$padding = $current_box->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
if ($border->top->get_width() > 0 ||
$padding->top->value > 0) {
return 0;
while (!is_null($current_box) &&
$current_box->isBlockLevel()) {
$margin = $current_box->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
$border = $current_box->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$padding = $current_box->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
$top_margin = $margin->top->value;
if ($top_margin >= 0) {
$positive_margin = max($positive_margin, $top_margin);
} else {
$negative_margin = min($negative_margin, $top_margin);
if ($border->top->get_width() > 0 ||
$padding->top->value > 0) {
$current_box = null;
} else {
$current_box = $current_box->get_first();
return $positive_margin /*- $negative_margin*/;
function _get_collapsable_top_margin_external() {
$positive_margin = 0;
$negative_margin = 0;
$current_box = $this;
while (!is_null($current_box) &&
$current_box->isBlockLevel()) {
$margin = $current_box->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
$border = $current_box->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$padding = $current_box->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
$top_margin = $margin->top->value;
if ($top_margin >= 0) {
$positive_margin = max($positive_margin, $top_margin);
} else {
$negative_margin = min($negative_margin, $top_margin);
if ($border->top->get_width() > 0 ||
$padding->top->value > 0) {
$current_box = null;
} else {
$current_box = $current_box->get_first();
return $positive_margin + $negative_margin;
function _get_collapsable_bottom_margin_external() {
$positive_margin = 0;
$negative_margin = 0;
$current_box = $this;
while (!is_null($current_box) &&
$current_box->isBlockLevel()) {
$margin = $current_box->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
$border = $current_box->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$padding = $current_box->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
$bottom_margin = $margin->bottom->value;
if ($bottom_margin >= 0) {
$positive_margin = max($positive_margin, $bottom_margin);
} else {
$negative_margin = min($negative_margin, $bottom_margin);
if ($border->bottom->get_width() > 0 ||
$padding->bottom->value > 0) {
$current_box = null;
} else {
$current_box = $current_box->get_last();
return $positive_margin + $negative_margin;
function collapse_margin_bottom(&$parent, &$context) {
* Now, if there's a parent for this box, we extend its height to fit current box.
* If parent generated new flow context (like table cell or floating box), its content
* area should include the current box bottom margin (bottom margin does not colllapse).
* See CSS 2.1 for more detailed explanations.
* @see FlowContext::container_uid()
* @link CSS 2.1 8.3.1 Calculating widths and margins
$parent_border = $parent->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$parent_padding = $parent->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
* The bottom margin of an in-flow block-level element with a
* 'height' of 'auto' and 'min-height' less than the element's
* used height and 'max-height' greater than the element's used
* height is adjoining to its last in-flow block-level child's
* bottom margin if the element has NO BOTTOM PADDING OR BORDER.
$last =& $parent->get_last();
$is_last = !is_null($last) && $this->uid == $last->uid;
if (!is_null($last) &&
$is_last && // This element is a last in-flow block level element AND
$parent->uid != $context->container_uid() && // Parent element did not generate new flow context (like table-cell) AND
$parent_border->bottom->get_width() == 0 && // Parent have NO bottom border AND
$parent_padding->bottom->value == 0) { // Parent have NO bottom padding AND
} else {
// Otherwise (in particular, if this box is not last), bottom
// margin of the current box will be contained inside the current box
$cm = $context->get_collapsed_margin();
* shift current parent 'watermark' to the current box margin edge;
* all content now will be drawn below this mark (with a small exception
* of elements having negative vertical margins, of course).
if ($is_last &&
($parent_border->bottom->get_width() > 0 ||
$parent_padding->bottom->value > 0)) {
$context->push_collapsed_margin( 0 );
return $this->get_bottom_border() - $cm;
} else {
$collapsable = $this->_get_collapsable_bottom_margin_external();
$context->push_collapsed_margin( $collapsable );
return $this->get_bottom_border();
function collapse_margin(&$parent, &$context) {
// Do margin collapsing
// Margin collapsing is done as follows:
// 1. If previous sibling was an inline element (so, parent line box was not empty),
// then no collapsing will take part
// 2. If NO previous element exists at all, then collapse current box top margin
// with parent's collapsed top margin.
