Tools::safeOutput($_GET['type']), 'lang' => Tools::safeOutput($lang), 'popup' => $popup, 'field_id' => isset($_GET['field_id']) ? (int)$_GET['field_id'] : '', 'fldr' => '' ) ); ?> Responsive FileManager "/> "/> "/>
$file) { if ($file == ".") $current_folder = array('file' => $file); elseif ($file == "..") $prev_folder = array('file' => $file); elseif (is_dir($current_path.$subfolder.$subdir.$file)) { $date = filemtime($current_path.$subfolder.$subdir.$file); $size = foldersize($current_path.$subfolder.$subdir.$file); $file_ext = lang_Type_dir; $sorted[$k] = array('file' => $file, 'date' => $date, 'size' => $size, 'extension' => $file_ext); } else { $file_path = $current_path.$subfolder.$subdir.$file; $date = filemtime($file_path); $size = filesize($file_path); $file_ext = substr(strrchr($file, '.'), 1); $sorted[$k] = array('file' => $file, 'date' => $date, 'size' => $size, 'extension' => $file_ext); } } function filenameSort($x, $y) { return $x['file'] < $y['file']; } function dateSort($x, $y) { return $x['date'] < $y['date']; } function sizeSort($x, $y) { return $x['size'] - $y['size']; } function extensionSort($x, $y) { return $x['extension'] < $y['extension']; } switch ($sort_by) { case 'name': usort($sorted, 'filenameSort'); break; case 'date': usort($sorted, 'dateSort'); break; case 'size': usort($sorted, 'sizeSort'); break; case 'extension': usort($sorted, 'extensionSort'); break; default: break; } if ($descending) { $sorted = array_reverse($sorted); } $files = array_merge(array($prev_folder), array($current_folder), $sorted); ?>

There is an error! The upload folder there isn't. Check your config.php file.

  • >
    directory" data-type=""> ">
    .jpg" alt="folder"/>
    .png" alt="folder"/>

    "> ">

    " title="" data-path="" data-thumb=""> " title="" data-confirm="" data-path="" data-thumb="">
  • $file_array) { $file = $file_array['file']; if ($file == '.' || $file == '..' || is_dir($current_path.$subfolder.$subdir.$file) || in_array($file, $hidden_files) || !in_array(fix_strtolower($file_array['extension']), $ext) || ($filter != '' && strpos($file, $filter) === false)) continue; $file_path = $current_path.$subfolder.$subdir.$file; //check if file have illegal caracter $filename = substr($file, 0, '-'.(strlen($file_array['extension']) + 1)); if ($file != fix_filename($file, $transliteration)) { $file1 = fix_filename($file, $transliteration); $file_path1 = ($current_path.$subfolder.$subdir.$file1); if (file_exists($file_path1)) { $i = 1; $info = pathinfo($file1); while (file_exists($current_path.$subfolder.$subdir.$info['filename'].".[".$i."].".$info['extension'])) { $i++; } $file1 = $info['filename'].".[".$i."].".$info['extension']; $file_path1 = ($current_path.$subfolder.$subdir.$file1); } $filename = substr($file1, 0, '-'.(strlen($file_array['extension']) + 1)); rename_file($file_path, fix_filename($filename, $transliteration), $transliteration); $file = $file1; $file_array['extension'] = fix_filename($file_array['extension'], $transliteration); $file_path = $file_path1; } $is_img = false; $is_video = false; $is_audio = false; $show_original = false; $show_original_mini = false; $mini_src = ""; $src_thumb = ""; $extension_lower = fix_strtolower($file_array['extension']); if (in_array($extension_lower, $ext_img)) { $src = $base_url.$cur_dir.rawurlencode($file); $mini_src = $src_thumb = $thumbs_path.$subdir.$file; if (strpos($src_thumb, _PS_ROOT_DIR_) === 0) $mini = $thumb = __PS_BASE_URI__.substr($thumbs_path.$subdir.$file, strlen(_PS_ROOT_DIR_) + 1); //add in thumbs folder if not exist if (!file_exists($src_thumb)) { try { create_img_gd($file_path, $src_thumb, 122, 91); new_thumbnails_creation($current_path.$subfolder.$subdir, $file_path, $file, $current_path, $relative_image_creation, $relative_path_from_current_pos, $relative_image_creation_name_to_prepend, $relative_image_creation_name_to_append, $relative_image_creation_width, $relative_image_creation_height, $fixed_image_creation, $fixed_path_from_filemanager, $fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend, $fixed_image_creation_to_append, $fixed_image_creation_width, $fixed_image_creation_height); } catch (Exception $e) { $src_thumb = $mini_src = ""; } } $is_img = true; //check if is smaller than thumb list($img_width, $img_height, $img_type, $attr) = getimagesize($file_path); if ($img_width < 122 && $img_height < 91) { $src_thumb = $current_path.$subfolder.$subdir.$file; $show_original = true; } if ($img_width < 45 && $img_height < 38) { $mini_src = $current_path.$subfolder.$subdir.$file; $show_original_mini = true; } } $is_icon_thumb = false; $is_icon_thumb_mini = false; $no_thumb = false; if ($src_thumb == "") { $no_thumb = true; if (file_exists('img/'.$icon_theme.'/'.$extension_lower.".jpg")) { $src_thumb = 'img/'.$icon_theme.'/'.$extension_lower.".jpg"; } else { $src_thumb = "img/".$icon_theme."/default.jpg"; } $is_icon_thumb = true; } if ($mini_src == "") { $is_icon_thumb_mini = false; } $class_ext = 0; if (in_array($extension_lower, $ext_video)) { $class_ext = 4; $is_video = true; } elseif (in_array($extension_lower, $ext_img)) { $class_ext = 2; } elseif (in_array($extension_lower, $ext_music)) { $class_ext = 5; $is_audio = true; } elseif (in_array($extension_lower, $ext_misc)) { $class_ext = 3; } else { $class_ext = 1; } if ((!(Tools::getValue('type') == 1 && !$is_img) && !((Tools::getValue('type') == 3 && !$is_video) && (Tools::getValue('type') == 3 && !$is_audio))) && $class_ext > 0){ ?>
  • ">
    <?php echo Tools::safeOutput($filename." class=" " src="">
    <?php echo Tools::safeOutput($filename." class=" " src="">


    " title="" data-url="ajax_calls.php?action=media_preview&title=&file=" href="javascript:void('');"> " title="" data-path="" data-thumb=""> " title="" data-confirm="" data-path="" data-thumb="">