/** * Quirks.js * * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB * Released under LGPL License. * * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing */ /** * This file includes fixes for various browser quirks it's made to make it easy to add/remove browser specific fixes. */ tinymce.util.Quirks = function(editor) { var VK = tinymce.VK, BACKSPACE = VK.BACKSPACE, DELETE = VK.DELETE, dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection, settings = editor.settings, parser = editor.parser, serializer = editor.serializer, each = tinymce.each; /** * Executes a command with a specific state this can be to enable/disable browser editing features. */ function setEditorCommandState(cmd, state) { try { editor.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, false, state); } catch (ex) { // Ignore } } /** * Returns current IE document mode. */ function getDocumentMode() { var documentMode = editor.getDoc().documentMode; return documentMode ? documentMode : 6; }; /** * Returns true/false if the event is prevented or not. * * @param {Event} e Event object. * @return {Boolean} true/false if the event is prevented or not. */ function isDefaultPrevented(e) { return e.isDefaultPrevented(); }; /** * Fixes a WebKit bug when deleting contents using backspace or delete key. * WebKit will produce a span element if you delete across two block elements. * * Example: *
* * Will produce this on backspace: *|
* * Or: *|
if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (keyCode == DELETE || keyCode == BACKSPACE)) { isCollapsed = editor.selection.isCollapsed(); // Selection is collapsed but the editor isn't empty if (isCollapsed && !dom.isEmpty(editor.getBody())) { return; } // IE deletes all contents correctly when everything is selected if (tinymce.isIE && !isCollapsed) { return; } // Selection isn't collapsed but not all the contents is selected if (!isCollapsed && !allContentsSelected(editor.selection.getRng())) { return; } // Manually empty the editor editor.setContent(''); editor.selection.setCursorLocation(editor.getBody(), 0); editor.nodeChanged(); } }); }; /** * WebKit doesn't select all the nodes in the body when you press Ctrl+A. * This selects the whole body so that backspace/delete logic will delete everything */ function selectAll() { editor.onKeyDown.add(function(editor, e) { if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode == 65 && VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) { e.preventDefault(); editor.execCommand('SelectAll'); } }); }; /** * WebKit has a weird issue where it some times fails to properly convert keypresses to input method keystrokes. The IME on Mac doesn't * initialize when it doesn't fire a proper focus event. * * This seems to happen when the user manages to click the documentElement element then the window doesn't get proper focus until * you enter a character into the editor. * * It also happens when the first focus in made to the body. * * See: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83566 */ function inputMethodFocus() { if (!editor.settings.content_editable) { // Case 1 IME doesn't initialize if you focus the document dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'focusin', function(e) { selection.setRng(selection.getRng()); }); // Case 2 IME doesn't initialize if you click the documentElement it also doesn't properly fire the focusin event dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'mousedown', function(e) { if (e.target == editor.getDoc().documentElement) { editor.getWin().focus(); selection.setRng(selection.getRng()); } }); } }; /** * Backspacing in FireFox/IE from a paragraph into a horizontal rule results in a floating text node because the * browser just deletes the paragraph - the browser fails to merge the text node with a horizontal rule so it is * left there. TinyMCE sees a floating text node and wraps it in a paragraph on the key up event (ForceBlocks.js * addRootBlocks), meaning the action does nothing. With this code, FireFox/IE matche the behaviour of other * browsers */ function removeHrOnBackspace() { editor.onKeyDown.add(function(editor, e) { if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) { if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng(true).startOffset === 0) { var node = selection.getNode(); var previousSibling = node.previousSibling; if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "hr") { dom.remove(previousSibling); tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e); } } } }) } /** * Firefox 