var questionnaireOptions = { questionnaireCode: null, dialog: null, showQuestionnaireOptions: function(code) { questionnaireOptions.init(code); }, init: function(code) { if (code){ this.questionnaireCode = code; this.showOptionWindow(); } return false; }, showOptionWindow: function() { var obj = this; var dialogParams = { modal:true, title:"Sharing Options", overlay:{backgroundColor:'#000',opacity: 0.5}, buttons:{ CANCEL: function(){ obj.closeDialog(); }, 'SHARE AND SEND NOTIFICATION': function() { obj.shareQuestionnaireAndSend(); }, 'SHARE ONLY': function(){ obj.shareQuestionnaire(); } }, resizable: false, width: 550 //height: 270 }; this.dialog = $('
').dialog(dialogParams) .parent().find(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide().end().end() .append('

This questionnaire will be available by visiting the following URL if sharing will be enabled:
'+BASE_URL+'/index.html?code=' +obj.questionnaireCode+'

E-mail for notification:'); }, closeDialog: function() { this.dialog.dialog('destroy').remove(); }, shareQuestionnaireAndSend: function() { if (!this.validateDialog()){ return false; } var obj = this; var email = $(this.dialog).find('#email').val(); this.shareQuestionnaire(function() { obj.getMailMessage(email); }) return true; //================ var options = { url: BASE_URL + '/' + CURRENT_PAGE, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'shareAndSend', email: $(this.dialog).children('#email').val() }, success: function(){ obj.closeDialog(); } } $.ajax(options); }, getMailMessage: function(email) { var obj = this; var options = { url: BASE_URL + '/' + CURRENT_PAGE, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'getSendMailWindow', email: email }, success: function(data){ if (data.form) { obj.dialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-content').empty(); obj.dialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-content').append(data.form); var editorOptions = { mode: 'edit', editorOptions: { Config: { AutoDetectLanguage: false, EditorAreaCSS: BASE_URL + '/css/typographic.css' }, BasePath: BASE_URL + '/js/fckeditor/', ToolbarSet: 'Basic', Height: 150 } }; Qs_Form_Element_FckEditor.init('body', editorOptions); obj.dialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').empty(); var closeButton = $('').click(function() { obj.closeDialog(); }); var sendButton = $('').click(function() { obj.sendMail(); }); obj.dialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').append(closeButton).append(sendButton); } } } $.ajax(options); }, sendMail: function() { var obj = this; if (!this.validateMail()) { return false; } var bodyEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('body'); this.dialog.find('textarea[name=body]').val(bodyEditor.GetData()); $.getJSON(BASE_URL + '/' + CURRENT_PAGE + '?' + this.dialog.find('form').serialize() + '&callback=?', { action: 'sendMail' }, function(data){ obj.closeDialog(); }); return true; }, validateMail: function() { var bodyEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('body'); var errorMessage = 'Value is required and can\'t be empty'; this.clearDialogError(); if ($.trim(bodyEditor.GetData()) == '') { $('textarea[name=body]').after('
' + errorMessage + '
'); return false; } if ($.trim($('input[name=subject]').val()) == '') { $('input[name=subject]').after('
' + errorMessage + '
'); return false; } return true; }, shareQuestionnaire: function(callback) { var obj = this; var options = { url: BASE_URL + '/' + CURRENT_PAGE, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'shareQuestionnaire' }, success: function(){ if (callback) { callback(); } else { obj.closeDialog(); } } } $.ajax(options); }, validateDialog: function() { this.clearDialogError(); var emailPattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/; var mail = $(this.dialog).children('#email').val(); var error = false; if (!mail){ error = "E-mail is required"; } if (!error && !emailPattern.test(mail)) { error = "'" + mail + "' is no valid email address"; } if (error){ this.showDialogError(error); return false; } return true; }, showDialogError: function(errorMessage) { $('
' + errorMessage + '
').appendTo(this.dialog); }, clearDialogError: function() { $(this.dialog).parent().find('.dialogError').remove(); } }