SMOKE-FREE POLICY Purpose: To mitigate the irritation and known health hazards of secondhand smoke; the increased risk of fire from smoking; the increased maintenance, cleaning, and redecorating costs from smoking; and the high costs of fire insurance for properties where smoking is permitted. Policy: Smoking is prohibited at Housing Authority owned and managed apartment complexes, including inside apartments, on balconies, and in common areas, including the grounds. All residents, their guests, Housing Authority employees, and vendors must comply with this policy. This policy will be implemented through revisions of the rental agreement or lease or addendums of same and through inclusion of a provision in all contracts for services or supplies. Effective immediately, this policy will apply to employees and vendors. For residents, this policy will be phased in at each location. At each location, the policy will go into effect 90 days after notification of this smoke-free policy. “No Smoking” signs will be posted at the perimeter of the complex, the main entrance and other areas as needed. Policy January 19, 2011