// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id$
require_once 'Cache.php';
* Function_Cache
* Purpose:
* Caching the result and output of functions.
* Example:
* require_once 'Cache/Function.php';
* class foo {
* function bar($test) {
* echo "foo::bar($test)
* }
* }
* class bar {
* function foobar($object) {
* echo '$'.$object.'->foobar('.$object.')
* }
* }
* $bar = new bar;
* function foobar() {
* echo 'foobar()';
* }
* $cache = new Cache_Function();
* $cache->call('foo::bar', 'test');
* $cache->call('bar->foobar', 'bar');
* $cache->call('foobar');
* Note:
* You cannot cache every function. You should only cache
* functions that only depend on their arguments and don't use
* global or static variables, don't rely on database queries or
* files, and so on.
* @author Sebastian Bergmann
* @module Function_Cache
* @modulegroup Function_Cache
* @package Cache
* @version $Revision: 1.6 $
* @access public
class Cache_Function extends Cache {
var $expires;
* Constructor
* @param string Name of container class
* @param array Array with container class options
* @param integer Number of seconds for which to cache
function Cache_Function($container = 'file',
$container_options = array('cache_dir' => '.',
'filename_prefix' => 'cache_'
$expires = 3600
$this->Cache($container, $container_options);
$this->expires = $expires;
* PEAR-Deconstructor
* Call deconstructor of parent
function _Cache_Function() {
* Calls a cacheable function or method.
* @return mixed $result
* @access public
function call() {
// get arguments
$arguments = func_get_args();
// generate cache id
$id = md5(serialize($arguments));
// query cache
$cached_object = $this->get($id, 'function_cache');
if ($cached_object != NULL) {
// cache hit: return cached output and result
$output = $cached_object[0];
$result = $cached_object[1];
} else {
// cache miss: call function, store output and result in cache
$target = array_shift($arguments);
// classname::staticMethod
if (strstr($target, '::')) {
list($class, $method) = explode('::', $target);
$result = call_user_func_array(array($class, $method), $arguments);
// object->method
elseif (strstr($target, '->')) {
list($object, $method) = explode('->', $target);
global $$object;
$result = call_user_func_array(array($$object, $method), $arguments);
// function
else {
$result = call_user_func_array($target, $arguments);
$output = ob_get_contents();
$this->save($id, array($output, $result), $this->expires, 'function_cache');
echo $output;
return $result;