function add_property($property) {
function CSSRule($rule, &$pipeline) {
$this->selector = $rule[0];
$this->body = $rule[1]->copy();
$this->baseurl = $rule[2];
$this->order = $rule[3];
$this->specificity = css_selector_specificity($this->selector);
$this->pseudoelement = css_find_pseudoelement($this->selector);
function set_property($key, $value, &$pipeline) {
$this->body->set_property_value($key, $value);
function &get_property($key) {
return $this->body->get_property_value($key);
function get_order() { return $this->order; }
function get_pseudoelement() { return $this->pseudoelement; }
function get_selector() { return $this->selector; }
function get_specificity() { return $this->specificity; }
function match($root) {
return match_selector($this->selector, $root);
function rule_get_selector(&$rule) { return $rule[0]; };
function cmp_rules($r1, $r2) {
$a = css_selector_specificity($r1[0]);
$b = css_selector_specificity($r2[0]);
for ($i=0; $i<=2; $i++) {
if ($a[$i] != $b[$i]) { return ($a[$i] < $b[$i]) ? -1 : 1; };
// If specificity of selectors is equal, use rules natural order in stylesheet
return $r1[3] < $r2[3] ? -1 : 1;
function cmp_rule_objs($r1, $r2) {
$a = $r1->get_specificity();
$b = $r2->get_specificity();
for ($i=0; $i<=2; $i++) {
if ($a[$i] != $b[$i]) { return ($a[$i] < $b[$i]) ? -1 : 1; };
// If specificity of selectors is equal, use rules natural order in stylesheet
return $r1->get_order() < $r2->get_order() ? -1 : 1;