'),(12854,551,1592,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-27 17:27:27','2019-02-27 17:27:27'),(12855,551,1592,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-27 17:27:27','2019-02-27 17:27:27'),(12856,551,1593,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-27 17:34:12','2019-02-27 17:34:12'),(12857,551,1593,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 17:34:12','2019-02-27 17:34:12'),(12858,551,1593,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-27 17:34:12','2019-02-27 17:34:12'),(12859,551,1593,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-27 17:34:12','2019-02-27 17:34:12'),(12860,551,1593,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-27 17:34:12','2019-02-27 17:34:12'),(12861,551,1594,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:24'),(12862,551,1594,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:24'),(12863,551,1594,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:24'),(12864,551,1594,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:24'),(12865,551,1594,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:24'),(12866,551,1594,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:24'),(12867,551,1594,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:24'),(12868,551,1594,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:24'),(12869,551,1594,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:24'),(12870,551,1594,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-27 17:52:24','2019-02-27 17:52:24'),(12871,552,1595,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 18:12:35','2019-02-27 18:12:35'),(12872,552,1595,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-02-27 18:12:35','2019-02-27 18:12:35'),(12873,552,1595,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 18:12:35','2019-02-27 18:12:35'),(12874,552,1595,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-02-27 18:12:35','2019-02-27 18:12:35'),(12875,552,1595,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 18:12:35','2019-02-27 18:12:35'),(12876,552,1595,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-02-27 18:12:35','2019-02-27 18:12:35'),(12877,552,1595,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-02-27 18:12:35','2019-02-27 18:12:35'),(12878,552,1595,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-02-27 18:12:35','2019-02-27 18:12:35'),(12879,552,1595,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-02-27 18:12:35','2019-02-27 18:12:35'),(12880,552,1595,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-02-27 18:12:35','2019-02-27 18:12:35'),(12881,552,1596,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-02-27 18:19:19','2019-02-27 18:19:19'),(12882,552,1596,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 18:19:19','2019-02-27 18:19:19'),(12883,552,1596,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-02-27 18:19:19','2019-02-27 18:19:19'),(12884,552,1596,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-02-27 18:19:19','2019-02-27 18:19:19'),(12885,552,1596,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-02-27 18:19:19','2019-02-27 18:19:19'),(12886,552,1597,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:16'),(12887,552,1597,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:16'),(12888,552,1597,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:16'),(12889,552,1597,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:16'),(12890,552,1597,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:16'),(12891,552,1597,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:16'),(12892,552,1597,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:16'),(12893,552,1597,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:16'),(12894,552,1597,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:16'),(12895,552,1597,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-02-27 18:35:16','2019-02-27 18:35:16'),(12896,553,1598,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 16:05:37','2019-03-01 16:05:37'),(12897,553,1598,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-01 16:05:37','2019-03-01 16:05:37'),(12898,553,1598,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 16:05:37','2019-03-01 16:05:37'),(12899,553,1598,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-01 16:05:37','2019-03-01 16:05:37'),(12900,553,1598,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 16:05:37','2019-03-01 16:05:37'),(12901,553,1598,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-01 16:05:37','2019-03-01 16:05:37'),(12902,553,1598,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-01 16:05:37','2019-03-01 16:05:37'),(12903,553,1598,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-01 16:05:37','2019-03-01 16:05:37'),(12904,553,1598,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-01 16:05:37','2019-03-01 16:05:37'),(12905,553,1598,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-01 16:05:37','2019-03-01 16:05:37'),(12906,553,1599,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-01 16:12:12','2019-03-01 16:12:12'),(12907,553,1599,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 16:12:12','2019-03-01 16:12:12'),(12908,553,1599,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-01 16:12:12','2019-03-01 16:12:12'),(12909,553,1599,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-01 16:12:12','2019-03-01 16:12:12'),(12910,553,1599,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-01 16:12:12','2019-03-01 16:12:12'),(12911,553,1600,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(12912,553,1600,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(12913,553,1600,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(12914,553,1600,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(12915,553,1600,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(12916,553,1600,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(12917,553,1600,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(12918,553,1600,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(12919,553,1600,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(12920,553,1600,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-01 16:28:50','2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(12921,554,1601,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 17:15:59','2019-03-01 17:15:59'),(12922,554,1601,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-01 17:15:59','2019-03-01 17:15:59'),(12923,554,1601,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 17:15:59','2019-03-01 17:15:59'),(12924,554,1601,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-01 17:15:59','2019-03-01 17:15:59'),(12925,554,1601,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 17:15:59','2019-03-01 17:15:59'),(12926,554,1601,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-01 17:15:59','2019-03-01 17:15:59'),(12927,554,1601,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-01 17:15:59','2019-03-01 17:15:59'),(12928,554,1601,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-01 17:15:59','2019-03-01 17:15:59'),(12929,554,1601,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-01 17:15:59','2019-03-01 17:15:59'),(12930,554,1601,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-01 17:15:59','2019-03-01 17:15:59'),(12931,554,1602,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-01 17:22:10','2019-03-01 17:22:10'),(12932,554,1602,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 17:22:10','2019-03-01 17:22:10'),(12933,554,1602,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-01 17:22:10','2019-03-01 17:22:10'),(12934,554,1602,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-01 17:22:10','2019-03-01 17:22:10'),(12935,554,1602,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-01 17:22:10','2019-03-01 17:22:10'),(12936,554,1603,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(12937,554,1603,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(12938,554,1603,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(12939,554,1603,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(12940,554,1603,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(12941,554,1603,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(12942,554,1603,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(12943,554,1603,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(12944,554,1603,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(12945,554,1603,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-01 17:39:05','2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(12946,555,1604,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 12:17:31','2019-03-04 12:17:31'),(12947,555,1604,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-04 12:17:31','2019-03-04 12:17:31'),(12948,555,1604,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 12:17:31','2019-03-04 12:17:31'),(12949,555,1604,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-04 12:17:31','2019-03-04 12:17:31'),(12950,555,1604,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 12:17:31','2019-03-04 12:17:31'),(12951,555,1604,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-04 12:17:31','2019-03-04 12:17:31'),(12952,555,1604,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-04 12:17:31','2019-03-04 12:17:31'),(12953,555,1604,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-04 12:17:31','2019-03-04 12:17:31'),(12954,555,1604,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-04 12:17:31','2019-03-04 12:17:31'),(12955,555,1604,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-04 12:17:31','2019-03-04 12:17:31'),(12956,555,1605,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-04 12:23:10','2019-03-04 12:23:10'),(12957,555,1605,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 12:23:10','2019-03-04 12:23:10'),(12958,555,1605,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-04 12:23:10','2019-03-04 12:23:10'),(12959,555,1605,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-04 12:23:10','2019-03-04 12:23:10'),(12960,555,1605,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-04 12:23:10','2019-03-04 12:23:10'),(12961,555,1606,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:14'),(12962,555,1606,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:14'),(12963,555,1606,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:14'),(12964,555,1606,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:14'),(12965,555,1606,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:14'),(12966,555,1606,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:14'),(12967,555,1606,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:14'),(12968,555,1606,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:14'),(12969,555,1606,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:14'),(12970,555,1606,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-04 12:38:14','2019-03-04 12:38:14'),(12971,556,1607,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 13:11:32','2019-03-04 13:11:32'),(12972,556,1607,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-04 13:11:32','2019-03-04 13:11:32'),(12973,556,1607,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 13:11:32','2019-03-04 13:11:32'),(12974,556,1607,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-04 13:11:32','2019-03-04 13:11:32'),(12975,556,1607,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 13:11:32','2019-03-04 13:11:32'),(12976,556,1607,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-04 13:11:32','2019-03-04 13:11:32'),(12977,556,1607,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-04 13:11:32','2019-03-04 13:11:32'),(12978,556,1607,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-04 13:11:32','2019-03-04 13:11:32'),(12979,556,1607,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-04 13:11:32','2019-03-04 13:11:32'),(12980,556,1607,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-04 13:11:32','2019-03-04 13:11:32'),(12981,556,1608,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-04 13:20:40','2019-03-04 13:20:40'),(12982,556,1608,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 13:20:40','2019-03-04 13:20:40'),(12983,556,1608,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-04 13:20:40','2019-03-04 13:20:40'),(12984,556,1608,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-04 13:20:40','2019-03-04 13:20:40'),(12985,556,1608,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-04 13:20:40','2019-03-04 13:20:40'),(12986,556,1609,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(12987,556,1609,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(12988,556,1609,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(12989,556,1609,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(12990,556,1609,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(12991,556,1609,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(12992,556,1609,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(12993,556,1609,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(12994,556,1609,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(12995,556,1609,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-04 13:41:03','2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(12996,557,1610,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 14:21:26','2019-03-04 14:21:26'),(12997,557,1610,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-04 14:21:26','2019-03-04 14:21:26'),(12998,557,1610,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 14:21:26','2019-03-04 14:21:26'),(12999,557,1610,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-04 14:21:26','2019-03-04 14:21:26'),(13000,557,1610,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 14:21:26','2019-03-04 14:21:26'),(13001,557,1610,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-04 14:21:26','2019-03-04 14:21:26'),(13002,557,1610,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-04 14:21:26','2019-03-04 14:21:26'),(13003,557,1610,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-04 14:21:26','2019-03-04 14:21:26'),(13004,557,1610,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-04 14:21:26','2019-03-04 14:21:26'),(13005,557,1610,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-04 14:21:26','2019-03-04 14:21:26'),(13006,557,1611,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-04 14:28:46','2019-03-04 14:28:46'),(13007,557,1611,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 14:28:46','2019-03-04 14:28:46'),(13008,557,1611,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-04 14:28:46','2019-03-04 14:28:46'),(13009,557,1611,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-04 14:28:46','2019-03-04 14:28:46'),(13010,557,1611,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-04 14:28:46','2019-03-04 14:28:46'),(13011,557,1612,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:44'),(13012,557,1612,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:44'),(13013,557,1612,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:44'),(13014,557,1612,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:44'),(13015,557,1612,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:44'),(13016,557,1612,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:44'),(13017,557,1612,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:44'),(13018,557,1612,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:44'),(13019,557,1612,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:44'),(13020,557,1612,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-04 14:46:44','2019-03-04 14:46:44'),(13021,558,1613,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-05 14:17:43','2019-03-05 14:17:43'),(13022,558,1613,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-05 14:17:43','2019-03-05 14:17:43'),(13023,558,1613,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-05 14:17:43','2019-03-05 14:17:43'),(13024,558,1613,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-05 14:17:43','2019-03-05 14:17:43'),(13025,558,1613,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-05 14:17:43','2019-03-05 14:17:43'),(13026,558,1613,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-05 14:17:43','2019-03-05 14:17:43'),(13027,558,1613,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-05 14:17:43','2019-03-05 14:17:43'),(13028,558,1613,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-05 14:17:43','2019-03-05 14:17:43'),(13029,558,1613,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-05 14:17:43','2019-03-05 14:17:43'),(13030,558,1613,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-05 14:17:43','2019-03-05 14:17:43'),(13031,558,1614,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-05 14:24:44','2019-03-05 14:24:44'),(13032,558,1614,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-05 14:24:44','2019-03-05 14:24:44'),(13033,558,1614,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-05 14:24:44','2019-03-05 14:24:44'),(13034,558,1614,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-05 14:24:44','2019-03-05 14:24:44'),(13035,558,1614,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-05 14:24:44','2019-03-05 14:24:44'),(13036,558,1615,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(13037,558,1615,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(13038,558,1615,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(13039,558,1615,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(13040,558,1615,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(13041,558,1615,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(13042,558,1615,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(13043,558,1615,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(13044,558,1615,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(13045,558,1615,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-05 14:42:23','2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(13046,559,1616,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 11:08:07','2019-03-08 11:08:07'),(13047,559,1616,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-08 11:08:07','2019-03-08 11:08:07'),(13048,559,1616,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 11:08:07','2019-03-08 11:08:07'),(13049,559,1616,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-08 11:08:07','2019-03-08 11:08:07'),(13050,559,1616,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 11:08:07','2019-03-08 11:08:07'),(13051,559,1616,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-08 11:08:07','2019-03-08 11:08:07'),(13052,559,1616,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-08 11:08:07','2019-03-08 11:08:07'),(13053,559,1616,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-08 11:08:07','2019-03-08 11:08:07'),(13054,559,1616,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-08 11:08:07','2019-03-08 11:08:07'),(13055,559,1616,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-08 11:08:07','2019-03-08 11:08:07'),(13056,559,1617,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-08 11:14:23','2019-03-08 11:14:23'),(13057,559,1617,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 11:14:23','2019-03-08 11:14:23'),(13058,559,1617,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-08 11:14:23','2019-03-08 11:14:23'),(13059,559,1617,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-08 11:14:23','2019-03-08 11:14:23'),(13060,559,1617,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-08 11:14:23','2019-03-08 11:14:23'),(13061,559,1618,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(13062,559,1618,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(13063,559,1618,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(13064,559,1618,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(13065,559,1618,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(13066,559,1618,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(13067,559,1618,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(13068,559,1618,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(13069,559,1618,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(13070,559,1618,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-08 11:29:26','2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(13071,560,1619,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 14:59:58','2019-03-08 14:59:58'),(13072,560,1619,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-08 14:59:58','2019-03-08 14:59:58'),(13073,560,1619,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 14:59:58','2019-03-08 14:59:58'),(13074,560,1619,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-08 14:59:58','2019-03-08 14:59:58'),(13075,560,1619,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 14:59:58','2019-03-08 14:59:58'),(13076,560,1619,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-08 14:59:58','2019-03-08 14:59:58'),(13077,560,1619,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-08 14:59:58','2019-03-08 14:59:58'),(13078,560,1619,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-08 14:59:58','2019-03-08 14:59:58'),(13079,560,1619,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-08 14:59:58','2019-03-08 14:59:58'),(13080,560,1619,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-08 14:59:58','2019-03-08 14:59:58'),(13081,560,1620,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-08 15:06:01','2019-03-08 15:06:01'),(13082,560,1620,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 15:06:01','2019-03-08 15:06:01'),(13083,560,1620,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-08 15:06:01','2019-03-08 15:06:01'),(13084,560,1620,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-08 15:06:01','2019-03-08 15:06:01'),(13085,560,1620,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-08 15:06:01','2019-03-08 15:06:01'),(13086,560,1621,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(13087,560,1621,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(13088,560,1621,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(13089,560,1621,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(13090,560,1621,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(13091,560,1621,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(13092,560,1621,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(13093,560,1621,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(13094,560,1621,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(13095,560,1621,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-08 15:27:02','2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(13096,561,1622,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 15:44:45','2019-03-08 15:44:45'),(13097,561,1622,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-08 15:44:45','2019-03-08 15:44:45'),(13098,561,1622,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 15:44:45','2019-03-08 15:44:45'),(13099,561,1622,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-08 15:44:45','2019-03-08 15:44:45'),(13100,561,1622,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 15:44:45','2019-03-08 15:44:45'),(13101,561,1622,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-08 15:44:45','2019-03-08 15:44:45'),(13102,561,1622,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-08 15:44:45','2019-03-08 15:44:45'),(13103,561,1622,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-08 15:44:45','2019-03-08 15:44:45'),(13104,561,1622,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-08 15:44:45','2019-03-08 15:44:45'),(13105,561,1622,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-08 15:44:45','2019-03-08 15:44:45'),(13106,561,1623,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-08 15:50:09','2019-03-08 15:50:09'),(13107,561,1623,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 15:50:09','2019-03-08 15:50:09'),(13108,561,1623,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-08 15:50:09','2019-03-08 15:50:09'),(13109,561,1623,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-08 15:50:09','2019-03-08 15:50:09'),(13110,561,1623,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-08 15:50:09','2019-03-08 15:50:09'),(13111,561,1624,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:24'),(13112,561,1624,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:24'),(13113,561,1624,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:24'),(13114,561,1624,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:24'),(13115,561,1624,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:24'),(13116,561,1624,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:24'),(13117,561,1624,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:24'),(13118,561,1624,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:24'),(13119,561,1624,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:24'),(13120,561,1624,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-08 16:10:24','2019-03-08 16:10:24'),(13121,562,1625,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 07:32:50','2019-03-09 07:32:50'),(13122,562,1625,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-09 07:32:50','2019-03-09 07:32:50'),(13123,562,1625,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 07:32:50','2019-03-09 07:32:50'),(13124,562,1625,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-09 07:32:50','2019-03-09 07:32:50'),(13125,562,1625,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 07:32:50','2019-03-09 07:32:50'),(13126,562,1625,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-09 07:32:50','2019-03-09 07:32:50'),(13127,562,1625,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-09 07:32:50','2019-03-09 07:32:50'),(13128,562,1625,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-09 07:32:50','2019-03-09 07:32:50'),(13129,562,1625,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-09 07:32:50','2019-03-09 07:32:50'),(13130,562,1625,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-09 07:32:50','2019-03-09 07:32:50'),(13131,562,1626,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-09 07:42:38','2019-03-09 07:42:38'),(13132,562,1626,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 07:42:38','2019-03-09 07:42:38'),(13133,562,1626,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-09 07:42:38','2019-03-09 07:42:38'),(13134,562,1626,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-09 07:42:38','2019-03-09 07:42:38'),(13135,562,1626,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-09 07:42:38','2019-03-09 07:42:38'),(13136,562,1627,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(13137,562,1627,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(13138,562,1627,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(13139,562,1627,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(13140,562,1627,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(13141,562,1627,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(13142,562,1627,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(13143,562,1627,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(13144,562,1627,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(13145,562,1627,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-09 08:02:24','2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(13146,563,1628,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 17:48:04','2019-03-09 17:48:04'),(13147,563,1628,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-09 17:48:04','2019-03-09 17:48:04'),(13148,563,1628,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 17:48:04','2019-03-09 17:48:04'),(13149,563,1628,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-09 17:48:04','2019-03-09 17:48:04'),(13150,563,1628,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 17:48:04','2019-03-09 17:48:04'),(13151,563,1628,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-09 17:48:04','2019-03-09 17:48:04'),(13152,563,1628,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-09 17:48:04','2019-03-09 17:48:04'),(13153,563,1628,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-09 17:48:04','2019-03-09 17:48:04'),(13154,563,1628,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-09 17:48:04','2019-03-09 17:48:04'),(13155,563,1628,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-09 17:48:04','2019-03-09 17:48:04'),(13156,563,1629,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-09 17:55:22','2019-03-09 17:55:22'),(13157,563,1629,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 17:55:22','2019-03-09 17:55:22'),(13158,563,1629,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-09 17:55:22','2019-03-09 17:55:22'),(13159,563,1629,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-09 17:55:22','2019-03-09 17:55:22'),(13160,563,1629,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-09 17:55:22','2019-03-09 17:55:22'),(13161,563,1630,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(13162,563,1630,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(13163,563,1630,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(13164,563,1630,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(13165,563,1630,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(13166,563,1630,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(13167,563,1630,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(13168,563,1630,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(13169,563,1630,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(13170,563,1630,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-09 18:16:48','2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(13171,564,1631,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-10 12:23:23','2019-03-10 12:23:23'),(13172,564,1631,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-10 12:23:23','2019-03-10 12:23:23'),(13173,564,1631,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-10 12:23:23','2019-03-10 12:23:23'),(13174,564,1631,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-10 12:23:23','2019-03-10 12:23:23'),(13175,564,1631,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-10 12:23:23','2019-03-10 12:23:23'),(13176,564,1631,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-10 12:23:23','2019-03-10 12:23:23'),(13177,564,1631,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-10 12:23:23','2019-03-10 12:23:23'),(13178,564,1631,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-10 12:23:23','2019-03-10 12:23:23'),(13179,564,1631,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-10 12:23:23','2019-03-10 12:23:23'),(13180,564,1631,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-10 12:23:23','2019-03-10 12:23:23'),(13181,564,1632,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-10 12:29:11','2019-03-10 12:29:11'),(13182,564,1632,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-10 12:29:11','2019-03-10 12:29:11'),(13183,564,1632,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-10 12:29:11','2019-03-10 12:29:11'),(13184,564,1632,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-10 12:29:11','2019-03-10 12:29:11'),(13185,564,1632,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-10 12:29:11','2019-03-10 12:29:11'),(13186,564,1633,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(13187,564,1633,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(13188,564,1633,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(13189,564,1633,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(13190,564,1633,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(13191,564,1633,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(13192,564,1633,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(13193,564,1633,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(13194,564,1633,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(13195,564,1633,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-10 12:44:30','2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(13196,565,1634,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 06:49:40','2019-03-11 06:49:40'),(13197,565,1634,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-11 06:49:40','2019-03-11 06:49:40'),(13198,565,1634,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 06:49:40','2019-03-11 06:49:40'),(13199,565,1634,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-11 06:49:40','2019-03-11 06:49:40'),(13200,565,1634,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 06:49:40','2019-03-11 06:49:40'),(13201,565,1634,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-11 06:49:40','2019-03-11 06:49:40'),(13202,565,1634,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-11 06:49:40','2019-03-11 06:49:40'),(13203,565,1634,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-11 06:49:40','2019-03-11 06:49:40'),(13204,565,1634,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-11 06:49:40','2019-03-11 06:49:40'),(13205,565,1634,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-11 06:49:40','2019-03-11 06:49:40'),(13206,565,1635,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-11 06:55:21','2019-03-11 06:55:21'),(13207,565,1635,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 06:55:21','2019-03-11 06:55:21'),(13208,565,1635,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-11 06:55:21','2019-03-11 06:55:21'),(13209,565,1635,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-11 06:55:21','2019-03-11 06:55:21'),(13210,565,1635,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-11 06:55:21','2019-03-11 06:55:21'),(13211,565,1636,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(13212,565,1636,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(13213,565,1636,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(13214,565,1636,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(13215,565,1636,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(13216,565,1636,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(13217,565,1636,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(13218,565,1636,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(13219,565,1636,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(13220,565,1636,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-11 09:05:42','2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(13221,566,1637,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 09:36:48','2019-03-11 09:36:48'),(13222,566,1637,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-11 09:36:48','2019-03-11 09:36:48'),(13223,566,1637,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 09:36:48','2019-03-11 09:36:48'),(13224,566,1637,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-11 09:36:48','2019-03-11 09:36:48'),(13225,566,1637,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 09:36:48','2019-03-11 09:36:48'),(13226,566,1637,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-11 09:36:48','2019-03-11 09:36:48'),(13227,566,1637,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-11 09:36:48','2019-03-11 09:36:48'),(13228,566,1637,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-11 09:36:48','2019-03-11 09:36:48'),(13229,566,1637,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-11 09:36:48','2019-03-11 09:36:48'),(13230,566,1637,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-11 09:36:48','2019-03-11 09:36:48'),(13231,566,1638,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-11 09:43:18','2019-03-11 09:43:18'),(13232,566,1638,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 09:43:18','2019-03-11 09:43:18'),(13233,566,1638,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-11 09:43:18','2019-03-11 09:43:18'),(13234,566,1638,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-11 09:43:18','2019-03-11 09:43:18'),(13235,566,1638,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-11 09:43:18','2019-03-11 09:43:18'),(13236,566,1639,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(13237,566,1639,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(13238,566,1639,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(13239,566,1639,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(13240,566,1639,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(13241,566,1639,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(13242,566,1639,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(13243,566,1639,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(13244,566,1639,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(13245,566,1639,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-11 10:01:36','2019-03-11 10:01:36'),(13246,567,1640,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 10:32:34','2019-03-11 10:32:34'),(13247,567,1640,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-11 10:32:34','2019-03-11 10:32:34'),(13248,567,1640,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 10:32:34','2019-03-11 10:32:34'),(13249,567,1640,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-11 10:32:34','2019-03-11 10:32:34'),(13250,567,1640,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 10:32:34','2019-03-11 10:32:34'),(13251,567,1640,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-11 10:32:34','2019-03-11 10:32:34'),(13252,567,1640,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-11 10:32:34','2019-03-11 10:32:34'),(13253,567,1640,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-11 10:32:34','2019-03-11 10:32:34'),(13254,567,1640,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-11 10:32:34','2019-03-11 10:32:34'),(13255,567,1640,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-11 10:32:34','2019-03-11 10:32:34'),(13256,567,1641,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-11 10:38:41','2019-03-11 10:38:41'),(13257,567,1641,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 10:38:41','2019-03-11 10:38:41'),(13258,567,1641,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-11 10:38:41','2019-03-11 10:38:41'),(13259,567,1641,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-11 10:38:41','2019-03-11 10:38:41'),(13260,567,1641,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-11 10:38:41','2019-03-11 10:38:41'),(13261,567,1642,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:07'),(13262,567,1642,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:07'),(13263,567,1642,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:07'),(13264,567,1642,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:07'),(13265,567,1642,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:07'),(13266,567,1642,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:07'),(13267,567,1642,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:07'),(13268,567,1642,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:07'),(13269,567,1642,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:07'),(13270,567,1642,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-11 10:56:07','2019-03-11 10:56:07'),(13271,568,1643,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 11:59:25','2019-03-11 11:59:25'),(13272,568,1643,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-11 11:59:25','2019-03-11 11:59:25'),(13273,568,1643,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 11:59:25','2019-03-11 11:59:25'),(13274,568,1643,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-11 11:59:25','2019-03-11 11:59:25'),(13275,568,1643,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 11:59:25','2019-03-11 11:59:25'),(13276,568,1643,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-11 11:59:25','2019-03-11 11:59:25'),(13277,568,1643,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-11 11:59:25','2019-03-11 11:59:25'),(13278,568,1643,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-11 11:59:25','2019-03-11 11:59:25'),(13279,568,1643,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-11 11:59:25','2019-03-11 11:59:25'),(13280,568,1643,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-11 11:59:25','2019-03-11 11:59:25'),(13281,568,1644,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-11 12:06:06','2019-03-11 12:06:06'),(13282,568,1644,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 12:06:06','2019-03-11 12:06:06'),(13283,568,1644,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-11 12:06:06','2019-03-11 12:06:06'),(13284,568,1644,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-11 12:06:06','2019-03-11 12:06:06'),(13285,568,1644,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-11 12:06:06','2019-03-11 12:06:06'),(13286,568,1645,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(13287,568,1645,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(13288,568,1645,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(13289,568,1645,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(13290,568,1645,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(13291,568,1645,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(13292,568,1645,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(13293,568,1645,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(13294,568,1645,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(13295,568,1645,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-11 12:32:17','2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(13296,569,1646,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 14:17:11','2019-03-11 14:17:11'),(13297,569,1646,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-11 14:17:11','2019-03-11 14:17:11'),(13298,569,1646,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 14:17:11','2019-03-11 14:17:11'),(13299,569,1646,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-11 14:17:11','2019-03-11 14:17:11'),(13300,569,1646,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 14:17:11','2019-03-11 14:17:11'),(13301,569,1646,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-11 14:17:11','2019-03-11 14:17:11'),(13302,569,1646,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-11 14:17:11','2019-03-11 14:17:11'),(13303,569,1646,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-11 14:17:11','2019-03-11 14:17:11'),(13304,569,1646,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-11 14:17:11','2019-03-11 14:17:11'),(13305,569,1646,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-11 14:17:11','2019-03-11 14:17:11'),(13306,569,1647,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-11 14:24:07','2019-03-11 14:24:07'),(13307,569,1647,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 14:24:07','2019-03-11 14:24:07'),(13308,569,1647,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-11 14:24:07','2019-03-11 14:24:07'),(13309,569,1647,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-11 14:24:07','2019-03-11 14:24:07'),(13310,569,1647,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-11 14:24:07','2019-03-11 14:24:07'),(13311,569,1648,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(13312,569,1648,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(13313,569,1648,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(13314,569,1648,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(13315,569,1648,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(13316,569,1648,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(13317,569,1648,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(13318,569,1648,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(13319,569,1648,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(13320,569,1648,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-11 14:42:12','2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(13321,570,1649,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 16:11:38','2019-03-11 16:11:38'),(13322,570,1649,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-11 16:11:38','2019-03-11 16:11:38'),(13323,570,1649,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 16:11:38','2019-03-11 16:11:38'),(13324,570,1649,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-11 16:11:38','2019-03-11 16:11:38'),(13325,570,1649,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 16:11:38','2019-03-11 16:11:38'),(13326,570,1649,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-11 16:11:38','2019-03-11 16:11:38'),(13327,570,1649,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-11 16:11:38','2019-03-11 16:11:38'),(13328,570,1649,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-11 16:11:38','2019-03-11 16:11:38'),(13329,570,1649,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-11 16:11:38','2019-03-11 16:11:38'),(13330,570,1649,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-11 16:11:38','2019-03-11 16:11:38'),(13331,570,1650,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-11 16:18:45','2019-03-11 16:18:45'),(13332,570,1650,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 16:18:45','2019-03-11 16:18:45'),(13333,570,1650,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-11 16:18:45','2019-03-11 16:18:45'),(13334,570,1650,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-11 16:18:45','2019-03-11 16:18:45'),(13335,570,1650,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-11 16:18:45','2019-03-11 16:18:45'),(13336,570,1651,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(13337,570,1651,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(13338,570,1651,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(13339,570,1651,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(13340,570,1651,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(13341,570,1651,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(13342,570,1651,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(13343,570,1651,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(13344,570,1651,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(13345,570,1651,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-11 16:37:12','2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(13346,571,1652,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 18:38:04','2019-03-11 18:38:04'),(13347,571,1652,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-11 18:38:04','2019-03-11 18:38:04'),(13348,571,1652,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 18:38:04','2019-03-11 18:38:04'),(13349,571,1652,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-11 18:38:04','2019-03-11 18:38:04'),(13350,571,1652,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 18:38:04','2019-03-11 18:38:04'),(13351,571,1652,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-11 18:38:04','2019-03-11 18:38:04'),(13352,571,1652,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-11 18:38:04','2019-03-11 18:38:04'),(13353,571,1652,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-11 18:38:04','2019-03-11 18:38:04'),(13354,571,1652,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-11 18:38:04','2019-03-11 18:38:04'),(13355,571,1652,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-11 18:38:04','2019-03-11 18:38:04'),(13356,571,1653,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-11 18:45:31','2019-03-11 18:45:31'),(13357,571,1653,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 18:45:31','2019-03-11 18:45:31'),(13358,571,1653,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-11 18:45:31','2019-03-11 18:45:31'),(13359,571,1653,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-11 18:45:31','2019-03-11 18:45:31'),(13360,571,1653,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-11 18:45:31','2019-03-11 18:45:31'),(13361,571,1654,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(13362,571,1654,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(13363,571,1654,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(13364,571,1654,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(13365,571,1654,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(13366,571,1654,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(13367,571,1654,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(13368,571,1654,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(13369,571,1654,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(13370,571,1654,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-11 19:03:23','2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(13371,572,1655,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 20:34:44','2019-03-11 20:34:44'),(13372,572,1655,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-11 20:34:44','2019-03-11 20:34:44'),(13373,572,1655,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 20:34:44','2019-03-11 20:34:44'),(13374,572,1655,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-11 20:34:44','2019-03-11 20:34:44'),(13375,572,1655,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 20:34:44','2019-03-11 20:34:44'),(13376,572,1655,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-11 20:34:44','2019-03-11 20:34:44'),(13377,572,1655,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-11 20:34:44','2019-03-11 20:34:44'),(13378,572,1655,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-11 20:34:44','2019-03-11 20:34:44'),(13379,572,1655,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-11 20:34:44','2019-03-11 20:34:44'),(13380,572,1655,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-11 20:34:44','2019-03-11 20:34:44'),(13381,572,1656,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-11 20:42:04','2019-03-11 20:42:04'),(13382,572,1656,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 20:42:04','2019-03-11 20:42:04'),(13383,572,1656,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-11 20:42:04','2019-03-11 20:42:04'),(13384,572,1656,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-11 20:42:04','2019-03-11 20:42:04'),(13385,572,1656,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-11 20:42:04','2019-03-11 20:42:04'),(13386,572,1657,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(13387,572,1657,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(13388,572,1657,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(13389,572,1657,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(13390,572,1657,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(13391,572,1657,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(13392,572,1657,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(13393,572,1657,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(13394,572,1657,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(13395,572,1657,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-11 20:59:18','2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(13396,573,1658,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:21:12','2019-03-12 11:21:12'),(13397,573,1658,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-12 11:21:12','2019-03-12 11:21:12'),(13398,573,1658,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:21:12','2019-03-12 11:21:12'),(13399,573,1658,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-12 11:21:12','2019-03-12 11:21:12'),(13400,573,1658,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:21:12','2019-03-12 11:21:12'),(13401,573,1658,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-12 11:21:12','2019-03-12 11:21:12'),(13402,573,1658,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-12 11:21:12','2019-03-12 11:21:12'),(13403,573,1658,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-12 11:21:12','2019-03-12 11:21:12'),(13404,573,1658,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-12 11:21:12','2019-03-12 11:21:12'),(13405,573,1658,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-12 11:21:12','2019-03-12 11:21:12'),(13406,573,1659,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-12 11:28:56','2019-03-12 11:28:56'),(13407,573,1659,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:28:56','2019-03-12 11:28:56'),(13408,573,1659,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-12 11:28:56','2019-03-12 11:28:56'),(13409,573,1659,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-12 11:28:56','2019-03-12 11:28:56'),(13410,573,1659,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-12 11:28:56','2019-03-12 11:28:56'),(13411,573,1660,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(13412,573,1660,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(13413,573,1660,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(13414,573,1660,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(13415,573,1660,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(13416,573,1660,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(13417,573,1660,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(13418,573,1660,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(13419,573,1660,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(13420,573,1660,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-12 11:46:21','2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(13421,574,1661,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:39:32','2019-03-12 11:39:32'),(13422,574,1661,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-12 11:39:32','2019-03-12 11:39:32'),(13423,574,1661,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:39:32','2019-03-12 11:39:32'),(13424,574,1661,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-12 11:39:32','2019-03-12 11:39:32'),(13425,574,1661,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:39:32','2019-03-12 11:39:32'),(13426,574,1661,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-12 11:39:32','2019-03-12 11:39:32'),(13427,574,1661,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-12 11:39:32','2019-03-12 11:39:32'),(13428,574,1661,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-12 11:39:32','2019-03-12 11:39:32'),(13429,574,1661,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-12 11:39:32','2019-03-12 11:39:32'),(13430,574,1661,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-12 11:39:32','2019-03-12 11:39:32'),(13431,574,1662,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-12 11:50:37','2019-03-12 11:50:37'),(13432,574,1662,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:50:37','2019-03-12 11:50:37'),(13433,574,1662,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-12 11:50:37','2019-03-12 11:50:37'),(13434,574,1662,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-12 11:50:37','2019-03-12 11:50:37'),(13435,574,1662,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-12 11:50:37','2019-03-12 11:50:37'),(13436,574,1663,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(13437,574,1663,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(13438,574,1663,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(13439,574,1663,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(13440,574,1663,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(13441,574,1663,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(13442,574,1663,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(13443,574,1663,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(13444,574,1663,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(13445,574,1663,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-12 12:19:17','2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(13446,575,1664,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:59:38','2019-03-12 11:59:38'),(13447,575,1664,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-12 11:59:38','2019-03-12 11:59:38'),(13448,575,1664,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:59:38','2019-03-12 11:59:38'),(13449,575,1664,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-12 11:59:38','2019-03-12 11:59:38'),(13450,575,1664,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 11:59:38','2019-03-12 11:59:38'),(13451,575,1664,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-12 11:59:38','2019-03-12 11:59:38'),(13452,575,1664,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-12 11:59:38','2019-03-12 11:59:38'),(13453,575,1664,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-12 11:59:38','2019-03-12 11:59:38'),(13454,575,1664,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-12 11:59:38','2019-03-12 11:59:38'),(13455,575,1664,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-12 11:59:38','2019-03-12 11:59:38'),(13456,575,1665,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-12 12:10:15','2019-03-12 12:10:15'),(13457,575,1665,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 12:10:15','2019-03-12 12:10:15'),(13458,575,1665,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-12 12:10:15','2019-03-12 12:10:15'),(13459,575,1665,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-12 12:10:15','2019-03-12 12:10:15'),(13460,575,1665,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-12 12:10:15','2019-03-12 12:10:15'),(13461,575,1666,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(13462,575,1666,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(13463,575,1666,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(13464,575,1666,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(13465,575,1666,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(13466,575,1666,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(13467,575,1666,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(13468,575,1666,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(13469,575,1666,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(13470,575,1666,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-12 12:26:53','2019-03-12 12:26:53'),(13471,576,1667,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 15:50:21','2019-03-12 15:50:21'),(13472,576,1667,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-12 15:50:21','2019-03-12 15:50:21'),(13473,576,1667,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 15:50:21','2019-03-12 15:50:21'),(13474,576,1667,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-12 15:50:21','2019-03-12 15:50:21'),(13475,576,1667,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 15:50:21','2019-03-12 15:50:21'),(13476,576,1667,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-12 15:50:21','2019-03-12 15:50:21'),(13477,576,1667,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-12 15:50:21','2019-03-12 15:50:21'),(13478,576,1667,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-12 15:50:21','2019-03-12 15:50:21'),(13479,576,1667,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-12 15:50:21','2019-03-12 15:50:21'),(13480,576,1667,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-12 15:50:21','2019-03-12 15:50:21'),(13481,576,1668,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-12 15:56:02','2019-03-12 15:56:02'),(13482,576,1668,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 15:56:02','2019-03-12 15:56:02'),(13483,576,1668,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-12 15:56:02','2019-03-12 15:56:02'),(13484,576,1668,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-12 15:56:02','2019-03-12 15:56:02'),(13485,576,1668,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-12 15:56:02','2019-03-12 15:56:02'),(13486,576,1669,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:17'),(13487,576,1669,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:17'),(13488,576,1669,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:17'),(13489,576,1669,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:17'),(13490,576,1669,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:17'),(13491,576,1669,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:17'),(13492,576,1669,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:17'),(13493,576,1669,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:17'),(13494,576,1669,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:17'),(13495,576,1669,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-12 16:11:17','2019-03-12 16:11:17'),(13496,577,1670,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 15:26:40','2019-03-12 15:26:40'),(13497,577,1670,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-12 15:26:40','2019-03-12 15:26:40'),(13498,577,1670,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 15:26:40','2019-03-12 15:26:40'),(13499,577,1670,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-12 15:26:40','2019-03-12 15:26:40'),(13500,577,1670,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 15:26:40','2019-03-12 15:26:40'),(13501,577,1670,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-12 15:26:40','2019-03-12 15:26:40'),(13502,577,1670,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-12 15:26:40','2019-03-12 15:26:40'),(13503,577,1670,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-12 15:26:40','2019-03-12 15:26:40'),(13504,577,1670,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-12 15:26:40','2019-03-12 15:26:40'),(13505,577,1670,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-03-12 15:26:40','2019-03-12 15:26:40'),(13506,577,1671,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-12 15:34:59','2019-03-12 15:34:59'),(13507,577,1671,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 15:34:59','2019-03-12 15:34:59'),(13508,577,1671,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-12 15:34:59','2019-03-12 15:34:59'),(13509,577,1671,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-12 15:34:59','2019-03-12 15:34:59'),(13510,577,1671,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-12 15:34:59','2019-03-12 15:34:59'),(13511,577,1672,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(13512,577,1672,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(13513,577,1672,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(13514,577,1672,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(13515,577,1672,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(13516,577,1672,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(13517,577,1672,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(13518,577,1672,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(13519,577,1672,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(13520,577,1672,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-12 17:25:56','2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(13521,578,1673,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 17:52:07','2019-03-12 17:52:07'),(13522,578,1673,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-12 17:52:07','2019-03-12 17:52:07'),(13523,578,1673,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 17:52:07','2019-03-12 17:52:07'),(13524,578,1673,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-12 17:52:07','2019-03-12 17:52:07'),(13525,578,1673,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 17:52:07','2019-03-12 17:52:07'),(13526,578,1673,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-12 17:52:07','2019-03-12 17:52:07'),(13527,578,1673,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-12 17:52:07','2019-03-12 17:52:07'),(13528,578,1673,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-12 17:52:07','2019-03-12 17:52:07'),(13529,578,1673,57,128,129,'n',0.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','False','True','2019-03-12 17:52:07','2019-03-12 17:52:07'),(13530,578,1673,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-03-12 17:52:07','2019-03-12 17:52:07'),(13531,578,1674,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-12 17:57:37','2019-03-12 17:57:37'),(13532,578,1674,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 17:57:37','2019-03-12 17:57:37'),(13533,578,1674,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-12 17:57:37','2019-03-12 17:57:37'),(13534,578,1674,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-12 17:57:37','2019-03-12 17:57:37'),(13535,578,1674,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-12 17:57:37','2019-03-12 17:57:37'),(13536,578,1675,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(13537,578,1675,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(13538,578,1675,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(13539,578,1675,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(13540,578,1675,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(13541,578,1675,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(13542,578,1675,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(13543,578,1675,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(13544,578,1675,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(13545,578,1675,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-12 18:15:38','2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(13546,579,1676,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:08:23','2019-03-12 19:08:23'),(13547,579,1676,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-12 19:08:23','2019-03-12 19:08:23'),(13548,579,1676,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:08:23','2019-03-12 19:08:23'),(13549,579,1676,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-12 19:08:23','2019-03-12 19:08:23'),(13550,579,1676,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:08:23','2019-03-12 19:08:23'),(13551,579,1676,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-12 19:08:23','2019-03-12 19:08:23'),(13552,579,1676,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-12 19:08:23','2019-03-12 19:08:23'),(13553,579,1676,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-12 19:08:23','2019-03-12 19:08:23'),(13554,579,1676,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-12 19:08:23','2019-03-12 19:08:23'),(13555,579,1676,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-12 19:08:23','2019-03-12 19:08:23'),(13556,579,1677,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-12 19:15:03','2019-03-12 19:15:03'),(13557,579,1677,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:15:03','2019-03-12 19:15:03'),(13558,579,1677,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-12 19:15:03','2019-03-12 19:15:03'),(13559,579,1677,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-12 19:15:03','2019-03-12 19:15:03'),(13560,579,1677,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-12 19:15:03','2019-03-12 19:15:03'),(13561,579,1678,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:19'),(13562,579,1678,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:19'),(13563,579,1678,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:19'),(13564,579,1678,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:19'),(13565,579,1678,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:19'),(13566,579,1678,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:19'),(13567,579,1678,81,196,199,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Date of Manufacture','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:19'),(13568,579,1678,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:19'),(13569,579,1678,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:19'),(13570,579,1678,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-12 19:32:19','2019-03-12 19:32:19'),(13571,580,1679,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:31:35','2019-03-12 19:31:35'),(13572,580,1679,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-12 19:31:35','2019-03-12 19:31:35'),(13573,580,1679,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:31:35','2019-03-12 19:31:35'),(13574,580,1679,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-12 19:31:35','2019-03-12 19:31:35'),(13575,580,1679,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:31:35','2019-03-12 19:31:35'),(13576,580,1679,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-12 19:31:35','2019-03-12 19:31:35'),(13577,580,1679,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-12 19:31:35','2019-03-12 19:31:35'),(13578,580,1679,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-12 19:31:35','2019-03-12 19:31:35'),(13579,580,1679,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-12 19:31:35','2019-03-12 19:31:35'),(13580,580,1679,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-12 19:31:35','2019-03-12 19:31:35'),(13581,580,1680,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-12 19:37:54','2019-03-12 19:37:54'),(13582,580,1680,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:37:54','2019-03-12 19:37:54'),(13583,580,1680,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-12 19:37:54','2019-03-12 19:37:54'),(13584,580,1680,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-12 19:37:54','2019-03-12 19:37:54'),(13585,580,1680,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-12 19:37:54','2019-03-12 19:37:54'),(13586,580,1681,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:31'),(13587,580,1681,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:31'),(13588,580,1681,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:31'),(13589,580,1681,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:31'),(13590,580,1681,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:31'),(13591,580,1681,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:31'),(13592,580,1681,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:31'),(13593,580,1681,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:31'),(13594,580,1681,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:31'),(13595,580,1681,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-12 19:54:31','2019-03-12 19:54:31'),(13596,581,1682,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 20:08:50','2019-03-12 20:08:50'),(13597,581,1682,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-12 20:08:50','2019-03-12 20:08:50'),(13598,581,1682,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 20:08:50','2019-03-12 20:08:50'),(13599,581,1682,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-12 20:08:50','2019-03-12 20:08:50'),(13600,581,1682,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 20:08:50','2019-03-12 20:08:50'),(13601,581,1682,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-12 20:08:50','2019-03-12 20:08:50'),(13602,581,1682,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-12 20:08:50','2019-03-12 20:08:50'),(13603,581,1682,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-12 20:08:50','2019-03-12 20:08:50'),(13604,581,1682,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-12 20:08:50','2019-03-12 20:08:50'),(13605,581,1682,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-12 20:08:50','2019-03-12 20:08:50'),(13606,581,1683,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-12 20:16:59','2019-03-12 20:16:59'),(13607,581,1683,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2019-03-12 20:16:59','2019-03-12 20:16:59'),(13608,581,1683,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-12 20:16:59','2019-03-12 20:16:59'),(13609,581,1683,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-12 20:16:59','2019-03-12 20:16:59'),(13610,581,1683,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-12 20:16:59','2019-03-12 20:16:59'),(13611,581,1684,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(13612,581,1684,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(13613,581,1684,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(13614,581,1684,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(13615,581,1684,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(13616,581,1684,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(13617,581,1684,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(13618,581,1684,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(13619,581,1684,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(13620,581,1684,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-12 20:32:51','2019-03-12 20:32:51'),(13621,582,1685,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 08:33:02','2019-03-13 08:33:02'),(13622,582,1685,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2019-03-13 08:33:02','2019-03-13 08:33:02'),(13623,582,1685,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 08:33:02','2019-03-13 08:33:02'),(13624,582,1685,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 08:33:02','2019-03-13 08:33:02'),(13625,582,1685,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 08:33:02','2019-03-13 08:33:02'),(13626,582,1685,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 08:33:02','2019-03-13 08:33:02'),(13627,582,1685,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 08:33:02','2019-03-13 08:33:02'),(13628,582,1685,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 08:33:02','2019-03-13 08:33:02'),(13629,582,1685,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 08:33:02','2019-03-13 08:33:02'),(13630,582,1685,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 08:33:02','2019-03-13 08:33:02'),(13631,582,1686,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 08:39:39','2019-03-13 08:39:39'),(13632,582,1686,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 08:39:39','2019-03-13 08:39:39'),(13633,582,1686,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 08:39:39','2019-03-13 08:39:39'),(13634,582,1686,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 08:39:39','2019-03-13 08:39:39'),(13635,582,1686,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 08:39:39','2019-03-13 08:39:39'),(13636,582,1687,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:52'),(13637,582,1687,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:52'),(13638,582,1687,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:52'),(13639,582,1687,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:52'),(13640,582,1687,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:52'),(13641,582,1687,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:52'),(13642,582,1687,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:52'),(13643,582,1687,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:52'),(13644,582,1687,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:52'),(13645,582,1687,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 08:54:52','2019-03-13 08:54:52'),(13646,583,1688,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 08:42:20','2019-03-13 08:42:20'),(13647,583,1688,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 08:42:20','2019-03-13 08:42:20'),(13648,583,1688,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 08:42:20','2019-03-13 08:42:20'),(13649,583,1688,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 08:42:20','2019-03-13 08:42:20'),(13650,583,1688,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 08:42:20','2019-03-13 08:42:20'),(13651,583,1688,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 08:42:20','2019-03-13 08:42:20'),(13652,583,1688,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 08:42:20','2019-03-13 08:42:20'),(13653,583,1688,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 08:42:20','2019-03-13 08:42:20'),(13654,583,1688,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 08:42:20','2019-03-13 08:42:20'),(13655,583,1688,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 08:42:20','2019-03-13 08:42:20'),(13656,583,1689,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 08:48:49','2019-03-13 08:48:49'),(13657,583,1689,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 08:48:49','2019-03-13 08:48:49'),(13658,583,1689,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 08:48:49','2019-03-13 08:48:49'),(13659,583,1689,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 08:48:49','2019-03-13 08:48:49'),(13660,583,1689,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 08:48:49','2019-03-13 08:48:49'),(13661,583,1690,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(13662,583,1690,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(13663,583,1690,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(13664,583,1690,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(13665,583,1690,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(13666,583,1690,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(13667,583,1690,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(13668,583,1690,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(13669,583,1690,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(13670,583,1690,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 09:07:07','2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(13671,584,1691,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2019-03-13 09:24:48','2019-03-13 09:24:48'),(13672,584,1691,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 09:24:48','2019-03-13 09:24:48'),(13673,584,1691,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 09:24:48','2019-03-13 09:24:48'),(13674,584,1691,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 09:24:48','2019-03-13 09:24:48'),(13675,584,1691,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 09:24:48','2019-03-13 09:24:48'),(13676,584,1691,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 09:24:48','2019-03-13 09:24:48'),(13677,584,1691,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 09:24:48','2019-03-13 09:24:48'),(13678,584,1691,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 09:24:48','2019-03-13 09:24:48'),(13679,584,1691,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 09:24:48','2019-03-13 09:24:48'),(13680,584,1691,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 09:24:48','2019-03-13 09:24:48'),(13681,584,1692,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 09:31:27','2019-03-13 09:31:27'),(13682,584,1692,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 09:31:27','2019-03-13 09:31:27'),(13683,584,1692,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 09:31:27','2019-03-13 09:31:27'),(13684,584,1692,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-13 09:31:27','2019-03-13 09:31:27'),(13685,584,1692,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 09:31:27','2019-03-13 09:31:27'),(13686,584,1693,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(13687,584,1693,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(13688,584,1693,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(13689,584,1693,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(13690,584,1693,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(13691,584,1693,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(13692,584,1693,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(13693,584,1693,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(13694,584,1693,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(13695,584,1693,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 09:47:42','2019-03-13 09:47:42'),(13696,585,1694,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 10:03:40','2019-03-13 10:03:40'),(13697,585,1694,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 10:03:40','2019-03-13 10:03:40'),(13698,585,1694,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 10:03:40','2019-03-13 10:03:40'),(13699,585,1694,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 10:03:40','2019-03-13 10:03:40'),(13700,585,1694,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 10:03:40','2019-03-13 10:03:40'),(13701,585,1694,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 10:03:40','2019-03-13 10:03:40'),(13702,585,1694,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 10:03:40','2019-03-13 10:03:40'),(13703,585,1694,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 10:03:40','2019-03-13 10:03:40'),(13704,585,1694,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 10:03:40','2019-03-13 10:03:40'),(13705,585,1694,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 10:03:40','2019-03-13 10:03:40'),(13706,585,1695,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 10:10:45','2019-03-13 10:10:45'),(13707,585,1695,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 10:10:45','2019-03-13 10:10:45'),(13708,585,1695,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 10:10:45','2019-03-13 10:10:45'),(13709,585,1695,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 10:10:45','2019-03-13 10:10:45'),(13710,585,1695,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 10:10:45','2019-03-13 10:10:45'),(13711,585,1696,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(13712,585,1696,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(13713,585,1696,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(13714,585,1696,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(13715,585,1696,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(13716,585,1696,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(13717,585,1696,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(13718,585,1696,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(13719,585,1696,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(13720,585,1696,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 10:29:00','2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(13721,586,1697,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 11:14:51','2019-03-13 11:14:51'),(13722,586,1697,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 11:14:51','2019-03-13 11:14:51'),(13723,586,1697,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 11:14:51','2019-03-13 11:14:51'),(13724,586,1697,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 11:14:51','2019-03-13 11:14:51'),(13725,586,1697,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 11:14:51','2019-03-13 11:14:51'),(13726,586,1697,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 11:14:51','2019-03-13 11:14:51'),(13727,586,1697,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 11:14:51','2019-03-13 11:14:51'),(13728,586,1697,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 11:14:51','2019-03-13 11:14:51'),(13729,586,1697,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 11:14:51','2019-03-13 11:14:51'),(13730,586,1697,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 11:14:51','2019-03-13 11:14:51'),(13731,586,1698,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 11:21:14','2019-03-13 11:21:14'),(13732,586,1698,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 11:21:14','2019-03-13 11:21:14'),(13733,586,1698,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 11:21:14','2019-03-13 11:21:14'),(13734,586,1698,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 11:21:14','2019-03-13 11:21:14'),(13735,586,1698,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 11:21:14','2019-03-13 11:21:14'),(13736,586,1699,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(13737,586,1699,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(13738,586,1699,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(13739,586,1699,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(13740,586,1699,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(13741,586,1699,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(13742,586,1699,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(13743,586,1699,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(13744,586,1699,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(13745,586,1699,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 11:38:08','2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(13746,587,1700,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 12:17:45','2019-03-13 12:17:45'),(13747,587,1700,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 12:17:45','2019-03-13 12:17:45'),(13748,587,1700,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 12:17:45','2019-03-13 12:17:45'),(13749,587,1700,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 12:17:45','2019-03-13 12:17:45'),(13750,587,1700,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 12:17:45','2019-03-13 12:17:45'),(13751,587,1700,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 12:17:45','2019-03-13 12:17:45'),(13752,587,1700,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 12:17:45','2019-03-13 12:17:45'),(13753,587,1700,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 12:17:45','2019-03-13 12:17:45'),(13754,587,1700,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 12:17:45','2019-03-13 12:17:45'),(13755,587,1700,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 12:17:45','2019-03-13 12:17:45'),(13756,587,1701,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 12:23:39','2019-03-13 12:23:39'),(13757,587,1701,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 12:23:39','2019-03-13 12:23:39'),(13758,587,1701,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 12:23:39','2019-03-13 12:23:39'),(13759,587,1701,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 12:23:39','2019-03-13 12:23:39'),(13760,587,1701,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 12:23:39','2019-03-13 12:23:39'),(13761,587,1702,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(13762,587,1702,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(13763,587,1702,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(13764,587,1702,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(13765,587,1702,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(13766,587,1702,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(13767,587,1702,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(13768,587,1702,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(13769,587,1702,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(13770,587,1702,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 12:38:40','2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(13771,588,1703,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:03:41','2019-03-13 13:03:41'),(13772,588,1703,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 13:03:41','2019-03-13 13:03:41'),(13773,588,1703,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:03:41','2019-03-13 13:03:41'),(13774,588,1703,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 13:03:41','2019-03-13 13:03:41'),(13775,588,1703,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:03:41','2019-03-13 13:03:41'),(13776,588,1703,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:03:41','2019-03-13 13:03:41'),(13777,588,1703,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 13:03:41','2019-03-13 13:03:41'),(13778,588,1703,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 13:03:41','2019-03-13 13:03:41'),(13779,588,1703,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:03:41','2019-03-13 13:03:41'),(13780,588,1703,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 13:03:41','2019-03-13 13:03:41'),(13781,588,1704,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 13:09:23','2019-03-13 13:09:23'),(13782,588,1704,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:09:23','2019-03-13 13:09:23'),(13783,588,1704,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 13:09:23','2019-03-13 13:09:23'),(13784,588,1704,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:09:23','2019-03-13 13:09:23'),(13785,588,1704,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 13:09:23','2019-03-13 13:09:23'),(13786,588,1705,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:27'),(13787,588,1705,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:27'),(13788,588,1705,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:27'),(13789,588,1705,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:27'),(13790,588,1705,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:27'),(13791,588,1705,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:27'),(13792,588,1705,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:27'),(13793,588,1705,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:27'),(13794,588,1705,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:27'),(13795,588,1705,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:24:27','2019-03-13 13:24:27'),(13796,589,1706,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:19:52','2019-03-13 13:19:52'),(13797,589,1706,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 13:19:52','2019-03-13 13:19:52'),(13798,589,1706,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:19:52','2019-03-13 13:19:52'),(13799,589,1706,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 13:19:52','2019-03-13 13:19:52'),(13800,589,1706,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:19:52','2019-03-13 13:19:52'),(13801,589,1706,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:19:52','2019-03-13 13:19:52'),(13802,589,1706,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 13:19:52','2019-03-13 13:19:52'),(13803,589,1706,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 13:19:52','2019-03-13 13:19:52'),(13804,589,1706,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:19:52','2019-03-13 13:19:52'),(13805,589,1706,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 13:19:52','2019-03-13 13:19:52'),(13806,589,1707,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 13:26:41','2019-03-13 13:26:41'),(13807,589,1707,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:26:41','2019-03-13 13:26:41'),(13808,589,1707,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 13:26:41','2019-03-13 13:26:41'),(13809,589,1707,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:26:41','2019-03-13 13:26:41'),(13810,589,1707,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 13:26:41','2019-03-13 13:26:41'),(13811,589,1708,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(13812,589,1708,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(13813,589,1708,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(13814,589,1708,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(13815,589,1708,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(13816,589,1708,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(13817,589,1708,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(13818,589,1708,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(13819,589,1708,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(13820,589,1708,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:42:39','2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(13821,590,1709,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:56:36','2019-03-13 13:56:36'),(13822,590,1709,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 13:56:36','2019-03-13 13:56:36'),(13823,590,1709,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:56:36','2019-03-13 13:56:36'),(13824,590,1709,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 13:56:36','2019-03-13 13:56:36'),(13825,590,1709,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:56:36','2019-03-13 13:56:36'),(13826,590,1709,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:56:36','2019-03-13 13:56:36'),(13827,590,1709,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 13:56:36','2019-03-13 13:56:36'),(13828,590,1709,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 13:56:36','2019-03-13 13:56:36'),(13829,590,1709,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:56:36','2019-03-13 13:56:36'),(13830,590,1709,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 13:56:36','2019-03-13 13:56:36'),(13831,590,1710,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 14:02:24','2019-03-13 14:02:24'),(13832,590,1710,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 14:02:24','2019-03-13 14:02:24'),(13833,590,1710,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 14:02:24','2019-03-13 14:02:24'),(13834,590,1710,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 14:02:24','2019-03-13 14:02:24'),(13835,590,1710,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 14:02:24','2019-03-13 14:02:24'),(13836,590,1711,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(13837,590,1711,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(13838,590,1711,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(13839,590,1711,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(13840,590,1711,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(13841,590,1711,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(13842,590,1711,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(13843,590,1711,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(13844,590,1711,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(13845,590,1711,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 14:17:33','2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(13846,591,1712,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:42:18','2019-03-13 13:42:18'),(13847,591,1712,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2019-03-13 13:42:18','2019-03-13 13:42:18'),(13848,591,1712,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:42:18','2019-03-13 13:42:18'),(13849,591,1712,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 13:42:18','2019-03-13 13:42:18'),(13850,591,1712,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 13:42:18','2019-03-13 13:42:18'),(13851,591,1712,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:42:18','2019-03-13 13:42:18'),(13852,591,1712,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 13:42:18','2019-03-13 13:42:18'),(13853,591,1712,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 13:42:18','2019-03-13 13:42:18'),(13854,591,1712,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 13:42:18','2019-03-13 13:42:18'),(13855,591,1712,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 13:42:18','2019-03-13 13:42:18'),(13856,591,1713,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 14:09:58','2019-03-13 14:09:58'),(13857,591,1713,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 14:09:58','2019-03-13 14:09:58'),(13858,591,1713,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 14:09:58','2019-03-13 14:09:58'),(13859,591,1713,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 14:09:58','2019-03-13 14:09:58'),(13860,591,1713,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 14:09:58','2019-03-13 14:09:58'),(13861,591,1714,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(13862,591,1714,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(13863,591,1714,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(13864,591,1714,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(13865,591,1714,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(13866,591,1714,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(13867,591,1714,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(13868,591,1714,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(13869,591,1714,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(13870,591,1714,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 14:33:14','2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(13871,592,1715,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 15:39:00','2019-03-13 15:39:00'),(13872,592,1715,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 15:39:00','2019-03-13 15:39:00'),(13873,592,1715,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 15:39:00','2019-03-13 15:39:00'),(13874,592,1715,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 15:39:00','2019-03-13 15:39:00'),(13875,592,1715,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 15:39:00','2019-03-13 15:39:00'),(13876,592,1715,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 15:39:00','2019-03-13 15:39:00'),(13877,592,1715,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 15:39:00','2019-03-13 15:39:00'),(13878,592,1715,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 15:39:00','2019-03-13 15:39:00'),(13879,592,1715,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 15:39:00','2019-03-13 15:39:00'),(13880,592,1715,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 15:39:00','2019-03-13 15:39:00'),(13881,592,1716,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 15:45:11','2019-03-13 15:45:11'),(13882,592,1716,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 15:45:11','2019-03-13 15:45:11'),(13883,592,1716,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 15:45:11','2019-03-13 15:45:11'),(13884,592,1716,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 15:45:11','2019-03-13 15:45:11'),(13885,592,1716,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 15:45:11','2019-03-13 15:45:11'),(13886,592,1717,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(13887,592,1717,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(13888,592,1717,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(13889,592,1717,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(13890,592,1717,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(13891,592,1717,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(13892,592,1717,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(13893,592,1717,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(13894,592,1717,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(13895,592,1717,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 16:01:26','2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(13896,593,1718,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 16:54:01','2019-03-13 16:54:01'),(13897,593,1718,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 16:54:01','2019-03-13 16:54:01'),(13898,593,1718,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 16:54:01','2019-03-13 16:54:01'),(13899,593,1718,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 16:54:01','2019-03-13 16:54:01'),(13900,593,1718,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 16:54:01','2019-03-13 16:54:01'),(13901,593,1718,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 16:54:01','2019-03-13 16:54:01'),(13902,593,1718,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 16:54:01','2019-03-13 16:54:01'),(13903,593,1718,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 16:54:01','2019-03-13 16:54:01'),(13904,593,1718,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 16:54:01','2019-03-13 16:54:01'),(13905,593,1718,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 16:54:01','2019-03-13 16:54:01'),(13906,593,1719,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 17:01:01','2019-03-13 17:01:01'),(13907,593,1719,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 17:01:01','2019-03-13 17:01:01'),(13908,593,1719,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 17:01:01','2019-03-13 17:01:01'),(13909,593,1719,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 17:01:01','2019-03-13 17:01:01'),(13910,593,1719,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 17:01:01','2019-03-13 17:01:01'),(13911,593,1720,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(13912,593,1720,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(13913,593,1720,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(13914,593,1720,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(13915,593,1720,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(13916,593,1720,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(13917,593,1720,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(13918,593,1720,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(13919,593,1720,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(13920,593,1720,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 17:19:02','2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(13921,594,1721,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 20:40:02','2019-03-13 20:40:02'),(13922,594,1721,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 20:40:02','2019-03-13 20:40:02'),(13923,594,1721,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 20:40:02','2019-03-13 20:40:02'),(13924,594,1721,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 20:40:02','2019-03-13 20:40:02'),(13925,594,1721,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 20:40:02','2019-03-13 20:40:02'),(13926,594,1721,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 20:40:02','2019-03-13 20:40:02'),(13927,594,1721,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 20:40:02','2019-03-13 20:40:02'),(13928,594,1721,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 20:40:02','2019-03-13 20:40:02'),(13929,594,1721,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 20:40:02','2019-03-13 20:40:02'),(13930,594,1721,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 20:40:02','2019-03-13 20:40:02'),(13931,594,1722,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 20:26:52','2019-03-13 20:46:57'),(13932,594,1722,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 20:26:52','2019-03-13 20:46:57'),(13933,594,1722,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 20:26:52','2019-03-13 20:46:57'),(13934,594,1722,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-13 20:26:52','2019-03-13 20:46:57'),(13935,594,1722,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 20:26:52','2019-03-13 20:46:57'),(13936,594,1723,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 20:26:37','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(13937,594,1723,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 20:26:37','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(13938,594,1723,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 20:26:37','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(13939,594,1723,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-13 20:26:37','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(13940,594,1723,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 20:26:37','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(13941,594,1723,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 20:26:37','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(13942,594,1723,81,196,199,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Date of Manufacture','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 20:26:37','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(13943,594,1723,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 20:26:37','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(13944,594,1723,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 20:26:37','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(13945,594,1723,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 20:26:37','2019-03-13 20:47:12'),(13946,595,1724,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 21:12:23','2019-03-13 21:12:23'),(13947,595,1724,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 21:12:23','2019-03-13 21:12:23'),(13948,595,1724,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 21:12:23','2019-03-13 21:12:23'),(13949,595,1724,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 21:12:23','2019-03-13 21:12:23'),(13950,595,1724,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 21:12:23','2019-03-13 21:12:23'),(13951,595,1724,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 21:12:23','2019-03-13 21:12:23'),(13952,595,1724,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 21:12:23','2019-03-13 21:12:23'),(13953,595,1724,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 21:12:23','2019-03-13 21:12:23'),(13954,595,1724,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 21:12:23','2019-03-13 21:12:23'),(13955,595,1724,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 21:12:23','2019-03-13 21:12:23'),(13956,595,1725,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 21:19:31','2019-03-13 21:19:31'),(13957,595,1725,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 21:19:31','2019-03-13 21:19:31'),(13958,595,1725,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 21:19:31','2019-03-13 21:19:31'),(13959,595,1725,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 21:19:31','2019-03-13 21:19:31'),(13960,595,1725,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 21:19:31','2019-03-13 21:19:31'),(13961,595,1726,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:37'),(13962,595,1726,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:37'),(13963,595,1726,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:37'),(13964,595,1726,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:37'),(13965,595,1726,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:37'),(13966,595,1726,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:37'),(13967,595,1726,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:37'),(13968,595,1726,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:37'),(13969,595,1726,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:37'),(13970,595,1726,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 21:34:37','2019-03-13 21:34:37'),(13971,596,1727,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 22:02:05','2019-03-13 22:02:05'),(13972,596,1727,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-13 22:02:05','2019-03-13 22:02:05'),(13973,596,1727,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 22:02:05','2019-03-13 22:02:05'),(13974,596,1727,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-13 22:02:05','2019-03-13 22:02:05'),(13975,596,1727,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 22:02:05','2019-03-13 22:02:05'),(13976,596,1727,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-13 22:02:05','2019-03-13 22:02:05'),(13977,596,1727,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-13 22:02:05','2019-03-13 22:02:05'),(13978,596,1727,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-13 22:02:05','2019-03-13 22:02:05'),(13979,596,1727,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-13 22:02:05','2019-03-13 22:02:05'),(13980,596,1727,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-13 22:02:05','2019-03-13 22:02:05'),(13981,596,1728,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-13 22:10:20','2019-03-13 22:10:20'),(13982,596,1728,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 22:10:20','2019-03-13 22:10:20'),(13983,596,1728,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-13 22:10:20','2019-03-13 22:10:20'),(13984,596,1728,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-13 22:10:20','2019-03-13 22:10:20'),(13985,596,1728,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-13 22:10:20','2019-03-13 22:10:20'),(13986,596,1729,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(13987,596,1729,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(13988,596,1729,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(13989,596,1729,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(13990,596,1729,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(13991,596,1729,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(13992,596,1729,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(13993,596,1729,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(13994,596,1729,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(13995,596,1729,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-13 22:30:24','2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(13996,597,1730,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 06:39:27','2019-03-14 06:39:27'),(13997,597,1730,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 06:39:27','2019-03-14 06:39:27'),(13998,597,1730,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 06:39:27','2019-03-14 06:39:27'),(13999,597,1730,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 06:39:27','2019-03-14 06:39:27'),(14000,597,1730,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 06:39:27','2019-03-14 06:39:27'),(14001,597,1730,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 06:39:27','2019-03-14 06:39:27'),(14002,597,1730,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 06:39:27','2019-03-14 06:39:27'),(14003,597,1730,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 06:39:27','2019-03-14 06:39:27'),(14004,597,1730,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 06:39:27','2019-03-14 06:39:27'),(14005,597,1730,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 06:39:27','2019-03-14 06:39:27'),(14006,597,1731,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 06:55:33','2019-03-14 06:55:33'),(14007,597,1731,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 06:55:33','2019-03-14 06:55:33'),(14008,597,1731,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 06:55:33','2019-03-14 06:55:33'),(14009,597,1731,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 06:55:33','2019-03-14 06:55:33'),(14010,597,1731,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 06:55:33','2019-03-14 06:55:33'),(14011,597,1732,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:41'),(14012,597,1732,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:41'),(14013,597,1732,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:41'),(14014,597,1732,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:41'),(14015,597,1732,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:41'),(14016,597,1732,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:41'),(14017,597,1732,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:41'),(14018,597,1732,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:41'),(14019,597,1732,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:41'),(14020,597,1732,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 07:12:41','2019-03-14 07:12:41'),(14021,598,1733,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 07:56:00','2019-03-14 07:56:00'),(14022,598,1733,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 07:56:00','2019-03-14 07:56:00'),(14023,598,1733,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 07:56:00','2019-03-14 07:56:00'),(14024,598,1733,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 07:56:00','2019-03-14 07:56:00'),(14025,598,1733,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 07:56:00','2019-03-14 07:56:00'),(14026,598,1733,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 07:56:00','2019-03-14 07:56:00'),(14027,598,1733,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 07:56:00','2019-03-14 07:56:00'),(14028,598,1733,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 07:56:00','2019-03-14 07:56:00'),(14029,598,1733,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 07:56:00','2019-03-14 07:56:00'),(14030,598,1733,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 07:56:00','2019-03-14 07:56:00'),(14031,598,1734,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 08:03:07','2019-03-14 08:03:07'),(14032,598,1734,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 08:03:07','2019-03-14 08:03:07'),(14033,598,1734,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 08:03:07','2019-03-14 08:03:07'),(14034,598,1734,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 08:03:07','2019-03-14 08:03:07'),(14035,598,1734,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 08:03:07','2019-03-14 08:03:07'),(14036,598,1735,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(14037,598,1735,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(14038,598,1735,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(14039,598,1735,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(14040,598,1735,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(14041,598,1735,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(14042,598,1735,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(14043,598,1735,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(14044,598,1735,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(14045,598,1735,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 08:17:58','2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(14046,599,1736,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 08:57:12','2019-03-14 08:57:12'),(14047,599,1736,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 08:57:12','2019-03-14 08:57:12'),(14048,599,1736,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 08:57:12','2019-03-14 08:57:12'),(14049,599,1736,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 08:57:12','2019-03-14 08:57:12'),(14050,599,1736,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 08:57:12','2019-03-14 08:57:12'),(14051,599,1736,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 08:57:12','2019-03-14 08:57:12'),(14052,599,1736,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 08:57:12','2019-03-14 08:57:12'),(14053,599,1736,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 08:57:12','2019-03-14 08:57:12'),(14054,599,1736,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 08:57:12','2019-03-14 08:57:12'),(14055,599,1736,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 08:57:12','2019-03-14 08:57:12'),(14056,599,1737,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 09:05:29','2019-03-14 09:05:29'),(14057,599,1737,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 09:05:29','2019-03-14 09:05:29'),(14058,599,1737,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 09:05:29','2019-03-14 09:05:29'),(14059,599,1737,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 09:05:29','2019-03-14 09:05:29'),(14060,599,1737,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 09:05:29','2019-03-14 09:05:29'),(14061,599,1738,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(14062,599,1738,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(14063,599,1738,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(14064,599,1738,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(14065,599,1738,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(14066,599,1738,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(14067,599,1738,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(14068,599,1738,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(14069,599,1738,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(14070,599,1738,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 09:27:41','2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(14071,600,1739,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 09:44:37','2019-03-14 09:44:37'),(14072,600,1739,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 09:44:37','2019-03-14 09:44:37'),(14073,600,1739,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 09:44:37','2019-03-14 09:44:37'),(14074,600,1739,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 09:44:37','2019-03-14 09:44:37'),(14075,600,1739,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 09:44:37','2019-03-14 09:44:37'),(14076,600,1739,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 09:44:37','2019-03-14 09:44:37'),(14077,600,1739,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 09:44:37','2019-03-14 09:44:37'),(14078,600,1739,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 09:44:37','2019-03-14 09:44:37'),(14079,600,1739,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 09:44:37','2019-03-14 09:44:37'),(14080,600,1739,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 09:44:37','2019-03-14 09:44:37'),(14081,600,1740,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 09:52:57','2019-03-14 09:52:57'),(14082,600,1740,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 09:52:57','2019-03-14 09:52:57'),(14083,600,1740,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 09:52:57','2019-03-14 09:52:57'),(14084,600,1740,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-14 09:52:57','2019-03-14 09:52:57'),(14085,600,1740,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 09:52:57','2019-03-14 09:52:57'),(14086,600,1741,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:31'),(14087,600,1741,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:31'),(14088,600,1741,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:31'),(14089,600,1741,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:31'),(14090,600,1741,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:31'),(14091,600,1741,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:31'),(14092,600,1741,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:31'),(14093,600,1741,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:31'),(14094,600,1741,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:31'),(14095,600,1741,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 10:10:31','2019-03-14 10:10:31'),(14096,601,1742,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 09:50:32','2019-03-14 09:50:32'),(14097,601,1742,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 09:50:32','2019-03-14 09:50:32'),(14098,601,1742,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 09:50:32','2019-03-14 09:50:32'),(14099,601,1742,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 09:50:32','2019-03-14 09:50:32'),(14100,601,1742,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 09:50:32','2019-03-14 09:50:32'),(14101,601,1742,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 09:50:32','2019-03-14 09:50:32'),(14102,601,1742,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 09:50:32','2019-03-14 09:50:32'),(14103,601,1742,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 09:50:32','2019-03-14 09:50:32'),(14104,601,1742,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 09:50:32','2019-03-14 09:50:32'),(14105,601,1742,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-03-14 09:50:32','2019-03-14 09:50:32'),(14106,601,1743,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 09:59:26','2019-03-14 09:59:26'),(14107,601,1743,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 09:59:26','2019-03-14 09:59:26'),(14108,601,1743,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 09:59:26','2019-03-14 09:59:26'),(14109,601,1743,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-14 09:59:26','2019-03-14 09:59:26'),(14110,601,1743,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 09:59:26','2019-03-14 09:59:26'),(14111,601,1744,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(14112,601,1744,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(14113,601,1744,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(14114,601,1744,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(14115,601,1744,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(14116,601,1744,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(14117,601,1744,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(14118,601,1744,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(14119,601,1744,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(14120,601,1744,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 10:20:37','2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(14121,602,1745,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 10:40:58','2019-03-14 10:40:58'),(14122,602,1745,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 10:40:58','2019-03-14 10:40:58'),(14123,602,1745,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 10:40:58','2019-03-14 10:40:58'),(14124,602,1745,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 10:40:58','2019-03-14 10:40:58'),(14125,602,1745,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 10:40:58','2019-03-14 10:40:58'),(14126,602,1745,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 10:40:58','2019-03-14 10:40:58'),(14127,602,1745,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 10:40:58','2019-03-14 10:40:58'),(14128,602,1745,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 10:40:58','2019-03-14 10:40:58'),(14129,602,1745,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 10:40:58','2019-03-14 10:40:58'),(14130,602,1745,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 10:40:58','2019-03-14 10:40:58'),(14131,602,1746,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 10:48:32','2019-03-14 10:48:32'),(14132,602,1746,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 10:48:32','2019-03-14 10:48:32'),(14133,602,1746,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 10:48:32','2019-03-14 10:48:32'),(14134,602,1746,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 10:48:32','2019-03-14 10:48:32'),(14135,602,1746,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 10:48:32','2019-03-14 10:48:32'),(14136,602,1747,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(14137,602,1747,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(14138,602,1747,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(14139,602,1747,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(14140,602,1747,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(14141,602,1747,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(14142,602,1747,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(14143,602,1747,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(14144,602,1747,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(14145,602,1747,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 11:07:45','2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(14146,603,1748,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 12:04:12','2019-03-14 12:04:12'),(14147,603,1748,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 12:04:12','2019-03-14 12:04:12'),(14148,603,1748,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 12:04:12','2019-03-14 12:04:12'),(14149,603,1748,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 12:04:12','2019-03-14 12:04:12'),(14150,603,1748,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 12:04:12','2019-03-14 12:04:12'),(14151,603,1748,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 12:04:12','2019-03-14 12:04:12'),(14152,603,1748,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 12:04:12','2019-03-14 12:04:12'),(14153,603,1748,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 12:04:12','2019-03-14 12:04:12'),(14154,603,1748,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 12:04:12','2019-03-14 12:04:12'),(14155,603,1748,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 12:04:12','2019-03-14 12:04:12'),(14156,603,1749,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 12:10:52','2019-03-14 12:10:52'),(14157,603,1749,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 12:10:52','2019-03-14 12:10:52'),(14158,603,1749,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 12:10:52','2019-03-14 12:10:52'),(14159,603,1749,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 12:10:52','2019-03-14 12:10:52'),(14160,603,1749,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 12:10:52','2019-03-14 12:10:52'),(14161,603,1750,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(14162,603,1750,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(14163,603,1750,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(14164,603,1750,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(14165,603,1750,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(14166,603,1750,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(14167,603,1750,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(14168,603,1750,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(14169,603,1750,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(14170,603,1750,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 12:31:07','2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(14171,604,1751,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:03:13','2019-03-14 13:03:13'),(14172,604,1751,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2019-03-14 13:03:13','2019-03-14 13:03:13'),(14173,604,1751,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:03:13','2019-03-14 13:03:13'),(14174,604,1751,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 13:03:13','2019-03-14 13:03:13'),(14175,604,1751,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:03:13','2019-03-14 13:03:13'),(14176,604,1751,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 13:03:13','2019-03-14 13:03:13'),(14177,604,1751,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 13:03:13','2019-03-14 13:03:13'),(14178,604,1751,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 13:03:13','2019-03-14 13:03:13'),(14179,604,1751,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 13:03:13','2019-03-14 13:03:13'),(14180,604,1751,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 13:03:13','2019-03-14 13:03:13'),(14181,604,1752,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 13:10:47','2019-03-14 13:10:47'),(14182,604,1752,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:10:47','2019-03-14 13:10:47'),(14183,604,1752,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 13:10:47','2019-03-14 13:10:47'),(14184,604,1752,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-14 13:10:47','2019-03-14 13:10:47'),(14185,604,1752,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 13:10:47','2019-03-14 13:10:47'),(14186,604,1753,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(14187,604,1753,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(14188,604,1753,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(14189,604,1753,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(14190,604,1753,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(14191,604,1753,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(14192,604,1753,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(14193,604,1753,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(14194,604,1753,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(14195,604,1753,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 13:27:57','2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(14196,605,1754,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:29:56','2019-03-14 13:29:56'),(14197,605,1754,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 13:29:56','2019-03-14 13:29:56'),(14198,605,1754,51,111,109,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Electronic delivery devices (e-cigarettes)','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:29:56','2019-03-14 13:29:56'),(14199,605,1754,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 13:29:56','2019-03-14 13:29:56'),(14200,605,1754,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:29:56','2019-03-14 13:29:56'),(14201,605,1754,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 13:29:56','2019-03-14 13:29:56'),(14202,605,1754,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 13:29:56','2019-03-14 13:29:56'),(14203,605,1754,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 13:29:56','2019-03-14 13:29:56'),(14204,605,1754,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 13:29:56','2019-03-14 13:29:56'),(14205,605,1754,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 13:29:56','2019-03-14 13:29:56'),(14206,605,1755,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 13:36:16','2019-03-14 13:36:16'),(14207,605,1755,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:36:16','2019-03-14 13:36:16'),(14208,605,1755,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 13:36:16','2019-03-14 13:36:16'),(14209,605,1755,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-14 13:36:16','2019-03-14 13:36:16'),(14210,605,1755,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 13:36:16','2019-03-14 13:36:16'),(14211,605,1756,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(14212,605,1756,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(14213,605,1756,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(14214,605,1756,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(14215,605,1756,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(14216,605,1756,77,184,182,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Kiosk at a mall','All of the above','2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(14217,605,1756,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(14218,605,1756,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(14219,605,1756,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(14220,605,1756,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 13:51:42','2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(14221,606,1757,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 15:21:54','2019-03-14 15:21:54'),(14222,606,1757,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 15:21:54','2019-03-14 15:21:54'),(14223,606,1757,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 15:21:54','2019-03-14 15:21:54'),(14224,606,1757,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 15:21:54','2019-03-14 15:21:54'),(14225,606,1757,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 15:21:54','2019-03-14 15:21:54'),(14226,606,1757,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 15:21:54','2019-03-14 15:21:54'),(14227,606,1757,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 15:21:54','2019-03-14 15:21:54'),(14228,606,1757,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 15:21:54','2019-03-14 15:21:54'),(14229,606,1757,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 15:21:54','2019-03-14 15:21:54'),(14230,606,1757,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 15:21:54','2019-03-14 15:21:54'),(14231,606,1758,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 15:30:21','2019-03-14 15:30:21'),(14232,606,1758,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 15:30:21','2019-03-14 15:30:21'),(14233,606,1758,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 15:30:21','2019-03-14 15:30:21'),(14234,606,1758,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 15:30:21','2019-03-14 15:30:21'),(14235,606,1758,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 15:30:21','2019-03-14 15:30:21'),(14236,606,1759,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(14237,606,1759,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(14238,606,1759,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(14239,606,1759,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(14240,606,1759,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(14241,606,1759,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(14242,606,1759,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(14243,606,1759,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(14244,606,1759,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(14245,606,1759,84,206,207,'n',0.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','False','True','2019-03-14 15:45:53','2019-03-14 15:45:53'),(14246,607,1760,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 15:58:21','2019-03-14 15:58:21'),(14247,607,1760,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 15:58:21','2019-03-14 15:58:21'),(14248,607,1760,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 15:58:21','2019-03-14 15:58:21'),(14249,607,1760,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 15:58:21','2019-03-14 15:58:21'),(14250,607,1760,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 15:58:21','2019-03-14 15:58:21'),(14251,607,1760,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 15:58:21','2019-03-14 15:58:21'),(14252,607,1760,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 15:58:21','2019-03-14 15:58:21'),(14253,607,1760,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 15:58:21','2019-03-14 15:58:21'),(14254,607,1760,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 15:58:21','2019-03-14 15:58:21'),(14255,607,1760,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 15:58:21','2019-03-14 15:58:21'),(14256,607,1761,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 16:04:19','2019-03-14 16:04:19'),(14257,607,1761,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:04:19','2019-03-14 16:04:19'),(14258,607,1761,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 16:04:19','2019-03-14 16:04:19'),(14259,607,1761,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 16:04:19','2019-03-14 16:04:19'),(14260,607,1761,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 16:04:19','2019-03-14 16:04:19'),(14261,607,1762,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(14262,607,1762,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(14263,607,1762,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(14264,607,1762,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(14265,607,1762,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(14266,607,1762,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(14267,607,1762,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(14268,607,1762,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(14269,607,1762,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(14270,607,1762,84,206,207,'n',0.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','False','True','2019-03-14 16:18:56','2019-03-14 16:18:56'),(14271,608,1763,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:15:34','2019-03-14 16:15:34'),(14272,608,1763,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 16:15:34','2019-03-14 16:15:34'),(14273,608,1763,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:15:34','2019-03-14 16:15:34'),(14274,608,1763,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 16:15:34','2019-03-14 16:15:34'),(14275,608,1763,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:15:34','2019-03-14 16:15:34'),(14276,608,1763,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 16:15:34','2019-03-14 16:15:34'),(14277,608,1763,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 16:15:34','2019-03-14 16:15:34'),(14278,608,1763,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 16:15:34','2019-03-14 16:15:34'),(14279,608,1763,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 16:15:34','2019-03-14 16:15:34'),(14280,608,1763,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 16:15:34','2019-03-14 16:15:34'),(14281,608,1764,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 16:22:26','2019-03-14 16:22:26'),(14282,608,1764,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:22:26','2019-03-14 16:22:26'),(14283,608,1764,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 16:22:26','2019-03-14 16:22:26'),(14284,608,1764,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 16:22:26','2019-03-14 16:22:26'),(14285,608,1764,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 16:22:26','2019-03-14 16:22:26'),(14286,608,1765,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(14287,608,1765,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(14288,608,1765,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(14289,608,1765,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(14290,608,1765,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(14291,608,1765,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(14292,608,1765,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(14293,608,1765,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(14294,608,1765,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(14295,608,1765,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 16:40:17','2019-03-14 16:40:17'),(14296,609,1766,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:45:49','2019-03-14 16:45:49'),(14297,609,1766,50,104,106,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','5,000','490,000','2019-03-14 16:45:49','2019-03-14 16:45:49'),(14298,609,1766,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:45:49','2019-03-14 16:45:49'),(14299,609,1766,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 16:45:49','2019-03-14 16:45:49'),(14300,609,1766,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:45:49','2019-03-14 16:45:49'),(14301,609,1766,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 16:45:49','2019-03-14 16:45:49'),(14302,609,1766,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 16:45:49','2019-03-14 16:45:49'),(14303,609,1766,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 16:45:49','2019-03-14 16:45:49'),(14304,609,1766,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 16:45:49','2019-03-14 16:45:49'),(14305,609,1766,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 16:45:49','2019-03-14 16:45:49'),(14306,609,1767,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 16:52:46','2019-03-14 16:52:46'),(14307,609,1767,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 16:52:46','2019-03-14 16:52:46'),(14308,609,1767,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 16:52:46','2019-03-14 16:52:46'),(14309,609,1767,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 16:52:46','2019-03-14 16:52:46'),(14310,609,1767,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 16:52:46','2019-03-14 16:52:46'),(14311,609,1768,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(14312,609,1768,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(14313,609,1768,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(14314,609,1768,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(14315,609,1768,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(14316,609,1768,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(14317,609,1768,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(14318,609,1768,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(14319,609,1768,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(14320,609,1768,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 17:09:36','2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(14321,610,1769,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 17:33:54','2019-03-14 17:33:54'),(14322,610,1769,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 17:33:54','2019-03-14 17:33:54'),(14323,610,1769,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 17:33:54','2019-03-14 17:33:54'),(14324,610,1769,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 17:33:54','2019-03-14 17:33:54'),(14325,610,1769,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 17:33:54','2019-03-14 17:33:54'),(14326,610,1769,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 17:33:54','2019-03-14 17:33:54'),(14327,610,1769,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 17:33:54','2019-03-14 17:33:54'),(14328,610,1769,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 17:33:54','2019-03-14 17:33:54'),(14329,610,1769,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 17:33:54','2019-03-14 17:33:54'),(14330,610,1769,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 17:33:54','2019-03-14 17:33:54'),(14331,610,1770,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 17:41:54','2019-03-14 17:41:54'),(14332,610,1770,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 17:41:54','2019-03-14 17:41:54'),(14333,610,1770,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 17:41:54','2019-03-14 17:41:54'),(14334,610,1770,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 17:41:54','2019-03-14 17:41:54'),(14335,610,1770,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 17:41:54','2019-03-14 17:41:54'),(14336,610,1771,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(14337,610,1771,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(14338,610,1771,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(14339,610,1771,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(14340,610,1771,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(14341,610,1771,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(14342,610,1771,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(14343,610,1771,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(14344,610,1771,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(14345,610,1771,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 17:58:59','2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(14346,611,1772,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 18:15:39','2019-03-14 18:15:39'),(14347,611,1772,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 18:15:39','2019-03-14 18:15:39'),(14348,611,1772,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 18:15:39','2019-03-14 18:15:39'),(14349,611,1772,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 18:15:39','2019-03-14 18:15:39'),(14350,611,1772,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 18:15:39','2019-03-14 18:15:39'),(14351,611,1772,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 18:15:39','2019-03-14 18:15:39'),(14352,611,1772,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 18:15:39','2019-03-14 18:15:39'),(14353,611,1772,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 18:15:39','2019-03-14 18:15:39'),(14354,611,1772,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 18:15:39','2019-03-14 18:15:39'),(14355,611,1772,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 18:15:39','2019-03-14 18:15:39'),(14356,611,1773,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 18:21:50','2019-03-14 18:21:50'),(14357,611,1773,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 18:21:50','2019-03-14 18:21:50'),(14358,611,1773,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 18:21:50','2019-03-14 18:21:50'),(14359,611,1773,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 18:21:50','2019-03-14 18:21:50'),(14360,611,1773,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 18:21:50','2019-03-14 18:21:50'),(14361,611,1774,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(14362,611,1774,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(14363,611,1774,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(14364,611,1774,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(14365,611,1774,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(14366,611,1774,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(14367,611,1774,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(14368,611,1774,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(14369,611,1774,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(14370,611,1774,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 18:38:27','2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(14371,612,1775,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 19:39:07','2019-03-14 19:39:07'),(14372,612,1775,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 19:39:07','2019-03-14 19:39:07'),(14373,612,1775,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 19:39:07','2019-03-14 19:39:07'),(14374,612,1775,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 19:39:07','2019-03-14 19:39:07'),(14375,612,1775,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 19:39:07','2019-03-14 19:39:07'),(14376,612,1775,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 19:39:07','2019-03-14 19:39:07'),(14377,612,1775,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 19:39:07','2019-03-14 19:39:07'),(14378,612,1775,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 19:39:07','2019-03-14 19:39:07'),(14379,612,1775,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 19:39:07','2019-03-14 19:39:07'),(14380,612,1775,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 19:39:07','2019-03-14 19:39:07'),(14381,612,1776,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 19:44:35','2019-03-14 19:44:35'),(14382,612,1776,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 19:44:35','2019-03-14 19:44:35'),(14383,612,1776,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 19:44:35','2019-03-14 19:44:35'),(14384,612,1776,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 19:44:35','2019-03-14 19:44:35'),(14385,612,1776,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 19:44:35','2019-03-14 19:44:35'),(14386,612,1777,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(14387,612,1777,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(14388,612,1777,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(14389,612,1777,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(14390,612,1777,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(14391,612,1777,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(14392,612,1777,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(14393,612,1777,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(14394,612,1777,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(14395,612,1777,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 19:59:29','2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(14396,613,1778,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 19:51:14','2019-03-14 19:51:14'),(14397,613,1778,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-14 19:51:14','2019-03-14 19:51:14'),(14398,613,1778,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 19:51:14','2019-03-14 19:51:14'),(14399,613,1778,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-14 19:51:14','2019-03-14 19:51:14'),(14400,613,1778,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 19:51:14','2019-03-14 19:51:14'),(14401,613,1778,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-14 19:51:14','2019-03-14 19:51:14'),(14402,613,1778,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-14 19:51:14','2019-03-14 19:51:14'),(14403,613,1778,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-14 19:51:14','2019-03-14 19:51:14'),(14404,613,1778,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-14 19:51:14','2019-03-14 19:51:14'),(14405,613,1778,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-14 19:51:14','2019-03-14 19:51:14'),(14406,613,1779,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-14 20:00:52','2019-03-14 20:00:52'),(14407,613,1779,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 20:00:52','2019-03-14 20:00:52'),(14408,613,1779,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-14 20:00:52','2019-03-14 20:00:52'),(14409,613,1779,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-14 20:00:52','2019-03-14 20:00:52'),(14410,613,1779,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-14 20:00:52','2019-03-14 20:00:52'),(14411,613,1780,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(14412,613,1780,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(14413,613,1780,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(14414,613,1780,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(14415,613,1780,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(14416,613,1780,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(14417,613,1780,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(14418,613,1780,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(14419,613,1780,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(14420,613,1780,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-14 20:20:08','2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(14421,614,1781,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 07:22:05','2019-03-15 07:22:05'),(14422,614,1781,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2019-03-15 07:22:05','2019-03-15 07:22:05'),(14423,614,1781,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 07:22:05','2019-03-15 07:22:05'),(14424,614,1781,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 07:22:05','2019-03-15 07:22:05'),(14425,614,1781,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 07:22:05','2019-03-15 07:22:05'),(14426,614,1781,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 07:22:05','2019-03-15 07:22:05'),(14427,614,1781,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 07:22:05','2019-03-15 07:22:05'),(14428,614,1781,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 07:22:05','2019-03-15 07:22:05'),(14429,614,1781,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 07:22:05','2019-03-15 07:22:05'),(14430,614,1781,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 07:22:05','2019-03-15 07:22:05'),(14431,614,1782,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 07:30:35','2019-03-15 07:30:35'),(14432,614,1782,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 07:30:35','2019-03-15 07:30:35'),(14433,614,1782,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 07:30:35','2019-03-15 07:30:35'),(14434,614,1782,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-15 07:30:35','2019-03-15 07:30:35'),(14435,614,1782,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 07:30:35','2019-03-15 07:30:35'),(14436,614,1783,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(14437,614,1783,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(14438,614,1783,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(14439,614,1783,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(14440,614,1783,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(14441,614,1783,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(14442,614,1783,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(14443,614,1783,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(14444,614,1783,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(14445,614,1783,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 07:50:10','2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(14446,615,1784,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:12:44','2019-03-15 08:12:44'),(14447,615,1784,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2019-03-15 08:12:44','2019-03-15 08:12:44'),(14448,615,1784,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:12:44','2019-03-15 08:12:44'),(14449,615,1784,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 08:12:44','2019-03-15 08:12:44'),(14450,615,1784,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:12:44','2019-03-15 08:12:44'),(14451,615,1784,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 08:12:44','2019-03-15 08:12:44'),(14452,615,1784,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 08:12:44','2019-03-15 08:12:44'),(14453,615,1784,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 08:12:44','2019-03-15 08:12:44'),(14454,615,1784,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 08:12:44','2019-03-15 08:12:44'),(14455,615,1784,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 08:12:44','2019-03-15 08:12:44'),(14456,615,1785,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 08:19:11','2019-03-15 08:19:11'),(14457,615,1785,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:19:11','2019-03-15 08:19:11'),(14458,615,1785,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 08:19:11','2019-03-15 08:19:11'),(14459,615,1785,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-15 08:19:11','2019-03-15 08:19:11'),(14460,615,1785,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 08:19:11','2019-03-15 08:19:11'),(14461,615,1786,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:12'),(14462,615,1786,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:12'),(14463,615,1786,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:12'),(14464,615,1786,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:12'),(14465,615,1786,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:12'),(14466,615,1786,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:12'),(14467,615,1786,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:12'),(14468,615,1786,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:12'),(14469,615,1786,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:12'),(14470,615,1786,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 08:36:12','2019-03-15 08:36:12'),(14471,616,1787,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:44:44','2019-03-15 08:44:44'),(14472,616,1787,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-15 08:44:44','2019-03-15 08:44:44'),(14473,616,1787,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:44:44','2019-03-15 08:44:44'),(14474,616,1787,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 08:44:44','2019-03-15 08:44:44'),(14475,616,1787,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:44:44','2019-03-15 08:44:44'),(14476,616,1787,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 08:44:44','2019-03-15 08:44:44'),(14477,616,1787,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 08:44:44','2019-03-15 08:44:44'),(14478,616,1787,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 08:44:44','2019-03-15 08:44:44'),(14479,616,1787,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 08:44:44','2019-03-15 08:44:44'),(14480,616,1787,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 08:44:44','2019-03-15 08:44:44'),(14481,616,1788,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 08:52:59','2019-03-15 08:52:59'),(14482,616,1788,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:52:59','2019-03-15 08:52:59'),(14483,616,1788,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 08:52:59','2019-03-15 08:52:59'),(14484,616,1788,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-15 08:52:59','2019-03-15 08:52:59'),(14485,616,1788,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 08:52:59','2019-03-15 08:52:59'),(14486,616,1789,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(14487,616,1789,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(14488,616,1789,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(14489,616,1789,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(14490,616,1789,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(14491,616,1789,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(14492,616,1789,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(14493,616,1789,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(14494,616,1789,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(14495,616,1789,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:15:35','2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(14496,617,1790,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:51:58','2019-03-15 08:51:58'),(14497,617,1790,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-15 08:51:58','2019-03-15 08:51:58'),(14498,617,1790,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:51:58','2019-03-15 08:51:58'),(14499,617,1790,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 08:51:58','2019-03-15 08:51:58'),(14500,617,1790,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 08:51:58','2019-03-15 08:51:58'),(14501,617,1790,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 08:51:58','2019-03-15 08:51:58'),(14502,617,1790,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 08:51:58','2019-03-15 08:51:58'),(14503,617,1790,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 08:51:58','2019-03-15 08:51:58'),(14504,617,1790,57,128,129,'n',0.