* Create new block element and automatically fill in its contents using
* parsed HTML data
* @param mixed $root the HTML element corresponding to the element being created
* @return BlockBox new BlockBox object (with contents filled)
* @see GenericContainerBox::create_content()
function &create(&$root, &$pipeline) {
$box = new BlockBox();
$box->create_content($root, $pipeline);
return $box;
* Create new block element and automatically initialize its contents
* with the given text string
* @param string $content The text string to be put inside the block box
* @return BlockBox new BlockBox object (with contents filled)
* @see InlineBox
* @see InlineBox::create_from_text()
function &create_from_text($content, &$pipeline) {
$box = new BlockBox();
return $box;
* Layout current block element
* @param GenericContainerBox $parent The document element which should be treated as the parent of current element
* @param FlowContext $context The flow context containing the additional layout data
* @see FlowContext
* @see GenericContainerBox
* @see InlineBlockBox::reflow
* @todo this 'reflow' skeleton is common for all element types; thus, we probably should move the generic 'reflow'
* definition to the GenericFormattedBox class, leaving only box-specific 'reflow_static' definitions in specific classes.
* @todo make relative positioning more CSS 2.1 compliant; currently, 'bottom' and 'right' CSS properties are ignored.
* @todo check whether percentage values should be really ignored during relative positioning
function reflow(&$parent, &$context) {
switch ($this->get_css_property(CSS_POSITION)) {
$this->reflow_static($parent, $context);
* CSS 2.1:
* Once a box has been laid out according to the normal flow or floated, it may be shifted relative
* to this position. This is called relative positioning. Offsetting a box (B1) in this way has no
* effect on the box (B2) that follows: B2 is given a position as if B1 were not offset and B2 is
* not re-positioned after B1's offset is applied. This implies that relative positioning may cause boxes
* to overlap. However, if relative positioning causes an 'overflow:auto' box to have overflow, the UA must
* allow the user to access this content, which, through the creation of scrollbars, may affect layout.
* @link CSS 2.1 Relative positioning
$this->reflow_static($parent, $context);
* If this box is positioned absolutely, it is not laid out as usual box;
* The reference to this element is stored in the flow context for
* futher reference.
* If this box have 'position: fixed', it is not laid out as usual box;
* The reference to this element is stored in the flow context for
* futher reference.
* Reflow absolutely positioned block box. Note that according to CSS 2.1
* the only types of boxes which could be absolutely positioned are
* 'block' and 'table'
* @param FlowContext $context A flow context object containing the additional layout data.
* @link CSS 2.1: Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'
function reflow_absolute(&$context) {
$parent_node =& $this->get_parent_node();
parent::reflow($parent_node, $context);
$width_strategy =& new StrategyWidthAbsolutePositioned();
$width_strategy->apply($this, $context);
$position_strategy =& new StrategyPositionAbsolute();
* As absolute-positioned box generated new flow context, extend the height to fit all floats
* Reflow fixed-positioned block box. Note that according to CSS 2.1
* the only types of boxes which could be absolutely positioned are
* 'block' and 'table'
* @param FlowContext $context A flow context object containing the additional layout data.
* @link CSS 2.1: Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'
* @todo it seems that percentage-constrained fixed block width will be calculated incorrectly; we need
* to use containing block width instead of $this->get_width() when applying the width constraint
function reflow_fixed(&$context) {
GenericFormattedBox::reflow($this->parent, $context);
* As fixed-positioned elements are placed relatively to page (so that one element may be shown
* several times on different pages), we cannot calculate its position at the moment.
* The real position of the element is calculated when it is to be shown - once for each page.
* @see BlockBox::show_fixed()
* As sometimes left/right values may not be set, we need to use the "fit" width here.
* If box have a width constraint, 'get_max_width' will return constrained value;
* othersise, an intrictic width will be returned.
* @see GenericContainerBox::get_max_width()
* Update the width, as it should be calculated based upon containing block width, not real parent.
* After this we should remove width constraints or we may encounter problem
* in future when we'll try to call get_..._width functions for this box
* @todo Update the family of get_..._width function so that they would apply constraint
* using the containing block width, not "real" parent width
$containing_block =& $this->_get_containing_block();
$wc = $this->get_css_property(CSS_WIDTH);
$containing_block['right'] - $containing_block['left']));
$this->setCSSProperty(CSS_WIDTH, new WCNone());
* Layout element's children
* As fixed-positioned box generated new flow context, extend the height to fit all floats
* Layout static-positioned block box.
* Note that static-positioned boxes may be floating boxes
* @param GenericContainerBox $parent The document element which should be treated as the parent of current element
* @param FlowContext $context The flow context containing the additional layout data
* @see FlowContext
* @see GenericContainerBox
function reflow_static(&$parent, &$context) {
if ($this->get_css_property(CSS_FLOAT) === FLOAT_NONE) {
$this->reflow_static_normal($parent, $context);
} else {
$this->reflow_static_float($parent, $context);
* Layout normal (non-floating) static-positioned block box.
* @param GenericContainerBox $parent The document element which should be treated as the parent of current element
* @param FlowContext $context The flow context containing the additional layout data
* @see FlowContext
* @see GenericContainerBox
function reflow_static_normal(&$parent, &$context) {
GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
if ($parent) {
* Child block will fill the whole content width of the parent block.
