*/ class Mage_Oauth_Model_Server { /**#@+ * OAuth result statuses */ const ERR_OK = 0; const ERR_VERSION_REJECTED = 1; const ERR_PARAMETER_ABSENT = 2; const ERR_PARAMETER_REJECTED = 3; const ERR_TIMESTAMP_REFUSED = 4; const ERR_NONCE_USED = 5; const ERR_SIGNATURE_METHOD_REJECTED = 6; const ERR_SIGNATURE_INVALID = 7; const ERR_CONSUMER_KEY_REJECTED = 8; const ERR_TOKEN_USED = 9; const ERR_TOKEN_EXPIRED = 10; const ERR_TOKEN_REVOKED = 11; const ERR_TOKEN_REJECTED = 12; const ERR_VERIFIER_INVALID = 13; const ERR_PERMISSION_UNKNOWN = 14; const ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED = 15; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Signature Methods */ const SIGNATURE_HMAC = 'HMAC-SHA1'; const SIGNATURE_RSA = 'RSA-SHA1'; const SIGNATURE_PLAIN = 'PLAINTEXT'; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Request Types */ const REQUEST_INITIATE = 'initiate'; // ask for temporary credentials const REQUEST_AUTHORIZE = 'authorize'; // display authorize form const REQUEST_TOKEN = 'token'; // ask for permanent credentials const REQUEST_RESOURCE = 'resource'; // ask for protected resource using permanent credentials /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * HTTP Response Codes */ const HTTP_OK = 200; const HTTP_BAD_REQUEST = 400; const HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED = 401; const HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR = 500; /**#@-*/ /** * Possible time deviation for timestamp validation in sec. */ const TIME_DEVIATION = 600; /** * Value of callback URL when it is established or if cliaent is unable to receive callbacks * * @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849#section-2.1 Requirement in RFC-5849 */ const CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED = 'oob'; /** * Consumer object * * @var Mage_Oauth_Model_Consumer */ protected $_consumer; /** * Error code to error messages pairs * * @var array */ protected $_errors = array( self::ERR_VERSION_REJECTED => 'version_rejected', self::ERR_PARAMETER_ABSENT => 'parameter_absent', self::ERR_PARAMETER_REJECTED => 'parameter_rejected', self::ERR_TIMESTAMP_REFUSED => 'timestamp_refused', self::ERR_NONCE_USED => 'nonce_used', self::ERR_SIGNATURE_METHOD_REJECTED => 'signature_method_rejected', self::ERR_SIGNATURE_INVALID => 'signature_invalid', self::ERR_CONSUMER_KEY_REJECTED => 'consumer_key_rejected', self::ERR_TOKEN_USED => 'token_used', self::ERR_TOKEN_EXPIRED => 'token_expired', self::ERR_TOKEN_REVOKED => 'token_revoked', self::ERR_TOKEN_REJECTED => 'token_rejected', self::ERR_VERIFIER_INVALID => 'verifier_invalid', self::ERR_PERMISSION_UNKNOWN => 'permission_unknown', self::ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED => 'permission_denied' ); /** * Error code to HTTP error code * * @var array */ protected $_errorsToHttpCode = array( self::ERR_VERSION_REJECTED => self::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, self::ERR_PARAMETER_ABSENT => self::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, self::ERR_PARAMETER_REJECTED => self::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, self::ERR_TIMESTAMP_REFUSED => self::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, self::ERR_NONCE_USED => self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, self::ERR_SIGNATURE_METHOD_REJECTED => self::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, self::ERR_SIGNATURE_INVALID => self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, self::ERR_CONSUMER_KEY_REJECTED => self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, self::ERR_TOKEN_USED => self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, self::ERR_TOKEN_EXPIRED => self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, self::ERR_TOKEN_REVOKED => self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, self::ERR_TOKEN_REJECTED => self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, self::ERR_VERIFIER_INVALID => self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, self::ERR_PERMISSION_UNKNOWN => self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, self::ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED => self::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED ); /** * Request parameters * * @var array */ protected $_params = array(); /** * Protocol parameters * * @var array */ protected $_protocolParams = array(); /** * Request object * * @var Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http */ protected $_request; /** * Request type: initiate, permanent token request or authorized one * * @var string */ protected $_requestType; /** * Response object * * @var Zend_Controller_Response_Http */ protected $_response = null; /** * Token object * * @var Mage_Oauth_Model_Token */ protected $_token; /** * Internal constructor not depended on params * * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request OPTIONAL Request object (If not specified - use singleton) * @throws Exception */ public function __construct($request = null) { if (is_object($request)) { if (!