3.x has an issue where the body element won't get proper focus if you click out * side it's rectangle. */ function focusBody() { // Fix for a focus bug in FF 3.x where the body element // wouldn't get proper focus if the user clicked on the HTML element if (!Range.prototype.getClientRects) { // Detect getClientRects got introduced in FF 4 editor.onMouseDown.add(function(editor, e) { if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.target.nodeName === "HTML") { var body = editor.getBody(); // Blur the body it's focused but not correctly focused body.blur(); // Refocus the body after a little while setTimeout(function() { body.focus(); }, 0); } }); } }; /** * WebKit has a bug where it isn't possible to select image, hr or anchor elements * by clicking on them so we need to fake that. */ function selectControlElements() { editor.onClick.add(function(editor, e) { e = e.target; // Workaround for bug, http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12250 // WebKit can't even do simple things like selecting an image // Needs tobe the setBaseAndExtend or it will fail to select floated images if (/^(IMG|HR)$/.test(e.nodeName)) { selection.getSel().setBaseAndExtent(e, 0, e, 1); } if (e.nodeName == 'A' && dom.hasClass(e, 'mceItemAnchor')) { selection.select(e); } editor.nodeChanged(); }); }; /** * Fixes a Gecko bug where the style attribute gets added to the wrong element when deleting between two block elements. * * Fixes do backspace/delete on this: *bla[ck
* * Would become: *bla|ed
* * Instead of: *bla|ed
*/ function removeStylesWhenDeletingAccrossBlockElements() { function getAttributeApplyFunction() { var template = dom.getAttribs(selection.getStart().cloneNode(false)); return function() { var target = selection.getStart(); if (target !== editor.getBody()) { dom.setAttrib(target, "style", null); each(template, function(attr) { target.setAttributeNode(attr.cloneNode(true)); }); } }; } function isSelectionAcrossElements() { return !selection.isCollapsed() && dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock) != dom.getParent(selection.getEnd(), dom.isBlock); } function blockEvent(editor, e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } editor.onKeyPress.add(function(editor, e) { var applyAttributes; if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 46) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) { applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction(); editor.getDoc().execCommand('delete', false, null); applyAttributes(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'cut', function(e) { var applyAttributes; if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) { applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction(); editor.onKeyUp.addToTop(blockEvent); setTimeout(function() { applyAttributes(); editor.onKeyUp.remove(blockEvent); }, 0); } }); } /** * Fire a nodeChanged when the selection is changed on WebKit this fixes selection issues on iOS5. It only fires the nodeChange * event every 50ms since it would other wise update the UI when you type and it hogs the CPU. */ function selectionChangeNodeChanged() { var lastRng, selectionTimer; dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'selectionchange', function() { if (selectionTimer) { clearTimeout(selectionTimer); selectionTimer = 0; } selectionTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { var rng = selection.getRng(); // Compare the ranges to see if it was a real change or not if (!lastRng || !tinymce.dom.RangeUtils.compareRanges(rng, lastRng)) { editor.nodeChanged(); lastRng = rng; } }, 50); }); } /** * Screen readers on IE needs to have the role application set on the body. */ function ensureBodyHasRoleApplication() { document.body.setAttribute("role", "application"); } /** * Backspacing into a table behaves differently depending upon browser type. * Therefore, disable Backspace when cursor immediately follows a table. */ function disableBackspaceIntoATable() { editor.onKeyDown.add(function(editor, e) { if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) { if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng(true).startOffset === 0) { var previousSibling = selection.getNode().previousSibling; if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "table") { return tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e); } } } }) } /** * Old IE versions can't properly render BR elements in PRE tags white in contentEditable mode. So this logic adds a \n before the BR so that it will get rendered. */ function addNewLinesBeforeBrInPre() { // IE8+ rendering mode does the right thing with BR in PRE if (getDocumentMode() > 7) { return; } // Enable display: none in area and add a specific class that hides all BR elements in PRE to // avoid the caret from getting stuck at the BR elements while pressing the right arrow key setEditorCommandState('RespectVisibilityInDesign', true); editor.contentStyles.push('.mceHideBrInPre pre br {display: none}'); dom.addClass(editor.getBody(), 'mceHideBrInPre'); // Adds a \n before all BR elements in PRE to get them visual parser.addNodeFilter('pre', function(nodes, name) { var i = nodes.length, brNodes, j, brElm, sibling; while (i--) { brNodes = nodes[i].getAll('br'); j = brNodes.length; while (j--) { brElm = brNodes[j]; // Add \n before BR in PRE elements on older IE:s so the new lines get rendered sibling = brElm.prev; if (sibling && sibling.type === 3 && sibling.value.charAt(sibling.value - 1) != '\n') { sibling.value += '\n'; } else { brElm.parent.insert(new tinymce.html.Node('#text', 3), brElm, true).value = '\n'; } } } }); // Removes any \n before BR elements in PRE since other browsers and in contentEditable=false mode they will be visible serializer.addNodeFilter('pre', function(nodes, name) { var i = nodes.length, brNodes, j, brElm, sibling; while (i--) { brNodes = nodes[i].getAll('br'); j = brNodes.length; while (j--) { brElm = brNodes[j]; sibling = brElm.prev; if (sibling && sibling.type == 3) { sibling.value = sibling.value.replace(/\r?\n$/, ''); } } } }); } /** * Moves style width/height to attribute width/height when the user resizes an image on IE. */ function removePreSerializedStylesWhenSelectingControls() { dom.bind(editor.getBody(), 'mouseup', function(e) { var value, node = selection.getNode(); // Moved styles to attributes on IMG eements if (node.nodeName == 'IMG') { // Convert style width to width attribute if (value = dom.getStyle(node, 'width')) { dom.setAttrib(node, 'width', value.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, '')); dom.setStyle(node, 'width', ''); } // Convert style height to height attribute if (value = dom.getStyle(node, 'height')) { dom.setAttrib(node, 'height', value.replace(/[^0-9%]+/g, '')); dom.setStyle(node, 'height', ''); } } }); } /** * Backspace or delete on WebKit will combine all visual styles in a span if the last character is deleted. * * For example backspace on: *x|
* * Will produce: *|
sibling = container.previousSibling; if (sibling && sibling.nodeName == "IMG") { return; } nonEmptyElements = editor.schema.getNonEmptyElements(); // Prevent default logic since it's broken e.preventDefault(); // Insert a BR before the text node this will prevent the containing element from being deleted/converted brElm = dom.create('br', {id: '__tmp'}); container.parentNode.insertBefore(brElm, container); // Do the browser delete editor.getDoc().execCommand(isDelete ? 'ForwardDelete' : 'Delete', false, null); // Check if the previous sibling is empty after deleting for example:|
container = selection.getRng().startContainer; sibling = container.previousSibling; if (sibling && sibling.nodeType == 1 && !dom.isBlock(sibling) && dom.isEmpty(sibling) && !nonEmptyElements[sibling.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) { dom.remove(sibling); } // Remove the temp element we inserted dom.remove('__tmp'); } } }); } /** * Removes a blockquote when backspace is pressed at the beginning of it. * * For example: ** * Becomes: *|x
*/ function removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace() { // Add block quote deletion handler editor.onKeyDown.add(function(editor, e) { var rng, container, offset, root, parent; if (isDefaultPrevented(e) || e.keyCode != VK.BACKSPACE) { return; } rng = selection.getRng(); container = rng.startContainer; offset = rng.startOffset; root = dom.getRoot(); parent = container; if (!rng.collapsed || offset !== 0) { return; } while (parent && parent.parentNode && parent.parentNode.firstChild == parent && parent.parentNode != root) { parent = parent.parentNode; } // Is the cursor at the beginning of a blockquote? if (parent.tagName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') { // Remove the blockquote editor.formatter.toggle('blockquote', null, parent); // Move the caret to the beginning of container rng = dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(container, 0); rng.setEnd(container, 0); selection.setRng(rng); } }); }; /** * Sets various Gecko editing options on mouse down and before a execCommand to disable inline table editing that is broken etc. */ function setGeckoEditingOptions() { function setOpts() { editor._refreshContentEditable(); setEditorCommandState("StyleWithCSS", false); setEditorCommandState("enableInlineTableEditing", false); if (!settings.object_resizing) { setEditorCommandState("enableObjectResizing", false); } }; if (!settings.readonly) { editor.onBeforeExecCommand.add(setOpts); editor.onMouseDown.add(setOpts); } }; /** * Fixes a gecko link bug, when a link is placed at the end of block elements there is * no way to move the caret behind the link. This fix adds a bogus br element after the link. * * For example this: * * * Becomes this: * */ function addBrAfterLastLinks() { function fixLinks(editor, o) { each(dom.select('a'), function(node) { var parentNode = node.parentNode, root = dom.getRoot(); if (parentNode.lastChild === node) { while (parentNode && !dom.isBlock(parentNode)) { if (parentNode.parentNode.lastChild !== parentNode || parentNode === root) { return; } parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; } dom.add(parentNode, 'br', {'data-mce-bogus' : 1}); } }); }; editor.onExecCommand.add(function(editor, cmd) { if (cmd === 'CreateLink') { fixLinks(editor); } }); editor.onSetContent.add(selection.onSetContent.add(fixLinks)); }; /** * WebKit will produce DIV elements here and there by default. But since TinyMCE uses paragraphs by * default we want to change that behavior. */ function setDefaultBlockType() { if (settings.forced_root_block) { editor.onInit.add(function() { setEditorCommandState('DefaultParagraphSeparator', settings.forced_root_block); }); } } /** * Removes ghost selections from images/tables on Gecko. */ function removeGhostSelection() { function repaint(sender, args) { if (!sender || !args.initial) { editor.execCommand('mceRepaint'); } }; editor.onUndo.add(repaint); editor.onRedo.add(repaint); editor.onSetContent.add(repaint); }; /** * Deletes the selected image on IE instead of navigating to previous page. */ function deleteControlItemOnBackSpace() { editor.onKeyDown.add(function(editor, e) { var rng; if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode == BACKSPACE) { rng = editor.getDoc().selection.createRange(); if (rng && rng.item) { e.preventDefault(); editor.undoManager.beforeChange(); dom.remove(rng.item(0)); editor.undoManager.add(); } } }); }; /** * IE10 doesn't properly render block elements with the right height until you add contents to them. * This fixes that by adding a padding-right to all empty text block elements. * See: https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/743881 */ function renderEmptyBlocksFix() { var emptyBlocksCSS; // IE10+ if (getDocumentMode() >= 10) { emptyBlocksCSS = ''; each('p div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6'.split(' '), function(name, i) { emptyBlocksCSS += (i > 0 ? ',' : '') + name + ':empty'; }); editor.contentStyles.push(emptyBlocksCSS + '{padding-right: 1px !important}'); } }; /** * Fakes image/table resizing on WebKit/Opera. */ function fakeImageResize() { var selectedElmX, selectedElmY, selectedElm, selectedElmGhost, selectedHandle, startX, startY, startW, startH, ratio, resizeHandles, width, height, rootDocument = document, editableDoc = editor.getDoc(); if (!settings.object_resizing || settings.webkit_fake_resize === false) { return; } // Try disabling object resizing if WebKit implements resizing in the future setEditorCommandState("enableObjectResizing", false); // Details about each resize handle how to scale etc resizeHandles = { // Name: x multiplier, y multiplier, delta size x, delta size y n: [.5, 0, 0, -1], e: [1, .5, 1, 0], s: [.5, 1, 0, 1], w: [0, .5, -1, 0], nw: [0, 0, -1, -1], ne: [1, 0, 1, -1], se: [1, 1, 1, 1], sw : [0, 1, -1, 1] }; function resizeElement(e) { var deltaX, deltaY; // Calc new width/height deltaX = e.screenX - startX; deltaY = e.screenY - startY; // Calc new size width = deltaX * selectedHandle[2] + startW; height = deltaY * selectedHandle[3] + startH; // Never scale down lower than 5 pixels width = width < 5 ? 5 : width; height = height < 5 ? 5 : height; // Constrain proportions when modifier key is pressed or if the nw, ne, sw, se corners are moved on an image if (VK.modifierPressed(e) || (selectedElm.nodeName == "IMG" && selectedHandle[2] * selectedHandle[3] !