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','False','True','2019-03-15 08:51:58','2019-03-15 08:51:58'),(14505,617,1790,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-03-15 08:51:58','2019-03-15 08:51:58'),(14506,617,1791,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 09:00:47','2019-03-15 09:00:47'),(14507,617,1791,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:00:47','2019-03-15 09:00:47'),(14508,617,1791,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 09:00:47','2019-03-15 09:00:47'),(14509,617,1791,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:00:47','2019-03-15 09:00:47'),(14510,617,1791,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 09:00:47','2019-03-15 09:00:47'),(14511,617,1792,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:16:22'),(14512,617,1792,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:16:22'),(14513,617,1792,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:16:22'),(14514,617,1792,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:16:22'),(14515,617,1792,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:16:22'),(14516,617,1792,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:16:22'),(14517,617,1792,81,196,198,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Whole Sale Price','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:16:22'),(14518,617,1792,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:16:22'),(14519,617,1792,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:16:22'),(14520,617,1792,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:16:22','2019-03-15 09:16:22'),(14521,618,1793,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:02:15','2019-03-15 09:02:15'),(14522,618,1793,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-15 09:02:15','2019-03-15 09:02:15'),(14523,618,1793,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:02:15','2019-03-15 09:02:15'),(14524,618,1793,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 09:02:15','2019-03-15 09:02:15'),(14525,618,1793,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:02:15','2019-03-15 09:02:15'),(14526,618,1793,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:02:15','2019-03-15 09:02:15'),(14527,618,1793,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 09:02:15','2019-03-15 09:02:15'),(14528,618,1793,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 09:02:15','2019-03-15 09:02:15'),(14529,618,1793,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:02:15','2019-03-15 09:02:15'),(14530,618,1793,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 09:02:15','2019-03-15 09:02:15'),(14531,618,1794,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 09:09:28','2019-03-15 09:09:28'),(14532,618,1794,70,165,163,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Minors','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:09:28','2019-03-15 09:09:28'),(14533,618,1794,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 09:09:28','2019-03-15 09:09:28'),(14534,618,1794,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-15 09:09:28','2019-03-15 09:09:28'),(14535,618,1794,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 09:09:28','2019-03-15 09:09:28'),(14536,618,1795,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(14537,618,1795,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(14538,618,1795,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(14539,618,1795,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(14540,618,1795,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(14541,618,1795,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(14542,618,1795,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(14543,618,1795,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(14544,618,1795,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(14545,618,1795,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:29:19','2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(14546,619,1796,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:31:54','2019-03-15 09:31:54'),(14547,619,1796,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-15 09:31:54','2019-03-15 09:31:54'),(14548,619,1796,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:31:54','2019-03-15 09:31:54'),(14549,619,1796,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 09:31:54','2019-03-15 09:31:54'),(14550,619,1796,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:31:54','2019-03-15 09:31:54'),(14551,619,1796,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:31:54','2019-03-15 09:31:54'),(14552,619,1796,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 09:31:54','2019-03-15 09:31:54'),(14553,619,1796,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 09:31:54','2019-03-15 09:31:54'),(14554,619,1796,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:31:54','2019-03-15 09:31:54'),(14555,619,1796,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 09:31:54','2019-03-15 09:31:54'),(14556,619,1797,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 09:38:42','2019-03-15 09:38:42'),(14557,619,1797,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:38:42','2019-03-15 09:38:42'),(14558,619,1797,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 09:38:42','2019-03-15 09:38:42'),(14559,619,1797,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:38:42','2019-03-15 09:38:42'),(14560,619,1797,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 09:38:42','2019-03-15 09:38:42'),(14561,619,1798,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 09:58:47','2019-03-15 09:58:47'),(14562,619,1798,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:58:47','2019-03-15 09:58:47'),(14563,619,1798,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:58:47','2019-03-15 09:58:47'),(14564,619,1798,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 09:58:47','2019-03-15 09:58:47'),(14565,619,1798,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 09:58:47','2019-03-15 09:58:47'),(14566,619,1798,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:58:47','2019-03-15 09:58:47'),(14567,619,1798,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 09:58:47','2019-03-15 09:58:47'),(14568,619,1798,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 09:58:47','2019-03-15 09:58:47'),(14569,619,1798,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-15 09:58:47','2019-03-15 09:58:47'),(14570,619,1798,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:58:47','2019-03-15 09:58:47'),(14571,620,1799,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:43:28','2019-03-15 10:26:55'),(14572,620,1799,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-15 09:43:28','2019-03-15 10:26:55'),(14573,620,1799,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:43:28','2019-03-15 10:26:55'),(14574,620,1799,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 09:43:28','2019-03-15 10:26:55'),(14575,620,1799,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 09:43:28','2019-03-15 10:26:55'),(14576,620,1799,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:43:28','2019-03-15 10:26:55'),(14577,620,1799,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 09:43:28','2019-03-15 10:26:55'),(14578,620,1799,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 09:43:28','2019-03-15 10:26:55'),(14579,620,1799,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 09:43:28','2019-03-15 10:26:55'),(14580,620,1799,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 09:43:28','2019-03-15 10:26:55'),(14581,620,1800,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 10:16:06','2019-03-15 10:32:58'),(14582,620,1800,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 10:16:06','2019-03-15 10:32:58'),(14583,620,1800,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 10:16:06','2019-03-15 10:32:58'),(14584,620,1800,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-15 10:16:06','2019-03-15 10:32:58'),(14585,620,1800,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 10:16:06','2019-03-15 10:32:58'),(14586,620,1801,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:05'),(14587,620,1801,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:05'),(14588,620,1801,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:05'),(14589,620,1801,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:05'),(14590,620,1801,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:05'),(14591,620,1801,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:05'),(14592,620,1801,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:05'),(14593,620,1801,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:05'),(14594,620,1801,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:05'),(14595,620,1801,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 10:55:05','2019-03-15 10:55:05'),(14596,621,1802,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 11:29:24','2019-03-15 11:29:24'),(14597,621,1802,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-15 11:29:24','2019-03-15 11:29:24'),(14598,621,1802,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 11:29:24','2019-03-15 11:29:24'),(14599,621,1802,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 11:29:24','2019-03-15 11:29:24'),(14600,621,1802,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 11:29:24','2019-03-15 11:29:24'),(14601,621,1802,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 11:29:24','2019-03-15 11:29:24'),(14602,621,1802,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 11:29:24','2019-03-15 11:29:24'),(14603,621,1802,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 11:29:24','2019-03-15 11:29:24'),(14604,621,1802,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 11:29:24','2019-03-15 11:29:24'),(14605,621,1802,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 11:29:24','2019-03-15 11:29:24'),(14606,621,1803,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 11:37:36','2019-03-15 11:37:36'),(14607,621,1803,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 11:37:36','2019-03-15 11:37:36'),(14608,621,1803,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 11:37:36','2019-03-15 11:37:36'),(14609,621,1803,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-15 11:37:36','2019-03-15 11:37:36'),(14610,621,1803,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 11:37:36','2019-03-15 11:37:36'),(14611,621,1804,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(14612,621,1804,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(14613,621,1804,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(14614,621,1804,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(14615,621,1804,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(14616,621,1804,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(14617,621,1804,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(14618,621,1804,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(14619,621,1804,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(14620,621,1804,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 11:56:15','2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(14621,622,1805,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 11:25:38','2019-03-15 11:25:38'),(14622,622,1805,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-15 11:25:38','2019-03-15 11:25:38'),(14623,622,1805,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 11:25:38','2019-03-15 11:25:38'),(14624,622,1805,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 11:25:38','2019-03-15 11:25:38'),(14625,622,1805,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 11:25:38','2019-03-15 11:25:38'),(14626,622,1805,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 11:25:38','2019-03-15 11:25:38'),(14627,622,1805,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 11:25:38','2019-03-15 11:25:38'),(14628,622,1805,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 11:25:38','2019-03-15 11:25:38'),(14629,622,1805,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 11:25:38','2019-03-15 11:25:38'),(14630,622,1805,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 11:25:38','2019-03-15 11:25:38'),(14631,622,1806,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 11:46:01','2019-03-15 11:46:01'),(14632,622,1806,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 11:46:01','2019-03-15 11:46:01'),(14633,622,1806,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 11:46:01','2019-03-15 11:46:01'),(14634,622,1806,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-15 11:46:01','2019-03-15 11:46:01'),(14635,622,1806,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 11:46:01','2019-03-15 11:46:01'),(14636,622,1807,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(14637,622,1807,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(14638,622,1807,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(14639,622,1807,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(14640,622,1807,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(14641,622,1807,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(14642,622,1807,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(14643,622,1807,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(14644,622,1807,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(14645,622,1807,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:08:44','2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(14646,623,1808,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:18:48','2019-03-15 13:18:48'),(14647,623,1808,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-15 13:18:48','2019-03-15 13:18:48'),(14648,623,1808,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:18:48','2019-03-15 13:18:48'),(14649,623,1808,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 13:18:48','2019-03-15 13:18:48'),(14650,623,1808,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:18:48','2019-03-15 13:18:48'),(14651,623,1808,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:18:48','2019-03-15 13:18:48'),(14652,623,1808,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 13:18:48','2019-03-15 13:18:48'),(14653,623,1808,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 13:18:48','2019-03-15 13:18:48'),(14654,623,1808,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:18:48','2019-03-15 13:18:48'),(14655,623,1808,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 13:18:48','2019-03-15 13:18:48'),(14656,623,1809,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 13:26:12','2019-03-15 13:26:12'),(14657,623,1809,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:26:12','2019-03-15 13:26:12'),(14658,623,1809,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 13:26:12','2019-03-15 13:26:12'),(14659,623,1809,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-15 13:26:12','2019-03-15 13:26:12'),(14660,623,1809,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 13:26:12','2019-03-15 13:26:12'),(14661,623,1810,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(14662,623,1810,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(14663,623,1810,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(14664,623,1810,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(14665,623,1810,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(14666,623,1810,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(14667,623,1810,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(14668,623,1810,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(14669,623,1810,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(14670,623,1810,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:44:10','2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(14671,624,1811,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:15:19','2019-03-15 13:15:19'),(14672,624,1811,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-15 13:15:19','2019-03-15 13:15:19'),(14673,624,1811,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:15:19','2019-03-15 13:15:19'),(14674,624,1811,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 13:15:19','2019-03-15 13:15:19'),(14675,624,1811,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:15:19','2019-03-15 13:15:19'),(14676,624,1811,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:15:19','2019-03-15 13:15:19'),(14677,624,1811,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 13:15:19','2019-03-15 13:15:19'),(14678,624,1811,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 13:15:19','2019-03-15 13:15:19'),(14679,624,1811,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:15:19','2019-03-15 13:15:19'),(14680,624,1811,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 13:15:19','2019-03-15 13:15:19'),(14681,624,1812,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 13:23:34','2019-03-15 13:23:34'),(14682,624,1812,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:23:34','2019-03-15 13:23:34'),(14683,624,1812,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 13:23:34','2019-03-15 13:23:34'),(14684,624,1812,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:23:34','2019-03-15 13:23:34'),(14685,624,1812,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 13:23:34','2019-03-15 13:23:34'),(14686,624,1813,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(14687,624,1813,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(14688,624,1813,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(14689,624,1813,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(14690,624,1813,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(14691,624,1813,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(14692,624,1813,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(14693,624,1813,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(14694,624,1813,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(14695,624,1813,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:46:04','2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(14696,625,1814,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:28:14','2019-03-15 13:28:14'),(14697,625,1814,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2019-03-15 13:28:14','2019-03-15 13:28:14'),(14698,625,1814,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:28:14','2019-03-15 13:28:14'),(14699,625,1814,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 13:28:14','2019-03-15 13:28:14'),(14700,625,1814,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:28:14','2019-03-15 13:28:14'),(14701,625,1814,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:28:14','2019-03-15 13:28:14'),(14702,625,1814,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 13:28:14','2019-03-15 13:28:14'),(14703,625,1814,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 13:28:14','2019-03-15 13:28:14'),(14704,625,1814,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:28:14','2019-03-15 13:28:14'),(14705,625,1814,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 13:28:14','2019-03-15 13:28:14'),(14706,625,1815,69,160,161,'n',0.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','False','True','2019-03-15 13:34:48','2019-03-15 13:34:48'),(14707,625,1815,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:34:48','2019-03-15 13:34:48'),(14708,625,1815,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 13:34:48','2019-03-15 13:34:48'),(14709,625,1815,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-15 13:34:48','2019-03-15 13:34:48'),(14710,625,1815,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 13:34:48','2019-03-15 13:34:48'),(14711,625,1816,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(14712,625,1816,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(14713,625,1816,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(14714,625,1816,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(14715,625,1816,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(14716,625,1816,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(14717,625,1816,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(14718,625,1816,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(14719,625,1816,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(14720,625,1816,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 13:56:29','2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(14721,626,1817,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 14:13:53','2019-03-15 14:13:53'),(14722,626,1817,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-15 14:13:53','2019-03-15 14:13:53'),(14723,626,1817,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 14:13:53','2019-03-15 14:13:53'),(14724,626,1817,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 14:13:53','2019-03-15 14:13:53'),(14725,626,1817,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 14:13:53','2019-03-15 14:13:53'),(14726,626,1817,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 14:13:53','2019-03-15 14:13:53'),(14727,626,1817,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 14:13:53','2019-03-15 14:13:53'),(14728,626,1817,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 14:13:53','2019-03-15 14:13:53'),(14729,626,1817,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 14:13:53','2019-03-15 14:13:53'),(14730,626,1817,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 14:13:53','2019-03-15 14:13:53'),(14731,626,1818,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 14:21:19','2019-03-15 14:21:19'),(14732,626,1818,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 14:21:19','2019-03-15 14:21:19'),(14733,626,1818,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 14:21:19','2019-03-15 14:21:19'),(14734,626,1818,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-15 14:21:19','2019-03-15 14:21:19'); INSERT INTO `an_ResultAttemptQuestion` VALUES (14735,626,1818,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 14:21:19','2019-03-15 14:21:19'),(14736,626,1819,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(14737,626,1819,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(14738,626,1819,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(14739,626,1819,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(14740,626,1819,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(14741,626,1819,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(14742,626,1819,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(14743,626,1819,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(14744,626,1819,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(14745,626,1819,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 14:36:06','2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(14746,627,1820,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 14:58:07','2019-03-15 14:58:07'),(14747,627,1820,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2019-03-15 14:58:07','2019-03-15 14:58:07'),(14748,627,1820,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 14:58:07','2019-03-15 14:58:07'),(14749,627,1820,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 14:58:07','2019-03-15 14:58:07'),(14750,627,1820,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 14:58:07','2019-03-15 14:58:07'),(14751,627,1820,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 14:58:07','2019-03-15 14:58:07'),(14752,627,1820,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 14:58:07','2019-03-15 14:58:07'),(14753,627,1820,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 14:58:07','2019-03-15 14:58:07'),(14754,627,1820,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 14:58:07','2019-03-15 14:58:07'),(14755,627,1820,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 14:58:07','2019-03-15 14:58:07'),(14756,627,1821,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 15:06:02','2019-03-15 15:06:02'),(14757,627,1821,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 15:06:02','2019-03-15 15:06:02'),(14758,627,1821,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 15:06:02','2019-03-15 15:06:02'),(14759,627,1821,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-15 15:06:02','2019-03-15 15:06:02'),(14760,627,1821,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 15:06:02','2019-03-15 15:06:02'),(14761,627,1822,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(14762,627,1822,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(14763,627,1822,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(14764,627,1822,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(14765,627,1822,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(14766,627,1822,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(14767,627,1822,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(14768,627,1822,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(14769,627,1822,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(14770,627,1822,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 15:55:43','2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(14771,628,1823,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 18:41:26','2019-03-15 18:41:26'),(14772,628,1823,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-15 18:41:26','2019-03-15 18:41:26'),(14773,628,1823,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 18:41:26','2019-03-15 18:41:26'),(14774,628,1823,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-15 18:41:26','2019-03-15 18:41:26'),(14775,628,1823,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 18:41:26','2019-03-15 18:41:26'),(14776,628,1823,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-15 18:41:26','2019-03-15 18:41:26'),(14777,628,1823,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-15 18:41:26','2019-03-15 18:41:26'),(14778,628,1823,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-15 18:41:26','2019-03-15 18:41:26'),(14779,628,1823,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-15 18:41:26','2019-03-15 18:41:26'),(14780,628,1823,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-15 18:41:26','2019-03-15 18:41:26'),(14781,628,1824,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-15 18:48:10','2019-03-15 18:48:10'),(14782,628,1824,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 18:48:10','2019-03-15 18:48:10'),(14783,628,1824,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-15 18:48:10','2019-03-15 18:48:10'),(14784,628,1824,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-15 18:48:10','2019-03-15 18:48:10'),(14785,628,1824,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-15 18:48:10','2019-03-15 18:48:10'),(14786,628,1825,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:25'),(14787,628,1825,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:25'),(14788,628,1825,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:25'),(14789,628,1825,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:25'),(14790,628,1825,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:25'),(14791,628,1825,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:25'),(14792,628,1825,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:25'),(14793,628,1825,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:25'),(14794,628,1825,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:25'),(14795,628,1825,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-15 19:05:25','2019-03-15 19:05:25'),(14796,629,1826,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 09:27:25','2019-03-16 09:27:25'),(14797,629,1826,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-16 09:27:25','2019-03-16 09:27:25'),(14798,629,1826,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 09:27:25','2019-03-16 09:27:25'),(14799,629,1826,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-16 09:27:25','2019-03-16 09:27:25'),(14800,629,1826,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 09:27:25','2019-03-16 09:27:25'),(14801,629,1826,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-16 09:27:25','2019-03-16 09:27:25'),(14802,629,1826,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-16 09:27:25','2019-03-16 09:27:25'),(14803,629,1826,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-16 09:27:25','2019-03-16 09:27:25'),(14804,629,1826,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-16 09:27:25','2019-03-16 09:27:25'),(14805,629,1826,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-16 09:27:25','2019-03-16 09:27:25'),(14806,629,1827,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-16 09:38:50','2019-03-16 09:38:50'),(14807,629,1827,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 09:38:50','2019-03-16 09:38:50'),(14808,629,1827,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-16 09:38:50','2019-03-16 09:38:50'),(14809,629,1827,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-16 09:38:50','2019-03-16 09:38:50'),(14810,629,1827,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-16 09:38:50','2019-03-16 09:38:50'),(14811,629,1828,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(14812,629,1828,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(14813,629,1828,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(14814,629,1828,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(14815,629,1828,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(14816,629,1828,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(14817,629,1828,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(14818,629,1828,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(14819,629,1828,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(14820,629,1828,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-16 09:56:52','2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(14821,630,1829,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 10:47:49','2019-03-16 10:47:49'),(14822,630,1829,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-16 10:47:49','2019-03-16 10:47:49'),(14823,630,1829,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 10:47:49','2019-03-16 10:47:49'),(14824,630,1829,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-16 10:47:49','2019-03-16 10:47:49'),(14825,630,1829,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 10:47:49','2019-03-16 10:47:49'),(14826,630,1829,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-16 10:47:49','2019-03-16 10:47:49'),(14827,630,1829,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-16 10:47:49','2019-03-16 10:47:49'),(14828,630,1829,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-16 10:47:49','2019-03-16 10:47:49'),(14829,630,1829,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-16 10:47:49','2019-03-16 10:47:49'),(14830,630,1829,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-16 10:47:49','2019-03-16 10:47:49'),(14831,630,1830,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-16 11:00:49','2019-03-16 11:00:49'),(14832,630,1830,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 11:00:49','2019-03-16 11:00:49'),(14833,630,1830,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-16 11:00:49','2019-03-16 11:00:49'),(14834,630,1830,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-16 11:00:49','2019-03-16 11:00:49'),(14835,630,1830,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-16 11:00:49','2019-03-16 11:00:49'),(14836,630,1831,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:06'),(14837,630,1831,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:06'),(14838,630,1831,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:06'),(14839,630,1831,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:06'),(14840,630,1831,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:06'),(14841,630,1831,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:06'),(14842,630,1831,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:06'),(14843,630,1831,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:06'),(14844,630,1831,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:06'),(14845,630,1831,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-16 11:36:06','2019-03-16 11:36:06'),(14846,631,1832,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 14:30:26','2019-03-16 14:30:26'),(14847,631,1832,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-16 14:30:26','2019-03-16 14:30:26'),(14848,631,1832,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 14:30:26','2019-03-16 14:30:26'),(14849,631,1832,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-16 14:30:26','2019-03-16 14:30:26'),(14850,631,1832,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 14:30:26','2019-03-16 14:30:26'),(14851,631,1832,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-16 14:30:26','2019-03-16 14:30:26'),(14852,631,1832,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-16 14:30:26','2019-03-16 14:30:26'),(14853,631,1832,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-16 14:30:26','2019-03-16 14:30:26'),(14854,631,1832,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-16 14:30:26','2019-03-16 14:30:26'),(14855,631,1832,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-03-16 14:30:26','2019-03-16 14:30:26'),(14856,631,1833,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-16 14:38:28','2019-03-16 14:38:28'),(14857,631,1833,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 14:38:28','2019-03-16 14:38:28'),(14858,631,1833,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-16 14:38:28','2019-03-16 14:38:28'),(14859,631,1833,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-16 14:38:28','2019-03-16 14:38:28'),(14860,631,1833,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-16 14:38:28','2019-03-16 14:38:28'),(14861,631,1834,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(14862,631,1834,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(14863,631,1834,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(14864,631,1834,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(14865,631,1834,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(14866,631,1834,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(14867,631,1834,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(14868,631,1834,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(14869,631,1834,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(14870,631,1834,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-16 14:56:40','2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(14871,632,1835,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 14:47:26','2019-03-16 14:47:26'),(14872,632,1835,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-16 14:47:26','2019-03-16 14:47:26'),(14873,632,1835,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 14:47:26','2019-03-16 14:47:26'),(14874,632,1835,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-16 14:47:26','2019-03-16 14:47:26'),(14875,632,1835,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 14:47:26','2019-03-16 14:47:26'),(14876,632,1835,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-16 14:47:26','2019-03-16 14:47:26'),(14877,632,1835,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-16 14:47:26','2019-03-16 14:47:26'),(14878,632,1835,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-16 14:47:26','2019-03-16 14:47:26'),(14879,632,1835,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-16 14:47:26','2019-03-16 14:47:26'),(14880,632,1835,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-16 14:47:26','2019-03-16 14:47:26'),(14881,632,1836,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-16 14:55:13','2019-03-16 14:55:13'),(14882,632,1836,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 14:55:13','2019-03-16 14:55:13'),(14883,632,1836,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-16 14:55:13','2019-03-16 14:55:13'),(14884,632,1836,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-16 14:55:13','2019-03-16 14:55:13'),(14885,632,1836,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-16 14:55:13','2019-03-16 14:55:13'),(14886,632,1837,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(14887,632,1837,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(14888,632,1837,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(14889,632,1837,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(14890,632,1837,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(14891,632,1837,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(14892,632,1837,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(14893,632,1837,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(14894,632,1837,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(14895,632,1837,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-16 15:10:25','2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(14896,633,1838,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 15:48:48','2019-03-16 15:48:48'),(14897,633,1838,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-16 15:48:48','2019-03-16 15:48:48'),(14898,633,1838,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 15:48:48','2019-03-16 15:48:48'),(14899,633,1838,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-16 15:48:48','2019-03-16 15:48:48'),(14900,633,1838,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 15:48:48','2019-03-16 15:48:48'),(14901,633,1838,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-16 15:48:48','2019-03-16 15:48:48'),(14902,633,1838,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-16 15:48:48','2019-03-16 15:48:48'),(14903,633,1838,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-16 15:48:48','2019-03-16 15:48:48'),(14904,633,1838,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-16 15:48:48','2019-03-16 15:48:48'),(14905,633,1838,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-16 15:48:48','2019-03-16 15:48:48'),(14906,633,1839,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-16 15:54:24','2019-03-16 15:54:24'),(14907,633,1839,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 15:54:24','2019-03-16 15:54:24'),(14908,633,1839,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-16 15:54:24','2019-03-16 15:54:24'),(14909,633,1839,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-16 15:54:24','2019-03-16 15:54:24'),(14910,633,1839,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-16 15:54:24','2019-03-16 15:54:24'),(14911,633,1840,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(14912,633,1840,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(14913,633,1840,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(14914,633,1840,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(14915,633,1840,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(14916,633,1840,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(14917,633,1840,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(14918,633,1840,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(14919,633,1840,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(14920,633,1840,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-16 16:08:57','2019-03-16 16:08:57'),(14921,634,1841,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 06:15:32','2019-03-17 06:15:32'),(14922,634,1841,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-17 06:15:32','2019-03-17 06:15:32'),(14923,634,1841,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 06:15:32','2019-03-17 06:15:32'),(14924,634,1841,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-17 06:15:32','2019-03-17 06:15:32'),(14925,634,1841,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 06:15:32','2019-03-17 06:15:32'),(14926,634,1841,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-17 06:15:32','2019-03-17 06:15:32'),(14927,634,1841,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-17 06:15:32','2019-03-17 06:15:32'),(14928,634,1841,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-17 06:15:32','2019-03-17 06:15:32'),(14929,634,1841,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-17 06:15:32','2019-03-17 06:15:32'),(14930,634,1841,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-17 06:15:32','2019-03-17 06:15:32'),(14931,634,1842,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-17 06:22:00','2019-03-17 06:22:00'),(14932,634,1842,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 06:22:00','2019-03-17 06:22:00'),(14933,634,1842,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-17 06:22:00','2019-03-17 06:22:00'),(14934,634,1842,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-17 06:22:00','2019-03-17 06:22:00'),(14935,634,1842,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-17 06:22:00','2019-03-17 06:22:00'),(14936,634,1843,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:24'),(14937,634,1843,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:24'),(14938,634,1843,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:24'),(14939,634,1843,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:24'),(14940,634,1843,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:24'),(14941,634,1843,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:24'),(14942,634,1843,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:24'),(14943,634,1843,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:24'),(14944,634,1843,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:24'),(14945,634,1843,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-17 06:38:24','2019-03-17 06:38:24'),(14946,635,1844,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 12:56:19','2019-03-17 12:56:19'),(14947,635,1844,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-17 12:56:19','2019-03-17 12:56:19'),(14948,635,1844,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 12:56:19','2019-03-17 12:56:19'),(14949,635,1844,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-17 12:56:19','2019-03-17 12:56:19'),(14950,635,1844,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 12:56:19','2019-03-17 12:56:19'),(14951,635,1844,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-17 12:56:19','2019-03-17 12:56:19'),(14952,635,1844,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-17 12:56:19','2019-03-17 12:56:19'),(14953,635,1844,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-17 12:56:19','2019-03-17 12:56:19'),(14954,635,1844,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-17 12:56:19','2019-03-17 12:56:19'),(14955,635,1844,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-17 12:56:19','2019-03-17 12:56:19'),(14956,635,1845,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-17 13:03:01','2019-03-17 13:03:01'),(14957,635,1845,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 13:03:01','2019-03-17 13:03:01'),(14958,635,1845,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-17 13:03:01','2019-03-17 13:03:01'),(14959,635,1845,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-17 13:03:01','2019-03-17 13:03:01'),(14960,635,1845,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-17 13:03:01','2019-03-17 13:03:01'),(14961,635,1846,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(14962,635,1846,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(14963,635,1846,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(14964,635,1846,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(14965,635,1846,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(14966,635,1846,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(14967,635,1846,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(14968,635,1846,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(14969,635,1846,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(14970,635,1846,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-17 13:19:21','2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(14971,636,1847,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 13:23:25','2019-03-17 13:23:25'),(14972,636,1847,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-17 13:23:25','2019-03-17 13:23:25'),(14973,636,1847,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 13:23:25','2019-03-17 13:23:25'),(14974,636,1847,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-17 13:23:25','2019-03-17 13:23:25'),(14975,636,1847,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 13:23:25','2019-03-17 13:23:25'),(14976,636,1847,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-17 13:23:25','2019-03-17 13:23:25'),(14977,636,1847,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-17 13:23:25','2019-03-17 13:23:25'),(14978,636,1847,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-17 13:23:25','2019-03-17 13:23:25'),(14979,636,1847,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-17 13:23:25','2019-03-17 13:23:25'),(14980,636,1847,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-17 13:23:25','2019-03-17 13:23:25'),(14981,636,1848,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-17 13:39:39','2019-03-17 13:39:39'),(14982,636,1848,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 13:39:39','2019-03-17 13:39:39'),(14983,636,1848,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-17 13:39:39','2019-03-17 13:39:39'),(14984,636,1848,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-17 13:39:39','2019-03-17 13:39:39'),(14985,636,1848,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-17 13:39:39','2019-03-17 13:39:39'),(14986,636,1849,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(14987,636,1849,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(14988,636,1849,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(14989,636,1849,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(14990,636,1849,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(14991,636,1849,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(14992,636,1849,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(14993,636,1849,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(14994,636,1849,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(14995,636,1849,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-17 14:05:12','2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(14996,637,1850,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 13:57:03','2019-03-17 13:57:03'),(14997,637,1850,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2019-03-17 13:57:03','2019-03-17 13:57:03'),(14998,637,1850,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 13:57:03','2019-03-17 13:57:03'),(14999,637,1850,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-17 13:57:03','2019-03-17 13:57:03'),(15000,637,1850,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 13:57:03','2019-03-17 13:57:03'),(15001,637,1850,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-17 13:57:03','2019-03-17 13:57:03'),(15002,637,1850,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-17 13:57:03','2019-03-17 13:57:03'),(15003,637,1850,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-17 13:57:03','2019-03-17 13:57:03'),(15004,637,1850,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-17 13:57:03','2019-03-17 13:57:03'),(15005,637,1850,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-17 13:57:03','2019-03-17 13:57:03'),(15006,637,1851,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-17 14:03:50','2019-03-17 14:03:50'),(15007,637,1851,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 14:03:50','2019-03-17 14:03:50'),(15008,637,1851,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-17 14:03:50','2019-03-17 14:03:50'),(15009,637,1851,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-17 14:03:50','2019-03-17 14:03:50'),(15010,637,1851,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-17 14:03:50','2019-03-17 14:03:50'),(15011,637,1852,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(15012,637,1852,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(15013,637,1852,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(15014,637,1852,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(15015,637,1852,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(15016,637,1852,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(15017,637,1852,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(15018,637,1852,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(15019,637,1852,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(15020,637,1852,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-17 14:21:07','2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(15021,638,1853,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 14:37:34','2019-03-17 14:37:34'),(15022,638,1853,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-17 14:37:34','2019-03-17 14:37:34'),(15023,638,1853,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 14:37:34','2019-03-17 14:37:34'),(15024,638,1853,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-17 14:37:34','2019-03-17 14:37:34'),(15025,638,1853,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 14:37:34','2019-03-17 14:37:34'),(15026,638,1853,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-17 14:37:34','2019-03-17 14:37:34'),(15027,638,1853,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-17 14:37:34','2019-03-17 14:37:34'),(15028,638,1853,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-17 14:37:34','2019-03-17 14:37:34'),(15029,638,1853,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-17 14:37:34','2019-03-17 14:37:34'),(15030,638,1853,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-17 14:37:34','2019-03-17 14:37:34'),(15031,638,1854,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-17 14:43:01','2019-03-17 14:43:01'),(15032,638,1854,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 14:43:01','2019-03-17 14:43:01'),(15033,638,1854,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-17 14:43:01','2019-03-17 14:43:01'),(15034,638,1854,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-17 14:43:01','2019-03-17 14:43:01'),(15035,638,1854,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-17 14:43:01','2019-03-17 14:43:01'),(15036,638,1855,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(15037,638,1855,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(15038,638,1855,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(15039,638,1855,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(15040,638,1855,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(15041,638,1855,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(15042,638,1855,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(15043,638,1855,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(15044,638,1855,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(15045,638,1855,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-17 14:57:39','2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(15046,639,1856,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 17:57:14','2019-03-17 17:57:14'),(15047,639,1856,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-17 17:57:14','2019-03-17 17:57:14'),(15048,639,1856,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 17:57:14','2019-03-17 17:57:14'),(15049,639,1856,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-17 17:57:14','2019-03-17 17:57:14'),(15050,639,1856,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 17:57:14','2019-03-17 17:57:14'),(15051,639,1856,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-17 17:57:14','2019-03-17 17:57:14'),(15052,639,1856,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-17 17:57:14','2019-03-17 17:57:14'),(15053,639,1856,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-17 17:57:14','2019-03-17 17:57:14'),(15054,639,1856,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-17 17:57:14','2019-03-17 17:57:14'),(15055,639,1856,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-17 17:57:14','2019-03-17 17:57:14'),(15056,639,1857,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-17 18:17:03','2019-03-17 18:17:03'),(15057,639,1857,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 18:17:03','2019-03-17 18:17:03'),(15058,639,1857,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-17 18:17:03','2019-03-17 18:17:03'),(15059,639,1857,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-17 18:17:03','2019-03-17 18:17:03'),(15060,639,1857,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-17 18:17:03','2019-03-17 18:17:03'),(15061,639,1858,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(15062,639,1858,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(15063,639,1858,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(15064,639,1858,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(15065,639,1858,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(15066,639,1858,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(15067,639,1858,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(15068,639,1858,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(15069,639,1858,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(15070,639,1858,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-17 18:52:03','2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(15071,640,1859,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 19:09:12','2019-03-17 19:09:12'),(15072,640,1859,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-17 19:09:12','2019-03-17 19:09:12'),(15073,640,1859,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 19:09:12','2019-03-17 19:09:12'),(15074,640,1859,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-17 19:09:12','2019-03-17 19:09:12'),(15075,640,1859,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 19:09:12','2019-03-17 19:09:12'),(15076,640,1859,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-17 19:09:12','2019-03-17 19:09:12'),(15077,640,1859,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-17 19:09:12','2019-03-17 19:09:12'),(15078,640,1859,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-17 19:09:12','2019-03-17 19:09:12'),(15079,640,1859,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-17 19:09:12','2019-03-17 19:09:12'),(15080,640,1859,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-17 19:09:12','2019-03-17 19:09:12'),(15081,640,1860,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-17 19:16:48','2019-03-17 19:16:48'),(15082,640,1860,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 19:16:48','2019-03-17 19:16:48'),(15083,640,1860,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-17 19:16:48','2019-03-17 19:16:48'),(15084,640,1860,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-17 19:16:48','2019-03-17 19:16:48'),(15085,640,1860,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-17 19:16:48','2019-03-17 19:16:48'),(15086,640,1861,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(15087,640,1861,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(15088,640,1861,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(15089,640,1861,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(15090,640,1861,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(15091,640,1861,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(15092,640,1861,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(15093,640,1861,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(15094,640,1861,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(15095,640,1861,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-17 19:34:59','2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(15096,641,1862,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 22:51:37','2019-03-17 23:07:15'),(15097,641,1862,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-17 22:51:37','2019-03-17 23:07:15'),(15098,641,1862,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 22:51:37','2019-03-17 23:07:15'),(15099,641,1862,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-17 22:51:37','2019-03-17 23:07:15'),(15100,641,1862,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 22:51:37','2019-03-17 23:07:15'),(15101,641,1862,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-17 22:51:37','2019-03-17 23:07:15'),(15102,641,1862,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-17 22:51:37','2019-03-17 23:07:15'),(15103,641,1862,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-17 22:51:37','2019-03-17 23:07:15'),(15104,641,1862,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-17 22:51:37','2019-03-17 23:07:15'),(15105,641,1862,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-17 22:51:37','2019-03-17 23:07:15'),(15106,641,1863,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-17 23:00:34','2019-03-17 23:07:18'),(15107,641,1863,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 23:00:34','2019-03-17 23:07:18'),(15108,641,1863,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-17 23:00:34','2019-03-17 23:07:18'),(15109,641,1863,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-17 23:00:34','2019-03-17 23:07:18'),(15110,641,1863,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-17 23:00:34','2019-03-17 23:07:18'),(15111,641,1864,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-17 23:07:02','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(15112,641,1864,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 23:07:02','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(15113,641,1864,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-17 23:07:02','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(15114,641,1864,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-17 23:07:02','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(15115,641,1864,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-17 23:07:02','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(15116,641,1864,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-17 23:07:02','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(15117,641,1864,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-17 23:07:02','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(15118,641,1864,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-17 23:07:02','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(15119,641,1864,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-17 23:07:02','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(15120,641,1864,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-17 23:07:02','2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(15121,642,1865,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 00:18:38','2019-03-18 00:34:33'),(15122,642,1865,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 00:18:38','2019-03-18 00:34:33'),(15123,642,1865,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 00:18:38','2019-03-18 00:34:33'),(15124,642,1865,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 00:18:38','2019-03-18 00:34:33'),(15125,642,1865,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 00:18:38','2019-03-18 00:34:33'),(15126,642,1865,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 00:18:38','2019-03-18 00:34:33'),(15127,642,1865,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 00:18:38','2019-03-18 00:34:33'),(15128,642,1865,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 00:18:38','2019-03-18 00:34:33'),(15129,642,1865,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 00:18:38','2019-03-18 00:34:33'),(15130,642,1865,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 00:18:38','2019-03-18 00:34:33'),(15131,642,1866,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 00:25:20','2019-03-18 00:34:40'),(15132,642,1866,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 00:25:20','2019-03-18 00:34:40'),(15133,642,1866,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 00:25:20','2019-03-18 00:34:40'),(15134,642,1866,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 00:25:20','2019-03-18 00:34:40'),(15135,642,1866,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 00:25:20','2019-03-18 00:34:40'),(15136,642,1867,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 00:34:17','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(15137,642,1867,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 00:34:17','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(15138,642,1867,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 00:34:17','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(15139,642,1867,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 00:34:17','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(15140,642,1867,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 00:34:17','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(15141,642,1867,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 00:34:17','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(15142,642,1867,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 00:34:17','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(15143,642,1867,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 00:34:17','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(15144,642,1867,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 00:34:17','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(15145,642,1867,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 00:34:17','2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(15146,643,1868,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 01:21:51','2019-03-18 01:21:51'),(15147,643,1868,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 01:21:51','2019-03-18 01:21:51'),(15148,643,1868,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 01:21:51','2019-03-18 01:21:51'),(15149,643,1868,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 01:21:51','2019-03-18 01:21:51'),(15150,643,1868,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 01:21:51','2019-03-18 01:21:51'),(15151,643,1868,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 01:21:51','2019-03-18 01:21:51'),(15152,643,1868,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 01:21:51','2019-03-18 01:21:51'),(15153,643,1868,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 01:21:51','2019-03-18 01:21:51'),(15154,643,1868,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 01:21:51','2019-03-18 01:21:51'),(15155,643,1868,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 01:21:51','2019-03-18 01:21:51'),(15156,643,1869,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 01:43:09','2019-03-18 01:43:09'),(15157,643,1869,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 01:43:09','2019-03-18 01:43:09'),(15158,643,1869,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 01:43:09','2019-03-18 01:43:09'),(15159,643,1869,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 01:43:09','2019-03-18 01:43:09'),(15160,643,1869,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 01:43:09','2019-03-18 01:43:09'),(15161,643,1870,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:16'),(15162,643,1870,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:16'),(15163,643,1870,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:16'),(15164,643,1870,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:16'),(15165,643,1870,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:16'),(15166,643,1870,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:16'),(15167,643,1870,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:16'),(15168,643,1870,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:16'),(15169,643,1870,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:16'),(15170,643,1870,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 02:04:16','2019-03-18 02:04:16'),(15171,644,1871,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 05:20:23','2019-03-18 05:20:23'),(15172,644,1871,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 05:20:23','2019-03-18 05:20:23'),(15173,644,1871,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 05:20:23','2019-03-18 05:20:23'),(15174,644,1871,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 05:20:23','2019-03-18 05:20:23'),(15175,644,1871,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 05:20:23','2019-03-18 05:20:23'),(15176,644,1871,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 05:20:23','2019-03-18 05:20:23'),(15177,644,1871,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 05:20:23','2019-03-18 05:20:23'),(15178,644,1871,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 05:20:23','2019-03-18 05:20:23'),(15179,644,1871,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 05:20:23','2019-03-18 05:20:23'),(15180,644,1871,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 05:20:23','2019-03-18 05:20:23'),(15181,644,1872,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 05:27:30','2019-03-18 05:27:30'),(15182,644,1872,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 05:27:30','2019-03-18 05:27:30'),(15183,644,1872,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 05:27:30','2019-03-18 05:27:30'),(15184,644,1872,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 05:27:30','2019-03-18 05:27:30'),(15185,644,1872,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 05:27:30','2019-03-18 05:27:30'),(15186,644,1873,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(15187,644,1873,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(15188,644,1873,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(15189,644,1873,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(15190,644,1873,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(15191,644,1873,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(15192,644,1873,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(15193,644,1873,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(15194,644,1873,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(15195,644,1873,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 05:46:55','2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(15196,645,1874,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 06:10:25','2019-03-18 06:10:25'),(15197,645,1874,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2019-03-18 06:10:25','2019-03-18 06:10:25'),(15198,645,1874,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 06:10:25','2019-03-18 06:10:25'),(15199,645,1874,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 06:10:25','2019-03-18 06:10:25'),(15200,645,1874,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 06:10:25','2019-03-18 06:10:25'),(15201,645,1874,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 06:10:25','2019-03-18 06:10:25'),(15202,645,1874,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 06:10:25','2019-03-18 06:10:25'),(15203,645,1874,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 06:10:25','2019-03-18 06:10:25'),(15204,645,1874,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 06:10:25','2019-03-18 06:10:25'),(15205,645,1874,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 06:10:25','2019-03-18 06:10:25'),(15206,645,1875,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 06:17:08','2019-03-18 06:17:08'),(15207,645,1875,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 06:17:08','2019-03-18 06:17:08'),(15208,645,1875,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 06:17:08','2019-03-18 06:17:08'),(15209,645,1875,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 06:17:08','2019-03-18 06:17:08'),(15210,645,1875,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 06:17:08','2019-03-18 06:17:08'),(15211,645,1876,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(15212,645,1876,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(15213,645,1876,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(15214,645,1876,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(15215,645,1876,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(15216,645,1876,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(15217,645,1876,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(15218,645,1876,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(15219,645,1876,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(15220,645,1876,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 06:34:47','2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(15221,646,1877,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 09:36:19','2019-03-18 09:36:19'),(15222,646,1877,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 09:36:19','2019-03-18 09:36:19'),(15223,646,1877,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 09:36:19','2019-03-18 09:36:19'),(15224,646,1877,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 09:36:19','2019-03-18 09:36:19'),(15225,646,1877,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 09:36:19','2019-03-18 09:36:19'),(15226,646,1877,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 09:36:19','2019-03-18 09:36:19'),(15227,646,1877,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 09:36:19','2019-03-18 09:36:19'),(15228,646,1877,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 09:36:19','2019-03-18 09:36:19'),(15229,646,1877,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 09:36:19','2019-03-18 09:36:19'),(15230,646,1877,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 09:36:19','2019-03-18 09:36:19'),(15231,646,1878,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 10:07:05','2019-03-18 10:07:05'),(15232,646,1878,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 10:07:05','2019-03-18 10:07:05'),(15233,646,1878,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 10:07:05','2019-03-18 10:07:05'),(15234,646,1878,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-18 10:07:05','2019-03-18 10:07:05'),(15235,646,1878,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 10:07:05','2019-03-18 10:07:05'),(15236,646,1879,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(15237,646,1879,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(15238,646,1879,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(15239,646,1879,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(15240,646,1879,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(15241,646,1879,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(15242,646,1879,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(15243,646,1879,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(15244,646,1879,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(15245,646,1879,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 10:22:13','2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(15246,647,1880,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:11:57','2019-03-18 12:11:57'),(15247,647,1880,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 12:11:57','2019-03-18 12:11:57'),(15248,647,1880,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:11:57','2019-03-18 12:11:57'),(15249,647,1880,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 12:11:57','2019-03-18 12:11:57'),(15250,647,1880,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:11:57','2019-03-18 12:11:57'),(15251,647,1880,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 12:11:57','2019-03-18 12:11:57'),(15252,647,1880,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 12:11:57','2019-03-18 12:11:57'),(15253,647,1880,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 12:11:57','2019-03-18 12:11:57'),(15254,647,1880,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 12:11:57','2019-03-18 12:11:57'),(15255,647,1880,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 12:11:57','2019-03-18 12:11:57'),(15256,647,1881,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 12:17:39','2019-03-18 12:17:39'),(15257,647,1881,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:17:39','2019-03-18 12:17:39'),(15258,647,1881,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 12:17:39','2019-03-18 12:17:39'),(15259,647,1881,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 12:17:39','2019-03-18 12:17:39'),(15260,647,1881,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 12:17:39','2019-03-18 12:17:39'),(15261,647,1882,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(15262,647,1882,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(15263,647,1882,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(15264,647,1882,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(15265,647,1882,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(15266,647,1882,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(15267,647,1882,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(15268,647,1882,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(15269,647,1882,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(15270,647,1882,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 12:38:00','2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(15271,648,1883,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:28:45','2019-03-18 12:28:45'),(15272,648,1883,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 12:28:45','2019-03-18 12:28:45'),(15273,648,1883,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:28:45','2019-03-18 12:28:45'),(15274,648,1883,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 12:28:45','2019-03-18 12:28:45'),(15275,648,1883,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:28:45','2019-03-18 12:28:45'),(15276,648,1883,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 12:28:45','2019-03-18 12:28:45'),(15277,648,1883,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 12:28:45','2019-03-18 12:28:45'),(15278,648,1883,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 12:28:45','2019-03-18 12:28:45'),(15279,648,1883,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 12:28:45','2019-03-18 12:28:45'),(15280,648,1883,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 12:28:45','2019-03-18 12:28:45'),(15281,648,1884,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 12:39:10','2019-03-18 12:39:10'),(15282,648,1884,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:39:10','2019-03-18 12:39:10'),(15283,648,1884,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 12:39:10','2019-03-18 12:39:10'),(15284,648,1884,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-18 12:39:10','2019-03-18 12:39:10'),(15285,648,1884,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 12:39:10','2019-03-18 12:39:10'),(15286,648,1885,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(15287,648,1885,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(15288,648,1885,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(15289,648,1885,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(15290,648,1885,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(15291,648,1885,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(15292,648,1885,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(15293,648,1885,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(15294,648,1885,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(15295,648,1885,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:00:23','2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(15296,649,1886,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:12:25','2019-03-18 13:12:25'),(15297,649,1886,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 13:12:25','2019-03-18 13:12:25'),(15298,649,1886,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:12:25','2019-03-18 13:12:25'),(15299,649,1886,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 13:12:25','2019-03-18 13:12:25'),(15300,649,1886,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:12:25','2019-03-18 13:12:25'),(15301,649,1886,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:12:25','2019-03-18 13:12:25'),(15302,649,1886,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 13:12:25','2019-03-18 13:12:25'),(15303,649,1886,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 13:12:25','2019-03-18 13:12:25'),(15304,649,1886,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:12:25','2019-03-18 13:12:25'),(15305,649,1886,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 13:12:25','2019-03-18 13:12:25'),(15306,649,1887,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 13:18:11','2019-03-18 13:18:11'),(15307,649,1887,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:18:11','2019-03-18 13:18:11'),(15308,649,1887,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 13:18:11','2019-03-18 13:18:11'),(15309,649,1887,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:18:11','2019-03-18 13:18:11'),(15310,649,1887,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 13:18:11','2019-03-18 13:18:11'),(15311,649,1888,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:29'),(15312,649,1888,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:29'),(15313,649,1888,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:29'),(15314,649,1888,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:29'),(15315,649,1888,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:29'),(15316,649,1888,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:29'),(15317,649,1888,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:29'),(15318,649,1888,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:29'),(15319,649,1888,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:29'),(15320,649,1888,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:33:29','2019-03-18 13:33:29'),(15321,650,1889,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:56:05','2019-03-18 12:56:05'),(15322,650,1889,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 12:56:05','2019-03-18 12:56:05'),(15323,650,1889,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:56:05','2019-03-18 12:56:05'),(15324,650,1889,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 12:56:05','2019-03-18 12:56:05'),(15325,650,1889,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:56:05','2019-03-18 12:56:05'),(15326,650,1889,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 12:56:05','2019-03-18 12:56:05'),(15327,650,1889,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 12:56:05','2019-03-18 12:56:05'),(15328,650,1889,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 12:56:05','2019-03-18 12:56:05'),(15329,650,1889,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 12:56:05','2019-03-18 12:56:05'),(15330,650,1889,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 12:56:05','2019-03-18 12:56:05'),(15331,650,1890,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 13:03:45','2019-03-18 13:03:45'),(15332,650,1890,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:03:45','2019-03-18 13:03:45'),(15333,650,1890,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 13:03:45','2019-03-18 13:03:45'),(15334,650,1890,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:03:45','2019-03-18 13:03:45'),(15335,650,1890,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 13:03:45','2019-03-18 13:03:45'),(15336,650,1891,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(15337,650,1891,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(15338,650,1891,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(15339,650,1891,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(15340,650,1891,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(15341,650,1891,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(15342,650,1891,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(15343,650,1891,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(15344,650,1891,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(15345,650,1891,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:39:57','2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(15346,651,1892,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:55:51','2019-03-18 12:55:51'),(15347,651,1892,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 12:55:51','2019-03-18 12:55:51'),(15348,651,1892,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:55:51','2019-03-18 12:55:51'),(15349,651,1892,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 12:55:51','2019-03-18 12:55:51'),(15350,651,1892,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 12:55:51','2019-03-18 12:55:51'),(15351,651,1892,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 12:55:51','2019-03-18 12:55:51'),(15352,651,1892,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 12:55:51','2019-03-18 12:55:51'),(15353,651,1892,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 12:55:51','2019-03-18 12:55:51'),(15354,651,1892,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 12:55:51','2019-03-18 12:55:51'),(15355,651,1892,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 12:55:51','2019-03-18 12:55:51'),(15356,651,1893,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 13:07:12','2019-03-18 13:07:12'),(15357,651,1893,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:07:12','2019-03-18 13:07:12'),(15358,651,1893,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 13:07:12','2019-03-18 13:07:12'),(15359,651,1893,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:07:12','2019-03-18 13:07:12'),(15360,651,1893,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 13:07:12','2019-03-18 13:07:12'),(15361,651,1894,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(15362,651,1894,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(15363,651,1894,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(15364,651,1894,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(15365,651,1894,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(15366,651,1894,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(15367,651,1894,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(15368,651,1894,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(15369,651,1894,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(15370,651,1894,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:40:26','2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(15371,652,1895,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:57:33','2019-03-18 13:57:33'),(15372,652,1895,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 13:57:33','2019-03-18 13:57:33'),(15373,652,1895,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:57:33','2019-03-18 13:57:33'),(15374,652,1895,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 13:57:33','2019-03-18 13:57:33'),(15375,652,1895,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 13:57:33','2019-03-18 13:57:33'),(15376,652,1895,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:57:33','2019-03-18 13:57:33'),(15377,652,1895,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 13:57:33','2019-03-18 13:57:33'),(15378,652,1895,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 13:57:33','2019-03-18 13:57:33'),(15379,652,1895,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 13:57:33','2019-03-18 13:57:33'),(15380,652,1895,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 13:57:33','2019-03-18 13:57:33'),(15381,652,1896,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 14:14:11','2019-03-18 14:14:11'),(15382,652,1896,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 14:14:11','2019-03-18 14:14:11'),(15383,652,1896,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 14:14:11','2019-03-18 14:14:11'),(15384,652,1896,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-18 14:14:11','2019-03-18 14:14:11'),(15385,652,1896,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 14:14:11','2019-03-18 14:14:11'),(15386,652,1897,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(15387,652,1897,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(15388,652,1897,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(15389,652,1897,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(15390,652,1897,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(15391,652,1897,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(15392,652,1897,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(15393,652,1897,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(15394,652,1897,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(15395,652,1897,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 14:33:17','2019-03-18 14:33:17'),(15396,653,1898,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 14:30:10','2019-03-18 14:30:10'),(15397,653,1898,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 14:30:10','2019-03-18 14:30:10'),(15398,653,1898,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 14:30:10','2019-03-18 14:30:10'),(15399,653,1898,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 14:30:10','2019-03-18 14:30:10'),(15400,653,1898,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 14:30:10','2019-03-18 14:30:10'),(15401,653,1898,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 14:30:10','2019-03-18 14:30:10'),(15402,653,1898,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 14:30:10','2019-03-18 14:30:10'),(15403,653,1898,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 14:30:10','2019-03-18 14:30:10'),(15404,653,1898,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 14:30:10','2019-03-18 14:30:10'),(15405,653,1898,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 14:30:10','2019-03-18 14:30:10'),(15406,653,1899,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 14:45:46','2019-03-18 14:45:46'),(15407,653,1899,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 14:45:46','2019-03-18 14:45:46'),(15408,653,1899,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 14:45:46','2019-03-18 14:45:46'),(15409,653,1899,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 14:45:46','2019-03-18 14:45:46'),(15410,653,1899,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 14:45:46','2019-03-18 14:45:46'),(15411,653,1900,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(15412,653,1900,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(15413,653,1900,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(15414,653,1900,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(15415,653,1900,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(15416,653,1900,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(15417,653,1900,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(15418,653,1900,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(15419,653,1900,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(15420,653,1900,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 15:01:59','2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(15421,654,1901,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 14:39:46','2019-03-18 14:39:46'),(15422,654,1901,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 14:39:46','2019-03-18 14:39:46'),(15423,654,1901,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 14:39:46','2019-03-18 14:39:46'),(15424,654,1901,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 14:39:46','2019-03-18 14:39:46'),(15425,654,1901,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 14:39:46','2019-03-18 14:39:46'),(15426,654,1901,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 14:39:46','2019-03-18 14:39:46'),(15427,654,1901,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 14:39:46','2019-03-18 14:39:46'),(15428,654,1901,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 14:39:46','2019-03-18 14:39:46'),(15429,654,1901,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 14:39:46','2019-03-18 14:39:46'),(15430,654,1901,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 14:39:46','2019-03-18 14:39:46'),(15431,654,1902,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 14:50:07','2019-03-18 14:50:07'),(15432,654,1902,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 14:50:07','2019-03-18 14:50:07'),(15433,654,1902,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 14:50:07','2019-03-18 14:50:07'),(15434,654,1902,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 14:50:07','2019-03-18 14:50:07'),(15435,654,1902,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 14:50:07','2019-03-18 14:50:07'),(15436,654,1903,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(15437,654,1903,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(15438,654,1903,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(15439,654,1903,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(15440,654,1903,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(15441,654,1903,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(15442,654,1903,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(15443,654,1903,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(15444,654,1903,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(15445,654,1903,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 15:04:44','2019-03-18 15:04:44'),(15446,655,1904,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 15:01:37','2019-03-18 15:01:37'),(15447,655,1904,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 15:01:37','2019-03-18 15:01:37'),(15448,655,1904,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 15:01:37','2019-03-18 15:01:37'),(15449,655,1904,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 15:01:37','2019-03-18 15:01:37'),(15450,655,1904,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 15:01:37','2019-03-18 15:01:37'),(15451,655,1904,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 15:01:37','2019-03-18 15:01:37'),(15452,655,1904,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 15:01:37','2019-03-18 15:01:37'),(15453,655,1904,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 15:01:37','2019-03-18 15:01:37'),(15454,655,1904,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 15:01:37','2019-03-18 15:01:37'),(15455,655,1904,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 15:01:37','2019-03-18 15:01:37'),(15456,655,1905,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 15:11:47','2019-03-18 15:11:47'),(15457,655,1905,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 15:11:47','2019-03-18 15:11:47'),(15458,655,1905,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 15:11:47','2019-03-18 15:11:47'),(15459,655,1905,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 15:11:47','2019-03-18 15:11:47'),(15460,655,1905,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 15:11:47','2019-03-18 15:11:47'),(15461,655,1906,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(15462,655,1906,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(15463,655,1906,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(15464,655,1906,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(15465,655,1906,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(15466,655,1906,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(15467,655,1906,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(15468,655,1906,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(15469,655,1906,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(15470,655,1906,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 15:28:00','2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(15471,656,1907,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 17:20:53','2019-03-18 17:20:53'),(15472,656,1907,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 17:20:53','2019-03-18 17:20:53'),(15473,656,1907,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 17:20:53','2019-03-18 17:20:53'),(15474,656,1907,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 17:20:53','2019-03-18 17:20:53'),(15475,656,1907,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 17:20:53','2019-03-18 17:20:53'),(15476,656,1907,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 17:20:53','2019-03-18 17:20:53'),(15477,656,1907,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 17:20:53','2019-03-18 17:20:53'),(15478,656,1907,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 17:20:53','2019-03-18 17:20:53'),(15479,656,1907,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 17:20:53','2019-03-18 17:20:53'),(15480,656,1907,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-03-18 17:20:53','2019-03-18 17:20:53'),(15481,656,1908,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 17:26:18','2019-03-18 17:26:18'),(15482,656,1908,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 17:26:18','2019-03-18 17:26:18'),(15483,656,1908,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 17:26:18','2019-03-18 17:26:18'),(15484,656,1908,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-18 17:26:18','2019-03-18 17:26:18'),(15485,656,1908,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 17:26:18','2019-03-18 17:26:18'),(15486,656,1909,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:15'),(15487,656,1909,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:15'),(15488,656,1909,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:15'),(15489,656,1909,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:15'),(15490,656,1909,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:15'),(15491,656,1909,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:15'),(15492,656,1909,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:15'),(15493,656,1909,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:15'),(15494,656,1909,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:15'),(15495,656,1909,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 17:49:15','2019-03-18 17:49:15'),(15496,657,1910,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 19:39:33','2019-03-18 19:39:33'),(15497,657,1910,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-18 19:39:33','2019-03-18 19:39:33'),(15498,657,1910,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 19:39:33','2019-03-18 19:39:33'),(15499,657,1910,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-18 19:39:33','2019-03-18 19:39:33'),(15500,657,1910,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 19:39:33','2019-03-18 19:39:33'),(15501,657,1910,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-18 19:39:33','2019-03-18 19:39:33'),(15502,657,1910,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-18 19:39:33','2019-03-18 19:39:33'),(15503,657,1910,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-18 19:39:33','2019-03-18 19:39:33'),(15504,657,1910,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-18 19:39:33','2019-03-18 19:39:33'),(15505,657,1910,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-18 19:39:33','2019-03-18 19:39:33'),(15506,657,1911,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-18 19:45:17','2019-03-18 19:45:17'),(15507,657,1911,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 19:45:17','2019-03-18 19:45:17'),(15508,657,1911,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-18 19:45:17','2019-03-18 19:45:17'),(15509,657,1911,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-18 19:45:17','2019-03-18 19:45:17'),(15510,657,1911,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-18 19:45:17','2019-03-18 19:45:17'),(15511,657,1912,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(15512,657,1912,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(15513,657,1912,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(15514,657,1912,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(15515,657,1912,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(15516,657,1912,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(15517,657,1912,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(15518,657,1912,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(15519,657,1912,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(15520,657,1912,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-18 20:00:26','2019-03-18 20:00:26'),(15521,658,1913,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 08:42:18','2019-03-19 08:42:18'),(15522,658,1913,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-19 08:42:18','2019-03-19 08:42:18'),(15523,658,1913,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 08:42:18','2019-03-19 08:42:18'),(15524,658,1913,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-19 08:42:18','2019-03-19 08:42:18'),(15525,658,1913,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 08:42:18','2019-03-19 08:42:18'),(15526,658,1913,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-19 08:42:18','2019-03-19 08:42:18'),(15527,658,1913,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-19 08:42:18','2019-03-19 08:42:18'),(15528,658,1913,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-19 08:42:18','2019-03-19 08:42:18'),(15529,658,1913,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-19 08:42:18','2019-03-19 08:42:18'),(15530,658,1913,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-19 08:42:18','2019-03-19 08:42:18'),(15531,658,1914,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-19 08:48:02','2019-03-19 08:48:02'),(15532,658,1914,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 08:48:02','2019-03-19 08:48:02'),(15533,658,1914,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-19 08:48:02','2019-03-19 08:48:02'),(15534,658,1914,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-19 08:48:02','2019-03-19 08:48:02'),(15535,658,1914,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-19 08:48:02','2019-03-19 08:48:02'),(15536,658,1915,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-19 09:03:07','2019-03-19 09:03:07'),(15537,658,1915,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 09:03:07','2019-03-19 09:03:07'),(15538,658,1915,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-19 09:03:07','2019-03-19 09:03:07'),(15539,658,1915,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-19 09:03:07','2019-03-19 09:03:07'),(15540,658,1915,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-19 09:03:07','2019-03-19 09:03:07'),(15541,658,1915,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 09:03:07','2019-03-19 09:03:07'),(15542,658,1915,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-19 09:03:07','2019-03-19 09:03:07'),(15543,658,1915,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-19 09:03:07','2019-03-19 09:03:07'),(15544,658,1915,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-19 09:03:07','2019-03-19 09:03:07'),(15545,658,1915,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-19 09:03:07','2019-03-19 09:03:07'),(15546,659,1916,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 10:52:15','2019-03-19 10:52:15'),(15547,659,1916,50,104,106,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','5,000','490,000','2019-03-19 10:52:15','2019-03-19 10:52:15'),(15548,659,1916,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 10:52:15','2019-03-19 10:52:15'),(15549,659,1916,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-19 10:52:15','2019-03-19 10:52:15'),(15550,659,1916,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 10:52:15','2019-03-19 10:52:15'),(15551,659,1916,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-19 10:52:15','2019-03-19 10:52:15'),(15552,659,1916,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-19 10:52:15','2019-03-19 10:52:15'),(15553,659,1916,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-19 10:52:15','2019-03-19 10:52:15'),(15554,659,1916,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-19 10:52:15','2019-03-19 10:52:15'),(15555,659,1916,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-19 10:52:15','2019-03-19 10:52:15'),(15556,659,1917,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-19 10:59:22','2019-03-19 10:59:22'),(15557,659,1917,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 10:59:22','2019-03-19 10:59:22'),(15558,659,1917,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-19 10:59:22','2019-03-19 10:59:22'),(15559,659,1917,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-19 10:59:22','2019-03-19 10:59:22'),(15560,659,1917,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-19 10:59:22','2019-03-19 10:59:22'),(15561,659,1918,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(15562,659,1918,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(15563,659,1918,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(15564,659,1918,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(15565,659,1918,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(15566,659,1918,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(15567,659,1918,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(15568,659,1918,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(15569,659,1918,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(15570,659,1918,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-19 11:20:01','2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(15571,660,1919,49,103,102,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Homicides, Suicides & Car Accidents','All of the above','2019-03-19 10:29:21','2019-03-19 10:29:21'),(15572,660,1919,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-19 10:29:21','2019-03-19 10:29:21'),(15573,660,1919,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 10:29:21','2019-03-19 10:29:21'),(15574,660,1919,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-19 10:29:21','2019-03-19 10:29:21'),(15575,660,1919,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 10:29:21','2019-03-19 10:29:21'),(15576,660,1919,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-19 10:29:21','2019-03-19 10:29:21'),(15577,660,1919,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-19 10:29:21','2019-03-19 10:29:21'),(15578,660,1919,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-19 10:29:21','2019-03-19 10:29:21'),(15579,660,1919,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-19 10:29:21','2019-03-19 10:29:21'),(15580,660,1919,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-19 10:29:21','2019-03-19 10:29:21'),(15581,660,1920,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-19 10:43:23','2019-03-19 10:43:23'),(15582,660,1920,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 10:43:23','2019-03-19 10:43:23'),(15583,660,1920,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-19 10:43:23','2019-03-19 10:43:23'),(15584,660,1920,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-19 10:43:23','2019-03-19 10:43:23'),(15585,660,1920,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-19 10:43:23','2019-03-19 10:43:23'),(15586,660,1921,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(15587,660,1921,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(15588,660,1921,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(15589,660,1921,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(15590,660,1921,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(15591,660,1921,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(15592,660,1921,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(15593,660,1921,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(15594,660,1921,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(15595,660,1921,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-19 11:33:11','2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(15596,661,1922,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 11:52:59','2019-03-19 11:52:59'),(15597,661,1922,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-19 11:52:59','2019-03-19 11:52:59'),(15598,661,1922,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 11:52:59','2019-03-19 11:52:59'),(15599,661,1922,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-19 11:52:59','2019-03-19 11:52:59'),(15600,661,1922,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 11:52:59','2019-03-19 11:52:59'),(15601,661,1922,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-19 11:52:59','2019-03-19 11:52:59'),(15602,661,1922,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-19 11:52:59','2019-03-19 11:52:59'),(15603,661,1922,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-19 11:52:59','2019-03-19 11:52:59'),(15604,661,1922,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-19 11:52:59','2019-03-19 11:52:59'),(15605,661,1922,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-19 11:52:59','2019-03-19 11:52:59'),(15606,661,1923,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-19 11:58:51','2019-03-19 11:58:51'),(15607,661,1923,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 11:58:51','2019-03-19 11:58:51'),(15608,661,1923,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-19 11:58:51','2019-03-19 11:58:51'),(15609,661,1923,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-19 11:58:51','2019-03-19 11:58:51'),(15610,661,1923,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-19 11:58:51','2019-03-19 11:58:51'),(15611,661,1924,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(15612,661,1924,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(15613,661,1924,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(15614,661,1924,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(15615,661,1924,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(15616,661,1924,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(15617,661,1924,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(15618,661,1924,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(15619,661,1924,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(15620,661,1924,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-19 12:39:32','2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(15621,662,1925,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 14:44:03','2019-03-19 14:44:03'),(15622,662,1925,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-19 14:44:03','2019-03-19 14:44:03'),(15623,662,1925,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 14:44:03','2019-03-19 14:44:03'),(15624,662,1925,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-19 14:44:03','2019-03-19 14:44:03'),(15625,662,1925,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 14:44:03','2019-03-19 14:44:03'),(15626,662,1925,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-19 14:44:03','2019-03-19 14:44:03'),(15627,662,1925,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-19 14:44:03','2019-03-19 14:44:03'),(15628,662,1925,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-19 14:44:03','2019-03-19 14:44:03'),(15629,662,1925,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-19 14:44:03','2019-03-19 14:44:03'),(15630,662,1925,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-19 14:44:03','2019-03-19 14:44:03'),(15631,662,1926,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-19 14:56:52','2019-03-19 14:56:52'),(15632,662,1926,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 14:56:52','2019-03-19 14:56:52'),(15633,662,1926,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-19 14:56:52','2019-03-19 14:56:52'),(15634,662,1926,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-19 14:56:52','2019-03-19 14:56:52'),(15635,662,1926,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-19 14:56:52','2019-03-19 14:56:52'),(15636,662,1927,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(15637,662,1927,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(15638,662,1927,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(15639,662,1927,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(15640,662,1927,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(15641,662,1927,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(15642,662,1927,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(15643,662,1927,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(15644,662,1927,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(15645,662,1927,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-19 15:26:25','2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(15646,663,1928,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 17:54:58','2019-03-19 17:54:58'),(15647,663,1928,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-19 17:54:58','2019-03-19 17:54:58'),(15648,663,1928,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 17:54:58','2019-03-19 17:54:58'),(15649,663,1928,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-19 17:54:58','2019-03-19 17:54:58'),(15650,663,1928,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 17:54:58','2019-03-19 17:54:58'),(15651,663,1928,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-19 17:54:58','2019-03-19 17:54:58'),(15652,663,1928,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-19 17:54:58','2019-03-19 17:54:58'),(15653,663,1928,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-19 17:54:58','2019-03-19 17:54:58'),(15654,663,1928,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-19 17:54:58','2019-03-19 17:54:58'),(15655,663,1928,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-19 17:54:58','2019-03-19 17:54:58'),(15656,663,1929,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-19 18:02:05','2019-03-19 18:02:05'),(15657,663,1929,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 18:02:05','2019-03-19 18:02:05'),(15658,663,1929,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-19 18:02:05','2019-03-19 18:02:05'),(15659,663,1929,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-19 18:02:05','2019-03-19 18:02:05'),(15660,663,1929,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-19 18:02:05','2019-03-19 18:02:05'),(15661,663,1930,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(15662,663,1930,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(15663,663,1930,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(15664,663,1930,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(15665,663,1930,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(15666,663,1930,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(15667,663,1930,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(15668,663,1930,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(15669,663,1930,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(15670,663,1930,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-19 18:21:42','2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(15671,664,1931,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 19:00:31','2019-03-19 19:00:31'),(15672,664,1931,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-19 19:00:31','2019-03-19 19:00:31'),(15673,664,1931,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 19:00:31','2019-03-19 19:00:31'),(15674,664,1931,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-19 19:00:31','2019-03-19 19:00:31'),(15675,664,1931,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 19:00:31','2019-03-19 19:00:31'),(15676,664,1931,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-19 19:00:31','2019-03-19 19:00:31'),(15677,664,1931,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-19 19:00:31','2019-03-19 19:00:31'),(15678,664,1931,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-19 19:00:31','2019-03-19 19:00:31'),(15679,664,1931,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-19 19:00:31','2019-03-19 19:00:31'),(15680,664,1931,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-19 19:00:31','2019-03-19 19:00:31'),(15681,664,1932,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-19 19:07:13','2019-03-19 19:07:13'),(15682,664,1932,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 19:07:13','2019-03-19 19:07:13'),(15683,664,1932,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-19 19:07:13','2019-03-19 19:07:13'),(15684,664,1932,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-19 19:07:13','2019-03-19 19:07:13'),(15685,664,1932,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-19 19:07:13','2019-03-19 19:07:13'),(15686,664,1933,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(15687,664,1933,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(15688,664,1933,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(15689,664,1933,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(15690,664,1933,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(15691,664,1933,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(15692,664,1933,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(15693,664,1933,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(15694,664,1933,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(15695,664,1933,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-19 19:24:01','2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(15696,665,1934,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 22:11:31','2019-03-19 22:11:31'),(15697,665,1934,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-19 22:11:31','2019-03-19 22:11:31'),(15698,665,1934,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 22:11:31','2019-03-19 22:11:31'),(15699,665,1934,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-19 22:11:31','2019-03-19 22:11:31'),(15700,665,1934,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 22:11:31','2019-03-19 22:11:31'),(15701,665,1934,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-19 22:11:31','2019-03-19 22:11:31'),(15702,665,1934,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-19 22:11:31','2019-03-19 22:11:31'),(15703,665,1934,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-19 22:11:31','2019-03-19 22:11:31'),(15704,665,1934,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-19 22:11:31','2019-03-19 22:11:31'),(15705,665,1934,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-19 22:11:31','2019-03-19 22:11:31'),(15706,665,1935,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-19 22:18:00','2019-03-19 22:18:00'),(15707,665,1935,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 22:18:00','2019-03-19 22:18:00'),(15708,665,1935,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-19 22:18:00','2019-03-19 22:18:00'),(15709,665,1935,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-19 22:18:00','2019-03-19 22:18:00'),(15710,665,1935,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-19 22:18:00','2019-03-19 22:18:00'),(15711,665,1936,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(15712,665,1936,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(15713,665,1936,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(15714,665,1936,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(15715,665,1936,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(15716,665,1936,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(15717,665,1936,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(15718,665,1936,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(15719,665,1936,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(15720,665,1936,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-19 22:34:20','2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(15721,666,1937,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 22:49:49','2019-03-19 22:49:49'),(15722,666,1937,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-19 22:49:49','2019-03-19 22:49:49'),(15723,666,1937,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 22:49:49','2019-03-19 22:49:49'),(15724,666,1937,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-19 22:49:49','2019-03-19 22:49:49'),(15725,666,1937,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 22:49:49','2019-03-19 22:49:49'),(15726,666,1937,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-19 22:49:49','2019-03-19 22:49:49'),(15727,666,1937,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-19 22:49:49','2019-03-19 22:49:49'),(15728,666,1937,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-19 22:49:49','2019-03-19 22:49:49'),(15729,666,1937,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-19 22:49:49','2019-03-19 22:49:49'),(15730,666,1937,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-19 22:49:49','2019-03-19 22:49:49'),(15731,666,1938,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-19 22:56:43','2019-03-19 22:56:43'),(15732,666,1938,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 22:56:43','2019-03-19 22:56:43'),(15733,666,1938,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-19 22:56:43','2019-03-19 22:56:43'),(15734,666,1938,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-19 22:56:43','2019-03-19 22:56:43'),(15735,666,1938,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-19 22:56:43','2019-03-19 22:56:43'),(15736,666,1939,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(15737,666,1939,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(15738,666,1939,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(15739,666,1939,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(15740,666,1939,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(15741,666,1939,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(15742,666,1939,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(15743,666,1939,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(15744,666,1939,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(15745,666,1939,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-19 23:12:44','2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(15746,667,1940,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:03:00','2019-03-20 07:03:00'),(15747,667,1940,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 07:03:00','2019-03-20 07:03:00'),(15748,667,1940,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:03:00','2019-03-20 07:03:00'),(15749,667,1940,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 07:03:00','2019-03-20 07:03:00'),(15750,667,1940,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:03:00','2019-03-20 07:03:00'),(15751,667,1940,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 07:03:00','2019-03-20 07:03:00'),(15752,667,1940,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 07:03:00','2019-03-20 07:03:00'),(15753,667,1940,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 07:03:00','2019-03-20 07:03:00'),(15754,667,1940,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 07:03:00','2019-03-20 07:03:00'),(15755,667,1940,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 07:03:00','2019-03-20 07:03:00'),(15756,667,1941,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 07:09:02','2019-03-20 07:09:02'),(15757,667,1941,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:09:02','2019-03-20 07:09:02'),(15758,667,1941,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 07:09:02','2019-03-20 07:09:02'),(15759,667,1941,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 07:09:02','2019-03-20 07:09:02'),(15760,667,1941,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 07:09:02','2019-03-20 07:09:02'),(15761,667,1942,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:49'),(15762,667,1942,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:49'),(15763,667,1942,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:49'),(15764,667,1942,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:49'),(15765,667,1942,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:49'),(15766,667,1942,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:49'),(15767,667,1942,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:49'),(15768,667,1942,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:49'),(15769,667,1942,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:49'),(15770,667,1942,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 07:23:49','2019-03-20 07:23:49'),(15771,668,1943,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:16:01','2019-03-20 07:16:01'),(15772,668,1943,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 07:16:01','2019-03-20 07:16:01'),(15773,668,1943,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:16:01','2019-03-20 07:16:01'),(15774,668,1943,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 07:16:01','2019-03-20 07:16:01'),(15775,668,1943,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:16:01','2019-03-20 07:16:01'),(15776,668,1943,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 07:16:01','2019-03-20 07:16:01'),(15777,668,1943,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 07:16:01','2019-03-20 07:16:01'),(15778,668,1943,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 07:16:01','2019-03-20 07:16:01'),(15779,668,1943,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 07:16:01','2019-03-20 07:16:01'),(15780,668,1943,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 07:16:01','2019-03-20 07:16:01'),(15781,668,1944,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 07:23:56','2019-03-20 07:23:56'),(15782,668,1944,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:23:56','2019-03-20 07:23:56'),(15783,668,1944,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 07:23:56','2019-03-20 07:23:56'),(15784,668,1944,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 07:23:56','2019-03-20 07:23:56'),(15785,668,1944,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 07:23:56','2019-03-20 07:23:56'),(15786,668,1945,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(15787,668,1945,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(15788,668,1945,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(15789,668,1945,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(15790,668,1945,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(15791,668,1945,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(15792,668,1945,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(15793,668,1945,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(15794,668,1945,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(15795,668,1945,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 07:42:35','2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(15796,669,1946,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 10:49:05','2019-03-20 10:49:05'),(15797,669,1946,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 10:49:05','2019-03-20 10:49:05'),(15798,669,1946,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 10:49:05','2019-03-20 10:49:05'),(15799,669,1946,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 10:49:05','2019-03-20 10:49:05'),(15800,669,1946,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 10:49:05','2019-03-20 10:49:05'),(15801,669,1946,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 10:49:05','2019-03-20 10:49:05'),(15802,669,1946,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 10:49:05','2019-03-20 10:49:05'),(15803,669,1946,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 10:49:05','2019-03-20 10:49:05'),(15804,669,1946,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 10:49:05','2019-03-20 10:49:05'),(15805,669,1946,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 10:49:05','2019-03-20 10:49:05'),(15806,669,1947,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 10:58:53','2019-03-20 10:58:53'),(15807,669,1947,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 10:58:53','2019-03-20 10:58:53'),(15808,669,1947,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 10:58:53','2019-03-20 10:58:53'),(15809,669,1947,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 10:58:53','2019-03-20 10:58:53'),(15810,669,1947,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 10:58:53','2019-03-20 10:58:53'),(15811,669,1948,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(15812,669,1948,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(15813,669,1948,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(15814,669,1948,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(15815,669,1948,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(15816,669,1948,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(15817,669,1948,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(15818,669,1948,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(15819,669,1948,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(15820,669,1948,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:14:23','2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(15821,670,1949,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:24:14','2019-03-20 11:24:14'),(15822,670,1949,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 11:24:14','2019-03-20 11:24:14'),(15823,670,1949,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:24:14','2019-03-20 11:24:14'),(15824,670,1949,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 11:24:14','2019-03-20 11:24:14'),(15825,670,1949,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:24:14','2019-03-20 11:24:14'),(15826,670,1949,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:24:14','2019-03-20 11:24:14'),(15827,670,1949,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 11:24:14','2019-03-20 11:24:14'),(15828,670,1949,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 11:24:14','2019-03-20 11:24:14'),(15829,670,1949,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:24:14','2019-03-20 11:24:14'),(15830,670,1949,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 11:24:14','2019-03-20 11:24:14'),(15831,670,1950,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 11:31:05','2019-03-20 11:31:05'),(15832,670,1950,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:31:05','2019-03-20 11:31:05'),(15833,670,1950,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 11:31:05','2019-03-20 11:31:05'),(15834,670,1950,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:31:05','2019-03-20 11:31:05'),(15835,670,1950,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 11:31:05','2019-03-20 11:31:05'),(15836,670,1951,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(15837,670,1951,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(15838,670,1951,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(15839,670,1951,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(15840,670,1951,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(15841,670,1951,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(15842,670,1951,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(15843,670,1951,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(15844,670,1951,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(15845,670,1951,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:48:28','2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(15846,671,1952,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:35:38','2019-03-20 11:35:38'),(15847,671,1952,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 11:35:38','2019-03-20 11:35:38'),(15848,671,1952,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:35:38','2019-03-20 11:35:38'),(15849,671,1952,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 11:35:38','2019-03-20 11:35:38'),(15850,671,1952,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:35:38','2019-03-20 11:35:38'),(15851,671,1952,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:35:38','2019-03-20 11:35:38'),(15852,671,1952,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 11:35:38','2019-03-20 11:35:38'),(15853,671,1952,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 11:35:38','2019-03-20 11:35:38'),(15854,671,1952,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:35:38','2019-03-20 11:35:38'),(15855,671,1952,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 11:35:38','2019-03-20 11:35:38'),(15856,671,1953,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 11:41:41','2019-03-20 11:41:41'),(15857,671,1953,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:41:41','2019-03-20 11:41:41'),(15858,671,1953,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 11:41:41','2019-03-20 11:41:41'),(15859,671,1953,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:41:41','2019-03-20 11:41:41'),(15860,671,1953,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 11:41:41','2019-03-20 11:41:41'),(15861,671,1954,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(15862,671,1954,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(15863,671,1954,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(15864,671,1954,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(15865,671,1954,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(15866,671,1954,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(15867,671,1954,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(15868,671,1954,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(15869,671,1954,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(15870,671,1954,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 11:59:46','2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(15871,672,1955,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 12:29:58','2019-03-20 12:29:58'),(15872,672,1955,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 12:29:58','2019-03-20 12:29:58'),(15873,672,1955,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 12:29:58','2019-03-20 12:29:58'),(15874,672,1955,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 12:29:58','2019-03-20 12:29:58'),(15875,672,1955,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 12:29:58','2019-03-20 12:29:58'),(15876,672,1955,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 12:29:58','2019-03-20 12:29:58'),(15877,672,1955,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 12:29:58','2019-03-20 12:29:58'),(15878,672,1955,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 12:29:58','2019-03-20 12:29:58'),(15879,672,1955,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 12:29:58','2019-03-20 12:29:58'),(15880,672,1955,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 12:29:58','2019-03-20 12:29:58'),(15881,672,1956,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 12:36:24','2019-03-20 12:36:24'),(15882,672,1956,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 12:36:24','2019-03-20 12:36:24'),(15883,672,1956,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 12:36:24','2019-03-20 12:36:24'),(15884,672,1956,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 12:36:24','2019-03-20 12:36:24'),(15885,672,1956,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 12:36:24','2019-03-20 12:36:24'),(15886,672,1957,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(15887,672,1957,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(15888,672,1957,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(15889,672,1957,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(15890,672,1957,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(15891,672,1957,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(15892,672,1957,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(15893,672,1957,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(15894,672,1957,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(15895,672,1957,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 12:53:46','2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(15896,673,1958,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 12:44:18','2019-03-20 12:44:18'),(15897,673,1958,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 12:44:18','2019-03-20 12:44:18'),(15898,673,1958,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 12:44:18','2019-03-20 12:44:18'),(15899,673,1958,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 12:44:18','2019-03-20 12:44:18'),(15900,673,1958,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 12:44:18','2019-03-20 12:44:18'),(15901,673,1958,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 12:44:18','2019-03-20 12:44:18'),(15902,673,1958,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 12:44:18','2019-03-20 12:44:18'),(15903,673,1958,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 12:44:18','2019-03-20 12:44:18'),(15904,673,1958,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 12:44:18','2019-03-20 12:44:18'),(15905,673,1958,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 12:44:18','2019-03-20 12:44:18'),(15906,673,1959,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 12:50:05','2019-03-20 12:50:05'),(15907,673,1959,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 12:50:05','2019-03-20 12:50:05'),(15908,673,1959,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 12:50:05','2019-03-20 12:50:05'),(15909,673,1959,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 12:50:05','2019-03-20 12:50:05'),(15910,673,1959,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 12:50:05','2019-03-20 12:50:05'),(15911,673,1960,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:22'),(15912,673,1960,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:22'),(15913,673,1960,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:22'),(15914,673,1960,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:22'),(15915,673,1960,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:22'),(15916,673,1960,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:22'),(15917,673,1960,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:22'),(15918,673,1960,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:22'),(15919,673,1960,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:22'),(15920,673,1960,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 13:06:22','2019-03-20 13:06:22'),(15921,674,1961,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 13:12:15','2019-03-20 13:12:15'),(15922,674,1961,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 13:12:15','2019-03-20 13:12:15'),(15923,674,1961,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 13:12:15','2019-03-20 13:12:15'),(15924,674,1961,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 13:12:15','2019-03-20 13:12:15'),(15925,674,1961,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 13:12:15','2019-03-20 13:12:15'),(15926,674,1961,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 13:12:15','2019-03-20 13:12:15'),(15927,674,1961,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 13:12:15','2019-03-20 13:12:15'),(15928,674,1961,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 13:12:15','2019-03-20 13:12:15'),(15929,674,1961,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 13:12:15','2019-03-20 13:12:15'),(15930,674,1961,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 13:12:15','2019-03-20 13:12:15'),(15931,674,1962,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 13:18:23','2019-03-20 13:18:23'),(15932,674,1962,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 13:18:23','2019-03-20 13:18:23'),(15933,674,1962,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 13:18:23','2019-03-20 13:18:23'),(15934,674,1962,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 13:18:23','2019-03-20 13:18:23'),(15935,674,1962,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 13:18:23','2019-03-20 13:18:23'),(15936,674,1963,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:37'),(15937,674,1963,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:37'),(15938,674,1963,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:37'),(15939,674,1963,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:37'),(15940,674,1963,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:37'),(15941,674,1963,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:37'),(15942,674,1963,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:37'),(15943,674,1963,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:37'),(15944,674,1963,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:37'),(15945,674,1963,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 13:37:37','2019-03-20 13:37:37'),(15946,675,1964,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 14:17:08','2019-03-20 14:17:08'),(15947,675,1964,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 14:17:08','2019-03-20 14:17:08'),(15948,675,1964,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 14:17:08','2019-03-20 14:17:08'),(15949,675,1964,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 14:17:08','2019-03-20 14:17:08'),(15950,675,1964,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 14:17:08','2019-03-20 14:17:08'),(15951,675,1964,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 14:17:08','2019-03-20 14:17:08'),(15952,675,1964,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 14:17:08','2019-03-20 14:17:08'),(15953,675,1964,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 14:17:08','2019-03-20 14:17:08'),(15954,675,1964,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 14:17:08','2019-03-20 14:17:08'),(15955,675,1964,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 14:17:08','2019-03-20 14:17:08'),(15956,675,1965,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 14:22:50','2019-03-20 14:22:50'),(15957,675,1965,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 14:22:50','2019-03-20 14:22:50'),(15958,675,1965,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 14:22:50','2019-03-20 14:22:50'),(15959,675,1965,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 14:22:50','2019-03-20 14:22:50'),(15960,675,1965,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 14:22:50','2019-03-20 14:22:50'),(15961,675,1966,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(15962,675,1966,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(15963,675,1966,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(15964,675,1966,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(15965,675,1966,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(15966,675,1966,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(15967,675,1966,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(15968,675,1966,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(15969,675,1966,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(15970,675,1966,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 14:37:09','2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(15971,676,1967,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 18:27:45','2019-03-20 19:06:51'),(15972,676,1967,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 18:27:45','2019-03-20 19:06:51'),(15973,676,1967,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 18:27:45','2019-03-20 19:06:51'),(15974,676,1967,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 18:27:45','2019-03-20 19:06:51'),(15975,676,1967,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 18:27:45','2019-03-20 19:06:51'),(15976,676,1967,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 18:27:45','2019-03-20 19:06:51'),(15977,676,1967,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 18:27:45','2019-03-20 19:06:51'),(15978,676,1967,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 18:27:45','2019-03-20 19:06:51'),(15979,676,1967,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 18:27:45','2019-03-20 19:06:51'),(15980,676,1967,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 18:27:45','2019-03-20 19:06:51'),(15981,676,1968,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 18:36:24','2019-03-20 19:07:01'),(15982,676,1968,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 18:36:24','2019-03-20 19:07:01'),(15983,676,1968,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 18:36:24','2019-03-20 19:07:01'),(15984,676,1968,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 18:36:24','2019-03-20 19:07:01'),(15985,676,1968,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 18:36:24','2019-03-20 19:07:01'),(15986,676,1969,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 18:46:36','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(15987,676,1969,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 18:46:36','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(15988,676,1969,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 18:46:36','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(15989,676,1969,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-20 18:46:36','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(15990,676,1969,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 18:46:36','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(15991,676,1969,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 18:46:36','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(15992,676,1969,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 18:46:36','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(15993,676,1969,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 18:46:36','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(15994,676,1969,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 18:46:36','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(15995,676,1969,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 18:46:36','2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(15996,677,1970,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 19:21:35','2019-03-20 19:21:35'),(15997,677,1970,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 19:21:35','2019-03-20 19:21:35'),(15998,677,1970,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 19:21:35','2019-03-20 19:21:35'),(15999,677,1970,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 19:21:35','2019-03-20 19:21:35'),(16000,677,1970,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 19:21:35','2019-03-20 19:21:35'),(16001,677,1970,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 19:21:35','2019-03-20 19:21:35'),(16002,677,1970,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 19:21:35','2019-03-20 19:21:35'),(16003,677,1970,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 19:21:35','2019-03-20 19:21:35'),(16004,677,1970,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 19:21:35','2019-03-20 19:21:35'),(16005,677,1970,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 19:21:35','2019-03-20 19:21:35'),(16006,677,1971,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 19:27:34','2019-03-20 19:27:34'),(16007,677,1971,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2019-03-20 19:27:34','2019-03-20 19:27:34'),(16008,677,1971,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 19:27:34','2019-03-20 19:27:34'),(16009,677,1971,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-20 19:27:34','2019-03-20 19:27:34'),(16010,677,1971,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 19:27:34','2019-03-20 19:27:34'),(16011,677,1972,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:23'),(16012,677,1972,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:23'),(16013,677,1972,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:23'),(16014,677,1972,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:23'),(16015,677,1972,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:23'),(16016,677,1972,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:23'),(16017,677,1972,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:23'),(16018,677,1972,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:23'),(16019,677,1972,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:23'),(16020,677,1972,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 19:43:23','2019-03-20 19:43:23'),(16021,678,1973,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 19:59:21','2019-03-20 19:59:21'),(16022,678,1973,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 19:59:21','2019-03-20 19:59:21'),(16023,678,1973,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 19:59:21','2019-03-20 19:59:21'),(16024,678,1973,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 19:59:21','2019-03-20 19:59:21'),(16025,678,1973,53,119,116,'n',0.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','E-cigarettes and e-juice','All of the above','2019-03-20 19:59:21','2019-03-20 19:59:21'),(16026,678,1973,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 19:59:21','2019-03-20 19:59:21'),(16027,678,1973,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 19:59:21','2019-03-20 19:59:21'),(16028,678,1973,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 19:59:21','2019-03-20 19:59:21'),(16029,678,1973,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 19:59:21','2019-03-20 19:59:21'),(16030,678,1973,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-20 19:59:21','2019-03-20 19:59:21'),(16031,678,1974,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 20:12:25','2019-03-20 20:12:25'),(16032,678,1974,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 20:12:25','2019-03-20 20:12:25'),(16033,678,1974,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 20:12:25','2019-03-20 20:12:25'),(16034,678,1974,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 20:12:25','2019-03-20 20:12:25'),(16035,678,1974,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 20:12:25','2019-03-20 20:12:25'),(16036,678,1975,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:20'),(16037,678,1975,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:20'),(16038,678,1975,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:20'),(16039,678,1975,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:20'),(16040,678,1975,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:20'),(16041,678,1975,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:20'),(16042,678,1975,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:20'),(16043,678,1975,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:20'),(16044,678,1975,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:20'),(16045,678,1975,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-20 20:27:20','2019-03-20 20:27:20'),(16046,679,1976,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2019-03-20 23:21:31','2019-03-20 23:21:31'),(16047,679,1976,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-20 23:21:31','2019-03-20 23:21:31'),(16048,679,1976,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 23:21:31','2019-03-20 23:21:31'),(16049,679,1976,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-20 23:21:31','2019-03-20 23:21:31'),(16050,679,1976,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 23:21:31','2019-03-20 23:21:31'),(16051,679,1976,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-20 23:21:31','2019-03-20 23:21:31'),(16052,679,1976,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-20 23:21:31','2019-03-20 23:21:31'),(16053,679,1976,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-20 23:21:31','2019-03-20 23:21:31'),(16054,679,1976,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-20 23:21:31','2019-03-20 23:21:31'),(16055,679,1976,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-03-20 23:21:31','2019-03-20 23:21:31'),(16056,679,1977,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-20 23:27:27','2019-03-20 23:27:27'),(16057,679,1977,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 23:27:27','2019-03-20 23:27:27'),(16058,679,1977,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-20 23:27:27','2019-03-20 23:27:27'),(16059,679,1977,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-20 23:27:27','2019-03-20 23:27:27'),(16060,679,1977,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-20 23:27:27','2019-03-20 23:27:27'),(16061,679,1978,78,188,186,'n',0.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','State Issued ID card, Driver’s License, or Permit','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:50'),(16062,679,1978,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:50'),(16063,679,1978,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:50'),(16064,679,1978,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:50'),(16065,679,1978,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:50'),(16066,679,1978,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:50'),(16067,679,1978,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:50'),(16068,679,1978,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:50'),(16069,679,1978,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:50'),(16070,679,1978,84,206,207,'n',0.