/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'link', function( editor ) { var plugin = CKEDITOR.plugins.link; // Handles the event when the "Target" selection box is changed. var targetChanged = function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(), popupFeatures = dialog.getContentElement( 'target', 'popupFeatures' ), targetName = dialog.getContentElement( 'target', 'linkTargetName' ), value = this.getValue(); if ( !popupFeatures || !targetName ) return; popupFeatures = popupFeatures.getElement(); popupFeatures.hide(); targetName.setValue( '' ); switch ( value ) { case 'frame': targetName.setLabel( editor.lang.link.targetFrameName ); targetName.getElement().show(); break; case 'popup': popupFeatures.show(); targetName.setLabel( editor.lang.link.targetPopupName ); targetName.getElement().show(); break; default: targetName.setValue( value ); targetName.getElement().hide(); break; } }; // Handles the event when the "Type" selection box is changed. var linkTypeChanged = function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(), partIds = [ 'urlOptions', 'anchorOptions', 'emailOptions' ], typeValue = this.getValue(), uploadTab = dialog.definition.getContents( 'upload' ), uploadInitiallyHidden = uploadTab && uploadTab.hidden; if ( typeValue == 'url' ) { if ( editor.config.linkShowTargetTab ) dialog.showPage( 'target' ); if ( !uploadInitiallyHidden ) dialog.showPage( 'upload' ); } else { dialog.hidePage( 'target' ); if ( !uploadInitiallyHidden ) dialog.hidePage( 'upload' ); } for ( var i = 0; i < partIds.length; i++ ) { var element = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', partIds[ i ] ); if ( !element ) continue; element = element.getElement().getParent().getParent(); if ( partIds[ i ] == typeValue + 'Options' ) element.show(); else element.hide(); } dialog.layout(); }; // Loads the parameters in a selected link to the link dialog fields. var javascriptProtocolRegex = /^javascript:/, emailRegex = /^mailto:([^?]+)(?:\?(.+))?$/, emailSubjectRegex = /subject=([^;?:@&=$,\/]*)/, emailBodyRegex = /body=([^;?:@&=$,\/]*)/, anchorRegex = /^#(.*)$/, urlRegex = /^((?:http|https|ftp|news):\/\/)?(.*)$/, selectableTargets = /^(_(?:self|top|parent|blank))$/, encodedEmailLinkRegex = /^javascript:void\(location\.href='mailto:'\+String\.fromCharCode\(([^)]+)\)(?:\+'(.*)')?\)$/, functionCallProtectedEmailLinkRegex = /^javascript:([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)$/; var popupRegex = /\s*window.open\(\s*this\.href\s*,\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\s*,\s*'([^']*)'\s*\)\s*;\s*return\s*false;*\s*/; var popupFeaturesRegex = /(?:^|,)([^=]+)=(\d+|yes|no)/gi; var parseLink = function( editor, element ) { var href = ( element && ( element.data( 'cke-saved-href' ) || element.getAttribute( 'href' ) ) ) || '', javascriptMatch, emailMatch, anchorMatch, urlMatch, retval = {}; if ( ( javascriptMatch = href.match( javascriptProtocolRegex ) ) ) { if ( emailProtection == 'encode' ) { href = href.replace( encodedEmailLinkRegex, function( match, protectedAddress, rest ) { return 'mailto:' + String.fromCharCode.apply( String, protectedAddress.split( ',' ) ) + ( rest && unescapeSingleQuote( rest ) ); }); } // Protected email link as function call. else if ( emailProtection ) { href.replace( functionCallProtectedEmailLinkRegex, function( match, funcName, funcArgs ) { if ( funcName == compiledProtectionFunction.name ) { retval.type = 'email'; var email = retval.email = {}; var paramRegex = /[^,\s]+/g, paramQuoteRegex = /(^')|('$)/g, paramsMatch = funcArgs.match( paramRegex ), paramsMatchLength = paramsMatch.length, paramName, paramVal; for ( var i = 0; i < paramsMatchLength; i++ ) { paramVal = decodeURIComponent( unescapeSingleQuote( paramsMatch[ i ].replace( paramQuoteRegex, '' ) ) ); paramName = compiledProtectionFunction.params[ i ].toLowerCase(); email[ paramName ] = paramVal; } email.address = [ email.name, email.domain ].join( '@' ); } }); } } if ( !retval.type ) { if ( ( anchorMatch = href.match( anchorRegex ) ) ) { retval.type = 'anchor'; retval.anchor = {}; retval.anchor.name = retval.anchor.id = anchorMatch[ 1 ]; } // Protected email link as encoded string. else if ( ( emailMatch = href.match( emailRegex ) ) ) { var subjectMatch = href.match( emailSubjectRegex ), bodyMatch = href.match( emailBodyRegex ); retval.type = 'email'; var email = ( retval.email = {} ); email.address = emailMatch[ 1 ]; subjectMatch && ( email.subject = decodeURIComponent( subjectMatch[ 1 ] ) ); bodyMatch && ( email.body = decodeURIComponent( bodyMatch[ 1 ] ) ); } // urlRegex matches empty strings, so need to check for href as well. else if ( href && ( urlMatch = href.match( urlRegex ) ) ) { retval.type = 'url'; retval.url = {}; retval.url.protocol = urlMatch[ 1 ]; retval.url.url = urlMatch[ 2 ]; } else retval.type = 'url'; } // Load target and popup settings. if ( element ) { var target = element.getAttribute( 'target' ); retval.target = {}; retval.adv = {}; // IE BUG: target attribute is an empty string instead of null in IE if it's not set. if ( !target ) { var onclick = element.data( 'cke-pa-onclick' ) || element.getAttribute( 'onclick' ), onclickMatch = onclick && onclick.match( popupRegex ); if ( onclickMatch ) { retval.target.type = 'popup'; retval.target.name = onclickMatch[ 1 ]; var featureMatch; while ( ( featureMatch = popupFeaturesRegex.exec( onclickMatch[ 2 ] ) ) ) { // Some values should remain numbers (#7300) if ( ( featureMatch[ 2 ] == 'yes' || featureMatch[ 2 ] == '1' ) && !( featureMatch[ 1 ] in { height:1,width:1,top:1,left:1 } ) ) retval.target[ featureMatch[ 1 ] ] = true; else if ( isFinite( featureMatch[ 2 ] ) ) retval.target[ featureMatch[ 1 ] ] = featureMatch[ 2 ]; } } } else { var targetMatch = target.match( selectableTargets ); if ( targetMatch ) retval.target.type = retval.target.name = target; else { retval.target.type = 'frame'; retval.target.name = target; } } var me = this; var advAttr = function( inputName, attrName ) { var value = element.getAttribute( attrName ); if ( value !== null ) retval.adv[ inputName ] = value || ''; }; advAttr( 'advId', 'id' ); advAttr( 'advLangDir', 'dir' ); advAttr( 'advAccessKey', 'accessKey' ); retval.adv.advName = element.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || element.getAttribute( 'name' ) || ''; advAttr( 'advLangCode', 'lang' ); advAttr( 'advTabIndex', 'tabindex' ); advAttr( 'advTitle', 'title' ); advAttr( 'advContentType', 'type' ); CKEDITOR.plugins.link.synAnchorSelector ? retval.adv.advCSSClasses = getLinkClass( element ) : advAttr( 'advCSSClasses', 'class' ); advAttr( 'advCharset', 'charset' ); advAttr( 'advStyles', 'style' ); advAttr( 'advRel', 'rel' ); } // Find out whether we have any anchors in the editor. var anchors = retval.anchors = [], i, count, item; // For some browsers we set contenteditable="false" on anchors, making document.anchors not to include them, so we must traverse the links manually (#7893). if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.emptyAnchorFix ) { var links = editor.document.getElementsByTag( 'a' ); for ( i = 0, count = links.count(); i < count; i++ ) { item = links.getItem( i ); if ( item.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || item.hasAttribute( 'name' ) ) anchors.push({ name: item.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || item.getAttribute( 'name' ), id: item.getAttribute( 'id' ) } ); } } else { var anchorList = new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList( editor.document.