_y_offset = $y_offset;
$this->_x_scale = $x_scale;
$this->_y_scale = $y_scale;
function apply(&$x, &$y) {
$x = floor($x * $this->_x_scale);
$y = floor($this->_y_offset - $y * $this->_y_scale);
class OutputDriverPNG extends OutputDriverGeneric {
var $_image;
var $_clipping;
var $_media;
var $_heightPixels;
var $_widthPixels;
var $_color;
var $_font;
var $_path;
* This variable contains an array of clipping contexts. Clipping
* context describes the "active area" and "base" image (image which
* will take the changes drawn in clipped area).
* As GD does not support clipping natively, when new clipping area
* is defined, we create new image. When clipping context is
* terminated (i.e. by establishing new clipping context, by call to
* 'restore' or by finishing the image output), only area bounded by
* clipping region is copied to the "base" image. Note that This
* will increase the memory consumption, as we'll need to keep
* several active images at once.
var $_clip;
function _restoreColor() {
imagecolordeallocate($this->_image, $this->_color[0]);
function _restoreClip() {
* As clipping context images have the same size/scale, we may use
* the simplest/fastest image copying function
$clip = $this->_clipping[0];
* Now we should free image allocated for the clipping context to avoid memory leaks
$this->_image = $clip['image'];
* Remove clipping context from the stack
function _saveColor($rgb) {
$color = imagecolorallocate($this->_image, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]);
array_unshift($this->_color, array('rgb' => $rgb,
'object' => $color));
function _saveClip($box) {
* Initialize clipping context record and add it to the clipping
* stack
$clip = array('image' => $this->_image,
'box' => $box);
array_unshift($this->_clipping, $clip);
* Create a copy of current image for the clipping context
$width = imagesx($clip['image']);
$height = imagesy($clip['image']);
$this->_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width,
$width, $height);
function _getCurrentColor() {
return $this->_color[0]['object'];
function _setColor($color) {
imagecolordeallocate($this->_image, $this->_color[0]['object']);
$this->_color[0] = $color;
function _setFont($typeface, $encoding, $size) {
global $g_font_resolver_pdf;
$fontfile = $g_font_resolver_pdf->ttf_mappings[$typeface];
$font = $this->_font_factory->getTrueType($typeface, $encoding);
$ascender = $font->ascender() / 1000;
$this->_font[0] = array('font' => $typeface,
'encoding' => $encoding,
'size' => $size,
'ascender' => $ascender);
function _getFont() {
return $this->_font[0];
function _drawLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) {
imageline($this->_image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->_color[0]['object']);
* Note that "paper space" have Y coordinate axis directed to the bottom,
* while images have Y coordinate axis directory to the top
function _fixCoords(&$x, &$y) {
$x = $this->_fixCoordX($x);
$y = $this->_fixCoordY($y);
function _fixCoordX($source_x) {
$x = $source_x;
$dummy = 0;
$this->_transform->apply($x, $dummy);
return $x;
function _fixCoordY($source_y) {
$y = $source_y;
$dummy = 0;
$this->_transform->apply($dummy, $y);
return $y;
function _fixSizes(&$x, &$y) {
$x = $this->_fixSizeX($x);
$y = $this->_fixSizeY($y);
function _fixSizeX($x) {
static $scale = null;
if (is_null($scale)) { $scale = $this->_widthPixels / mm2pt($this->media->width()); };
return ceil($x * $scale);
function _fixSizeY($y) {
static $scale = null;
if (is_null($scale)) { $scale = $this->_heightPixels / mm2pt($this->media->height()); };
return ceil($y * $scale);
function OutputDriverPNG() {
$this->_color = array();
$this->_font = array();
$this->_path = new Path;
$this->_clipping = array();
$this->_font_factory = new FontFactory();
function reset(&$media) {
function update_media($media) {
* Here we use a small hack; media height and width (in millimetres) match
* the size of screenshot (in pixels), so we take them as-is
$this->_heightPixels = $media->height();
$this->_widthPixels = $media->width();
$this->_image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->_widthPixels,
* Render white background
$white = imagecolorallocate($this->_image, 255,255,255);
imagefill($this->_image, 0,0,$white);
imagecolordeallocate($this->_image, $white);
$this->_color[0] = array('rgb' => array(0,0,0),
'object' => imagecolorallocate($this->_image, 0,0,0));
* Setup initial clipping region
$this->_clipping = array();
$this->_saveClip(new Rectangle(new Point(0,
new Point($this->_widthPixels-1,
$this->_transform = new AffineTransform($this->_heightPixels,
$this->_widthPixels / mm2pt($this->media->width()),
$this->_heightPixels / mm2pt($this->media->height()));
function add_link($x, $y, $w, $h, $target) { /* N/A */ }
function add_local_link($left, $top, $width, $height, $anchor) { /* N/A */ }
function circle($x, $y, $r) {
$this->_path = new PathCircle();
function clip() {
* Only rectangular clipping areas are supported; we'll use
* bounding box of current path for clipping. If current path is
* an rectangle, bounding box will match the path itself.