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','False','True','2019-03-20 23:42:50','2019-03-20 23:42:50'),(16071,680,1979,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 05:28:39','2019-03-21 05:28:39'),(16072,680,1979,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 05:28:39','2019-03-21 05:28:39'),(16073,680,1979,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 05:28:39','2019-03-21 05:28:39'),(16074,680,1979,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 05:28:39','2019-03-21 05:28:39'),(16075,680,1979,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 05:28:39','2019-03-21 05:28:39'),(16076,680,1979,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 05:28:39','2019-03-21 05:28:39'),(16077,680,1979,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 05:28:39','2019-03-21 05:28:39'),(16078,680,1979,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 05:28:39','2019-03-21 05:28:39'),(16079,680,1979,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 05:28:39','2019-03-21 05:28:39'),(16080,680,1979,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 05:28:39','2019-03-21 05:28:39'),(16081,680,1980,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 05:34:10','2019-03-21 05:34:10'),(16082,680,1980,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 05:34:10','2019-03-21 05:34:10'),(16083,680,1980,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 05:34:10','2019-03-21 05:34:10'),(16084,680,1980,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 05:34:10','2019-03-21 05:34:10'),(16085,680,1980,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 05:34:10','2019-03-21 05:34:10'),(16086,680,1981,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:55'),(16087,680,1981,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:55'),(16088,680,1981,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:55'),(16089,680,1981,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:55'),(16090,680,1981,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:55'),(16091,680,1981,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:55'),(16092,680,1981,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:55'),(16093,680,1981,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:55'),(16094,680,1981,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:55'),(16095,680,1981,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 05:49:55','2019-03-21 05:49:55'),(16096,681,1982,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 06:04:00','2019-03-21 06:04:00'),(16097,681,1982,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 06:04:00','2019-03-21 06:04:00'),(16098,681,1982,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 06:04:00','2019-03-21 06:04:00'),(16099,681,1982,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 06:04:00','2019-03-21 06:04:00'),(16100,681,1982,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 06:04:00','2019-03-21 06:04:00'),(16101,681,1982,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 06:04:00','2019-03-21 06:04:00'),(16102,681,1982,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 06:04:00','2019-03-21 06:04:00'),(16103,681,1982,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 06:04:00','2019-03-21 06:04:00'),(16104,681,1982,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 06:04:00','2019-03-21 06:04:00'),(16105,681,1982,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 06:04:00','2019-03-21 06:04:00'),(16106,681,1983,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 06:09:54','2019-03-21 06:09:54'),(16107,681,1983,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 06:09:54','2019-03-21 06:09:54'),(16108,681,1983,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 06:09:54','2019-03-21 06:09:54'),(16109,681,1983,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 06:09:54','2019-03-21 06:09:54'),(16110,681,1983,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 06:09:54','2019-03-21 06:09:54'),(16111,681,1984,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(16112,681,1984,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(16113,681,1984,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(16114,681,1984,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(16115,681,1984,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(16116,681,1984,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(16117,681,1984,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(16118,681,1984,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(16119,681,1984,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(16120,681,1984,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 06:25:38','2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(16121,682,1985,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 08:40:11','2019-03-21 08:40:11'),(16122,682,1985,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 08:40:11','2019-03-21 08:40:11'),(16123,682,1985,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 08:40:11','2019-03-21 08:40:11'),(16124,682,1985,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 08:40:11','2019-03-21 08:40:11'),(16125,682,1985,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 08:40:11','2019-03-21 08:40:11'),(16126,682,1985,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 08:40:11','2019-03-21 08:40:11'),(16127,682,1985,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 08:40:11','2019-03-21 08:40:11'),(16128,682,1985,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 08:40:11','2019-03-21 08:40:11'),(16129,682,1985,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 08:40:11','2019-03-21 08:40:11'),(16130,682,1985,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 08:40:11','2019-03-21 08:40:11'),(16131,682,1986,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 08:45:58','2019-03-21 08:45:58'),(16132,682,1986,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 08:45:58','2019-03-21 08:45:58'),(16133,682,1986,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 08:45:58','2019-03-21 08:45:58'),(16134,682,1986,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 08:45:58','2019-03-21 08:45:58'),(16135,682,1986,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 08:45:58','2019-03-21 08:45:58'),(16136,682,1987,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(16137,682,1987,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(16138,682,1987,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(16139,682,1987,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(16140,682,1987,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(16141,682,1987,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(16142,682,1987,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(16143,682,1987,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(16144,682,1987,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(16145,682,1987,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:05:30','2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(16146,683,1988,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 08:46:22','2019-03-21 08:46:22'),(16147,683,1988,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 08:46:22','2019-03-21 08:46:22'),(16148,683,1988,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 08:46:22','2019-03-21 08:46:22'),(16149,683,1988,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 08:46:22','2019-03-21 08:46:22'),(16150,683,1988,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 08:46:22','2019-03-21 08:46:22'),(16151,683,1988,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 08:46:22','2019-03-21 08:46:22'),(16152,683,1988,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 08:46:22','2019-03-21 08:46:22'),(16153,683,1988,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 08:46:22','2019-03-21 08:46:22'),(16154,683,1988,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 08:46:22','2019-03-21 08:46:22'),(16155,683,1988,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 08:46:22','2019-03-21 08:46:22'),(16156,683,1989,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 08:51:59','2019-03-21 08:51:59'),(16157,683,1989,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 08:51:59','2019-03-21 08:51:59'),(16158,683,1989,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 08:51:59','2019-03-21 08:51:59'),(16159,683,1989,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 08:51:59','2019-03-21 08:51:59'),(16160,683,1989,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 08:51:59','2019-03-21 08:51:59'),(16161,683,1990,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(16162,683,1990,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(16163,683,1990,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(16164,683,1990,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(16165,683,1990,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(16166,683,1990,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(16167,683,1990,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(16168,683,1990,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(16169,683,1990,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(16170,683,1990,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:09:48','2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(16171,684,1991,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:23:28','2019-03-21 09:23:28'),(16172,684,1991,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 09:23:28','2019-03-21 09:23:28'),(16173,684,1991,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:23:28','2019-03-21 09:23:28'),(16174,684,1991,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 09:23:28','2019-03-21 09:23:28'),(16175,684,1991,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:23:28','2019-03-21 09:23:28'),(16176,684,1991,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:23:28','2019-03-21 09:23:28'),(16177,684,1991,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 09:23:28','2019-03-21 09:23:28'),(16178,684,1991,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 09:23:28','2019-03-21 09:23:28'),(16179,684,1991,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:23:28','2019-03-21 09:23:28'),(16180,684,1991,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 09:23:28','2019-03-21 09:23:28'),(16181,684,1992,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 09:29:05','2019-03-21 09:29:05'),(16182,684,1992,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:29:05','2019-03-21 09:29:05'),(16183,684,1992,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 09:29:05','2019-03-21 09:29:05'),(16184,684,1992,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:29:05','2019-03-21 09:29:05'),(16185,684,1992,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 09:29:05','2019-03-21 09:29:05'),(16186,684,1993,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:17'),(16187,684,1993,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:17'),(16188,684,1993,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:17'),(16189,684,1993,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:17'),(16190,684,1993,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:17'),(16191,684,1993,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:17'),(16192,684,1993,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:17'),(16193,684,1993,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:17'),(16194,684,1993,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:17'),(16195,684,1993,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:45:17','2019-03-21 09:45:17'),(16196,685,1994,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:46:03','2019-03-21 09:46:03'),(16197,685,1994,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 09:46:03','2019-03-21 09:46:03'),(16198,685,1994,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:46:03','2019-03-21 09:46:03'),(16199,685,1994,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 09:46:03','2019-03-21 09:46:03'),(16200,685,1994,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:46:03','2019-03-21 09:46:03'),(16201,685,1994,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:46:03','2019-03-21 09:46:03'),(16202,685,1994,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 09:46:03','2019-03-21 09:46:03'),(16203,685,1994,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 09:46:03','2019-03-21 09:46:03'),(16204,685,1994,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:46:03','2019-03-21 09:46:03'),(16205,685,1994,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 09:46:03','2019-03-21 09:46:03'),(16206,685,1995,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 09:52:06','2019-03-21 09:52:06'),(16207,685,1995,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 09:52:06','2019-03-21 09:52:06'),(16208,685,1995,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 09:52:06','2019-03-21 09:52:06'),(16209,685,1995,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 09:52:06','2019-03-21 09:52:06'),(16210,685,1995,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 09:52:06','2019-03-21 09:52:06'),(16211,685,1996,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(16212,685,1996,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(16213,685,1996,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(16214,685,1996,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(16215,685,1996,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(16216,685,1996,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(16217,685,1996,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(16218,685,1996,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(16219,685,1996,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(16220,685,1996,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:12:21','2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(16221,686,1997,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:00:55','2019-03-21 10:00:55'),(16222,686,1997,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 10:00:55','2019-03-21 10:00:55'),(16223,686,1997,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:00:55','2019-03-21 10:00:55'),(16224,686,1997,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 10:00:55','2019-03-21 10:00:55'),(16225,686,1997,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:00:55','2019-03-21 10:00:55'),(16226,686,1997,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:00:55','2019-03-21 10:00:55'),(16227,686,1997,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 10:00:55','2019-03-21 10:00:55'),(16228,686,1997,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 10:00:55','2019-03-21 10:00:55'),(16229,686,1997,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:00:55','2019-03-21 10:00:55'),(16230,686,1997,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 10:00:55','2019-03-21 10:00:55'),(16231,686,1998,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 10:07:20','2019-03-21 10:07:20'),(16232,686,1998,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:07:20','2019-03-21 10:07:20'),(16233,686,1998,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 10:07:20','2019-03-21 10:07:20'),(16234,686,1998,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:07:20','2019-03-21 10:07:20'),(16235,686,1998,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 10:07:20','2019-03-21 10:07:20'),(16236,686,1999,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(16237,686,1999,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(16238,686,1999,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(16239,686,1999,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(16240,686,1999,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(16241,686,1999,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(16242,686,1999,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(16243,686,1999,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(16244,686,1999,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(16245,686,1999,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:23:55','2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(16246,687,2000,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:42:01','2019-03-21 10:42:01'),(16247,687,2000,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 10:42:01','2019-03-21 10:42:01'),(16248,687,2000,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:42:01','2019-03-21 10:42:01'),(16249,687,2000,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 10:42:01','2019-03-21 10:42:01'),(16250,687,2000,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:42:01','2019-03-21 10:42:01'),(16251,687,2000,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:42:01','2019-03-21 10:42:01'),(16252,687,2000,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 10:42:01','2019-03-21 10:42:01'),(16253,687,2000,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 10:42:01','2019-03-21 10:42:01'),(16254,687,2000,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:42:01','2019-03-21 10:42:01'),(16255,687,2000,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 10:42:01','2019-03-21 10:42:01'),(16256,687,2001,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 10:47:56','2019-03-21 10:47:56'),(16257,687,2001,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:47:56','2019-03-21 10:47:56'),(16258,687,2001,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 10:47:56','2019-03-21 10:47:56'),(16259,687,2001,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:47:56','2019-03-21 10:47:56'),(16260,687,2001,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 10:47:56','2019-03-21 10:47:56'),(16261,687,2002,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:36'),(16262,687,2002,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:36'),(16263,687,2002,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:36'),(16264,687,2002,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:36'),(16265,687,2002,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:36'),(16266,687,2002,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:36'),(16267,687,2002,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:36'),(16268,687,2002,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:36'),(16269,687,2002,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:36'),(16270,687,2002,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:03:36','2019-03-21 11:03:36'),(16271,688,2003,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:44:14','2019-03-21 10:44:14'),(16272,688,2003,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 10:44:14','2019-03-21 10:44:14'),(16273,688,2003,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:44:14','2019-03-21 10:44:14'),(16274,688,2003,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 10:44:14','2019-03-21 10:44:14'),(16275,688,2003,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:44:14','2019-03-21 10:44:14'),(16276,688,2003,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:44:14','2019-03-21 10:44:14'),(16277,688,2003,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 10:44:14','2019-03-21 10:44:14'),(16278,688,2003,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 10:44:14','2019-03-21 10:44:14'),(16279,688,2003,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:44:14','2019-03-21 10:44:14'),(16280,688,2003,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 10:44:14','2019-03-21 10:44:14'),(16281,688,2004,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 10:50:09','2019-03-21 10:50:09'),(16282,688,2004,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 10:50:09','2019-03-21 10:50:09'),(16283,688,2004,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 10:50:09','2019-03-21 10:50:09'),(16284,688,2004,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 10:50:09','2019-03-21 10:50:09'),(16285,688,2004,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 10:50:09','2019-03-21 10:50:09'),(16286,688,2005,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(16287,688,2005,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(16288,688,2005,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(16289,688,2005,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(16290,688,2005,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(16291,688,2005,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(16292,688,2005,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(16293,688,2005,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(16294,688,2005,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(16295,688,2005,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:05:12','2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(16296,689,2006,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:13:42','2019-03-21 11:13:42'),(16297,689,2006,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 11:13:42','2019-03-21 11:13:42'),(16298,689,2006,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:13:42','2019-03-21 11:13:42'),(16299,689,2006,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 11:13:42','2019-03-21 11:13:42'),(16300,689,2006,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:13:42','2019-03-21 11:13:42'),(16301,689,2006,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:13:42','2019-03-21 11:13:42'),(16302,689,2006,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 11:13:42','2019-03-21 11:13:42'),(16303,689,2006,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 11:13:42','2019-03-21 11:13:42'),(16304,689,2006,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:13:42','2019-03-21 11:13:42'),(16305,689,2006,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 11:13:42','2019-03-21 11:13:42'),(16306,689,2007,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 11:20:54','2019-03-21 11:20:54'),(16307,689,2007,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:20:54','2019-03-21 11:20:54'),(16308,689,2007,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 11:20:54','2019-03-21 11:20:54'),(16309,689,2007,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:20:54','2019-03-21 11:20:54'),(16310,689,2007,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 11:20:54','2019-03-21 11:20:54'),(16311,689,2008,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(16312,689,2008,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(16313,689,2008,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(16314,689,2008,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(16315,689,2008,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(16316,689,2008,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(16317,689,2008,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(16318,689,2008,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(16319,689,2008,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(16320,689,2008,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:42:08','2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(16321,690,2009,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:31:11','2019-03-21 11:31:11'),(16322,690,2009,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 11:31:11','2019-03-21 11:31:11'),(16323,690,2009,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:31:11','2019-03-21 11:31:11'),(16324,690,2009,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 11:31:11','2019-03-21 11:31:11'),(16325,690,2009,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:31:11','2019-03-21 11:31:11'),(16326,690,2009,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:31:11','2019-03-21 11:31:11'),(16327,690,2009,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 11:31:11','2019-03-21 11:31:11'),(16328,690,2009,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 11:31:11','2019-03-21 11:31:11'),(16329,690,2009,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:31:11','2019-03-21 11:31:11'),(16330,690,2009,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 11:31:11','2019-03-21 11:31:11'),(16331,690,2010,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 11:36:51','2019-03-21 11:36:51'),(16332,690,2010,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:36:51','2019-03-21 11:36:51'),(16333,690,2010,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 11:36:51','2019-03-21 11:36:51'),(16334,690,2010,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:36:51','2019-03-21 11:36:51'),(16335,690,2010,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 11:36:51','2019-03-21 11:36:51'),(16336,690,2011,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(16337,690,2011,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(16338,690,2011,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(16339,690,2011,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(16340,690,2011,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(16341,690,2011,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(16342,690,2011,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(16343,690,2011,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(16344,690,2011,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(16345,690,2011,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:52:53','2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(16346,691,2012,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:36:23','2019-03-21 11:36:23'),(16347,691,2012,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 11:36:23','2019-03-21 11:36:23'),(16348,691,2012,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:36:23','2019-03-21 11:36:23'),(16349,691,2012,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 11:36:23','2019-03-21 11:36:23'),(16350,691,2012,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:36:23','2019-03-21 11:36:23'),(16351,691,2012,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:36:23','2019-03-21 11:36:23'),(16352,691,2012,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 11:36:23','2019-03-21 11:36:23'),(16353,691,2012,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 11:36:23','2019-03-21 11:36:23'),(16354,691,2012,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:36:23','2019-03-21 11:36:23'),(16355,691,2012,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 11:36:23','2019-03-21 11:36:23'),(16356,691,2013,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 11:41:46','2019-03-21 11:41:46'),(16357,691,2013,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:41:46','2019-03-21 11:41:46'),(16358,691,2013,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 11:41:46','2019-03-21 11:41:46'),(16359,691,2013,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:41:46','2019-03-21 11:41:46'),(16360,691,2013,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 11:41:46','2019-03-21 11:41:46'),(16361,691,2014,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:40'),(16362,691,2014,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:40'),(16363,691,2014,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:40'),(16364,691,2014,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:40'),(16365,691,2014,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:40'),(16366,691,2014,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:40'),(16367,691,2014,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:40'),(16368,691,2014,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:40'),(16369,691,2014,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:40'),(16370,691,2014,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 11:56:40','2019-03-21 11:56:40'),(16371,692,2015,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:11:47','2019-03-21 13:11:47'),(16372,692,2015,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 13:11:47','2019-03-21 13:11:47'),(16373,692,2015,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:11:47','2019-03-21 13:11:47'),(16374,692,2015,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 13:11:47','2019-03-21 13:11:47'),(16375,692,2015,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:11:47','2019-03-21 13:11:47'),(16376,692,2015,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 13:11:47','2019-03-21 13:11:47'),(16377,692,2015,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 13:11:47','2019-03-21 13:11:47'),(16378,692,2015,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 13:11:47','2019-03-21 13:11:47'),(16379,692,2015,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 13:11:47','2019-03-21 13:11:47'),(16380,692,2015,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 13:11:47','2019-03-21 13:11:47'),(16381,692,2016,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 13:17:31','2019-03-21 13:17:31'),(16382,692,2016,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:17:31','2019-03-21 13:17:31'),(16383,692,2016,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 13:17:31','2019-03-21 13:17:31'),(16384,692,2016,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 13:17:31','2019-03-21 13:17:31'),(16385,692,2016,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 13:17:31','2019-03-21 13:17:31'),(16386,692,2017,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(16387,692,2017,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(16388,692,2017,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(16389,692,2017,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(16390,692,2017,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(16391,692,2017,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(16392,692,2017,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(16393,692,2017,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(16394,692,2017,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(16395,692,2017,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 13:32:39','2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(16396,693,2018,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:30:18','2019-03-21 13:30:18'),(16397,693,2018,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 13:30:18','2019-03-21 13:30:18'),(16398,693,2018,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:30:18','2019-03-21 13:30:18'),(16399,693,2018,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 13:30:18','2019-03-21 13:30:18'),(16400,693,2018,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:30:18','2019-03-21 13:30:18'),(16401,693,2018,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 13:30:18','2019-03-21 13:30:18'),(16402,693,2018,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 13:30:18','2019-03-21 13:30:18'),(16403,693,2018,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 13:30:18','2019-03-21 13:30:18'),(16404,693,2018,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 13:30:18','2019-03-21 13:30:18'),(16405,693,2018,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 13:30:18','2019-03-21 13:30:18'),(16406,693,2019,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 13:36:27','2019-03-21 13:36:27'),(16407,693,2019,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:36:27','2019-03-21 13:36:27'),(16408,693,2019,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 13:36:27','2019-03-21 13:36:27'),(16409,693,2019,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 13:36:27','2019-03-21 13:36:27'),(16410,693,2019,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 13:36:27','2019-03-21 13:36:27'),(16411,693,2020,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(16412,693,2020,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(16413,693,2020,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(16414,693,2020,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(16415,693,2020,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(16416,693,2020,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(16417,693,2020,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(16418,693,2020,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(16419,693,2020,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(16420,693,2020,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 13:57:25','2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(16421,694,2021,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 14:14:11','2019-03-21 14:14:11'),(16422,694,2021,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 14:14:11','2019-03-21 14:14:11'),(16423,694,2021,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 14:14:11','2019-03-21 14:14:11'),(16424,694,2021,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 14:14:11','2019-03-21 14:14:11'),(16425,694,2021,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 14:14:11','2019-03-21 14:14:11'),(16426,694,2021,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 14:14:11','2019-03-21 14:14:11'),(16427,694,2021,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 14:14:11','2019-03-21 14:14:11'),(16428,694,2021,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 14:14:11','2019-03-21 14:14:11'),(16429,694,2021,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 14:14:11','2019-03-21 14:14:11'),(16430,694,2021,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 14:14:11','2019-03-21 14:14:11'),(16431,694,2022,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 14:19:55','2019-03-21 14:19:55'),(16432,694,2022,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 14:19:55','2019-03-21 14:19:55'),(16433,694,2022,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 14:19:55','2019-03-21 14:19:55'),(16434,694,2022,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 14:19:55','2019-03-21 14:19:55'),(16435,694,2022,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 14:19:55','2019-03-21 14:19:55'),(16436,694,2023,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:03'),(16437,694,2023,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:03'),(16438,694,2023,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:03'),(16439,694,2023,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:03'),(16440,694,2023,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:03'),(16441,694,2023,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:03'),(16442,694,2023,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:03'),(16443,694,2023,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:03'),(16444,694,2023,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:03'),(16445,694,2023,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 14:35:03','2019-03-21 14:35:03'),(16446,695,2024,49,103,101,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','AIDS','All of the above','2019-03-21 16:14:22','2019-03-21 16:14:22'),(16447,695,2024,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-21 16:14:22','2019-03-21 16:14:22'),(16448,695,2024,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 16:14:22','2019-03-21 16:14:22'),(16449,695,2024,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-21 16:14:22','2019-03-21 16:14:22'),(16450,695,2024,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 16:14:22','2019-03-21 16:14:22'),(16451,695,2024,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-21 16:14:22','2019-03-21 16:14:22'),(16452,695,2024,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-21 16:14:22','2019-03-21 16:14:22'),(16453,695,2024,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-21 16:14:22','2019-03-21 16:14:22'),(16454,695,2024,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-21 16:14:22','2019-03-21 16:14:22'),(16455,695,2024,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-21 16:14:22','2019-03-21 16:14:22'),(16456,695,2025,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-21 16:20:05','2019-03-21 16:20:05'),(16457,695,2025,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 16:20:05','2019-03-21 16:20:05'),(16458,695,2025,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-21 16:20:05','2019-03-21 16:20:05'),(16459,695,2025,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-21 16:20:05','2019-03-21 16:20:05'),(16460,695,2025,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-21 16:20:05','2019-03-21 16:20:05'),(16461,695,2026,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(16462,695,2026,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(16463,695,2026,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(16464,695,2026,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(16465,695,2026,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(16466,695,2026,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(16467,695,2026,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(16468,695,2026,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(16469,695,2026,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(16470,695,2026,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-21 16:35:19','2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(16471,696,2027,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 10:05:35','2019-03-22 10:05:35'),(16472,696,2027,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-22 10:05:35','2019-03-22 10:05:35'),(16473,696,2027,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 10:05:35','2019-03-22 10:05:35'),(16474,696,2027,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-22 10:05:35','2019-03-22 10:05:35'),(16475,696,2027,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 10:05:35','2019-03-22 10:05:35'),(16476,696,2027,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-22 10:05:35','2019-03-22 10:05:35'),(16477,696,2027,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-22 10:05:35','2019-03-22 10:05:35'),(16478,696,2027,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-22 10:05:35','2019-03-22 10:05:35'),(16479,696,2027,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-22 10:05:35','2019-03-22 10:05:35'),(16480,696,2027,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-22 10:05:35','2019-03-22 10:05:35'),(16481,696,2028,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-22 10:11:18','2019-03-22 10:11:18'),(16482,696,2028,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 10:11:18','2019-03-22 10:11:18'),(16483,696,2028,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-22 10:11:18','2019-03-22 10:11:18'),(16484,696,2028,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-22 10:11:18','2019-03-22 10:11:18'),(16485,696,2028,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-22 10:11:18','2019-03-22 10:11:18'),(16486,696,2029,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(16487,696,2029,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(16488,696,2029,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(16489,696,2029,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(16490,696,2029,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(16491,696,2029,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(16492,696,2029,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(16493,696,2029,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(16494,696,2029,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(16495,696,2029,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-22 10:25:52','2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(16496,697,2030,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 11:34:28','2019-03-22 11:34:28'),(16497,697,2030,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-22 11:34:28','2019-03-22 11:34:28'),(16498,697,2030,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 11:34:28','2019-03-22 11:34:28'),(16499,697,2030,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-22 11:34:28','2019-03-22 11:34:28'),(16500,697,2030,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 11:34:28','2019-03-22 11:34:28'),(16501,697,2030,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-22 11:34:28','2019-03-22 11:34:28'),(16502,697,2030,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-22 11:34:28','2019-03-22 11:34:28'),(16503,697,2030,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-22 11:34:28','2019-03-22 11:34:28'),(16504,697,2030,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-22 11:34:28','2019-03-22 11:34:28'),(16505,697,2030,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-22 11:34:28','2019-03-22 11:34:28'),(16506,697,2031,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-22 11:41:00','2019-03-22 11:41:00'),(16507,697,2031,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 11:41:00','2019-03-22 11:41:00'),(16508,697,2031,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-22 11:41:00','2019-03-22 11:41:00'),(16509,697,2031,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-22 11:41:00','2019-03-22 11:41:00'),(16510,697,2031,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-22 11:41:00','2019-03-22 11:41:00'),(16511,697,2032,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:20'),(16512,697,2032,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:20'),(16513,697,2032,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:20'),(16514,697,2032,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:20'),(16515,697,2032,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:20'),(16516,697,2032,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:20'),(16517,697,2032,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:20'),(16518,697,2032,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:20'),(16519,697,2032,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:20'),(16520,697,2032,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-22 11:56:20','2019-03-22 11:56:20'),(16521,698,2033,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 18:38:36','2019-03-22 18:38:36'),(16522,698,2033,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-22 18:38:36','2019-03-22 18:38:36'),(16523,698,2033,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 18:38:36','2019-03-22 18:38:36'),(16524,698,2033,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-22 18:38:36','2019-03-22 18:38:36'),(16525,698,2033,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 18:38:36','2019-03-22 18:38:36'),(16526,698,2033,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-22 18:38:36','2019-03-22 18:38:36'),(16527,698,2033,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-22 18:38:36','2019-03-22 18:38:36'),(16528,698,2033,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-22 18:38:36','2019-03-22 18:38:36'),(16529,698,2033,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-22 18:38:36','2019-03-22 18:38:36'),(16530,698,2033,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-22 18:38:36','2019-03-22 18:38:36'),(16531,698,2034,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-22 18:46:32','2019-03-22 18:46:32'),(16532,698,2034,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 18:46:32','2019-03-22 18:46:32'),(16533,698,2034,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-22 18:46:32','2019-03-22 18:46:32'),(16534,698,2034,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-22 18:46:32','2019-03-22 18:46:32'),(16535,698,2034,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-22 18:46:32','2019-03-22 18:46:32'),(16536,698,2035,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(16537,698,2035,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(16538,698,2035,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(16539,698,2035,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(16540,698,2035,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(16541,698,2035,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(16542,698,2035,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(16543,698,2035,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(16544,698,2035,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(16545,698,2035,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-22 19:04:10','2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(16546,699,2036,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 07:36:15','2019-03-23 07:36:15'),(16547,699,2036,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-23 07:36:15','2019-03-23 07:36:15'),(16548,699,2036,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 07:36:15','2019-03-23 07:36:15'),(16549,699,2036,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-23 07:36:15','2019-03-23 07:36:15'),(16550,699,2036,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 07:36:15','2019-03-23 07:36:15'),(16551,699,2036,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-23 07:36:15','2019-03-23 07:36:15'),(16552,699,2036,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-23 07:36:15','2019-03-23 07:36:15'),(16553,699,2036,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-23 07:36:15','2019-03-23 07:36:15'),(16554,699,2036,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-23 07:36:15','2019-03-23 07:36:15'),(16555,699,2036,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-23 07:36:15','2019-03-23 07:36:15'),(16556,699,2037,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-23 07:43:49','2019-03-23 07:43:49'),(16557,699,2037,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 07:43:49','2019-03-23 07:43:49'),(16558,699,2037,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-23 07:43:49','2019-03-23 07:43:49'),(16559,699,2037,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-23 07:43:49','2019-03-23 07:43:49'),(16560,699,2037,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-23 07:43:49','2019-03-23 07:43:49'),(16561,699,2038,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(16562,699,2038,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(16563,699,2038,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(16564,699,2038,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(16565,699,2038,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(16566,699,2038,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(16567,699,2038,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(16568,699,2038,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(16569,699,2038,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(16570,699,2038,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-23 07:59:38','2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(16571,700,2039,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 09:20:57','2019-03-23 09:20:57'),(16572,700,2039,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-23 09:20:57','2019-03-23 09:20:57'),(16573,700,2039,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 09:20:57','2019-03-23 09:20:57'),(16574,700,2039,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-23 09:20:57','2019-03-23 09:20:57'),(16575,700,2039,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 09:20:57','2019-03-23 09:20:57'),(16576,700,2039,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-23 09:20:57','2019-03-23 09:20:57'),(16577,700,2039,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-23 09:20:57','2019-03-23 09:20:57'),(16578,700,2039,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-23 09:20:57','2019-03-23 09:20:57'),(16579,700,2039,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-23 09:20:57','2019-03-23 09:20:57'),(16580,700,2039,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-23 09:20:57','2019-03-23 09:20:57'),(16581,700,2040,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-23 09:27:43','2019-03-23 09:27:43'),(16582,700,2040,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 09:27:43','2019-03-23 09:27:43'),(16583,700,2040,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-23 09:27:43','2019-03-23 09:27:43'),(16584,700,2040,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-23 09:27:43','2019-03-23 09:27:43'),(16585,700,2040,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-23 09:27:43','2019-03-23 09:27:43'),(16586,700,2041,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(16587,700,2041,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(16588,700,2041,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(16589,700,2041,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(16590,700,2041,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(16591,700,2041,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(16592,700,2041,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(16593,700,2041,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(16594,700,2041,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(16595,700,2041,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-23 09:44:46','2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(16596,701,2042,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 10:06:15','2019-03-23 10:06:15'),(16597,701,2042,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-23 10:06:15','2019-03-23 10:06:15'),(16598,701,2042,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 10:06:15','2019-03-23 10:06:15'),(16599,701,2042,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-23 10:06:15','2019-03-23 10:06:15'),(16600,701,2042,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 10:06:15','2019-03-23 10:06:15'),(16601,701,2042,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-23 10:06:15','2019-03-23 10:06:15'),(16602,701,2042,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-23 10:06:15','2019-03-23 10:06:15'),(16603,701,2042,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-23 10:06:15','2019-03-23 10:06:15'),(16604,701,2042,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-23 10:06:15','2019-03-23 10:06:15'),(16605,701,2042,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-23 10:06:15','2019-03-23 10:06:15'),(16606,701,2043,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-23 10:14:12','2019-03-23 10:14:12'),(16607,701,2043,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 10:14:12','2019-03-23 10:14:12'),(16608,701,2043,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-23 10:14:12','2019-03-23 10:14:12'),(16609,701,2043,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-23 10:14:12','2019-03-23 10:14:12'),(16610,701,2043,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-23 10:14:12','2019-03-23 10:14:12'),(16611,701,2044,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(16612,701,2044,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(16613,701,2044,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(16614,701,2044,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(16615,701,2044,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(16616,701,2044,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(16617,701,2044,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(16618,701,2044,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(16619,701,2044,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(16620,701,2044,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-23 10:30:29','2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(16621,702,2045,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 10:51:58','2019-03-23 10:51:58'),(16622,702,2045,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-23 10:51:58','2019-03-23 10:51:58'),(16623,702,2045,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 10:51:58','2019-03-23 10:51:58'),(16624,702,2045,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-23 10:51:58','2019-03-23 10:51:58'),(16625,702,2045,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 10:51:58','2019-03-23 10:51:58'),(16626,702,2045,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-23 10:51:58','2019-03-23 10:51:58'),(16627,702,2045,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-23 10:51:58','2019-03-23 10:51:58'),(16628,702,2045,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-23 10:51:58','2019-03-23 10:51:58'),(16629,702,2045,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-23 10:51:58','2019-03-23 10:51:58'),(16630,702,2045,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-23 10:51:58','2019-03-23 10:51:58'),(16631,702,2046,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-23 11:11:03','2019-03-23 11:11:03'),(16632,702,2046,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 11:11:03','2019-03-23 11:11:03'),(16633,702,2046,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-23 11:11:03','2019-03-23 11:11:03'),(16634,702,2046,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-23 11:11:03','2019-03-23 11:11:03'),(16635,702,2046,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-23 11:11:03','2019-03-23 11:11:03'),(16636,702,2047,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(16637,702,2047,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(16638,702,2047,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(16639,702,2047,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(16640,702,2047,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(16641,702,2047,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(16642,702,2047,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(16643,702,2047,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(16644,702,2047,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(16645,702,2047,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-23 11:32:16','2019-03-23 11:32:16'),(16646,703,2048,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 11:55:10','2019-03-23 11:55:10'),(16647,703,2048,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-23 11:55:10','2019-03-23 11:55:10'),(16648,703,2048,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 11:55:10','2019-03-23 11:55:10'),(16649,703,2048,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-23 11:55:10','2019-03-23 11:55:10'),(16650,703,2048,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 11:55:10','2019-03-23 11:55:10'),(16651,703,2048,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-23 11:55:10','2019-03-23 11:55:10'),(16652,703,2048,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-23 11:55:10','2019-03-23 11:55:10'),(16653,703,2048,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-23 11:55:10','2019-03-23 11:55:10'),(16654,703,2048,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-23 11:55:10','2019-03-23 11:55:10'),(16655,703,2048,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-23 11:55:10','2019-03-23 11:55:10'),(16656,703,2049,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-23 12:01:20','2019-03-23 12:01:20'),(16657,703,2049,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 12:01:20','2019-03-23 12:01:20'),(16658,703,2049,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-23 12:01:20','2019-03-23 12:01:20'),(16659,703,2049,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-23 12:01:20','2019-03-23 12:01:20'),(16660,703,2049,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-23 12:01:20','2019-03-23 12:01:20'),(16661,703,2050,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(16662,703,2050,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(16663,703,2050,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(16664,703,2050,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(16665,703,2050,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(16666,703,2050,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(16667,703,2050,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(16668,703,2050,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(16669,703,2050,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(16670,703,2050,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-23 12:16:43','2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(16671,704,2051,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:10:48','2019-03-23 15:10:48'),(16672,704,2051,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-23 15:10:48','2019-03-23 15:10:48'),(16673,704,2051,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:10:48','2019-03-23 15:10:48'),(16674,704,2051,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-23 15:10:48','2019-03-23 15:10:48'),(16675,704,2051,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:10:48','2019-03-23 15:10:48'),(16676,704,2051,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-23 15:10:48','2019-03-23 15:10:48'),(16677,704,2051,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-23 15:10:48','2019-03-23 15:10:48'),(16678,704,2051,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-23 15:10:48','2019-03-23 15:10:48'),(16679,704,2051,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-23 15:10:48','2019-03-23 15:10:48'),(16680,704,2051,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-23 15:10:48','2019-03-23 15:10:48'),(16681,704,2052,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-23 15:16:22','2019-03-23 15:16:22'),(16682,704,2052,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:16:22','2019-03-23 15:16:22'),(16683,704,2052,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-23 15:16:22','2019-03-23 15:16:22'),(16684,704,2052,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-23 15:16:22','2019-03-23 15:16:22'),(16685,704,2052,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-23 15:16:22','2019-03-23 15:16:22'),(16686,704,2053,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(16687,704,2053,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(16688,704,2053,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(16689,704,2053,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(16690,704,2053,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(16691,704,2053,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(16692,704,2053,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(16693,704,2053,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(16694,704,2053,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(16695,704,2053,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-23 15:30:47','2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(16696,705,2054,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:11:54','2019-03-23 15:11:54'),(16697,705,2054,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-23 15:11:54','2019-03-23 15:11:54'),(16698,705,2054,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:11:54','2019-03-23 15:11:54'),(16699,705,2054,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-23 15:11:54','2019-03-23 15:11:54'),(16700,705,2054,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:11:54','2019-03-23 15:11:54'),(16701,705,2054,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-23 15:11:54','2019-03-23 15:11:54'),(16702,705,2054,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-23 15:11:54','2019-03-23 15:11:54'),(16703,705,2054,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-23 15:11:54','2019-03-23 15:11:54'),(16704,705,2054,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-23 15:11:54','2019-03-23 15:11:54'),(16705,705,2054,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-23 15:11:54','2019-03-23 15:11:54'),(16706,705,2055,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-23 15:21:46','2019-03-23 15:21:46'),(16707,705,2055,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:21:46','2019-03-23 15:21:46'),(16708,705,2055,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-23 15:21:46','2019-03-23 15:21:46'),(16709,705,2055,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-23 15:21:46','2019-03-23 15:21:46'),(16710,705,2055,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-23 15:21:46','2019-03-23 15:21:46'),(16711,705,2056,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(16712,705,2056,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(16713,705,2056,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(16714,705,2056,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(16715,705,2056,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(16716,705,2056,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(16717,705,2056,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(16718,705,2056,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(16719,705,2056,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(16720,705,2056,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-23 15:54:03','2019-03-23 15:54:03'),(16721,706,2057,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 16:21:01','2019-03-23 16:21:01'),(16722,706,2057,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-23 16:21:01','2019-03-23 16:21:01'),(16723,706,2057,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 16:21:01','2019-03-23 16:21:01'),(16724,706,2057,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-23 16:21:01','2019-03-23 16:21:01'),(16725,706,2057,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 16:21:01','2019-03-23 16:21:01'),(16726,706,2057,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-23 16:21:01','2019-03-23 16:21:01'),(16727,706,2057,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-23 16:21:01','2019-03-23 16:21:01'),(16728,706,2057,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-23 16:21:01','2019-03-23 16:21:01'),(16729,706,2057,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-23 16:21:01','2019-03-23 16:21:01'),(16730,706,2057,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-23 16:21:01','2019-03-23 16:21:01'),(16731,706,2058,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-23 16:28:07','2019-03-23 16:28:07'),(16732,706,2058,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 16:28:07','2019-03-23 16:28:07'),(16733,706,2058,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-23 16:28:07','2019-03-23 16:28:07'),(16734,706,2058,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-23 16:28:07','2019-03-23 16:28:07'),(16735,706,2058,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-23 16:28:07','2019-03-23 16:28:07'),(16736,706,2059,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(16737,706,2059,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(16738,706,2059,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(16739,706,2059,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(16740,706,2059,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(16741,706,2059,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(16742,706,2059,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(16743,706,2059,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(16744,706,2059,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(16745,706,2059,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-23 16:45:55','2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(16746,707,2060,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 19:04:49','2019-03-23 19:04:49'),(16747,707,2060,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-23 19:04:49','2019-03-23 19:04:49'),(16748,707,2060,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 19:04:49','2019-03-23 19:04:49'),(16749,707,2060,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-23 19:04:49','2019-03-23 19:04:49'),(16750,707,2060,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 19:04:49','2019-03-23 19:04:49'),(16751,707,2060,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-23 19:04:49','2019-03-23 19:04:49'),(16752,707,2060,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-23 19:04:49','2019-03-23 19:04:49'),(16753,707,2060,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-23 19:04:49','2019-03-23 19:04:49'),(16754,707,2060,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-23 19:04:49','2019-03-23 19:04:49'),(16755,707,2060,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-23 19:04:49','2019-03-23 19:04:49'),(16756,707,2061,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-23 19:10:18','2019-03-23 19:10:18'),(16757,707,2061,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 19:10:18','2019-03-23 19:10:18'),(16758,707,2061,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-23 19:10:18','2019-03-23 19:10:18'),(16759,707,2061,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-23 19:10:18','2019-03-23 19:10:18'),(16760,707,2061,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-23 19:10:18','2019-03-23 19:10:18'),(16761,707,2062,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(16762,707,2062,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(16763,707,2062,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(16764,707,2062,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(16765,707,2062,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(16766,707,2062,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(16767,707,2062,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(16768,707,2062,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(16769,707,2062,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(16770,707,2062,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-23 19:24:56','2019-03-23 19:24:56'),(16771,708,2063,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 11:48:40','2019-03-24 11:48:40'),(16772,708,2063,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-24 11:48:40','2019-03-24 11:48:40'),(16773,708,2063,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 11:48:40','2019-03-24 11:48:40'),(16774,708,2063,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-24 11:48:40','2019-03-24 11:48:40'),(16775,708,2063,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 11:48:40','2019-03-24 11:48:40'),(16776,708,2063,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-24 11:48:40','2019-03-24 11:48:40'),(16777,708,2063,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-24 11:48:40','2019-03-24 11:48:40'),(16778,708,2063,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-24 11:48:40','2019-03-24 11:48:40'),(16779,708,2063,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-24 11:48:40','2019-03-24 11:48:40'),(16780,708,2063,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-24 11:48:40','2019-03-24 11:48:40'),(16781,708,2064,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-24 11:55:27','2019-03-24 11:55:27'),(16782,708,2064,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 11:55:27','2019-03-24 11:55:27'),(16783,708,2064,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-24 11:55:27','2019-03-24 11:55:27'),(16784,708,2064,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-24 11:55:27','2019-03-24 11:55:27'),(16785,708,2064,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-24 11:55:27','2019-03-24 11:55:27'),(16786,708,2065,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(16787,708,2065,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(16788,708,2065,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(16789,708,2065,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(16790,708,2065,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(16791,708,2065,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(16792,708,2065,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(16793,708,2065,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(16794,708,2065,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(16795,708,2065,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-24 12:12:46','2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(16796,709,2066,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 21:10:58','2019-03-24 21:10:58'),(16797,709,2066,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-24 21:10:58','2019-03-24 21:10:58'),(16798,709,2066,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 21:10:58','2019-03-24 21:10:58'),(16799,709,2066,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-24 21:10:58','2019-03-24 21:10:58'),(16800,709,2066,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 21:10:58','2019-03-24 21:10:58'),(16801,709,2066,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-24 21:10:58','2019-03-24 21:10:58'),(16802,709,2066,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-24 21:10:58','2019-03-24 21:10:58'),(16803,709,2066,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-24 21:10:58','2019-03-24 21:10:58'),(16804,709,2066,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-24 21:10:58','2019-03-24 21:10:58'),(16805,709,2066,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-24 21:10:58','2019-03-24 21:10:58'),(16806,709,2067,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-24 21:18:56','2019-03-24 21:18:56'),(16807,709,2067,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 21:18:56','2019-03-24 21:18:56'),(16808,709,2067,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-24 21:18:56','2019-03-24 21:18:56'),(16809,709,2067,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-24 21:18:56','2019-03-24 21:18:56'),(16810,709,2067,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-24 21:18:56','2019-03-24 21:18:56'),(16811,709,2068,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(16812,709,2068,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(16813,709,2068,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(16814,709,2068,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(16815,709,2068,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(16816,709,2068,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(16817,709,2068,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(16818,709,2068,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(16819,709,2068,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(16820,709,2068,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-24 21:37:56','2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(16821,710,2069,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-25 13:16:34','2019-03-25 13:16:34'),(16822,710,2069,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-25 13:16:34','2019-03-25 13:16:34'),(16823,710,2069,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-25 13:16:34','2019-03-25 13:16:34'),(16824,710,2069,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-25 13:16:34','2019-03-25 13:16:34'),(16825,710,2069,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-25 13:16:34','2019-03-25 13:16:34'),(16826,710,2069,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-25 13:16:34','2019-03-25 13:16:34'),(16827,710,2069,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-25 13:16:34','2019-03-25 13:16:34'),(16828,710,2069,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-25 13:16:34','2019-03-25 13:16:34'),(16829,710,2069,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-25 13:16:34','2019-03-25 13:16:34'),(16830,710,2069,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-25 13:16:34','2019-03-25 13:16:34'),(16831,710,2070,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-25 13:27:15','2019-03-25 13:27:15'),(16832,710,2070,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-25 13:27:15','2019-03-25 13:27:15'),(16833,710,2070,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-25 13:27:15','2019-03-25 13:27:15'),(16834,710,2070,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-25 13:27:15','2019-03-25 13:27:15'),(16835,710,2070,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-25 13:27:15','2019-03-25 13:27:15'),(16836,710,2071,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:08'),(16837,710,2071,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:08'),(16838,710,2071,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:08'),(16839,710,2071,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:08'),(16840,710,2071,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:08'),(16841,710,2071,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:08'),(16842,710,2071,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:08'),(16843,710,2071,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:08'),(16844,710,2071,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:08'),(16845,710,2071,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-25 13:46:08','2019-03-25 13:46:08'),(16846,711,2072,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 06:52:43','2019-03-26 06:52:43'),(16847,711,2072,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-26 06:52:43','2019-03-26 06:52:43'),(16848,711,2072,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 06:52:43','2019-03-26 06:52:43'),(16849,711,2072,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-26 06:52:43','2019-03-26 06:52:43'),(16850,711,2072,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 06:52:43','2019-03-26 06:52:43'),(16851,711,2072,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-26 06:52:43','2019-03-26 06:52:43'),(16852,711,2072,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-26 06:52:43','2019-03-26 06:52:43'),(16853,711,2072,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-26 06:52:43','2019-03-26 06:52:43'),(16854,711,2072,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-26 06:52:43','2019-03-26 06:52:43'),(16855,711,2072,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-26 06:52:43','2019-03-26 06:52:43'),(16856,711,2073,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-26 06:58:24','2019-03-26 06:58:24'),(16857,711,2073,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 06:58:24','2019-03-26 06:58:24'),(16858,711,2073,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-26 06:58:24','2019-03-26 06:58:24'),(16859,711,2073,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-26 06:58:24','2019-03-26 06:58:24'),(16860,711,2073,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-26 06:58:24','2019-03-26 06:58:24'),(16861,711,2074,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(16862,711,2074,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(16863,711,2074,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(16864,711,2074,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(16865,711,2074,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(16866,711,2074,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(16867,711,2074,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(16868,711,2074,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(16869,711,2074,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(16870,711,2074,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-26 07:13:27','2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(16871,712,2075,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 07:36:29','2019-03-26 07:44:36'),(16872,712,2075,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-26 07:36:29','2019-03-26 07:44:36'),(16873,712,2075,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 07:36:29','2019-03-26 07:44:36'),(16874,712,2075,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-26 07:36:29','2019-03-26 07:44:36'),(16875,712,2075,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 07:36:29','2019-03-26 07:44:36'),(16876,712,2075,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-26 07:36:29','2019-03-26 07:44:36'),(16877,712,2075,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-26 07:36:29','2019-03-26 07:44:36'),(16878,712,2075,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-26 07:36:29','2019-03-26 07:44:36'),(16879,712,2075,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-26 07:36:29','2019-03-26 07:44:36'),(16880,712,2075,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-26 07:36:29','2019-03-26 07:44:36'),(16881,712,2076,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-26 07:44:24','2019-03-26 08:00:10'),(16882,712,2076,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 07:44:24','2019-03-26 08:00:10'),(16883,712,2076,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-26 07:44:24','2019-03-26 08:00:10'),(16884,712,2076,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-26 07:44:24','2019-03-26 08:00:10'),(16885,712,2076,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-26 07:44:24','2019-03-26 08:00:10'),(16886,712,2077,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:14'),(16887,712,2077,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:14'),(16888,712,2077,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:14'),(16889,712,2077,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:14'),(16890,712,2077,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:14'),(16891,712,2077,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:14'),(16892,712,2077,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:14'),(16893,712,2077,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:14'),(16894,712,2077,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:14'),(16895,712,2077,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-26 08:15:14','2019-03-26 08:15:14'),(16896,713,2078,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 12:28:33','2019-03-26 12:28:33'),(16897,713,2078,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-26 12:28:33','2019-03-26 12:28:33'),(16898,713,2078,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 12:28:33','2019-03-26 12:28:33'),(16899,713,2078,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-26 12:28:33','2019-03-26 12:28:33'),(16900,713,2078,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 12:28:33','2019-03-26 12:28:33'),(16901,713,2078,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-26 12:28:33','2019-03-26 12:28:33'),(16902,713,2078,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-26 12:28:33','2019-03-26 12:28:33'),(16903,713,2078,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-26 12:28:33','2019-03-26 12:28:33'),(16904,713,2078,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-26 12:28:33','2019-03-26 12:28:33'),(16905,713,2078,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-26 12:28:33','2019-03-26 12:28:33'),(16906,713,2079,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-26 12:43:02','2019-03-26 12:43:02'),(16907,713,2079,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 12:43:02','2019-03-26 12:43:02'),(16908,713,2079,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-26 12:43:02','2019-03-26 12:43:02'),(16909,713,2079,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-26 12:43:02','2019-03-26 12:43:02'),(16910,713,2079,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-26 12:43:02','2019-03-26 12:43:02'),(16911,713,2080,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(16912,713,2080,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(16913,713,2080,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(16914,713,2080,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(16915,713,2080,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(16916,713,2080,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(16917,713,2080,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(16918,713,2080,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(16919,713,2080,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(16920,713,2080,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-26 13:09:04','2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(16921,714,2081,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 13:22:59','2019-03-26 13:22:59'),(16922,714,2081,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-26 13:22:59','2019-03-26 13:22:59'),(16923,714,2081,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 13:22:59','2019-03-26 13:22:59'),(16924,714,2081,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-26 13:22:59','2019-03-26 13:22:59'),(16925,714,2081,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 13:22:59','2019-03-26 13:22:59'),(16926,714,2081,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-26 13:22:59','2019-03-26 13:22:59'),(16927,714,2081,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-26 13:22:59','2019-03-26 13:22:59'),(16928,714,2081,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-26 13:22:59','2019-03-26 13:22:59'),(16929,714,2081,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-26 13:22:59','2019-03-26 13:22:59'),(16930,714,2081,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-26 13:22:59','2019-03-26 13:22:59'),(16931,714,2082,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-26 13:28:46','2019-03-26 13:28:46'),(16932,714,2082,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 13:28:46','2019-03-26 13:28:46'),(16933,714,2082,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-26 13:28:46','2019-03-26 13:28:46'),(16934,714,2082,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-26 13:28:46','2019-03-26 13:28:46'),(16935,714,2082,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-26 13:28:46','2019-03-26 13:28:46'),(16936,714,2083,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:54'),(16937,714,2083,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:54'),(16938,714,2083,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:54'),(16939,714,2083,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:54'),(16940,714,2083,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:54'),(16941,714,2083,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:54'),(16942,714,2083,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:54'),(16943,714,2083,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:54'),(16944,714,2083,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:54'),(16945,714,2083,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-26 13:44:54','2019-03-26 13:44:54'),(16946,715,2084,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:02:19','2019-03-26 14:02:19'),(16947,715,2084,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-26 14:02:19','2019-03-26 14:02:19'),(16948,715,2084,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:02:19','2019-03-26 14:02:19'),(16949,715,2084,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-26 14:02:19','2019-03-26 14:02:19'),(16950,715,2084,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:02:19','2019-03-26 14:02:19'),(16951,715,2084,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-26 14:02:19','2019-03-26 14:02:19'),(16952,715,2084,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-26 14:02:19','2019-03-26 14:02:19'),(16953,715,2084,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-26 14:02:19','2019-03-26 14:02:19'),(16954,715,2084,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-26 14:02:19','2019-03-26 14:02:19'),(16955,715,2084,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-26 14:02:19','2019-03-26 14:02:19'),(16956,715,2085,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-26 14:08:07','2019-03-26 14:08:07'),(16957,715,2085,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:08:07','2019-03-26 14:08:07'),(16958,715,2085,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-26 14:08:07','2019-03-26 14:08:07'),(16959,715,2085,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-26 14:08:07','2019-03-26 14:08:07'),(16960,715,2085,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-26 14:08:07','2019-03-26 14:08:07'),(16961,715,2086,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:11'),(16962,715,2086,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:11'),(16963,715,2086,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:11'),(16964,715,2086,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:11'),(16965,715,2086,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:11'),(16966,715,2086,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:11'),(16967,715,2086,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:11'),(16968,715,2086,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:11'),(16969,715,2086,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:11'),(16970,715,2086,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-26 14:24:11','2019-03-26 14:24:11'),(16971,716,2087,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:32:51','2019-03-26 14:32:51'),(16972,716,2087,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-26 14:32:51','2019-03-26 14:32:51'),(16973,716,2087,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:32:51','2019-03-26 14:32:51'),(16974,716,2087,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-26 14:32:51','2019-03-26 14:32:51'),(16975,716,2087,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:32:51','2019-03-26 14:32:51'),(16976,716,2087,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-26 14:32:51','2019-03-26 14:32:51'),(16977,716,2087,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-26 14:32:51','2019-03-26 14:32:51'),(16978,716,2087,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-26 14:32:51','2019-03-26 14:32:51'),(16979,716,2087,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-26 14:32:51','2019-03-26 14:32:51'),(16980,716,2087,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-26 14:32:51','2019-03-26 14:32:51'),(16981,716,2088,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-26 14:39:07','2019-03-26 14:39:07'),(16982,716,2088,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:39:07','2019-03-26 14:39:07'),(16983,716,2088,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-26 14:39:07','2019-03-26 14:39:07'),(16984,716,2088,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-26 14:39:07','2019-03-26 14:39:07'),(16985,716,2088,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-26 14:39:07','2019-03-26 14:39:07'),(16986,716,2089,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(16987,716,2089,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(16988,716,2089,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(16989,716,2089,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(16990,716,2089,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(16991,716,2089,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(16992,716,2089,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(16993,716,2089,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(16994,716,2089,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(16995,716,2089,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-26 14:54:54','2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(16996,717,2090,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 15:03:54','2019-03-26 15:03:54'),(16997,717,2090,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-26 15:03:54','2019-03-26 15:03:54'),(16998,717,2090,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 15:03:54','2019-03-26 15:03:54'),(16999,717,2090,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-26 15:03:54','2019-03-26 15:03:54'),(17000,717,2090,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 15:03:54','2019-03-26 15:03:54'),(17001,717,2090,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-26 15:03:54','2019-03-26 15:03:54'),(17002,717,2090,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-26 15:03:54','2019-03-26 15:03:54'),(17003,717,2090,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-26 15:03:54','2019-03-26 15:03:54'),(17004,717,2090,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-26 15:03:54','2019-03-26 15:03:54'),(17005,717,2090,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-26 15:03:54','2019-03-26 15:03:54'),(17006,717,2091,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-26 15:12:10','2019-03-26 15:12:10'),(17007,717,2091,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 15:12:10','2019-03-26 15:12:10'),(17008,717,2091,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-26 15:12:10','2019-03-26 15:12:10'),(17009,717,2091,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-26 15:12:10','2019-03-26 15:12:10'),(17010,717,2091,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-26 15:12:10','2019-03-26 15:12:10'),(17011,717,2092,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(17012,717,2092,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(17013,717,2092,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(17014,717,2092,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(17015,717,2092,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(17016,717,2092,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(17017,717,2092,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(17018,717,2092,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(17019,717,2092,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(17020,717,2092,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-26 15:33:19','2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(17021,718,2093,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 09:03:03','2019-03-27 09:03:03'),(17022,718,2093,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-27 09:03:03','2019-03-27 09:03:03'),(17023,718,2093,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 09:03:03','2019-03-27 09:03:03'),(17024,718,2093,52,114,115,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigars','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 09:03:03','2019-03-27 09:03:03'),(17025,718,2093,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 09:03:03','2019-03-27 09:03:03'),(17026,718,2093,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 09:03:03','2019-03-27 09:03:03'),(17027,718,2093,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 09:03:03','2019-03-27 09:03:03'),(17028,718,2093,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 09:03:03','2019-03-27 09:03:03'),(17029,718,2093,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 09:03:03','2019-03-27 09:03:03'),(17030,718,2093,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 09:03:03','2019-03-27 09:03:03'),(17031,718,2094,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 09:10:19','2019-03-27 09:10:19'),(17032,718,2094,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 09:10:19','2019-03-27 09:10:19'),(17033,718,2094,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 09:10:19','2019-03-27 09:10:19'),(17034,718,2094,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-27 09:10:19','2019-03-27 09:10:19'),(17035,718,2094,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 09:10:19','2019-03-27 09:10:19'),(17036,718,2095,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(17037,718,2095,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(17038,718,2095,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(17039,718,2095,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(17040,718,2095,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(17041,718,2095,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(17042,718,2095,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(17043,718,2095,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(17044,718,2095,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(17045,718,2095,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 09:25:26','2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(17046,719,2096,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 09:52:02','2019-03-27 09:52:02'),(17047,719,2096,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-27 09:52:02','2019-03-27 09:52:02'),(17048,719,2096,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 09:52:02','2019-03-27 09:52:02'),(17049,719,2096,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 09:52:02','2019-03-27 09:52:02'),(17050,719,2096,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 09:52:02','2019-03-27 09:52:02'),(17051,719,2096,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 09:52:02','2019-03-27 09:52:02'),(17052,719,2096,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 09:52:02','2019-03-27 09:52:02'),(17053,719,2096,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 09:52:02','2019-03-27 09:52:02'),(17054,719,2096,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 09:52:02','2019-03-27 09:52:02'),(17055,719,2096,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 09:52:02','2019-03-27 09:52:02'),(17056,719,2097,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 09:59:17','2019-03-27 09:59:17'),(17057,719,2097,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 09:59:17','2019-03-27 09:59:17'),(17058,719,2097,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 09:59:17','2019-03-27 09:59:17'),(17059,719,2097,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-27 09:59:17','2019-03-27 09:59:17'),(17060,719,2097,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 09:59:17','2019-03-27 09:59:17'),(17061,719,2098,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(17062,719,2098,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(17063,719,2098,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(17064,719,2098,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(17065,719,2098,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(17066,719,2098,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(17067,719,2098,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(17068,719,2098,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(17069,719,2098,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(17070,719,2098,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 10:18:07','2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(17071,720,2099,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 10:42:08','2019-03-27 10:42:08'),(17072,720,2099,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-27 10:42:08','2019-03-27 10:42:08'),(17073,720,2099,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 10:42:08','2019-03-27 10:42:08'),(17074,720,2099,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 10:42:08','2019-03-27 10:42:08'),(17075,720,2099,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 10:42:08','2019-03-27 10:42:08'),(17076,720,2099,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 10:42:08','2019-03-27 10:42:08'),(17077,720,2099,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 10:42:08','2019-03-27 10:42:08'),(17078,720,2099,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 10:42:08','2019-03-27 10:42:08'),(17079,720,2099,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 10:42:08','2019-03-27 10:42:08'),(17080,720,2099,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 10:42:08','2019-03-27 10:42:08'),(17081,720,2100,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 10:48:48','2019-03-27 10:48:48'),(17082,720,2100,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 10:48:48','2019-03-27 10:48:48'),(17083,720,2100,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 10:48:48','2019-03-27 10:48:48'),(17084,720,2100,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-27 10:48:48','2019-03-27 10:48:48'),(17085,720,2100,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 10:48:48','2019-03-27 10:48:48'),(17086,720,2101,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:28'),(17087,720,2101,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:28'),(17088,720,2101,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:28'),(17089,720,2101,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:28'),(17090,720,2101,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:28'),(17091,720,2101,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:28'),(17092,720,2101,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:28'),(17093,720,2101,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:28'),(17094,720,2101,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:28'),(17095,720,2101,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 11:05:28','2019-03-27 11:05:28'),(17096,721,2102,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:35:45','2019-03-27 11:35:45'),(17097,721,2102,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-27 11:35:45','2019-03-27 11:35:45'),(17098,721,2102,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:35:45','2019-03-27 11:35:45'),(17099,721,2102,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 11:35:45','2019-03-27 11:35:45'),(17100,721,2102,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:35:45','2019-03-27 11:35:45'),(17101,721,2102,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 11:35:45','2019-03-27 11:35:45'),(17102,721,2102,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 11:35:45','2019-03-27 11:35:45'),(17103,721,2102,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 11:35:45','2019-03-27 11:35:45'),(17104,721,2102,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 11:35:45','2019-03-27 11:35:45'),(17105,721,2102,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 11:35:45','2019-03-27 11:35:45'),(17106,721,2103,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 11:41:44','2019-03-27 11:41:44'),(17107,721,2103,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:41:44','2019-03-27 11:41:44'),(17108,721,2103,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 11:41:44','2019-03-27 11:41:44'),(17109,721,2103,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-27 11:41:44','2019-03-27 11:41:44'),(17110,721,2103,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 11:41:44','2019-03-27 11:41:44'),(17111,721,2104,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(17112,721,2104,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(17113,721,2104,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(17114,721,2104,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(17115,721,2104,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(17116,721,2104,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(17117,721,2104,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(17118,721,2104,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(17119,721,2104,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(17120,721,2104,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 11:56:56','2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(17121,722,2105,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:46:06','2019-03-27 11:46:06'),(17122,722,2105,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-27 11:46:06','2019-03-27 11:46:06'),(17123,722,2105,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:46:06','2019-03-27 11:46:06'),(17124,722,2105,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 11:46:06','2019-03-27 11:46:06'),(17125,722,2105,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:46:06','2019-03-27 11:46:06'),(17126,722,2105,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 11:46:06','2019-03-27 11:46:06'),(17127,722,2105,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 11:46:06','2019-03-27 11:46:06'),(17128,722,2105,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 11:46:06','2019-03-27 11:46:06'),(17129,722,2105,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 11:46:06','2019-03-27 11:46:06'),(17130,722,2105,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 11:46:06','2019-03-27 11:46:06'),(17131,722,2106,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 11:52:39','2019-03-27 11:52:39'),(17132,722,2106,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 11:52:39','2019-03-27 11:52:39'),(17133,722,2106,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 11:52:39','2019-03-27 11:52:39'),(17134,722,2106,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-27 11:52:39','2019-03-27 11:52:39'),(17135,722,2106,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 11:52:39','2019-03-27 11:52:39'),(17136,722,2107,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(17137,722,2107,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(17138,722,2107,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(17139,722,2107,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(17140,722,2107,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(17141,722,2107,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(17142,722,2107,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(17143,722,2107,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(17144,722,2107,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(17145,722,2107,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 12:10:30','2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(17146,723,2108,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:27:46','2019-03-27 14:27:46'),(17147,723,2108,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-27 14:27:46','2019-03-27 14:27:46'),(17148,723,2108,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:27:46','2019-03-27 14:27:46'),(17149,723,2108,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 14:27:46','2019-03-27 14:27:46'),(17150,723,2108,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:27:46','2019-03-27 14:27:46'),(17151,723,2108,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:27:46','2019-03-27 14:27:46'),(17152,723,2108,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 14:27:46','2019-03-27 14:27:46'),(17153,723,2108,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 14:27:46','2019-03-27 14:27:46'),(17154,723,2108,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:27:46','2019-03-27 14:27:46'),(17155,723,2108,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 14:27:46','2019-03-27 14:27:46'),(17156,723,2109,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 14:33:29','2019-03-27 14:33:29'),(17157,723,2109,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:33:29','2019-03-27 14:33:29'),(17158,723,2109,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 14:33:29','2019-03-27 14:33:29'),(17159,723,2109,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:33:29','2019-03-27 14:33:29'),(17160,723,2109,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 14:33:29','2019-03-27 14:33:29'),(17161,723,2110,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(17162,723,2110,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(17163,723,2110,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(17164,723,2110,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(17165,723,2110,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(17166,723,2110,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(17167,723,2110,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(17168,723,2110,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(17169,723,2110,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(17170,723,2110,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:49:31','2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(17171,724,2111,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:20:04','2019-03-27 14:20:04'),(17172,724,2111,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-27 14:20:04','2019-03-27 14:20:04'),(17173,724,2111,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:20:04','2019-03-27 14:20:04'),(17174,724,2111,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 14:20:04','2019-03-27 14:20:04'),(17175,724,2111,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:20:04','2019-03-27 14:20:04'),(17176,724,2111,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:20:04','2019-03-27 14:20:04'),(17177,724,2111,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 14:20:04','2019-03-27 14:20:04'),(17178,724,2111,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 14:20:04','2019-03-27 14:20:04'),(17179,724,2111,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:20:04','2019-03-27 14:20:04'),(17180,724,2111,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 14:20:04','2019-03-27 14:20:04'),(17181,724,2112,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 14:33:15','2019-03-27 14:33:15'),(17182,724,2112,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:33:15','2019-03-27 14:33:15'),(17183,724,2112,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 14:33:15','2019-03-27 14:33:15'),(17184,724,2112,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:33:15','2019-03-27 14:33:15'),(17185,724,2112,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 14:33:15','2019-03-27 14:33:15'),(17186,724,2113,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:24'),(17187,724,2113,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:24'),(17188,724,2113,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:24'),(17189,724,2113,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:24'),(17190,724,2113,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:24'),(17191,724,2113,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:24'),(17192,724,2113,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:24'),(17193,724,2113,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:24'),(17194,724,2113,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:24'),(17195,724,2113,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:50:24','2019-03-27 14:50:24'),(17196,725,2114,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:35:08','2019-03-27 14:35:08'),(17197,725,2114,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-27 14:35:08','2019-03-27 14:35:08'),(17198,725,2114,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:35:08','2019-03-27 14:35:08'),(17199,725,2114,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 14:35:08','2019-03-27 14:35:08'),(17200,725,2114,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:35:08','2019-03-27 14:35:08'),(17201,725,2114,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:35:08','2019-03-27 14:35:08'),(17202,725,2114,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 14:35:08','2019-03-27 14:35:08'),(17203,725,2114,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 14:35:08','2019-03-27 14:35:08'),(17204,725,2114,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:35:08','2019-03-27 14:35:08'),(17205,725,2114,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 14:35:08','2019-03-27 14:35:08'),(17206,725,2115,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 14:43:20','2019-03-27 14:43:20'),(17207,725,2115,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:43:20','2019-03-27 14:43:20'),(17208,725,2115,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 14:43:20','2019-03-27 14:43:20'),(17209,725,2115,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-27 14:43:20','2019-03-27 14:43:20'),(17210,725,2115,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 14:43:20','2019-03-27 14:43:20'),(17211,725,2116,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(17212,725,2116,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(17213,725,2116,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(17214,725,2116,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(17215,725,2116,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(17216,725,2116,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(17217,725,2116,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(17218,725,2116,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(17219,725,2116,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(17220,725,2116,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 14:58:26','2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(17221,726,2117,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:21:56','2019-03-27 15:21:56'),(17222,726,2117,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-27 15:21:56','2019-03-27 15:21:56'),(17223,726,2117,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:21:56','2019-03-27 15:21:56'),(17224,726,2117,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 15:21:56','2019-03-27 15:21:56'),(17225,726,2117,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:21:56','2019-03-27 15:21:56'),(17226,726,2117,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 15:21:56','2019-03-27 15:21:56'),(17227,726,2117,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 15:21:56','2019-03-27 15:21:56'),(17228,726,2117,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 15:21:56','2019-03-27 15:21:56'),(17229,726,2117,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 15:21:56','2019-03-27 15:21:56'),(17230,726,2117,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 15:21:56','2019-03-27 15:21:56'),(17231,726,2118,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 15:29:02','2019-03-27 15:29:02'),(17232,726,2118,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:29:02','2019-03-27 15:29:02'),(17233,726,2118,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 15:29:02','2019-03-27 15:29:02'),(17234,726,2118,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-27 15:29:02','2019-03-27 15:29:02'),(17235,726,2118,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 15:29:02','2019-03-27 15:29:02'),(17236,726,2119,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(17237,726,2119,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(17238,726,2119,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(17239,726,2119,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(17240,726,2119,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(17241,726,2119,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(17242,726,2119,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(17243,726,2119,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(17244,726,2119,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(17245,726,2119,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 15:45:31','2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(17246,727,2120,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:15:35','2019-03-27 15:15:35'),(17247,727,2120,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-27 15:15:35','2019-03-27 15:15:35'),(17248,727,2120,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:15:35','2019-03-27 15:15:35'),(17249,727,2120,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 15:15:35','2019-03-27 15:15:35'),(17250,727,2120,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:15:35','2019-03-27 15:15:35'),(17251,727,2120,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 15:15:35','2019-03-27 15:15:35'),(17252,727,2120,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 15:15:35','2019-03-27 15:15:35'),(17253,727,2120,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 15:15:35','2019-03-27 15:15:35'),(17254,727,2120,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 15:15:35','2019-03-27 15:15:35'),(17255,727,2120,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 15:15:35','2019-03-27 15:15:35'),(17256,727,2121,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 15:24:55','2019-03-27 15:24:55'),(17257,727,2121,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:24:55','2019-03-27 15:24:55'),(17258,727,2121,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 15:24:55','2019-03-27 15:24:55'),(17259,727,2121,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-27 15:24:55','2019-03-27 15:24:55'),(17260,727,2121,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 15:24:55','2019-03-27 15:24:55'),(17261,727,2122,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(17262,727,2122,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(17263,727,2122,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(17264,727,2122,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(17265,727,2122,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(17266,727,2122,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(17267,727,2122,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(17268,727,2122,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(17269,727,2122,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(17270,727,2122,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 15:49:44','2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(17271,728,2123,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 16:28:05','2019-03-27 16:34:06'),(17272,728,2123,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2019-03-27 16:28:05','2019-03-27 16:34:06'),(17273,728,2123,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 16:28:05','2019-03-27 16:34:06'),(17274,728,2123,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 16:28:05','2019-03-27 16:34:06'),(17275,728,2123,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 16:28:05','2019-03-27 16:34:06'),(17276,728,2123,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 16:28:05','2019-03-27 16:34:06'),(17277,728,2123,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 16:28:05','2019-03-27 16:34:06'),(17278,728,2123,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 16:28:05','2019-03-27 16:34:06'),(17279,728,2123,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 16:28:05','2019-03-27 16:34:06'),(17280,728,2123,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 16:28:05','2019-03-27 16:34:06'),(17281,728,2124,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 16:34:00','2019-03-27 16:34:10'),(17282,728,2124,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 16:34:00','2019-03-27 16:34:10'),(17283,728,2124,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 16:34:00','2019-03-27 16:34:10'),(17284,728,2124,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-27 16:34:00','2019-03-27 16:34:10'),(17285,728,2124,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 16:34:00','2019-03-27 16:34:10'),(17286,728,2125,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:45'),(17287,728,2125,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:45'),(17288,728,2125,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:45'),(17289,728,2125,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:45'),(17290,728,2125,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:45'),(17291,728,2125,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:45'),(17292,728,2125,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:45'),(17293,728,2125,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:45'),(17294,728,2125,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:45'),(17295,728,2125,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 16:50:45','2019-03-27 16:50:45'),(17296,729,2126,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 18:09:28','2019-03-27 18:09:28'),(17297,729,2126,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-27 18:09:28','2019-03-27 18:09:28'),(17298,729,2126,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 18:09:28','2019-03-27 18:09:28'),(17299,729,2126,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-27 18:09:28','2019-03-27 18:09:28'),(17300,729,2126,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 18:09:28','2019-03-27 18:09:28'),(17301,729,2126,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-27 18:09:28','2019-03-27 18:09:28'),(17302,729,2126,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-27 18:09:28','2019-03-27 18:09:28'),(17303,729,2126,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-27 18:09:28','2019-03-27 18:09:28'),(17304,729,2126,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-27 18:09:28','2019-03-27 18:09:28'),(17305,729,2126,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-27 18:09:28','2019-03-27 18:09:28'),(17306,729,2127,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-27 18:14:52','2019-03-27 18:14:52'),(17307,729,2127,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 18:14:52','2019-03-27 18:14:52'),(17308,729,2127,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-27 18:14:52','2019-03-27 18:14:52'),(17309,729,2127,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-27 18:14:52','2019-03-27 18:14:52'),(17310,729,2127,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-27 18:14:52','2019-03-27 18:14:52'),(17311,729,2128,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(17312,729,2128,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(17313,729,2128,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(17314,729,2128,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(17315,729,2128,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(17316,729,2128,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(17317,729,2128,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(17318,729,2128,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(17319,729,2128,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(17320,729,2128,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-27 18:29:43','2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(17321,730,2129,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 10:29:47','2019-03-28 10:29:47'),(17322,730,2129,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-28 10:29:47','2019-03-28 10:29:47'),(17323,730,2129,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 10:29:47','2019-03-28 10:29:47'),(17324,730,2129,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-28 10:29:47','2019-03-28 10:29:47'),(17325,730,2129,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 10:29:47','2019-03-28 10:29:47'),(17326,730,2129,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-28 10:29:47','2019-03-28 10:29:47'),(17327,730,2129,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-28 10:29:47','2019-03-28 10:29:47'),(17328,730,2129,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-28 10:29:47','2019-03-28 10:29:47'),(17329,730,2129,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-28 10:29:47','2019-03-28 10:29:47'),(17330,730,2129,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-28 10:29:47','2019-03-28 10:29:47'),(17331,730,2130,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-28 10:40:50','2019-03-28 10:40:50'),(17332,730,2130,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 10:40:50','2019-03-28 10:40:50'),(17333,730,2130,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-28 10:40:50','2019-03-28 10:40:50'),(17334,730,2130,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-28 10:40:50','2019-03-28 10:40:50'),(17335,730,2130,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-28 10:40:50','2019-03-28 10:40:50'),(17336,730,2131,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(17337,730,2131,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(17338,730,2131,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(17339,730,2131,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(17340,730,2131,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(17341,730,2131,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(17342,730,2131,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(17343,730,2131,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(17344,730,2131,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(17345,730,2131,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:00:13','2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(17346,731,2132,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:00:28','2019-03-28 11:00:28'),(17347,731,2132,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-28 11:00:28','2019-03-28 11:00:28'),(17348,731,2132,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:00:28','2019-03-28 11:00:28'),(17349,731,2132,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-28 11:00:28','2019-03-28 11:00:28'),(17350,731,2132,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:00:28','2019-03-28 11:00:28'),(17351,731,2132,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:00:28','2019-03-28 11:00:28'),(17352,731,2132,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-28 11:00:28','2019-03-28 11:00:28'),(17353,731,2132,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-28 11:00:28','2019-03-28 11:00:28'),(17354,731,2132,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:00:28','2019-03-28 11:00:28'),(17355,731,2132,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-28 11:00:28','2019-03-28 11:00:28'),(17356,731,2133,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-28 11:06:34','2019-03-28 11:06:34'),(17357,731,2133,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:06:34','2019-03-28 11:06:34'),(17358,731,2133,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-28 11:06:34','2019-03-28 11:06:34'),(17359,731,2133,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:06:34','2019-03-28 11:06:34'),(17360,731,2133,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-28 11:06:34','2019-03-28 11:06:34'),(17361,731,2134,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(17362,731,2134,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(17363,731,2134,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(17364,731,2134,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(17365,731,2134,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(17366,731,2134,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(17367,731,2134,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(17368,731,2134,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(17369,731,2134,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(17370,731,2134,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:25:20','2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(17371,732,2135,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:11:36','2019-03-28 11:11:36'),(17372,732,2135,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-28 11:11:36','2019-03-28 11:11:36'),(17373,732,2135,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:11:36','2019-03-28 11:11:36'),(17374,732,2135,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-28 11:11:36','2019-03-28 11:11:36'),(17375,732,2135,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:11:36','2019-03-28 11:11:36'),(17376,732,2135,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:11:36','2019-03-28 11:11:36'),(17377,732,2135,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-28 11:11:36','2019-03-28 11:11:36'),(17378,732,2135,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-28 11:11:36','2019-03-28 11:11:36'),(17379,732,2135,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:11:36','2019-03-28 11:11:36'),(17380,732,2135,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-28 11:11:36','2019-03-28 11:11:36'),(17381,732,2136,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-28 11:21:08','2019-03-28 11:21:08'),(17382,732,2136,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:21:08','2019-03-28 11:21:08'),(17383,732,2136,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-28 11:21:08','2019-03-28 11:21:08'),(17384,732,2136,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:21:08','2019-03-28 11:21:08'),(17385,732,2136,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-28 11:21:08','2019-03-28 11:21:08'),(17386,732,2137,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(17387,732,2137,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(17388,732,2137,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(17389,732,2137,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(17390,732,2137,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(17391,732,2137,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(17392,732,2137,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(17393,732,2137,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(17394,732,2137,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(17395,732,2137,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-28 11:44:19','2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(17396,733,2138,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 14:56:42','2019-03-28 14:56:42'),(17397,733,2138,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-28 14:56:42','2019-03-28 14:56:42'),(17398,733,2138,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 14:56:42','2019-03-28 14:56:42'),(17399,733,2138,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-28 14:56:42','2019-03-28 14:56:42'),(17400,733,2138,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 14:56:42','2019-03-28 14:56:42'),(17401,733,2138,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-28 14:56:42','2019-03-28 14:56:42'),(17402,733,2138,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-28 14:56:42','2019-03-28 14:56:42'),(17403,733,2138,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-28 14:56:42','2019-03-28 14:56:42'),(17404,733,2138,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-28 14:56:42','2019-03-28 14:56:42'),(17405,733,2138,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-28 14:56:42','2019-03-28 14:56:42'),(17406,733,2139,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-28 15:05:50','2019-03-28 15:05:50'),(17407,733,2139,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 15:05:50','2019-03-28 15:05:50'),(17408,733,2139,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-28 15:05:50','2019-03-28 15:05:50'),(17409,733,2139,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-03-28 15:05:50','2019-03-28 15:05:50'),(17410,733,2139,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-28 15:05:50','2019-03-28 15:05:50'),(17411,733,2140,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(17412,733,2140,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(17413,733,2140,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(17414,733,2140,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(17415,733,2140,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(17416,733,2140,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(17417,733,2140,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(17418,733,2140,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(17419,733,2140,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(17420,733,2140,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-28 15:24:53','2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(17421,734,2141,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 15:48:32','2019-03-28 15:48:32'),(17422,734,2141,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2019-03-28 15:48:32','2019-03-28 15:48:32'),(17423,734,2141,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 15:48:32','2019-03-28 15:48:32'),(17424,734,2141,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-28 15:48:32','2019-03-28 15:48:32'),(17425,734,2141,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 15:48:32','2019-03-28 15:48:32'),(17426,734,2141,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-28 15:48:32','2019-03-28 15:48:32'),(17427,734,2141,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-28 15:48:32','2019-03-28 15:48:32'),(17428,734,2141,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-28 15:48:32','2019-03-28 15:48:32'),(17429,734,2141,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-28 15:48:32','2019-03-28 15:48:32'),(17430,734,2141,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-28 15:48:32','2019-03-28 15:48:32'),(17431,734,2142,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-28 15:56:57','2019-03-28 15:56:57'),(17432,734,2142,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 15:56:57','2019-03-28 15:56:57'),(17433,734,2142,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-28 15:56:57','2019-03-28 15:56:57'),(17434,734,2142,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-28 15:56:57','2019-03-28 15:56:57'),(17435,734,2142,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-28 15:56:57','2019-03-28 15:56:57'),(17436,734,2143,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(17437,734,2143,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(17438,734,2143,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(17439,734,2143,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(17440,734,2143,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(17441,734,2143,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(17442,734,2143,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(17443,734,2143,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(17444,734,2143,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(17445,734,2143,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-28 16:15:42','2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(17446,735,2144,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 16:57:26','2019-03-28 16:57:26'),(17447,735,2144,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-28 16:57:26','2019-03-28 16:57:26'),(17448,735,2144,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 16:57:26','2019-03-28 16:57:26'),(17449,735,2144,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-28 16:57:26','2019-03-28 16:57:26'),(17450,735,2144,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 16:57:26','2019-03-28 16:57:26'),(17451,735,2144,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-28 16:57:26','2019-03-28 16:57:26'),(17452,735,2144,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-28 16:57:26','2019-03-28 16:57:26'),(17453,735,2144,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-28 16:57:26','2019-03-28 16:57:26'),(17454,735,2144,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-28 16:57:26','2019-03-28 16:57:26'),(17455,735,2144,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-28 16:57:26','2019-03-28 16:57:26'),(17456,735,2145,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-28 17:03:02','2019-03-28 17:03:02'),(17457,735,2145,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 17:03:02','2019-03-28 17:03:02'),(17458,735,2145,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-28 17:03:02','2019-03-28 17:03:02'),(17459,735,2145,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-28 17:03:02','2019-03-28 17:03:02'),(17460,735,2145,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-28 17:03:02','2019-03-28 17:03:02'),(17461,735,2146,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:14'),(17462,735,2146,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:14'),(17463,735,2146,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:14'),(17464,735,2146,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:14'),(17465,735,2146,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:14'),(17466,735,2146,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:14'),(17467,735,2146,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:14'),(17468,735,2146,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:14'),(17469,735,2146,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:14'),(17470,735,2146,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-28 17:21:14','2019-03-28 17:21:14'),(17471,736,2147,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 16:17:13','2019-03-29 07:53:25'),(17472,736,2147,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-28 16:17:13','2019-03-29 07:53:25'),(17473,736,2147,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 16:17:13','2019-03-29 07:53:25'),(17474,736,2147,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-28 16:17:13','2019-03-29 07:53:25'),(17475,736,2147,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 16:17:13','2019-03-29 07:53:25'),(17476,736,2147,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-28 16:17:13','2019-03-29 07:53:25'),(17477,736,2147,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-28 16:17:13','2019-03-29 07:53:25'),(17478,736,2147,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-28 16:17:13','2019-03-29 07:53:25'),(17479,736,2147,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-28 16:17:13','2019-03-29 07:53:25'),(17480,736,2147,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-28 16:17:13','2019-03-29 07:53:25'),(17481,736,2148,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-28 16:25:00','2019-03-29 08:09:40'),(17482,736,2148,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-28 16:25:00','2019-03-29 08:09:40'),(17483,736,2148,71,167,168,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','25','27','2019-03-28 16:25:00','2019-03-29 08:09:40'),(17484,736,2148,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-28 16:25:00','2019-03-29 08:09:40'),(17485,736,2148,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-28 16:25:00','2019-03-29 08:09:40'),(17486,736,2149,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-29 07:52:17','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(17487,736,2149,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 07:52:17','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(17488,736,2149,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-29 07:52:17','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(17489,736,2149,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-29 07:52:17','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(17490,736,2149,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-29 07:52:17','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(17491,736,2149,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 07:52:17','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(17492,736,2149,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-29 07:52:17','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(17493,736,2149,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-29 07:52:17','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(17494,736,2149,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-29 07:52:17','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(17495,736,2149,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-29 07:52:17','2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(17496,737,2150,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 12:00:42','2019-03-29 12:00:42'),(17497,737,2150,50,104,106,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','5,000','490,000','2019-03-29 12:00:42','2019-03-29 12:00:42'),(17498,737,2150,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 12:00:42','2019-03-29 12:00:42'),(17499,737,2150,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-29 12:00:42','2019-03-29 12:00:42'),(17500,737,2150,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 12:00:42','2019-03-29 12:00:42'),(17501,737,2150,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-29 12:00:42','2019-03-29 12:00:42'),(17502,737,2150,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-29 12:00:42','2019-03-29 12:00:42'),(17503,737,2150,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-29 12:00:42','2019-03-29 12:00:42'),(17504,737,2150,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-29 12:00:42','2019-03-29 12:00:42'),(17505,737,2150,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-29 12:00:42','2019-03-29 12:00:42'),(17506,737,2151,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-29 12:06:37','2019-03-29 12:06:37'),(17507,737,2151,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 12:06:37','2019-03-29 12:06:37'),(17508,737,2151,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-29 12:06:37','2019-03-29 12:06:37'),(17509,737,2151,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-29 12:06:37','2019-03-29 12:06:37'),(17510,737,2151,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-29 12:06:37','2019-03-29 12:06:37'),(17511,737,2152,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:06'),(17512,737,2152,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:06'),(17513,737,2152,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:06'),(17514,737,2152,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:06'),(17515,737,2152,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:06'),(17516,737,2152,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:06'),(17517,737,2152,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:06'),(17518,737,2152,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:06'),(17519,737,2152,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:06'),(17520,737,2152,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-29 12:34:06','2019-03-29 12:34:06'),(17521,738,2153,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 12:48:14','2019-03-29 12:48:14'),(17522,738,2153,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-29 12:48:14','2019-03-29 12:48:14'),(17523,738,2153,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 12:48:14','2019-03-29 12:48:14'),(17524,738,2153,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-29 12:48:14','2019-03-29 12:48:14'),(17525,738,2153,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 12:48:14','2019-03-29 12:48:14'),(17526,738,2153,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-29 12:48:14','2019-03-29 12:48:14'),(17527,738,2153,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-29 12:48:14','2019-03-29 12:48:14'),(17528,738,2153,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-29 12:48:14','2019-03-29 12:48:14'),(17529,738,2153,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-29 12:48:14','2019-03-29 12:48:14'),(17530,738,2153,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-29 12:48:14','2019-03-29 12:48:14'),(17531,738,2154,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-29 12:55:41','2019-03-29 12:55:41'),(17532,738,2154,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 12:55:41','2019-03-29 12:55:41'),(17533,738,2154,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-29 12:55:41','2019-03-29 12:55:41'),(17534,738,2154,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-29 12:55:41','2019-03-29 12:55:41'),(17535,738,2154,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-29 12:55:41','2019-03-29 12:55:41'),(17536,738,2155,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(17537,738,2155,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(17538,738,2155,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(17539,738,2155,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(17540,738,2155,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(17541,738,2155,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(17542,738,2155,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(17543,738,2155,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(17544,738,2155,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(17545,738,2155,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-29 13:13:42','2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(17546,739,2156,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 19:48:15','2019-03-29 19:48:15'),(17547,739,2156,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-29 19:48:15','2019-03-29 19:48:15'),(17548,739,2156,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 19:48:15','2019-03-29 19:48:15'),(17549,739,2156,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-29 19:48:15','2019-03-29 19:48:15'),(17550,739,2156,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 19:48:15','2019-03-29 19:48:15'),(17551,739,2156,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-29 19:48:15','2019-03-29 19:48:15'),(17552,739,2156,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-29 19:48:15','2019-03-29 19:48:15'),(17553,739,2156,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-29 19:48:15','2019-03-29 19:48:15'),(17554,739,2156,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-29 19:48:15','2019-03-29 19:48:15'),(17555,739,2156,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-29 19:48:15','2019-03-29 19:48:15'),(17556,739,2157,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-29 19:53:51','2019-03-29 19:53:51'),(17557,739,2157,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 19:53:51','2019-03-29 19:53:51'),(17558,739,2157,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-29 19:53:51','2019-03-29 19:53:51'),(17559,739,2157,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-29 19:53:51','2019-03-29 19:53:51'),(17560,739,2157,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-29 19:53:51','2019-03-29 19:53:51'),(17561,739,2158,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(17562,739,2158,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(17563,739,2158,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(17564,739,2158,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(17565,739,2158,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(17566,739,2158,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(17567,739,2158,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(17568,739,2158,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(17569,739,2158,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(17570,739,2158,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-29 20:09:01','2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(17571,740,2159,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 11:24:21','2019-03-31 11:24:21'),(17572,740,2159,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-31 11:24:21','2019-03-31 11:24:21'),(17573,740,2159,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 11:24:21','2019-03-31 11:24:21'),(17574,740,2159,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-31 11:24:21','2019-03-31 11:24:21'),(17575,740,2159,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 11:24:21','2019-03-31 11:24:21'),(17576,740,2159,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-31 11:24:21','2019-03-31 11:24:21'),(17577,740,2159,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-31 11:24:21','2019-03-31 11:24:21'),(17578,740,2159,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-31 11:24:21','2019-03-31 11:24:21'),(17579,740,2159,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-31 11:24:21','2019-03-31 11:24:21'),(17580,740,2159,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-31 11:24:21','2019-03-31 11:24:21'),(17581,740,2160,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-31 11:31:55','2019-03-31 11:31:55'),(17582,740,2160,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 11:31:55','2019-03-31 11:31:55'),(17583,740,2160,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-31 11:31:55','2019-03-31 11:31:55'),(17584,740,2160,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-31 11:31:55','2019-03-31 11:31:55'),(17585,740,2160,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-31 11:31:55','2019-03-31 11:31:55'),(17586,740,2161,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:28'),(17587,740,2161,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:28'),(17588,740,2161,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:28'),(17589,740,2161,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:28'),(17590,740,2161,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:28'),(17591,740,2161,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:28'),(17592,740,2161,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:28'),(17593,740,2161,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:28'),(17594,740,2161,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:28'),(17595,740,2161,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-31 11:47:28','2019-03-31 11:47:28'),(17596,741,2162,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 12:11:21','2019-03-31 12:11:21'),(17597,741,2162,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-03-31 12:11:21','2019-03-31 12:11:21'),(17598,741,2162,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 12:11:21','2019-03-31 12:11:21'),(17599,741,2162,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-03-31 12:11:21','2019-03-31 12:11:21'),(17600,741,2162,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 12:11:21','2019-03-31 12:11:21'),(17601,741,2162,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-03-31 12:11:21','2019-03-31 12:11:21'),(17602,741,2162,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-03-31 12:11:21','2019-03-31 12:11:21'),(17603,741,2162,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-03-31 12:11:21','2019-03-31 12:11:21'),(17604,741,2162,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-03-31 12:11:21','2019-03-31 12:11:21'),(17605,741,2162,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-03-31 12:11:21','2019-03-31 12:11:21'),(17606,741,2163,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-03-31 12:18:03','2019-03-31 12:18:03'),(17607,741,2163,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 12:18:03','2019-03-31 12:18:03'),(17608,741,2163,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-03-31 12:18:03','2019-03-31 12:18:03'),(17609,741,2163,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-03-31 12:18:03','2019-03-31 12:18:03'),(17610,741,2163,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-03-31 12:18:03','2019-03-31 12:18:03'),(17611,741,2164,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:23'),(17612,741,2164,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:23'),(17613,741,2164,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:23'),(17614,741,2164,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:23'),(17615,741,2164,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:23'),(17616,741,2164,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:23'),(17617,741,2164,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:23'),(17618,741,2164,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:23'),(17619,741,2164,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:23'),(17620,741,2164,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-03-31 12:33:23','2019-03-31 12:33:23'),(17621,742,2165,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:00:07','2019-04-01 14:00:07'),(17622,742,2165,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-01 14:00:07','2019-04-01 14:00:07'),(17623,742,2165,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:00:07','2019-04-01 14:00:07'),(17624,742,2165,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-01 14:00:07','2019-04-01 14:00:07'),(17625,742,2165,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:00:07','2019-04-01 14:00:07'),(17626,742,2165,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-01 14:00:07','2019-04-01 14:00:07'),(17627,742,2165,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-01 14:00:07','2019-04-01 14:00:07'),(17628,742,2165,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-01 14:00:07','2019-04-01 14:00:07'),(17629,742,2165,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-01 14:00:07','2019-04-01 14:00:07'),(17630,742,2165,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-01 14:00:07','2019-04-01 14:00:07'),(17631,742,2166,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-01 14:06:38','2019-04-01 14:06:38'),(17632,742,2166,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:06:38','2019-04-01 14:06:38'),(17633,742,2166,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-01 14:06:38','2019-04-01 14:06:38'),(17634,742,2166,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-01 14:06:38','2019-04-01 14:06:38'),(17635,742,2166,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-01 14:06:38','2019-04-01 14:06:38'),(17636,742,2167,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(17637,742,2167,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(17638,742,2167,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(17639,742,2167,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(17640,742,2167,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(17641,742,2167,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(17642,742,2167,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(17643,742,2167,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(17644,742,2167,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(17645,742,2167,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-01 14:36:47','2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(17646,743,2168,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:17:49','2019-04-01 14:25:18'),(17647,743,2168,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-01 14:17:49','2019-04-01 14:25:18'),(17648,743,2168,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:17:49','2019-04-01 14:25:18'),(17649,743,2168,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-01 14:17:49','2019-04-01 14:25:18'),(17650,743,2168,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:17:49','2019-04-01 14:25:18'),(17651,743,2168,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-01 14:17:49','2019-04-01 14:25:18'),(17652,743,2168,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-01 14:17:49','2019-04-01 14:25:18'),(17653,743,2168,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-01 14:17:49','2019-04-01 14:25:18'),(17654,743,2168,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-01 14:17:49','2019-04-01 14:25:18'),(17655,743,2168,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-01 14:17:49','2019-04-01 14:25:18'),(17656,743,2169,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-01 14:24:50','2019-04-01 14:25:22'),(17657,743,2169,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:24:50','2019-04-01 14:25:22'),(17658,743,2169,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-01 14:24:50','2019-04-01 14:25:22'),(17659,743,2169,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-01 14:24:50','2019-04-01 14:25:22'),(17660,743,2169,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-01 14:24:50','2019-04-01 14:25:22'),(17661,743,2170,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:18'),(17662,743,2170,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:18'),(17663,743,2170,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:18'),(17664,743,2170,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:18'),(17665,743,2170,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:18'),(17666,743,2170,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:18'),(17667,743,2170,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:18'),(17668,743,2170,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:18'),(17669,743,2170,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:18'),(17670,743,2170,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-01 14:42:18','2019-04-01 14:42:18'),(17671,744,2171,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 17:40:04','2019-04-01 17:40:04'),(17672,744,2171,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-01 17:40:04','2019-04-01 17:40:04'),(17673,744,2171,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 17:40:04','2019-04-01 17:40:04'),(17674,744,2171,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-01 17:40:04','2019-04-01 17:40:04'),(17675,744,2171,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 17:40:04','2019-04-01 17:40:04'),(17676,744,2171,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-01 17:40:04','2019-04-01 17:40:04'),(17677,744,2171,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-01 17:40:04','2019-04-01 17:40:04'),(17678,744,2171,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-01 17:40:04','2019-04-01 17:40:04'),(17679,744,2171,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-01 17:40:04','2019-04-01 17:40:04'),(17680,744,2171,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-01 17:40:04','2019-04-01 17:40:04'),(17681,744,2172,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-01 17:45:45','2019-04-01 17:45:45'),(17682,744,2172,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 17:45:45','2019-04-01 17:45:45'),(17683,744,2172,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-01 17:45:45','2019-04-01 17:45:45'),(17684,744,2172,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-01 17:45:45','2019-04-01 17:45:45'),(17685,744,2172,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-01 17:45:45','2019-04-01 17:45:45'),(17686,744,2173,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(17687,744,2173,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(17688,744,2173,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(17689,744,2173,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(17690,744,2173,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(17691,744,2173,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(17692,744,2173,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(17693,744,2173,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(17694,744,2173,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(17695,744,2173,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-01 18:00:39','2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(17696,745,2174,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 12:16:23','2019-04-02 12:16:23'),(17697,745,2174,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-02 12:16:23','2019-04-02 12:16:23'),(17698,745,2174,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 12:16:23','2019-04-02 12:16:23'),(17699,745,2174,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-02 12:16:23','2019-04-02 12:16:23'),(17700,745,2174,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 12:16:23','2019-04-02 12:16:23'),(17701,745,2174,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-02 12:16:23','2019-04-02 12:16:23'),(17702,745,2174,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-02 12:16:23','2019-04-02 12:16:23'),(17703,745,2174,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-02 12:16:23','2019-04-02 12:16:23'),(17704,745,2174,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-02 12:16:23','2019-04-02 12:16:23'),(17705,745,2174,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-02 12:16:23','2019-04-02 12:16:23'),(17706,745,2175,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-02 12:23:37','2019-04-02 12:23:37'),(17707,745,2175,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 12:23:37','2019-04-02 12:23:37'),(17708,745,2175,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-02 12:23:37','2019-04-02 12:23:37'),(17709,745,2175,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-02 12:23:37','2019-04-02 12:23:37'),(17710,745,2175,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-02 12:23:37','2019-04-02 12:23:37'),(17711,745,2176,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(17712,745,2176,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(17713,745,2176,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(17714,745,2176,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(17715,745,2176,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(17716,745,2176,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(17717,745,2176,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(17718,745,2176,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(17719,745,2176,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(17720,745,2176,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-02 12:42:18','2019-04-02 12:42:18'),(17721,746,2177,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:00:57','2019-04-02 14:00:57'),(17722,746,2177,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-02 14:00:57','2019-04-02 14:00:57'),(17723,746,2177,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:00:57','2019-04-02 14:00:57'),(17724,746,2177,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-02 14:00:57','2019-04-02 14:00:57'),(17725,746,2177,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:00:57','2019-04-02 14:00:57'),(17726,746,2177,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:00:57','2019-04-02 14:00:57'),(17727,746,2177,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-02 14:00:57','2019-04-02 14:00:57'),(17728,746,2177,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-02 14:00:57','2019-04-02 14:00:57'),(17729,746,2177,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:00:57','2019-04-02 14:00:57'),(17730,746,2177,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-02 14:00:57','2019-04-02 14:00:57'),(17731,746,2178,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-02 14:07:38','2019-04-02 14:07:38'),(17732,746,2178,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:07:38','2019-04-02 14:07:38'),(17733,746,2178,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-02 14:07:38','2019-04-02 14:07:38'),(17734,746,2178,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:07:38','2019-04-02 14:07:38'),(17735,746,2178,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-02 14:07:38','2019-04-02 14:07:38'),(17736,746,2179,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(17737,746,2179,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(17738,746,2179,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(17739,746,2179,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(17740,746,2179,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(17741,746,2179,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(17742,746,2179,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(17743,746,2179,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(17744,746,2179,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(17745,746,2179,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:25:03','2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(17746,747,2180,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:13:16','2019-04-02 14:13:16'),(17747,747,2180,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-02 14:13:16','2019-04-02 14:13:16'),(17748,747,2180,51,111,110,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Liquid nicotine (e-juice) and nicotine or lobelia delivery products','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:13:16','2019-04-02 14:13:16'),(17749,747,2180,52,114,113,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Electronic delivery devices (e-cigarettes)','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-02 14:13:16','2019-04-02 14:13:16'),(17750,747,2180,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:13:16','2019-04-02 14:13:16'),(17751,747,2180,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:13:16','2019-04-02 14:13:16'),(17752,747,2180,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-02 14:13:16','2019-04-02 14:13:16'),(17753,747,2180,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-02 14:13:16','2019-04-02 14:13:16'),(17754,747,2180,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:13:16','2019-04-02 14:13:16'),(17755,747,2180,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-02 14:13:16','2019-04-02 14:13:16'),(17756,747,2181,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-02 14:19:03','2019-04-02 14:19:03'),(17757,747,2181,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:19:03','2019-04-02 14:19:03'),(17758,747,2181,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-02 14:19:03','2019-04-02 14:19:03'),(17759,747,2181,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:19:03','2019-04-02 14:19:03'),(17760,747,2181,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-02 14:19:03','2019-04-02 14:19:03'),(17761,747,2182,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(17762,747,2182,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(17763,747,2182,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(17764,747,2182,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(17765,747,2182,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(17766,747,2182,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(17767,747,2182,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(17768,747,2182,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(17769,747,2182,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(17770,747,2182,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:34:26','2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(17771,748,2183,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:46:01','2019-04-02 14:46:01'),(17772,748,2183,50,104,106,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','5,000','490,000','2019-04-02 14:46:01','2019-04-02 14:46:01'),(17773,748,2183,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:46:01','2019-04-02 14:46:01'),(17774,748,2183,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-02 14:46:01','2019-04-02 14:46:01'),(17775,748,2183,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:46:01','2019-04-02 14:46:01'),(17776,748,2183,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:46:01','2019-04-02 14:46:01'),(17777,748,2183,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-02 14:46:01','2019-04-02 14:46:01'),(17778,748,2183,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-02 14:46:01','2019-04-02 14:46:01'),(17779,748,2183,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:46:01','2019-04-02 14:46:01'),(17780,748,2183,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-02 14:46:01','2019-04-02 14:46:01'),(17781,748,2184,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-02 14:52:22','2019-04-02 14:52:22'),(17782,748,2184,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:52:22','2019-04-02 14:52:22'),(17783,748,2184,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-02 14:52:22','2019-04-02 14:52:22'),(17784,748,2184,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:52:22','2019-04-02 14:52:22'),(17785,748,2184,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-02 14:52:22','2019-04-02 14:52:22'),(17786,748,2185,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:08'),(17787,748,2185,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:08'),(17788,748,2185,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:08'),(17789,748,2185,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:08'),(17790,748,2185,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:08'),(17791,748,2185,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:08'),(17792,748,2185,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:08'),(17793,748,2185,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:08'),(17794,748,2185,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:08'),(17795,748,2185,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-02 15:09:08','2019-04-02 15:09:08'),(17796,749,2186,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:45:37','2019-04-02 14:45:37'),(17797,749,2186,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-02 14:45:37','2019-04-02 14:45:37'),(17798,749,2186,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:45:37','2019-04-02 14:45:37'),(17799,749,2186,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-02 14:45:37','2019-04-02 14:45:37'),(17800,749,2186,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:45:37','2019-04-02 14:45:37'),(17801,749,2186,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:45:37','2019-04-02 14:45:37'),(17802,749,2186,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-02 14:45:37','2019-04-02 14:45:37'),(17803,749,2186,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-02 14:45:37','2019-04-02 14:45:37'),(17804,749,2186,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:45:37','2019-04-02 14:45:37'),(17805,749,2186,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-02 14:45:37','2019-04-02 14:45:37'),(17806,749,2187,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-02 14:51:25','2019-04-02 14:51:25'),(17807,749,2187,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 14:51:25','2019-04-02 14:51:25'),(17808,749,2187,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-02 14:51:25','2019-04-02 14:51:25'),(17809,749,2187,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-02 14:51:25','2019-04-02 14:51:25'),(17810,749,2187,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-02 14:51:25','2019-04-02 14:51:25'),(17811,749,2188,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(17812,749,2188,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(17813,749,2188,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(17814,749,2188,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(17815,749,2188,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(17816,749,2188,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(17817,749,2188,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(17818,749,2188,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(17819,749,2188,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(17820,749,2188,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-02 15:09:18','2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(17821,750,2189,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 15:25:19','2019-04-02 15:25:19'),(17822,750,2189,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-02 15:25:19','2019-04-02 15:25:19'),(17823,750,2189,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 15:25:19','2019-04-02 15:25:19'),(17824,750,2189,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-02 15:25:19','2019-04-02 15:25:19'),(17825,750,2189,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 15:25:19','2019-04-02 15:25:19'),(17826,750,2189,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-02 15:25:19','2019-04-02 15:25:19'),(17827,750,2189,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-02 15:25:19','2019-04-02 15:25:19'),(17828,750,2189,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-02 15:25:19','2019-04-02 15:25:19'),(17829,750,2189,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-02 15:25:19','2019-04-02 15:25:19'),(17830,750,2189,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-02 15:25:19','2019-04-02 15:25:19'),(17831,750,2190,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-02 15:47:29','2019-04-02 15:47:29'),(17832,750,2190,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 15:47:29','2019-04-02 15:47:29'),(17833,750,2190,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-02 15:47:29','2019-04-02 15:47:29'),(17834,750,2190,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-02 15:47:29','2019-04-02 15:47:29'),(17835,750,2190,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-02 15:47:29','2019-04-02 15:47:29'),(17836,750,2191,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:45'),(17837,750,2191,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:45'),(17838,750,2191,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:45'),(17839,750,2191,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:45'),(17840,750,2191,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:45'),(17841,750,2191,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:45'),(17842,750,2191,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:45'),(17843,750,2191,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:45'),(17844,750,2191,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:45'),(17845,750,2191,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-02 16:22:45','2019-04-02 16:22:45'),(17846,751,2192,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 18:20:57','2019-04-02 18:28:48'),(17847,751,2192,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-02 18:20:57','2019-04-02 18:28:48'),(17848,751,2192,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 18:20:57','2019-04-02 18:28:48'),(17849,751,2192,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-02 18:20:57','2019-04-02 18:28:48'),(17850,751,2192,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 18:20:57','2019-04-02 18:28:48'),(17851,751,2192,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-02 18:20:57','2019-04-02 18:28:48'),(17852,751,2192,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-02 18:20:57','2019-04-02 18:28:48'),(17853,751,2192,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-02 18:20:57','2019-04-02 18:28:48'),(17854,751,2192,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-02 18:20:57','2019-04-02 18:28:48'),(17855,751,2192,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-02 18:20:57','2019-04-02 18:28:48'),(17856,751,2193,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-02 18:28:45','2019-04-02 18:28:54'),(17857,751,2193,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 18:28:45','2019-04-02 18:28:54'),(17858,751,2193,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-02 18:28:45','2019-04-02 18:28:54'),(17859,751,2193,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-02 18:28:45','2019-04-02 18:28:54'),(17860,751,2193,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-02 18:28:45','2019-04-02 18:28:54'),(17861,751,2194,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(17862,751,2194,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(17863,751,2194,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(17864,751,2194,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(17865,751,2194,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(17866,751,2194,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(17867,751,2194,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(17868,751,2194,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(17869,751,2194,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(17870,751,2194,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-02 18:47:06','2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(17871,752,2195,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 09:25:47','2019-04-03 09:25:47'),(17872,752,2195,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-03 09:25:47','2019-04-03 09:25:47'),(17873,752,2195,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 09:25:47','2019-04-03 09:25:47'),(17874,752,2195,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-03 09:25:47','2019-04-03 09:25:47'),(17875,752,2195,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 09:25:47','2019-04-03 09:25:47'),(17876,752,2195,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-03 09:25:47','2019-04-03 09:25:47'),(17877,752,2195,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-03 09:25:47','2019-04-03 09:25:47'),(17878,752,2195,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-03 09:25:47','2019-04-03 09:25:47'),(17879,752,2195,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-03 09:25:47','2019-04-03 09:25:47'),(17880,752,2195,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-03 09:25:47','2019-04-03 09:25:47'),(17881,752,2196,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-03 09:39:30','2019-04-03 09:39:30'),(17882,752,2196,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 09:39:30','2019-04-03 09:39:30'),(17883,752,2196,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-03 09:39:30','2019-04-03 09:39:30'),(17884,752,2196,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-03 09:39:30','2019-04-03 09:39:30'),(17885,752,2196,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-03 09:39:30','2019-04-03 09:39:30'),(17886,752,2197,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(17887,752,2197,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(17888,752,2197,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(17889,752,2197,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(17890,752,2197,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(17891,752,2197,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(17892,752,2197,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(17893,752,2197,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(17894,752,2197,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(17895,752,2197,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-03 09:58:19','2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(17896,753,2198,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 14:25:12','2019-04-03 14:25:12'),(17897,753,2198,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-03 14:25:12','2019-04-03 14:25:12'),(17898,753,2198,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 14:25:12','2019-04-03 14:25:12'),(17899,753,2198,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-03 14:25:12','2019-04-03 14:25:12'),(17900,753,2198,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 14:25:12','2019-04-03 14:25:12'),(17901,753,2198,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-03 14:25:12','2019-04-03 14:25:12'),(17902,753,2198,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-03 14:25:12','2019-04-03 14:25:12'),(17903,753,2198,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-03 14:25:12','2019-04-03 14:25:12'),(17904,753,2198,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-03 14:25:12','2019-04-03 14:25:12'),(17905,753,2198,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-03 14:25:12','2019-04-03 14:25:12'),(17906,753,2199,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-03 14:31:41','2019-04-03 14:31:41'),(17907,753,2199,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 14:31:41','2019-04-03 14:31:41'),(17908,753,2199,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-03 14:31:41','2019-04-03 14:31:41'),(17909,753,2199,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-03 14:31:41','2019-04-03 14:31:41'),(17910,753,2199,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-03 14:31:41','2019-04-03 14:31:41'),(17911,753,2200,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(17912,753,2200,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(17913,753,2200,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(17914,753,2200,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(17915,753,2200,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(17916,753,2200,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(17917,753,2200,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(17918,753,2200,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(17919,753,2200,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(17920,753,2200,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-03 14:46:50','2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(17921,754,2201,49,103,102,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Homicides, Suicides & Car Accidents','All of the above','2019-04-03 15:05:41','2019-04-03 15:05:41'),(17922,754,2201,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-03 15:05:41','2019-04-03 15:05:41'),(17923,754,2201,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 15:05:41','2019-04-03 15:05:41'),(17924,754,2201,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-03 15:05:41','2019-04-03 15:05:41'),(17925,754,2201,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 15:05:41','2019-04-03 15:05:41'),(17926,754,2201,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-03 15:05:41','2019-04-03 15:05:41'),(17927,754,2201,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-03 15:05:41','2019-04-03 15:05:41'),(17928,754,2201,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-03 15:05:41','2019-04-03 15:05:41'),(17929,754,2201,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-03 15:05:41','2019-04-03 15:05:41'),(17930,754,2201,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-03 15:05:41','2019-04-03 15:05:41'),(17931,754,2202,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-03 15:13:08','2019-04-03 15:13:08'),(17932,754,2202,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 15:13:08','2019-04-03 15:13:08'),(17933,754,2202,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-03 15:13:08','2019-04-03 15:13:08'),(17934,754,2202,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-03 15:13:08','2019-04-03 15:13:08'),(17935,754,2202,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-03 15:13:08','2019-04-03 15:13:08'),(17936,754,2203,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(17937,754,2203,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(17938,754,2203,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(17939,754,2203,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(17940,754,2203,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(17941,754,2203,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(17942,754,2203,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(17943,754,2203,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(17944,754,2203,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(17945,754,2203,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-03 15:30:36','2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(17946,755,2204,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 09:02:16','2019-04-04 09:02:16'),(17947,755,2204,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-04 09:02:16','2019-04-04 09:02:16'),(17948,755,2204,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 09:02:16','2019-04-04 09:02:16'),(17949,755,2204,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-04 09:02:16','2019-04-04 09:02:16'),(17950,755,2204,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 09:02:16','2019-04-04 09:02:16'),(17951,755,2204,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-04 09:02:16','2019-04-04 09:02:16'),(17952,755,2204,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-04 09:02:16','2019-04-04 09:02:16'),(17953,755,2204,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-04 09:02:16','2019-04-04 09:02:16'),(17954,755,2204,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-04 09:02:16','2019-04-04 09:02:16'),(17955,755,2204,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-04 09:02:16','2019-04-04 09:02:16'),(17956,755,2205,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-04 09:09:25','2019-04-04 09:09:25'),(17957,755,2205,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2019-04-04 09:09:25','2019-04-04 09:09:25'),(17958,755,2205,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-04 09:09:25','2019-04-04 09:09:25'),(17959,755,2205,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-04-04 09:09:25','2019-04-04 09:09:25'),(17960,755,2205,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-04 09:09:25','2019-04-04 09:09:25'),(17961,755,2206,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(17962,755,2206,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(17963,755,2206,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(17964,755,2206,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(17965,755,2206,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(17966,755,2206,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(17967,755,2206,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(17968,755,2206,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(17969,755,2206,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(17970,755,2206,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-04 09:27:19','2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(17971,756,2207,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 12:35:16','2019-04-04 12:35:16'),(17972,756,2207,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-04 12:35:16','2019-04-04 12:35:16'),(17973,756,2207,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 12:35:16','2019-04-04 12:35:16'),(17974,756,2207,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-04 12:35:16','2019-04-04 12:35:16'),(17975,756,2207,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 12:35:16','2019-04-04 12:35:16'),(17976,756,2207,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-04 12:35:16','2019-04-04 12:35:16'),(17977,756,2207,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-04 12:35:16','2019-04-04 12:35:16'),(17978,756,2207,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-04 12:35:16','2019-04-04 12:35:16'),(17979,756,2207,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-04 12:35:16','2019-04-04 12:35:16'),(17980,756,2207,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-04-04 12:35:16','2019-04-04 12:35:16'),(17981,756,2208,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-04 12:51:26','2019-04-04 12:51:26'),(17982,756,2208,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 12:51:26','2019-04-04 12:51:26'),(17983,756,2208,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-04 12:51:26','2019-04-04 12:51:26'),(17984,756,2208,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-04 12:51:26','2019-04-04 12:51:26'),(17985,756,2208,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-04 12:51:26','2019-04-04 12:51:26'),(17986,756,2209,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:46'),(17987,756,2209,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:46'),(17988,756,2209,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:46'),(17989,756,2209,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:46'),(17990,756,2209,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:46'),(17991,756,2209,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:46'),(17992,756,2209,81,196,199,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Date of