DBObj($id); $this->id_location = intval($id_location); $this->id_company = intval($id_company); } function getAllowedMncar2BioCategories() { return $this->_allowedMncar2BioCategories; } function getAllowedMncarL2BioCategories() { return $this->_allowedMncarL2BioCategories; } function getAllowedMncarL2TypeOfBusiness() { return $this->_allowedMncarL2TypeOfBusiness; } function getAccessMap() { $list = get_object_vars($this); $map = array(); foreach ($list as $name => $value) { if (0 === strpos($name, '_allowed')) { $map[substr($name, 1)] = $value; } } return $map; } function initFromForm(&$frm) { $files = array(); $files['img'] = $frm->getElementValue('img'); $data = $frm->exportValues(); $this->arrayParseUrl2Tag($data); $memberData = $this->getMemberById($this->id); if (empty($memberData['birth_date'])) { $memberData['birth_date'] = '1902'; } $data['birth_date']['Y'] = intval($memberData['birth_date']); // intval 2007-02-03 = 2007 $data['birth_date'] = $this->initDateFromForm($data['birth_date']); foreach (array('mncar', 'mncar_l', 'misc') as $type) { $fieldDateJoined = $type . '_status_joined'; $data[$fieldDateJoined] = $this->initDateFromForm($data[$fieldDateJoined]); } $data['id_specialty'] = $this->initCheckBoxListFromForm($data['id_specialty']); $data['id_specialty_info'] = $this->initCheckBoxListFromForm($data['id_specialty_info']); $data['id_line_of_work'] = $this->initCheckBoxListFromForm($data['id_line_of_work']); $data['id_area'] = $this->initCheckBoxListFromForm($data['id_area']); $data['id_area_info'] = $this->initCheckBoxListFromForm($data['id_area_info']); $data['id_email_type'] = $this->initCheckBoxListFromForm($data['id_email_type']); $data['id_email_group'] = $this->initCheckBoxListFromForm($data['id_email_group']); $data['type_of_business_id'] = $this->initCheckBoxListFromForm($data['type_of_business_id']); $this->_initProfilingUpdateDate($data); $nrdsId = ctype_digit((string)$data['nrds_id']) ? $data['nrds_id'] : 0; if (!$nrdsId) { unset($data['nrds_id']); } $this->_initBlockedMembers($data); $this->_initAcountTypeFromForm($data); $this->initFromArray($data, $files); return true; } protected function _initProfilingUpdateDate(&$data) { if (!array_key_exists('profile_update_date', $data)) { return; } $dateParts = array_filter($data['profile_update_date']); if (empty($dateParts)) { return; } $date = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $dateParts['Y'], $dateParts['M'], $dateParts['d']); $time = '00:00:00'; if (array_key_exists('profile_update_time', $data)) { $timeParts = array_filter($data['profile_update_time']); if (!empty($timeParts)) { $_time = sprintf('%02d:%02d %s', $timeParts['g'], $timeParts['i'], $timeParts['A']); $timestamp = strtotime($_time); $time = date('H:i:s', $timestamp); } } $data['profile_update'] = $date . ' ' . $time; } protected function _initBlockedMembers(&$data) { $emails = Settings::parseEmails($data['specific_senders']); require_once('app/Settings/Settings.php'); $data['id_blocked_member'] = array(); if (empty($emails)) { return; } require_once('Qs/Db.php'); $sql = 'SELECT `id` ' . 'FROM `' . $this->db->tblMember . '` ' . 'WHERE `email` IN (' . Qs_Db::quote($emails) . ')'; $res = $this->db->queryCol($sql); $this->isDBError($res); $data['id_blocked_member'] = $res; } protected function _getSpecificEmails($id_member) { $sql = 'SELECT `m`.`email` ' . 'FROM `' . $this->db->tblMember . '` AS `m` ' . 'JOIN `' . $this->db->tblMember2BlockedMember . '` AS `m2bm` ' . ' ON `m2bm`.`id_parent` = ' . $this->db->quote($id_member, 'integer') . ' ' . ' AND `m2bm`.`id_blocked_member` = `m`.`id` ' . 'WHERE 1'; $res = $this->db->queryCol($sql); $this->isDBError($res); return implode(', ', $res); } public function isEmailExists($email) { $sql = 'SELECT 1 ' . 'FROM `' . $this->db->tblMember . '` ' . 'WHERE `email` = ' . $this->db->quote($email, 'text') . ' ' . 'LIMIT 1'; $res = $this->db->queryOne($sql); $this->db->isDBError($res); return $res === '1'; } protected function _initAcountTypeFromForm(&$data) { foreach (array('mncar', 'mncar_l', 'misc') as $type) { if (empty($data['id_' . $type . '_type'])) { $data['id_' . $type . '_status'] = 0; } } return $this; } function getData($field = false) { $value = parent::getData($field); if ($field == 'id_company' && empty($value) && isset($_REQUEST[$field])) { return $_REQUEST[$field]; } if ($field == 'id_location' && empty($value) && isset($_REQUEST[$field])) { return $_REQUEST[$field]; } if ($field == 'company_name' && empty($value)) { return 'No Company'; } if ($field == 'location_name' && empty($value)) { return 'No Location'; } return $value; } function initCheckBoxListFromForm($list) { if (is_array($list) && !empty($list)) { $value = current($list); if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($list as $k => &$v) { $list[$k] = $this->initCheckBoxListFromForm($v); } return $list; } else { return array_filter($list, 'intval'); } } return array(); } function initDateFromForm($date) { if (intval($date['Y']) && intval($date['M']) && intval($date['d'])) { return sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $date['Y'], $date['M'], $date['d']); } return null; } function _getWhatMemberType() { $sql = " DMncarMemberType.title as mncar_type, DMncarLMemberType.title as mncar_l_type, DMiscMemberType.title as misc_type"; return $sql; } function _getWhatMemberStatus() { $sql = " IFNULL(`DMncarMemberStatus`.`title`, 'No Status') AS `mncar_status`, IFNULL(`DMncarLMemberStatus`.`title`, 'No Status') AS `mncar_l_status`, IFNULL(`DMiscMemberStatus`.`title`, 'No Status') AS `misc_status`"; return $sql; } function _getWhat4Grid($opt = array()) { $what = " {$this->tableName}.*, CONCAT({$this->tableName}.last_name, IF({$this->tableName}.last_name = '','', ', '), {$this->tableName}.first_name, IF ({$this->tableName}.middle_initial = '' , '', ' '), {$this->tableName}.middle_initial, IF ({$this->tableName}.middle_initial = '' , '', '. ')) as name, 'individual' as record_type, 'Individual' as record_type_title, NRDS.added as nrds_id_date_joined, {$this->_getWhatMemberStatus()}, IFNULL(DMCPEAccessType.title, 'N/A') as mcpe_access_type, Company.id as company_id, Company.name as company_name, Company.website as company_website, Location.id as location_id, Location.nrds_id as location_nrds_id, Location.name as location_name_original, IF(Location.name <> '', CONCAT(Location.name, IF(Location.physical_city <> '', ' (', ''), Location.physical_city, IF(Location.physical_city <> '', ') ', '')), CONCAT(Location.physical_address, ' - ', Location.physical_city, ', ', Location.physical_state, ' ', Location.physical_zip)) as location_name, {$this->_getWhatMemberType()}, Location.physical_address as location_physical_address, Location.physical_city as location_physical_city, Location.physical_state as location_physical_state, Location.physical_zip as location_physical_zip, Location.phone as location_phone, DMarket.title AS market "; return $what; } function _getJoinMemberStatus($alias = null) { if ($alias === null) { $alias = $this->tableName; } $sql = " LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblDMemberStatus} as DMncarMemberStatus ON DMncarMemberStatus.id = {$alias}.id_mncar_status LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblDMemberStatus} as DMncarLMemberStatus ON DMncarLMemberStatus.id = {$alias}.id_mncar_l_status LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblDMemberStatus} as DMiscMemberStatus ON DMiscMemberStatus.id = {$alias}.id_misc_status "; return $sql; } function _getJoinMemberType($alias = null) { if ($alias === null) { $alias = $this->tableName; } $sql = " LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblDMncarMemberType} as DMncarMemberType ON DMncarMemberType.id = {$alias}.id_mncar_type LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblDMncarLMemberType} as DMncarLMemberType ON DMncarLMemberType.id = {$alias}.id_mncar_l_type LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblDMiscMemberType} as DMiscMemberType ON DMiscMemberType.id = {$alias}.id_misc_type "; return $sql; } function _getJoin4Grid() { $join = " LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblDMarket} as DMarket ON DMarket.id = {$this->tableName}.id_market " . $this->_getJoinMemberType() . " " . $this->_getJoinMemberStatus() . " LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblDMCPEAccessType} as DMCPEAccessType ON DMCPEAccessType.id = {$this->tableName}.id_mcpe_access_type LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblLocation} as Location ON Location.id = {$this->tableName}.id_location LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblCompany} as Company ON Company.id = Location.id_company LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblNRDS} as NRDS ON NRDS.id = {$this->tableName}.nrds_id "; if (!in_array($this->filter['id_specialty'], array('', 'all'))) { $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$this->tableNameDB}2Specialty as Member2Specialty ON Member2Specialty.id_parent = {$this->tableName}.id "; } if (!in_array($this->filter['id_specialty_info'], array('', 'all'))) { $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$this->tableNameDB}2SpecialtyInfo as Member2SpecialtyInfo ON Member2SpecialtyInfo.id_parent = {$this->tableName}.id "; } if (!in_array($this->filter['id_area'], array('', 'all'))) { $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$this->tableNameDB}2Area as Member2Area ON Member2Area.id_parent = {$this->tableName}.id "; } if (!in_array($this->filter['id_area_info'], array('', 'all'))) { $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$this->tableNameDB}2AreaInfo as Member2AreaInfo ON Member2AreaInfo.id_parent = {$this->tableName}.id "; } if (!in_array($this->filter['id_volunteer'], array('', 'all'))) { $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$this->tableNameDB}2Volunteer as Member2Volunteer ON Member2Volunteer.id_parent = {$this->tableName}.id "; } return $join; } function _getOrder4Grid($opt=array()) { if ($opt['order_by']=='last_name') $opt['order_by']='last_name, first_name'; if ($opt['order_by']=='last_name DESC') $opt['order_by']='last_name DESC, first_name DESC'; return parent::_getOrder4Grid($opt); } function _getGroup4Grid() { return "GROUP BY {$this->tableName}.id"; } function getSpecialty4Select() { $sql = " SELECT id, title FROM {$this->db->tblDSpecialty} ORDER BY title "; return $this->db->queryAll($sql, 0, null, true); } function getRecordType4Select() { $sql = " SELECT id, title FROM {$this->db->tblDMemberRecordType} ORDER BY sorter "; return $this->db->queryAll($sql, 0, null, true); } function getState4Select() { $sql = " SELECT short as id, short as title FROM {$this->db->tblDState} ORDER BY title "; return $this->db->queryAll($sql, 0, null, true); } function getBrocker4Select() { $sql = " SELECT id as `key`, CONCAT(id, ' ', company, ' - ', address, ' - ', city, ', ', state, ' ', zip) as title FROM {$this->tableNameDB} WHERE id_type = 1 ORDER BY title "; $list = $this->db->queryAll($sql, 0, null, true); return $list; } function getManagementCompany4Select() { $sql = " SELECT id as `key`, CONCAT(id, ' ', company, ' - ', address, ' - ', city, ', ', state, ' ', zip) as title FROM {$this->tableNameDB} WHERE id_type = 1 ORDER BY title "; $list = $this->db->queryAll($sql, 0, null, true); return $list; } function getDMember4Select() { $sql = " SELECT id, title FROM {$this->db->tblDMember} ORDER BY sorter "; return $this->db->queryAll($sql, 0, null, true); } function getDMCPEAccessType4Select() { $sql = " SELECT id, title FROM {$this->db->tblDMCPEAccessType} ORDER BY sorter "; return $this->db->queryAll($sql, 0, null, true); } function getDAreaByType() { $sql = " SELECT DAreaType2Area.id_area_type, DAreaType.title as area_type_title, DAreaType2Area.id_area, DArea.title FROM {$this->db->tblDAreaType2Area} as DAreaType2Area JOIN {$this->db->tblDAreaType} as DAreaType ON DAreaType.id = DAreaType2Area.id_area_type JOIN {$this->db->tblDArea} as DArea ON DArea.id = DAreaType2Area.id_area ORDER BY DAreaType.sorter, DAreaType2Area.sorter "; $_list = $this->db->queryAll($sql); $this->_sqlError($_list); $list = array(); foreach ($_list as $k=>$v) { $list[$v['id_area_type']]['id'] = $v['id_area_type']; $list[$v['id_area_type']]['title'] = $v['area_type_title']; $list[$v['id_area_type']]['items'][$v['id_area']] = $v['title']; } return $list; } function getCompanySize4Select() { $list = array('1-3', '4-9', '10-49', '50-99', '100+'); return array_combine($list, $list); } function initFromDB() { if (!