INSERT INTO `ma_DPageItemType` (`id`, `type`, `title`, `sorter`) VALUES (NULL, 'LicensePremium\\', 'License Premium', '0'); CREATE TABLE `ma_Payment` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userId` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `transactionId` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `total` int(11) NOT NULL, `paymentMethod` enum('cc','check') NOT NULL, `ccNumber` varchar(19) DEFAULT NULL, `checkType` enum('business','personal','businessSaving','personalSaving') DEFAULT NULL, `accountName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `routingNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `bank` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `accountNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL, `added` datetime NOT NULL, `changed` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `transactionId` (`transactionId`), CONSTRAINT `ma_Payment_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`userId`) REFERENCES `ma_User` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE `ma_LicenseTribe` ADD `surcharge` decimal(10,2) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `status`; ALTER TABLE `ma_LicenseTribe` ADD `surchargePaid` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `surcharge`; ALTER TABLE `ma_LicenseTribe` ADD `paymentId` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `surchargePaid`; ALTER TABLE `ma_LicenseTribe` ADD INDEX(`paymentId`); ALTER TABLE `ma_LicenseTribe` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`paymentId`) REFERENCES `ma_Payment`(`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `ma_LicenseTribe` ADD `surchargeExpiredOn` DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `surchargePaid`; UPDATE `ma_SettingsCategory` SET sorter=sorter*10; -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Email Templates -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSERT INTO `ma_SettingsCategory` (`id`, `name`, `system`, `sorter`) VALUES (11, 'Premium', 'n', '75'); -- DELETE FROM `ma_Settings` WHERE idCategory = 11; SET @categoryId := 11; SET @sorter := IFNULL((SELECT MAX(sorter) FROM ma_Settings WHERE idCategory = @categoryId), -1) + 1; INSERT INTO `ma_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES ('licenseSurchargeUserHeader', @categoryId, 'header', '', 'License Premium Notification (Vendor Users Notification)', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter+1, '2019-02-28 00:00:00', '2019-02-28 00:00:00'), ('licenseSurchargeUserSubject', @categoryId, 'text', 'Subject', 'License #{id} Premium ("{tribe}" tribe)', '', '', 'y', 'n', @sorter+2, '2019-02-28 00:00:00', '2019-02-28 00:00:00'), ('licenseSurchargeUserFrom', @categoryId, 'text', 'From Email Address   If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter+3, '2019-02-28 00:00:00', '2019-02-28 00:00:00'), ('licenseSurchargeUserBody', @categoryId, 'HtmlEditor', 'Message Body', '

License #{id} Premium is waiting for payment:


Tribe: {tribe}
License #: {id}
\r\nPremium Amount: ${surcharge}

DBA Name: {vendorDbaName}
\r\nSole Proprietor: {vendorSoleProprietorName}
\r\nFederal ID: {vendorFederalId}
\r\nPhone: {vendorPhone}


Go to payment page 

\r\n', '', 'Constants: {id} {vendorDbaName} {vendorSoleProprietorName} {vendorFederalId} {vendorPhone} {detailsUrl} {surcharge} {paymentUrl} {tribe}', 'y', 'n', @sorter+4, '2019-02-28 00:00:00', '2019-02-28 00:00:00') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `idCategory` = VALUES(`idCategory`), `label` = VALUES(`label`), `value` = VALUES(`value`), `description` = VALUES(`description`); INSERT INTO `ma_SettingsOptions` (`name`, `variable`, `value`, `type`, `sorter`) VALUES ('licenseSurchargeUserBody', 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL); SET @template := 'licensePremiumPaidToUser'; SET @categoryId := 11; SET @sorter := IFNULL((SELECT MAX(sorter) FROM ma_Settings WHERE idCategory = @categoryId), -1) + 1; INSERT INTO `ma_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Header'), @categoryId, 'header', '', 'New Premium Payment (Vendor Users Notification)', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Subject'), @categoryId, 'text', 'Subject', 'License #{id} is upgraded to Premium ("{tribe}" tribe)', '', '', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 1, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'From'), @categoryId, 'text', 'From Email Address   If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter + 2, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), @categoryId, 'HtmlEditor', 'Message Body', '

