/******************************************************************** * Limit the characters that may be entered in a text field * Common options: alphanumeric, alphabetic or numeric * Kevin Sheedy, 2012 * http://github.com/KevinSheedy/jquery.alphanum *********************************************************************/ (function( $ ){ // API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $.fn.alphanum = function(settings) { var combinedSettings = getCombinedSettingsAlphaNum(settings); var $collection = this; setupEventHandlers($collection, trimAlphaNum, combinedSettings); return this; }; $.fn.alpha = function(settings) { var defaultAlphaSettings = getCombinedSettingsAlphaNum("alpha"); var combinedSettings = getCombinedSettingsAlphaNum(settings, defaultAlphaSettings); var $collection = this; setupEventHandlers($collection, trimAlphaNum, combinedSettings); return this; }; $.fn.numeric = function(settings) { var combinedSettings = getCombinedSettingsNum(settings); var $collection = this; setupEventHandlers($collection, trimNum, combinedSettings); $collection.blur(function(){ numericField_Blur(this, settings); }); return this; }; // End of API ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start Settings //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var DEFAULT_SETTINGS_ALPHANUM = { allow : '', // Allow extra characters disallow : '', // Disallow extra characters allowSpace : true, // Allow the space character allowNumeric : true, // Allow digits 0-9 allowUpper : true, // Allow upper case characters allowLower : true, // Allow lower case characters allowCaseless : true, // Allow characters that don't have both upper & lower variants - eg Arabic or Chinese allowLatin : true, // a-z A-Z allowOtherCharSets : true, // eg é, Á, Arabic, Chinese etc maxLength : NaN // eg Max Length } var DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NUM = { allowPlus : false, // Allow the + sign allowMinus : true, // Allow the - sign allowThouSep : true, // Allow the thousands separator, default is the comma eg 12,000 allowDecSep : true, // Allow the decimal separator, default is the fullstop eg 3.141 allowLeadingSpaces : false, maxDigits : NaN, // The max number of digits maxDecimalPlaces : NaN, // The max number of decimal places maxPreDecimalPlaces : NaN, // The max number digits before the decimal point max : NaN, // The max numeric value allowed min : NaN // The min numeric value allowed } // Some pre-defined groups of settings for convenience var CONVENIENCE_SETTINGS_ALPHANUM = { "alpha" : { allowNumeric : false }, "upper" : { allowNumeric : false, allowUpper : true, allowLower : false, allowCaseless : true }, "lower" : { allowNumeric : false, allowUpper : false, allowLower : true, allowCaseless : true } }; // Some pre-defined groups of settings for convenience var CONVENIENCE_SETTINGS_NUMERIC = { "integer" : { allowPlus : false, allowMinus : true, allowThouSep : false, allowDecSep : false }, "positiveInteger" : { allowPlus : false, allowMinus : false, allowThouSep : false, allowDecSep : false } }; var BLACKLIST = getBlacklistAscii() + getBlacklistNonAscii(); var THOU_SEP = ","; var DEC_SEP = "."; var DIGITS = getDigitsMap(); var LATIN_CHARS = getLatinCharsSet(); // Return the blacklisted special chars that are encodable using 7-bit ascii function getBlacklistAscii(){ var blacklist = '!@#$%^&*()+=[]\\\';,/{}|":<>?~`.