$this->id && $this->id_location) { $locationData = $this->getLocationById($this->id_location); $companyData = $this->getCompanyById($locationData['id_company']); $this->_data = array( 'id_location'=>$this->id_location, 'location_name'=>$locationData['title'], 'id_company'=>$locationData['id_company'], 'company_name'=>$companyData['name'], ); return true; } else if (!$this->id && $this->id_company) { $companyData = $this->getCompanyById($this->id_company); $this->_data = array( 'id_company'=>$this->id_company, 'company_name'=>$companyData['name'], ); return true; } $this->_data = $this->getFromDB($this->id); if (empty($this->_data)) { return false; } $this->_data['formatted_changed'] = date('F j\t\h, Y - g:i a', strtotime($this->_data['changed'])); $nullDateList = array('status_date', 'mcpe_status_date', 'nrds_id_date_joined'); foreach ($nullDateList as $k=>$v) { if (!empty($this->_data[$v])) { $this->_data[$v] = date('F j\t\h, Y - g:i a', strtotime($this->_data[$v])); } } $nrdsId = ctype_digit((string)$this->_data['nrds_id']) ? $this->_data['nrds_id'] : 0; if (!$nrdsId) { $this->_data['nrds_id'] = ''; } if (!empty($this->_data['profile_update']) && false !== ($time = strtotime($this->_data['profile_update']))) { $this->_data['profile_update_date'] = date('Y-m-d', $time); $this->_data['profile_update_time'] = date('H:i:s', $time); } return true; } function getIdsFromDB($tableName, $DTableName, $field_name, $id_parent, $parentFieldName = 'id_parent') { $sql = " SELECT tblLink.{$field_name} as id, tblLink.{$field_name} as title FROM {$tableName} as tblLink JOIN {$DTableName} as Dictionary ON tblLink.{$field_name} = Dictionary.id WHERE tblLink.{$parentFieldName} = ".$id_parent; $res = $this->db->queryAll($sql, 0, nnull, true); $this->_sqlError($res); return $res; } function getFromDB($id, $field = false) { $id = intval($id); $sql = "SELECT {$this->tableName}.*, IF(Location.name <> '', CONCAT(Location.name, IF(Location.physical_city <> '', ' (', ''), Location.physical_city, IF(Location.physical_city <> '', ') ', '')), CONCAT(Location.physical_address, ' - ', Location.physical_city, ', ', Location.physical_state, ' ', Location.physical_zip)) as location_name, Company.id as id_company, Company.name as company_name, Location.id_pay_member AS location_id_pay_member, IF(Location.id_pay_member = {$this->tableName}.id, 'y', 'n') AS billing_approve_pay_exchange, NRDS.added as nrds_id_date_joined, {$this->_getWhatMemberStatus()} FROM {$this->tableNameDB} AS {$this->tableName} {$this->_getJoinMemberStatus()} LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblLocation} as Location ON Location.id = {$this->tableName}.id_location LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblCompany} as Company ON Location.id_company = Company.id LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblNRDS} as NRDS ON NRDS.id = {$this->tableName}.nrds_id WHERE {$this->tableName}.id = $id"; $res = $this->db->queryRow($sql); if (null === $res) { return $res; } $sql = 'SELECT `m`.`id` ' . 'FROM `' . $this->db->tblMember2Member .'` AS `m2m` ' . 'JOIN `' . $this->db->tblMember . '` AS `m` ' . 'ON `m2m`.`id_parent` = ' . $this->db->quote($id, 'integer') . ' ' . 'AND `m2m`.`id_member` = `m`.`id` ' . 'WHERE 1 ' . 'AND `m`.`is_support_account` = "n"'; $res['supported_accounts']=$this->db->queryCol($sql); if ($field === false) { $res['specific_senders'] = $this->_getSpecificEmails($id); $res['id_specialty'] = $this->getIdsFromDB($this->tableNameDB.'2Specialty', $this->db->tblDSpecialty, 'id_specialty', $id); $res['id_specialty_info'] = $this->getIdsFromDB($this->tableNameDB.'2SpecialtyInfo', $this->db->tblDSpecialty, 'id_specialty_info', $id); $res['id_area'] = $this->getIdsFromDB($this->tableNameDB.'2Area', $this->db->tblDArea, 'id_area', $id); $res['id_area_info'] = $this->getIdsFromDB($this->tableNameDB.'2AreaInfo', $this->db->tblDArea, 'id_area_info', $id); $res['id_line_of_work'] = $this->getIdsFromDB($this->tableNameDB.'2LineOfWork', $this->db->tblDLineOfWork, 'id_line_of_work', $id); $res['id_email_type'] = $this->getIdsFromDB($this->tableNameDB.'2EmailType', $this->db->tblDEmailType, 'id_email_type', $id); $res['id_email_group'] = $this->getIdsFromDB($this->tableNameDB.'2EmailGroup', $this->db->tblDEmailGroupType, 'group_id', $id, 'member_id'); $res['type_of_business_id'] = $this->getIdsFromDB($this->tableNameDB.'2TypeOfBusiness', $this->db->tblDTypeOfBusiness, 'type_of_business_id', $id, 'member_id'); } $this->arrayParseTag2Url(&$res); return $this->getSubElem($res, $field); } function getEmailAreaIdsFromDB($tableName, $id_parent) { $sql = " SELECT Member2EmailArea.id_area_type, Member2EmailArea.id_area FROM {$tableName} as Member2EmailArea JOIN {$this->db->tblDArea} as DArea ON DArea.id = Member2EmailArea.id_area JOIN {$this->db->tblDAreaType} as DAreaType ON DAreaType.id = Member2EmailArea.id_area_type JOIN {$this->db->tblDAreaType2Area} as DAreaType2Area ON DAreaType2Area.id_area_type = Member2EmailArea.id_area_type AND DAreaType2Area.id_area = Member2EmailArea.id_area WHERE Member2EmailArea.id_parent = ".$this->db->quote($id_parent, 'integer')." ORDER BY DAreaType.sorter, DAreaType2Area.sorter "; $res = $this->db->queryAll($sql); $this->_sqlError($res); $list = array(); foreach ($res as $row) { $list[$row['id_area_type']][$row['id_area']] = $row['id_area']; } return $list; } function insert($data = null, $files = null) { if (!is_null($data)) { $this->initFromArray($data, $files); } $this->_initTable(); $this->_data[$this->pass_field] = $this->_encryptPass($this->_data[$this->pass_field]); $data = $this->_data; unset($data['id']); $fields = $this->getSimpleFieldList(); if (isset($fields['sorter'])) { $data['sorter'] = $this->getSorter(); } $currDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $data['status_date'] = $currDate; $data['mcpe_status_date'] = $currDate; $this->id = $this->table->insert($data); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2BlockedMember', 'id_blocked_member', $this->_data['id_blocked_member']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2Specialty', 'id_specialty', $this->_data['id_specialty']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2SpecialtyInfo', 'id_specialty_info', $this->_data['id_specialty_info']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2Area', 'id_area', $this->_data['id_area']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2AreaInfo', 'id_area_info', $this->_data['id_area_info']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2LineOfWork', 'id_line_of_work', $this->_data['id_line_of_work']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2EmailType', 'id_email_type', $this->_data['id_email_type']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2EmailGroup', 'group_id', $this->_data['id_email_group'], 'member_id'); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2TypeOfBusiness', 'type_of_business_id', $this->_data['type_of_business_id'], 'member_id'); $this->updateIds($this->db->tblMember2Member, 'id_member', $this->_data['supported_accounts']); $this->updateNrdsId($this->_data['nrds_id'], 'individual', $this->_data['id_company']); $this->handleFiles(); return $this->id; } function updateEmailAreaIds($data) { $tableName = $this->tableNameDB.'2EmailArea'; $this->deleteIds($tableName); if (!is_array($data) || empty($data)) { return $data; } $sql = ''; foreach ($data as $id_area_type => $ids_area) { foreach ($ids_area as $id_area) { $sql .