Module::MODE_ASSOCIATION, // this option can be overridden in the www/_lib/app-config/user.php
'hasLock' => true,
'resourceName' => 'User',
'itemName' => 'Member',
'itemsName' => 'Members',
'photo' => ['width' => 230, 'height' => 230, 'resizeMethod' => 'cropCenter'],
'listImageSize' => ['width' => 480, 'height' => 640, 'resizeMethod' => 'cropCenter'],
'export' => [
'dynamicFieldsAfter' => 'companyZip',
'fields' => [
Module::MODE_SIMPLE => [
'id' => 'User ID',
'added' => '',
'status' => '',
'firstName' => '',
'lastName' => '',
'email' => '',
'workPhone' => 'Phone',
'billingFirstName' => '',
'billingLastName' => '',
'billingAddress' => '',
'billingAddress2' => '',
'billingCity' => '',
'billingState' => '',
'billingZip' => '',
'shippingAsBilling' => '',
'shippingFirstName' => '',
'shippingLastName' => '',
'shippingAddress' => '',
'shippingAddress2' => '',
'shippingCity' => '',
'shippingState' => '',
'shippingZip' => '',
'id' => 'User ID',
'added' => '',
'expiredOn' => 'Membership Expired On',
'status' => '',
'membershipType' => '',
'prefix' => '',
'firstName' => '',
'middleName' => '',
'lastName' => '',
'suffix' => '',
'credentials' => '',
'companyName' => 'Institution/Employer',
'position' => 'Position/Title',
'email' => '',
'workPhone' => '',
'cellPhone' => '',
'fax' => '',
'photo' => '',
'bio' => '',
'linkedInUrl' => '',
'homeAddress' => 'Address',
'homeAddress2' => 'Address 2',
'homeAddress3' => 'Address 3',
'homeCity' => 'City',
'homeStateName' => 'State',
'homeZip' => 'Zip',
'homeCountryName' => 'Country',
'billingFirstName' => '',
'billingLastName' => '',
'billingAddress' => '',
'billingAddress2' => '',
'billingAddress3' => '',
'billingCity' => '',
'billingStateName' => '',
'billingZip' => '',
'billingCountryName' => '',
'pmEnabled' => 'Receive private messages',
'pmNotificationEnabled' => 'Receive private messages notifications',
'joinDate' => '',
'leadershipGroup' => '',
'leadershipPosition' => '',
'notes' => '',
'filterFields' => [
Module::MODE_SIMPLE => ['User' => ['firstName', 'lastName', 'email']],
Module::MODE_ASSOCIATION => ['User' => [Model::getFullNameDbExpr(), 'email', 'companyName']],
'previewData' => [
'userId' => -9999,
'htmlPlaceholders' => [
'firstName' => 'John',
'lastName' => 'Doe',
'email' => '',
'workPhone' => '111.222.3333',
'billingFirstName' => 'John',
'billingLastName' => 'Doe',
'billingAddress' => 'Anonymous ave.',
'billingAddress2' => '',
'billingCity' => 'Minneapolis',
'billingState' => 'MN',
'billingZip' => '55000',
'shippingAsBilling' => 'Yes',
'shippingFirstName' => 'John',
'shippingLastName' => 'Doe',
'shippingAddress' => 'Anonymous ave.',
'shippingAddress2' => '',
'shippingCity' => 'Minneapolis',
'shippingState' => 'MN',
'shippingZip' => '55000',
'dbData' => [
'status' => Entity::STATUS_ACTIVE,
'firstName' => 'John',
'lastName' => 'Doe',
'alias' => 'john-doe',
'email' => '',
'workPhone' => '111.222.3333',
'cellPhone' => '444.555.6666',
'homePhone' => '555.000.1234',
'photo' => 'images/member-no-photo.png',
'bio' => 'Ei eum vidit abhorreant scriptorem, id facer virtute pro. Ea ius sale pertinacia definitionem, esse vivendum ex sit, populo quodsi option ei usu. '
. 'Utinam putant cu cum. Idque debet nihil ex pri.
Ex habeo consul repudiandae vis, sit magna cotidieque an. Duo ea esse prima. '
. 'Pri ullum inermis definitionem ea, velit omittam petentium est no, sit numquam ancillae ut. Id quando munere cotidieque vix, munere splendide adversarium no mea. '
. 'Ius malorum tincidunt te, te has tritani perpetua consequat, sea quis sententiae ne. Te ius impetus pertinax, ut aliquam democritum eos. '
. 'Adipisci referrentur in cum, has et purto possit, quo suas.',
'linkedInUrl' => '',
'fullName' => 'John Doe',
'billing' => [
'firstName' => 'John',
'lastName' => 'Doe',
'address' => 'Anonymous ave.',
'address2' => '',
'city' => 'Minneapolis',
'state' => 'MN',
'zip' => '55000',
'email' => '',
'phone' => '111.222.3333',
'shipping' => [
'firstName' => 'John',
'lastName' => 'Doe',
'address' => 'Anonymous ave.',
'address2' => '',
'city' => 'Minneapolis',
'state' => 'MN',
'zip' => '55000',
'asBilling' => 'y',
'company' => [
'name' => 'NWC',
'address' => 'Anonymous ave.',
'address2' => 'Office 123',
'city' => 'Minneapolis',
'state' => 'MN',
'zip' => '55000',
'phone' => '777.888.9999',
'fax' => '111.222.3333',
'websiteUrl' => '',
'cartItemDescription' => "Registrant: {firstName} {lastName}
. "Membership Type: {membershipType}",
'membershipGracePeriod' => 30 /* days */,