DB_Grid($Doc, $DBObj);
$this->actions['brokeragereport'] = 'doBrokerageReport';
$this->actions['bytypereport'] = 'doByTypeReport';
$this->actions['noethicsreport'] = 'doNoEthicsReport';
$this->actions['allattendeereport'] = 'doAllAttendeeReport';
$this->actions['docCourseRenewalReportExport'] = '_doDocCourseRenewalReportExport';
function _getBaseForm($method = 'post')
require_once 'class/Form/Form.class.php';
$form = new Form(
'form_' . strtolower(get_class($this->DBObj)),
array('class' => 'form form_' . strtolower(get_class($this->DBObj)))
$form->setSubmitTitle('Get Report');
return $form;
function doList()
$fBrokerage = $this->_getBaseForm();
$fBrokerage->setTitle('Brokerage Year Report');
$fBrokerage->addElement('select', 'year', 'Year', $this->DBObj->getEventsYears(3));
$fBrokerage->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'brokeragereport');
$fByType = $this->_getBaseForm();
$fByType->setTitle('List of all members who did and didn\'t attend programs within the selected 2 years.');
$fByType->addElement('select', 'id_type', 'Select Event Type', $this->DBObj->getTypes());
$fByType->addElement('select', 'year', 'Years', $this->DBObj->getEventsYears(null, true));
$fByType->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'bytypereport');
$fNoEthicsYear = 2004 + floor((date('Y') - 2006) / 3);
$fNoEthics = $this->_getBaseForm();
$fNoEthics->setTitle('List of members who have not completed ethics training since December 31, ' . $fNoEthicsYear);
'People who have completed the training include:
- People who participated in a New Member Orientation since Jan. 1, 2005
- People who have Online Ethics Requirement 2008 as an event in their member record (\'Ethics Training Complete 12.31.08\')
$fNoEthics->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'noethicsreport');
$fAllAttendee = $this->_getBaseForm();
$fAllAttendee->setTitle('Report that includes every event in ' . date('Y') . ' along with the first name, '
. 'last name, company, and years in industry for every attendee.');
$fAllAttendee->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'allattendeereport');
protected function _addDocCourseRenewalReportItem()
$form = $this->_getBaseForm();
$form->setTitle('Doc Course Renewal Report');
$form->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'docCourseRenewalReportExport');
function doBrokerageReport()
$this->Doc->setTitle('Brokerage '.(int) $_REQUEST['year'] .'Year Report');
$aEvents = $this->DBObj->db->queryAll(
'SELECT id, name, eventdate
FROM mn_Event
WHERE id_type=3 AND YEAR(eventdate)=' . (int) $_REQUEST['year']
$aAttendee = $this->DBObj->db->queryAll(
'SELECT m.id, first_name, last_name, c.name company_name, email
FROM mn_Member m LEFT JOIN mn_Location l ON m.id_location=l.id
LEFT JOIN mn_Company c ON l.id_company=c.id
WHERE m.id IN (
FROM mn_Event e INNER JOIN mn_EventFormReq efr ON e.id=efr.id_event
WHERE id_type=3 AND YEAR(eventdate)=' . (int) $_REQUEST['year'] . ')'
$aEventAttendeeRaw = $this->DBObj->db->queryAll(
'SELECT id_member, id_event
FROM mn_Event e INNER JOIN mn_EventFormReq efr ON e.id=efr.id_event
WHERE id_type=3 AND YEAR(eventdate)=' . (int) $_REQUEST['year']
$aEventAttendee = array();
foreach ($aEventAttendeeRaw as $aEventAttendeeRow) {
$aEventAttendee[$aEventAttendeeRow['id_member']][$aEventAttendeeRow['id_event']] = 1;
if ($_REQUEST['subaction'] == 'csv') {
header('Content-Type: text/csv;');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=no-ethics.csv;');
echo ("Events Report {$_REQUEST['year']}\r\nAgent First Name,Agent Last Name,Company,Email,");
foreach ($aEvents as $aEvent) echo $aEvent['name'].'-'.$aEvent['eventdate'].',';
echo "Total classes attended, Total classes missed\r\n";
foreach ($aAttendee as $aRow) {
echo ('"' . $aRow['first_name'] . '","' .
