//return; /** * Redux Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * Redux Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Redux Framework. If not, see . * * @package ReduxFramework * @author Dovy Paukstys (dovy) * @version 0.1.0 */ // Exit if accessed directly if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } // Don't duplicate me! if ( ! class_exists( 'ReduxFramework_extension_customizer' ) ) { /** * Main ReduxFramework customizer extension class * * @since 1.0.0 */ class ReduxFramework_extension_customizer { // Protected vars protected $redux; private $_extension_url; private $_extension_dir; private $parent; private $orig_options = array(); private static $post_values = array(); public static $version = "2.0.0"; private $options = array(); /** * Class Constructor. Defines the args for the extions class * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * * @param array $sections Panel sections. * @param array $args Class constructor arguments. * @param array $extra_tabs Extra panel tabs. * * @return void */ public function __construct( $parent ) { $this->parent = $parent; $this->upload_dir = ReduxFramework::$_upload_dir . 'advanced-customizer/'; //add_action('wp_head', array( $this, '_enqueue_new' )); if ( $parent->args['customizer'] == false ) { return; } // Override the ReduxCore class add_filter( "redux/extension/{$this->parent->args['opt_name']}/customizer", array( $this, 'remove_core_customizer_class' ) ); global $pagenow, $wp_customize; if ( ! isset( $wp_customize ) && $pagenow !== "customize.php" && $pagenow !== "admin-ajax.php" ) { return; } if ( ( $pagenow !== "customize.php" && $pagenow !== "admin-ajax.php" && ! isset( $GLOBALS['wp_customize'] ) ) ) { //return; } if ( empty( $this->_extension_dir ) ) { $this->_extension_dir = trailingslashit( str_replace( '\\', '/', dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ); $this->_extension_url = site_url( str_replace( trailingslashit( str_replace( '\\', '/', ABSPATH ) ), '', $this->_extension_dir ) ); } self::get_post_values(); // Create defaults array $defaults = array(); /* customize_controls_init customize_controls_enqueue_scripts customize_controls_print_styles customize_controls_print_scripts customize_controls_print_footer_scripts */ //add_action('customize_save', ); if ( isset( $_POST['wp_customize'] ) && $_POST['wp_customize'] == "on" ) { $this->parent->args['customizer_only'] = true; } if ( isset( $_POST['wp_customize'] ) && $_POST['wp_customize'] == "on" && isset( $_POST['customized'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['customized'] ) && ! isset( $_POST['action'] ) ) { add_action( "redux/options/{$this->parent->args['opt_name']}/options", array( $this, '_override_values' ), 100 ); } add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, '_register_customizer_controls' ) ); // Create controls add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'customize_preview_init' ) ); //add_action( 'customize_save', array( $this, 'customizer_save_before' ) ); // Before save add_action( 'customize_save_after', array( &$this, 'customizer_save_after' ) ); // After save // Add global controls CSS file add_action( 'customize_controls_print_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_controls_css' ) ); add_action( 'customize_controls_init', array( $this, 'enqueue_panel_css' ) ); //add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( &$this, '_enqueue_previewer_css' ) ); // Enqueue previewer css //add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( &$this, '_enqueue_previewer_js' ) ); // Enqueue previewer javascript //add_action( "wp_footer", array( $this, '_enqueue_new' ), 100 ); //$this->_enqueue_new(); } function enqueue_controls_css() { require_once ReduxFramework::$_dir . 'core/enqueue.php'; $enqueue = new reduxCoreEnqueue ( $this->parent ); $enqueue->get_warnings_and_errors_array(); $enqueue->init(); wp_enqueue_style( 'redux-extension-advanced-customizer', $this->_extension_url . 'extension_customizer.css', '', time() ); wp_enqueue_script( 'redux-extension-customizer', $this->_extension_url . 'extension_customizer' . Redux_Functions::isMin() . '.js', array( 'jquery', 'redux-js' ), ReduxFramework_extension_customizer::$version, true ); wp_localize_script( 'redux-extension-customizer', 'redux_customizer', array( 'body_class' => sanitize_html_class( 'admin-color-' . get_user_option( 'admin_color' ), 'fresh' ) ) ); } function enqueue_panel_css() { } function remove_core_customizer_class( $path ) { return ""; } function customize_preview_init() { do_action( 'redux/customizer/live_preview' ); } protected static function get_post_values() { if ( empty( self::$post_values ) && isset( $_POST['customized'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['customized'] ) ) { self::$post_values = json_decode( stripslashes_deep( $_POST['customized'] ), true ); } } public function _override_values( $data ) { self::get_post_values(); if ( isset( $_POST['customized'] ) && ! empty( self::$post_values ) ) { if ( is_array( self::$post_values ) ) { foreach ( self::$post_values as $key => $value ) { if ( strpos( $key, $this->parent->args['opt_name'] ) !