/** * Magento * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE_AFL.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@magento.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Magento to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize Magento for your * needs please refer to http://www.magento.com for more information. * * @category Mage * @package Mage_Adminhtml * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006-2015 X.commerce, Inc. (http://www.magento.com) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) */ var Product = {}; Product.Gallery = Class.create(); Product.Gallery.prototype = { images : [], file2id : { 'no_selection' :0 }, idIncrement :1, containerId :'', container :null, uploader :null, imageTypes : {}, initialize : function(containerId, uploader, imageTypes) { this.containerId = containerId, this.container = $(this.containerId); this.uploader = uploader; this.imageTypes = imageTypes; if (this.uploader) { this.uploader.onFilesComplete = this.handleUploadComplete .bind(this); } // this.uploader.onFileProgress = this.handleUploadProgress.bind(this); // this.uploader.onFileError = this.handleUploadError.bind(this); this.images = this.getElement('save').value.evalJSON(); this.imagesValues = this.getElement('save_image').value.evalJSON(); this.template = new Template('' + this .getElement('template').innerHTML + '', new RegExp( '(^|.|\\r|\\n)(__([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)__)', '')); this.fixParentTable(); this.updateImages(); varienGlobalEvents.attachEventHandler('moveTab', this.onImageTabMove .bind(this)); }, onImageTabMove : function(event) { var imagesTab = false; this.container.ancestors().each( function(parentItem) { if (parentItem.tabObject) { imagesTab = parentItem.tabObject; throw $break; } }.bind(this)); if (imagesTab && event.tab && event.tab.name && imagesTab.name == event.tab.name) { this.container.select('input[type="radio"]').each(function(radio) { radio.observe('change', this.onChangeRadio); }.bind(this)); this.updateImages(); } }, fixParentTable : function() { this.container.ancestors().each( function(parentItem) { if (parentItem.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'td') { parentItem.style.width = '100%'; } if (parentItem.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'table') { parentItem.style.width = '100%'; throw $break; } }); }, getElement : function(name) { return $(this.containerId + '_' + name); }, showUploader : function() { this.getElement('add_images_button').hide(); this.getElement('uploader').show(); }, handleUploadComplete : function(files) { files.each( function(item) { if (!item.response.isJSON()) { try { console.log(item.response); } catch (e2) { alert(item.response); } return; } var response = item.response.evalJSON(); if (response.error) { return; } var newImage = {}; newImage.url = response.url; newImage.file = response.file; newImage.label = ''; newImage.position = this.getNextPosition(); newImage.disabled = 0; newImage.removed = 0; this.images.push(newImage); this.uploader.removeFile(item.id); }.bind(this)); this.container.setHasChanges(); this.updateImages(); }, updateImages : function() { this.getElement('save').value = Object.toJSON(this.images); $H(this.imageTypes).each( function(pair) { this.getFileElement('no_selection', 'cell-' + pair.key + ' input').checked = true; }.bind(this)); this.images.each( function(row) { if (!$(this.prepareId(row.file))) { this.createImageRow(row); } this.updateVisualisation(row.file); }.bind(this)); this.updateUseDefault(false); }, onChangeRadio: function (evt) { var element = Event.element(evt); element.setHasChanges(); }, createImageRow : function(image) { var vars = Object.clone(image); vars.id = this.prepareId(image.file); var html = this.template.evaluate(vars); Element.insert(this.getElement('list'), { bottom :html }); $(vars.id).select('input[type="radio"]').each(function(radio) { radio.observe('change', this.onChangeRadio); }.bind(this)); }, prepareId : function(file) { if (typeof this.file2id[file] == 'undefined') { this.file2id[file] = this.idIncrement++; } return this.containerId + '-image-' + this.file2id[file]; }, getNextPosition : function() { var maxPosition = 0; this.images.each( function(item) { if (parseInt(item.position) > maxPosition) { maxPosition = parseInt(item.position); } }); return maxPosition + 1; }, updateImage : function(file) { var index = this.getIndexByFile(file); this.images[index].label = this .getFileElement(file, 'cell-label input').value; this.images[index].position = this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-position input').value; this.images[index].removed = (this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-remove input').checked ? 