// 2.1. If parent element was float, no collapsing should be
// 3. If there's previous block element, collapse current box top margin
// with previous elemenent's collapsed bottom margin
// Check if current parent line box contains inline elements only. In this case the only
// margin will be current box margin
if (!$parent->line_box_empty()) {
// Case (1). Previous element was inline element; no collapsing
$vmargin = $this->_get_collapsable_top_margin_external();
} else {
$parent_first = $this->parent->get_first();
if (is_null($parent_first) || // Unfortunately, we sometimes get null as a value of $parent_first; this should be checked
$parent_first->uid == $this->uid) {
// Case (2). No previous block element at all; Collapse with parent margins
$collapsable = $this->_get_collapsable_top_margin_external();
$collapsed = $context->get_collapsed_margin();
$vmargin = max(0, $collapsable - $collapsed);
} else {
// Case (3). There's a previous block element
$collapsable = $this->_get_collapsable_top_margin_external();
$collapsed = $context->get_collapsed_margin();
// In this case, base position is a bottom border of the previous element
// $vmargin - offset from a base position - should be at least $collapsed
// (value of collapsed bottom margins from the previous element and its
// children). If current element have $collapsable - collapsed top margin
// (from itself and children too) greater that this value, we should
// offset it further to the bottom
$vmargin = max($collapsable, $collapsed);
// Determine the base Y coordinate of box margin edge
$y = $parent->_current_y - $vmargin;
$internal_margin = $this->_get_collapsable_top_margin_internal();
return $y;
function GenericFormattedBox() {
// Layout data
$this->baseline = 0;
$this->parent = null;
function readCSS(&$state) {
* CSS 2.1, p 8.5.2:
* If an element's border color is not specified with a border
* property, user agents must use the value of the element's
* 'color' property as the computed value for the border color.
$border =& $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$color =& $this->get_css_property(CSS_COLOR);
if ($border->top->isDefaultColor()) {
if ($border->right->isDefaultColor()) {
if ($border->bottom->isDefaultColor()) {
if ($border->left->isDefaultColor()) {
$this->setCSSProperty(CSS_BORDER, $border);
$this->_height_constraint =& HCConstraint::create($this);
$this->height = 0;
// 'width'
$wc =& $this->get_css_property(CSS_WIDTH);
$this->width = $wc->apply(0,0);
// 'PSEUDO-CSS' properties
// '-localalign'
switch ($state->get_property(CSS_HTML2PS_LOCALALIGN)) {
case LA_LEFT:
case LA_RIGHT:
$margin =& $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
$margin->left->auto = true;
$this->setCSSProperty(CSS_MARGIN, $margin);
$margin =& $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
$margin->left->auto = true;
$margin->right->auto = true;
$this->setCSSProperty(CSS_MARGIN, $margin);
function _calc_percentage_margins(&$parent) {
$margin = $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
$containing_block =& $this->_get_containing_block();
$margin->calcPercentages($containing_block['right'] - $containing_block['left']);
$this->setCSSProperty(CSS_MARGIN, $margin);
function _calc_percentage_padding(&$parent) {
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
$containing_block =& $this->_get_containing_block();
$padding->calcPercentages($containing_block['right'] - $containing_block['left']);
$this->setCSSProperty(CSS_PADDING, $padding);
function apply_clear($y, &$context) {
return LayoutVertical::apply_clear($this, $y, $context);
* CSS 2.1:
* 10.2 Content width: the 'width' property
* Values have the following meanings:
* Specifies a percentage width. The percentage is calculated with respect to the width of the generated box's containing block.