$request instanceof Zend_Controller_Request_Http) { throw new Exception('Invalid request object passed'); } $this->_request = $request; } else { $this->_request = Mage::app()->getRequest(); } } /** * Retrieve protocol and request parameters from request object * * @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849#section-3.5 * @return Mage_Oauth_Model_Server */ protected function _fetchParams() { $authHeaderValue = $this->_request->getHeader('Authorization'); if ($authHeaderValue && 'oauth' === strtolower(substr($authHeaderValue, 0, 5))) { $authHeaderValue = substr($authHeaderValue, 6); // ignore 'OAuth ' at the beginning foreach (explode(',', $authHeaderValue) as $paramStr) { $nameAndValue = explode('=', trim($paramStr), 2); if (count($nameAndValue) < 2) { continue; } if ($this->_isProtocolParameter($nameAndValue[0])) { $this->_protocolParams[rawurldecode($nameAndValue[0])] = rawurldecode(trim($nameAndValue[1], '"')); } } } $contentTypeHeader = $this->_request->getHeader(Zend_Http_Client::CONTENT_TYPE); if ($contentTypeHeader && 0 === strpos($contentTypeHeader, Zend_Http_Client::ENC_URLENCODED)) { $protocolParamsNotSet = !$this->_protocolParams; parse_str($this->_request->getRawBody(), $bodyParams); foreach ($bodyParams as $bodyParamName => $bodyParamValue) { if (!$this->_isProtocolParameter($bodyParamName)) { $this->_params[$bodyParamName] = $bodyParamValue; } elseif ($protocolParamsNotSet) { $this->_protocolParams[$bodyParamName] = $bodyParamValue; } } } $protocolParamsNotSet = !$this->_protocolParams; $url = $this->_request->getScheme() . '://' . $this->_request->getHttpHost() . $this->_request->getRequestUri(); if (($queryString = Zend_Uri_Http::fromString($url)->getQuery())) { foreach (explode('&', $queryString) as $paramToValue) { $paramData = explode('=', $paramToValue); if (2 === count($paramData) && !$this->_isProtocolParameter($paramData[0])) { $this->_params[rawurldecode($paramData[0])] = rawurldecode($paramData[1]); } } } if ($protocolParamsNotSet) { $this->_fetchProtocolParamsFromQuery(); } return $this; } /** * Retrieve protocol parameters from query string * * @return Mage_Oauth_Model_Server */ protected function _fetchProtocolParamsFromQuery() { foreach ($this->_request->getQuery() as $queryParamName => $queryParamValue) { if ($this->_isProtocolParameter($queryParamName)) { $this->_protocolParams[$queryParamName] = $queryParamValue; } } return $this; } /** * Retrieve response object * * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Http */ protected function _getResponse() { if (null === $this->_response) { $this->setResponse(Mage::app()->getResponse()); } return $this->_response; } /** * Initialize consumer * * @throws Mage_Oauth_Exception */ protected function _initConsumer() { $this->_consumer = Mage::getModel('oauth/consumer'); $this->_consumer->load($this->_protocolParams['oauth_consumer_key'], 'key'); if (!$this->_consumer->getId()) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_CONSUMER_KEY_REJECTED); } } /** * Load token object, validate it depending on request type, set access data and save * * @return Mage_Oauth_Model_Server * @throws Mage_Oauth_Exception */ protected function _initToken() { $this->_token = Mage::getModel('oauth/token'); if (self::REQUEST_INITIATE != $this->_requestType) { $this->_validateTokenParam(); $this->_token->load($this->_protocolParams['oauth_token'], 'token'); if (!$this->_token->getId()) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_TOKEN_REJECTED); } if (self::REQUEST_TOKEN == $this->_requestType) { $this->_validateVerifierParam(); if ($this->_token->getVerifier() != $this->_protocolParams['oauth_verifier']) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_VERIFIER_INVALID); } if ($this->_token->getConsumerId() != $this->_consumer->getId()) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_TOKEN_REJECTED); } if (Mage_Oauth_Model_Token::TYPE_REQUEST != $this->_token->getType()) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_TOKEN_USED); } } elseif (self::REQUEST_AUTHORIZE == $this->_requestType) { if ($this->_token->getAuthorized()) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_TOKEN_USED); } } elseif (self::REQUEST_RESOURCE == $this->_requestType) { if (Mage_Oauth_Model_Token::TYPE_ACCESS != $this->_token->getType()) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_TOKEN_REJECTED); } if ($this->_token->getRevoked()) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_TOKEN_REVOKED); } if ($this->_token->getConsumerId() != $this->_consumer->getId()) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_TOKEN_REJECTED); } //TODO: Implement check for expiration (after it implemented in token model) } } else { $this->_validateCallbackUrlParam(); } return $this; } /** * Is attribute is referred to oAuth protocol? * * @param string $attrName * @return bool */ protected function _isProtocolParameter($attrName) { return (bool) preg_match('/oauth_[a-z_-]+/', $attrName); } /** * Extract parameters from sources (GET, FormBody, Authorization header), decode them and validate * * @param string $requestType Request type - one of REQUEST_... class constant * @return Mage_Oauth_Model_Server * @throws Mage_Core_Exception */ protected function _processRequest($requestType) { // validate request type to process (AUTHORIZE request is not allowed for method) if (self::REQUEST_INITIATE != $requestType && self::REQUEST_RESOURCE != $requestType && self::REQUEST_TOKEN != $requestType ) { Mage::throwException('Invalid request type'); } $this->_requestType = $requestType; // get parameters from request $this->_fetchParams(); // make generic validation of request parameters $this->_validateProtocolParams(); // initialize consumer $this->_initConsumer(); // initialize token $this->_initToken(); // validate signature $this->_validateSignature(); // save token if signature validation succeed $this->_saveToken(); return $this; } /** * Save token */ protected function _saveToken() { if (self::REQUEST_INITIATE == $this->_requestType) { if (self::CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED == $this->_protocolParams['oauth_callback'] && $this->_consumer->getCallBackUrl()) { $callbackUrl = $this->_consumer->getCallBackUrl(); } else { $callbackUrl = $this->_protocolParams['oauth_callback']; } $this->_token->createRequestToken($this->_consumer->getId(), $callbackUrl); } elseif (self::REQUEST_TOKEN == $this->_requestType) { $this->_token->convertToAccess(); } } /** * Throw OAuth exception * * @param string $message Exception message * @param int $code Exception code * @throws Mage_Oauth_Exception */ protected function _throwException($message = '', $code = 0) { throw Mage::exception('Mage_Oauth', $message, $code); } /** * Check for 'oauth_callback' parameter */ protected function _validateCallbackUrlParam() { if (!isset($this->_protocolParams['oauth_callback'])) { $this->_throwException('oauth_callback', self::ERR_PARAMETER_ABSENT); } if (!is_string($this->_protocolParams['oauth_callback'])) { $this->_throwException('oauth_callback', self::ERR_PARAMETER_REJECTED); } if (self::CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED != $this->_protocolParams['oauth_callback'] && !Zend_Uri::check($this->_protocolParams['oauth_callback']) ) { $this->_throwException('oauth_callback', self::ERR_PARAMETER_REJECTED); } } /** * Validate nonce request data * * @param string $nonce Nonce string * @param string|int $timestamp UNIX Timestamp */ protected function _validateNonce($nonce, $timestamp) { $timestamp = (int) $timestamp; if ($timestamp <= 0 || $timestamp > (time() + self::TIME_DEVIATION)) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_TIMESTAMP_REFUSED); } /** @var $nonceObj Mage_Oauth_Model_Nonce */ $nonceObj = Mage::getModel('oauth/nonce'); $nonceObj->load($nonce, 'nonce'); if ($nonceObj->getTimestamp() == $timestamp) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_NONCE_USED); } $nonceObj->setNonce($nonce) ->setTimestamp($timestamp) ->save(); } /** * Validate protocol parameters * * @throws Mage_Oauth_Exception */ protected function _validateProtocolParams() { // validate version if specified if (isset($this->_protocolParams['oauth_version']) && '1.0' != $this->_protocolParams['oauth_version']) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_VERSION_REJECTED); } // required parameters validation foreach (array('oauth_consumer_key', 'oauth_signature_method', 'oauth_signature') as $reqField) { if (empty($this->_protocolParams[$reqField])) { $this->_throwException($reqField, self::ERR_PARAMETER_ABSENT); } } // validate parameters type foreach ($this->_protocolParams as $paramName => $paramValue) { if (!is_string($paramValue)) { $this->_throwException($paramName, self::ERR_PARAMETER_REJECTED); } } // validate consumer key length if (strlen($this->_protocolParams['oauth_consumer_key']) != Mage_Oauth_Model_Consumer::KEY_LENGTH) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_CONSUMER_KEY_REJECTED); } // validate signature method if (!in_array($this->_protocolParams['oauth_signature_method'], self::getSupportedSignatureMethods())) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_SIGNATURE_METHOD_REJECTED); } // validate nonce data if signature method is not PLAINTEXT if (self::SIGNATURE_PLAIN != $this->_protocolParams['oauth_signature_method']) { if (empty($this->_protocolParams['oauth_nonce'])) { $this->_throwException('oauth_nonce', self::ERR_PARAMETER_ABSENT); } if (empty($this->_protocolParams['oauth_timestamp'])) { $this->_throwException('oauth_timestamp', self::ERR_PARAMETER_ABSENT); } $this->_validateNonce($this->_protocolParams['oauth_nonce'], $this->_protocolParams['oauth_timestamp']); } } /** * Validate