1 : 0); this.images[index].disabled = (this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-disable input').checked ? 1 : 0); this.getElement('save').value = Object.toJSON(this.images); this.updateState(file); this.container.setHasChanges(); }, loadImage : function(file) { var image = this.getImageByFile(file); this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-image img').src = image.url; this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-image img').show(); this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-image .place-holder').hide(); }, setProductImages : function(file) { $H(this.imageTypes) .each( function(pair) { if (this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-' + pair.key + ' input').checked) { this.imagesValues[pair.key] = (file == 'no_selection' ? null : file); } }.bind(this)); this.getElement('save_image').value = Object.toJSON($H(this.imagesValues)); }, updateVisualisation : function(file) { var image = this.getImageByFile(file); this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-label input').value = image.label; this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-position input').value = image.position; this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-remove input').checked = (image.removed == 1); this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-disable input').checked = (image.disabled == 1); $H(this.imageTypes) .each( function(pair) { if (this.imagesValues[pair.key] == file) { this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-' + pair.key + ' input').checked = true; } }.bind(this)); this.updateState(file); }, updateState : function(file) { if (this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-disable input').checked) { this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-position input').disabled = true; } else { this.getFileElement(file, 'cell-position input').disabled = false; } }, getFileElement : function(file, element) { var selector = '#' + this.prepareId(file) + ' .' + element; var elems = $$(selector); if (!elems[0]) { try { console.log(selector); } catch (e2) { alert(selector); } } return $$('#' + this.prepareId(file) + ' .' + element)[0]; }, getImageByFile : function(file) { if (this.getIndexByFile(file) === null) { return false; } return this.images[this.getIndexByFile(file)]; }, getIndexByFile : function(file) { var index; this.images.each( function(item, i) { if (item.file == file) { index = i; } }); return index; }, updateUseDefault : function() { if (this.getElement('default')) { this.getElement('default').select('input').each( function(input) { $(this.containerId).select( '.cell-' + input.value + ' input').each( function(radio) { radio.disabled = input.checked; }); }.bind(this)); } if (arguments.length == 0) { this.container.setHasChanges(); } }, handleUploadProgress : function(file) { }, handleUploadError : function(fileId) { } }; Product.AttributesBridge = { tabsObject :false, bindTabs2Attributes : {}, bind : function(tabId, attributesObject) { this.bindTabs2Attributes[tabId] = attributesObject; }, getAttributes : function(tabId) { return this.bindTabs2Attributes[tabId]; }, setTabsObject : function(tabs) { this.tabsObject = tabs; }, getTabsObject : function() { return this.tabsObject; }, addAttributeRow : function(data) { $H(data).each( function(item) { if (this.getTabsObject().activeTab.name != item.key) { this.getTabsObject().showTabContent($(item.key)); } this.getAttributes(item.key).addRow(item.value); }.bind(this)); } }; Product.Attributes = Class.create(); Product.Attributes.prototype = { config : {}, containerId :null, initialize : function(containerId) { this.containerId = containerId; }, setConfig : function(config) { this.config = config; Product.AttributesBridge.bind(this.getConfig().tab_id, this); }, getConfig : function() { return this.config; }, create : function() { var win = window.open(this.getConfig().url, 'new_attribute', 'width=900,height=600,resizable=1,scrollbars=1'); win.focus(); }, addRow : function(html) { var attributesContainer = $$('#group_fields' + this.getConfig().group_id + ' .form-list tbody')[0]; Element.insert(attributesContainer, { bottom :html }); var childs = attributesContainer.childElements(); var element = childs[childs.size() - 1].select('input', 'select', 'textarea')[0]; if (element) { window.scrollTo(0, Position.cumulativeOffset(element)[1] + element.offsetHeight); } } }; Product.Configurable = Class.create(); Product.Configurable.prototype = { initialize : function(attributes, links, idPrefix, grid, readonly) { this.templatesSyntax = new RegExp( '(^|.|\\r|\\n)(\'{{\\s*(\\w+)\\s*}}\')', ""); this.attributes = attributes; // Attributes this.idPrefix = idPrefix; // Container id prefix this.links = $H(links); // Associated products this.newProducts = []; // For product that's created through Create // Empty and Copy from Configurable this.readonly = readonly; /* Generation templates */ this.addAttributeTemplate = new Template( $(idPrefix + 'attribute_template').innerHTML.replace(/__id__/g, "'{{html_id}}'").replace(/ template no-display/g, ''), this.templatesSyntax); this.addValueTemplate = new Template( $(idPrefix + 'value_template').innerHTML.replace(/__id__/g, "'{{html_id}}'").replace(/ template no-display/g, ''), this.templatesSyntax); this.pricingValueTemplate = new Template( $(idPrefix + 'simple_pricing').innerHTML, this.templatesSyntax); this.pricingValueViewTemplate = new Template( $(idPrefix + 'simple_pricing_view').innerHTML, this.templatesSyntax); this.container = $(idPrefix + 'attributes'); /* Listeners */ this.onLabelUpdate = this.updateLabel.bindAsEventListener(this); // Update // attribute // label this.onValuePriceUpdate = this.updateValuePrice .bindAsEventListener(this); // Update pricing value this.onValueTypeUpdate = this.updateValueType.bindAsEventListener(this); // Update // pricing // type this.onValueDefaultUpdate = this.updateValueUseDefault .bindAsEventListener(this); /* Grid initialization and attributes initialization */ this.createAttributes(); // Creation of default attributes this.grid = grid; this.grid.rowClickCallback = this.rowClick.bind(this); this.grid.initRowCallback = this.rowInit.bind(this); this.grid.checkboxCheckCallback = this.registerProduct.bind(this); // Associate/Unassociate // simple // product this.grid.rows.each( function(row) { this.rowInit(this.grid, row); }.bind(this)); }, createAttributes : function() { this.attributes.each( function(attribute, index) { // var li = Builder.node('li', {className:'attribute'}); var li = $(document.createElement('LI')); li.className = 'attribute'; li.id = this.idPrefix + '_attribute_' + index; attribute.html_id = li.id; if (attribute && attribute.label && attribute.label.blank()) { attribute.label = ' ' } var label_readonly = ''; var use_default_checked = ''; if (attribute.use_default == '1') { use_default_checked = ' checked="checked"'; label_readonly = ' readonly="readonly"'; } var template = this.addAttributeTemplate.evaluate(attribute); template = template.replace( new RegExp(' readonly="label"', 'ig'), label_readonly); template = template.replace(new RegExp( ' checked="use_default"', 'ig'), use_default_checked); li.update(template); li.attributeObject = attribute; this.container.appendChild(li); li.attributeValues = li.down('.attribute-values'); if (attribute.values) { attribute.values.each( function(value) { this.createValueRow(li, value); // Add pricing values }.bind(this)); } /* Observe label change */ Event.observe(li.down('.attribute-label'), 'change', this.onLabelUpdate); Event.observe(li.down('.attribute-label'), 'keyup', this.onLabelUpdate); Event.observe(li.down('.attribute-use-default-label'), 'change', this.onLabelUpdate); }.bind(this)); if (!this.readonly) { // Creation of sortable for attributes sorting Sortable.create(this.container, { handle :'attribute-name-container', onUpdate :this.updatePositions.bind(this) }); } this.updateSaveInput(); }, updateLabel : function(event) { var li = Event.findElement(event, 'LI'); var labelEl = li.down('.attribute-label'); var defEl = li.down('.attribute-use-default-label'); li.attributeObject.label = labelEl.value; if (defEl.checked) { labelEl.readOnly = true; li.attributeObject.use_default = 1; } else { labelEl.readOnly = false; li.attributeObject.use_default = 0; } this.updateSaveInput(); }, updatePositions : function(param) { this.container.childElements().each( function(row, index) { row.attributeObject.position = index; }); this.updateSaveInput(); }, addNewProduct : function(productId, attributes) { if (this.checkAttributes(attributes)) { this.links.set(productId, this.cloneAttributes(attributes)); } else { this.newProducts.push(productId); } this.updateGrid(); this.updateValues(); this.grid.reload(null); }, createEmptyProduct : function() { this.createPopup(this.createEmptyUrl) }, createNewProduct : function() { this.createPopup(this.createNormalUrl); }, createPopup : function(url) { if (this.win && !this.win.closed) { this.win.close(); } this.win = window.open(url, '', 'width=1000,height=700,resizable=1,scrollbars=1'); this.win.focus(); }, registerProduct : function(grid, element, checked) { if (checked) { if (element.linkAttributes) { this.links.set(element.value, element.linkAttributes); } } else { this.links.unset(element.value); } this.updateGrid(); this.grid.rows.each( function(row) { this.revalidateRow(this.grid, row); }.bind(this)); this.updateValues(); }, updateProduct : function(productId, attributes) { var isAssociated = false; if (typeof this.links.get(productId) != 'undefined') { isAssociated = true; this.links.unset(productId); } if (isAssociated && this.checkAttributes(attributes)) { this.links.set(productId, this.cloneAttributes(attributes)); } else if (isAssociated) { this.newProducts.push(productId); } this.updateGrid(); this.updateValues(); this.grid.reload(null); }, cloneAttributes : function(attributes) { var newObj = []; for ( var i = 0, length = attributes.length; i < length; i++) { newObj[i] = Object.clone(attributes[i]); } return newObj; }, rowClick : function(grid, event) { var trElement = Event.findElement(event, 'tr'); var isInput = Event.element(event).tagName.toUpperCase() == 'INPUT'; if ($(Event.findElement(event, 'td')).down('a')) { return; } if (trElement) { var checkbox = $(trElement).down('input'); if (checkbox && !checkbox.disabled) { var checked = isInput ? checkbox.checked : !checkbox.checked; grid.setCheckboxChecked(checkbox, checked); } } }, rowInit : function(grid, row) { var checkbox = $(row).down('.checkbox'); var input = $(row).down('.value-json'); if (checkbox && input) { checkbox.linkAttributes = input.value.evalJSON(); if (!checkbox.checked) { if (!this.checkAttributes(checkbox.linkAttributes)) { $(row).addClassName('invalid'); checkbox.disable(); } else { $(row).removeClassName('invalid'); checkbox.enable(); } } } }, revalidateRow : function(grid, row) { var checkbox = $(row).down('.checkbox'); if (checkbox) { if (!checkbox.checked) { if (!this.checkAttributes(checkbox.linkAttributes)) { $(row).addClassName('invalid'); checkbox.disable(); } else { $(row).removeClassName('invalid'); checkbox.enable(); } } } }, checkAttributes : function(attributes) { var result = true; this.links .each( function(pair) { var fail = false; for ( var i = 0; i < pair.value.length && !fail; i++) { for ( var j = 0; j < attributes.length && !fail; j++) { if (pair.value[i].attribute_id == attributes[j].attribute_id && pair.value[i].value_index != attributes[j].value_index) { fail = true; } } } if (!fail) { result = false; } }); return result; }, updateGrid : function() { this.grid.reloadParams = { 'products[]' :this.links.keys().size() ? this.links.keys() : [ 0 ], 'new_products[]' :this.newProducts }; }, updateValues : function() { var uniqueAttributeValues = $H( {}); /* Collect unique attributes */ this.links.each( function(pair) { for ( var i = 0, length = pair.value.length; i < length; i++) { var attribute = pair.value[i]; if (uniqueAttributeValues.keys() .indexOf(attribute.attribute_id) == -1) { uniqueAttributeValues.set(attribute.attribute_id, $H( {})); } uniqueAttributeValues.get(attribute.attribute_id).set( attribute.value_index, attribute); } }); /* Updating attributes value container */ this.container .childElements() .each( function(row) { var attribute = row.attributeObject; for ( var i = 0, length = attribute.values.length; i < length; i++) { if (uniqueAttributeValues.keys().indexOf( attribute.attribute_id) == -1 || uniqueAttributeValues .get(attribute.attribute_id) .keys() .indexOf( attribute.values[i].value_index) == -1) { row.attributeValues .childElements() .each( function(elem) { if (elem.valueObject.value_index == attribute.values[i].value_index) { elem.remove(); } }); attribute.values[i] = undefined; } else { uniqueAttributeValues.get( attribute.attribute_id).unset( attribute.values[i].value_index); } } attribute.values = attribute.values.compact(); if (uniqueAttributeValues .get(attribute.attribute_id)) { uniqueAttributeValues.get( attribute.attribute_id).each( function(pair) { attribute.values.push(pair.value); this .createValueRow(row, pair.value); }.bind(this)); } }.bind(this)); this.updateSaveInput(); this.updateSimpleForm(); }, createValueRow : function(container, value) { var templateVariables = $H( {}); if (!this.valueAutoIndex) { this.valueAutoIndex = 1; } templateVariables.set('html_id', container.id + '_' + this.valueAutoIndex); templateVariables.update(value); var pricingValue = parseFloat(templateVariables.get('pricing_value')); if (!isNaN(pricingValue)) { templateVariables.set('pricing_value', pricingValue); } else { templateVariables.unset('pricing_value'); } this.valueAutoIndex++; // var li = $(Builder.node('li', {className:'attribute-value'})); var li = $(document.createElement('LI')); li.className = 'attribute-value'; li.id = templateVariables.get('html_id'); li.update(this.addValueTemplate.evaluate(templateVariables)); li.valueObject = value; if (typeof li.valueObject.is_percent == 'undefined') { li.valueObject.is_percent = 0; } if (typeof li.valueObject.pricing_value == 'undefined') { li.valueObject.pricing_value = ''; } container.attributeValues.appendChild(li); var priceField = li.down('.attribute-price'); var priceTypeField = li.down('.attribute-price-type'); if (priceTypeField != undefined && priceTypeField.options != undefined) { if (parseInt(value.is_percent)) { priceTypeField.options[1].selected = !(priceTypeField.options[0].selected = false); } else { priceTypeField.options[1].selected = !(priceTypeField.options[0].selected = true); } } Event.observe(priceField, 'keyup', this.onValuePriceUpdate); Event.observe(priceField, 'change', this.onValuePriceUpdate); Event.observe(priceTypeField, 'change', this.onValueTypeUpdate); var useDefaultEl = li.down('.attribute-use-default-value'); if (useDefaultEl) { if (li.valueObject.use_default_value) { useDefaultEl.checked = true; this.updateUseDefaultRow(useDefaultEl, li); } Event.observe(useDefaultEl, 'change', this.onValueDefaultUpdate); } }, updateValuePrice : function(event) { var li = Event.findElement(event, 'LI'); li.valueObject.pricing_value = (Event.element(event).value.blank() ? null : Event.element(event).value); this.updateSimpleForm(); this.updateSaveInput(); }, updateValueType : function(event) { var li = Event.findElement(event, 'LI'); li.valueObject.is_percent = (Event.element(event).value.blank() ? null : Event.element(event).value); this.updateSimpleForm(); this.updateSaveInput(); }, updateValueUseDefault : function(event) { var li = Event.findElement(event, 'LI'); var useDefaultEl = Event.element(event); li.valueObject.use_default_value = useDefaultEl.checked; this.updateUseDefaultRow(useDefaultEl, li); }, updateUseDefaultRow : function(useDefaultEl, li) { var priceField = li.down('.attribute-price'); var priceTypeField = li.down('.attribute-price-type'); if (useDefaultEl.checked) { priceField.disabled = true; priceTypeField.disabled = true; } else { priceField.disabled = false; priceTypeField.disabled = false; } this.updateSimpleForm(); this.updateSaveInput(); }, updateSaveInput : function() { $(this.idPrefix + 'save_attributes').value = Object.toJSON(this.attributes); $(this.idPrefix + 'save_links').value = Object.toJSON(this.links); }, initializeAdvicesForSimpleForm : function() { if ($(this.idPrefix + 'simple_form').advicesInited) { return; } $(this.idPrefix + 'simple_form').select('td.value').each( function(td) { var adviceContainer = $(Builder.node('div')); td.appendChild(adviceContainer); td.select('input', 'select').each( function(element) { element.advaiceContainer = adviceContainer; }); }); $(this.idPrefix + 'simple_form').advicesInited = true; }, quickCreateNewProduct : function() { this.initializeAdvicesForSimpleForm(); $(this.idPrefix + 'simple_form').removeClassName('ignore-validate'); var validationResult = $(this.idPrefix + 'simple_form').select('input', 'select', 'textarea').collect( function(elm) { return Validation.validate(elm, { useTitle :false, onElementValidate : function() { } }); }).all(); $(this.idPrefix + 'simple_form').addClassName('ignore-validate'); if (!validationResult) { return; } var params = Form.serializeElements($(this.idPrefix + 'simple_form') .select('input', 'select', 'textarea'), true); params.form_key = FORM_KEY; $('messages').update(); new Ajax.Request(this.createQuickUrl, { parameters :params, method :'post', area :$(this.idPrefix + 'simple_form'), onComplete :this.quickCreateNewProductComplete.bind(this) }); }, quickCreateNewProductComplete : function(transport) { var result = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if (result.error) { if (result.error.fields) { $(this.idPrefix + 'simple_form').removeClassName( 'ignore-validate'); $H(result.error.fields) .each( function(pair) { $('simple_product_' + pair.key).value = pair.value; $('simple_product_' + pair.key + '_autogenerate').checked = false; toggleValueElements( $('simple_product_' + pair.key + '_autogenerate'), $('simple_product_' + pair.key + '_autogenerate').parentNode); Validation.ajaxError( $('simple_product_' + pair.key), result.error.message); }); $(this.idPrefix + 'simple_form') .addClassName('ignore-validate'); } else { if (result.error.message) { alert(result.error.message); } else { alert(result.error); } } return; } else if (result.messages) { $('messages').update(result.messages); } result.attributes .each( function(attribute) { var attr = this.getAttributeById(attribute.attribute_id); if (!this.getValueByIndex(attr, attribute.value_index) && result.pricing && result.pricing[attr.attribute_code]) { attribute.is_percent = result.pricing[attr.attribute_code].is_percent; attribute.pricing_value = (result.pricing[attr.attribute_code].value == null ? '' : result.pricing[attr.attribute_code].value); } }.bind(this)); this.attributes.each( function(attribute) { if ($('simple_product_' + attribute.attribute_code)) { $('simple_product_' + attribute.attribute_code).value = ''; } }.bind(this)); this.links.set(result.product_id, result.attributes); this.updateGrid(); this.updateValues(); this.grid.reload(); }, checkCreationUniqueAttributes : function() { var attributes = []; this.attributes .each( function(attribute) { attributes .push( { attribute_id :attribute.attribute_id, value_index :$('simple_product_' + attribute.attribute_code).value }); }.bind(this)); return this.checkAttributes(attributes); }, getAttributeByCode : function(attributeCode) { var attribute = null; this.attributes.each( function(item) { if (item.attribute_code == attributeCode) { attribute = item; throw $break; } }); return attribute; }, getAttributeById : function(attributeId) { var attribute = null; this.attributes.each( function(item) { if (item.attribute_id == attributeId) { attribute = item; throw $break; } }); return attribute; }, getValueByIndex : function(attribute, valueIndex) { var result = null; attribute.values.each( function(value) { if (value.value_index == valueIndex) { result = value; throw $break; } }); return result; }, showPricing : function(select, attributeCode) { var attribute = this.getAttributeByCode(attributeCode); if (!attribute) { return; } select = $(select); if (select.value && !$('simple_product_' + attributeCode + '_pricing_container')) { Element .insert( select, { after :'