= "\n(".intval($this->id).', '.intval($id_area_type).', '.intval($id_area).'),'; } } if (empty($sql)) { return false; } $sql = "INSERT INTO {$tableName} (`id_parent`, `id_area_type`, `id_area`) VALUES".rtrim($sql, ',').';'; $res = $this->db->query($sql); $this->_sqlError($res); return $this; } function _setDateJoinedChanges($type, $data) { $insertArray = array( 'memberId' => $this->id, 'accountType' => $type, 'oldTypeId' => $data['oldType'], 'newTypeId' => $data['currentType'], 'oldStatusId' => $data['oldStatus'], 'newStatusId' => $data['currentStatus'], 'newDateJoined' => $data['newDateJoined'], 'oldDateJoined' => $data['oldDateJoined'], ); $table = $this->getTable('StatusHistory'); $table->insert($insertArray); return $this; } function update($data = null, $files = null) { if (empty($this->_data[$this->pass_field])){ unset($this->_data[$this->pass_field]); } else { $this->_data[$this->pass_field] = $this->_encryptPass($this->_data[$this->pass_field]); } if (!is_null($data)) { $this->initFromArray($data, $files); } $availableStatuses = array(1, 3); if ( !in_array($this->_data['id_mncar_status'], $availableStatuses) && !in_array($this->_data['id_mncar_l_status'], $availableStatuses) && !in_array($this->_data['id_misc_status'], $availableStatuses) ) { $this->_removeFromVolunteer(); } if (!(1 == $this->_data['id_misc_status'] && 2 == $this->_data['id_misc_type'])) { $this->_removeFromLiaisonVolunteer(); } $this->_initTable(); $oldData = $this->db->queryRow("SELECT * FROM {$this->tableNameDB} WHERE id = ". $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer') ); $currDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $tableMember2Member = new DBTable('Member2Member'); foreach (array('mncar', 'mncar_l', 'misc') as $type) { $statusField = 'id_' . $type . '_status'; if ($oldData[$statusField] != $this->_data[$statusField]) { $this->_data[$type . '_status_changed'] = $currDate; if ($this->_data[$statusField] != 1) { $tableMember2Member->delete('id_member = ' . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer')); } } $accountType = 'id_' . $type . '_type'; $dateJoinedField = $type . '_status_joined'; if (!(empty($oldData[$statusField]) && empty($this->_data[$statusField]))) { if (intval($oldData[$statusField]) != intval($this->_data[$statusField]) || intval($oldData[$accountType]) != intval($this->_data[$accountType]) || strtotime($oldData[$dateJoinedField]) != strtotime($this->_data[$dateJoinedField]) ) { $this->_setDateJoinedChanges( $type, array( 'oldType' => $oldData['id_' . $type . '_type'], 'currentType' => $this->_data['id_' . $type . '_type'], 'oldStatus' => $oldData['id_' . $type . '_status'], 'currentStatus' => $this->_data['id_' . $type . '_status'], 'oldDateJoined' => $oldData[$dateJoinedField], 'newDateJoined' => $this->_data[$dateJoinedField], ) ); } } } if ($oldData['allow_mcpe_access'] != $this->_data['allow_mcpe_access']) { $this->_data['mcpe_status_date'] = $currDate; } if ($oldData['id_location'] != $this->_data['id_location']) { if ($this->db->qyueryOne('SELECT id_company FROM mn_Location WHERE id='.(int)$oldData['id_location']) != $this->db->qyueryOne('SELECT id_company FROM mn_Location WHERE id='.(int)$this->_data['id_location'])) { $tableMember2Member->delete('id_member='. $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer')); } } $this->table->update($this->_data, 'id = '. $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer') ); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2BlockedMember', 'id_blocked_member', $this->_data['id_blocked_member']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2Specialty', 'id_specialty', $this->_data['id_specialty']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2SpecialtyInfo', 'id_specialty_info', $this->_data['id_specialty_info']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2Area', 'id_area', $this->_data['id_area']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2AreaInfo', 'id_area_info', $this->_data['id_area_info']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2LineOfWork', 'id_line_of_work', $this->_data['id_line_of_work']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2EmailType', 'id_email_type', $this->_data['id_email_type']); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2EmailGroup', 'group_id', $this->_data['id_email_group'], 'member_id'); $this->updateIds($this->tableNameDB.'2TypeOfBusiness', 'type_of_business_id', $this->_data['type_of_business_id'], 'member_id'); $this->updateIds($this->db->tblMember2Member, 'id_member', $this->_data['supported_accounts']); $this->updateNrdsId($this->_data['nrds_id'], 'individual', $this->_data['id_company']); $this->handleFiles(); return true; } protected function _removeFromVolunteer() { $this->deleteIds($this->tableNameDB . '2Volunteer'); return $this; } protected function _removeFromLiaisonVolunteer() { $where = '`id_parent` = ' . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer') . ' AND `type` = ' . $this->db->quote(VolunteerMember::STAFF_LIAISON); $this->getTable('Member2Volunteer')->delete($where); return $this; } public function getVolunteerGroups() { $sql = " SELECT `Volunteer`.`title`, `Volunteer`.`type` AS `groupType`, `Member2Volunteer`.`type` FROM {$this->db->tblVolunteer} AS `Volunteer` JOIN {$this->db->tblMember2Volunteer} AS `Member2Volunteer` ON `Member2Volunteer`.`id_volunteer` = `Volunteer`.`id` WHERE `Member2Volunteer`.