Manufacture','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:46'),(17993,756,2209,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:46'),(17994,756,2209,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:46'),(17995,756,2209,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-04 13:13:46','2019-04-04 13:13:46'),(17996,757,2210,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:01:02','2019-04-04 15:01:02'),(17997,757,2210,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-04 15:01:02','2019-04-04 15:01:02'),(17998,757,2210,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:01:02','2019-04-04 15:01:02'),(17999,757,2210,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-04 15:01:02','2019-04-04 15:01:02'),(18000,757,2210,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:01:02','2019-04-04 15:01:02'),(18001,757,2210,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-04 15:01:02','2019-04-04 15:01:02'),(18002,757,2210,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-04 15:01:02','2019-04-04 15:01:02'),(18003,757,2210,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-04 15:01:02','2019-04-04 15:01:02'),(18004,757,2210,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-04 15:01:02','2019-04-04 15:01:02'),(18005,757,2210,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-04 15:01:02','2019-04-04 15:01:02'),(18006,757,2211,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-04 15:07:17','2019-04-04 15:07:17'),(18007,757,2211,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:07:17','2019-04-04 15:07:17'),(18008,757,2211,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-04 15:07:17','2019-04-04 15:07:17'),(18009,757,2211,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-04 15:07:17','2019-04-04 15:07:17'),(18010,757,2211,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-04 15:07:17','2019-04-04 15:07:17'),(18011,757,2212,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(18012,757,2212,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(18013,757,2212,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(18014,757,2212,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(18015,757,2212,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(18016,757,2212,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(18017,757,2212,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(18018,757,2212,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(18019,757,2212,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(18020,757,2212,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-04 15:22:01','2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(18021,758,2213,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:15:33','2019-04-04 15:15:33'),(18022,758,2213,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-04 15:15:33','2019-04-04 15:15:33'),(18023,758,2213,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:15:33','2019-04-04 15:15:33'),(18024,758,2213,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-04 15:15:33','2019-04-04 15:15:33'),(18025,758,2213,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:15:33','2019-04-04 15:15:33'),(18026,758,2213,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-04 15:15:33','2019-04-04 15:15:33'),(18027,758,2213,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-04 15:15:33','2019-04-04 15:15:33'),(18028,758,2213,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-04 15:15:33','2019-04-04 15:15:33'),(18029,758,2213,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-04 15:15:33','2019-04-04 15:15:33'),(18030,758,2213,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-04 15:15:33','2019-04-04 15:15:33'),(18031,758,2214,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-04 15:22:07','2019-04-04 15:22:07'),(18032,758,2214,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:22:07','2019-04-04 15:22:07'),(18033,758,2214,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-04 15:22:07','2019-04-04 15:22:07'),(18034,758,2214,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-04 15:22:07','2019-04-04 15:22:07'),(18035,758,2214,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-04 15:22:07','2019-04-04 15:22:07'),(18036,758,2215,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(18037,758,2215,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(18038,758,2215,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(18039,758,2215,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(18040,758,2215,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(18041,758,2215,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(18042,758,2215,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(18043,758,2215,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(18044,758,2215,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(18045,758,2215,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-04 15:38:37','2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(18046,759,2216,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 20:16:38','2019-04-04 20:16:38'),(18047,759,2216,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-04 20:16:38','2019-04-04 20:16:38'),(18048,759,2216,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 20:16:38','2019-04-04 20:16:38'),(18049,759,2216,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-04 20:16:38','2019-04-04 20:16:38'),(18050,759,2216,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 20:16:38','2019-04-04 20:16:38'),(18051,759,2216,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-04 20:16:38','2019-04-04 20:16:38'),(18052,759,2216,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-04 20:16:38','2019-04-04 20:16:38'),(18053,759,2216,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-04 20:16:38','2019-04-04 20:16:38'),(18054,759,2216,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-04 20:16:38','2019-04-04 20:16:38'),(18055,759,2216,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-04 20:16:38','2019-04-04 20:16:38'),(18056,759,2217,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-04 20:22:46','2019-04-04 20:22:46'),(18057,759,2217,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 20:22:46','2019-04-04 20:22:46'),(18058,759,2217,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-04 20:22:46','2019-04-04 20:22:46'),(18059,759,2217,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-04 20:22:46','2019-04-04 20:22:46'),(18060,759,2217,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-04 20:22:46','2019-04-04 20:22:46'),(18061,759,2218,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(18062,759,2218,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(18063,759,2218,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(18064,759,2218,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(18065,759,2218,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(18066,759,2218,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(18067,759,2218,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(18068,759,2218,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(18069,759,2218,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(18070,759,2218,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-04 20:40:17','2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(18071,760,2219,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 22:22:59','2019-04-04 22:22:59'),(18072,760,2219,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-04 22:22:59','2019-04-04 22:22:59'),(18073,760,2219,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 22:22:59','2019-04-04 22:22:59'),(18074,760,2219,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-04 22:22:59','2019-04-04 22:22:59'),(18075,760,2219,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 22:22:59','2019-04-04 22:22:59'),(18076,760,2219,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-04 22:22:59','2019-04-04 22:22:59'),(18077,760,2219,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-04 22:22:59','2019-04-04 22:22:59'),(18078,760,2219,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-04 22:22:59','2019-04-04 22:22:59'),(18079,760,2219,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-04 22:22:59','2019-04-04 22:22:59'),(18080,760,2219,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-04 22:22:59','2019-04-04 22:22:59'),(18081,760,2220,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-04 22:28:45','2019-04-04 22:28:45'),(18082,760,2220,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 22:28:45','2019-04-04 22:28:45'),(18083,760,2220,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-04 22:28:45','2019-04-04 22:28:45'),(18084,760,2220,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-04 22:28:45','2019-04-04 22:28:45'),(18085,760,2220,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-04 22:28:45','2019-04-04 22:28:45'),(18086,760,2221,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(18087,760,2221,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(18088,760,2221,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(18089,760,2221,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(18090,760,2221,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(18091,760,2221,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(18092,760,2221,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(18093,760,2221,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(18094,760,2221,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(18095,760,2221,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-04 22:46:20','2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(18096,761,2222,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 13:14:10','2019-04-05 13:14:10'),(18097,761,2222,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-05 13:14:10','2019-04-05 13:14:10'),(18098,761,2222,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 13:14:10','2019-04-05 13:14:10'),(18099,761,2222,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-05 13:14:10','2019-04-05 13:14:10'),(18100,761,2222,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 13:14:10','2019-04-05 13:14:10'),(18101,761,2222,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-05 13:14:10','2019-04-05 13:14:10'),(18102,761,2222,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-05 13:14:10','2019-04-05 13:14:10'),(18103,761,2222,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-05 13:14:10','2019-04-05 13:14:10'),(18104,761,2222,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-05 13:14:10','2019-04-05 13:14:10'),(18105,761,2222,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-05 13:14:10','2019-04-05 13:14:10'),(18106,761,2223,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-05 13:20:48','2019-04-05 13:20:48'),(18107,761,2223,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 13:20:48','2019-04-05 13:20:48'),(18108,761,2223,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-05 13:20:48','2019-04-05 13:20:48'),(18109,761,2223,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-05 13:20:48','2019-04-05 13:20:48'),(18110,761,2223,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-05 13:20:48','2019-04-05 13:20:48'),(18111,761,2224,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(18112,761,2224,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(18113,761,2224,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(18114,761,2224,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(18115,761,2224,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(18116,761,2224,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(18117,761,2224,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(18118,761,2224,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(18119,761,2224,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(18120,761,2224,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-05 13:37:59','2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(18121,762,2225,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 13:53:22','2019-04-05 13:53:22'),(18122,762,2225,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-05 13:53:22','2019-04-05 13:53:22'),(18123,762,2225,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 13:53:22','2019-04-05 13:53:22'),(18124,762,2225,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-05 13:53:22','2019-04-05 13:53:22'),(18125,762,2225,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 13:53:22','2019-04-05 13:53:22'),(18126,762,2225,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-05 13:53:22','2019-04-05 13:53:22'),(18127,762,2225,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-05 13:53:22','2019-04-05 13:53:22'),(18128,762,2225,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-05 13:53:22','2019-04-05 13:53:22'),(18129,762,2225,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-05 13:53:22','2019-04-05 13:53:22'),(18130,762,2225,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-05 13:53:22','2019-04-05 13:53:22'),(18131,762,2226,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-05 13:59:32','2019-04-05 13:59:32'),(18132,762,2226,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 13:59:32','2019-04-05 13:59:32'),(18133,762,2226,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-05 13:59:32','2019-04-05 13:59:32'),(18134,762,2226,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-04-05 13:59:32','2019-04-05 13:59:32'),(18135,762,2226,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-05 13:59:32','2019-04-05 13:59:32'),(18136,762,2227,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(18137,762,2227,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(18138,762,2227,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(18139,762,2227,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(18140,762,2227,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(18141,762,2227,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(18142,762,2227,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(18143,762,2227,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(18144,762,2227,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(18145,762,2227,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-05 14:17:07','2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(18146,763,2228,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 14:06:08','2019-04-05 14:06:08'),(18147,763,2228,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-05 14:06:08','2019-04-05 14:06:08'),(18148,763,2228,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 14:06:08','2019-04-05 14:06:08'),(18149,763,2228,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-05 14:06:08','2019-04-05 14:06:08'),(18150,763,2228,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 14:06:08','2019-04-05 14:06:08'),(18151,763,2228,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-05 14:06:08','2019-04-05 14:06:08'),(18152,763,2228,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-05 14:06:08','2019-04-05 14:06:08'),(18153,763,2228,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-05 14:06:08','2019-04-05 14:06:08'),(18154,763,2228,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-05 14:06:08','2019-04-05 14:06:08'),(18155,763,2228,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-05 14:06:08','2019-04-05 14:06:08'),(18156,763,2229,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-05 14:12:39','2019-04-05 14:12:39'),(18157,763,2229,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 14:12:39','2019-04-05 14:12:39'),(18158,763,2229,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-05 14:12:39','2019-04-05 14:12:39'),(18159,763,2229,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-05 14:12:39','2019-04-05 14:12:39'),(18160,763,2229,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-05 14:12:39','2019-04-05 14:12:39'),(18161,763,2230,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(18162,763,2230,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(18163,763,2230,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(18164,763,2230,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(18165,763,2230,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(18166,763,2230,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(18167,763,2230,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(18168,763,2230,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(18169,763,2230,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(18170,763,2230,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-05 14:29:55','2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(18171,764,2231,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 06:07:15','2019-04-06 06:07:15'),(18172,764,2231,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-06 06:07:15','2019-04-06 06:07:15'),(18173,764,2231,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 06:07:15','2019-04-06 06:07:15'),(18174,764,2231,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-06 06:07:15','2019-04-06 06:07:15'),(18175,764,2231,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 06:07:15','2019-04-06 06:07:15'),(18176,764,2231,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-06 06:07:15','2019-04-06 06:07:15'),(18177,764,2231,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-06 06:07:15','2019-04-06 06:07:15'),(18178,764,2231,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-06 06:07:15','2019-04-06 06:07:15'),(18179,764,2231,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-06 06:07:15','2019-04-06 06:07:15'),(18180,764,2231,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-06 06:07:15','2019-04-06 06:07:15'),(18181,764,2232,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-06 06:13:28','2019-04-06 06:13:28'),(18182,764,2232,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 06:13:28','2019-04-06 06:13:28'),(18183,764,2232,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-06 06:13:28','2019-04-06 06:13:28'),(18184,764,2232,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-06 06:13:28','2019-04-06 06:13:28'),(18185,764,2232,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-06 06:13:28','2019-04-06 06:13:28'),(18186,764,2233,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(18187,764,2233,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(18188,764,2233,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(18189,764,2233,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(18190,764,2233,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(18191,764,2233,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(18192,764,2233,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(18193,764,2233,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(18194,764,2233,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(18195,764,2233,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-06 06:29:52','2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(18196,765,2234,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 10:10:38','2019-04-06 10:10:38'),(18197,765,2234,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2019-04-06 10:10:38','2019-04-06 10:10:38'),(18198,765,2234,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 10:10:38','2019-04-06 10:10:38'),(18199,765,2234,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-06 10:10:38','2019-04-06 10:10:38'),(18200,765,2234,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 10:10:38','2019-04-06 10:10:38'),(18201,765,2234,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-06 10:10:38','2019-04-06 10:10:38'),(18202,765,2234,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-06 10:10:38','2019-04-06 10:10:38'),(18203,765,2234,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-06 10:10:38','2019-04-06 10:10:38'),(18204,765,2234,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-06 10:10:38','2019-04-06 10:10:38'),(18205,765,2234,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-06 10:10:38','2019-04-06 10:10:38'),(18206,765,2235,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-06 10:19:26','2019-04-06 10:19:26'),(18207,765,2235,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 10:19:26','2019-04-06 10:19:26'),(18208,765,2235,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-06 10:19:26','2019-04-06 10:19:26'),(18209,765,2235,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-06 10:19:26','2019-04-06 10:19:26'),(18210,765,2235,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-06 10:19:26','2019-04-06 10:19:26'),(18211,765,2236,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(18212,765,2236,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(18213,765,2236,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(18214,765,2236,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(18215,765,2236,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(18216,765,2236,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(18217,765,2236,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(18218,765,2236,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(18219,765,2236,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(18220,765,2236,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-06 10:38:14','2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(18221,766,2237,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-07 08:27:51','2019-04-07 08:27:51'),(18222,766,2237,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-07 08:27:51','2019-04-07 08:27:51'),(18223,766,2237,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-07 08:27:51','2019-04-07 08:27:51'),(18224,766,2237,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-07 08:27:51','2019-04-07 08:27:51'),(18225,766,2237,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-07 08:27:51','2019-04-07 08:27:51'),(18226,766,2237,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-07 08:27:51','2019-04-07 08:27:51'),(18227,766,2237,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-07 08:27:51','2019-04-07 08:27:51'),(18228,766,2237,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-07 08:27:51','2019-04-07 08:27:51'),(18229,766,2237,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-07 08:27:51','2019-04-07 08:27:51'),(18230,766,2237,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-07 08:27:51','2019-04-07 08:27:51'),(18231,766,2238,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-07 08:33:24','2019-04-07 08:33:24'),(18232,766,2238,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-07 08:33:24','2019-04-07 08:33:24'),(18233,766,2238,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-07 08:33:24','2019-04-07 08:33:24'),(18234,766,2238,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-07 08:33:24','2019-04-07 08:33:24'),(18235,766,2238,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-07 08:33:24','2019-04-07 08:33:24'),(18236,766,2239,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(18237,766,2239,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(18238,766,2239,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(18239,766,2239,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(18240,766,2239,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(18241,766,2239,77,184,182,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Kiosk at a mall','All of the above','2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(18242,766,2239,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(18243,766,2239,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(18244,766,2239,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(18245,766,2239,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-07 08:50:39','2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(18246,767,2240,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 10:18:13','2019-04-08 10:18:13'),(18247,767,2240,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-08 10:18:13','2019-04-08 10:18:13'),(18248,767,2240,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 10:18:13','2019-04-08 10:18:13'),(18249,767,2240,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-08 10:18:13','2019-04-08 10:18:13'),(18250,767,2240,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 10:18:13','2019-04-08 10:18:13'),(18251,767,2240,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-08 10:18:13','2019-04-08 10:18:13'),(18252,767,2240,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-08 10:18:13','2019-04-08 10:18:13'),(18253,767,2240,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-08 10:18:13','2019-04-08 10:18:13'),(18254,767,2240,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-08 10:18:13','2019-04-08 10:18:13'),(18255,767,2240,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-08 10:18:13','2019-04-08 10:18:13'),(18256,767,2241,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-08 10:29:39','2019-04-08 10:29:39'),(18257,767,2241,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 10:29:39','2019-04-08 10:29:39'),(18258,767,2241,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-08 10:29:39','2019-04-08 10:29:39'),(18259,767,2241,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-08 10:29:39','2019-04-08 10:29:39'),(18260,767,2241,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-08 10:29:39','2019-04-08 10:29:39'),(18261,767,2242,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(18262,767,2242,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(18263,767,2242,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(18264,767,2242,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(18265,767,2242,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(18266,767,2242,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(18267,767,2242,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(18268,767,2242,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(18269,767,2242,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(18270,767,2242,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-08 10:52:40','2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(18271,768,2243,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2019-04-08 10:56:20','2019-04-08 10:56:20'),(18272,768,2243,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2019-04-08 10:56:20','2019-04-08 10:56:20'),(18273,768,2243,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 10:56:20','2019-04-08 10:56:20'),(18274,768,2243,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-08 10:56:20','2019-04-08 10:56:20'),(18275,768,2243,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 10:56:20','2019-04-08 10:56:20'),(18276,768,2243,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-08 10:56:20','2019-04-08 10:56:20'),(18277,768,2243,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-08 10:56:20','2019-04-08 10:56:20'),(18278,768,2243,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-08 10:56:20','2019-04-08 10:56:20'),(18279,768,2243,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-08 10:56:20','2019-04-08 10:56:20'),(18280,768,2243,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-08 10:56:20','2019-04-08 10:56:20'),(18281,768,2244,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-08 11:02:53','2019-04-08 11:02:53'),(18282,768,2244,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 11:02:53','2019-04-08 11:02:53'),(18283,768,2244,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-08 11:02:53','2019-04-08 11:02:53'),(18284,768,2244,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-08 11:02:53','2019-04-08 11:02:53'),(18285,768,2244,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-08 11:02:53','2019-04-08 11:02:53'),(18286,768,2245,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:45'),(18287,768,2245,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:45'),(18288,768,2245,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:45'),(18289,768,2245,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:45'),(18290,768,2245,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:45'),(18291,768,2245,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:45'),(18292,768,2245,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:45'),(18293,768,2245,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:45'),(18294,768,2245,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:45'),(18295,768,2245,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-08 11:20:45','2019-04-08 11:20:45'),(18296,769,2246,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 11:40:40','2019-04-08 11:40:40'),(18297,769,2246,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-08 11:40:40','2019-04-08 11:40:40'),(18298,769,2246,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 11:40:40','2019-04-08 11:40:40'),(18299,769,2246,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-08 11:40:40','2019-04-08 11:40:40'),(18300,769,2246,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 11:40:40','2019-04-08 11:40:40'),(18301,769,2246,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-08 11:40:40','2019-04-08 11:40:40'),(18302,769,2246,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-08 11:40:40','2019-04-08 11:40:40'),(18303,769,2246,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-08 11:40:40','2019-04-08 11:40:40'),(18304,769,2246,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-08 11:40:40','2019-04-08 11:40:40'),(18305,769,2246,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-08 11:40:40','2019-04-08 11:40:40'),(18306,769,2247,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-08 11:52:53','2019-04-08 11:52:53'),(18307,769,2247,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 11:52:53','2019-04-08 11:52:53'),(18308,769,2247,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-08 11:52:53','2019-04-08 11:52:53'),(18309,769,2247,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-08 11:52:53','2019-04-08 11:52:53'),(18310,769,2247,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-08 11:52:53','2019-04-08 11:52:53'),(18311,769,2248,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(18312,769,2248,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(18313,769,2248,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(18314,769,2248,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(18315,769,2248,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(18316,769,2248,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(18317,769,2248,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(18318,769,2248,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(18319,769,2248,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(18320,769,2248,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-08 12:09:48','2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(18321,770,2249,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:13:05','2019-04-08 12:13:05'),(18322,770,2249,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-08 12:13:05','2019-04-08 12:13:05'),(18323,770,2249,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:13:05','2019-04-08 12:13:05'),(18324,770,2249,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-08 12:13:05','2019-04-08 12:13:05'),(18325,770,2249,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:13:05','2019-04-08 12:13:05'),(18326,770,2249,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-08 12:13:05','2019-04-08 12:13:05'),(18327,770,2249,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-08 12:13:05','2019-04-08 12:13:05'),(18328,770,2249,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-08 12:13:05','2019-04-08 12:13:05'),(18329,770,2249,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-08 12:13:05','2019-04-08 12:13:05'),(18330,770,2249,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-08 12:13:05','2019-04-08 12:13:05'),(18331,770,2250,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-08 12:21:38','2019-04-08 12:21:38'),(18332,770,2250,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:21:38','2019-04-08 12:21:38'),(18333,770,2250,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-08 12:21:38','2019-04-08 12:21:38'),(18334,770,2250,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-08 12:21:38','2019-04-08 12:21:38'),(18335,770,2250,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-08 12:21:38','2019-04-08 12:21:38'),(18336,770,2251,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:31'),(18337,770,2251,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:31'),(18338,770,2251,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:31'),(18339,770,2251,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:31'),(18340,770,2251,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:31'),(18341,770,2251,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:31'),(18342,770,2251,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:31'),(18343,770,2251,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:31'),(18344,770,2251,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:31'),(18345,770,2251,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-08 12:40:31','2019-04-08 12:40:31'),(18346,771,2252,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:47:51','2019-04-08 12:47:51'),(18347,771,2252,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-08 12:47:51','2019-04-08 12:47:51'),(18348,771,2252,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:47:51','2019-04-08 12:47:51'),(18349,771,2252,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-08 12:47:51','2019-04-08 12:47:51'),(18350,771,2252,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:47:51','2019-04-08 12:47:51'),(18351,771,2252,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-08 12:47:51','2019-04-08 12:47:51'),(18352,771,2252,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-08 12:47:51','2019-04-08 12:47:51'),(18353,771,2252,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-08 12:47:51','2019-04-08 12:47:51'),(18354,771,2252,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-08 12:47:51','2019-04-08 12:47:51'),(18355,771,2252,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-08 12:47:51','2019-04-08 12:47:51'),(18356,771,2253,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-08 12:53:32','2019-04-08 12:53:32'),(18357,771,2253,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 12:53:32','2019-04-08 12:53:32'),(18358,771,2253,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-08 12:53:32','2019-04-08 12:53:32'),(18359,771,2253,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-08 12:53:32','2019-04-08 12:53:32'),(18360,771,2253,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-08 12:53:32','2019-04-08 12:53:32'),(18361,771,2254,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(18362,771,2254,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(18363,771,2254,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(18364,771,2254,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(18365,771,2254,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(18366,771,2254,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(18367,771,2254,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(18368,771,2254,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(18369,771,2254,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(18370,771,2254,84,206,207,'n',0.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','False','True','2019-04-08 13:10:07','2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(18371,772,2255,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:31:17','2019-04-08 13:31:17'),(18372,772,2255,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2019-04-08 13:31:17','2019-04-08 13:31:17'),(18373,772,2255,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:31:17','2019-04-08 13:31:17'),(18374,772,2255,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-08 13:31:17','2019-04-08 13:31:17'),(18375,772,2255,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:31:17','2019-04-08 13:31:17'),(18376,772,2255,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-08 13:31:17','2019-04-08 13:31:17'),(18377,772,2255,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-08 13:31:17','2019-04-08 13:31:17'),(18378,772,2255,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-08 13:31:17','2019-04-08 13:31:17'),(18379,772,2255,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-08 13:31:17','2019-04-08 13:31:17'),(18380,772,2255,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-08 13:31:17','2019-04-08 13:31:17'),(18381,772,2256,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-08 13:38:06','2019-04-08 13:38:06'),(18382,772,2256,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:38:06','2019-04-08 13:38:06'),(18383,772,2256,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-08 13:38:06','2019-04-08 13:38:06'),(18384,772,2256,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-08 13:38:06','2019-04-08 13:38:06'),(18385,772,2256,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-08 13:38:06','2019-04-08 13:38:06'),(18386,772,2257,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:20'),(18387,772,2257,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:20'),(18388,772,2257,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:20'),(18389,772,2257,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:20'),(18390,772,2257,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:20'),(18391,772,2257,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:20'),(18392,772,2257,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:20'),(18393,772,2257,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:20'),(18394,772,2257,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:20'),(18395,772,2257,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-08 13:53:20','2019-04-08 13:53:20'),(18396,773,2258,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:42:43','2019-04-08 13:42:43'),(18397,773,2258,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-08 13:42:43','2019-04-08 13:42:43'),(18398,773,2258,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:42:43','2019-04-08 13:42:43'),(18399,773,2258,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-08 13:42:43','2019-04-08 13:42:43'),(18400,773,2258,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:42:43','2019-04-08 13:42:43'),(18401,773,2258,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-08 13:42:43','2019-04-08 13:42:43'),(18402,773,2258,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-08 13:42:43','2019-04-08 13:42:43'),(18403,773,2258,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-08 13:42:43','2019-04-08 13:42:43'),(18404,773,2258,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-08 13:42:43','2019-04-08 13:42:43'),(18405,773,2258,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-08 13:42:43','2019-04-08 13:42:43'),(18406,773,2259,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-08 13:48:20','2019-04-08 13:48:20'),(18407,773,2259,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 13:48:20','2019-04-08 13:48:20'),(18408,773,2259,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-08 13:48:20','2019-04-08 13:48:20'),(18409,773,2259,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-08 13:48:20','2019-04-08 13:48:20'),(18410,773,2259,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-08 13:48:20','2019-04-08 13:48:20'),(18411,773,2260,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:25'),(18412,773,2260,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:25'),(18413,773,2260,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:25'),(18414,773,2260,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:25'),(18415,773,2260,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:25'),(18416,773,2260,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:25'),(18417,773,2260,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:25'),(18418,773,2260,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:25'),(18419,773,2260,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:25'),(18420,773,2260,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-08 14:03:25','2019-04-08 14:03:25'),(18421,774,2261,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 14:52:16','2019-04-08 14:52:16'),(18422,774,2261,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-08 14:52:16','2019-04-08 14:52:16'),(18423,774,2261,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 14:52:16','2019-04-08 14:52:16'),(18424,774,2261,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-08 14:52:16','2019-04-08 14:52:16'),(18425,774,2261,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 14:52:16','2019-04-08 14:52:16'),(18426,774,2261,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-08 14:52:16','2019-04-08 14:52:16'),(18427,774,2261,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-08 14:52:16','2019-04-08 14:52:16'),(18428,774,2261,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-08 14:52:16','2019-04-08 14:52:16'),(18429,774,2261,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-08 14:52:16','2019-04-08 14:52:16'),(18430,774,2261,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-08 14:52:16','2019-04-08 14:52:16'),(18431,774,2262,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-08 14:58:46','2019-04-08 14:58:46'),(18432,774,2262,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 14:58:46','2019-04-08 14:58:46'),(18433,774,2262,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-08 14:58:46','2019-04-08 14:58:46'),(18434,774,2262,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-08 14:58:46','2019-04-08 14:58:46'),(18435,774,2262,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-08 14:58:46','2019-04-08 14:58:46'),(18436,774,2263,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(18437,774,2263,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(18438,774,2263,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(18439,774,2263,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(18440,774,2263,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(18441,774,2263,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(18442,774,2263,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(18443,774,2263,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(18444,774,2263,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(18445,774,2263,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-08 15:15:26','2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(18446,775,2264,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 16:14:23','2019-04-08 16:14:23'),(18447,775,2264,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-08 16:14:23','2019-04-08 16:14:23'),(18448,775,2264,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 16:14:23','2019-04-08 16:14:23'),(18449,775,2264,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-08 16:14:23','2019-04-08 16:14:23'),(18450,775,2264,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 16:14:23','2019-04-08 16:14:23'),(18451,775,2264,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-08 16:14:23','2019-04-08 16:14:23'),(18452,775,2264,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-08 16:14:23','2019-04-08 16:14:23'),(18453,775,2264,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-08 16:14:23','2019-04-08 16:14:23'),(18454,775,2264,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-08 16:14:23','2019-04-08 16:14:23'),(18455,775,2264,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-08 16:14:23','2019-04-08 16:14:23'),(18456,775,2265,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-08 16:19:51','2019-04-08 16:19:51'),(18457,775,2265,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 16:19:51','2019-04-08 16:19:51'),(18458,775,2265,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-08 16:19:51','2019-04-08 16:19:51'),(18459,775,2265,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-08 16:19:51','2019-04-08 16:19:51'),(18460,775,2265,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-08 16:19:51','2019-04-08 16:19:51'),(18461,775,2266,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:20'),(18462,775,2266,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:20'),(18463,775,2266,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:20'),(18464,775,2266,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:20'),(18465,775,2266,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:20'),(18466,775,2266,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:20'),(18467,775,2266,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:20'),(18468,775,2266,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:20'),(18469,775,2266,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:20'),(18470,775,2266,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-08 16:34:20','2019-04-08 16:34:20'),(18471,776,2267,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 09:51:52','2019-04-09 09:51:52'),(18472,776,2267,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-09 09:51:52','2019-04-09 09:51:52'),(18473,776,2267,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 09:51:52','2019-04-09 09:51:52'),(18474,776,2267,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-09 09:51:52','2019-04-09 09:51:52'),(18475,776,2267,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 09:51:52','2019-04-09 09:51:52'),(18476,776,2267,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-09 09:51:52','2019-04-09 09:51:52'),(18477,776,2267,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-09 09:51:52','2019-04-09 09:51:52'),(18478,776,2267,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-09 09:51:52','2019-04-09 09:51:52'),(18479,776,2267,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-09 09:51:52','2019-04-09 09:51:52'),(18480,776,2267,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-09 09:51:52','2019-04-09 09:51:52'),(18481,776,2268,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-09 09:57:56','2019-04-09 09:57:56'),(18482,776,2268,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 09:57:56','2019-04-09 09:57:56'),(18483,776,2268,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-09 09:57:56','2019-04-09 09:57:56'),(18484,776,2268,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-09 09:57:56','2019-04-09 09:57:56'),(18485,776,2268,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-09 09:57:56','2019-04-09 09:57:56'),(18486,776,2269,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(18487,776,2269,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(18488,776,2269,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(18489,776,2269,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(18490,776,2269,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(18491,776,2269,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(18492,776,2269,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(18493,776,2269,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(18494,776,2269,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(18495,776,2269,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-09 10:12:58','2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(18496,777,2270,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 11:53:21','2019-04-09 11:53:21'),(18497,777,2270,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-09 11:53:21','2019-04-09 11:53:21'),(18498,777,2270,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 11:53:21','2019-04-09 11:53:21'),(18499,777,2270,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-09 11:53:21','2019-04-09 11:53:21'),(18500,777,2270,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 11:53:21','2019-04-09 11:53:21'),(18501,777,2270,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-09 11:53:21','2019-04-09 11:53:21'),(18502,777,2270,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-09 11:53:21','2019-04-09 11:53:21'),(18503,777,2270,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-09 11:53:21','2019-04-09 11:53:21'),(18504,777,2270,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-09 11:53:21','2019-04-09 11:53:21'),(18505,777,2270,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-09 11:53:21','2019-04-09 11:53:21'),(18506,777,2271,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-09 11:59:38','2019-04-09 11:59:38'),(18507,777,2271,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 11:59:38','2019-04-09 11:59:38'),(18508,777,2271,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-09 11:59:38','2019-04-09 11:59:38'),(18509,777,2271,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-09 11:59:38','2019-04-09 11:59:38'),(18510,777,2271,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-09 11:59:38','2019-04-09 11:59:38'),(18511,777,2272,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(18512,777,2272,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(18513,777,2272,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(18514,777,2272,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(18515,777,2272,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(18516,777,2272,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(18517,777,2272,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(18518,777,2272,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(18519,777,2272,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(18520,777,2272,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-09 12:15:49','2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(18521,778,2273,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 13:55:02','2019-04-09 13:55:02'),(18522,778,2273,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-09 13:55:02','2019-04-09 13:55:02'),(18523,778,2273,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 13:55:02','2019-04-09 13:55:02'),(18524,778,2273,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-09 13:55:02','2019-04-09 13:55:02'),(18525,778,2273,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 13:55:02','2019-04-09 13:55:02'),(18526,778,2273,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-09 13:55:02','2019-04-09 13:55:02'),(18527,778,2273,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-09 13:55:02','2019-04-09 13:55:02'),(18528,778,2273,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-09 13:55:02','2019-04-09 13:55:02'),(18529,778,2273,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-09 13:55:02','2019-04-09 13:55:02'),(18530,778,2273,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-09 13:55:02','2019-04-09 13:55:02'),(18531,778,2274,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-09 14:01:02','2019-04-09 14:01:02'),(18532,778,2274,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:01:02','2019-04-09 14:01:02'),(18533,778,2274,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-09 14:01:02','2019-04-09 14:01:02'),(18534,778,2274,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-09 14:01:02','2019-04-09 14:01:02'),(18535,778,2274,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-09 14:01:02','2019-04-09 14:01:02'),(18536,778,2275,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(18537,778,2275,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(18538,778,2275,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(18539,778,2275,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(18540,778,2275,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(18541,778,2275,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(18542,778,2275,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(18543,778,2275,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(18544,778,2275,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(18545,778,2275,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-09 14:17:55','2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(18546,779,2276,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:30:02','2019-04-09 14:30:02'),(18547,779,2276,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-09 14:30:02','2019-04-09 14:30:02'),(18548,779,2276,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:30:02','2019-04-09 14:30:02'),(18549,779,2276,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-09 14:30:02','2019-04-09 14:30:02'),(18550,779,2276,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:30:02','2019-04-09 14:30:02'),(18551,779,2276,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-09 14:30:02','2019-04-09 14:30:02'),(18552,779,2276,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-09 14:30:02','2019-04-09 14:30:02'),(18553,779,2276,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-09 14:30:02','2019-04-09 14:30:02'),(18554,779,2276,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-09 14:30:02','2019-04-09 14:30:02'),(18555,779,2276,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-09 14:30:02','2019-04-09 14:30:02'),(18556,779,2277,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-09 14:36:49','2019-04-09 14:36:49'),(18557,779,2277,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:36:49','2019-04-09 14:36:49'),(18558,779,2277,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-09 14:36:49','2019-04-09 14:36:49'),(18559,779,2277,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-09 14:36:49','2019-04-09 14:36:49'),(18560,779,2277,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-09 14:36:49','2019-04-09 14:36:49'),(18561,779,2278,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(18562,779,2278,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(18563,779,2278,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(18564,779,2278,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(18565,779,2278,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(18566,779,2278,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(18567,779,2278,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(18568,779,2278,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(18569,779,2278,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(18570,779,2278,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-09 14:54:54','2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(18571,780,2279,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:58:06','2019-04-09 14:58:06'),(18572,780,2279,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-09 14:58:06','2019-04-09 14:58:06'),(18573,780,2279,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:58:06','2019-04-09 14:58:06'),(18574,780,2279,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-09 14:58:06','2019-04-09 14:58:06'),(18575,780,2279,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 14:58:06','2019-04-09 14:58:06'),(18576,780,2279,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-09 14:58:06','2019-04-09 14:58:06'),(18577,780,2279,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-09 14:58:06','2019-04-09 14:58:06'),(18578,780,2279,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-09 14:58:06','2019-04-09 14:58:06'),(18579,780,2279,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-09 14:58:06','2019-04-09 14:58:06'),(18580,780,2279,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-09 14:58:06','2019-04-09 14:58:06'),(18581,780,2280,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-09 15:03:45','2019-04-09 15:03:45'),(18582,780,2280,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 15:03:45','2019-04-09 15:03:45'),(18583,780,2280,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-09 15:03:45','2019-04-09 15:03:45'),(18584,780,2280,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-09 15:03:45','2019-04-09 15:03:45'),(18585,780,2280,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-09 15:03:45','2019-04-09 15:03:45'),(18586,780,2281,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(18587,780,2281,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(18588,780,2281,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(18589,780,2281,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(18590,780,2281,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(18591,780,2281,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(18592,780,2281,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(18593,780,2281,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(18594,780,2281,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(18595,780,2281,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-09 15:18:51','2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(18596,781,2282,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 18:26:56','2019-04-09 18:26:56'),(18597,781,2282,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-09 18:26:56','2019-04-09 18:26:56'),(18598,781,2282,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 18:26:56','2019-04-09 18:26:56'),(18599,781,2282,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-09 18:26:56','2019-04-09 18:26:56'),(18600,781,2282,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 18:26:56','2019-04-09 18:26:56'),(18601,781,2282,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-09 18:26:56','2019-04-09 18:26:56'),(18602,781,2282,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-09 18:26:56','2019-04-09 18:26:56'),(18603,781,2282,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-09 18:26:56','2019-04-09 18:26:56'),(18604,781,2282,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-09 18:26:56','2019-04-09 18:26:56'),(18605,781,2282,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-09 18:26:56','2019-04-09 18:26:56'),(18606,781,2283,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-09 18:39:21','2019-04-09 18:39:21'),(18607,781,2283,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 18:39:21','2019-04-09 18:39:21'),(18608,781,2283,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-09 18:39:21','2019-04-09 18:39:21'),(18609,781,2283,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-09 18:39:21','2019-04-09 18:39:21'),(18610,781,2283,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-09 18:39:21','2019-04-09 18:39:21'),(18611,781,2284,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(18612,781,2284,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(18613,781,2284,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(18614,781,2284,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(18615,781,2284,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(18616,781,2284,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(18617,781,2284,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(18618,781,2284,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(18619,781,2284,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(18620,781,2284,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-09 18:56:36','2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(18621,782,2285,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 07:44:22','2019-04-10 07:44:22'),(18622,782,2285,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-10 07:44:22','2019-04-10 07:44:22'),(18623,782,2285,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 07:44:22','2019-04-10 07:44:22'),(18624,782,2285,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-10 07:44:22','2019-04-10 07:44:22'),(18625,782,2285,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 07:44:22','2019-04-10 07:44:22'),(18626,782,2285,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-10 07:44:22','2019-04-10 07:44:22'),(18627,782,2285,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-10 07:44:22','2019-04-10 07:44:22'),(18628,782,2285,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-10 07:44:22','2019-04-10 07:44:22'),(18629,782,2285,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-10 07:44:22','2019-04-10 07:44:22'),(18630,782,2285,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-10 07:44:22','2019-04-10 07:44:22'),(18631,782,2286,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-10 07:55:58','2019-04-10 07:55:58'),(18632,782,2286,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 07:55:58','2019-04-10 07:55:58'),(18633,782,2286,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-10 07:55:58','2019-04-10 07:55:58'),(18634,782,2286,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-10 07:55:58','2019-04-10 07:55:58'),(18635,782,2286,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-10 07:55:58','2019-04-10 07:55:58'),(18636,782,2287,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(18637,782,2287,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(18638,782,2287,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(18639,782,2287,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(18640,782,2287,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(18641,782,2287,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(18642,782,2287,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(18643,782,2287,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(18644,782,2287,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(18645,782,2287,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-10 08:10:24','2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(18646,783,2288,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 10:37:49','2019-04-10 10:37:49'),(18647,783,2288,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-10 10:37:49','2019-04-10 10:37:49'),(18648,783,2288,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 10:37:49','2019-04-10 10:37:49'),(18649,783,2288,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-10 10:37:49','2019-04-10 10:37:49'),(18650,783,2288,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 10:37:49','2019-04-10 10:37:49'),(18651,783,2288,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-10 10:37:49','2019-04-10 10:37:49'),(18652,783,2288,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-10 10:37:49','2019-04-10 10:37:49'),(18653,783,2288,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-10 10:37:49','2019-04-10 10:37:49'),(18654,783,2288,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-10 10:37:49','2019-04-10 10:37:49'),(18655,783,2288,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-10 10:37:49','2019-04-10 10:37:49'),(18656,783,2289,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-10 10:44:10','2019-04-10 10:44:10'),(18657,783,2289,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 10:44:10','2019-04-10 10:44:10'),(18658,783,2289,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-10 10:44:10','2019-04-10 10:44:10'),(18659,783,2289,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-10 10:44:10','2019-04-10 10:44:10'),(18660,783,2289,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-10 10:44:10','2019-04-10 10:44:10'),(18661,783,2290,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(18662,783,2290,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(18663,783,2290,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(18664,783,2290,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(18665,783,2290,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(18666,783,2290,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(18667,783,2290,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(18668,783,2290,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(18669,783,2290,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(18670,783,2290,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-10 11:00:55','2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(18671,784,2291,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 13:40:17','2019-04-10 13:46:46'),(18672,784,2291,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-10 13:40:17','2019-04-10 13:46:46'),(18673,784,2291,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 13:40:17','2019-04-10 13:46:46'),(18674,784,2291,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-10 13:40:17','2019-04-10 13:46:46'),(18675,784,2291,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 13:40:17','2019-04-10 13:46:46'),(18676,784,2291,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-10 13:40:17','2019-04-10 13:46:46'),(18677,784,2291,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-10 13:40:17','2019-04-10 13:46:46'),(18678,784,2291,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-10 13:40:17','2019-04-10 13:46:46'),(18679,784,2291,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-10 13:40:17','2019-04-10 13:46:46'),(18680,784,2291,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-10 13:40:17','2019-04-10 13:46:46'),(18681,784,2292,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-10 13:46:22','2019-04-10 13:52:45'),(18682,784,2292,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 13:46:22','2019-04-10 13:52:45'),(18683,784,2292,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-10 13:46:22','2019-04-10 13:52:45'),(18684,784,2292,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-10 13:46:22','2019-04-10 13:52:45'),(18685,784,2292,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-10 13:46:22','2019-04-10 13:52:45'),(18686,784,2293,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(18687,784,2293,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(18688,784,2293,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(18689,784,2293,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(18690,784,2293,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(18691,784,2293,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(18692,784,2293,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(18693,784,2293,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(18694,784,2293,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(18695,784,2293,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-10 14:07:20','2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(18696,785,2294,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 11:43:27','2019-04-11 11:43:27'),(18697,785,2294,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-11 11:43:27','2019-04-11 11:43:27'),(18698,785,2294,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 11:43:27','2019-04-11 11:43:27'),(18699,785,2294,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-11 11:43:27','2019-04-11 11:43:27'),(18700,785,2294,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 11:43:27','2019-04-11 11:43:27'),(18701,785,2294,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-11 11:43:27','2019-04-11 11:43:27'),(18702,785,2294,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-11 11:43:27','2019-04-11 11:43:27'),(18703,785,2294,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-11 11:43:27','2019-04-11 11:43:27'),(18704,785,2294,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-11 11:43:27','2019-04-11 11:43:27'),(18705,785,2294,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-11 11:43:27','2019-04-11 11:43:27'),(18706,785,2295,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-11 11:49:48','2019-04-11 11:49:48'),(18707,785,2295,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 11:49:48','2019-04-11 11:49:48'),(18708,785,2295,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-11 11:49:48','2019-04-11 11:49:48'),(18709,785,2295,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-04-11 11:49:48','2019-04-11 11:49:48'),(18710,785,2295,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-11 11:49:48','2019-04-11 11:49:48'),(18711,785,2296,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(18712,785,2296,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(18713,785,2296,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(18714,785,2296,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(18715,785,2296,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(18716,785,2296,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(18717,785,2296,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(18718,785,2296,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(18719,785,2296,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(18720,785,2296,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-11 12:06:26','2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(18721,786,2297,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 12:33:24','2019-04-11 12:33:24'),(18722,786,2297,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-11 12:33:24','2019-04-11 12:33:24'),(18723,786,2297,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 12:33:24','2019-04-11 12:33:24'),(18724,786,2297,52,114,113,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Electronic delivery devices (e-cigarettes)','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-11 12:33:24','2019-04-11 12:33:24'),(18725,786,2297,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 12:33:24','2019-04-11 12:33:24'),(18726,786,2297,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-11 12:33:24','2019-04-11 12:33:24'),(18727,786,2297,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-11 12:33:24','2019-04-11 12:33:24'),(18728,786,2297,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-11 12:33:24','2019-04-11 12:33:24'),(18729,786,2297,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-11 12:33:24','2019-04-11 12:33:24'),(18730,786,2297,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-11 12:33:24','2019-04-11 12:33:24'),(18731,786,2298,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-11 12:39:12','2019-04-11 12:39:12'),(18732,786,2298,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 12:39:12','2019-04-11 12:39:12'),(18733,786,2298,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-11 12:39:12','2019-04-11 12:39:12'),(18734,786,2298,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-11 12:39:12','2019-04-11 12:39:12'),(18735,786,2298,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-11 12:39:12','2019-04-11 12:39:12'),(18736,786,2299,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(18737,786,2299,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(18738,786,2299,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(18739,786,2299,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(18740,786,2299,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(18741,786,2299,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(18742,786,2299,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(18743,786,2299,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(18744,786,2299,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(18745,786,2299,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-11 13:15:23','2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(18746,787,2300,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 12:49:15','2019-04-11 12:49:15'),(18747,787,2300,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-11 12:49:15','2019-04-11 12:49:15'),(18748,787,2300,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 12:49:15','2019-04-11 12:49:15'),(18749,787,2300,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-11 12:49:15','2019-04-11 12:49:15'),(18750,787,2300,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 12:49:15','2019-04-11 12:49:15'),(18751,787,2300,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-11 12:49:15','2019-04-11 12:49:15'),(18752,787,2300,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-11 12:49:15','2019-04-11 12:49:15'),(18753,787,2300,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-11 12:49:15','2019-04-11 12:49:15'),(18754,787,2300,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-11 12:49:15','2019-04-11 12:49:15'),(18755,787,2300,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-11 12:49:15','2019-04-11 12:49:15'),(18756,787,2301,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-11 12:56:09','2019-04-11 12:56:09'),(18757,787,2301,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 12:56:09','2019-04-11 12:56:09'),(18758,787,2301,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-11 12:56:09','2019-04-11 12:56:09'),(18759,787,2301,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-11 12:56:09','2019-04-11 12:56:09'),(18760,787,2301,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-11 12:56:09','2019-04-11 12:56:09'),(18761,787,2302,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(18762,787,2302,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(18763,787,2302,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(18764,787,2302,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(18765,787,2302,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(18766,787,2302,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(18767,787,2302,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(18768,787,2302,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(18769,787,2302,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(18770,787,2302,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-11 13:16:31','2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(18771,788,2303,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 15:32:08','2019-04-11 15:32:08'),(18772,788,2303,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-11 15:32:08','2019-04-11 15:32:08'),(18773,788,2303,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 15:32:08','2019-04-11 15:32:08'),(18774,788,2303,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-11 15:32:08','2019-04-11 15:32:08'),(18775,788,2303,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 15:32:08','2019-04-11 15:32:08'),(18776,788,2303,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-11 15:32:08','2019-04-11 15:32:08'),(18777,788,2303,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-11 15:32:08','2019-04-11 15:32:08'),(18778,788,2303,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-11 15:32:08','2019-04-11 15:32:08'),(18779,788,2303,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-11 15:32:08','2019-04-11 15:32:08'),(18780,788,2303,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-11 15:32:08','2019-04-11 15:32:08'),(18781,788,2304,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-11 15:39:48','2019-04-11 15:39:48'),(18782,788,2304,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 15:39:48','2019-04-11 15:39:48'),(18783,788,2304,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-11 15:39:48','2019-04-11 15:39:48'),(18784,788,2304,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-11 15:39:48','2019-04-11 15:39:48'),(18785,788,2304,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-11 15:39:48','2019-04-11 15:39:48'),(18786,788,2305,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(18787,788,2305,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(18788,788,2305,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(18789,788,2305,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(18790,788,2305,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(18791,788,2305,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(18792,788,2305,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(18793,788,2305,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(18794,788,2305,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(18795,788,2305,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-11 15:58:39','2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(18796,789,2306,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 22:15:49','2019-04-11 22:15:49'),(18797,789,2306,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-11 22:15:49','2019-04-11 22:15:49'),(18798,789,2306,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 22:15:49','2019-04-11 22:15:49'),(18799,789,2306,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-11 22:15:49','2019-04-11 22:15:49'),(18800,789,2306,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 22:15:49','2019-04-11 22:15:49'),(18801,789,2306,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-11 22:15:49','2019-04-11 22:15:49'),(18802,789,2306,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-11 22:15:49','2019-04-11 22:15:49'),(18803,789,2306,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-11 22:15:49','2019-04-11 22:15:49'),(18804,789,2306,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-11 22:15:49','2019-04-11 22:15:49'),(18805,789,2306,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-11 22:15:49','2019-04-11 22:15:49'),(18806,789,2307,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-11 22:21:30','2019-04-11 22:21:30'),(18807,789,2307,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 22:21:30','2019-04-11 22:21:30'),(18808,789,2307,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-11 22:21:30','2019-04-11 22:21:30'),(18809,789,2307,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-11 22:21:30','2019-04-11 22:21:30'),(18810,789,2307,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-11 22:21:30','2019-04-11 22:21:30'),(18811,789,2308,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(18812,789,2308,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(18813,789,2308,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(18814,789,2308,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(18815,789,2308,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(18816,789,2308,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(18817,789,2308,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(18818,789,2308,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(18819,789,2308,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(18820,789,2308,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-11 22:36:49','2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(18821,790,2309,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-12 10:06:38','2019-04-12 10:06:38'),(18822,790,2309,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-12 10:06:38','2019-04-12 10:06:38'),(18823,790,2309,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-12 10:06:38','2019-04-12 10:06:38'),(18824,790,2309,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-12 10:06:38','2019-04-12 10:06:38'),(18825,790,2309,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-12 10:06:38','2019-04-12 10:06:38'),(18826,790,2309,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-12 10:06:38','2019-04-12 10:06:38'),(18827,790,2309,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-12 10:06:38','2019-04-12 10:06:38'),(18828,790,2309,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-12 10:06:38','2019-04-12 10:06:38'),(18829,790,2309,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-12 10:06:38','2019-04-12 10:06:38'),(18830,790,2309,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-12 10:06:38','2019-04-12 10:06:38'),(18831,790,2310,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-12 10:12:50','2019-04-12 10:12:50'),(18832,790,2310,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-12 10:12:50','2019-04-12 10:12:50'),(18833,790,2310,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-12 10:12:50','2019-04-12 10:12:50'),(18834,790,2310,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-12 10:12:50','2019-04-12 10:12:50'),(18835,790,2310,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-12 10:12:50','2019-04-12 10:12:50'),(18836,790,2311,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(18837,790,2311,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(18838,790,2311,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(18839,790,2311,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(18840,790,2311,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(18841,790,2311,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(18842,790,2311,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(18843,790,2311,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(18844,790,2311,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(18845,790,2311,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-12 10:29:09','2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(18846,791,2312,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-14 21:08:05','2019-04-14 21:08:05'),(18847,791,2312,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-14 21:08:05','2019-04-14 21:08:05'),(18848,791,2312,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-14 21:08:05','2019-04-14 21:08:05'),(18849,791,2312,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-14 21:08:05','2019-04-14 21:08:05'),(18850,791,2312,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-14 21:08:05','2019-04-14 21:08:05'),(18851,791,2312,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-14 21:08:05','2019-04-14 21:08:05'),(18852,791,2312,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-14 21:08:05','2019-04-14 21:08:05'),(18853,791,2312,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-14 21:08:05','2019-04-14 21:08:05'),(18854,791,2312,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-14 21:08:05','2019-04-14 21:08:05'),(18855,791,2312,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-14 21:08:05','2019-04-14 21:08:05'),(18856,791,2313,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-14 21:14:10','2019-04-14 21:14:10'),(18857,791,2313,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-14 21:14:10','2019-04-14 21:14:10'),(18858,791,2313,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-14 21:14:10','2019-04-14 21:14:10'),(18859,791,2313,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-14 21:14:10','2019-04-14 21:14:10'),(18860,791,2313,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-14 21:14:10','2019-04-14 21:14:10'),(18861,791,2314,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(18862,791,2314,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(18863,791,2314,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(18864,791,2314,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(18865,791,2314,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(18866,791,2314,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(18867,791,2314,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(18868,791,2314,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(18869,791,2314,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(18870,791,2314,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-14 21:29:44','2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(18871,792,2315,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 10:17:41','2019-04-15 10:17:41'),(18872,792,2315,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-15 10:17:41','2019-04-15 10:17:41'),(18873,792,2315,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 10:17:41','2019-04-15 10:17:41'),(18874,792,2315,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-15 10:17:41','2019-04-15 10:17:41'),(18875,792,2315,53,119,117,'n',0.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','Pipes & vaporizers','All of the above','2019-04-15 10:17:41','2019-04-15 10:17:41'),(18876,792,2315,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-15 10:17:41','2019-04-15 10:17:41'),(18877,792,2315,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-15 10:17:41','2019-04-15 10:17:41'),(18878,792,2315,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-15 10:17:41','2019-04-15 10:17:41'),(18879,792,2315,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-15 10:17:41','2019-04-15 10:17:41'),(18880,792,2315,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-04-15 10:17:41','2019-04-15 10:17:41'),(18881,792,2316,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-15 10:26:06','2019-04-15 10:26:06'),(18882,792,2316,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 10:26:06','2019-04-15 10:26:06'),(18883,792,2316,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-15 10:26:06','2019-04-15 10:26:06'),(18884,792,2316,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-04-15 10:26:06','2019-04-15 10:26:06'),(18885,792,2316,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-15 10:26:06','2019-04-15 10:26:06'),(18886,792,2317,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(18887,792,2317,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(18888,792,2317,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(18889,792,2317,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(18890,792,2317,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(18891,792,2317,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(18892,792,2317,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(18893,792,2317,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(18894,792,2317,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(18895,792,2317,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-15 10:44:40','2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(18896,793,2318,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 12:23:02','2019-04-15 12:23:02'),(18897,793,2318,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-15 12:23:02','2019-04-15 12:23:02'),(18898,793,2318,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 12:23:02','2019-04-15 12:23:02'),(18899,793,2318,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-15 12:23:02','2019-04-15 12:23:02'),(18900,793,2318,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 12:23:02','2019-04-15 12:23:02'),(18901,793,2318,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-15 12:23:02','2019-04-15 12:23:02'),(18902,793,2318,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-15 12:23:02','2019-04-15 12:23:02'),(18903,793,2318,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-15 12:23:02','2019-04-15 12:23:02'),(18904,793,2318,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-15 12:23:02','2019-04-15 12:23:02'),(18905,793,2318,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-04-15 12:23:02','2019-04-15 12:23:02'),(18906,793,2319,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-15 12:29:26','2019-04-15 12:29:26'),(18907,793,2319,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 12:29:26','2019-04-15 12:29:26'),(18908,793,2319,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-15 12:29:26','2019-04-15 12:29:26'),(18909,793,2319,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-15 12:29:26','2019-04-15 12:29:26'),(18910,793,2319,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-15 12:29:26','2019-04-15 12:29:26'),(18911,793,2320,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:06'),(18912,793,2320,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:06'),(18913,793,2320,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:06'),(18914,793,2320,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:06'),(18915,793,2320,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:06'),(18916,793,2320,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:06'),(18917,793,2320,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:06'),(18918,793,2320,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:06'),(18919,793,2320,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:06'),(18920,793,2320,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-15 12:47:06','2019-04-15 12:47:06'),(18921,794,2321,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 16:04:47','2019-04-15 16:04:47'),(18922,794,2321,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-15 16:04:47','2019-04-15 16:04:47'),(18923,794,2321,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 16:04:47','2019-04-15 16:04:47'),(18924,794,2321,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-15 16:04:47','2019-04-15 16:04:47'),(18925,794,2321,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 16:04:47','2019-04-15 16:04:47'),(18926,794,2321,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-15 16:04:47','2019-04-15 16:04:47'),(18927,794,2321,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-15 16:04:47','2019-04-15 16:04:47'),(18928,794,2321,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-15 16:04:47','2019-04-15 16:04:47'),(18929,794,2321,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-15 16:04:47','2019-04-15 16:04:47'),(18930,794,2321,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-15 16:04:47','2019-04-15 16:04:47'),(18931,794,2322,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-15 16:11:05','2019-04-15 16:11:05'),(18932,794,2322,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 16:11:05','2019-04-15 16:11:05'),(18933,794,2322,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-15 16:11:05','2019-04-15 16:11:05'),(18934,794,2322,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-15 16:11:05','2019-04-15 16:11:05'),(18935,794,2322,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-15 16:11:05','2019-04-15 16:11:05'),(18936,794,2323,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(18937,794,2323,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(18938,794,2323,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(18939,794,2323,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(18940,794,2323,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(18941,794,2323,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(18942,794,2323,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(18943,794,2323,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(18944,794,2323,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(18945,794,2323,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-15 16:28:05','2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(18946,795,2324,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 12:01:34','2019-04-16 12:01:34'),(18947,795,2324,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-16 12:01:34','2019-04-16 12:01:34'),(18948,795,2324,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 12:01:34','2019-04-16 12:01:34'),(18949,795,2324,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-16 12:01:34','2019-04-16 12:01:34'),(18950,795,2324,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 12:01:34','2019-04-16 12:01:34'),(18951,795,2324,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-16 12:01:34','2019-04-16 12:01:34'),(18952,795,2324,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-16 12:01:34','2019-04-16 12:01:34'),(18953,795,2324,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-16 12:01:34','2019-04-16 12:01:34'),(18954,795,2324,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-16 12:01:34','2019-04-16 12:01:34'),(18955,795,2324,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-16 12:01:34','2019-04-16 12:01:34'),(18956,795,2325,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-16 12:08:02','2019-04-16 12:08:02'),(18957,795,2325,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 12:08:02','2019-04-16 12:08:02'),(18958,795,2325,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-16 12:08:02','2019-04-16 12:08:02'),(18959,795,2325,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-16 12:08:02','2019-04-16 12:08:02'),(18960,795,2325,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-16 12:08:02','2019-04-16 12:08:02'),(18961,795,2326,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:22'),(18962,795,2326,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:22'),(18963,795,2326,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:22'),(18964,795,2326,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:22'),(18965,795,2326,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:22'),(18966,795,2326,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:22'),(18967,795,2326,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:22'),(18968,795,2326,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:22'),(18969,795,2326,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:22'),(18970,795,2326,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-16 12:25:22','2019-04-16 12:25:22'),(18971,796,2327,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 14:26:52','2019-04-16 14:26:52'),(18972,796,2327,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-16 14:26:52','2019-04-16 14:26:52'),(18973,796,2327,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 14:26:52','2019-04-16 14:26:52'),(18974,796,2327,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-16 14:26:52','2019-04-16 14:26:52'),(18975,796,2327,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 14:26:52','2019-04-16 14:26:52'),(18976,796,2327,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-16 14:26:52','2019-04-16 14:26:52'),(18977,796,2327,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-16 14:26:52','2019-04-16 14:26:52'),(18978,796,2327,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-16 14:26:52','2019-04-16 14:26:52'),(18979,796,2327,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-16 14:26:52','2019-04-16 14:26:52'),(18980,796,2327,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-16 14:26:52','2019-04-16 14:26:52'),(18981,796,2328,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-16 14:34:26','2019-04-16 14:34:26'),(18982,796,2328,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 14:34:26','2019-04-16 14:34:26'),(18983,796,2328,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-16 14:34:26','2019-04-16 14:34:26'),(18984,796,2328,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-16 14:34:26','2019-04-16 14:34:26'),(18985,796,2328,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-16 14:34:26','2019-04-16 14:34:26'),(18986,796,2329,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(18987,796,2329,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(18988,796,2329,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(18989,796,2329,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(18990,796,2329,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(18991,796,2329,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(18992,796,2329,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(18993,796,2329,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(18994,796,2329,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(18995,796,2329,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-16 14:55:37','2019-04-16 14:55:37'),(18996,797,2330,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-17 10:55:55','2019-04-17 10:55:55'),(18997,797,2330,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2019-04-17 10:55:55','2019-04-17 10:55:55'),(18998,797,2330,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-17 10:55:55','2019-04-17 10:55:55'),(18999,797,2330,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-17 10:55:55','2019-04-17 10:55:55'),(19000,797,2330,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-17 10:55:55','2019-04-17 10:55:55'),(19001,797,2330,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-17 10:55:55','2019-04-17 10:55:55'),(19002,797,2330,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-17 10:55:55','2019-04-17 10:55:55'),(19003,797,2330,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-17 10:55:55','2019-04-17 10:55:55'),(19004,797,2330,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-17 10:55:55','2019-04-17 10:55:55'),(19005,797,2330,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-17 10:55:55','2019-04-17 10:55:55'),(19006,797,2331,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-17 11:02:11','2019-04-17 11:02:11'),(19007,797,2331,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-17 11:02:11','2019-04-17 11:02:11'),(19008,797,2331,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-17 11:02:11','2019-04-17 11:02:11'),(19009,797,2331,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-17 11:02:11','2019-04-17 11:02:11'),(19010,797,2331,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-17 11:02:11','2019-04-17 11:02:11'),(19011,797,2332,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(19012,797,2332,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(19013,797,2332,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(19014,797,2332,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(19015,797,2332,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(19016,797,2332,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(19017,797,2332,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(19018,797,2332,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(19019,797,2332,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(19020,797,2332,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-17 11:26:56','2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(19021,798,2333,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:27:37','2019-04-19 12:27:37'),(19022,798,2333,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-19 12:27:37','2019-04-19 12:27:37'),(19023,798,2333,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:27:37','2019-04-19 12:27:37'),(19024,798,2333,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-19 12:27:37','2019-04-19 12:27:37'),(19025,798,2333,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:27:37','2019-04-19 12:27:37'),(19026,798,2333,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-19 12:27:37','2019-04-19 12:27:37'),(19027,798,2333,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-19 12:27:37','2019-04-19 12:27:37'),(19028,798,2333,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-19 12:27:37','2019-04-19 12:27:37'),(19029,798,2333,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-19 12:27:37','2019-04-19 12:27:37'),(19030,798,2333,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-19 12:27:37','2019-04-19 12:27:37'),(19031,798,2334,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-19 12:35:00','2019-04-19 12:35:00'),(19032,798,2334,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:35:00','2019-04-19 12:35:00'),(19033,798,2334,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-19 12:35:00','2019-04-19 12:35:00'),(19034,798,2334,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-04-19 12:35:00','2019-04-19 12:35:00'),(19035,798,2334,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-19 12:35:00','2019-04-19 12:35:00'),(19036,798,2335,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(19037,798,2335,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(19038,798,2335,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(19039,798,2335,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(19040,798,2335,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(19041,798,2335,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(19042,798,2335,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(19043,798,2335,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(19044,798,2335,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(19045,798,2335,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-19 12:52:21','2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(19046,799,2336,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:32:34','2019-04-19 12:32:34'),(19047,799,2336,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-19 12:32:34','2019-04-19 12:32:34'),(19048,799,2336,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:32:34','2019-04-19 12:32:34'),(19049,799,2336,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-19 12:32:34','2019-04-19 12:32:34'),(19050,799,2336,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:32:34','2019-04-19 12:32:34'),(19051,799,2336,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-19 12:32:34','2019-04-19 12:32:34'),(19052,799,2336,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-19 12:32:34','2019-04-19 12:32:34'),(19053,799,2336,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-19 12:32:34','2019-04-19 12:32:34'),(19054,799,2336,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-19 12:32:34','2019-04-19 12:32:34'),(19055,799,2336,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-19 12:32:34','2019-04-19 12:32:34'),(19056,799,2337,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-19 12:39:14','2019-04-19 12:39:14'),(19057,799,2337,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:39:14','2019-04-19 12:39:14'),(19058,799,2337,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-19 12:39:14','2019-04-19 12:39:14'),(19059,799,2337,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-19 12:39:14','2019-04-19 12:39:14'),(19060,799,2337,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-19 12:39:14','2019-04-19 12:39:14'),(19061,799,2338,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(19062,799,2338,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(19063,799,2338,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(19064,799,2338,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(19065,799,2338,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(19066,799,2338,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(19067,799,2338,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(19068,799,2338,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(19069,799,2338,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(19070,799,2338,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-19 12:56:01','2019-04-19 12:56:01'),(19071,800,2339,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-22 14:32:02','2019-04-22 14:32:02'),(19072,800,2339,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-22 14:32:02','2019-04-22 14:32:02'),(19073,800,2339,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-22 14:32:02','2019-04-22 14:32:02'),(19074,800,2339,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-22 14:32:02','2019-04-22 14:32:02'),(19075,800,2339,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-22 14:32:02','2019-04-22 14:32:02'),(19076,800,2339,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-22 14:32:02','2019-04-22 14:32:02'),(19077,800,2339,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-22 14:32:02','2019-04-22 14:32:02'),(19078,800,2339,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-22 14:32:02','2019-04-22 14:32:02'),(19079,800,2339,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-22 14:32:02','2019-04-22 14:32:02'),(19080,800,2339,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-22 14:32:02','2019-04-22 14:32:02'),(19081,800,2340,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-22 14:44:22','2019-04-22 14:44:22'),(19082,800,2340,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-22 14:44:22','2019-04-22 14:44:22'),(19083,800,2340,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-22 14:44:22','2019-04-22 14:44:22'),(19084,800,2340,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-22 14:44:22','2019-04-22 14:44:22'),(19085,800,2340,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-22 14:44:22','2019-04-22 14:44:22'),(19086,800,2341,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(19087,800,2341,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(19088,800,2341,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(19089,800,2341,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(19090,800,2341,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(19091,800,2341,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(19092,800,2341,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(19093,800,2341,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(19094,800,2341,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(19095,800,2341,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-22 15:05:05','2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(19096,801,2342,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-23 12:42:58','2019-04-23 12:42:58'),(19097,801,2342,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-23 12:42:58','2019-04-23 12:42:58'),(19098,801,2342,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-23 12:42:58','2019-04-23 12:42:58'),(19099,801,2342,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-23 12:42:58','2019-04-23 12:42:58'),(19100,801,2342,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-23 12:42:58','2019-04-23 12:42:58'),(19101,801,2342,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-23 12:42:58','2019-04-23 12:42:58'),(19102,801,2342,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-23 12:42:58','2019-04-23 12:42:58'),(19103,801,2342,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-23 12:42:58','2019-04-23 12:42:58'),(19104,801,2342,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-23 12:42:58','2019-04-23 12:42:58'),(19105,801,2342,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-23 12:42:58','2019-04-23 12:42:58'),(19106,801,2343,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-23 12:49:18','2019-04-23 12:49:18'),(19107,801,2343,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-23 12:49:18','2019-04-23 12:49:18'),(19108,801,2343,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-23 12:49:18','2019-04-23 12:49:18'),(19109,801,2343,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-23 12:49:18','2019-04-23 12:49:18'),(19110,801,2343,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-23 12:49:18','2019-04-23 12:49:18'),(19111,801,2344,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:48'),(19112,801,2344,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:48'),(19113,801,2344,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:48'),(19114,801,2344,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:48'),(19115,801,2344,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:48'),(19116,801,2344,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:48'),(19117,801,2344,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:48'),(19118,801,2344,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:48'),(19119,801,2344,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:48'),(19120,801,2344,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-23 13:06:48','2019-04-23 13:06:48'),(19121,802,2345,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-25 14:44:58','2019-04-25 14:44:58'),(19122,802,2345,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-25 14:44:58','2019-04-25 14:44:58'),(19123,802,2345,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-25 14:44:58','2019-04-25 14:44:58'),(19124,802,2345,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-25 14:44:58','2019-04-25 14:44:58'),(19125,802,2345,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-25 14:44:58','2019-04-25 14:44:58'),(19126,802,2345,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-25 14:44:58','2019-04-25 14:44:58'),(19127,802,2345,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-25 14:44:58','2019-04-25 14:44:58'),(19128,802,2345,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-25 14:44:58','2019-04-25 14:44:58'),(19129,802,2345,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-25 14:44:58','2019-04-25 14:44:58'),(19130,802,2345,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-25 14:44:58','2019-04-25 14:44:58'),(19131,802,2346,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-25 14:50:36','2019-04-25 14:50:36'),(19132,802,2346,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-25 14:50:36','2019-04-25 14:50:36'),(19133,802,2346,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-25 14:50:36','2019-04-25 14:50:36'),(19134,802,2346,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-25 14:50:36','2019-04-25 14:50:36'),(19135,802,2346,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-25 14:50:36','2019-04-25 14:50:36'),(19136,802,2347,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:26'),(19137,802,2347,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:26'),(19138,802,2347,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:26'),(19139,802,2347,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:26'),(19140,802,2347,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:26'),(19141,802,2347,77,184,182,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Kiosk at a mall','All of the above','2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:26'),(19142,802,2347,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:26'),(19143,802,2347,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:26'),(19144,802,2347,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:26'),(19145,802,2347,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-25 15:05:26','2019-04-25 15:05:26'),(19146,803,2348,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 09:49:30','2019-04-27 09:49:30'),(19147,803,2348,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-27 09:49:30','2019-04-27 09:49:30'),(19148,803,2348,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 09:49:30','2019-04-27 09:49:30'),(19149,803,2348,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-27 09:49:30','2019-04-27 09:49:30'),(19150,803,2348,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 09:49:30','2019-04-27 09:49:30'),(19151,803,2348,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-27 09:49:30','2019-04-27 09:49:30'),(19152,803,2348,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-27 09:49:30','2019-04-27 09:49:30'),(19153,803,2348,56,127,126,'n',0.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','True','False','2019-04-27 09:49:30','2019-04-27 09:49:30'),(19154,803,2348,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-27 09:49:30','2019-04-27 09:49:30'),(19155,803,2348,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-27 09:49:30','2019-04-27 09:49:30'),(19156,803,2349,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-27 09:56:05','2019-04-27 09:56:05'),(19157,803,2349,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 09:56:05','2019-04-27 09:56:05'),(19158,803,2349,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-27 09:56:05','2019-04-27 09:56:05'),(19159,803,2349,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-27 09:56:05','2019-04-27 09:56:05'),(19160,803,2349,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-27 09:56:05','2019-04-27 09:56:05'),(19161,803,2350,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(19162,803,2350,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(19163,803,2350,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(19164,803,2350,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(19165,803,2350,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(19166,803,2350,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(19167,803,2350,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(19168,803,2350,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(19169,803,2350,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(19170,803,2350,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-27 10:11:10','2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(19171,804,2351,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 14:19:57','2019-04-27 14:19:57'),(19172,804,2351,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-27 14:19:57','2019-04-27 14:19:57'),(19173,804,2351,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 14:19:57','2019-04-27 14:19:57'),(19174,804,2351,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-27 14:19:57','2019-04-27 14:19:57'),(19175,804,2351,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 14:19:57','2019-04-27 14:19:57'),(19176,804,2351,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-27 14:19:57','2019-04-27 14:19:57'),(19177,804,2351,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-27 14:19:57','2019-04-27 14:19:57'),(19178,804,2351,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-27 14:19:57','2019-04-27 14:19:57'),(19179,804,2351,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-27 14:19:57','2019-04-27 14:19:57'),(19180,804,2351,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-27 14:19:57','2019-04-27 14:19:57'),(19181,804,2352,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-27 14:30:34','2019-04-27 14:30:34'),(19182,804,2352,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 14:30:34','2019-04-27 14:30:34'),(19183,804,2352,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-27 14:30:34','2019-04-27 14:30:34'),(19184,804,2352,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-27 14:30:34','2019-04-27 14:30:34'),(19185,804,2352,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-27 14:30:34','2019-04-27 14:30:34'),(19186,804,2353,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(19187,804,2353,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(19188,804,2353,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(19189,804,2353,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(19190,804,2353,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(19191,804,2353,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(19192,804,2353,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(19193,804,2353,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(19194,804,2353,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(19195,804,2353,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-27 15:00:59','2019-04-27 15:00:59'),(19196,805,2354,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 15:14:32','2019-04-27 15:14:32'),(19197,805,2354,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-27 15:14:32','2019-04-27 15:14:32'),(19198,805,2354,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 15:14:32','2019-04-27 15:14:32'),(19199,805,2354,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-27 15:14:32','2019-04-27 15:14:32'),(19200,805,2354,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 15:14:32','2019-04-27 15:14:32'),(19201,805,2354,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-27 15:14:32','2019-04-27 15:14:32'),(19202,805,2354,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-27 15:14:32','2019-04-27 15:14:32'),(19203,805,2354,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-27 15:14:32','2019-04-27 15:14:32'),(19204,805,2354,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-27 15:14:32','2019-04-27 15:14:32'),(19205,805,2354,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-27 15:14:32','2019-04-27 15:14:32'),(19206,805,2355,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-27 15:20:11','2019-04-27 15:20:11'),(19207,805,2355,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 15:20:11','2019-04-27 15:20:11'),(19208,805,2355,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-27 15:20:11','2019-04-27 15:20:11'),(19209,805,2355,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-04-27 15:20:11','2019-04-27 15:20:11'),(19210,805,2355,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-27 15:20:11','2019-04-27 15:20:11'),(19211,805,2356,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(19212,805,2356,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(19213,805,2356,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(19214,805,2356,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(19215,805,2356,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(19216,805,2356,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(19217,805,2356,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(19218,805,2356,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(19219,805,2356,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(19220,805,2356,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-27 15:35:15','2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(19221,806,2357,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-28 12:53:45','2019-04-28 12:53:45'),(19222,806,2357,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-04-28 12:53:45','2019-04-28 12:53:45'),(19223,806,2357,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-28 12:53:45','2019-04-28 12:53:45'),(19224,806,2357,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-04-28 12:53:45','2019-04-28 12:53:45'),(19225,806,2357,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-28 12:53:45','2019-04-28 12:53:45'),(19226,806,2357,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-04-28 12:53:45','2019-04-28 12:53:45'),(19227,806,2357,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-04-28 12:53:45','2019-04-28 12:53:45'),(19228,806,2357,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-04-28 12:53:45','2019-04-28 12:53:45'),(19229,806,2357,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-04-28 12:53:45','2019-04-28 12:53:45'),(19230,806,2357,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-04-28 12:53:45','2019-04-28 12:53:45'),(19231,806,2358,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-04-28 12:59:37','2019-04-28 12:59:37'),(19232,806,2358,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-28 12:59:37','2019-04-28 12:59:37'),(19233,806,2358,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-04-28 12:59:37','2019-04-28 12:59:37'),(19234,806,2358,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-04-28 12:59:37','2019-04-28 12:59:37'),(19235,806,2358,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-04-28 12:59:37','2019-04-28 12:59:37'),(19236,806,2359,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(19237,806,2359,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(19238,806,2359,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(19239,806,2359,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(19240,806,2359,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(19241,806,2359,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(19242,806,2359,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(19243,806,2359,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(19244,806,2359,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(19245,806,2359,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-04-28 13:14:41','2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(19246,807,2360,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 13:11:10','2019-05-01 13:11:10'),(19247,807,2360,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-05-01 13:11:10','2019-05-01 13:11:10'),(19248,807,2360,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 13:11:10','2019-05-01 13:11:10'),(19249,807,2360,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-05-01 13:11:10','2019-05-01 13:11:10'),(19250,807,2360,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 13:11:10','2019-05-01 13:11:10'),(19251,807,2360,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-05-01 13:11:10','2019-05-01 13:11:10'),(19252,807,2360,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-05-01 13:11:10','2019-05-01 13:11:10'),(19253,807,2360,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-05-01 13:11:10','2019-05-01 13:11:10'),(19254,807,2360,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-05-01 13:11:10','2019-05-01 13:11:10'),(19255,807,2360,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-05-01 13:11:10','2019-05-01 13:11:10'),(19256,807,2361,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-05-01 13:16:51','2019-05-01 13:16:51'),(19257,807,2361,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 13:16:51','2019-05-01 13:16:51'),(19258,807,2361,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-05-01 13:16:51','2019-05-01 13:16:51'),(19259,807,2361,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-05-01 13:16:51','2019-05-01 13:16:51'),(19260,807,2361,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-05-01 13:16:51','2019-05-01 13:16:51'),(19261,807,2362,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(19262,807,2362,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(19263,807,2362,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(19264,807,2362,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(19265,807,2362,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(19266,807,2362,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(19267,807,2362,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(19268,807,2362,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(19269,807,2362,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(19270,807,2362,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-05-01 13:35:49','2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(19271,808,2363,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 15:13:25','2019-05-01 15:13:25'),(19272,808,2363,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-05-01 15:13:25','2019-05-01 15:13:25'),(19273,808,2363,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 15:13:25','2019-05-01 15:13:25'),(19274,808,2363,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-05-01 15:13:25','2019-05-01 15:13:25'),(19275,808,2363,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 15:13:25','2019-05-01 15:13:25'),(19276,808,2363,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-05-01 15:13:25','2019-05-01 15:13:25'),(19277,808,2363,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-05-01 15:13:25','2019-05-01 15:13:25'),(19278,808,2363,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-05-01 15:13:25','2019-05-01 15:13:25'),(19279,808,2363,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-05-01 15:13:25','2019-05-01 15:13:25'),(19280,808,2363,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-05-01 15:13:25','2019-05-01 15:13:25'),(19281,808,2364,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-05-01 15:19:03','2019-05-01 15:19:03'),(19282,808,2364,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 15:19:03','2019-05-01 15:19:03'),(19283,808,2364,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-05-01 15:19:03','2019-05-01 15:19:03'),(19284,808,2364,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-05-01 15:19:03','2019-05-01 15:19:03'),(19285,808,2364,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-05-01 15:19:03','2019-05-01 15:19:03'),(19286,808,2365,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:39'),(19287,808,2365,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:39'),(19288,808,2365,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:39'),(19289,808,2365,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:39'),(19290,808,2365,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:39'),(19291,808,2365,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:39'),(19292,808,2365,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:39'),(19293,808,2365,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:39'),(19294,808,2365,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:39'),(19295,808,2365,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-05-01 15:34:39','2019-05-01 15:34:39'),(19296,809,2366,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-02 11:45:09','2019-05-02 11:45:09'),(19297,809,2366,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-05-02 11:45:09','2019-05-02 11:45:09'),(19298,809,2366,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-02 11:45:09','2019-05-02 11:45:09'),(19299,809,2366,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-05-02 11:45:09','2019-05-02 11:45:09'),(19300,809,2366,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-02 11:45:09','2019-05-02 11:45:09'),(19301,809,2366,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-05-02 11:45:09','2019-05-02 11:45:09'),(19302,809,2366,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-05-02 11:45:09','2019-05-02 11:45:09'),(19303,809,2366,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-05-02 11:45:09','2019-05-02 11:45:09'),(19304,809,2366,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-05-02 11:45:09','2019-05-02 11:45:09'),(19305,809,2366,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-05-02 11:45:09','2019-05-02 11:45:09'),(19306,809,2367,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-05-02 11:50:49','2019-05-02 11:50:49'),(19307,809,2367,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-02 11:50:49','2019-05-02 11:50:49'),(19308,809,2367,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-05-02 11:50:49','2019-05-02 11:50:49'),(19309,809,2367,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-05-02 11:50:49','2019-05-02 11:50:49'),(19310,809,2367,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-05-02 11:50:49','2019-05-02 11:50:49'),(19311,809,2368,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:37'),(19312,809,2368,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:37'),(19313,809,2368,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:37'),(19314,809,2368,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:37'),(19315,809,2368,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:37'),(19316,809,2368,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:37'),(19317,809,2368,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:37'),(19318,809,2368,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:37'),(19319,809,2368,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:37'),(19320,809,2368,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-05-02 12:05:37','2019-05-02 12:05:37'),(19321,810,2369,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 13:48:35','2019-05-13 13:48:35'),(19322,810,2369,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-05-13 13:48:35','2019-05-13 13:48:35'),(19323,810,2369,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 13:48:35','2019-05-13 13:48:35'),(19324,810,2369,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-05-13 13:48:35','2019-05-13 13:48:35'),(19325,810,2369,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 13:48:35','2019-05-13 13:48:35'),(19326,810,2369,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-05-13 13:48:35','2019-05-13 13:48:35'),(19327,810,2369,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-05-13 13:48:35','2019-05-13 13:48:35'),(19328,810,2369,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-05-13 13:48:35','2019-05-13 13:48:35'),(19329,810,2369,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-05-13 13:48:35','2019-05-13 13:48:35'),(19330,810,2369,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-05-13 13:48:35','2019-05-13 13:48:35'),(19331,810,2370,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-05-13 13:55:48','2019-05-13 13:55:48'),(19332,810,2370,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 13:55:48','2019-05-13 13:55:48'),(19333,810,2370,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-05-13 13:55:48','2019-05-13 13:55:48'),(19334,810,2370,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-05-13 13:55:48','2019-05-13 13:55:48'),(19335,810,2370,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-05-13 13:55:48','2019-05-13 13:55:48'),(19336,810,2371,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-05-13 14:14:24','2019-05-13 14:14:24'),(19337,810,2371,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 14:14:24','2019-05-13 14:14:24'),(19338,810,2371,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-05-13 14:14:24','2019-05-13 14:14:24'),(19339,810,2371,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-05-13 14:14:24','2019-05-13 14:14:24'),(19340,810,2371,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-05-13 14:14:24','2019-05-13 14:14:24'),(19341,810,2371,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 14:14:24','2019-05-13 14:14:24'),(19342,810,2371,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-05-13 14:14:24','2019-05-13 14:14:24'),(19343,810,2371,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-05-13 14:14:24','2019-05-13 14:14:24'),(19344,810,2371,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-05-13 14:14:24','2019-05-13 14:14:24'),(19345,810,2371,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-05-13 14:14:24','2019-05-13 14:14:24'),(19346,811,2372,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 21:05:46','2019-05-13 21:05:46'),(19347,811,2372,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-05-13 21:05:46','2019-05-13 21:05:46'),(19348,811,2372,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 21:05:46','2019-05-13 21:05:46'),(19349,811,2372,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-05-13 21:05:46','2019-05-13 21:05:46'),(19350,811,2372,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 21:05:46','2019-05-13 21:05:46'),(19351,811,2372,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-05-13 21:05:46','2019-05-13 21:05:46'),(19352,811,2372,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-05-13 21:05:46','2019-05-13 21:05:46'),(19353,811,2372,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-05-13 21:05:46','2019-05-13 21:05:46'),(19354,811,2372,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-05-13 21:05:46','2019-05-13 21:05:46'),(19355,811,2372,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-05-13 21:05:46','2019-05-13 21:05:46'),(19356,811,2373,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-05-13 21:11:58','2019-05-13 21:11:58'),(19357,811,2373,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 21:11:58','2019-05-13 21:11:58'),(19358,811,2373,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-05-13 21:11:58','2019-05-13 21:11:58'),(19359,811,2373,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-05-13 21:11:58','2019-05-13 21:11:58'),(19360,811,2373,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-05-13 21:11:58','2019-05-13 21:11:58'),(19361,811,2374,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(19362,811,2374,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(19363,811,2374,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(19364,811,2374,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(19365,811,2374,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(19366,811,2374,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(19367,811,2374,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(19368,811,2374,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(19369,811,2374,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(19370,811,2374,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-05-13 21:28:37','2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(19371,812,2375,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-18 10:45:52','2019-05-18 10:45:52'),(19372,812,2375,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-05-18 10:45:52','2019-05-18 10:45:52'),(19373,812,2375,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-18 10:45:52','2019-05-18 10:45:52'),(19374,812,2375,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-05-18 10:45:52','2019-05-18 10:45:52'),(19375,812,2375,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-18 10:45:52','2019-05-18 10:45:52'),(19376,812,2375,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-05-18 10:45:52','2019-05-18 10:45:52'),(19377,812,2375,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-05-18 10:45:52','2019-05-18 10:45:52'),(19378,812,2375,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-05-18 10:45:52','2019-05-18 10:45:52'),(19379,812,2375,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-05-18 10:45:52','2019-05-18 10:45:52'),(19380,812,2375,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-05-18 10:45:52','2019-05-18 10:45:52'),(19381,812,2376,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-05-18 10:51:34','2019-05-18 10:51:34'),(19382,812,2376,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-18 10:51:34','2019-05-18 10:51:34'),(19383,812,2376,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-05-18 10:51:34','2019-05-18 10:51:34'),(19384,812,2376,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-05-18 10:51:34','2019-05-18 10:51:34'),(19385,812,2376,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-05-18 10:51:34','2019-05-18 10:51:34'),(19386,812,2377,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(19387,812,2377,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(19388,812,2377,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(19389,812,2377,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(19390,812,2377,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(19391,812,2377,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(19392,812,2377,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(19393,812,2377,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(19394,812,2377,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(19395,812,2377,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-05-18 11:06:22','2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(19396,813,2378,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-28 08:48:56','2019-05-28 08:48:56'),(19397,813,2378,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-05-28 08:48:56','2019-05-28 08:48:56'),(19398,813,2378,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-28 08:48:56','2019-05-28 08:48:56'),(19399,813,2378,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-05-28 08:48:56','2019-05-28 08:48:56'),(19400,813,2378,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-28 08:48:56','2019-05-28 08:48:56'),(19401,813,2378,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-05-28 08:48:56','2019-05-28 08:48:56'),(19402,813,2378,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-05-28 08:48:56','2019-05-28 08:48:56'),(19403,813,2378,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-05-28 08:48:56','2019-05-28 08:48:56'),(19404,813,2378,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-05-28 08:48:56','2019-05-28 08:48:56'),(19405,813,2378,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-05-28 08:48:56','2019-05-28 08:48:56'),(19406,813,2379,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-05-28 08:55:15','2019-05-28 08:55:15'),(19407,813,2379,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-28 08:55:15','2019-05-28 08:55:15'),(19408,813,2379,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-05-28 08:55:15','2019-05-28 08:55:15'),(19409,813,2379,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-05-28 08:55:15','2019-05-28 08:55:15'),(19410,813,2379,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-05-28 08:55:15','2019-05-28 08:55:15'),(19411,813,2380,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(19412,813,2380,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(19413,813,2380,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(19414,813,2380,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(19415,813,2380,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(19416,813,2380,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(19417,813,2380,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(19418,813,2380,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(19419,813,2380,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(19420,813,2380,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-05-28 09:11:41','2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(19421,814,2381,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-29 13:25:56','2019-05-29 13:25:56'),(19422,814,2381,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-05-29 13:25:56','2019-05-29 13:25:56'),(19423,814,2381,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-29 13:25:56','2019-05-29 13:25:56'),(19424,814,2381,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-05-29 13:25:56','2019-05-29 13:25:56'),(19425,814,2381,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-29 13:25:56','2019-05-29 13:25:56'),(19426,814,2381,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-05-29 13:25:56','2019-05-29 13:25:56'),(19427,814,2381,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-05-29 13:25:56','2019-05-29 13:25:56'),(19428,814,2381,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-05-29 13:25:56','2019-05-29 13:25:56'),(19429,814,2381,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-05-29 13:25:56','2019-05-29 13:25:56'),(19430,814,2381,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-05-29 13:25:56','2019-05-29 13:25:56'),(19431,814,2382,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-05-29 13:33:14','2019-05-29 13:33:14'),(19432,814,2382,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-29 13:33:14','2019-05-29 13:33:14'),(19433,814,2382,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-05-29 13:33:14','2019-05-29 13:33:14'),(19434,814,2382,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-05-29 13:33:14','2019-05-29 13:33:14'),(19435,814,2382,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-05-29 13:33:14','2019-05-29 13:33:14'),(19436,814,2383,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(19437,814,2383,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(19438,814,2383,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(19439,814,2383,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'); INSERT INTO `an_ResultAttemptQuestion` VALUES (19440,814,2383,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(19441,814,2383,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(19442,814,2383,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(19443,814,2383,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(19444,814,2383,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(19445,814,2383,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-05-29 13:48:59','2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(19446,815,2384,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-04 15:56:40','2019-06-04 16:03:00'),(19447,815,2384,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-04 15:56:40','2019-06-04 16:03:00'),(19448,815,2384,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-04 15:56:40','2019-06-04 16:03:00'),(19449,815,2384,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-04 15:56:40','2019-06-04 16:03:00'),(19450,815,2384,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-04 15:56:40','2019-06-04 16:03:00'),(19451,815,2384,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-04 15:56:40','2019-06-04 16:03:00'),(19452,815,2384,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-04 15:56:40','2019-06-04 16:03:00'),(19453,815,2384,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-04 15:56:40','2019-06-04 16:03:00'),(19454,815,2384,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-04 15:56:40','2019-06-04 16:03:00'),(19455,815,2384,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-04 15:56:40','2019-06-04 16:03:00'),(19456,815,2385,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-04 16:02:17','2019-06-04 16:03:18'),(19457,815,2385,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-04 16:02:17','2019-06-04 16:03:18'),(19458,815,2385,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-04 16:02:17','2019-06-04 16:03:18'),(19459,815,2385,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-04 16:02:17','2019-06-04 16:03:18'),(19460,815,2385,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-04 16:02:17','2019-06-04 16:03:18'),(19461,815,2386,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-04 16:02:24','2019-06-04 16:19:45'),(19462,815,2386,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-04 16:02:24','2019-06-04 16:19:45'),(19463,815,2386,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-04 16:02:24','2019-06-04 16:19:45'),(19464,815,2386,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-06-04 16:02:24','2019-06-04 16:19:45'),(19465,815,2386,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-04 16:02:24','2019-06-04 16:19:45'),(19466,815,2386,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-04 16:02:24','2019-06-04 16:19:45'),(19467,815,2386,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-04 16:02:24','2019-06-04 16:19:45'),(19468,815,2386,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-04 16:02:24','2019-06-04 16:19:45'),(19469,815,2386,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-04 16:02:24','2019-06-04 16:19:45'),(19470,815,2386,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-04 16:02:24','2019-06-04 16:19:45'),(19471,816,2387,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-07 22:16:01','2019-06-07 22:16:01'),(19472,816,2387,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-07 22:16:01','2019-06-07 22:16:01'),(19473,816,2387,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-07 22:16:01','2019-06-07 22:16:01'),(19474,816,2387,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-07 22:16:01','2019-06-07 22:16:01'),(19475,816,2387,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-07 22:16:01','2019-06-07 22:16:01'),(19476,816,2387,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-07 22:16:01','2019-06-07 22:16:01'),(19477,816,2387,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-07 22:16:01','2019-06-07 22:16:01'),(19478,816,2387,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-07 22:16:01','2019-06-07 22:16:01'),(19479,816,2387,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-07 22:16:01','2019-06-07 22:16:01'),(19480,816,2387,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-07 22:16:01','2019-06-07 22:16:01'),(19481,816,2388,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-07 22:22:26','2019-06-07 22:22:26'),(19482,816,2388,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-07 22:22:26','2019-06-07 22:22:26'),(19483,816,2388,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-07 22:22:26','2019-06-07 22:22:26'),(19484,816,2388,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-07 22:22:26','2019-06-07 22:22:26'),(19485,816,2388,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-07 22:22:26','2019-06-07 22:22:26'),(19486,816,2389,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(19487,816,2389,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(19488,816,2389,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(19489,816,2389,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(19490,816,2389,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(19491,816,2389,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(19492,816,2389,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(19493,816,2389,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(19494,816,2389,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(19495,816,2389,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-07 22:39:31','2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(19496,817,2390,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-08 12:02:55','2019-06-08 12:02:55'),(19497,817,2390,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-08 12:02:55','2019-06-08 12:02:55'),(19498,817,2390,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-08 12:02:55','2019-06-08 12:02:55'),(19499,817,2390,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-08 12:02:55','2019-06-08 12:02:55'),(19500,817,2390,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-08 12:02:55','2019-06-08 12:02:55'),(19501,817,2390,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-08 12:02:55','2019-06-08 12:02:55'),(19502,817,2390,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-08 12:02:55','2019-06-08 12:02:55'),(19503,817,2390,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-08 12:02:55','2019-06-08 12:02:55'),(19504,817,2390,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-08 12:02:55','2019-06-08 12:02:55'),(19505,817,2390,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-08 12:02:55','2019-06-08 12:02:55'),(19506,817,2391,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-08 12:08:30','2019-06-08 12:08:30'),(19507,817,2391,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-08 12:08:30','2019-06-08 12:08:30'),(19508,817,2391,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-08 12:08:30','2019-06-08 12:08:30'),(19509,817,2391,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-08 12:08:30','2019-06-08 12:08:30'),(19510,817,2391,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-08 12:08:30','2019-06-08 12:08:30'),(19511,817,2392,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(19512,817,2392,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(19513,817,2392,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(19514,817,2392,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(19515,817,2392,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(19516,817,2392,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(19517,817,2392,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(19518,817,2392,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(19519,817,2392,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(19520,817,2392,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-08 12:25:11','2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(19521,818,2393,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2019-06-09 14:15:46','2019-06-09 14:15:46'),(19522,818,2393,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-09 14:15:46','2019-06-09 14:15:46'),(19523,818,2393,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-09 14:15:46','2019-06-09 14:15:46'),(19524,818,2393,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-09 14:15:46','2019-06-09 14:15:46'),(19525,818,2393,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-09 14:15:46','2019-06-09 14:15:46'),(19526,818,2393,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-09 14:15:46','2019-06-09 14:15:46'),(19527,818,2393,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-09 14:15:46','2019-06-09 14:15:46'),(19528,818,2393,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-09 14:15:46','2019-06-09 14:15:46'),(19529,818,2393,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-09 14:15:46','2019-06-09 14:15:46'),(19530,818,2393,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-09 14:15:46','2019-06-09 14:15:46'),(19531,818,2394,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-09 14:25:19','2019-06-09 14:25:19'),(19532,818,2394,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-09 14:25:19','2019-06-09 14:25:19'),(19533,818,2394,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-09 14:25:19','2019-06-09 14:25:19'),(19534,818,2394,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-09 14:25:19','2019-06-09 14:25:19'),(19535,818,2394,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-09 14:25:19','2019-06-09 14:25:19'),(19536,818,2395,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-09 14:43:45','2019-06-09 14:43:45'),(19537,818,2395,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-09 14:43:45','2019-06-09 14:43:45'),(19538,818,2395,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-09 14:43:45','2019-06-09 14:43:45'),(19539,818,2395,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-06-09 14:43:45','2019-06-09 14:43:45'),(19540,818,2395,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-09 14:43:45','2019-06-09 14:43:45'),(19541,818,2395,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-09 14:43:45','2019-06-09 14:43:45'),(19542,818,2395,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-09 14:43:45','2019-06-09 14:43:45'),(19543,818,2395,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-09 14:43:45','2019-06-09 14:43:45'),(19544,818,2395,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-09 14:43:45','2019-06-09 14:43:45'),(19545,818,2395,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-09 14:43:45','2019-06-09 14:43:45'),(19546,819,2396,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-10 15:09:50','2019-06-10 15:09:50'),(19547,819,2396,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-10 15:09:50','2019-06-10 15:09:50'),(19548,819,2396,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-10 15:09:50','2019-06-10 15:09:50'),(19549,819,2396,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-10 15:09:50','2019-06-10 15:09:50'),(19550,819,2396,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-10 15:09:50','2019-06-10 15:09:50'),(19551,819,2396,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-10 15:09:50','2019-06-10 15:09:50'),(19552,819,2396,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-10 15:09:50','2019-06-10 15:09:50'),(19553,819,2396,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-10 15:09:50','2019-06-10 15:09:50'),(19554,819,2396,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-10 15:09:50','2019-06-10 15:09:50'),(19555,819,2396,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-10 15:09:50','2019-06-10 15:09:50'),(19556,819,2397,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-10 15:21:31','2019-06-10 15:21:31'),(19557,819,2397,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-10 15:21:31','2019-06-10 15:21:31'),(19558,819,2397,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-10 15:21:31','2019-06-10 15:21:31'),(19559,819,2397,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-10 15:21:31','2019-06-10 15:21:31'),(19560,819,2397,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-10 15:21:31','2019-06-10 15:21:31'),(19561,819,2398,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(19562,819,2398,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(19563,819,2398,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(19564,819,2398,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(19565,819,2398,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(19566,819,2398,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(19567,819,2398,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(19568,819,2398,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(19569,819,2398,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(19570,819,2398,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-10 15:52:20','2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(19571,820,2399,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-11 15:40:54','2019-06-11 15:47:15'),(19572,820,2399,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-11 15:40:54','2019-06-11 15:47:15'),(19573,820,2399,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-11 15:40:54','2019-06-11 15:47:15'),(19574,820,2399,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-11 15:40:54','2019-06-11 15:47:15'),(19575,820,2399,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-11 15:40:54','2019-06-11 15:47:15'),(19576,820,2399,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-11 15:40:54','2019-06-11 15:47:15'),(19577,820,2399,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-11 15:40:54','2019-06-11 15:47:15'),(19578,820,2399,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-11 15:40:54','2019-06-11 15:47:15'),(19579,820,2399,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-11 15:40:54','2019-06-11 15:47:15'),(19580,820,2399,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-11 15:40:54','2019-06-11 15:47:15'),(19581,820,2400,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-11 15:47:10','2019-06-11 15:47:19'),(19582,820,2400,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2019-06-11 15:47:10','2019-06-11 15:47:19'),(19583,820,2400,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-11 15:47:10','2019-06-11 15:47:19'),(19584,820,2400,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-11 15:47:10','2019-06-11 15:47:19'),(19585,820,2400,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-11 15:47:10','2019-06-11 15:47:19'),(19586,820,2401,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(19587,820,2401,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(19588,820,2401,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(19589,820,2401,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(19590,820,2401,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(19591,820,2401,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(19592,820,2401,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(19593,820,2401,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(19594,820,2401,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(19595,820,2401,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-11 16:07:28','2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(19596,821,2402,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 14:12:26','2019-06-13 14:12:26'),(19597,821,2402,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-13 14:12:26','2019-06-13 14:12:26'),(19598,821,2402,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 14:12:26','2019-06-13 14:12:26'),(19599,821,2402,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-13 14:12:26','2019-06-13 14:12:26'),(19600,821,2402,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 14:12:26','2019-06-13 14:12:26'),(19601,821,2402,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-13 14:12:26','2019-06-13 14:12:26'),(19602,821,2402,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-13 14:12:26','2019-06-13 14:12:26'),(19603,821,2402,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-13 14:12:26','2019-06-13 14:12:26'),(19604,821,2402,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-13 14:12:26','2019-06-13 14:12:26'),(19605,821,2402,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-13 14:12:26','2019-06-13 14:12:26'),(19606,821,2403,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-13 14:20:10','2019-06-13 14:20:10'),(19607,821,2403,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 14:20:10','2019-06-13 14:20:10'),(19608,821,2403,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-13 14:20:10','2019-06-13 14:20:10'),(19609,821,2403,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-13 14:20:10','2019-06-13 14:20:10'),(19610,821,2403,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-13 14:20:10','2019-06-13 14:20:10'),(19611,821,2404,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(19612,821,2404,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(19613,821,2404,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(19614,821,2404,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(19615,821,2404,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(19616,821,2404,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(19617,821,2404,81,196,199,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Date of Manufacture','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(19618,821,2404,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(19619,821,2404,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(19620,821,2404,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-13 14:43:16','2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(19621,822,2405,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 15:53:22','2019-06-13 15:53:22'),(19622,822,2405,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-13 15:53:22','2019-06-13 15:53:22'),(19623,822,2405,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 15:53:22','2019-06-13 15:53:22'),(19624,822,2405,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-13 15:53:22','2019-06-13 15:53:22'),(19625,822,2405,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 15:53:22','2019-06-13 15:53:22'),(19626,822,2405,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-13 15:53:22','2019-06-13 15:53:22'),(19627,822,2405,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-13 15:53:22','2019-06-13 15:53:22'),(19628,822,2405,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-13 15:53:22','2019-06-13 15:53:22'),(19629,822,2405,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-13 15:53:22','2019-06-13 15:53:22'),(19630,822,2405,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-13 15:53:22','2019-06-13 15:53:22'),(19631,822,2406,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-13 16:00:21','2019-06-13 16:00:21'),(19632,822,2406,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 16:00:21','2019-06-13 16:00:21'),(19633,822,2406,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-13 16:00:21','2019-06-13 16:00:21'),(19634,822,2406,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-13 16:00:21','2019-06-13 16:00:21'),(19635,822,2406,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-13 16:00:21','2019-06-13 16:00:21'),(19636,822,2407,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(19637,822,2407,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(19638,822,2407,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(19639,822,2407,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(19640,822,2407,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(19641,822,2407,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(19642,822,2407,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(19643,822,2407,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(19644,822,2407,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(19645,822,2407,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-13 16:34:59','2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(19646,823,2408,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2019-06-13 16:53:55','2019-06-13 16:53:55'),(19647,823,2408,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-13 16:53:55','2019-06-13 16:53:55'),(19648,823,2408,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 16:53:55','2019-06-13 16:53:55'),(19649,823,2408,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-13 16:53:55','2019-06-13 16:53:55'),(19650,823,2408,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 16:53:55','2019-06-13 16:53:55'),(19651,823,2408,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-13 16:53:55','2019-06-13 16:53:55'),(19652,823,2408,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-13 16:53:55','2019-06-13 16:53:55'),(19653,823,2408,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-13 16:53:55','2019-06-13 16:53:55'),(19654,823,2408,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-13 16:53:55','2019-06-13 16:53:55'),(19655,823,2408,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-13 16:53:55','2019-06-13 16:53:55'),(19656,823,2409,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-13 17:01:44','2019-06-13 17:01:44'),(19657,823,2409,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 17:01:44','2019-06-13 17:01:44'),(19658,823,2409,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-13 17:01:44','2019-06-13 17:01:44'),(19659,823,2409,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-06-13 17:01:44','2019-06-13 17:01:44'),(19660,823,2409,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-13 17:01:44','2019-06-13 17:01:44'),(19661,823,2410,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(19662,823,2410,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(19663,823,2410,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(19664,823,2410,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(19665,823,2410,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(19666,823,2410,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(19667,823,2410,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(19668,823,2410,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(19669,823,2410,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(19670,823,2410,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-13 17:22:15','2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(19671,824,2411,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-14 14:07:51','2019-06-14 14:07:51'),(19672,824,2411,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-14 14:07:51','2019-06-14 14:07:51'),(19673,824,2411,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-14 14:07:51','2019-06-14 14:07:51'),(19674,824,2411,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-14 14:07:51','2019-06-14 14:07:51'),(19675,824,2411,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-14 14:07:51','2019-06-14 14:07:51'),(19676,824,2411,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-14 14:07:51','2019-06-14 14:07:51'),(19677,824,2411,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-14 14:07:51','2019-06-14 14:07:51'),(19678,824,2411,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-14 14:07:51','2019-06-14 14:07:51'),(19679,824,2411,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-14 14:07:51','2019-06-14 14:07:51'),(19680,824,2411,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-14 14:07:51','2019-06-14 14:07:51'),(19681,824,2412,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-14 14:13:40','2019-06-14 14:13:40'),(19682,824,2412,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-14 14:13:40','2019-06-14 14:13:40'),(19683,824,2412,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-14 14:13:40','2019-06-14 14:13:40'),(19684,824,2412,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-14 14:13:40','2019-06-14 14:13:40'),(19685,824,2412,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-14 14:13:40','2019-06-14 14:13:40'),(19686,824,2413,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(19687,824,2413,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(19688,824,2413,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(19689,824,2413,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(19690,824,2413,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(19691,824,2413,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(19692,824,2413,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(19693,824,2413,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(19694,824,2413,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(19695,824,2413,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-14 14:34:37','2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(19696,825,2414,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-16 03:00:01','2019-06-16 03:00:01'),(19697,825,2414,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-16 03:00:01','2019-06-16 03:00:01'),(19698,825,2414,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-16 03:00:01','2019-06-16 03:00:01'),(19699,825,2414,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-16 03:00:01','2019-06-16 03:00:01'),(19700,825,2414,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-16 03:00:01','2019-06-16 03:00:01'),(19701,825,2414,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-16 03:00:01','2019-06-16 03:00:01'),(19702,825,2414,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-16 03:00:01','2019-06-16 03:00:01'),(19703,825,2414,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-16 03:00:01','2019-06-16 03:00:01'),(19704,825,2414,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-16 03:00:01','2019-06-16 03:00:01'),(19705,825,2414,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-06-16 03:00:01','2019-06-16 03:00:01'),(19706,825,2415,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-16 03:06:59','2019-06-16 03:06:59'),(19707,825,2415,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-16 03:06:59','2019-06-16 03:06:59'),(19708,825,2415,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-16 03:06:59','2019-06-16 03:06:59'),(19709,825,2415,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-16 03:06:59','2019-06-16 03:06:59'),(19710,825,2415,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-16 03:06:59','2019-06-16 03:06:59'),(19711,825,2416,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:36'),(19712,825,2416,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:36'),(19713,825,2416,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:36'),(19714,825,2416,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:36'),(19715,825,2416,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:36'),(19716,825,2416,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:36'),(19717,825,2416,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:36'),(19718,825,2416,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:36'),(19719,825,2416,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:36'),(19720,825,2416,84,206,207,'n',0.