ALTER TABLE `ma_Admin` ADD `licensingAdmin` ENUM('n','y') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n' AFTER `email`; ALTER TABLE `ma_Vendor` ADD `primaryTribalNation` INT(10) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `tribalCorporationOwnedBy`; INSERT INTO `ma_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES ('prefferedTribalForVendorAdminHeader', 7, 'header', '', 'Preferred Tribal Nation for Vendor Registration (Admin Notification)', '', '', 'n', 'n', 93, NOW(), NOW()), ('prefferedTribalForVendorAdminSubject', 7, 'text', 'Subject', 'Preferred Tribal Nation for vendor registration', '', '', 'y', 'n', 94, NOW(), NOW()), ('prefferedTribalForVendorAdminFrom', 7, 'text', 'From Email Address If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', 95, NOW(), NOW()), ('prefferedTribalForVendorAdminBody', 7, 'HtmlEditor', 'Message Body', '
The following vendor: \"{businessName}\" dba \"{vendorDbaName}\" has registered and selected {primaryTribalNation} as authorizing their current or previous tribal vendor license. They wish to become an approved vendor of {primaryTribalNation}.
\r\n\r\nClick here to view details.
\r\n', '', 'Constants: {id} {vendorDbaName} {businessName} {primaryTribalNation} {detailsUrl}', 'y', 'n', 96, NOW(), NOW()); INSERT INTO `ma_SettingsOptions` (`name`, `variable`, `value`, `type`, `sorter`) VALUES ('prefferedTribalForVendorAdminBody', 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL);