/** * Magento * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE_AFL.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@magento.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Magento to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize Magento for your * needs please refer to http://www.magento.com for more information. * * @category Mage * @package Mage_Adminhtml * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006-2015 X.commerce, Inc. (http://www.magento.com) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) */ var widgetTools = { getDivHtml: function(id, html) { if (!html) html = ''; return '
' + html + '
'; }, onAjaxSuccess: function(transport) { if (transport.responseText.isJSON()) { var response = transport.responseText.evalJSON() if (response.error) { throw response; } else if (response.ajaxExpired && response.ajaxRedirect) { setLocation(response.ajaxRedirect); } } }, openDialog: function(widgetUrl) { if ($('widget_window') && typeof(Windows) != 'undefined') { Windows.focus('widget_window'); return; } this.dialogWindow = Dialog.info(null, { draggable:true, resizable:false, closable:true, className:'magento', windowClassName:"popup-window", title:Translator.translate('Insert Widget...'), top:50, width:950, //height:450, zIndex:1000, recenterAuto:false, hideEffect:Element.hide, showEffect:Element.show, id:'widget_window', onClose: this.closeDialog.bind(this) }); new Ajax.Updater('modal_dialog_message', widgetUrl, {evalScripts: true}); }, closeDialog: function(window) { if (!window) { window = this.dialogWindow; } if (window) { // IE fix - hidden form select fields after closing dialog WindowUtilities._showSelect(); window.close(); } } } var WysiwygWidget = {}; WysiwygWidget.Widget = Class.create(); WysiwygWidget.Widget.prototype = { initialize: function(formEl, widgetEl, widgetOptionsEl, optionsSourceUrl, widgetTargetId) { $(formEl).insert({bottom: widgetTools.getDivHtml(widgetOptionsEl)}); this.formEl = formEl; this.widgetEl = $(widgetEl); this.widgetOptionsEl = $(widgetOptionsEl); this.optionsUrl = optionsSourceUrl; this.optionValues = new Hash({}); this.widgetTargetId = widgetTargetId; if (typeof(tinyMCE) != "undefined" && tinyMCE.activeEditor) { this.bMark = tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getBookmark(); } Event.observe(this.widgetEl, "change", this.loadOptions.bind(this)); this.initOptionValues(); }, getOptionsContainerId: function() { return this.widgetOptionsEl.id + '_' + this.widgetEl.value.gsub(/\//, '_'); }, switchOptionsContainer: function(containerId) { $$('#' + this.widgetOptionsEl.id + ' div[id^=' + this.widgetOptionsEl.id + ']').each(function(e) { this.disableOptionsContainer(e.id); }.bind(this)); if(containerId != undefined) { this.enableOptionsContainer(containerId); } this._showWidgetDescription(); }, enableOptionsContainer: function(containerId) { $$('#' + containerId + ' .widget-option').each(function(e) { e.removeClassName('skip-submit'); if (e.hasClassName('obligatory')) { e.removeClassName('obligatory'); e.addClassName('required-entry'); } }); $(containerId).removeClassName('no-display'); }, disableOptionsContainer: function(containerId) { if ($(containerId).hasClassName('no-display')) { return; } $$('#' + containerId + ' .widget-option').each(function(e) { // Avoid submitting fields of unactive container if (!e.hasClassName('skip-submit')) { e.addClassName('skip-submit'); } // Form validation workaround for unactive container if (e.hasClassName('required-entry')) { e.removeClassName('required-entry'); e.addClassName('obligatory'); } }); $(containerId).addClassName('no-display'); }, // Assign widget options values when existing widget selected in WYSIWYG initOptionValues: function() { if (!this.wysiwygExists()) { return false; } var e = this.getWysiwygNode(); if (e != undefined && e.id) { var widgetCode = Base64.idDecode(e.id); if (widgetCode.indexOf('{{widget') != -1) { this.optionValues = new Hash({}); widgetCode.gsub(/([a-z0-9\_]+)\s*\=\s*[\"]{1}([^\"]+)[\"]{1}/i, function(match){ if (match[1] == 'type') { this.widgetEl.value = match[2]; } else { this.optionValues.set(match[1], match[2]); } }.bind(this)); this.loadOptions(); } } }, loadOptions: function() { if (!this.widgetEl.value) { this.switchOptionsContainer(); return; } var optionsContainerId = this.getOptionsContainerId(); if ($(optionsContainerId) != undefined) { this.switchOptionsContainer(optionsContainerId); return; } this._showWidgetDescription(); var params = {widget_type: this.widgetEl.value, values: this.optionValues}; new Ajax.Request(this.optionsUrl, { parameters: {widget: Object.toJSON(params)}, onSuccess: function(transport) { try { widgetTools.onAjaxSuccess(transport); this.switchOptionsContainer(); if ($(optionsContainerId) == undefined) { this.widgetOptionsEl.insert({bottom: widgetTools.getDivHtml(optionsContainerId, transport.responseText)}); } else { this.switchOptionsContainer(optionsContainerId); } } catch(e) { alert(e.message); } }.bind(this) } ); }, _showWidgetDescription: function() { var noteCnt = this.widgetEl.next().down('small'); var descrCnt = $('widget-description-' + this.widgetEl.selectedIndex); if(noteCnt != undefined) { var description = (descrCnt != undefined ? descrCnt.innerHTML : ''); noteCnt.update(descrCnt.innerHTML); } }, insertWidget: function() { widgetOptionsForm = new varienForm(this.formEl); if(widgetOptionsForm.validator && widgetOptionsForm.validator.validate() || !widgetOptionsForm.validator){ var formElements = []; var i = 0; Form.getElements($(this.formEl)).each(function(e) { if(!e.hasClassName('skip-submit')) { formElements[i] = e; i++; } }); // Add as_is flag to parameters if wysiwyg editor doesn't exist var params = Form.serializeElements(formElements); if (!this.wysiwygExists()) { params = params + '&as_is=1'; } new Ajax.Request($(this.formEl).action, { parameters: params, onComplete: function(transport) { try { widgetTools.onAjaxSuccess(transport); Windows.close("widget_window"); if (typeof(tinyMCE) != "undefined" && tinyMCE.activeEditor) { tinyMCE.activeEditor.focus(); if (this.bMark) { tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.moveToBookmark(this.bMark); } } this.updateContent(transport.responseText); } catch(e) { alert(e.message); } }.bind(this) }); } }, updateContent: function(content) { if (this.wysiwygExists()) { this.getWysiwyg().execCommand("mceInsertContent", false, content); } else { var textarea = document.getElementById(this.widgetTargetId); updateElementAtCursor(textarea, content); varienGlobalEvents.fireEvent('tinymceChange'); } }, wysiwygExists: function() { return (typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined') && tinyMCE.get(this.widgetTargetId); }, getWysiwyg: function() { return tinyMCE.activeEditor; }, getWysiwygNode: function() { return tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getNode(); } } WysiwygWidget.chooser = Class.create(); WysiwygWidget.chooser.prototype = { // HTML element A, on which click event fired when choose a selection chooserId: null, // Source URL for Ajax requests chooserUrl: null, // Chooser config config: null, // Chooser dialog window dialogWindow: null, // Chooser content for dialog window dialogContent: null, overlayShowEffectOptions: null, overlayHideEffectOptions: null, initialize: function(chooserId, chooserUrl, config) { this.chooserId = chooserId; this.chooserUrl = chooserUrl; this.config = config; }, getResponseContainerId: function() { return 'responseCnt' + this.chooserId; }, getChooserControl: function() { return $(this.chooserId + 'control'); }, getElement: function() { return $(this.chooserId + 'value'); }, getElementLabel: function() { return $(this.chooserId + 'label'); }, open: function() { $(this.getResponseContainerId()).show(); }, close: function() { $(this.getResponseContainerId()).hide(); this.closeDialogWindow(); }, choose: function(event) { // Open dialog window with previously loaded dialog content if (this.dialogContent) { this.openDialogWindow(this.dialogContent); return; } // Show or hide chooser content if it was already loaded var responseContainerId = this.getResponseContainerId(); // Otherwise load content from server new Ajax.Request(this.chooserUrl, { parameters: {element_value: this.getElementValue(), element_label: this.getElementLabelText()}, onSuccess: function(transport) { try { widgetTools.onAjaxSuccess(transport); this.dialogContent = widgetTools.getDivHtml(responseContainerId, transport.responseText); this.openDialogWindow(this.dialogContent); } catch(e) { alert(e.message); } }.bind(this) } ); }, openDialogWindow: function(content) { this.overlayShowEffectOptions = Windows.overlayShowEffectOptions; this.overlayHideEffectOptions = Windows.overlayHideEffectOptions; Windows.overlayShowEffectOptions = {duration:0}; Windows.overlayHideEffectOptions = {duration:0}; this.dialogWindow = Dialog.info(content, { draggable:true, resizable:true, closable:true, className:"magento", windowClassName:"popup-window", title:this.config.buttons.open, top:50, width:950, height:500, zIndex:1000, recenterAuto:false, hideEffect:Element.hide, showEffect:Element.show, id:"widget-chooser", onClose: this.closeDialogWindow.bind(this) }); content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); }, closeDialogWindow: function(dialogWindow) { if (!dialogWindow) { dialogWindow = this.dialogWindow; } if (dialogWindow) { dialogWindow.close(); Windows.overlayShowEffectOptions = this.overlayShowEffectOptions; Windows.overlayHideEffectOptions = this.overlayHideEffectOptions; } this.dialogWindow = null; }, getElementValue: function(value) { return this.getElement().value; }, getElementLabelText: function(value) { return this.getElementLabel().innerHTML; }, setElementValue: function(value) { this.getElement().value = value; }, setElementLabel: function(value) { this.getElementLabel().innerHTML = value; } }