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','False','True','2019-06-16 03:25:36','2019-06-16 03:25:36'),(19721,826,2417,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-16 20:18:24','2019-06-16 20:18:24'),(19722,826,2417,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-16 20:18:24','2019-06-16 20:18:24'),(19723,826,2417,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-16 20:18:24','2019-06-16 20:18:24'),(19724,826,2417,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-16 20:18:24','2019-06-16 20:18:24'),(19725,826,2417,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-16 20:18:24','2019-06-16 20:18:24'),(19726,826,2417,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-16 20:18:24','2019-06-16 20:18:24'),(19727,826,2417,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-16 20:18:24','2019-06-16 20:18:24'),(19728,826,2417,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-16 20:18:24','2019-06-16 20:18:24'),(19729,826,2417,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-16 20:18:24','2019-06-16 20:18:24'),(19730,826,2417,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-16 20:18:24','2019-06-16 20:18:24'),(19731,826,2418,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-16 20:25:59','2019-06-16 20:25:59'),(19732,826,2418,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-16 20:25:59','2019-06-16 20:25:59'),(19733,826,2418,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-16 20:25:59','2019-06-16 20:25:59'),(19734,826,2418,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-16 20:25:59','2019-06-16 20:25:59'),(19735,826,2418,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-16 20:25:59','2019-06-16 20:25:59'),(19736,826,2419,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:48'),(19737,826,2419,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:48'),(19738,826,2419,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:48'),(19739,826,2419,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:48'),(19740,826,2419,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:48'),(19741,826,2419,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:48'),(19742,826,2419,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:48'),(19743,826,2419,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:48'),(19744,826,2419,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:48'),(19745,826,2419,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-16 20:42:48','2019-06-16 20:42:48'),(19746,827,2420,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 13:34:37','2019-06-17 13:34:37'),(19747,827,2420,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-17 13:34:37','2019-06-17 13:34:37'),(19748,827,2420,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 13:34:37','2019-06-17 13:34:37'),(19749,827,2420,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-17 13:34:37','2019-06-17 13:34:37'),(19750,827,2420,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 13:34:37','2019-06-17 13:34:37'),(19751,827,2420,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-17 13:34:37','2019-06-17 13:34:37'),(19752,827,2420,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-17 13:34:37','2019-06-17 13:34:37'),(19753,827,2420,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-17 13:34:37','2019-06-17 13:34:37'),(19754,827,2420,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-17 13:34:37','2019-06-17 13:34:37'),(19755,827,2420,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-17 13:34:37','2019-06-17 13:34:37'),(19756,827,2421,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-17 13:43:39','2019-06-17 13:43:39'),(19757,827,2421,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 13:43:39','2019-06-17 13:43:39'),(19758,827,2421,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-17 13:43:39','2019-06-17 13:43:39'),(19759,827,2421,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-17 13:43:39','2019-06-17 13:43:39'),(19760,827,2421,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-17 13:43:39','2019-06-17 13:43:39'),(19761,827,2422,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(19762,827,2422,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(19763,827,2422,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(19764,827,2422,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(19765,827,2422,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(19766,827,2422,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(19767,827,2422,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(19768,827,2422,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(19769,827,2422,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(19770,827,2422,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-17 14:04:01','2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(19771,828,2423,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 16:23:41','2019-06-17 16:23:41'),(19772,828,2423,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-17 16:23:41','2019-06-17 16:23:41'),(19773,828,2423,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 16:23:41','2019-06-17 16:23:41'),(19774,828,2423,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-17 16:23:41','2019-06-17 16:23:41'),(19775,828,2423,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 16:23:41','2019-06-17 16:23:41'),(19776,828,2423,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-17 16:23:41','2019-06-17 16:23:41'),(19777,828,2423,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-17 16:23:41','2019-06-17 16:23:41'),(19778,828,2423,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-17 16:23:41','2019-06-17 16:23:41'),(19779,828,2423,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-17 16:23:41','2019-06-17 16:23:41'),(19780,828,2423,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-17 16:23:41','2019-06-17 16:23:41'),(19781,828,2424,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-17 16:42:19','2019-06-17 16:42:19'),(19782,828,2424,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 16:42:19','2019-06-17 16:42:19'),(19783,828,2424,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-17 16:42:19','2019-06-17 16:42:19'),(19784,828,2424,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-17 16:42:19','2019-06-17 16:42:19'),(19785,828,2424,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-17 16:42:19','2019-06-17 16:42:19'),(19786,828,2425,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(19787,828,2425,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(19788,828,2425,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(19789,828,2425,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(19790,828,2425,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(19791,828,2425,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(19792,828,2425,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(19793,828,2425,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(19794,828,2425,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(19795,828,2425,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-17 17:19:18','2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(19796,829,2426,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 18:04:39','2019-06-17 18:15:57'),(19797,829,2426,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-17 18:04:39','2019-06-17 18:15:57'),(19798,829,2426,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 18:04:39','2019-06-17 18:15:57'),(19799,829,2426,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-17 18:04:39','2019-06-17 18:15:57'),(19800,829,2426,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 18:04:39','2019-06-17 18:15:57'),(19801,829,2426,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-17 18:04:39','2019-06-17 18:15:57'),(19802,829,2426,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-17 18:04:39','2019-06-17 18:15:57'),(19803,829,2426,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-17 18:04:39','2019-06-17 18:15:57'),(19804,829,2426,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-17 18:04:39','2019-06-17 18:15:57'),(19805,829,2426,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-17 18:04:39','2019-06-17 18:15:57'),(19806,829,2427,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-17 18:15:42','2019-06-17 18:16:17'),(19807,829,2427,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 18:15:42','2019-06-17 18:16:17'),(19808,829,2427,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-17 18:15:42','2019-06-17 18:16:17'),(19809,829,2427,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-17 18:15:42','2019-06-17 18:16:17'),(19810,829,2427,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-17 18:15:42','2019-06-17 18:16:17'),(19811,829,2428,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(19812,829,2428,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(19813,829,2428,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(19814,829,2428,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(19815,829,2428,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(19816,829,2428,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(19817,829,2428,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(19818,829,2428,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(19819,829,2428,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(19820,829,2428,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-17 18:38:32','2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(19821,830,2429,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 07:09:13','2019-06-18 07:09:13'),(19822,830,2429,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-18 07:09:13','2019-06-18 07:09:13'),(19823,830,2429,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 07:09:13','2019-06-18 07:09:13'),(19824,830,2429,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-18 07:09:13','2019-06-18 07:09:13'),(19825,830,2429,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 07:09:13','2019-06-18 07:09:13'),(19826,830,2429,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-18 07:09:13','2019-06-18 07:09:13'),(19827,830,2429,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-18 07:09:13','2019-06-18 07:09:13'),(19828,830,2429,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-18 07:09:13','2019-06-18 07:09:13'),(19829,830,2429,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-18 07:09:13','2019-06-18 07:09:13'),(19830,830,2429,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-18 07:09:13','2019-06-18 07:09:13'),(19831,830,2430,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-18 07:15:03','2019-06-18 07:15:03'),(19832,830,2430,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 07:15:03','2019-06-18 07:15:03'),(19833,830,2430,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-18 07:15:03','2019-06-18 07:15:03'),(19834,830,2430,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-18 07:15:03','2019-06-18 07:15:03'),(19835,830,2430,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-18 07:15:03','2019-06-18 07:15:03'),(19836,830,2431,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:23'),(19837,830,2431,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:23'),(19838,830,2431,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:23'),(19839,830,2431,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:23'),(19840,830,2431,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:23'),(19841,830,2431,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:23'),(19842,830,2431,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:23'),(19843,830,2431,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:23'),(19844,830,2431,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:23'),(19845,830,2431,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-18 07:32:23','2019-06-18 07:32:23'),(19846,831,2432,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 13:06:33','2019-06-18 13:06:33'),(19847,831,2432,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-18 13:06:33','2019-06-18 13:06:33'),(19848,831,2432,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 13:06:33','2019-06-18 13:06:33'),(19849,831,2432,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-18 13:06:33','2019-06-18 13:06:33'),(19850,831,2432,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 13:06:33','2019-06-18 13:06:33'),(19851,831,2432,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-18 13:06:33','2019-06-18 13:06:33'),(19852,831,2432,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-18 13:06:33','2019-06-18 13:06:33'),(19853,831,2432,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-18 13:06:33','2019-06-18 13:06:33'),(19854,831,2432,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-18 13:06:33','2019-06-18 13:06:33'),(19855,831,2432,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-18 13:06:33','2019-06-18 13:06:33'),(19856,831,2433,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-18 13:12:11','2019-06-18 13:12:11'),(19857,831,2433,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 13:12:11','2019-06-18 13:12:11'),(19858,831,2433,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-18 13:12:11','2019-06-18 13:12:11'),(19859,831,2433,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-18 13:12:11','2019-06-18 13:12:11'),(19860,831,2433,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-18 13:12:11','2019-06-18 13:12:11'),(19861,831,2434,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(19862,831,2434,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(19863,831,2434,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(19864,831,2434,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(19865,831,2434,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(19866,831,2434,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(19867,831,2434,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(19868,831,2434,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(19869,831,2434,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(19870,831,2434,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-18 13:28:17','2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(19871,832,2435,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-20 15:41:47','2019-06-20 15:41:47'),(19872,832,2435,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-20 15:41:47','2019-06-20 15:41:47'),(19873,832,2435,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-20 15:41:47','2019-06-20 15:41:47'),(19874,832,2435,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-20 15:41:47','2019-06-20 15:41:47'),(19875,832,2435,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-20 15:41:47','2019-06-20 15:41:47'),(19876,832,2435,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-20 15:41:47','2019-06-20 15:41:47'),(19877,832,2435,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-20 15:41:47','2019-06-20 15:41:47'),(19878,832,2435,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-20 15:41:47','2019-06-20 15:41:47'),(19879,832,2435,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-20 15:41:47','2019-06-20 15:41:47'),(19880,832,2435,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-20 15:41:47','2019-06-20 15:41:47'),(19881,832,2436,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-20 15:48:23','2019-06-20 15:48:23'),(19882,832,2436,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-20 15:48:23','2019-06-20 15:48:23'),(19883,832,2436,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-20 15:48:23','2019-06-20 15:48:23'),(19884,832,2436,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-20 15:48:23','2019-06-20 15:48:23'),(19885,832,2436,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-20 15:48:23','2019-06-20 15:48:23'),(19886,832,2437,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(19887,832,2437,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(19888,832,2437,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(19889,832,2437,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(19890,832,2437,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(19891,832,2437,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(19892,832,2437,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(19893,832,2437,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(19894,832,2437,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(19895,832,2437,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-20 16:04:56','2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(19896,833,2438,49,103,102,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Homicides, Suicides & Car Accidents','All of the above','2019-06-20 23:34:33','2019-06-20 23:34:33'),(19897,833,2438,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-20 23:34:33','2019-06-20 23:34:33'),(19898,833,2438,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-20 23:34:33','2019-06-20 23:34:33'),(19899,833,2438,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-20 23:34:33','2019-06-20 23:34:33'),(19900,833,2438,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-20 23:34:33','2019-06-20 23:34:33'),(19901,833,2438,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-20 23:34:33','2019-06-20 23:34:33'),(19902,833,2438,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-20 23:34:33','2019-06-20 23:34:33'),(19903,833,2438,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-20 23:34:33','2019-06-20 23:34:33'),(19904,833,2438,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-20 23:34:33','2019-06-20 23:34:33'),(19905,833,2438,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-20 23:34:33','2019-06-20 23:34:33'),(19906,833,2439,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-20 23:41:03','2019-06-20 23:41:03'),(19907,833,2439,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-20 23:41:03','2019-06-20 23:41:03'),(19908,833,2439,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-20 23:41:03','2019-06-20 23:41:03'),(19909,833,2439,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-20 23:41:03','2019-06-20 23:41:03'),(19910,833,2439,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-20 23:41:03','2019-06-20 23:41:03'),(19911,833,2440,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(19912,833,2440,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(19913,833,2440,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(19914,833,2440,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(19915,833,2440,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(19916,833,2440,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(19917,833,2440,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(19918,833,2440,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(19919,833,2440,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(19920,833,2440,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-20 23:58:18','2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(19921,834,2441,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-21 17:20:15','2019-06-21 17:20:15'),(19922,834,2441,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-21 17:20:15','2019-06-21 17:20:15'),(19923,834,2441,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-21 17:20:15','2019-06-21 17:20:15'),(19924,834,2441,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-21 17:20:15','2019-06-21 17:20:15'),(19925,834,2441,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-21 17:20:15','2019-06-21 17:20:15'),(19926,834,2441,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-21 17:20:15','2019-06-21 17:20:15'),(19927,834,2441,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-21 17:20:15','2019-06-21 17:20:15'),(19928,834,2441,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-21 17:20:15','2019-06-21 17:20:15'),(19929,834,2441,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-21 17:20:15','2019-06-21 17:20:15'),(19930,834,2441,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-21 17:20:15','2019-06-21 17:20:15'),(19931,834,2442,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-21 17:27:34','2019-06-21 17:27:34'),(19932,834,2442,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-21 17:27:34','2019-06-21 17:27:34'),(19933,834,2442,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-21 17:27:34','2019-06-21 17:27:34'),(19934,834,2442,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-21 17:27:34','2019-06-21 17:27:34'),(19935,834,2442,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-21 17:27:34','2019-06-21 17:27:34'),(19936,834,2443,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(19937,834,2443,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(19938,834,2443,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(19939,834,2443,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(19940,834,2443,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(19941,834,2443,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(19942,834,2443,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(19943,834,2443,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(19944,834,2443,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(19945,834,2443,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-21 17:42:39','2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(19946,835,2444,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2019-06-24 13:28:17','2019-06-24 13:28:17'),(19947,835,2444,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-24 13:28:17','2019-06-24 13:28:17'),(19948,835,2444,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2019-06-24 13:28:17','2019-06-24 13:28:17'),(19949,835,2444,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-24 13:28:17','2019-06-24 13:28:17'),(19950,835,2444,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-24 13:28:17','2019-06-24 13:28:17'),(19951,835,2444,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-24 13:28:17','2019-06-24 13:28:17'),(19952,835,2444,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-24 13:28:17','2019-06-24 13:28:17'),(19953,835,2444,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-24 13:28:17','2019-06-24 13:28:17'),(19954,835,2444,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-24 13:28:17','2019-06-24 13:28:17'),(19955,835,2444,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-24 13:28:17','2019-06-24 13:28:17'),(19956,835,2445,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-24 13:34:03','2019-06-24 13:34:03'),(19957,835,2445,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-24 13:34:03','2019-06-24 13:34:03'),(19958,835,2445,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-24 13:34:03','2019-06-24 13:34:03'),(19959,835,2445,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-24 13:34:03','2019-06-24 13:34:03'),(19960,835,2445,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-24 13:34:03','2019-06-24 13:34:03'),(19961,835,2446,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:50'),(19962,835,2446,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:50'),(19963,835,2446,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:50'),(19964,835,2446,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:50'),(19965,835,2446,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:50'),(19966,835,2446,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:50'),(19967,835,2446,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:50'),(19968,835,2446,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:50'),(19969,835,2446,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:50'),(19970,835,2446,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-24 13:51:50','2019-06-24 13:51:50'),(19971,836,2447,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-24 15:25:28','2019-06-24 15:25:28'),(19972,836,2447,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-24 15:25:28','2019-06-24 15:25:28'),(19973,836,2447,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-24 15:25:28','2019-06-24 15:25:28'),(19974,836,2447,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-24 15:25:28','2019-06-24 15:25:28'),(19975,836,2447,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-24 15:25:28','2019-06-24 15:25:28'),(19976,836,2447,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-24 15:25:28','2019-06-24 15:25:28'),(19977,836,2447,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-24 15:25:28','2019-06-24 15:25:28'),(19978,836,2447,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-24 15:25:28','2019-06-24 15:25:28'),(19979,836,2447,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-24 15:25:28','2019-06-24 15:25:28'),(19980,836,2447,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-24 15:25:28','2019-06-24 15:25:28'),(19981,836,2448,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-24 15:32:29','2019-06-24 15:32:29'),(19982,836,2448,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-24 15:32:29','2019-06-24 15:32:29'),(19983,836,2448,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-24 15:32:29','2019-06-24 15:32:29'),(19984,836,2448,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-24 15:32:29','2019-06-24 15:32:29'),(19985,836,2448,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-24 15:32:29','2019-06-24 15:32:29'),(19986,836,2449,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(19987,836,2449,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(19988,836,2449,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(19989,836,2449,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(19990,836,2449,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(19991,836,2449,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(19992,836,2449,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(19993,836,2449,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(19994,836,2449,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(19995,836,2449,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-24 15:49:56','2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(19996,837,2450,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-27 11:16:37','2019-06-27 11:16:37'),(19997,837,2450,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-06-27 11:16:37','2019-06-27 11:16:37'),(19998,837,2450,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-27 11:16:37','2019-06-27 11:16:37'),(19999,837,2450,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-06-27 11:16:37','2019-06-27 11:16:37'),(20000,837,2450,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-27 11:16:37','2019-06-27 11:16:37'),(20001,837,2450,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-06-27 11:16:37','2019-06-27 11:16:37'),(20002,837,2450,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-06-27 11:16:37','2019-06-27 11:16:37'),(20003,837,2450,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-06-27 11:16:37','2019-06-27 11:16:37'),(20004,837,2450,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-06-27 11:16:37','2019-06-27 11:16:37'),(20005,837,2450,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-06-27 11:16:37','2019-06-27 11:16:37'),(20006,837,2451,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-06-27 11:23:57','2019-06-27 11:23:57'),(20007,837,2451,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-27 11:23:57','2019-06-27 11:23:57'),(20008,837,2451,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-06-27 11:23:57','2019-06-27 11:23:57'),(20009,837,2451,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-06-27 11:23:57','2019-06-27 11:23:57'),(20010,837,2451,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-06-27 11:23:57','2019-06-27 11:23:57'),(20011,837,2452,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:06'),(20012,837,2452,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:06'),(20013,837,2452,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:06'),(20014,837,2452,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:06'),(20015,837,2452,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:06'),(20016,837,2452,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:06'),(20017,837,2452,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:06'),(20018,837,2452,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:06'),(20019,837,2452,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:06'),(20020,837,2452,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-06-27 11:40:06','2019-06-27 11:40:06'),(20021,838,2453,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-11 12:38:16','2019-07-11 12:38:16'),(20022,838,2453,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-07-11 12:38:16','2019-07-11 12:38:16'),(20023,838,2453,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-11 12:38:16','2019-07-11 12:38:16'),(20024,838,2453,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-07-11 12:38:16','2019-07-11 12:38:16'),(20025,838,2453,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-11 12:38:16','2019-07-11 12:38:16'),(20026,838,2453,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-07-11 12:38:16','2019-07-11 12:38:16'),(20027,838,2453,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-07-11 12:38:16','2019-07-11 12:38:16'),(20028,838,2453,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-07-11 12:38:16','2019-07-11 12:38:16'),(20029,838,2453,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-07-11 12:38:16','2019-07-11 12:38:16'),(20030,838,2453,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-07-11 12:38:16','2019-07-11 12:38:16'),(20031,838,2454,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-07-11 12:43:53','2019-07-11 12:43:53'),(20032,838,2454,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-11 12:43:53','2019-07-11 12:43:53'),(20033,838,2454,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-07-11 12:43:53','2019-07-11 12:43:53'),(20034,838,2454,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-07-11 12:43:53','2019-07-11 12:43:53'),(20035,838,2454,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-07-11 12:43:53','2019-07-11 12:43:53'),(20036,838,2455,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:19'),(20037,838,2455,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:19'),(20038,838,2455,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:19'),(20039,838,2455,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:19'),(20040,838,2455,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:19'),(20041,838,2455,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:19'),(20042,838,2455,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:19'),(20043,838,2455,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:19'),(20044,838,2455,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:19'),(20045,838,2455,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-07-11 12:58:19','2019-07-11 12:58:19'),(20046,839,2456,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-12 18:25:34','2019-07-12 18:25:34'),(20047,839,2456,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-07-12 18:25:34','2019-07-12 18:25:34'),(20048,839,2456,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-12 18:25:34','2019-07-12 18:25:34'),(20049,839,2456,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-07-12 18:25:34','2019-07-12 18:25:34'),(20050,839,2456,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-12 18:25:34','2019-07-12 18:25:34'),(20051,839,2456,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-07-12 18:25:34','2019-07-12 18:25:34'),(20052,839,2456,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-07-12 18:25:34','2019-07-12 18:25:34'),(20053,839,2456,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-07-12 18:25:34','2019-07-12 18:25:34'),(20054,839,2456,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-07-12 18:25:34','2019-07-12 18:25:34'),(20055,839,2456,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-07-12 18:25:34','2019-07-12 18:25:34'),(20056,839,2457,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-07-12 18:31:12','2019-07-12 18:31:12'),(20057,839,2457,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-12 18:31:12','2019-07-12 18:31:12'),(20058,839,2457,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-07-12 18:31:12','2019-07-12 18:31:12'),(20059,839,2457,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-07-12 18:31:12','2019-07-12 18:31:12'),(20060,839,2457,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-07-12 18:31:12','2019-07-12 18:31:12'),(20061,839,2458,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:41'),(20062,839,2458,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:41'),(20063,839,2458,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:41'),(20064,839,2458,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:41'),(20065,839,2458,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:41'),(20066,839,2458,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:41'),(20067,839,2458,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:41'),(20068,839,2458,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:41'),(20069,839,2458,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:41'),(20070,839,2458,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-07-12 18:46:41','2019-07-12 18:46:41'),(20071,840,2459,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-16 12:31:43','2019-07-16 12:31:43'),(20072,840,2459,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-07-16 12:31:43','2019-07-16 12:31:43'),(20073,840,2459,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-16 12:31:43','2019-07-16 12:31:43'),(20074,840,2459,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-07-16 12:31:43','2019-07-16 12:31:43'),(20075,840,2459,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-16 12:31:43','2019-07-16 12:31:43'),(20076,840,2459,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-07-16 12:31:43','2019-07-16 12:31:43'),(20077,840,2459,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-07-16 12:31:43','2019-07-16 12:31:43'),(20078,840,2459,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-07-16 12:31:43','2019-07-16 12:31:43'),(20079,840,2459,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-07-16 12:31:43','2019-07-16 12:31:43'),(20080,840,2459,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-07-16 12:31:43','2019-07-16 12:31:43'),(20081,840,2460,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-07-16 12:37:32','2019-07-16 12:37:32'),(20082,840,2460,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-16 12:37:32','2019-07-16 12:37:32'),(20083,840,2460,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-07-16 12:37:32','2019-07-16 12:37:32'),(20084,840,2460,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-07-16 12:37:32','2019-07-16 12:37:32'),(20085,840,2460,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-07-16 12:37:32','2019-07-16 12:37:32'),(20086,840,2461,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(20087,840,2461,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(20088,840,2461,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(20089,840,2461,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(20090,840,2461,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(20091,840,2461,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(20092,840,2461,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(20093,840,2461,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(20094,840,2461,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(20095,840,2461,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-07-16 12:53:06','2019-07-16 12:53:06'),(20096,841,2462,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-18 15:00:35','2019-07-18 15:00:35'),(20097,841,2462,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-07-18 15:00:35','2019-07-18 15:00:35'),(20098,841,2462,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-18 15:00:35','2019-07-18 15:00:35'),(20099,841,2462,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-07-18 15:00:35','2019-07-18 15:00:35'),(20100,841,2462,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-18 15:00:35','2019-07-18 15:00:35'),(20101,841,2462,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-07-18 15:00:35','2019-07-18 15:00:35'),(20102,841,2462,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-07-18 15:00:35','2019-07-18 15:00:35'),(20103,841,2462,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-07-18 15:00:35','2019-07-18 15:00:35'),(20104,841,2462,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-07-18 15:00:35','2019-07-18 15:00:35'),(20105,841,2462,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-07-18 15:00:35','2019-07-18 15:00:35'),(20106,841,2463,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-07-18 15:08:57','2019-07-18 15:08:57'),(20107,841,2463,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-18 15:08:57','2019-07-18 15:08:57'),(20108,841,2463,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-07-18 15:08:57','2019-07-18 15:08:57'),(20109,841,2463,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-07-18 15:08:57','2019-07-18 15:08:57'),(20110,841,2463,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-07-18 15:08:57','2019-07-18 15:08:57'),(20111,841,2464,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:15'),(20112,841,2464,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:15'),(20113,841,2464,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:15'),(20114,841,2464,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:15'),(20115,841,2464,76,180,181,'n',0.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','False','True','2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:15'),(20116,841,2464,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:15'),(20117,841,2464,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:15'),(20118,841,2464,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:15'),(20119,841,2464,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:15'),(20120,841,2464,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-07-18 15:24:15','2019-07-18 15:24:15'),(20121,842,2465,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 10:47:26','2019-07-24 10:47:26'),(20122,842,2465,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-07-24 10:47:26','2019-07-24 10:47:26'),(20123,842,2465,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 10:47:26','2019-07-24 10:47:26'),(20124,842,2465,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-07-24 10:47:26','2019-07-24 10:47:26'),(20125,842,2465,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 10:47:26','2019-07-24 10:47:26'),(20126,842,2465,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-07-24 10:47:26','2019-07-24 10:47:26'),(20127,842,2465,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-07-24 10:47:26','2019-07-24 10:47:26'),(20128,842,2465,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-07-24 10:47:26','2019-07-24 10:47:26'),(20129,842,2465,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-07-24 10:47:26','2019-07-24 10:47:26'),(20130,842,2465,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-07-24 10:47:26','2019-07-24 10:47:26'),(20131,842,2466,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-07-24 10:54:25','2019-07-24 10:54:25'),(20132,842,2466,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 10:54:25','2019-07-24 10:54:25'),(20133,842,2466,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-07-24 10:54:25','2019-07-24 10:54:25'),(20134,842,2466,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-07-24 10:54:25','2019-07-24 10:54:25'),(20135,842,2466,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-07-24 10:54:25','2019-07-24 10:54:25'),(20136,842,2467,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(20137,842,2467,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(20138,842,2467,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(20139,842,2467,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(20140,842,2467,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(20141,842,2467,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(20142,842,2467,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(20143,842,2467,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(20144,842,2467,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(20145,842,2467,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-07-24 11:40:01','2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(20146,843,2468,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 14:50:34','2019-07-24 14:50:34'),(20147,843,2468,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-07-24 14:50:34','2019-07-24 14:50:34'),(20148,843,2468,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 14:50:34','2019-07-24 14:50:34'),(20149,843,2468,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-07-24 14:50:34','2019-07-24 14:50:34'),(20150,843,2468,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 14:50:34','2019-07-24 14:50:34'),(20151,843,2468,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-07-24 14:50:34','2019-07-24 14:50:34'),(20152,843,2468,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-07-24 14:50:34','2019-07-24 14:50:34'),(20153,843,2468,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-07-24 14:50:34','2019-07-24 14:50:34'),(20154,843,2468,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-07-24 14:50:34','2019-07-24 14:50:34'),(20155,843,2468,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-07-24 14:50:34','2019-07-24 14:50:34'),(20156,843,2469,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-07-24 14:56:53','2019-07-24 14:56:53'),(20157,843,2469,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 14:56:53','2019-07-24 14:56:53'),(20158,843,2469,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-07-24 14:56:53','2019-07-24 14:56:53'),(20159,843,2469,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-07-24 14:56:53','2019-07-24 14:56:53'),(20160,843,2469,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-07-24 14:56:53','2019-07-24 14:56:53'),(20161,843,2470,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(20162,843,2470,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(20163,843,2470,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(20164,843,2470,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(20165,843,2470,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(20166,843,2470,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(20167,843,2470,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(20168,843,2470,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(20169,843,2470,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(20170,843,2470,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-07-24 15:14:36','2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(20171,844,2471,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-30 12:43:59','2019-07-30 12:43:59'),(20172,844,2471,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-07-30 12:43:59','2019-07-30 12:43:59'),(20173,844,2471,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-30 12:43:59','2019-07-30 12:43:59'),(20174,844,2471,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-07-30 12:43:59','2019-07-30 12:43:59'),(20175,844,2471,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-30 12:43:59','2019-07-30 12:43:59'),(20176,844,2471,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-07-30 12:43:59','2019-07-30 12:43:59'),(20177,844,2471,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-07-30 12:43:59','2019-07-30 12:43:59'),(20178,844,2471,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-07-30 12:43:59','2019-07-30 12:43:59'),(20179,844,2471,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-07-30 12:43:59','2019-07-30 12:43:59'),(20180,844,2471,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-07-30 12:43:59','2019-07-30 12:43:59'),(20181,844,2472,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-07-30 12:50:09','2019-07-30 12:50:09'),(20182,844,2472,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-30 12:50:09','2019-07-30 12:50:09'),(20183,844,2472,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-07-30 12:50:09','2019-07-30 12:50:09'),(20184,844,2472,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-07-30 12:50:09','2019-07-30 12:50:09'),(20185,844,2472,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-07-30 12:50:09','2019-07-30 12:50:09'),(20186,844,2473,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:06:47'),(20187,844,2473,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:06:47'),(20188,844,2473,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:06:47'),(20189,844,2473,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:06:47'),(20190,844,2473,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:06:47'),(20191,844,2473,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:06:47'),(20192,844,2473,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:06:47'),(20193,844,2473,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:06:47'),(20194,844,2473,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:06:47'),(20195,844,2473,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-07-30 13:06:47','2019-07-30 13:06:47'),(20196,845,2474,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 08:53:11','2019-07-31 08:53:11'),(20197,845,2474,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-07-31 08:53:11','2019-07-31 08:53:11'),(20198,845,2474,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 08:53:11','2019-07-31 08:53:11'),(20199,845,2474,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-07-31 08:53:11','2019-07-31 08:53:11'),(20200,845,2474,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 08:53:11','2019-07-31 08:53:11'),(20201,845,2474,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-07-31 08:53:11','2019-07-31 08:53:11'),(20202,845,2474,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-07-31 08:53:11','2019-07-31 08:53:11'),(20203,845,2474,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-07-31 08:53:11','2019-07-31 08:53:11'),(20204,845,2474,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-07-31 08:53:11','2019-07-31 08:53:11'),(20205,845,2474,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-07-31 08:53:11','2019-07-31 08:53:11'),(20206,845,2475,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-07-31 08:59:28','2019-07-31 08:59:28'),(20207,845,2475,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 08:59:28','2019-07-31 08:59:28'),(20208,845,2475,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-07-31 08:59:28','2019-07-31 08:59:28'),(20209,845,2475,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-07-31 08:59:28','2019-07-31 08:59:28'),(20210,845,2475,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-07-31 08:59:28','2019-07-31 08:59:28'),(20211,845,2476,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(20212,845,2476,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(20213,845,2476,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(20214,845,2476,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(20215,845,2476,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(20216,845,2476,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(20217,845,2476,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(20218,845,2476,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(20219,845,2476,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(20220,845,2476,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-07-31 09:16:56','2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(20221,846,2477,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 11:22:50','2019-07-31 11:22:50'),(20222,846,2477,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-07-31 11:22:50','2019-07-31 11:22:50'),(20223,846,2477,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 11:22:50','2019-07-31 11:22:50'),(20224,846,2477,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-07-31 11:22:50','2019-07-31 11:22:50'),(20225,846,2477,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 11:22:50','2019-07-31 11:22:50'),(20226,846,2477,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-07-31 11:22:50','2019-07-31 11:22:50'),(20227,846,2477,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-07-31 11:22:50','2019-07-31 11:22:50'),(20228,846,2477,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-07-31 11:22:50','2019-07-31 11:22:50'),(20229,846,2477,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-07-31 11:22:50','2019-07-31 11:22:50'),(20230,846,2477,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-07-31 11:22:50','2019-07-31 11:22:50'),(20231,846,2478,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-07-31 11:31:21','2019-07-31 11:31:21'),(20232,846,2478,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 11:31:21','2019-07-31 11:31:21'),(20233,846,2478,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-07-31 11:31:21','2019-07-31 11:31:21'),(20234,846,2478,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-07-31 11:31:21','2019-07-31 11:31:21'),(20235,846,2478,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-07-31 11:31:21','2019-07-31 11:31:21'),(20236,846,2479,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(20237,846,2479,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(20238,846,2479,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(20239,846,2479,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(20240,846,2479,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(20241,846,2479,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(20242,846,2479,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(20243,846,2479,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(20244,846,2479,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(20245,846,2479,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-07-31 11:46:28','2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(20246,847,2480,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-05 11:41:10','2019-08-05 11:41:10'),(20247,847,2480,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-08-05 11:41:10','2019-08-05 11:41:10'),(20248,847,2480,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-05 11:41:10','2019-08-05 11:41:10'),(20249,847,2480,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-08-05 11:41:10','2019-08-05 11:41:10'),(20250,847,2480,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-05 11:41:10','2019-08-05 11:41:10'),(20251,847,2480,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-08-05 11:41:10','2019-08-05 11:41:10'),(20252,847,2480,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-08-05 11:41:10','2019-08-05 11:41:10'),(20253,847,2480,56,127,126,'n',0.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','True','False','2019-08-05 11:41:10','2019-08-05 11:41:10'),(20254,847,2480,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-08-05 11:41:10','2019-08-05 11:41:10'),(20255,847,2480,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-08-05 11:41:10','2019-08-05 11:41:10'),(20256,847,2481,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-08-05 11:46:45','2019-08-05 11:46:45'),(20257,847,2481,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-05 11:46:45','2019-08-05 11:46:45'),(20258,847,2481,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-08-05 11:46:45','2019-08-05 11:46:45'),(20259,847,2481,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-08-05 11:46:45','2019-08-05 11:46:45'),(20260,847,2481,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-08-05 11:46:45','2019-08-05 11:46:45'),(20261,847,2482,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(20262,847,2482,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(20263,847,2482,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(20264,847,2482,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(20265,847,2482,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(20266,847,2482,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(20267,847,2482,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(20268,847,2482,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(20269,847,2482,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(20270,847,2482,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-08-05 12:01:32','2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(20271,848,2483,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-08 10:57:28','2019-08-08 10:57:28'),(20272,848,2483,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-08-08 10:57:28','2019-08-08 10:57:28'),(20273,848,2483,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-08 10:57:28','2019-08-08 10:57:28'),(20274,848,2483,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-08-08 10:57:28','2019-08-08 10:57:28'),(20275,848,2483,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-08 10:57:28','2019-08-08 10:57:28'),(20276,848,2483,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-08-08 10:57:28','2019-08-08 10:57:28'),(20277,848,2483,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-08-08 10:57:28','2019-08-08 10:57:28'),(20278,848,2483,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-08-08 10:57:28','2019-08-08 10:57:28'),(20279,848,2483,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-08-08 10:57:28','2019-08-08 10:57:28'),(20280,848,2483,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-08-08 10:57:28','2019-08-08 10:57:28'),(20281,848,2484,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-08-08 12:10:53','2019-08-08 12:10:53'),(20282,848,2484,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-08 12:10:53','2019-08-08 12:10:53'),(20283,848,2484,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-08-08 12:10:53','2019-08-08 12:10:53'),(20284,848,2484,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-08-08 12:10:53','2019-08-08 12:10:53'),(20285,848,2484,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-08-08 12:10:53','2019-08-08 12:10:53'),(20286,848,2485,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:58'),(20287,848,2485,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:58'),(20288,848,2485,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:58'),(20289,848,2485,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:58'),(20290,848,2485,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:58'),(20291,848,2485,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:58'),(20292,848,2485,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:58'),(20293,848,2485,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:58'),(20294,848,2485,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:58'),(20295,848,2485,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-08-08 13:16:58','2019-08-08 13:16:58'),(20296,849,2486,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-18 15:17:17','2019-08-18 15:17:17'),(20297,849,2486,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2019-08-18 15:17:17','2019-08-18 15:17:17'),(20298,849,2486,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-18 15:17:17','2019-08-18 15:17:17'),(20299,849,2486,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-08-18 15:17:17','2019-08-18 15:17:17'),(20300,849,2486,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-18 15:17:17','2019-08-18 15:17:17'),(20301,849,2486,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-08-18 15:17:17','2019-08-18 15:17:17'),(20302,849,2486,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-08-18 15:17:17','2019-08-18 15:17:17'),(20303,849,2486,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-08-18 15:17:17','2019-08-18 15:17:17'),(20304,849,2486,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-08-18 15:17:17','2019-08-18 15:17:17'),(20305,849,2486,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-08-18 15:17:17','2019-08-18 15:17:17'),(20306,849,2487,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-08-18 15:24:08','2019-08-18 15:24:08'),(20307,849,2487,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-18 15:24:08','2019-08-18 15:24:08'),(20308,849,2487,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-08-18 15:24:08','2019-08-18 15:24:08'),(20309,849,2487,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-08-18 15:24:08','2019-08-18 15:24:08'),(20310,849,2487,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-08-18 15:24:08','2019-08-18 15:24:08'),(20311,849,2488,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(20312,849,2488,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(20313,849,2488,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(20314,849,2488,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(20315,849,2488,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(20316,849,2488,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(20317,849,2488,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(20318,849,2488,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(20319,849,2488,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(20320,849,2488,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-08-18 15:41:54','2019-08-18 15:41:54'),(20321,850,2489,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-02 16:40:49','2019-09-02 16:40:49'),(20322,850,2489,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-02 16:40:49','2019-09-02 16:40:49'),(20323,850,2489,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-02 16:40:49','2019-09-02 16:40:49'),(20324,850,2489,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-02 16:40:49','2019-09-02 16:40:49'),(20325,850,2489,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-02 16:40:49','2019-09-02 16:40:49'),(20326,850,2489,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-02 16:40:49','2019-09-02 16:40:49'),(20327,850,2489,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-02 16:40:49','2019-09-02 16:40:49'),(20328,850,2489,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-02 16:40:49','2019-09-02 16:40:49'),(20329,850,2489,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-02 16:40:49','2019-09-02 16:40:49'),(20330,850,2489,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-02 16:40:49','2019-09-02 16:40:49'),(20331,850,2490,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-02 16:46:58','2019-09-02 16:46:58'),(20332,850,2490,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-02 16:46:58','2019-09-02 16:46:58'),(20333,850,2490,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-02 16:46:58','2019-09-02 16:46:58'),(20334,850,2490,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-02 16:46:58','2019-09-02 16:46:58'),(20335,850,2490,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-02 16:46:58','2019-09-02 16:46:58'),(20336,850,2491,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:48'),(20337,850,2491,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:48'),(20338,850,2491,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:48'),(20339,850,2491,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:48'),(20340,850,2491,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:48'),(20341,850,2491,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:48'),(20342,850,2491,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:48'),(20343,850,2491,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:48'),(20344,850,2491,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:48'),(20345,850,2491,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-02 17:02:48','2019-09-02 17:02:48'),(20346,851,2492,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-05 15:22:24','2019-09-05 15:22:24'),(20347,851,2492,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-05 15:22:24','2019-09-05 15:22:24'),(20348,851,2492,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-05 15:22:24','2019-09-05 15:22:24'),(20349,851,2492,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-05 15:22:24','2019-09-05 15:22:24'),(20350,851,2492,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-05 15:22:24','2019-09-05 15:22:24'),(20351,851,2492,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-05 15:22:24','2019-09-05 15:22:24'),(20352,851,2492,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-05 15:22:24','2019-09-05 15:22:24'),(20353,851,2492,56,127,126,'n',0.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','True','False','2019-09-05 15:22:24','2019-09-05 15:22:24'),(20354,851,2492,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-05 15:22:24','2019-09-05 15:22:24'),(20355,851,2492,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-05 15:22:24','2019-09-05 15:22:24'),(20356,851,2493,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-05 15:29:05','2019-09-05 15:29:05'),(20357,851,2493,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-05 15:29:05','2019-09-05 15:29:05'),(20358,851,2493,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-05 15:29:05','2019-09-05 15:29:05'),(20359,851,2493,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-05 15:29:05','2019-09-05 15:29:05'),(20360,851,2493,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-05 15:29:05','2019-09-05 15:29:05'),(20361,851,2494,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(20362,851,2494,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(20363,851,2494,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(20364,851,2494,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(20365,851,2494,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(20366,851,2494,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(20367,851,2494,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(20368,851,2494,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(20369,851,2494,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(20370,851,2494,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-05 15:45:22','2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(20371,852,2495,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-06 07:37:58','2019-09-06 07:37:58'),(20372,852,2495,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-06 07:37:58','2019-09-06 07:37:58'),(20373,852,2495,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-06 07:37:58','2019-09-06 07:37:58'),(20374,852,2495,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-06 07:37:58','2019-09-06 07:37:58'),(20375,852,2495,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-06 07:37:58','2019-09-06 07:37:58'),(20376,852,2495,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-06 07:37:58','2019-09-06 07:37:58'),(20377,852,2495,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-06 07:37:58','2019-09-06 07:37:58'),(20378,852,2495,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-06 07:37:58','2019-09-06 07:37:58'),(20379,852,2495,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-06 07:37:58','2019-09-06 07:37:58'),(20380,852,2495,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-06 07:37:58','2019-09-06 07:37:58'),(20381,852,2496,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-06 07:44:52','2019-09-06 07:44:52'),(20382,852,2496,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-06 07:44:52','2019-09-06 07:44:52'),(20383,852,2496,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-06 07:44:52','2019-09-06 07:44:52'),(20384,852,2496,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-06 07:44:52','2019-09-06 07:44:52'),(20385,852,2496,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-06 07:44:52','2019-09-06 07:44:52'),(20386,852,2497,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:03'),(20387,852,2497,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:03'),(20388,852,2497,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:03'),(20389,852,2497,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:03'),(20390,852,2497,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:03'),(20391,852,2497,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:03'),(20392,852,2497,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:03'),(20393,852,2497,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:03'),(20394,852,2497,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:03'),(20395,852,2497,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-06 08:10:03','2019-09-06 08:10:03'),(20396,853,2498,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 07:00:05','2019-09-07 07:00:05'),(20397,853,2498,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-07 07:00:05','2019-09-07 07:00:05'),(20398,853,2498,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 07:00:05','2019-09-07 07:00:05'),(20399,853,2498,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-07 07:00:05','2019-09-07 07:00:05'),(20400,853,2498,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 07:00:05','2019-09-07 07:00:05'),(20401,853,2498,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-07 07:00:05','2019-09-07 07:00:05'),(20402,853,2498,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-07 07:00:05','2019-09-07 07:00:05'),(20403,853,2498,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-07 07:00:05','2019-09-07 07:00:05'),(20404,853,2498,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-07 07:00:05','2019-09-07 07:00:05'),(20405,853,2498,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-07 07:00:05','2019-09-07 07:00:05'),(20406,853,2499,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-07 07:06:58','2019-09-07 07:06:58'),(20407,853,2499,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 07:06:58','2019-09-07 07:06:58'),(20408,853,2499,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-07 07:06:58','2019-09-07 07:06:58'),(20409,853,2499,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-07 07:06:58','2019-09-07 07:06:58'),(20410,853,2499,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-07 07:06:58','2019-09-07 07:06:58'),(20411,853,2500,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:20'),(20412,853,2500,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:20'),(20413,853,2500,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:20'),(20414,853,2500,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:20'),(20415,853,2500,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:20'),(20416,853,2500,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:20'),(20417,853,2500,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:20'),(20418,853,2500,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:20'),(20419,853,2500,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:20'),(20420,853,2500,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-07 07:35:20','2019-09-07 07:35:20'),(20421,854,2501,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 17:51:59','2019-09-07 17:51:59'),(20422,854,2501,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-07 17:51:59','2019-09-07 17:51:59'),(20423,854,2501,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 17:51:59','2019-09-07 17:51:59'),(20424,854,2501,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-07 17:51:59','2019-09-07 17:51:59'),(20425,854,2501,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 17:51:59','2019-09-07 17:51:59'),(20426,854,2501,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-07 17:51:59','2019-09-07 17:51:59'),(20427,854,2501,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-07 17:51:59','2019-09-07 17:51:59'),(20428,854,2501,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-07 17:51:59','2019-09-07 17:51:59'),(20429,854,2501,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-07 17:51:59','2019-09-07 17:51:59'),(20430,854,2501,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-07 17:51:59','2019-09-07 17:51:59'),(20431,854,2502,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-07 17:58:41','2019-09-07 17:58:41'),(20432,854,2502,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 17:58:41','2019-09-07 17:58:41'),(20433,854,2502,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-07 17:58:41','2019-09-07 17:58:41'),(20434,854,2502,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-07 17:58:41','2019-09-07 17:58:41'),(20435,854,2502,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-07 17:58:41','2019-09-07 17:58:41'),(20436,854,2503,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(20437,854,2503,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(20438,854,2503,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(20439,854,2503,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(20440,854,2503,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(20441,854,2503,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(20442,854,2503,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(20443,854,2503,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(20444,854,2503,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(20445,854,2503,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-07 18:15:46','2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(20446,855,2504,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 18:29:59','2019-09-07 18:29:59'),(20447,855,2504,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-07 18:29:59','2019-09-07 18:29:59'),(20448,855,2504,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 18:29:59','2019-09-07 18:29:59'),(20449,855,2504,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-07 18:29:59','2019-09-07 18:29:59'),(20450,855,2504,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 18:29:59','2019-09-07 18:29:59'),(20451,855,2504,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-07 18:29:59','2019-09-07 18:29:59'),(20452,855,2504,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-07 18:29:59','2019-09-07 18:29:59'),(20453,855,2504,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-07 18:29:59','2019-09-07 18:29:59'),(20454,855,2504,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-07 18:29:59','2019-09-07 18:29:59'),(20455,855,2504,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-07 18:29:59','2019-09-07 18:29:59'),(20456,855,2505,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-07 18:35:49','2019-09-07 18:35:49'),(20457,855,2505,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 18:35:49','2019-09-07 18:35:49'),(20458,855,2505,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-07 18:35:49','2019-09-07 18:35:49'),(20459,855,2505,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-07 18:35:49','2019-09-07 18:35:49'),(20460,855,2505,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-07 18:35:49','2019-09-07 18:35:49'),(20461,855,2506,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(20462,855,2506,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(20463,855,2506,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(20464,855,2506,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(20465,855,2506,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(20466,855,2506,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(20467,855,2506,81,196,199,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Date of Manufacture','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(20468,855,2506,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(20469,855,2506,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(20470,855,2506,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-07 18:51:20','2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(20471,856,2507,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 09:19:15','2019-09-08 09:19:15'),(20472,856,2507,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-08 09:19:15','2019-09-08 09:19:15'),(20473,856,2507,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 09:19:15','2019-09-08 09:19:15'),(20474,856,2507,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-08 09:19:15','2019-09-08 09:19:15'),(20475,856,2507,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 09:19:15','2019-09-08 09:19:15'),(20476,856,2507,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-08 09:19:15','2019-09-08 09:19:15'),(20477,856,2507,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-08 09:19:15','2019-09-08 09:19:15'),(20478,856,2507,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-08 09:19:15','2019-09-08 09:19:15'),(20479,856,2507,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-08 09:19:15','2019-09-08 09:19:15'),(20480,856,2507,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-08 09:19:15','2019-09-08 09:19:15'),(20481,856,2508,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-08 09:27:19','2019-09-08 09:27:19'),(20482,856,2508,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 09:27:19','2019-09-08 09:27:19'),(20483,856,2508,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-08 09:27:19','2019-09-08 09:27:19'),(20484,856,2508,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-08 09:27:19','2019-09-08 09:27:19'),(20485,856,2508,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-08 09:27:19','2019-09-08 09:27:19'),(20486,856,2509,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(20487,856,2509,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(20488,856,2509,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(20489,856,2509,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(20490,856,2509,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(20491,856,2509,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(20492,856,2509,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(20493,856,2509,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(20494,856,2509,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(20495,856,2509,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-08 09:43:09','2019-09-08 09:43:09'),(20496,857,2510,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 12:30:54','2019-09-08 12:30:54'),(20497,857,2510,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-08 12:30:54','2019-09-08 12:30:54'),(20498,857,2510,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 12:30:54','2019-09-08 12:30:54'),(20499,857,2510,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-08 12:30:54','2019-09-08 12:30:54'),(20500,857,2510,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 12:30:54','2019-09-08 12:30:54'),(20501,857,2510,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-08 12:30:54','2019-09-08 12:30:54'),(20502,857,2510,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-08 12:30:54','2019-09-08 12:30:54'),(20503,857,2510,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-08 12:30:54','2019-09-08 12:30:54'),(20504,857,2510,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-08 12:30:54','2019-09-08 12:30:54'),(20505,857,2510,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-08 12:30:54','2019-09-08 12:30:54'),(20506,857,2511,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-08 12:37:57','2019-09-08 12:37:57'),(20507,857,2511,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 12:37:57','2019-09-08 12:37:57'),(20508,857,2511,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-08 12:37:57','2019-09-08 12:37:57'),(20509,857,2511,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-08 12:37:57','2019-09-08 12:37:57'),(20510,857,2511,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-08 12:37:57','2019-09-08 12:37:57'),(20511,857,2512,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(20512,857,2512,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(20513,857,2512,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(20514,857,2512,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(20515,857,2512,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(20516,857,2512,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(20517,857,2512,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(20518,857,2512,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(20519,857,2512,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(20520,857,2512,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-08 12:58:19','2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(20521,858,2513,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-09 10:00:15','2019-09-09 10:00:15'),(20522,858,2513,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-09 10:00:15','2019-09-09 10:00:15'),(20523,858,2513,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-09 10:00:15','2019-09-09 10:00:15'),(20524,858,2513,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-09 10:00:15','2019-09-09 10:00:15'),(20525,858,2513,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-09 10:00:15','2019-09-09 10:00:15'),(20526,858,2513,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-09 10:00:15','2019-09-09 10:00:15'),(20527,858,2513,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-09 10:00:15','2019-09-09 10:00:15'),(20528,858,2513,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-09 10:00:15','2019-09-09 10:00:15'),(20529,858,2513,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-09 10:00:15','2019-09-09 10:00:15'),(20530,858,2513,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-09 10:00:15','2019-09-09 10:00:15'),(20531,858,2514,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-09 10:10:26','2019-09-09 10:10:26'),(20532,858,2514,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-09 10:10:26','2019-09-09 10:10:26'),(20533,858,2514,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-09 10:10:26','2019-09-09 10:10:26'),(20534,858,2514,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-09 10:10:26','2019-09-09 10:10:26'),(20535,858,2514,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-09 10:10:26','2019-09-09 10:10:26'),(20536,858,2515,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:50'),(20537,858,2515,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:50'),(20538,858,2515,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:50'),(20539,858,2515,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:50'),(20540,858,2515,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:50'),(20541,858,2515,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:50'),(20542,858,2515,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:50'),(20543,858,2515,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:50'),(20544,858,2515,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:50'),(20545,858,2515,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-09 10:27:50','2019-09-09 10:27:50'),(20546,859,2516,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-09 12:56:37','2019-09-09 13:04:09'),(20547,859,2516,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-09 12:56:37','2019-09-09 13:04:09'),(20548,859,2516,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-09 12:56:37','2019-09-09 13:04:09'),(20549,859,2516,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-09 12:56:37','2019-09-09 13:04:09'),(20550,859,2516,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-09 12:56:37','2019-09-09 13:04:09'),(20551,859,2516,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-09 12:56:37','2019-09-09 13:04:09'),(20552,859,2516,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-09 12:56:37','2019-09-09 13:04:09'),(20553,859,2516,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-09 12:56:37','2019-09-09 13:04:09'),(20554,859,2516,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-09 12:56:37','2019-09-09 13:04:09'),(20555,859,2516,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2019-09-09 12:56:37','2019-09-09 13:04:09'),(20556,859,2517,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-09 13:04:01','2019-09-09 13:04:16'),(20557,859,2517,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-09 13:04:01','2019-09-09 13:04:16'),(20558,859,2517,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-09 13:04:01','2019-09-09 13:04:16'),(20559,859,2517,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-09 13:04:01','2019-09-09 13:04:16'),(20560,859,2517,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-09 13:04:01','2019-09-09 13:04:16'),(20561,859,2518,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(20562,859,2518,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(20563,859,2518,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(20564,859,2518,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(20565,859,2518,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(20566,859,2518,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(20567,859,2518,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(20568,859,2518,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(20569,859,2518,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(20570,859,2518,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-09 13:25:47','2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(20571,860,2519,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-11 09:06:28','2019-09-11 09:06:28'),(20572,860,2519,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-11 09:06:28','2019-09-11 09:06:28'),(20573,860,2519,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-11 09:06:28','2019-09-11 09:06:28'),(20574,860,2519,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-11 09:06:28','2019-09-11 09:06:28'),(20575,860,2519,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-11 09:06:28','2019-09-11 09:06:28'),(20576,860,2519,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-11 09:06:28','2019-09-11 09:06:28'),(20577,860,2519,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-11 09:06:28','2019-09-11 09:06:28'),(20578,860,2519,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-11 09:06:28','2019-09-11 09:06:28'),(20579,860,2519,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-11 09:06:28','2019-09-11 09:06:28'),(20580,860,2519,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-11 09:06:28','2019-09-11 09:06:28'),(20581,860,2520,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-11 09:13:05','2019-09-11 09:13:05'),(20582,860,2520,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-11 09:13:05','2019-09-11 09:13:05'),(20583,860,2520,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-11 09:13:05','2019-09-11 09:13:05'),(20584,860,2520,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-11 09:13:05','2019-09-11 09:13:05'),(20585,860,2520,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-11 09:13:05','2019-09-11 09:13:05'),(20586,860,2521,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(20587,860,2521,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(20588,860,2521,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(20589,860,2521,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(20590,860,2521,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(20591,860,2521,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(20592,860,2521,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(20593,860,2521,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(20594,860,2521,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(20595,860,2521,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-11 09:28:24','2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(20596,861,2522,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 10:52:40','2019-09-12 10:52:40'),(20597,861,2522,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-12 10:52:40','2019-09-12 10:52:40'),(20598,861,2522,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 10:52:40','2019-09-12 10:52:40'),(20599,861,2522,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-12 10:52:40','2019-09-12 10:52:40'),(20600,861,2522,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 10:52:40','2019-09-12 10:52:40'),(20601,861,2522,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-12 10:52:40','2019-09-12 10:52:40'),(20602,861,2522,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-12 10:52:40','2019-09-12 10:52:40'),(20603,861,2522,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-12 10:52:40','2019-09-12 10:52:40'),(20604,861,2522,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-12 10:52:40','2019-09-12 10:52:40'),(20605,861,2522,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-12 10:52:40','2019-09-12 10:52:40'),(20606,861,2523,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-12 11:00:07','2019-09-12 11:00:07'),(20607,861,2523,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 11:00:07','2019-09-12 11:00:07'),(20608,861,2523,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-12 11:00:07','2019-09-12 11:00:07'),(20609,861,2523,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-09-12 11:00:07','2019-09-12 11:00:07'),(20610,861,2523,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-12 11:00:07','2019-09-12 11:00:07'),(20611,861,2524,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(20612,861,2524,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(20613,861,2524,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(20614,861,2524,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(20615,861,2524,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(20616,861,2524,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(20617,861,2524,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(20618,861,2524,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(20619,861,2524,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(20620,861,2524,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-12 11:24:27','2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(20621,862,2525,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 15:51:18','2019-09-12 15:51:18'),(20622,862,2525,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-12 15:51:18','2019-09-12 15:51:18'),(20623,862,2525,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 15:51:18','2019-09-12 15:51:18'),(20624,862,2525,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-12 15:51:18','2019-09-12 15:51:18'),(20625,862,2525,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 15:51:18','2019-09-12 15:51:18'),(20626,862,2525,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-12 15:51:18','2019-09-12 15:51:18'),(20627,862,2525,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-12 15:51:18','2019-09-12 15:51:18'),(20628,862,2525,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-12 15:51:18','2019-09-12 15:51:18'),(20629,862,2525,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-12 15:51:18','2019-09-12 15:51:18'),(20630,862,2525,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-12 15:51:18','2019-09-12 15:51:18'),(20631,862,2526,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-12 16:01:52','2019-09-12 16:01:52'),(20632,862,2526,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 16:01:52','2019-09-12 16:01:52'),(20633,862,2526,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-12 16:01:52','2019-09-12 16:01:52'),(20634,862,2526,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-12 16:01:52','2019-09-12 16:01:52'),(20635,862,2526,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-12 16:01:52','2019-09-12 16:01:52'),(20636,862,2527,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(20637,862,2527,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(20638,862,2527,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(20639,862,2527,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(20640,862,2527,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(20641,862,2527,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(20642,862,2527,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(20643,862,2527,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(20644,862,2527,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(20645,862,2527,84,206,207,'n',0.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','False','True','2019-09-12 16:37:32','2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(20646,863,2528,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-13 14:04:50','2019-09-13 14:04:50'),(20647,863,2528,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-13 14:04:50','2019-09-13 14:04:50'),(20648,863,2528,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-13 14:04:50','2019-09-13 14:04:50'),(20649,863,2528,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-13 14:04:50','2019-09-13 14:04:50'),(20650,863,2528,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-13 14:04:50','2019-09-13 14:04:50'),(20651,863,2528,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-13 14:04:50','2019-09-13 14:04:50'),(20652,863,2528,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-13 14:04:50','2019-09-13 14:04:50'),(20653,863,2528,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-13 14:04:50','2019-09-13 14:04:50'),(20654,863,2528,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-13 14:04:50','2019-09-13 14:04:50'),(20655,863,2528,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-13 14:04:50','2019-09-13 14:04:50'),(20656,863,2529,69,160,161,'n',0.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','False','True','2019-09-13 14:12:11','2019-09-13 14:12:11'),(20657,863,2529,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-13 14:12:11','2019-09-13 14:12:11'),(20658,863,2529,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-13 14:12:11','2019-09-13 14:12:11'),(20659,863,2529,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-13 14:12:11','2019-09-13 14:12:11'),(20660,863,2529,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-13 14:12:11','2019-09-13 14:12:11'),(20661,863,2530,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(20662,863,2530,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(20663,863,2530,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(20664,863,2530,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(20665,863,2530,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(20666,863,2530,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(20667,863,2530,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(20668,863,2530,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(20669,863,2530,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(20670,863,2530,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-13 14:40:07','2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(20671,864,2531,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 07:08:41','2019-09-14 07:08:41'),(20672,864,2531,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-14 07:08:41','2019-09-14 07:08:41'),(20673,864,2531,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 07:08:41','2019-09-14 07:08:41'),(20674,864,2531,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-14 07:08:41','2019-09-14 07:08:41'),(20675,864,2531,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 07:08:41','2019-09-14 07:08:41'),(20676,864,2531,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-14 07:08:41','2019-09-14 07:08:41'),(20677,864,2531,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-14 07:08:41','2019-09-14 07:08:41'),(20678,864,2531,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-14 07:08:41','2019-09-14 07:08:41'),(20679,864,2531,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-14 07:08:41','2019-09-14 07:08:41'),(20680,864,2531,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-14 07:08:41','2019-09-14 07:08:41'),(20681,864,2532,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-14 07:15:56','2019-09-14 07:15:56'),(20682,864,2532,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 07:15:56','2019-09-14 07:15:56'),(20683,864,2532,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-14 07:15:56','2019-09-14 07:15:56'),(20684,864,2532,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-09-14 07:15:56','2019-09-14 07:15:56'),(20685,864,2532,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-14 07:15:56','2019-09-14 07:15:56'),(20686,864,2533,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(20687,864,2533,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(20688,864,2533,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(20689,864,2533,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(20690,864,2533,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(20691,864,2533,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(20692,864,2533,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(20693,864,2533,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(20694,864,2533,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(20695,864,2533,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-14 07:35:23','2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(20696,865,2534,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 12:39:23','2019-09-14 12:39:23'),(20697,865,2534,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-14 12:39:23','2019-09-14 12:39:23'),(20698,865,2534,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 12:39:23','2019-09-14 12:39:23'),(20699,865,2534,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-14 12:39:23','2019-09-14 12:39:23'),(20700,865,2534,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 12:39:23','2019-09-14 12:39:23'),(20701,865,2534,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-14 12:39:23','2019-09-14 12:39:23'),(20702,865,2534,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-14 12:39:23','2019-09-14 12:39:23'),(20703,865,2534,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-14 12:39:23','2019-09-14 12:39:23'),(20704,865,2534,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-14 12:39:23','2019-09-14 12:39:23'),(20705,865,2534,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-14 12:39:23','2019-09-14 12:39:23'),(20706,865,2535,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-14 12:45:08','2019-09-14 12:45:08'),(20707,865,2535,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 12:45:08','2019-09-14 12:45:08'),(20708,865,2535,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-14 12:45:08','2019-09-14 12:45:08'),(20709,865,2535,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-14 12:45:08','2019-09-14 12:45:08'),(20710,865,2535,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-14 12:45:08','2019-09-14 12:45:08'),(20711,865,2536,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(20712,865,2536,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(20713,865,2536,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(20714,865,2536,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(20715,865,2536,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(20716,865,2536,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(20717,865,2536,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(20718,865,2536,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(20719,865,2536,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(20720,865,2536,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-14 13:00:20','2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(20721,866,2537,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 14:07:38','2019-09-15 14:07:38'),(20722,866,2537,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-15 14:07:38','2019-09-15 14:07:38'),(20723,866,2537,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 14:07:38','2019-09-15 14:07:38'),(20724,866,2537,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-15 14:07:38','2019-09-15 14:07:38'),(20725,866,2537,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 14:07:38','2019-09-15 14:07:38'),(20726,866,2537,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-15 14:07:38','2019-09-15 14:07:38'),(20727,866,2537,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-15 14:07:38','2019-09-15 14:07:38'),(20728,866,2537,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-15 14:07:38','2019-09-15 14:07:38'),(20729,866,2537,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-15 14:07:38','2019-09-15 14:07:38'),(20730,866,2537,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-15 14:07:38','2019-09-15 14:07:38'),(20731,866,2538,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-15 14:21:30','2019-09-15 14:21:30'),(20732,866,2538,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 14:21:30','2019-09-15 14:21:30'),(20733,866,2538,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-15 14:21:30','2019-09-15 14:21:30'),(20734,866,2538,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-15 14:21:30','2019-09-15 14:21:30'),(20735,866,2538,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-15 14:21:30','2019-09-15 14:21:30'),(20736,866,2539,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:37'),(20737,866,2539,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:37'),(20738,866,2539,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:37'),(20739,866,2539,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:37'),(20740,866,2539,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:37'),(20741,866,2539,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:37'),(20742,866,2539,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:37'),(20743,866,2539,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:37'),(20744,866,2539,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:37'),(20745,866,2539,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-15 14:41:37','2019-09-15 14:41:37'),(20746,867,2540,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 15:00:53','2019-09-15 15:00:53'),(20747,867,2540,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-15 15:00:53','2019-09-15 15:00:53'),(20748,867,2540,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 15:00:53','2019-09-15 15:00:53'),(20749,867,2540,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-15 15:00:53','2019-09-15 15:00:53'),(20750,867,2540,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 15:00:53','2019-09-15 15:00:53'),(20751,867,2540,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-15 15:00:53','2019-09-15 15:00:53'),(20752,867,2540,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-15 15:00:53','2019-09-15 15:00:53'),(20753,867,2540,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-15 15:00:53','2019-09-15 15:00:53'),(20754,867,2540,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-15 15:00:53','2019-09-15 15:00:53'),(20755,867,2540,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-15 15:00:53','2019-09-15 15:00:53'),(20756,867,2541,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-15 15:15:07','2019-09-15 15:15:07'),(20757,867,2541,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 15:15:07','2019-09-15 15:15:07'),(20758,867,2541,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-15 15:15:07','2019-09-15 15:15:07'),(20759,867,2541,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-15 15:15:07','2019-09-15 15:15:07'),(20760,867,2541,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-15 15:15:07','2019-09-15 15:15:07'),(20761,867,2542,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(20762,867,2542,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(20763,867,2542,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(20764,867,2542,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(20765,867,2542,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(20766,867,2542,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(20767,867,2542,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(20768,867,2542,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(20769,867,2542,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(20770,867,2542,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-15 15:34:56','2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(20771,868,2543,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-19 16:51:35','2019-09-19 16:51:35'),(20772,868,2543,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-19 16:51:35','2019-09-19 16:51:35'),(20773,868,2543,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-19 16:51:35','2019-09-19 16:51:35'),(20774,868,2543,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-19 16:51:35','2019-09-19 16:51:35'),(20775,868,2543,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-19 16:51:35','2019-09-19 16:51:35'),(20776,868,2543,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-19 16:51:35','2019-09-19 16:51:35'),(20777,868,2543,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-19 16:51:35','2019-09-19 16:51:35'),(20778,868,2543,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-19 16:51:35','2019-09-19 16:51:35'),(20779,868,2543,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-19 16:51:35','2019-09-19 16:51:35'),(20780,868,2543,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-19 16:51:35','2019-09-19 16:51:35'),(20781,868,2544,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-19 16:57:03','2019-09-19 16:57:03'),(20782,868,2544,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-19 16:57:03','2019-09-19 16:57:03'),(20783,868,2544,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-19 16:57:03','2019-09-19 16:57:03'),(20784,868,2544,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-19 16:57:03','2019-09-19 16:57:03'),(20785,868,2544,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-19 16:57:03','2019-09-19 16:57:03'),(20786,868,2545,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(20787,868,2545,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(20788,868,2545,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(20789,868,2545,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(20790,868,2545,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(20791,868,2545,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(20792,868,2545,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(20793,868,2545,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(20794,868,2545,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(20795,868,2545,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-19 17:11:54','2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(20796,869,2546,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-20 11:35:06','2019-09-20 11:35:06'),(20797,869,2546,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-20 11:35:06','2019-09-20 11:35:06'),(20798,869,2546,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-20 11:35:06','2019-09-20 11:35:06'),(20799,869,2546,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-20 11:35:06','2019-09-20 11:35:06'),(20800,869,2546,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-20 11:35:06','2019-09-20 11:35:06'),(20801,869,2546,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-20 11:35:06','2019-09-20 11:35:06'),(20802,869,2546,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-20 11:35:06','2019-09-20 11:35:06'),(20803,869,2546,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-20 11:35:06','2019-09-20 11:35:06'),(20804,869,2546,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-20 11:35:06','2019-09-20 11:35:06'),(20805,869,2546,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-20 11:35:06','2019-09-20 11:35:06'),(20806,869,2547,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-20 11:44:11','2019-09-20 11:44:11'),(20807,869,2547,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-20 11:44:11','2019-09-20 11:44:11'),(20808,869,2547,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-20 11:44:11','2019-09-20 11:44:11'),(20809,869,2547,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-20 11:44:11','2019-09-20 11:44:11'),(20810,869,2547,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-20 11:44:11','2019-09-20 11:44:11'),(20811,869,2548,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(20812,869,2548,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(20813,869,2548,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(20814,869,2548,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(20815,869,2548,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(20816,869,2548,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(20817,869,2548,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(20818,869,2548,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(20819,869,2548,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(20820,869,2548,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-20 12:04:44','2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(20821,870,2549,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 11:40:03','2019-09-21 11:40:03'),(20822,870,2549,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-21 11:40:03','2019-09-21 11:40:03'),(20823,870,2549,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 11:40:03','2019-09-21 11:40:03'),(20824,870,2549,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-21 11:40:03','2019-09-21 11:40:03'),(20825,870,2549,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 11:40:03','2019-09-21 11:40:03'),(20826,870,2549,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-21 11:40:03','2019-09-21 11:40:03'),(20827,870,2549,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-21 11:40:03','2019-09-21 11:40:03'),(20828,870,2549,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-21 11:40:03','2019-09-21 11:40:03'),(20829,870,2549,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-21 11:40:03','2019-09-21 11:40:03'),(20830,870,2549,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-21 11:40:03','2019-09-21 11:40:03'),(20831,870,2550,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-21 11:46:35','2019-09-21 11:46:35'),(20832,870,2550,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 11:46:35','2019-09-21 11:46:35'),(20833,870,2550,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-21 11:46:35','2019-09-21 11:46:35'),(20834,870,2550,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-21 11:46:35','2019-09-21 11:46:35'),(20835,870,2550,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-21 11:46:35','2019-09-21 11:46:35'),(20836,870,2551,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(20837,870,2551,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(20838,870,2551,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(20839,870,2551,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(20840,870,2551,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(20841,870,2551,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(20842,870,2551,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(20843,870,2551,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(20844,870,2551,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(20845,870,2551,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-21 12:04:04','2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(20846,871,2552,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 12:25:06','2019-09-21 12:25:06'),(20847,871,2552,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-21 12:25:06','2019-09-21 12:25:06'),(20848,871,2552,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 12:25:06','2019-09-21 12:25:06'),(20849,871,2552,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-21 12:25:06','2019-09-21 12:25:06'),(20850,871,2552,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 12:25:06','2019-09-21 12:25:06'),(20851,871,2552,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-21 12:25:06','2019-09-21 12:25:06'),(20852,871,2552,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-21 12:25:06','2019-09-21 12:25:06'),(20853,871,2552,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-21 12:25:06','2019-09-21 12:25:06'),(20854,871,2552,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-21 12:25:06','2019-09-21 12:25:06'),(20855,871,2552,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-21 12:25:06','2019-09-21 12:25:06'),(20856,871,2553,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-21 12:32:44','2019-09-21 12:32:44'),(20857,871,2553,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 12:32:44','2019-09-21 12:32:44'),(20858,871,2553,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-21 12:32:44','2019-09-21 12:32:44'),(20859,871,2553,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-21 12:32:44','2019-09-21 12:32:44'),(20860,871,2553,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-21 12:32:44','2019-09-21 12:32:44'),(20861,871,2554,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(20862,871,2554,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(20863,871,2554,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(20864,871,2554,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(20865,871,2554,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(20866,871,2554,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(20867,871,2554,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(20868,871,2554,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(20869,871,2554,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(20870,871,2554,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-21 12:49:42','2019-09-21 12:49:42'),(20871,872,2555,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-23 12:56:26','2019-09-23 12:56:26'),(20872,872,2555,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-23 12:56:26','2019-09-23 12:56:26'),(20873,872,2555,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-23 12:56:26','2019-09-23 12:56:26'),(20874,872,2555,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-23 12:56:26','2019-09-23 12:56:26'),(20875,872,2555,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-23 12:56:26','2019-09-23 12:56:26'),(20876,872,2555,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-23 12:56:26','2019-09-23 12:56:26'),(20877,872,2555,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-23 12:56:26','2019-09-23 12:56:26'),(20878,872,2555,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-23 12:56:26','2019-09-23 12:56:26'),(20879,872,2555,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-23 12:56:26','2019-09-23 12:56:26'),(20880,872,2555,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-23 12:56:26','2019-09-23 12:56:26'),(20881,872,2556,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-23 13:02:11','2019-09-23 13:02:11'),(20882,872,2556,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-23 13:02:11','2019-09-23 13:02:11'),(20883,872,2556,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-23 13:02:11','2019-09-23 13:02:11'),(20884,872,2556,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-23 13:02:11','2019-09-23 13:02:11'),(20885,872,2556,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-23 13:02:11','2019-09-23 13:02:11'),(20886,872,2557,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(20887,872,2557,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(20888,872,2557,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(20889,872,2557,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(20890,872,2557,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(20891,872,2557,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(20892,872,2557,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(20893,872,2557,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(20894,872,2557,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(20895,872,2557,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-23 13:17:49','2019-09-23 13:17:49'),(20896,873,2558,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2019-09-23 17:22:45','2019-09-23 17:22:45'),(20897,873,2558,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-23 17:22:45','2019-09-23 17:22:45'),(20898,873,2558,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-23 17:22:45','2019-09-23 17:22:45'),(20899,873,2558,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-23 17:22:45','2019-09-23 17:22:45'),(20900,873,2558,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-23 17:22:45','2019-09-23 17:22:45'),(20901,873,2558,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-23 17:22:45','2019-09-23 17:22:45'),(20902,873,2558,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-23 17:22:45','2019-09-23 17:22:45'),(20903,873,2558,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-23 17:22:45','2019-09-23 17:22:45'),(20904,873,2558,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-23 17:22:45','2019-09-23 17:22:45'),(20905,873,2558,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-23 17:22:45','2019-09-23 17:22:45'),(20906,873,2559,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-23 17:29:50','2019-09-23 17:29:50'),(20907,873,2559,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-23 17:29:50','2019-09-23 17:29:50'),(20908,873,2559,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-23 17:29:50','2019-09-23 17:29:50'),(20909,873,2559,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-23 17:29:50','2019-09-23 17:29:50'),(20910,873,2559,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-23 17:29:50','2019-09-23 17:29:50'),(20911,873,2560,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(20912,873,2560,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(20913,873,2560,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(20914,873,2560,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(20915,873,2560,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(20916,873,2560,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(20917,873,2560,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(20918,873,2560,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(20919,873,2560,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(20920,873,2560,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-23 17:48:32','2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(20921,874,2561,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-25 12:45:50','2019-09-25 12:45:50'),(20922,874,2561,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-25 12:45:50','2019-09-25 12:45:50'),(20923,874,2561,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-25 12:45:50','2019-09-25 12:45:50'),(20924,874,2561,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-25 12:45:50','2019-09-25 12:45:50'),(20925,874,2561,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-25 12:45:50','2019-09-25 12:45:50'),(20926,874,2561,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-25 12:45:50','2019-09-25 12:45:50'),(20927,874,2561,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-25 12:45:50','2019-09-25 12:45:50'),(20928,874,2561,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-25 12:45:50','2019-09-25 12:45:50'),(20929,874,2561,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-25 12:45:50','2019-09-25 12:45:50'),(20930,874,2561,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-25 12:45:50','2019-09-25 12:45:50'),(20931,874,2562,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-25 12:53:21','2019-09-25 12:53:21'),(20932,874,2562,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-25 12:53:21','2019-09-25 12:53:21'),(20933,874,2562,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-25 12:53:21','2019-09-25 12:53:21'),(20934,874,2562,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-09-25 12:53:21','2019-09-25 12:53:21'),(20935,874,2562,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-25 12:53:21','2019-09-25 12:53:21'),(20936,874,2563,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(20937,874,2563,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(20938,874,2563,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(20939,874,2563,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(20940,874,2563,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(20941,874,2563,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(20942,874,2563,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(20943,874,2563,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(20944,874,2563,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(20945,874,2563,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-25 13:11:26','2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(20946,875,2564,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 10:07:04','2019-09-26 10:07:04'),(20947,875,2564,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-09-26 10:07:04','2019-09-26 10:07:04'),(20948,875,2564,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 10:07:04','2019-09-26 10:07:04'),(20949,875,2564,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-26 10:07:04','2019-09-26 10:07:04'),(20950,875,2564,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 10:07:04','2019-09-26 10:07:04'),(20951,875,2564,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-26 10:07:04','2019-09-26 10:07:04'),(20952,875,2564,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-26 10:07:04','2019-09-26 10:07:04'),(20953,875,2564,56,127,126,'n',0.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','True','False','2019-09-26 10:07:04','2019-09-26 10:07:04'),(20954,875,2564,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-26 10:07:04','2019-09-26 10:07:04'),(20955,875,2564,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-26 10:07:04','2019-09-26 10:07:04'),(20956,875,2565,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-26 10:12:41','2019-09-26 10:12:41'),(20957,875,2565,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 10:12:41','2019-09-26 10:12:41'),(20958,875,2565,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-26 10:12:41','2019-09-26 10:12:41'),(20959,875,2565,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-26 10:12:41','2019-09-26 10:12:41'),(20960,875,2565,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-26 10:12:41','2019-09-26 10:12:41'),(20961,875,2566,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:33'),(20962,875,2566,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:33'),(20963,875,2566,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:33'),(20964,875,2566,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:33'),(20965,875,2566,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:33'),(20966,875,2566,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:33'),(20967,875,2566,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:33'),(20968,875,2566,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:33'),(20969,875,2566,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:33'),(20970,875,2566,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-26 10:27:33','2019-09-26 10:27:33'),(20971,876,2567,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 11:22:16','2019-09-26 11:22:16'),(20972,876,2567,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2019-09-26 11:22:16','2019-09-26 11:22:16'),(20973,876,2567,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 11:22:16','2019-09-26 11:22:16'),(20974,876,2567,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-26 11:22:16','2019-09-26 11:22:16'),(20975,876,2567,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 11:22:16','2019-09-26 11:22:16'),(20976,876,2567,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-26 11:22:16','2019-09-26 11:22:16'),(20977,876,2567,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-26 11:22:16','2019-09-26 11:22:16'),(20978,876,2567,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-26 11:22:16','2019-09-26 11:22:16'),(20979,876,2567,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-26 11:22:16','2019-09-26 11:22:16'),(20980,876,2567,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-26 11:22:16','2019-09-26 11:22:16'),(20981,876,2568,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-26 11:29:01','2019-09-26 11:29:01'),(20982,876,2568,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 11:29:01','2019-09-26 11:29:01'),(20983,876,2568,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-26 11:29:01','2019-09-26 11:29:01'),(20984,876,2568,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-26 11:29:01','2019-09-26 11:29:01'),(20985,876,2568,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-26 11:29:01','2019-09-26 11:29:01'),(20986,876,2569,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:42'),(20987,876,2569,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:42'),(20988,876,2569,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:42'),(20989,876,2569,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:42'),(20990,876,2569,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:42'),(20991,876,2569,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:42'),(20992,876,2569,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:42'),(20993,876,2569,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:42'),(20994,876,2569,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:42'),(20995,876,2569,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-26 11:44:42','2019-09-26 11:44:42'),(20996,877,2570,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-27 09:54:22','2019-09-27 09:54:22'),(20997,877,2570,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2019-09-27 09:54:22','2019-09-27 09:54:22'),(20998,877,2570,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-27 09:54:22','2019-09-27 09:54:22'),(20999,877,2570,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-09-27 09:54:22','2019-09-27 09:54:22'),(21000,877,2570,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-27 09:54:22','2019-09-27 09:54:22'),(21001,877,2570,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-09-27 09:54:22','2019-09-27 09:54:22'),(21002,877,2570,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-09-27 09:54:22','2019-09-27 09:54:22'),(21003,877,2570,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-09-27 09:54:22','2019-09-27 09:54:22'),(21004,877,2570,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-09-27 09:54:22','2019-09-27 09:54:22'),(21005,877,2570,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-09-27 09:54:22','2019-09-27 09:54:22'),(21006,877,2571,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-09-27 10:01:05','2019-09-27 10:01:05'),(21007,877,2571,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-27 10:01:05','2019-09-27 10:01:05'),(21008,877,2571,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-09-27 10:01:05','2019-09-27 10:01:05'),(21009,877,2571,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-09-27 10:01:05','2019-09-27 10:01:05'),(21010,877,2571,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-09-27 10:01:05','2019-09-27 10:01:05'),(21011,877,2572,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:23'),(21012,877,2572,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:23'),(21013,877,2572,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:23'),(21014,877,2572,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:23'),(21015,877,2572,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:23'),(21016,877,2572,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:23'),(21017,877,2572,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:23'),(21018,877,2572,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:23'),(21019,877,2572,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:23'),(21020,877,2572,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-09-27 10:18:23','2019-09-27 10:18:23'),(21021,878,2573,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-02 09:41:30','2019-10-02 09:41:30'),(21022,878,2573,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2019-10-02 09:41:30','2019-10-02 09:41:30'),(21023,878,2573,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-02 09:41:30','2019-10-02 09:41:30'),(21024,878,2573,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-10-02 09:41:30','2019-10-02 09:41:30'),(21025,878,2573,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-02 09:41:30','2019-10-02 09:41:30'),(21026,878,2573,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-10-02 09:41:30','2019-10-02 09:41:30'),(21027,878,2573,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-10-02 09:41:30','2019-10-02 09:41:30'),(21028,878,2573,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-10-02 09:41:30','2019-10-02 09:41:30'),(21029,878,2573,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-10-02 09:41:30','2019-10-02 09:41:30'),(21030,878,2573,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-10-02 09:41:30','2019-10-02 09:41:30'),(21031,878,2574,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-10-02 09:48:01','2019-10-02 09:48:01'),(21032,878,2574,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-02 09:48:01','2019-10-02 09:48:01'),(21033,878,2574,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-10-02 09:48:01','2019-10-02 09:48:01'),(21034,878,2574,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-10-02 09:48:01','2019-10-02 09:48:01'),(21035,878,2574,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-10-02 09:48:01','2019-10-02 09:48:01'),(21036,878,2575,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(21037,878,2575,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(21038,878,2575,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(21039,878,2575,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(21040,878,2575,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(21041,878,2575,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(21042,878,2575,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(21043,878,2575,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(21044,878,2575,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(21045,878,2575,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-10-02 10:05:31','2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(21046,879,2576,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-02 12:07:53','2019-10-02 12:14:19'),(21047,879,2576,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-10-02 12:07:53','2019-10-02 12:14:19'),(21048,879,2576,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-02 12:07:53','2019-10-02 12:14:19'),(21049,879,2576,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-10-02 12:07:53','2019-10-02 12:14:19'),(21050,879,2576,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-02 12:07:53','2019-10-02 12:14:19'),(21051,879,2576,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-10-02 12:07:53','2019-10-02 12:14:19'),(21052,879,2576,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-10-02 12:07:53','2019-10-02 12:14:19'),(21053,879,2576,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-10-02 12:07:53','2019-10-02 12:14:19'),(21054,879,2576,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-10-02 12:07:53','2019-10-02 12:14:19'),(21055,879,2576,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-10-02 12:07:53','2019-10-02 12:14:19'),(21056,879,2577,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-10-02 12:13:25','2019-10-02 12:22:08'),(21057,879,2577,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-02 12:13:25','2019-10-02 12:22:08'),(21058,879,2577,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-10-02 12:13:25','2019-10-02 12:22:08'),(21059,879,2577,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-10-02 12:13:25','2019-10-02 12:22:08'),(21060,879,2577,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-10-02 12:13:25','2019-10-02 12:22:08'),(21061,879,2578,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:20'),(21062,879,2578,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:20'),(21063,879,2578,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:20'),(21064,879,2578,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:20'),(21065,879,2578,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:20'),(21066,879,2578,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:20'),(21067,879,2578,81,196,197,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Manufaturer’s Information','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:20'),(21068,879,2578,82,201,200,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','E-cigarettes','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:20'),(21069,879,2578,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:20'),(21070,879,2578,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-10-02 12:37:20','2019-10-02 12:37:20'),(21071,880,2579,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-03 13:55:10','2019-10-03 13:55:10'),(21072,880,2579,50,104,106,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','5,000','490,000','2019-10-03 13:55:10','2019-10-03 13:55:10'),(21073,880,2579,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2019-10-03 13:55:10','2019-10-03 13:55:10'),(21074,880,2579,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-10-03 13:55:10','2019-10-03 13:55:10'),(21075,880,2579,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-03 13:55:10','2019-10-03 13:55:10'),(21076,880,2579,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-10-03 13:55:10','2019-10-03 13:55:10'),(21077,880,2579,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-10-03 13:55:10','2019-10-03 13:55:10'),(21078,880,2579,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-10-03 13:55:10','2019-10-03 13:55:10'),(21079,880,2579,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-10-03 13:55:10','2019-10-03 13:55:10'),(21080,880,2579,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-10-03 13:55:10','2019-10-03 13:55:10'),(21081,880,2580,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-10-03 14:01:32','2019-10-03 14:01:32'),(21082,880,2580,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-03 14:01:32','2019-10-03 14:01:32'),(21083,880,2580,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-10-03 14:01:32','2019-10-03 14:01:32'),(21084,880,2580,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-10-03 14:01:32','2019-10-03 14:01:32'),(21085,880,2580,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-10-03 14:01:32','2019-10-03 14:01:32'),(21086,880,2581,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(21087,880,2581,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(21088,880,2581,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(21089,880,2581,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(21090,880,2581,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(21091,880,2581,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(21092,880,2581,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(21093,880,2581,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(21094,880,2581,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(21095,880,2581,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-10-03 14:18:00','2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(21096,881,2582,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 06:54:38','2019-10-04 06:54:38'),(21097,881,2582,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-10-04 06:54:38','2019-10-04 06:54:38'),(21098,881,2582,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 06:54:38','2019-10-04 06:54:38'),(21099,881,2582,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-10-04 06:54:38','2019-10-04 06:54:38'),(21100,881,2582,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 06:54:38','2019-10-04 06:54:38'),(21101,881,2582,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-10-04 06:54:38','2019-10-04 06:54:38'),(21102,881,2582,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-10-04 06:54:38','2019-10-04 06:54:38'),(21103,881,2582,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-10-04 06:54:38','2019-10-04 06:54:38'),(21104,881,2582,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-10-04 06:54:38','2019-10-04 06:54:38'),(21105,881,2582,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-10-04 06:54:38','2019-10-04 06:54:38'),(21106,881,2583,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-10-04 07:01:20','2019-10-04 07:01:20'),(21107,881,2583,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 07:01:20','2019-10-04 07:01:20'),(21108,881,2583,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-10-04 07:01:20','2019-10-04 07:01:20'),(21109,881,2583,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-10-04 07:01:20','2019-10-04 07:01:20'),(21110,881,2583,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-10-04 07:01:20','2019-10-04 07:01:20'),(21111,881,2584,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:13'),(21112,881,2584,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:13'),(21113,881,2584,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:13'),(21114,881,2584,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:13'),(21115,881,2584,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:13'),(21116,881,2584,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:13'),(21117,881,2584,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:13'),(21118,881,2584,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:13'),(21119,881,2584,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:13'),(21120,881,2584,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-10-04 07:19:13','2019-10-04 07:19:13'),(21121,882,2585,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 11:12:27','2019-10-04 11:12:27'),(21122,882,2585,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-10-04 11:12:27','2019-10-04 11:12:27'),(21123,882,2585,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 11:12:27','2019-10-04 11:12:27'),(21124,882,2585,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-10-04 11:12:27','2019-10-04 11:12:27'),(21125,882,2585,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 11:12:27','2019-10-04 11:12:27'),(21126,882,2585,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-10-04 11:12:27','2019-10-04 11:12:27'),(21127,882,2585,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-10-04 11:12:27','2019-10-04 11:12:27'),(21128,882,2585,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-10-04 11:12:27','2019-10-04 11:12:27'),(21129,882,2585,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-10-04 11:12:27','2019-10-04 11:12:27'),(21130,882,2585,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-10-04 11:12:27','2019-10-04 11:12:27'),(21131,882,2586,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-10-04 11:18:14','2019-10-04 11:18:14'),(21132,882,2586,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 11:18:14','2019-10-04 11:18:14'),(21133,882,2586,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-10-04 11:18:14','2019-10-04 11:18:14'),(21134,882,2586,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-10-04 11:18:14','2019-10-04 11:18:14'),(21135,882,2586,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-10-04 11:18:14','2019-10-04 11:18:14'),(21136,882,2587,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(21137,882,2587,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(21138,882,2587,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(21139,882,2587,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(21140,882,2587,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(21141,882,2587,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(21142,882,2587,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(21143,882,2587,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(21144,882,2587,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(21145,882,2587,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-10-04 11:32:51','2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(21146,883,2588,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 12:33:46','2019-10-04 12:33:46'),(21147,883,2588,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-10-04 12:33:46','2019-10-04 12:33:46'),(21148,883,2588,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 12:33:46','2019-10-04 12:33:46'),(21149,883,2588,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-10-04 12:33:46','2019-10-04 12:33:46'),(21150,883,2588,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 12:33:46','2019-10-04 12:33:46'),(21151,883,2588,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-10-04 12:33:46','2019-10-04 12:33:46'),(21152,883,2588,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-10-04 12:33:46','2019-10-04 12:33:46'),(21153,883,2588,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-10-04 12:33:46','2019-10-04 12:33:46'),(21154,883,2588,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-10-04 12:33:46','2019-10-04 12:33:46'),(21155,883,2588,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-10-04 12:33:46','2019-10-04 12:33:46'),(21156,883,2589,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-10-04 12:40:56','2019-10-04 12:40:56'),(21157,883,2589,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 12:40:56','2019-10-04 12:40:56'),(21158,883,2589,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-10-04 12:40:56','2019-10-04 12:40:56'),(21159,883,2589,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-10-04 12:40:56','2019-10-04 12:40:56'),(21160,883,2589,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-10-04 12:40:56','2019-10-04 12:40:56'),(21161,883,2590,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(21162,883,2590,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(21163,883,2590,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(21164,883,2590,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(21165,883,2590,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(21166,883,2590,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(21167,883,2590,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(21168,883,2590,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(21169,883,2590,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(21170,883,2590,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-10-04 13:03:43','2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(21171,884,2591,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-09 09:36:41','2019-10-09 09:36:41'),(21172,884,2591,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-10-09 09:36:41','2019-10-09 09:36:41'),(21173,884,2591,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-09 09:36:41','2019-10-09 09:36:41'),(21174,884,2591,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-10-09 09:36:41','2019-10-09 09:36:41'),(21175,884,2591,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-09 09:36:41','2019-10-09 09:36:41'),(21176,884,2591,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-10-09 09:36:41','2019-10-09 09:36:41'),(21177,884,2591,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-10-09 09:36:41','2019-10-09 09:36:41'),(21178,884,2591,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-10-09 09:36:41','2019-10-09 09:36:41'),(21179,884,2591,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-10-09 09:36:41','2019-10-09 09:36:41'),(21180,884,2591,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-10-09 09:36:41','2019-10-09 09:36:41'),(21181,884,2592,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-10-09 09:46:17','2019-10-09 09:46:17'),(21182,884,2592,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-09 09:46:17','2019-10-09 09:46:17'),(21183,884,2592,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-10-09 09:46:17','2019-10-09 09:46:17'),(21184,884,2592,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-10-09 09:46:17','2019-10-09 09:46:17'),(21185,884,2592,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-10-09 09:46:17','2019-10-09 09:46:17'),(21186,884,2593,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(21187,884,2593,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(21188,884,2593,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(21189,884,2593,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(21190,884,2593,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(21191,884,2593,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(21192,884,2593,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(21193,884,2593,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(21194,884,2593,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(21195,884,2593,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-10-09 10:08:03','2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(21196,885,2594,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-15 08:25:37','2019-10-15 08:25:37'),(21197,885,2594,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-10-15 08:25:37','2019-10-15 08:25:37'),(21198,885,2594,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-15 08:25:37','2019-10-15 08:25:37'),(21199,885,2594,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-10-15 08:25:37','2019-10-15 08:25:37'),(21200,885,2594,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-15 08:25:37','2019-10-15 08:25:37'),(21201,885,2594,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-10-15 08:25:37','2019-10-15 08:25:37'),(21202,885,2594,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-10-15 08:25:37','2019-10-15 08:25:37'),(21203,885,2594,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-10-15 08:25:37','2019-10-15 08:25:37'),(21204,885,2594,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-10-15 08:25:37','2019-10-15 08:25:37'),(21205,885,2594,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-10-15 08:25:37','2019-10-15 08:25:37'),(21206,885,2595,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-10-15 08:33:45','2019-10-15 08:33:45'),(21207,885,2595,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-15 08:33:45','2019-10-15 08:33:45'),(21208,885,2595,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-10-15 08:33:45','2019-10-15 08:33:45'),(21209,885,2595,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-10-15 08:33:45','2019-10-15 08:33:45'),(21210,885,2595,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-10-15 08:33:45','2019-10-15 08:33:45'),(21211,885,2596,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(21212,885,2596,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(21213,885,2596,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(21214,885,2596,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(21215,885,2596,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(21216,885,2596,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(21217,885,2596,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(21218,885,2596,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(21219,885,2596,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(21220,885,2596,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-10-15 08:52:01','2019-10-15 08:52:01'),(21221,886,2597,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-21 12:32:24','2019-10-21 12:32:24'),(21222,886,2597,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-10-21 12:32:24','2019-10-21 12:32:24'),(21223,886,2597,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-21 12:32:24','2019-10-21 12:32:24'),(21224,886,2597,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-10-21 12:32:24','2019-10-21 12:32:24'),(21225,886,2597,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-21 12:32:24','2019-10-21 12:32:24'),(21226,886,2597,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-10-21 12:32:24','2019-10-21 12:32:24'),(21227,886,2597,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-10-21 12:32:24','2019-10-21 12:32:24'),(21228,886,2597,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-10-21 12:32:24','2019-10-21 12:32:24'),(21229,886,2597,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-10-21 12:32:24','2019-10-21 12:32:24'),(21230,886,2597,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-10-21 12:32:24','2019-10-21 12:32:24'),(21231,886,2598,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-10-21 12:38:26','2019-10-21 12:38:26'),(21232,886,2598,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-21 12:38:26','2019-10-21 12:38:26'),(21233,886,2598,71,167,169,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','30','27','2019-10-21 12:38:26','2019-10-21 12:38:26'),(21234,886,2598,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-10-21 12:38:26','2019-10-21 12:38:26'),(21235,886,2598,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-10-21 12:38:26','2019-10-21 12:38:26'),(21236,886,2599,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(21237,886,2599,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(21238,886,2599,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(21239,886,2599,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(21240,886,2599,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(21241,886,2599,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(21242,886,2599,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(21243,886,2599,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(21244,886,2599,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(21245,886,2599,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-10-21 12:45:16','2019-10-21 12:45:16'),(21246,887,2600,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-02 10:48:28','2019-11-02 10:48:28'),(21247,887,2600,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-11-02 10:48:28','2019-11-02 10:48:28'),(21248,887,2600,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-02 10:48:28','2019-11-02 10:48:28'),(21249,887,2600,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-11-02 10:48:28','2019-11-02 10:48:28'),(21250,887,2600,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-02 10:48:28','2019-11-02 10:48:28'),(21251,887,2600,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-11-02 10:48:28','2019-11-02 10:48:28'),(21252,887,2600,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-11-02 10:48:28','2019-11-02 10:48:28'),(21253,887,2600,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-11-02 10:48:28','2019-11-02 10:48:28'),(21254,887,2600,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-11-02 10:48:28','2019-11-02 10:48:28'),(21255,887,2600,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-11-02 10:48:28','2019-11-02 10:48:28'),(21256,887,2601,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-11-02 10:54:14','2019-11-02 10:54:14'),(21257,887,2601,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-02 10:54:14','2019-11-02 10:54:14'),(21258,887,2601,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-11-02 10:54:14','2019-11-02 10:54:14'),(21259,887,2601,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-11-02 10:54:14','2019-11-02 10:54:14'),(21260,887,2601,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-11-02 10:54:14','2019-11-02 10:54:14'),(21261,887,2602,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(21262,887,2602,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(21263,887,2602,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(21264,887,2602,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(21265,887,2602,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(21266,887,2602,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(21267,887,2602,81,196,197,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Manufaturer’s Information','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(21268,887,2602,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(21269,887,2602,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(21270,887,2602,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-11-02 11:12:20','2019-11-02 11:12:20'),(21271,888,2603,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-04 18:02:56','2019-11-04 18:02:56'),(21272,888,2603,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-11-04 18:02:56','2019-11-04 18:02:56'),(21273,888,2603,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-04 18:02:56','2019-11-04 18:02:56'),(21274,888,2603,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-11-04 18:02:56','2019-11-04 18:02:56'),(21275,888,2603,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-04 18:02:56','2019-11-04 18:02:56'),(21276,888,2603,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-11-04 18:02:56','2019-11-04 18:02:56'),(21277,888,2603,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-11-04 18:02:56','2019-11-04 18:02:56'),(21278,888,2603,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-11-04 18:02:56','2019-11-04 18:02:56'),(21279,888,2603,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-11-04 18:02:56','2019-11-04 18:02:56'),(21280,888,2603,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-11-04 18:02:56','2019-11-04 18:02:56'),(21281,888,2604,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-11-04 18:08:37','2019-11-04 18:08:37'),(21282,888,2604,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-04 18:08:37','2019-11-04 18:08:37'),(21283,888,2604,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-11-04 18:08:37','2019-11-04 18:08:37'),(21284,888,2604,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-11-04 18:08:37','2019-11-04 18:08:37'),(21285,888,2604,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-11-04 18:08:37','2019-11-04 18:08:37'),(21286,888,2605,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(21287,888,2605,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(21288,888,2605,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(21289,888,2605,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(21290,888,2605,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(21291,888,2605,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(21292,888,2605,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(21293,888,2605,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(21294,888,2605,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(21295,888,2605,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-11-04 18:24:47','2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(21296,889,2606,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-08 13:54:43','2019-11-08 13:54:43'),(21297,889,2606,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-11-08 13:54:43','2019-11-08 13:54:43'),(21298,889,2606,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-08 13:54:43','2019-11-08 13:54:43'),(21299,889,2606,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-11-08 13:54:43','2019-11-08 13:54:43'),(21300,889,2606,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-08 13:54:43','2019-11-08 13:54:43'),(21301,889,2606,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-11-08 13:54:43','2019-11-08 13:54:43'),(21302,889,2606,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-11-08 13:54:43','2019-11-08 13:54:43'),(21303,889,2606,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-11-08 13:54:43','2019-11-08 13:54:43'),(21304,889,2606,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-11-08 13:54:43','2019-11-08 13:54:43'),(21305,889,2606,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-11-08 13:54:43','2019-11-08 13:54:43'),(21306,889,2607,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-11-08 14:01:40','2019-11-08 14:01:40'),(21307,889,2607,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-08 14:01:40','2019-11-08 14:01:40'),(21308,889,2607,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-11-08 14:01:40','2019-11-08 14:01:40'),(21309,889,2607,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-11-08 14:01:40','2019-11-08 14:01:40'),(21310,889,2607,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-11-08 14:01:40','2019-11-08 14:01:40'),(21311,889,2608,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:31'),(21312,889,2608,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:31'),(21313,889,2608,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:31'),(21314,889,2608,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:31'),(21315,889,2608,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:31'),(21316,889,2608,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:31'),(21317,889,2608,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:31'),(21318,889,2608,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:31'),(21319,889,2608,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:31'),(21320,889,2608,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-11-08 14:19:31','2019-11-08 14:19:31'),(21321,890,2609,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-09 13:25:43','2019-11-09 13:25:43'),(21322,890,2609,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-11-09 13:25:43','2019-11-09 13:25:43'),(21323,890,2609,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-09 13:25:43','2019-11-09 13:25:43'),(21324,890,2609,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-11-09 13:25:43','2019-11-09 13:25:43'),(21325,890,2609,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-09 13:25:43','2019-11-09 13:25:43'),(21326,890,2609,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-11-09 13:25:43','2019-11-09 13:25:43'),(21327,890,2609,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-11-09 13:25:43','2019-11-09 13:25:43'),(21328,890,2609,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-11-09 13:25:43','2019-11-09 13:25:43'),(21329,890,2609,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-11-09 13:25:43','2019-11-09 13:25:43'),(21330,890,2609,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-11-09 13:25:43','2019-11-09 13:25:43'),(21331,890,2610,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-11-09 13:32:06','2019-11-09 13:32:06'),(21332,890,2610,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-09 13:32:06','2019-11-09 13:32:06'),(21333,890,2610,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-11-09 13:32:06','2019-11-09 13:32:06'),(21334,890,2610,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-11-09 13:32:06','2019-11-09 13:32:06'),(21335,890,2610,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-11-09 13:32:06','2019-11-09 13:32:06'),(21336,890,2611,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:34'),(21337,890,2611,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:34'),(21338,890,2611,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:34'),(21339,890,2611,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:34'),(21340,890,2611,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:34'),(21341,890,2611,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:34'),(21342,890,2611,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:34'),(21343,890,2611,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:34'),(21344,890,2611,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:34'),(21345,890,2611,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-11-09 13:47:34','2019-11-09 13:47:34'),(21346,891,2612,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-11 11:46:53','2019-11-11 11:46:53'),(21347,891,2612,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-11-11 11:46:53','2019-11-11 11:46:53'),(21348,891,2612,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-11 11:46:53','2019-11-11 11:46:53'),(21349,891,2612,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-11-11 11:46:53','2019-11-11 11:46:53'),(21350,891,2612,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-11 11:46:53','2019-11-11 11:46:53'),(21351,891,2612,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-11-11 11:46:53','2019-11-11 11:46:53'),(21352,891,2612,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-11-11 11:46:53','2019-11-11 11:46:53'),(21353,891,2612,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-11-11 11:46:53','2019-11-11 11:46:53'),(21354,891,2612,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-11-11 11:46:53','2019-11-11 11:46:53'),(21355,891,2612,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-11-11 11:46:53','2019-11-11 11:46:53'),(21356,891,2613,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-11-11 11:52:41','2019-11-11 11:52:41'),(21357,891,2613,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-11 11:52:41','2019-11-11 11:52:41'),(21358,891,2613,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-11-11 11:52:41','2019-11-11 11:52:41'),(21359,891,2613,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-11-11 11:52:41','2019-11-11 11:52:41'),(21360,891,2613,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-11-11 11:52:41','2019-11-11 11:52:41'),(21361,891,2614,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(21362,891,2614,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(21363,891,2614,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(21364,891,2614,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(21365,891,2614,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(21366,891,2614,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(21367,891,2614,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(21368,891,2614,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(21369,891,2614,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(21370,891,2614,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-11-11 12:07:54','2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(21371,892,2615,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-28 22:14:56','2019-11-28 22:14:56'),(21372,892,2615,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-11-28 22:14:56','2019-11-28 22:14:56'),(21373,892,2615,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-28 22:14:56','2019-11-28 22:14:56'),(21374,892,2615,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-11-28 22:14:56','2019-11-28 22:14:56'),(21375,892,2615,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-28 22:14:56','2019-11-28 22:14:56'),(21376,892,2615,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-11-28 22:14:56','2019-11-28 22:14:56'),(21377,892,2615,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-11-28 22:14:56','2019-11-28 22:14:56'),(21378,892,2615,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-11-28 