* @ignore */ require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Controller.php'; // Load some default action handlers require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Action/Next.php'; require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Action/Back.php'; require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Action/Jump.php'; require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Action/Display.php'; // Start the session, form-page values will be kept there session_start(); class PageFirst extends HTML_QuickForm_Page { function buildForm() { $this->_formBuilt = true; $this->addElement('header', null, 'Wizard page 1 of 3'); $radio[] = &$this->createElement('radio', null, null, 'Yes', 'Y'); $radio[] = &$this->createElement('radio', null, null, 'No', 'N'); $this->addGroup($radio, 'iradYesNo', 'Are you absolutely sure?'); $this->addElement('submit', $this->getButtonName('next'), 'Next >>'); $this->addRule('iradYesNo', 'Check Yes or No', 'required'); $this->setDefaultAction('next'); } } class PageSecond extends HTML_QuickForm_Page { function buildForm() { $this->_formBuilt = true; $this->addElement('header', null, 'Wizard page 2 of 3'); $name['last'] = &$this->createElement('text', 'last', null, array('size' => 30)); $name['first'] = &$this->createElement('text', 'first', null, array('size' => 20)); $this->addGroup($name, 'name', 'Name (last, first):', ', '); $prevnext[] =& $this->createElement('submit', $this->getButtonName('back'), '<< Back'); $prevnext[] =& $this->createElement('submit', $this->getButtonName('next'), 'Next >>'); $this->addGroup($prevnext, null, '', ' ', false); $this->addGroupRule('name', array('last' => array(array('Last name is required', 'required')))); $this->setDefaultAction('next'); } } class PageThird extends HTML_QuickForm_Page { function buildForm() { $this->_formBuilt = true; $this->addElement('header', null, 'Wizard page 3 of 3'); $this->addElement('textarea', 'itxaTest', 'Parting words:', array('rows' => 5, 'cols' => 40)); $prevnext[] =& $this->createElement('submit', $this->getButtonName('back'), '<< Back'); $prevnext[] =& $this->createElement('submit', $this->getButtonName('next'), 'Finish'); $this->addGroup($prevnext, null, '', ' ', false); $this->addRule('itxaTest', 'Say something!', 'required'); $this->setDefaultAction('next'); } } class ActionProcess extends HTML_QuickForm_Action { function perform(&$page, $actionName) { echo "Submit successful!
        echo "\n
\n"; } } $wizard =& new HTML_QuickForm_Controller('Wizard'); $wizard->addPage(new PageFirst('page1')); $wizard->addPage(new PageSecond('page2')); $wizard->addPage(new PageThird('page3')); // We actually add these handlers here for the sake of example // They can be automatically loaded and added by the controller $wizard->addAction('display', new HTML_QuickForm_Action_Display()); $wizard->addAction('next', new HTML_QuickForm_Action_Next()); $wizard->addAction('back', new HTML_QuickForm_Action_Back()); $wizard->addAction('jump', new HTML_QuickForm_Action_Jump()); // This is the action we should always define ourselves $wizard->addAction('process', new ActionProcess()); $wizard->run(); ?>