* If the containing block's width depends on this element's width,
* then the resulting layout is undefined in CSS 2.1.
function _calc_percentage_width(&$parent, &$context) {
$wc = $this->get_css_property(CSS_WIDTH);
if ($wc->isFraction()) {
$containing_block =& $this->_get_containing_block();
// Calculate actual width
$width = $wc->apply($this->width, $containing_block['right'] - $containing_block['left']);
// Assign calculated width
// Remove any width constraint
$this->setCSSProperty(CSS_WIDTH, new WCConstant($width));
function _calc_auto_width_margins(&$parent) {
$float = $this->get_css_property(CSS_FLOAT);
if ($float !== FLOAT_NONE) {
} else {
// 'auto' margin value became 0, 'auto' width is 'shrink-to-fit'
function _calc_auto_width_margins_float(&$parent) {
// If 'width' is set to 'auto' the used value is the "shrink-to-fit" width
if (false) {
// Calculation of the shrink-to-fit width is similar to calculating the
// width of a table cell using the automatic table layout
// algorithm. Roughly: calculate the preferred width by formatting the
// content without breaking lines other than where explicit line breaks
// occur, and also calculate the preferred minimum width, e.g., by trying
// all possible line breaks. CSS 2.1 does not define the exact
// algorithm. Thirdly, find the available width: in this case, this is
// the width of the containing block minus minus the used values of
// 'margin-left', 'border-left-width', 'padding-left', 'padding-right',
// 'border-right-width', 'margin-right', and the widths of any relevant
// scroll bars.
// Then the shrink-to-fit width is: min(max(preferred minimum width, available width), preferred width).
// Store used value
// If 'margin-left', or 'margin-right' are computed as 'auto', their used value is '0'.
$margin = $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
if ($margin->left->auto) { $margin->left->value = 0; }
if ($margin->right->auto) { $margin->right->value = 0; }
$this->setCSSProperty(CSS_MARGIN, $margin);
$this->width = $this->get_width();
// 'margin-left' + 'border-left-width' + 'padding-left' + 'width' + 'padding-right' + 'border-right-width' + 'margin-right' = width of containing block
function _calc_auto_width_margins_normal(&$parent) {
// get the containing block width
$containing_block =& $this->_get_containing_block();
$parent_width = $containing_block['right'] - $containing_block['left'];
// If 'width' is set to 'auto', any other 'auto' values become '0' and 'width' follows from the resulting equality.
// If both 'margin-left' and 'margin-right' are 'auto', their used values are equal.
// This horizontally centers the element with respect to the edges of the containing block.
$margin = $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
if ($margin->left->auto && $margin->right->auto) {
$margin_value = ($parent_width - $this->get_full_width()) / 2;
$margin->left->value = $margin_value;
$margin->right->value = $margin_value;
} else {
// If there is exactly one value specified as 'auto', its used value follows from the equality.
if ($margin->left->auto) {
$margin->left->value = $parent_width - $this->get_full_width();
} elseif ($margin->right->auto) {
$margin->right->value = $parent_width - $this->get_full_width();
$this->setCSSProperty(CSS_MARGIN, $margin);
$this->width = $this->get_width();
function get_descender() {
return 0;
function get_ascender() {
return 0;
function _get_vert_extra() {
$this->get_extra_top() +
function _get_hor_extra() {
$this->get_extra_left() +
// Width:
// 'get-min-width' stub
function get_min_width(&$context) {
die("OOPS! Unoverridden get_min_width called in class ".get_class($this)." inside ".get_class($this->parent));
function get_preferred_width(&$context) {
return $this->get_max_width($context) - $this->_get_hor_extra();
function get_preferred_minimum_width(&$context) {
return $this->get_min_width($context);
// 'get-max-width' stub
function get_max_width(&$context) {
die("OOPS! Unoverridden get_max_width called in class ".get_class($this)." inside ".get_class($this->parent));
function get_max_width_natural(&$context) {
return $this->get_max_width($context);
function get_full_width() {
return $this->get_width() + $this->_get_hor_extra();
function put_full_width($value) {
// Calculate value of additional horizontal space consumed by margins and padding
$this->width = $value - $this->_get_hor_extra();
function &_get_containing_block() {
$position = $this->get_css_property(CSS_POSITION);
switch ($position) {
$containing_block =& $this->_get_containing_block_absolute();
return $containing_block;
$containing_block =& $this->_get_containing_block_fixed();
return $containing_block;
$containing_block =& $this->_get_containing_block_static();
return $containing_block;
die(sprintf('Unexpected position enum value: %d', $position));
function &_get_containing_block_fixed() {
$media = $GLOBALS['g_media'];
$containing_block = array();
$containing_block['left'] = mm2pt($media->margins['left']);
$containing_block['right'] = mm2pt($media->margins['left'] + $media->real_width());
$containing_block['top'] = mm2pt($media->margins['bottom'] + $media->real_height());
$containing_block['bottom'] = mm2pt($media->margins['bottom']);
return $containing_block;
// Get the position and size of containing block for current
// ABSOLUTE POSITIONED element. It is assumed that this function
// is called for ABSOLUTE positioned boxes ONLY
// @return associative array with 'top', 'bottom', 'right' and 'left'
// indices in data space describing the position of containing block
function &_get_containing_block_absolute() {
$parent =& $this->parent;
// No containing block at all...