`id_parent` = " . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer') . " ORDER BY `Volunteer`.`sorter`, `Volunteer`.`title`"; return $this->db->queryAll($sql); } public function getVolunteerPositions() { return VolunteerMember::getInstance()->setId($this->id)->setParentId(null)->getAllPositions(); } public function getStatusChanges() { return StatusHistory::getInstance($this->id)->getStatusChanges(array('limit' => 11)); } public function updateRow($data) { $this->_initTable(); $this->table->update($data, 'id = '. $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer')); } function activate() { $this->_initTable(); $this->table->update( array('email_verified' => 'y', 'info_verified' => 'y'), 'id=' . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer') ); } function updateLinks($tableName, $address) { $this->deleteLinks($tableName); if (empty($address)) { return false; } $sql = "INSERT INTO $tableName (`id_parent`, `address`, `sorter`) VALUES"; foreach($address as $k=>$v) { $sql.="\n({$this->id}, ".$this->db->quote($address[$k]).", $k),"; } $sql = rtrim($sql, ',').';'; $res = $this->db->query($sql); $this->_sqlError($res); } function deleteLinks($tableName) { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM $tableName WHERE id_parent = ".$this->db->quote($this->id)); } function delete() { $this->_files = array( 'img' => array('del' => 1), ); $this->deleteIds($this->tableNameDB.'2Specialty'); $this->deleteIds($this->tableNameDB.'2Area'); $this->deleteIds($this->tableNameDB.'2AreaInfo'); $this->deleteIds($this->tableNameDB.'2EmailArea'); $this->deleteIds($this->tableNameDB.'2EmailSpecialty'); $this->deleteIds($this->tableNameDB.'2EmailType'); $this->deleteIds($this->tableNameDB.'2Volunteer'); parent::delete(); return true; } function _encryptPass($psw) { return $psw; } function isUnique($field, $value, $record_type = '') { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$this->tableNameDB} WHERE {$field} = ".$this->db->quote($value); if($record_type != '') { $sql .= ' AND record_type = "'.$record_type.'"'; } if ($this->id){ $sql .= ' AND id != '.$this->db->quote($this->id); } return !(bool)$this->db->queryOne($sql) ; } function getSalutation4Select() { $list = array('Mr', 'Mrs', 'Ms'); return array_combine($list, $list); } function getCompany() { $sql = "SELECT name AS title, id AS value FROM {$this->db->tblCompany} ORDER BY name"; return $this->db->queryAll($sql); } function getCompanyName($id_company) { $companyData = $this->getCompanyById((int)$id_company); if (isset($companyData['name'])) { return $companyData['name']; } else { return 'No Company'; } } function getLocation($opt) { extract($opt); $sql = " SELECT IF(name <> '',CONCAT(name, ' (', physical_address, ' - ', physical_city, ', ', physical_state, ' ', physical_zip,')'), CONCAT(physical_address, ' - ', mailing_city, ', ', mailing_state, ' ', physical_zip)) AS title, id AS value FROM {$this->db->tblLocation} WHERE id_company = ".$this->db->quote($id_company, 'integer')." ORDER BY title "; return $this->db->queryAll($sql); } function getLocationName($id_location) { $locationData = $this->getLocationById((int)$id_location); if (isset($locationData['title'])) { return $locationData['title']; } else { return 'No Location'; } } function getLocationById($id) { $sql = " SELECT id, IF(name <> '',CONCAT(name, ' (', physical_address, ' - ', physical_city, ', ', physical_state, ' ', physical_zip,')'), CONCAT(physical_address, ' - ', mailing_city, ', ', mailing_state, ' ', physical_zip)) as title FROM {$this->db->tblLocation} WHERE id = ".$this->db->quote($id, 'integer')." "; return $this->db->queryRow($sql, 0, null, true); } function getCompanyById($id) { $sql = " SELECT * FROM {$this->db->tblCompany} WHERE id = ".$this->db->quote($id, 'integer')." "; return $this->db->queryRow($sql, 0, null, true); } function _filterSqlParceValue($value, $type = null) { if (is_array($value)) { return ' IN ('.implode(', ', $value).')'; } return ' = '.$this->db->quote($value, $type); } public function setFilter($filter) { if (is_string($filter)) { $this->_filterQuery = $filter; } else if (is_array($filter)) { if (isset($filter['query'])) { $this->_filterQuery = $filter['query']; unset($filter['query']); $this->_filter = $filter; } } } function _filterSql() { require_once('class/DB/DBObj/Filter.php'); $sql = DBObj_Filter::perseQr($this->db, $this->_filterFields, $this->_filterQuery); if (!$sql) { $sql = ""; } $filter = &$this->filter; if ($filter['search_type'] != 'individual') { return false; } $filterByType = array(); $filterByStatus = array(); foreach ($filter as $field=>$value) { if ($value == "" || $value == 'all' || (is_array($value) && empty($value))) { continue; } switch($field) { case 'id_mncar_type': case 'id_mncar_l_type': case 'id_misc_type': $filterByType[] = "{$this->tableName}.{$field} " . $this->_filterSqlParceValue($value); break; case 'id_mncar_status': case 'id_mncar_l_status': case 'id_misc_status': $filterByStatus[] = "{$this->tableName}.{$field} " . $this->_filterSqlParceValue($value); break; case 'id_location': case 'id_mcpe_access_type': case 'id_market': $sql .= " AND {$this->tableName}.{$field} ".$this->_filterSqlParceValue($value); break; case 'id_company': $sql .= " AND Location.{$field} = ".intval($value); break; case 'send_focus_newsletter': case 'is_support_account': case 'allow_mcpe_access': if (in_array($value, array('y', 'n'))) { $sql .= " AND {$this->tableName}.{$field} = '{$value}'"; } break; case 'id_specialty': $sql .= " AND Member2Specialty.{$field} ".$this->_filterSqlParceValue($value); break; case 'id_area': $sql .= " AND Member2Area.{$field} ".$this->_filterSqlParceValue($value); break; case 'id_volunteer': $sql .= " AND Member2Volunteer.{$field} ".$this->_filterSqlParceValue($value); break; } } if (!empty($filterByType)) { $sql .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $filterByType) . ')'; } if (!empty($filterByStatus)) { $sql .