array ( 'phone' => '', 'documentation' => '', 'documentation_upgrade' => '', 'forum' => '', 'blog' => '', 'support' => '', ), 'translations' => array ( 'An SQL error occurred for entity %1$s: %2$s' => '', 'Cannot create image "%1$s" for entity "%2$s"' => '無法建立圖片 "%s",於 "%2$s"', 'Cannot create image "%1$s" (bad permissions on folder "%2$s")' => '無法建立圖片 "%s"(資料夾 "%2$s" 權限有誤)', 'Cannot create image "%s"' => '無法建立圖片 "%s"', 'SQL error on query %s' => 'SQL查詢錯誤 %s', '%s Login information' => '', 'Field required' => '必填欄位', 'Invalid shop name' => '商店名稱有誤', 'The field %s is limited to %d characters' => '欄位 %s 限制長度為 %s 字元', 'Your firstname contains some invalid characters' => '您的姓名包含錯誤字元', 'Your lastname contains some invalid characters' => '您的姓氏包含錯誤字元', 'The password is incorrect (alphanumeric string with at least 8 characters)' => '密碼有誤(只接受英文字母與數字,且至少 8 個字)', 'Password and its confirmation are different' => '密碼與確認不同', 'This e-mail address is invalid' => '郵件地址錯誤!', 'Image folder %s is not writable' => '圖片資料夾 %s 無法寫入', 'An error occurred during logo copy.' => '複製圖示時發生錯誤', 'An error occurred during logo upload.' => '上傳圖示時發生錯誤', 'Lingerie and Adult' => '內衣與成人用品', 'Animals and Pets' => '動物與寵物', 'Art and Culture' => '藝術與文化', 'Babies' => '嬰幼兒', 'Beauty and Personal Care' => '美容與個人護理', 'Cars' => '汽車', 'Computer Hardware and Software' => '電腦軟硬體', 'Download' => '下載', 'Fashion and accessories' => '流行與配件', 'Flowers, Gifts and Crafts' => '花店、禮品與小飾品', 'Food and beverage' => '食物與飲料', 'HiFi, Photo and Video' => '音響、照片與影片', 'Home and Garden' => '家居與花園', 'Home Appliances' => '家用電器', 'Jewelry' => '珠寶', 'Mobile and Telecom' => '行動設備與通訊', 'Services' => '服務', 'Shoes and accessories' => '鞋子與配件', 'Sports and Entertainment' => '運動與娛樂', 'Travel' => '旅遊', 'Database is connected' => '資料庫已經連結', 'Database is created' => '資料庫已經建立', 'Cannot create the database automatically' => '無法自動建立資料庫', 'Create file' => '建立 檔案', 'Create database tables' => '建立資料表', 'Create default shop and languages' => '建立預設商店及語言', 'Populate database tables' => '佈署資料表', 'Configure shop information' => '設定商店資訊', 'Install demonstration data' => '安裝展示資料', 'Install modules' => '安裝模組', 'Install Addons modules' => '安裝模組與外掛', 'Install theme' => '安裝佈景', 'Required PHP parameters' => '', 'PHP 5.1.2 or later is not enabled' => '沒有安裝 PHP 5.1.2 或更新版本', 'Cannot upload files' => '無法上傳檔案', 'Cannot create new files and folders' => '無法建立新檔案與資料夾', 'GD Library is not installed' => '沒有安裝 GD 函式庫', 'MySQL support is not activated' => '沒有啟用 MySQL 支援', 'Files' => '檔案', 'All files are not successfully uploaded on your server' => '', 'Permissions on files and folders' => '', 'Recursive write permissions for %1$s user on %2$s' => '', 'Recommended PHP parameters' => '', 'Cannot open external URLs' => '無法開啟外部網址', 'PHP register_globals option is enabled' => 'PHP register_globals 選項啟用中', 'GZIP compression is not activated' => '沒有啟用 GZIP 壓縮', 'Mcrypt extension is not enabled' => '沒有啟用 Mcrypt 外掛', 'Mbstring extension is not enabled' => '沒有啟用 Mbstring 外掛', 'PHP magic quotes option is enabled' => 'PHP magic quotes 選項啟用中', 'Dom extension is not loaded' => '沒有載入 Dom 外掛', 'PDO MySQL extension is not loaded' => '沒有載入 PDO MySQL 外掛', 'Server name is not valid' => '伺服器名稱有誤', 'You must enter a database name' => '您必須輸入資料庫名稱', 'You must enter a database login' => '您必須輸入資料庫帳號', 'Tables prefix is invalid' => '資料表前綴有誤', 'Cannot convert database data to utf-8' => '無法轉換資料到 UTF-8 ', 'At least one table with same prefix was already found, please change your prefix or drop your database' => '發現使用同樣前綴的資料表存在,請修改前綴或是移除現有資料庫', 'Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields' => '找不到資料庫伺服器,請確認帳號、密碼與伺服器欄位', 'Connection to MySQL server succeeded, but database "%s" not found' => '成功連線伺服器,不過找不到資料庫 "%s"', 'Attempt to create the database automatically' => '嘗試自動建立資料庫', '%s file is not writable (check permissions)' => '%s 檔案無法寫入(請檢查權限)', '%s folder is not writable (check permissions)' => '%s 資料夾無法寫入(請檢查權限)', 'Cannot write settings file' => '無法寫入設定檔', 'Database structure file not found' => '找不到資料庫結構檔案', 'Cannot create group shop' => '無法建立商店群組', 'Cannot create shop' => '無法建立商店', 'Cannot create shop URL' => '無法建立商店網址', 'File "language.xml" not found for language iso "%s"' => '找不到語言代碼 "%s" 的 "language.xml"', 'File "language.xml" not valid for language iso "%s"' => '語言代碼 "%s" 的 "language.xml" 有誤', 'Cannot install language "%s"' => '無法安裝語言 "%s"', 'Cannot copy flag language "%s"' => '無法複製語言圖示 "%s" ', 'Cannot create admin account' => '無法建立管理者', 'Cannot install module "%s"' => '無法安裝模組 "%s" ', 'Fixtures class "%s" not found' => '找不到測試資料物件 "%s"', '"%s" must be an instance of "InstallXmlLoader"' => '"%s" 必須是 "InstallXmlLoader" 的一個實例', 'Information about your Store' => '您的商店資訊', 'Shop name' => '商店名稱', 'Main activity' => '主要活動', 'Please choose your main activity' => '請選擇主要活動', 'Other activity...' => '其他活動...', 'Help us learn more about your store so we can offer you optimal guidance and the best features for your business!' => '協助我們學習您的商店運作,這樣一來我們就可以為您的生意提供更好的建議與功能!', 'Install demo products' => '安裝展示用產品', 'Yes' => '是', 'No' => '否', 'Demo products are a good way to learn how to use PrestaShop. You should install them if you are not familiar with it.' => '展示用產品適合用來學習使用 PrestaShop ,如果還不熟悉系統就建議安裝', 'Country' => '國家', 'Select your country' => '選擇您的國家', 'Shop timezone' => '', 'Select your timezone' => '選擇您的時區', 'Shop logo' => '', 'Optional - You can add you logo at a later time.' => '選擇性 – 您可以晚點再加入圖示', 'Your Account' => '您的帳號', 'First name' => '名字', 'Last name' => '姓氏', 'E-mail address' => '電子信箱', 'This email address will be your username to access your store\'s back office.' => '這個信箱會成為您登入商店後台的帳號', 'Shop password' => '商店密碼', 'Must be at least 8 characters' => '最少 8 個字元', 'Re-type to confirm' => '再次輸入確認', 'Sign-up to the newsletter' => '訂閱電子報', 'PrestaShop can provide you with guidance on a regular basis by sending you tips on how to optimize the management of your store which will help you grow your business. If you do not wish to receive these tips, please uncheck this box.' => 'PrestaShop 可以定期提供您建議,協助您最佳化商店的管理,藉此提昇業績。如果您不想收到這些建議,請取消勾選', 'Configure your database by filling out the following fields' => '填寫下面欄位來設定資料庫', 'To use PrestaShop, you must create a database to collect all of your store\'s data-related activities.' => '', 'Please complete the fields below in order for PrestaShop to connect to your database. ' => '請填入下面欄位來連線您的資料庫', 'Database server address' => '伺服器位址', 'The default port is 3306. To use a different port, add the port number at the end of your server\'s address i.e ":4242".' => '預設連接埠是 3306 ,要使用其他連接埠,請將連接埠編號加入到伺服器網址後面,例如 "localhost:4242"', 'Database name' => '資料庫名稱', 'Database login' => '帳號', 'Database password' => '密碼', 'Database Engine' => '引擎', 'Tables prefix' => '資料表前綴', 'Drop existing tables (mode dev)' => '移除現有資料表(開發用)', 'Test your database connection now!' => '現在測試您的資料庫連線!', 'Next' => '下一步', 'Back' => '返回', 'If you need some assistance during the installation process, please call our team at %s and one of our experts will be happy to help.' => '在安裝過程如果需要協助,請透過 %s 與我們聯繫,我們的專家會很樂意協助', 'Official forum' => '討論區', 'Support' => '支援', 'Documentation' => '文件', 'Contact us' => '聯絡我們', 'PrestaShop Installation Assistant' => '安裝協助', 'Forum' => '討論區', 'Blog' => '', 'Contact us!' => '聯絡我們!', 'menu_welcome' => '選擇語言', 'menu_license' => '授權聲明', 'menu_system' => '系統相容性', 'menu_configure' => '商店資訊', 'menu_database' => '系統設定', 'menu_process' => '商店安裝', 'Installation Assistant' => '安裝協助', 'To install PrestaShop, you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.' => '要安裝 PrestaShop ,您必須啟用瀏覽器的 JavaScript 估能', '' => '', 'License Agreements' => '授權聲明', 'To enjoy the many features that are offered for free by PrestaShop, please read the license terms below. PrestaShop core is licensed under OSL 3.0, while the modules and themes are licensed under AFL 3.0.' => '要自由使用 PrestaShop 的許多功能,請先詳閱下面的授權條款。