new_custom_encoding_vector(); } /** * Add new custom symbol not present in the existing encoding * vectors. * * Note: encoding vector this character was placed to should be * extracted via get_current_custom_encoding_name immediately after * add_custom_char call. * * @param char[2] $char UCS-2 character (represented as 2-octet * string) * * @return char index of this character in custom encoding vector */ function add_custom_char($char) { // Check if current encoding vector is full; if it is, we should // add a new one. if ($this->is_custom_encoding_full()) { $this->new_custom_encoding_vector(); }; // Get name of the custom encoding where new character should be // placed $vector_name = $this->get_current_custom_encoding_name(); // Get (zero-based) index of this character in the encoding vector $index = count($this->_encodings[$vector_name]); // Add new character to the custom encoding vector $this->_encodings[$vector_name][chr($index)] = $char; // Add new character to the UTF8 mapping table $this->_utf8_mapping[code_to_utf8($char)][$vector_name] = chr($index); return chr($index); } function generate_mapping($mapping_file) { global $g_utf8_converters; $this->_utf8_mapping = array(); foreach (array_keys($g_utf8_converters) as $encoding) { $flipped = array_flip($g_utf8_converters[$encoding][0]); foreach ($flipped as $utf => $code) { $this->_utf8_mapping[code_to_utf8($utf)][$encoding] = $code; }; }; $file = fopen($mapping_file,'w'); fwrite($file, serialize($this->_utf8_mapping)); fclose($file); } function &get() { global $g_manager_encodings; return $g_manager_encodings; } function get_canonized_encoding_name($encoding) { global $g_encoding_aliases; if (isset($g_encoding_aliases[$encoding])) { return $g_encoding_aliases[$encoding]; }; return $encoding; } function get_current_custom_encoding_name() { return $this->get_custom_encoding_name($this->get_custom_vector_index()); } function get_custom_encoding_name($index) { return sprintf('custom%d', $index); } function get_custom_vector_index() { return $this->_custom_vector_index; } function get_encoding_glyphs($encoding) { $vector = $this->get_encoding_vector($encoding); if (is_null($vector)) { error_log(sprintf("Cannot get encoding vector for encoding '%s'", $encoding)); return null; }; return $this->vector_to_glyphs($vector); } /** * Get an encoding vector (array containing 256 elements; every * element is an ucs-2 encoded character) * * @param $encoding Encoding name * * @return Array encoding vector; null if this encoding is not known to the script */ function get_encoding_vector($encoding) { $encoding = $this->get_canonized_encoding_name($encoding); global $g_utf8_converters; if (isset($g_utf8_converters[$encoding])) { $vector = $g_utf8_converters[$encoding][0]; } elseif (isset($this->_encodings[$encoding])) { $vector = $this->_encodings[$encoding]; } else { return null; }; for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) { if (!isset($vector[chr($i)])) { $vector[chr($i)] = 0xFFFF; }; }; return $vector; } function get_glyph_to_code_mapping($encoding) { $vector = $this->get_encoding_vector($encoding); $result = array(); foreach ($vector as $code => $uccode) { if (isset($GLOBALS['g_unicode_glyphs'][$uccode])) { $result[$GLOBALS['g_unicode_glyphs'][$uccode]][] = $code; }; }; return $result; } function get_mapping($char) { if (!isset($this->_utf8_mapping)) { $this->load_mapping(CACHE_DIR . 'utf8.mappings.dat'); }; if (!isset($this->_utf8_mapping[$char])) { return null; }; return $this->_utf8_mapping[$char]; } function get_next_utf8_char($raw_content, &$ptr) { if ((ord($raw_content[$ptr]) & 0xF0) == 0xF0) { $charlen = 4; } elseif ((ord($raw_content[$ptr]) & 0xE0) == 0xE0) { $charlen = 3; } elseif ((ord($raw_content[$ptr]) & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { $charlen = 2; } else { $charlen = 1; }; $char = substr($raw_content,$ptr,$charlen); $ptr += $charlen; return $char; } function get_ps_encoding_vector($encoding) { $vector = $this->get_encoding_vector($encoding); $result = "/".$encoding." [ \n"; for ($i=0; $i<256; $i++) { if ($i % 10 == 0) { $result .= "\n"; }; // ! Note the order of array checking; optimizing interpreters may break this if (isset($vector[chr($i)]) && isset($GLOBALS['g_unicode_glyphs'][$vector[chr($i)]])) { $result .= " /".$GLOBALS['g_unicode_glyphs'][$vector[chr($i)]]; } else { $result .= " /.notdef"; }; }; $result .= " ] readonly def"; return $result; } function is_custom_encoding($encoding) { return preg_match('/^custom\d+$/', $encoding); } function is_custom_encoding_full() { return count($this->_encodings[$this->get_current_custom_encoding_name()]) >= 256; } function load_mapping($mapping_file) { if (!is_readable($mapping_file)) { $this->generate_mapping($mapping_file); } else { $this->_utf8_mapping = unserialize(file_get_contents($mapping_file)); }; } /** * Create new custom 256-characters encoding vector. Reserve first * 32 symbols for system use. * * Custom encoding vectors have names 'customX' when X stand for the * encoding index. */ function new_custom_encoding_vector() { $initial_vector = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= 32; $i++) { $initial_vector[chr($i)] = chr($i); }; $this->register_encoding(sprintf('custom%d', $this->next_custom_vector_index()), $initial_vector); } /** * Returns index for the next custom encoding */ function next_custom_vector_index() { return ++$this->_custom_vector_index; } function register_encoding($name, $vector) { $this->_encodings[$name] = $vector; } function to_utf8($word, $encoding) { $vector = $this->get_encoding_vector($encoding); $converted = ''; for ($i=0, $size=strlen($word); $i < $size; $i++) { $converted .= code_to_utf8($vector[$word{$i}]); }; return $converted; } function vector_to_glyphs($vector) { $result = array(); foreach ($vector as $code => $ucs2) { if (isset($GLOBALS['g_unicode_glyphs'][$ucs2])) { $result[$code] = $GLOBALS['g_unicode_glyphs'][$ucs2]; } elseif ($ucs2 == 0xFFFF) { $result[$code] = ".notdef"; } else { // Use "Unicode and Glyph Names" mapping from Adobe // $result[$code] = sprintf("u%04X", $ucs2); }; }; return $result; } } global $g_manager_encodings; $g_manager_encodings = new ManagerEncoding; ?>