html2ps/pdf CSS 2.1 Compatibility List

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Property Support Note
azimuth N/A aural media group
background-attachment N/A
background-color Yes
background-image Yes not all output methods support transparent images
background-position Yes
background-repeat Yes
background Yes background-attachment subproperties are ignored
border-collapse Yes
border-color Yes
border-spacing No
border-style Yes
border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left Yes
border-top-color, border-right-color, border-bottom-color, border-left-color Yes
border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, border-left-style Yes
border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, border-left-width Yes
border-width Yes
border Yes
bottom Yes
caption-side No
clear Yes
clip No
color Yes
content Partial Only 'normal', 'inherit' and <string> value is supported
counter-increment No
counter-reset No
cue-after N/A aural
cue-before N/A aural
cue N/A aural
cursor N/A interactive
direction No
display Partial
elevation N/A aural
empty-cells No
float Yes
font-family Partial 'cursive' and 'fantasy' generic font families are not supported. Custom font families should be explicitly installed by an user.
font-size Yes
font-style Yes
font-variant No
font-weight Yes Only two weight gradations are available: bold and normal font
font Partial 'caption', 'icon', 'menu', 'message-box', 'small-caption' and 'status-bar' values are not supported.
height Yes
left Yes
letter-spacing Yes
line-height Yes
list-style-image Yes
list-style-position Yes
list-style-type Partial 'lower-greek', 'armenian' and 'georgian' values are not supported
list-style Yes
margin-right, margin-left Yes
margin-top, margin-bottom Yes
margin Yes
max-height Yes
max-width No
min-height Yes
min-width Partial, 'inherit' and percentage values not supported
orphans No
outline-color N/A interactive
outline-style N/A interactive
outline-width N/A interactive
outline N/A interactive
overflow Yes Note that 'auto' and 'scroll' values are treated as 'hidden', as generated PDF is not interactive
padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left Yes
padding Yes
page-break-after Partial Only 'always' value is supported
page-break-before No
page-break-inside No
pause-after N/A aural
pause-before N/A aural
pause N/A aural
pitch-range N/A aural
pitch N/A aural
play-during N/A aural
position Yes CSS 3 'position: footnote' is supported in addition to standard CSS 2.1 values
quotes No
richness N/A aural
right Yes
speak-header N/A aural
speak-numeral N/A aural
speak-punctuation N/A aural
speak N/A aural
speech-rate N/A aural
stress N/A aural
table-layout No
text-align Yes
text-decoration Partial

'blink' value is ignored, as rendered PDF is static.

'text-decoration' currently inherited by all descendants, while CSS 2.1 declares that

It is not, however, further propagated to floating and absolutely positioned descendants, nor to the contents of 'inline-table' and 'inline-block' descendants.
text-indent Yes
text-transform Yes
top Yes
unicode-bidi No
vertical-align Partial

For inline elements, values 'text-top' and 'text-bottom', percentages and lengths are not supported.

Nested aligned subtrees are not supported

visibility Partial 'collapse' value is not supported
voice-family N/A aural
volume N/A aural
white-space Partial 'pre-wrap' and 'pre-line' values not supported
widows No
width Yes
word-spacing Yes
z-index Partial Supported for absolute-positioned boxes only; only numeric values are supported
html2ps/pdf (c)