== false ) { //if (is_array($value)) { // $value = @stripslashes( $value ); // if ( function_exists( 'get_magic_quotes_gpc' ) && get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { // $value = @array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $value ); // $value = @array_map( 'urldecode', $value ); // } //} else { // $value = @urldecode($value); //} $key = str_replace( $this->parent->args['opt_name'] . '[', '', rtrim( $key, "]" ) ); $data[ $key ] = $value; $GLOBALS[ $this->parent->args['global_variable'] ][ $key ] = $value; $this->parent->options[ $key ] = $value; } } } } return $data; } public function _enqueue_new() { //echo ""; //echo ""; //echo ""; //echo ""; //echo ""; //echo ""; //echo ""; //echo ""; //echo ""; //echo ""; //echo ""; //echo ""; /* wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-codemirror-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/codemirror.min.js'); wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-color-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/colors-control.js'); wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-controls-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/customizer-control.js'); wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-fonts-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/fonts-customizer-admin.js'); wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-header-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/header-control.js'); wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-models-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/header-models.js'); wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-slimscroll-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/jquery.slimscroll.js'); wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-droppable-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/jquery.ui.droppable.min.js'); wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-editor-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/media-editor.min.js'); wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-new-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/new-customizer.js'); wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-previewing-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/previewing.js'); wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-theme-js', $this->_extension_url . 'new/theme-customizer.js'); */ } public function render( $control ) { $fieldID = str_replace( $this->parent->args['opt_name'] . '-', '', $control->redux_id ); $field = $this->options[ $fieldID ]; if ( isset( $field['compiler'] ) && ! empty( $field['compiler'] ) ) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo '' . $this->parent->field_head[ $field['id'] ] . ''; echo ''; //$field['data-customize-setting-link'] = array( // 'name' => $field['name'], // 'suffix' => isset($field['name_suffix']) ? $field['name_suffix'] : '' //); // $field['name'] = $field['id']; $this->parent->_field_input( $field ); echo ''; echo ''; } // All sections, settings, and controls will be added here public function _register_customizer_controls( $wp_customize ) { if ( ! class_exists( 'Redux_Customizer_Section' ) ) { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/inc/customizer_section.php'; if ( method_exists( $wp_customize, 'register_section_type' ) ) { $wp_customize->register_section_type( 'Redux_Customizer_Section' ); } } if ( ! class_exists( 'Redux_Customizer_Panel' ) ) { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/inc/customizer_panel.php'; if ( method_exists( $wp_customize, 'register_panel_type' ) ) { $wp_customize->register_panel_type( 'Redux_Customizer_Panel' ); } } if ( ! class_exists( 'Redux_Customizer_Control' ) ) { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/inc/customizer_control.php'; } require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/inc/customizer_fields.php'; require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/inc/customizer_devs.php'; do_action( "redux/extension/customizer/control/includes" ); //if ($this->parent->args['dev_mode']) { // $section = new Redux_Customizer_rAds( $wp_customize, 'redux_rAds', array( // 'priority' => 