22:14:56','2019-11-28 22:14:56'),(21379,892,2615,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-11-28 22:14:56','2019-11-28 22:14:56'),(21380,892,2615,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-11-28 22:14:56','2019-11-28 22:14:56'),(21381,892,2616,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-11-28 22:20:59','2019-11-28 22:20:59'),(21382,892,2616,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-28 22:20:59','2019-11-28 22:20:59'),(21383,892,2616,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-11-28 22:20:59','2019-11-28 22:20:59'),(21384,892,2616,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-11-28 22:20:59','2019-11-28 22:20:59'),(21385,892,2616,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-11-28 22:20:59','2019-11-28 22:20:59'),(21386,892,2617,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(21387,892,2617,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(21388,892,2617,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(21389,892,2617,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(21390,892,2617,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(21391,892,2617,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(21392,892,2617,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(21393,892,2617,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(21394,892,2617,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(21395,892,2617,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-11-28 22:36:46','2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(21396,893,2618,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-01 19:40:14','2019-12-01 19:40:14'),(21397,893,2618,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-01 19:40:14','2019-12-01 19:40:14'),(21398,893,2618,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-01 19:40:14','2019-12-01 19:40:14'),(21399,893,2618,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-01 19:40:14','2019-12-01 19:40:14'),(21400,893,2618,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-01 19:40:14','2019-12-01 19:40:14'),(21401,893,2618,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-01 19:40:14','2019-12-01 19:40:14'),(21402,893,2618,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-01 19:40:14','2019-12-01 19:40:14'),(21403,893,2618,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-01 19:40:14','2019-12-01 19:40:14'),(21404,893,2618,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-01 19:40:14','2019-12-01 19:40:14'),(21405,893,2618,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-01 19:40:14','2019-12-01 19:40:14'),(21406,893,2619,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-01 19:47:12','2019-12-01 19:47:12'),(21407,893,2619,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-01 19:47:12','2019-12-01 19:47:12'),(21408,893,2619,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-01 19:47:12','2019-12-01 19:47:12'),(21409,893,2619,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-01 19:47:12','2019-12-01 19:47:12'),(21410,893,2619,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-01 19:47:12','2019-12-01 19:47:12'),(21411,893,2620,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(21412,893,2620,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(21413,893,2620,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(21414,893,2620,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(21415,893,2620,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(21416,893,2620,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(21417,893,2620,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(21418,893,2620,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(21419,893,2620,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(21420,893,2620,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-01 20:05:25','2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(21421,894,2621,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-03 11:59:03','2019-12-03 11:59:03'),(21422,894,2621,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-03 11:59:03','2019-12-03 11:59:03'),(21423,894,2621,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-03 11:59:03','2019-12-03 11:59:03'),(21424,894,2621,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-03 11:59:03','2019-12-03 11:59:03'),(21425,894,2621,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-03 11:59:03','2019-12-03 11:59:03'),(21426,894,2621,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-03 11:59:03','2019-12-03 11:59:03'),(21427,894,2621,55,123,122,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Convenience Store','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-03 11:59:03','2019-12-03 11:59:03'),(21428,894,2621,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-03 11:59:03','2019-12-03 11:59:03'),(21429,894,2621,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-03 11:59:03','2019-12-03 11:59:03'),(21430,894,2621,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-03 11:59:03','2019-12-03 11:59:03'),(21431,894,2622,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-03 12:04:55','2019-12-03 12:04:55'),(21432,894,2622,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-03 12:04:55','2019-12-03 12:04:55'),(21433,894,2622,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-03 12:04:55','2019-12-03 12:04:55'),(21434,894,2622,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-03 12:04:55','2019-12-03 12:04:55'),(21435,894,2622,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-03 12:04:55','2019-12-03 12:04:55'),(21436,894,2623,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(21437,894,2623,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(21438,894,2623,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(21439,894,2623,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(21440,894,2623,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(21441,894,2623,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(21442,894,2623,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(21443,894,2623,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(21444,894,2623,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(21445,894,2623,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-03 12:20:24','2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(21446,895,2624,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-03 13:16:56','2019-12-03 13:16:56'),(21447,895,2624,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-03 13:16:56','2019-12-03 13:16:56'),(21448,895,2624,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-03 13:16:56','2019-12-03 13:16:56'),(21449,895,2624,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-03 13:16:56','2019-12-03 13:16:56'),(21450,895,2624,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-03 13:16:56','2019-12-03 13:16:56'),(21451,895,2624,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-03 13:16:56','2019-12-03 13:16:56'),(21452,895,2624,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-03 13:16:56','2019-12-03 13:16:56'),(21453,895,2624,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-03 13:16:56','2019-12-03 13:16:56'),(21454,895,2624,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-03 13:16:56','2019-12-03 13:16:56'),(21455,895,2624,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-03 13:16:56','2019-12-03 13:16:56'),(21456,895,2625,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-03 13:23:45','2019-12-03 13:23:45'),(21457,895,2625,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-03 13:23:45','2019-12-03 13:23:45'),(21458,895,2625,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-03 13:23:45','2019-12-03 13:23:45'),(21459,895,2625,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-03 13:23:45','2019-12-03 13:23:45'),(21460,895,2625,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-03 13:23:45','2019-12-03 13:23:45'),(21461,895,2626,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(21462,895,2626,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(21463,895,2626,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(21464,895,2626,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(21465,895,2626,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(21466,895,2626,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(21467,895,2626,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(21468,895,2626,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(21469,895,2626,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(21470,895,2626,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-04 09:09:19','2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(21471,896,2627,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 14:18:53','2019-12-04 14:18:53'),(21472,896,2627,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2019-12-04 14:18:53','2019-12-04 14:18:53'),(21473,896,2627,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2019-12-04 14:18:53','2019-12-04 14:18:53'),(21474,896,2627,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-04 14:18:53','2019-12-04 14:18:53'),(21475,896,2627,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 14:18:53','2019-12-04 14:18:53'),(21476,896,2627,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-04 14:18:53','2019-12-04 14:18:53'),(21477,896,2627,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-04 14:18:53','2019-12-04 14:18:53'),(21478,896,2627,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-04 14:18:53','2019-12-04 14:18:53'),(21479,896,2627,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-04 14:18:53','2019-12-04 14:18:53'),(21480,896,2627,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-04 14:18:53','2019-12-04 14:18:53'),(21481,896,2628,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-04 14:29:20','2019-12-04 14:29:20'),(21482,896,2628,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 14:29:20','2019-12-04 14:29:20'),(21483,896,2628,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-04 14:29:20','2019-12-04 14:29:20'),(21484,896,2628,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-04 14:29:20','2019-12-04 14:29:20'),(21485,896,2628,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-04 14:29:20','2019-12-04 14:29:20'),(21486,896,2629,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(21487,896,2629,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(21488,896,2629,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(21489,896,2629,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(21490,896,2629,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(21491,896,2629,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(21492,896,2629,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(21493,896,2629,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(21494,896,2629,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(21495,896,2629,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-04 14:48:47','2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(21496,897,2630,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 15:41:50','2019-12-04 15:41:50'),(21497,897,2630,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-04 15:41:50','2019-12-04 15:41:50'),(21498,897,2630,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 15:41:50','2019-12-04 15:41:50'),(21499,897,2630,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-04 15:41:50','2019-12-04 15:41:50'),(21500,897,2630,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 15:41:50','2019-12-04 15:41:50'),(21501,897,2630,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-04 15:41:50','2019-12-04 15:41:50'),(21502,897,2630,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-04 15:41:50','2019-12-04 15:41:50'),(21503,897,2630,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-04 15:41:50','2019-12-04 15:41:50'),(21504,897,2630,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-04 15:41:50','2019-12-04 15:41:50'),(21505,897,2630,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-04 15:41:50','2019-12-04 15:41:50'),(21506,897,2631,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-04 15:54:19','2019-12-04 15:54:19'),(21507,897,2631,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 15:54:19','2019-12-04 15:54:19'),(21508,897,2631,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-04 15:54:19','2019-12-04 15:54:19'),(21509,897,2631,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-04 15:54:19','2019-12-04 15:54:19'),(21510,897,2631,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-04 15:54:19','2019-12-04 15:54:19'),(21511,897,2632,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:03'),(21512,897,2632,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:03'),(21513,897,2632,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:03'),(21514,897,2632,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:03'),(21515,897,2632,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:03'),(21516,897,2632,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:03'),(21517,897,2632,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:03'),(21518,897,2632,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:03'),(21519,897,2632,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:03'),(21520,897,2632,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-04 16:16:03','2019-12-04 16:16:03'),(21521,898,2633,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 16:41:51','2019-12-04 16:41:51'),(21522,898,2633,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-04 16:41:51','2019-12-04 16:41:51'),(21523,898,2633,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 16:41:51','2019-12-04 16:41:51'),(21524,898,2633,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-04 16:41:51','2019-12-04 16:41:51'),(21525,898,2633,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 16:41:51','2019-12-04 16:41:51'),(21526,898,2633,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-04 16:41:51','2019-12-04 16:41:51'),(21527,898,2633,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-04 16:41:51','2019-12-04 16:41:51'),(21528,898,2633,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-04 16:41:51','2019-12-04 16:41:51'),(21529,898,2633,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-04 16:41:51','2019-12-04 16:41:51'),(21530,898,2633,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-04 16:41:51','2019-12-04 16:41:51'),(21531,898,2634,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-04 16:49:57','2019-12-04 16:49:57'),(21532,898,2634,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 16:49:57','2019-12-04 16:49:57'),(21533,898,2634,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-04 16:49:57','2019-12-04 16:49:57'),(21534,898,2634,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-04 16:49:57','2019-12-04 16:49:57'),(21535,898,2634,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-04 16:49:57','2019-12-04 16:49:57'),(21536,898,2635,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:00'),(21537,898,2635,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:00'),(21538,898,2635,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:00'),(21539,898,2635,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:00'),(21540,898,2635,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:00'),(21541,898,2635,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:00'),(21542,898,2635,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:00'),(21543,898,2635,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:00'),(21544,898,2635,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:00'),(21545,898,2635,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-04 17:10:00','2019-12-04 17:10:00'),(21546,899,2636,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 11:18:11','2019-12-05 11:18:11'),(21547,899,2636,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-05 11:18:11','2019-12-05 11:18:11'),(21548,899,2636,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 11:18:11','2019-12-05 11:18:11'),(21549,899,2636,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-05 11:18:11','2019-12-05 11:18:11'),(21550,899,2636,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 11:18:11','2019-12-05 11:18:11'),(21551,899,2636,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-05 11:18:11','2019-12-05 11:18:11'),(21552,899,2636,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-05 11:18:11','2019-12-05 11:18:11'),(21553,899,2636,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-05 11:18:11','2019-12-05 11:18:11'),(21554,899,2636,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-05 11:18:11','2019-12-05 11:18:11'),(21555,899,2636,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-05 11:18:11','2019-12-05 11:18:11'),(21556,899,2637,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-05 11:25:42','2019-12-05 11:25:42'),(21557,899,2637,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 11:25:42','2019-12-05 11:25:42'),(21558,899,2637,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-05 11:25:42','2019-12-05 11:25:42'),(21559,899,2637,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-05 11:25:42','2019-12-05 11:25:42'),(21560,899,2637,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-05 11:25:42','2019-12-05 11:25:42'),(21561,899,2638,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(21562,899,2638,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(21563,899,2638,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(21564,899,2638,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(21565,899,2638,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(21566,899,2638,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(21567,899,2638,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(21568,899,2638,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(21569,899,2638,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(21570,899,2638,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-05 11:46:13','2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(21571,900,2639,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 14:43:11','2019-12-05 14:43:11'),(21572,900,2639,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-05 14:43:11','2019-12-05 14:43:11'),(21573,900,2639,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 14:43:11','2019-12-05 14:43:11'),(21574,900,2639,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-05 14:43:11','2019-12-05 14:43:11'),(21575,900,2639,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 14:43:11','2019-12-05 14:43:11'),(21576,900,2639,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-05 14:43:11','2019-12-05 14:43:11'),(21577,900,2639,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-05 14:43:11','2019-12-05 14:43:11'),(21578,900,2639,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-05 14:43:11','2019-12-05 14:43:11'),(21579,900,2639,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-05 14:43:11','2019-12-05 14:43:11'),(21580,900,2639,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-05 14:43:11','2019-12-05 14:43:11'),(21581,900,2640,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-05 14:50:20','2019-12-05 14:50:20'),(21582,900,2640,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 14:50:20','2019-12-05 14:50:20'),(21583,900,2640,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-05 14:50:20','2019-12-05 14:50:20'),(21584,900,2640,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-05 14:50:20','2019-12-05 14:50:20'),(21585,900,2640,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-05 14:50:20','2019-12-05 14:50:20'),(21586,900,2641,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(21587,900,2641,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(21588,900,2641,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(21589,900,2641,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(21590,900,2641,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(21591,900,2641,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(21592,900,2641,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(21593,900,2641,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(21594,900,2641,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(21595,900,2641,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-05 15:09:43','2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(21596,901,2642,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 12:38:06','2019-12-05 12:38:06'),(21597,901,2642,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-05 12:38:06','2019-12-05 12:38:06'),(21598,901,2642,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 12:38:06','2019-12-05 12:38:06'),(21599,901,2642,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-05 12:38:06','2019-12-05 12:38:06'),(21600,901,2642,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 12:38:06','2019-12-05 12:38:06'),(21601,901,2642,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-05 12:38:06','2019-12-05 12:38:06'),(21602,901,2642,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-05 12:38:06','2019-12-05 12:38:06'),(21603,901,2642,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-05 12:38:06','2019-12-05 12:38:06'),(21604,901,2642,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-05 12:38:06','2019-12-05 12:38:06'),(21605,901,2642,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-05 12:38:06','2019-12-05 12:38:06'),(21606,901,2643,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-05 15:00:33','2019-12-05 15:00:33'),(21607,901,2643,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 15:00:33','2019-12-05 15:00:33'),(21608,901,2643,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-05 15:00:33','2019-12-05 15:00:33'),(21609,901,2643,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-05 15:00:33','2019-12-05 15:00:33'),(21610,901,2643,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-05 15:00:33','2019-12-05 15:00:33'),(21611,901,2644,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(21612,901,2644,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(21613,901,2644,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(21614,901,2644,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(21615,901,2644,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(21616,901,2644,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(21617,901,2644,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(21618,901,2644,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(21619,901,2644,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(21620,901,2644,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-05 15:16:44','2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(21621,902,2645,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 13:15:24','2019-12-06 13:15:24'),(21622,902,2645,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-06 13:15:24','2019-12-06 13:15:24'),(21623,902,2645,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 13:15:24','2019-12-06 13:15:24'),(21624,902,2645,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-06 13:15:24','2019-12-06 13:15:24'),(21625,902,2645,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 13:15:24','2019-12-06 13:15:24'),(21626,902,2645,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-06 13:15:24','2019-12-06 13:15:24'),(21627,902,2645,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-06 13:15:24','2019-12-06 13:15:24'),(21628,902,2645,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-06 13:15:24','2019-12-06 13:15:24'),(21629,902,2645,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-06 13:15:24','2019-12-06 13:15:24'),(21630,902,2645,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-06 13:15:24','2019-12-06 13:15:24'),(21631,902,2646,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-06 13:21:32','2019-12-06 13:21:32'),(21632,902,2646,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 13:21:32','2019-12-06 13:21:32'),(21633,902,2646,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-06 13:21:32','2019-12-06 13:21:32'),(21634,902,2646,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-06 13:21:32','2019-12-06 13:21:32'),(21635,902,2646,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-06 13:21:32','2019-12-06 13:21:32'),(21636,902,2647,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:46'),(21637,902,2647,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:46'),(21638,902,2647,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:46'),(21639,902,2647,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:46'),(21640,902,2647,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:46'),(21641,902,2647,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:46'),(21642,902,2647,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:46'),(21643,902,2647,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:46'),(21644,902,2647,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:46'),(21645,902,2647,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-06 14:13:46','2019-12-06 14:13:46'),(21646,903,2648,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 16:36:32','2019-12-06 16:36:32'),(21647,903,2648,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-06 16:36:32','2019-12-06 16:36:32'),(21648,903,2648,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 16:36:32','2019-12-06 16:36:32'),(21649,903,2648,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-06 16:36:32','2019-12-06 16:36:32'),(21650,903,2648,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 16:36:32','2019-12-06 16:36:32'),(21651,903,2648,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-06 16:36:32','2019-12-06 16:36:32'),(21652,903,2648,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-06 16:36:32','2019-12-06 16:36:32'),(21653,903,2648,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-06 16:36:32','2019-12-06 16:36:32'),(21654,903,2648,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-06 16:36:32','2019-12-06 16:36:32'),(21655,903,2648,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-06 16:36:32','2019-12-06 16:36:32'),(21656,903,2649,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-06 16:43:27','2019-12-06 16:43:27'),(21657,903,2649,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 16:43:27','2019-12-06 16:43:27'),(21658,903,2649,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-06 16:43:27','2019-12-06 16:43:27'),(21659,903,2649,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-06 16:43:27','2019-12-06 16:43:27'),(21660,903,2649,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-06 16:43:27','2019-12-06 16:43:27'),(21661,903,2650,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(21662,903,2650,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(21663,903,2650,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(21664,903,2650,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(21665,903,2650,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(21666,903,2650,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(21667,903,2650,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(21668,903,2650,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(21669,903,2650,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(21670,903,2650,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-06 17:00:33','2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(21671,904,2651,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 17:30:30','2019-12-06 17:30:30'),(21672,904,2651,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-06 17:30:30','2019-12-06 17:30:30'),(21673,904,2651,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 17:30:30','2019-12-06 17:30:30'),(21674,904,2651,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-06 17:30:30','2019-12-06 17:30:30'),(21675,904,2651,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 17:30:30','2019-12-06 17:30:30'),(21676,904,2651,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-06 17:30:30','2019-12-06 17:30:30'),(21677,904,2651,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-06 17:30:30','2019-12-06 17:30:30'),(21678,904,2651,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-06 17:30:30','2019-12-06 17:30:30'),(21679,904,2651,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-06 17:30:30','2019-12-06 17:30:30'),(21680,904,2651,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-06 17:30:30','2019-12-06 17:30:30'),(21681,904,2652,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-06 17:36:20','2019-12-06 17:36:20'),(21682,904,2652,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 17:36:20','2019-12-06 17:36:20'),(21683,904,2652,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-06 17:36:20','2019-12-06 17:36:20'),(21684,904,2652,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-06 17:36:20','2019-12-06 17:36:20'),(21685,904,2652,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-06 17:36:20','2019-12-06 17:36:20'),(21686,904,2653,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:52'),(21687,904,2653,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:52'),(21688,904,2653,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:52'),(21689,904,2653,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:52'),(21690,904,2653,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:52'),(21691,904,2653,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:52'),(21692,904,2653,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:52'),(21693,904,2653,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:52'),(21694,904,2653,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:52'),(21695,904,2653,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-06 17:51:52','2019-12-06 17:51:52'),(21696,905,2654,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 19:01:40','2019-12-06 19:01:40'),(21697,905,2654,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-06 19:01:40','2019-12-06 19:01:40'),(21698,905,2654,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 19:01:40','2019-12-06 19:01:40'),(21699,905,2654,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-06 19:01:40','2019-12-06 19:01:40'),(21700,905,2654,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 19:01:40','2019-12-06 19:01:40'),(21701,905,2654,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-06 19:01:40','2019-12-06 19:01:40'),(21702,905,2654,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-06 19:01:40','2019-12-06 19:01:40'),(21703,905,2654,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-06 19:01:40','2019-12-06 19:01:40'),(21704,905,2654,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-06 19:01:40','2019-12-06 19:01:40'),(21705,905,2654,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-06 19:01:40','2019-12-06 19:01:40'),(21706,905,2655,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-06 19:08:10','2019-12-06 19:08:10'),(21707,905,2655,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 19:08:10','2019-12-06 19:08:10'),(21708,905,2655,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-06 19:08:10','2019-12-06 19:08:10'),(21709,905,2655,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-06 19:08:10','2019-12-06 19:08:10'),(21710,905,2655,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-06 19:08:10','2019-12-06 19:08:10'),(21711,905,2656,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:57'),(21712,905,2656,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:57'),(21713,905,2656,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:57'),(21714,905,2656,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:57'),(21715,905,2656,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:57'),(21716,905,2656,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:57'),(21717,905,2656,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:57'),(21718,905,2656,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:57'),(21719,905,2656,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:57'),(21720,905,2656,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-06 19:26:57','2019-12-06 19:26:57'),(21721,906,2657,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-10 17:34:13','2019-12-10 17:34:13'),(21722,906,2657,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-10 17:34:13','2019-12-10 17:34:13'),(21723,906,2657,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-10 17:34:13','2019-12-10 17:34:13'),(21724,906,2657,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-10 17:34:13','2019-12-10 17:34:13'),(21725,906,2657,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-10 17:34:13','2019-12-10 17:34:13'),(21726,906,2657,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-10 17:34:13','2019-12-10 17:34:13'),(21727,906,2657,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-10 17:34:13','2019-12-10 17:34:13'),(21728,906,2657,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-10 17:34:13','2019-12-10 17:34:13'),(21729,906,2657,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-10 17:34:13','2019-12-10 17:34:13'),(21730,906,2657,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-10 17:34:13','2019-12-10 17:34:13'),(21731,906,2658,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-10 17:40:06','2019-12-10 17:40:06'),(21732,906,2658,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-10 17:40:06','2019-12-10 17:40:06'),(21733,906,2658,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-10 17:40:06','2019-12-10 17:40:06'),(21734,906,2658,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-10 17:40:06','2019-12-10 17:40:06'),(21735,906,2658,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-10 17:40:06','2019-12-10 17:40:06'),(21736,906,2659,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(21737,906,2659,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(21738,906,2659,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(21739,906,2659,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(21740,906,2659,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(21741,906,2659,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(21742,906,2659,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(21743,906,2659,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(21744,906,2659,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(21745,906,2659,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-10 17:56:07','2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(21746,907,2660,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-26 09:25:01','2019-12-26 09:25:01'),(21747,907,2660,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-26 09:25:01','2019-12-26 09:25:01'),(21748,907,2660,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-26 09:25:01','2019-12-26 09:25:01'),(21749,907,2660,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-26 09:25:01','2019-12-26 09:25:01'),(21750,907,2660,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-26 09:25:01','2019-12-26 09:25:01'),(21751,907,2660,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-26 09:25:01','2019-12-26 09:25:01'),(21752,907,2660,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-26 09:25:01','2019-12-26 09:25:01'),(21753,907,2660,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-26 09:25:01','2019-12-26 09:25:01'),(21754,907,2660,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-26 09:25:01','2019-12-26 09:25:01'),(21755,907,2660,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-26 09:25:01','2019-12-26 09:25:01'),(21756,907,2661,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-26 09:31:31','2019-12-26 09:31:31'),(21757,907,2661,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-26 09:31:31','2019-12-26 09:31:31'),(21758,907,2661,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-26 09:31:31','2019-12-26 09:31:31'),(21759,907,2661,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2019-12-26 09:31:31','2019-12-26 09:31:31'),(21760,907,2661,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-26 09:31:31','2019-12-26 09:31:31'),(21761,907,2662,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(21762,907,2662,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(21763,907,2662,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(21764,907,2662,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(21765,907,2662,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(21766,907,2662,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(21767,907,2662,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(21768,907,2662,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(21769,907,2662,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(21770,907,2662,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-26 09:47:59','2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(21771,908,2663,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-27 09:32:54','2019-12-27 09:32:54'),(21772,908,2663,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-27 09:32:54','2019-12-27 09:32:54'),(21773,908,2663,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-27 09:32:54','2019-12-27 09:32:54'),(21774,908,2663,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-27 09:32:54','2019-12-27 09:32:54'),(21775,908,2663,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-27 09:32:54','2019-12-27 09:32:54'),(21776,908,2663,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-27 09:32:54','2019-12-27 09:32:54'),(21777,908,2663,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-27 09:32:54','2019-12-27 09:32:54'),(21778,908,2663,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-27 09:32:54','2019-12-27 09:32:54'),(21779,908,2663,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-27 09:32:54','2019-12-27 09:32:54'),(21780,908,2663,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-27 09:32:54','2019-12-27 09:32:54'),(21781,908,2664,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-27 09:38:40','2019-12-27 09:38:40'),(21782,908,2664,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-27 09:38:40','2019-12-27 09:38:40'),(21783,908,2664,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-27 09:38:40','2019-12-27 09:38:40'),(21784,908,2664,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-27 09:38:40','2019-12-27 09:38:40'),(21785,908,2664,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-27 09:38:40','2019-12-27 09:38:40'),(21786,908,2665,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(21787,908,2665,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(21788,908,2665,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(21789,908,2665,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(21790,908,2665,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(21791,908,2665,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(21792,908,2665,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(21793,908,2665,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(21794,908,2665,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(21795,908,2665,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-27 09:55:06','2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(21796,909,2666,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-28 13:25:31','2019-12-28 13:25:31'),(21797,909,2666,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-28 13:25:31','2019-12-28 13:25:31'),(21798,909,2666,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-28 13:25:31','2019-12-28 13:25:31'),(21799,909,2666,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-28 13:25:31','2019-12-28 13:25:31'),(21800,909,2666,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-28 13:25:31','2019-12-28 13:25:31'),(21801,909,2666,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-28 13:25:31','2019-12-28 13:25:31'),(21802,909,2666,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-28 13:25:31','2019-12-28 13:25:31'),(21803,909,2666,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-28 13:25:31','2019-12-28 13:25:31'),(21804,909,2666,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-28 13:25:31','2019-12-28 13:25:31'),(21805,909,2666,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-28 13:25:31','2019-12-28 13:25:31'),(21806,909,2667,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-28 13:31:18','2019-12-28 13:31:18'),(21807,909,2667,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-28 13:31:18','2019-12-28 13:31:18'),(21808,909,2667,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-28 13:31:18','2019-12-28 13:31:18'),(21809,909,2667,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-28 13:31:18','2019-12-28 13:31:18'),(21810,909,2667,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-28 13:31:18','2019-12-28 13:31:18'),(21811,909,2668,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(21812,909,2668,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(21813,909,2668,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(21814,909,2668,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(21815,909,2668,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(21816,909,2668,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(21817,909,2668,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(21818,909,2668,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(21819,909,2668,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(21820,909,2668,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-28 13:46:17','2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(21821,910,2669,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-29 12:50:45','2019-12-29 12:50:45'),(21822,910,2669,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-29 12:50:45','2019-12-29 12:50:45'),(21823,910,2669,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-29 12:50:45','2019-12-29 12:50:45'),(21824,910,2669,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-29 12:50:45','2019-12-29 12:50:45'),(21825,910,2669,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-29 12:50:45','2019-12-29 12:50:45'),(21826,910,2669,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-29 12:50:45','2019-12-29 12:50:45'),(21827,910,2669,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-29 12:50:45','2019-12-29 12:50:45'),(21828,910,2669,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-29 12:50:45','2019-12-29 12:50:45'),(21829,910,2669,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-29 12:50:45','2019-12-29 12:50:45'),(21830,910,2669,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-29 12:50:45','2019-12-29 12:50:45'),(21831,910,2670,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-29 12:56:26','2019-12-29 12:56:26'),(21832,910,2670,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-29 12:56:26','2019-12-29 12:56:26'),(21833,910,2670,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-29 12:56:26','2019-12-29 12:56:26'),(21834,910,2670,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-29 12:56:26','2019-12-29 12:56:26'),(21835,910,2670,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-29 12:56:26','2019-12-29 12:56:26'),(21836,910,2671,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(21837,910,2671,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(21838,910,2671,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(21839,910,2671,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(21840,910,2671,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(21841,910,2671,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(21842,910,2671,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(21843,910,2671,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(21844,910,2671,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(21845,910,2671,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-29 13:11:20','2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(21846,911,2672,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 08:20:26','2019-12-30 08:20:26'),(21847,911,2672,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-30 08:20:26','2019-12-30 08:20:26'),(21848,911,2672,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 08:20:26','2019-12-30 08:20:26'),(21849,911,2672,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-30 08:20:26','2019-12-30 08:20:26'),(21850,911,2672,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 08:20:26','2019-12-30 08:20:26'),(21851,911,2672,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-30 08:20:26','2019-12-30 08:20:26'),(21852,911,2672,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-30 08:20:26','2019-12-30 08:20:26'),(21853,911,2672,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-30 08:20:26','2019-12-30 08:20:26'),(21854,911,2672,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-30 08:20:26','2019-12-30 08:20:26'),(21855,911,2672,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-30 08:20:26','2019-12-30 08:20:26'),(21856,911,2673,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-30 08:26:04','2019-12-30 08:26:04'),(21857,911,2673,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 08:26:04','2019-12-30 08:26:04'),(21858,911,2673,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-30 08:26:04','2019-12-30 08:26:04'),(21859,911,2673,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-30 08:26:04','2019-12-30 08:26:04'),(21860,911,2673,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-30 08:26:04','2019-12-30 08:26:04'),(21861,911,2674,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(21862,911,2674,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(21863,911,2674,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(21864,911,2674,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(21865,911,2674,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(21866,911,2674,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(21867,911,2674,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(21868,911,2674,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(21869,911,2674,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(21870,911,2674,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-30 08:45:01','2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(21871,912,2675,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 08:59:10','2019-12-30 08:59:10'),(21872,912,2675,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-30 08:59:10','2019-12-30 08:59:10'),(21873,912,2675,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 08:59:10','2019-12-30 08:59:10'),(21874,912,2675,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-30 08:59:10','2019-12-30 08:59:10'),(21875,912,2675,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 08:59:10','2019-12-30 08:59:10'),(21876,912,2675,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-30 08:59:10','2019-12-30 08:59:10'),(21877,912,2675,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-30 08:59:10','2019-12-30 08:59:10'),(21878,912,2675,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-30 08:59:10','2019-12-30 08:59:10'),(21879,912,2675,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-30 08:59:10','2019-12-30 08:59:10'),(21880,912,2675,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-30 08:59:10','2019-12-30 08:59:10'),(21881,912,2676,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-30 09:04:35','2019-12-30 09:04:35'),(21882,912,2676,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 09:04:35','2019-12-30 09:04:35'),(21883,912,2676,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-30 09:04:35','2019-12-30 09:04:35'),(21884,912,2676,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-30 09:04:35','2019-12-30 09:04:35'),(21885,912,2676,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-30 09:04:35','2019-12-30 09:04:35'),(21886,912,2677,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(21887,912,2677,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(21888,912,2677,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(21889,912,2677,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(21890,912,2677,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(21891,912,2677,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(21892,912,2677,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(21893,912,2677,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(21894,912,2677,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(21895,912,2677,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-30 09:19:06','2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(21896,913,2678,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 09:52:50','2019-12-30 09:52:50'),(21897,913,2678,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-30 09:52:50','2019-12-30 09:52:50'),(21898,913,2678,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 09:52:50','2019-12-30 09:52:50'),(21899,913,2678,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-30 09:52:50','2019-12-30 09:52:50'),(21900,913,2678,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 09:52:50','2019-12-30 09:52:50'),(21901,913,2678,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-30 09:52:50','2019-12-30 09:52:50'),(21902,913,2678,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-30 09:52:50','2019-12-30 09:52:50'),(21903,913,2678,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-30 09:52:50','2019-12-30 09:52:50'),(21904,913,2678,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-30 09:52:50','2019-12-30 09:52:50'),(21905,913,2678,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-30 09:52:50','2019-12-30 09:52:50'),(21906,913,2679,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-30 09:59:25','2019-12-30 09:59:25'),(21907,913,2679,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 09:59:25','2019-12-30 09:59:25'),(21908,913,2679,71,167,169,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','30','27','2019-12-30 09:59:25','2019-12-30 09:59:25'),(21909,913,2679,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-30 09:59:25','2019-12-30 09:59:25'),(21910,913,2679,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-30 09:59:25','2019-12-30 09:59:25'),(21911,913,2680,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(21912,913,2680,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(21913,913,2680,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(21914,913,2680,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(21915,913,2680,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(21916,913,2680,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(21917,913,2680,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(21918,913,2680,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(21919,913,2680,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(21920,913,2680,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-30 10:15:18','2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(21921,914,2681,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 10:38:11','2019-12-30 10:38:11'),(21922,914,2681,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-30 10:38:11','2019-12-30 10:38:11'),(21923,914,2681,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 10:38:11','2019-12-30 10:38:11'),(21924,914,2681,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-30 10:38:11','2019-12-30 10:38:11'),(21925,914,2681,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 10:38:11','2019-12-30 10:38:11'),(21926,914,2681,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-30 10:38:11','2019-12-30 10:38:11'),(21927,914,2681,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-30 10:38:11','2019-12-30 10:38:11'),(21928,914,2681,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-30 10:38:11','2019-12-30 10:38:11'),(21929,914,2681,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-30 10:38:11','2019-12-30 10:38:11'),(21930,914,2681,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-30 10:38:11','2019-12-30 10:38:11'),(21931,914,2682,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-30 10:45:28','2019-12-30 10:45:28'),(21932,914,2682,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 10:45:28','2019-12-30 10:45:28'),(21933,914,2682,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-30 10:45:28','2019-12-30 10:45:28'),(21934,914,2682,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-30 10:45:28','2019-12-30 10:45:28'),(21935,914,2682,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-30 10:45:28','2019-12-30 10:45:28'),(21936,914,2683,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(21937,914,2683,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(21938,914,2683,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(21939,914,2683,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(21940,914,2683,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(21941,914,2683,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(21942,914,2683,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(21943,914,2683,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(21944,914,2683,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(21945,914,2683,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-30 11:03:25','2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(21946,915,2684,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 13:57:30','2019-12-30 13:57:30'),(21947,915,2684,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-30 13:57:30','2019-12-30 13:57:30'),(21948,915,2684,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 13:57:30','2019-12-30 13:57:30'),(21949,915,2684,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-30 13:57:30','2019-12-30 13:57:30'),(21950,915,2684,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 13:57:30','2019-12-30 13:57:30'),(21951,915,2684,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-30 13:57:30','2019-12-30 13:57:30'),(21952,915,2684,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-30 13:57:30','2019-12-30 13:57:30'),(21953,915,2684,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-30 13:57:30','2019-12-30 13:57:30'),(21954,915,2684,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-30 13:57:30','2019-12-30 13:57:30'),(21955,915,2684,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-30 13:57:30','2019-12-30 13:57:30'),(21956,915,2685,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-30 14:04:39','2019-12-30 14:04:39'),(21957,915,2685,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 14:04:39','2019-12-30 14:04:39'),(21958,915,2685,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-30 14:04:39','2019-12-30 14:04:39'),(21959,915,2685,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-30 14:04:39','2019-12-30 14:04:39'),(21960,915,2685,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-30 14:04:39','2019-12-30 14:04:39'),(21961,915,2686,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(21962,915,2686,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(21963,915,2686,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(21964,915,2686,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(21965,915,2686,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(21966,915,2686,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(21967,915,2686,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(21968,915,2686,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(21969,915,2686,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(21970,915,2686,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-30 14:21:11','2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(21971,916,2687,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 14:52:55','2019-12-30 14:52:55'),(21972,916,2687,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-30 14:52:55','2019-12-30 14:52:55'),(21973,916,2687,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 14:52:55','2019-12-30 14:52:55'),(21974,916,2687,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-30 14:52:55','2019-12-30 14:52:55'),(21975,916,2687,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 14:52:55','2019-12-30 14:52:55'),(21976,916,2687,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-30 14:52:55','2019-12-30 14:52:55'),(21977,916,2687,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-30 14:52:55','2019-12-30 14:52:55'),(21978,916,2687,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-30 14:52:55','2019-12-30 14:52:55'),(21979,916,2687,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-30 14:52:55','2019-12-30 14:52:55'),(21980,916,2687,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-30 14:52:55','2019-12-30 14:52:55'),(21981,916,2688,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-30 14:58:18','2019-12-30 14:58:18'),(21982,916,2688,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 14:58:18','2019-12-30 14:58:18'),(21983,916,2688,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-30 14:58:18','2019-12-30 14:58:18'),(21984,916,2688,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-30 14:58:18','2019-12-30 14:58:18'),(21985,916,2688,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-30 14:58:18','2019-12-30 14:58:18'),(21986,916,2689,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:14'),(21987,916,2689,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:14'),(21988,916,2689,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:14'),(21989,916,2689,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:14'),(21990,916,2689,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:14'),(21991,916,2689,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:14'),(21992,916,2689,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:14'),(21993,916,2689,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:14'),(21994,916,2689,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:14'),(21995,916,2689,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:18:14','2019-12-30 15:18:14'),(21996,917,2690,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:01:29','2019-12-30 15:01:29'),(21997,917,2690,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-30 15:01:29','2019-12-30 15:01:29'),(21998,917,2690,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:01:29','2019-12-30 15:01:29'),(21999,917,2690,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-30 15:01:29','2019-12-30 15:01:29'),(22000,917,2690,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:01:29','2019-12-30 15:01:29'),(22001,917,2690,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:01:29','2019-12-30 15:01:29'),(22002,917,2690,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-30 15:01:29','2019-12-30 15:01:29'),(22003,917,2690,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-30 15:01:29','2019-12-30 15:01:29'),(22004,917,2690,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:01:29','2019-12-30 15:01:29'),(22005,917,2690,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-30 15:01:29','2019-12-30 15:01:29'),(22006,917,2691,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-30 15:07:42','2019-12-30 15:07:42'),(22007,917,2691,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:07:42','2019-12-30 15:07:42'),(22008,917,2691,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-30 15:07:42','2019-12-30 15:07:42'),(22009,917,2691,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:07:42','2019-12-30 15:07:42'),(22010,917,2691,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-30 15:07:42','2019-12-30 15:07:42'),(22011,917,2692,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(22012,917,2692,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(22013,917,2692,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(22014,917,2692,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(22015,917,2692,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(22016,917,2692,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(22017,917,2692,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(22018,917,2692,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(22019,917,2692,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(22020,917,2692,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:22:40','2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(22021,918,2693,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:35:16','2019-12-30 15:35:16'),(22022,918,2693,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-30 15:35:16','2019-12-30 15:35:16'),(22023,918,2693,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:35:16','2019-12-30 15:35:16'),(22024,918,2693,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-30 15:35:16','2019-12-30 15:35:16'),(22025,918,2693,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:35:16','2019-12-30 15:35:16'),(22026,918,2693,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:35:16','2019-12-30 15:35:16'),(22027,918,2693,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-30 15:35:16','2019-12-30 15:35:16'),(22028,918,2693,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-30 15:35:16','2019-12-30 15:35:16'),(22029,918,2693,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:35:16','2019-12-30 15:35:16'),(22030,918,2693,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-30 15:35:16','2019-12-30 15:35:16'),(22031,918,2694,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-30 15:40:38','2019-12-30 15:40:38'),(22032,918,2694,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:40:38','2019-12-30 15:40:38'),(22033,918,2694,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-30 15:40:38','2019-12-30 15:40:38'),(22034,918,2694,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:40:38','2019-12-30 15:40:38'),(22035,918,2694,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-30 15:40:38','2019-12-30 15:40:38'),(22036,918,2695,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(22037,918,2695,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(22038,918,2695,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(22039,918,2695,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(22040,918,2695,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(22041,918,2695,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(22042,918,2695,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(22043,918,2695,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(22044,918,2695,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(22045,918,2695,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-30 15:55:11','2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(22046,919,2696,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 16:12:12','2019-12-30 16:12:12'),(22047,919,2696,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-30 16:12:12','2019-12-30 16:12:12'),(22048,919,2696,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 16:12:12','2019-12-30 16:12:12'),(22049,919,2696,52,114,112,'n',0.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Cigarettes and Loose Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-30 16:12:12','2019-12-30 16:12:12'),(22050,919,2696,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 16:12:12','2019-12-30 16:12:12'),(22051,919,2696,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-30 16:12:12','2019-12-30 16:12:12'),(22052,919,2696,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-30 16:12:12','2019-12-30 16:12:12'),(22053,919,2696,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-30 16:12:12','2019-12-30 16:12:12'),(22054,919,2696,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-30 16:12:12','2019-12-30 16:12:12'),(22055,919,2696,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-30 16:12:12','2019-12-30 16:12:12'),(22056,919,2697,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-30 16:19:07','2019-12-30 16:19:07'),(22057,919,2697,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 16:19:07','2019-12-30 16:19:07'),(22058,919,2697,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-30 16:19:07','2019-12-30 16:19:07'),(22059,919,2697,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-30 16:19:07','2019-12-30 16:19:07'),(22060,919,2697,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-30 16:19:07','2019-12-30 16:19:07'),(22061,919,2698,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(22062,919,2698,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(22063,919,2698,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(22064,919,2698,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(22065,919,2698,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(22066,919,2698,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(22067,919,2698,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(22068,919,2698,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(22069,919,2698,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(22070,919,2698,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-30 16:36:02','2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(22071,920,2699,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 05:54:04','2019-12-31 05:54:04'),(22072,920,2699,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-31 05:54:04','2019-12-31 05:54:04'),(22073,920,2699,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 05:54:04','2019-12-31 05:54:04'),(22074,920,2699,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-31 05:54:04','2019-12-31 05:54:04'),(22075,920,2699,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 05:54:04','2019-12-31 05:54:04'),(22076,920,2699,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-31 05:54:04','2019-12-31 05:54:04'),(22077,920,2699,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-31 05:54:04','2019-12-31 05:54:04'),(22078,920,2699,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-31 05:54:04','2019-12-31 05:54:04'),(22079,920,2699,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-31 05:54:04','2019-12-31 05:54:04'),(22080,920,2699,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-31 05:54:04','2019-12-31 05:54:04'),(22081,920,2700,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-31 06:46:48','2019-12-31 07:40:10'),(22082,920,2700,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 06:46:48','2019-12-31 07:40:10'),(22083,920,2700,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-31 06:46:48','2019-12-31 07:40:10'),(22084,920,2700,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-31 06:46:48','2019-12-31 07:40:10'),(22085,920,2700,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-31 06:46:48','2019-12-31 07:40:10'),(22086,920,2701,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-31 07:40:04','2019-12-31 07:55:54'),(22087,920,2701,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 07:40:04','2019-12-31 07:55:54'),(22088,920,2701,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-31 07:40:04','2019-12-31 07:55:54'),(22089,920,2701,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-12-31 07:40:04','2019-12-31 07:55:54'),(22090,920,2701,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-31 07:40:04','2019-12-31 07:55:54'),(22091,920,2701,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 07:40:04','2019-12-31 07:55:54'),(22092,920,2701,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-31 07:40:04','2019-12-31 07:55:54'),(22093,920,2701,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-31 07:40:04','2019-12-31 07:55:54'),(22094,920,2701,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-31 07:40:04','2019-12-31 07:55:54'),(22095,920,2701,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-31 07:40:04','2019-12-31 07:55:54'),(22096,921,2702,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 14:21:47','2019-12-31 14:21:47'),(22097,921,2702,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-31 14:21:47','2019-12-31 14:21:47'),(22098,921,2702,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 14:21:47','2019-12-31 14:21:47'),(22099,921,2702,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-31 14:21:47','2019-12-31 14:21:47'),(22100,921,2702,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 14:21:47','2019-12-31 14:21:47'),(22101,921,2702,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-31 14:21:47','2019-12-31 14:21:47'),(22102,921,2702,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-31 14:21:47','2019-12-31 14:21:47'),(22103,921,2702,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-31 14:21:47','2019-12-31 14:21:47'),(22104,921,2702,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-31 14:21:47','2019-12-31 14:21:47'),(22105,921,2702,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-31 14:21:47','2019-12-31 14:21:47'),(22106,921,2703,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-31 14:29:59','2019-12-31 14:29:59'),(22107,921,2703,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 14:29:59','2019-12-31 14:29:59'),(22108,921,2703,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-31 14:29:59','2019-12-31 14:29:59'),(22109,921,2703,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-31 14:29:59','2019-12-31 14:29:59'),(22110,921,2703,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-31 14:29:59','2019-12-31 14:29:59'),(22111,921,2704,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(22112,921,2704,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(22113,921,2704,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(22114,921,2704,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(22115,921,2704,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(22116,921,2704,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(22117,921,2704,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(22118,921,2704,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(22119,921,2704,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(22120,921,2704,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-31 14:48:25','2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(22121,922,2705,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 15:35:58','2019-12-31 15:35:58'),(22122,922,2705,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-31 15:35:58','2019-12-31 15:35:58'),(22123,922,2705,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 15:35:58','2019-12-31 15:35:58'),(22124,922,2705,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-31 15:35:58','2019-12-31 15:35:58'),(22125,922,2705,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 15:35:58','2019-12-31 15:35:58'),(22126,922,2705,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-31 15:35:58','2019-12-31 15:35:58'),(22127,922,2705,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-31 15:35:58','2019-12-31 15:35:58'),(22128,922,2705,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-31 15:35:58','2019-12-31 15:35:58'),(22129,922,2705,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-31 15:35:58','2019-12-31 15:35:58'),(22130,922,2705,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-31 15:35:58','2019-12-31 15:35:58'),(22131,922,2706,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-31 15:43:31','2019-12-31 15:43:31'),(22132,922,2706,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 15:43:31','2019-12-31 15:43:31'),(22133,922,2706,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-31 15:43:31','2019-12-31 15:43:31'),(22134,922,2706,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-31 15:43:31','2019-12-31 15:43:31'),(22135,922,2706,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-31 15:43:31','2019-12-31 15:43:31'),(22136,922,2707,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(22137,922,2707,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(22138,922,2707,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(22139,922,2707,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(22140,922,2707,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(22141,922,2707,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(22142,922,2707,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(22143,922,2707,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(22144,922,2707,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(22145,922,2707,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-31 16:01:07','2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(22146,923,2708,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 15:37:50','2019-12-31 15:37:50'),(22147,923,2708,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-31 15:37:50','2019-12-31 15:37:50'),(22148,923,2708,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 15:37:50','2019-12-31 15:37:50'),(22149,923,2708,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-31 15:37:50','2019-12-31 15:37:50'),(22150,923,2708,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 15:37:50','2019-12-31 15:37:50'),(22151,923,2708,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-31 15:37:50','2019-12-31 15:37:50'),(22152,923,2708,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-31 15:37:50','2019-12-31 15:37:50'),(22153,923,2708,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-31 15:37:50','2019-12-31 15:37:50'),(22154,923,2708,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-31 15:37:50','2019-12-31 15:37:50'),(22155,923,2708,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-31 15:37:50','2019-12-31 15:37:50'),(22156,923,2709,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-31 15:45:08','2019-12-31 15:45:08'),(22157,923,2709,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 15:45:08','2019-12-31 15:45:08'),(22158,923,2709,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-31 15:45:08','2019-12-31 15:45:08'),(22159,923,2709,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-31 15:45:08','2019-12-31 15:45:08'),(22160,923,2709,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-31 15:45:08','2019-12-31 15:45:08'),(22161,923,2710,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(22162,923,2710,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(22163,923,2710,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(22164,923,2710,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(22165,923,2710,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(22166,923,2710,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(22167,923,2710,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(22168,923,2710,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(22169,923,2710,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(22170,923,2710,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-31 16:02:03','2019-12-31 16:02:03'),(22171,924,2711,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 16:24:38','2019-12-31 16:24:38'),(22172,924,2711,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-31 16:24:38','2019-12-31 16:24:38'),(22173,924,2711,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 16:24:38','2019-12-31 16:24:38'),(22174,924,2711,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-31 16:24:38','2019-12-31 16:24:38'),(22175,924,2711,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 16:24:38','2019-12-31 16:24:38'),(22176,924,2711,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-31 16:24:38','2019-12-31 16:24:38'),(22177,924,2711,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-31 16:24:38','2019-12-31 16:24:38'),(22178,924,2711,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-31 16:24:38','2019-12-31 16:24:38'),(22179,924,2711,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-31 16:24:38','2019-12-31 16:24:38'),(22180,924,2711,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-31 16:24:38','2019-12-31 16:24:38'),(22181,924,2712,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-31 16:34:12','2019-12-31 16:34:12'),(22182,924,2712,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 16:34:12','2019-12-31 16:34:12'),(22183,924,2712,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-31 16:34:12','2019-12-31 16:34:12'),(22184,924,2712,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-31 16:34:12','2019-12-31 16:34:12'),(22185,924,2712,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-31 16:34:12','2019-12-31 16:34:12'),(22186,924,2713,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(22187,924,2713,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(22188,924,2713,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(22189,924,2713,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(22190,924,2713,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(22191,924,2713,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(22192,924,2713,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(22193,924,2713,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(22194,924,2713,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(22195,924,2713,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-31 16:52:42','2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(22196,925,2714,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 17:19:41','2019-12-31 17:19:41'),(22197,925,2714,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2019-12-31 17:19:41','2019-12-31 17:19:41'),(22198,925,2714,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 17:19:41','2019-12-31 17:19:41'),(22199,925,2714,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2019-12-31 17:19:41','2019-12-31 17:19:41'),(22200,925,2714,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 17:19:41','2019-12-31 17:19:41'),(22201,925,2714,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2019-12-31 17:19:41','2019-12-31 17:19:41'),(22202,925,2714,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2019-12-31 17:19:41','2019-12-31 17:19:41'),(22203,925,2714,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2019-12-31 17:19:41','2019-12-31 17:19:41'),(22204,925,2714,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2019-12-31 17:19:41','2019-12-31 17:19:41'),(22205,925,2714,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2019-12-31 17:19:41','2019-12-31 17:19:41'),(22206,925,2715,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2019-12-31 17:26:49','2019-12-31 17:26:49'),(22207,925,2715,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 17:26:49','2019-12-31 17:26:49'),(22208,925,2715,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2019-12-31 17:26:49','2019-12-31 17:26:49'),(22209,925,2715,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2019-12-31 17:26:49','2019-12-31 17:26:49'),(22210,925,2715,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2019-12-31 17:26:49','2019-12-31 17:26:49'),(22211,925,2716,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(22212,925,2716,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(22213,925,2716,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(22214,925,2716,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(22215,925,2716,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(22216,925,2716,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(22217,925,2716,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(22218,925,2716,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(22219,925,2716,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(22220,925,2716,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2019-12-31 17:44:57','2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(22221,926,2717,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 10:54:21','2020-01-01 10:54:21'),(22222,926,2717,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-01 10:54:21','2020-01-01 10:54:21'),(22223,926,2717,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 10:54:21','2020-01-01 10:54:21'),(22224,926,2717,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-01 10:54:21','2020-01-01 10:54:21'),(22225,926,2717,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 10:54:21','2020-01-01 10:54:21'),(22226,926,2717,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-01 10:54:21','2020-01-01 10:54:21'),(22227,926,2717,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-01 10:54:21','2020-01-01 10:54:21'),(22228,926,2717,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-01 10:54:21','2020-01-01 10:54:21'),(22229,926,2717,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-01 10:54:21','2020-01-01 10:54:21'),(22230,926,2717,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-01 10:54:21','2020-01-01 10:54:21'),(22231,926,2718,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-01 11:01:57','2020-01-01 11:01:57'),(22232,926,2718,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 11:01:57','2020-01-01 11:01:57'),(22233,926,2718,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-01 11:01:57','2020-01-01 11:01:57'),(22234,926,2718,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-01 11:01:57','2020-01-01 11:01:57'),(22235,926,2718,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-01 11:01:57','2020-01-01 11:01:57'),(22236,926,2719,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:12'),(22237,926,2719,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:12'),(22238,926,2719,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:12'),(22239,926,2719,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:12'),(22240,926,2719,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:12'),(22241,926,2719,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:12'),(22242,926,2719,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:12'),(22243,926,2719,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:12'),(22244,926,2719,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:12'),(22245,926,2719,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-01 11:25:12','2020-01-01 11:25:12'),(22246,927,2720,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 11:23:31','2020-01-01 11:23:31'),(22247,927,2720,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-01 11:23:31','2020-01-01 11:23:31'),(22248,927,2720,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 11:23:31','2020-01-01 11:23:31'),(22249,927,2720,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-01 11:23:31','2020-01-01 11:23:31'),(22250,927,2720,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 11:23:31','2020-01-01 11:23:31'),(22251,927,2720,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-01 11:23:31','2020-01-01 11:23:31'),(22252,927,2720,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-01 11:23:31','2020-01-01 11:23:31'),(22253,927,2720,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-01 11:23:31','2020-01-01 11:23:31'),(22254,927,2720,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-01 11:23:31','2020-01-01 11:23:31'),(22255,927,2720,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-01 11:23:31','2020-01-01 11:23:31'),(22256,927,2721,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-01 11:29:00','2020-01-01 11:29:00'),(22257,927,2721,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 11:29:00','2020-01-01 11:29:00'),(22258,927,2721,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-01 11:29:00','2020-01-01 11:29:00'),(22259,927,2721,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-01 11:29:00','2020-01-01 11:29:00'),(22260,927,2721,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-01 11:29:00','2020-01-01 11:29:00'),(22261,927,2722,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(22262,927,2722,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(22263,927,2722,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(22264,927,2722,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(22265,927,2722,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(22266,927,2722,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(22267,927,2722,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(22268,927,2722,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(22269,927,2722,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(22270,927,2722,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-01 11:44:10','2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(22271,928,2723,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 11:18:04','2020-01-02 11:18:04'),(22272,928,2723,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-02 11:18:04','2020-01-02 11:18:04'),(22273,928,2723,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 11:18:04','2020-01-02 11:18:04'),(22274,928,2723,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-02 11:18:04','2020-01-02 11:18:04'),(22275,928,2723,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 11:18:04','2020-01-02 11:18:04'),(22276,928,2723,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-02 11:18:04','2020-01-02 11:18:04'),(22277,928,2723,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-02 11:18:04','2020-01-02 11:18:04'),(22278,928,2723,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-02 11:18:04','2020-01-02 11:18:04'),(22279,928,2723,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-02 11:18:04','2020-01-02 11:18:04'),(22280,928,2723,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-02 11:18:04','2020-01-02 11:18:04'),(22281,928,2724,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-02 11:26:13','2020-01-02 11:26:13'),(22282,928,2724,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 11:26:13','2020-01-02 11:26:13'),(22283,928,2724,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-02 11:26:13','2020-01-02 11:26:13'),(22284,928,2724,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2020-01-02 11:26:13','2020-01-02 11:26:13'),(22285,928,2724,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-02 11:26:13','2020-01-02 11:26:13'),(22286,928,2725,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(22287,928,2725,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(22288,928,2725,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(22289,928,2725,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(22290,928,2725,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(22291,928,2725,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(22292,928,2725,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(22293,928,2725,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(22294,928,2725,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(22295,928,2725,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-02 11:43:14','2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(22296,929,2726,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 12:33:01','2020-01-02 12:33:01'),(22297,929,2726,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-02 12:33:01','2020-01-02 12:33:01'),(22298,929,2726,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 12:33:01','2020-01-02 12:33:01'),(22299,929,2726,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-02 12:33:01','2020-01-02 12:33:01'),(22300,929,2726,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 12:33:01','2020-01-02 12:33:01'),(22301,929,2726,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-02 12:33:01','2020-01-02 12:33:01'),(22302,929,2726,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-02 12:33:01','2020-01-02 12:33:01'),(22303,929,2726,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-02 12:33:01','2020-01-02 12:33:01'),(22304,929,2726,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-02 12:33:01','2020-01-02 12:33:01'),(22305,929,2726,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-02 12:33:01','2020-01-02 12:33:01'),(22306,929,2727,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-02 12:39:26','2020-01-02 12:39:26'),(22307,929,2727,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 12:39:26','2020-01-02 12:39:26'),(22308,929,2727,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-02 12:39:26','2020-01-02 12:39:26'),(22309,929,2727,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-02 12:39:26','2020-01-02 12:39:26'),(22310,929,2727,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-02 12:39:26','2020-01-02 12:39:26'),(22311,929,2728,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(22312,929,2728,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(22313,929,2728,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(22314,929,2728,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(22315,929,2728,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(22316,929,2728,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(22317,929,2728,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(22318,929,2728,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(22319,929,2728,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(22320,929,2728,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-02 12:58:58','2020-01-02 12:58:58'),(22321,930,2729,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 17:53:20','2020-01-02 17:53:20'),(22322,930,2729,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-02 17:53:20','2020-01-02 17:53:20'),(22323,930,2729,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 17:53:20','2020-01-02 17:53:20'),(22324,930,2729,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-02 17:53:20','2020-01-02 17:53:20'),(22325,930,2729,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 17:53:20','2020-01-02 17:53:20'),(22326,930,2729,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-02 17:53:20','2020-01-02 17:53:20'),(22327,930,2729,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-02 17:53:20','2020-01-02 17:53:20'),(22328,930,2729,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-02 17:53:20','2020-01-02 17:53:20'),(22329,930,2729,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-02 17:53:20','2020-01-02 17:53:20'),(22330,930,2729,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-02 17:53:20','2020-01-02 17:53:20'),(22331,930,2730,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-02 17:58:54','2020-01-02 17:58:54'),(22332,930,2730,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 17:58:54','2020-01-02 17:58:54'),(22333,930,2730,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-02 17:58:54','2020-01-02 17:58:54'),(22334,930,2730,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-02 17:58:54','2020-01-02 17:58:54'),(22335,930,2730,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-02 17:58:54','2020-01-02 17:58:54'),(22336,930,2731,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(22337,930,2731,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(22338,930,2731,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(22339,930,2731,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(22340,930,2731,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(22341,930,2731,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(22342,930,2731,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(22343,930,2731,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(22344,930,2731,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(22345,930,2731,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-02 18:13:52','2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(22346,931,2732,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-03 23:31:30','2020-01-03 23:31:30'),(22347,931,2732,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-03 23:31:30','2020-01-03 23:31:30'),(22348,931,2732,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-03 23:31:30','2020-01-03 23:31:30'),(22349,931,2732,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-03 23:31:30','2020-01-03 23:31:30'),(22350,931,2732,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-03 23:31:30','2020-01-03 23:31:30'),(22351,931,2732,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-03 23:31:30','2020-01-03 23:31:30'),(22352,931,2732,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-03 23:31:30','2020-01-03 23:31:30'),(22353,931,2732,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-03 23:31:30','2020-01-03 23:31:30'),(22354,931,2732,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-03 23:31:30','2020-01-03 23:31:30'),(22355,931,2732,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-03 23:31:30','2020-01-03 23:31:30'),(22356,931,2733,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-03 23:37:22','2020-01-03 23:37:22'),(22357,931,2733,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-03 23:37:22','2020-01-03 23:37:22'),(22358,931,2733,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-03 23:37:22','2020-01-03 23:37:22'),(22359,931,2733,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-03 23:37:22','2020-01-03 23:37:22'),(22360,931,2733,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-03 23:37:22','2020-01-03 23:37:22'),(22361,931,2734,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(22362,931,2734,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(22363,931,2734,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(22364,931,2734,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(22365,931,2734,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(22366,931,2734,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(22367,931,2734,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(22368,931,2734,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(22369,931,2734,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(22370,931,2734,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-03 23:53:14','2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(22371,932,2735,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2020-01-04 09:46:16','2020-01-04 09:46:16'),(22372,932,2735,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-04 09:46:16','2020-01-04 09:46:16'),(22373,932,2735,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-04 09:46:16','2020-01-04 09:46:16'),(22374,932,2735,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-04 09:46:16','2020-01-04 09:46:16'),(22375,932,2735,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-04 09:46:16','2020-01-04 09:46:16'),(22376,932,2735,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-04 09:46:16','2020-01-04 09:46:16'),(22377,932,2735,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-04 09:46:16','2020-01-04 09:46:16'),(22378,932,2735,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-04 09:46:16','2020-01-04 09:46:16'),(22379,932,2735,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-04 09:46:16','2020-01-04 09:46:16'),(22380,932,2735,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-04 09:46:16','2020-01-04 09:46:16'),(22381,932,2736,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-04 09:52:00','2020-01-04 09:52:00'),(22382,932,2736,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-04 09:52:00','2020-01-04 09:52:00'),(22383,932,2736,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-04 09:52:00','2020-01-04 09:52:00'),(22384,932,2736,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-04 09:52:00','2020-01-04 09:52:00'),(22385,932,2736,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-04 09:52:00','2020-01-04 09:52:00'),(22386,932,2737,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:09'),(22387,932,2737,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:09'),(22388,932,2737,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:09'),(22389,932,2737,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:09'),(22390,932,2737,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:09'),(22391,932,2737,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:09'),(22392,932,2737,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:09'),(22393,932,2737,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:09'),(22394,932,2737,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:09'),(22395,932,2737,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-04 10:08:09','2020-01-04 10:08:09'),(22396,933,2738,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-09 13:53:55','2020-01-09 13:53:55'),(22397,933,2738,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-09 13:53:55','2020-01-09 13:53:55'),(22398,933,2738,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-09 13:53:55','2020-01-09 13:53:55'),(22399,933,2738,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-09 13:53:55','2020-01-09 13:53:55'),(22400,933,2738,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-09 13:53:55','2020-01-09 13:53:55'),(22401,933,2738,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-09 13:53:55','2020-01-09 13:53:55'),(22402,933,2738,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-09 13:53:55','2020-01-09 13:53:55'),(22403,933,2738,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-09 13:53:55','2020-01-09 13:53:55'),(22404,933,2738,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-09 13:53:55','2020-01-09 13:53:55'),(22405,933,2738,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-09 13:53:55','2020-01-09 13:53:55'),(22406,933,2739,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-09 14:02:26','2020-01-09 14:02:26'),(22407,933,2739,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-09 14:02:26','2020-01-09 14:02:26'),(22408,933,2739,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-09 14:02:26','2020-01-09 14:02:26'),(22409,933,2739,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-09 14:02:26','2020-01-09 14:02:26'),(22410,933,2739,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-09 14:02:26','2020-01-09 14:02:26'),(22411,933,2740,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:12'),(22412,933,2740,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:12'),(22413,933,2740,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:12'),(22414,933,2740,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:12'),(22415,933,2740,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:12'),(22416,933,2740,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:12'),(22417,933,2740,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:12'),(22418,933,2740,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:12'),(22419,933,2740,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:12'),(22420,933,2740,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-09 14:21:12','2020-01-09 14:21:12'),(22421,934,2741,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-13 16:34:49','2020-01-13 16:34:49'),(22422,934,2741,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-13 16:34:49','2020-01-13 16:34:49'),(22423,934,2741,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-13 16:34:49','2020-01-13 16:34:49'),(22424,934,2741,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-13 16:34:49','2020-01-13 16:34:49'),(22425,934,2741,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-13 16:34:49','2020-01-13 16:34:49'),(22426,934,2741,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-13 16:34:49','2020-01-13 16:34:49'),(22427,934,2741,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-13 16:34:49','2020-01-13 16:34:49'),(22428,934,2741,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-13 16:34:49','2020-01-13 16:34:49'),(22429,934,2741,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-13 16:34:49','2020-01-13 16:34:49'),(22430,934,2741,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-13 16:34:49','2020-01-13 16:34:49'),(22431,934,2742,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-13 16:41:45','2020-01-13 16:41:45'),(22432,934,2742,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-13 16:41:45','2020-01-13 16:41:45'),(22433,934,2742,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-13 16:41:45','2020-01-13 16:41:45'),(22434,934,2742,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-13 16:41:45','2020-01-13 16:41:45'),(22435,934,2742,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-13 16:41:45','2020-01-13 16:41:45'),(22436,934,2743,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:29'),(22437,934,2743,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:29'),(22438,934,2743,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:29'),(22439,934,2743,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:29'),(22440,934,2743,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:29'),(22441,934,2743,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:29'),(22442,934,2743,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:29'),(22443,934,2743,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:29'),(22444,934,2743,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:29'),(22445,934,2743,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-13 16:59:29','2020-01-13 16:59:29'),(22446,935,2744,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-16 18:10:06','2020-01-16 18:10:06'),(22447,935,2744,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-16 18:10:06','2020-01-16 18:10:06'),(22448,935,2744,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-16 18:10:06','2020-01-16 18:10:06'),(22449,935,2744,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-16 18:10:06','2020-01-16 18:10:06'),(22450,935,2744,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-16 18:10:06','2020-01-16 18:10:06'),(22451,935,2744,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-16 18:10:06','2020-01-16 18:10:06'),(22452,935,2744,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-16 18:10:06','2020-01-16 18:10:06'),(22453,935,2744,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-16 18:10:06','2020-01-16 18:10:06'),(22454,935,2744,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-16 18:10:06','2020-01-16 18:10:06'),(22455,935,2744,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-16 18:10:06','2020-01-16 18:10:06'),(22456,935,2745,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-16 18:16:23','2020-01-16 18:16:23'),(22457,935,2745,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-16 18:16:23','2020-01-16 18:16:23'),(22458,935,2745,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-16 18:16:23','2020-01-16 18:16:23'),(22459,935,2745,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-16 18:16:23','2020-01-16 18:16:23'),(22460,935,2745,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-16 18:16:23','2020-01-16 18:16:23'),(22461,935,2746,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(22462,935,2746,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(22463,935,2746,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(22464,935,2746,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(22465,935,2746,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(22466,935,2746,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(22467,935,2746,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(22468,935,2746,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(22469,935,2746,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(22470,935,2746,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-16 18:33:48','2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(22471,936,2747,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-20 09:16:55','2020-01-20 09:16:55'),(22472,936,2747,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-20 09:16:55','2020-01-20 09:16:55'),(22473,936,2747,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-20 09:16:55','2020-01-20 09:16:55'),(22474,936,2747,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-20 09:16:55','2020-01-20 09:16:55'),(22475,936,2747,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-20 09:16:55','2020-01-20 09:16:55'),(22476,936,2747,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-20 09:16:55','2020-01-20 09:16:55'),(22477,936,2747,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-20 09:16:55','2020-01-20 09:16:55'),(22478,936,2747,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-20 09:16:55','2020-01-20 09:16:55'),(22479,936,2747,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-20 09:16:55','2020-01-20 09:16:55'),(22480,936,2747,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-20 09:16:55','2020-01-20 09:16:55'),(22481,936,2748,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-20 09:29:11','2020-01-20 09:29:11'),(22482,936,2748,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-20 09:29:11','2020-01-20 09:29:11'),(22483,936,2748,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-20 09:29:11','2020-01-20 09:29:11'),(22484,936,2748,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2020-01-20 09:29:11','2020-01-20 09:29:11'),(22485,936,2748,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-20 09:29:11','2020-01-20 09:29:11'),(22486,936,2749,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:15'),(22487,936,2749,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:15'),(22488,936,2749,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:15'),(22489,936,2749,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:15'),(22490,936,2749,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:15'),(22491,936,2749,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:15'),(22492,936,2749,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:15'),(22493,936,2749,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:15'),(22494,936,2749,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:15'),(22495,936,2749,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-20 09:46:15','2020-01-20 09:46:15'),(22496,937,2750,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-22 16:58:20','2020-01-22 16:58:20'),(22497,937,2750,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-22 16:58:20','2020-01-22 16:58:20'),(22498,937,2750,51,111,108,'n',0.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','Any kind of tobacco and tobacco-related devices','All of the above','2020-01-22 16:58:20','2020-01-22 16:58:20'),(22499,937,2750,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-22 16:58:20','2020-01-22 16:58:20'),(22500,937,2750,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-22 16:58:20','2020-01-22 16:58:20'),(22501,937,2750,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-22 16:58:20','2020-01-22 16:58:20'),(22502,937,2750,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-22 16:58:20','2020-01-22 16:58:20'),(22503,937,2750,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-22 16:58:20','2020-01-22 16:58:20'),(22504,937,2750,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-22 16:58:20','2020-01-22 16:58:20'),(22505,937,2750,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-22 16:58:20','2020-01-22 16:58:20'),(22506,937,2751,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-22 17:07:23','2020-01-22 17:07:23'),(22507,937,2751,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-22 17:07:23','2020-01-22 17:07:23'),(22508,937,2751,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-22 17:07:23','2020-01-22 17:07:23'),(22509,937,2751,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-22 17:07:23','2020-01-22 17:07:23'),(22510,937,2751,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-22 17:07:23','2020-01-22 17:07:23'),(22511,937,2752,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:12'),(22512,937,2752,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:12'),(22513,937,2752,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:12'),(22514,937,2752,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:12'),(22515,937,2752,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:12'),(22516,937,2752,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:12'),(22517,937,2752,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:12'),(22518,937,2752,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:12'),(22519,937,2752,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:12'),(22520,937,2752,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-22 17:25:12','2020-01-22 17:25:12'),(22521,938,2753,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-23 17:27:17','2020-01-23 18:16:33'),(22522,938,2753,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-23 17:27:17','2020-01-23 18:16:33'),(22523,938,2753,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-23 17:27:17','2020-01-23 18:16:33'),(22524,938,2753,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-23 17:27:17','2020-01-23 18:16:33'),(22525,938,2753,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-23 17:27:17','2020-01-23 18:16:33'),(22526,938,2753,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-23 17:27:17','2020-01-23 18:16:33'),(22527,938,2753,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-23 17:27:17','2020-01-23 18:16:33'),(22528,938,2753,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-23 17:27:17','2020-01-23 18:16:33'),(22529,938,2753,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-23 17:27:17','2020-01-23 18:16:33'),(22530,938,2753,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-23 17:27:17','2020-01-23 18:16:33'),(22531,938,2754,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-23 17:54:30','2020-01-23 18:16:37'),(22532,938,2754,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-23 17:54:30','2020-01-23 18:16:37'),(22533,938,2754,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-23 17:54:30','2020-01-23 18:16:37'),(22534,938,2754,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-23 17:54:30','2020-01-23 18:16:37'),(22535,938,2754,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-23 17:54:30','2020-01-23 18:16:37'),(22536,938,2755,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-23 18:08:22','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(22537,938,2755,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-23 18:08:22','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(22538,938,2755,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-23 18:08:22','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(22539,938,2755,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-23 18:08:22','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(22540,938,2755,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-23 18:08:22','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(22541,938,2755,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-23 18:08:22','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(22542,938,2755,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-23 18:08:22','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(22543,938,2755,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-23 18:08:22','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(22544,938,2755,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-23 18:08:22','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(22545,938,2755,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-23 18:08:22','2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(22546,939,2756,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-26 21:52:08','2020-01-26 21:52:08'),(22547,939,2756,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-26 21:52:08','2020-01-26 21:52:08'),(22548,939,2756,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-26 21:52:08','2020-01-26 21:52:08'),(22549,939,2756,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-26 21:52:08','2020-01-26 21:52:08'),(22550,939,2756,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-26 21:52:08','2020-01-26 21:52:08'),(22551,939,2756,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-26 21:52:08','2020-01-26 21:52:08'),(22552,939,2756,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-26 21:52:08','2020-01-26 21:52:08'),(22553,939,2756,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-26 21:52:08','2020-01-26 21:52:08'),(22554,939,2756,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-26 21:52:08','2020-01-26 21:52:08'),(22555,939,2756,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-26 21:52:08','2020-01-26 21:52:08'),(22556,939,2757,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-26 21:58:46','2020-01-26 21:58:46'),(22557,939,2757,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-26 21:58:46','2020-01-26 21:58:46'),(22558,939,2757,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-26 21:58:46','2020-01-26 21:58:46'),(22559,939,2757,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-26 21:58:46','2020-01-26 21:58:46'),(22560,939,2757,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-26 21:58:46','2020-01-26 21:58:46'),(22561,939,2758,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:08'),(22562,939,2758,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:08'),(22563,939,2758,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:08'),(22564,939,2758,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:08'),(22565,939,2758,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:08'),(22566,939,2758,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:08'),(22567,939,2758,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:08'),(22568,939,2758,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:08'),(22569,939,2758,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:08'),(22570,939,2758,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-26 22:19:08','2020-01-26 22:19:08'),(22571,940,2759,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 08:15:09','2020-01-27 08:15:09'),(22572,940,2759,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-27 08:15:09','2020-01-27 08:15:09'),(22573,940,2759,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 08:15:09','2020-01-27 08:15:09'),(22574,940,2759,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-27 08:15:09','2020-01-27 08:15:09'),(22575,940,2759,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 08:15:09','2020-01-27 08:15:09'),(22576,940,2759,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-27 08:15:09','2020-01-27 08:15:09'),(22577,940,2759,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-27 08:15:09','2020-01-27 08:15:09'),(22578,940,2759,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-27 08:15:09','2020-01-27 08:15:09'),(22579,940,2759,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-27 08:15:09','2020-01-27 08:15:09'),(22580,940,2759,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-27 08:15:09','2020-01-27 08:15:09'),(22581,940,2760,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-27 08:35:58','2020-01-27 08:35:58'),(22582,940,2760,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 08:35:58','2020-01-27 08:35:58'),(22583,940,2760,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-27 08:35:58','2020-01-27 08:35:58'),(22584,940,2760,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-27 08:35:58','2020-01-27 08:35:58'),(22585,940,2760,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-27 08:35:58','2020-01-27 08:35:58'),(22586,940,2761,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:41'),(22587,940,2761,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:41'),(22588,940,2761,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:41'),(22589,940,2761,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:41'),(22590,940,2761,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:41'),(22591,940,2761,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:41'),(22592,940,2761,81,196,198,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Whole Sale Price','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:41'),(22593,940,2761,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:41'),(22594,940,2761,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:41'),(22595,940,2761,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-27 08:53:41','2020-01-27 08:53:41'),(22596,941,2762,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 10:50:02','2020-01-27 10:50:02'),(22597,941,2762,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-27 10:50:02','2020-01-27 10:50:02'),(22598,941,2762,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 10:50:02','2020-01-27 10:50:02'),(22599,941,2762,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-27 10:50:02','2020-01-27 10:50:02'),(22600,941,2762,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 10:50:02','2020-01-27 10:50:02'),(22601,941,2762,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-27 10:50:02','2020-01-27 10:50:02'),(22602,941,2762,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-27 10:50:02','2020-01-27 10:50:02'),(22603,941,2762,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-27 10:50:02','2020-01-27 10:50:02'),(22604,941,2762,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-27 10:50:02','2020-01-27 10:50:02'),(22605,941,2762,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-27 10:50:02','2020-01-27 10:50:02'),(22606,941,2763,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-27 11:00:46','2020-01-27 11:00:46'),(22607,941,2763,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 11:00:46','2020-01-27 11:00:46'),(22608,941,2763,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-27 11:00:46','2020-01-27 11:00:46'),(22609,941,2763,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-27 11:00:46','2020-01-27 11:00:46'),(22610,941,2763,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-27 11:00:46','2020-01-27 11:00:46'),(22611,941,2764,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(22612,941,2764,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(22613,941,2764,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(22614,941,2764,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(22615,941,2764,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(22616,941,2764,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(22617,941,2764,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(22618,941,2764,82,201,203,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Smokeless Tobacco Products','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(22619,941,2764,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(22620,941,2764,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-27 11:22:12','2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(22621,942,2765,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 12:01:01','2020-01-27 12:01:01'),(22622,942,2765,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-27 12:01:01','2020-01-27 12:01:01'),(22623,942,2765,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 12:01:01','2020-01-27 12:01:01'),(22624,942,2765,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-27 12:01:01','2020-01-27 12:01:01'),(22625,942,2765,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 12:01:01','2020-01-27 12:01:01'),(22626,942,2765,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-27 12:01:01','2020-01-27 12:01:01'),(22627,942,2765,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-27 12:01:01','2020-01-27 12:01:01'),(22628,942,2765,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-27 12:01:01','2020-01-27 12:01:01'),(22629,942,2765,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-27 12:01:01','2020-01-27 12:01:01'),(22630,942,2765,58,130,131,'n',0.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','False','True','2020-01-27 12:01:01','2020-01-27 12:01:01'),(22631,942,2766,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-27 12:09:15','2020-01-27 12:09:15'),(22632,942,2766,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 12:09:15','2020-01-27 12:09:15'),(22633,942,2766,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-27 12:09:15','2020-01-27 12:09:15'),(22634,942,2766,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2020-01-27 12:09:15','2020-01-27 12:09:15'),(22635,942,2766,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-27 12:09:15','2020-01-27 12:09:15'),(22636,942,2767,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(22637,942,2767,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(22638,942,2767,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(22639,942,2767,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(22640,942,2767,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(22641,942,2767,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(22642,942,2767,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(22643,942,2767,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(22644,942,2767,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(22645,942,2767,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-27 12:27:55','2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(22646,943,2768,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-28 17:28:51','2020-01-28 17:28:51'),(22647,943,2768,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-28 17:28:51','2020-01-28 17:28:51'),(22648,943,2768,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-28 17:28:51','2020-01-28 17:28:51'),(22649,943,2768,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-28 17:28:51','2020-01-28 17:28:51'),(22650,943,2768,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-28 17:28:51','2020-01-28 17:28:51'),(22651,943,2768,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-28 17:28:51','2020-01-28 17:28:51'),(22652,943,2768,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-28 17:28:51','2020-01-28 17:28:51'),(22653,943,2768,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-28 17:28:51','2020-01-28 17:28:51'),(22654,943,2768,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-28 17:28:51','2020-01-28 17:28:51'),(22655,943,2768,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-28 17:28:51','2020-01-28 17:28:51'),(22656,943,2769,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-28 17:34:33','2020-01-28 17:34:33'),(22657,943,2769,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-28 17:34:33','2020-01-28 17:34:33'),(22658,943,2769,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-28 17:34:33','2020-01-28 17:34:33'),(22659,943,2769,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-28 17:34:33','2020-01-28 17:34:33'),(22660,943,2769,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-28 17:34:33','2020-01-28 17:34:33'),(22661,943,2770,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:43'),(22662,943,2770,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:43'),(22663,943,2770,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:43'),(22664,943,2770,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:43'),(22665,943,2770,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:43'),(22666,943,2770,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:43'),(22667,943,2770,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:43'),(22668,943,2770,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:43'),(22669,943,2770,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:43'),(22670,943,2770,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-28 17:49:43','2020-01-28 17:49:43'),(22671,944,2771,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-29 17:55:54','2020-01-29 17:55:54'),(22672,944,2771,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-01-29 17:55:54','2020-01-29 17:55:54'),(22673,944,2771,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-29 17:55:54','2020-01-29 17:55:54'),(22674,944,2771,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-01-29 17:55:54','2020-01-29 17:55:54'),(22675,944,2771,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-29 17:55:54','2020-01-29 17:55:54'),(22676,944,2771,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-01-29 17:55:54','2020-01-29 17:55:54'),(22677,944,2771,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-01-29 17:55:54','2020-01-29 17:55:54'),(22678,944,2771,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-01-29 17:55:54','2020-01-29 17:55:54'),(22679,944,2771,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-01-29 17:55:54','2020-01-29 17:55:54'),(22680,944,2771,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-01-29 17:55:54','2020-01-29 17:55:54'),(22681,944,2772,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-01-29 18:04:09','2020-01-29 18:04:09'),(22682,944,2772,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-29 18:04:09','2020-01-29 18:04:09'),(22683,944,2772,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-01-29 18:04:09','2020-01-29 18:04:09'),(22684,944,2772,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-01-29 18:04:09','2020-01-29 18:04:09'),(22685,944,2772,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-01-29 18:04:09','2020-01-29 18:04:09'),(22686,944,2773,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:04'),(22687,944,2773,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:04'),(22688,944,2773,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:04'),(22689,944,2773,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:04'),(22690,944,2773,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:04'),(22691,944,2773,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:04'),(22692,944,2773,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:04'),(22693,944,2773,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:04'),(22694,944,2773,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:04'),(22695,944,2773,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-01-29 18:23:04','2020-01-29 18:23:04'),(22696,945,2774,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-04 16:36:34','2020-02-04 16:36:34'),(22697,945,2774,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-04 16:36:34','2020-02-04 16:36:34'),(22698,945,2774,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-04 16:36:34','2020-02-04 16:36:34'),(22699,945,2774,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-04 16:36:34','2020-02-04 16:36:34'),(22700,945,2774,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-04 16:36:34','2020-02-04 16:36:34'),(22701,945,2774,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-04 16:36:34','2020-02-04 16:36:34'),(22702,945,2774,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-04 16:36:34','2020-02-04 16:36:34'),(22703,945,2774,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-04 16:36:34','2020-02-04 16:36:34'),(22704,945,2774,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-04 16:36:34','2020-02-04 16:36:34'),(22705,945,2774,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-04 16:36:34','2020-02-04 16:36:34'),(22706,945,2775,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-04 16:42:58','2020-02-04 16:42:58'),(22707,945,2775,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-04 16:42:58','2020-02-04 16:42:58'),(22708,945,2775,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-04 16:42:58','2020-02-04 16:42:58'),(22709,945,2775,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-04 16:42:58','2020-02-04 16:42:58'),(22710,945,2775,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-04 16:42:58','2020-02-04 16:42:58'),(22711,945,2776,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(22712,945,2776,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(22713,945,2776,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(22714,945,2776,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(22715,945,2776,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(22716,945,2776,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(22717,945,2776,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(22718,945,2776,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(22719,945,2776,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(22720,945,2776,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-04 17:05:02','2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(22721,946,2777,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-06 11:11:49','2020-02-06 11:11:49'),(22722,946,2777,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-06 11:11:49','2020-02-06 11:11:49'),(22723,946,2777,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-06 11:11:49','2020-02-06 11:11:49'),(22724,946,2777,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-06 11:11:49','2020-02-06 11:11:49'),(22725,946,2777,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-06 11:11:49','2020-02-06 11:11:49'),(22726,946,2777,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-06 11:11:49','2020-02-06 11:11:49'),(22727,946,2777,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-06 11:11:49','2020-02-06 11:11:49'),(22728,946,2777,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-06 11:11:49','2020-02-06 11:11:49'),(22729,946,2777,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-06 11:11:49','2020-02-06 11:11:49'),(22730,946,2777,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-06 11:11:49','2020-02-06 11:11:49'),(22731,946,2778,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-06 11:18:29','2020-02-06 11:18:29'),(22732,946,2778,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-06 11:18:29','2020-02-06 11:18:29'),(22733,946,2778,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-06 11:18:29','2020-02-06 11:18:29'),(22734,946,2778,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-06 11:18:29','2020-02-06 11:18:29'),(22735,946,2778,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-06 11:18:29','2020-02-06 11:18:29'),(22736,946,2779,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(22737,946,2779,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(22738,946,2779,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(22739,946,2779,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(22740,946,2779,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(22741,946,2779,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(22742,946,2779,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(22743,946,2779,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(22744,946,2779,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(22745,946,2779,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-06 11:35:26','2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(22746,947,2780,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-10 10:30:14','2020-02-10 10:30:14'),(22747,947,2780,50,104,105,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','60,000','490,000','2020-02-10 10:30:14','2020-02-10 10:30:14'),(22748,947,2780,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-10 10:30:14','2020-02-10 10:30:14'),(22749,947,2780,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-10 10:30:14','2020-02-10 10:30:14'),(22750,947,2780,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-10 10:30:14','2020-02-10 10:30:14'),(22751,947,2780,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-10 10:30:14','2020-02-10 10:30:14'),(22752,947,2780,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-10 10:30:14','2020-02-10 10:30:14'),(22753,947,2780,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-10 10:30:14','2020-02-10 10:30:14'),(22754,947,2780,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-10 10:30:14','2020-02-10 10:30:14'),(22755,947,2780,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-10 10:30:14','2020-02-10 10:30:14'),(22756,947,2781,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-10 10:36:06','2020-02-10 10:36:06'),(22757,947,2781,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-10 10:36:06','2020-02-10 10:36:06'),(22758,947,2781,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-10 10:36:06','2020-02-10 10:36:06'),(22759,947,2781,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-10 10:36:06','2020-02-10 10:36:06'),(22760,947,2781,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-10 10:36:06','2020-02-10 10:36:06'),(22761,947,2782,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(22762,947,2782,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(22763,947,2782,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(22764,947,2782,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(22765,947,2782,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(22766,947,2782,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(22767,947,2782,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(22768,947,2782,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(22769,947,2782,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(22770,947,2782,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-10 10:51:37','2020-02-10 10:51:37'),(22771,948,2783,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-11 16:02:45','2020-02-11 16:02:45'),(22772,948,2783,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-11 16:02:45','2020-02-11 16:02:45'),(22773,948,2783,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-11 16:02:45','2020-02-11 16:02:45'),(22774,948,2783,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-11 16:02:45','2020-02-11 16:02:45'),(22775,948,2783,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-11 16:02:45','2020-02-11 16:02:45'),(22776,948,2783,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-11 16:02:45','2020-02-11 16:02:45'),(22777,948,2783,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-11 16:02:45','2020-02-11 16:02:45'),(22778,948,2783,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-11 16:02:45','2020-02-11 16:02:45'),(22779,948,2783,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-11 16:02:45','2020-02-11 16:02:45'),(22780,948,2783,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-11 16:02:45','2020-02-11 16:02:45'),(22781,948,2784,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-11 16:08:47','2020-02-11 16:08:47'),(22782,948,2784,70,165,162,'n',0.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','Law enforcement or licensing staff','All of the above','2020-02-11 16:08:47','2020-02-11 16:08:47'),(22783,948,2784,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-11 16:08:47','2020-02-11 16:08:47'),(22784,948,2784,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-11 16:08:47','2020-02-11 16:08:47'),(22785,948,2784,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-11 16:08:47','2020-02-11 16:08:47'),(22786,948,2785,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:14'),(22787,948,2785,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:14'),(22788,948,2785,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:14'),(22789,948,2785,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:14'),(22790,948,2785,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:14'),(22791,948,2785,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:14'),(22792,948,2785,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:14'),(22793,948,2785,82,201,202,'n',0.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Cigars','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:14'),(22794,948,2785,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:14'),(22795,948,2785,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-11 16:23:14','2020-02-11 16:23:14'),(22796,949,2786,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-11 18:22:37','2020-02-11 18:22:37'),(22797,949,2786,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-11 18:22:37','2020-02-11 18:22:37'),(22798,949,2786,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-11 18:22:37','2020-02-11 18:22:37'),(22799,949,2786,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-11 18:22:37','2020-02-11 18:22:37'),(22800,949,2786,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-11 18:22:37','2020-02-11 18:22:37'),(22801,949,2786,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-11 18:22:37','2020-02-11 18:22:37'),(22802,949,2786,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-11 18:22:37','2020-02-11 18:22:37'),(22803,949,2786,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-11 18:22:37','2020-02-11 18:22:37'),(22804,949,2786,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-11 18:22:37','2020-02-11 18:22:37'),(22805,949,2786,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-11 18:22:37','2020-02-11 18:22:37'),(22806,949,2787,69,160,161,'n',0.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','False','True','2020-02-11 18:29:29','2020-02-11 18:29:29'),(22807,949,2787,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-11 18:29:29','2020-02-11 18:29:29'),(22808,949,2787,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-11 18:29:29','2020-02-11 18:29:29'),(22809,949,2787,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-11 18:29:29','2020-02-11 18:29:29'),(22810,949,2787,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-11 18:29:29','2020-02-11 18:29:29'),(22811,949,2788,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:27'),(22812,949,2788,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:27'),(22813,949,2788,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:27'),(22814,949,2788,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:27'),(22815,949,2788,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:27'),(22816,949,2788,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:27'),(22817,949,2788,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:27'),(22818,949,2788,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:27'),(22819,949,2788,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:27'),(22820,949,2788,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-11 18:48:27','2020-02-11 18:48:27'),(22821,950,2789,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-12 13:15:24','2020-02-12 13:15:24'),(22822,950,2789,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-12 13:15:24','2020-02-12 13:15:24'),(22823,950,2789,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-12 13:15:24','2020-02-12 13:15:24'),(22824,950,2789,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-12 13:15:24','2020-02-12 13:15:24'),(22825,950,2789,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-12 13:15:24','2020-02-12 13:15:24'),(22826,950,2789,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-12 13:15:24','2020-02-12 13:15:24'),(22827,950,2789,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-12 13:15:24','2020-02-12 13:15:24'),(22828,950,2789,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-12 13:15:24','2020-02-12 13:15:24'),(22829,950,2789,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-12 13:15:24','2020-02-12 13:15:24'),(22830,950,2789,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-12 13:15:24','2020-02-12 13:15:24'),(22831,950,2790,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-12 13:21:08','2020-02-12 13:21:08'),(22832,950,2790,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-12 13:21:08','2020-02-12 13:21:08'),(22833,950,2790,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-12 13:21:08','2020-02-12 13:21:08'),(22834,950,2790,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-12 13:21:08','2020-02-12 13:21:08'),(22835,950,2790,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-12 13:21:08','2020-02-12 13:21:08'),(22836,950,2791,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:36'),(22837,950,2791,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:36'),(22838,950,2791,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:36'),(22839,950,2791,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:36'),(22840,950,2791,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:36'),(22841,950,2791,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:36'),(22842,950,2791,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:36'),(22843,950,2791,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:36'),(22844,950,2791,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:36'),(22845,950,2791,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-12 13:36:36','2020-02-12 13:36:36'),(22846,951,2792,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-13 13:03:01','2020-02-13 13:03:01'),(22847,951,2792,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-13 13:03:01','2020-02-13 13:03:01'),(22848,951,2792,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-13 13:03:01','2020-02-13 13:03:01'),(22849,951,2792,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-13 13:03:01','2020-02-13 13:03:01'),(22850,951,2792,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-13 13:03:01','2020-02-13 13:03:01'),(22851,951,2792,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-13 13:03:01','2020-02-13 13:03:01'),(22852,951,2792,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-13 13:03:01','2020-02-13 13:03:01'),(22853,951,2792,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-13 13:03:01','2020-02-13 13:03:01'),(22854,951,2792,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-13 13:03:01','2020-02-13 13:03:01'),(22855,951,2792,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-13 13:03:01','2020-02-13 13:03:01'),(22856,951,2793,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-13 13:09:35','2020-02-13 13:09:35'),(22857,951,2793,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-13 13:09:35','2020-02-13 13:09:35'),(22858,951,2793,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-13 13:09:35','2020-02-13 13:09:35'),(22859,951,2793,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-13 13:09:35','2020-02-13 13:09:35'),(22860,951,2793,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-13 13:09:35','2020-02-13 13:09:35'),(22861,951,2794,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:32'),(22862,951,2794,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:32'),(22863,951,2794,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:32'),(22864,951,2794,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:32'),(22865,951,2794,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:32'),(22866,951,2794,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:32'),(22867,951,2794,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:32'),(22868,951,2794,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:32'),(22869,951,2794,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:32'),(22870,951,2794,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-13 13:26:32','2020-02-13 13:26:32'),(22871,952,2795,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 07:21:07','2020-02-14 07:21:07'),(22872,952,2795,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-14 07:21:07','2020-02-14 07:21:07'),(22873,952,2795,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 07:21:07','2020-02-14 07:21:07'),(22874,952,2795,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-14 07:21:07','2020-02-14 07:21:07'),(22875,952,2795,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 07:21:07','2020-02-14 07:21:07'),(22876,952,2795,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-14 07:21:07','2020-02-14 07:21:07'),(22877,952,2795,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-14 07:21:07','2020-02-14 07:21:07'),(22878,952,2795,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-14 07:21:07','2020-02-14 07:21:07'),(22879,952,2795,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-14 07:21:07','2020-02-14 07:21:07'),(22880,952,2795,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-14 07:21:07','2020-02-14 07:21:07'),(22881,952,2796,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-14 07:29:09','2020-02-14 07:29:09'),(22882,952,2796,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 07:29:09','2020-02-14 07:29:09'),(22883,952,2796,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-14 07:29:09','2020-02-14 07:29:09'),(22884,952,2796,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-14 07:29:09','2020-02-14 07:29:09'),(22885,952,2796,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-14 07:29:09','2020-02-14 07:29:09'),(22886,952,2797,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(22887,952,2797,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(22888,952,2797,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(22889,952,2797,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(22890,952,2797,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(22891,952,2797,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(22892,952,2797,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(22893,952,2797,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(22894,952,2797,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(22895,952,2797,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-14 07:55:30','2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(22896,953,2798,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 08:31:04','2020-02-14 08:31:04'),(22897,953,2798,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-14 08:31:04','2020-02-14 08:31:04'),(22898,953,2798,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 08:31:04','2020-02-14 08:31:04'),(22899,953,2798,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-14 08:31:04','2020-02-14 08:31:04'),(22900,953,2798,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 08:31:04','2020-02-14 08:31:04'),(22901,953,2798,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-14 08:31:04','2020-02-14 08:31:04'),(22902,953,2798,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-14 08:31:04','2020-02-14 08:31:04'),(22903,953,2798,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-14 08:31:04','2020-02-14 08:31:04'),(22904,953,2798,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-14 08:31:04','2020-02-14 08:31:04'),(22905,953,2798,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-14 08:31:04','2020-02-14 08:31:04'),(22906,953,2799,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-14 08:39:03','2020-02-14 08:39:03'),(22907,953,2799,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 08:39:03','2020-02-14 08:39:03'),(22908,953,2799,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-14 08:39:03','2020-02-14 08:39:03'),(22909,953,2799,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-14 08:39:03','2020-02-14 08:39:03'),(22910,953,2799,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-14 08:39:03','2020-02-14 08:39:03'),(22911,953,2800,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(22912,953,2800,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(22913,953,2800,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(22914,953,2800,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(22915,953,2800,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(22916,953,2800,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(22917,953,2800,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(22918,953,2800,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(22919,953,2800,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(22920,953,2800,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-14 09:06:11','2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(22921,954,2801,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 12:57:46','2020-02-14 12:57:46'),(22922,954,2801,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-14 12:57:46','2020-02-14 12:57:46'),(22923,954,2801,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 12:57:46','2020-02-14 12:57:46'),(22924,954,2801,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-14 12:57:46','2020-02-14 12:57:46'),(22925,954,2801,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 12:57:46','2020-02-14 12:57:46'),(22926,954,2801,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-14 12:57:46','2020-02-14 12:57:46'),(22927,954,2801,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-14 12:57:46','2020-02-14 12:57:46'),(22928,954,2801,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-14 12:57:46','2020-02-14 12:57:46'),(22929,954,2801,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-14 12:57:46','2020-02-14 12:57:46'),(22930,954,2801,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-14 12:57:46','2020-02-14 12:57:46'),(22931,954,2802,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-14 13:03:29','2020-02-14 13:03:29'),(22932,954,2802,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 13:03:29','2020-02-14 13:03:29'),(22933,954,2802,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-14 13:03:29','2020-02-14 13:03:29'),(22934,954,2802,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-14 13:03:29','2020-02-14 13:03:29'),(22935,954,2802,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-14 13:03:29','2020-02-14 13:03:29'),(22936,954,2803,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(22937,954,2803,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(22938,954,2803,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(22939,954,2803,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(22940,954,2803,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(22941,954,2803,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(22942,954,2803,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(22943,954,2803,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(22944,954,2803,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(22945,954,2803,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-14 13:19:20','2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(22946,955,2804,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 13:35:11','2020-02-14 13:35:11'),(22947,955,2804,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-14 13:35:11','2020-02-14 13:35:11'),(22948,955,2804,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 13:35:11','2020-02-14 13:35:11'),(22949,955,2804,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-14 13:35:11','2020-02-14 13:35:11'),(22950,955,2804,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 13:35:11','2020-02-14 13:35:11'),(22951,955,2804,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-14 13:35:11','2020-02-14 13:35:11'),(22952,955,2804,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-14 13:35:11','2020-02-14 13:35:11'),(22953,955,2804,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-14 13:35:11','2020-02-14 13:35:11'),(22954,955,2804,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-14 13:35:11','2020-02-14 13:35:11'),(22955,955,2804,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-14 13:35:11','2020-02-14 13:35:11'),(22956,955,2805,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-14 13:41:48','2020-02-14 13:41:48'),(22957,955,2805,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 13:41:48','2020-02-14 13:41:48'),(22958,955,2805,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-14 13:41:48','2020-02-14 13:41:48'),(22959,955,2805,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2020-02-14 13:41:48','2020-02-14 13:41:48'),(22960,955,2805,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-14 13:41:48','2020-02-14 13:41:48'),(22961,955,2806,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(22962,955,2806,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(22963,955,2806,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(22964,955,2806,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(22965,955,2806,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(22966,955,2806,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(22967,955,2806,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(22968,955,2806,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(22969,955,2806,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(22970,955,2806,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-14 14:00:48','2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(22971,956,2807,49,103,101,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','AIDS','All of the above','2020-02-14 13:58:30','2020-02-14 13:58:30'),(22972,956,2807,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-14 13:58:30','2020-02-14 13:58:30'),(22973,956,2807,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 13:58:30','2020-02-14 13:58:30'),(22974,956,2807,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-14 13:58:30','2020-02-14 13:58:30'),(22975,956,2807,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 13:58:30','2020-02-14 13:58:30'),(22976,956,2807,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-14 13:58:30','2020-02-14 13:58:30'),(22977,956,2807,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-14 13:58:30','2020-02-14 13:58:30'),(22978,956,2807,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-14 13:58:30','2020-02-14 13:58:30'),(22979,956,2807,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-14 13:58:30','2020-02-14 13:58:30'),(22980,956,2807,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-14 13:58:30','2020-02-14 13:58:30'),(22981,956,2808,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-14 14:06:52','2020-02-14 14:06:52'),(22982,956,2808,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 14:06:52','2020-02-14 14:06:52'),(22983,956,2808,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-14 14:06:52','2020-02-14 14:06:52'),(22984,956,2808,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-14 14:06:52','2020-02-14 14:06:52'),(22985,956,2808,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-14 14:06:52','2020-02-14 14:06:52'),(22986,956,2809,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-14 14:25:22','2020-02-14 14:25:22'),(22987,956,2809,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 14:25:22','2020-02-14 14:25:22'),(22988,956,2809,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-14 14:25:22','2020-02-14 14:25:22'),(22989,956,2809,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-02-14 14:25:22','2020-02-14 14:25:22'),(22990,956,2809,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-14 14:25:22','2020-02-14 14:25:22'),(22991,956,2809,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-14 14:25:22','2020-02-14 14:25:22'),(22992,956,2809,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-14 14:25:22','2020-02-14 14:25:22'),(22993,956,2809,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-14 14:25:22','2020-02-14 14:25:22'),(22994,956,2809,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-02-14 14:25:22','2020-02-14 14:25:22'),(22995,956,2809,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-14 14:25:22','2020-02-14 14:25:22'),(22996,957,2810,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-15 07:34:20','2020-02-15 07:34:20'),(22997,957,2810,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-15 07:34:20','2020-02-15 07:34:20'),(22998,957,2810,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-15 07:34:20','2020-02-15 07:34:20'),(22999,957,2810,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-15 07:34:20','2020-02-15 07:34:20'),(23000,957,2810,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-15 07:34:20','2020-02-15 07:34:20'),(23001,957,2810,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-15 07:34:20','2020-02-15 07:34:20'),(23002,957,2810,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-15 07:34:20','2020-02-15 07:34:20'),(23003,957,2810,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-15 07:34:20','2020-02-15 07:34:20'),(23004,957,2810,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-15 07:34:20','2020-02-15 07:34:20'),(23005,957,2810,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-15 07:34:20','2020-02-15 07:34:20'),(23006,957,2811,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-15 07:41:18','2020-02-15 07:41:18'),(23007,957,2811,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-15 07:41:18','2020-02-15 07:41:18'),(23008,957,2811,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-15 07:41:18','2020-02-15 07:41:18'),(23009,957,2811,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-15 07:41:18','2020-02-15 07:41:18'),(23010,957,2811,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-15 07:41:18','2020-02-15 07:41:18'),(23011,957,2812,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(23012,957,2812,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(23013,957,2812,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(23014,957,2812,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(23015,957,2812,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(23016,957,2812,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(23017,957,2812,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(23018,957,2812,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(23019,957,2812,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(23020,957,2812,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-15 08:05:07','2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(23021,958,2813,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-16 13:48:00','2020-02-16 13:48:00'),(23022,958,2813,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-16 13:48:00','2020-02-16 13:48:00'),(23023,958,2813,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-16 13:48:00','2020-02-16 13:48:00'),(23024,958,2813,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-16 13:48:00','2020-02-16 13:48:00'),(23025,958,2813,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-16 13:48:00','2020-02-16 13:48:00'),(23026,958,2813,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-16 13:48:00','2020-02-16 13:48:00'),(23027,958,2813,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-16 13:48:00','2020-02-16 13:48:00'),(23028,958,2813,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-16 13:48:00','2020-02-16 13:48:00'),(23029,958,2813,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-16 13:48:00','2020-02-16 13:48:00'),(23030,958,2813,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-16 13:48:00','2020-02-16 13:48:00'),(23031,958,2814,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-16 14:00:46','2020-02-16 14:00:46'),(23032,958,2814,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-16 14:00:46','2020-02-16 14:00:46'),(23033,958,2814,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-16 14:00:46','2020-02-16 14:00:46'),(23034,958,2814,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-16 14:00:46','2020-02-16 14:00:46'),(23035,958,2814,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-16 14:00:46','2020-02-16 14:00:46'),(23036,958,2815,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(23037,958,2815,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(23038,958,2815,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(23039,958,2815,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(23040,958,2815,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(23041,958,2815,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(23042,958,2815,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(23043,958,2815,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(23044,958,2815,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(23045,958,2815,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-16 14:18:09','2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(23046,959,2816,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 05:29:35','2020-02-17 05:29:35'),(23047,959,2816,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-17 05:29:35','2020-02-17 05:29:35'),(23048,959,2816,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 05:29:35','2020-02-17 05:29:35'),(23049,959,2816,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-17 05:29:35','2020-02-17 05:29:35'),(23050,959,2816,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 05:29:35','2020-02-17 05:29:35'),(23051,959,2816,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-17 05:29:35','2020-02-17 05:29:35'),(23052,959,2816,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-17 05:29:35','2020-02-17 05:29:35'),(23053,959,2816,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-17 05:29:35','2020-02-17 05:29:35'),(23054,959,2816,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-17 05:29:35','2020-02-17 05:29:35'),(23055,959,2816,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-17 05:29:35','2020-02-17 05:29:35'),(23056,959,2817,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-17 05:39:11','2020-02-17 05:39:11'),(23057,959,2817,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 05:39:11','2020-02-17 05:39:11'),(23058,959,2817,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-17 05:39:11','2020-02-17 05:39:11'),(23059,959,2817,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-17 05:39:11','2020-02-17 05:39:11'),(23060,959,2817,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-17 05:39:11','2020-02-17 05:39:11'),(23061,959,2818,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(23062,959,2818,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(23063,959,2818,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(23064,959,2818,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(23065,959,2818,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(23066,959,2818,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(23067,959,2818,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(23068,959,2818,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(23069,959,2818,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(23070,959,2818,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-17 