// How could we get here?
if (is_null($parent)) {
trigger_error("No containing block found for absolute-positioned element",
// CSS 2.1:
// If the element has 'position: absolute', the containing block is established by the
// nearest ancestor with a 'position' of 'absolute', 'relative' or 'fixed', in the following way:
// - In the case that the ancestor is inline-level, the containing block depends on
// the 'direction' property of the ancestor:
// 1. If the 'direction' is 'ltr', the top and left of the containing block are the top and left
// content edges of the first box generated by the ancestor, and the bottom and right are the
// bottom and right content edges of the last box of the ancestor.
// 2. If the 'direction' is 'rtl', the top and right are the top and right edges of the first
// box generated by the ancestor, and the bottom and left are the bottom and left content
// edges of the last box of the ancestor.
// - Otherwise, the containing block is formed by the padding edge of the ancestor.
// TODO: inline-level ancestors
while ((!is_null($parent->parent)) &&
($parent->get_css_property(CSS_POSITION) === POSITION_STATIC)) {
$parent =& $parent->parent;
// Note that initial containg block (containig BODY element) will be formed by BODY margin edge,
// unlike other blocks which are formed by padding edges
if ($parent->parent) {
// Normal containing block
$containing_block = array();
$containing_block['left'] = $parent->get_left_padding();
$containing_block['right'] = $parent->get_right_padding();
$containing_block['top'] = $parent->get_top_padding();
$containing_block['bottom'] = $parent->get_bottom_padding();
} else {
// Initial containing block
$containing_block = array();
$containing_block['left'] = $parent->get_left_margin();
$containing_block['right'] = $parent->get_right_margin();
$containing_block['top'] = $parent->get_top_margin();
$containing_block['bottom'] = $parent->get_bottom_margin();
return $containing_block;
function &_get_containing_block_static() {
$parent =& $this->parent;
// No containing block at all...
// How could we get here?
if (is_null($parent)) {
die("No containing block found for static-positioned element");
while (!is_null($parent->parent) &&
!$parent->isBlockLevel() &&
!$parent->isCell()) {
$parent =& $parent->parent;
// Note that initial containg block (containing BODY element)
// will be formed by BODY margin edge,
// unlike other blocks which are formed by content edges
$containing_block = array();
$containing_block['left'] = $parent->get_left();
$containing_block['right'] = $parent->get_right();
$containing_block['top'] = $parent->get_top();
$containing_block['bottom'] = $parent->get_bottom();
return $containing_block;
// Height constraint
function get_height_constraint() {
return $this->_height_constraint;
function put_height_constraint(&$wc) {
$this->_height_constraint = $wc;
// Extends the box height to cover the given Y coordinate
// If box height is already big enough, no changes will be made
// @param $y_coord Y coordinate should be covered by the box
function extend_height($y_coord) {
$this->put_height(max($this->get_height(), $this->get_top() - $y_coord));
function extend_width($x_coord) {
$this->put_width(max($this->get_width(), $x_coord - $this->get_left()));
function get_extra_bottom() {
$border = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$this->get_margin_bottom() +
$border->bottom->get_width() +
function get_extra_left() {
$border = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$left_border = $border->left;
$this->get_margin_left() +
$left_border->get_width() +
function get_extra_right() {
$border = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$right_border = $border->right;
$this->get_margin_right() +
$right_border->get_width() +
function get_extra_top() {
$border = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$this->get_margin_top() +
$border->top->get_width() +
function get_extra_line_left() { return 0; }
function get_extra_line_right() { return 0; }
function get_margin_bottom() {
$margin = $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
return $margin->bottom->value;
function get_margin_left() {
$margin = $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
return $margin->left->value;
function get_margin_right() {