== 0)) { width = Math.round(height / ratio); height = Math.round(width * ratio); } // Update ghost size dom.setStyles(selectedElmGhost, { width: width, height: height }); // Update ghost X position if needed if (selectedHandle[2] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientWidth <= width) { dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'left', selectedElmX + (startW - width)); } // Update ghost Y position if needed if (selectedHandle[3] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientHeight <= height) { dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'top', selectedElmY + (startH - height)); } } function endResize() { function setSizeProp(name, value) { if (value) { // Resize by using style or attribute if (selectedElm.style[name] || !editor.schema.isValid(selectedElm.nodeName.toLowerCase(), name)) { dom.setStyle(selectedElm, name, value); } else { dom.setAttrib(selectedElm, name, value); } } } // Set width/height properties setSizeProp('width', width); setSizeProp('height', height); dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeElement); dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endResize); if (rootDocument != editableDoc) { dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeElement); dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endResize); } // Remove ghost and update resize handle positions dom.remove(selectedElmGhost); showResizeRect(selectedElm); } function showResizeRect(targetElm) { var position, targetWidth, targetHeight; hideResizeRect(); // Get position and size of target position = dom.getPos(targetElm); selectedElmX = position.x; selectedElmY = position.y; targetWidth = targetElm.offsetWidth; targetHeight = targetElm.offsetHeight; // Reset width/height if user selects a new image/table if (selectedElm != targetElm) { selectedElm = targetElm; width = height = 0; } each(resizeHandles, function(handle, name) { var handleElm; // Get existing or render resize handle handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name); if (!handleElm) { handleElm = dom.add(editableDoc.documentElement, 'div', { id: 'mceResizeHandle' + name, 'class': 'mceResizeHandle', style: 'cursor:' + name + '-resize; margin:0; padding:0' }); dom.bind(handleElm, 'mousedown', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); endResize(); startX = e.screenX; startY = e.screenY; startW = selectedElm.clientWidth; startH = selectedElm.clientHeight; ratio = startH / startW; selectedHandle = handle; selectedElmGhost = selectedElm.cloneNode(true); dom.addClass(selectedElmGhost, 'mceClonedResizable'); dom.setStyles(selectedElmGhost, { left: selectedElmX, top: selectedElmY, margin: 0 }); editableDoc.documentElement.appendChild(selectedElmGhost); dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeElement); dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endResize); if (rootDocument != editableDoc) { dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeElement); dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endResize); } }); } else { dom.show(handleElm); } // Position element dom.setStyles(handleElm, { left: (targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX) - (handleElm.offsetWidth / 2), top: (targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY) - (handleElm.offsetHeight / 2) }); }); // Only add resize rectangle on WebKit and only on images if (!tinymce.isOpera && selectedElm.nodeName == "IMG") { selectedElm.setAttribute('data-mce-selected', '1'); } } function hideResizeRect() { if (selectedElm) { selectedElm.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected'); } for (var name in resizeHandles) { dom.hide('mceResizeHandle' + name); } } // Add CSS for resize handles, cloned element and selected editor.contentStyles.push( '.mceResizeHandle {' + 'position: absolute;' + 'border: 1px solid black;' + 'background: #FFF;' + 'width: 5px;' + 'height: 5px;' + 'z-index: 10000' + '}' + '.mceResizeHandle:hover {' + 'background: #000' + '}' + 'img[data-mce-selected] {' + 'outline: 1px solid black' + '}' + 'img.mceClonedResizable, table.mceClonedResizable {' + 'position: absolute;' + 'outline: 1px dashed black;' + 'opacity: .5;' + 'z-index: 10000' + '}' ); function updateResizeRect() { var controlElm = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'table,img'); // Remove data-mce-selected from all elements since they might have been copied using Ctrl+c/v each(dom.select('img[data-mce-selected]'), function(img) { img.