$.anchors ); for ( i = 0, count = anchorList.count(); i < count; i++ ) { item = anchorList.getItem( i ); anchors[ i ] = { name: item.getAttribute( 'name' ), id: item.getAttribute( 'id' ) }; } } if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.fakeAnchor ) { var imgs = editor.document.getElementsByTag( 'img' ); for ( i = 0, count = imgs.count(); i < count; i++ ) { if ( ( item = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, imgs.getItem( i ) ) ) ) anchors.push({ name: item.getAttribute( 'name' ), id: item.getAttribute( 'id' ) } ); } } // Record down the selected element in the dialog. this._.selectedElement = element; return retval; }; var setupParams = function( page, data ) { if ( data[ page ] ) this.setValue( data[ page ][ this.id ] || '' ); }; var setupPopupParams = function( data ) { return setupParams.call( this, 'target', data ); }; var setupAdvParams = function( data ) { return setupParams.call( this, 'adv', data ); }; var commitParams = function( page, data ) { if ( !data[ page ] ) data[ page ] = {}; data[ page ][ this.id ] = this.getValue() || ''; }; var commitPopupParams = function( data ) { return commitParams.call( this, 'target', data ); }; var commitAdvParams = function( data ) { return commitParams.call( this, 'adv', data ); }; function unescapeSingleQuote( str ) { return str.replace( /\\'/g, '\'' ); } function escapeSingleQuote( str ) { return str.replace( /'/g, '\\$&' ); } var emailProtection = editor.config.emailProtection || ''; // Compile the protection function pattern. if ( emailProtection && emailProtection != 'encode' ) { var compiledProtectionFunction = {}; emailProtection.replace( /^([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)$/, function( match, funcName, params ) { compiledProtectionFunction.name = funcName; compiledProtectionFunction.params = []; params.replace( /[^,\s]+/g, function( param ) { compiledProtectionFunction.params.push( param ); }); }); } function protectEmailLinkAsFunction( email ) { var retval, name = compiledProtectionFunction.name, params = compiledProtectionFunction.params, paramName, paramValue; retval = [ name, '(' ]; for ( var i = 0; i < params.length; i++ ) { paramName = params[ i ].toLowerCase(); paramValue = email[ paramName ]; i > 0 && retval.push( ',' ); retval.push( '\'', paramValue ? escapeSingleQuote( encodeURIComponent( email[ paramName ] ) ) : '', '\'' ); } retval.push( ')' ); return retval.join( '' ); } function protectEmailAddressAsEncodedString( address ) { var charCode, length = address.length, encodedChars = []; for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { charCode = address.charCodeAt( i ); encodedChars.push( charCode ); } return 'String.fromCharCode(' + encodedChars.join( ',' ) + ')'; } function getLinkClass( ele ) { var className = ele.getAttribute( 'class' ); return className ? className.replace( /\s*(?:cke_anchor_empty|cke_anchor)(?:\s*$)?/g, '' ) : ''; } var commonLang = editor.lang.common, linkLang = editor.lang.link; return { title: linkLang.title, minWidth: 350, minHeight: 230, contents: [ { id: 'info', label: linkLang.info, title: linkLang.info, elements: [ { id: 'linkType', type: 'select', label: linkLang.type, 'default': 'url', items: [ [ linkLang.toUrl, 'url' ], [ linkLang.toAnchor, 'anchor' ], [ linkLang.toEmail, 'email' ] ], onChange: linkTypeChanged, setup: function( data ) { if ( data.type ) this.setValue( data.type ); }, commit: function( data ) { data.type = this.getValue(); } }, { type: 'vbox', id: 'urlOptions', children: [ { type: 'hbox', widths: [ '25%', '75%' ], children: [ { id: 'protocol', type: 'select', label: commonLang.protocol, 'default': 'http://', items: [ // Force 'ltr' for protocol names in BIDI. (#5433) [ 'http://\u200E', 'http://' ], [ 'https://\u200E', 'https://' ], [ 