$box = $this->_path->getBbox();
* Convert bounding from media coordinates
* to output device coordinates
$this->_fixCoords($box->ll->x, $box->ll->y);
$this->_fixCoords($box->ur->x, $box->ur->y);
* Add a clipping context information
* Reset path after clipping have been applied
$this->_path = new Path;
function close() {
* A small hack; as clipping context is save every time 'save' is
* called, we may deterine the number of graphic contexts saved by
* the size of clipping context stack
while (count($this->_clipping) > 0) {
imagepng($this->_image, $this->get_filename());
function closepath() {
function content_type() {
return ContentType::png();
function dash($x, $y) { }
function decoration($underline, $overline, $strikeout) { }
function error_message() {
return "OutputDriverPNG: generic error";
function field_multiline_text($x, $y, $w, $h, $value, $field_name) { /* N/A */ }
function field_text($x, $y, $w, $h, $value, $field_name) { /* N/A */ }
function field_password($x, $y, $w, $h, $value, $field_name) { /* N/A */ }
function field_pushbutton($x, $y, $w, $h) { /* N/A */ }
function field_pushbuttonimage($x, $y, $w, $h, $field_name, $value, $actionURL) { /* N/A */ }
function field_pushbuttonreset($x, $y, $w, $h) { /* N/A */ }
function field_pushbuttonsubmit($x, $y, $w, $h, $field_name, $value, $actionURL) { /* N/A */ }
function field_checkbox($x, $y, $w, $h, $name, $value) { /* N/A */ }
function field_radio($x, $y, $w, $h, $groupname, $value, $checked) { /* N/A */ }
function field_select($x, $y, $w, $h, $name, $value, $options) { /* N/A */ }
function fill() {
$this->_path->fill($this->_transform, $this->_image, $this->_getCurrentColor());
$this->_path = new Path;
function font_ascender($name, $encoding) {
$font = $this->_font_factory->getTrueType($name, $encoding);
return $font->ascender() / 1000;
function font_descender($name, $encoding) {
$font = $this->_font_factory->getTrueType($name, $encoding);
return -$font->descender() / 1000;
function get_bottom() {}
* Image output always contains only one page
function get_expected_pages() {
return 1;
function image($image, $x, $y, $scale) {
$this->image_scaled($image, $x, $y, $scale, $scale);
function image_scaled($image, $x, $y, $scale_x, $scale_y) {
$this->_fixCoords($x, $y);
$sx = $image->sx();
$sy = $image->sy();
* Get image size in device coordinates
$dx = $sx*$scale_x;
$dy = $sy*$scale_y;
$this->_fixSizes($dx, $dy);
imagecopyresampled($this->_image, $image->get_handle(),
$x, $y-$dy,
0, 0,
$dx, $dy,
$sx, $sy);
function image_ry($image, $x, $y, $height, $bottom, $ox, $oy, $scale) {
$base_y = floor($this->_fixCoordY($bottom));
$this->_fixCoords($x, $y);
$dest_height = floor($this->_fixSizeY($height));
$start_y = $y - $dest_height;
$sx = $image->sx();
$sy = $image->sy();
$dx = $this->_fixSizeX($sx * $scale);
$dy = $this->_fixSizeY($sy * $scale);
$cx = $x;
$cy = $start_y - ceil($this->_fixSizeY($oy) / $dest_height) * $dest_height;
while ($cy < $base_y) {
imagecopyresampled($this->_image, $image->get_handle(),
$cx, $cy,
0, 0,
$dx, $dy,
$sx, $sy);
$cy += $dest_height;
function image_rx($image, $x, $y, $width, $right, $ox, $oy, $scale) {