$margin = $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
return $margin->right->value;
function get_margin_top() {
$margin = $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
return $margin->top->value;
function get_padding_right() {
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
return $padding->right->value;
function get_padding_left() {
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
return $padding->left->value;
function get_padding_top() {
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
return $padding->top->value;
function get_border_top_width() {
return $this->border->top->width;
function get_padding_bottom() {
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
return $padding->bottom->value;
function get_left_border() {
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
$border = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$this->get_left() -
$padding->left->value -
function get_right_border() {
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
$border = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$this->get_left() +
$this->get_width() +
$padding->right->value +
function get_top_border() {
$border = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$this->get_top_padding() +
function get_bottom_border() {
$border = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$this->get_bottom_padding() -
function get_left_padding() {
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
return $this->get_left() - $padding->left->value;
function get_right_padding() {
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
return $this->get_left() + $this->get_width() + $padding->right->value;
function get_top_padding() {
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
$this->get_top() +
function get_bottom_padding() {
$padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
return $this->get_bottom() - $padding->bottom->value;
function get_left_margin() {
$this->get_left() -
function get_right_margin() {
$this->get_right() +
function get_bottom_margin() {
$this->get_bottom() -
function get_top_margin() {
$margin = $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
$this->get_top_border() +
// Geometry
function contains_point_margin($x, $y) {
// Actually, we treat a small area around the float as "inside" float;
// it will help us to prevent incorrectly positioning float due the rounding errors
$eps = 0.1;
$this->get_left_margin()-$eps <= $x &&
$this->get_right_margin()+$eps >= $x &&
$this->get_top_margin()+$eps >= $y &&
$this->get_bottom_margin() < $y;
function get_width() {
$wc = $this->get_css_property(CSS_WIDTH);
if ($this->parent) {
return $wc->apply($this->width, $this->parent->width);
} else {
return $wc->apply($this->width, $this->width);
// Unlike real/constrained width, or min/max width,
// expandable width shows the size current box CAN be expanded;
// it is pretty obvious that width-constrained boxes will never be expanded;
// any other box can be expanded up to its parent _expandable_ width -
// as parent can be expanded too.
function get_expandable_width() {
$wc = $this->get_css_property(CSS_WIDTH);
if ($wc->isNull() && $this->parent) {
return $this->parent->get_expandable_width();
} else {
return $this->get_width();
function put_width($value) {
// TODO: constraints
$this->width = $value;
function get_height() {
if ($this->_height_constraint->applicable($this)) {
return $this->_height_constraint->apply($this->height, $this);
} else {
return $this->height;
function get_height_padded() {
return $this->get_height() + $this->get_padding_top() + $this->get_padding_bottom();
function put_height($value) {
if ($this->_height_constraint->applicable($this)) {
$this->height = $this->_height_constraint->apply($value, $this);
} else {
$this->height = $value;
function put_full_height($value) {
$this->put_height($value - $this->_get_vert_extra());
// Returns total height of current element:
// top padding + top margin + content + bottom padding + bottom margin + top border + bottom border
function get_full_height() {
return $this->get_height() +
$this->get_extra_top() +
function get_real_full_height() {
return $this->get_full_height();
function out_of_flow() {
$position = $this->get_css_property(CSS_POSITION);
$display = $this->get_css_property(CSS_DISPLAY);