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected'); }); if (controlElm) { showResizeRect(controlElm); } else { hideResizeRect(); } } // Show/hide resize rect when image is selected editor.onNodeChange.add(updateResizeRect); // Fixes WebKit quirk where it returns IMG on getNode if caret is after last image in container dom.bind(editableDoc, 'selectionchange', updateResizeRect); // Remove the internal attribute when serializing the DOM editor.serializer.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-selected', function(nodes, name) { var i = nodes.length; while (i--) { nodes[i].attr(name, null); } }); } /** * Old IE versions can't retain contents within noscript elements so this logic will store the contents * as a attribute and the insert that value as it's raw text when the DOM is serialized. */ function keepNoScriptContents() { if (getDocumentMode() < 9) { parser.addNodeFilter('noscript', function(nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node, textNode; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; textNode = node.firstChild; if (textNode) { node.attr('data-mce-innertext', textNode.value); } } }); serializer.addNodeFilter('noscript', function(nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node, textNode, value; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; textNode = nodes[i].firstChild; if (textNode) { textNode.value = tinymce.html.Entities.decode(textNode.value); } else { // Old IE can't retain noscript value so an attribute is used to store it value = node.attributes.map['data-mce-innertext']; if (value) { node.attr('data-mce-innertext', null); textNode = new tinymce.html.Node('#text', 3); textNode.value = value; textNode.raw = true; node.append(textNode); } } } }); } } /** * IE 11 has an annoying issue where you can't move focus into the editor * by clicking on the white area HTML element. We used to be able to to fix this with * the fixCaretSelectionOfDocumentElementOnIe fix. But since M$ removed the selection * object it's not possible anymore. So we need to hack in a ungly CSS to force the * body to be at least 150px. If the user clicks the HTML element out side this 150px region * we simply move the focus into the first paragraph. Not ideal since you loose the * positioning of the caret but goot enough for most cases. */ function bodyHeight() { editor.contentStyles.push('body {min-height: 100px}'); editor.onClick.add(function(ed, e) { if (e.target.nodeName == 'HTML') { editor.execCommand('SelectAll'); editor.selection.collapse(true); editor.nodeChanged(); } }); } /** * Fixes control selection bug #6613 in IE 11 by an ugly hack. IE 11 has a bug where it will return the parent * element container of an image if you select it as the last child in for * example this HTML:a
*/ function fixControlSelection() { editor.onInit.add(function() { var selectedRng; editor.getBody().addEventListener('mscontrolselect', function(e) { setTimeout(function() { if (editor.selection.getNode() != e.target) { selectedRng = editor.selection.getRng(); selection.fakeRng = editor.dom.createRng(); selection.fakeRng.setStartBefore(e.target); selection.fakeRng.setEndAfter(e.target); } }, 0); }, false); editor.getDoc().addEventListener('selectionchange', function(e) { if (selectedRng && !tinymce.dom.RangeUtils.compareRanges(editor.selection.getRng(), selectedRng)) { selection.fakeRng = selectedRng = null; } }, false); }); } // All browsers disableBackspaceIntoATable(); removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace(); emptyEditorWhenDeleting(); // WebKit if (tinymce.isWebKit) { keepInlineElementOnDeleteBackspace(); cleanupStylesWhenDeleting(); inputMethodFocus(); selectControlElements(); setDefaultBlockType(); // iOS if (tinymce.isIDevice) { selectionChangeNodeChanged(); } else { fakeImageResize(); selectAll(); } } // IE if (tinymce.isIE && !tinymce.isIE11) { removeHrOnBackspace(); ensureBodyHasRoleApplication(); addNewLinesBeforeBrInPre(); removePreSerializedStylesWhenSelectingControls(); deleteControlItemOnBackSpace(); renderEmptyBlocksFix(); keepNoScriptContents(); } // IE 11+ if (tinymce.isIE11) { bodyHeight(); fixControlSelection(); } // Gecko if (tinymce.isGecko && !tinymce.isIE11) { removeHrOnBackspace(); focusBody(); removeStylesWhenDeletingAccrossBlockElements(); setGeckoEditingOptions(); addBrAfterLastLinks(); removeGhostSelection(); } // Opera if (tinymce.isOpera) { fakeImageResize(); } };