$base_x = floor($this->_fixCoordX($right));
$this->_fixCoords($x, $y);
$dest_width = floor($this->_fixSizeX($width));
$start_x = $x - $dest_width;
$sx = $image->sx();
$sy = $image->sy();
$dx = $this->_fixSizeX($sx * $scale);
$dy = $this->_fixSizeY($sy * $scale);
$cx = $start_x - ceil($this->_fixSizeX($oy) / $dest_width) * $dest_width;
$cy = $y - $dy;
while ($cx < $base_x) {
imagecopyresampled($this->_image, $image->get_handle(),
$cx, $cy,
0, 0,
$dx, $dy,
$sx, $sy);
$cx += $dest_width;
function image_rx_ry($image, $x, $y, $width, $height, $right, $bottom, $ox, $oy, $scale) {
$base_x = floor($this->_fixCoordX($right));
$base_y = floor($this->_fixCoordY($bottom));
$this->_fixCoords($x, $y);
$dest_width = floor($this->_fixSizeX($width));
$dest_height = floor($this->_fixSizeY($height));
$start_x = $x - $dest_width;
$start_y = $y - $dest_height;
$sx = $image->sx();
$sy = $image->sy();
$dx = $this->_fixSizeX($sx * $scale);
$dy = $this->_fixSizeY($sy * $scale);
$cx = $start_x - ceil($this->_fixSizeX($ox) / $dest_width) * $dest_width;
$cy = $start_y - ceil($this->_fixSizeY($oy) / $dest_height) * $dest_height;
while ($cy < $base_y) {
while ($cx < $base_x) {
$cx, $cy,
0, 0,
$dx, $dy,
$sx, $sy);
$cx += $dest_width;
$cx = $start_x - ceil($this->_fixSizeX($ox) / $dest_width) * $dest_width;
$cy += $dest_height;
function lineto($x, $y) {
$this->_path->addPoint(new Point($x, $y));
function moveto($x, $y) {
$this->_path->addPoint(new Point($x, $y));
function new_form($name) { /* N/A */ }
function next_page() { /* N/A */ }
function release() { }
* Note: _restoreClip will change current image object, so we must
* release all image-dependent objects before call to _restoreClip
* to ensure resources are released correctly
function restore() {
* Note: _saveClip will change current image object, so we must
* create all image-dependent objects after call to _saveClip to
* ensure resources are created correctly
function save() {
function setfont($name, $encoding, $size) {
$this->_setFont($name, $encoding, $size);
return true;
function setlinewidth($x) {
$dummy = 0;
$this->_fixSizes($x, $dummy);
imagesetthickness($this->_image, $x);
function setrgbcolor($r, $g, $b) {
$color = array('rgb' => array($r, $g, $b),
'object' => imagecolorallocate($this->_image, $r*255, $g*255, $b*255));
function set_watermark($text) { }
function show_xy($text, $x, $y) {
$this->_fixCoords($x, $y);
$font = $this->_getFont();
$converter = Converter::create();
global $g_font_resolver_pdf;
$fontFile = $g_font_resolver_pdf->ttf_mappings[$font['font']];
$fontSize = $font['size'];
$dummy = 0;
$this->_fixSizes($dummy, $fontSize);
$utf8_string = $converter->to_utf8($text, $font['encoding']);
$fontSize * $font['ascender'],
* Note: the koefficient is just a magic number; I'll need to examine the
* imagefttext behavior more closely
function stringwidth($string, $name, $encoding, $size) {
$font = $this->_font_factory->getTrueType($name, $encoding);
return Font::points($size, $font->stringwidth($string))*1.25;
function stroke() {
$this->_path->stroke($this->_transform, $this->_image, $this->_getCurrentColor());
$this->_path = new Path;