PrestaShop 程式碼是以 OSL 3.0 發布,模組與佈景則是 AFL 3.0 。', 'I agree to the above terms and conditions.' => '我同意上面的規則與條件', 'I agree to participate in improving the solution by sending anonymous information about my configuration.' => '我願意透過匿名方式送出網站資訊來參與改善這個軟體', 'Done!' => '完成!', 'An error occured during installation...' => '', 'You can use the links on the left column to go back to the previous steps, or restart the installation process by clicking here.' => '您可以使用左邊的連結來回到上一步,或是 點選這裡 重新開始安裝程序', 'Your installation is finished!' => '您的安裝已經完成!', 'You have just finished installing your shop. Thank you for using PrestaShop!' => '您已經安裝完成,歡迎使用 PrestaShop !', 'Please remember your login information' => '請記住您的帳號資訊', 'E-mail' => '電子信箱', 'Print my login information' => '列印我的登入資訊', 'Password' => '密碼', 'Display' => '顯示', 'For security purposes, you must delete the "install" folder.' => '基於安全考量,您必須刪除 install 資料夾', '' => '', 'Back Office' => '後台', 'Manage your store using your Back Office. Manage your orders and customers, add modules, change themes, etc.' => '透過後台可以管理您的商店,包括訂單、客戶、模組與佈景等等', 'Manage your store' => '管理您的商店', 'Front Office' => '前台', 'Discover your store as your future customers will see it!' => '瀏覽未來您的客戶會看到的商店畫面!', 'Discover your store' => '瀏覽您的商店', 'Share your experience with your friends!' => '', 'I just built an online store with PrestaShop!' => '', 'Look at this exhilarating experience :' => '', 'Tweet' => '', 'Share' => '', 'Google+' => '', 'Pinterest' => '', 'LinkedIn' => '', 'Check out PrestaShop Addons to add the little something extra to your store!' => '', 'We are currently checking PrestaShop compatibility with your system environment' => '正在檢查系統環境的相容性', 'If you have any questions, please visit our documentation and community forum.' => '如果有任何問題,請瀏覽我們的 文件討論區', 'PrestaShop compatibility with your system environment has been verified!' => '您的系統環境相容於 PrestaShop !', 'Oops! Please correct the item(s) below, and then click "Refresh information" to test the compatibility of your new system.' => '請修正下面項目,然後點選 "重新整理資訊" 來測試系統相容性', 'Refresh these settings' => '重新整理這些設定', 'PrestaShop requires at least 32 MB of memory to run: please check the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file or contact your host provider about this.' => '', 'Warning: You cannot use this tool to upgrade your store anymore.

You already have PrestaShop version %1$s installed.

If you want to upgrade to the latest version, please read our documentation: %2$s' => '', 'Welcome to the PrestaShop %s Installer' => '歡迎安裝 PrestaShop %s', 'Installing PrestaShop is quick and easy. In just a few moments, you will become part of a community consisting of more than 185,000 merchants. You are on the way to creating your own unique online store that you can manage easily every day.' => '', 'If you need help, do not hesitate to check our documentation or to contact our support team: %2$s.' => '如果您需要協助,可以瀏覽 線上文件 或是聯絡我們的支援團隊: %2$s', 'Continue the installation in:' => '', 'The language selection above only applies to the Installation Assistant. Once your store is installed, you can choose the language of your store from over %d translations, all for free!' => '上面選擇的語言只用在安裝過程,一旦完成安裝,您可以為商店加入超過 %d 種翻譯,而且都是免費的!', ), );