employee->id_profile, Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminProducts')); $cms_accesses = Profile::getProfileAccess(Context::getContext()->employee->id_profile, Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminCmsContent')); if (!$products_accesses['edit'] && !$cms_accesses['edit']) die(Tools::displayError()); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DON'T COPY THIS VARIABLES IN FOLDERS config.php FILES //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //********************** //Path configuration //********************** // In this configuration the folder tree is // root // |- source <- upload folder // |- thumbs <- thumbnail folder [must have write permission (755)] // |- filemanager // |- js // | |- tinymce // | | |- plugins // | | | |- responsivefilemanager // | | | | |- plugin.min.js $base_url="http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // DON'T TOUCH (base url (only domain) of site (without final /)). $upload_dir = __PS_BASE_URI__.'img/cms/'; // path from base_url to base of upload folder (with start and final /) $current_path = _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/img/cms/'; // relative path from filemanager folder to upload folder (with final /) //thumbs folder can't put inside upload folder $thumbs_base_path = _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/img/tmp/cms/'; // relative path from filemanager folder to thumbs folder (with final /) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // YOU CAN COPY AND CHANGE THESE VARIABLES INTO FOLDERS config.php FILES TO CUSTOMIZE EACH FOLDER OPTIONS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $MaxSizeUpload=100; //Mb $default_language="en"; //default language file name $icon_theme="ico"; //ico or ico_dark you can cusatomize just putting a folder inside filemanager/img $show_folder_size=true; //Show or not show folder size in list view feature in filemanager (is possible, if there is a large folder, to greatly increase the calculations) $show_sorting_bar=true; //Show or not show sorting feature in filemanager $loading_bar=true; //Show or not show loading bar $transliteration=false; //active or deactive the transliteration (mean convert all strange characters in A..Za..z0..9 characters) //******************************************* //Images limit and resizing configuration //******************************************* // set maximum pixel width and/or maximum pixel height for all images // If you set a maximum width or height, oversized images are converted to those limits. Images smaller than the limit(s) are unaffected // if you don't need a limit set both to 0 $image_max_width=0; $image_max_height=0; //Automatic resizing // // If you set $image_resizing to true the script converts all uploaded images exactly to image_resizing_width x image_resizing_height dimension // If you set width or height to 0 the script automatically calculates the other dimension // Is possible that if you upload very big images the script not work to overcome this increase the php configuration of memory and time limit $image_resizing=false; $image_resizing_width=0; $image_resizing_height=0; //****************** // Default layout setting // // 0 => boxes // 1 => detailed list (1 column) // 2 => columns list (multiple columns depending on the width of the page) // YOU CAN ALSO PASS THIS PARAMETERS USING SESSION VAR => $_SESSION["VIEW"]= // //****************** $default_view=0; //set if the filename is truncated when overflow first row $ellipsis_title_after_first_row=true; //************************* //Permissions configuration //****************** $delete_files=true; $create_folders=true; $delete_folders=true; $upload_files=true; $rename_files=true; $rename_folders=true; $duplicate_files=true; //********************** //Allowed extensions (lowercase insert) //********************** $ext_img = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'svg'); //Images $ext_file = array('doc', 'docx','rtf', 'pdf', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'txt', 'csv','html','xhtml','psd','sql','log','fla','xml','ade','adp','mdb','accdb','ppt','pptx','odt','ots','ott','odb','odg','otp','otg','odf','ods','odp','css','ai'); //Files $ext_video = array('mov', 'mpeg', 'mp4', 'avi', 'mpg','wma',"flv","webm"); //Video $ext_music = array('mp3', 'm4a', 'ac3', 'aiff', 'mid','ogg','wav'); //Audio $ext_misc = array('zip', 'rar','gz','tar','iso','dmg'); //Archives $ext=array_merge($ext_img, $ext_file, $ext_misc, $ext_video,$ext_music); //allowed extensions /****************** * AVIARY config *******************/ $aviary_active=false; $aviary_key="dvh8qudbp6yx2bnp"; $aviary_secret="m6xaym5q42rpw433"; $aviary_version=3; $aviary_language='en'; //The filter and sorter are managed through both javascript and php scripts because if you have a lot of //file in a folder the javascript script can't sort all or filter all, so the filemanager switch to php script. //The plugin automatic swich javascript to php when the current folder exceeds the below limit of files number $file_number_limit_js=500; //********************** // Hidden files and folders //********************** // set the names of any folders you want hidden (eg "hidden_folder1", "hidden_folder2" ) Remember all folders with these names will be hidden (you can set any exceptions in config.php files on folders) $hidden_folders = array(); // set the names of any files you want hidden. Remember these names will be hidden in all folders (eg "this_document.pdf", "that_image.jpg" ) $hidden_files = array('config.php'); /******************* * JAVA upload *******************/ $java_upload=false; $JAVAMaxSizeUpload=200; //Gb //************************************ //Thumbnail for external use creation //************************************ // New image resized creation with fixed path from filemanager folder after uploading (thumbnails in fixed mode) // If you want create images resized out of upload folder for use with external script you can choose this method, // You can create also more than one image at a time just simply add a value in the array // Remember than the image creation respect the folder hierarchy so if you are inside source/test/test1/ the new image will create at // path_from_filemanager/test/test1/ // PS if there isn't write permission in your destination folder you must set it $fixed_image_creation = false; //activate or not the creation of one or more image resized with fixed path from filemanager folder $fixed_path_from_filemanager = array('../test/','../test1/'); //fixed path of the image folder from the current position on upload folder $fixed_image_creation_name_to_prepend = array('','test_'); //name to prepend on filename $fixed_image_creation_to_append = array('_test',''); //name to appendon filename $fixed_image_creation_width = array(300,400); //width of image (you can leave empty if you set height) $fixed_image_creation_height = array(200,''); //height of image (you can leave empty if you set width) // New image resized creation with relative path inside to upload folder after uploading (thumbnails in relative mode) // With Responsive filemanager you can create automatically resized image inside the upload folder, also more than one at a time // just simply add a value in the array // The image creation path is always relative so if i'm inside source/test/test1 and I upload an image, the path start from here $relative_image_creation = false; //activate or not the creation of one or more image resized with relative path from upload folder $relative_path_from_current_pos = array('thumb/','thumb/'); //relative path of the image folder from the current position on upload folder $relative_image_creation_name_to_prepend= array('','test_'); //name to prepend on filename $relative_image_creation_name_to_append = array('_test',''); //name to append on filename $relative_image_creation_width = array(300,400); //width of image (you can leave empty if you set height) $relative_image_creation_height = array(200,''); //height of image (you can leave empty if you set width) ?>