% $Header: /cvsroot/html2ps/postscript/flow.block.ps,v 1.1 2005/12/18 07:21:38 Konstantin Exp $
% Shorthand for
% $this->_current_x = $context->float_left_x($this->_current_x, $this->_current_y);
% in PHP
/offset-x-floats { % => Box
dup get-current-x
1 index get-current-y % => Box X Y
float-left-x % => Box X
1 index
} def
% Close line subroutine; checks if text justification
% is needed and applies it to the line-box content
/close-line-justify { % => Box
dup get-line dup length 1 gt { % => Box Line
dup get-text-align % => Box AlignFunction
1 index exch % => Box Box AlignFunction
exec % => Box
} {
dup length 0 gt {
0 get % => Box L0
get-local-align % => Box LA
1 index exch % => Box Box LA
exec % => Box
} {
dup get-text-align % => Box AlignFunction
1 index exch % => Box Box AlignFunction
exec % => Box
} ifelse
} ifelse
} def
/close-line { % => Box
% make line justification
% Note that text-align should not be applied to the block boxes!
% As block boxes will be alone in the line-box, we can check
% if the very first box in the line is inline; if not - no justification should be made
dup get-line length 0 gt {
dup get-line 0 get is-inline {
} {
% Nevertheless, CENTER tag and P/DIV with ALIGN attribute set should affect the
% position of non-inline children.
dup get-box-dict
/PseudoAlign get
1 index exch % => Box Box PA
exec % => Box
} ifelse
} if
dup get-line % => Box Line
0 exch % => Box 0(LH) Line
{ % => Box LH LineElement
} forall % => Box LH
% Clear line
[] 2 index put-line % => Box LH
% Reset X coordinate
1 index get-left-internal % => Box LH LeftI
2 index put-current-x % => Box LH
% Extend Y coordinate
1 index get-current-y % => Box LH CY
exch sub % => Box CY-LH
1 index put-current-y % => Box
% Reset information about the line baseline
0 1 index put-line-baseline
% Line box completed, render the deferred floats
dup get-box-dict
/Flow get /DeferredFloats get
} forall
dup get-box-dict
/Flow get /DeferredFloats [] put
% modify the current-x value, so that next inline box will not intersect any floating boxes
dup offset-x-floats
% Clear the stack
/no-justify {false} def
} def