05:58:31','2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(23071,960,2819,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 09:09:08','2020-02-17 09:09:08'),(23072,960,2819,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-17 09:09:08','2020-02-17 09:09:08'),(23073,960,2819,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 09:09:08','2020-02-17 09:09:08'),(23074,960,2819,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-17 09:09:08','2020-02-17 09:09:08'),(23075,960,2819,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 09:09:08','2020-02-17 09:09:08'),(23076,960,2819,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-17 09:09:08','2020-02-17 09:09:08'),(23077,960,2819,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-17 09:09:08','2020-02-17 09:09:08'),(23078,960,2819,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-17 09:09:08','2020-02-17 09:09:08'),(23079,960,2819,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-17 09:09:08','2020-02-17 09:09:08'),(23080,960,2819,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-17 09:09:08','2020-02-17 09:09:08'),(23081,960,2820,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-17 09:15:53','2020-02-17 09:15:53'),(23082,960,2820,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 09:15:53','2020-02-17 09:15:53'),(23083,960,2820,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-17 09:15:53','2020-02-17 09:15:53'),(23084,960,2820,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-17 09:15:53','2020-02-17 09:15:53'),(23085,960,2820,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-17 09:15:53','2020-02-17 09:15:53'),(23086,960,2821,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(23087,960,2821,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(23088,960,2821,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(23089,960,2821,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(23090,960,2821,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(23091,960,2821,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(23092,960,2821,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(23093,960,2821,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(23094,960,2821,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(23095,960,2821,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-17 09:32:09','2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(23096,961,2822,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 13:57:06','2020-02-17 13:57:06'),(23097,961,2822,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-17 13:57:06','2020-02-17 13:57:06'),(23098,961,2822,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 13:57:06','2020-02-17 13:57:06'),(23099,961,2822,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-17 13:57:06','2020-02-17 13:57:06'),(23100,961,2822,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 13:57:06','2020-02-17 13:57:06'),(23101,961,2822,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-17 13:57:06','2020-02-17 13:57:06'),(23102,961,2822,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-17 13:57:06','2020-02-17 13:57:06'),(23103,961,2822,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-17 13:57:06','2020-02-17 13:57:06'),(23104,961,2822,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-17 13:57:06','2020-02-17 13:57:06'),(23105,961,2822,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-17 13:57:06','2020-02-17 13:57:06'),(23106,961,2823,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-17 14:03:25','2020-02-17 14:03:25'),(23107,961,2823,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 14:03:25','2020-02-17 14:03:25'),(23108,961,2823,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-17 14:03:25','2020-02-17 14:03:25'),(23109,961,2823,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-17 14:03:25','2020-02-17 14:03:25'),(23110,961,2823,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-17 14:03:25','2020-02-17 14:03:25'),(23111,961,2824,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(23112,961,2824,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(23113,961,2824,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(23114,961,2824,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(23115,961,2824,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(23116,961,2824,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(23117,961,2824,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(23118,961,2824,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(23119,961,2824,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(23120,961,2824,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-17 14:20:02','2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(23121,962,2825,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-21 15:10:38','2020-02-21 15:10:38'),(23122,962,2825,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-21 15:10:38','2020-02-21 15:10:38'),(23123,962,2825,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-21 15:10:38','2020-02-21 15:10:38'),(23124,962,2825,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-21 15:10:38','2020-02-21 15:10:38'),(23125,962,2825,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-21 15:10:38','2020-02-21 15:10:38'),(23126,962,2825,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-21 15:10:38','2020-02-21 15:10:38'),(23127,962,2825,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-21 15:10:38','2020-02-21 15:10:38'),(23128,962,2825,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-21 15:10:38','2020-02-21 15:10:38'),(23129,962,2825,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-21 15:10:38','2020-02-21 15:10:38'),(23130,962,2825,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-21 15:10:38','2020-02-21 15:10:38'),(23131,962,2826,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-21 15:17:29','2020-02-21 15:17:29'),(23132,962,2826,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-21 15:17:29','2020-02-21 15:17:29'),(23133,962,2826,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-21 15:17:29','2020-02-21 15:17:29'),(23134,962,2826,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-21 15:17:29','2020-02-21 15:17:29'),(23135,962,2826,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-21 15:17:29','2020-02-21 15:17:29'),(23136,962,2827,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(23137,962,2827,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(23138,962,2827,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(23139,962,2827,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(23140,962,2827,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(23141,962,2827,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(23142,962,2827,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(23143,962,2827,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(23144,962,2827,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(23145,962,2827,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-21 15:32:15','2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(23146,963,2828,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-25 20:39:34','2020-02-25 20:39:34'),(23147,963,2828,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-25 20:39:34','2020-02-25 20:39:34'),(23148,963,2828,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-25 20:39:34','2020-02-25 20:39:34'),(23149,963,2828,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-25 20:39:34','2020-02-25 20:39:34'),(23150,963,2828,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-25 20:39:34','2020-02-25 20:39:34'),(23151,963,2828,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-25 20:39:34','2020-02-25 20:39:34'),(23152,963,2828,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-25 20:39:34','2020-02-25 20:39:34'),(23153,963,2828,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-25 20:39:34','2020-02-25 20:39:34'),(23154,963,2828,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-25 20:39:34','2020-02-25 20:39:34'),(23155,963,2828,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-25 20:39:34','2020-02-25 20:39:34'),(23156,963,2829,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-25 20:53:31','2020-02-25 20:53:31'),(23157,963,2829,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-25 20:53:31','2020-02-25 20:53:31'),(23158,963,2829,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-25 20:53:31','2020-02-25 20:53:31'),(23159,963,2829,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-25 20:53:31','2020-02-25 20:53:31'),(23160,963,2829,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-25 20:53:31','2020-02-25 20:53:31'),(23161,963,2830,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(23162,963,2830,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(23163,963,2830,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(23164,963,2830,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(23165,963,2830,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(23166,963,2830,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(23167,963,2830,81,196,198,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Whole Sale Price','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(23168,963,2830,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(23169,963,2830,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(23170,963,2830,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-25 21:15:25','2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(23171,964,2831,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-26 10:20:05','2020-02-26 10:20:05'),(23172,964,2831,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-26 10:20:05','2020-02-26 10:20:05'),(23173,964,2831,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-26 10:20:05','2020-02-26 10:20:05'),(23174,964,2831,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-26 10:20:05','2020-02-26 10:20:05'),(23175,964,2831,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-26 10:20:05','2020-02-26 10:20:05'),(23176,964,2831,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-26 10:20:05','2020-02-26 10:20:05'),(23177,964,2831,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-26 10:20:05','2020-02-26 10:20:05'),(23178,964,2831,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-26 10:20:05','2020-02-26 10:20:05'),(23179,964,2831,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-26 10:20:05','2020-02-26 10:20:05'),(23180,964,2831,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-26 10:20:05','2020-02-26 10:20:05'),(23181,964,2832,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-26 10:26:46','2020-02-26 10:26:46'),(23182,964,2832,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-26 10:26:46','2020-02-26 10:26:46'),(23183,964,2832,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-26 10:26:46','2020-02-26 10:26:46'),(23184,964,2832,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-26 10:26:46','2020-02-26 10:26:46'),(23185,964,2832,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-26 10:26:46','2020-02-26 10:26:46'),(23186,964,2833,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:20'),(23187,964,2833,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:20'),(23188,964,2833,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:20'),(23189,964,2833,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:20'),(23190,964,2833,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:20'),(23191,964,2833,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:20'),(23192,964,2833,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:20'),(23193,964,2833,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:20'),(23194,964,2833,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:20'),(23195,964,2833,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-26 10:44:20','2020-02-26 10:44:20'),(23196,965,2834,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 09:37:13','2020-02-27 09:37:13'),(23197,965,2834,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-27 09:37:13','2020-02-27 09:37:13'),(23198,965,2834,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 09:37:13','2020-02-27 09:37:13'),(23199,965,2834,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-27 09:37:13','2020-02-27 09:37:13'),(23200,965,2834,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 09:37:13','2020-02-27 09:37:13'),(23201,965,2834,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-27 09:37:13','2020-02-27 09:37:13'),(23202,965,2834,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-27 09:37:13','2020-02-27 09:37:13'),(23203,965,2834,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-27 09:37:13','2020-02-27 09:37:13'),(23204,965,2834,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-27 09:37:13','2020-02-27 09:37:13'),(23205,965,2834,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-27 09:37:13','2020-02-27 09:37:13'),(23206,965,2835,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-27 09:43:00','2020-02-27 09:43:00'),(23207,965,2835,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 09:43:00','2020-02-27 09:43:00'),(23208,965,2835,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-27 09:43:00','2020-02-27 09:43:00'),(23209,965,2835,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-27 09:43:00','2020-02-27 09:43:00'),(23210,965,2835,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-27 09:43:00','2020-02-27 09:43:00'),(23211,965,2836,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:29'),(23212,965,2836,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:29'),(23213,965,2836,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:29'),(23214,965,2836,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:29'),(23215,965,2836,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:29'),(23216,965,2836,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:29'),(23217,965,2836,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:29'),(23218,965,2836,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:29'),(23219,965,2836,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:29'),(23220,965,2836,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-27 09:58:29','2020-02-27 09:58:29'),(23221,966,2837,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 10:13:11','2020-02-27 10:13:11'),(23222,966,2837,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-02-27 10:13:11','2020-02-27 10:13:11'),(23223,966,2837,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 10:13:11','2020-02-27 10:13:11'),(23224,966,2837,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-02-27 10:13:11','2020-02-27 10:13:11'),(23225,966,2837,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 10:13:11','2020-02-27 10:13:11'),(23226,966,2837,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-02-27 10:13:11','2020-02-27 10:13:11'),(23227,966,2837,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-02-27 10:13:11','2020-02-27 10:13:11'),(23228,966,2837,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-02-27 10:13:11','2020-02-27 10:13:11'),(23229,966,2837,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-02-27 10:13:11','2020-02-27 10:13:11'),(23230,966,2837,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-02-27 10:13:11','2020-02-27 10:13:11'),(23231,966,2838,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-02-27 10:19:44','2020-02-27 10:19:44'),(23232,966,2838,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 10:19:44','2020-02-27 10:19:44'),(23233,966,2838,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-02-27 10:19:44','2020-02-27 10:19:44'),(23234,966,2838,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-02-27 10:19:44','2020-02-27 10:19:44'),(23235,966,2838,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-02-27 10:19:44','2020-02-27 10:19:44'),(23236,966,2839,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(23237,966,2839,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(23238,966,2839,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(23239,966,2839,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(23240,966,2839,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(23241,966,2839,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(23242,966,2839,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(23243,966,2839,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(23244,966,2839,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(23245,966,2839,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-02-27 10:34:35','2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(23246,967,2840,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-06 09:57:57','2020-03-06 09:57:57'),(23247,967,2840,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-03-06 09:57:57','2020-03-06 09:57:57'),(23248,967,2840,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-06 09:57:57','2020-03-06 09:57:57'),(23249,967,2840,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-03-06 09:57:57','2020-03-06 09:57:57'),(23250,967,2840,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-06 09:57:57','2020-03-06 09:57:57'),(23251,967,2840,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-03-06 09:57:57','2020-03-06 09:57:57'),(23252,967,2840,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-03-06 09:57:57','2020-03-06 09:57:57'),(23253,967,2840,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-03-06 09:57:57','2020-03-06 09:57:57'),(23254,967,2840,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-03-06 09:57:57','2020-03-06 09:57:57'),(23255,967,2840,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-03-06 09:57:57','2020-03-06 09:57:57'),(23256,967,2841,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-03-06 10:05:02','2020-03-06 10:26:47'),(23257,967,2841,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-06 10:05:02','2020-03-06 10:26:47'),(23258,967,2841,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-03-06 10:05:02','2020-03-06 10:26:47'),(23259,967,2841,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-03-06 10:05:02','2020-03-06 10:26:47'),(23260,967,2841,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-03-06 10:05:02','2020-03-06 10:26:47'),(23261,967,2842,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-03-06 10:25:41','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(23262,967,2842,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-06 10:25:41','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(23263,967,2842,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-03-06 10:25:41','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(23264,967,2842,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-03-06 10:25:41','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(23265,967,2842,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-03-06 10:25:41','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(23266,967,2842,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-06 10:25:41','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(23267,967,2842,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-03-06 10:25:41','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(23268,967,2842,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-03-06 10:25:41','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(23269,967,2842,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-03-06 10:25:41','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(23270,967,2842,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-03-06 10:25:41','2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(23271,968,2843,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-18 11:25:12','2020-03-18 11:25:12'),(23272,968,2843,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-03-18 11:25:12','2020-03-18 11:25:12'),(23273,968,2843,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-18 11:25:12','2020-03-18 11:25:12'),(23274,968,2843,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-03-18 11:25:12','2020-03-18 11:25:12'),(23275,968,2843,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-18 11:25:12','2020-03-18 11:25:12'),(23276,968,2843,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-03-18 11:25:12','2020-03-18 11:25:12'),(23277,968,2843,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-03-18 11:25:12','2020-03-18 11:25:12'),(23278,968,2843,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-03-18 11:25:12','2020-03-18 11:25:12'),(23279,968,2843,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-03-18 11:25:12','2020-03-18 11:25:12'),(23280,968,2843,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-03-18 11:25:12','2020-03-18 11:25:12'),(23281,968,2844,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-03-18 11:31:52','2020-03-18 11:31:52'),(23282,968,2844,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-18 11:31:52','2020-03-18 11:31:52'),(23283,968,2844,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-03-18 11:31:52','2020-03-18 11:31:52'),(23284,968,2844,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-03-18 11:31:52','2020-03-18 11:31:52'),(23285,968,2844,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-03-18 11:31:52','2020-03-18 11:31:52'),(23286,968,2845,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(23287,968,2845,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(23288,968,2845,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(23289,968,2845,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(23290,968,2845,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(23291,968,2845,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(23292,968,2845,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(23293,968,2845,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(23294,968,2845,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(23295,968,2845,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-03-18 11:47:25','2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(23296,969,2846,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-23 12:10:01','2020-03-23 12:10:01'),(23297,969,2846,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-03-23 12:10:01','2020-03-23 12:10:01'),(23298,969,2846,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-23 12:10:01','2020-03-23 12:10:01'),(23299,969,2846,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-03-23 12:10:01','2020-03-23 12:10:01'),(23300,969,2846,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-23 12:10:01','2020-03-23 12:10:01'),(23301,969,2846,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-03-23 12:10:01','2020-03-23 12:10:01'),(23302,969,2846,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-03-23 12:10:01','2020-03-23 12:10:01'),(23303,969,2846,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-03-23 12:10:01','2020-03-23 12:10:01'),(23304,969,2846,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-03-23 12:10:01','2020-03-23 12:10:01'),(23305,969,2846,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-03-23 12:10:01','2020-03-23 12:10:01'),(23306,969,2847,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-03-23 12:17:57','2020-03-23 12:17:57'),(23307,969,2847,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-23 12:17:57','2020-03-23 12:17:57'),(23308,969,2847,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-03-23 12:17:57','2020-03-23 12:17:57'),(23309,969,2847,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-03-23 12:17:57','2020-03-23 12:17:57'),(23310,969,2847,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-03-23 12:17:57','2020-03-23 12:17:57'),(23311,969,2848,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(23312,969,2848,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(23313,969,2848,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(23314,969,2848,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(23315,969,2848,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(23316,969,2848,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(23317,969,2848,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(23318,969,2848,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(23319,969,2848,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(23320,969,2848,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-03-23 13:19:26','2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(23321,970,2849,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-26 10:15:04','2020-03-26 10:15:04'),(23322,970,2849,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-03-26 10:15:04','2020-03-26 10:15:04'),(23323,970,2849,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-26 10:15:04','2020-03-26 10:15:04'),(23324,970,2849,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-03-26 10:15:04','2020-03-26 10:15:04'),(23325,970,2849,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-26 10:15:04','2020-03-26 10:15:04'),(23326,970,2849,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-03-26 10:15:04','2020-03-26 10:15:04'),(23327,970,2849,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-03-26 10:15:04','2020-03-26 10:15:04'),(23328,970,2849,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-03-26 10:15:04','2020-03-26 10:15:04'),(23329,970,2849,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-03-26 10:15:04','2020-03-26 10:15:04'),(23330,970,2849,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-03-26 10:15:04','2020-03-26 10:15:04'),(23331,970,2850,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-03-26 10:20:44','2020-03-26 10:20:44'),(23332,970,2850,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-26 10:20:44','2020-03-26 10:20:44'),(23333,970,2850,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-03-26 10:20:44','2020-03-26 10:20:44'),(23334,970,2850,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-03-26 10:20:44','2020-03-26 10:20:44'),(23335,970,2850,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-03-26 10:20:44','2020-03-26 10:20:44'),(23336,970,2851,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(23337,970,2851,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(23338,970,2851,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(23339,970,2851,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(23340,970,2851,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(23341,970,2851,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(23342,970,2851,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(23343,970,2851,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(23344,970,2851,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(23345,970,2851,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-03-26 10:35:51','2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(23346,971,2852,49,103,100,'n',0.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','Alcohol & Illegal Drugs','All of the above','2020-04-08 13:20:34','2020-04-08 13:20:34'),(23347,971,2852,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-04-08 13:20:34','2020-04-08 13:20:34'),(23348,971,2852,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-08 13:20:34','2020-04-08 13:20:34'),(23349,971,2852,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-04-08 13:20:34','2020-04-08 13:20:34'),(23350,971,2852,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-08 13:20:34','2020-04-08 13:20:34'),(23351,971,2852,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-04-08 13:20:34','2020-04-08 13:20:34'),(23352,971,2852,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-04-08 13:20:34','2020-04-08 13:20:34'),(23353,971,2852,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-04-08 13:20:34','2020-04-08 13:20:34'),(23354,971,2852,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-04-08 13:20:34','2020-04-08 13:20:34'),(23355,971,2852,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-04-08 13:20:34','2020-04-08 13:20:34'),(23356,971,2853,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-04-08 13:27:08','2020-04-08 13:27:08'),(23357,971,2853,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-08 13:27:08','2020-04-08 13:27:08'),(23358,971,2853,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-04-08 13:27:08','2020-04-08 13:27:08'),(23359,971,2853,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2020-04-08 13:27:08','2020-04-08 13:27:08'),(23360,971,2853,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-04-08 13:27:08','2020-04-08 13:27:08'),(23361,971,2854,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(23362,971,2854,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(23363,971,2854,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(23364,971,2854,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(23365,971,2854,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(23366,971,2854,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(23367,971,2854,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(23368,971,2854,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(23369,971,2854,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(23370,971,2854,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-04-08 13:44:33','2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(23371,972,2855,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-08 14:27:35','2020-04-08 14:27:35'),(23372,972,2855,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-04-08 14:27:35','2020-04-08 14:27:35'),(23373,972,2855,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-08 14:27:35','2020-04-08 14:27:35'),(23374,972,2855,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-04-08 14:27:35','2020-04-08 14:27:35'),(23375,972,2855,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-08 14:27:35','2020-04-08 14:27:35'),(23376,972,2855,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-04-08 14:27:35','2020-04-08 14:27:35'),(23377,972,2855,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-04-08 14:27:35','2020-04-08 14:27:35'),(23378,972,2855,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-04-08 14:27:35','2020-04-08 14:27:35'),(23379,972,2855,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-04-08 14:27:35','2020-04-08 14:27:35'),(23380,972,2855,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-04-08 14:27:35','2020-04-08 14:27:35'),(23381,972,2856,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-04-08 14:34:47','2020-04-08 14:34:47'),(23382,972,2856,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-08 14:34:47','2020-04-08 14:34:47'),(23383,972,2856,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-04-08 14:34:47','2020-04-08 14:34:47'),(23384,972,2856,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-04-08 14:34:47','2020-04-08 14:34:47'),(23385,972,2856,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-04-08 14:34:47','2020-04-08 14:34:47'),(23386,972,2857,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:07'),(23387,972,2857,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:07'),(23388,972,2857,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:07'),(23389,972,2857,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:07'),(23390,972,2857,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:07'),(23391,972,2857,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:07'),(23392,972,2857,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:07'),(23393,972,2857,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:07'),(23394,972,2857,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:07'),(23395,972,2857,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-04-08 14:52:07','2020-04-08 14:52:07'),(23396,973,2858,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-13 09:38:48','2020-04-13 09:47:12'),(23397,973,2858,50,104,107,'n',0.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','300,000','490,000','2020-04-13 09:38:48','2020-04-13 09:47:12'),(23398,973,2858,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-13 09:38:48','2020-04-13 09:47:12'),(23399,973,2858,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-04-13 09:38:48','2020-04-13 09:47:12'),(23400,973,2858,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-13 09:38:48','2020-04-13 09:47:12'),(23401,973,2858,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-04-13 09:38:48','2020-04-13 09:47:12'),(23402,973,2858,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-04-13 09:38:48','2020-04-13 09:47:12'),(23403,973,2858,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-04-13 09:38:48','2020-04-13 09:47:12'),(23404,973,2858,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-04-13 09:38:48','2020-04-13 09:47:12'),(23405,973,2858,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-04-13 09:38:48','2020-04-13 09:47:12'),(23406,973,2859,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-04-13 09:47:06','2020-04-13 09:47:16'),(23407,973,2859,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-13 09:47:06','2020-04-13 09:47:16'),(23408,973,2859,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-04-13 09:47:06','2020-04-13 09:47:16'),(23409,973,2859,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-04-13 09:47:06','2020-04-13 09:47:16'),(23410,973,2859,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-04-13 09:47:06','2020-04-13 09:47:16'),(23411,973,2860,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(23412,973,2860,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(23413,973,2860,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(23414,973,2860,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(23415,973,2860,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(23416,973,2860,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(23417,973,2860,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(23418,973,2860,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(23419,973,2860,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(23420,973,2860,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-04-13 10:06:03','2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(23421,974,2861,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-21 13:19:42','2020-04-21 13:19:42'),(23422,974,2861,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-04-21 13:19:42','2020-04-21 13:19:42'),(23423,974,2861,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-21 13:19:42','2020-04-21 13:19:42'),(23424,974,2861,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-04-21 13:19:42','2020-04-21 13:19:42'),(23425,974,2861,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-21 13:19:42','2020-04-21 13:19:42'),(23426,974,2861,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-04-21 13:19:42','2020-04-21 13:19:42'),(23427,974,2861,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-04-21 13:19:42','2020-04-21 13:19:42'),(23428,974,2861,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-04-21 13:19:42','2020-04-21 13:19:42'),(23429,974,2861,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-04-21 13:19:42','2020-04-21 13:19:42'),(23430,974,2861,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-04-21 13:19:42','2020-04-21 13:19:42'),(23431,974,2862,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-04-21 13:33:59','2020-04-21 13:33:59'),(23432,974,2862,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-21 13:33:59','2020-04-21 13:33:59'),(23433,974,2862,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-04-21 13:33:59','2020-04-21 13:33:59'),(23434,974,2862,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2020-04-21 13:33:59','2020-04-21 13:33:59'),(23435,974,2862,73,174,175,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Local law enforcement','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-04-21 13:33:59','2020-04-21 13:33:59'),(23436,974,2863,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:15'),(23437,974,2863,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:15'),(23438,974,2863,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:15'),(23439,974,2863,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:15'),(23440,974,2863,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:15'),(23441,974,2863,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:15'),(23442,974,2863,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:15'),(23443,974,2863,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:15'),(23444,974,2863,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:15'),(23445,974,2863,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-04-21 13:52:15','2020-04-21 13:52:15'),(23446,975,2864,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-22 10:44:11','2020-04-22 10:44:11'),(23447,975,2864,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-04-22 10:44:11','2020-04-22 10:44:11'),(23448,975,2864,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-22 10:44:11','2020-04-22 10:44:11'),(23449,975,2864,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-04-22 10:44:11','2020-04-22 10:44:11'),(23450,975,2864,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-22 10:44:11','2020-04-22 10:44:11'),(23451,975,2864,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-04-22 10:44:11','2020-04-22 10:44:11'),(23452,975,2864,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-04-22 10:44:11','2020-04-22 10:44:11'),(23453,975,2864,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-04-22 10:44:11','2020-04-22 10:44:11'),(23454,975,2864,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-04-22 10:44:11','2020-04-22 10:44:11'),(23455,975,2864,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-04-22 10:44:11','2020-04-22 10:44:11'),(23456,975,2865,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-04-22 10:53:11','2020-04-22 10:53:11'),(23457,975,2865,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-22 10:53:11','2020-04-22 10:53:11'),(23458,975,2865,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-04-22 10:53:11','2020-04-22 10:53:11'),(23459,975,2865,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-04-22 10:53:11','2020-04-22 10:53:11'),(23460,975,2865,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-04-22 10:53:11','2020-04-22 10:53:11'),(23461,975,2866,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(23462,975,2866,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(23463,975,2866,74,176,177,'n',0.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','False','True','2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(23464,975,2866,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(23465,975,2866,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(23466,975,2866,77,184,183,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','Booth at a fair or community event','All of the above','2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(23467,975,2866,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(23468,975,2866,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(23469,975,2866,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(23470,975,2866,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-04-22 11:13:15','2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(23471,976,2867,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-27 10:47:55','2020-04-27 10:47:55'),(23472,976,2867,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-04-27 10:47:55','2020-04-27 10:47:55'),(23473,976,2867,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-27 10:47:55','2020-04-27 10:47:55'),(23474,976,2867,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-04-27 10:47:55','2020-04-27 10:47:55'),(23475,976,2867,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-27 10:47:55','2020-04-27 10:47:55'),(23476,976,2867,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-04-27 10:47:55','2020-04-27 10:47:55'),(23477,976,2867,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-04-27 10:47:55','2020-04-27 10:47:55'),(23478,976,2867,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-04-27 10:47:55','2020-04-27 10:47:55'),(23479,976,2867,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-04-27 10:47:55','2020-04-27 10:47:55'),(23480,976,2867,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-04-27 10:47:55','2020-04-27 10:47:55'),(23481,976,2868,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-04-27 11:09:46','2020-04-27 11:09:46'),(23482,976,2868,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-27 11:09:46','2020-04-27 11:09:46'),(23483,976,2868,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-04-27 11:09:46','2020-04-27 11:09:46'),(23484,976,2868,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-04-27 11:09:46','2020-04-27 11:09:46'),(23485,976,2868,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-04-27 11:09:46','2020-04-27 11:09:46'),(23486,976,2869,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(23487,976,2869,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(23488,976,2869,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(23489,976,2869,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(23490,976,2869,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(23491,976,2869,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(23492,976,2869,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(23493,976,2869,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(23494,976,2869,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(23495,976,2869,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-04-27 11:34:05','2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(23496,977,2870,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 18:26:48','2020-05-11 18:26:48'),(23497,977,2870,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-11 18:26:48','2020-05-11 18:26:48'),(23498,977,2870,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 18:26:48','2020-05-11 18:26:48'),(23499,977,2870,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-11 18:26:48','2020-05-11 18:26:48'),(23500,977,2870,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 18:26:48','2020-05-11 18:26:48'),(23501,977,2870,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-11 18:26:48','2020-05-11 18:26:48'),(23502,977,2870,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-11 18:26:48','2020-05-11 18:26:48'),(23503,977,2870,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-11 18:26:48','2020-05-11 18:26:48'),(23504,977,2870,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-11 18:26:48','2020-05-11 18:26:48'),(23505,977,2870,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-11 18:26:48','2020-05-11 18:26:48'),(23506,977,2871,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-11 18:32:40','2020-05-11 18:32:40'),(23507,977,2871,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 18:32:40','2020-05-11 18:32:40'),(23508,977,2871,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-11 18:32:40','2020-05-11 18:32:40'),(23509,977,2871,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-11 18:32:40','2020-05-11 18:32:40'),(23510,977,2871,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-11 18:32:40','2020-05-11 18:32:40'),(23511,977,2872,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:40'),(23512,977,2872,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:40'),(23513,977,2872,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:40'),(23514,977,2872,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:40'),(23515,977,2872,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:40'),(23516,977,2872,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:40'),(23517,977,2872,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:40'),(23518,977,2872,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:40'),(23519,977,2872,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:40'),(23520,977,2872,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-11 18:51:40','2020-05-11 18:51:40'),(23521,978,2873,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 20:09:36','2020-05-11 20:09:36'),(23522,978,2873,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-11 20:09:36','2020-05-11 20:09:36'),(23523,978,2873,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 20:09:36','2020-05-11 20:09:36'),(23524,978,2873,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-11 20:09:36','2020-05-11 20:09:36'),(23525,978,2873,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 20:09:36','2020-05-11 20:09:36'),(23526,978,2873,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-11 20:09:36','2020-05-11 20:09:36'),(23527,978,2873,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-11 20:09:36','2020-05-11 20:09:36'),(23528,978,2873,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-11 20:09:36','2020-05-11 20:09:36'),(23529,978,2873,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-11 20:09:36','2020-05-11 20:09:36'),(23530,978,2873,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-11 20:09:36','2020-05-11 20:09:36'),(23531,978,2874,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-11 20:16:38','2020-05-11 20:16:38'),(23532,978,2874,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 20:16:38','2020-05-11 20:16:38'),(23533,978,2874,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-11 20:16:38','2020-05-11 20:16:38'),(23534,978,2874,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-11 20:16:38','2020-05-11 20:16:38'),(23535,978,2874,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-11 20:16:38','2020-05-11 20:16:38'),(23536,978,2875,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(23537,978,2875,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(23538,978,2875,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(23539,978,2875,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(23540,978,2875,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(23541,978,2875,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(23542,978,2875,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(23543,978,2875,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(23544,978,2875,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(23545,978,2875,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-11 20:33:58','2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(23546,979,2876,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 15:08:23','2020-05-13 15:08:23'),(23547,979,2876,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-13 15:08:23','2020-05-13 15:08:23'),(23548,979,2876,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 15:08:23','2020-05-13 15:08:23'),(23549,979,2876,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-13 15:08:23','2020-05-13 15:08:23'),(23550,979,2876,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 15:08:23','2020-05-13 15:08:23'),(23551,979,2876,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-13 15:08:23','2020-05-13 15:08:23'),(23552,979,2876,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-13 15:08:23','2020-05-13 15:08:23'),(23553,979,2876,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-13 15:08:23','2020-05-13 15:08:23'),(23554,979,2876,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-13 15:08:23','2020-05-13 15:08:23'),(23555,979,2876,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-13 15:08:23','2020-05-13 15:08:23'),(23556,979,2877,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-13 15:15:00','2020-05-13 15:15:00'),(23557,979,2877,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 15:15:00','2020-05-13 15:15:00'),(23558,979,2877,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-13 15:15:00','2020-05-13 15:15:00'),(23559,979,2877,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-13 15:15:00','2020-05-13 15:15:00'),(23560,979,2877,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-13 15:15:00','2020-05-13 15:15:00'),(23561,979,2878,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:24'),(23562,979,2878,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:24'),(23563,979,2878,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:24'),(23564,979,2878,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:24'),(23565,979,2878,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:24'),(23566,979,2878,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:24'),(23567,979,2878,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:24'),(23568,979,2878,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:24'),(23569,979,2878,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:24'),(23570,979,2878,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-13 15:32:24','2020-05-13 15:32:24'),(23571,980,2879,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 16:04:24','2020-05-13 16:10:22'),(23572,980,2879,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-13 16:04:24','2020-05-13 16:10:22'),(23573,980,2879,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 16:04:24','2020-05-13 16:10:22'),(23574,980,2879,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-13 16:04:24','2020-05-13 16:10:22'),(23575,980,2879,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 16:04:24','2020-05-13 16:10:22'),(23576,980,2879,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-13 16:04:24','2020-05-13 16:10:22'),(23577,980,2879,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-13 16:04:24','2020-05-13 16:10:22'),(23578,980,2879,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-13 16:04:24','2020-05-13 16:10:22'),(23579,980,2879,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-13 16:04:24','2020-05-13 16:10:22'),(23580,980,2879,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-13 16:04:24','2020-05-13 16:10:22'),(23581,980,2880,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-13 16:10:19','2020-05-13 16:10:25'),(23582,980,2880,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 16:10:19','2020-05-13 16:10:25'),(23583,980,2880,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-13 16:10:19','2020-05-13 16:10:25'),(23584,980,2880,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-13 16:10:19','2020-05-13 16:10:25'),(23585,980,2880,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-13 16:10:19','2020-05-13 16:10:25'),(23586,980,2881,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:05'),(23587,980,2881,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:05'),(23588,980,2881,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:05'),(23589,980,2881,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:05'),(23590,980,2881,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:05'),(23591,980,2881,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:05'),(23592,980,2881,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:05'),(23593,980,2881,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:05'),(23594,980,2881,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:05'),(23595,980,2881,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-13 16:25:05','2020-05-13 16:25:05'),(23596,981,2882,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-15 11:39:52','2020-05-15 11:39:52'),(23597,981,2882,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-15 11:39:52','2020-05-15 11:39:52'),(23598,981,2882,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-15 11:39:52','2020-05-15 11:39:52'),(23599,981,2882,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-15 11:39:52','2020-05-15 11:39:52'),(23600,981,2882,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-15 11:39:52','2020-05-15 11:39:52'),(23601,981,2882,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-15 11:39:52','2020-05-15 11:39:52'),(23602,981,2882,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-15 11:39:52','2020-05-15 11:39:52'),(23603,981,2882,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-15 11:39:52','2020-05-15 11:39:52'),(23604,981,2882,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-15 11:39:52','2020-05-15 11:39:52'),(23605,981,2882,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-15 11:39:52','2020-05-15 11:39:52'),(23606,981,2883,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-15 11:46:33','2020-05-15 11:46:33'),(23607,981,2883,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-15 11:46:33','2020-05-15 11:46:33'),(23608,981,2883,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-15 11:46:33','2020-05-15 11:46:33'),(23609,981,2883,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-15 11:46:33','2020-05-15 11:46:33'),(23610,981,2883,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-15 11:46:33','2020-05-15 11:46:33'),(23611,981,2884,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:39'),(23612,981,2884,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:39'),(23613,981,2884,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:39'),(23614,981,2884,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:39'),(23615,981,2884,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:39'),(23616,981,2884,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:39'),(23617,981,2884,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:39'),(23618,981,2884,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:39'),(23619,981,2884,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:39'),(23620,981,2884,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-15 12:01:39','2020-05-15 12:01:39'),(23621,982,2885,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 11:07:43','2020-05-16 11:07:43'),(23622,982,2885,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-16 11:07:43','2020-05-16 11:07:43'),(23623,982,2885,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 11:07:43','2020-05-16 11:07:43'),(23624,982,2885,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-16 11:07:43','2020-05-16 11:07:43'),(23625,982,2885,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 11:07:43','2020-05-16 11:07:43'),(23626,982,2885,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-16 11:07:43','2020-05-16 11:07:43'),(23627,982,2885,55,123,125,'n',0.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','None of the above','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-16 11:07:43','2020-05-16 11:07:43'),(23628,982,2885,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-16 11:07:43','2020-05-16 11:07:43'),(23629,982,2885,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-16 11:07:43','2020-05-16 11:07:43'),(23630,982,2885,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-16 11:07:43','2020-05-16 11:07:43'),(23631,982,2886,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-16 11:14:34','2020-05-16 11:14:34'),(23632,982,2886,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 11:14:34','2020-05-16 11:14:34'),(23633,982,2886,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-16 11:14:34','2020-05-16 11:14:34'),(23634,982,2886,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-16 11:14:34','2020-05-16 11:14:34'),(23635,982,2886,73,174,173,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Association for Nonsmokers-MN','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-16 11:14:34','2020-05-16 11:14:34'),(23636,982,2887,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(23637,982,2887,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(23638,982,2887,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(23639,982,2887,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(23640,982,2887,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(23641,982,2887,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(23642,982,2887,81,196,197,'n',0.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Manufaturer’s Information','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(23643,982,2887,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(23644,982,2887,83,204,205,'n',0.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','False','True','2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(23645,982,2887,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-16 11:32:27','2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(23646,983,2888,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 14:34:13','2020-05-16 14:34:13'),(23647,983,2888,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-16 14:34:13','2020-05-16 14:34:13'),(23648,983,2888,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 14:34:13','2020-05-16 14:34:13'),(23649,983,2888,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-16 14:34:13','2020-05-16 14:34:13'),(23650,983,2888,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 14:34:13','2020-05-16 14:34:13'),(23651,983,2888,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-16 14:34:13','2020-05-16 14:34:13'),(23652,983,2888,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-16 14:34:13','2020-05-16 14:34:13'),(23653,983,2888,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-16 14:34:13','2020-05-16 14:34:13'),(23654,983,2888,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-16 14:34:13','2020-05-16 14:34:13'),(23655,983,2888,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-16 14:34:13','2020-05-16 14:34:13'),(23656,983,2889,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-16 14:39:43','2020-05-16 14:39:43'),(23657,983,2889,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 14:39:43','2020-05-16 14:39:43'),(23658,983,2889,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-16 14:39:43','2020-05-16 14:39:43'),(23659,983,2889,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-16 14:39:43','2020-05-16 14:39:43'),(23660,983,2889,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-16 14:39:43','2020-05-16 14:39:43'),(23661,983,2890,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(23662,983,2890,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(23663,983,2890,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(23664,983,2890,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(23665,983,2890,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(23666,983,2890,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(23667,983,2890,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(23668,983,2890,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(23669,983,2890,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(23670,983,2890,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-16 14:54:20','2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(23671,984,2891,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-18 20:18:12','2020-05-18 20:18:12'),(23672,984,2891,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-18 20:18:12','2020-05-18 20:18:12'),(23673,984,2891,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-18 20:18:12','2020-05-18 20:18:12'),(23674,984,2891,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-18 20:18:12','2020-05-18 20:18:12'),(23675,984,2891,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-18 20:18:12','2020-05-18 20:18:12'),(23676,984,2891,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-18 20:18:12','2020-05-18 20:18:12'),(23677,984,2891,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-18 20:18:12','2020-05-18 20:18:12'),(23678,984,2891,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-18 20:18:12','2020-05-18 20:18:12'),(23679,984,2891,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-18 20:18:12','2020-05-18 20:18:12'),(23680,984,2891,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-18 20:18:12','2020-05-18 20:18:12'),(23681,984,2892,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-18 20:24:18','2020-05-18 20:24:18'),(23682,984,2892,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-18 20:24:18','2020-05-18 20:24:18'),(23683,984,2892,71,167,169,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','30','27','2020-05-18 20:24:18','2020-05-18 20:24:18'),(23684,984,2892,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-18 20:24:18','2020-05-18 20:24:18'),(23685,984,2892,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-18 20:24:18','2020-05-18 20:24:18'),(23686,984,2893,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(23687,984,2893,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(23688,984,2893,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(23689,984,2893,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(23690,984,2893,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(23691,984,2893,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(23692,984,2893,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(23693,984,2893,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(23694,984,2893,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(23695,984,2893,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-18 20:59:55','2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(23696,985,2894,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 11:33:08','2020-05-19 11:46:13'),(23697,985,2894,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-19 11:33:08','2020-05-19 11:46:13'),(23698,985,2894,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 11:33:08','2020-05-19 11:46:13'),(23699,985,2894,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-19 11:33:08','2020-05-19 11:46:13'),(23700,985,2894,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 11:33:08','2020-05-19 11:46:13'),(23701,985,2894,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-19 11:33:08','2020-05-19 11:46:13'),(23702,985,2894,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-19 11:33:08','2020-05-19 11:46:13'),(23703,985,2894,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-19 11:33:08','2020-05-19 11:46:13'),(23704,985,2894,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-19 11:33:08','2020-05-19 11:46:13'),(23705,985,2894,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-19 11:33:08','2020-05-19 11:46:13'),(23706,985,2895,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-19 11:39:20','2020-05-19 12:04:58'),(23707,985,2895,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 11:39:20','2020-05-19 12:04:58'),(23708,985,2895,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-19 11:39:20','2020-05-19 12:04:58'),(23709,985,2895,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-19 11:39:20','2020-05-19 12:04:58'),(23710,985,2895,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-19 11:39:20','2020-05-19 12:04:58'),(23711,985,2896,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:10'),(23712,985,2896,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:10'),(23713,985,2896,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:10'),(23714,985,2896,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:10'),(23715,985,2896,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:10'),(23716,985,2896,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:10'),(23717,985,2896,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:10'),(23718,985,2896,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:10'),(23719,985,2896,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:10'),(23720,985,2896,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-19 12:22:10','2020-05-19 12:22:10'),(23721,986,2897,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 12:47:58','2020-05-19 13:25:12'),(23722,986,2897,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-19 12:47:58','2020-05-19 13:25:12'),(23723,986,2897,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 12:47:58','2020-05-19 13:25:12'),(23724,986,2897,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-19 12:47:58','2020-05-19 13:25:12'),(23725,986,2897,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 12:47:58','2020-05-19 13:25:12'),(23726,986,2897,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-19 12:47:58','2020-05-19 13:25:12'),(23727,986,2897,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-19 12:47:58','2020-05-19 13:25:12'),(23728,986,2897,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-19 12:47:58','2020-05-19 13:25:12'),(23729,986,2897,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-19 12:47:58','2020-05-19 13:25:12'),(23730,986,2897,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-19 12:47:58','2020-05-19 13:25:12'),(23731,986,2898,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-19 12:57:30','2020-05-19 13:25:19'),(23732,986,2898,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 12:57:30','2020-05-19 13:25:19'),(23733,986,2898,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-19 12:57:30','2020-05-19 13:25:19'),(23734,986,2898,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-19 12:57:30','2020-05-19 13:25:19'),(23735,986,2898,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-19 12:57:30','2020-05-19 13:25:19'),(23736,986,2899,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-19 13:20:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(23737,986,2899,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 13:20:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(23738,986,2899,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-19 13:20:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(23739,986,2899,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-05-19 13:20:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(23740,986,2899,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-19 13:20:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(23741,986,2899,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 13:20:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(23742,986,2899,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-19 13:20:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(23743,986,2899,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-19 13:20:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(23744,986,2899,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-19 13:20:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(23745,986,2899,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-19 13:20:37','2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(23746,987,2900,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 14:10:33','2020-05-19 14:10:33'),(23747,987,2900,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-19 14:10:33','2020-05-19 14:10:33'),(23748,987,2900,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 14:10:33','2020-05-19 14:10:33'),(23749,987,2900,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-19 14:10:33','2020-05-19 14:10:33'),(23750,987,2900,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 14:10:33','2020-05-19 14:10:33'),(23751,987,2900,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-19 14:10:33','2020-05-19 14:10:33'),(23752,987,2900,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-19 14:10:33','2020-05-19 14:10:33'),(23753,987,2900,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-19 14:10:33','2020-05-19 14:10:33'),(23754,987,2900,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-19 14:10:33','2020-05-19 14:10:33'),(23755,987,2900,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-19 14:10:33','2020-05-19 14:10:33'),(23756,987,2901,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-19 14:27:46','2020-05-19 14:27:46'),(23757,987,2901,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 14:27:46','2020-05-19 14:27:46'),(23758,987,2901,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-19 14:27:46','2020-05-19 14:27:46'),(23759,987,2901,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-19 14:27:46','2020-05-19 14:27:46'),(23760,987,2901,73,174,172,'n',0.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Health','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-19 14:27:46','2020-05-19 14:27:46'),(23761,987,2902,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(23762,987,2902,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(23763,987,2902,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(23764,987,2902,75,179,178,'n',0.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','True','False','2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(23765,987,2902,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(23766,987,2902,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(23767,987,2902,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(23768,987,2902,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(23769,987,2902,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(23770,987,2902,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-19 15:18:20','2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(23771,988,2903,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 16:17:16','2020-05-19 16:39:27'),(23772,988,2903,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-19 16:17:16','2020-05-19 16:39:27'),(23773,988,2903,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 16:17:16','2020-05-19 16:39:27'),(23774,988,2903,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-19 16:17:16','2020-05-19 16:39:27'),(23775,988,2903,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 16:17:16','2020-05-19 16:39:27'),(23776,988,2903,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-19 16:17:16','2020-05-19 16:39:27'),(23777,988,2903,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-19 16:17:16','2020-05-19 16:39:27'),(23778,988,2903,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-19 16:17:16','2020-05-19 16:39:27'),(23779,988,2903,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-19 16:17:16','2020-05-19 16:39:27'),(23780,988,2903,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-19 16:17:16','2020-05-19 16:39:27'),(23781,988,2904,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-19 16:23:24','2020-05-19 16:39:49'),(23782,988,2904,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 16:23:24','2020-05-19 16:39:49'),(23783,988,2904,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-19 16:23:24','2020-05-19 16:39:49'),(23784,988,2904,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-19 16:23:24','2020-05-19 16:39:49'),(23785,988,2904,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-19 16:23:24','2020-05-19 16:39:49'),(23786,988,2905,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-19 16:38:36','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(23787,988,2905,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 16:38:36','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(23788,988,2905,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-19 16:38:36','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(23789,988,2905,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-19 16:38:36','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(23790,988,2905,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-19 16:38:36','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(23791,988,2905,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 16:38:36','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(23792,988,2905,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-19 16:38:36','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(23793,988,2905,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-19 16:38:36','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(23794,988,2905,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-19 16:38:36','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(23795,988,2905,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-19 16:38:36','2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(23796,989,2906,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 17:05:10','2020-05-19 17:05:10'),(23797,989,2906,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-19 17:05:10','2020-05-19 17:05:10'),(23798,989,2906,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 17:05:10','2020-05-19 17:05:10'),(23799,989,2906,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-19 17:05:10','2020-05-19 17:05:10'),(23800,989,2906,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 17:05:10','2020-05-19 17:05:10'),(23801,989,2906,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-19 17:05:10','2020-05-19 17:05:10'),(23802,989,2906,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-19 17:05:10','2020-05-19 17:05:10'),(23803,989,2906,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-19 17:05:10','2020-05-19 17:05:10'),(23804,989,2906,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-19 17:05:10','2020-05-19 17:05:10'),(23805,989,2906,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-19 17:05:10','2020-05-19 17:05:10'),(23806,989,2907,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-19 17:14:00','2020-05-19 17:14:00'),(23807,989,2907,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 17:14:00','2020-05-19 17:14:00'),(23808,989,2907,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-19 17:14:00','2020-05-19 17:14:00'),(23809,989,2907,72,170,171,'n',0.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','False','True','2020-05-19 17:14:00','2020-05-19 17:14:00'),(23810,989,2907,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-19 17:14:00','2020-05-19 17:14:00'),(23811,989,2908,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(23812,989,2908,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(23813,989,2908,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(23814,989,2908,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(23815,989,2908,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(23816,989,2908,77,184,185,'n',0.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','None of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(23817,989,2908,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(23818,989,2908,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(23819,989,2908,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(23820,989,2908,84,206,207,'n',0.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','False','True','2020-05-19 17:34:01','2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(23821,990,2909,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 19:37:55','2020-05-19 19:37:55'),(23822,990,2909,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-19 19:37:55','2020-05-19 19:37:55'),(23823,990,2909,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 19:37:55','2020-05-19 19:37:55'),(23824,990,2909,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-19 19:37:55','2020-05-19 19:37:55'),(23825,990,2909,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 19:37:55','2020-05-19 19:37:55'),(23826,990,2909,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-19 19:37:55','2020-05-19 19:37:55'),(23827,990,2909,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-19 19:37:55','2020-05-19 19:37:55'),(23828,990,2909,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-19 19:37:55','2020-05-19 19:37:55'),(23829,990,2909,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-19 19:37:55','2020-05-19 19:37:55'),(23830,990,2909,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-19 19:37:55','2020-05-19 19:37:55'),(23831,990,2910,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-19 20:09:59','2020-05-19 20:09:59'),(23832,990,2910,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 20:09:59','2020-05-19 20:09:59'),(23833,990,2910,71,167,169,'n',0.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','30','27','2020-05-19 20:09:59','2020-05-19 20:09:59'),(23834,990,2910,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-19 20:09:59','2020-05-19 20:09:59'),(23835,990,2910,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-19 20:09:59','2020-05-19 20:09:59'),(23836,990,2911,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:08'),(23837,990,2911,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:08'),(23838,990,2911,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:08'),(23839,990,2911,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:08'),(23840,990,2911,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:08'),(23841,990,2911,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:08'),(23842,990,2911,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:08'),(23843,990,2911,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:08'),(23844,990,2911,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:08'),(23845,990,2911,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-19 20:25:08','2020-05-19 20:25:08'),(23846,991,2912,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 22:14:31','2020-05-19 22:14:31'),(23847,991,2912,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-19 22:14:31','2020-05-19 22:14:31'),(23848,991,2912,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 22:14:31','2020-05-19 22:14:31'),(23849,991,2912,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-19 22:14:31','2020-05-19 22:14:31'),(23850,991,2912,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 22:14:31','2020-05-19 22:14:31'),(23851,991,2912,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-19 22:14:31','2020-05-19 22:14:31'),(23852,991,2912,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-19 22:14:31','2020-05-19 22:14:31'),(23853,991,2912,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-19 22:14:31','2020-05-19 22:14:31'),(23854,991,2912,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-19 22:14:31','2020-05-19 22:14:31'),(23855,991,2912,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-19 22:14:31','2020-05-19 22:14:31'),(23856,991,2913,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-19 22:22:17','2020-05-19 22:22:17'),(23857,991,2913,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 22:22:17','2020-05-19 22:22:17'),(23858,991,2913,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-19 22:22:17','2020-05-19 22:22:17'),(23859,991,2913,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-19 22:22:17','2020-05-19 22:22:17'),(23860,991,2913,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-19 22:22:17','2020-05-19 22:22:17'),(23861,991,2914,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:41:47'),(23862,991,2914,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:41:47'),(23863,991,2914,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:41:47'),(23864,991,2914,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:41:47'),(23865,991,2914,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:41:47'),(23866,991,2914,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:41:47'),(23867,991,2914,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:41:47'),(23868,991,2914,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:41:47'),(23869,991,2914,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:41:47'),(23870,991,2914,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-19 22:41:47','2020-05-19 22:41:47'),(23871,992,2915,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 11:22:43','2020-05-20 11:22:43'),(23872,992,2915,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-20 11:22:43','2020-05-20 11:22:43'),(23873,992,2915,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 11:22:43','2020-05-20 11:22:43'),(23874,992,2915,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-20 11:22:43','2020-05-20 11:22:43'),(23875,992,2915,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 11:22:43','2020-05-20 11:22:43'),(23876,992,2915,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-20 11:22:43','2020-05-20 11:22:43'),(23877,992,2915,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-20 11:22:43','2020-05-20 11:22:43'),(23878,992,2915,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-20 11:22:43','2020-05-20 11:22:43'),(23879,992,2915,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-20 11:22:43','2020-05-20 11:22:43'),(23880,992,2915,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-20 11:22:43','2020-05-20 11:22:43'),(23881,992,2916,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-20 11:28:32','2020-05-20 11:28:32'),(23882,992,2916,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 11:28:32','2020-05-20 11:28:32'),(23883,992,2916,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-20 11:28:32','2020-05-20 11:28:32'),(23884,992,2916,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-20 11:28:32','2020-05-20 11:28:32'),(23885,992,2916,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-20 11:28:32','2020-05-20 11:28:32'),(23886,992,2917,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:10'),(23887,992,2917,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:10'),(23888,992,2917,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:10'),(23889,992,2917,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:10'),(23890,992,2917,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:10'),(23891,992,2917,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:10'),(23892,992,2917,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:10'),(23893,992,2917,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:10'),(23894,992,2917,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:10'),(23895,992,2917,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-20 11:44:10','2020-05-20 11:44:10'),(23896,993,2918,49,103,103,'y',1.00,'Tobacco kills more Minnesotans than ____________. ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 10:56:56','2020-05-20 10:56:56'),(23897,993,2918,50,104,104,'y',1.00,'What is the number of people in the U.S. that die every year from tobacco use?','490,000','490,000','2020-05-20 10:56:56','2020-05-20 10:56:56'),(23898,993,2918,51,111,111,'y',1.00,'A city or county license is required to sell which of the following tobacco products?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 10:56:56','2020-05-20 10:56:56'),(23899,993,2918,52,114,114,'y',1.00,'Moist snuff, dip, chew and snus are examples of _____','Smokeless Tobacco','Smokeless Tobacco','2020-05-20 10:56:56','2020-05-20 10:56:56'),(23900,993,2918,53,119,119,'y',1.00,'Which of the following cannot be sold to minors?','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 10:56:56','2020-05-20 10:56:56'),(23901,993,2918,54,120,120,'y',1.00,'According to federal law, tobacco retailers must verify the age of all purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco who are under the age of 27 by means of photographic identification that contains the bearer’s date of birth.','True','True','2020-05-20 10:56:56','2020-05-20 10:56:56'),(23902,993,2918,55,123,123,'y',1.00,'What types of store is allowed to sell tobacco in a self-service display?','Adult only, tobacco only stores','Adult only, tobacco only stores','2020-05-20 10:56:56','2020-05-20 10:56:56'),(23903,993,2918,56,127,127,'y',1.00,'Retailers may sell open tins of smokeless tobacco. ','False','False','2020-05-20 10:56:56','2020-05-20 10:56:56'),(23904,993,2918,57,128,128,'y',1.00,'Minnesota law requires that any liquids that are sold for use in electronic cigarettes (e-juice) must be in packaging that was designed and tested to be child-resistant.','True','True','2020-05-20 10:56:56','2020-05-20 10:56:56'),(23905,993,2918,58,130,130,'y',1.00,'Tobacco licenses are person and location specific and can only be issued to permanent places of business. ','True','True','2020-05-20 10:56:56','2020-05-20 10:56:56'),(23906,993,2919,69,160,160,'y',1.00,'The goal of compliance checks is to ensure you are not selling tobacco to minors and that you are complying with other applicable tobacco sales laws. ','True','True','2020-05-20 11:03:26','2020-05-20 11:03:26'),(23907,993,2919,70,165,165,'y',1.00,'The parties involved in compliance checks are','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 11:03:26','2020-05-20 11:03:26'),(23908,993,2919,71,167,167,'y',1.00,'One purpose of the FDA compliance checks is to make sure the employees are carding everyone under the age of','27','27','2020-05-20 11:03:26','2020-05-20 11:03:26'),(23909,993,2919,72,170,170,'y',1.00,'Selling tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and could result in up to $1,000 in fines and/or 90 days in jail.','True','True','2020-05-20 11:03:26','2020-05-20 11:03:26'),(23910,993,2919,73,174,174,'y',1.00,'SYNAR compliance checks are conducted by the','Minnesota Department of Human Services','Minnesota Department of Human Services','2020-05-20 11:03:26','2020-05-20 11:03:26'),(23911,993,2920,78,188,188,'y',1.00,'Which of the following is NOT an acceptable form of ID?','AAA Membership Card','AAA Membership Card','2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'),(23912,993,2920,79,193,193,'y',1.00,'An acceptable form of ID should:','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'),(23913,993,2920,74,176,176,'y',1.00,'Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota use a vertical ID format for people under 21.','True','True','2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'),(23914,993,2920,75,179,179,'y',1.00,'FDA compliance checks results are used for research only, not enforcement.','False','False','2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'),(23915,993,2920,76,180,180,'y',1.00,'In addition to civil money penalties, the FDA might impose “no-tobacco-sales” orders on businesses that repeatedly fail. Product seizures, injunctions, and criminal prosecution are also possible. ','True','True','2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'),(23916,993,2920,77,184,184,'y',1.00,'The sale of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other licensed products from a temporary or moveable place is prohibited under state law. Which of the following is an example of a temporary or moveable place of business: ','All of the above','All of the above','2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'),(23917,993,2920,81,196,196,'y',1.00,'All cigarettes sold in Minnesota must have a _____________ applied to the package to help the Minnesota Department of Revenue ensure that all taxes have been paid and prevent illegal cigarette trafficking. ','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','Minnesota Cigarette Tax Stamp','2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'),(23918,993,2920,82,201,201,'y',1.00,'Pipes and rolling papers are considered ________, and it is illegal to sell these to someone who is less than 18 years old.','Tobacco-Related Devices','Tobacco-Related Devices','2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'),(23919,993,2920,83,204,204,'y',1.00,'You must charge sales tax on other tobacco products (e.g. e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, etc.).','True','True','2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'),(23920,993,2920,84,206,206,'y',1.00,'Sale of all tobacco, tobacco-related devices, electronic delivery devices, nicotine and lobelia products and devices to minors is prohibited by Minnesota State Law.','True','True','2020-05-20 12:12:27','2020-05-20 12:12:27'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_ResultAttemptQuestion` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `an_ResultAttemptSlide` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `an_ResultAttemptSlide`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `an_ResultAttemptSlide` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `attemptId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `slideId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `slideTitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `slideScore` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `added` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `attemptId` (`attemptId`), CONSTRAINT `an_ResultAttemptSlide_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`attemptId`) REFERENCES `an_ResultAttempt` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2921 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `an_ResultAttemptSlide` -- LOCK TABLES `an_ResultAttemptSlide` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_ResultAttemptSlide` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `an_ResultAttemptSlide` VALUES (110,57,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-06-29 15:16:38'),(111,57,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-06-29 15:16:39'),(112,57,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-06-29 15:16:39'),(113,58,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-06-30 14:59:13'),(114,58,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-06-30 14:59:14'),(115,58,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-06-30 14:59:14'),(119,60,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(120,60,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-07-07 10:01:45'),(121,60,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-07-07 10:01:46'),(125,62,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-07-08 10:21:35'),(126,62,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-07-08 10:21:36'),(127,62,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-07-08 10:21:37'),(128,63,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-07-08 12:47:51'),(129,63,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-07-08 12:47:52'),(130,63,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-07-08 12:47:52'),(131,64,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-07-11 14:33:44'),(132,64,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-07-11 14:33:45'),(133,64,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-07-11 14:33:45'),(134,65,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-07-13 09:27:27'),(135,65,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-07-13 09:27:28'),(136,65,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-07-13 09:27:29'),(137,66,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-07-18 14:20:41'),(138,66,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2016-07-18 14:20:43'),(139,66,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2016-07-18 14:20:44'),(140,67,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',3.00,'2016-07-19 14:27:07'),(141,67,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2016-07-19 14:27:09'),(142,67,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',0.00,'2016-07-19 14:27:09'),(143,68,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',7.00,'2016-07-19 15:36:41'),(144,68,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-07-19 15:36:42'),(145,68,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2016-07-19 15:36:43'),(146,69,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-07-20 11:16:38'),(147,69,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-07-20 11:16:40'),(148,69,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-07-20 11:16:40'),(149,70,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-07-21 11:25:11'),(150,70,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-07-21 11:25:12'),(151,70,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-07-21 11:25:12'),(152,71,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-07-21 12:21:39'),(153,71,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-07-21 12:21:40'),(154,71,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-07-21 12:21:40'),(155,72,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-07-22 15:40:50'),(156,72,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-07-22 15:40:51'),(157,72,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-07-22 15:40:52'),(158,73,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-08-01 12:26:46'),(159,73,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-08-01 12:26:47'),(160,73,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-08-01 12:26:47'),(161,74,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-08-01 15:52:24'),(162,74,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-08-01 15:52:25'),(163,74,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-08-01 15:52:25'),(164,75,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(165,75,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-08-01 21:54:24'),(166,75,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-08-01 21:54:25'),(167,76,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-08-25 11:43:55'),(168,76,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-08-25 11:43:56'),(169,76,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2016-08-25 11:43:56'),(170,77,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-08-25 18:39:26'),(171,77,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-08-25 18:39:27'),(172,77,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2016-08-25 18:39:27'),(173,78,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-08-29 17:35:23'),(174,78,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-08-29 17:35:23'),(175,78,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-08-29 17:35:24'),(176,79,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-08-29 20:02:07'),(177,79,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-08-29 20:02:08'),(178,79,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-08-29 20:02:08'),(179,80,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(180,80,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-08-31 18:29:31'),(181,80,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-08-31 18:29:32'),(182,81,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-08-31 18:34:36'),(183,81,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-08-31 18:34:37'),(184,81,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-08-31 18:34:37'),(185,82,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-09-14 17:48:03'),(186,82,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-09-14 17:48:04'),(187,82,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-09-14 17:48:04'),(188,83,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(189,83,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-09-21 15:08:28'),(190,83,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-09-21 15:08:29'),(191,84,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-09-22 13:38:12'),(192,84,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-09-22 13:38:13'),(193,84,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-09-22 13:38:13'),(194,85,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-05 14:55:21'),(195,85,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-10-05 14:55:22'),(196,85,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-05 14:55:22'),(197,86,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-06 10:40:36'),(198,86,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-06 10:40:36'),(199,86,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-06 10:40:37'),(200,87,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-10-06 11:30:12'),(201,87,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-06 11:30:14'),(202,87,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-06 11:30:14'),(203,88,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-06 14:57:05'),(204,88,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-10-06 14:57:06'),(205,88,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-06 14:57:07'),(206,89,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2016-10-06 15:49:35'),(207,89,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-10-06 15:49:37'),(208,89,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-06 15:49:37'),(209,90,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-10-06 16:25:48'),(210,90,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-10-06 16:25:48'),(211,90,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-06 16:25:48'),(212,91,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-06 16:49:36'),(213,91,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-10-06 16:49:38'),(214,91,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-06 16:49:39'),(215,92,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-08 14:57:37'),(216,92,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-08 14:57:38'),(217,92,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-08 14:57:38'),(218,93,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-10-09 10:26:48'),(219,93,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-09 10:26:49'),(220,93,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-09 10:26:50'),(221,94,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-10 09:10:28'),(222,94,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-10 09:10:29'),(223,94,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-10 09:10:30'),(224,95,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-10 10:42:17'),(225,95,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-10-10 10:42:20'),(226,95,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-10 10:42:20'),(227,96,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-10 11:41:46'),(228,96,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2016-10-10 11:41:47'),(229,96,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-10 11:41:48'),(230,97,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(231,97,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-10 14:59:46'),(232,97,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-10 14:59:47'),(233,98,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-10 16:01:32'),(234,98,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-10 16:01:33'),(235,98,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-10 16:01:34'),(236,99,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-10 17:22:07'),(237,99,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-10 17:22:08'),(238,99,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-10 17:22:09'),(239,100,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-10-10 19:29:11'),(240,100,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-10-10 19:29:12'),(241,100,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-10 19:29:12'),(242,101,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-10-11 09:44:27'),(243,101,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-10-11 09:44:28'),(244,101,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-11 09:44:28'),(245,102,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-10-11 10:37:11'),(246,102,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-11 10:37:12'),(247,102,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-11 10:37:12'),(248,103,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-11 13:28:33'),(249,103,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-11 13:28:34'),(250,103,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-11 13:28:34'),(251,104,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-10-11 14:51:08'),(252,104,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-11 14:51:09'),(253,104,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-11 14:51:09'),(254,105,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-11 15:17:45'),(255,105,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-11 15:17:46'),(256,105,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-11 15:17:47'),(257,106,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-11 15:51:07'),(258,106,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-11 15:51:07'),(259,106,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-11 15:51:07'),(260,107,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-12 08:37:04'),(261,107,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-12 08:37:05'),(262,107,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-12 08:37:06'),(263,108,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-10-12 13:11:41'),(264,108,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2016-10-12 13:11:42'),(265,108,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-12 13:11:43'),(266,109,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(267,109,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-12 13:27:47'),(268,109,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-12 13:27:48'),(269,110,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-13 14:23:45'),(270,110,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-13 14:23:46'),(271,110,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-13 14:23:46'),(272,111,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-14 22:34:40'),(273,111,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-10-14 22:34:40'),(274,111,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-14 22:34:41'),(275,112,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',6.00,'2016-10-17 12:30:56'),(276,112,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',2.00,'2016-10-17 12:30:57'),(277,112,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',5.00,'2016-10-17 12:30:57'),(278,113,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-17 18:05:11'),(279,113,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-17 18:05:12'),(280,113,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-17 18:05:13'),(281,114,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-18 13:42:00'),(282,114,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-10-18 13:42:03'),(283,114,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-18 13:42:04'),(284,115,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-10-18 14:20:30'),(285,115,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-18 14:20:30'),(286,115,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-18 14:20:30'),(287,116,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-18 17:11:27'),(288,116,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-18 17:11:28'),(289,116,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-18 17:11:28'),(290,117,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-18 20:38:39'),(291,117,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-18 20:38:41'),(292,117,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-18 20:38:42'),(293,118,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(294,118,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-24 14:52:25'),(295,118,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-24 14:52:26'),(296,119,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-10-25 14:37:37'),(297,119,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-25 14:37:39'),(298,119,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-25 14:37:40'),(299,120,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-10-26 14:59:56'),(300,120,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-26 14:59:56'),(301,120,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-10-26 14:59:56'),(302,121,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-10-30 18:16:27'),(303,121,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-10-30 18:16:28'),(304,121,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-10-30 18:16:29'),(305,122,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-01 17:42:01'),(306,122,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-01 17:42:02'),(307,122,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-01 17:42:03'),(308,123,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-02 19:15:50'),(309,123,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-02 19:15:51'),(310,123,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-02 19:15:51'),(311,124,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-06 10:16:21'),(312,124,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-06 10:16:23'),(313,124,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-06 10:16:23'),(314,125,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(315,125,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-06 15:59:58'),(316,125,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-06 15:59:59'),(317,126,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-07 11:12:47'),(318,126,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2016-11-07 11:12:48'),(319,126,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-07 11:12:48'),(320,127,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-13 07:15:12'),(321,127,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-13 07:15:13'),(322,127,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-13 07:15:13'),(323,128,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-15 09:33:53'),(324,128,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-15 09:33:54'),(325,128,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-15 09:33:54'),(326,129,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-15 11:33:26'),(327,129,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-15 11:33:28'),(328,129,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-15 11:33:28'),(329,130,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-11-15 12:38:04'),(330,130,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-15 12:38:05'),(331,130,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-15 12:38:05'),(332,131,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-15 15:27:54'),(333,131,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-15 15:27:56'),(334,131,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-15 15:27:56'),(335,132,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-15 16:24:50'),(336,132,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-15 16:24:51'),(337,132,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-15 16:24:51'),(338,133,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-16 09:40:02'),(339,133,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-16 09:40:04'),(340,133,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-16 09:40:05'),(341,134,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-16 13:45:41'),(342,134,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-16 13:45:42'),(343,134,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-16 13:45:42'),(344,135,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-16 15:44:12'),(345,135,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-16 15:44:13'),(346,135,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-16 15:44:13'),(347,136,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-17 10:55:54'),(348,136,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-17 10:55:54'),(349,136,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-17 10:55:55'),(350,137,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-17 14:38:17'),(351,137,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-17 14:38:18'),(352,137,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-17 14:38:18'),(353,138,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-17 17:08:16'),(354,138,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-17 17:08:17'),(355,138,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-17 17:08:17'),(356,139,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-18 17:32:27'),(357,139,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-18 17:32:28'),(358,139,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-18 17:32:28'),(359,140,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-21 08:41:12'),(360,140,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-21 08:41:14'),(361,140,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-21 08:41:15'),(362,141,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-21 09:52:55'),(363,141,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-21 09:52:55'),(364,141,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-21 09:52:55'),(365,142,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(366,142,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-21 10:39:18'),(367,142,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-21 10:39:19'),(368,143,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-21 11:21:55'),(369,143,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-21 11:21:56'),(370,143,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-21 11:21:57'),(371,144,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-21 20:42:10'),(372,144,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-21 20:42:11'),(373,144,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-21 20:42:11'),(374,145,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-22 08:34:02'),(375,145,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-22 08:34:02'),(376,145,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-22 08:34:03'),(377,146,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-22 12:21:46'),(378,146,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-22 12:21:48'),(379,146,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-22 12:21:48'),(380,147,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(381,147,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-22 12:40:50'),(382,147,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-22 12:40:51'),(383,148,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',7.00,'2016-11-22 17:47:00'),(384,148,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-22 17:47:00'),(385,148,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-22 17:47:01'),(386,149,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-23 08:21:51'),(387,149,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-23 08:21:52'),(388,149,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-23 08:21:52'),(389,150,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-23 15:27:05'),(390,150,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-23 15:27:05'),(391,150,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-23 15:27:06'),(392,151,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-23 16:21:43'),(393,151,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-23 16:21:45'),(394,151,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-23 16:21:45'),(395,152,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-24 12:16:24'),(396,152,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-24 12:16:26'),(397,152,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-24 12:16:27'),(398,153,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-24 13:26:06'),(399,153,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-24 13:26:07'),(400,153,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-24 13:26:07'),(401,154,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-24 15:49:32'),(402,154,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-24 15:49:33'),(403,154,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-24 15:49:33'),(404,155,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-24 16:28:35'),(405,155,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-24 16:28:36'),(406,155,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-24 16:28:36'),(407,156,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-25 09:22:04'),(408,156,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-25 09:22:07'),(409,156,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2016-11-25 09:22:08'),(410,157,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-25 17:07:16'),(411,157,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-25 17:07:17'),(412,157,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-25 17:07:18'),(413,158,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-25 17:49:00'),(414,158,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-25 17:49:00'),(415,158,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-25 17:49:00'),(416,159,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-26 10:44:37'),(417,159,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-26 10:44:37'),(418,159,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-26 10:44:38'),(419,160,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-27 09:53:16'),(420,160,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-27 09:53:16'),(421,160,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-27 09:53:16'),(422,161,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-29 11:00:43'),(423,161,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-29 11:00:43'),(424,161,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-29 11:00:44'),(425,162,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-29 11:38:30'),(426,162,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-11-29 11:38:31'),(427,162,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-29 11:38:31'),(428,163,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-29 13:07:57'),(429,163,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-29 13:07:58'),(430,163,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-29 13:07:58'),(431,164,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-29 14:34:23'),(432,164,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-29 14:34:23'),(433,164,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-11-29 14:34:24'),(434,165,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-11-30 13:50:27'),(435,165,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-30 13:50:27'),(436,165,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-30 13:50:28'),(437,166,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-11-30 14:55:33'),(438,166,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-11-30 14:55:34'),(439,166,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-11-30 14:55:35'),(440,167,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-01 10:54:58'),(441,167,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-01 10:54:59'),(442,167,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-01 10:54:59'),(443,168,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-02 14:15:40'),(444,168,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-02 14:15:41'),(445,168,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-02 14:15:41'),(446,169,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-04 16:09:48'),(447,169,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-04 16:09:49'),(448,169,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-12-04 16:09:49'),(449,170,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-07 05:54:37'),(450,170,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-07 05:54:38'),(451,170,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-07 05:54:38'),(452,171,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-08 15:51:35'),(453,171,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-08 15:51:37'),(454,171,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-08 15:51:39'),(455,172,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-09 17:50:53'),(456,172,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-12-09 17:50:54'),(457,172,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-09 17:50:54'),(458,173,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-15 13:04:21'),(459,173,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-15 13:04:21'),(460,173,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-15 13:04:22'),(461,174,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-16 05:50:48'),(462,174,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-16 05:50:49'),(463,174,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-16 05:50:49'),(464,175,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-16 10:07:39'),(465,175,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-16 10:07:39'),(466,175,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-16 10:07:40'),(467,176,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-17 21:17:43'),(468,176,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-17 21:17:44'),(469,176,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-17 21:17:45'),(470,177,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-19 11:06:58'),(471,177,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-19 11:06:59'),(472,177,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-19 11:07:00'),(473,178,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-20 18:05:42'),(474,178,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-20 18:05:43'),(475,178,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-12-20 18:05:44'),(476,179,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-21 15:36:44'),(477,179,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-12-21 15:36:46'),(478,179,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-12-21 15:36:46'),(479,180,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-22 10:59:27'),(480,180,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-22 10:59:28'),(481,180,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-12-22 10:59:28'),(482,181,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-22 14:33:40'),(483,181,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2016-12-22 14:33:40'),(484,181,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-22 14:33:40'),(485,182,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-12-22 14:46:37'),(486,182,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-22 14:46:38'),(487,182,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-22 14:46:39'),(488,183,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2016-12-23 12:55:45'),(489,183,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-23 12:55:46'),(490,183,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2016-12-23 12:55:46'),(491,184,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-23 14:43:55'),(492,184,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2016-12-23 14:43:56'),(493,184,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-23 14:43:56'),(494,185,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-28 12:19:17'),(495,185,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-28 12:19:17'),(496,185,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-28 12:19:18'),(497,186,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-30 13:42:24'),(498,186,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-30 13:42:25'),(499,186,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-30 13:42:26'),(500,187,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2016-12-30 13:45:05'),(501,187,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2016-12-30 13:45:05'),(502,187,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2016-12-30 13:45:06'),(503,188,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-08 14:44:26'),(504,188,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-01-08 14:44:27'),(505,188,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2017-01-08 14:44:27'),(506,189,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-11 10:48:22'),(507,189,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-01-11 10:48:23'),(508,189,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-01-11 10:48:24'),(509,190,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-01-12 09:49:45'),(510,190,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-01-12 09:49:45'),(511,190,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-01-12 09:49:45'),(512,191,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-14 11:23:27'),(513,191,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-01-14 11:23:28'),(514,191,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2017-01-14 11:23:28'),(515,192,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-16 18:12:18'),(516,192,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-01-16 18:12:20'),(517,192,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-01-16 18:12:20'),(518,193,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-01-17 15:44:25'),(519,193,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-01-17 15:44:26'),(520,193,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-01-17 15:44:26'),(521,194,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-18 14:32:49'),(522,194,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-01-18 14:32:50'),(523,194,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-01-18 14:32:50'),(524,195,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-01-19 10:27:44'),(525,195,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-01-19 10:27:45'),(526,195,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-01-19 10:27:45'),(527,196,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-19 16:49:34'),(528,196,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-01-19 16:49:34'),(529,196,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-01-19 16:49:34'),(530,197,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-20 20:10:24'),(531,197,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-01-20 20:10:25'),(532,197,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2017-01-20 20:10:25'),(533,198,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-21 14:04:08'),(534,198,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-01-21 14:04:09'),(535,198,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2017-01-21 14:04:09'),(536,199,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',7.00,'2017-01-22 19:46:35'),(537,199,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-01-22 19:46:36'),(538,199,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',6.00,'2017-01-22 19:46:36'),(539,200,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-23 01:46:40'),(540,200,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-01-23 01:46:41'),(541,200,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2017-01-23 01:46:41'),(542,201,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-23 10:58:56'),(543,201,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-01-23 10:58:57'),(544,201,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-01-23 10:58:57'),(545,202,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-24 10:21:19'),(546,202,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-01-24 10:21:20'),(547,202,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-01-24 10:21:21'),(548,203,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-25 11:46:46'),(549,203,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-01-25 11:46:48'),(550,203,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-01-25 11:46:49'),(551,204,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-01-27 14:26:30'),(552,204,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-01-27 14:26:30'),(553,204,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-01-27 14:26:31'),(554,205,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-01 14:51:34'),(555,205,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-01 14:51:35'),(556,205,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-01 14:51:35'),(557,206,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-01 16:06:33'),(558,206,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-01 16:06:34'),(559,206,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-01 16:06:36'),(560,207,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-11 11:02:51'),(561,207,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-02-11 11:02:52'),(562,207,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-11 11:02:52'),(563,208,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-11 11:56:30'),(564,208,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-11 11:56:31'),(565,208,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-11 11:56:32'),(566,209,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-11 12:59:52'),(567,209,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-02-11 12:59:53'),(568,209,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-11 12:59:53'),(569,210,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-13 13:07:29'),(570,210,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-13 13:07:31'),(571,210,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-02-13 13:07:32'),(572,211,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-02-13 13:45:20'),(573,211,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-02-13 13:45:21'),(574,211,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2017-02-13 13:45:21'),(575,212,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2017-02-13 14:24:25'),(576,212,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-02-13 14:24:26'),(577,212,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-02-13 14:24:26'),(578,213,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(579,213,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-02-13 14:34:48'),(580,213,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-13 14:34:49'),(581,214,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-13 15:05:09'),(582,214,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-13 15:05:10'),(583,214,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-13 15:05:10'),(584,215,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(585,215,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-13 15:13:43'),(586,215,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-02-13 15:13:44'),(587,216,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-13 15:47:58'),(588,216,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-13 15:47:59'),(589,216,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-13 15:47:59'),(590,217,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-02-13 16:47:03'),(591,217,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-02-13 16:47:05'),(592,217,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-13 16:47:05'),(593,218,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(594,218,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-13 18:19:44'),(595,218,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-13 18:19:45'),(596,219,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-14 15:56:13'),(597,219,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-14 15:56:13'),(598,219,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-02-14 15:56:13'),(599,220,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(600,220,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-02-16 12:23:40'),(601,220,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-16 12:23:41'),(602,221,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-16 13:23:56'),(603,221,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-16 13:23:57'),(604,221,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-02-16 13:23:57'),(605,222,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-23 12:30:12'),(606,222,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-02-23 12:30:13'),(607,222,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-23 12:30:13'),(608,223,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(609,223,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-02-23 17:28:13'),(610,223,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-23 17:28:14'),(611,224,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-24 16:48:58'),(612,224,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-24 16:48:59'),(613,224,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-24 16:48:59'),(614,225,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-02-28 14:36:41'),(615,225,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-02-28 14:36:42'),(616,225,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-02-28 14:36:42'),(617,226,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',7.00,'2017-03-01 16:22:41'),(618,226,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-03-01 16:22:42'),(619,226,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-03-01 16:22:42'),(620,227,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-08 08:41:26'),(621,227,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-03-08 08:41:27'),(622,227,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-08 08:41:28'),(623,228,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-08 12:45:17'),(624,228,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-03-08 12:45:18'),(625,228,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-08 12:45:18'),(626,229,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(627,229,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-03-08 16:14:38'),(628,229,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-08 16:14:39'),(629,230,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-09 06:34:52'),(630,230,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-03-09 06:34:53'),(631,230,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-09 06:34:54'),(632,231,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-09 12:44:48'),(633,231,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-03-09 12:44:49'),(634,231,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2017-03-09 12:44:49'),(635,232,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-03-13 17:18:52'),(636,232,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-03-13 17:18:53'),(637,232,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-13 17:18:54'),(638,233,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(639,233,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-03-14 12:44:00'),(640,233,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-03-14 12:44:01'),(641,234,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-14 18:45:35'),(642,234,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-03-14 18:45:35'),(643,234,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-14 18:45:36'),(644,235,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-15 09:29:20'),(645,235,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-03-15 09:29:21'),(646,235,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-15 09:29:22'),(647,236,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-15 13:23:39'),(648,236,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-03-15 13:23:41'),(649,236,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-15 13:23:41'),(650,237,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-15 16:38:30'),(651,237,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-03-15 16:38:31'),(652,237,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-15 16:38:31'),(653,238,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-15 19:41:01'),(654,238,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-03-15 19:41:02'),(655,238,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-03-15 19:41:02'),(656,239,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-19 15:30:03'),(657,239,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-03-19 15:30:04'),(658,239,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-19 15:30:04'),(659,240,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-03-22 16:22:03'),(660,240,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-03-22 16:22:07'),(661,240,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-22 16:22:08'),(662,241,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-03-22 22:16:50'),(663,241,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-03-22 22:16:52'),(664,241,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-22 22:16:52'),(665,242,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-24 10:58:27'),(666,242,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-03-24 10:58:28'),(667,242,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-03-24 10:58:28'),(668,243,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-03-27 15:08:20'),(669,243,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-03-27 15:08:21'),(670,243,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-03-27 15:08:21'),(671,244,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',7.00,'2017-03-30 14:46:42'),(672,244,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-03-30 14:46:44'),(673,244,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-03-30 14:46:45'),(674,245,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',6.00,'2017-03-30 16:14:44'),(675,245,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-03-30 16:14:44'),(676,245,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-03-30 16:14:44'),(677,246,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-04-09 20:44:09'),(678,246,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-04-09 20:44:11'),(679,246,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-04-09 20:44:11'),(680,247,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-04-19 14:46:08'),(681,247,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-04-19 14:46:10'),(682,247,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-04-19 14:46:11'),(683,248,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-04-24 14:32:41'),(684,248,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-04-24 14:32:43'),(685,248,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2017-04-24 14:32:44'),(686,249,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',7.00,'2017-04-27 12:38:06'),(687,249,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-04-27 12:38:08'),(688,249,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-04-27 12:38:09'),(689,250,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-04-28 13:12:35'),(690,250,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-04-28 13:12:41'),(691,250,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-04-28 13:12:43'),(692,251,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-04-28 15:53:31'),(693,251,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-04-28 15:53:37'),(694,251,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-04-28 15:53:38'),(695,252,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-04-28 17:33:08'),(696,252,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-04-28 17:33:13'),(697,252,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-04-28 17:33:15'),(698,253,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-04-29 21:21:25'),(699,253,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-04-29 21:21:28'),(700,253,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-04-29 21:21:29'),(701,254,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2017-04-30 20:10:06'),(702,254,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-04-30 20:10:08'),(703,254,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-04-30 20:10:09'),(704,255,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-03 12:53:28'),(705,255,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-05-03 12:53:32'),(706,255,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-05-03 12:53:33'),(707,256,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-05-05 19:08:34'),(708,256,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-05-05 19:08:36'),(709,256,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-05-05 19:08:36'),(710,257,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-08 11:19:27'),(711,257,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-05-08 11:19:29'),(712,257,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-05-08 11:19:29'),(713,258,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-10 10:46:53'),(714,258,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-05-10 10:46:54'),(715,258,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-05-10 10:46:55'),(716,259,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-15 16:38:39'),(717,259,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-05-15 16:38:40'),(718,259,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-05-15 16:38:41'),(719,260,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-17 13:24:56'),(720,260,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-05-17 13:24:58'),(721,260,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-05-17 13:24:58'),(722,261,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-17 14:20:10'),(723,261,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-05-17 14:20:11'),(724,261,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-05-17 14:20:12'),(725,262,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-22 22:05:21'),(726,262,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-05-22 22:05:24'),(727,262,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2017-05-22 22:05:24'),(728,263,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-25 10:05:12'),(729,263,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-05-25 10:05:13'),(730,263,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2017-05-25 10:05:13'),(731,264,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-28 19:18:37'),(732,264,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-05-28 19:18:38'),(733,264,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-05-28 19:18:39'),(734,265,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-30 12:55:54'),(735,265,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-05-30 12:55:55'),(736,265,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-05-30 12:55:55'),(737,266,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-30 13:52:59'),(738,266,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-05-30 13:53:02'),(739,266,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-05-30 13:53:03'),(740,267,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-30 14:24:01'),(741,267,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-05-30 14:24:03'),(742,267,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-05-30 14:24:05'),(743,268,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-05-30 16:29:44'),(744,268,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-05-30 16:29:45'),(745,268,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-05-30 16:29:45'),(746,269,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-06-03 14:46:07'),(747,269,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-06-03 14:46:08'),(748,269,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-06-03 14:46:09'),(749,270,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-06-07 11:44:18'),(750,270,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-06-07 11:44:20'),(751,270,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-06-07 11:44:20'),(752,271,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-06-07 16:10:40'),(753,271,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-06-07 16:10:40'),(754,271,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-06-07 16:10:41'),(755,272,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2017-06-12 12:02:52'),(756,272,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-06-12 12:02:59'),(757,272,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-06-12 12:03:00'),(758,273,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-06-14 18:54:37'),(759,273,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-06-14 18:54:37'),(760,273,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-06-14 18:54:38'),(761,274,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-06-19 14:52:15'),(762,274,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-06-19 14:52:16'),(763,274,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-06-19 14:52:17'),(764,275,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-06-23 11:03:18'),(765,275,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-06-23 11:03:21'),(766,275,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2017-06-23 11:03:21'),(767,276,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-06-25 13:36:59'),(768,276,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-06-25 13:37:03'),(769,276,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-06-25 13:37:03'),(770,277,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-06-27 14:17:02'),(771,277,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-06-27 14:17:04'),(772,277,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-06-27 14:17:04'),(773,278,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-07-01 14:16:29'),(774,278,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-07-01 14:16:32'),(775,278,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-07-01 14:16:33'),(776,279,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-07-01 15:17:02'),(777,279,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-07-01 15:17:03'),(778,279,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-07-01 15:17:04'),(779,280,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-07-12 10:04:30'),(780,280,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-07-12 10:04:31'),(781,280,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2017-07-12 10:04:31'),(782,281,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-07-12 11:01:58'),(783,281,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-07-12 11:02:00'),(784,281,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-07-12 11:02:01'),(785,282,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(786,282,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-07-12 14:43:55'),(787,282,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-07-12 14:43:56'),(788,283,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-07-13 06:44:26'),(789,283,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-07-13 06:44:26'),(790,283,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-07-13 06:44:27'),(791,284,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-07-14 12:05:06'),(792,284,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-07-14 12:05:12'),(793,284,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-07-14 12:05:14'),(794,285,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-07-14 13:38:59'),(795,285,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-07-14 13:39:02'),(796,285,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-07-14 13:39:04'),(797,286,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',7.00,'2017-07-14 16:23:17'),(798,286,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-07-14 16:23:18'),(799,286,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2017-07-14 16:23:19'),(800,287,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-07-19 15:46:56'),(801,287,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-07-19 15:46:59'),(802,287,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-07-19 15:47:00'),(803,288,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-07-24 10:27:51'),(804,288,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-07-24 10:27:53'),(805,288,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-07-24 10:27:54'),(806,289,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-08-10 21:28:45'),(807,289,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-08-10 21:28:47'),(808,289,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-08-10 21:28:47'),(809,290,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-08-10 21:45:19'),(810,290,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-08-10 21:45:19'),(811,290,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-08-10 21:45:20'),(812,291,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-08-10 21:51:09'),(813,291,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-08-10 21:51:10'),(814,291,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-08-10 21:51:10'),(815,292,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-08-11 14:50:29'),(816,292,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-08-11 14:50:30'),(817,292,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-08-11 14:50:30'),(818,293,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-10-10 15:43:18'),(819,293,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-10-10 15:43:18'),(820,293,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-10-10 15:43:18'),(821,294,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-10-11 18:18:05'),(822,294,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-10-11 18:18:06'),(823,294,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-10-11 18:18:06'),(824,295,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-10-12 15:20:49'),(825,295,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-10-12 15:20:49'),(826,295,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-10-12 15:20:49'),(827,296,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-10-16 17:40:19'),(828,296,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-10-16 17:40:20'),(829,296,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-10-16 17:40:20'),(830,297,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-10-19 15:30:59'),(831,297,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-10-19 15:31:00'),(832,297,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-10-19 15:31:00'),(833,298,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',7.00,'2017-10-27 14:36:53'),(834,298,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-10-27 14:36:54'),(835,298,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-10-27 14:36:54'),(836,299,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-10-30 17:01:19'),(837,299,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-10-30 17:01:20'),(838,299,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-10-30 17:01:21'),(839,300,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-11-01 14:03:11'),(840,300,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-11-01 14:03:13'),(841,300,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-11-01 14:03:13'),(842,301,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',7.00,'2017-11-03 12:53:28'),(843,301,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',2.00,'2017-11-03 12:53:28'),(844,301,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-11-03 12:53:29'),(845,302,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-11-07 15:48:25'),(846,302,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-11-07 15:48:25'),(847,302,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-11-07 15:48:25'),(848,303,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-11-11 12:39:32'),(849,303,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-11-11 12:39:33'),(850,303,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2017-11-11 12:39:33'),(851,304,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-11-14 11:09:51'),(852,304,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-11-14 11:09:52'),(853,304,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-11-14 11:09:52'),(854,305,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-11-16 11:45:38'),(855,305,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-11-16 11:45:40'),(856,305,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-11-16 11:45:40'),(857,306,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-11-18 09:45:50'),(858,306,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-11-18 09:45:50'),(859,306,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-11-18 09:45:50'),(860,307,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-11-20 14:41:19'),(861,307,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-11-20 14:41:20'),(862,307,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-11-20 14:41:20'),(863,308,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-11-20 15:07:44'),(864,308,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-11-20 15:07:45'),(865,308,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-11-20 15:07:45'),(866,309,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-11-27 14:20:13'),(867,309,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-11-27 14:20:13'),(868,309,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-11-27 14:20:13'),(869,310,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-11-27 15:08:44'),(870,310,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-11-27 15:08:45'),(871,310,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-11-27 15:08:46'),(872,311,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-11-27 15:42:41'),(873,311,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-11-27 15:42:43'),(874,311,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-11-27 15:42:43'),(875,312,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-11-27 16:16:22'),(876,312,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-11-27 16:16:23'),(877,312,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-11-27 16:16:24'),(878,313,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-12-02 07:42:47'),(879,313,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-12-02 07:42:47'),(880,313,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2017-12-02 07:42:47'),(881,314,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-12-04 14:39:00'),(882,314,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-12-04 14:39:01'),(883,314,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-12-04 14:39:01'),(884,315,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-12-05 17:38:03'),(885,315,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-12-05 17:38:04'),(886,315,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-12-05 17:38:04'),(887,316,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-12-06 18:13:57'),(888,316,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-12-06 18:13:57'),(889,316,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-12-06 18:13:58'),(890,317,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-12-07 13:13:47'),(891,317,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-12-07 13:13:48'),(892,317,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-12-07 13:13:49'),(893,318,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-12-16 09:26:52'),(894,318,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-12-16 09:26:53'),(895,318,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-12-16 09:26:54'),(896,319,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-12-16 10:07:19'),(897,319,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-12-16 10:07:19'),(898,319,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-12-16 10:07:20'),(899,320,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2017-12-18 16:19:08'),(900,320,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-12-18 16:19:10'),(901,320,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-12-18 16:19:10'),(902,321,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2017-12-18 17:37:18'),(903,321,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2017-12-18 17:37:19'),(904,321,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-12-18 17:37:20'),(905,322,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-12-21 09:33:46'),(906,322,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2017-12-21 09:33:47'),(907,322,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2017-12-21 09:33:47'),(908,323,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2017-12-30 16:12:55'),(909,323,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2017-12-30 16:12:56'),(910,323,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2017-12-30 16:12:56'),(911,324,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-01-03 10:03:35'),(912,324,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-01-03 10:03:35'),(913,324,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-01-03 10:03:36'),(914,325,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-01-03 11:02:40'),(915,325,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-01-03 11:02:40'),(916,325,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-01-03 11:02:41'),(917,326,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-01-03 11:52:09'),(918,326,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-01-03 11:52:10'),(919,326,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-01-03 11:52:11'),(920,327,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(921,327,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(922,327,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-01-03 14:07:42'),(923,328,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-01-11 14:39:50'),(924,328,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-01-11 14:39:51'),(925,328,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-01-11 14:39:51'),(926,329,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-01-12 13:00:56'),(927,329,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-01-12 13:00:57'),(928,329,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-01-12 13:00:58'),(929,330,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(930,330,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2018-01-18 16:13:09'),(931,330,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-01-18 16:13:10'),(932,331,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-01-18 17:19:05'),(933,331,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-01-18 17:19:06'),(934,331,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-01-18 17:19:06'),(935,332,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-01-19 07:00:29'),(936,332,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-01-19 07:00:31'),(937,332,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',5.00,'2018-01-19 07:00:31'),(938,333,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-01-20 11:11:15'),(939,333,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-01-20 11:11:16'),(940,333,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-01-20 11:11:17'),(941,334,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-02-02 16:09:21'),(942,334,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-02-02 16:09:22'),(943,334,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-02-02 16:09:22'),(944,335,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-02-06 16:26:46'),(945,335,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2018-02-06 16:26:47'),(946,335,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-02-06 16:26:47'),(947,336,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-02-07 15:53:19'),(948,336,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-02-07 15:53:20'),(949,336,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-02-07 15:53:20'),(950,337,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(951,337,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-02-12 12:22:37'),(952,337,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-02-12 12:22:38'),(953,338,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-02-12 13:09:29'),(954,338,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-02-12 13:09:29'),(955,338,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-02-12 13:09:29'),(956,339,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(957,339,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-02-12 13:53:01'),(958,339,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-02-12 13:53:02'),(959,340,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-02-12 16:28:27'),(960,340,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-02-12 16:28:28'),(961,340,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-02-12 16:28:28'),(962,341,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-02-13 16:50:42'),(963,341,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-02-13 16:50:43'),(964,341,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-02-13 16:50:43'),(965,342,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-02-15 17:09:49'),(966,342,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-02-15 17:09:49'),(967,342,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-02-15 17:09:49'),(968,343,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-02-19 16:27:30'),(969,343,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-02-19 16:27:32'),(970,343,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-02-19 16:27:32'),(971,344,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-02-22 12:55:29'),(972,344,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-02-22 12:55:30'),(973,344,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-02-22 12:55:31'),(974,345,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-02-24 11:00:24'),(975,345,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-02-24 11:00:25'),(976,345,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-02-24 11:00:25'),(977,346,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-02-26 16:09:36'),(978,346,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-02-26 16:09:37'),(979,346,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-02-26 16:09:37'),(980,347,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-02-27 10:37:46'),(981,347,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-02-27 10:37:48'),(982,347,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-02-27 10:37:49'),(983,348,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-02-27 11:50:16'),(984,348,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-02-27 11:50:17'),(985,348,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-02-27 11:50:17'),(986,349,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-02-28 11:45:01'),(987,349,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-02-28 11:45:02'),(988,349,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-02-28 11:45:02'),(989,350,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-04 14:46:22'),(990,350,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-03-04 14:46:24'),(991,350,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-03-04 14:46:24'),(992,351,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-04 15:34:20'),(993,351,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-03-04 15:34:21'),(994,351,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-03-04 15:34:21'),(995,352,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-03-06 11:18:07'),(996,352,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-03-06 11:18:07'),(997,352,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-06 11:18:08'),(998,353,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-06 12:02:23'),(999,353,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-06 12:02:25'),(1000,353,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-03-06 12:02:27'),(1001,354,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-06 12:40:35'),(1002,354,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-06 12:40:36'),(1003,354,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-06 12:40:36'),(1004,355,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-06 14:49:39'),(1005,355,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-03-06 14:49:40'),(1006,355,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-03-06 14:49:40'),(1007,356,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-08 17:44:13'),(1008,356,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-03-08 17:44:15'),(1009,356,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-03-08 17:44:15'),(1010,357,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-09 16:03:46'),(1011,357,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-09 16:03:47'),(1012,357,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-09 16:03:47'),(1013,358,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-10 11:02:00'),(1014,358,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-03-10 11:02:00'),(1015,358,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-10 11:02:00'),(1016,359,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-03-10 11:38:24'),(1017,359,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-10 11:38:25'),(1018,359,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-10 11:38:26'),(1019,360,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-10 12:19:57'),(1020,360,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-03-10 12:19:57'),(1021,360,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-10 12:19:57'),(1022,361,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(1023,361,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-10 17:07:11'),(1024,361,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-03-10 17:07:12'),(1025,362,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(1026,362,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-11 14:04:03'),(1027,362,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-03-11 14:04:04'),(1028,363,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-11 14:40:10'),(1029,363,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-03-11 14:40:10'),(1030,363,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-03-11 14:40:11'),(1031,364,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-11 17:31:50'),(1032,364,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-11 17:31:50'),(1033,364,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-11 17:31:51'),(1034,365,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-03-13 08:51:21'),(1035,365,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-13 08:51:22'),(1036,365,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-03-13 08:51:22'),(1037,366,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(1038,366,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-15 