License #{id} is upgraded to Premium:


Tribe: {tribe}
\r\nLicense #: {id}
\r\nDBA Name: {vendorDbaName}
\r\nSole Proprietor: {vendorSoleProprietorName}
\r\nFederal ID: {vendorFederalId}
\r\nPhone: {vendorPhone}


View License Details | Download Receipt

\r\n', '', 'Constants: {id} {tribe} {vendorDbaName} {vendorSoleProprietorName} {vendorFederalId} {vendorPhone} {detailsUrl} {receiptUrl}', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 3, NOW(), NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `idCategory` = VALUES(`idCategory`), `label` = VALUES(`label`), `value` = VALUES(`value`), `description` = VALUES(`description`); INSERT INTO `ma_SettingsOptions` (`name`, `variable`, `value`, `type`, `sorter`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL); SET @template := 'licensePremiumPaidToAdmin'; SET @categoryId := 11; SET @sorter := IFNULL((SELECT MAX(sorter) FROM ma_Settings WHERE idCategory = @categoryId), -1) + 1; INSERT INTO `ma_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Header'), @categoryId, 'header', '', 'New Premium Payment (Admin Notification)', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Subject'), @categoryId, 'text', 'Subject', 'License #{id} is upgraded to Premium ("{tribe}" tribe)', '', '', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 1, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'From'), @categoryId, 'text', 'From Email Address   If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter + 2, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), @categoryId, 'HtmlEditor', 'Message Body', '

License #{id} is upgraded to Premium:


Tribe: {tribe}
\r\nLicense #: {id}
\r\nDBA Name: {vendorDbaName}
\r\nSole Proprietor: {vendorSoleProprietorName}
\r\nFederal ID: {vendorFederalId}
\r\nPhone: {vendorPhone}


Click here to view details.

\r\n', '', 'Constants: {id} {tribe} {vendorDbaName} {vendorSoleProprietorName} {vendorFederalId} {vendorPhone} {detailsUrl}', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 3, NOW(), NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `idCategory` = VALUES(`idCategory`), `label` = VALUES(`label`), `value` = VALUES(`value`), `description` = VALUES(`description`); INSERT INTO `ma_SettingsOptions` (`name`, `variable`, `value`, `type`, `sorter`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL); SET @template := 'licensePremiumExpiresOnToUser'; SET @categoryId := 11; SET @sorter := IFNULL((SELECT MAX(sorter) FROM ma_Settings WHERE idCategory = @categoryId), -1) + 1; INSERT INTO `ma_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Header'), @categoryId, 'header', '', 'License Premium Expires on xx/xx/xx (Vendor Users Notification)', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Subject'), @categoryId, 'text', 'Subject', 'License #{id} Premium expires on {expiredOn} ("{tribe}" tribe)', '', '', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 1, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'From'), @categoryId, 'text', 'From Email Address   If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter + 2, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), @categoryId, 'HtmlEditor', 'Message Body', '

License #{id} Premium expires for {tribe} tribe on {expiredOn}.

It can be renewed in the Licensing section of the website.

', '', 'Constants: {id} {tribe} {vendorDbaName} {vendorSoleProprietorName} {vendorFederalId} {vendorPhone} {licensePdfUrl} {licenseSectionUrl}', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 3, NOW(), NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `idCategory` = VALUES(`idCategory`), `label` = VALUES(`label`), `value` = VALUES(`value`), `description` = VALUES(`description`); INSERT INTO `ma_SettingsOptions` (`name`, `variable`, `value`, `type`, `sorter`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL); SET @template := 'licensePremiumExpiredToUser'; SET @categoryId := 11; SET @sorter := IFNULL((SELECT MAX(sorter) FROM ma_Settings WHERE idCategory = @categoryId), -1) + 1; INSERT INTO `ma_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Header'), @categoryId, 'header', '', 'License Premium is Expired (Vendor Users Notification)', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Subject'), @categoryId, 'text', 'Subject', 'License #{id} Premium is expired ("{tribe}" tribe)', '', '', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 1, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'From'), @categoryId, 'text', 'From Email Address   If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter + 2, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), @categoryId, 'HtmlEditor', 'Message Body', '

License #{id} Premium expired for {tribe} tribe.