$aRow['last_name'] . '","' .
$aRow['name'] . '","' .
$aRow['email'] . '","' );
foreach ($aEvents as $aEvent) {
echo ($aEventAttendee[$aRow['id']][$aEvent['id']]?'X':'') . '","';
echo (int) count($aEventAttendee[$aRow['id']]) . '","'
. (int) (count($aEvents)-count($aEventAttendee[$aRow['id']]));
echo "\"\r\n";
} else {
'tpl' => 'Event/Report/brokerage.tpl',
'year' => $_REQUEST['year'],
'events' => $aEvents,
'attendee' => $aAttendee,
'attendeevent' => $aEventAttendee
function doByTypeReport()
'List of all members who did and didn\'t attend programs within the '
. (int) $_REQUEST['year'].'-'.((int) $_REQUEST['year']+1).' years'
$aEvents = $this->DBObj->db->queryAll(
'SELECT id, name, eventdate
FROM mn_Event
WHERE id_type=' . (int) $_REQUEST['id_type']
. ' AND ' . (int) $_REQUEST['year'] . ' IN (YEAR(eventdate),YEAR(eventdate)+1)'
$aAttendee = $this->DBObj->db->queryAll(
'SELECT m.id, first_name, last_name, c.name company_name, email, m.primary_phone, industry_experience
FROM mn_Member m LEFT JOIN mn_Location l ON m.id_location=l.id
LEFT JOIN mn_Company c ON l.id_company=c.id
$aEventAttendeeRaw = $this->DBObj->db->queryAll(
'SELECT id_member, id_event
FROM mn_Event e INNER JOIN mn_EventFormReq efr ON e.id=efr.id_event
WHERE id_type=' . (int) $_REQUEST['id_type']
. ' AND ' . (int) $_REQUEST['year'] . ' IN (YEAR(eventdate),YEAR(eventdate)+1)'
$aEventAttendee = array();
foreach ($aEventAttendeeRaw as $aEventAttendeeRow) {
$aEventAttendee[$aEventAttendeeRow['id_member']][$aEventAttendeeRow['id_event']] = 1;
if ($_REQUEST['subaction']=='csv') {
header('Content-Type: text/csv;');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=no-ethics.csv;');
echo ("Events Report {$_REQUEST['year']}\r\nCounter,Agent First Name,Agent Last Name,Company,Email,Phone,Years In Bussiness");
foreach ($aEvents as $aEvent) {
echo $aEvent['name'].'-'.$aEvent['eventdate'].',';
echo "Total classes attended, Total classes missed\r\n";
foreach ($aAttendee as $aRow) {
echo ('"' . ++$i . '","' .
$aRow['first_name'] . '","' .
$aRow['last_name'] . '","' .
$aRow['name'] . '","' .
$aRow['email'] . '","' .
$aRow['phone'] . '","' .
$aRow['industry_experience'] . '","');
foreach ($aEvents as $aEvent) {
echo ($aEventAttendee[$aRow['id']][$aEvent['id']]?'X':'').'","';
echo (int)count($aEventAttendee[$aRow['id']]) . '","'
. (int)(count($aEvents)-count($aEventAttendee[$aRow['id']]));
echo "\"\r\n";
} else {
'tpl' => 'Event/Report/bytype.tpl',
'year' => $_REQUEST['year'],
'events' => $aEvents,
'attendee' => $aAttendee,
'attendeevent' => $aEventAttendee
function doNoEthicsReport()
$year = 2004 + floor((date('Y') - 2006) / 3);
$this->Doc->setTitle('List of members who have not completed ethics training since December 31, ' . $year);
$resAttendee = $this->DBObj->getRes4ExportNoEthicsReportAttendee();
$listAttendeeOrientationEvent = $this->DBObj->getlistAttendeeOrientationEvent($year);
if ($_REQUEST['subaction'] == 'csv') {
header('Content-Type: text/csv;');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=no-ethics.csv;');
//Members who have not completed ethics training since December 31 $year\r\n
echo ("Agent First Name,Agent Last Name,Company,Phone,Email,MNCAR Member,MNCAR Status, MNCAR-L Member,"
. "MNCAR-L Status, Misc. Member,Misc. Status,Orienation,Online Ethics,Orienations Attended\r\n");
while($row = $resAttendee->fetchRow()) {
echo ('"' .
$row['first_name'] . '","' .
$row['last_name'] . '","' .
$row['company_name'] . '","' .
$row['primary_phone'] . '","' .
$row['email'] . '","' .
$row['mncar_type'] . '","' .
$row['mncar_status'] . '","' .
$row['mncar_l_type'] . '","' .
$row['mncar_l_status'] . '","' .
$row['misc_type'] . '","' .
$row['misc_status'] . '","' .
(count($listAttendeeOrientationEvent[$row['id']])?'Yes':'No') . '","' .
($row['id_member']?'Yes':'No') . '","'
foreach ($listAttendeeOrientationEvent[$row['id']] as $event) {
echo $event['name'] . "-" . $event['eventdate'] . ' ';
echo "\"\r\n";
} else {
'tpl' => 'Event/Report/noethics.tpl',
'year' => $year,
'attendee' => $resAttendee->fetchAll(),
'attendeevent' => $listAttendeeOrientationEvent
function doAllAttendeeReport()
$this->Doc->setTitle('Report that includes every event in ' . date('Y') . ' along with the first name, '
.'last name, company, and years in industry for every attendee.');
$aEventAttendee = $this->DBObj->db->queryAll(
'SELECT e.name event_name, id_event, first_name, last_name, c.name company_name, email, m.primary_phone, industry_experience
FROM mn_Event e INNER JOIN mn_EventFormReq efr ON e.id=efr.id_event
INNER JOIN mn_Member m ON efr.id_member=m.id
LEFT JOIN mn_Location l ON m.id_location=l.id
LEFT JOIN mn_Company c ON l.id_company=c.id
WHERE YEAR(eventdate)=' . date('Y')
'SELECT id_event, ROUND(AVG(industry_experience),2)
FROM mn_Member m LEFT JOIN mn_EventFormReq efr ON m.id=efr.id_member
WHERE industry_experience>0
GROUP BY efr.id_event', 0, null, true
if ($_REQUEST['subaction']=='csv') {
header('Content-Type: text/csv;');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=all-attendee.csv;');
echo ("All events and attendees in ".date('Y')."\r\n\"Counter\",\"Event Name\",\"Agent First Name\",\"Agent Last Name\",\"Company\",\"Years In Bussiness\"\r\n");
foreach ($aEventAttendee as $aRow) {
if ($aRow['id_event']!= $id_event) {
if ($id_event) {
echo ',,,,"Average Industry Exprience","'.$aEvents[$id_event]."\"\r\n";
echo ('"' . ++$i . '","' . $aRow['event_name'] . '","' . $aRow['first_name'] . '","'
. $aRow['last_name'] . '","' . $aRow['name'] . '",'
. ($aRow['industry_experience']?$aRow['industry_experience']:'') . "\r\n"
echo ',,,,"Average Industry Exprience","'.$aEvents[$id_event]."\"\r\n";
} else {
'tpl' => 'Event/Report/allattendee.tpl',
'attendeevent' => $aEventAttendee,
'event' => $aEvents
function addcsvbutton()
$form->setSubmitTitle('Donwload Report');
$form->addElement('hidden', 'action', '');
$form->addElement('hidden', 'subaction', 'csv');
$form->addElement('hidden', 'year');
$form->addElement('hidden', 'id_type');
protected function _doDocCourseRenewalReportExport()
$eventDocCourseObj = new EventDoc();
$statement = $eventDocCourseObj->getReportStatement();
$columns = array(
'doc_number' => 'Course ID',
'doc_name' => 'Course Name',
'ce_hours' => 'CE Credits',
'status_title' => 'Course Status',
'renewal_date' => 'Renewal Date',
$this->_exportCsv($statement, $columns, 'DocCourseRenewalReport_' . date('Y-m-d_g-i-A') . '.csv');