15:58:55'),(1039,366,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-15 15:58:56'),(1040,367,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-03-17 20:32:28'),(1041,367,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-03-17 20:32:29'),(1042,367,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-17 20:32:29'),(1043,368,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-03-17 21:14:58'),(1044,368,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-03-17 21:14:58'),(1045,368,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-17 21:14:58'),(1046,369,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-03-17 22:00:33'),(1047,369,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-03-17 22:00:34'),(1048,369,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-17 22:00:34'),(1049,370,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-18 20:16:52'),(1050,370,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-18 20:16:54'),(1051,370,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-18 20:16:54'),(1052,371,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-18 20:49:05'),(1053,371,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-18 20:49:06'),(1054,371,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-18 20:49:06'),(1055,372,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-18 21:39:31'),(1056,372,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-18 21:39:32'),(1057,372,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-03-18 21:39:32'),(1058,373,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-03-19 10:29:14'),(1059,373,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-19 10:29:15'),(1060,373,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-03-19 10:29:15'),(1061,374,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-19 14:26:11'),(1062,374,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-19 14:26:13'),(1063,374,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-03-19 14:26:14'),(1064,375,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-19 18:13:05'),(1065,375,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-19 18:13:06'),(1066,375,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-03-19 18:13:06'),(1067,376,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-03-22 15:06:42'),(1068,376,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-03-22 15:06:44'),(1069,376,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-03-22 15:06:44'),(1070,377,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-03-28 13:41:42'),(1071,377,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2018-03-28 13:41:42'),(1072,377,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-03-28 13:41:43'),(1073,378,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-02 13:41:13'),(1074,378,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-04-02 13:41:15'),(1075,378,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-04-02 13:41:16'),(1076,379,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2018-04-02 14:47:30'),(1077,379,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-04-02 14:47:32'),(1078,379,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-04-02 14:47:32'),(1079,380,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-03 08:38:53'),(1080,380,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-03 08:38:53'),(1081,380,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-04-03 08:38:54'),(1082,381,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(1083,381,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-03 18:18:46'),(1084,381,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-04-03 18:18:47'),(1085,382,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-04-05 13:33:31'),(1086,382,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-05 13:33:33'),(1087,382,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-04-05 13:33:33'),(1088,383,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2018-04-06 08:20:45'),(1089,383,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-04-06 08:20:46'),(1090,383,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-04-06 08:20:47'),(1091,384,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-09 13:50:15'),(1092,384,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-09 13:50:16'),(1093,384,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-04-09 13:50:16'),(1094,385,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-12 09:58:30'),(1095,385,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-12 09:58:31'),(1096,385,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-04-12 09:58:31'),(1097,386,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-17 11:01:58'),(1098,386,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-17 11:02:00'),(1099,386,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-04-17 11:02:00'),(1100,387,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-18 09:34:03'),(1101,387,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-18 09:34:05'),(1102,387,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-04-18 09:34:05'),(1103,388,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-18 14:18:08'),(1104,388,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-04-18 14:18:09'),(1105,388,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-04-18 14:18:10'),(1106,389,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-19 18:56:08'),(1107,389,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-19 18:56:10'),(1108,389,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-04-19 18:56:10'),(1109,390,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-20 11:17:54'),(1110,390,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-20 11:17:56'),(1111,390,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-04-20 11:17:57'),(1112,391,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-20 12:01:08'),(1113,391,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-20 12:01:09'),(1114,391,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-04-20 12:01:10'),(1115,392,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-20 15:14:11'),(1116,392,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-20 15:14:12'),(1117,392,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-04-20 15:14:12'),(1118,393,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-20 20:54:48'),(1119,393,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-20 20:54:49'),(1120,393,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-04-20 20:54:50'),(1121,394,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-22 12:32:52'),(1122,394,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-22 12:32:54'),(1123,394,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-04-22 12:32:56'),(1124,395,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-04-22 20:00:16'),(1125,395,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-04-22 20:00:17'),(1126,395,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-04-22 20:00:17'),(1127,396,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2018-04-24 23:39:19'),(1128,396,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2018-04-24 23:39:21'),(1129,396,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-04-24 23:39:21'),(1130,397,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-04-29 14:06:23'),(1131,397,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-04-29 14:06:24'),(1132,397,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-04-29 14:06:25'),(1133,398,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-02 11:20:26'),(1134,398,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-05-02 11:20:28'),(1135,398,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-05-02 11:20:28'),(1136,399,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-02 14:37:45'),(1137,399,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-05-02 14:37:46'),(1138,399,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-05-02 14:37:47'),(1139,400,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-03 08:15:50'),(1140,400,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-05-03 08:15:51'),(1141,400,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-05-03 08:15:51'),(1142,401,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-03 19:15:07'),(1143,401,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-05-03 19:15:07'),(1144,401,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-05-03 19:15:08'),(1145,402,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-06 14:04:51'),(1146,402,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-05-06 14:04:52'),(1147,402,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-05-06 14:04:52'),(1148,403,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-07 19:45:23'),(1149,403,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-05-07 19:45:24'),(1150,403,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-05-07 19:45:24'),(1151,404,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-08 10:15:07'),(1152,404,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-05-08 10:15:09'),(1153,404,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-05-08 10:15:09'),(1154,405,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-16 14:32:39'),(1155,405,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-05-16 14:32:40'),(1156,405,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-05-16 14:32:41'),(1157,406,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-22 11:58:58'),(1158,406,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-05-22 11:59:12'),(1159,406,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-05-22 11:59:15'),(1160,407,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-23 17:46:58'),(1161,407,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-05-23 17:47:00'),(1162,407,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-05-23 17:47:01'),(1163,408,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-29 22:14:43'),(1164,408,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-05-29 22:14:46'),(1165,408,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-05-29 22:14:47'),(1166,409,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-30 10:44:18'),(1167,409,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-05-30 10:44:18'),(1168,409,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-05-30 10:44:18'),(1169,410,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-05-30 18:34:38'),(1170,410,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-05-30 18:34:39'),(1171,410,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-05-30 18:34:39'),(1172,411,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-06-01 15:23:10'),(1173,411,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-06-01 15:23:10'),(1174,411,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-06-01 15:23:10'),(1175,412,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-06-02 11:46:29'),(1176,412,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-06-02 11:46:30'),(1177,412,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-06-02 11:46:30'),(1178,413,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-06-02 21:33:34'),(1179,413,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-06-02 21:33:35'),(1180,413,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-06-02 21:33:35'),(1181,414,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-06-04 19:56:06'),(1182,414,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-06-04 19:56:07'),(1183,414,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-06-04 19:56:07'),(1184,415,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-06-06 18:47:31'),(1185,415,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-06-06 18:47:32'),(1186,415,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-06-06 18:47:32'),(1187,416,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-06-08 17:02:54'),(1188,416,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-06-08 17:02:54'),(1189,416,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-06-08 17:02:54'),(1190,417,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-06-09 16:20:05'),(1191,417,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-06-09 16:20:06'),(1192,417,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-06-09 16:20:06'),(1193,418,39,'Sección 1: El tabaco y la salud',8.00,'2018-06-11 16:38:16'),(1194,418,40,'Sección 2: Controles de cumplimiento y sanciones',5.00,'2018-06-11 16:38:16'),(1195,418,41,'Sección 3: Evitar ventas ilegales',10.00,'2018-06-11 16:38:17'),(1196,419,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-06-11 17:48:19'),(1197,419,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-06-11 17:48:20'),(1198,419,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-06-11 17:48:20'),(1199,420,39,'Sección 1: El tabaco y la salud',9.00,'2018-06-12 14:58:26'),(1200,420,40,'Sección 2: Controles de cumplimiento y sanciones',4.00,'2018-06-12 14:58:27'),(1201,420,41,'Sección 3: Evitar ventas ilegales',9.00,'2018-06-12 14:58:27'),(1202,421,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-06-15 11:35:55'),(1203,421,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-06-15 11:35:56'),(1204,421,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-06-15 11:35:56'),(1205,422,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(1206,422,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-06-15 12:04:13'),(1207,422,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-06-15 12:04:14'),(1208,423,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-06-19 09:59:10'),(1209,423,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-06-19 09:59:13'),(1210,423,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-06-19 09:59:14'),(1211,424,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-06-27 15:50:11'),(1212,424,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-06-27 15:50:12'),(1213,424,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-06-27 15:50:13'),(1214,425,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-07-05 18:12:41'),(1215,425,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-07-05 18:12:41'),(1216,425,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-07-05 18:12:42'),(1217,426,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-07-10 11:06:34'),(1218,426,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-07-10 11:06:35'),(1219,426,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-07-10 11:06:36'),(1220,427,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-07-16 11:36:36'),(1221,427,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-07-16 11:36:37'),(1222,427,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-07-16 11:36:37'),(1223,428,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-07-16 12:53:30'),(1224,428,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-07-16 12:53:31'),(1225,428,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-07-16 12:53:31'),(1226,429,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-07-20 16:01:32'),(1227,429,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-07-20 16:01:33'),(1228,429,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-07-20 16:01:33'),(1229,430,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-07-24 09:05:21'),(1230,430,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-07-24 09:05:22'),(1231,430,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-07-24 09:05:22'),(1232,431,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(1233,431,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-07-24 14:26:00'),(1234,431,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-07-24 14:26:01'),(1235,432,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-07-24 16:32:05'),(1236,432,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-07-24 16:32:05'),(1237,432,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-07-24 16:32:05'),(1238,433,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2018-07-24 19:01:08'),(1239,433,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-07-24 19:01:09'),(1240,433,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-07-24 19:01:09'),(1241,434,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-07-25 13:25:02'),(1242,434,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-07-25 13:25:04'),(1243,434,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-07-25 13:25:05'),(1244,435,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2018-07-25 17:46:14'),(1245,435,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-07-25 17:46:15'),(1246,435,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2018-07-25 17:46:15'),(1247,436,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-08-09 11:31:32'),(1248,436,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-08-09 11:31:33'),(1249,436,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-08-09 11:31:33'),(1250,437,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-08-22 09:44:18'),(1251,437,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-08-22 09:44:19'),(1252,437,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-08-22 09:44:19'),(1253,438,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-08-22 17:17:43'),(1254,438,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-08-22 17:17:44'),(1255,438,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-08-22 17:17:45'),(1256,439,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-08-23 13:14:41'),(1257,439,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-08-23 13:14:42'),(1258,439,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-08-23 13:14:42'),(1259,440,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(1260,440,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-08-23 15:15:59'),(1261,440,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-08-23 15:16:00'),(1262,441,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-08-24 12:29:53'),(1263,441,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-08-24 12:29:55'),(1264,441,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-08-24 12:29:55'),(1265,442,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-08-24 16:40:23'),(1266,442,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2018-08-24 16:40:24'),(1267,442,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-08-24 16:40:24'),(1268,443,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-08-25 21:21:49'),(1269,443,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-08-25 21:21:51'),(1270,443,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-08-25 21:21:51'),(1271,444,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-08-28 11:03:24'),(1272,444,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-08-28 11:03:25'),(1273,444,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-08-28 11:03:26'),(1274,445,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-09-04 10:27:27'),(1275,445,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-09-04 10:27:29'),(1276,445,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-09-04 10:27:30'),(1277,446,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-09-04 11:11:47'),(1278,446,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-09-04 11:11:48'),(1279,446,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-09-04 11:11:48'),(1280,447,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-09-05 11:08:54'),(1281,447,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-09-05 11:08:54'),(1282,447,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-09-05 11:08:55'),(1283,448,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-09-05 14:20:49'),(1284,448,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-09-05 14:20:50'),(1285,448,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-09-05 14:20:50'),(1286,449,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-09-05 15:36:05'),(1287,449,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-09-05 15:36:07'),(1288,449,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-09-05 15:36:07'),(1289,450,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-09-05 19:14:24'),(1290,450,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-09-05 19:14:26'),(1291,450,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-09-05 19:14:27'),(1292,451,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-09-05 20:21:06'),(1293,451,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-09-05 20:21:08'),(1294,451,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-09-05 20:21:09'),(1295,452,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-09-10 13:45:51'),(1296,452,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-09-10 13:45:53'),(1297,452,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-09-10 13:45:54'),(1298,453,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-09-13 11:44:19'),(1299,453,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-09-13 11:44:20'),(1300,453,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-09-13 11:44:20'),(1301,454,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-09-20 10:02:46'),(1302,454,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2018-09-20 10:02:47'),(1303,454,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-09-20 10:02:48'),(1304,455,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-09-20 22:54:30'),(1305,455,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-09-20 22:54:31'),(1306,455,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-09-20 22:54:31'),(1307,456,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-09-21 11:44:13'),(1308,456,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-09-21 11:44:16'),(1309,456,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-09-21 11:44:16'),(1310,457,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-09-22 16:18:00'),(1311,457,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-09-22 16:18:00'),(1312,457,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-09-22 16:18:00'),(1313,458,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-09-26 10:25:01'),(1314,458,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-09-26 10:25:02'),(1315,458,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-09-26 10:25:02'),(1316,459,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-09-27 18:52:58'),(1317,459,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-09-27 18:52:59'),(1318,459,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-09-27 18:53:00'),(1319,460,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-02 15:41:28'),(1320,460,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-10-02 15:41:29'),(1321,460,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-10-02 15:41:29'),(1322,461,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-04 22:02:20'),(1323,461,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-04 22:02:20'),(1324,461,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-10-04 22:02:21'),(1325,462,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-06 15:02:21'),(1326,462,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-06 15:02:22'),(1327,462,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-10-06 15:02:22'),(1328,463,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-10-08 10:39:02'),(1329,463,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-08 10:39:03'),(1330,463,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-10-08 10:39:03'),(1331,464,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-08 10:47:26'),(1332,464,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-08 10:47:27'),(1333,464,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-10-08 10:47:28'),(1334,465,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-08 11:09:54'),(1335,465,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-08 11:09:55'),(1336,465,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-10-08 11:09:56'),(1337,466,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-10-08 16:10:18'),(1338,466,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-08 16:10:19'),(1339,466,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-10-08 16:10:20'),(1340,467,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-08 20:41:13'),(1341,467,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-08 20:41:14'),(1342,467,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-10-08 20:41:14'),(1343,468,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-10-09 13:27:21'),(1344,468,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-10-09 13:27:23'),(1345,468,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-10-09 13:27:23'),(1346,469,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-10 20:47:42'),(1347,469,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-10-10 20:47:42'),(1348,469,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-10-10 20:47:43'),(1349,470,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-11 11:56:30'),(1350,470,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-10-11 11:56:34'),(1351,470,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-10-11 11:56:35'),(1352,471,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(1353,471,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-12 13:14:17'),(1354,471,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-10-12 13:14:18'),(1355,472,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(1356,472,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-10-12 13:59:41'),(1357,472,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-10-12 13:59:43'),(1358,473,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-13 17:33:08'),(1359,473,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-10-13 17:33:09'),(1360,473,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-10-13 17:33:09'),(1361,474,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-17 12:04:29'),(1362,474,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-17 12:04:29'),(1363,474,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-10-17 12:04:29'),(1364,475,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-17 12:52:08'),(1365,475,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-10-17 12:52:09'),(1366,475,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-10-17 12:52:09'),(1367,476,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-21 12:27:14'),(1368,476,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-21 12:27:15'),(1369,476,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-10-21 12:27:15'),(1370,477,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-21 17:09:19'),(1371,477,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-21 17:09:20'),(1372,477,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-10-21 17:09:20'),(1373,478,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-10-23 14:02:29'),(1374,478,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-23 14:02:31'),(1375,478,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-10-23 14:02:31'),(1376,479,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-10-29 13:31:05'),(1377,479,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-10-29 13:31:05'),(1378,479,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-10-29 13:31:05'),(1379,480,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-10-29 15:54:46'),(1380,480,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-10-29 15:54:47'),(1381,480,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-10-29 15:54:47'),(1382,481,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-11-05 16:00:51'),(1383,481,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-11-05 16:00:52'),(1384,481,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-11-05 16:00:52'),(1385,482,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-11-05 16:08:19'),(1386,482,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-11-05 16:08:20'),(1387,482,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-11-05 16:08:21'),(1388,483,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-11-13 13:12:12'),(1389,483,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-11-13 13:12:13'),(1390,483,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-11-13 13:12:13'),(1391,484,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-11-15 16:56:54'),(1392,484,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-11-15 16:56:57'),(1393,484,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-11-15 16:56:58'),(1394,485,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-11-26 14:53:54'),(1395,485,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-11-26 14:53:55'),(1396,485,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-11-26 14:53:56'),(1397,486,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-04 20:37:11'),(1398,486,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-04 20:37:12'),(1399,486,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-04 20:37:13'),(1400,487,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-04 21:34:34'),(1401,487,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-04 21:34:35'),(1402,487,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-04 21:34:36'),(1403,488,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-12-13 10:29:19'),(1404,488,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-13 10:29:20'),(1405,488,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-13 10:29:20'),(1406,489,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-17 13:07:11'),(1407,489,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-17 13:07:12'),(1408,489,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-17 13:07:12'),(1409,490,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-17 14:48:49'),(1410,490,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-17 14:48:50'),(1411,490,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-12-17 14:48:50'),(1412,491,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-18 11:37:41'),(1413,491,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-18 11:37:41'),(1414,491,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-18 11:37:42'),(1415,492,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-19 09:44:09'),(1416,492,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2018-12-19 09:44:11'),(1417,492,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-19 09:44:12'),(1418,493,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-12-19 16:34:50'),(1419,493,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-19 16:34:51'),(1420,493,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-19 16:34:51'),(1421,494,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(1422,494,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-19 17:43:48'),(1423,494,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-19 17:43:49'),(1424,495,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-20 11:09:07'),(1425,495,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-20 11:09:08'),(1426,495,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-20 11:09:08'),(1427,496,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(1428,496,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-20 11:57:04'),(1429,496,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-20 11:57:05'),(1430,497,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-20 12:33:15'),(1431,497,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-20 12:33:16'),(1432,497,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-20 12:33:16'),(1433,498,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-20 14:12:01'),(1434,498,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-20 14:12:02'),(1435,498,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-20 14:12:02'),(1436,499,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-20 14:59:44'),(1437,499,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-20 14:59:44'),(1438,499,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-20 14:59:44'),(1439,500,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-20 15:42:40'),(1440,500,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-20 15:42:41'),(1441,500,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-20 15:42:41'),(1442,501,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-21 14:09:41'),(1443,501,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-21 14:09:43'),(1444,501,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-21 14:09:44'),(1445,502,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-21 14:47:13'),(1446,502,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-21 14:47:14'),(1447,502,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-12-21 14:47:16'),(1448,503,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-21 15:34:11'),(1449,503,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-21 15:34:11'),(1450,503,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-21 15:34:11'),(1451,504,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-22 11:12:47'),(1452,504,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-22 11:12:48'),(1453,504,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-22 11:12:48'),(1454,505,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(1455,505,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(1456,505,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-22 11:43:17'),(1457,506,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(1458,506,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-22 14:27:24'),(1459,506,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-12-22 14:27:25'),(1460,507,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-23 13:08:19'),(1461,507,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-23 13:08:20'),(1462,507,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-12-23 13:08:20'),(1463,508,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-26 15:45:13'),(1464,508,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-26 15:45:14'),(1465,508,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-12-26 15:45:14'),(1466,509,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(1467,509,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-26 16:03:14'),(1468,509,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-26 16:03:15'),(1469,510,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-27 06:49:43'),(1470,510,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2018-12-27 06:49:44'),(1471,510,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-12-27 06:49:44'),(1472,511,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-27 12:38:31'),(1473,511,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-27 12:38:32'),(1474,511,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-12-27 12:38:32'),(1475,512,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-27 22:54:55'),(1476,512,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-27 22:54:56'),(1477,512,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2018-12-27 22:54:56'),(1478,513,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-28 09:46:21'),(1479,513,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-28 09:46:21'),(1480,513,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2018-12-28 09:46:21'),(1481,514,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-29 08:25:31'),(1482,514,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2018-12-29 08:25:31'),(1483,514,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-12-29 08:25:32'),(1484,515,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2018-12-30 17:02:25'),(1485,515,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2018-12-30 17:02:26'),(1486,515,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-12-30 17:02:26'),(1487,516,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(1488,516,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2018-12-31 10:44:49'),(1489,516,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2018-12-31 10:44:50'),(1490,517,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-01 12:50:12'),(1491,517,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-01-01 12:50:13'),(1492,517,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-01-01 12:50:13'),(1493,518,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-09 10:29:38'),(1494,518,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-01-09 10:29:40'),(1495,518,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-01-09 10:29:40'),(1496,519,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-09 15:34:04'),(1497,519,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-01-09 15:34:04'),(1498,519,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-01-09 15:34:04'),(1499,520,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(1500,520,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-01-11 10:47:46'),(1501,520,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-01-11 10:47:47'),(1502,521,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-13 09:57:55'),(1503,521,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-01-13 09:57:56'),(1504,521,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-01-13 09:57:56'),(1505,522,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-14 14:07:40'),(1506,522,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-01-14 14:07:40'),(1507,522,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-01-14 14:07:40'),(1508,523,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-01-18 13:37:33'),(1509,523,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-01-18 13:37:34'),(1510,523,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2019-01-18 13:37:34'),(1511,524,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-01-19 13:00:49'),(1512,524,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-01-19 13:00:50'),(1513,524,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-01-19 13:00:51'),(1514,525,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(1515,525,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(1516,525,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-01-22 13:03:29'),(1517,526,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-23 11:33:27'),(1518,526,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-01-23 11:33:30'),(1519,526,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-01-23 11:33:30'),(1520,527,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-24 10:38:12'),(1521,527,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-01-24 10:38:12'),(1522,527,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-01-24 10:38:12'),(1523,528,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-01-28 12:44:32'),(1524,528,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-01-28 12:44:32'),(1525,528,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-01-28 12:44:32'),(1526,529,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-01-28 12:47:45'),(1527,529,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-01-28 12:47:46'),(1528,529,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-01-28 12:47:46'),(1529,530,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-29 11:56:41'),(1530,530,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-01-29 11:56:42'),(1531,530,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-01-29 11:56:42'),(1532,531,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-01-29 12:01:01'),(1533,531,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-01-29 12:01:02'),(1534,531,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-01-29 12:01:03'),(1535,532,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-29 14:35:19'),(1536,532,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-01-29 14:35:21'),(1537,532,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-01-29 14:35:21'),(1538,533,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-01-30 11:34:28'),(1539,533,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-01-30 11:34:28'),(1540,533,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-01-30 11:34:28'),(1541,534,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-01 12:14:47'),(1542,534,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-02-01 12:14:48'),(1543,534,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2019-02-01 12:14:48'),(1544,535,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-01 12:58:58'),(1545,535,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-02-01 12:58:59'),(1546,535,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-01 12:58:59'),(1547,536,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-05 13:10:57'),(1548,536,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-02-05 13:10:58'),(1549,536,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-02-05 13:10:58'),(1550,537,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-02-07 11:56:47'),(1551,537,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-02-07 11:56:48'),(1552,537,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-07 11:56:48'),(1553,538,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-09 11:15:58'),(1554,538,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-02-09 11:15:59'),(1555,538,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-09 11:16:00'),(1556,539,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-09 17:51:51'),(1557,539,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-02-09 17:51:51'),(1558,539,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-09 17:51:51'),(1559,540,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-11 02:31:13'),(1560,540,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-02-11 02:31:15'),(1561,540,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-11 02:31:16'),(1562,541,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-11 16:40:52'),(1563,541,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-02-11 16:40:54'),(1564,541,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-11 16:40:55'),(1565,542,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-02-12 16:13:08'),(1566,542,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-02-12 16:13:10'),(1567,542,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-12 16:13:10'),(1568,543,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-12 18:00:26'),(1569,543,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-02-12 18:00:27'),(1570,543,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-12 18:00:27'),(1571,544,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-18 19:44:11'),(1572,544,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-02-18 19:44:12'),(1573,544,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-02-18 19:44:12'),(1574,545,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-02-20 14:06:22'),(1575,545,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-02-20 14:06:25'),(1576,545,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-02-20 14:06:25'),(1577,546,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-21 20:38:25'),(1578,546,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-02-21 20:38:27'),(1579,546,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-02-21 20:38:28'),(1580,547,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-22 14:20:31'),(1581,547,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-02-22 14:20:33'),(1582,547,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-22 14:20:33'),(1583,548,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-02-22 18:32:11'),(1584,548,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-02-22 18:32:11'),(1585,548,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-22 18:32:11'),(1586,549,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-25 08:58:24'),(1587,549,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-02-25 08:58:24'),(1588,549,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-25 08:58:25'),(1589,550,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(1590,550,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-02-26 18:39:02'),(1591,550,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-26 18:39:03'),(1592,551,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-27 17:52:25'),(1593,551,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-02-27 17:52:25'),(1594,551,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-02-27 17:52:25'),(1595,552,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-02-27 18:35:17'),(1596,552,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-02-27 18:35:17'),(1597,552,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-02-27 18:35:17'),(1598,553,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-01 16:28:50'),(1599,553,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-01 16:28:51'),(1600,553,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-01 16:28:51'),(1601,554,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-01 17:39:05'),(1602,554,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-01 17:39:06'),(1603,554,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-01 17:39:06'),(1604,555,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-04 12:38:15'),(1605,555,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-04 12:38:16'),(1606,555,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-04 12:38:17'),(1607,556,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-04 13:41:03'),(1608,556,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-04 13:41:04'),(1609,556,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-04 13:41:06'),(1610,557,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-04 14:46:46'),(1611,557,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-04 14:46:47'),(1612,557,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-04 14:46:47'),(1613,558,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(1614,558,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-05 14:42:23'),(1615,558,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-05 14:42:24'),(1616,559,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-08 11:29:26'),(1617,559,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-08 11:29:27'),(1618,559,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-08 11:29:27'),(1619,560,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-08 15:27:02'),(1620,560,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-08 15:27:03'),(1621,560,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-08 15:27:03'),(1622,561,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-08 16:10:25'),(1623,561,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-08 16:10:25'),(1624,561,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-08 16:10:25'),(1625,562,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-09 08:02:24'),(1626,562,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-09 08:02:25'),(1627,562,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-09 08:02:26'),(1628,563,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-09 18:16:48'),(1629,563,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-09 18:16:49'),(1630,563,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-09 18:16:49'),(1631,564,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-10 12:44:30'),(1632,564,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-10 12:44:31'),(1633,564,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-10 12:44:31'),(1634,565,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-11 09:05:42'),(1635,565,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-11 09:05:43'),(1636,565,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-11 09:05:44'),(1637,566,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-11 10:01:37'),(1638,566,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-11 10:01:37'),(1639,566,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-11 10:01:37'),(1640,567,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-11 10:56:08'),(1641,567,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-11 10:56:08'),(1642,567,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-11 10:56:09'),(1643,568,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-11 12:32:17'),(1644,568,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-11 12:32:18'),(1645,568,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-11 12:32:18'),(1646,569,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(1647,569,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-11 14:42:12'),(1648,569,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-11 14:42:13'),(1649,570,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-11 16:37:12'),(1650,570,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-11 16:37:13'),(1651,570,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-11 16:37:14'),(1652,571,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-11 19:03:23'),(1653,571,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-11 19:03:24'),(1654,571,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-11 19:03:25'),(1655,572,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(1656,572,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-11 20:59:18'),(1657,572,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-11 20:59:19'),(1658,573,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-12 11:46:21'),(1659,573,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-12 11:46:22'),(1660,573,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-12 11:46:22'),(1661,574,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-12 12:19:17'),(1662,574,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-12 12:19:18'),(1663,574,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-12 12:19:19'),(1664,575,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-12 12:26:54'),(1665,575,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-12 12:26:54'),(1666,575,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-12 12:26:54'),(1667,576,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-12 16:11:18'),(1668,576,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-12 16:11:18'),(1669,576,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-12 16:11:18'),(1670,577,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-12 17:25:56'),(1671,577,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-12 17:25:57'),(1672,577,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-12 17:25:57'),(1673,578,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-03-12 18:15:38'),(1674,578,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-12 18:15:39'),(1675,578,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-12 18:15:39'),(1676,579,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-12 19:32:20'),(1677,579,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-12 19:32:21'),(1678,579,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-12 19:32:22'),(1679,580,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-12 19:54:32'),(1680,580,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-12 19:54:32'),(1681,580,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-12 19:54:32'),(1682,581,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-12 20:32:52'),(1683,581,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-12 20:32:52'),(1684,581,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-12 20:32:52'),(1685,582,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-13 08:54:53'),(1686,582,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-13 08:54:54'),(1687,582,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-13 08:54:54'),(1688,583,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-13 09:07:07'),(1689,583,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-13 09:07:08'),(1690,583,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-13 09:07:08'),(1691,584,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-13 09:47:43'),(1692,584,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-13 09:47:43'),(1693,584,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-13 09:47:43'),(1694,585,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(1695,585,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-13 10:29:00'),(1696,585,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-13 10:29:01'),(1697,586,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(1698,586,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-13 11:38:08'),(1699,586,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-13 11:38:09'),(1700,587,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-13 12:38:40'),(1701,587,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-13 12:38:41'),(1702,587,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-13 12:38:41'),(1703,588,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-13 13:24:28'),(1704,588,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-13 13:24:28'),(1705,588,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-13 13:24:28'),(1706,589,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-13 13:42:39'),(1707,589,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-13 13:42:40'),(1708,589,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-13 13:42:40'),(1709,590,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-13 14:17:33'),(1710,590,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-13 14:17:35'),(1711,590,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-13 14:17:36'),(1712,591,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-13 14:33:14'),(1713,591,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-13 14:33:15'),(1714,591,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-13 14:33:15'),(1715,592,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-13 16:01:26'),(1716,592,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-13 16:01:27'),(1717,592,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-13 16:01:27'),(1718,593,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-13 17:19:02'),(1719,593,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-13 17:19:03'),(1720,593,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-13 17:19:03'),(1721,594,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-13 20:47:13'),(1722,594,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-13 20:47:14'),(1723,594,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-13 20:47:14'),(1724,595,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-13 21:34:38'),(1725,595,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-13 21:34:40'),(1726,595,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2019-03-13 21:34:41'),(1727,596,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-13 22:30:24'),(1728,596,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-13 22:30:25'),(1729,596,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-13 22:30:25'),(1730,597,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 07:12:42'),(1731,597,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-14 07:12:43'),(1732,597,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-14 07:12:43'),(1733,598,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(1734,598,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-14 08:17:58'),(1735,598,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-14 08:17:59'),(1736,599,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-14 09:27:41'),(1737,599,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-14 09:27:43'),(1738,599,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-14 09:27:43'),(1739,600,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 10:10:32'),(1740,600,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-14 10:10:32'),(1741,600,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-14 10:10:32'),(1742,601,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-14 10:20:37'),(1743,601,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-14 10:20:38'),(1744,601,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-14 10:20:38'),(1745,602,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(1746,602,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-14 11:07:45'),(1747,602,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-14 11:07:46'),(1748,603,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 12:31:07'),(1749,603,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-14 12:31:09'),(1750,603,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-14 12:31:11'),(1751,604,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-14 13:27:57'),(1752,604,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-14 13:27:58'),(1753,604,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-14 13:27:58'),(1754,605,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-14 13:51:42'),(1755,605,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-14 13:51:43'),(1756,605,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-14 13:51:43'),(1757,606,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 15:45:54'),(1758,606,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-14 15:45:55'),(1759,606,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-14 15:45:55'),(1760,607,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 16:18:57'),(1761,607,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-14 16:18:57'),(1762,607,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-14 16:18:57'),(1763,608,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 16:40:18'),(1764,608,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-14 16:40:18'),(1765,608,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-14 16:40:18'),(1766,609,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(1767,609,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-14 17:09:36'),(1768,609,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-14 17:09:37'),(1769,610,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 17:58:59'),(1770,610,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-14 17:59:00'),(1771,610,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-14 17:59:00'),(1772,611,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(1773,611,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(1774,611,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-14 18:38:27'),(1775,612,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 19:59:29'),(1776,612,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-14 19:59:30'),(1777,612,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-14 19:59:30'),(1778,613,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(1779,613,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-14 20:20:08'),(1780,613,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-14 20:20:09'),(1781,614,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-03-15 07:50:10'),(1782,614,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-15 07:50:11'),(1783,614,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-15 07:50:11'),(1784,615,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-15 08:36:13'),(1785,615,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-15 08:36:14'),(1786,615,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-15 08:36:14'),(1787,616,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-15 09:15:35'),(1788,616,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-15 09:15:37'),(1789,616,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-15 09:15:37'),(1790,617,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',7.00,'2019-03-15 09:16:23'),(1791,617,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-15 09:16:24'),(1792,617,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',5.00,'2019-03-15 09:16:24'),(1793,618,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-15 09:29:19'),(1794,618,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-15 09:29:20'),(1795,618,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-15 09:29:20'),(1796,619,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-15 09:58:48'),(1797,619,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-15 09:58:48'),(1798,619,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2019-03-15 09:58:48'),(1799,620,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-15 10:55:06'),(1800,620,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-15 10:55:07'),(1801,620,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-15 10:55:07'),(1802,621,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(1803,621,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-15 11:56:15'),(1804,621,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-15 11:56:16'),(1805,622,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(1806,622,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-15 13:08:44'),(1807,622,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-15 13:08:45'),(1808,623,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(1809,623,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(1810,623,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-15 13:44:10'),(1811,624,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-15 13:46:04'),(1812,624,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-15 13:46:05'),(1813,624,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2019-03-15 13:46:05'),(1814,625,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-03-15 13:56:29'),(1815,625,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-15 13:56:30'),(1816,625,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-15 13:56:30'),(1817,626,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-15 14:36:06'),(1818,626,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-15 14:36:07'),(1819,626,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-15 14:36:07'),(1820,627,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-03-15 15:55:43'),(1821,627,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-15 15:55:44'),(1822,627,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-15 15:55:44'),(1823,628,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-15 19:05:26'),(1824,628,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-15 19:05:26'),(1825,628,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-15 19:05:26'),(1826,629,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(1827,629,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-16 09:56:52'),(1828,629,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-16 09:56:53'),(1829,630,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-16 11:36:07'),(1830,630,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-16 11:36:07'),(1831,630,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-16 11:36:08'),(1832,631,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-16 14:56:40'),(1833,631,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-16 14:56:41'),(1834,631,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-16 14:56:41'),(1835,632,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-16 15:10:25'),(1836,632,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-16 15:10:26'),(1837,632,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-16 15:10:26'),(1838,633,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-16 16:08:58'),(1839,633,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-16 16:09:00'),(1840,633,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-16 16:09:00'),(1841,634,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-17 06:38:25'),(1842,634,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-17 06:38:25'),(1843,634,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-17 06:38:25'),(1844,635,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-17 13:19:21'),(1845,635,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-17 13:19:22'),(1846,635,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-17 13:19:22'),(1847,636,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-17 14:05:12'),(1848,636,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-17 14:05:15'),(1849,636,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-17 14:05:16'),(1850,637,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-17 14:21:07'),(1851,637,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-17 14:21:11'),(1852,637,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-17 14:21:12'),(1853,638,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(1854,638,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(1855,638,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-17 14:57:39'),(1856,639,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-17 18:52:03'),(1857,639,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-17 18:52:04'),(1858,639,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-17 18:52:04'),(1859,640,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-17 19:34:59'),(1860,640,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-17 19:35:00'),(1861,640,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-17 19:35:00'),(1862,641,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-17 23:26:29'),(1863,641,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-17 23:26:30'),(1864,641,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-17 23:26:30'),(1865,642,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 00:54:54'),(1866,642,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-18 00:54:55'),(1867,642,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 00:54:55'),(1868,643,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 02:04:20'),(1869,643,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-18 02:04:21'),(1870,643,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 02:04:23'),(1871,644,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 05:46:55'),(1872,644,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-18 05:46:56'),(1873,644,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 05:46:56'),(1874,645,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-03-18 06:34:47'),(1875,645,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-18 06:34:48'),(1876,645,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-18 06:34:48'),(1877,646,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-18 10:22:13'),(1878,646,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-18 10:22:14'),(1879,646,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 10:22:15'),(1880,647,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 12:38:00'),(1881,647,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-18 12:38:01'),(1882,647,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 12:38:01'),(1883,648,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 13:00:23'),(1884,648,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-18 13:00:24'),(1885,648,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 13:00:24'),(1886,649,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 13:33:31'),(1887,649,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-18 13:33:31'),(1888,649,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 13:33:32'),(1889,650,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(1890,650,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-18 13:39:57'),(1891,650,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 13:39:58'),(1892,651,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 13:40:26'),(1893,651,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-18 13:40:27'),(1894,651,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 13:40:27'),(1895,652,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 14:33:18'),(1896,652,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-18 14:33:18'),(1897,652,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 14:33:19'),(1898,653,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 15:01:59'),(1899,653,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-18 15:02:00'),(1900,653,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 15:02:01'),(1901,654,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 15:04:45'),(1902,654,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-18 15:04:45'),(1903,654,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-18 15:04:46'),(1904,655,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 15:28:00'),(1905,655,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-18 15:28:01'),(1906,655,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-18 15:28:01'),(1907,656,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-18 17:49:16'),(1908,656,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-18 17:49:17'),(1909,656,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-18 17:49:17'),(1910,657,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-18 20:00:27'),(1911,657,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-18 20:00:27'),(1912,657,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-18 20:00:27'),(1913,658,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-19 09:03:08'),(1914,658,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-19 09:03:08'),(1915,658,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-19 09:03:09'),(1916,659,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-03-19 11:20:01'),(1917,659,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-19 11:20:02'),(1918,659,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-19 11:20:02'),(1919,660,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-19 11:33:11'),(1920,660,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-19 11:33:12'),(1921,660,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-19 11:33:12'),(1922,661,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(1923,661,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-19 12:39:32'),(1924,661,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-19 12:39:33'),(1925,662,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(1926,662,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-19 15:26:25'),(1927,662,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-19 15:26:26'),(1928,663,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(1929,663,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(1930,663,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-19 18:21:42'),(1931,664,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-19 19:24:01'),(1932,664,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-19 19:24:02'),(1933,664,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-19 19:24:02'),(1934,665,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-19 22:34:20'),(1935,665,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-19 22:34:21'),(1936,665,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-19 22:34:21'),(1937,666,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-19 23:12:44'),(1938,666,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-19 23:12:45'),(1939,666,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-19 23:12:45'),(1940,667,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-20 07:23:50'),(1941,667,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-20 07:23:51'),(1942,667,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-20 07:23:52'),(1943,668,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(1944,668,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-20 07:42:35'),(1945,668,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-20 07:42:36'),(1946,669,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(1947,669,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-20 11:14:23'),(1948,669,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-20 11:14:24'),(1949,670,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-20 11:48:28'),(1950,670,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-20 11:48:29'),(1951,670,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-20 11:48:29'),(1952,671,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-20 11:59:46'),(1953,671,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-20 11:59:47'),(1954,671,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-20 11:59:47'),(1955,672,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-20 12:53:46'),(1956,672,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-20 12:53:49'),(1957,672,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-20 12:53:50'),(1958,673,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-20 13:06:23'),(1959,673,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-20 13:06:23'),(1960,673,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-20 13:06:24'),(1961,674,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-20 13:37:38'),(1962,674,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-20 13:37:38'),(1963,674,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-20 13:37:39'),(1964,675,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(1965,675,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(1966,675,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-20 14:37:09'),(1967,676,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-20 19:23:12'),(1968,676,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-20 19:23:13'),(1969,676,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-20 19:23:13'),(1970,677,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-20 19:43:24'),(1971,677,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-20 19:43:24'),(1972,677,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-20 19:43:24'),(1973,678,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-20 20:27:21'),(1974,678,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-20 20:27:21'),(1975,678,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-20 20:27:21'),(1976,679,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-03-20 23:42:51'),(1977,679,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-20 23:42:51'),(1978,679,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',6.00,'2019-03-20 23:42:51'),(1979,680,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 05:49:56'),(1980,680,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 05:49:56'),(1981,680,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-21 05:49:56'),(1982,681,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 06:25:38'),(1983,681,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-21 06:25:39'),(1984,681,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 06:25:39'),(1985,682,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(1986,682,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 09:05:30'),(1987,682,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 09:05:31'),(1988,683,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 09:09:48'),(1989,683,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 09:09:49'),(1990,683,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 09:09:49'),(1991,684,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 09:45:18'),(1992,684,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-21 09:45:18'),(1993,684,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 09:45:18'),(1994,685,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(1995,685,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 10:12:21'),(1996,685,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 10:12:22'),(1997,686,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(1998,686,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 10:23:55'),(1999,686,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 10:23:56'),(2000,687,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 11:03:37'),(2001,687,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 11:03:40'),(2002,687,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 11:03:40'),(2003,688,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 11:05:12'),(2004,688,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 11:05:13'),(2005,688,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 11:05:13'),(2006,689,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(2007,689,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 11:42:08'),(2008,689,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 11:42:09'),(2009,690,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 11:52:53'),(2010,690,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 11:52:54'),(2011,690,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 11:52:54'),(2012,691,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 11:56:41'),(2013,691,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 11:56:42'),(2014,691,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 11:56:42'),(2015,692,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 13:32:39'),(2016,692,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 13:32:41'),(2017,692,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 13:32:41'),(2018,693,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-21 13:57:25'),(2019,693,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 13:57:26'),(2020,693,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 13:57:26'),(2021,694,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-03-21 14:35:04'),(2022,694,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-21 14:35:05'),(2023,694,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 14:35:05'),(2024,695,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-21 16:35:19'),(2025,695,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-21 16:35:20'),(2026,695,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-21 16:35:20'),(2027,696,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-22 10:25:52'),(2028,696,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-22 10:25:53'),(2029,696,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-22 10:25:54'),(2030,697,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-22 11:56:21'),(2031,697,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-22 11:56:21'),(2032,697,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-22 11:56:21'),(2033,698,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(2034,698,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(2035,698,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-22 19:04:10'),(2036,699,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-23 07:59:38'),(2037,699,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-23 07:59:39'),(2038,699,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-23 07:59:39'),(2039,700,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-23 09:44:46'),(2040,700,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-23 09:44:47'),(2041,700,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-23 09:44:49'),(2042,701,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-23 10:30:29'),(2043,701,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-23 10:30:30'),(2044,701,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-23 10:30:30'),(2045,702,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-23 11:32:17'),(2046,702,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-23 11:32:17'),(2047,702,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-23 11:32:17'),(2048,703,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-23 12:16:43'),(2049,703,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-23 12:16:44'),(2050,703,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-23 12:16:44'),(2051,704,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-23 15:30:47'),(2052,704,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-23 15:30:48'),(2053,704,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-23 15:30:49'),(2054,705,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-23 15:54:04'),(2055,705,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-23 15:54:04'),(2056,705,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-23 15:54:04'),(2057,706,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-23 16:45:55'),(2058,706,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-23 16:45:56'),(2059,706,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-23 16:45:57'),(2060,707,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-23 19:24:57'),(2061,707,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-23 19:24:57'),(2062,707,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-23 19:24:57'),(2063,708,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-24 12:12:46'),(2064,708,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-24 12:12:47'),(2065,708,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-24 12:12:47'),(2066,709,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-24 21:37:56'),(2067,709,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-24 21:37:57'),(2068,709,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-24 21:37:58'),(2069,710,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-25 13:46:09'),(2070,710,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-25 13:46:09'),(2071,710,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-25 13:46:09'),(2072,711,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-26 07:13:27'),(2073,711,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-26 07:13:28'),(2074,711,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-26 07:13:29'),(2075,712,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-26 08:15:15'),(2076,712,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-26 08:15:15'),(2077,712,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-26 08:15:16'),(2078,713,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-26 13:09:04'),(2079,713,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-26 13:09:05'),(2080,713,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-26 13:09:05'),(2081,714,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-26 13:44:55'),(2082,714,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-26 13:44:56'),(2083,714,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-26 13:44:58'),(2084,715,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-26 14:24:12'),(2085,715,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-26 14:24:12'),(2086,715,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-26 14:24:12'),(2087,716,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-26 14:54:54'),(2088,716,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-26 14:54:55'),(2089,716,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-26 14:54:55'),(2090,717,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-26 15:33:19'),(2091,717,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-26 15:33:20'),(2092,717,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-26 15:33:20'),(2093,718,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-27 09:25:26'),(2094,718,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-27 09:25:28'),(2095,718,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-27 09:25:28'),(2096,719,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-27 10:18:07'),(2097,719,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-27 10:18:08'),(2098,719,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-27 10:18:08'),(2099,720,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-27 11:05:29'),(2100,720,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-27 11:05:29'),(2101,720,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-27 11:05:29'),(2102,721,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(2103,721,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-27 11:56:56'),(2104,721,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-27 11:56:57'),(2105,722,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-27 12:10:30'),(2106,722,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-27 12:10:31'),(2107,722,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-27 12:10:33'),(2108,723,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-27 14:49:31'),(2109,723,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-27 14:49:32'),(2110,723,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-27 14:49:32'),(2111,724,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-27 14:50:25'),(2112,724,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-27 14:50:25'),(2113,724,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-27 14:50:26'),(2114,725,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-27 14:58:26'),(2115,725,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-03-27 14:58:27'),(2116,725,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-27 14:58:27'),(2117,726,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-27 15:45:31'),(2118,726,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-27 15:45:32'),(2119,726,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-27 15:45:32'),(2120,727,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-27 15:49:44'),(2121,727,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-27 15:49:46'),(2122,727,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-27 15:49:46'),(2123,728,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-27 16:50:46'),(2124,728,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-27 16:50:48'),(2125,728,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-27 16:50:48'),(2126,729,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-27 18:29:43'),(2127,729,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-27 18:29:44'),(2128,729,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-27 18:29:44'),(2129,730,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-28 11:00:13'),(2130,730,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-28 11:00:14'),(2131,730,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-28 11:00:14'),(2132,731,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-28 11:25:20'),(2133,731,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-28 11:25:21'),(2134,731,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-28 11:25:21'),(2135,732,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-28 11:44:19'),(2136,732,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-28 11:44:20'),(2137,732,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-28 11:44:20'),(2138,733,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-28 15:24:53'),(2139,733,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-28 15:24:54'),(2140,733,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-28 15:24:54'),(2141,734,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(2142,734,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-28 16:15:42'),(2143,734,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-03-28 16:15:43'),(2144,735,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-28 17:21:15'),(2145,735,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-28 17:21:18'),(2146,735,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-28 17:21:18'),(2147,736,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-29 09:21:34'),(2148,736,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-29 09:21:35'),(2149,736,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-29 09:21:35'),(2150,737,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-29 12:34:07'),(2151,737,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-29 12:34:08'),(2152,737,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-29 12:34:08'),(2153,738,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(2154,738,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-03-29 13:13:42'),(2155,738,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-29 13:13:43'),(2156,739,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-29 20:09:01'),(2157,739,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-29 20:09:02'),(2158,739,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-29 20:09:02'),(2159,740,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-03-31 11:47:29'),(2160,740,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-31 11:47:31'),(2161,740,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-03-31 11:47:32'),(2162,741,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-03-31 12:33:25'),(2163,741,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-03-31 12:33:28'),(2164,741,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-03-31 12:33:31'),(2165,742,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-01 14:36:47'),(2166,742,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-01 14:36:48'),(2167,742,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-04-01 14:36:49'),(2168,743,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-01 14:42:19'),(2169,743,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-01 14:42:19'),(2170,743,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-01 14:42:19'),(2171,744,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(2172,744,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-01 18:00:39'),(2173,744,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-04-01 18:00:40'),(2174,745,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-02 12:42:19'),(2175,745,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-02 12:42:21'),(2176,745,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-02 12:42:21'),(2177,746,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(2178,746,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-02 14:25:03'),(2179,746,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-02 14:25:04'),(2180,747,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(2181,747,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-02 14:34:26'),(2182,747,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-02 14:34:27'),(2183,748,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-02 15:09:09'),(2184,748,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-02 15:09:10'),(2185,748,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-02 15:09:10'),(2186,749,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(2187,749,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-02 15:09:18'),(2188,749,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-02 15:09:19'),(2189,750,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-02 16:22:46'),(2190,750,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-02 16:22:47'),(2191,750,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-02 16:22:47'),(2192,751,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-02 18:47:06'),(2193,751,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-02 18:47:07'),(2194,751,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-02 18:47:07'),(2195,752,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-03 09:58:19'),(2196,752,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-03 09:58:20'),(2197,752,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-03 09:58:20'),(2198,753,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-03 14:46:50'),(2199,753,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-03 14:46:51'),(2200,753,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-03 14:46:51'),(2201,754,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(2202,754,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-03 15:30:36'),(2203,754,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-03 15:30:37'),(2204,755,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-04 09:27:19'),(2205,755,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',2.00,'2019-04-04 09:27:20'),(2206,755,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-04 09:27:20'),(2207,756,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-04 13:13:47'),(2208,756,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-04 13:13:47'),(2209,756,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2019-04-04 13:13:48'),(2210,757,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-04 15:22:01'),(2211,757,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-04 15:22:02'),(2212,757,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-04 15:22:03'),(2213,758,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-04 15:38:37'),(2214,758,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-04 15:38:38'),(2215,758,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-04 15:38:38'),(2216,759,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-04 20:40:17'),(2217,759,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-04 20:40:18'),(2218,759,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-04 20:40:18'),(2219,760,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-04 22:46:20'),(2220,760,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-04 22:46:24'),(2221,760,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-04 22:46:25'),(2222,761,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-05 13:37:59'),(2223,761,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-05 13:38:02'),(2224,761,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-05 13:38:02'),(2225,762,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-05 14:17:07'),(2226,762,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-04-05 14:17:08'),(2227,762,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-05 14:17:09'),(2228,763,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-05 14:29:55'),(2229,763,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-05 14:29:56'),(2230,763,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-05 14:29:56'),(2231,764,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-06 06:29:52'),(2232,764,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-06 06:29:53'),(2233,764,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-06 06:29:53'),(2234,765,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-06 10:38:14'),(2235,765,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-06 10:38:15'),(2236,765,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-04-06 10:38:15'),(2237,766,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-07 08:50:39'),(2238,766,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-07 08:50:41'),(2239,766,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-07 08:50:42'),(2240,767,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-08 10:52:40'),(2241,767,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-08 10:52:41'),(2242,767,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-08 10:52:41'),(2243,768,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-04-08 11:20:46'),(2244,768,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-08 11:20:47'),(2245,768,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-08 11:20:48'),(2246,769,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-08 12:09:48'),(2247,769,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-08 12:09:49'),(2248,769,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-08 12:09:49'),(2249,770,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-08 12:40:32'),(2250,770,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-08 12:40:33'),(2251,770,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-08 12:40:34'),(2252,771,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-08 13:10:07'),(2253,771,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-08 13:10:08'),(2254,771,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-08 13:10:09'),(2255,772,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-08 13:53:21'),(2256,772,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-04-08 13:53:21'),(2257,772,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-08 13:53:22'),(2258,773,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-08 14:03:26'),(2259,773,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-08 14:03:26'),(2260,773,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-08 14:03:27'),(2261,774,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-08 15:15:26'),(2262,774,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-08 15:15:27'),(2263,774,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-08 15:15:27'),(2264,775,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-08 16:34:21'),(2265,775,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-08 16:34:21'),(2266,775,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-08 16:34:21'),(2267,776,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-09 10:12:58'),(2268,776,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-09 10:12:59'),(2269,776,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-09 10:12:59'),(2270,777,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-09 12:15:49'),(2271,777,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-09 12:15:51'),(2272,777,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-09 12:15:52'),(2273,778,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-09 14:17:55'),(2274,778,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-09 14:17:56'),(2275,778,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-09 14:17:56'),(2276,779,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-09 14:54:54'),(2277,779,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-09 14:54:55'),(2278,779,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-09 14:54:56'),(2279,780,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-09 15:18:51'),(2280,780,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-09 15:18:52'),(2281,780,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-09 15:18:52'),(2282,781,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-09 18:56:36'),(2283,781,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-09 18:56:37'),(2284,781,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-09 18:56:37'),(2285,782,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-10 08:10:24'),(2286,782,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-10 08:10:25'),(2287,782,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-10 08:10:25'),(2288,783,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-10 11:00:55'),(2289,783,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-10 11:00:56'),(2290,783,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-10 11:00:57'),(2291,784,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-10 14:07:20'),(2292,784,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-10 14:07:21'),(2293,784,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-10 14:07:21'),(2294,785,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-11 12:06:26'),(2295,785,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-04-11 12:06:27'),(2296,785,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-11 12:06:27'),(2297,786,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-11 13:15:23'),(2298,786,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-11 13:15:24'),(2299,786,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-11 13:15:25'),(2300,787,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-11 13:16:31'),(2301,787,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-11 13:16:33'),(2302,787,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-11 13:16:34'),(2303,788,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-11 15:58:39'),(2304,788,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-11 15:58:40'),(2305,788,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-11 15:58:41'),(2306,789,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(2307,789,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-11 22:36:49'),(2308,789,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-11 22:36:50'),(2309,790,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-12 10:29:09'),(2310,790,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-12 10:29:10'),(2311,790,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-12 10:29:10'),(2312,791,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(2313,791,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-14 21:29:44'),(2314,791,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-14 21:29:45'),(2315,792,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-04-15 10:44:40'),(2316,792,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-04-15 10:44:41'),(2317,792,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-04-15 10:44:41'),(2318,793,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-15 12:47:07'),(2319,793,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-15 12:47:07'),(2320,793,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-04-15 12:47:07'),(2321,794,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(2322,794,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-15 16:28:05'),(2323,794,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-15 16:28:06'),(2324,795,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-16 12:25:23'),(2325,795,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-16 12:25:23'),(2326,795,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-16 12:25:24'),(2327,796,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-16 14:55:38'),(2328,796,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-16 14:55:40'),(2329,796,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-16 14:55:41'),(2330,797,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-17 11:26:56'),(2331,797,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-17 11:26:57'),(2332,797,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-17 11:26:57'),(2333,798,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-19 12:52:21'),(2334,798,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-19 12:52:22'),(2335,798,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-19 12:52:22'),(2336,799,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-19 12:56:02'),(2337,799,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-19 12:56:02'),(2338,799,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-19 12:56:03'),(2339,800,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-22 15:05:05'),(2340,800,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-22 15:05:06'),(2341,800,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-22 15:05:07'),(2342,801,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-23 13:06:49'),(2343,801,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-23 13:06:49'),(2344,801,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-23 13:06:50'),(2345,802,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-25 15:05:27'),(2346,802,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-25 15:05:27'),(2347,802,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-25 15:05:27'),(2348,803,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-04-27 10:11:10'),(2349,803,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-27 10:11:11'),(2350,803,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-27 10:11:12'),(2351,804,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-27 15:01:00'),(2352,804,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-27 15:01:03'),(2353,804,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-27 15:01:03'),(2354,805,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-27 15:35:15'),(2355,805,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-04-27 15:35:16'),(2356,805,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-04-27 15:35:17'),(2357,806,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(2358,806,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-04-28 13:14:41'),(2359,806,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-04-28 13:14:42'),(2360,807,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-05-01 13:35:49'),(2361,807,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-05-01 13:35:50'),(2362,807,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-05-01 13:35:50'),(2363,808,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-05-01 15:34:40'),(2364,808,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-05-01 15:34:41'),(2365,808,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-05-01 15:34:41'),(2366,809,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-05-02 12:05:38'),(2367,809,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-05-02 12:05:39'),(2368,809,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-05-02 12:05:39'),(2369,810,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-05-13 14:14:25'),(2370,810,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-05-13 14:14:25'),(2371,810,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-05-13 14:14:26'),(2372,811,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-05-13 21:28:37'),(2373,811,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-05-13 21:28:38'),(2374,811,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-05-13 21:28:38'),(2375,812,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-05-18 11:06:22'),(2376,812,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-05-18 11:06:23'),(2377,812,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-05-18 11:06:24'),(2378,813,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(2379,813,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-05-28 09:11:41'),(2380,813,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-05-28 09:11:42'),(2381,814,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-05-29 13:48:59'),(2382,814,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-05-29 13:49:00'),(2383,814,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-05-29 13:49:00'),(2384,815,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-04 16:19:46'),(2385,815,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-04 16:19:46'),(2386,815,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-06-04 16:19:47'),(2387,816,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-07 22:39:31'),(2388,816,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-07 22:39:32'),(2389,816,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-06-07 22:39:32'),(2390,817,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-08 12:25:11'),(2391,817,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-06-08 12:25:12'),(2392,817,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-06-08 12:25:12'),(2393,818,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-06-09 14:43:46'),(2394,818,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-06-09 14:43:47'),(2395,818,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-06-09 14:43:47'),(2396,819,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-10 15:52:20'),(2397,819,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-10 15:52:21'),(2398,819,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-06-10 15:52:21'),(2399,820,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(2400,820,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-06-11 16:07:28'),(2401,820,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',6.00,'2019-06-11 16:07:29'),(2402,821,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-13 14:43:16'),(2403,821,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-06-13 14:43:17'),(2404,821,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',5.00,'2019-06-13 14:43:17'),(2405,822,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-13 16:34:59'),(2406,822,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-13 16:35:00'),(2407,822,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-06-13 16:35:01'),(2408,823,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-06-13 17:22:15'),(2409,823,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-13 17:22:16'),(2410,823,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-06-13 17:22:16'),(2411,824,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-14 14:34:37'),(2412,824,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-14 14:34:38'),(2413,824,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-06-14 14:34:38'),(2414,825,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-06-16 03:25:43'),(2415,825,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-16 03:25:45'),(2416,825,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2019-06-16 03:25:47'),(2417,826,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-16 20:42:49'),(2418,826,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-06-16 20:42:51'),(2419,826,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-06-16 20:42:51'),(2420,827,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-17 14:04:01'),(2421,827,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-17 14:04:02'),(2422,827,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-06-17 14:04:02'),(2423,828,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(2424,828,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-06-17 17:19:18'),(2425,828,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-06-17 17:19:19'),(2426,829,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-06-17 18:38:32'),(2427,829,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-17 18:38:33'),(2428,829,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-06-17 18:38:33'),(2429,830,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-18 07:32:24'),(2430,830,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-06-18 07:32:24'),(2431,830,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-06-18 07:32:25'),(2432,831,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-18 13:28:17'),(2433,831,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-06-18 13:28:18'),(2434,831,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-06-18 13:28:18'),(2435,832,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-20 16:04:56'),(2436,832,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-20 16:04:57'),(2437,832,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-06-20 16:04:57'),(2438,833,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-06-20 23:58:18'),(2439,833,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-06-20 23:58:19'),(2440,833,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-06-20 23:58:19'),(2441,834,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-21 17:42:39'),(2442,834,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-21 17:42:40'),(2443,834,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-06-21 17:42:40'),(2444,835,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-06-24 13:51:51'),(2445,835,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-06-24 13:51:52'),(2446,835,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-06-24 13:51:52'),(2447,836,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-24 15:49:56'),(2448,836,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-06-24 15:49:57'),(2449,836,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-06-24 15:49:57'),(2450,837,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-06-27 11:40:07'),(2451,837,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-06-27 11:40:07'),(2452,837,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-06-27 11:40:08'),(2453,838,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-07-11 12:58:20'),(2454,838,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-07-11 12:58:20'),(2455,838,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-07-11 12:58:20'),(2456,839,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-07-12 18:46:42'),(2457,839,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-07-12 18:46:43'),(2458,839,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-07-12 18:46:44'),(2459,840,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-07-16 12:53:07'),(2460,840,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-07-16 12:53:08'),(2461,840,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-07-16 12:53:08'),(2462,841,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-07-18 15:24:16'),(2463,841,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-07-18 15:24:16'),(2464,841,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',6.00,'2019-07-18 15:24:17'),(2465,842,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-07-24 11:40:01'),(2466,842,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-07-24 11:40:02'),(2467,842,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-07-24 11:40:02'),(2468,843,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-07-24 15:14:36'),(2469,843,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-07-24 15:14:37'),(2470,843,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-07-24 15:14:37'),(2471,844,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-07-30 13:06:48'),(2472,844,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-07-30 13:06:48'),(2473,844,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-07-30 13:06:48'),(2474,845,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-07-31 09:16:56'),(2475,845,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-07-31 09:16:58'),(2476,845,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-07-31 09:16:58'),(2477,846,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-07-31 11:46:28'),(2478,846,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-07-31 11:46:30'),(2479,846,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-07-31 11:46:30'),(2480,847,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-08-05 12:01:32'),(2481,847,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-08-05 12:01:33'),(2482,847,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-08-05 12:01:34'),(2483,848,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-08-08 13:16:59'),(2484,848,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-08-08 13:16:59'),(2485,848,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-08-08 13:16:59'),(2486,849,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-08-18 15:41:55'),(2487,849,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-08-18 15:41:56'),(2488,849,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-08-18 15:41:56'),(2489,850,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-02 17:02:49'),(2490,850,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-02 17:02:49'),(2491,850,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-02 17:02:50'),(2492,851,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(2493,851,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-05 15:45:22'),(2494,851,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-05 15:45:23'),(2495,852,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-06 08:10:04'),(2496,852,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-06 08:10:05'),(2497,852,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-09-06 08:10:05'),(2498,853,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-07 07:35:21'),(2499,853,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-07 07:35:21'),(2500,853,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-07 07:35:22'),(2501,854,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-07 18:15:46'),(2502,854,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-09-07 18:15:47'),(2503,854,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-09-07 18:15:47'),(2504,855,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-07 18:51:20'),(2505,855,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-07 18:51:21'),(2506,855,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2019-09-07 18:51:22'),(2507,856,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-09-08 09:43:10'),(2508,856,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-08 09:43:10'),(2509,856,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-08 09:43:11'),(2510,857,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-08 12:58:19'),(2511,857,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-08 12:58:20'),(2512,857,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-08 12:58:20'),(2513,858,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-09 10:27:51'),(2514,858,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-09 10:27:53'),(2515,858,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-09 10:27:54'),(2516,859,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-09-09 13:25:47'),(2517,859,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-09 13:25:48'),(2518,859,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-09-09 13:25:49'),(2519,860,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-11 09:28:24'),(2520,860,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-11 09:28:25'),(2521,860,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-09-11 09:28:25'),(2522,861,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-12 11:24:27'),(2523,861,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-09-12 11:24:28'),(2524,861,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-12 11:24:28'),(2525,862,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(2526,862,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-12 16:37:32'),(2527,862,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-09-12 16:37:33'),(2528,863,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-13 14:40:07'),(2529,863,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-09-13 14:40:08'),(2530,863,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-13 14:40:08'),(2531,864,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-14 07:35:23'),(2532,864,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-09-14 07:35:24'),(2533,864,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-14 07:35:24'),(2534,865,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(2535,865,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(2536,865,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-14 13:00:20'),(2537,866,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-09-15 14:41:38'),(2538,866,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-09-15 14:41:38'),(2539,866,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-09-15 14:41:39'),(2540,867,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(2541,867,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-15 15:34:56'),(2542,867,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-15 15:34:57'),(2543,868,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-19 17:11:54'),(2544,868,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-19 17:11:55'),(2545,868,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-09-19 17:11:56'),(2546,869,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-20 12:04:44'),(2547,869,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-09-20 12:04:45'),(2548,869,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-09-20 12:04:45'),(2549,870,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-21 12:04:04'),(2550,870,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-21 12:04:05'),(2551,870,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-09-21 12:04:05'),(2552,871,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-21 12:49:43'),(2553,871,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-09-21 12:49:43'),(2554,871,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-21 12:49:43'),(2555,872,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-23 13:17:50'),(2556,872,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-23 13:17:50'),(2557,872,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-09-23 13:17:50'),(2558,873,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-09-23 17:48:32'),(2559,873,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-23 17:48:33'),(2560,873,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-23 17:48:33'),(2561,874,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-09-25 13:11:26'),(2562,874,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-09-25 13:11:28'),(2563,874,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-09-25 13:11:28'),(2564,875,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-09-26 10:27:34'),(2565,875,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-09-26 10:27:36'),(2566,875,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-26 10:27:36'),(2567,876,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-09-26 11:44:43'),(2568,876,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-09-26 11:44:44'),(2569,876,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-09-26 11:44:44'),(2570,877,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-09-27 10:18:24'),(2571,877,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-09-27 10:18:24'),(2572,877,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-09-27 10:18:24'),(2573,878,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-10-02 10:05:31'),(2574,878,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-10-02 10:05:32'),(2575,878,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-10-02 10:05:32'),(2576,879,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-10-02 12:37:21'),(2577,879,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-10-02 12:37:21'),(2578,879,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',7.00,'2019-10-02 12:37:22'),(2579,880,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-10-03 14:18:00'),(2580,880,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-10-03 14:18:01'),(2581,880,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-10-03 14:18:01'),(2582,881,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-10-04 07:19:15'),(2583,881,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-10-04 07:19:16'),(2584,881,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-10-04 07:19:16'),(2585,882,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-10-04 11:32:51'),(2586,882,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-10-04 11:32:52'),(2587,882,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-10-04 11:32:52'),(2588,883,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(2589,883,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(2590,883,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-10-04 13:03:43'),(2591,884,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-10-09 10:08:03'),(2592,884,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-10-09 10:08:04'),(2593,884,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-10-09 10:08:05'),(2594,885,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-10-15 08:52:02'),(2595,885,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-10-15 08:52:03'),(2596,885,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-10-15 08:52:03'),(2597,886,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-10-21 12:45:17'),(2598,886,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-10-21 12:45:18'),(2599,886,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-10-21 12:45:18'),(2600,887,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-11-02 11:12:21'),(2601,887,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-11-02 11:12:22'),(2602,887,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-11-02 11:12:23'),(2603,888,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-11-04 18:24:47'),(2604,888,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-11-04 18:24:48'),(2605,888,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-11-04 18:24:49'),(2606,889,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-11-08 14:19:32'),(2607,889,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-11-08 14:19:32'),(2608,889,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-11-08 14:19:33'),(2609,890,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-11-09 13:47:35'),(2610,890,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-11-09 13:47:36'),(2611,890,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-11-09 13:47:37'),(2612,891,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-11-11 12:07:54'),(2613,891,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-11-11 12:07:55'),(2614,891,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-11-11 12:07:55'),(2615,892,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-11-28 22:36:46'),(2616,892,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-11-28 22:36:47'),(2617,892,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-11-28 22:36:47'),(2618,893,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(2619,893,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-01 20:05:25'),(2620,893,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-01 20:05:26'),(2621,894,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-12-03 12:20:24'),(2622,894,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-12-03 12:20:25'),(2623,894,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-03 12:20:25'),(2624,895,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-04 09:09:19'),(2625,895,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-12-04 09:09:20'),(2626,895,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-04 09:09:20'),(2627,896,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2019-12-04 14:48:47'),(2628,896,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-12-04 14:48:48'),(2629,896,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-04 14:48:48'),(2630,897,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-12-04 16:16:04'),(2631,897,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-04 16:16:04'),(2632,897,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-04 16:16:05'),(2633,898,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-04 17:10:01'),(2634,898,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-04 17:10:01'),(2635,898,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-04 17:10:01'),(2636,899,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-05 11:46:13'),(2637,899,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-05 11:46:14'),(2638,899,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-05 11:46:14'),(2639,900,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-05 15:09:43'),(2640,900,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-05 15:09:44'),(2641,900,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-05 15:09:44'),(2642,901,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-05 15:16:44'),(2643,901,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-05 15:16:47'),(2644,901,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-05 15:16:47'),(2645,902,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-06 14:13:47'),(2646,902,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-06 14:13:47'),(2647,902,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-06 14:13:47'),(2648,903,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-06 17:00:33'),(2649,903,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-06 17:00:34'),(2650,903,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2019-12-06 17:00:34'),(2651,904,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-06 17:51:53'),(2652,904,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-06 17:51:54'),(2653,904,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-06 17:51:54'),(2654,905,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-06 19:26:58'),(2655,905,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-06 19:26:59'),(2656,905,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-06 19:26:59'),(2657,906,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-10 17:56:07'),(2658,906,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-10 17:56:08'),(2659,906,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-10 17:56:09'),(2660,907,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-26 09:47:59'),(2661,907,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-12-26 09:48:00'),(2662,907,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-26 09:48:00'),(2663,908,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(2664,908,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-12-27 09:55:06'),(2665,908,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-27 09:55:07'),(2666,909,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(2667,909,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-12-28 13:46:17'),(2668,909,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-28 13:46:18'),(2669,910,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-29 13:11:20'),(2670,910,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-29 13:11:22'),(2671,910,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-29 13:11:22'),(2672,911,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-30 08:45:01'),(2673,911,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-30 08:45:02'),(2674,911,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-30 08:45:03'),(2675,912,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-30 09:19:06'),(2676,912,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-30 09:19:07'),(2677,912,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-30 09:19:07'),(2678,913,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-30 10:15:18'),(2679,913,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2019-12-30 10:15:19'),(2680,913,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-30 10:15:19'),(2681,914,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-30 11:03:25'),(2682,914,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-12-30 11:03:26'),(2683,914,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-30 11:03:26'),(2684,915,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-30 14:21:11'),(2685,915,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-30 14:21:12'),(2686,915,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-30 14:21:13'),(2687,916,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-30 15:18:15'),(2688,916,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-30 15:18:15'),(2689,916,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-30 15:18:16'),(2690,917,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(2691,917,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-30 15:22:40'),(2692,917,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-30 15:22:41'),(2693,918,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-30 15:55:11'),(2694,918,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-30 15:55:12'),(2695,918,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-30 15:55:12'),(2696,919,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(2697,919,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-30 16:36:02'),(2698,919,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-30 16:36:03'),(2699,920,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-31 07:55:55'),(2700,920,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-31 07:55:55'),(2701,920,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-31 07:55:55'),(2702,921,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-31 14:48:25'),(2703,921,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-31 14:48:26'),(2704,921,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-31 14:48:26'),(2705,922,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(2706,922,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-12-31 16:01:07'),(2707,922,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-31 16:01:08'),(2708,923,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-31 16:02:04'),(2709,923,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-12-31 16:02:04'),(2710,923,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-31 16:02:04'),(2711,924,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2019-12-31 16:52:42'),(2712,924,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2019-12-31 16:52:43'),(2713,924,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2019-12-31 16:52:43'),(2714,925,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2019-12-31 17:44:57'),(2715,925,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2019-12-31 17:44:58'),(2716,925,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2019-12-31 17:44:58'),(2717,926,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-01 11:25:13'),(2718,926,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-01-01 11:25:13'),(2719,926,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-01-01 11:25:13'),(2720,927,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-01 11:44:10'),(2721,927,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-01 11:44:11'),(2722,927,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-01-01 11:44:11'),(2723,928,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-02 11:43:14'),(2724,928,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-01-02 11:43:15'),(2725,928,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-01-02 11:43:15'),(2726,929,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-02 12:58:59'),(2727,929,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-02 12:59:00'),(2728,929,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-01-02 12:59:00'),(2729,930,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-02 18:13:52'),(2730,930,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-02 18:13:53'),(2731,930,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-01-02 18:13:53'),(2732,931,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-03 23:53:14'),(2733,931,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-03 23:53:15'),(2734,931,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-01-03 23:53:15'),(2735,932,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2020-01-04 10:08:10'),(2736,932,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-04 10:08:10'),(2737,932,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-01-04 10:08:11'),(2738,933,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-09 14:21:14'),(2739,933,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-01-09 14:21:16'),(2740,933,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-01-09 14:21:17'),(2741,934,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-13 16:59:30'),(2742,934,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-13 16:59:30'),(2743,934,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-01-13 16:59:31'),(2744,935,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-16 18:33:48'),(2745,935,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-16 18:33:49'),(2746,935,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-01-16 18:33:49'),(2747,936,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-20 09:46:16'),(2748,936,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-01-20 09:46:17'),(2749,936,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-01-20 09:46:18'),(2750,937,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2020-01-22 17:25:13'),(2751,937,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-22 17:25:13'),(2752,937,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-01-22 17:25:14'),(2753,938,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-23 18:34:41'),(2754,938,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-23 18:34:42'),(2755,938,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-01-23 18:34:42'),(2756,939,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-26 22:19:09'),(2757,939,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-26 22:19:09'),(2758,939,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-01-26 22:19:09'),(2759,940,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-27 08:53:42'),(2760,940,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-01-27 08:53:42'),(2761,940,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-01-27 08:53:43'),(2762,941,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-27 11:22:12'),(2763,941,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-27 11:22:13'),(2764,941,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-01-27 11:22:13'),(2765,942,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',8.00,'2020-01-27 12:27:55'),(2766,942,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2020-01-27 12:27:56'),(2767,942,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-01-27 12:27:57'),(2768,943,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-28 17:49:44'),(2769,943,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-28 17:49:44'),(2770,943,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-01-28 17:49:45'),(2771,944,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-01-29 18:23:05'),(2772,944,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-01-29 18:23:06'),(2773,944,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-01-29 18:23:06'),(2774,945,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-04 17:05:02'),(2775,945,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-04 17:05:03'),(2776,945,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-02-04 17:05:04'),(2777,946,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2020-02-06 11:35:26'),(2778,946,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-02-06 11:35:27'),(2779,946,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-02-06 11:35:27'),(2780,947,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2020-02-10 10:51:38'),(2781,947,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-02-10 10:51:39'),(2782,947,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-02-10 10:51:39'),(2783,948,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-11 16:23:15'),(2784,948,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-02-11 16:23:17'),(2785,948,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-02-11 16:23:17'),(2786,949,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-11 18:48:28'),(2787,949,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-02-11 18:48:28'),(2788,949,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-02-11 18:48:28'),(2789,950,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-12 13:36:37'),(2790,950,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-02-12 13:36:38'),(2791,950,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-02-12 13:36:38'),(2792,951,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-13 13:26:33'),(2793,951,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-02-13 13:26:34'),(2794,951,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-02-13 13:26:35'),(2795,952,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-14 07:55:30'),(2796,952,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-14 07:55:31'),(2797,952,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-02-14 07:55:31'),(2798,953,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-14 09:06:11'),(2799,953,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-14 09:06:13'),(2800,953,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-02-14 09:06:13'),(2801,954,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-14 13:19:20'),(2802,954,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-14 13:19:21'),(2803,954,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-02-14 13:19:21'),(2804,955,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-14 14:00:48'),(2805,955,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-02-14 14:00:49'),(2806,955,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-02-14 14:00:49'),(2807,956,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2020-02-14 14:25:23'),(2808,956,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-02-14 14:25:23'),(2809,956,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-02-14 14:25:23'),(2810,957,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-15 08:05:07'),(2811,957,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-15 08:05:08'),(2812,957,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-02-15 08:05:08'),(2813,958,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-16 14:18:09'),(2814,958,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-16 14:18:10'),(2815,958,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-02-16 14:18:10'),(2816,959,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-17 05:58:31'),(2817,959,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-17 05:58:32'),(2818,959,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-02-17 05:58:32'),(2819,960,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-17 09:32:09'),(2820,960,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-17 09:32:10'),(2821,960,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-02-17 09:32:10'),(2822,961,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-17 14:20:02'),(2823,961,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-17 14:20:05'),(2824,961,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-02-17 14:20:06'),(2825,962,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-21 15:32:15'),(2826,962,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-21 15:32:16'),(2827,962,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-02-21 15:32:17'),(2828,963,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-25 21:15:25'),(2829,963,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-02-25 21:15:27'),(2830,963,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-02-25 21:15:27'),(2831,964,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-26 10:44:21'),(2832,964,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-02-26 10:44:22'),(2833,964,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-02-26 10:44:22'),(2834,965,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-27 09:58:30'),(2835,965,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-27 09:58:31'),(2836,965,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-02-27 09:58:32'),(2837,966,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-02-27 10:34:35'),(2838,966,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-02-27 10:34:37'),(2839,966,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-02-27 10:34:37'),(2840,967,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(2841,967,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-03-06 10:27:23'),(2842,967,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-03-06 10:27:24'),(2843,968,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-03-18 11:47:25'),(2844,968,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-03-18 11:47:26'),(2845,968,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-03-18 11:47:26'),(2846,969,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-03-23 13:19:26'),(2847,969,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-03-23 13:19:27'),(2848,969,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-03-23 13:19:27'),(2849,970,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(2850,970,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-03-26 10:35:51'),(2851,970,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-03-26 10:35:52'),(2852,971,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2020-04-08 13:44:33'),(2853,971,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-04-08 13:44:34'),(2854,971,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-04-08 13:44:34'),(2855,972,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-04-08 14:52:08'),(2856,972,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-04-08 14:52:09'),(2857,972,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-04-08 14:52:11'),(2858,973,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2020-04-13 10:06:03'),(2859,973,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-04-13 10:06:05'),(2860,973,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-04-13 10:06:05'),(2861,974,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-04-21 13:52:16'),(2862,974,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',3.00,'2020-04-21 13:52:16'),(2863,974,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-04-21 13:52:17'),(2864,975,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-04-22 11:13:15'),(2865,975,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-04-22 11:13:16'),(2866,975,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-04-22 11:13:17'),(2867,976,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-04-27 11:34:05'),(2868,976,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-04-27 11:34:06'),(2869,976,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-04-27 11:34:06'),(2870,977,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-11 18:51:41'),(2871,977,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-05-11 18:51:41'),(2872,977,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-05-11 18:51:42'),(2873,978,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(2874,978,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-05-11 20:33:58'),(2875,978,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-05-11 20:33:59'),(2876,979,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-13 15:32:25'),(2877,979,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-05-13 15:32:26'),(2878,979,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-05-13 15:32:26'),(2879,980,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-13 16:25:06'),(2880,980,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-05-13 16:25:06'),(2881,980,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-05-13 16:25:06'),(2882,981,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-15 12:01:40'),(2883,981,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-05-15 12:01:41'),(2884,981,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-05-15 12:01:42'),(2885,982,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',9.00,'2020-05-16 11:32:27'),(2886,982,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-05-16 11:32:28'),(2887,982,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-05-16 11:32:28'),(2888,983,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-16 14:54:20'),(2889,983,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-05-16 14:54:21'),(2890,983,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-05-16 14:54:21'),(2891,984,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-18 20:59:55'),(2892,984,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-05-18 20:59:56'),(2893,984,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-05-18 20:59:57'),(2894,985,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-19 12:22:11'),(2895,985,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-05-19 12:22:11'),(2896,985,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-05-19 12:22:12'),(2897,986,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-19 13:25:37'),(2898,986,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-05-19 13:25:38'),(2899,986,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-05-19 13:25:38'),(2900,987,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(2901,987,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-05-19 15:18:20'),(2902,987,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-05-19 15:18:21'),(2903,988,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-19 16:40:21'),(2904,988,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-05-19 16:40:22'),(2905,988,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',9.00,'2020-05-19 16:40:22'),(2906,989,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-19 17:34:01'),(2907,989,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-05-19 17:34:02'),(2908,989,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',8.00,'2020-05-19 17:34:03'),(2909,990,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-19 20:25:09'),(2910,990,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',4.00,'2020-05-19 20:25:09'),(2911,990,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-05-19 20:25:10'),(2912,991,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-19 22:41:48'),(2913,991,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-05-19 22:41:48'),(2914,991,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-05-19 22:41:48'),(2915,992,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-20 11:44:11'),(2916,992,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-05-20 11:44:11'),(2917,992,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-05-20 11:44:11'),(2918,993,30,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws',10.00,'2020-05-20 12:12:27'),(2919,993,34,'Section 2 of 3: Compliance Checks and Penalties',5.00,'2020-05-20 12:12:28'),(2920,993,35,'Section 3 of 3: Avoiding Illegal Sales',10.00,'2020-05-20 12:12:28'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_ResultAttemptSlide` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `an_SanityCheckAppFile` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `an_SanityCheckAppFile`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `an_SanityCheckAppFile` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `tableAlias` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `fieldName` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `primaryKey` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `fileName` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `fileRecordExists` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n', `userFileExists` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n', `status` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `fileName` (`fileName`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `an_SanityCheckAppFile` -- LOCK TABLES `an_SanityCheckAppFile` WRITE; /*!40000 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You have passed the Stop Sales to Minors training. Thank you for your commitment in ensuring that youth do not have access to tobacco products. Please see your certificate attached.
\r\n\r\n\r\n','','Constants: {name} {email} {address} {city} {state} {zip}','y','n',3,'2016-02-02 12:15:58','2019-01-31 12:56:29'),('certificateEmailFrom',6,'text','From Email Address If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.','','','','n','n',1,'2016-02-05 07:53:29','2019-01-31 12:56:29'),('certificateEmailSubject',6,'text','Subject','Stop Sales to Minors: Congratulations','','','y','n',2,'2016-02-02 12:13:26','2019-01-31 12:56:29'),('certificatePdfCongratulations',6,'text','certificatePdfCongratulations','Congratulations!','','','n','y',754,'2016-02-02 12:37:04','2016-03-10 05:48:13'),('certificatePdfHeader',6,'header','certificate Pdf Data','','','','n','y',750,'2016-02-02 17:46:15','2016-02-05 07:54:13'),('certificatePdfSignature',6,'text','certificatePdfSignature','Betsy Brock, Program Director','','','y','y',755,'2016-02-15 02:13:28','2016-03-10 05:48:13'),('certificatePdfTitle',6,'text','certificatePdfTitle','Certificate of Training Completion','','','y','y',751,'2016-02-02 12:34:43','2016-03-10 05:48:13'),('footer',1,'htmlEditor','Footer','
Copyright © {currentYear} The Association for Nonsmokers - Minnesota
\r\n','','Constants: {currentYear}','y','n',30,'2009-09-11 12:35:43','2020-05-21 09:58:32'),('gtmId',1,'text','Google Tag Manager ID','','','Example: GTM-XXXXXX','n','n',110,'2014-09-11 15:28:18','2020-05-21 09:58:33'),('lockObjectTimeout',1,'text','Lock Object Period (seconds)','180','','a default period of the edited object being blocked for others.','y','y',70,'2012-04-27 16:20:51','2016-02-04 06:48:08'),('lockRefreshTimeout',1,'text','Lock Refresh Cycle (seconds)','90','','a cycle of the “lock object period” value for the edited object being refreshed.','y','y',80,'2012-04-27 16:22:26','2016-02-04 06:48:08'),('mainWebsite',1,'text','Main Website URL','http://www.ansrmn.org/our-programs/prevention-programs/stop-sales-to-minors/','','','n','n',831,'2016-01-22 12:30:45','2020-05-21 09:58:33'),('SanityCheck_File:lastRefreshTime',1,'text','','','','','n','y',0,'2012-05-03 12:00:00','2016-02-04 06:48:08'),('siteFrom',1,'text','From Email Address','Stop Sales to Minors\r\n Need a change made? Use our online support system. Log In Now
\r\n\r\n','','Constants: {url}','y','y',40,'2010-08-25 00:00:00','2016-02-04 06:48:08'),('userCertificateAdminEmailBody',6,'htmlEditor','Message Body','User {name} has successfully completed the {test} test. The certificate was sent to {email} address.
\r\n\r\nClick here to view details.
\r\n','','Constants: {name} {email} {address} {city} {state} {zip} {test} {link}','y','n',8,'2016-02-02 17:42:55','2019-01-31 12:56:29'),('userCertificateAdminEmailFrom',6,'text','From Email Address If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.','','','','n','n',6,'2016-02-02 17:41:54','2019-01-31 12:56:29'),('userCertificateAdminEmailHeader',6,'header','Certificate Sent (Admin Notification)','','','','n','n',4,'2016-02-02 17:40:48','2016-02-05 07:54:13'),('userCertificateAdminEmailSubject',6,'text','Subject','Certificate was sent','','','y','n',5,'2016-02-02 17:41:21','2019-01-31 12:56:29'),('userCertificateAdminEmailTo',6,'emails','To Email Address(es) If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.','','','Use commas to separate email addresses','n','n',7,'2016-02-02 17:42:34','2019-01-31 12:56:29'),('userCertificateFailAdminEmailBody',6,'htmlEditor','Message Body','
User {name} has failed the {test} test.
\r\n\r\nClick here to view details.
\r\n','','Constants: {name} {email} {address} {city} {state} {zip} {test} {link}','y','n',24,'2016-03-11 17:25:00','2019-01-31 12:56:30'),('userCertificateFailAdminEmailFrom',6,'text','From Email Address If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.','','','','n','n',22,'2016-03-11 17:25:00','2019-01-31 12:56:30'),('userCertificateFailAdminEmailHeader',6,'header','Training Failed (Admin Notification)','','','','n','n',20,'2016-03-11 17:25:00','2016-03-11 17:25:00'),('userCertificateFailAdminEmailSubject',6,'text','Subject','Training has been failed','','','y','n',21,'2016-03-11 17:25:00','2019-01-31 12:56:29'),('userCertificateFailAdminEmailTo',6,'emails','To Email Address(es) If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.','','','Use commas to separate email addresses','n','n',23,'2016-03-11 17:25:00','2019-01-31 12:56:30'),('viewControllerLogLiveTime',5,'App_ViewControllerLog_Admin_Form_Element_LiveTime','Automatically delete tracking information older than','1','','Action Log history has been stored on the website since {minDate} and is taking up {size} of space.\r\n','y','n',0,'2012-05-18 00:00:00','2012-06-11 12:35:02'); 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/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_SocialLinkDictionary` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `an_Test` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `an_Test`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `an_Test` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `image` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `languageId` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `description` text NOT NULL, `certificateId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `minPoints` int(11) NOT NULL, `maxPoints` int(11) NOT NULL, `estimatedTime` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `successMessage` text NOT NULL, `failedMessage` text NOT NULL, `prematurelyFailedMessage` text NOT NULL, `enabled` enum('n','y') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n', `added` datetime NOT NULL, `changed` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `certificateId` (`certificateId`), KEY `languageId` (`languageId`), CONSTRAINT `an_Test_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`certificateId`) REFERENCES `an_Certificate` (`id`), CONSTRAINT `an_Test_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`languageId`) REFERENCES `an_TrainingLanguage` (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=14 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `an_Test` -- LOCK TABLES `an_Test` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_Test` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `an_Test` VALUES (9,'Tobacco Retailer Training-English Version',NULL,1,'Update: Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation on May 16, 2020, to raise the tobacco sales age to 21. This will go into effect on Aug. 1, 2020. This training is being updated to reflect the new law, in addition to updates in Federal laws. You will be notified via mail when the training has been updated. Please contact Esha Seth at esha@ansrmn.org with any questions. Thank you for your patience.\r\n\r\nThe Minnesota tobacco retailer training is designed to help tobacco retailers comply with Minnesota state and federal laws about selling tobacco, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), or e-cigarettes, and tobacco-related devices. \r\n\r\nThe training takes approximately one hour to complete and is divided into three sections. There are a total of 25 questions and the retailer must correctly answer 17 questions to be awarded a certificate. The certificate will be emailed to the email address provided at registration. \r\n',7,17,25,'1:00:00','You have passed the Stop Sales to Minors Tobacco Retailer Training. We will send a certificate of completion to the email address you provided. If you don’t receive the certificate, check your spam folder for an email from the Association for Nonsmokers-Minnesota. If you don\'t receive a certificate, please call 651-646-3005.','Please take the test again. ','Please take the test again. ','n','2016-04-29 13:46:29','2020-05-21 14:50:47'),(12,'Tobacco Retailer Training-Somali Version',NULL,5,'Tababrka tafaariiqlaha tubaakada Minnesota waxa loogu talogalay inuu ka caawiyo shirkadaha tafaariiqlayaasha tubaakada sharciyada Minnesota iyo federaalka ee ku saabsan iibinta tubaakada, aaladaha kala duwan ee nicotine-ta elektrooniga ah, ama sigaarka elektrooniga ah, ama aaladaa la xidhiidha tubaakada. \r\nQaabka: Tababarku waxa uu qaataa ugu dhawaan hal saac si loo dhammaystiro oo waxa uu u qaybsamaa saddex qaybood. Waxa jira wadarta 25 su’aalood oo tafaariiqluhu waa inuu si dhammaystiran uga jawaabo 17 su’aalood si loogu abaal mariyo shahaado. Shahaadada waxa lagu soo diri doonaa iimayl ciwaanka iimaylka aad ku bixisay isdiiwaangalinta.\r\n',7,17,25,'1:00:00','Waxaad ka gudubtay Iibab Joojinta Tababrka Tarfaariiqlaha Tubaakada Dadka an qaangaarka ahayn. Waxaan kuugu soo diri doonaa shahaadada dhammaysashada iimaylka aad bixisay. Haddii aanad helin shahaadada, ka hubi foolderkaaga spam iimayl kaaga yimid Association for Nonsmokers-Minnesota. Haddii aanad helin shahaaada, fadlan wac 651-646-3005.','Fadlan qaado imtixaanka mar labaad.','','n','2016-04-29 14:40:05','2020-05-21 14:50:37'),(13,'Tobacco Retailer Training-Spanish Version',NULL,6,'La capacitación para minoristas de tabaco de Minnesota está diseñada para ayudar a los minoristas de tabaco en el cumplimiento con las leyes federales y de Minnesota sobre la venta de tabaco, dispositivos de administración electrónica de nicotina o cigarros electrónicos y dispositivos relacionados con el tabaco. \r\nFormato: La capacitación dura aproximadamente una hora en completarse y se divide en tres secciones. Hay un total de 25 preguntas y el minorista debe contestar correctamente las 17 preguntas para obtener un certificado. Se enviará el certificado por correo electrónico a la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada durante el registro.\r\n',7,17,25,'1:00:00','Ha aprobado la capacitación a minoristas de tabaco para detener ventas a menores de edad. Le enviaremos un certificado de finalización a la dirección de correo electrónico que proporcionó. Si usted no recibe el certificado, revise su carpeta de correo no deseado para buscar el correo electrónico de la Asociación de no fumadores de Minnesota. Si no recibe un certificado, llame al 651-646-3005.','Tome la prueba de nuevo.','Tome la prueba de nuevo.','n','2016-10-10 09:40:33','2020-05-21 14:50:41'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_Test` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `an_TestSlide` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `an_TestSlide`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `an_TestSlide` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `testId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `introduction` text NOT NULL, `youtubeUrl` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `videoId` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `content` text NOT NULL, `sorter` int(11) NOT NULL, `enabled` enum('n','y') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n', `added` datetime NOT NULL, `changed` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `testId` (`testId`), KEY `enabled` (`enabled`), KEY `sorter` (`sorter`), CONSTRAINT `an_TestSlide_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`testId`) REFERENCES `an_Test` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=42 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `an_TestSlide` -- LOCK TABLES `an_TestSlide` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `an_TestSlide` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `an_TestSlide` VALUES (30,9,'Section 1 of 3: Tobacco and Health & State and Federal Tobacco Laws','Watch the video below and successfully complete the quiz to move on to the next section. ','https://youtu.be/rBAURIqejAg','rBAURIqejAg','