$this->msdb = &MDB2::factory(OLD_SITE_DB_DSN, $opt);
if (PEAR::isError($this->msdb)) {
$this->db = S_db2::getInstance();
mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");
mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
mysql_query("SET SESSION collation_connection = 'utf8_general'");
$this->member = new DBTable('Member');
$this->member2specialty = new DBTable('Member2Specialty');
$this->member2area = new DBTable('Member2Area');
$this->member2lineofwork = new DBTable('Member2LineOfWork');
$this->member2specialtyinfo = new DBTable('Member2SpecialtyInfo');
$this->member2areainfo = new DBTable('Member2AreaInfo');
$this->member2emailspecialty = new DBTable('Member2EmailSpecialty');
$this->member2emailarea = new DBTable('Member2EmailArea');
$this->member2emailtype = new DBTable('Member2EmailType');
$this->member2volunteer = new DBTable('Member2Volunteer');
$this->memberlink = new DBTable('MemberLink');
$this->location = new DBTable('Location');
$this->company = new DBTable('Company');
$this->event = new DBTable('Event');
$this->eventformreq = new DBTable('EventFormReq');
// $this->membernotemptyfields = array('email');
$this->membermapping = array('id' => 'agent_id',
// 'id_record_type' => '',
// 'mcpe_id' => '',
'nrds_id' => 'nrds_id',
'id_member' => array('field' => 'mncar_member',
'values' => array('Affiliate Member' => 1,
'Other Association' => 2,
'MNCAR/ADN Member' => 1,
'MNCAR Member' => 1,
'ADN Member' => 2,
'Non-Member' => 1)),
'id_member_type' => array('field' => 'mncar_member_type',
'values' => array(10 => 1,
2 => 2,
5 => 3,
8 => 4,
14 => 5,
99 => 0,
25 => 7,
50 => 8,
27 => 'other',
4 => 10,
6 => 11,
37 => 12,
26 => 13,
66 => 14,
77 => 'other')),
'id_location' => 'broker_id',
// 'password' => '',
'email' => 'email',
//'inbox_type' => array('field' => 'email_type', 'values' => array('HTML' => 'html', null => 'text')),
'id_status' => array('field' => 'current_status',
'values' => array('Events Only' => 'other',
'Active' => 1,
'Suspended' => 'other',
'Waived' => 'other',
'CE Only' => 'other',
'Inactive' => 2,
'Pending' => 3,
'Terminated' => 'other')),
'status_date' => 'status_date_current',
'allow_mcpe_access' => array('field' => 'dir_ce_member', 'values' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')),
'id_mcpe_access_type' => 'dir_ce_member',
//'id_current_mcpe_status' => array('field' => 'dir_ce_member', 'values' => array(0 => 2, 1 => 1)),
// 'mcpe_status_date' => '',
'salutation' => 'salutation',
'first_name' => 'first_name',
'middle_initial' => 'middle_initial',
'last_name' => 'last_name',
'generation' => 'generation',
'designations' => 'designation',
'birth_date' => 'birthdate_full',
'industry_experience' => 'industry_experience_years',
'address' => 'home_address',
'city' => 'home_city',
'state' => 'home_state',
'zip' => 'home_zip',
're_license_number' => 're_license_number',
'primary_phone' => 'direct_phone',
'secondary_phone' => 'cell_phone',
'fax' => 'direct_fax',
'website' => 'website',
'note' => 'notes_full',
'bio' => 'public_bio_full',
'send_focus_newsletter' => array('field' => 'no_focus', 'values' => array(0 => 'y', 1 => 'n')),
'other_line_of_work' => 'current_line_of_work_other',
'other_specialty' => 'speciality_other',
'other_area' => 'area_other',
'email_signature' => 'email_signature_custom',
// 'specific_senders' => '',
'added' => 'very_last_updated',
'changed' => 'very_last_updated',
'img' => 'public_image');
$this->member2areamapping = array(1 => 'minneapolis',
2 => 'southeast',
3 => 'southwest',
4 => 'stpaul',
5 => 'stpaulsuburban',
6 => array('west', 'northwest'),
7 => 'stcloud',
8 => 'rochester',
9 => array('east', 'northeast'));
$this->member2specialtymapping = array(1 => 'industrial',
2 => 'office',
3 => 'land',
4 => 'retail',
5 => 'investment');
$this->member2lineofworkmapping = array(1 => 'transacti',
2 => 'consultin',
3 => 'appraisal',
4 => 'developme',
5 => 'design');
$this->member2areainfomapping = array(1 => 'Minneapolis',
2 => 'Southeast',
3 => 'Southwest',
4 => 'St. Paul',
7 => 'St Cloud',
8 => 'Rochester',
10 => 'Northeast',
11 => 'Northwest',
16 => 'Out of Metro');
$this->member2specialtyinfomapping = array(1 => 'Industrial',
2 => 'Office',
3 => 'Land',
4 => 'Retail',
5 => 'Investment',
6 => 'Appraisal',
7 => 'Multi-Family',
8 => 'Developer',
9 => 'Hospitality',
10 => 'Tenant Rep');
$this->member2emailareamapping = array(7 => 'stcloud', 8 => 'rochester');
$this->member2emailspecialtymapping = array(1 => 'industrial',
2 => 'office',
3 => 'land',
4 => 'retail',
5 => 'investment');
$this->member2volunteermapping = array(1 => 'mbod',
2 => 'ebod',
3 => 'prco',
4 => 'ebco',
5 => 'awco',
6 => 'spco',
7 => 'goco',
8 => 'exco',
9 => 'coco',
10 => 'weco',
11 => 'crco',
12 => 'dico',
13 => 'sctf',
14 => 'rotf',
15 => 'dare');
$this->locationmapping = array('id' => 'broker_id',
// 'status' => '',3
// 'id_company' => '',
'nrds_id' => 'nrds_id',
'name' => 'bkr_company',
'id_type' => '',
'phone' => 'bkr_phone',
'fax' => 'bkr_fax',
'website' => 'website',
'contact_name' => '',
'contact_phone' => 'bkr_phone_other',
'physical_address' => 'bkr_address',
'physical_city' => 'bkr_city',
'physical_state' => 'bkr_state',
'physical_zip' => 'bkr_zip',
//'mailing_as_physical' => '',
'mailing_address' => 'bkr_mail_address',
'mailing_city' => 'bkr_mail_city',
'mailing_state' => 'bkr_mail_state',
'mailing_zip' => 'bkr_mail_zip',
// 'allow_mcpe_access' => '',
// 'id_mcpe_access_type' => '',
// 'id_current_mcpe_status' => '',
// 'mcpe_status_date' => '',
// 'id_designated_realtor' => '',
'note' => 'notes_full',
'added' => 'last_updated',
'changed' => 'last_updated');
$this->companymapping = array('id' => 'mgmt_id', 'name' => 'mgmt_company', 'added' => 'last_updated', 'changed' => 'last_updated');
$this->eventmapping = array('id' => 'event_id',
// 'id_type' => '',
'name' => 'event_name',
'eventdate' => 'event_dte',
// 'time_end' => '',
// 'image' => '',
// 'address' => '',
'registration_limit' => 'registration_limit',
'member_cost' => 'member_cost',
'nonmember_cost' => 'nonmember_cost',
// 'group_name' => '',
// 'group_limit' => '',
// 'registration_start' => '',
// 'registration_end' => '',
// 'exchange' => '',
// 'education' => '',
// 'id_form' => '',
// 'title' => '',
// 'metakeywords' => '',
// 'metadescription' => '',
// 'added' => '',
// 'changed' => ''
'description' => 'event_description_full');
$this->eventformreqmapping = array(// 'id' => '',
'id_event' => 'event_id',
'id_member' => 'agent_id',
// 'id_team' => '',
// 'id_fm' => '',
'payment_type' => array('field' => 'payment_type',
'values' => array('Credit' => 1, 'MNCAR Credit' => 2, 'default' => 3)),
'amount' => 'event_cost',
// 'lang' => '',
// 'ip' => '',
// 'attended' => '',
// 'deleted' => '',
// 'changed' => ''
'added' => 'date_associated');
function raiseError($error)
if (defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG) {
function exec(&$Doc)
if (true) {
'tpl' => 'text.tpl',
'text' => '
Import is disabled now
} else {
$nLastImport = 0;
if (!$fileBioHandler = fopen('', 'w')) vdie(1);
if ($fileHandler = fopen('importdata.log', 'r')) $nLastImport = (int) fread($fileHandler, 10);
if (isset($_REQUEST['submit_grp']['submit']) && time() - $nLastImport > 0/*15 * 60*/) {
mail('', 'Import started at ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . "\n\n".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if (!$fileHandler = fopen('importdata.log', 'w')) vdie('could not create importfilelog');
fwrite($fileHandler, time());
$this->msdb->query('SET TEXTSIZE 65536');
$res = $this->msdb->query(
'SELECT agent_id, birthdate FROM agent a LEFT JOIN person p ON a.person_id=p.person_id
WHERE agent_id NOT IN (SELECT agent_id FROM stand_agent)
ORDER BY agent_id');
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
while (($aRow = $res->fetchRow())) {
if ($aRow['birthdate']) {
$cTimeAdded=$this->db->queryOne('SELECT TIME_FORMAT(added,"%H%i%s") FROM mn_Member WHERE id='.$aRow['agent_id']);
if ($cTimeAdded=="000000") $this->member->update($aMemberUpdateData,'id='.$aRow['agent_id']);
echo (++$i).'. Update Agent#'.$aRow['agent_id'].' - '.$aMemberUpdateData['birth_date'].'
// $res = $this->msdb->query(
// 'SELECT *, case when a.last_updated > p.last_updated then a.last_updated else p.last_updated end as very_last_updated,
// convert(text,notes) notes_full, CAST(public_bio AS text) AS public_bio_full, (SELECT COUNT(event_id) FROM agent_events ae WHERE ae.agent_id=a.agent_id) AS event_count
// FROM agent a LEFT JOIN person p ON a.person_id=p.person_id
// LEFT JOIN users u ON u.person_id=p.person_id
// WHERE agent_id NOT IN (SELECT agent_id FROM stand_agent)
// ORDER BY agent_id');
// // WHERE agent_id NOT IN (SELECT agent_id FROM stand_agent)
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// $this->raiseError($res->getMessage());
// }
// $this->member->delete('1');
// $this->member2area->delete('1');
// $this->member2specialty->delete('1');
// $this->member2lineofwork->delete('1');
// $this->member2areainfo->delete('1');
// $this->member2specialtyinfo->delete('1');
// $this->member2emailarea->delete('1');
// $this->memberlink->delete('1');
// $this->member2emailspecialty->delete('1');
// $this->member2volunteer->delete('1');
// if (!$fileHandler = fopen('agent_import.csv', 'w')) vdie('could not create filelog for agent import');
// fwrite($fileHandler, "Agent ID#,CE Member,CURRENT STATUS,Email,NRDS#,Person ID#");
// foreach ($this->membermapping as $From)
// if (is_array($From)) fwrite($fileHandler, "," . $From['field']);
// fwrite($fileHandler, "\n");
// if (!$fileHandlerIgnored = fopen('agent_import_ignored.csv', 'w')) vdie('could not create filelog for agent import');
// fwrite($fileHandlerIgnored, "Agent ID#,CE Member,CURRENT STATUS,Email,NRDS#,Person ID#");
// foreach ($this->membermapping as $From)
// if (is_array($From)) fwrite($fileHandlerIgnored, "," . $From['field']);
// fwrite($fileHandlerIgnored, "\n");
// echo '
// $aMncarMemberTypes=array(10 => 'Designated Realtor',
// 2 => 'Realtor',
// 5 => 'Secondary Member',
// 8 => 'Senior Member',
// 14 => 'Paid Non-Member',
// 99 => 'Alternate Association Member',
// 25 => 'MNCAR Staff',
// 50 => 'Focus',
// 27 => 'Support Staff',
// 4 => 'Affiliate',
// 6 => 'Institute Affiliate',
// 37 => 'Community/Economic Development Affiliate',
// 26 => 'Designated Affiliate',
// 66 => 'Events Only',
// 77 => 'Archive');
// $aDuplicatedAgentsIDs=array();
// $aDuplicatedAgentsEmails=array();
// $aOtherMember=array();
// while (($aRow = $res->fetchRow())) {
// // if (!$fileDataHandler = fopen('', 'w')) vdie(1);
// // fwrite($fileDataHandler,implode("#\t#",$aRow));
// // }
// // vdie();
// // while (($aRow = $res->fetchRow())) {
// $aRow['email']=trim($aRow['email']);
// /*if ($aRow['current_status']=='Events Only' || $aRow['current_status']=='Inactive') $file=$fileHandlerIgnored;
// else*/ $file=$fileHandler;
// if (!$this->db->queryOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM mn_Member WHERE id=' . (int) $aRow['agent_id'])) {
// if (!$aRow['nrds_id'] || !$this->db->queryOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM mn_Member WHERE nrds_id=' . $this->db->quote($aRow['nrds_id']))) {
// $cMsg = '';
// $aMemberData = array();
// foreach ($this->membermapping as $cTo => $From) {
// if (is_array($From)) {
// $cMsg .= ',';
// $aMemberData[$cTo] = $From['values'][$aRow[$From['field']]];
// if ($aMemberData[$cTo] === 'other') $aRow['other']=1;
// } else {
// $aMemberData[$cTo] = $aRow[$From];
// }
// if (!$aMemberData[$cTo]) $aMemberData[$cTo] = '';
// }
// if ($aRow['home_zip_4']) $aMemberData['zip'] .= '-' . $aRow['home_zip_4'];
// $aMemberData['primary_phone_title'] = 'Office';
// $aMemberData['secondary_phone_title'] = 'Mobile';
// $aMemberData['alternate_contact_phone_title'] = 'Other';
// if (!$aMemberData['email']) $aMemberData['email']='email_'.$aMemberData['id'].'';
// $aMemberData['primary_phone'] = format_phone($aMemberData['primary_phone'].$aRow['direct_phone_extension']);
// $aMemberData['secondary_phone'] = format_phone($aMemberData['secondary_phone']);
// $aMemberData['fax'] = format_phone($aMemberData['fax']);
// $aMemberData['bio']=iconv("CP1252","UTF-8", nl2br($aMemberData['bio']));
// $aMemberData['alternate_contact_phone'] = format_phone($aMemberData['alternate_contact_phone']);
// if (!$aRow['alternate_contact_yn']) {
// unset($aMemberData['alternate_contact_name']);
// unset($aMemberData['alternate_contact_phone']);
// unset($aMemberData['alternate_contact_email']);
// }
// if (!(int)$aMemberData['birth_date']) unset($aMemberData['birth_date']);
// if (!(int)$aMemberData['nrds_id']) unset($aMemberData['nrds_id']);
// if ($aMemberData['id_member_type']==14) {
// $aMemberData['id_member_type']=0;
// $aMemberData['id_member']=3;
// $aMemberData['id_status']=0;
// $aMemberData['allow_mcpe_access']='n';
// $aMemberData['id_mcpe_access_type']=0;
// $cMsg='';
// } else
// if ($aMemberData['id_member_type']==8) {
// $aMemberData['id_member_type']=0;
// $aMemberData['id_member']=7;
// $aMemberData['allow_mcpe_access']='n';
// $aMemberData['id_mcpe_access_type']=0;
// }
// if ($aMemberData['id_member_type']==7) {
// $aMemberData['allow_mcpe_access']='y';
// $aMemberData['id_mcpe_access_type']=3;
// }
// if ($aMemberData['id_member']==2) {
// $aMemberData['id_member_type']=0;
// $aMemberData['id_status']=0;
// if ($aMemberData['id_mcpe_access_type'])
// $aMemberData['id_mcpe_access_type']=$aRow['mncar_member']=='ADN Member'?2:1;
// if ($aRow['mncar_member']=='Other Association' && $aRow['mncar_member_type']=99 && $aRow['current_status']=='Inactive') {
// $aMemberData['allow_mcpe_access']='n';
// $aMemberData['id_mcpe_access_type']=0;
// }
// }
// if ($aRow['mncar_member']=='ADN Member')
// if (in_array($aMemberData['id_member_type'],array(5,10,11,13))) {
// $aMemberData['allow_mcpe_access']='n';
// $aMemberData['id_mcpe_access_type']=0;
// }
// if ($aRow['mncar_member']=='MNCAR/ADN Member' && $aMemberData['id_mcpe_access_type']){
// $aMemberData['id_mcpe_access_type']=2;
// }
// if (
// $aRow['current_status']!='Active' &&
// $aMemberData['id_member']!=3 &&
// ($aRow['current_status']!='Pending' ||
// (
// $aRow['mncar_member']!='MNCAR/ADN Member' && $aMemberData['id_member_type']!=1 && $aMemberData['id_member_type']!=2)
// )
// ) {
// $aRow['other'] = 1;
// }
// if ($aRow['other'] == 1 && !$aRow['event_count']) {
// $aMemberData['id_status']=2;
// $aOtherMember[]=array('member'=>$aMemberData,'row'=>$aRow);
// } else {
// if ($aRow['other'] == 1) {
// $aMemberData['id_member']=3;
// $aMemberData['id_status']=0;
// }
// if (!trim($cMsg, ',')) { //&& !$lIgnore
// if (!$this->db->queryOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM mn_Member WHERE email=' . $this->db->quote($aRow['email']))) {
// $this->insertMember($aMemberData, $aRow);
// } else {
// if ($aRow['email']) {
// fwrite($file, "{$aRow['agent_id']},".($aRow['dir_ce_member']?'Yes':'No').",{$aRow['current_status']},{$aRow['email']} - duplicated\n");
// $aDuplicatedAgentsEmails[]='"'.$aRow['email'].'"';
// } else fwrite($file, "{$aRow['agent_id']},".($aRow['dir_ce_member']?'Yes':'No').",{$aRow['current_status']},empty\n");
// }
// } else {
// fwrite($file, "{$aRow['agent_id']},".($aRow['dir_ce_member']?'Yes':'No').",{$aRow['current_status']},,,{$cMsg}\n");
// }
// }
// } else {
// fwrite($file, "{$aRow['agent_id']},".($aRow['dir_ce_member']?'Yes':'No').",{$aRow['current_status']},,{$aRow['nrds_id']} - duplicated\n");
// }
// } else {
// fwrite($file, "{$aRow['agent_id']},".($aRow['dir_ce_member']?'Yes':'No').",{$aRow['current_status']},,,{$aRow['person_id']} - duplicated\n");
// $aDuplicatedAgentsIDs[]=$aRow['agent_id'];
// }
// }
// echo 'othermembers';
// /*Other (non-standatized members)*/
// foreach ($aOtherMember as $aMember) {
// if (!$this->db->queryOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM mn_Member WHERE id=' . (int) $aMember['member']['id'])) {
// if (!$aMember['member']['nrds_id'] || !$this->db->queryOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM mn_Member WHERE nrds_id=' . $this->db->quote($aMember['member']['nrds_id']))) {
// if (!$this->db->queryOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM mn_Member WHERE email=' . $this->db->quote($aMember['member']['email']))) {
// $this->insertMember($aMember['member'],$aMember['row']);
// } else {
// if ($aMember['row']['mncar_member_type']==66) {
// fwrite($file, "{$aMember['row']['agent_id']},".($aMember['row']['dir_ce_member']?'Yes':'No').",{$aMember['row']['current_status']},{$aMember['row']['email']} - duplicated\n");
// $aDuplicatedAgentsEmails[]='"'.$aMember['row']['email'].'"';
// } else {
// fwrite($fileHandlerIgnored, "{$aMember['row']['agent_id']},".($aMember['row']['dir_ce_member']?'Yes':'No').",{$aMember['row']['current_status']},{$aMember['row']['email']} - duplicated\n");
// }
// }
// } else {
// if ($aMember['row']['mncar_member_type']==66) {
// fwrite($file, "{$aMember['row']['agent_id']},".($aMember['row']['dir_ce_member']?'Yes':'No').",{$aMember['row']['current_status']},,{$aMember['row']['nrds_id']} - duplicated\n");
// } else {
// fwrite($fileHandlerIgnored, "{$aMember['row']['agent_id']},".($aMember['row']['dir_ce_member']?'Yes':'No').",{$aMember['row']['current_status']},,{$aMember['row']['nrds_id']} - duplicated\n");
// }
// }
// } else {
// if ($aMember['row']['mncar_member_type']==66) {
// fwrite($file, "{$aMember['row']['agent_id']},".($aMember['row']['dir_ce_member']?'Yes':'No').",{$aMember['row']['current_status']},,,{$aMember['row']['person_id']} - duplicated\n");
// $aDuplicatedAgentsIDs[]=$aMember['row']['agent_id'];
// } else {
// fwrite($fileHandlerIgnored, "{$aMember['row']['agent_id']},".($aMember['row']['dir_ce_member']?'Yes':'No').",{$aMember['row']['current_status']},,,{$aMember['row']['person_id']} - duplicated\n");
// }
// }
// }
// if (count($aDuplicatedAgentsIDs) || count($aDuplicatedAgentsEmails)) {
// $cWhere='WHERE ';
// if (count($aDuplicatedAgentsIDs)) $cWhere.='agent_id IN ('.implode(',',$aDuplicatedAgentsIDs).')';
// if (count($aDuplicatedAgentsIDs) && count($aDuplicatedAgentsEmails)) $cWhere.=' OR ';
// if (count($aDuplicatedAgentsEmails)) $cWhere.='email IN ('.implode(',',$aDuplicatedAgentsEmails).')';
// $res = $this->msdb->query('SELECT nrds_id, first_name, last_name, mgmt_company, direct_phone, email, current_status, user_id, a.agent_id, a.person_id
// FROM agent a LEFT JOIN person p ON a.person_id=p.person_id
// LEFT JOIN users u ON u.person_id=p.person_id
// LEFT JOIN management m ON a.mgmt_id=m.mgmt_id
// '.$cWhere.'
// ORDER BY agent_id');
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// $this->raiseError($res->getMessage());
// }
// if (!$fileHandler = fopen('agent_duplicated_import.csv', 'w')) vdie('could not create filelog for agent(duplicated) import');
// fwrite($fileHandler, "NRDS#, Name, Company, Phone, Email, Status, User#, Agent#, Person#\n");
// while (($aRow = $res->fetchRow())) fwrite($fileHandler, $aRow['nrds_id'].",".$aRow['first_name']." ".$aRow['last_name'].", ".$aRow['mgmt_company'].", ".$aRow['direct_phone'].", ".$aRow['email'].", ".$aRow['current_status'].", ".$aRow['user_id'].", ".$aRow['agent_id'].", ".$aRow['person_id']."\n");
// fclose($fileHandler);
// }
// $this->db->query('DELETE FROM mn_zz_File WHERE name IN (SELECT DISTINCT `img` FROM `mn_Member` WHERE `img`)');
// $this->db->query(
// 'INSERT INTO mn_zz_File SELECT DISTINCT NULL , `img` , `img` , 0, "image", NOW( ) , NOW( ) FROM `mn_Member` WHERE `img`');
// $aAllImages = $this->db->queryAll('SELECT id, name FROM mn_zz_File WHERE size=0');
// $this->db->query('INSERT INTO mn_Member2EmailArea SELECT m2es.id_parent, at2a.id_area_type, at2a.id_area
// FROM mn_Member2EmailSpecialty m2es INNER JOIN mn_DAreaType2Area at2a ON m2es.id_specialty=at2a.id_area_type
// WHERE at2a.id_area_type=1 OR at2a.id_area_type=2');
// $this->db->query('INSERT INTO mn_Member2EmailArea SELECT m2es.id_parent, at2a.id_area_type, at2a.id_area
// FROM mn_Member2EmailSpecialty m2es INNER JOIN mn_DAreaType2Area at2a ON m2es.id_specialty=4 AND at2a.id_area_type=3');
// foreach ($aAllImages as $aImage) {
// $aSize = getimagesize(WWW_PATH . '/userfile/' . $aImage['name']);
// $this->db->query('UPDATE mn_zz_File SET type=' . $this->db->quote($aSize['type']) . ' WHERE id=' . $this->db->quote($aImage['id']));
// $this->db->query('DELETE FROM mn_zz_FileOpt WHERE id_file=' . $this->db->quote($aImage['id']));
// $this->db->query(
// 'INSERT INTO mn_zz_FileOpt VALUE(' . $this->db->quote($aImage['id']) . ',"width",' . $this->db->quote($aSize[0]) . ')');
// $this->db->query(
// 'INSERT INTO mn_zz_FileOpt VALUE(' . $this->db->quote($aImage['id']) . ',"height",' . $this->db->quote($aSize[1]) . ')');
// }
// fclose($fileHandler);
// fclose($fileHandlerIgnored);
// $res = $this->msdb->query('SELECT *, convert(text,notes) notes_full FROM broker');
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// $this->raiseError($res->getMessage());
// }
// $this->location->delete('1');
// if (!$fileHandler = fopen('broker_import.csv', 'w')) vdie('could not create filelog for broker import');
// fwrite($fileHandler, "Broker ID#,NRDS#,Error\n");
// echo '
// while (($aRow = $res->fetchRow())) {
// if ($this->db->queryOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM mn_Member WHERE id_location=' . (int) $aRow['broker_id'])) {
// if (!$aRow['nrds_id'] || !$this->db->queryOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM mn_Location WHERE nrds_id=' . $this->db->quote($aRow['nrds_id']))) {
// $cMsg = '';
// $aLocationData = array();
// foreach ($this->locationmapping as $cTo => $From) {
// $aLocationData[$cTo] = $aRow[$From];
// if (!$aLocationData[$cTo]) $aLocationData[$cTo] = '';
// }
// if ($aRow['bkr_zip_4']) $aLocationData['physical_zip'] .= '-' . $aRow['bkr_zip_4'];
// if ($aRow['bkr_mail_zip_4']) $aLocationData['mailing_zip'] .= '-' . $aRow['bkr_mail_zip_4'];
// $aLocationData['id_type'] = 3;
// $aLocationData['id_company'] = 1;
// $aLocationData['phone'] = format_phone($aLocationData['phone']);
// $aLocationData['fax'] = format_phone($aLocationData['fax']);
// $aLocationData['contact_phone'] = format_phone($aLocationData['contact_phone']);
// if (!(int)$aLocationData['nrds_id']) unset($aLocationData['nrds_id']);
// $this->location->insert($aLocationData);
// if ($counter++ % 10 == 0) echo '. ';
// } else {
// fwrite($fileHandler, $aRow['broker_id'] . ", {$aRow['nrds_id']} - duplicated\n");
// }
// // } else {
// // fwrite($fileHandler, $aRow['broker_id'] . ",,no individuals imported\n");
// }
// }
// $this->company->delete('1');
// $this->company->insert(array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Default Company'));
// $this->db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `mn_NRDS`");
// $this->db->query("INSERT INTO mn_NRDS
// SELECT nrds_id, id, 'individual', IF(nrds_id BETWEEN 502200001 AND 502299999, 'n', 'y'), NOW()
// FROM mn_Member
// WHE RE nrds_id IS NOT NULL");
// $this->db->query("INSERT INTO mn_NRDS
// SELECT nrds_id, id, 'location', IF(nrds_id BETWEEN 502200001 AND 502299999, 'n', 'y'), NOW()
// FROM mn_Location
// WHERE nrds_id IS NOT NULL");
// $res = $this->msdb->query('SELECT *, convert(text,event_description) event_description_full FROM events');
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// $this->raiseError($res->getMessage());
// }
// $this->event->delete('1');
// echo '
// while (($aRow = $res->fetchRow())) {
// $aEventData = array();
// foreach ($this->eventmapping as $cTo => $From) {
// $aEventData[$cTo] = $aRow[$From];
// if (!$aEventData[$cTo]) $aEventData[$cTo] = '';
// }
// $aEventData['id_type'] = 2;
// $aEventData['description']=str_replace('../../images/','{BASE_URL}/img/mncar/',$aEventData['description']);
// $aEventData['description_vcs']=html_entity_decode(strip_tags(str_replace(array(" ","
",""),array(" ","\n\r","\n\r"),$aEventData['description'])));
// if (strpos($aEventData['name'], 'rokerage') !== false) $aEventData['id_type'] = 3;
// if (in_array($aEventData['id'], array(214, 295, 383, 576))) $aEventData['id_type'] = 4;
// $this->event->insert($aEventData);
// if ($counter++ % 10 == 0) echo '. ';
// }
// $this->event->update(array('education' => 1), "`name` LIKE '% CE %'");
// $this->event->update(array('education' => 1), "`name` LIKE '% education %'");
// $this->event->update(array('exchange' => 1), "`name` LIKE '% exchange %'");
// $this->event->update(array('exchange' => 1), "`name` LIKE '% exchange %'");
// $this->db->query('UPDATE `mn_Event` SET `eventdate`="2001-01-01 00:00:00" WHERE `eventdate`="0000-00-00 00:00:00"');
// $this->db->query('UPDATE `mn_Event` SET `registration_end`=`eventdate`, `registration_start`=`eventdate`- INTERVAL 1 MONTH');
// $this->db->query('UPDATE mn_Event SET doc_number = (SELECT doc_id FROM `event2doc` WHERE, education=1
// WHERE IN (SELECT event_id FROM `event2doc`)');
// $this->db->query('UPDATE mn_Event SET ce_credits = (SELECT ce_hours FROM `mn_EventDocumentofCommerce` WHERE doc_number=mn_Event.doc_number) WHERE doc_number<>""');
// if (!$fileHandler = fopen('agent_event_import.csv', 'w')) vdie('could not create filelog for agentevent import');
// fwrite($fileHandler, "EventID#,# of Imported Agents,# of Agents not imported\n");
// $res = $this->msdb->query('SELECT agent_events.* FROM agent_events INNER JOIN agent ON agent_events.agent_id=agent.agent_id WHERE event_id=579 OR event_id=695 OR event_id=675');
