null, // autodetect by ips and cookie _debug
'APPLICATION_ENV' => 'development',
'BASE_PATH' => '../site', // determined relative WWW_PATH
'SITE_NAME' => 'Quick Site Framework',
'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
'TIME_ZONE' => 'Europe/Kiev',
'SESSION_NAME' => 'qsf-release-2',
'COMPRESS_HTML' => false,
// search
'NOINDEX_END' => '',
// fck editor
'FCK_FILEMANAGER_ON_USEREND_ENABLED' => false, // виключає/виключає файловий менеджер в фцк для залогінених юзерів
// Check is SITE LIVE
$__config['define']['SITE_LIVE'] = (
false === stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '')
&& false === stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '')
&& false === stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '')
&& false === stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '')
&& false === stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '')
&& 0 !== stripos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/preview')
) ? true : false;
// Debug
$__config['debug'] = array(
'writeLog' => true,
'errorReporting' => E_ALL,
'logBacktrace' => true,
'notifyEmails' => array(),
'clearOverflow' => 1000, // гранична к-ть логів
'clearLimit' => 700, // к-ть логів після видалення,
'ips' => array(),
'cookie' => '_debug'
// Database
$__config['database'] = array(
'adapter' => 'pdo_mysql',
'params' => array(
'host' => '',
'username' => 'dev',
'password' => 'devpass',
'dbname' => null, // autodetect dbname
'charset' => 'UTF8',
'port' => 3306,
'profiler' => true,
'tablePrefix' => 'qs_',
'servicePrefix' => 'zz_',
// Smarty
$__config['smarty'] = array(
'cache_lifetime' => 40,
'force_compile' => false,
'file_perms' => 0777,
'dir_perms' => 0777,
'template_dir' => 'tpl',
'compile_dir' => 'tmp/tpl_c',
$__config['job'] = array(
'ip' => '',
'port' => 10000,
'timeout' => 5,
// Default scripts and stylesheets for all Doc's (Doc_Site, Doc_User, Doc_Admin etc)
$__config['doc']['default'] = array(
'scripts' => array(
'js/functions.js', 'js/lib/php.js', 'js/lib/php-extended.js', 'js/lib/qs.js', 'js/jquery.js', 'js/superfish.js',
'js/supersubs.js', 'js/hoverIntent.js'
'stylesheets' => array('css/typographic.css', 'css/main.css', 'css/site-layout.css', 'css/superfish.css'),
// Individual scripts and stylesheets for Doc_Admin
$__config['doc']['admin'] = array(
'scripts' => $__config['doc']['default']['scripts'],
'stylesheets' => array('css/typographic.css', 'css/main.css', 'css/admin-layout.css', 'css/superfish.css'),
$__config['App_Admin_Auth'] = array(
'remoteAuthUrl' => ''
// Applications
$__config['app'] = array();
// STS Domain
$__config['app']['sts']['stsUrlDomain'] = '';
// Our Site Contact Us
$__config['app']['sts']['contactUsLink'] = '';
// Remote Auth
$__config['app']['admin']['auth'] = array('remoteAuthUrl' => '');
// Cms
$__config['app']['cms'] = array(
'hasRedirection' => false,
'additionalPages' => false,
'mode' => 'dummy', // dummy, advanced
'hasHeaderImage' => false, // qsf ver >= 2.3.0
'headerImageIsRequired' => false,
'headerImageWidth' => 960,
'headerImageHeight' => 190,
'headerImageResizeMethod' => 'cropCenter',
'headerImageExcludePages' => array('(isRoot=y)'), // масив з селекторами (стрічка або масив з параметрами) для Qs_SiteMap::find()
'modes' => array(
'dummy' => array(
'linkSeparator' => ' | ',
'allowAddItem' => false,
'hiddenFields' => array('header', 'menuTitle'),
'item' => array(
'linkSeparator' => ' ',
'allowDelete' => false,
'filter' => array('type' => array('HtmlBlock_')),
'advanced' => array(
'linkSeparator' => ' | ',
'allowAddItem' => true,
'item' => array(
'linkSeparator' => ' ',
'allowDelete' => true,
'allowReorderTopLevelPages' => true,
'allowAddTopLevelPage' => false,
'analytics' => array(
'url' => '',
// Bread Crumbs Navigation
// includeList/excludeList: id`s list (int), fullAlias`es list (sting), pageQuery`s list (array), combined.
$__config['app']['navigation'] = array(
'enabled' => false,
'mode' => 'exclude', //'include',
'properties' => array('title' => 'menuTitle', 'url' => 'url'),
'excludeList' => array(array(array('isRoot' => 'y'))),
// 'prepend' => array('title' => 'Prepend Title', 'url' => '#'),
// 'append' => array(array('title' => 'First', 'url' => '#'), array('title' => 'Second', 'url' => '#')),
// 'includeList' => array(
// array(null, array('type' => 'News_'), array('type' => 'default')),
// ),
// NotFound logging
$__config['app']['notFound'] = array(
'logMode' => 7, // log all 404 (see App_NotFound_View)
'notifyMode' => 7, // notify about all 404
'notifyEmails' => array(),
'email' => array(
'subject' => '404 - Not Found on {_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]}',
'body' => 'This is a notification email about Not Found links at {_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]}.
. 'See the details below:
. 'Referrer Mode: {mode}
. 'Is AJAX: {isAjax}
. 'Request URI: {request}
. 'Referrer: {referer}
. 'IP Address: {ipAddress}
. 'User Agent: {userAgent}
. 'View "404 Not Found" Log'
// Contact form
$__config['app']['form_contact'] = array(
'contactReasonEnabled' => true,
// Subscribe to News form
$__config['app']['contact_subscribe'] = array(
'nameType' => 'split', // split || full
'hasCaptcha' => true,
'hasBackgroundLabels' => false,
'newsGroupId' => 1,
// Social links
$__config['app']['socialLinks'] = array(
'enabled' => false,
// Virtual Sitemap
$__config['app']['virtualSitemap'] = array(
'pageQuery' => array(null, array('type' => 'News_'), array('type' => 'default')),
'sub' => array(
'targetPageQuery' => array(null, array('type' => 'News_Admin')),
'menuTitle' => 'Manage News', // override menuTitle
//'menuAlias' => 'admin/news', // override fullAlias
'dynamicHandler' => array('App_News_AdminObj', 'prepareVirtualSitemap', array('type' => 'default'))
return $__config;