-_'; blacklist += " "; // 'Space' is on the blacklist but can be enabled using the 'allowSpace' config entry return blacklist; } // Return the blacklisted special chars that are NOT encodable using 7-bit ascii // We want this .js file to be encoded using 7-bit ascii so it can reach the widest possible audience // Higher order chars must be escaped eg "\xAC" // Not too worried about comments containing higher order characters for now (let's wait and see if it becomes a problem) function getBlacklistNonAscii(){ var blacklist = "\xAC" // ¬ + "\u20AC" // € + "\xA3" // £ + "\xA6" // ¦ ; return blacklist; } // End Settings //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation details go here //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function setupEventHandlers($textboxes, trimFunction, settings) { $textboxes.each(function(){ var $textbox = $(this); $textbox.bind("keyup change paste", function(e){ var pastedText = ""; if(e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.clipboardData && e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData) pastedText = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData("text/plain") // setTimeout is necessary for handling the 'paste' event setTimeout(function(){ trimTextbox($textbox, trimFunction, settings, pastedText); }, 0); }); $textbox.bind("keypress", function(e){ // Determine which key is pressed. // If it's a control key, then allow the event's default action to occur eg backspace, tab var charCode = !e.charCode ? e.which : e.charCode; if(isControlKey(charCode) || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ) // cmd on MacOS return; var newChar = String.fromCharCode(charCode); // Determine if some text was selected / highlighted when the key was pressed var selectionObject = $textbox.selection(); var start = selectionObject.start; var end = selectionObject.end; var textBeforeKeypress = $textbox.val(); // The new char may be inserted: // 1) At the start // 2) In the middle // 3) At the end // 4) User highlights some text and then presses a key which would replace the highlighted text // // Here we build the string that would result after the keypress. // If the resulting string is invalid, we cancel the event. // Unfortunately, it isn't enough to just check if the new char is valid because some chars // are position sensitive eg the decimal point '.'' or the minus sign '-'' are only valid in certain positions. var potentialTextAfterKeypress = textBeforeKeypress.substring(0, start) + newChar + textBeforeKeypress.substring(end); var validatedText = trimFunction(potentialTextAfterKeypress, settings); // If the keypress would cause the textbox to contain invalid characters, then cancel the keypress event if(validatedText != potentialTextAfterKeypress) e.preventDefault(); }); }); } // Ensure the text is a valid number when focus leaves the textbox // This catches the case where a user enters '-' or '.' without entering any digits function numericField_Blur(inputBox, settings) { var fieldValueNumeric = parseFloat($(inputBox).val()); var $inputBox = $(inputBox); if(isNaN(fieldValueNumeric)) { $inputBox.val(""); return; } if(isNumeric(settings.min) && fieldValueNumeric < settings.min) $inputBox.val(""); if(isNumeric(settings.max) && fieldValueNumeric > settings.max) $inputBox.val(""); } function isNumeric(value) { return !isNaN(value); } function isControlKey(charCode) { if(charCode >= 32) return false; if(charCode == 10) return false; if(charCode == 13) return false; return true; } // One way to prevent a character being entered is to cancel the keypress event. // However, this gets messy when you have to deal with things like copy paste which isn't a keypress. // Which event gets fired first, keypress or keyup? What about IE6 etc etc? // Instead, it's easier to allow the 'bad' character to be entered and then to delete it immediately after. function trimTextbox($textBox, trimFunction, settings, pastedText){ var inputString = $textBox.val(); if(inputString == "" && pastedText.length > 0) inputString = pastedText; var outputString = trimFunction(inputString, settings); if(inputString == outputString) return; var caretPos = $textBox.alphanum_caret(); $textBox.val(outputString); //Reset the caret position if(inputString.length ==(outputString.length + 1)) $textBox.alphanum_caret(caretPos - 1); else $textBox.alphanum_caret(caretPos); } function getCombinedSettingsAlphaNum(settings, defaultSettings){ if(typeof