//// $res = $this->msdb->query('SELECT agent_events.* FROM agent_events INNER JOIN agent ON agent_events.agent_id=agent.agent_id');
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// $this->raiseError($res->getMessage());
// }
// $this->eventformreq->delete('id_event=579 OR id_event=695 OR id_event=675)');
//// $this->eventformreq->delete('1');
// echo '
event reqs
// $aResut = array();
// while (($aRow = $res->fetchRow())) {
// if (!isset($aResut[$aRow['event_id']])) $aResut[$aRow['event_id']] = array('imported' => 0, 'nonimported' => 0);
// if ($this->db->queryOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM mn_Member WHERE id=' . (int) $aRow['agent_id'])) {
// $aEventFormReqData = array();
// foreach ($this->eventformreqmapping as $cTo => $From) {
// if (is_array($From)) {
// $aEventFormReqData[$cTo] = $From['values'][$aRow[$From['field']]];
// if ($aMemberData[$cTo] == 'error' || !isset($From['values'][$aRow[$From['field']]])) {
// $aEventFormReqData[$cTo]=$From['values']['default'];
// }
// } else {
// $aEventFormReqData[$cTo] = $aRow[$From];
// }
// if (!$aEventFormReqData[$cTo]) $aEventFormReqData[$cTo] = '';
// }
// $aResut[$aRow['event_id']]['imported']++;
// $aEventFormReqData['attended']=1-(int)$aRow['no_show'];
// $this->eventformreq->insert($aEventFormReqData);
// if ($counter++ % 100 == 0) echo '. ';
// } else {
// $aResut[$aRow['event_id']]['nonimported']++;
// }
// }
// $this->db->query('DELETE FROM mn_EventCECreditHistory');
// $this->db->query('INSERT INTO mn_EventCECreditHistory SELECT NULL, id_member, id_event, eventdate, name, ce_credits, NOW(), NOW()
// FROM mn_EventFormReq efr INNER JOIN mn_Event e ON
// WHERE ce_credits>0');
// foreach ($aResut as $nEventID => $aI)
// fwrite($fileHandler, "$nEventID,{$aI['imported']},{$aI['nonimported']}\n");
if (!$fileHandler = fopen('agent_without_event.csv', 'w')) vdie('could not create filelog for notaventagent import');
fwrite($fileHandler, "AgentID#,Agent Name\n");
$aAgents = $this->db->queryAll(
'SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM mn_Member WHERE id_member=3 AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT id_member FROM mn_EventFormReq)');
foreach ($aAgents as $aAgent)
fwrite($fileHandler, "{$aAgent['id']},{$aAgent['first_name']} {$aAgent['last_name']}\n");
$this->db->query('DELETE FROM mn_Member WHERE id_member=3 AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT id_member FROM mn_EventFormReq)');
array('tpl' => 'center_link.tpl',
'separator' => '
'link_list' => array(array('link' => 'agent_import.csv', 'title' => 'Member Import Log (contain members, that were NOT imported - csv format)'),
array('link' => 'agent_without_event.csv', 'title' => 'Agent Without Events (contain members, that were NOT imported, because they has no events - csv format)'),
array('link' => 'agent_duplicated_import.csv', 'title' => 'Duplicated Agents (csv format)'),
array('link' => 'broker_import.csv', 'title' => 'Location Import Log (contain location, that were NOT imported - csv format)'),
array('link' => 'agent_event_import.csv', 'title' => 'Event Attedance Import Log (contains events and # of imported and nonimported attendees - csv format)'))));
if (!$fileHandler = fopen('importdata.log', 'w')) vdie('could not create importfilelog');
fwrite($fileHandler, 0);
mail('', 'Import finished at ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . "\n\n".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
} else {
if (time() - $nLastImport < 15 * 60) {
$Doc->addContent(array('tpl' => 'text.tpl', 'text' => 'Another import script running now. Please wait while it complete'));
} else {
require_once 'class/Form/Form.class.php';
$form = new Form($Doc);
$form->setTitle('WARNING: All members/locations/companies/events data would be deleted!');
$Doc->addContent(array('tpl' => 'text.tpl', 'text' => 'Logfiles of previous import:'));
array('tpl' => 'center_link.tpl',
'separator' => '
'link_list' => array(array('link' => 'agent_import.csv', 'title' => 'Member Import Log (contain members, that were NOT imported - csv format)'),
// array('link' => 'agent_without_event.csv', 'title' => 'Agent Without Events (contain members, that were NOT imported, because they has no events - csv format)'),
array('link' => 'agent_duplicated_import.csv', 'title' => 'Duplicated Agents (csv format)'),