signature * * @throws Mage_Oauth_Exception */ protected function _validateSignature() { $util = new Zend_Oauth_Http_Utility(); $calculatedSign = $util->sign( array_merge($this->_params, $this->_protocolParams), $this->_protocolParams['oauth_signature_method'], $this->_consumer->getSecret(), $this->_token->getSecret(), $this->_request->getMethod(), $this->_request->getScheme() . '://' . $this->_request->getHttpHost() . $this->_request->getRequestUri() ); if ($calculatedSign != $this->_protocolParams['oauth_signature']) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_SIGNATURE_INVALID); } } /** * Check for 'oauth_token' parameter */ protected function _validateTokenParam() { if (empty($this->_protocolParams['oauth_token'])) { $this->_throwException('oauth_token', self::ERR_PARAMETER_ABSENT); } if (!is_string($this->_protocolParams['oauth_token'])) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_TOKEN_REJECTED); } if (strlen($this->_protocolParams['oauth_token']) != Mage_Oauth_Model_Token::LENGTH_TOKEN) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_TOKEN_REJECTED); } } /** * Check for 'oauth_verifier' parameter */ protected function _validateVerifierParam() { if (empty($this->_protocolParams['oauth_verifier'])) { $this->_throwException('oauth_verifier', self::ERR_PARAMETER_ABSENT); } if (!is_string($this->_protocolParams['oauth_verifier'])) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_VERIFIER_INVALID); } if (strlen($this->_protocolParams['oauth_verifier']) != Mage_Oauth_Model_Token::LENGTH_VERIFIER) { $this->_throwException('', self::ERR_VERIFIER_INVALID); } } /** * Process request for permanent access token */ public function accessToken() { try { $this->_processRequest(self::REQUEST_TOKEN); $response = $this->_token->toString(); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = $this->reportProblem($e); } $this->_getResponse()->setBody($response); } /** * Validate request, authorize token and return it * * @param int $userId Authorization user identifier * @param string $userType Authorization user type * @return Mage_Oauth_Model_Token */ public function authorizeToken($userId, $userType) { $token = $this->checkAuthorizeRequest(); $token->authorize($userId, $userType); return $token; } /** * Validate request with access token for specified URL * * @return Mage_Oauth_Model_Token */ public function checkAccessRequest() { $this->_processRequest(self::REQUEST_RESOURCE); return $this->_token; } /** * Check authorize request for validity and return token * * @return Mage_Oauth_Model_Token */ public function checkAuthorizeRequest() { if (!$this->_request->isGet()) { Mage::throwException('Request is not GET'); } $this->_requestType = self::REQUEST_AUTHORIZE; $this->_fetchProtocolParamsFromQuery(); $this->_initToken(); return $this->_token; } /** * Retrieve array of supported signature methods * * @return array */ public static function getSupportedSignatureMethods() { return array(self::SIGNATURE_RSA, self::SIGNATURE_HMAC, self::SIGNATURE_PLAIN); } /** * Process request for temporary (initiative) token */ public function initiateToken() { try { $this->_processRequest(self::REQUEST_INITIATE); $response = $this->_token->toString() . '&oauth_callback_confirmed=true'; } catch (Exception $e) { $response = $this->reportProblem($e); } $this->_getResponse()->setBody($response); } /** * Create response string for problem during request and set HTTP error code * * @param Exception $e * @param Zend_Controller_Response_Http $response OPTIONAL If NULL - will use internal getter * @return string */ public function reportProblem(Exception $e, Zend_Controller_Response_Http $response = null) { $eMsg = $e->getMessage(); if ($e instanceof Mage_Oauth_Exception) { $eCode = $e->getCode(); if (isset($this->_errors[$eCode])) { $errorMsg = $this->_errors[$eCode]; $responseCode = $this->_errorsToHttpCode[$eCode]; } else { $errorMsg = 'unknown_problem&code=' . $eCode; $responseCode = self::HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (self::ERR_PARAMETER_ABSENT == $eCode) { $errorMsg .= '&oauth_parameters_absent=' . $eMsg; } elseif ($eMsg) { $errorMsg .= '&message=' . $eMsg; } } else { $errorMsg = 'internal_error&message=' . ($eMsg ? $eMsg : 'empty_message'); $responseCode = self::HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (!$response) { $response = $this->_getResponse(); } $response->setHttpResponseCode($responseCode); return 'oauth_problem=' . $errorMsg; } /** * Set response object * * @param Zend_Controller_Response_Http $response * @return Mage_Oauth_Model_Server */ public function setResponse(Zend_Controller_Response_Http $response) { $this->_response = $response; $this->_response->setHeader(Zend_Http_Client::CONTENT_TYPE, Zend_Http_Client::ENC_URLENCODED, true); $this->_response->setHttpResponseCode(self::HTTP_OK); return $this; } }