defaultSettings == "undefined") defaultSettings = DEFAULT_SETTINGS_ALPHANUM; var userSettings, combinedSettings = {}; if(typeof settings === "string") userSettings = CONVENIENCE_SETTINGS_ALPHANUM[settings]; else if(typeof settings == "undefined") userSettings = {}; else userSettings = settings; $.extend(combinedSettings, defaultSettings, userSettings); if(typeof combinedSettings.blacklist == 'undefined') combinedSettings.blacklistSet = getBlacklistSet(combinedSettings.allow, combinedSettings.disallow); return combinedSettings; } function getCombinedSettingsNum(settings){ var userSettings, combinedSettings = {}; if(typeof settings === "string") userSettings = CONVENIENCE_SETTINGS_NUMERIC[settings]; else if(typeof settings == "undefined") userSettings = {}; else userSettings = settings; $.extend(combinedSettings, DEFAULT_SETTINGS_NUM, userSettings); return combinedSettings; } // This is the heart of the algorithm function alphanum_allowChar(validatedStringFragment, Char, settings){ if(settings.maxLength && validatedStringFragment.length >= settings.maxLength) return false; if(settings.allow.indexOf(Char) >=0 ) return true; if(settings.allowSpace && (Char == " ")) return true; if(settings.blacklistSet.contains(Char)) return false; if(!settings.allowNumeric && DIGITS[Char]) return false; if(!settings.allowUpper && isUpper(Char)) return false; if(!settings.allowLower && isLower(Char)) return false; if(!settings.allowCaseless && isCaseless(Char)) return false; if(!settings.allowLatin && LATIN_CHARS.contains(Char)) return false; if(!settings.allowOtherCharSets){ if(DIGITS[Char] || LATIN_CHARS.contains(Char)) return true; else return false; } return true; } function numeric_allowChar(validatedStringFragment, Char, settings){ if(DIGITS[Char]) { if(isMaxDigitsReached(validatedStringFragment, settings)) return false; if(isMaxPreDecimalsReached(validatedStringFragment, settings)) return false; if(isMaxDecimalsReached(validatedStringFragment, settings)) return false; if(isGreaterThanMax(validatedStringFragment + Char, settings)) return false; if(isLessThanMin(validatedStringFragment + Char, settings)) return false; return true; } if(settings.allowPlus && Char == '+' && validatedStringFragment == '') return true; if(settings.allowMinus && Char == '-' && validatedStringFragment == '') return true; if(Char == THOU_SEP && settings.allowThouSep && allowThouSep(validatedStringFragment, Char)) return true; if(Char == DEC_SEP) { // Only one decimal separator allowed if(validatedStringFragment.indexOf(DEC_SEP) >= 0) return false; if(settings.allowDecSep) return true; } return false; } function countDigits(string) { // Error handling, nulls etc string = string + ""; // Count the digits return string.replace(/[^0-9]/g,"").length; } function isMaxDigitsReached(string, settings) { var maxDigits = settings.maxDigits; if(maxDigits == "" || isNaN(maxDigits)) return false; // In this case, there is no maximum var numDigits = countDigits(string); if(numDigits >= maxDigits) return true; return false; } function isMaxDecimalsReached(string, settings) { var maxDecimalPlaces = settings.maxDecimalPlaces; if(maxDecimalPlaces == "" || isNaN(maxDecimalPlaces)) return false; // In this case, there is no maximum var indexOfDecimalPoint = string.indexOf(DEC_SEP); if(indexOfDecimalPoint == -1) return false; var decimalSubstring = string.substring(indexOfDecimalPoint); var numDecimals = countDigits(decimalSubstring); if(numDecimals >= maxDecimalPlaces) return true; return false; } function isMaxPreDecimalsReached(string, settings) { var maxPreDecimalPlaces = settings.maxPreDecimalPlaces; if(maxPreDecimalPlaces == "" || isNaN(maxPreDecimalPlaces)) return false; // In this case, there is no maximum var indexOfDecimalPoint = string.indexOf(DEC_SEP); if(indexOfDecimalPoint >= 0) return false; var numPreDecimalDigits = countDigits(string); if(numPreDecimalDigits >= maxPreDecimalPlaces) return