SET NAMES 'utf8'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PREFIX_discount`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PREFIX_discount_type`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PREFIX_discount_type_lang`; /* PHP:add_missing_image_key(); */; -- Update order_payment structure for multishipping -- Step 1: Add the table ps_order_invoice_payment and populate it CREATE TABLE `PREFIX_order_invoice_payment` ( `id_order_invoice` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_order_payment` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_order` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_order_invoice`,`id_order_payment`), KEY `order_payment` (`id_order_payment`), KEY `id_order` (`id_order`) ) ENGINE=ENGINE_TYPE DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `PREFIX_order_invoice_payment` (SELECT id_order_invoice, id_order_payment, id_order FROM `PREFIX_order_payment` WHERE id_order_invoice > 0); -- Step 2: Add the collumn id_order_reference ALTER TABLE `PREFIX_order_payment` ADD COLUMN `order_reference` VARCHAR(10) AFTER `id_order`, ADD INDEX `order_reference`(`order_reference`); -- Step 3: Fill in id_order_reference and merge duplicate lines /* PHP:add_order_reference_in_order_payment(); */; -- Step 4: Drop collumn id_order ALTER TABLE `PREFIX_order_payment` DROP COLUMN `id_order`, DROP COLUMN `id_order_invoice`; -- update for all employee the last ids for notifications UPDATE `PREFIX_employee` SET `id_last_order`= (SELECT IFNULL(MAX(`id_order`), 0) FROM `PREFIX_orders`), `id_last_customer_message`= (SELECT IFNULL(MAX(`id_customer_message`), 0) FROM `PREFIX_customer_message`), `id_last_customer`= (SELECT IFNULL(MAX(`id_customer`), 0) FROM `PREFIX_customer`); UPDATE `PREFIX_category_shop` cs SET `position` = (SELECT `position` FROM `PREFIX_category` c WHERE cs.`id_category` = c.`id_category`); ALTER TABLE `PREFIX_stock_available` CHANGE `out_of_stock` `out_of_stock` INT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; /* PHP:p15013_add_missing_columns(); */;