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $filterByStatus) . ')'; } if (empty($sql)) { return false; } return $sql; } function getCompanyId() { $this->initFromDB(); return $this->_data['id_company']; } function assignNrdsId($record_type) { if ($this->id) { $nrds_id = $this->getFromDB($this->id, 'nrds_id'); $nrds_id = ctype_digit($nrds_id) ? $nrds_id : 0; if ($nrds_id) { return array('id'=>$nrds_id); } } $sql = "SELECT MAX(id) FROM {$this->db->tblNRDS} WHERE manualy_set = 'n' "; $max_nrds_id = $this->db->queryOne($sql); $data = array(); if ($max_nrds_id == null ) { $data['id'] = NRDS_ID_START; } else { $data['id'] = $max_nrds_id + 1; } $companyId = (int)$this->getCompanyId();; $isNrdsApplicable = $this->isUniqueNrdsAtDictionary($data['id']) && $this->isNRDSUniqueApplied($data['id']) && $this->isFreeNrdsAtCompany($data['id'], $companyId); if (!$isNrdsApplicable) { do { $data['id']++; if ($data['id'] > NRDS_ID_END) { return array('error'=>'No free NRDS ID'); } } while( !($this->isUniqueNrdsAtDictionary($data['id']) && $this->isNRDSUniqueApplied($data['id']) && $this->isFreeNrdsAtCompany($data['id'], $companyId) ) ); } $data['id_owner'] = $this->id; $data['record_type'] = (string)$record_type; $data['manualy_set'] = 'n'; $data['id_company'] = (int)$this->getCompanyId(); $data['id_company'] = $data['id_company'] ? $data['id_company'] : null; require_once('class/DB/DBTable.php'); $NRDS = new DBTable('NRDS'); if ($this->isUniqueNrdsAtDictionary($data['id'], $record_type, $this->id)) { $NRDS->insert($data); } else { $where = 'id=' . S_db2::quoteBigInt($data['id']) . ' AND `record_type` = ' . $this->db->quote($data['record_type']) . ' AND `id_owner` = ' . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer'); $NRDS->update($data, $where ); } if ($this->id) { $this->_initTable(); $this->table->update(array('nrds_id'=>$data['id']), 'id='.$this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer')); } return $data; } public function isBlockedNrds($nrdsId) { require_once('app/NRDSUsage/NRDSUsage.php'); $nrdsUsage = new NRDSUsage(); return $nrdsUsage->isBlocked($nrdsId); } function assignManualyNrdsId($record_type, $nrds_id) { if ($this->id) { $_nrds_id = $this->getFromDB($this->id, 'nrds_id'); $_nrds_id = ctype_digit((string)$_nrds_id) ? $_nrds_id : 0; if ($_nrds_id) { return array('id'=>$_nrds_id); } } if (!is_numeric($nrds_id)) { return array('error'=>'NRDS ID is in wrong format'); } if (!$this->isNRDSUniqueApplied($nrds_id) || $this->isBlockedNrds($nrds_id)) { return array('error'=>'This NRDS ID is already in use'); } $companyId = (int)$this->getCompanyId(); $companyId = $companyId ? $companyId : null; if (!$this->isFreeNrdsAtCompany($nrds_id, $companyId)) { return array('error' => MemberGrid::MSG_ERR_NRDS_NOT_UNIQUE_AT_COMPANY); } $data = array(); $data['id'] = $nrds_id; $data['id_owner'] = $this->id; $data['record_type'] = (string)$record_type; $data['manualy_set'] = 'y'; $data['applied'] = 'n'; $data['id_company'] = $companyId; require_once('class/DB/DBTable.php'); $NRDS = new DBTable('NRDS'); if ($this->isUniqueNrdsAtDictionary($nrds_id, $record_type, $this->id)) { $NRDS->insert($data); } else { $where = 'id=' . S_db2::quoteBigInt($data['id']) . ' AND `record_type` = ' . $this->db->quote($data['record_type']) . ' AND `id_owner` = ' . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer'); $NRDS->update($data, $where); } if ($this->id) { $this->_initTable(); $this->table->update(array('nrds_id' => $data['id']), 'id=' . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer')); } return $data; } public function isUniqueNrdsAtDictionary($nrdsId, $recordType = 'individual', $idOwner = null) { $quotedNrds = S_db2::quoteBigInt($nrdsId); $sql = " SELECT 1 FROM `{$this->db->tblNRDS}` WHERE `id` = {$quotedNrds} "; if ($recordType) { $sql .= ' AND `record_type` IN ("' . implode('", "', (array) $recordType) . '") '; } if (null !== $idOwner) { $sql .= "AND id_owner <> " . $this->db->quote($idOwner, 'integer'); } $sql .= ' LIMIT 1'; $res = $this->db->queryOne($sql); $this->isDBError($res); return '1' !== $res; } /** * check if members or locations from this company have the same nrds (if have - nrds is not unique) * @param int $nrdsId * @param int $companyId * @return bool */ function isFreeNrdsAtCompany($nrdsId, $companyId) { $quotedNrdsId = S_db2::quoteBigInt($nrdsId); if (!$companyId) { return true; } $quotedCompanyId = $this->db->quote($companyId, 'integer'); $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM {$this->db->tblNRDS} WHERE `id_company` = {$quotedCompanyId} AND `id` = {$quotedNrdsId}"; if ($this->id) { $sql .= ' AND `id_owner` <> ' . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer'); } $res = $this->db->queryOne($sql); $this->isDBError($res); return !((bool) $res); } function isNRDSUniqueApplied($nrds_id, $id_owner = null, $record_type = 'individual') { $quotedNrds = S_db2::quoteBigInt($nrds_id); $quotedIdOwner = $this->db->quote($id_owner, 'integer'); $sql = " SELECT `id` FROM `{$this->db->tblNRDS}` WHERE `id` = {$quotedNrds} AND `applied` = 'y' AND `record_type` = '" . $record_type . "' "; if (null !== $id_owner) { $sql .= "AND id_owner <> ".$this->db->quote($id_owner, 'integer'); } if ('individual' == $record_type ) { $sql .= " UNION SELECT `id` FROM `{$this->db->tblMember}` WHERE `nrds_Id` = {$quotedNrds}"; if (null != $id_owner) { $sql .= ' AND `id` != ' . $quotedIdOwner; } } if ('location' == $record_type) { $sql .= " UNION SELECT `id` FROM `{$this->db->tblLocation}` WHERE `nrds_Id` = {$quotedNrds} "; if (null != $id_owner) { $sql .= ' AND `id` != ' . $quotedIdOwner; } } $row = $this->db->queryAll($sql); $this->isDBError($row); if (empty($row)) { return true; } return false; } function clearNrdsId($recordType = 'individual') { if ($this->id) { $this->_initTable(); $_nrds_id = (string)$this->getFromDB($this->id, 'nrds_id'); require_once('class/DB/DBTable.php'); $NRDS = new DBTable('NRDS'); $where = '`id` = ' . S_db2::quoteBigInt($_nrds_id) . ' AND `record_type` = ' . $this->db->quote($recordType) . ' AND `id_owner` = ' . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer'); $NRDS->delete($where); $this->table->update(array('nrds_id' => NULL), 'id='.$this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer')); return array('id' => ''); } return array('error'=>'Invalid Individual ID'); } function updateNrdsId($nrds_id, $recordType = 'individual', $companyId) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->db->tblNRDS} WHERE id = " . S_db2::quoteBigInt($nrds_id) . " AND `record_type` = " . $this->db->quote($recordType); $addonWhere = ''; if ($this->id) { $addonWhere .= ' AND `id_owner` = ' . $this->db->quote($this->id, 'integer'); } $sql .