return $box;
function reflow(&$parent, &$context) {
// If frame contains no boxes (for example, the src link is broken)
// we just return - no further processing will be done
if (count($this->content) == 0) { return; };
// First box contained in a frame should always fill all its height
$hc = new HCConstraint(array($this->get_height(), false),
array($this->get_height(), false),
array($this->get_height(), false));
* Reflow absolutely positioned block box. Note that according to CSS 2.1
* the only types of boxes which could be absolutely positioned are
* 'block' and 'table'
* @param FlowContext $context A flow context object containing the additional layout data.
* @link CSS 2.1: Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'
function reflow_absolute(&$context) {
GenericFormattedBox::reflow($this->parent, $context);
$position_strategy =& new StrategyPositionAbsolute();
* As sometimes left/right values may not be set, we need to use the "fit" width here.
* If box have a width constraint, 'get_max_width' will return constrained value;
* othersise, an intrictic width will be returned.
* Note that get_max_width returns width _including_ external space line margins, borders and padding;
* as we're setting the "internal" - content width, we must subtract "extra" space width from the
* value received
* @see GenericContainerBox::get_max_width()
$this->put_width($this->get_max_width($context) - $this->_get_hor_extra());
* Update the width, as it should be calculated based upon containing block width, not real parent.
* After this we should remove width constraints or we may encounter problem
* in future when we'll try to call get_..._width functions for this box
* @todo Update the family of get_..._width function so that they would apply constraint
* using the containing block width, not "real" parent width
$wc = $this->get_css_property(CSS_WIDTH);
$containing_block =& $this->_get_containing_block();
$containing_block['right'] - $containing_block['left']));
$this->setCSSProperty(CSS_WIDTH, new WCNone());
* Layout element's children
* As absolute-positioned box generated new flow contexy, extend the height to fit all floats
* If element have been positioned using 'right' or 'bottom' property,
* we need to offset it, as we assumed it had zero width and height at
* the moment we placed it
$right = $this->get_css_property(CSS_RIGHT);
$left = $this->get_css_property(CSS_LEFT);
if ($left->isAuto() && !$right->isAuto()) {
$this->offset(-$this->get_width(), 0);
$bottom = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BOTTOM);
$top = $this->get_css_property(CSS_TOP);
if ($top->isAuto() && !$bottom->isAuto()) {
$this->offset(0, $this->get_height());
function FrameBox(&$root, &$pipeline) {
$css_state =& $pipeline->get_current_css_state();
// Inherit 'border' CSS value from parent (FRAMESET tag), if current FRAME
// has no FRAMEBORDER attribute, and FRAMESET has one
$parent = $root->parent();
if (!$root->has_attribute('frameborder') &&
$parent->has_attribute('frameborder')) {
$parent_border = $css_state->get_propertyOnLevel(CSS_BORDER, CSS_PROPERTY_LEVEL_PARENT);
$css_state->set_property(CSS_BORDER, $parent_border->copy());
// If NO src attribute specified, just return.
