[ 'type' => Entity::TYPE_REGULAR ], 'populationFilterOptions' => [ '-500' => '500 or less', '500-1000' => '500 to 1,000', '1000-2000' => '1,000 to 2,500', '2500-5000' => '2,500 to 5,000', '5000-10000' => '5,000 to 10,000', '10000-25000' => '10,000 to 25,000', '25000-' => '25,000 or more', ], // !!! ensure this configuration doesn't conflict with 'companyTypeToFieldMap' in the App/User/config.php !!! 'dynamicFormRelations' => [ [ '_element' => 'type', 'node' => '[name="type"]:checked', 'group' => '[name="type"]', 'event' => 'change', 'rules' => [ [ 'value' => Entity::TYPE_REGULAR, '_elements' => [ 'counties', 'email', 'utilityPhone', 'utilityFax', 'cityOfficesPhone', 'cityOfficesFax', 'yearFounded', 'governedBy', 'meetingInfo', 'utilityCategoryId', '_legislativeInfo', 'district', 'description', 'safetyGroupId', '_personnelInfo', 'surveyContactId', 'position', 'permission', 'population', 'statutoryAuthorityId' ] ], [ 'value' => Entity::TYPE_ASSOCIATE, '_elements' => [ 'email', 'phone', 'fax', 'description', 'safetyGroupId', '_personnelInfo', 'position', 'permission', 'logo', 'associateCategory', 'competitors' ] ], [ 'value' => Entity::TYPE_AFFILIATE, '_elements' => [ 'phone', 'fax', 'description', 'safetyGroupId', '_personnelInfo', 'permission', 'logo' ] ], [ 'value' => Entity::TYPE_NONMEMBER, '_elements' => [ 'phone', 'fax', 'utilityCategoryId', 'associateCategory' ] ], [ 'value' => Entity::TYPE_VENDOR, '_elements' => [ 'phone', 'fax', 'associateCategory' ] ] ] ], [ '_element' => 'asPhysicalAddress', 'node' => '[name="asPhysicalAddress"]:checked', 'group' => '[name="asPhysicalAddress"]', 'event' => 'change', 'rules' => [ [ '_value' => function ($val) { return ('y' != $val); }, 'value' => new Zend_Json_Expr('(function (val) { return !$("#asPhysicalAddress", this.form).prop("checked"); })'), '_elements' => ['mailingAddress', 'mailingAddress2', 'mailingCity', 'mailingState', 'mailingZip'] ], ] ] ], 'exportFields' => [ //'id' => 'Company ID', 'type' => 'Company Type', 'status' => '', 'name' => 'Company Name', 'address' => 'Physical Address', 'address2' => 'Physical Address 2', 'city' => 'Physical City', 'state' => 'Physical State', 'zip' => 'Physical Zip', 'asPhysicalAddress' => 'Mailing Address is the same as Physical Address', 'mailingAddress' => '', 'mailingAddress2' => '', 'mailingCity' => '', 'mailingState' => '', 'mailingZip' => '', 'counties' => '', 'population' => '', 'statutoryAuthorityTitle' => 'Statutory Authority', 'email' => 'Company Email Address', 'utilityPhone' => '', 'utilityFax' => '', 'cityOfficesPhone' => '', 'cityOfficesFax' => '', 'phone' => '', 'tollFreePhone' => 'Toll-free Phone', 'fax' => '', 'websiteUrl' => 'Website', 'logo' => '', 'yearFounded' => '', 'governedBy' => '', 'meetingInfo' => '', 'utilityCategory' => '', 'taxExempt' => '', 'districtMnHouse' => 'MN House District', 'districtUsCongressional' => 'US Congressional District', 'description' => '', 'competitors' => '', 'associateCategory' => 'Professional Category', 'safetyGroups' => '', 'surveyContact' => '', 'positions' => '', 'permission' => 'Management Privileges. Those with Permission', ], 'districtFieldHint' => 'Use commas to enter multiple districts' ];