'Something went wrong.', self::ARCHIVE_LINK_NOTE => 'Link to archive will be send to email after finishing the archiving. Archive will be available for 5 days.', self::ARCHIVE_DONE_NOTIFICATION => 'Once it is ready you will be notified to your contact email. The archive will be available for downloading for 5 days.', self::ALREADY_ARCHIVING => 'Archiving is already running.', self::ALREADY_ARCHIVING_OTHER => 'Archiving is already running for website or another school. Please try again later.', self::ARCHIVING_STARTED => 'Archiving has been started.', self::ARCHIVE_REMOVED => 'Archive has been removed.', ); public static function get($key, array $data = array()) { if (array_key_exists($key, self::$_messages)) { $text = self::$_messages[$key]; } else { $text = $key; } if ($data) { $placeholders = array(); foreach ($data as $placeholder => $value) { $placeholders[] = '%' . $placeholder . '%'; } $text = str_replace($placeholders, array_values($data), $text); } return $text; } }