ALTER TABLE `an_User` ADD `firstName` varchar(255) NOT NULL AFTER `id`, ADD `lastName` varchar(255) NOT NULL AFTER `firstName`; UPDATE `an_User` SET `firstName` = `name`; UPDATE `an_User` SET `firstName` = SUBSTRING(`name`, 1, LOCATE(' ', `name`) - 1), `lastName` = SUBSTRING(`name`, LOCATE(' ', `name`) + 1) WHERE LOCATE(' ', `name`) > 0; ALTER TABLE `an_User` DROP `name`; -- UPDATE `an_Settings`SET `sorter` = 750 WHERE `name` = 'certificatePdfHeader' LIMIT 1; UPDATE `an_Settings`SET `sorter` = 751 WHERE `name` = 'certificatePdfTitle' LIMIT 1; UPDATE `an_Settings`SET `sorter` = 752 WHERE `name` = 'certificatePdfSubtitle' LIMIT 1; UPDATE `an_Settings`SET `sorter` = 753 WHERE `name` = 'certificatePdfName' LIMIT 1; UPDATE `an_Settings`SET `sorter` = 754 WHERE `name` = 'certificatePdfCongratulations' LIMIT 1; UPDATE `an_Settings`SET `sorter` = 755 WHERE `name` = 'certificatePdfSignature' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO `an_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES ('userCertificateFailAdminEmailHeader', 6, 'header', 'Training Failed (Admin Notification)', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', 20, '2016-03-11 17:25:00', '2016-03-11 17:25:00'), ('userCertificateFailAdminEmailSubject', 6, 'text', 'Subject', 'Training has been failed', '', '', 'y', 'n', 21, '2016-03-11 17:25:00', '2016-03-11 17:25:00'), ('userCertificateFailAdminEmailFrom', 6, 'text', 'From Email Address   If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', 22, '2016-03-11 17:25:00', '2016-03-11 17:25:00'), ('userCertificateFailAdminEmailTo', 6, 'emails', 'To Email Address(es)   If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', 'Use commas to separate email addresses', 'n', 'n', 23, '2016-03-11 17:25:00', '2016-03-11 17:25:00'), ('userCertificateFailAdminEmailBody', 6, 'htmlEditor', 'Message Body', '

User, {name} has failed test {test}.


Click here to view details.


Have a nice day.



\r\n', '', 'Constants: {name} {email} {company} {address} {test} {link}', 'y', 'n', 24, '2016-03-11 17:25:00', '2016-03-11 17:25:00'); INSERT INTO `an_SettingsOptions` (`id`, `name`, `variable`, `value`, `type`, `sorter`) VALUES (NULL, 'userCertificateFailAdminEmailBody', 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL); -- UPDATE `an_Settings` SET `value` = 'Certificate of Training Completion' WHERE `name` = 'certificatePdfTitle' LIMIT 1; UPDATE `an_Settings` SET `value` = 'Betsy Brock, Program Director' WHERE `name` = 'certificatePdfSignature' LIMIT 1; DELETE FROM `an_Settings` WHERE `name` = 'certificatePdfSubtitle' LIMIT 1; DELETE FROM `an_Settings` WHERE `name` = 'certificatePdfName' LIMIT 1; -- Manually update Training title: Complying With the Law When Selling Tobacco