= $addonWhere; $data = $this->db->queryRow($sql); if (is_array($data) && !empty($data)) { $updateData = array(); if (!intval($data['id_owner'])) { $updateData['id_owner'] = intval($this->id); } if ($data['applied'] == 'n') { $updateData['applied'] = 'y'; } $updateData['id_company'] = (int)$companyId; if (!empty($updateData)) { require_once('class/DB/DBTable.php'); $NRDS = new DBTable('NRDS'); $NRDS->update($updateData, 'id=' . S_db2::quoteBigInt($data['id']) . $addonWhere); } } } function _getWhere4DBLogin($user) { $sql = " WHERE {$this->login_field} = ".$this->db->quote($user['login']) ." AND {$this->pass_field} = ".$this->db->quote($this->_encryptPass($user['password'])) ." AND ( (id_mncar_type > 0 AND id_mncar_status IN (1, 3)) OR (id_mncar_l_type > 0 AND id_mncar_l_status IN (1, 3)) OR (id_misc_type > 0 AND id_misc_status IN (1, 3)) ) "; return $sql; } function DBLogin($user) { $sql = "SELECT id FROM {$this->tableNameDB} ".$this->_getWhere4DBLogin($user); $id = $this->db->queryOne($sql); if (!MDB2::isError($id) && $id != 0) { $userOut = $this->getFromDB($id); $userOut[$this->pass_field] = $user[$this->pass_field]; $userOut['id_history'] = $this->updateHistory($id); }else { $userOut = array(); } return $userOut; } function updateHistory($id) { require_once('app/Member/MemberAuth.php'); $id_history = (int)MemberAuth::getSessionData('id_history'); require_once('class/DB/DBTable.php'); $History = new DBTable($this->tableName.'History'); if ($id_history) { $data = array( 'last_activity_date'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ); $History->update($data, 'id='.$this->db->quote($id_history)); return $id_history; } else { $data = array( 'id_individual' => $id, 'login_date'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'last_activity_date'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'ip'=>$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'id_session'=>Session::getId() ); return $History->insert($data); } } function getMemberByEmail($email) { $sql = " SELECT {$this->tableName}.*, {$this->_getWhatMemberStatus()} FROM {$this->tableNameDB} as {$this->tableName} {$this->_getJoinMemberStatus()} WHERE email = ".$this->db->quote($email); $data = $this->db->queryRow($sql); $this->id = @$data['id']; return $data; } function getMemberByAccessCode($value) { $sql = " SELECT {$this->tableName}.*, {$this->_getWhatMemberStatus()} FROM {$this->tableNameDB} as {$this->tableName} {$this->_getJoinMemberStatus()} WHERE {$this->tableName}.access_code = ".$this->db->quote($value, 'text'); $data = $this->db->queryRow($sql); $this->id = @$data['id']; return $data; } function updateAccessCode($id, $access_code, $field = 'access_code') { $this->_initTable(); $this->table->update(array($field=>$access_code, 'access_code_changed'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'id='.$this->db->quote($id, 'integer')); } function getAlphabet($ipp = 20, $where = 'where 1') { $ipp = (int)$ipp; $where = (string)$where; $alph = array(); $sql = "select left(last_name, 1) as letter, count(*) as cnt from {$this->tableNameDB} as {$this->tableName} LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblLocation} as Location ON Location.id = {$this->tableName}.id_location LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblCompany} as Company ON Company.id = Location.id_company {$where} group by letter"; $res = $this->db->queryAll($sql, null, MDB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, true); if (is_array($res) && !empty($res)) { $page = 0; $total = 0; foreach ($res as $letter => $count) { $alph[$letter] = $page; $total += $count; $page = floor($total / $ipp); } } return $alph; } function setAutoLogin($id_member) { $this->_initTable(); $this->table->update(array('auto_login'=>'y'), 'id='.intval($id_member)); } function validStatus($member) { $statuses = array(); if ($member['id_mncar_type'] > 0) { $statuses[] = $member['id_mncar_status']; } if ($member['id_mncar_l_type'] > 0) { $statuses[] = $member['id_mncar_l_status']; } if ($member['id_misc_type'] > 0) { $statuses[] = $member['id_misc_status']; } $statuses = array_unique($statuses); if (false === array_search(1, $statuses) && false === array_search(3, $statuses)) { return ' Your account is not active in our system. Please contact us for more information.'; } return true; } function validAgreement($member) { if ($member['is_accepted_legal_agreement'] != 'y') { return ' Your have not accept our legal agreement yet.'; } return true; } function validActivated($member) { if ($member['email_verified'] == 'n' || $member['info_verified'] == 'n') { return 'Based on the email address you entered, our records indicate that you have not yet activated your ' .'account according to the MNCAR user agreement. To activate your account, you must verify your email address. ' .'Please click here ' .'and we will send you instructions for account activation to your inbox.'; } return true; } function getWhatTitledPhone($field_name) { $sql = "IF({$this->tableName}.{$field_name}_title <> '' AND {$this->tableName}.{$field_name} <> '', CONCAT(IF({$this->tableName}.{$field_name}_title = ' ', 'Other', {$this->tableName}.{$field_name}_title), ' ', {$this->tableName}.{$field_name}), {$this->tableName}.{$field_name}) as {$field_name}_full"; return $sql; } function getRes4ExportPurchasable() { $sql = " SELECT {$this->tableName}.*, CONCAT({$this->tableName}.first_name, ' ', {$this->tableName}.middle_initial, IF ({$this->tableName}.middle_initial = '' , '', '. '), {$this->tableName}.last_name) as name, {$this->_getWhatMemberType()}, {$this->_getWhatMemberStatus()}, Company.name as company_name, Company.website as company_website, Location.name as location_name_original, IF(Location.name <> '', CONCAT(Location.name, IF(Location.physical_city <> '', ' (', ''), Location.physical_city, IF(Location.physical_city <> '', ') ', '')), CONCAT(Location.physical_address, ' - ', Location.physical_city, ', ', Location.physical_state, ' ', Location.physical_zip)) as location_name, Location.physical_address as location_physical_address, Location.physical_city as location_physical_city, Location.physical_state as location_physical_state, Location.physical_zip as location_physical_zip, Location.phone as location_phone FROM {$this->tableNameDB} as {$this->tableName} {$this->_getJoinMemberType()} {$this->_getJoinMemberStatus()} LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblLocation} as