% $Header: /cvsroot/html2ps/postscript/flow.inline.block.ps,v 1.1 2005/12/18 07:21:38 Konstantin Exp $
/flow-inline-block {
% inline-block margins are never collapsed
% While drawing, we need position of margin edge, not border edge.
1 index get-current-x
2 index get-current-y % => Parent Child X Y
2 index
move-to-box % => Parent Child
2 copy inline-block-calc-width
% we're now interested in last content y, not the bottom border of the containing
% block, because, due the min-height, bottom border can contain lesser (lower on the page)
% value than current y
dup get-right
2 index put-current-x
% determine the baseline of inline-block box
get-baseline max
2 index get-content
% now we have text baseline counted from the padding edge;
% add padding, margin and border size on the top size of inline-block box to
% calculate its own baseline
1 index get-margin-top add
1 index get-padding-top add
1 index get-border-top-width add
1 index put-baseline
dup get-vertical-align exec
% do horizontal align
% treat inline-block content as one long line box
dup get-content { % => Parent Box ContentElement
1 index append-line
} forall
dup get-text-align
1 index exch
% append current box to the parent's line box
dup 2 index append-line
dup get-full-height
2 index exch
extend-height % => Parent
% clear the stack
pop pop
} def