true; return false; } function isGreaterThanMax(numericString, settings) { if(!settings.max || settings.max < 0) return false; var outputNumber = parseFloat(numericString); if(outputNumber > settings.max) return true; return false; } function isLessThanMin(numericString, settings) { if(!settings.min || settings.min > 0) return false; var outputNumber = parseFloat(numericString); if(outputNumber < settings.min) return true; return false; } /******************************** * Trims a string according to the settings provided ********************************/ function trimAlphaNum(inputString, settings){ if(typeof inputString != "string") return inputString; var inChars = inputString.split(""); var outChars = []; var i = 0; var Char; for(i=0; i= 0) return false; var posOfFirstThouSep = currentString.indexOf(THOU_SEP); // Check if this is the first occurrence of a THOU_SEP if(posOfFirstThouSep < 0) return true; var posOfLastThouSep = currentString.lastIndexOf(THOU_SEP); var charsSinceLastThouSep = currentString.length - posOfLastThouSep - 1; // Check if there has been 3 digits since the last THOU_SEP if(charsSinceLastThouSep < 3) return false; var digitsSinceFirstThouSep = countDigits(currentString.substring(posOfFirstThouSep)); // Check if there has been a multiple of 3 digits since the first THOU_SEP if((digitsSinceFirstThouSep % 3) > 0) return false; return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation of a Set //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Set(elems){ if(typeof elems == "string") this.map = stringToMap(elems); else this.map = {}; } Set.prototype.add = function(set){ var newSet = this.clone(); for(var key in set.map) newSet.map[key] = true; return newSet; } Set.prototype.subtract = function(set){ var newSet = this.clone(); for(var key in set.map) delete newSet.map[key]; return newSet; } Set.prototype.contains = function(key){ if(this.map[key]) return true; else return false; } Set.prototype.clone = function(){ var newSet = new Set(); for(var key in this.map) newSet.map[key] = true; return newSet; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function stringToMap(string){ var map = {}; var array = string.split(""); var i=0; var Char; for(i=0; i=0){endPos=i.toString().length}else{endPos=startPos+r.toString().length}return{start:startPos,end:endPos}},s=function(t){var n=r(t);if(t.selectionStart!==undefined){if(document.activeElement&&document.activeElement!=t&&t.selectionStart==t.selectionEnd&&t.selectionStart==0){return{start:t.value.length,end:t.value.length}}return{start:t.selectionStart,end:t.selectionEnd}}else if(n.getSelection){return i(t,n)}else{try{if(t.nodeName.toLowerCase()=="input"){var s=r(t).document.selection.createRange(),o=t.createTextRange();o.setEndPoint("EndToStart",s);var u=o.text.length;return{start:u,end:u+s.text.length}}else{var a=i(t,n);if(!a){return a}var f=e.Range.current().clone(),l=f.clone().collapse().range,c=f.clone().collapse(false).range;l.moveStart("character",-1);c.moveStart("character",-1);if(a.startPos!=0&&l.text==""){a.startPos+=2}if(a.endPos!=0&&c.text==""){a.endPos+=2}return a}}catch(h){return{start:t.value.length,end:t.value.length}}}},o=function(e,t,n){var i=r(e);if(e.setSelectionRange){if(n===undefined){e.focus();e.setSelectionRange(t,t)}else{e.select();e.selectionStart=t;e.selectionEnd=n}}else if(e.createTextRange){var s=e.createTextRange();s.moveStart("character",t);n=n||t;s.moveEnd("character",n-e.value.length);s.select()}else if(i.getSelection){var o=i.document,u=i.getSelection(),f=o.createRange(),l=[t,n!==undefined?n:t];a([e],l);f.setStart(l[0].el,l[0].count);f.setEnd(l[1].el,l[1].count);u.removeAllRanges();u.addRange(f)}else if(i.document.body.createTextRange){var f=document.body.createTextRange();f.moveToElementText(e);f.collapse();f.moveStart("character",t);f.moveEnd("character",n!==undefined?n:t);f.select()}},u=function(e,t,n,r){if(typeof n[0]==="number"&&n[0]