if (!$root->has_attribute('src')) { return; };
// Determine the fullly qualified URL of the frame content
$src = $root->get_attribute('src');
$url = $pipeline->guess_url($src);
$data = $pipeline->fetch($url);
* If framed page could not be fetched return immediately
if (is_null($data)) { return; };
* Render only iframes containing HTML only
* Note that content-type header may contain additional information after the ';' sign
$content_type = $data->get_additional_data('Content-Type');
$content_type_array = explode(';', $content_type);
if ($content_type_array[0] != "text/html") { return; };
$html = $data->get_content();
// Remove control symbols if any
$html = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x07]/', "", $html);
$converter = Converter::create();
$html = $converter->to_utf8($html, $data->detect_encoding());
$html = html2xhtml($html);
$tree = TreeBuilder::build($html);
// Save current stylesheet, as each frame may load its own stylesheets
$css =& $pipeline->get_current_css();
$css->scan_styles($tree, $pipeline);
$frame_root = traverse_dom_tree_pdf($tree);
$box_child =& create_pdf_box($frame_root, $pipeline);
// Restore old stylesheet
* Note that if both top and bottom are 'auto', box will use vertical coordinate
* calculated using guess_corder in 'reflow' method which could be used if this
* box had 'position: static'
function _positionAbsoluteVertically($containing_block) {
$bottom = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BOTTOM);
$top = $this->get_css_property(CSS_TOP);
if (!$top->isAuto()) {
if ($top->isPercentage()) {
$top_value = ($containing_block['top'] - $containing_block['bottom']) / 100 * $top->getPercentage();
} else {
$top_value = $top->getPoints();
$this->put_top($containing_block['top'] - $top_value - $this->get_extra_top());
} elseif (!$bottom->isAuto()) {
if ($bottom->isPercentage()) {
$bottom_value = ($containing_block['top'] - $containing_block['bottom']) / 100 * $bottom->getPercentage();
} else {
$bottom_value = $bottom->getPoints();
$this->put_top($containing_block['bottom'] + $bottom_value + $this->get_extra_bottom());
* Note that if both 'left' and 'right' are 'auto', box will use
* horizontal coordinate calculated using guess_corder in 'reflow'
* method which could be used if this box had 'position: static'
function _positionAbsoluteHorizontally($containing_block) {
$left = $this->get_css_property(CSS_LEFT);
$right = $this->get_css_property(CSS_RIGHT);
if (!$left->isAuto()) {
if ($left->isPercentage()) {
$left_value = ($containing_block['right'] - $containing_block['left']) / 100 * $left->getPercentage();
} else {
$left_value = $left->getPoints();
$this->put_left($containing_block['left'] + $left_value + $this->get_extra_left());
} elseif (!$right->isAuto()) {
if ($right->isPercentage()) {
$right_value = ($containing_block['right'] - $containing_block['left']) / 100 * $right->getPercentage();
} else {
$right_value = $right->getPoints();
$this->put_left($containing_block['right'] - $right_value - $this->get_extra_right());
class FramesetBox extends GenericContainerBox {
var $rows;
var $cols;
function &create(&$root, &$pipeline) {
$box =& new FramesetBox($root, $pipeline);
return $box;
function FramesetBox(&$root, $pipeline) {
$this->create_content($root, $pipeline);
// Now determine the frame layout inside the frameset
$this->rows = $root->has_attribute('rows') ? $root->get_attribute('rows') : "100%";
$this->cols = $root->has_attribute('cols') ? $root->get_attribute('cols') : "100%";
function reflow(&$parent, &$context) {
$viewport =& $context->get_viewport();
// Frameset always fill all available space in viewport
$this->put_left($viewport->get_left() + $this->get_extra_left());
$this->put_top($viewport->get_top() - $this->get_extra_top());
$this->setCSSProperty(CSS_WIDTH, new WCConstant($viewport->get_width()));
$this->put_height_constraint(new WCConstant($viewport->get_height()));
// Parse layout-control values
$rows = guess_lengths($this->rows, $this->get_height());
$cols = guess_lengths($this->cols, $this->get_width());
// Now reflow all frames in frameset
$cur_col = 0;
$cur_row = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < count($this->content); $i++) {
// Had we run out of cols/rows?
if ($cur_row >= count($rows)) {
// In valid HTML we never should get here, but someone can provide less frame cells
// than frames. Extra frames will not be rendered at all
$frame =& $this->content[$i];
* Depending on the source HTML, FramesetBox may contain some non-frame boxes;
* we'll just ignore them
if (!is_a($frame, "FramesetBox") &&
!is_a($frame, "FrameBox")) {
// Guess frame size and position
$frame->put_left($this->get_left() + array_sum(array_slice($cols, 0, $cur_col)) + $frame->get_extra_left());
$frame->put_top($this->get_top() - array_sum(array_slice($rows, 0, $cur_row)) - $frame->get_extra_top());
$frame->setCSSProperty(CSS_WIDTH, new WCConstant($frame->get_width()));
$frame->put_height_constraint(new WCConstant($frame->get_height()));
// Reflow frame contents
$frame->reflow($this, $context);
// Move to the next frame position
// Next columns
$cur_col ++;
if ($cur_col >= count($cols)) {
// Next row
$cur_col = 0;
$cur_row ++;