array('link' => 'broker_import.csv', 'title' => 'Location Import Log (contain location, that were NOT imported - csv format)'),
array('link' => 'agent_event_import.csv', 'title' => 'Event Attedance Import Log (contains events and # of imported and nonimported attendees - csv format)'))));
function insertMember($aMemberData, $aRow)
$this->updatebirthdate($aMemberData, $aRow);
if ($this->counter++ % 10 == 0) echo '. ';
if (!$aMemberData['password']) $aMemberData['password']='123';
$cInsertedBio=$this->db->queryOne('SELECT bio FROM mn_Member WHERE id='.(int)$aMemberData['id']);
if (strlen($cInsertedBio)!=strlen($aMemberData['bio'])) fwrite($fileBioHandler,$aMemberData['id']."\n");
dbinsert($this->db, 'mn_Member', $aMemberData);
$aMember2AreaData = array();
foreach ($this->member2areamapping as $id_area => $From) {
$insert = false;
if (is_array($From)) {
foreach ($From as $Field)
if ($aRow['area_' . $Field]) $insert = true;
} elseif ($aRow['area_' . $From]) $insert = true;
if ($insert) $this->member2area->insert(array('id_parent' => $aMemberData['id'], 'id_area' => $id_area));
foreach ($this->member2specialtymapping as $id_specialty => $From) {
if ($aRow['specialty_' . $From]) $this->member2specialty->insert(
array('id_parent' => $aMemberData['id'], 'id_specialty' => $id_specialty));
foreach ($this->member2lineofworkmapping as $id_line_of_work => $From) {
// echo $id_line_of_work . '~' . $From . '~' . $aRow['current_line_of_work_' . $From] . '~' . 'current_line_of_work_' . $From;
// vdie($aRow);
if ($aRow['current_line_of_work_' . $From]) $this->member2lineofwork->insert(
array('id_parent' => $aMemberData['id'], 'id_line_of_work' => $id_line_of_work));
foreach ($this->member2areainfomapping as $id_area => $From) {
if (strpos($aRow['area'],"' ".$From."'")) $this->member2areainfo->insert(
array('id_parent' => $aMemberData['id'], 'id_area_info' => $id_area));
foreach ($this->member2specialtyinfomapping as $id_specialty => $From) {
if (strpos($aRow['specialty'],"' ".$From."'")) $this->member2specialtyinfo->insert(
array('id_parent' => $aMemberData['id'], 'id_specialty_info' => $id_specialty));
for($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
if ($aRow['public_link' . $i]) $this->memberlink->insert(
array('id_parent' => $aMemberData['id'],
'address' => $aRow['public_link' . $i],
'title' => $aRow['public_link_name' . $i] ? $aRow['public_link_name' . $i] : ''));
foreach ($this->member2emailareamapping as $id_area => $From) {
if ($aRow['email_' . $From]) $this->member2emailarea->insert(
array('id_parent' => $aMemberData['id'], 'id_area_type' => 4, 'id_area' => $id_area));
if ($aMemberData['allow_mcpe_access']=='y' && ($aMemberData['id_member']==2 || ($aMemberData['id_member']==1 && (in_array($aMemberData['id_member_type'],array(1,2,3,4,7,12))))))
array('id_parent' => $aMemberData['id'], 'id_area_type' => 4, 'id_area' => 14));
foreach ($this->member2emailspecialtymapping as $id_specialty => $From) {
if ($aRow['email_' . $From]) {
$this->member2emailspecialty->insert(array('id_parent' => $aMemberData['id'], 'id_specialty' => $id_specialty));
if ($id_specialty<5 && $id_specialty!=3) $aIDAreaTypes[]=$id_specialty;
if ($aMemberData['allow_mcpe_access'] && $aRow['active']) {
if (count($aIDAreaTypes)) $this->db->query('INSERT INTO mn_Member2EmailArea SELECT '.$aMemberData['id'].', id_area_type, id_area FROM mn_DAreaType2Area WHERE id_area_type IN ('.implode(','.$aIDAreaTypes).')');
$this->db->query('INSERT INTO mn_Member2EmailType SELECT '.$aMemberData['id'].', id FROM mn_DEmailType');
foreach ($this->member2volunteermapping as $id_volunteer => $From) {
if ($aRow['volunteer_' . $From]) $this->member2volunteer->insert(
array('id_parent' => $aMemberData['id'], 'id_volunteer' => $id_volunteer));
function format_phone($cPhone)
if (!$cPhone) return '';
$aP = str_split(preg_replace('/\D/', '', $cPhone));
$cPhone = '(' . $aP[0] . $aP[1] . $aP[2] . ') ' . $aP[3] . $aP[4] . $aP[5] . '-' . $aP[6] . $aP[7] . $aP[8] . $aP[9];
if (count($aP) > 10) $cPhone .= ' ext. ';
for($i = 10; $i < count($aP); $i++)
$cPhone .= $aP[$i];
return $cPhone;
function dbinsert ($db, $cTabe, $aData)
$sql='INSERT INTO `'.$cTabe.'` SET ';
foreach ($aData as $cField=>$cValue) $sql.='`'.mysql_real_escape_string($cField).'`="'. mysql_real_escape_string($cValue).'", ';