0, // ) ); // $wp_customize->add_section( $section, array( // 'priority' => 0, // ) ); // // //$wp_customize->add_control( new Redux_Customizer_Control_rAds( $wp_customize, 'reduxAdsDisplay', array( // // 'section' => 'redux_rAds', // // 'settings' => 'redux_rAds_field', // // 'type' => 'redux-rAds', // //) ) ); // // // // //} if ( $this->parent->args['dev_mode'] ) { //$args = array( // 'priority' => 0, //); ////$section = new Redux_Customizer_Section( $wp_customize, 'redux_rAds', $args ); ////$wp_customize->add_section( $section, $args ); //$this->add_section( 'redux_rAds', array( // 'title' => '', // 'priority' => 1, // 'description' => '', // 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', //), $wp_customize ); // //$wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( // $wp_customize, // 'redux_rAds_display', // array( // 'section' => 'redux_rAds', // 'settings' => 'redux_rAds_display', // ) //)); ////$wp_customize->add_control( new Redux_Customizer_Control_rAds( $wp_customize, 'reduxAdsDisplay', array( //// 'section' => 'redux_rAds', //// 'settings' => 'redux_rAds_field', //// 'type' => 'redux-rAds', ////) ) ); //start copyright settings //$section = new Redux_Customizer_section_rAds( $wp_customize, 'redux_rAds', array( // 'priority' => -999, //) ); //$wp_customize->add_section( $section, array( // 'priority' => -999, //) ); //$wp_customize->add_setting( // 'redux_rAds_empty' //); //$wp_customize->add_control( // new Redux_Customizer_Control_rAds( // $wp_customize, // 'redux_rAds_empty', // array( // 'section' => 'redux_rAds', // 'settings' => 'redux_rAds_empty' // ) // ) //); } $order = array( 'heading' => - 500, 'option' => - 500, ); $defaults = array( 'default-color' => '', 'default-image' => '', 'wp-head-callback' => '', 'admin-head-callback' => '', 'admin-preview-callback' => '' ); $panel = ""; $this->parent->args['options_api'] = false; $this->parent->_register_settings(); foreach ( $this->parent->sections as $key => $section ) { // Not a type that should go on the customizer if ( isset( $section['type'] ) && ( $section['type'] == "divide" ) ) { continue; } if ( isset( $section['id'] ) && $section['id'] == "import/export" ) { continue; } // If section customizer is set to false if ( isset( $section['customizer'] ) && $section['customizer'] === false ) { continue; } $section['permissions'] = isset( $section['permissions'] ) ? $section['permissions'] : 'edit_theme_options'; // No errors please if ( ! isset( $section['desc'] ) ) { $section['desc'] = ""; } // Fill the description if there is a subtitle if ( empty( $section['desc'] ) && ! empty( $section['subtitle'] ) ) { $section['desc'] = $section['subtitle']; } // Let's make a section ID from the title if ( empty( $section['id'] ) ) { $section['id'] = strtolower( str_replace( " ", "", $section['title'] ) ); } // No title is present, let's show what section is missing a title if ( ! isset( $section['title'] ) ) { $section['title'] = ""; } // Let's set a default priority if ( empty( $section['priority'] ) ) { $section['priority'] = $order['heading']; $order['heading'] ++; } //print_r($section); //print_r($this->parent->sections[$key+1]); //echo $key; //exit(); if ( method_exists( $wp_customize, 'add_panel' ) && ( ! isset( $section['subsection'] ) || ( isset( $section['subsection'] ) && $section['subsection'] != true ) ) && isset( $this->parent->sections[ ( $key + 1 ) ]['subsection'] ) && $this->parent->sections[ ( $key + 1 ) ]['subsection'] ) { $this->add_panel( $section['id'], array( 'priority' => $section['priority'], 'capability' => $section['permissions'], //'theme_supports' => '', 'title' => $section['title'], 'section' => $section, 'opt_name' => $this->parent->args['opt_name'], 'description' => '', ), $wp_customize ); $panel = $section['id']; $this->add_section( $section['id'], array( 'title' => $section['title'], 'priority' => $section['priority'], 'description' => $section['desc'], 'section' => $section, 'opt_name' => $this->parent->args['opt_name'], 'capability' => $section['permissions'], 'panel' => $panel ), $wp_customize ); } else { if ( ! isset( $section['subsection'] ) || ( isset( $section['subsection'] ) && $section['subsection'] != true ) ) { $panel = ""; } $this->add_section( $section['id'], array( 'title' => $section['title'], 'priority' => $section['priority'], 'description' => $section['desc'], 'opt_name' => $this->parent->args['opt_name'], 'section' => $section, 'capability' => $section['permissions'], 'panel' => $panel ), $wp_customize ); } if ( ! isset( $section['fields'] ) || ( isset( $section['fields'] ) && empty( $section['fields'] ) ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $section['fields'] as $skey => $option ) { if ( isset( $option['customizer'] ) && $option['customizer'] === false ) { continue; } if ( $this->parent->args['customizer'] === false && ( ! isset( $option['customizer'] ) || $option['customizer'] !