It can be renewed in the Licensing section of the website.

', '', 'Constants: {id} {tribe} {vendorDbaName} {vendorSoleProprietorName} {vendorFederalId} {vendorPhone} {licensePdfUrl} {licenseSectionUrl}', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 3, NOW(), NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `idCategory` = VALUES(`idCategory`), `label` = VALUES(`label`), `value` = VALUES(`value`), `description` = VALUES(`description`); INSERT INTO `ma_SettingsOptions` (`name`, `variable`, `value`, `type`, `sorter`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL); SET @template := 'licensePremiumRenewedToAdmin'; SET @categoryId := 11; SET @sorter := IFNULL((SELECT MAX(sorter) FROM ma_Settings WHERE idCategory = @categoryId), -1) + 1; INSERT INTO `ma_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Header'), @categoryId, 'header', '', 'License is Renewed (Admin Notification)', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Subject'), @categoryId, 'text', 'Subject', 'License #{id} Premium is renewed by {expiredOn} ("{tribe}" tribe)', '', '', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 1, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'From'), @categoryId, 'text', 'From Email Address   If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter + 2, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), @categoryId, 'HtmlEditor', 'Message Body', '

License #{id} is renewed by {expiredOn}.

View license details

', '', 'Constants: {id} {tribe} {expiredOn} {vendorDbaName} {vendorSoleProprietorName} {vendorFederalId} {vendorPhone} {licensePdfUrl} {detailsUrl}', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 3, NOW(), NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `idCategory` = VALUES(`idCategory`), `label` = VALUES(`label`), `value` = VALUES(`value`), `description` = VALUES(`description`); INSERT INTO `ma_SettingsOptions` (`name`, `variable`, `value`, `type`, `sorter`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL); SET @template := 'licensePremiumRenewedToUser'; SET @categoryId := 11; SET @sorter := IFNULL((SELECT MAX(sorter) FROM ma_Settings WHERE idCategory = @categoryId), -1) + 1; INSERT INTO `ma_Settings` (`name`, `idCategory`, `fieldType`, `label`, `value`, `options`, `description`, `required`, `system`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Header'), @categoryId, 'header', '', 'License Premium is Renewed (Vendor Users Notification)', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Subject'), @categoryId, 'text', 'Subject', 'License #{id} Premium is renewed by {expiredOn} ("{tribe}" tribe)', '', '', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 1, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'From'), @categoryId, 'text', 'From Email Address   If you leave this field empty - the From Email Address will be the same as the one in General Settings.', '', '', '', 'n', 'n', @sorter + 2, NOW(), NOW()), (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), @categoryId, 'HtmlEditor', 'Message Body', '

License #{id} is renewed by {expiredOn}.

View license details

', '', 'Constants: {id} {tribe} {expiredOn} {vendorDbaName} {vendorSoleProprietorName} {vendorFederalId} {vendorPhone} {licensePdfUrl} {detailsUrl}', 'y', 'n', @sorter + 3, NOW(), NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `idCategory` = VALUES(`idCategory`), `label` = VALUES(`label`), `value` = VALUES(`value`), `description` = VALUES(`description`); INSERT INTO `ma_SettingsOptions` (`name`, `variable`, `value`, `type`, `sorter`) VALUES (CONCAT(@template, 'Body'), 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Email Templates End -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `ma_LicenseTribe` CHANGE `status` `status` ENUM('pending','approved','declined','approved_pending' ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT 'pending'; ALTER TABLE `ma_Tribe` ADD `useSurcharge` ENUM('n','y') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n' AFTER `signatureTitle`; ALTER TABLE `ma_Tribe` ADD `merchantId` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `useSurcharge`; ALTER TABLE `ma_Tribe` CHANGE `logo` `logo` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL;