% $Header: /cvsroot/html2ps/postscript/box.inline.whitespace.ps,v 1.1 2005/12/18 07:21:36 Konstantin Exp $ % Whitespace flow control function. Do nothing if whitespace is at the beginning of the line box % make a inline box containining space symbol otherwise. /flow-whitespace { % => Parent Child 1 index get-current-x 2 index get-current-y % => Parent Child X Y 2 index move-to-box % => Parent Child % Check if there are any boxes in parent's line box 1 index get-line length 0 gt { % there's some boxes in the parent's line box already % just make a space (if previous inline box wasn't a whitespace!) 1 index get-line dup length 1 sub get % => Parent Child LastInlineBox get-box-dict /Display get /inline-whitespace ne { dup get-default-baseline 1 index put-baseline apply-line-height dup get-vertical-align exec dup /get-width call-method 2 index get-current-x add 2 index put-current-x } { % Duplicate whitespace boxes should not offset further content and affect the line box length 0 1 index put-width % Make whitespace correctly aligned relative to the baseline dup get-vertical-align exec } ifelse } { % The very first whitespace in the line box should not affect neither height nor baseline of the line box; % because following boxes can be smaller that assumed whitespace height % Example:
; whitespace can overextend this line 0 1 index put-height % Aslo, the very first whitespace should not offset further content and affect the line box length 0 1 index put-width } ifelse dup 2 index append-line % dup get-baseline % 1 index get-default-baseline % sub % 1 index get-full-height % add dup get-full-height exch pop extend-height % => Parent pop } def /make-whitespace-box { % => FontSize FontName ( ) 2 index 2 index make-text-box % => FontSize FontName Box {flow-whitespace} 1 index put-flow-fun % => FontSize FontName Box dup get-box-dict /Display /inline-whitespace put 3 1 roll pop pop } def