== true ) ) { continue; } $this->options[ $option['id'] ] = $option; add_action( 'redux/advanced_customizer/control/render/' . $this->parent->args['opt_name'] . '-' . $option['id'], array( $this, 'render' ) ); $option['permissions'] = isset( $option['permissions'] ) ? $option['permissions'] : 'edit_theme_options'; // //if ( isset( $option['validate_callback'] ) && ! empty( $option['validate_callback'] ) ) { // continue; //} //Change the item priority if not set if ( $option['type'] != 'heading' && ! isset( $option['priority'] ) ) { $option['priority'] = $order['option']; $order['option'] ++; } if ( ! empty( $this->options_defaults[ $option['id'] ] ) ) { $option['default'] = $this->options_defaults['option']['id']; } //$option['id'] = $this->parent->args['opt_name'].'['.$option['id'].']'; //echo $option['id']; if ( ! isset( $option['default'] ) ) { $option['default'] = ""; } if ( ! isset( $option['title'] ) ) { $option['title'] = ""; } $option['id'] = $this->parent->args['opt_name'] . '[' . $option['id'] . ']'; if ( $option['type'] != "heading" && $option['type'] != "import_export" && ! empty( $option['type'] ) ) { $wp_customize->add_setting( $option['id'], array( 'default' => $option['default'], //'type' => 'option', //'capabilities' => $option['permissions'], //'capabilities' => 'edit_theme_options', //'capabilities' => $this->parent->args['page_permissions'], 'transport' => 'refresh', 'opt_name' => $this->parent->args['opt_name'], //'theme_supports' => '', //'sanitize_callback' => '__return_false', 'sanitize_callback' => array( $this, '_field_validation' ), //'sanitize_js_callback' =>array( &$parent, '_field_input' ), ) ); } if ( ! empty( $option['data'] ) && empty( $option['options'] ) ) { if ( empty( $option['args'] ) ) { $option['args'] = array(); } if ( $option['data'] == "elusive-icons" || $option['data'] == "elusive-icon" || $option['data'] == "elusive" ) { $icons_file = ReduxFramework::$_dir . 'inc/fields/select/elusive-icons.php'; $icons_file = apply_filters( 'redux-font-icons-file', $icons_file ); if ( file_exists( $icons_file ) ) { require_once $icons_file; } } $option['options'] = $this->parent->get_wordpress_data( $option['data'], $option['args'] ); } $class_name = 'Redux_Customizer_Control_' . $option['type']; do_action( 'redux/extension/customizer/control_init', $option ); if ( ! class_exists( $class_name ) ) { continue; } $wp_customize->add_control( new $class_name( $wp_customize, $option['id'], array( 'label' => $option['title'], 'section' => $section['id'], 'settings' => $option['id'], 'type' => 'redux-' . $option['type'], 'field' => $option, 'ReduxFramework' => $this->parent, 'priority' => $option['priority'], ) ) ); $section['fields'][ $skey ]['name'] = $option['id']; if ( ! isset ( $section['fields'][ $skey ]['class'] ) ) { // No errors please $section['fields'][ $skey ]['class'] = ""; } $this->controls[ $section['fields'][ $skey ]['id'] ] = $section['fields'][ $skey ]; add_action( 'redux/advanced_customizer/render/' . $option['id'], array( $this, 'field_render' ), $option['priority'] ); } } } public function add_section( $id, $args = array(), $wp_customize ) { if ( is_a( $id, 'WP_Customize_Section' ) ) { $section = $id; } else { $section_class = apply_filters( 'redux/customizer/section/class_name', "Redux_Customizer_Section" ); $section = new $section_class( $wp_customize, $id, $args ); } $wp_customize->add_section( $section, $args ); } /** * Add a customize panel. * * @since 4.0.0 * @access public * * @param WP_Customize_Panel|string $id Customize Panel object, or Panel ID. * @param array $args Optional. Panel arguments. Default empty array. */ public function add_panel( $id, $args = array(), $wp_customize ) { if ( is_a( $id, 'WP_Customize_Panel' ) ) { $panel = $id; } else { $panel_class = apply_filters( 'redux/customizer/panel/class_name', "Redux_Customizer_Panel" ); $panel = new $panel_class( $wp_customize, $id, $args ); } $wp_customize->add_panel( $panel, $args ); } public function field_render( $option ) { echo '1'; preg_match_all( "/\[([^\]]*)\]/", $option->id, $matches ); $id = $matches[1][0]; echo $option->link(); //$link = $option->link(); //echo $link; $this->parent->_field_input( $this->controls[ $id ] ); echo '2'; } public function customizer_save_before( $plugin_options ) { $this->before_save = $this->parent->options; //$parent->_field_input( $plugin_options ); } public function customizer_save_after( $wp_customize ) { if ( empty( $this->parent->options ) ) { $this->parent->get_options(); } if ( empty( $this->orig_options ) && ! empty( $this->parent->options ) ) { $this->orig_options = $this->parent->options; } $options = json_decode( stripslashes_deep( $_POST['customized'] ), true ); $compiler = false; $changed = false; foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) { if ( strpos( $key, $this->parent->args['opt_name'] ) !