Location ON Location.id = {$this->tableName}.id_location LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblCompany} as Company ON Company.id = Location.id_company LEFT JOIN {$this->tableNameDB}2EmailType as Member2EmailType ON Member2EmailType.id_parent = {$this->tableName}.id LEFT JOIN {$this->tableNameDB}2EmailGroup as Member2EmailGroup ON Member2EmailGroup.member_id = {$this->tableName}.id WHERE 1 AND {$this->tableName}.id_mcpe_access_type IN (1, 2) AND ( {$this->tableName}.id_mncar_status IN (1, 3) OR {$this->tableName}.id_mncar_l_status IN (1, 3) OR {$this->tableName}.id_misc_status IN (1, 3) ) AND {$this->tableName}.allow_mcpe_access = 'y' AND (Member2EmailType.id_parent IS NOT NULL OR Member2EmailGroup.member_id IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY {$this->tableName}.id ORDER BY {$this->tableName}.last_name "; $res = $this->db->query($sql); $this->_sqlError($res); return $res; } function getAllSupportedAccount() { $sql="SELECT DISTINCT {$this->tableName}.id, CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) FROM {$this->tableNameDB} AS {$this->tableName} LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblLocation} as Location ON {$this->tableName}.id_location=Location.id LEFT JOIN {$this->db->tblMember2Member} as Member2Member ON {$this->tableName}.id=Member2Member.id_member WHERE 1 AND {$this->tableName}.is_support_account = 'n' AND ( ( {$this->tableName}.is_support_account != 'y' AND Location.id_company = " . (int)$this->getFromDB($this->id, 'id_company')." AND Location.id_company > 0 AND ( ({$this->tableName}.id_mncar_type > 0 AND {$this->tableName}.id_mncar_status IN (1, 3)) OR ({$this->tableName}.id_mncar_l_type > 0 AND {$this->tableName}.id_mncar_l_status IN (1, 3)) OR ({$this->tableName}.id_misc_type > 0 AND {$this->tableName}.id_misc_status IN (1, 3)) ) ) OR Member2Member.id_parent=".$this->id." OR {$this->tableName}.id=".$this->id." ) ORDER BY {$this->tableName}.last_name, {$this->tableName}.first_name"; return ($this->db->queryAll($sql, 0, null, true)); } public function generateAccessCode($id_member, $field) { do { $access_code = md5(rand(1, 1000) . 'mncar' . time() . rand(1, 1000) . $id_member); $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM `' . $this->tableNameDB . '` ' . 'WHERE `' . $field . '` = ' . $this->db->quote($access_code, 'text') . ' ' . 'LIMIT 1'; $res = $this->db->queryOne($sql); $this->isDBError($res); } while('1' == $res); $this->_initTable(); $this->table->update(array($field => $access_code), 'id=' . intval($id_member)); return $access_code; } public function clearAccessCode($field, $access_code) { $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->tableNameDB . '` ' . 'SET `' . $field . '` = NULL ' . 'WHERE 1 ' . 'AND `' . $field . '` = ' . $this->db->quote($access_code, 'text') . ' ' . 'LIMIT 1'; $res = $this->db->queryRow($sql); $this->isDBError($res); return true; } public function isValidAccessCode($nrds_id, $field, $access_code) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $this->tableNameDB . '` ' . 'WHERE 1 ' . 'AND `nrds_id` = ' . S_db2::quoteBigInt($nrds_id) . ' ' . 'AND `' . $field . '` = ' . $this->db->quote($access_code, 'text') . ' ' . 'LIMIT 1'; $res = $this->db->queryRow($sql); $this->isDBError($res); return (empty($res)) ? false : $res; } public function getDMemberStatus4Select($type = null, $id_type = null) { $sql = 'SELECT `s`.`id`, `s`.`title` ' . 'FROM `' . $this->db->tblDMemberStatus . '` AS `s` '; if (null !== $type) { $sql .= 'JOIN `' . $this->db->tblDMemberStatus2Type . '` AS `s2t` ' . 'ON `s2t`.`type` = ' . $this->db->quote($type, 'text') . ' '; if (null !== $id_type) { $sql .= 'AND `s2t`.`id_type` = ' . $this->db->quote($id_type, 'integer') . ' '; } $sql .= 'AND `s2t`.`id_status` = `s`.`id` '; } $sql .= 'ORDER BY `s`.`sorter`'; $res = $this->db->queryAll($sql, 0, null, true); $this->isDBError($res); return $res; } public static function hasStatus($member, $id_status) { if (is_array($id_status)) { foreach ($id_status as $id) { if (Member::_hasStatus($member, $id)) { return true; } } return false; } return Member::_hasStatus($member, $id_status); } protected static function _hasStatus($member, $id_status) { return ($member['id_mncar_type'] > 0 && $member['id_mncar_status'] == $id_status) || ($member['id_mncar_l_type'] > 0 && $member['id_mncar_l_status'] == $id_status) || ($member['id_misc_type'] > 0 && $member['id_misc_status'] == $id_status); } public static function isActive($member) { return Member::hasStatus($member, array(1, 3)); } public static function hasMemberCost($member) { if (in_array($member['id_mncar_type'], self::$hasMemberCostMncarIdTypes) || in_array($member['id_mncar_l_type'], self::$hasMemberCostMncarLIdTypes) || in_array($member['id_misc_type'], self::$hasMemberCostMiscIdTypes) ) { return true; } return false; } public static function hasEventRegistration($member) { return in_array($member['id_mncar_type'], self::$hasRegistrationMncarIdTypes) || in_array($member['id_mncar_l_type'], self::$hasRegistrationMncarLIdTypes) || in_array($member['id_misc_type'], self::$hasRegistrationMiscIdTypes); } public static function isMncar($member) { return $member['id_mncar_type'] > 0; } public static function getAddonWhereForMemberFind($tableName) { return "( ( {$tableName}.id_mncar_type IN (" . implode(', ', self::$findABrokerMncarIdTypes) . ") AND {$tableName}.id_mncar_status IN (" . implode(', ', self::$activePendingStatuses) . ") ) OR ( {$tableName}.id_mncar_l_type IN (" . implode(', ', self::$findABrokerMncarLIdTypes) . ") AND {$tableName}.id_mncar_l_status IN (" . implode(', ', self::$activePendingStatuses) . ") ) )"; } public static function isMemberAvailableForFindABroker($member) { if (self::_isMncarTypeAvailableForFindABroker($member) || self::_isMncarLTypeAvailableForFindABroker($member)) { return true; } return false; } protected static function _isMncarTypeAvailableForFindABroker($member) { return ( in_array($member['id_mncar_type'], self::$findABrokerMncarIdTypes) && in_array($member['id_mncar_status'], self::$activePendingStatuses) ); } protected static function _isMncarLTypeAvailableForFindABroker($member) { return ( in_array($member['id_mncar_l_type'], self::$findABrokerMncarLIdTypes) && in_array($member['id_mncar_l_status'], self::$activePendingStatuses) ); } }