* 'margin-left' + 'border-left-width' + 'padding-left' + 'width' + 'padding-right' +
* 'border-right-width' + 'margin-right' = width of containing block
* See CSS 2.1 for more detailed explanation
* @link CSS 2.1. 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow
* Calculate margin values if they have been set as a percentage; replace percentage-based values
* with fixed lengths.
* Calculate width value if it had been set as a percentage; replace percentage-based value
* with fixed value
$this->_calc_percentage_width($parent, $context);
* Calculate 'auto' values of width and margins. Unlike tables, DIV width is either constrained
* by some CSS rules or expanded to the parent width; thus, we can calculate 'auto' margin
* values immediately.
* @link CSS 2.1 Calculating widths and margins
* Collapse top margin
* @see GenericFormattedBox::collapse_margin()
* @link CSS 2.1 Collapsing margins
$y = $this->collapse_margin($parent, $context);
* At this moment we have top parent/child collapsed margin at the top of context object
* margin stack
* Apply 'clear' property; the current Y coordinate can be modified as a result of 'clear'.
$y = $this->apply_clear($y, $context);
* Store calculated Y coordinate as current Y coordinate in the parent box
* No more content will be drawn abowe this mark; current box padding area will
* start below.
$parent->_current_y = $y;
* Terminate current parent line-box (as current box is not inline)
* Add current box to the parent's line-box; we will close the line box below
* after content will be reflown, so the line box will contain only current box.
* Now, place the current box upper left content corner. Note that we should not
* use get_extra_top here, as _current_y value already culculated using the top margin value
* of the current box! The top content edge should be offset from that level only of padding and
* border width.
$border = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
$this->moveto( $parent->get_left() + $this->get_extra_left(),
$parent->_current_y - $border->top->get_width() - $padding->top->value );
* Reflow element's children
if ($this->get_css_property(CSS_OVERFLOW) != OVERFLOW_VISIBLE) {
* After child elements have been reflown, we should the top collapsed margin stack value
* replaced by the value of last child bottom collapsed margin;
* if no children contained, then this value should be reset to 0.
* Note that invisible and
* whitespaces boxes would not affect the collapsed margin value, so we need to
* use 'get_first' function instead of just accessing the $content array.
* @see GenericContainerBox::get_first
if (!is_null($this->get_first())) {
$cm = 0;
} else {
$cm = $context->get_collapsed_margin();
* Update the bottom value, collapsing the latter value with
* current box bottom margin.
* Note that we need to remove TWO values from the margin stack:
* first - the value of collapsed bottom margin of the last child AND
* second - the value of collapsed top margin of current element.
$margin = $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
if ($parent) {
* Terminate parent's line box (it contains the current box only)
$parent->_current_y = $this->collapse_margin_bottom($parent, $context);
function show(&$driver) {
if ($this->get_css_property(CSS_FLOAT) != FLOAT_NONE ||
$this->get_css_property(CSS_POSITION) == POSITION_RELATIVE) {
// These boxes will be rendered separately
return true;
return parent::show($driver);
function show_postponed(&$driver) {
return parent::show($driver);
* Show fixed positioned block box using the specified output driver
* Note that 'show_fixed' is called to box _nested_ to the fixed-positioned boxes too!
* Thus, we need to check whether actual 'position' values is 'fixed' for this box
* and only in that case attempt to move box
* @param OutputDriver $driver The output device driver object
function show_fixed(&$driver) {
$position = $this->get_css_property(CSS_POSITION);
if ($position == POSITION_FIXED) {
* Calculate the distance between the top page edge and top box content edge
$bottom = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BOTTOM);
$top = $this->get_css_property(CSS_TOP);
if (!$top->isAuto()) {
if ($top->isPercentage()) {
$vertical_offset = $driver->getPageMaxHeight() / 100 * $top->getPercentage();
} else {
$vertical_offset = $top->getPoints();
} elseif (!$bottom->isAuto()) {
if ($bottom->isPercentage()) {
$vertical_offset = $driver->getPageMaxHeight() * (100 - $bottom->getPercentage())/100 - $this->get_height();
} else {
$vertical_offset = $driver->getPageMaxHeight() - $bottom->getPoints() - $this->get_height();
} else {
$vertical_offset = 0;
* Calculate the distance between the right page edge and right box content edge
$left = $this->get_css_property(CSS_LEFT);
$right = $this->get_css_property(CSS_RIGHT);
if (!$left->isAuto()) {
if ($left->isPercentage()) {
$horizontal_offset = $driver->getPageWidth() / 100 * $left->getPercentage();
} else {
$horizontal_offset = $left->getPoints();
} elseif (!$right->isAuto()) {
if ($right->isPercentage()) {
$horizontal_offset = $driver->getPageWidth() * (100 - $right->getPercentage())/100 - $this->get_width();
} else {
$horizontal_offset = $driver->getPageWidth() - $right->getPoints() - $this->get_width();
} else {
$horizontal_offset = 0;
* Offset current box to the required position on the current page (note that
* fixed-positioned element are placed relatively to the viewport - page in our case)
$this->moveto($driver->getPageLeft() + $horizontal_offset,
$driver->getPageTop() - $vertical_offset);
* After box have benn properly positioned, render it as usual.
return GenericContainerBox::show_fixed($driver);
function isBlockLevel() {
return true;