$position == POSITION_ABSOLUTE ||
$position == POSITION_FIXED ||
$display == 'none';
function moveto($x, $y) { $this->offset($x - $this->get_left(), $y - $this->get_top()); }
function show(&$viewport) {
$border = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
$background = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BACKGROUND);
// Draw border of the box
$border->show($viewport, $this);
// Render background of the box
$background->show($viewport, $this);
return true;
function show_fixed(&$viewport) {
return $this->show($viewport);
function is_null() {
return false;
function line_break_allowed() {
$white_space = $this->get_css_property(CSS_WHITE_SPACE);
$nowrap = $this->get_css_property(CSS_HTML2PS_NOWRAP);
($white_space === WHITESPACE_NORMAL ||
$white_space === WHITESPACE_PRE_WRAP ||
$white_space === WHITESPACE_PRE_LINE) &&
$nowrap === NOWRAP_NORMAL;
function get_left_background() { return $this->get_left_padding(); }
function get_right_background() { return $this->get_right_padding(); }
function get_top_background() { return $this->get_top_padding(); }
function get_bottom_background() { return $this->get_bottom_padding(); }
function isVisibleInFlow() {
$visibility = $this->get_css_property(CSS_VISIBILITY);
$position = $this->get_css_property(CSS_POSITION);
$visibility === VISIBILITY_VISIBLE &&
$position !== POSITION_FIXED;
function reflow_footnote(&$parent, &$context) {
$this->reflow_static($parent, $context);
* The 'top' and 'bottom' properties move relatively positioned
* element(s) up or down without changing their size. 'top' moves
* the boxes down, and 'bottom' moves them up. Since boxes are not
* split or stretched as a result of 'top' or 'bottom', the computed
* values are always: top = -bottom. If both are 'auto', their
* computed values are both '0'. If one of them is 'auto', it
* becomes the negative of the other. If neither is 'auto', 'bottom'
* is ignored (i.e., the computed value of 'bottom' will be minus
* the value of 'top').
function offsetRelative() {
* Note that percentage positioning values are ignored for
* relative positioning
* Check if 'top' value is percentage
$top = $this->get_css_property(CSS_TOP);
if ($top->isNormal()) {
$top_value = $top->getPoints();
} elseif ($top->isPercentage()) {
$containing_block = $this->_get_containing_block();
$containing_block_height = $containing_block['top'] - $containing_block['bottom'];
$top_value = $containing_block_height * $top->getPercentage() / 100;
} elseif ($top->isAuto()) {
$top_value = null;
* Check if 'bottom' value is percentage
$bottom = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BOTTOM);
if ($bottom->isNormal()) {
$bottom_value = $bottom->getPoints();
} elseif ($bottom->isPercentage()) {
$containing_block = $this->_get_containing_block();
$containing_block_height = $containing_block['top'] - $containing_block['bottom'];
$bottom_value = $containing_block_height * $bottom->getPercentage() / 100;
} elseif ($bottom->isAuto()) {
$bottom_value = null;
* Calculate vertical offset for relative positioned box
if (!is_null($top_value)) {
$vertical_offset = -$top_value;
} elseif (!is_null($bottom_value)) {
$vertical_offset = $bottom_value;
} else {
$vertical_offset = 0;
* Check if 'left' value is percentage
$left = $this->get_css_property(CSS_LEFT);
if ($left->isNormal()) {
$left_value = $left->getPoints();
} elseif ($left->isPercentage()) {
$containing_block = $this->_get_containing_block();
$containing_block_width = $containing_block['right'] - $containing_block['left'];
$left_value = $containing_block_width * $left->getPercentage() / 100;
} elseif ($left->isAuto()) {
$left_value = null;
* Check if 'right' value is percentage
$right = $this->get_css_property(CSS_RIGHT);
if ($right->isNormal()) {
$right_value = $right->getPoints();
} elseif ($right->isPercentage()) {
$containing_block = $this->_get_containing_block();
$containing_block_width = $containing_block['right'] - $containing_block['left'];
$right_value = $containing_block_width * $right->getPercentage() / 100;
} elseif ($right->isAuto()) {
$right_value = null;
* Calculate vertical offset for relative positioned box
if (!is_null($left_value)) {
$horizontal_offset = $left_value;
} elseif (!is_null($right_value)) {
$horizontal_offset = -$right_value;
} else {
$horizontal_offset = 0;