== false ) { $key = str_replace( $this->parent->args['opt_name'] . '[', '', rtrim( $key, "]" ) ); if ( ! isset( $this->orig_options[ $key ] ) || $this->orig_options[ $key ] != $value || ( isset( $this->orig_options[ $key ] ) && ! empty( $this->orig_options[ $key ] ) && empty( $value ) ) ) { $this->parent->options[ $key ] = $value; $changed = true; if ( isset( $this->parent->compiler_fields[ $key ] ) ) { $compiler = true; } } } } if ( $changed ) { $this->parent->set_options( $this->parent->options ); if ( $compiler ) { // Have to set this to stop the output of the CSS and typography stuff. $this->parent->no_output = true; $this->parent->_enqueue_output(); do_action( "redux/options/{$this->parent->args['opt_name']}/compiler", $this->parent->options, $this->parent->compilerCSS ); do_action( "redux/options/{$this->args['opt_name']}/compiler/advanced", $this->parent ); } } } /** * Enqueue CSS/JS for preview pane * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @global $wp_styles * @return void */ public function _enqueue_previewer() { wp_enqueue_script( 'redux-extension-previewer-js', $this->_extension_url . 'assets/js/preview.js' ); $localize = array( 'save_pending' => __( 'You have changes that are not saved. Would you like to save them now?', 'virtue' ), 'reset_confirm' => __( 'Are you sure? Resetting will lose all custom values.', 'virtue' ), 'preset_confirm' => __( 'Your current options will be replaced with the values of this preset. Would you like to proceed?', 'virtue' ), 'opt_name' => $this->args['opt_name'], //'folds' => $this->folds, 'options' => $this->parent->options, 'defaults' => $this->parent->options_defaults, ); wp_localize_script( 'redux-extension-previewer-js', 'reduxPost', $localize ); } /** * Enqueue CSS/JS for the customizer controls * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @global $wp_styles * @return void */ public function _enqueue() { global $wp_styles; //wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-pointer' ); //wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-pointer' ); // Remove when code is in place! //wp_enqueue_script('redux-extension-customizer-js', $this->_extension_url . 'assets/js/customizer.js'); // Get styles //wp_enqueue_style('redux-extension-customizer-css', $this->_extension_url . 'assets/css/customizer.css'); $localize = array( 'save_pending' => __( 'You have changes that are not saved. Would you like to save them now?', 'virtue' ), 'reset_confirm' => __( 'Are you sure? Resetting will lose all custom values.', 'virtue' ), 'preset_confirm' => __( 'Your current options will be replaced with the values of this preset. Would you like to proceed?', 'virtue' ), 'opt_name' => $this->args['opt_name'], //'folds' => $this->folds, 'field' => $this->parent->options, 'defaults' => $this->parent->options_defaults, ); // Values used by the javascript wp_localize_script( 'redux-js', 'redux_opts', $localize ); do_action( 'redux-enqueue-' . $this->args['opt_name'] ); foreach ( $this->sections as $section ) { if ( isset( $section['fields'] ) ) { foreach ( $section['fields'] as $field ) { if ( isset( $field['type'] ) ) { $field_class = 'ReduxFramework_' . $field['type']; if ( ! class_exists( $field_class ) ) { $class_file = apply_filters( 'redux-typeclass-load', $this->path . 'inc/fields/' . $field['type'] . '/field_' . $field['type'] . '.php', $field_class ); if ( $class_file ) { /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ require_once( $class_file ); } } if ( class_exists( $field_class ) && method_exists( $field_class, 'enqueue' ) ) { $enqueue = new $field_class( '', '', $this ); $enqueue->enqueue(); } } } } } } /** * Register Option for use * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ public function _register_setting() { } /** * Validate the options before insertion * * @since 3.0.0 * @access public * * @param array $plugin_options The options array * * @return */ public function _field_validation( $value ) { //print_r( $value ); //print_r( $_POST ); return $value; //return $this->parent->_validate_options( $plugin_options ); } /** * HTML OUTPUT. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ public function _customizer_html_output() { } } // class function redux_customizer_custom_validation( $field ) { return $field; } } // if