'ftp://\u200E', 'ftp://' ], [ 'news://\u200E', 'news://' ], [ linkLang.other, '' ] ], setup: function( data ) { if ( data.url ) this.setValue( data.url.protocol || '' ); }, commit: function( data ) { if ( !data.url ) data.url = {}; data.url.protocol = this.getValue(); } }, { type: 'text', id: 'url', label: commonLang.url, required: true, onLoad: function() { this.allowOnChange = true; }, onKeyUp: function() { this.allowOnChange = false; var protocolCmb = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'protocol' ), url = this.getValue(), urlOnChangeProtocol = /^(http|https|ftp|news):\/\/(?=.)/i, urlOnChangeTestOther = /^((javascript:)|[#\/\.\?])/i; var protocol = urlOnChangeProtocol.exec( url ); if ( protocol ) { this.setValue( url.substr( protocol[ 0 ].length ) ); protocolCmb.setValue( protocol[ 0 ].toLowerCase() ); } else if ( urlOnChangeTestOther.test( url ) ) protocolCmb.setValue( '' ); this.allowOnChange = true; }, onChange: function() { if ( this.allowOnChange ) // Dont't call on dialog load. this.onKeyUp(); }, validate: function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); if ( dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) && dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'linkType' ) != 'url' ) return true; if ( (/javascript\:/).test( this.getValue() ) ) { alert( commonLang.invalidValue ); return false; } if ( this.getDialog().fakeObj ) // Edit Anchor. return true; var func = CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( linkLang.noUrl ); return func.apply( this ); }, setup: function( data ) { this.allowOnChange = false; if ( data.url ) this.setValue( data.url.url ); this.allowOnChange = true; }, commit: function( data ) { // IE will not trigger the onChange event if the mouse has been used // to carry all the operations #4724 this.onChange(); if ( !data.url ) data.url = {}; data.url.url = this.getValue(); this.allowOnChange = false; } } ], setup: function( data ) { if ( !this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ) ) this.getElement().show(); } }, { type: 'button', id: 'browse', hidden: 'true', filebrowser: 'info:url', label: commonLang.browseServer } ] }, { type: 'vbox', id: 'anchorOptions', width: 260, align: 'center', padding: 0, children: [ { type: 'fieldset', id: 'selectAnchorText', label: linkLang.selectAnchor, setup: function( data ) { if ( data.anchors.length > 0 ) this.getElement().show(); else this.getElement().hide(); }, children: [ { type: 'hbox', id: 'selectAnchor', children: [ { type: 'select', id: 'anchorName', 'default': '', label: linkLang.anchorName, style: 'width: 100%;', items: [ [ '' ] ], setup: function( data ) { this.clear(); this.add( '' ); for ( var i = 0; i < data.anchors.length; i++ ) { if ( data.anchors[ i ].name ) this.add( data.anchors[ i ].name ); } if ( data.anchor ) this.setValue( data.anchor.name ); var linkType = this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'info', 'linkType' ); if ( linkType && linkType.getValue() == 'email' ) this.focus(); }, commit: function( data ) { if ( !data.anchor ) data.anchor = {}; data.anchor.name = this.getValue(); } }, { type: 'select', id: 'anchorId', 'default': '', label: linkLang.anchorId, style: 'width: 100%;', items: [ [ '' ] ], setup: function( data ) { this.clear(); this.add( '' ); for ( var i = 0; i < data.anchors.length; i++ ) { if ( data.anchors[ i ].id ) this.add( data.anchors[ i ].id ); } if ( data.anchor ) this.setValue( data.anchor.id ); }, commit: function( data ) { if ( !data.anchor ) data.anchor = {}; data.anchor.id = this.getValue(); } } ], setup: function( data ) { if ( data.anchors.length > 0 ) this.getElement().show(); else this.getElement().hide(); } } ] }, { type: 'html', id: 'noAnchors', style: 'text-align: center;', html: '