' }); var newContainer = select.next('div'); select.parentNode.removeChild(select); newContainer.appendChild(select); // Fix visualization bug $(this.idPrefix + 'simple_form').down('.form-list').style.width = '100%'; } var container = $('simple_product_' + attributeCode + '_pricing_container'); if (select.value) { var value = this.getValueByIndex(attribute, select.value); if (!value) { if (!container.down('.attribute-price')) { if (value == null) { value = {}; } container.update(this.pricingValueTemplate.evaluate(value)); var priceValueField = container.down('.attribute-price'); var priceTypeField = container .down('.attribute-price-type'); priceValueField.attributeCode = attributeCode; priceValueField.priceField = priceValueField; priceValueField.typeField = priceTypeField; priceTypeField.attributeCode = attributeCode; priceTypeField.priceField = priceValueField; priceTypeField.typeField = priceTypeField; Event.observe(priceValueField, 'change', this.updateSimplePricing.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(priceValueField, 'keyup', this.updateSimplePricing.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(priceTypeField, 'change', this.updateSimplePricing.bindAsEventListener(this)); $('simple_product_' + attributeCode + '_pricing_value').value = null; $('simple_product_' + attributeCode + '_pricing_type').value = null; } } else if (!isNaN(parseFloat(value.pricing_value))) { container.update(this.pricingValueViewTemplate.evaluate( { 'value' :(parseFloat(value.pricing_value) > 0 ? '+' : '') + parseFloat(value.pricing_value) + (parseInt(value.is_percent) > 0 ? '%' : '') })); $('simple_product_' + attributeCode + '_pricing_value').value = value.pricing_value; $('simple_product_' + attributeCode + '_pricing_type').value = value.is_percent; } else { container.update(''); $('simple_product_' + attributeCode + '_pricing_value').value = null; $('simple_product_' + attributeCode + '_pricing_type').value = null; } } else if (container) { container.update(''); $('simple_product_' + attributeCode + '_pricing_value').value = null; $('simple_product_' + attributeCode + '_pricing_type').value = null; } }, updateSimplePricing : function(evt) { var element = Event.element(evt); if (!element.priceField.value.blank()) { $('simple_product_' + element.attributeCode + '_pricing_value').value = element.priceField.value; $('simple_product_' + element.attributeCode + '_pricing_type').value = element.typeField.value; } else { $('simple_product_' + element.attributeCode + '_pricing_value').value = null; $('simple_product_' + element.attributeCode + '_pricing_type').value = null; } }, updateSimpleForm : function() { this.attributes.each( function(attribute) { if ($('simple_product_' + attribute.attribute_code)) { this.showPricing( $('simple_product_' + attribute.attribute_code), attribute.attribute_code); } }.bind(this)); }, showNoticeMessage : function() { $('assign_product_warrning').show(); } } var onInitDisableFieldsList = []; function toogleFieldEditMode(toogleIdentifier, fieldContainer) { if ($(toogleIdentifier).checked) { enableFieldEditMode(fieldContainer); } else { disableFieldEditMode(fieldContainer); } } function disableFieldEditMode(fieldContainer) { $(fieldContainer).disabled = true; if ($(fieldContainer + '_hidden')) { $(fieldContainer + '_hidden').disabled = true; } } function enableFieldEditMode(fieldContainer) { $(fieldContainer).disabled = false; if ($(fieldContainer + '_hidden')) { $(fieldContainer + '_hidden').disabled = false; } } function initDisableFields(fieldContainer) { onInitDisableFieldsList.push(fieldContainer); } function onCompleteDisableInited() { onInitDisableFieldsList.each( function(item) { disableFieldEditMode(item); }); } function onUrlkeyChanged(urlKey) { urlKey = $(urlKey); var hidden = urlKey.next('input[type=hidden]'); var chbx = urlKey.next('input[type=checkbox]'); var oldValue = chbx.value; chbx.disabled = (oldValue == urlKey.value); hidden.disabled = chbx.disabled; } function onCustomUseParentChanged(element) { var useParent = (element.value == 1) ? true : false; element.up(2).select('input', 'select', 'textarea').each(function(el){ if (element.id != el.id) { el.disabled = useParent; } }); element.up(2).select('img').each(function(el){ if (useParent) { el.hide(); } else { el.show(); } }); } Event.observe(window, 'load', onCompleteDisableInited);