. * * @package ReduxFramework * @subpackage Field_Media * @author Daniel J Griffiths (Ghost1227) * @author Dovy Paukstys * @author Kevin Provance (kprovance) * @version 3.0.0 */ // Exit if accessed directly if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } // Don't duplicate me! if ( ! class_exists( 'ReduxFramework_media' ) ) { /** * Main ReduxFramework_media class * * @since 1.0.0 */ class ReduxFramework_media { /** * Field Constructor. * Required - must call the parent constructor, then assign field and value to vars, and obviously call the render field function * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ function __construct( $field = array(), $value = '', $parent ) { $this->parent = $parent; $this->field = $field; $this->value = $value; } /** * Field Render Function. * Takes the vars and outputs the HTML for the field in the settings * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ public function render() { // No errors please $defaults = array( 'id' => '', 'url' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'thumbnail' => '', ); $this->value = wp_parse_args( $this->value, $defaults ); if (isset($this->field['mode']) && $this->field['mode'] == false) { $this->field['mode'] = 0; } if ( ! isset( $this->field['mode'] ) ) { $this->field['mode'] = "image"; } if (!isset($this->field['library_filter'])) { $libFilter = ''; } else { if (!is_array($this->field['library_filter'])) { $this->field['library_filter'] = array($this->field['library_filter']); } $mimeTypes = get_allowed_mime_types(); $libArray = $this->field['library_filter']; $jsonArr = array(); // Enum mime types foreach ($mimeTypes as $ext => $type) { if (strpos($ext,'|')) { $expArr = explode('|', $ext); foreach($expArr as $ext){ if (in_array($ext, $libArray )) { $jsonArr[$ext] = $type; } } } elseif (in_array($ext, $libArray )) { $jsonArr[$ext] = $type; } } $libFilter = urlencode(json_encode($jsonArr)); } if ( empty( $this->value ) && ! empty( $this->field['default'] ) ) { // If there are standard values and value is empty if ( is_array( $this->field['default'] ) ) { if ( ! empty( $this->field['default']['id'] ) ) { $this->value['id'] = $this->field['default']['id']; } if ( ! empty( $this->field['default']['url'] ) ) { $this->value['url'] = $this->field['default']['url']; } } else { if ( is_numeric( $this->field['default'] ) ) { // Check if it's an attachment ID $this->value['id'] = $this->field['default']; } else { // Must be a URL $this->value['url'] = $this->field['default']; } } } if ( empty( $this->value['url'] ) && ! empty( $this->value['id'] ) ) { $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $this->value['id'], 'full' ); $this->value['url'] = $img[0]; $this->value['width'] = $img[1]; $this->value['height'] = $img[2]; } $hide = 'hide '; if ( ( isset( $this->field['preview'] ) && $this->field['preview'] === false ) ) { $this->field['class'] .= " noPreview"; } if ( ( ! empty( $this->field['url'] ) && $this->field['url'] === true ) || isset( $this->field['preview'] ) && $this->field['preview'] === false ) { $hide = ''; } $placeholder = isset( $this->field['placeholder'] ) ? $this->field['placeholder'] : __( 'No media selected', 'virtue' ); $readOnly = ' readonly="readonly"'; if ( isset( $this->field['readonly'] ) && $this->field['readonly'] === false ) { $readOnly = ''; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; //Preview $hide = ''; if ( ( isset( $this->field['preview'] ) && $this->field['preview'] === false ) || empty( $this->value['url'] ) ) { $hide = 'hide '; } if ( empty( $this->value['thumbnail'] ) && ! empty( $this->value['url'] ) ) { // Just in case if ( ! empty( $this->value['id'] ) ) { $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $this->value['id'], array( 150, 150 ) ); if (empty($image[0]) || $image[0] == '') { $this->value['thumbnail'] = $this->value['url']; } else { $this->value['thumbnail'] = $image[0]; } } else { $this->value['thumbnail'] = $this->value['url']; } } echo '