_content = "";
function write($string) {
$this->_content .= $string;
* There are two forms of PCL escape sequences: two-character escape
* sequences and parameterized escape sequences.
class PCLEscapeSequence {
function output(&$stream) {
* Two-character escape sequences have the following form:
* X
* where “X” is a character that defines the operation to be
* performed. “X” may be any character from the ASCII table within the
* range 48-126 decimal (“0” through “~” - see Appendix A).
class PCLEscapeGenericSimple {
function getSequenceString() {
return $this->_getEscapedCharacter();
* Parameterized escape sequences have the following form:
* X y z1 # z2 # z3 ... # Zn[data]
* where y, #, zi (z1, z2, z3...) and [data] may be optional,
* depending on the command.
class PCLEscapeGenericParametric {
function getSequenceString() {
$result =
$groups = $this->_getGroups();
$size = count($groups);
for ($i=0; $i<$size-1; $i++) {
$result .= $groups[$i]->getString();
$result .= $groups[$size-1]->getStringTerminate();
return $result;
class PCLEscapeGroup {
var $_value;
var $_character;
function PCLEscapeGroup($char, $value) {
$this->_character = $char;
$this->_value = $value;
function getString() {
return $this->_value.$this->_character;
function getStringTerminate() {
return $this->_value.strtoupper($this->_character);
* Simple escape sequences
* Printer Reset command
* Receipt of the Printer Reset command restores the User Default
* Environment, deletes temporary fonts, macros, user-defined symbol
* sets and patterns. It also prints any partial pages of data which
* may have been received.
* E
class PCLEscapeReset extends PCLEscapeGenericSimple {
function _getEscapedCharacter() { return "E"; }
* The Universal Exit Language (UEL) command causes the PCL printer
* language to shut down and exit. Control is then returned to the
* Printer Job Language (PJL). Both PCL 5 and HP-GL/2 recognize this
* command.
* % – 1 2 3 4 5 X
* Default = N/A
* Range = –12345
* This command performs the following actions:
* .. Prints all data received before the Exit Language command.
* .. Performs a printer reset (same effect as ? E).
* .. Shuts down the PCL 5 printer language processor.
* .. Turns control over to PJL.
class PCLEscapeUEL extends PCLEscapeGenericParametric {
function _getEscapedCharacter() { return "%"; }
function _getGroupCharacter() { return ""; }
function _getGroups() {
return array(new PCLEscapeGroup('x',-12345));
* The Number of Copies command designates the number of printed copies of each page.
* & l # X
* # = Number of copies (1 to 32767 maximum)
* Default = 1 (Configurable from control panel)
* Range = 1-32767
* (Values 32767 execute as 32767 values 1 are ignored.
* Maximum number of copies=99 for LaserJet II, IIP, III, IIID, IIIP and earlier LaserJet printers.)
* This command can be received anywhere within a page and affects
* the current page as well as subsequent pages.
class PCLEscapeNumberOfCopies extends PCLEscapeGenericParametric {
var $_number;
function PCLEscapeNumberOfCopies($number) {
$this->_number = $number;
function _getEscapedCharacter() { return "&"; }
function _getGroupCharacter() { return "l"; }
function _getGroups() {
return array(new PCLEscapeGroup('x',$this->_number));
* This command designates either simplex or duplex printing mode for
* duplex printers. Simplex mode prints an image on only one side of a
* sheet (page). Duplex mode prints images on both sides of a sheet.
* ? & l # S
* # = 0 - Simplex
* 1 - Duplex, Long-Edge Binding
* 2 - Duplex, Short-Edge Binding
* Default = 0
* Range = 0-2 (Other values ignored)
* Long-Edge bound duplexed pages are bound along the length of the
* physical page (see Figure 4-2). Short-edge bound duplexed pages are
* bound along the width of the physical page (see Figure 4-3).
* Selecting long-edge binding usually results in font rotation. This
* may be a concern if available user memory is critical.
class PCLEscapeSimplexDuplex extends PCLEscapeGenericParametric {
var $_duplex;
function PCLEscapeSimplexDuplex($duplex) {
$this->_duplex = $duplex;
function _getEscapedCharacter() { return "&"; }
function _getGroupCharacter() { return "l"; }
function _getGroups() {
return array(new PCLEscapeGroup('x',$this->_number));
* Print Job
* Structure of a Typical Job
* %–12345X UEL Command (exit language)
* E Printer Reset Command.
* Preamble Job Control Commands.
* Page 1 Page Control Commands.
* Data
* Page 2 Page Control Commands.1
* Data.
* ...
* Page n Page Control Commands.
* Data.
* E Printer Reset Command.
* %–12345X UEL Command (exit language).
class PCLPrintJob {
function output(&$stream) {
$uel = new PCLEscapeUEL();
$reset = new PCLEscapeReset();
foreach ($this->_pages as $page) {
class PCLPrintJobPreamble {
function output(&$stream) {
class PCLPrintJobPage {
var $_control
var $_data;
function output(&$stream) {
class OutputDriverPCL extends OutputDriverGeneric {
* Standard output driver interface follows
function add_link($x, $y, $w, $h, $target) { /* N/A */ }
function add_local_link($left, $top, $width, $height, $anchor) { /* N/A */ }
function circle($x, $y, $r) { }
function clip() {}
function close() { die("Unoverridden 'close' method called in ".get_class($this)); }
function closepath() {}
function content_type() { die("Unoverridden 'content_type' method called in ".get_class($this)); }
function dash($x, $y) { }
function decoration($underline, $overline, $strikeout) { }
function error_message() { die("Unoverridden 'error_message' method called in ".get_class($this)); }
function field_multiline_text($x, $y, $w, $h, $value, $field_name) { /* N/A */ }
function field_text($x, $y, $w, $h, $value, $field_name) { /* N/A */ }
function field_password($x, $y, $w, $h, $value, $field_name) { /* N/A */ }
function field_pushbutton($x, $y, $w, $h) { /* N/A */ }
function field_pushbuttonimage($x, $y, $w, $h, $field_name, $value, $actionURL) { /* N/A */ }
function field_pushbuttonreset($x, $y, $w, $h) { /* N/A */ }
function field_pushbuttonsubmit($x, $y, $w, $h, $field_name, $value, $actionURL) { /* N/A */ }
function field_checkbox($x, $y, $w, $h, $name, $value) { /* N/A */ }
function field_radio($x, $y, $w, $h, $groupname, $value, $checked) { /* N/A */ }
function field_select($x, $y, $w, $h, $name, $value, $options) { /* N/A */ }
function fill() { }
function font_ascender($name, $encoding) {}
function font_descender($name, $encoding) {}
function get_bottom() {}
function image($image, $x, $y, $scale) {}
function image_scaled($image, $x, $y, $scale_x, $scale_y) { }
function image_ry($image, $x, $y, $height, $bottom, $ox, $oy, $scale) { }
function image_rx($image, $x, $y, $width, $right, $ox, $oy, $scale) { }
function image_rx_ry($image, $x, $y, $width, $height, $right, $bottom, $ox, $oy, $scale) { }
function lineto($x, $y) { }
function moveto($x, $y) { }
function new_form($name) { /* N/A */ }
function next_page() { /* N/A */ }
function release() { }
function restore() { }
function save() { }
function setfont($name, $encoding, $size) {}
function setlinewidth($x) { }
function setrgbcolor($r, $g, $b) { }
function set_watermark($text) { }
function show_xy($text, $x, $y) {}
function stringwidth($string, $name, $encoding, $size) { }
function stroke() { }